(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen. So it's good to be back again this evening. It was nice meeting all of you and getting to know some of you folks and again just real thankful for the opportunity to be here and to preach to you and I look forward to hopefully getting to come back and do it again and see this church grow and continue on to and serving Christ and doing great things. But let's just get right into the sermon this evening and I do want you know just full disclosure I want to say that I preached this sermon that I'm gonna preach to you tonight recently even to our folks in Tucson and I kind of went back and forth because I never want to be you know I don't want to I don't feel like I'm serving up you know spiritual leftovers here or anything like that and I was real hesitant to to preach this. I thought maybe I should have something else that I haven't preached elsewhere but just in the light of everything that's kind of gone on the last couple weeks and really even over you know years but recently some things came to light in some other churches and things like that that I just felt like this is such an important message for the day that we're living in and it's not a pleasant one it's not one that I enjoy preaching it's not a topic that's a pleasant topic to think about but you know the Bible says that we're living in perilous times the Bible says that as we approach the end that evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse and God's people need to be vigilant and God's people need to you know you know they need to understand the times that they're living in and unfortunately we're living in a time where we're surrounded by quite frankly perverts we have perverts in places of power we have perverts roaming our streets and infiltrating our church houses and I thought this is just an appropriate message and this not this particular message but the point of this sermon the message of the sermon is a message that needs to just be preached in every pulpit across America people need to wake up and understand what's going on in our country today and the title of the sermon is perverted judgment for perverted people perverted judgment for perverted people and I say where do you get that out of Galatians chapter one where you look there in Galatians chapter one verse six it says I marvel the intersoso removed from him which called you into a grace grace of Christ into the grace of Christ unto another gospel which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ so we're obviously I'm not talking about in the context of this chapter but that word there pervert what does that mean we have to we can look at the Bible and get a definition of that means what that means now of course when we think of that word we all have an understanding of what that means today we apply it to specific individuals and we'll definitely that definition applies and we'll play into the sermon but to pervert something is to alter it to pervert something is to alter something from its original course to pervert something is to alter something from its original meaning or its per its original state it's to distort something or corrupt something from the way which from what was first intended so Paul here is using in a sense of hey there was this gospel of Christ you know it was true it was pure it was right it was correct and then these people came along and they and they perverted it they they they they altered it they they wanted to to reach a different end by perverting the gospel so this definition the way it's used in this context it's how we see it used quite often in scripture and if you would turn over Deuteronomy chapter 16 Deuteronomy chapter 16 the Bible says in Proverbs 17 a wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment it says a wicked man taketh a gift out of the bosom to pervert the ways of judgment people try to uh they want to change things they want to alter things and one way that they do it it says here is that they take something they take a gift out of the bosom what's I talking about a bribe you know we would call that a bribe today they take it out and they say hey lobbyist you know hey senator you know they pull out the briefcase and pop the lid open and say hey don't forget you've got a campaign coming up you want to get re-elected well here's what our interests are and that's what's going on we're going to talk about that here at the first but look here in Deuteronomy chapter 16 we'll see that you know God does not approve of that that God looks down on that that God takes it very seriously when the ways of judgment are being perverted in a land he says in Deuteronomy 16 verse 18 judges and officers shalt thou make it thee in all thy gates which the Lord thy God shall giveth thee throughout thy tribes and they shall judge the people with judgment with just judgment thou shalt not rest judgment thou shall not respect persons neither take a gift for a gift doth blind the eyes of the wise and pervert the words of the righteous so we're talking first of all about the fact that we have perverted judgment in our land and why is that because we have people that are supposed to be our judges our officers those that are ruling over this country they have been corrupted they do not judge justly they have taken a gift they respect persons they rest judgment and they pervert the words of the righteous that's what's going on so perverting judgment you know that's to rest judgments it's to respect persons and there's several things that can lead to this and one of them as we just touched on is the fact that they take a gift they take a bride and I really don't want to focus in on that too much and and you know we're all for having a voice in the government you know having people that can go and speak on our behalf you know lobbyists in and of themselves are not bad things to have but unfortunately the way our system works is the people that get heard the most are the ones with the deepest pockets and if we don't have any money you know you you mean squat up there on the hill so but some things also other things besides just money which we're not going to focus on is is that lead to the perverting of judgment such as taking a drive our drunkenness now I'm going to read to you from an article here in a minute but our nation and specific specific specifically our capital is filled with drunks there is an there is a and you'll hear me I'm going to read this article and you'll see what I'm talking about here in a minute that our our government is just filled with drunkards the people that are in the highest places of judgment in our land they they have been corrupted their judgment has been perverted by drink the bible says and if you would turn to Deuteronomy chapter 4 it says it is not for kings o'lemuel it is not for kings to drink wine nor for princes strong drink and why is that lest they for drink and forget the law and do what pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted and that's exactly what we see going on in places like washington dc any of our state capitals there is a culture of drunkenness there it says in Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 17 thou shall not pervert the judgment of the stranger nor the fatherless to take a widow's raiment to pledge so god looks down and he says when he sees a land perverting judgment he is not pleased and this is something that god lays out his law that judgment is to be just that judgment is to be righteous that there should not be a taking of bribes that there should not be respectors respecting of persons and he says here also like i read to you in proverbs they should not be drinking they should not be drunk otherwise they forget the law and pervert the judgment of any of the afflicted and really you know that helps explain a lot of where we're at in our country you know we look about as christians and we can we look at where we are in this country compare the word of god the righteous holy statutes of the word of god then we see what our nation is actually about these days it starts to make sense it's hard to make sense that all the godless unbiblical laws of our land can be attributed to these factors that people are taking bribes and getting drunk that they have corrupted the ways of judgment and alcohol certainly is doing its part to help cloud the thinking and the perverting of judgment in those that are in these places of leadership i'll read to you real quick from this other article rollcall.com where the drinkers are in congress it says according to a survey of congressional staff nearly half or forty seven percent of staffers attend social events for work either once or twice a week those events are predominantly serving alcoholic beverages perhaps that lead to the data from the center's disease control and prevention showing that district the district of columbia you know washington dc with a slightly higher percentage of adult binge drinkers as compared to the natural national average of 16 percent the national average of binge drinking is 16 across the nation in alcohol it's it's quite a bit more it's a it's slightly higher now what is binge drinking it's saying you know binge drinking is when a man drinks five drinks within two hours or a woman can drinks four drinks within two hours and what this basically let me just summarize this what this article says the facts here without because if we start to read facts they start to lose people it says congressional staffers right are they tie so these people that are on staff working for congressmen working for representatives people that are working in the halls of judgment in our land that make laws that pass laws that enforce laws they are that's who they are that's who they work for they tie for second place and are led by only half a percent for first when it comes to binge drinking they tie for second and first place is only half a percent ahead of them and that's i believe it was north dakota now north dakota i i don't condone drinking you know at all and i'm from south dakota so i can pick on north dakota a little bit all right i was born there there's nothing going on in north dakota at least it makes sense you know it makes a little bit more sense that you know they just you know they're just drinking their blues away or whatever it is up there i mean they're practically in canada no offense to anybody from canada i think i'm safe picking on canada this far south right but i mean in washington dc second place tied are you kidding me half a percent away from being in first for binge drinking it's ridiculous and you know it gets worse i mean that sounds bad enough but i have this article here and i'm going to read to you from and please stay with me and read from it washington's heavy drinking ways in spotlight from the hill this is not you know your fundamental publication here this is not an independent baptist you know this is the hill this is a very uh you know worldly news source and it says washington dc has the highest rates of binge drinking and problem drinking in america that's how the article starts out it's a bruise boost problem fueled by a unique uniquely stressful environment where many of the corporate structures of accountability and oversight don't exist from the executive branch to capitol hill k street lobbying firms to high pressure newsrooms free alcohol is easily accessible what are they saying that alcohol and drinking is part of the culture up there it just it just it's part of the job going up there and going to these meetings with these corporations and staffers you know you walk in the office to some congressman and he's going to offer you a whiskey or whatever it is it's just part of the culture the days of the three martini lunch may be gone but they have been replaced by hard partying nights filled with fundraisers reception or long bar taps and there's one here this one particular story that's going to blow your mind that this kind of thing even goes on in a place where where righteous judgment should be where there should be righteous laws being handed out but what do we see instead perversion we see a perversion of judgment it says here there is a this is a quote there is a strong push and a culture of intoxication in dc it's been like that for a long time said kevin sabat who served in white house the white house offices of national drug control policy in three different administrations it's not a republican or democrat issue it really cuts across all ideologies this weekend and this was written you know around the holiday time of about a year ago this weekend washington's political class will hobnob during at least 10 events surrounding the white house correspondence dinners where drinks flow freely the most common complaint at the dinner itself is that empty wine bottles are not replaced with sufficient speed this is washington this is what's going on during the holiday season it is possible to spend weeks in a row drinking free while hopping from reception to reception sponsored by all manner of corruption corruption that's probably the right way to say corporations and interest groups he's saying look when it gets around that's what's going on that's around the christmas season right now and there's people up there in washington around they're just going from one party to the next one party to the next drinking for free drinking for free you know and and uh just being influenced by all these different corporations and interest groups being corrupted allowing judgment to just be perverted you know allowing themselves to be bribed and and bought with something even as simple and base as alcohol half a dozen current and former aides and members of congress all of whom asked for anonymity i've never been able to say that word to shed light on an unsavory side of the culture within the government so these people they say hey we'll tell you what it's like but we got to remain anonymous said these people said a combination of factors contribute to a heavy drinking environment members are away from their families for long stretches of time that's their excuse well i'm away from my family that's not an excuse then go home quit living like a drunk maybe the job's not worth it if you can't take a job that's that serious and get and remain sober and your excuse is well i'm just away from my family so much but then quit you know your family's more important and quit perverting judgment i love how they just throw out there well you know we're just away from our families so much lobbyists and supplicants are eager to please whether via campaign contributions or a cocktail so if they can't get you with the money the contribution they'll just give you some free liquor i mean that's that's that's pretty cheap isn't it you can be influenced by here have a free drink what a joke and a few former rules of governing workplace environment exists in the halls of congress and few former rules governing workplace environment exist in the halls of congress so it's not like they have a lot of rules there to say hey you know when you're on the clock for the u.s government you can't be tipping back they say go right ahead there's no oversight there's no nobody keeping these people in check virtually everyone who works in or around government has a story and we're going to read about one here in a second it's do as i say not as i do said one republican from former member of congress now now listen to this story you i'm going to read you this story and you would think i was talking about a frat house you think i was talking about some place on some college campus somewhere but it's this is the halls of judgment in our land this is where this is taking place because it's perverted up there one senior senate senior senate aide senior senate aide not a junior member a guy who's been there a while right recalled his early days on capitol hill when the member of congress for whom he was interning found a door off its hinges in the longworth house office building so he's going into where he's interning his place of work out there in washington and he walks up and the door's taken off the hinges and he'd say well what why would you take the door off the hinges well it goes on the door became a table which the which the member and his staff would play beer pong that's what they did with the door in washington they took the door off and decided well let's play up here now i mean that just shows you how shameless they are that they took the door off because now anybody can just walk in and catch you playing beer and playing beer pong that just shows me that it's just common practice that they just look people would probably laugh oh where's your door oh you're playing beer pong and meanwhile our judgment in the land is just getting perverted and we'll see the effects of that per that perversion here in a minute i'm just trying to get us to understand the source of the perversion in our country that's what we're starting out doing right now why do we have so many you know literal perverts running around and all you know in churches on the street you know and terrible things are happening to people to children why is that happening because they're too busy playing beer pong up there because they're too busy getting drunk and getting liquored up and their judgment is perverted and he says they began uh the door became a table in which this member of and his staff would play beer pong positioned over a conference room table so as not to leave stains on the more permanent furniture we wouldn't want you know we wouldn't want to stay in the furniture you know that we you know never mind staining america's moral fabric but we'll go let's just protect the furniture uh the tournaments began before noon on fridays and lasted often until midnight excessive drinking among america's political leaders is as old as the republic itself and it goes through washington truman so on and so forth and it says here in more recent years ex-representative mark foley from florida admitted to being drunk when he set inappropriate text messages to underage pages so his pervert his judgment is perverted and he himself is a pervert and it's all thanks to drink and you know you think you'd be talking about some guy you know living under an overpass or some guy you know hanging out in some dingy bar in some seedy part of town no this is a representative from florida from florida up in you know washington that's doing this stuff today's washington washingtonians purchase more alcohol on a per capita basis than any state except new hampshire according to the centers for disease control nearly a quarter of the district residents are binge drinkers defined assuming more than five drinks in an evening that is the second highest rate in the nation behind north dakota see i was right and washington bears higher economic costs of problem drinking than any other state alcohol problematic drinking is having a more of an economic devastating effect on our nation's capital than any other state in our country a part of the higher rates comes from the high stakes nature of government jobs well i will admit that it is a high stakes nature isn't it when you're passing laws when you're when you're the one up there that's going to decree the law the land you bet it's high stakes you bet it's going to affect people's lives millions of people will be affected by what goes on up there so but they want to make that sound like well because it's such an important job we should just get drunk we have to deal with the stress it's the complete opposite for the bible says that you should have clear thinking you should be sober why so that you don't pervert judgment in the land so that you can wise wisely judge you can have righteous judgment they've got it completely backwards we know that high power jobs high income and that is a risk factor for excessive drinking you have a lot of people in powerful high paying jobs downtown people with money and stressful but jobs tend to drink more and you know what else they tend to do they tend to pervert judgment in the land that's what they end up doing and you say well i'm not so sure about that well let's you know let's look at let's consider some of the where we're at in this country when it comes to this topic of perverts go over to jew chapter one so we see first of all that one form of perversion is when judgment is being perverted in the land when people are not judging righteously when they're judging corruptly when they're resting judgment when they're decreeing wicked laws when they're clearing the guilty and condemning the innocent judgment has been perverted that's one sense of perversion another sense of perversion and i'm trying to keep this as as uh look i don't want any parents to have to leave here and explain the birds and the bees to their kids on the way home okay so i'm gonna i'm gonna use uh some some other words to describe this not that i'm replacing words that are derogatory okay but the other definition of pervert or perversion would be a person whose venereal behavior i think we all know that if you don't know what that is you probably don't need to know has been venereal behavior is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable right that we would say that person is a pervert you know that then that could encompass a whole list of things and what does this look like in scripture can we see an example of that well yes we can there in jude chapter 1 verse 7 it says even as sodom and gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of eternal gentle excuse me the vengeance of eternal fire so a pervert is somebody that would go after strange flesh right because a pervert is somebody whose behavior in that regard is abnormal it's unacceptable they desire strange flesh when someone's desiring something strange you say that's that's weird another word for me would be queer right that's a perfect word for it because all queer means is bent beyond repair it means you're not straight you take something and you bend it you've made it queer and you can't get it back to being straight again that's where those terms come from queer and straight it's being bent it's being queer it's being abnormal it's being unacceptable it's being a pervert is what we would call it it's being somebody that would go after strange flesh strange flesh meaning flesh which is uncommon or unnatural another word would be there in romans chapter one if you want to turn there real quick we'll see another way you can define this define this behavior you know somebody who would go after strange flesh you know it would go somebody who would go after something that's unnatural or uncommon romans 1 26 i'll begin verse there verse 26 i'll begin reading for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections for even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also men leaving the natural use of the woman burning their lusts one toward another men with men working with that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to what a reprobate mind to do what those things which are not convenient things that are strange things that are unnatural things that are uncommon things that are abnormal and unacceptable things that are perverted you're describing perverts here so perverts are people who have been given over to a mind that desires strange flesh flesh that is not convenient flesh that is nor that is not normal to human desire it's not just you know your your common everyday fornicator it's somebody who has a strange perversion that desires things that normal people would not now if you would turn over to ecclesiastes chapter eight ecclesiastes chapter eight so we see first of all that pervert can describe a person with abnormal physical desires right it can also refer to a person or refer to a refer to possessing or influencing a corrupted sense of judgment you know those people up there who are playing beer pong that are you know senators and representatives and their staff that are playing beer pong and who knows what else you know their judgment are their perverts in the sense you know at least that their their thinking is perverted and many of them are perverted in the other sense as well so look at it and you say well what does this matter to us well here's the problem with being having perverted people in judgment is that it leads to more perverts of the other kind it leads to more perverts uh in our in our society perversion and perversion and judgment leads to perversion in behavior or another way of saying that is a perverse government and a perverse people go hand in hand when you have a perverse government it should not surprise you when you say perverts flourishing in that land and being protected look there at ecclesiastes chapter eight verse 11 this is this is something every time i read some horrific news article about some terrible thing happening to a child or anybody really especially when it's of a venereal nature when it's carnal in nature is i think of this verse it says in verse 11 because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the son of sons of men is fully set in them to do evil what's the bible saying it's it's telling us that when righteous judgment is slow or even worse absent when it's slow or absent perverse men become emboldened to act on their desires that's when the perverts say hey there's no consequences or the consequences are something that i can live with and they and then the things that they might not otherwise do because of the consequences now they're emboldened to do them they say hey what's the worst that could happen you might go to jail for for a few years i might end up on a list somewhere you know i might have to i might i might not be able to get a good job but you know so what i got to fulfill this wicked lust that's in my heart so perverts you know the problem is that having perverts in a perverted judgment in the land is the fact that perverts that they rule over are emboldened to do wicked things you know the perverts in society they see these light sentences that are handed out in our society and they are they had and we'll talk about that here in a minute they see these light sentences that are handed out they see what short prison terms or prison terms that are cut short and people are let out early for good behavior they see all that they see that they see the the child molester going to prison and then get putting in segregation with the other child molesters protected and they and they think well you know what the risk is worth the reward i'll risk going getting this light sentence i'll risk spending a few years in segregation i'll risk you know they might even risk 25 years you can get that now i don't think it happens all the time but you can get it they'll risk that if you know because because it's worth it to them now we can't understand that as normal people we can't even stand that desire it's strange to us and and but people need to understand something that's where we're at this country we have perverted judgment in our land handing out people you know per people whose whose minds have been corrupted through alcohol and bribery and and the philosophies of the world that they don't they they think the bible is just some stone age book that we're just a bunch of you know knuckle dragging neanderthals and that they've got it all figured out up there but look at the society they're making look what's going on on their under their watch that's right perverts they're just roaming free and just acting out on every wicked vile disgusting impulse that they have marching up and down the streets he's got these these fag pride parades it's disgusting that's where we are and people and and people just are are fine with it so again these perverts they see these light sentences they see these short prison terms and they say it's worth it they say you know what evil or or judgment sentence is not being carried out at all if at all it's not being done speedily and therefore my heart is set to do evil and that's what they do now a perfect example of this is jared vogel who remembers jared vogel see you've already forgotten you know i'm gonna tell you who it is and you'll remember the subway guy oh remember married member subway jared who remembers subway jared yeah everybody in the room that's right subway jared remember what he ended up doing you know i don't want to go into the illicit and the debauchery that that man got involved with for the sake of everyone's you know ears but he was into underage girls and he was soliciting them he was uh employing other underage girls to go and solicit them for him he was distributing child pornography this guy and he got busted and you know what they they made they were gonna make an example of this guy well he went to prison he got beat up and then you know what happened he got put in segregation and there was an article i won't read the article but i'll give you the gist of it this guy had known jared vogel in this this wing of the prison or whatever he was in and he came out and said hey you know what jared vogel is living the high life in prison jared vogel's doing all right i'm gonna tell you what's going on with jared vogel jared vogel's not fearing for his life jared vogel's not living with the scars of what he did uh you know ruining his life the people that he hurt you know who knows what who knows what they're still going through uh but jared vogel he's living the high life that's what the guy said in prison he's in a dry cell now when it's a dry cell it means it's an open door you can come and go out of your cell as you please you can come and go as you please and he's in there with other chomos which chomo is the prison term for child molester that's what they call him he's in there what else is he doing he's playing online poker that's what this guy says he's in there he's gambling he's watching movies they have movie nights he's getting his culinary arts degree the man has got a degree in culinary arts a child uh rapist a violator of children in our land that that's what got handed out to him so now there's some other pervert out there that looks at jared vocals go that's not so bad maybe i'll go do what he did and that's what the bible is warning us of there in ecclesiastes when we do not execute uh justice and judgment and sentence speedily the hearts of men are setting them to fully to do evil and jared vogel is a perfect example example of that you say i don't know i think you're blowing us out of proportion okay dude you know then go home tonight and google like prison sentence child rapist and why and just read them or just rapist and go read just the story after story after story after story in our country and not just not just people that you would wouldn't surprise you i'm talking i mean sheriffs getting busted doing this cops everybody judges it's corrupt and why is it because we have perversion in the judgment in our land the the people that should be executing uh righteous judgment speedily upon these wicked people are drunk and they're bought and they have no discernment and now people like these jared foghuls come up and they're just living the high life did you know in the united states it is illegal to execute pedophiles for the crimes with one exception i mean i again i i don't want to frighten any of the kids i don't want to you know but this is where we're at in this country this is where we are today and this and this and we need to understand this and you say well what's the application we need to protect our children because these people are emboldened that they're they're coming into our church houses they're getting up behind the pulpits they're taking positions of power you know and and they're creeping in you know and that's why i'm that's why i'm glad i'm in another church that doesn't have a nursery that doesn't have a children's ministry i'm glad for that you know and and that's a whole nother and i'm not saying everybody that works in a nursery is one of these people but do you really want to leave your children open to that i mean it can happen so fast and so quick and it's it's once it's done it's done once that happens to a child that's it they're changed forever their innocence is gone and it's it's a sad sad thing and what they do again not getting the details i think we all understand how horrific it can be in some of these cases in many of these cases that the scars that these children have to live with the things that they have to overcome if they themselves don't a lot of often it becomes a vicious cycle where they themselves lash out later in life and do the same things to another person and you say if anybody deserves to die it's somebody that would violate a child if there's one person i would love to just throw a rope over the old oak tree in the town square and string up on a sunday afternoon it's a it's a pedophile but those days are gone in fact it's illegal to do it and i'm not you know let me get up let me break out the legalese for you here from our u.s code 18 crimes of criminal behavior part one chapter 110 exploitation other abusive children section 2251 you know you got to be a lawyer to have to understand half of it that's why i love god's word you can just turn to a page you know their blood shall be upon them pretty cut and dry you know stone them with stones done you know one chapter you know one book one chapter one verse done not this this is just a small section any individual who violates or attempts to or conspires to violate this section shall be fined under this title and in prison not less than 15 years nor more than 30 years but if such person and it just goes on and on and on and basically what you're looking at for your first violation if you're a child if you're distributing pornography if you're doing if you're trafficking if you're abusing if you have aggravated assault on and this is all related to children you shall be in prison for not less than 25 years no more than 50 but it's a lot of cases they they get off there's a lot of light sentences they can hand out a lot of times they say there's states now they say well let's you know it's it's the person just needs to be rehabilitated we just need to put them in a program and let them back out into society you can't fix these people they're reprobates you know you say well that's that's you know that's not at least it's something well what happens if they do it a second time not less than 35 years no more than life they say well you know they'll go in there maybe for 35 years maybe they'll serve five to ten of that and you know and and maybe they'll they'll get out but then they'll be on a background check right well it's too late for the kid that they already hurt it's too late for that one that's why background checks don't work now that's why i'm in favor of underground checks it's about six feet under that's my kind of a background check because you don't have to wonder what he's up to he's he's still there he hasn't gotten anybody he's still six feet under and that's where he's going to stay so again first conviction 15 to 30 years second conviction uh 25 to 30 now the only way a child molester can get the death penalty in this country in states that even have the death penalty is if they kill the victim they have to kill the victim to get it and that just shows you that how what they they just how low regard they have for life in this country anymore that happens to a child that part of that child has died that they might as well be in a sense dead now i got i know god's grace is there and people can heal and can people can go through that and move on in their life and can recover the victims can but sometimes they don't and it doesn't change the fact that that still happened to them and that part of their childhood was robbed from them but and these people deserve to die according to scripture and the only way they get it in this country is if they kill the child in the process i mean what kind of country we live in anymore what's happened in this country you know it's like it's like living in it's a madhouse anymore i mean to sit there and to think you know that's justice to think that's judgment you'd see you'd have to be drunk to think that's justice and that's exactly what's going on a bunch of drunks think that's judgment they think oh yeah that sounds fair we must be drunk oh well we are well it makes sense now i can connect the dots it's all coming together for me you know the bible says you know to judge righteous judgment that's what we're supposed to do is god's people that's what should be going on in this land go over to a deuteronomy chapter 32 god wants us to justify the righteous and condemn the wicked that's what it says in deuteronomy 25 you're going to deuteronomy chapter 32 people say you know then there's that the favorite the favorite verse a liberal verse of all time you know john uh you know it's not john but it's matthew you know judge not judge not i think except you be judged with what judgment you think is what goes on friend it doesn't end there judge not accept you be judge it's not talking about not being a hypocrite in judgment it's not saying don't ever judge they love that verse but let's turn them over to john seven judge not according to parents but judge righteous judgment you know don't don't look at them and go oh well they that poor child molester they just had you know they had a rough upbringing themselves and you know they're they can you know they can be rehabilitated and put back in society and still serve a purpose you're judging according to the appearance in that point you're not judging righteous judgment the crime has been done and the judgment must be doled out and right and justice must be served and now let me say this because we always have to clarify these kind of sermons right because that's what everyone wants to get in the comment section you're you're trying to raise an army you know you're advocating violence no i'm not did i tell any of you to go out today and and to take things into your own hands no i haven't said that and let me go a step further and say this being murdered in jail is not righteous judgment and that's what happens a lot of these these chomos when they go in there because when you go in as a chomo you're the lowest tier person you are a marked man in prison you know it takes somebody in prison who in all likelihood should probably either not be there or be dead themselves you know murderers to figure out what should happen to these people because our leaders are too drunk to figure it out for themselves we have to have let the lowest dregs of society execute judgment upon these people and i'm not advocating it and but what that is what that shows us is what a sham our legal system is that's right it's a shame to our society when judgment the proper judgment has to be carried out by somebody else who's locked up and i'm not advocating it and i don't think it's something that should be done i'm just pointing it out because of the fact that it's a shame it just shows you where we're at and let me say this this sermon is not to call for a vigilante justice i'm not saying that at all i've been saying the whole time the problem is is that the people that should be executing judgment upon these people are drunk and corrupt and perverted and they're thinking this sermon is pointing out the perversion of justice by the proper authorities and the perversion it breeds in society that's what the sermon is about it's not a call to arms let me say this striking a plea deal with a guilty predator is not justice striking a plea deal with a guilty predator is not justice you say well the victim's happy for it good if the victim feels like they got justice fine good for them but according to scripture that's not justice i mean it's something it's better than nothing at least you have an admission of guilt but then you have these guys they're going to spend 90 days in jail because they struck a plea bargain people that took advantage of impressionable underage girls and exploited them and who and all other manner of things that go on with these perverts they get off they get easy they get a light sentence you know you know what inspired this one was that that guy cameron giovannelli who knows who i'm talking about he was all over facebook and everything else he was you know getting called out by another pastor for over a year for the things that he did as a pastor of a church you know violating a young girl in his congregation on almost a daily basis at the church building for over a year and he gets caught he gets busted and he goes to jail or he goes to trial strikes a plea deal and the guy's getting a light he's getting a slap on the hand and you know what if the victim's fine with it you know good for them i'm glad that they feel like they've got some justice but i'm not going to sit back and call that justice because now there's some other guy who says oh why you gotta just plead guilty hmm well let me put on a suit let me go to bible college let me get a church somewhere let me use my position authority and i'll do the same thing because what's the worst that can happen if i get caught at all you know i if they you know a lot of times a wall that'll happen to me is i'll just get shuffled around from one church to another that's what happened to this cameron giovannelli you got you know you just they shuffle them around oh come here it happens all the time with these with these perverts it's like the catholic church now with independent baptists and it's a shame and now there's you know the world's taking notice and they're writing whole articles and it's their approach to the name of christ that these perverts can walk into churches and get in these positions of power and instead of getting called out and instead getting uh called on the carpet and handed over the proper authorities they get moved around they get covered up gets swept under the rug it's wicked as hell and that's what happened this guy and he gets caught and he gets a little that's enough don't do that again yes sir you would say well what is what is the biblical punishment for these people death that's right bible says in luke 17 and this is the words of jesus christ then said he unto his disciples it is impossible that offenses will come but woe unto him for whom they come it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea that he should be that he should offend one of these little ones he's saying you know what you should tie a millstone around that neck and cast in the sea you know what i heard recently and i never even noticed it is it says that if you were to take one of these perverts and tie a neck or tie a millstone around their neck and cast them into the depth of the sea it says it would be better it would be better that would be the best that they could hope for because you know i'm kind of getting my head of myself a little bit here whatever wherever man fails in judgment god has is not going to that's right and when god gets a hold of these people it would be better that he just it would be better for cameron givinelli if we could tie a millstone around his neck and he could be cast in the depth of the seas and he could just live there for eternity then he could just somehow miraculously just live there in the dark cold depths of the ocean with all kinds of sea creatures picking at him then to get what is actually going to come to him that would be better than when god gets a hold of him and what he's going to do to him in hell it says in exodus 21 he that stealeth a man and selleth him or if be found in his hand he shall surely be put to death that's your child trafficker that's your human trafficker someone who would steal a man and exploit them sell them and that's a real problem that we have in this country you know who that is that's your uh jeffrey epstein or epstein or whatever however you say it and you know i appreciate the cleverness of the memes has anyone seen the epstein memes no epstein didn't hang himself it's all over facebook you think you're reading you know a coffee house menu you know espresso latte epstein didn't hang himself you know what i'm saying like they sneak it in here there you know that it's this clever thing to try and remind everybody that he didn't hang himself you know and and for you know it's clever but here let me just say this you know epstein might not have hung himself and and maybe he did i don't know but either way i'm glad he's dead that's right because i wonder sometimes the people that make these memes have actually looked into who that guy was and what he was involved with and the level of perversion i would tell you to go look at it but i already have and i it's filthy and i would not suggest it don't go watch the 60 minutes report on henry epstein or henry jeffrey epstein sorry henry whoever you are you're out there you know it's wicked that guy was a filthy pervert and he violated thousands of underage girls a man is wicked as hell so i don't want to even you know and i know people aren't doing that with those memes and things like that but let's not make a martyr out of the man i'm glad that dude's dead you know i i hope he hung himself i hope he did do it himself he said but we could have caught you know the elites that he was providing these underage girls to you know the bible says it is shame to even speak of those things which have done it in the secret and they're going to get theirs one day anyway and he probably didn't hang himself you know what i kind of hope he did because that would show you the man at least had one sliver of shame for what he did he probably just did it because he knew his life of debauchery was over you know i have no desire to hear i'm glad he's dead because i don't i don't want to see that drug out in the media i don't have no i desire to hear the sordid details of everything he was involved it's bad enough you know prince andrew that was involved with him in the so-called royal family is is caught up in it now i'm sure we'll have to continue to hear about it another good reason to just throw out the tv so we don't hear about this garbage because here's the thing so when we could have caught the other people that were involved they got it coming it were better for them that they tied a millstone around the neck and jump to the scene the bible says if you're there in deuteronomy chapter 32 look at verse 32 for their vine is the vine of sodom i mean you just read this and the bible is just so true today it's just it just it's so applicable today it's like you could be describing washington right now their vine is the vine of sodom and the fields of gomorrah their grapes are grapes of gall their clusters are bitter their wine is the poison of dragons and the cruel venom of asps is not this laid up in store with me and sealed among my up among my treasures what's god saying he's like i know it and i'm keeping track and i know exactly what's going on to me belongeth vengeance and recompense their foot shall slide in due time for the day of their calamity is at hand and the things that shall come upon them shall make haste they're not getting away with it they might end up in segregation somewhere and they might be like little mr vocal and playing their online poker and getting their culinary arts degree but god says i've sealed it up in my treasures and the day of his calamity is at hand and we need to console ourselves in that fact we need to counsel ourselves in that fact because i don't know about you when i hear about this stuff going on country it vexes me it bothers me it makes me afraid for my children it makes me afraid for other children to hear about these perverts even slipping into independent fundamental baptist churches getting on on bus routes i could tell you stories that i've heard and and others have witnessed it vexes me and you say is there no justice and then you read these stories where they just they get their little slap on the wrist and they're back out they do it again you know i wish i could have found the article and i read one about a sheriff where it was a four-year-old girl repeatedly got five years wow five years for what he did to some child and you say god because there's no justice god says i know and when god gets his hands on him he's gonna wish he was in the bottom of a sea with a millstone around his neck if you would turn over to ecclesiastes chapter three what's the point of sermon well to help us understand that we're living in a country in a world even that presumes to know better than god they think they've got it all figured out that their way is better and what's the result we're all worse off for it we're the ones that have to deal with it we're the ones that have to be vexed and put up with it and god forbid that we ever have to be the ones experience any of these terrible things so let's counsel ourselves in the fact that knowing that god is going to take judgment on these people it says there in ecclesiastes chapter three verse 14 i know that what's over god do with it it shall be forever whatever he does that includes sending these people to the lowest hell it's going to be forever you say well man i don't know corvin you sound like you're you're taking a little too much pleasure in that well you know what let them go down quickly into the pit let death seize upon them let them go down quickly into hell that's the same prayers of psalmist god says nothing can be put to it nor anything taken from it god do with it that men should fear before him we should look people need to learn to fear god we talked about this this morning that which hath been is now which hath been is now and that which is to be hath already been and god requireth that which is past you know the the the wicked filthy things that that people are the the wickedness and the powers and the principalities and high places and the things that they do they've been it's been going on forever i mean they've been doing this type of thing all the way back to molec when they're burning them in the fire and everything else and now there's nothing new with god and god judged them and god will continue to judge and he said in verse 16 and moreover i saw under the sun the place of judgment that wickedness was there that washington was there oh i mean wickedness right and the place of righteousness that iniquity was there i said in my heart god shall judge the righteous and the wicked for there is a time for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work god hasn't forgotten justice will be served and and and you know payday's coming for these people even if man doesn't get it right and i wish man did because of the fact that if he did if they did judge righteously we would probably see less of it or at least they'd be afraid to act out say well i don't know is this god really want to do all these he's really still like this absolutely i mean god hasn't changed he said uh because the cry of sodom and gore is great great and because their sin is grievous i will go down now and see whether they have done uh all together according to cry of it which has come unto me and if not i will know god's gonna get to the bottom of it of every wicked filthy perversion that's out there and he's gonna judge the guilty so you know who knows better jesus god or some drunk liberal judge in washington who's got who's got the righteous judgment tonight our political leaders or the word of god you know i'm gonna side with the word of god because our leaders they've aired they've perverted judgment through strong drink and wine there's no righteous judgment of for perverts in our land because of the perverts we got in high places and you know it's a word of warning to you tonight it's a word of warning to watch your children vigilantly don't leave them i i don't leave my kids with people in church i don't i don't suspect anyone in my church as being a pervert but you know what we've had them and it got run out on a rail you know what we didn't do cover it up they got called out and turned over the authorities when we found out but they were in that church for over a year before we found out guard your children you know pastor henderson's got it right with this with his uh i believe you know for me in my house he's got it right you know trust suspect no one trust no one you know just guard your children because i mean it's it's going on and these people are out there because there's no righteous judgment so it's a word of warning tonight to watch your children protect your children don't leave them with strangers don't leave them with people that you don't know and and and uh and you know you need to do with that what you will and it's also you know believe it or not it's supposed to be an encouragement this sermon i'm trying to encourage you because i'm sure a lot of this isn't news to to many of us i'm sure a lot of us have felt the same way i feel about it vexed i'm wondering where's where's judgment where's the righteous judgment why are these people getting away with it they're only getting away with it for now ultimately in the long run they're not and really our only solace as this society continues to decay and it's it's going to get worse you know let's just again i'm trying to be an encouragement but let's be a little bit realistic the bible says that it's going to wax worse and worse let the love of many shall grow cold and as this society continues decay we can solace ourselves and the fact that we understand that god one day is going to execute a punishment upon these people far more severe than man ever could i mean when you think about it executing these people quickly is almost it's merciful on from man's perspective like why does god i mean isn't it isn't it more of a punishment to lock these people up no because you're sparing them from god's judgment the real punishment is after they die when god gets a hold of them and god will get a hold of them so let's just solace ourselves in that fact the fact and let's protect our children in the meantime let's go and pray