(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) all right so if you look there in Psalm 19 it says in verse 7 the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple so it's saying here you know God's Word his law his testimony these are word you know words that are can be used to describe you know the Bible itself God's Word his law and testimony is perfect and sure meaning it's complete you can trust it what it has to say is it's all you need to know you know on whatever subject there is in life you know if there's something that you need to know about in life you have the perfect Word of God the work the law the Lord is perfect there's nothing missing God didn't leave something out or forget forget to include something and he didn't have too much either you know there's enough there that we need to concern ourselves with we don't need to add to it either it's perfect and it's sure it's something you can put your trust in and it says there that it has an effect on those that hear it if you notice that the law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul right that's the effect that it has and of course you know this survey isn't about that but we could talk about the fact that you know it's the Bible that gets people say that's what converts the soul is the law of the Lord the Word of God is what has the power to convert the soul but it says it converts a soul and not only that it also says the testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple the title of the sermon this morning making wise the simple and what I want to preach to you about this morning is the subject of child child bearing or discipline specifically you know spanking you know dealing with your kids in that way it's a you know it's a very important topic it's something that we all have to understand and it's something the Bible has a lot to say about it's not something that's just kind of on the you know just kind of there you got to kind of strain to find it the Bible's very discipline our children okay now before I even get into that subject I wanted because it's a negative topic you know it's not a very popular topic but it's it is the Bible nonetheless and you know I'm a Baptist preacher that's what I'm here to do is to preach the Word of God and you can like it or lump it you know people can you know do what they want with it my job is simply to put it out there and let you know what the Bible says about this subject and I want us to point out what I want to point out first of all is that you know God's Word is what makes us wise through both positive and negative reinforcement you know what the title of the sermon is making wise the simple and you know there's different ways you can you can impart wisdom on to somebody and the Bible you know imparts wisdom unto us through you know the positive aspects of it but also that negative aspects of it look there in verse 8 it says the statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart you know it's a very positive thing to think about that you know if we obey God's commandments there's going to be rejoicing it says the command of the Lord is pure enlightening the eyes the fear of the Lord is clean and dory forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether it says more to be desired or they've been gold gave them much fine gold and sweeter and sweeter also than the honeycomb the honey and the honeycomb so these are some very you know positive verses right the rejoicing the enlightening the fact that they're more precious than gold that they're sweeter than honey you know God's Word has a lot of positive things to try and encourage us to obey it but also notice the negative it says in verse 11 moreover by them the statutes of the Lord over by them it is thy servant born there's also a lot of strong warning a lot of negative you know reinforcement in the Bible it's not all just sweetness and light it's also a lot of negative hard things that are in the Bible and in keeping of them is great reward but he uses you know the negative just as much as the positive when he's trying to impart wisdom under the simple and God's more God's Word warns us of disobedience but what happens when we disobey with the hope that we will be wise God says look if you disobey if you don't keep my statutes if you don't keep my commandments you know you you as my servant have been warned here's what's going to happen and the reason why he warns us is so that out of the hopes that we will not have to be disciplined that we will obey and in that process we will be made wise you know we might not understand something we're simple about something we understand God's Word on the topic or subject we're made wise and often that wisdom is parted unto us through you know the you know the threat of punishment from God and you know go over to Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 you see if we do not take heed to the warnings of God's Word we will suffer chastening there's going to be suffering in our life if we ignore the commandments and the statutes of the Lord if we disregard them you know there's going to be consequences negative consequences the Bible says be not deceived God is not mine for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap for he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption this is the simple law in the universe it's just one of God's basic laws that whatever you sow that's what you're gonna reap if you want to disregard the Bible and disregard the statutes and the commandments of God's Word that's you know go ahead but just understand now your certain oh thy servant is you know is warned that there's going to be consequences for that you're not just gonna it's not just as gray area it's not neutral there's no spiritual Sweden in the Christian Christian life so to speak that you are going to be punished for that you're gonna suffer for that because you're not so you're sewing to the flesh you're not sewing to the spirit and the Bible is very clear that God chases us you know he uses negative reinforcement why to make wise the simple it says there in verse Hebrews chapter 12 verse 11 now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous nevertheless afterward it yielded the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby so he's saying look that you know chastening is what brings the peace peaceable fruit of righteousness under those that are chasing those that are exercised thereby wherefore lift up the hands which hang down and the feeble knees and make straight paths for your feet lest that which is lame be turned out of the way but rather rather let it be healed so what he's showing us here is that chastening is beneficial now it says no chasing for the present seemeth to be joyous isn't that the truth you know anyone that's ever been you know physically chasing like the Bible tells us that's not a pleasant you know that's not a pleasant experience or anyone who's ever been chasing by society well that's not there's nothing fun about that you know there's not there's nothing fun being changed it's not fun for the person being chasing but you know it's also not fun for the person doing the chasing you know God gives us all these warnings and these negative reinforcements to try and get us to to be wise so that he can avoid the chasing you know it's no fun you know that and that's why so many parents today they leave off the chasing they don't want to do this thinking they don't want to do it it's not fun for them either they don't have any joy in it but it's necessary because that's what's going to make wise the simple and here's the thing we all start out simple every child in the room is simple and it doesn't mean that you know they're they're dumb or they're stupid it's just they lack the knowledge they lack understanding that comes with time and experience and knowledge and understanding okay and it's our pockets our job as parents you know as as elders as people that you know are involved in these children's lives to impart wisdom under them now obviously the chasing that's the job the parent just by our godly example we could be you know we can instruct the simple that are among us and help them to be wise but the the primary you know application of the sermon this morning is that to make wise the simple view as a parent have to go through that grievous process of chasing your child and for your child to become wise they also have to go through that grievous process of being chasing we need to go through that otherwise you will not be made wise so chasing is beneficial that imparts wisdom unto the chasing now go over to Proverbs chapter 23 Proverbs chapter 23 and when you get the Proverbs you know keep something there because like I said earlier the Bible is not you know vague on the subject and when you read the book of Proverbs there's just verse after verse after verse to verse after verse about chasing your children it says in Proverbs chapter 23 look at verse 15 my son if thine heart be wise my heart shall rejoice even mine yay my reign shall rejoice when thy lips speak right things the Bible is teaching us here that when we have wise children you know that's gonna bring gladness to us that's gonna make our hearts to rejoice but how is that you know no one's gonna argue with that no one's gonna say well that that sounds nice but I know thanks everyone want any you know any normal parent wants that any any parent wants to you know be able to have their heart rejoice they want their heart to be glad that their children are wise they want wise children we're gonna make right decisions they're not gonna make dumb decisions they're gonna do that which is right in the sight of the Lord they want them to speak right things they want them to have wisdom in their life you know no one's gonna no parents gonna say well that not my kid you know I want my kid to be a foolish derelict their whole life no no one wants that for the kid if they truly love and care for their children right no one would argue with those verses there no one argue but but back it up to versus okay back up to verse 13 withhold not correction from the child for if thou beatest him with the rod he shall not die thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell now that's something you know everyone likes verse 15 but no one really know that verse 13 that's where you start to lose people that's where people say I'd say well you know it's old antiquated book you know there's there's better ways no there isn't this is you know the test the voice of the Lord are sure making wise the simple you know the way you're gonna make the simple child wise is through physically correcting them withhold not the correction from the child what is that correction verse 14 thou shalt beat him with the rod it's talking about literally spanking your children okay that's what the Bible teaches now you know the word beat today has a different meaning you know today we say beat you know if I say hey you need to beat your children you probably envision me like you know dress it up like the ultimate warrior or something get in a fully chair you know I'm up on the you know I'm not getting up on the top ropes and dropping elbows on my kids or anything like that that's not what it means by beat just like pummeling them with their fists and beating them around no that is that's child abuse you'll provoke your children to wrath you know that's something that people do out of anger that's not going to impart wisdom and I'm gonna get into the specifics later how to go about this what exactly we're talking about when it comes to beating the children your children but just don't let that word scare you thou shalt beat him with the rod you know a literal implement but notice here it's the beating that makes wise that makes the heart wise it's the correction that makes the lips speak right things you know if you want verse 15 for your children you got to have verse 13 you can't have one without the other look at Proverbs chapter 21 the word problems chapter 21 Proverbs chapter 21 it says this when the verse 11 verse 11 it says when the scorner is punished the simple is made wise and when the wise is instructed he receiveth knowledge now you can look at verse 11 and say well that's talking about two different people there the scorner is punished and the simple is made wise and I agree with that you know a lot of times in life we can learn things we don't have to learn things ourselves we can watch what other people go through and we can be made wise you know we're simple we don't have understanding in some area then we watch somebody else do something wrong and we say well don't do that you know that's the best way to learn things too by the way rather than having to go through that experience yourself you know it works the other way too you know you could you could see you're not you're simple concerning something and you see somebody do something right you know they do things the right way you know you can learn that way as well so you can't say you know that this is talking about two different people but what I want to point out here is the sequence okay of events here the scorner the scornful is punished you know the person is just kind of mocking just kind of you know has a very nonchalant just casual attitude just kind of scoffs at the Word of God you know scoffs at the rules kind of rebellious you know just the scorner is punished the simple gains wisdom so when you know when we're rebellious when we're you know we're having this kind of a scornful attitude towards you know God or towards our parents or towards whatever authority there is in our life when we're kind of scoring it you know one you were simple right and but when we're punished then wisdom we gain wisdom from that they say oh you know being scornful being mocking you know breaking the rules that's probably not a good idea you know I should probably stop doing this and then the simple gains wisdom right and it's only when you begin to gain wisdom you know that you could begin to be instructed and receive knowledge that's the process there he says the scorner is punished the simple is made wise and when he and when the wise is instructed he receiveth knowledge you know you say I want wise kids that are gonna have knowledge that are gonna understand how to live life well you know what you're gonna have to you know you're gonna have to punish them when they're scornful you're gonna have to you want to impart wisdom and instruct them you know you have to deal with the foolishness that's in your child's heart someone has to be punished before knowledge is received often you know sometimes you could tell your kids don't do this stop and it's not but they go ahead they do it anyway and then they have to get punished they score in it whatever rule that is I mean you think about it in society we have all these laws and these rules in society but people break the law all the time they think you know what don't they score in the law and then you know in their simplicity they're taken and they're punished right and they receive wisdom they say oh that's you know there are consequences for my actions and then they can be instructed then they can move on and learn other things but somebody has to be punished before knowledge is received often okay and I'm gonna get into this here in a minute to go over to problems chapter 14 the Bible says speak not in the ears of a fool for he will despise the wisdom of thy words you know before you can impart wisdom before you can impart knowledge you have to deal with foolishness and if you can't deal with foolishness you're wasting your breath that's what the Bible saying here speak not in the ears of a fool or he will despise the wisdom of thy words he's gonna score and he's gonna mock Bible says in Proverbs 29 verse 9 if a wise man contendeth with a foolish man whether he rage or laugh there is no rest there's no point in dealing with the fool of speaking to a fool you have to deal with foolishness and scorning before you can impart wisdom and instruction unto somebody look at Proverbs chapter 14 verse 6 a scorner seeketh with wisdom and findeth it not why because he hasn't been made simple he has been punished he has been humbled he's looking for it but he what he's a scorner he's a scoffer he's not going to receive it but now that understand it you know when that scorner is made simple and he's giving you know he's punished and he's humbles himself then the knowledge comes more easily why because the foolishness the scorning has been dealt with go from the presence of a foolish man will not perceive us not again the lips of knowledge it reminds me to go over to Proverbs 17 but it reminds me what Jesus said in Matthew 7 he said give not that which is holy under the dogs neither pass your poor your pearls before swine it says that you know that just don't waste your time on some people now look I'm not when it comes to our children you know that's not wasting your time this is everything I'm reading you know these last few verses is obviously referring to other people that we don't have any control over what I'm trying to show us is that it gets to a point with people look if you can't deal with the foolishness in somebody there's no point trying to give them any wisdom if you don't have if they're beyond your control you know what you're just wasting your trying trying time trying to impart any kind of wisdom to them but here's the thing that's not the case with our children at least it shouldn't be so when we have kids you know they're under our rule you know we have an opportunity to you know punish them to deal with the scoring to deal with the foolishness and then impart wisdom and instruction and knowledge so that they can grow up and be wise people but I look at Proverbs chapter 17 verse 16 wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom seeing he hath no heart to it you know why is there a price what he's trying to get wisdom of what what can I give for it it doesn't matter because you don't have a heart for it it's not gonna that you need if you don't have the heart for it the heart hasn't been dealt with it this morning the foolishness of that been dealt with it doesn't make there's no point it doesn't make any sense so in order to raise a wise child you must address the foolishness that is done by dealing with the heart you must have addressed the foolishness that is it within them and that is done by dealing with the heart that's how you deal with the child's heart that's how you address you know if you want to impart wisdom and have to have them you know grow up and speak right things and rejoice your heart and be a pleasure on you and not a shame you know you have to deal with their heart and you know the one of the best ways to do that is through the posterior anatomy okay through the seat of instruction that's that's that's how you deal with that and we're gonna get out here in a minute but go over problems chapter 22 Roberts chapter 22 because you know when you preach a sermon like this a lot of people kind of tune you out and they say all not my sweet little you know pookie poo or whatever you know they're not my little angel no way they're they're so sweet you know what's probably going on is they're playing me okay you know what's really going on is they've got you figured out I was chapter 22 this goes for every child because look at verse 15 foolishness is inbound in the heart of a child foolishness is bound in the heart of a child meaning every single child now notice there it says it's bound you know it's tied up it's tangled it's not it it's not just in there with a little slipknot now you're just gonna go and all foolishness gonna depart no it says it's bound in there you know whenever I read this verse I always think about it's probably I heard this illustration on the same topic from another creature but you know whenever I read this I think about Ray have the harlot and the two spies remember that story and when they she helped him to escape they tied that scarlet rope you know when they taught when they tied that scarlet thread do you think they just like just did a simple little knot what I mean if you're putting your life on the line you're gonna you know let yourself down by this rope you're gonna make you're gonna tie that thing to the fridge you know several times something really well a guy like me in the fridge you're gonna find something strong and the point I'm trying to make is you're gonna find that thing in there you know that's what the Bible is trying to get across here foolishness and a child's heart is bound it's in there tight it's in there deep it's you know the other illustration I've used the past is when I worked in uh in you know you know excavating and things like that we had to use these lifting straps and he whatever these big nylon straps they have the big loops on them and sometimes you'd have to make longer ones you loop through loop them through one another you put the loops through and then the machine would pick up some big piece of you know concrete or whatever some real big heavy load and set it in place and then you take that that same strap off and when you went to undo it man that those those things had so much pressure it's so much tension they were just bound together it's like they were one cord almost it's almost like they refused and you couldn't just take your hands and pull them apart I mean a lot of times you got to take a hammer and hit it you have to get a claw hammer and start working on that thing a lot of times I even remember having to throw it on the ground and drive over it with the truck just run the tire over it several times just to get that thing to start to bound right and I'm trying I'm using that illustration to tell you this morning that's what foolishness is in the heart of the child it's bound in there you know and anyone who has kids there's been around kids knows this is the case that you know you don't have to tell your kids how to do the wrong thing it's just it's instinctive it's nature they just know how to do that right you're always having to tell them to do the right thing right you always have to correct them you always have to tell them don't do that do this right why is that because it's bound in there foolishness is and notice where it where it is it's in the heart it's not in the intellect you know sometimes kids do things you go what were you thinking the truth is they work you know they were acting out of nature they don't even they just do things just out of nature you know they they treat you know their siblings poorly they disobey they just they do something they know they're not supposed to do and if they get caught they're gonna get in trouble but they do it anyway why is that because foolishness is bound in their heart it's not it can't be reasoned with you know you can't sit them down and talk them through it that's not enough you know words are not enough you have to understand that when you're dealing with foolishness and a child's heart you're dealing with sin you're dealing with the nature it's there you're dealing with a sinner right remember that the next time you know you pick up your little newborn or whatever you know I know a guy used to do this his first when it was first born he picked up you looked at her the day she was born I go you little sinner and what was he doing he was telling and he was reminding himself that that little sweet little you know seemingly innocent harmless is a sinner and that foolishness is bound in its heart from the day it's born and if we don't deal with that you know we're gonna raise monsters potentially I mean I know God's grace is always there and the Holy Spirit can do things that we can but what I'm saying is this is that you need to understand them you're dealing with foolishness and your your heart's child there's a child of the heart of your child you're dealing with the sinner that's what's going on here and it says you know it's still it's in the bottom of the heart of a child meaning any child no exceptions I don't care what kid it is every child has this foolishness bound in their heart they say well how do you do with it how do you how do you loosen up that foolishness in a child's heart is it through talking to him is it through reasoning is it through you know having long discussions is it through lectures no it says but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him the rod of correction and you know he's not that's not you know a euphemism that's not just something you know that it's up for interpretation he's talking about a literal implement but literally taking something and beating your child with it and driving the foolishness from them you know what it says there that the rod of correction is very effective at loosening up that foolishness not only does it loosen it up but then it says that it drives it far from him it makes such an impression it works so well it's so effective that that foolishness seems to just be a mile miles away you know kids they do something foolish they get a proper punishment with the rod of correction or whatever it is you know they get spanking the next time they go to do that that's it spanking has made such an impression it's like that foolishness is departed they instantly recall oh I remember what happened last time I did this and the foolishness departs and they don't even think about doing anything now obviously sometimes that foolishness comes back around you know after a while and they need a stark reminder of not to not do that you have to you know it's not like a one and done type of deal but the Bible is showing us here that physical discipline is the only way of properly dealing with it properly dealing of driving it far from it and I'm not saying you know you can't use some of these other things as you know you know what's the word I'm looking for you know supplemental these are things you might be able to add but to me it seems like you know the spanking is that's not how God deals with us you know God when we get out of line with God God chases with us and then it's done it's over there's no you know these additional things on top of it but physical discipline you know is the most effective way of dealing with the foolishness that's in your child's heart meaning this no timeouts no timeouts you know what timeouts do is it just breeds animosity and bitterness that's what it does you know and I you know I remember before I had kids you know I had a family member that had a couple kids before me and I've been reading the Bible I've been hearing this type of preaching and so I could sit back and watch these people's kids who did you know things God's way and then I can watch the worldly way of doing things and boy what a difference boy well it's a huge difference in how those kids turned out I mean the the person giving out timeouts it's just you know you go over it just there's just markers all over the walls like what'd you do they're like oh but you got a timeout and then the next week there's some more colors you know there's a mosaic going on here it's an ongoing why because the foolishness hasn't been dealt with in a timeout you know what a kid's doing a timeout how much longer to get back out there do that again that's what they're doing that's all take us out 30 minutes and I can go do something else because a timeout there's what's the you know I remember the one of the dumbest punishments I got as a child was go to your room oh you were all my toys are you know oh you were playing hide-and-seek and put the car in reverse and rolled out in the street yeah I did that did I get a correction I wasn't trying to back Carlos just a dumb kid oh there's the joystick rolling out in the middle of the street right mom's like on your own that's kind of fun you know like literally light a field on fire it's where the fire department showing up that's a long story you know I'm not wasn't an arsonist as a child okay not today either right there's there's a story to it okay what would I get 45 minutes in my bedroom like you know you know if I did learn my lesson a little bit I didn't play anymore fires but right that's weak punishment no and how about here's this other thing I've seen positive affirmations the kids just being mouthy talking back disobey I love you why would you talk to me like that don't you know I love you this and I remember when I first heard saw this and just like and it's just like you're gonna find yourself saying that a lot you know just using your words or the classic countdown right I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to knock that off one two and the you know the kid will wait to like stop wouldn't you just rather be doing it right away anyway you know these these other things that are you know not as effective the timeouts the positive affirmations the groundings the restrictions now you know the grounding restrictions you know taking weight privileges as kids get older and stuff I can see where you can bring that into play you know where it's not just the physical discipline they could actually lose because you know that does hurt that does start to kind of hit home kids eventually but the Bible is very clear here that's the rod of correction that works you know physically beating your child loosens up the foolishness that's bound in the heart right that's what the Bible says and that's very it's very clear okay so then you know people you know maybe you're convinced maybe like oh you know what brother Corbin the Bible says I believe it that's great and a lot of people are on the same page with the Bible they agree with this but you know especially with newer parents then you get a lot of questions they start their face with that reality of having to deal with the foolishness in a child's heart they start to scratch their heads and they start to think all right well how do you do this you know I know it was big for us because you know I wasn't you know properly dealt with as a child you know we got a lot of you know it's upside the head yelling throwing things all these other stuff you know and that parents were unsafe it's just what came actually to them whatever but even unsafe people know sometimes know enough anyway the point I'm trying to make is this is that you know a similar position that I was in when we first have our kids like well we understand this what the Bible says but how do you really go about it what's the practical application here we'll go over to problems chapter 13 problems chapter 13 one of the main questions people have is you know when to start you know when you start dealing with the foolishness in your being a child's heart I would say this as soon as they could exercise their own sweet little child can start to and once in some way shape or form tell you no or go against your will that's the time to start now let me just clarify I'm not saying you start out with you know the rod you know your your little baby you know is being defiant you're not just gonna be like you know there's a way to go about it okay we're gonna talk about that too but you know when to start you know it's when they ask what I was told is this when they begin to exercise their will look at Proverbs chapter 13 verse 24 it says he that spareth his rod hated his son so you know let's just park it right there for a minute look you say I disagree with the sermon I think that's cruel and unusual punishment I think you're way off base I don't think you should physically discipline your children at all when the Bible says you hate your son you know we'll talk about that later it says you hate your child not in the sense that you know you wish them ill but it's not that in the sense that you're not you don't really love them the way you should because you're not dealing and help help dealing with the foolishness and imparting wisdom under them helping them okay that's you know I don't want to go down that avenue when do you start it says he that spareth is rod hated the son but he that loveth him chasteneth him betions now that word but I am simply means early and it doesn't mean first thing in the morning that's not what he means by early there okay like wake up kids talk you're spanking what do we do a Bible says the times let's just let's just start right now now there is the Chinese proverb right beat your beat your son every day if you don't know why he does that's not Bible I'm not gonna suggest that but it's saying here but times as in when the child is young early in life you ever hear the terrible twos usually the terrible twos is that is because somebody didn't deal with things but times and you know sometimes this time okay this is the part that really takes people by shock they'll say oh I'll discipline my kid you know when they're older when they two three I'm saying earlier than that earlier than that and every kid's different and look here's the thing about child when you're gonna be serious about doing this you're going to make mistakes as a parent no one's gonna get this perfectly right and a lot of it you have to learn along the way okay but here about you know when they can exercise their will what's the example that when they understand no and any parent can look in their child and tell them they can go when their child understands them even before talking even speak they understand words when you say no they and then you start to associate the word no with like a little hit a little slap on the hand a little slap on the thigh then they start to understand okay when they say no I don't do what I'm thinking about doing right and when is that that's early on how about when they're mobile as soon as they start to crawl now again I'm not saying you break out the belt and the paddle and start going to town on a little you know toddler you know it's just crawling around but I am saying when that child starts to exercise that over there will you know when they learn to walk do when they're crawling around which is early on and you could say come here and they look at you and it's gonna I'm gonna go do my thing that's the time right then that is the times that's when you need to start dealing with your kid and at least get them I'm not saying you're gonna drive all the foolishness out of their heart at such a young age but what you're gonna start doing is you're gonna start loosening it up you're gonna start loosening that knot of foolishness that's bound in their heart up and you're gonna start to instruct them and teach them that you know hey I don't get you to do whatever I want that there's punishment that there's you know pain involved if I do the wrong thing that there's consequences for my actions it starts to get them to that starts to register with them very early on you know I here's the thing the sooner you do that the easier it is to start to you know deal with the children you know and get them to listen you know I'll get I'll just use myself as an example you know our youngest you know Heather she's I mean she's to turn to this month I know I forgot to put the bulletins in that dad right but she's turning to you know just I remember it's just a few months back you know she's just you know kids get a certain age they start to just throw their fits I'm taking that which is totally ironic I would love as an adult to be told go take that I love nothing one of my boss is just walking like go take a nap you're tired you need to lay down for an hour yes sir you wouldn't hear me throwing a fit you know but you know kids they feel like they're gonna miss out on something and whatever and then even after cranky whatever and then they lay it down you know mom's laying them down and the kids just met screaming you know whatever it is you know what I took her and I just took her little diaper off took a little plastic stop your fit stop your fit eventually stop you know what times I've had to do that once just once I'm not saying I'll never have to do it again but I'm saying sometimes there's there's there's yes their kids are coming up what I've noticed is that there's milestones when they start where it starts to register with them because now when she throws a fit I just say stop your fit and she instantly goes back to that day in her mind because I made an impression right literally and figuratively on her little backside that if you throw a fit and I say stop this is what happens next and you know it's amazing even I'm sure the foolishness will come back around and she'll forget but even now I can just say stop your fit and she clams right up who does that little thing because they're trying to suck it up you know which is important you want your kids to be able to obey your voice especially when they get to that running and walking age you're just gonna you know want to go play with the fire truck that's driving by the semi or whatever and you're gonna have to say no stop come back here you want to already dealt with that foolishness by the time they get to that age so start with times you know so we got to kind of the way right start early start early in their life and start loosening up that not you know what it's something that's going to take it's going to go on for a long time and as it gets more intense but hopefully tapers off you know as they reach their in their teen and adult you know towards their later teen years or I don't know I will see how it goes kind of that's kind of you know new territory for me but where okay here's the big question where well the the as I alluded to earlier the posterior anatomy the gluteus maximus right and nowhere else and nowhere else and I'm a firm believer in that and you need to do that that's the one spot and it's the perfect spot that God has designed that's you know soft and cushy right and it's full of nerve endings that are very sensitive you got you know I think that's not that's not a coincidence that God did that and I think that's where he's talking about you know the back the buttocks and nowhere else no slapping them upside the head stuff like that now you know what people do that you know I get it I mean I guess you know every now and then a good slap you know but when you're little kids I mean just knocking them over something you know it's just not it's not what I don't believe the way to do it I believe that God has given that part of the anatomy for that reason okay so the where is pretty self-explanatory I think you know if you if you're struggling with that talk to me later but here here here's the next thing I want to spend some time about talking about and look this is important stuff and you say well I don't have kids well one day you might one day you know you know I'm a young person I'm not even married one day you might be are you gonna get on God's program are you gonna do you're gonna go read dr. Oz are you gonna go talk to dr. Phil about how to raise your kid and deal with foolishness he's gonna you're gonna end up with a brat so you know when I heard preaching like this before I was married right good I I listened up and I paid attention I remembered it because you know that's what I do one day or willing that would be something that I needed so let's talk about the how how to start this is a you know there's a a thing in weightlifting called progressive overload right linear progression right progressive overload where you slowly get more and more intense over time it's the same way with chowder with this aspect of discipline you know you don't just start out with a rod on on your little toddlers who's just scooting away from you or whatever trying to run away or throw in a fit and won't listen you know that's where you start out with you know the finger on the thigh you know let's pull the diaper back a little bit no you don't start to teach them that you see that's so cruel don't come on you know seriously and you'll be I mean if people people love the fruit people love children that are well-behaved you know only bragging my kids for a minute every time my wife takes not in public she gets compliments how well-behaved they are they're not then you see the other kids that are just literally throwing themselves in the aisle screaming the whole time running away little brats right but here's the thing if you want you want the compliments you want the fruit you know you got to take the root you can't have the fruit without the root and the root is no the times early and consistently you know I know I talked about you know keeping it you know the hider parts but I could even see a little slap on the hand the little kids ready to just go stick something in a light socket no go around and tell them no no no you can't get used to that word no and you know the the physical stuff backs up that word no they take they catch on to that real quick you know I already talked about this is that you can rely on the shock factor for a little while you know when that kid first gets their hand slapped like well what's this is new Wow that really hurt and they you know that shock factor will kind of stay with them for a while and you can use that you know even even like I said earlier if you do give them a little bit of a shock a little bit of a shock treatment right well the word no really starts to resonate with them you know what the foolishness is bound in there you haven't driven away eventually that's not gonna be enough for them they're gonna weigh out there what they want to do and the little and they're gonna go I'd rather just take the slap on the hand I'll take the finger on the thigh I'll take the no and that's where you have to start working into implements of chasing hey we have to start devising these devices I meant to get it really excuse me for one minute honey where is our where is our white plastics food you have available I know what everyone knows what this is but I need it for purposes don't worry you're okay if she did she quench let's see that's great because that's the point I wanted this this is what she flinches that she doesn't flinch at this because she's used to this a lot of people say you shouldn't use something I think it's cruel or to use your hand because now you want them now they're afraid of this and look you can't put this down you can't set this aside and then help them and hold them and let them know that everything's okay with these because they're oh you know and I remember even as a child you know yeah you know I'm not trying to search my mother's reputation or anything you know God rest her soul and all that but look I was one that was kind of swatted about and I could tell you as a kid I did that my mom would just walk by just trying to swing her arm right it's a thing that's why this is so important right and I know that you guys think this is for baking it's like it's for it's for cooking buns but right yeah this is this is a different kind of batter right but you want to use these this is this is the next progression and here's the thing about and then and then you go beyond this like my last pasture you know we weren't there long enough but eventually what he would do for his people is he would take a piece of plexiglass this is what he had and he would cut a plexiglass paddle drill holes of it so the air wasn't there put some rope around the handle and they just hang that thing somewhere very visible so I can on the fridge so every time the kids walk to the kitchen they would be reminded that you live in this house and this is what happens here you know we haven't gotten there but there's other things you know belts or ones that are very you should probably restrict it those type of things you know and the belt you know obviously you want to be careful with that you know buckles are not to be used obviously okay this needs to be said because people people go overboard with this stuff and then they then they ruin it for everybody then everyone's then you know then the states are saying well you have you can only use your hand and you can actually do more damage with your hand you know than you can with an implement that's widely widely used okay then you start now let me just give you some tips some practical tips on you know on how to use this and why and here's the thing use my experience use plastic a lot of people get wood and stuff like that but you know there's I'm just telling you like it escape their splinters sometimes they split and then it pinches when it hits and stuff like that it's I just recommend this okay you're looking to get a sting whatever you use to discipline your children to drive the foolishness out of their heart whatever you're gonna use you were looking for a sting you don't want blunt force and a lot of times that's what hands do if you're just using the hand that's very blunt it's very jarring that's not what you want on your kids you don't want to jar vertebrae you don't want to dislocate something you don't want to you know have blunt force trauma you want a sting you know the great thing about a sting is that a lot of times it is like it doesn't leave a mark it just gets a little red for a second and goes away ouch and on that point of not causing blunt force here's another thing just a practical tip that people need to hear don't spank through diapers I've seen people do this where they just they take their kid they've got even a spoon or something and then they go through a diaper and you have to hit way harder to get up the effect through a diaper and now you're going now you're becoming blunt force which is dangerous you don't want to do that what you're looking for is a sting and now say well how hard you know this is only struggled with especially when kids start to get older and you need it doesn't start to have the same effect as it used to when they were little and more sensitive you know after they've been through a few rounds they get calloused you know they're just like they're built up they're hardened you know you have to say well how hard well here's the thing if you're in doubt of how hard to use these implements when in doubt try it out that's my motto when in doubt try it out and I mean on yourself or if you have a willing spouse you know or an unsuspecting spouse just try it out did it hurt okay good you know but this is what I did literally let me try to figure this out I would just wow that really hurt now I know that's about all I need you just get that snack too it's all the rest people right but when in doubt try it out this is for is this hard enough is this too hard you know and honestly ask hey can you can you hit me on the thigh honey and show me how hard that we should be hitting with these implements how hard we should be going I'm serious and here's the thing you know the next kind of question is when is it enough you know when when do you just say it's enough when you question because every kid's different and you know it's probably best to stop too short than to go too far honestly and and here's the thing some people but here's the thing some people they stop too short when they shouldn't and some kids are different I mean I'm not gonna embarrass any my children but we had one child when it was time for that child to sleep in their own bed it was it was a war and I was like well my other kids weren't like this why is it because every kid's different I mean I'm out there you know the kid gets out of bed it's going to the bathroom it's trying to sleep get in bed just get out of bed just to what to do what to flex their own will to show them they're the boss right so let's pull out the chair get the get the spoon the belt the paddle or whatever stick it out and quack quack quack I don't have it the tears come they go back you go to bed say all that's done nope two minutes later I mean I'm telling you you got to the point I would spank the child send the bed and I would just wait there in the hallway and then company as soon as they saw me it's like yeah duh what are you gonna figure it out I know this game and then it's right back at you and I'm saying it went on and on but today it's no problem other kids it's like you could just look at them you know say and that's what let me just fix it immediately right every kid's different you know how far you have to you know you learn by doing you know you learn by getting in there and actually practicing this you will gain the wisdom and the knowledge and experience as a parent of how much is too much and how much is not enough okay well that's how we learn a lot of it now go to Proverbs chapter 20 Proverbs chapter 20 I know I'm going a little long this morning but and I know this isn't you know this is a real practical sermon no this isn't the most exciting sermon you know and a lot of the kids in here probably are appreciating it don't tell them that where's the grace sir there was the love sermon right but this is the stuff that I mean look this is the kind of preaching that needs to take place look at the kind of people that are out there today look at that people that are just rude disrespectful making a mess out of their lives look at the kind of kids that are out there but this this kind of stuff isn't taking place anymore this used to just be common knowledge I mean there used to be a day when you could beat other people's kids and the parents would thank you you know I remember you know a guy was telling me when he when he was growing up his little boy back in like 60s or whatever he was down at the train train depot putting pennies out on the rail and then the and the trains trying to leave and the conductor's wait for this kid he's yelling at him he would got under conductor got out of the train walked over grabbed and paddled his butt and he knew he was and then went told his dad later hey your kid was down at the train depot and I spanked him he said thanks there's that story I don't know if it's true or not we're juice on something to tell it right about John Wayne where he was going through town on a parade on a horse and this little boy ran out and just stood there out in front of him and he wouldn't get out of the way John Wayne in the middle of the parade in front of everybody got off his horse spanked the kids behind and said I mean that's that was what this country was used to be like you know where you could even you know when it was appropriate discipline other people's good I mean schools used to discipline people's kids and this might shock you but you know it's still legal 18 states in this country to discipline children in public schools they leave it up to the to the to the local boards and stuff like that but as far as state law it's concerned Arizona is one of them and then there's 18 others where it's still legal to use corporal punishment in a public school now does that mean they all do it no but I'm telling you there used to be a day and age not too long ago when it was just that was common practice where a kid went to school and they acted up the teacher would take him in the back and they in fact my last in my church in Michigan I knew the guy was the churchman was the last kid to get spanked in the Saginaw public school system that was like his badge of honor remember the principal took me in he said this is the last day I have to do this and you're probably the last kid that's ever gonna get it and he got it he got paddled you know and he's he's only like 10 or 15 years older than me so which is very young by the way so I mean I'm saying this wasn't that long that was like probably back in 1970 or something where kids were still getting cattle right then you look at what's going on today the way they behave you know because there's no fear being dealt with anyway I don't know where why I went off on that but look at problems chapter 20 how much is enough if people are too they're real afraid of you know let me just say it of bruising a child on their on their on their backside but look at verse 30 chapter 20 verse 30 the blueness of a wound cleanses the way you there's nothing wrong with the bruise folks bruises go away sometimes and I remember when we we first saw that and and and look I know this is good can even get me in trouble just saying it but look when there's a bruise it's not the end of the world violence it's actually a good thing so keep that in mind when you're talking asking yourself how far is too far the blueness of the wound cleanses the way evil so do stripes inward part of the belly and let me just say this you know as far as it comes to this whole you know how much and when and with what you know it's a learning process for both of you the child's learning but so is the parent when they're when they're starting out and they gain wisdom and like I said earlier not that it matters the next question a lot of people have is well is it legal you know what actually it is legal to spank your children in Arizona you have that right as a parent to spank your children so you say well I don't know I don't know if I want to do that well go over to problems chapter 29 you know here's the thing it benefits both parties you know it's gonna benefit your child if you if you spank them it's gonna teach them right from wrong they're gonna teach them there's consequences for their actions it's gonna impart wisdom under them it's gonna drive foolishness from their heart what what's not it's nothing but good there's no negativity the only negative negativity is the process of having actually chasing the child it's not supposed to be chased no chasing is is pleasant right but not only does it benefit the child it also benefits the parent look at problems chapter 29 verse 15 the rod and reproof give wisdom right rod and reproof you know kids should be told why they're getting so they should get the rod but they should also get the reproof you're getting spanking because this so then they can you know learn to not do that but a child left to himself bring it this mother to shame okay correct thy son and he shall give thee rest yea he shall give thee the light unto thy soul well that's that's that's a benefit for the parent you know the kids benefit you know it says there the rod or proof it gives wisdom children being wiser by it but man some parents they need some rest they need the life they want if you want to they can have no joy they have no delight in their children because their children are just a terror I mean parents that just think they're all they want to do is get away from their kids because their kids are just uncontrolled rats and they just they want to get away they will ship them off they'll send them off whatever but you know that they're all about getting away from their kids you know I love being around my kids my kids are a delight unto my soul you know I take Mondays off we look forward to that you know that we look forward to just hanging out with the kids being with dad dad being with the kids having a good time laughing maybe going doing something if it ever cools off right you know we enjoy I enjoy my children you know why I'm able to enjoy them you know why I'm able to delight in them you know why they give me rest it's because we've dealt with them and are working on the foolishness of their heart they're not just these uncontrolled you know a little hellions wait they're just a you know you know a pain in the neck no child's perfect but you know what I'm talking about folks everyone knows what I'm talking about those kids that are out there that are just constant that nobody wants to be around because they're spoiled little brats because they're just tears and everyone that they they come in contact with and you can't you know as frustrating it is with those kids they're really not the ones to blame aren't they they're just that's just a foolishness that's down in their heart that hasn't been dealt with just coming out it's just their nature it's the parents fault for not having dealt with them it's the poor parenting no one enjoys parenting a brat you know the rod of the proof will help them but it will also give you rest and it'll cause you to have delight in your children they'll be a delight on to your soul you'll enjoy them the Bible says train up a child on the way as you go and when he is old he will not depart from it you know these are gonna make lasting impressions these are the lessons that they learn through discipline or things are gonna stay with them through their whole life you know beating your children it's gonna part wisdom on them but it's also it's gonna give you rest as a parent but it's also going to teach them about the nature of God it teaches them about the nature of God but go over to Proverbs chapter 23 verse 13 again and it teaches them about God I mean you say well that's me beat your kids well what about God I mean God beats his children you know spiritually speaking I mean I can look back in my Christian life when I was out of sorts with the Lord wasn't doing what I should be doing was doing things I shouldn't be doing I can look back and say oh yeah that's why I suffered in this area I mean God never showed up at the belt that's handed out with me but you know life he uses the circumstances and events in life your health and finances relationships you can use those things to chase you just take the joy of the Lord out of your heart you don't have it you know life just becomes a drudgery trying to live the Christian life so on and so forth you know God chases but his children but how about this God sends people to hell God takes people and throws them in a literal lake of fire for all of eternity and you're gonna say well we're cruel for teaching our children you know right from wrong no what you're teaching them is that there's consequences for your actions there's consequences for sin in fact with God there are eternal consequences for sin when we beat our children you're teaching about the very nature of God that he punishes people for their actions the Bible said you know the simple is worn and made wise until life eternal okay beating your children will help them get saved I'm not saying you have to beat your kids or they won't get saved but I am saying this that if you beat your kids it's gonna teach them about God about right and wrong and it's gonna help them get saved look at Proverbs 20 13 verse 13 it says withhold that correction from the child where if thou beatest with him with the rod he shall not die he shall not die if you beat him with the rod this is the same you spank your kids they're they're gonna live forever sarcasm if you look at it that way he's saying look get over it you beat your kids they're not it's not gonna kill them it's in fact it's gonna be good for them you know it's not gonna kill your kid to beat them but think about it this way here's another way to look at it if you correct your child if you beat them with the rod they shall not die meaning you know it's gonna help them avoid that second death I mean look at the rest of the verse thou shalt beat him with the rod and shall deliver his soul from hell you know he's not being creative there look you're gonna help deliver your child from the eternity in hell which is called the second death right beat him with the rod he shall not die he'll have eternal life he's gonna it's gonna open up his heart to the truth of the gospel I believe that that's what it says there thou shalt deliver his soul from hell so why my kid gets a well are you teaching them right from wrong you teach them there's a consequences for their actions you tell them teach you what there's any punishments for percent because that's a major part of the gospel isn't it it's not where we all start when we're out in the preaching the gospel people you're a sinner real we all deserve to go there that's like that's first base with the gospel you don't go you have to have that and that's what beating your child with rod will do for them in their life it'll open their spiritual understanding up to the fact that there are consequences for sin that are very negative you know we could talk about Timothy about the fact that you know he was given you know he had the faith that he saw the example in fact let's just go over there we'll close the second Timothy chapter one I know I'm going along okay second Timothy chapter one I'll begin reading in verse five okay that's I think he's a great example of what I just talked about about how wisdom is imparted unto people and they get saved and it's done through you know part of it is the rod and reproof it's not just for proof and it's not just rod it's both look at first second Timothy chapter 1 in verse 5 it says when I call to remember it's the unfaith faith that is in me which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois and thy mother Eunice and I am persuaded that in thee also so look where did he where did Timothy get his faith from his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice it's welcome hurt them first you know they were teaching him the Word of God I believe that they were teaching him the Old Testament law they were teaching him I can't I have no doubt in my mind that Lois and Eunice probably had proverbs they were reading problems too they were reading the same passages we read this morning about beating their child with the rod if you believe that Timothy never got a spanking grown-up I don't believe it and it made him wise unto salvation right they beat him with the rod and delivered his soul from hell and not only that made a great man of God out of him in the process made it go a good Christian look at second Timothy chapter 3 verse 15 and that from a child verse 15 thou hast known the Holy Scriptures and you know what it was because mom and dad or mom I don't know dad was but mom you know Lewis Lois and Eunice his grandmother and his mother were teaching him these things they were making him why thou hast known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus look before it could enter into his heart I guarantee you when they were teaching these things there was rod and reproof it wasn't just all them teaching in the scriptures I guarantee you in Timothy's life there was a rod that was there and his great his grandmother and his mother used to loosen up the foolishness that was in Timothy's heart and make him wise unto salvation now of course obviously children who are not disciplined can get saved just the same as anybody else right and I'm walking proof of that you know that you know just because he didn't get properly dealt with as a child doesn't even if you can't get saved that'd be stupid to say but I'm saying it helps a lot I believe that's the Bible's teaching here I think that's why children who grow up in a Christian home where you know physical discipline is practiced they can usually get saved pretty young they could say that a younger age you know it helps them understand the concept of good and bad briefing and sewing at an early age and you know that's the message this morning you know is that you need to discipline your children the Bible commands it thou shalt be not if you feel like it it says you should do it and deliver their soul from hell the rod and the recruit you know and it's unpopular and it's it's frowned upon but the Bible teaches it it's very practical teaches practical physical discipline it's what's going to make wise the simple it's been great