(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Acts chapter number 14 chapter 14 the Bible reads and it came to pass in Iconium that they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews and so spake that a great multitude both the Jews and also the Greeks believed. But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and made their minds evil affected against the brethren. Long time therefore both they speaking boldly in the Lord which gave testimony unto the great word of his grace and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. But the multitude of the city was divided in part held with the Jews and part with the apostles. And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles and also the Jews with their rulers to use them despitefully and to stone them, they were aware of it and fled into Lystra and dirty cities of Lyconia and unto the region that lieth round about. And there they preached the gospel and there sat a certain man at Lystra impotent in his feet being a cripple from his mother's womb who never had walked. The same heard Paul speak who steadfastly beholding him and perceiving that he had faith to be healed said with a loud voice stand upright on my feet and he bleeped and walked. When the people saw what Paul had done they lifted up their voices saying in the speech of Lyconia that the gods are come down unto us and the likeness of men that had called Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurius because he was the chief speaker. When the priest of Jupiter which then the priest of Jupiter which was before their city brought oxen and garlands under the gates and would have done sacrifice with the people which when the apostles of Barnabas and Paul heard of they rent their clothes and ran in among the people crying out and saying Sirs why do you these things? We also are men of light passions with you and preach unto you that you should turn from these vanities unto the living God which made heaven and earth and the sea and all things that are therein. When times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways now that nevertheless he left not himself without witness and that he did good and gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons filling our hearts with food and gladness. With these sayings scarce restrained they the people that they had not done sacrifice unto them and there came through their certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium who persuaded the people and having stone Paul drew him out of the city supposing he had been dead. How be it as the disciples stood round about him he rose up and came unto the city and the next day he departed with Barnabas to Derby and when they had preached the gospel to that city and had taught many they returned again to Lystra and Iconium and Antioch confirming the souls of the disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith and that through that we through much tribulation must enter into the kingdom of God. When they had ordained them elders at every church they and had prayed with fasting that commended them unto the Lord on whom they had believed and after they passed through Pisidia they came to Pamphylia and when they had preached the word in Perga they went into Atalia and thence they sailed to Antioch from whence they had been recommended to the grace of God for the work which they had fulfilled and when they were come and when and when they were come and had gathered the church together they rehearsed all that God had done with them and now he had opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles and there they abode them a long time with the disciples. A quick word of prayer. Heavenly Father again thank you for the opportunity to preach. Lord I pray that you would help something that I say today would be a blessing to those that are here Lord that you give us your ears to hear and hearts to understand Lord that you would just be with me fill me with your Holy Spirit Lord that I would say and do those things which are pleasing to you in Jesus name Amen. Now if you look I get the title of the sermon this morning from down there in Acts 14 verse 15 if you look at verse 15 and saying sirs why do you these things we also are like men of like passions with you and that's the title of my sermon tonight is a man of like passions and I like that that Paul makes a specific point of saying this in the scripture when he's kind of refuting these people for about you know they're about to sacrifice on nobody says no don't do it I'm a man of light passions as you are what he's saying there's like hey there I'm not a god I'm nothing like I'm nothing special I'm nothing different I'm just like you are and it's great to be reminded that in the scriptures the we read about these great men of God and we see the great things that they do but it's always good to be reminded that they were just like us there's nothing special about them it was the God that they served that made them so special that's why the title of the sermon is a man of light passions so we could we could look at several different and really this could be a whole series we could do on different man it could be called it could be called a men of men of like passions and we could do every week we could there's something from these great men and if we were to examine their lives we could learn a lot of great truths from them from them from their lives and apply them to our own lives but today I want to just focus in on one man and only was Paul that said this that's not the man I want to talk about because uh I think Peter is a man who is of like passions I think Peter is a great example of our of our own selves in Scripture you know Peter kind of gets a little bit of a bad rap sometimes he kind of you know does a lot of things as we'll see but the thing is there's a lot that we could learn from Peter I think what I know when I read the the the Gospels and I read about Peter sometimes I really sympathize because I feel like man he kind of represents that the human nature in us really stands out the things that he does he can see the difference between you know Jesus God and Peter a man you know and just how far that gap really is and of course Peter did a lot of great things that we'll look at that too but I think there's several things about Peter that we could look at his personality the things that he did that if we could relate to Peter in a in a big way and that would probably be a help and blessing just now you're there in Acts 14 but if you turn over to Luke chapter 5 we'll begin in Luke chapter 5 so we're going to look at some of the things about Peter that made him a man of like passions if you look at Luke chapter 5 the first point I want to make is that Peter was pious he's a very pious man and by pious I mean he was a devout man he was a god-fearing man he was very reverent of God I believe that Peter loved the Lord with all of his heart I believe he was very dedicated and devoted he was a righteous man so Peter was a very pious man Luke chapter 5 verse 8 the Bible reads when Simon Peter saw he fell down at Jesus's knees so there is he's falling down at Jesus's knees saying depart from me for I am a sinful man O Lord for he was astonished and all that were with him at the draught of the fishes which they had taken and so also was James and John's son of Zebedee which were partners with Simon and they said unto Simon fear not for henceforth thou shalt catch men and when they had brought their ships to land they forsook all and followed him so we see here that that Peter you know this is a demonstration of just how pious he was one you know he fell down at Jesus's feet when he saw Jesus you know told him to cast the net on the end and they drew in that great draught of fishes so much that the ship began to sink and he had to call his partners over to help bring the net over and he recognized the fact that this was God that was doing a great miracle in his life and when he saw it the Bible says that he fell down at Jesus's feet and then he said this depart from me for I am a sinful man so Peter had a great perspective about who he was and this is the very beginning of Peter's ministry this is where Jesus is calling him to follow him so Peter starts out with this with this right perspective of understanding that you know he is a sinful man and that God you know it is holy so Peter was very pious in that Peter acknowledged Christ as God if you look at verse 8 you know he says Oh Lord you know that's what he called him he called him Lord now another example you know if you turn there would be Mark 16 15 he saith unto them but who see ye that I am you know Jesus is asking his disciples you know who do men say that I am they say you know some say thou art alive some say so and so and so and then he says well who say ye that I am so he's asking his disciples a direct question if Peter pipes up and he says he said then who say that I am and Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God so Peter recognized very early on who Jesus was you know from day one really he knew that this was the Christ he knew that this was the Lord now that's important for us to understand in fact because you know we also must be pious if we're gonna if we're gonna live for God and by that I mean we need to acknowledge God as God meaning this that we need to be saved that's like the foundation no we're never gonna accomplish anything we got if we're not safe and you know I'm assuming everybody in this room here you're 99% of the people in here are probably saved with the exception of some of the little ones but we must be saved to be used of God the Bible says in Matthew 7 21 not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done wonderful many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart for me ye that work in equity now isn't it interesting that when Peter first met Jesus and he sees that great draw to fishes one of the words that come out of his mouth depart from me for I am a sinful man so he's saying you know Lord I can't even be in your presence then we have these people in Matthew you know Matthew 7 that are claiming to have done all these wonderful works and they're trying to get into heaven you know they're trying to come to Jesus what does Jesus say to them depart from me because they had a wrong perspective because they thought it was their own good works whereas you know Peter understood it correctly that he was a sinful man that he had no he didn't deserve to be in the presence of Christ where these people are saying we deserve to be here because of our good works what did Jesus say he said depart from me you see Peter saw nothing good in himself when he was in God's presence but when Jesus said it he said depart from me is what Jesus said to those who were professing their own goodness in his presence now some people might object they'll say well wait a minute you know the Bible says here you know he that doeth the will of my father meaning you know that so obviously there are some kind of works that we have to do right there's some kind of will that we have to perform but then we have to ask ourselves what is the will of the Father if you would turn to John chapter 6 so some people would say well yeah you know they were they were refuted you know they said they did these men for wonderful works and they might have this argument and this sounds ridiculous but it's out there people say well you know there is still something you have to do you have to do God's will well John chapter 6 verse 38 the Bible says for I came to Jesus speaking for I came down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him that sent me and this is the Father's will which which he had sent me but of all which he had given me I should lose nothing so that's a great verse on eternal security right there that when Jesus receives us he should lose nothing meaning nobody's going to be lost once he receives us well it should but should raise it up again the last day and this is the will of him that sent me now remember who is it that sent him the Father right so this is the Father's will and who is it that that is going to go into heaven it's those that do the will of the Father this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see it the Sun and believeth on him and have everlasting life and I will raise him up the last day so Jesus is saying you know you have to see me and yet who so ever believeth on me that's the will of God that you would see and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ my people you know they'll say well you know by me believe by believing it's just you know believe it may have you know you may have everlasting life simply by believing so we see that having everlasting life is just by faith well you know maybe they'll object and say well everyone would see it the Sun and believe it you know this was to those people that were there because they could see Jesus you know they didn't have to really prove anything to Jesus maybe because we can't see him we have to do this these works and these are these sound crazy but these are the kind of arguments that that I've heard over the years and you know to rebuke this this this foolishness of well you got to see Jesus and believe you know well Jesus is the word first of all you know the word became flesh and dwelt among us in the beginning was the word so can we see Jesus today we can when we see Jesus in the Word of God so we can see Jesus in the Bible and Jesus even said in verse 35 of John 6 and Jesus saying to them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst and I say to you that you also have seen me and believe not so he's rebuking these Pharisees for though they did see him but what was the difference they didn't believe so it's just believe he says that you also have seen me and believe not all of the father giveth me shall come to me in and hit and him that cometh to me I will have no eyes cast out in John 20 verse 29 because thou have seen me thou hast believed this is what he's telling you know Thomas Thomas was doubting he said except I see the holes in his hands and inside I shall not believe and Jesus said well you because thou have seen me thou has believed then he says this blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed so again you know it's not that we have to see and believe you know that see and believe you can just take see and just put whatever verb you want in there you know you could say you know chew with gum and believeth you know what whatever you want you know walketh and believeth it doesn't matter the important part is the only thing we have to do is just believe and the point I'm trying to make here is that you know before when we look at the the life of Peter and the personality of Peter the first thing we have to understand is that Peter was a pious man that he was a saved man that Peter Peter acknowledged Christ as God which leads me on to my next point which is this is that Peter was plain you know Peter was pious and Peter Peter was also very plain Matthew chapter 4 verse 18 the Bible says and Jesus walking by the Sea of Galilee saw two brethren Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers and I love the fact that Jesus called fishermen then he called just regular everyday Joe to come serve him in the ministry I believe God specifically chose those kind of people to show us that even though we're just everyday Joe kind of guys we could still do great works for God because it's not in ourselves that we're going to accomplish anything great for God it's all going to be through him you know God uses plain people if you went to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 so God specifically chose Jesus chose these fishermen you know that was the if you were going to say out of all the twelve disciples you know what was the what was the majority that they had the same trade well most of the guys were fishermen you know everybody else kind of had different trades some of them we don't know what they did but the majority of the guys that we know about they were all fishermen right so he's using hard-working men just plain everyday guys just blue-collar workers that got that's who God wanted to use when he went looking for somebody he didn't go down to the synagogue he didn't go find you know the the educated the person who's you know understood the most about the things of God you know in terms of the letter of the law things like that he just choose these simple plain men that just would reverence him and allow him to use them in the way that he saw fit if you're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 1 look at verse 26 for you see her calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God have chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God have chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty you see because Peter was playing God knew that he would be able to be used to do a great work to the glory of God because Peter understood that he was just a plain simple man God knew that he was gonna be able to use him to accomplish great things through him you see on our calling we can relate to our to Peter because our calling is as Peter's calling we also are playing Bible says in verse 26 of 1st Corinthians 1 for ye see your calling so this is the same calling that we had with Peter Peter's just a plain fisherman you know he wasn't noble he wasn't mighty he wasn't you know the wisest man you know and we'll see later he was foolish at times even you know and the foolish according to the things in the world you know the world would look at us and the things we believe and say well that's foolishness but God has chosen the weak things he's chosen men like Peter he's chosen men like us to confound the things which are mighty see Peter's calling is our calling and we also just as Peter was we can be used to confound the mighty today the Bible says in verse 28 and the base things and the things which are despised hath God chosen ye and things which are not to bring to not things that are if God is going to bring to not the things that are if God is going to confound the mighty today he's going to use the base things of the world and that's evident even within this movement you know if we were to look at it you know we don't have these huge luxurious buildings we don't have tons of money just pouring in where we could just buy these you know great you know edifices to man you're not filling these stadiums in fact we don't even have a lot of people I mean it seems like a lot I mean for an IFB movement for an IFB churches we are big I mean faithful words running over 350 here's run about three to three hundred fifty people on Sunday morning that's big for an independent fundamental Baptist Church that's big for an independent fundamental Baptist Church that's meeting in a strip mall that's big because and it's being filled up with the hype of people they don't care where they're meeting they don't care the fact that they're meeting in a strip mall which I think is great anyway the building you know works for us gets like a job done right it's being filled with people who aren't so hung up on think on the carnal things like that right and because of that because got people that are just plain ordinary people who just want to do a big work for God God is using faithful word and other like-minded churches to just reach thousands of souls because that's the work that we're here to do you know we're not here to try and impress man we're here to confound the things that are mighty how are we going to do that by snatching souls from the devil the devil is mighty today the world is mighty today and we need to confound them and we need to perplex the people of this world you know through through the God by what God working through us and working through you know playing people in an ordinary church you see we also can be used that confound the mighty because it's all done through Jesus it's not in of our own selves the Bible says in verse 30 of 1st Corinthians 1 but him are but of him are ye in Christ Jesus who of God is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption see he is made unto us Jesus through God has made unto us wisdom he's made unto us righteousness he is made unto a sanctification and redemption so it's through God that we are going to confound the mighty it's through God that we can bring glory to God 1st Corinthians 1 31 that according as it is written he that gloria let him glory in the Lord let him glory in the Lord at the end of the day that's the whole reason that's one of the big reasons why God chooses chooses that you know the base things the simple things the plain things of the world to confound the mighty it's because when that happens God gets all the glory you know we look at what this church is accomplishing around the world and in this city and other churches and other cities that are like us that are doing you know so many marathons going down to Mexico and winning all those people we've got people over in Africa that are winning you know people the Lord people every day are being saved in Phoenix Arizona and it's all to the glory of God it's not that because you know we're so special because people playing people are just going out with the Word of God and preaching his unadulterated gospel and that's why God is able to do a great work through us that's right and that's why God gets all the glory for everything that's done here you see whatever we accomplish in our life will be done through Jesus Christ to the glory of God Jesus told Peter I will make you fishers of men you see to be used of God requires humility it requires that we be humble you know it's not not that we're some great intellects or we're some you know we've got some kind of corner on God that we only we can you know explain the deep things of God and people know it's because God has revealed himself through his word and we're just simply taking next people when we have to be humble enough to just say you know what God will work through his word not through my own you know the power of my own speech or anything like that it's just God working through his word Jesus told Peter I will make you fishers of men you see the Bible says in Proverbs 15 the fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is humility Peter said at first Peter humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God and Peter you know he understood the importance of that he understood the importance of the very first thing that you need to do if you're going to be used of God is that you need to humble yourself you need to accept the fact that we're just plain people that there's you know of course we're all we're all special in sight of God God loves and cares for every one of us like we're the only one I believe that that's the kind of God I'm not trying to downplay us you know our value but I'm just saying that you know we should not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to and that if we're gonna see something done through God it's getting done for God it's going to be through his power you see because as we as we move forward for God and we're going to see this with Peter the possibility is that you know I've seen this some old my own life I've seen in the lives of others this and as they begin to serve God with their life as they begin to make progress in the Christian life is that pride can become to start to set in now we can start to think you know that that we're a little little more than we really are being get a little big for our riches as the saying saying goes first Corinthians 8 1 the Bible says now it's touching things offered unto idols we know that all that all have knowledge then he says this knowledge puffeth up so you know he's saying here Paul saying you know we understand the things that are offered idols that is nothing you know unless it causes your brother to defend you know it's okay to eat you know unless someone says to you these things are offered on the idols but the Bible says you know just because you have an understanding of the Word of God just because you know the things of God that knowledge that knowledge could puff you up the knowledge puffeth up but charity I defy it and if any man thinketh that he knoweth anything he knoweth nothing yes he ought to know the things that we know and understand of God those are the things we just out of know that's those are the things that anybody can know anybody who has the Holy Spirit living and then they can pick up God's Word and and and faithfully just take it as for what it says can understand the things of God that isn't so that's available to everybody so we shouldn't get this pumped up attitude that we have some kind of deep understanding that nobody else has in the Word of God because the Word of God is open to every believer and all the person has to do is just read it for themselves so as as we begin to progress in our Christian life as we allow God to begin to use us the possibility is is that pride can begin to set in on us and that's what happened to Peter if we were to look at his life Peter to some degree became proud I believe if you look at some of the things he said some of the things he did is that he became proud if you would turn to Luke chapter 9 Luke chapter 9 turn to Luke chapter 9 we'll see that you know that Peter becoming proud was a was kind of a progression over time as he followed and served Jesus Luke chapter 9 and verse 28 and it came to pass about eight days after these sayings he took Peter and John and James and went into a mountain up into a mountain to pray and as he prayed the fashion of his countenance was altered and its raiment was white and glistering and behold there talked with him two men which were Moses and Elias who appeared in glory and spake of his deceased which he should accomplish at Jerusalem but what but Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep and when they were awake they saw his glory the two men that stood with him and it came to pass as they departed from him Peter said unto Jesus master it is good for us to be here and let us make three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moses and one for Elias not knowing what he said while he thus spake there came a cloud and overshadowed them and they feared as they entered into cloud there came a voice out of the cloud saying this is my beloved son hear him you see here Peter kind of pipes up he's at this I mean not everybody got to see this I think Jesus kind of took those that he kind of considered his little bit of an inner circle up in the mountain and was reserved you know for certain people to see this great sight and what a just amazing thing it must have been to see Jesus in his glorified form standing there with with a lie on Moses and Elias I mean that was really something and he got James and John there you notice they didn't say anything now I think John was kind of a humble guy and you know he's probably that's why so John probably got to see a lot of things because he knew what to just kind of keep his mouth shut and let God be God you know he wasn't looking to kind of try and pipe up or anything like that that's why John later you know in book of Revelation the Bible says when he saw Jesus again in his glorified form he says he fell his face is one dead you know it still came as such a shock to John but Peter here you know he didn't have I don't know why he said this I think that he was maybe just kind of looking for his moment in the Sun you know he sees these great men of God he sees Jesus glorified he's got his two other disciples he kind of says hey this is my chance to kind of impress these guys you know show him how holy and show how spiritual I am how you know how worthy I am to be here to behold this and Peter looking for his moment son you know he says it is good for us to be here it's kind of like when you think about it like well what's he saying you know well is he guys so aren't we special right it's good for us to be here I'm glad we got to be here right yeah but you know it's like well what about the other nine guys the bottom of the mountain what about them you know what makes you so much better than they are you know don't they would don't they deserve to see something Bible says the first Corinthians 4 7 for who maketh thee to differ from another and what hast thou that thou didst not received if thou didst receive it why didst thou glorious thou did not receive it the only reason that Peter was up on that mountain the only reason he got to receive that that special vision was because Jesus brought him up there to begin with he's gonna say hey Peter you stay here it wasn't I guess Peter was anything special it's because God chose to show him that Bible says in Philippians 2 let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Peter should have you know if he's gonna say anything like man I wish the other guys could have seen this it's good for us to be here right then he goes on and says let us make three tabernacles and I just think this is just kind of Peter's pride popping up and kind of this like hyper spirituality or you know trying to add something to this glorious moment in God and we can see this in our own life maybe not to this degree I think you know if most people saw Jesus on his glorified form we're probably going to act like James and John did probably gonna get pretty quiet pretty quick and be afraid to even look but you know Peter here just pipes up and says let us make three tabernacles you know this hyper spiritual like why would these guys want to dwell on earth with you anyway you know like they're gonna make these three tents and they're gonna come stay on earth it's like they already had their their rounds down here they're they're up there in heaven you know in glory like they want to come hang out with you Peter right but this is this unwarranted you know this can show up in our own life I think it's like unwarranted advice you know we just feel like well you know somebody's you know maybe venting to us a little bit or just kind of talking to us about their life and we feel like well let me just dole out my advice let me just show you all my wisdom that I have you know supposedly they give you unwarranted advice it could come of the form of you know just a criticism just like kind of critiquing people you know I see a lot of this I think you know even with my own self soul winning you know going soul winning when you're with your partner you're you're there not just to win souls but to also judge your other person's your partner's performance you know I don't think there's anything wrong with giving a soul winning advice to somebody if they ask for it I think we should be real careful just before we start handing out advice I'm thinking one is I can't remember all the particulars but I know I went out with this guy once and there was something that he was doing in his concern it wasn't anything wrong or radical you know if we hear somebody preaching a false gospel or saying something that's just completely contrary to the to how faithful word does their soul winning we do need to spike up you know and politely and gently correct and say hey and I've had that done to myself you know I had some hate you know what's you meet somebody who's probably safe maybe you should smile you know maybe you should shake their hand because now you know the goal isn't just to get people say but it's gonna come to church oh yeah so you meet this person that say maybe you should like be a little warmer maybe give them a good impression of the church maybe they'll come visit but I know one time I was out you know that's it and that's a good example of some good criticism that somebody could receive out soul winning you know as long as it's coming from the right person you know the person who kind of corrected me on that was the pastor you know so I didn't really have to ask him for his you know kind of like he kind of gets to give you the advice you know but sometimes that advice is unwarranted it's unnecessary and people kind of get this attitude well like I'm just gonna you know straighten this guy out in a soul winning he's doing this wrong and doing it it's not that they're saying anything wrong or heretical even it's just that they feel like they their way is better and they have to kind of correct everybody and it kind of goes on you know in any area of life child rearing you know people are going to always trying to like tell you how you could be chip read you know just come let me give you some advice in your child let me give you some advice in your marriage just this attitude of unwarranted advice and criticism that can be kind of like you know just that hyper spirituality that just you know kind of Peter let us make three tavernacles let me tell you how to do this then it says they're not knowing what he said after he said all this he kind of tells you like he just kind of but he just kind of blather the stuff out not knowing what he said he just felt like he had to say something you know when most people are giving that that advice you know they're just giving you that unword advice when they're just critiquing whatever aspect of your life that they want most of the time they don't even realize they're doing it and that's why it's real important to be very patient with people you know and even when someone's like trying to correct us on something that they probably don't know a whole lot about and maybe you've even noticed some things like well you could work on this buddy but we just kind of keep our mouths shut smile and nod take it say thank you right you know because most of the time they don't even realize what a condescending jerk they're being you know they're good people they have the best of intentions as Peter did but they're just not knowing what they say or how it's coming across the Bible says for if a man think himself to be something when he has nothing he deceive it himself he doesn't see anybody else you know most people can see it when it's coming else the only only guy you're fooling is you when you think yourself to be something and you're nothing everybody else can see it you're the only one who doesn't realize you're nothing you know so that's kind of what happened to Peter here I think he kind of got lived up to it with pride and again you know I kind of mentioned it already that we should just you know let it be it's not our duty and you know certain people do have that authority to come to somebody and rebuke them you know and correct them and straighten them out or at least when they do it it would come that person would receive it better from them you know I know there's people that have come to me and said hey you know you need to check this in your life and it was normally from a pastor or somebody that I held in very high regard and it wasn't just the guy next to me thought so winning the Bible says that you know I think what happened here in the story after Peter just pipes up and kind of bladders all the stuff up you know Jesus didn't turn around and correct him no the guy believe God the Father came very close because it says they entered into a cloud and I think it was just like such a thick cloud that couldn't even see and remember back in the Old Testament whenever the God would come down in the tabernacle it was a thick cloud and thick darkness was on the mount when he came on Sinai so I believe that this was God the Father coming so close to Peter just to remind him hey this is my beloved son here he him you know saying you don't have anything to add to this Peter see what people go out and kind of go out of their way to give us unwarranted advice or critique us or something like that let's just leave it up to God to cloud up on them you know that's what we need to do Bible says Proverbs 30 32 if thou has done foolishly and lifting up thyself or if thou is thought evil lay thy hand upon thy mouth so if we're in if we've ever been in a position like that where you know we've kind of stepped up out of line a little bit with somebody and I've done this I've come blather things out of my mouth you know online and stuff like that and then have the man of God show up and like call me on the carpet about it pretty much you know and we have to say whoa well I'm just gonna lay my hand up on my mouth and then realize that we've done foolishly we've lifted up ourselves we've been filled to pride and I think everybody to some degree is subject to this I mean Peter was I mean Peter the guy who walked with Jesus the guy who talked with Jesus on this earth and saw great miracles even he was was susceptible to this now Peter's pride became more evident near the end of Jesus's ministry if you were to turn to Matthew chapter 16 so I believe this here on the mountain was just one example of Peter's pride kind of popping up but I believe towards the end of Jesus's ministry the longer Peter spent with Jesus as he saw and accomplished more things and he kind of started to get lifted up a little bit that's when Peter's pride started to show up a little Matthew 16 verse 21 the Bible says from that 24th began Jesus to show down to his disciples how he must go into Jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again the third day then Peter took him and began to rebuke him saying be it far from the Lord this shall not be unto thee but he turned and said unto Peter get thee behind me Satan for thou art an offense unto me thou savourest not the things that be of God with those that be of men so Jesus in the same passage Matthew 16 if you recall just a few verses early he's just finished blessing Peter you know he says blessed art thou the sign of our Jonah for flesh and blood hath not revealed it to be but my father which is in heaven you know and thou art Peter and upon this rock will I build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it so Peter kind of gets this you know this attaboy from Jesus right just a few verses but then you know I think Peter maybe kind of was like hey all right you know they kind of felt so at ease with that you know kind of came comfortable with the fact that yeah Jesus you know he proves what I'm doing here that he became so bold is that Peter took him and began to rebuke him when Jesus told them what hey and he understood who this was it wasn't that Peter didn't understand that Jesus was God we've already looked at that this is so far to Jesus ministry that Jesus is already acknowledged thou art the Christ so he's so bold as to take God aside and say look that's not what's gonna happen here you know that is crazy right but that's what Peter did Jesus I just finished but the blessing Peter and it kind of gave him a big head you know and kind of let it go to his head a little bit and I can even relate to this in my own life you know I know sometimes I have I have to really watch this with my work and maybe you do too but whenever I start you know I try to do a good job and I do you know my boss is usually pretty well pleased with me I make mistakes here and there and I'm when I do I acknowledge it and I apologize and I correct it me do my best to make sure doesn't happen again but a lot of times I'll do a lot of y'all do things the boss will say hey good job today real proud of you hey good work thanks for doing that and when we kind of get on that we're doing good you know we could kind of get a little lax like well you know I'm good you know I'm doing all right boss likes me you know you start showing up five minutes late you know you know that's it's a tendency that when we're doing well we kind of get lax we're not like on point you know when we first start that job we're like man I want to do a good job and make sure this guy knows I'm serious about my work and you're getting after it you're on time you're doing the work right you're yes sir no sir you're all over the place but then they're like hey good job yeah this guy's making it you've been there a few months and then it kind of turns into like it could potentially turn into you get a little lax like Peter did when you go so far as to kind of rebuke the boss a little bit take inside look this is how it's going to be you know and this happens in the workplace and they happen even here to Peter now in John 13 we'll look at another example from John 13 and verse 3 John 13 and verse 3 of Peter's pride becoming more evident near the end of Jesus ministry Jesus knowing that the Father had given him all things and it was handed that he was come from God and went to God he rises from supper and laid aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself after he pours water into a basin began to watch the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded then cometh he to put Simon Peter and Peter said unto him Lord what dost thou wash my feet Jesus answered and said unto him what I do thou knowest not but thou shalt know hereafter Peter saith unto him thou shalt never wash my feet so this is again just like more of Peter's hyper-spirituality coming through you know he's trying to be different than everybody else you know show Jesus like that I love Jesus so much more than these other guys and I'm not even gonna let him wash his feet these guys let him wash his feet let him wash their feet but Jesus isn't gonna wash my feet because I understand how unworthy I am so it's just again this Peter showing this hype you know this hyper spirituality you know this false humility so to speak and we ought to beware of the person who's even like that self the appreciator I'm trying to say it right this guy is just self-deprecating you know always it's like oh you know how you do what better than I deserve you know just this like always down on themselves always hard on themselves you know just I don't deserve to be in here it's like we all know that you don't have to remind us all how what a profound understanding you have of your own you know a basement before God like that's kind of what Peters doing gosh I'll never wash my feet you know and then what happens you know Jesus says if I wash thee not thou hast no part with me Jesus saith unto the Lord not my feet only but my hands and my head so he's like well if you're gonna do it then do everything so it's just this hyper spirituality you got to look out for that Matthew 26 we'll get another example of Peters pride kind of popping through a showing up and becoming worse as the ministry went on but I was just in Matthew chapter 26 Matthew chapter 26 of verse 31 then say it Jesus unto them all ye shall be offended me because of this night for it is written I will smite the shepherd and then the sheep of the flock shall be scattered but after that after I am risen again I will go before you into Galilee Peter answered and said to him though all men shall be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended Jesus said unto him verily I say to thee that this night before the crop grow thou shalt deny me thrice so I think here in Matthew 26 when Jesus when Peter says this though all men should offend be offended because of thee yet will I never be offended I really think this is probably the height of Peter's pride this is Peter at his most prideful moment in Jesus and Jesus's ministry the Bible says in Proverbs 20 verse 6 most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness but a faithful man who can find this applies to Peter here because he is quick to proclaim his own goodness though all men should offend the yet I will never but at the end of the night who could find a faithful man even Peter everybody this the sheep were scattered everybody dispersed when Jesus was arrested and this was the height from which Peter fell this was the the peak of his of his pride Bible says in Proverbs 16 16 pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before fall so Jesus is having even warning and book you're gonna deny me three times not even just once Peter you're gonna do it three times before this night's over you're gonna die in three times and Peter and you know and Jesus was absolutely correct because he saw Peter's pride no he knew that Peter met well but it was in his pride that he said these things now fortunately for Peter it was a height but it wasn't too high it was a shortfall it was a very hard landing that he had the Bible says in Matthew 26 verse 29 now Peter sat without the place and that damsel came unto him saying God also was with Jesus of Galilee but he denied before them all saying I know not without sayest when he was gone out of the porch another maid saw him and said unto him unto them that were with him this fellow also was with Jesus this fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth and again he denied with a note I know not I do not know the man and after a while came unto him that's they that stood by and said to Peter surely thou art one of them for thy speech be ready then he began to curse and to swear saying I know not the man and immediately the cock crew and Peter remembered the words of Jesus which said unto him before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice and he went out and he wept bitterly so this is Peter's you know his this is his fault this is him denying the Lord and having that that hard fault that Jesus said you know when you are gonna deny me now it was a hard lesson that Peter learned and he learned it on our behalf I believe you know I believe that he went through this and we see this example in Scripture that we could take heed to our own selves you know the Bible says in Romans 12 for I say and for I say through the grace given unto me to every man that is among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think but to think soberly according as God had dealt every man to measure of faith so Peter that was Peter's problem he thought a little more highly of himself than he ought to now that's that's the thing that we could learn from Peter's fall here now Peter's story doesn't end here now you think well great sermon Corbin I like to see you talk to Peter when you get to heaven he's gonna really thank you for bagging on him that's not even any of the hope right but that's not the point I believe that God didn't use Peter specifically chose Peter because he knew the type of man Peter was and then he was a plain man like we are and then he was a he was a man that was going to make the same mistakes that you and I could fall into he was he was a man of light passions he was a man that we could fall into the same pitfalls and snares now not only was Peter you know we saw that he was a you know he was a he was a plain man and he was a pious man but Peter went on and he became a very powerful prophet for God and I really don't have the time to develop this point as much as it deserves and it warrants really a whole sermon in of itself just the power that Peter had now we see Peter at his lowest moment but this is a you know as they say you know it's darkest just before dawn Peter's at his lowest moment here it was after this that Peter went on to do the greatest works for God that he'd ever done you know that should be a great encouragement to us if we ever do fall short if we ever do you know disappoint God in some way that it's never over with God if we're still here on this earth you know sucking air God's got a purpose for us you know if he hasn't crowned us and took in us home to give us a crown as the saying goes you know then then we still have crowns to win we can still work for God here and do great works that's what Peter did he went on to become a very powerful prophet you know see it was Peter that led that took the lead in acts 1 and stood up among the disciples you know and said hey we need to find another guy to replace Jesus it was Peter that preached and pricked the hearts of those that heard him in acts 2 it was Peter who prayed who healed a layman in the name of Jesus at the gate beautiful it was Peter who was filled the Holy Ghost that suffered a beating for the name of Christ at rebuking the elders of Israel so when they came to wrestling you know Peter was quick you know you know he he did ended up denying Jesus but later on in his life you know he took a beating for Jesus he wasn't afraid of their approach that would come it was Peter whose shadow alone was sought that he might heal the sick if you recall an axe they said that the Peter passing by it they would hope that even just a shadow would fall upon the sick but they would be they would be healed it was Peter who kneeled and prayed and raising Dorcas again to life presented her alive to the Saints Peter raised somebody from the dead right that's amazing like if you were one of you guys were to do that we went out soloing one day I believe me I'd be I'd be impressed okay that's a special miracle don't let these Pentecostals fool you again it was Peter who God sent an angel for to loose him out of prison you know Peter you know Paul or God didn't just let Peter you know rot in prison he said you know what I've still got plans for Peter I'm still going to use Peter and send an angel to snatch him out of heaven after you know he had a lot of himself to become you know a suffered reproach and even be arrested for the cause of Christ and it was Peter who has two books of the New Testament that bear his name so we could see that yeah Peter you know God looked up with pride but Peter went on to become a very powerful prophet so the question is how did Peter go from a fisherman you know to a man who would lift God lived up with pride and fell to a prophet how did he go from a fisherman to a prophet despite all these shortcomings yet what was it about Peter what is it about this man what is it about a man of light passions such as Peter that we can learn so that we can also you know though we were just plain men with many of our own pitfalls that we can become mighty prophets that are used of God as Peter was well that's my last point is that I believe Peter was able to accomplish all these things that he was able to recover himself from that fall and move on and do these great works because Peter was purposed Peter was a powerful prophet because Peter was purposed you're there if you look at Matthew chapter 14 I don't know where I had to go last but Matthew chapter 14 we're gonna see how Peter was a purposed person that's what made him go on to become a powerful prophet is that Peter was purposed you see Peter had accomplished great things before before you know he ended up denying Christ and getting back to it on that you know when he walked and talked with Jesus on the earth he accomplished many good works he did a lot of soul-winning you know Jesus helped you help Jesus and feed the five thousand he did a lot of great things that probably one of the more notable things that Peter did is there in Matthew chapter 14 and verse 22 in straight way Jesus constrains his disciples to get into a ship and go before him onto the other side while he sent the multitudes away and we had sent the multitudes away he went up into a mountain apart to pray when the evening was come he was there alone but the ship was now in the midst of the sea tossed with waves for the wind was contrary and in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went up to them walking on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a spirit and they cried out for fear but straightaway Jesus spake unto them saying be of good cheer it is I be not afraid and Peter answered him and said Lord if it be thou did thou me come unto thee in the water and he said come and when Peter had was come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus but when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried saying Lord save me and immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him and said to him O thou of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt and when they saw they were coming to the ship the wind ceased you see there's a lot of other people in that ship that night during that storm but it was only Peter who stepped out right you know and stepped out in faith when nobody else did I love the fact that you would kind of read over that story cuz it's so familiar this but remember he said if it be thou and Peter wasn't even certain that was Jesus out there they thought it was a spirit yeah he's a big good cheer in his eye be not afraid and Peter says well well obviously it is Jesus so this should be no problem right he says no if it be thou what if it hadn't been him you ever think about that what if they had to be Jesus what if it had been a spirit I was trying to see them in some way you know what would have happened you know in a windy storm probably would have drowned right cuz he saw that he when he doubted a moment later that he began to sink right so that really was a huge act of faith it wasn't just that Peter saw Jesus knew for sure this is Christ then he's got this covered there should be no problem that's probably why nobody else stepped out because not everybody was sure that it was Jesus you know they could obviously it was so windy and boisterous and dark they couldn't make out who that was just saw this figure walking on the scene and it was the figure that said hey it is I and it was Peter had a step out of faith well it must be you know if it be thou didn't it come it was an act of little faith from God's perspective right from God's perspective he is foul little faith but from our humans who mainly speaking if we were in that boat Peter what are you doing right crazy it was a it was a huge step of faith from man's perspective now there was another time when the sea stood between Peter and Jesus when there was up whether there was a gulf between them when there was an ocean of water a sea a body of water that stood between them if you would turn to John chapter 21 there was another time when the sea stood between Peter and the Lord John 21 I'll begin reading in verse 1 after these things Jesus showed himself again to the cycles at the Sea of Tiberius and on this why I showed he himself they were there there were together Simon Peter and Thomas called Artemis and Nathaniel of Canaan and Galilee the sons of Zebedee and two of two other of his disciples Simon Peter saith unto them I go of fishing they say unto them we also go with thee they went forth and entered into a ship immediately and that night they caught nothing but when the morning was now come Jesus stood on the shore the disciples knew not that it was Jesus then Jesus saith unto them children have ye any meat they answered him no they said unto them cast the net on the right side of the ship and ye shall find they cast therefore and they were not able to draw it in for the multitude of fishes therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved say excuse me saith unto Peter it is the Lord now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord he gird on his fisher's coat unto him for he was naked and he had cast himself into the sea and the other disciples came in a little ship for they were not far from land but as there were two hundred cubits dragging the net of fishes and as soon as they were come to the land they saw a fire of coals there and fish laid thereon and bred Jesus saith unto them bring of the fish which have now caught Simon Peter went up and drew the net land of Simon Peter went up and drew the net up to land full of great fishes and 150 and 3 there were and for and for all there were so many that he the net was not broken Jesus saith unto them come and dine and none of the disciples just asked him who art thou knowing it was the Lord Jesus then cometh and break taketh bread and giveth them and like and fish likewise this is now the third time that Jesus sowed himself to his disciples after that he was risen from the dead so only a dying Jesus saith unto Simon Peter Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these he saith unto them yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee he saith unto him feed my lambs he saith unto him again the second time Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me he saith unto him yea Lord thou knowest that I love thee he saith unto him feed my sheep he saith unto him the third time Simon son of Jonas lovest thou me Peter was grieved because he said unto him that third time lovest thou me and he said unto them Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee Jesus saith unto him feed my sheep verily verily I say unto thee when thou was young thou girdest thyself and walkest whither thou wouldest but when thou shalt be old thou shalt stretch forth thine hands and another shall gird thee and carry thee whether thou wouldest not this fakie signifying by the death you should glorify God and we have spoken this he saith unto him follow me so we see here this kind of a longer passage to read but we got to get the full context for this point and we see here that Peter's backslidden at this point now I don't have the time to develop this but it you know Peter was to remain in Jerusalem until the coming of the Holy Spirit and he instead goes fishing you know he goes I think the Bible says it was a Sabbath day's journey away to the Sea of Tiberius so he takes these other disciples with him he was not obeying Christ's command he was he was going a direct disobedience to what Christ had told them he was to remain Jerusalem and then you know notice that God didn't just like you know not show up he actually came looking for him I love the fact that even in his backslidden state Jesus comes looking for Peter and his disciples and that's the sign of a good Shepherd you know the Bible says in Matthew 18 12 how think he if a man having a hundred sheep and one of them go astray did he not leave the 99 and go into the mountains and seek it that which has gone astray and if so be that you find it verily saying to you he rejoices more of that sheep than the 90 and the 90 that goeth not astray so it's interesting that Jesus comes looking for him that's the sign of a good Shepherd you know and notice it says this when Jesus came to find them this is when the morning was now come that's when Jesus decided he didn't come in the dark of the night when they're out there fishing and toiling all night it was at the in the morning when they caught nothing when they were disappointed well when the morning was now come Jesus stood on the shore Bible says the Lamentations 3 it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassion is failed night they are new every morning so I think it's a picture of Jesus you know showing the the opportunity to get right with God to come back to him to get back on fire for God to get back in the will of God this morning you know it's a fresh start so to speak notice how Peter came to Jesus when you compare it will you read in Matthew 14 see there was no doubting who it was in John you know the count John that we just read you know John said it unto Peter you know it is the Lord so they recognized whereas before they said they thought it was a spirit and had to ask you know he said you know be not afraid it is I there was no doubting who Jesus was you know Peter asked in Matthew 14 if it be thou and become but in this one he was told it was the Lord he said hey it's the Lord and therefore there was no miracle needed in this instance in Matthew 14 Peter had to walk on the water to get over to Jesus he had to step out in faith but here we he recognizes that it's the Lord and what does it say Peter cast himself into the sea and swam see all Peter wanted at this point in his life was just to get right with God you just want to get back with Jesus get near to God that's the attitude we ought to have when we find ourselves kind of drifting away from shore so to speak when we're out there toiling all night and catching nothing and we hear that voice of the Shepherd coming to us in the morning and saying hey you know have you any meat kind of bringing us back to our senses you know we shouldn't expect some miracle from God to bring us back and she just cast ourselves in and and go full-bore we should just swim and make an effort to get back to God all Peter wanted was to get right with God you see Jesus is waiting for them ready to nourish them with fish and bread bibles is in James 4 do you think the scripture saith in vain the spirit that dwelleth in us lust at the envy but he giveth more grace wherefore he saith God resisted the proud that giveth grace unto the humble submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil he will free from me flee from you draw nigh to God and he will draw night to you that chapter ends the next verse verse 10 humble yourselves in the sight of Lord and he shall lift you up we're gonna get right with God it's gonna take humility and we're gonna have to draw night in God just as Peter did you know he says I'm not gonna ask Jesus to bid me come on the water I'm just gonna cast myself in and I'm gonna humble myself and go take the review because he got reviewed there again a general review but it was a reminder you know and an encouragement to see Jesus had to clear the air before Peter could go on to accomplish great things before you go out and do that great powerful prophet that then he was verse 15 so they and when they had died Jesus saith unto Simon Peter son and son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these he's not referring to the fishes my opinion I don't believe he's saying you'll have us theme out me more than these fish that I just helped you catch what he's saying is love is themed me more than these men these other men because remember that was Peter's big sin though all men for safety yet well not will I and he was saying you know I love you more than the rest of these other men even though all these other men are gonna fake forsake you not me that's why Jesus had to clear the air with him he said love us thou me more than these men he said yeah Lord you know Peter was done boasting and exalting himself at this point above others Jesus tells Peter of his fate you know he tells them when you when you're older they're gonna put forward your hands they're gonna carry you where they wouldn't you know it's at this point that Peter after he's you know had that fall and he's gotten right with God again but now he's ready to go out and become a great prophet you see Peter was a pious man so we need to be saved we're gonna accomplish anything for God that's how we are a man of let me know where a man Peter's a man of light passions as we are because he also need to be saved just as being if Peter was a plain man you know all the people that I know are plain men they're just playing people that just want to love and serve God you don't need to be anything special to be used of God and just have to be willing by Peter was a was a was a proud man at some one point in his life and that's a pitfall that we can all fall into along the way but despite that Peter was a powerful prophet and the setbacks that he experienced you know the same setbacks that we can but we could still accomplish great things for God in spite of those setbacks why because Peter was purposed if we're gonna get right with God and go on and serve God we have to be purposed the Bible says at first Peter I think it's you know it's it's significant that Peter penned these words humble yourselves therefore in the mighty hand of God that he may exalt you in due time casting all your care upon him for he cared for you see Peter had to learn a lesson in humility at the hand of God in order to be used by him and later and you know the book of Acts and elsewhere he was exalted you know in due time because he had humbled himself and how and it was not before he had cast himself into the sea knowing that God would care for him you know we cast ourselves you know cast our care upon him and we come to God and knowing that he's going to care for us and restore us to fellowship then we can go on a prophet that was used of Peter and and that's a sermon this morning just a reminder that you know these men in the Bible that we see these great men there are men of light passions there men like these you and I and we can learn a lot of examples and hopefully we learn one today from the life of Peter let's pray