(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] Now we will relax. ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] Good morning everyone. Welcome to the faith-worried Baptist Church. We're here to see what we have for our Sunday morning service. If you're all please have a seat and grab a headlock. And then I open up those who will sing the song of 224. We begin this morning service by saying the song of 224. There shall be showers of blessing. ["O Come All Ye Faithful"] There shall be showers of blessing This is the promise of God There shall be seasons refreshing Set from the standard of God Showers of blessing Showers of blessing we need Mercy draws where those are calling What for the showers we need? There shall be showers of blessing Precious refining the hill Over the hills and the valleys Shower of the mountains of rain Showers of blessing Showers of blessing we need Mercy draws where those are calling What for the showers we need? There shall be showers of blessing Send them upon us for more Grant to us now a refreshing Nothing how long will that work? Showers of blessing Showers of blessing we need Mercy draws where those are calling What for the showers we need? There shall be showers of blessing Showers of blessing Showers of blessing Showers of blessing Showers of blessing Mercy draws where those are calling What for the showers we need? Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. So of course it's that time of year again when everyone starts to just, you know, praise some of the most wicked people in our society. So it's almost become an obligatory sermon. It's like an annual sermon that must be preached at least once a year. Not saying that's all we ever preach on this topic and you already know what topic I'm preaching about. When you've read Jeremiah 6 30 you already know where we're going this morning. But let me just reiterate why we're preaching on it. It's not because it's just some hobby horse. It's not just because it's something that I even necessarily like preaching. Although I will admit it's a bit of a softball sermon because the Bible is just so explicitly clear on this topic. It's probably one of the easiest topics to preach on in terms of just understanding what the Bible says about it. You know, the boldness to get up and preach it seems to be lacking today. And again, but that's why we have to preach on this. Because of the fact that, you know, there's just so few of God's people that are standing in the gap on the subject and actually preaching what the Bible says about this. And, you know, this is the battle of our generation. Baptists, our Baptist forefathers before us had to fight different battles. They had to fight over different doctrines and things like that. And I'm not saying this is the only battle that we have to fight. But this is a major battle that we have to fight today for the hearts and minds of people. And that's the battle against the Sodomite agenda that is being thrust upon us. You know, you want to say, well, you know, only in the month of June. But really, you know, every month in this country is Pride Month, if you want to be honest about it. It's not like they just amp it up. This is just when everybody comes out, all the major corporations and just kind of show their support for the filth and iniquity that's been promoted all year. That's been going around the clock 24-7, you know, 365 days a year. It's just this month is the month where they just parade it up and down our streets in America and just put their filth out there for everybody to see. And as much as, you know, I'm going to try and not have this turn into complete rant this morning. You know, I want to make sure that we understand this doctrine of the reprobate doctrine as it's been called. And this isn't something, you know, that's new with myself or Pastor Anderson or, you know, any other preacher in the new IFB. This is something that predates, you know, any of us because of the fact that this is a biblical doctrine that goes back, you know, since the beginning of the Word of God. I mean, you're reading it there in Jeremiah chapter 6. You're reading the word reprobate in your Bible in Jeremiah 6. And by the way, I didn't hear the reprobate doctrine. The first time I ever heard it was it was not in a new IFB church. You know, it was in an old IFB church, if you want to use those terms, you know, that I formally attended. So now it wasn't taught explicitly exactly what it meant. But, you know, it was mentioned, it was referenced to about how some people are reprobates. And the Bible uses different terms to describe these people. And one of the terms that they also use is that, or the Bible uses is that it calls these reprobates or these false prophets also, you know, most false prophets. In fact, I believe that all false prophets are reprobate. That they are men of corrupt minds, meaning their minds have been corrupted and they're thoroughly corrupted. And what we need to understand about the reprobate doctrine is that when you're dealing, when you're talking about reprobates, you're talking about people, you're talking about people who really are just the scum of the earth. They're just the worst type of people there are. They are men of corrupt minds. Their mind and their conscience is defiled. They've been given over onto just the most disgusting and vile and filthy lusts imaginable that are unnatural to man. So that's the type of people we're talking about this morning. That's the type of people that our nation and our world is celebrating all month long. So that's why this has to be preached. This is why sermons like this must be preached. And it's unfortunate that it's not being preached in more pulpits. You know, if there's one thing that I could, you know, I was just thinking about it, maybe I'm wrong to say this, but if there's one thing that I could get all independent, fundamental, King James only, soul winning, Baptist to preach on, it would be this doctrine. You say, would you make them all post-trib like you? Would you get them right on Israel? Would you get them right on these other doctrines? You know, as much as I would love to see them get right and come around on all those things, this is actually the doctrine that I wish they would get the right about. That they would at least address this issue and stop, you know, pandering to these men of corrupt minds, as the Bible calls it. And again, so I want to just kind of take a minute and remind us of what it means to be a reprobate, because it might be that we take for granted that everybody in the room just understands this doctrine. Or that everybody even agrees with this doctrine. And by the way, you don't have to agree with this doctrine to come to church here. You can come here and be wrong all you want. That's fine. But this isn't a doctrine that I will break fellowship over. What I want us to understand though is that there are some people that it might be, I don't know if this is the case, but there could be that there's people even in this room this morning that either don't fully understand this doctrine or don't agree with it. So, you know, this is a good time of the year to kind of reinforce this doctrine because of the fact that there is this, you know, this push going on right now, where it's being shoved in our face to accept this filth in our country. And I'm never going to accept it ever. And until the day I die, I don't care what they do. I don't care what kind of backlash we get, or I receive, what kind of persecution I have to go through. This is what the Bible says. And if I ever back down on this doctrine, you know, kick me out of this pulpit, honestly, because it's that important to me. And I think it's that important to you. Because, you know, the people that we really need to protect by preaching this doctrine are the most vulnerable among us, the children in the room who are, you know, the prey of these men of corrupt minds. They are the ones that are being targeted with the queerness at Disney and everywhere else. They're the ones that are being targeted in, you know, the elementary schools and onward. They're the ones that are being targeted all the way through, you know, from the time they're born into their adult life today. So we need to preach this doctrine. And it's not a pleasant subject, you know. It's not like it's something, there aren't other things I would prefer to preach. There's a lot of other things in the Word of God that are helpful and edifying and would be more pleasant and, you know, would probably not want us to make us lose our lunch as a topic like this. But this, again, is the topic that needs to be addressed because of the world that we're living in today. And the first thing I want us to understand is that there are some people in this world that God has rejected. And these are men of corrupt minds, okay? And I keep bringing up the men of corrupt minds because I want you to make that association between the men of corrupt minds and reprobates because a lot of times we talk about how the fact that God rejects some people, you know, people get real touchy about that. And they want to just say, well, God loves everyone. You know, well, God doesn't love people of corrupt minds. He doesn't love people who hate Him and hate God's Word and hate God's people. You know, there are some people who God hates. And it's not just He hates people all willy-nilly. The people that God hates are men of corrupt minds. They're the worst people in the world, okay? And it's just a fact that God ceases loving some people. He ceases to love them and begins to hate them, okay? And that's what we would call a reprobate, as it says there in Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 30. It says, Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. Now this is crystal clear definition on what reprobate means. They shall call them reprobate. Why? Because the Lord hath rejected them. And that's all reprobate means. Rejected, okay? But they're calling these specific people reprobate because the Lord has rejected these specific people. And we're going to look at Jeremiah here in chapter 6 a little bit more in depth in a second because there's some interesting correlations there where we see some certain attributes about these people that are reiterated in the New Testament. But if you would, keep something there and go over to Psalms chapter 11. Psalms chapter 11. The fact is that there's some people that God rejects. And other people see it and they say, it says that reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. Why are they going to call them that? Because God has rejected them. So there's nothing unbiblical about looking at a specific group of people who have certain qualities and search attributes about them and saying, Oh, we can identify these people through their conduct and through their philosophy and through the things that they say and do. We can identify these people through these certain attributes and characteristics that they have that are shown to us in Scripture. We can look at them and we can say that these people are reprobate. Meaning they have been rejected and not just rejected by anyone but specifically rejected by the Lord. That's what we're talking about when we're talking about reprobates. We say, well, I thought God loves everybody. Well, it's true that God did love everybody at some point. I know the reprobate this morning wants to say that God made them that way. And in a sense that's true, just not the way they're thinking. But what it does not mean is that they were born that way. They become that way. And we'll see that in a minute. So yes, God did even love the person who has become a reprobate at some point. But at some point in that reprobate's life, that man of corrupt mind's life, he has been rejected by God. God has ceased to love him and actually begun to hate him to the point where he has rejected him and turned him over to a reprobate mind. You say, well, what about John 3.16? Well, John 3.16 actually illustrates my point. And I'm preaching this because I'm not really worried about trying to convince the reprobates of this world of this because they're never going to be convinced. I could care less. They're just one breath away from hell. So they can go on their merry way and get there all the sooner for all I care. The people that I really want to get through to are Christians. We don't understand this. I'm not frustrated by the raging, triggered reprobate that hears a sermon like this and flips out. I'm not frustrated that a liberal institution like YouTube is not going to allow something like this to probably remain on the internet if they haven't taken it down already. But what does frustrate me is these Christians, so-called, that claim to believe the Bible, that claim that the Word of God is their authority, and then they get mad when a preacher, when a man of God actually just gets up and says what the Bible says. They just get up and say, well, let's go to Jeremiah 6. Let's go to Romans 1. Let's go to 2 Peter 2. Let's go to Jude. Let's just look at these passages. Go to Leviticus 2. Let's just look at them and see what the Bible says. And then they just get up and they preach it and they read it and they just say what the Bible says, and the Christians in this world get mad at that person. They get mad at you and me for actually believing what the Bible says. And what's the cry of the liberal Christian? God loves everybody, but doesn't God love everybody? Doesn't God love? You know what I'm saying like that? Because that's what they sound like to me. A bunch of feminine, sissy, you know, lace on their britches, kind of just the weakest, watered down, you know, just lily-livered, yellow-striped down their back, limp-wristed nancies. They need to just put down their purse and pick up a King James Bible and read it. That's why I say it like this. Is it God love? And they'll go with John 3.16. God so loved the world. Yeah, but John 3.16 proves my point, weakling, because it says, we all know it. I won't turn you there. I had you go to Psalm 11. It says, for God so loved, emphasis on the duh, duh, God so loved the world, past tense, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish. You know, yeah, God loved everybody, but could we not go to several different passages where God talks about the people and the things that God hates? Well, God wouldn't hate anyone. Well, you know, again, the Bible says differently. Hosea chapter 9, all their wickedness is in Gell-Gell, for there I hated them. And that's not Hosea speaking, that's the narrator of Scripture, the Holy Spirit, saying, I hated them, for the wickedness of their doings, I will drive them out of my house, I will love them no more, all their princes are revolters. And that's, you know, that revolting is something you see coming up, they're rebellious, they despise dominion, they speak evil of dignities, they don't like authority, and who's the greatest authority of all? God. So they hate Him the most. Right? But again, He does hate people, He hated them, He loved them no more. So yeah, John 3.16 is right, God so loved the world. He starts out loving everybody, but eventually people reject God to the point and begin to hate God in their own heart where God just returns the favor. Now you're there in Psalms 11, look at verse 5. God hates him, He hates who? The wicked and him that loveth violence. And let me tell you something, these men of corrupt minds, these reprobates of the world, they love violence. Because what is violence? It's to violate somebody else. They love violating other people. And to whatever degree they can do it. That's why they'll send just the most obscene images to preachers who get up and preach the word of God. I mean, they've sent things to our Facebook and it's just like, I have to like blur my vision now when I check the Facebook messages. Because I don't know what kind of filth these people who love violence are going to try to violate my mind with. You know, they want to violate your children's minds by putting all these transgenders all over, you know, excuse me, I'm using the wrong terminology. Transvestites is what I meant to say. Trannies. Transvestites. You can take that transgender and throw it out the window. They want to violate your child's mind with all their filth. All over the magazines and the shows and the cartoons and the parades. They want to violate the general public when they just dress up, you know, when they cross dress and just mutilate their bodies and just parade up and down and go out about their business. We've got to have to go there and be violated at the grocery store today, violated at the bank, violated every out in public because they're just out and proud about it. They love violence. You know what? You know what God thinks about that person that loves violence and violating other people? And look, that's the most mild form of violence we're talking about this morning. If they have their way, and I'm not going to sit here and go into it, but they physically like to violate people as well. They are the molesters of this world. They are the pedophiles and predators of children of this world. They are reprobates, faggots, homos, gay. I'm not going to go on and on about that because it's not a very pleasant subject. We've got enough unpleasant things to talk about. But you know what? They love to violate people in any way they can, as violently as they can. Or if it's just a matter of making you see something you don't want to see, they want to violate your mind. And the Bible says that God hates people that love violence. And I'm so glad this morning that God hates these people. Because I just naturally and instinctually feel the same way. My gut reaction about these people is just disgust and hatred. Most people feel that way. They're just too afraid to say anything about it. Thankfully, we feel that way and then we go to the word of God and it's a sigh of relief. Like, oh, we're right with God. God hates them too. What a relief. I don't have to feel like a bad person. They want to make us feel bad because we're just naturally repulsed by them. No, that's a natural, God-given reaction and it just proves that we're made in God's image because God hates them too. And if I'm losing you this morning already, if you're already kind of on the fence and you're saying, I don't know if you should be talking about that. I don't know if you should bring that up. Just go down to Psalms chapter 12 for me. It's right there. Next chapter, I keep something in Psalms. We're going to come back again later. But look at Psalms 12 verse 6. It says, the words of the Lord are pure words. The words of the Lord are pure words. So if I'm preaching the word of God, everything I'm saying is pure. When I'm talking about those that love violence and God hating them, these revolters, these reprobates, these men of corrupt minds, I'm preaching the pure word of God this morning. So if you don't like it, you can take it up with him. And I'm starting out just by preaching about the fact that pointing out and proving that God rejects certain people. That's the Bible is crystal clear on this. There are some people that God rejects. And it's not just anybody. It's people that reject him, that hate him, that love violence, that hate dignities, men of corrupt minds, despisers of those that are good. These are the people that God rejects. God's not just pulling names out of a hat and saying, oh, I'll reject that guy. Sorry, Calvinists. He is rejecting people that have rejected him. That's all reprobate means. And if you go back to Jeremiah chapter six, you see how a person gets to this process of being rejected. Of course, we're talking about Benjamin, Judah being judged by the heathen. God is punishing them. God is rejecting the southern kingdom of Judah for their iniquity. But notice that there are certain things, certain attributes that led to their physical rejection out of the land that are, you know, attributes that are shared with those who are spiritually rejected by God and physically one day as well. It says there in verse 21, Therefore, thus saith the Lord, behold, I will lay stumbling blocks before his people, and the fathers of the sons together shall fall upon them. The neighbor and his friends shall perish. Thus saith the Lord, behold, a people cometh from the north country. A great nation shall be raised from the sides of the earth. They shall lay hold on bow and spear. They are cruel and have no mercy. Their voice roars like the sea, and they ride upon horses, set in array as men for war against thee, O daughter of Zion. So he's judging his nation, okay? So, of course, we understand this is, you know, this is a literal event that took place. There is a literal rejection. But there are the attributes of these daughters of Zion, this nation that we're looking at. There are attributes that we can look at them, that we can look at, excuse me, and we can see a correlation between them physically at this time and what the New Testament later reiterates, okay? So let's look at that. He says in verse 10 of Jeremiah chapter 6, To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear? He's saying no one's listening. Behold, their ear is uncircumcised. They cannot hearken. It's people who are not wanting to hear the word of God. They're what? They're rejecting it. Behold, the word of the Lord is unto them a reproach. They have no delight in it. These are the people that God, as we just read in chapter, in verse 23, is sending this fearsome, cruel army upon that is going to utterly destroy them, okay? These are the people that he's sending upon. You say, why is God judging them so harshly? Why is God calling them reprobate silver at the end? Why is God rejecting them? Because, what's the attribute there? The word of the Lord is unto them a reproach. They hear the word of God and say, shut up, we don't want to hear that. Put your Bible away. Go on, Jeremiah, get out of here with that. We don't want to hear that preaching. Prophesy unto us what? Smooth things. Tell us lies. They don't want to hear the preaching of the word of God. So that is the cause, right? Because look, notice the beginning of verse 11. This is a great, you've probably heard this, right? That first word, therefore. Whenever you see a therefore in the scripture, you've got to ask yourself, what's the therefore there for, right? Why is the therefore there, right? Well, the reason why the therefore is there is because of the preceding verse. The word of the Lord is unto them a reproach. They have no delight in it. Therefore, I am full of fury of the Lord. I am weary with holding in. I will pour it out upon the children of God and upon the assembly of young men together. For even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged men with him that is full of days. You're saying, look, they're this way. Therefore, in Jeremiah, as the preacher saying, I am full of fury of the Lord. It gets Jeremiah furious. It makes him mad when he sees God's own people and he sees his own nation rejecting the word of God. And you say, Brother Corbin, you seem a little fed up this morning. You seem a little furious. Did you not get a doughnut? Hey, I woke up with a smile on my face. I woke up and I came to church and I was in a fairly good mood and I was having a good day. And I'm still going to have a great day. But you know what? When I get on this topic, when I see what's going on in our nation, you know what? It begins to fill me with the fury of the Lord. And it ought to do the same to you. You know, hopefully, you're having a visceral reaction against the filth and iniquity that we see taking place in our nation. And not just during the month of June. Hopefully, it grieves us. Hopefully, it bothers us. And it's not having its intended effect, which is what? To brainwash you into accepting it. You say, why are they so adamant about pushing this agenda upon us? Because they want to brainwash you into accepting it. Because the word of the Lord is a reproach unto them. They don't want to hear it. They want their message to be accepted. That's why they're promoting it, folks. And that's why we need to get filled with the fury of the Lord. That's why some preachers in this country need to stand up and begin to shake people and say, wake up! This is what's going on. This is where we're at. And I don't know that we'll ever turn the tide against this wave of iniquity that just has swept over this land. But you know what? I'm not just going to put on my life preserver and hope to float. I'm going to swim against the current in that case. I'm going to try and fight as much as I can. And stem the tide a little bit. I saw an encouraging news article, I don't know when it was published exactly, but it said that this younger generation that's coming up has become less tolerant of the homos. And of course, they weren't writing it as if that was a good thing. But me, through the lens of God's word, being a man of God, a preacher of the Bible, a Christian, God's child, I read that and said, well that's some encouraging news. It was still not enough. It went from like 50% to like 40% or something. I don't know what the margin of error is, but I'm thinking, well at least it's going the right direction. You know, maybe the truth is getting out there. Maybe we're having some kind of an effect. Maybe people are beginning to wake up a little bit and starting to see the fruit of what this agenda is burying in society. Because they're just turning into complete freaks out there. I mean, it's just getting worse and worse. I mean, it's just, again, people have a natural gut reaction that makes them hate this stuff. They just need someone to come along and say, it's okay, you can hate them. So hopefully that's you this morning. You're not just sitting there going, I can't wait till this is over, I don't believe you're saying that. Hopefully you're sitting there going, I can hate them. Yes you can, and yes you should. Look at verse 15. Let's look at some more of these attributes of these people that God rejects. One of them is that the word of the Lord is under them, a reproach. They have no delight in it. They don't like the word of God, they hate the word of God. Because it's God's word. Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination, verse 15? Nay, they were not at all ashamed. Hmm, where's the tie in with that for this month? How in the world, I'm just struggling this morning, I was writing this sermon to make the connection. I mean, it's so hard. I mean, good night, you could probably get up and preach that. Anyone in this room could get up and preach that. Were they at all ashamed? No! No, they had every logo turned to their colors, and they went out and they had parades up and down every major city and every small town in this country. And they're just out there parading it, you know what, and they're not ashamed at all. They're proud of it. Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush. Ashamed of what? What is it that they should be embarrassed over? That they had committed an abomination. And men with men and women with women, the Bible says, is an abomination worthy of death. Leviticus, 2013, look it up. Neither could they blush. Therefore, well, what's the therefore there for? Because they could not blush, because they had committed abomination, because they were not at all ashamed, therefore, there's a result. God doesn't just go, oh, that's too bad. They shall fall among them that fall. At the time that I visit them, they shall be cast down, saith the Lord. Oh God, it doesn't sound to me like the Lord is very tolerant of this lifestyle, of people who commit abomination. That's not very tolerant, God. Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the ways, and seek, and ask for the old paths, where there is good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, we will not walk therein. Also I sent watchmen over you, saying, hearken to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, we will not hearken. Notice what's going on, what's being described in this chapter. It's just a continual rejection of God. God's seeing what's going on. He's getting mad. He's sending a watchman. He's sent the word of God unto them. He's trying to reach them. He's getting angry, and they're just saying, no, no, no. And they keep rejecting God as a nation, rejecting God, rejecting God. Verse 18, therefore. Therefore, hear, O ye nations, and know, O congregation, what is among them. Hear, O earth, behold, I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their own thoughts. Now, hopefully some of you are beginning to see the correlation between this chapter and Romans 1. There's a rejection, a rejection, a rejection of God. And then God gives them over. God finally gives them up. And then you're finally seeing that they're being given, what, over to the fruit of their own thoughts. They're being given over to a reprobate mind. I will get, and he says, behold, I bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their own thoughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, nor to my law, but rejected it. And as much as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind. They did not want to hearken unto his words, but rejected it. Therefore, he rejected them. Therefore, verse 21, thus saith the Lord, behold, I will lay stumbling blocks before this people. I'll make them fall on purpose. I will trip them up, is what he's saying. And the fathers and the sons together shall fall upon them, and the neighbor and his friend shall perish. Now, obviously, again, Jeremiah 6 is a very literal thing. This is something that happened that's done with the judgment of the daughters of Zion, of that southern kingdom of Judah, Benjamin and Judah. But there is the spiritual application, okay, of the fact that people who exhibit these same traits of rejecting God, committing abomination, rejecting God, are people who are rejected by God himself. The same pattern that we see in Jeremiah chapter 6, and go over to Romans chapter 1, you know we were going there, you should probably already have a finger on Romans. How did you not know we were turning to Romans 1 this morning? The same pattern is found in the New Testament, and we won't go at length through Romans 1 because we've done it so many times. But look at Romans chapter 1. Well, we're going to have to look at some of it. In fact, we're probably just going to end up reading the whole thing. I'm just being honest. But I love Romans 1. It's not a labor to me. It's one of my favorites. You know what? Because it's got great verses about preaching the gospel, and it's got the people that we should preach to and the people that aren't worth wasting your breath on. Verse 16, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God and the salvation to everyone that believeth to do first and also to the Greek. But that's a great verse on soul winning. We've been preaching about that just recently. But let's also look at verse 18, the latter half. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and the righteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness. Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them, for the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen. Right? Verse 21, because that when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God. You know, that reminds me a lot of the people of Jeremiah 6. They're hearing the word of the Lord, and they're not accepting it. They're rejecting Him. They knew God, but they did not glorify Him as God. Verse 24, wherefore. You know, they didn't want to glorify God, just like the therefores in Jeremiah 6. There's a wherefore in Romans chapter 1. Wherefore God also gave them up to the uncleanness to the rust of their own hearts. Right? Jeremiah, He gave them over to the lust of their own minds. To dishonor their bodies between themselves who changed the truth of God into a lie and worship to serve the creature more than the Creator who was blessed forever, amen. For this cause. Wherefore, for this cause. You see, God rejects people for a reason. And I think this is where Christians struggle on this doctrine. Because they just have it in their minds because, you know, Christians, I'm not saying we're perfect, but I'm saying most Christians are good people. In fact, most people, you know, and I'm not saying in a sense that they're holy before God. We understand that there's none good, no, not one. But I'm saying that they're decent, moral people who are not malicious, malevolent, evil, wicked people who are trying to harm others. They don't love violence. That's the majority of people. You know, Christians are in that category. You know, and because of that, they just, we kind of naturally just assume that everyone's like us. That we're not out to just harm people. That we care about others. So when we hear about the fact that God rejects some people, that God hates and despises some people, we think, well, why would God hate anybody? Because I understand all our sinners, but people are generally good. You know, that's a philosophy that's out there, that man is inherently good. You know, which is false. Man is inherently wicked. Okay, that's another sermon. Right? But we assume that people are like us. That they just want to live a godly life, that they just want to, you know, keep their head down, do their thing, and just enjoy their life and do good unto others. Right? Because that's how most people are. Even the unsaved. A lot of them. But what we need to understand is that there are wicked people that hate God. There are men of corrupt minds in this world who have been rejected by God. They hate you. We'll see that in a minute. They hate God, and they love violence. That's what you have to understand. These are the types of people that are being rejected by God. People who despise the word of God. They do not delight in it. It's a reproach unto them. Who will change the image of the incorruptible God unto a corruptible, you know, figure, unto like a bird or a beast. They don't want God to be God. They don't want to retain God in their knowledge. They hate God. That's who God's rejecting. And that's what Christians who struggle with this need to understand. Because I think a lot of times that's where their struggle is. They're just assuming everybody's like them. Because they watch too much will and grace. They watch too much Ellen DeGeneres. They watch too much, you know, whatever fag is being promoted in the mainstream. I mean, there's probably a whole list of them out there, aren't there? I just quoted some from like back in the day. Right? But I'm sure there's lots of new ones. You know, they've been watching too much Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. They're the home remodel guy. They're watching too much of these these homos and fags. And by the way, let me just stop for a minute and we'll get there. Fag is a biblical term. It's biblical for me to say it. It's not in the Bible, but I believe it. It's biblical for me to say that that term fag, which is a term that I love. That's why it just flows so effortlessly off my lips. Fag. What was I saying? Fag. Amen. I'm glad it flows so effortlessly off your lips too. But what I was saying is that, you know, Christians struggle with the fact that there's people out there like this in the world. Because what? They've been watching too much of the agenda. They've had the message shoved in their face, you know, when they went and watched the Star Wars movie or whatever. Marvel Comics Super Bureau. I mean, aren't those all filled with homos in them now? Don't they have like a bunch of homos in all the mainstream movies? And people are just slowly being desensitized to that stuff. So then you get up and say, no, these are the worst filth in the world. God hates them. You're like, well, I just don't understand. It's because you don't know them in real life. You know, and even the ones you do in real life, they don't just come out and just blatantly express, you know, their hatred for God and anything good and decent in the world. You know, they're trying to pull the wool over your eyes just as much as anybody else and just act like they don't want to talk about all the partners they've had and how they're just filled with disease. I mean, just go do the studies for yourself, folks. Go look at the CDC website. These people are filled with disease. Remember the AIDS epidemic in the 80s? It was originally called GRID. You know, it was the gay autoimmune deficiency or whatever it was called GRIDS. They're saying this is affecting the fags. That's not what they said. That's what I'm saying. It's affecting the fags of this world. It's because that's what they're really like. It's not the person on the television. It's not Will and Grace. I wish I had newer references for you, but I'm glad I don't. That's what these people are like. That's what Christians struggle with. And look at verse 28. For this cause, it says in verse 26, God gave them up unto vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise the men, leaving the natural use of the one, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly. So there's no question what we're talking about here. And receiving in cells that recompense of their error which was meet. Saying they deserved what they got coming. Which is verse 28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge. So remember, who started it with the reprobate? They did. They did not like to retain God in their knowledge. The word of God was reproach unto them. And even as they did that, therefore, wherefore, for this cause, God gave them over to what? A reprobate mind. A mind that has been rejected. Corrupt mind. That is incapable of receiving the truth. And is capable of doing what? To do those things which are not convenient. All the things we just talked about. Leaving the natural use of the opposite gender to burn in their lust towards the same gender. Being filled. And notice everything they're filled with. And it's not saying that they exhibit some of these qualities. Some are this way. It's like, no, they all have all of these things. Every last one of them is filled with what? Unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers, backbiters, haters of God. Well, I can't believe God would hate anybody. Well, they hate him. Well, God can't return the favor. God's just supposed to sit there and just be hated because he's just so loving. Well, I guess you're more loving than God. That you're going to love somebody that hates God. They hate God, despiteful, proud, boasters. Isn't that interesting? Proud. Talk about irony. Boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents without understanding, covenant breakers without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful. Proud. I mean, talk about irony. People who want to use the rainbow flag, which was a sign of God's judgment upon the earth because it was filled with what? Violence. That's where the rainbow came from, remember? After he flooded the earth and destroyed it because it was filled with violence, people violating each other. And God destroyed it and said, well, I won't do that again. Here's a rainbow. We all think it's not about a pot of gold. It's not a good sign. If that's not what the rainbow is, it's not about your lucky charms. It's about God's wrath having been poured out upon the earth. That God gets angry. And that's what they, that's the flag they've taken up, just wave. Pride! And God says, pride, arrogance in the evil way, I hate. They're just waving it in God's face. They're not at all ashamed. It's like, keep on waving it, buddy. You're just digging your own grave. Just keep on waving. Just make that, make hell a little bit hotter for you. Verse 32, who knowing the judgment of God. Now, think about that. It says these people know the judgment of God. Do you know why, you know why, you'll say, no, brother Corbin, you seem like you're a little triggered this morning. You seem upset. Well, you know, this is a time and place for this. We're here, God's people and God's house on the Lord's day, Sunday, preaching through the Bible. You know, yeah, I'm getting fired up about it. But you know what? I'm not so triggered by these people that I'm going to encourage all of us to rally and we're going to go protest them. You notice how we never do that? How we just kind of do our thing here? But you ever notice how they just can't stand it that we're here doing this? That's why even right now, Pastor Shelley over at Step Fast Baptist Church, the protesters are back. Remember how they got him thrown out of his building and now he's got a new one? Man and a boo boo. Now they're protesting again. That's why they're bombing, they want to bomb a church. Like they did over at First Works in L.A. That's why they want to protest all of these churches, right? You say, why do they do that? How can we don't go protest them? Because I'm not triggered by them. You know, I'm going to preach a sermon and I'm going to have a doughnut afterwards. We're going to talk, laugh, drink a cup of coffee, probably get some In-N-Out on the way home and have a nice, relaxing afternoon. Others are going to go out and win some souls to Christ and we're going to probably totally forget about these people after I get done ranting and raving. And we'll all get it off our chest until the next sermon, right? But you know, we're not going to all gather together and go down there like a lynch mob and try to run these people out of town like they do. What's the difference? It's because they know the judgment of God just as well as we do. They hear this, that's why the word of God is reproach unto them, they have no delight in it because they hear this preaching, they hear this word of God and they know it's true that everything the Bible says about them is accurate, that they are filled with all of these things and that the only thing they have waiting for them is hell. That's why they, knowing the judgment of God, that's why they're so triggered. That's why they can't stand it because we're right. They'll never say, oh yeah, you're right. They'll never admit that. But they know it. Because they have the law of God written in their hearts just as much as anybody else. Read Romans 2. They have the law of God written in their hearts which just show the work of God written in their hearts. Show the law of God written in their hearts. Their own conscience that meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another. It's right there in the next chapter. That's why who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death not only do the same but have pleasure in them that do them. They know what they got coming. And here's what I want us to understand is that this hatred between the reprobate and God is mutual. Hopefully you caught that this morning. That the fag and his, the fag's hatred for God is mutual. Now I said earlier I would clear up the fag thing. So, you know, let's go to 2 Peter, go to 2 Peter chapter number 2 and I'm going to show you that me using that word fag, you know, is accurate. And maybe I'm being a little cheeky with this but you know what, sue me. 2 Peter chapter number 2. Now I'll remind us of Jude 1 which is a parallel passage. And Jude 1 is a great, another great, in fact you're right there. So just go over to Jude. 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, Jude. You're at 2 Peter, 1st, 2nd, 3rd John, Jude. And look at verse 7. I'm keeping something in 2nd Peter. It says even, verse 7, even as Sodom and Gomorrah. So here we are deep in the New Testament because correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't Revelation come next? Isn't that literally like, we're in the second to last book of the Bible. And God, and people say well, you know, you're reading Jeremiah 6 and that's the Old Testament. You know, Leviticus, that's the Old Testament. Well here we are in Jude. And God is referring back to Sodom and Gomorrah. And everyone knows what Sodom and Gomorrah is like. Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about like them, giving them over to fornication and going after strange flesh. You know, that which is not convenient, men with men, it's talking about sodomy. Strange flesh are set forth an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. So that's what God's mind has not changed on the subject. He says this is the example. They are set forth for an example. The men of Sodom and Gomorrah are set forth. And you say, why did they do that? One, because they were, God, they deserved the wrath of God. But God also included it in the scripture. Because God has poured out his wrath in other wicked cities like that and it's not recorded in scripture. Pompeii, that Roman city was destroyed by a volcano, was another modern day Sodom and Gomorrah of its time. Okay, and there's been other, there's other stories like that throughout history. Sodom and Gomorrah happened because they were deserving of the wrath of God. And it's recorded in scripture for us to read about today in 2022. Because Sodom and Gomorrah is set forth as an example unto us. So that we can look at the New Testament and say, what does God think about these fags? Sodom and Gomorrah. And what did he do there? He burned it to the ground and destroyed them. And they're suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. You know, they were burned alive with fire and brimstone and then went to hell. Okay, that's the eternal fire. And that's why fag is biblical. Because that's what a fag is. A fag is like a bundle of sticks that you would burn. Okay. Go to 2 Peter, where I had you, in 2 Peter chapter 2, verse 12. Talking about false prophets, right? Verse 1 it says, but there were false prophets also among the people. So it's the context of false prophets who were also reprobate. Okay. And it says in verse 12, but these as natural brute beasts. He's saying, what's a natural brute beast? A natural brute beast is an animal. That's what a beast is. But he's saying they're as natural brutes. There is beasts that are naturally beasts. They're like that big, dumb dog. Right? And the Bible also calls sodomites dogs. Right? But it's saying here that these as natural brute beasts. As they're like big, dumb animals. They're like an ox. They're like a cow. They're just a big, dumb animal. They are what? Made to be taken and destroyed. So that's what they're going to, you know, like a, like you would take a big brute beast. Like you would take an ox and slaughter it. And destroy it. That's what these people are like. They're like an animal that's made to be taken and destroyed. That's all they're good for. To just be slaughtered. And how does God slaughter them? We just read it in Jude. Suffering the eternal, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. It's going to burn them in hell forever. That's why I call them facts. Because you know over in like England, you know what they call them? They call it a fag. Right? Can I bum a fag? Right? I'm not talking about that. You know, I'm talking about the cigarette. That's what they would say. Right? We don't call it that. Now what do you do with, now what is a cigarette made for? It's made to be taken and burned with fire. And when you burn something with fire, you do what? You destroy it. Right? It's not, it's turned to ash. And it's a bundle. It's turned to ash. And it's a bundle. Right? And I thought of this because I saw this really great illustration of this. In Romans chapter 1, well, let me just give you the example. Okay, so you have the Bible showing us that these brute beasts are going to be taken and destroyed. They're going to be destroyed with fire. That's why fag is biblical. Okay? That's my argument. Because some people will say, you shouldn't say fag in a puppet. Well, you know what? I'm going to go ahead and say it. Back, back, back, back, back. And they are made to be taken and destroyed like you would a cigarette. And I, you know, I saw a great illustration. I was at the gas station earlier this week. And this fag came and he said, how do you know it's a fag? Well, he was wearing a shirt that said, had a fist like this, you know, like on a shirt and a big rainbow flag. Remember that flag that I was just talking about that represents God's judgment? That they don't even understand? That rainbow flag? They'll say, oh, it's diversity. I was like, well, that's an ironic flag that you chose. They had that on there and then it said something like, strong. And he's just walking around and just looking at everybody. And he walked and just locked eyes with me and I saw that shirt and I just locked eyes with him. And I was just like, say something. Because I was hoping he saw the Faithful Word Church. It was parked right out front. I was like, say something. And I got in and he was parked right next to me and I waited. I was like, just come say something. Please say something. But you know how these fags are. They're cowards. When they're alone, they're scared. They can wear a shirt that says they're big and strong, but they're not. But you know what he was in the gas station for? He was buying some fags. He was buying cigarettes. And I thought, that's perfect. I mean, it's a fag buying fags. And just like he's going to take a cigarette, a fag out of that pack, that bundle of fags, and burn it until it's destroyed, so is God going to do unto him. That's why I didn't need to start anything. But if he started something, I was going to start something. I was going to follow it up. Because I'm like, well, I already know God's going to take you with all your little fags because he's not just going to pull one of you out. He's going to take that whole bundle of cigarettes, all those fags, all bundled together, and just dump them into the furnace called hell. And they're going to be burned with eternal violence. So that's why fag is a biblical term, in my opinion. Okay, and that's an opinion. But it's mine, and I'm going to keep preaching it. So did I have to go to 2 Timothy chapter 3? I know I've got to wrap this up. I promised I wasn't going to get ranty, or it said I was going to try not to. I don't think I promised that. I think the words, I promise, never came out of my mouth. It's kind of hard not to rant when you get on the subject. But I was making the point that these fags, their hatred for God is mutual. These men of corrupt minds. And let me just point out this as well, because you say, well, that's between them and God. No, they hate you too. They hate you. They hate anybody that loves God. They hate the man with the woman, man and woman for life, bearing children. They despise that. Anyone living a monogamous life, a godly, righteous life, living just a Christian life in all godliness and honesty, they despise it. They can't stand it. They want to destroy it. That's why they wanted to corrupt marriage. Do you think them getting married was about them so that they could be bound one to another in holy matrimony to death do they part? Do you think that's what it was about? It was about corrupting the institution of marriage. That's all it was about. Because I guarantee you these fags that got married, they kept sleeping around. It's just what they do. Because they're dumb, brute beasts. They'll sleep with anything that has a pulse and some things that don't. That's what they're like. That's not at all what it was about. It was about destroying that which is good and wholesome because they hate everything that's good and wholesome. And that's why I'm preaching this. Not just because it's the first Sunday in June. That's just a good time on the calendar to just mark it down. I don't think it was just the donuts that brought everybody to church this morning. We've got kind of a full house in here. Everyone managed to make it to church because they know. Deacon's been saying June's coming. But this is a good time to preach it. Why you need to preach this is because I want you to understand these people hate you. And they hate God. Look at 2 Timothy 3 verse 1. This know also in the last days perilous times shall come for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedience to parents, unthankful, I mean it's the Romans 1 list all over again, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, and despisers of those that are good. They despise those that are good. Good people. They hate them. And it goes on and on. And notice verse 7. They're ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. That is the definition of a reprobate. Somebody who's been given over to a reprobate mind. Ever learning, hearing the gospel, understanding the gospel, and never able to come into the knowledge of the truth. Never able to be saved because they've been rejected. Now as Janus and Jamborees, verse 8, withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth, men of corrupt minds. That's where you get the title. Reprobate concerning the faith. So 2 Timothy 3 is another iteration of these types of people. Another litany of the sins that these people are filled with. And it tells us at the end, it tells us not only do they hate us. Romans 1 tells us they hate God. And the feeling's mutual. But then it tells us that they hate those that are good. And you know, if you're here this morning and you're saved, you're good. I'm assuming, you know, there's no Judases in here. Everyone in here is saved and loves the Lord and loves the Bible. Loves the things of God. They despise you. It's not just between them and God. I mean, they've got their own issues with God. And believe me, God's going to work it out for them just fine. They're not going to like how it ends up. What we need to be reminded of is that they despise us. They hate our guts. If they had it their way, this church would not exist. No church like this would exist. They would rip my tongue out if they could. And by the way, that's what they're going to have to do to keep me from preaching this. Is tear my tongue out or take my life. One or the other. Because I'm going to keep preaching it. And I don't care how many buildings they take away from us and our friends. I don't care how many bombs they throw through. I don't care how many death threats. How much, you know, vile imagery they want to send. How many wicked things and phone calls they want to say and leave. And everything else that they do, the loving people, these fags. I'm going to keep on preaching it. And not just in June, by the way. I should preach this every Sunday. But they're reprobate concerning the safe. And why? Because they hate us. And here's what I want to get across this morning is that they hate God, right? And the feelings mutual between them and God. They hate God. God hates them. I think I proved that this morning. But understand they are despisers of those that are good. The feelings should be mutual between us and them. And I can speak, speaking for myself, that is the case. If you haven't picked up on that yet. Just let me come out and just in case I haven't made, you haven't caught my drift this morning. I hate fags. I wish they would all die and go to hell today. And I have no problem saying that. Obviously, I just said it. And I mean it. I'm saying it publicly and to whoever else is listening and whoever else will listen. I'm not worried about me. I'm worried about all the other Christians and hopefully that's nobody in this room. And if that's you, if you're struggling with this doctrine, I'm not mad at you, I'm not upset. I'm just trying to get you to understand that they hate you. And you pandering and feeling sorry for them and coddling them is pointless. Because they hate your guts. Which is why I don't call them gay by the way. You call them whatever you want. It drives me nuts when I hear Christians call fags gay. Because I'm gay. You hear what I said? I said I'm gay. You know what, and I see a lot of the people out there this morning, you're gay too. You're smiling right now. You know why I mean? Because you're happy. Who in here is happy this morning? A bunch of gay people. You're all gay. But you're not fags. You know, they want to take a term that means happy and apply it to themselves because they have a need to persuade. No, we're gay, we're happy. No, you're the most miserable people on the face of the earth. And they are. They're unsatisfied, they're incontinent, they're fierce, they're implacable, they can't be placated. They don't have no contentment. I know I gotta close. And I'm trying to make the point this morning, it should be mutual. These men have corrupt minds. They cannot, there's nothing to love about the reprobate. You know, and we could go to Psalms 139 if you're struggling with, I don't think we should hate anybody. There's a whole song in Psalms 139 that is literally sung about hating them. Surely thou will slay the wicked. Depart from me, therefore ye bloody men. That's a chapter out of the word of God. Do not I hate them, O Lord that hate thee. You know, hopefully that's a song you can sing in your heart this morning. I got done writing this sermon and I just, I was singing it, no one to get ready. Do not I hate them, O Lord that. And I was gay singing it. I was happy. I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies. That's what David said about these reprobates. I hate them with perfect hatred, meaning complete, utter, total hatred. There's no, there's no, if my hatred were a pie chart, it's the whole pie chart. It's the whole pie that is hatred. There's not even a sliver of sympathy or empathy or any of that. The problem with a lot of Christians is, their pie chart is like, there's a bunch of, there might be some hatred in there, but then there's this other big sliver called apathy. Where they're just like, I hate them but I don't want to say anything. You know, that's a lot of preachers today. There's like this, the majority of the pie chart, like I can't spread my hands far enough to make up their portion of apathy in that pie chart of hatred. That's not David's problem, and hopefully it's no one in the problem in here. He says, I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies. And then he sings this, he sings this, search me, O God. We know that, we sing this song too. Search me, O God, and know my heart today. You know, whoever wrote that kind of skipped by those first few verses and just went right to that. Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts today. And there's more to that where he sings this. This, you know, about being searched by God, knowing my hearts. You know when David said that, it was after he just got done saying, I hate them with perfect hatred, I count them mine enemies. Search me, O God, and know my heart. I mean, think about what he's saying there. He's saying, I hate these people. Check it out, God. Check out how much I hate people that hate you. That's what he's saying. And I'm preaching this morning to try to get you to feel the same. Because I have to preach it because they took down my sermon called, Hate the Homo, where I preach pretty much the same thing. Where I was trying to teach you how to hate, why you should hate homos. And really, I don't think I have to teach people why. I think I just have to put people at ease with, it's okay to hate them. Because people, I think, even people who are not independent, fundamental, fire-breathing, King James, new IP, Baptist, they hate them. They just are disgusted by them. Even people that yoke up with them at their rallies and their parades that are just there to just show their support, just so they don't get, they're not their next target of their hatred. They just don't want to be persecuted by them next. They're just like, oh, let me just go there. Secretly, they hate them. They want nothing to do with them. Your family with that gay relative, whoops, that fag relative. You know, they're all, a lot of them in their own hearts, they hate that person. We got to have them around because we don't want to be considered bigots. We don't want to be considered hateful. David didn't have a problem with it. I hate them, search me, oh God. You know, hopefully we can say that today. Because we have to understand, again, there's nothing not to hate. There's no reason to love them. They cannot be one to God. They hate God. They hate you. They're men of corrupt minds. If you would, just go to Revelation 22, I'll close there, I promise. They cannot be one to God. Why? It says in Titus 1, under the pure are all things pure, but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure. Nothing is pure unto them. They're defiled and unbelieving. Their mind and conscience is defiled. Their mind is defiled. They're men of corrupt minds. There's nothing pure unto them. It's pointless to try to win these people to God. They are inherently corrupt through and through. 1 Timothy 6, verse 3, it says, If any man teach otherwise and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the doctrine which is according to godliness, he is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, where have cometh envy and strife, railings, evil surminings, perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, destitute of the truth, it says. And destitute of the truth. They're reprobate. They're corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness. From such withdraw thyself. You know, people have corrupt minds that are reprobate, that are destitute from the truth. We're to withdraw ourselves from them. But what do you have today? Just baptism. Oh, oh, oh, please come in, please. We love you here. You're welcome. It says withdraw yourself. It should be the opposite. Get out. You're not welcome. Never. In a million years will you be welcome in this church. No reprobates allowed. No fags allowed. Dogs not allowed. And by dogs, I mean the sodomite. The price of a dog. You should not bring a dog into the house of the Lord. Beware of dogs. Beware of the concision. Right? Now when I bring our pug here on Mondays to clean the building, that is allowed. That's not the kind of dog it's talking about. I had to go to Revelation chapter 22, right? Here's what I want you to get across. And I think probably everybody in the room this morning gets this. I don't know that this really applies to anybody. But just in case. It's June. Let's just preach it. Just in case. Just make sure. Let's shore ourselves up on this. But maybe there is. I don't know. That someone who's just got this little bleeding heart. Their pie chart of hatred is not full. It's not a perfect hatred. You know, they feel bad for the fag. And there might even be people. In fact, we know there's people in this world that are just tripping all over themselves and just reaching out to these people that are ministering to these people. I mean, what was that guy a few years back with Bob Gray Sr. Johnny Nixon, was it? Born That Way Ministries. They're talking about how these fags are just eunuchs. It didn't make any sense. And they want to put these fags, these open, professing faggots into the children's ministries. And I'm saying in a Baptist church. In an independent, fundamental Baptist church saying, let's bring the fags in and put them in the children's ministries. What kind of backwards, upside-down world are we living in? It's a Sodom and Gomorrah. It's just coming upon us in this country. So excuse me if I go a little long this morning and take the time to try and shake us out of this. Because the world has gone crazy. I mean, unless I'm the only one, am I the only one? Am I taking crazy pills? Would you slip in my coffee this morning, honey? Would you put some crazy juice in there? To make me all, I'm the one that's nuts. When Baptists are saying let's bring fags in and have them minister to children. It's insane. And that's why I'm preaching this. Because I don't want anyone in this room to waste their precious time reaching out to people who God has just explicitly made clear in His word that He has rejected them. He's rejected them. Don't waste your time on these people. God's rejected the reprobates of this world. That's what it means to be a reprobate. Look at Revelation 22, and let me tell you something. Your time is precious. You only have so many years on this earth. And we know not what a day shall bring forth. None of us knows what shall be on the morrow. Revelation 22 verse 7, Behold, I come quickly. Jesus said that back in John's day. Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book. Blessed is he that keeps the sayings that are written in this book. And you know what? That goes for all of them. Jeremiah 6, Romans 1, all of them. Everything I read to you this morning. Blessed is he that keeps it and believes it. And I just saw these things and heard them. When I heard and seen, I fell down to worship before his feet of the angel that showed me these things. Then saith the unto me, See, thou do it not. For I am my fellow servant of thy brethren the prophets and of them which keep the sayings of this book. Worship God. And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book. For the time is at hand. Jesus is saying, Look, I'm coming quickly. The time is at hand. Boy, that sounds pretty imminent, doesn't it? It sounds like he's kind of putting the screws to us a little bit. Hey, I'm coming quickly. My reward is with me to give every man according to his works. I'm coming quickly. The time is at hand. Okay, you got our attention. What does he want to tell us? Verse 11, He that is unjust, let him be unjust still. He which is filthy, let him be filthy still. He's saying, Don't waste your time on these people. And he that is righteous, let him be righteous still. The time is coming. The time is at hand. I'm just going to keep being righteous. I'm going to keep living for God. I'm going to keep preaching the prophecies of this book. I'm going to keep these sayings and I'm not going to waste a moment of my time trying to minister to people that God has said, Let them just stay filthy. That's what they are. They're rejected. Just let them stay that way. Why waste your time? And he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according to his works shall be. You know, I don't want to dwell on these reprobates any more than I have to. For better or worse. And I know it came across like I was having some fun this morning. And I was. You know, this isn't something that I want to get up and preach all the time. You know, it's something that needs to be preached, you know, more and more. And a lot more pulpits than just this one and the handful of others that we know of. It needs to be being preached from every pulpit in America. And I'm not holding my breath on that, by the way. But what I am saying is, you know what, we're righteous, we're just going to stay righteous. We're holy, we're just going to stay holy here. And those that are filthy, they can just go ahead and stay filthy. And I just don't want anyone in this room to get caught up. And brainwashed by the rest of these fag-loving idiots in this world. And thinking that there's some reason to reach out and extend them an olive branch of some kind. You extend them an olive branch, you're going to take your arm off. Because they're implacable. I would like to extend them some other things. I won't go into that. Lest I be accused of inciting violence. But you know what, we don't have to take violence on these people. They'll do it to us. Last I checked, we were the ones that were being bombed. Christians. We're the ones that were assembling a mob that would tear people that we know limb from limb if they could. They were the ones that had to have police barricades put up. It seems to me like they're the ones that are more into the physical violence. It's the fags and these atheists that are doing all the school shootings. Last I checked. All these psychotic, psychopathic, serial killers, they're all fags. It seems to me like the Bible is right that they're full of murder and malignity. They're the violent ones. I don't have to take violence because God's going to take vengeance on them. And God's going to do a whole lot worse to them than I ever could. And I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show. That's all I'm going to do. But in the meantime, I'm not going to waste a minute of my time any more than I have to thinking about, talking about, and dead sure trying to minister to a bunch of people who have rejected God. A bunch of people who the Bible says that God hates because they are what? Because they are men of corrupt minds. Let's go ahead and pray. Dear Lord, again, thank you for the Bible. Thank you for all of the Bible. Thank you for just the bluntness of the word of God that you don't sugarcoat anything for us. Lord, I pray you'd help us to never be people that try to apologize what the Bible says. And Lord, that we help us to take a stand on this issue today, not only in this church, but in our personal lives. And Lord, I pray that you'd help us to just continue to serve you with the time that we have effectively on those that are out there in this world that are ready, willing, and able to receive the gospel. And to help us to withdraw from others who only despise and hate you and us. We ask in Christ's name, Amen. Alright, that'll do it for this morning. We'll sing one more song before we go. Let's go to Psalm 145. Psalm 145. Let's go to Psalm 145. For I was always sinning, and ever tried to pray. But when I looked at it, and saw such pain and growth, I still knew that I would settle. I settled long ago, long ago, long ago, long ago. Yes, the only thing that settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago. And in the now behold my Savior's soul, my God, I see redemption so real, and praise Him for His love. I'll not forget the good, with ages quite as so, Because I made it so, I settled long ago, long ago, long ago, Yes, the only thing that settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago. Oh, Savior, trust the Lord, becomes the Lord of sins, For there is sin and no remedy for you to later live, The man who makes you live, the one who gives the Lord, The man who makes you live. It's settled long ago, long ago, long ago, Yes, the only thing that settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago. And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air, When the only help was settled long ago, long ago, And the records played today, for he washed my sins of air,