(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Each child is a daughter and she is free. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. Sweet home, Lord, happy and free. Fair lady, come rest on your feet. The beautiful heaven must be free. In heaven, Lord, you're free. The nation of us is free. God's light is already shining. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. Sweet home, Lord, happy and free. Fair lady, come rest on your feet. The beautiful heaven must be free. The waters of life, they're not moving. They don't want you to be free. They're just a step away from home. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. Sweet home, Lord, happy and free. Fair lady, come rest on your feet. The beautiful heaven must be free. The angels so sweetly are singing. Up there, the beautiful sea. Sweet home, Lord, you're free. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. Sweet home, Lord, happy and free. Fair lady, come rest on your feet. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. The beautiful heaven must be free. Sing it out. Jesus, we will hear your voice. Fills the vicious mountain, Free to all of evil stream. Fills the foulest mountain, Where the lost and the lost Be thy glory ever. Till my wretched soul shall die, Let's be long forever. Hear the passage of your song, From heaven still and near, Where the bright and boring sun Sh Till my wretched soul shall die, Let's be long forever. May the cross of heaven bow, The message before me, Let me love you day to day, Let me share your story. May the cross, may the cross, Be thy glory ever. Till my wretched soul shall die, Let's be long forever. Hear the passage of your song, From heaven still and near, Till my wretched soul shall die, Let's be long forever. May the cross, may the cross, Be thy glory ever. Till my wretched soul shall die, Let's be long forever. In the upper left hand side, we'll be back tonight at 5.30, and then again this Thursday at 7, we'll be in Genesis chapter number 20, and we have the soul winning times below that, as well as the salvations and the baptisms, and the attendance metrics, and then the offerings for both month and year. Don't forget next Sunday at 10 a.m., we're going to be having donuts, and everybody's celebrating in the month of June, so come on out for that, and again, as always, if your name has not been included in the bulletin thus far, when it comes to birthdays or anniversaries, you just need to let me know, and I'll make sure I get that in there. Also, below that, just a quick note of caution. Obviously, I think we're breaking the triple digits this week. We're going to start getting into that. Let me just break it to you right now. It's going to happen. You live in Tucson. I'm dealing with a pretty intense sunburn myself, so I took the day off on Friday because I had a problem with my shoulder, so I kind of said, well, this is a convenient four-day weekend, and I thought, well, I'll take the kids to the pool and kind of work it out. Well, that worked, but then I left, and I totally forgot that when you spend two hours in the pool with no sunscreen or anything in Arizona, you're going to feel it, so if you're wondering what's wrong with me, it's because I'm just walking around constantly in pain right now, all right? Yeah, anyway, but I thought, hey, this is probably a good time then to remind everybody to not be like me. Don't be like me in this regard. Mark the end of my conversation, right, and follow the faith, but when it comes to sun safety, I might not be the guy, but the points that are in here are good points to follow. Note to self, okay? Stay hydrated, obviously. Always be drinking water. Now, I'm pretty sure everybody here knows all this, but you don't want to drink too much water either. You can actually flush out electrolytes in your system, but I think what I heard at a recent safety meeting was you should drink so many ounces of water every 15 minutes or something like that, so I don't know how feasible that really is in reality, but anyway, you're all adults here for the most part. You know what you're doing. Salt your food. That's another big one. It's part of the reason why I've got two bags of tortilla chips, and then the salsa's just there because it's awesome, right, but the fridge is stocked with water, coconut water, Gatorade, Waterloo's. There's two jars of salsa. There's chips, and that's, you know, anyone who needs it, obviously, is welcome to any of it, but we want to kind of save some of those things for people that are going out, soul-winning on the Saturdays and Sundays and other days throughout the week so they can come back and kind of replenish themselves or take some of that stuff, you know, those drinks, those beverages in the field, so as far as, you know, the Gatorade and the coconut water, if we could try and reserve that for soul-winners, unless, obviously, if you're coming in and you need electrolytes, you know, you're just coming in in a midweek service, and you've been working all day, and you just need it by all means, but what I don't want to have happen is just kids grabbing Gatorade. You know, they're going to drink all the red Gatorade, you know, just because they like the way it tastes or something. It's there for people that need it, the soul-winners, so on and so forth. Break into the chips anytime you want. We might just break them out tonight just because, but I'll always have that. I'll try to have that stuff available throughout, you know, these triple-digit months so you guys can, you know, rest assured that when you come back, you don't have to go somewhere else to try and replenish your system, so take the breaks as you need, especially if you're going out in a time when the church van's available. You know, don't ever be shy. Just start in the van up, sit in the air conditioning as needed, getting in the shade. Take breaks when you're out there. We'll get more done in the long run if you don't pass out and we have to call an ambulance or something. And then the one I've highlighted here, if you notice, is stay with your partner. If somebody ever expresses to you that they're feeling light-headed or they need to take a break, don't leave that person. Like, stay with them. Maybe call whoever's ever got the church van or has a vehicle and kind of be, you know, if it seems like they need to just stop, then just stop, you know. You can always just come back another time. But don't leave your partner and be like, well, you know, I'm just so spiritual that I, you know, I'm going to let you just perish so that I can go save other people, right, from hell. You know, you're just going to go to heaven anyway, bud. All right, so what's the big deal, right? There's people going to hell right now, okay? But we don't want to be that spiritual, okay? Anyway, and I'm kind of making jokes about all this, but, you know, these are just basic points that obviously some of us need to be reminded of when things start to heat up. Some of us kind of just get absent-minded and just forget about these things and end up miserable for several days. Anyway, speaking of soul winning, there is a small town soul winning trip to Clifton, Arizona coming up next, this next weekend. So this is this Friday, Saturday, I believe. Is that how that works? Yes, so if you want, this is obviously through the Tempe group, but if that's something you want to do, if you ever want to get involved in these, just let me know. You can go up there. I don't think Clifton is that much higher of elevation, so you probably won't be getting out of the heat that much, but you might want to pay attention to some of these throughout the summer and try to plan ahead a little bit because there might be some that kind of might get you up into the pines and out of this heat, but those are always available to the folks down here, so that's why I mentioned them. And also on the back, don't forget the big soul winning marathon of the Grand Canyon. This is always a great turnout. A lot of people come to this. If you can make it, I understand things come up, stuff like that. We can't always make these things, but this would probably be one. Mark down your calendar. Go see the Grand Canyon. Go do some soul winning out on the Navajo reservation and have lots of great fellowship because there's going to be plenty of people from Tempe, and I know some of the folks down here are planning to go. Again, as always, we pay for your meals, pay for your lodging, pay for your transportation, so this is a great kind of little in-state summer vacation you could take as a family, get some soul winning in, and see the Grand Canyon. And also on the back, or on the bottom, or beneath that, rather, the annual mega conference coming up towards the end of the summer. You guys know how that works here. There'll be a preacher in Tempe, a guest preacher, every Sunday and Wednesday through July 14th to August 7th. I'll have a more specific calendar or list of preachers, who's preaching when, an itinerary is what I'm trying to say, when those dates get closer. And continue to pray for the expectant ladies in our church, Mrs. Lamb, I guess I forgot to edit this one. Mrs. Lamb is no longer new, she did have her baby, but do continue to pray for her and her family. I'm hearing good news, so it sounds like everybody's pulling through on that one, so praise God that that's working out well, all things considered. I'm sure it's tough, it's hard on everybody, and again, appreciate all the ladies and everybody else that's helping with the meals during this time. That's a huge blessing, I'm sure, to not have to think about that in light of everything else they've got going on. And then just continue to pray for several people in our church. I know there's a couple people that are out sick today, Brother Adam, Brother Andrew are both sick, so there might be others as well, but just continue to pray for one another throughout the week. That'll do it for announcements. Let's go ahead and sing one more song before we get into the preaching this morning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .