(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . when it comes to this uh this good news that this wicked uh law that our supreme court has passed has has been overturned and and handed back over to the states you know and that's one thing a lot of these people seem to uh misunderstand is that you know this this law the reason why they did that isn't necessarily just because they're so against abortion it's because they understand that laws like this are best left up to the people and it's left up to the state and it's it's really not you know just uh we shouldn't have just this this small select group of people deciding ultimately deciding laws for an the entire nation that that's something at least not in our system you know the our our government that's something that is a something that should be decided by the states and the people that vote in those states and and you know that and that when you say that you know that really that's the way i believe it should be but you know that is actually kind of concerning obviously we've seen some things um just this last week since uh this ruling where several states have come out and already you know banned abortions i believe even here in arizona they're not these uh these abortion mills have stopped doing abortions until they're clear in what the law says although you know the tucson uh sheriff here has said that they won't enforce this law if if if it's become illegal people who perform abortions before the 15 week uh 15 weeks they're they're not going to enforce that they have more important things more important people to protect than the unborn that's what our own police chief or whoever has said that here in tucson and so you know that's it's kind of sobering uh to to really when you start to look at uh you know the fact that the people in this country are for abortion you know we it's obviously it's a great ruling i'm for it but what's uh concerning is the fact that you know this is is really just going to rile up you know that group that base and it's going to be you know the summer of love 2.0 in the united states it's just going to be you know it's it's uh riot season again apparently and so but uh the reason why that is is because you know today in america the majority of people are actually for abortion you know that's what's so uh kind of surprising about this ruling is because the majority of americans you know according to a most recent study that i saw says that 61 percent of of people should think that abortion should be legal in all or most cases and only 37 think percent think that abortion should be illegal in all or most cases so the the overwhelming i wouldn't say it's overwhelming but the majority of people well over half the people in this country today you know it would seem like would be opposed to the ruling that was handed down and of course there's protests and riots and everything taking place i will say this i'm glad they did it in the month of july so they kind of took everyone's mind off of the faggotry that's usually being promoted this time of year you know they had to go instead of persecuting and pushing that agenda they had to you know they had to get on that other front to go out there and protect you know the right to murder children in the womb so i'll say that i mean there's there's there's there's a silver lining there but when you when you realize that the vast majority of people in this country you know 61 percent of americans think that it's okay to just in any and all cases to abort children you know it could even be that we as christians start to not understand what a horrific you know act this is what how horrific abortion truly is and we could even you know begin to maybe soften up on the issue and in fact you know a lot of you know religious people are are pro-abortion you know a lot of these mega churches that are out there it's it's a even in christianity it's a very narrow group of people you know that aren't even that that are that are against abortion even in catholic churches you know the a lot of practicing catholics a lot of people who would call themselves catholic are pro-abortion that's not the case you know in their you know in their uh their clergy and things like that obviously they take that stand but it just goes to show you that that's where we've come so far in this country that we people have become just so desensitized to this it's just become so commonplace where they think well it's just part of health care you know and that's you know i don't remember that being part of the you know the hippocratic oath i thought that was do no harm you know i thought the that the hippocratic oath was there to preserve life and to not murder and to injure human beings you know and and really um you know of course there's a lot of people want to take a lot of different philosophical approaches to the issue of abortion it's a very divisive issue as well it should be and people have a lot of different you know ethical situation you know situational ethics that they want to try to apply to this issue but you know the bible is very plain about it you know there there's no uh uh there there's no wondering what god thinks there's no saying well you know is god okay with abortion or not you know because of the fact that the bible is just so clear that you know life begins at conception that's when life begins life does not begin after birth when the child draws its first first breath you know life does not begin you know at uh you know certain amount of weeks of gestation you know it it happens at conception according to scripture you're there in ecclesiastes chapter 11 look at verse 5 it says as thou knowest not the way uh excuse me as thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child so it's saying that her that is with child you know the bones do grow in the womb talking about the fact that you know a woman that is pregnant and that has a child growing inside of her you know is with child she is not with fetus you know she is not with a cluster of cells she is not with you know some benign you know or uh just some you know parasite she's not with something that is non-human she is with child that's what the bible says and and really when you want to start applying all these philosophical and ethical questions to the issue of abortion you know it all goes out the window with me because this is the final word right here the word of god what it says about the issue and people will make arguments and say things well what about in this situation you know like incest and rape and they'll try to justify you know women just going out and whoring around that's what they do and and they literally treat abortion like a form of birth control and they'll go out there and just do whatever they want to do and then have an abortion they say well you know what about the person who's you know incest and rape that like makes up less than half percent of abortions so we're gonna we're gonna justify just the murdering of children on mass for the sake of people who make up less than a half than one percent of abortions now again i don't believe it's right in any case i mean when when is it right to murder somebody if you want to take the philosophical approach to it you know what about what about incest what about rape you know it's okay okay well what if that child is born you know that child is born that's the product of incest rape is it you know they're still the product of incest and rape are they still less valuable can we kill them then can we just decide at any point in their life to kill them because after all they're the product of incest and rape you know it's it's a slippery slope that you get on when you start trying to take these approaches to this issue and come up with these you know very rare cases to try to justify something that is literally bringing the wrath of god upon this nation and you know that's that's something that you hear a lot from you know at least this pulpit and others like this where we're saying hey god's judging this nation god is going to judge this nation because of the innocent blood that's being shed you know and and honestly preaching it and hearing it i know can kind of make us feel a little down in the dumps okay i'm like great you know why i come to church to get this doom and gloom right but when you start to understand why god is judging this nation you know i find it actually very encouraging that we have a righteous god who stands up for the innocent blood and will judge people who want to just murder you know that's a good thing but again in ecclesiastes 11 it says that you know it shows us that life begins at conception because of the fact that her that is with child you know the bones are growing you know and and i don't want to get into all the you know you can look up the stats and you know when a child is all these different biological systems have come online for you know a child you know that is in the womb it's very quick i mean by by eight weeks i mean it's it's a human it's it's already a human being but it's like it's undeniable i mean there's the heart the brain all these things are there all these systems are already in place if you would go to matthew chapter number one matthew chapter one you know and and when and i'm preaching this because again today you know the vast majority of people 61 of americans are okay with this and it might even be that there's people in this room that are kind of like yeah i know it's wrong god doesn't approve but you know in certain situations maybe we could soften up on that is it really that big of a deal or they might agree with what is being preached they might agree with what the bible says but they're just kind of shaky they really they'll hear these other arguments they'll just say well what am we what am we supposed to think about you know when people are making the case for abortion you know how do we approach that to me it's very simple life begins at conception any time after conception when you end that child's life it's murder period because that's what the bible says you know and that's just not my opinion that's not just something i've made up and just pulled out of thin air that's what the bible teaches you know so either the bible is your final authority or it isn't it's really that simple for me the bible says in isaiah chapter 7 i'll read to you the lord therefore the lord himself shall give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive that's isaiah 7 14 it's a prophecy about christ where it says that the virgin shall what conceive right when the egg you know and the and the uh the seed of the man come together that is what's called conception right and it's saying that she shall conceive but notice there in matthew chapter 1 which is quoting isaiah 7 in matthew chapter 1 verse 23 it says behold a virgin shall what be with child it's the bible and isaiah 7 is saying a virgin shall conceive and matthew it's quoted a virgin shall be with child you know and to me that's that's very clear that the bible that god considers conception life that he considers that conception at the moment of conception that is a child it's not just you know a cluster of cells and you know and people uh they have all these stupid arguments they say well you know it's not really a child until so many weeks or whatever look how about the fact that you know what that thing is going to grow into maybe you don't want to call it a child but you we all know what's gonna in nine months what's gonna happen you know that woman is gonna give birth to a child a human being not something else a human being not something else you know no one's oh it's a human being oh what a relief you know that we didn't have a gorilla you know or whatever you know when the child's born you say it's a boy it's a girl no one says it's a human you know at any point during that that child's life in the womb we all know what's what's coming we all know it's a human being that's being formed in there so you know when when god is showing us in the scripture that life begins at conception that makes perfect sense what's already conceived in that child is is what's already what is conceived is already considered a child if you would go to psalms 139 and bookmark psalms because we're going to look be in psalms a little bit this morning and look i know most of us probably if not all of us in fact already understand this issue but you know that's why i started out by quoting that pew research article 61 of americans are perfectly fine with murdering children and look they're and they're out there protesting you know not because of overnight abortion has become illegal in this country it's still it's still going on people are still going to get them done you know i'm not sitting holding my breath waiting for all these blue liberal states to over you know to pass laws barring you know banning abortion and even though the more conservative states it's not it's not like they're making it completely illegal in every instance a lot of times they're saying well nothing before 15 weeks unless it's the result of rape or incest you know they're making exceptions well they're not drawing a hard line as the bible does you know far they're not they're they're closer but look there in psalm 139 and we'll see that you know what is conceived is already considered a child again that's why i'm preaching this because of the fact that so many people in this country today are okay with murdering children in the womb you know they're out there protesting today because they want to be able to murder their child after 15 weeks or whatever you know they they want abortion on demand anytime with no apology and not letting it you know minors can get them not let anyone know that's what they want and look there's a whole i mean there might be a part two of the sermon i don't know but there's a whole list of reasons we can go through why people are so such big proponents of abortion you know and let me just remind you what the bible says in first timothy that first timothy six that the love of money is the root of all evil the love of money is it's a billion dollar industry folks there's a lot of people with a lot of uh you know a lot of uh a lot of things in place a lot of uh you know profit to be made have a lot of infrastructure already in place that they don't want to lose that they don't want to give that up because then they'd have to go make you know an honest living that did involve shedding innocent blood what's already conceived is already considered a child i'll remind you what it says in luke one and it says and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth a son of course of the angel speaking to mary he said look you're going to conceive in your womb and you're going to bring forth a son not you're going to bring forth we're not really sure it's going to be a child psalms 139 verse 13 for whom for thou has possessed my reigns thou has covered me in my mother's womb i will praise thee for i am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well you know there's so much that can be said just about that i mean people are just so just at the drop of a hat where where did you just abort children you know they they it's like they don't even understand how marvelous god's works are and he's saying look i know i'm fearfully wonderfully made marvelous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well look at verse 16 thine eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect and we understand you know perfect in the bible means complete means whole wanting nothing like it says in james so he's not saying it's like it's unperfect and is and it's not good or something like the way we use it today he's saying your eyes did see my substance yet being unperfect meaning incomplete not whole you know before i was fully developed you saw me and in thy book all my members are written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there were none of them he's saying look you knew exactly what color eyes i was going to have how tall i was going to be how you know my everything about me every physical attribute was already written before there was none of them you know god knows that when a child is conceived in the womb what that child is going to be like unless it's you know violently killed before it even sees the light of day go over to exodus keep something there in psalms 139 go to exodus 21 look it's not a pleasant subject it's not something that i enjoy preaching about but it's something that needs to be preached it's something we have to be reminded of especially in the day and age that we're living in where we're just constantly being you know just bombarded with people trying to convince us that you know abortion is something that's good and right and should be accepted and if you say otherwise then you just hate women then you know you're just some misogynist you're just some you know you're just some you're part of the patriarchy you know you're just you're whatever and whatever whatever their new term is you're just toxically masculine whatever the new catch phrase whatever the new slogan is that's what you are if you're pros their liberal agenda if they're satanic demonic agenda is really what you ought to call it he told jeremiah i formed thee in the belly i knew thee and before thou came us forth out of the womb i sanctified thee but you know in the womb but what about yeah but was that lord was that fifth you know 15 weeks was that prior to 15 weeks or did you wait 15 weeks before you sanctified him and knew jeremiah no it's you know it was conception that's when life came was before that's when life came was before even conception god has already knew who jeremiah was god already knows who every single one of us is before we even conceived all our members are already written in his book before there were none of them and it's important to understand this you know i know it's real basic i know it's real simple life begins at conception you know it's very straightforward in the bible and you know and it's not like it's not like people who oppose this have a hard time understanding that they understand our stance perfectly well they just don't care i mean i i heard some you know liberal windbag out there somewhere saying i don't care about jesus i don't care about the bible i don't care about your your the fact that you're a christian i don't care about your morality we want abortions i mean they hold up all kinds of derogatory things at these protests women want abortions not jesus that's the one son i saw i mean there's waving in god's face they don't care and it's not that hard to understand what i want us to understand this morning is that there's consequences for shedding innocent blood for harming the unborn you know in god's civil law okay and again this isn't something i'm saying we should take into our own hands but in god's civil law you know murder was punished with the death penalty i mean we all know the sixth commandment hopefully thou shalt not kill i mean it's right there it's it's one of the ten thou shalt not kill i mean period thou shalt not kill except in the case of or in the instance of i mean when is it right to murder somebody and no capital punishment is not murder and and people seem are getting that confused today these idiots that are out there you want more on that you know i'll give you a little preview into pastor thompson's sermon this morning up at faithful word you know go listen to that where he's going to make a clear line between killing people and you know capital punishment you know i'm not going to go into it but people don't even understand that today but the point of this sermon is this is that you know there are in god's law there were legal consequences for harming the unborn for shedding innocent blood look at exodus 21 verse 22 it says if men strive and hurt a woman with child and again the bible's you know being real clear that she's with child right so that her fruit depart from her yet no mischief follow he shall surely be punished according to the woman as the woman's husband will lay upon him and he shall pay as the judges determine so this is an instance where it's not punished by death where you know there's something taking place men are striving maybe two guys are getting into it they're fighting whatever the wife happens to be there and something happens it's an accident she gets bumped into whatever something happens where you know that child is miscarried and dies you know there's a stillbirth okay well the punishment in that case you know if there's no mischief if it's looked into and it's found out that that guy didn't mean to do that it was honest it was a 100 it was an accident it was unintentional then you know the husband's going to lay you say well this is the punishment for you you know the husband gets to kind of determine you know and that doesn't include death he gets to he gets to say well you know you're going to do x y and z and then the judges shall shall determine what he pays so there's a financial reimbursement too not that any of that is going to you know replace the loss of a child and even today you know in in our in our country you know if i if i can be charged with manslaughter if i go out and and injure a pregnant woman and she loses her child i mean talk about irony talk about people that don't know what side they stand on it's like are you protecting the unborn or aren't you but that same woman can go and have that child aborted it's backwards we're we're living in a backwards society this is what happens when people get away from the law of god they just start making up whatever they want to rule themselves by and it says in verse 23 and if any mischief foul then thou shalt give life for life so it's if it's found out you know this was intentional this guy did something as he was striving to cause that that happened to that woman where it was an intentional thing you know it's not just gonna be manslaughter you know it's gonna be thou shall give life for life meaning he's gonna die eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burning for burning wound for wound stripe for stripe you know it's interesting that those verses followed these verses that if someone intentionally hurts an unborn child that they're going to die and then he goes into eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand foot for foot burning for burning you know when you read that you know we think wow that's actually describing the modern abortion hand for hand i mean isn't it what they do look i don't want to get super graphic but maybe we need to maybe that's what people need to hear in this country to you know get them below that you know 50 barrier again of accepting this cruel practice of abortion because i mean hand for hand eye for eye foot for foot that's an abortion right there folks that's what they do to these kids they go in there and they chop them up and they suck them out with a vacuum it's horrific but that's you know that's what these people are parading up and down these streets for today in america that's what 61 of america is just like not a big deal the unborn being not just being you know act you know just being miscarried but literally being chopped up in the womb and removed it's barbaric that is that is some of the most satanic heathen barbaric just the most wicked thing i mean think of something more wicked eye for eye tooth for tooth hand for hand how about this one burning for burning oh they don't chop them up maybe they'll just go in there melt them with some kind of a saline solution just melt the skin right off of them you know that's what they're doing you shouldn't talk about it that's what they're that's what they're doing to the tune of three thousand a day in this world that's what's been going on for for decades in this country chopping them up burning them and everyone's just like well you know it's woman's right her body her choice well here's the thing that's not her body that child you can't sit there and say that that child is growing that is her body it was her body before she decided to just go whore around with whoever and sleep around with whoever and get knocked up you know if you know talk about irony now there's this i see this article out there where they say all these lip all these these you know these fruit loop people as i affectionately called them last week you know these blue green orange yellow neon-haired women with a bunch of holes in them that looked like they got poured out of a box of fruit loops are out there saying well now we're not gonna now we're not gonna fornicate you know i'm not gonna use there's some words i won't use from the pulpit because i don't want you have to explain what that word means to your children on the way home now a word like fag i will use from the pulpit and you can go ahead and explain that to your child on the way home because i can't think of a better word anyway i don't want to go off but these women are out there saying well we're not gonna we're not gonna fornicate we're not just gonna you know lay down with with all with you guys until abortion is legal again until we get our way when it comes to abortion it's like that's what we've been trying to get you to do from day one first of all who are the men that i want to get with these women it's like no no please not that anything but that meanwhile like all the happily married men are just like whatever probably sparing some guys some some misery i don't know who wants to get with these bart simpson looking freaks anyway their short little spiky haircut they're all trying to look and act like men anyways it's a joke well we're not gonna we're not gonna give it up to you guys so we get abortion again no please no it's like that's what we've been trying to get we've been trying to get you stop whoring around forever that's that's thank you and guess what if you stop doing that you're not going to need an abortion i mean i guess falling out of the ugly tree has more consequences than just your looks but you know there's legal consequences in god's law for harming the unborn we just looked at it here you know abortion is murder because it's the shedding of innocent blood go to psalms 106 and keep something in psalms until we're done and the bible says in proverbs 6 these things that the lord hates that the lord hates you know i've been getting all these emails from these morons online oh god never hates anyone who are you to preach hate these things that the lord hates go go do a word study on the word hate and its derivatives in scripture and then come back and tell me about god i love how these people have never read the bible want to reach out to us and tell us what the bible says people who hate christians want to tell me how to be a christian anyway these six things that the lord hate ye seven are an abomination to him a proud look a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood feet that be swift in running to mischief just oh i was out last night at the club got knocked up slept around with some dude i can't what did i don't remember his name what did he look like i don't know it's another saturday night let me go get my plan b and abort this child at home oh i i you know i uh i missed my cycle let me take a test oh let me just swiftly run down to mischief and create mischief let my feet just be swift in running to mischief and go shed some innocent blood that's where we're at that's what people do and you know what that's something that god hates i mean i just read it for you these six things that the lord hate hands that shed innocent blood feet that be swift and running to mischief and you know this is important to us you say well look you know i'm i'm not doing that we're not we're not you know aborting our children here obviously you know where this isn't this isn't really going to apply to me but you're living in a nation that promotes it you're living in a nation that is just shocked about the fact that they might not have as easy access to shed innocent blood as they did for the last several decades and what i want to get across this morning about this idea of shedding innocent blood is that you know god has we already see the legal consequences that god has put in his civil law but also we need to understand that god will judge a nation that sheds innocent blood god isn't just you know we read you know in exodus guy wasn't like that you know this is just the way i would prefer things to be this is just my suggestion you know if you if you want to do things a way that's pleasing to me here's how you do it and if you choose not to you know i'm there's nothing i can do about it god's just going to sit back and twiddle his thumbs while innocent blood's just being shed i mean think about the first innocent blood that was shed on this earth able god took care of that pretty quick i mean he came and confronted cain pretty quick and said hey that blood's crying to me from the ground that was one man one innocent man now what about all just just the just the pool of blood just the the lakes of literal blood that have been shed in this country and around the world through abortion that's just one method of shedding innocent blood that this country has on its hands and we're going to sit here and say well god's not going to judge that nation of course he is we see it in scripture look at psalms 106 say have you go there verse 37 psalms 106 verse 37 yea they speaking of the nation of israel sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils back then you know it was very blatant it was very obvious i mean they were literally causing their children to pass through the fire onto molec they were burning their children in the fire to literal idols you know we don't do anything like that today we don't sack you know we we don't we might not sacrifice them on the altar of molec but they suck they sacrifice them on the altar of selfishness and you know they sacrifice it on the altar of sin and lasciviousness that's what they sacrifice on it it's it's not a literal fire that's burning them no it's it's the uh you know it's the saline solution it's the doctors influence that are that are doing the destruction now it says they sacrificed their sons their daughters on the devils and shed innocent blood even the bloods of their sons and their daughters from the they sacrificed on the idols of canan and the land was polluted with blood it says the land was polluted with blood thus they were defiled by their own works and went a whoring after their own inventions there's nothing new under the sun they went a whoring after their own event inventions and look at verse 40 therefore was the wrath of the lord kindled against his people against his own people how much more so a notion that doesn't even want to know god that rejects god that mocks god to his face therefore was the wrath of the lord kindled against his people in so much that he abhorred his own inheritance remember our remember the concept here of what's the therefore therefore he's the god's wrath is kindled because they shed innocent blood because they sacrificed their children because they killed the innocent because they went after they defiled their own works because they they what went a whoring with after their own inventions and god judged them and we know the story of the nation of israel god destroyed that nation do we think that that should be any different today yeah but we're america you don't understand we're america we're the greatest nation that's ever been we're we believe in american exceptionalism you know that god god says that he counts the nations you know less they're nothing damn they're less than nothing that they're just men go to keep something here in psalms go to deuteronomy 19, deuteronomy 19 you know and there's only one way to atone for the shedding of innocent blood and that's through the death penalty for those that have shed the innocent blood you know and we're way beyond that it's not like we can go pull out the record books and start cleaning house yeah and i i doubt our our you know we can't even get our sheriff you know here i'm getting in our local authorities here in tucson to even force any kind of you know loss concerning this they have you know there's a little go vote they'll take care of it 61 percent of americans are for this you know they're just more they're more interested in just staying in office just keeping the bankroll coming in just keeping their position they are actually enforcing righteous laws oh they'll they'll show up you know by the dozens they'll show up well you know when somebody calls because some soul winners came and knocked on their door and invite him into church well you'll have the chandler pd showing up in a heartbeat and kicking you out of neighborhoods but you know the people that are just murdering children on the abortion clinic nothing to see there folks nothing to see there but we're going to get away with it because we're america due to ronomy 19 it says in verse 9 it says in due to ronomy 19 verse 9 if thou shall keep these all these commandments to do them which i command in this day to love the lord thy god and to walk ever in his ways then thou shall add three cities more for thee beside these three and of course this is where he's teaching about the city of refuge where when when a capital crime has been committed you know people that could could flee to these cities and then judgment could be made before the avenger of blood the avenger of blood could could kill them and he's saying look he's going to give these three cities why that innocent blood may not be shed in thy land right you know that's where you get the concept of that people are should deserve a fair trial which lord thy god shall give thee for an inheritance and so blood be upon thee but if any man hate his neighbor and lie and wait for him and rise up against him and smite him mortally that he die and he fleeth in one of these cities then the elders of that city shall send and fetch him fence and deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood that he may die so if the guy's found guilty if he's shed innocent blood if he killed his neighbor then you know what you need to deliver him up because he shed innocent blood thine eye shall not pity him says verse 13 thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from israel that it may go well with thee he's saying you're going to do that god isn't saying put away the guilt of innocent blood just because because i said so it's because so that it may go well with thee so that i don't come and avenge the innocent blood so that i don't come down there and clean house and start judging your nation which is exactly what he did you know and that's exactly what's taking place in this country today this country is under the judgment of god and it's going to continue to be under the judgment of god and you know what it's going to it's going to get worse and i'm i'm fine with it you know i wish it wasn't the case but it's like you know we deserve it as a nation this nation deserves to be judged by god for all the innocent i mean even so come lord jesus judge this nation you know like the psalmist said you know put the nations in fear that they may remember that they are but men and that they're accountable to a holy god every last one of them you say well what's the evidence of god's judgment on this nation reprobates you know i believe the the reprobates that we see and the fact this this country's just being given over the worst sins is an evident token of god's judgment i mean isn't that an evident token for the reprobate himself when romans won because when they they knew not god they glorified him not as god neither were they thankful and what happened therefore you know even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge therefore god also what gave them up onto a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being made a reprobate is the judgment of god you know all these sodomites are reprobates they are under the judgment of god individuals every single one of them say oh god made me that way yeah he did he did you know not at birth no one's born that way but they're made that way later by god after they've rejected god to the point where he just gives them over to reprobate mind that's the judgment of god you know that can happen to a nation a nation can be given over to reprobates i believe that and i believe that's what we're seeing in this nation that's why you know reprobates are just a freely promoted freely allowed to just go out and promote their message and ours is silenced that's why they can call for acts of violence and and with no reprisal and we can just be falsely accused of doing so you know reprobates are the evidence of god's judgment in this country he said in psalms 81 i'll read to you go to psalms 94 if you would go to psalms 94 but it says in psalms 81 my people would not hearken unto my voice and israel would none of me hmm it sounds like romans one doesn't it they would not hearken unto my voice and they would none of me you know they because when they knew god they glorified him not as god the things of god are clearly seen by the things which are made the invisible things are clearly seen by the things which are made so that they are without excuse right they they know who god is it's obvious but my people would not hearken my voice and israel would none of me they didn't want to retain him in their knowledge verse 12 so i gave them up under their own hearts lusts his own people i just gave them all over to their own hearts lusts and they walked in their own councils he said go ahead then eat the fruit of your own way go eat the fruit of your own way then and that's what's been going on in this country where we've just rejected god we rejected the word of god we've embraced just you know all just the most liberal vile just wicked well you know laws and philosophies practices in this land and we've been given over to our own councils and look where it's gotten us look what they're protesting out there today look what everyone's upset about the fact that they can't shed innocent blood like they you know and that that's not even you know and that that's not even the case it's just they're just a maybe in a lot of places a lot of places not gonna nothing's gonna change but in some places like no you know even that little bit they they have to be able to shed innocent blood wherever that's where walking in our own councils has gotten us that's where god has got that's where we are we've just been rejected and given over to these things as a nation you know we don't like to hear that in here this morning because we live here it's like well wait a minute i live here yeah you know what we live in in the midst of a perverse and wicked generation you know what that means we should just shine all the more for christ that just makes our message all the more powerful that just makes us shine as lights for christ all the more brighter as it gets darker around us spiritually you say well i don't know how i feel about that i mean god god's judgment that doesn't that's not a very uplifting sermon this morning but we have to remember what why is god judging what is god's judgment about it's because he's he's taking vengeance on behalf of the innocent he's defending the weakest among us the unborn you know that's what that's the encouragement that i gotta get out of it i'm encouraged by the fact that god doesn't just sit idly by and let people get away with what they're what they think they're getting away with even if they don't recognize it even if they themselves cannot see it i can't see it and hopefully you can see it too this morning that we can look and see god's judgment on this nation and as upsetting as that is and as discouraging as that might be the silver lining is is that god is righteous and god takes vengeance and i and i appreciate that about god i love that about the lord that he you know he stands up and he defends the fatherless even when man won't look at psalm 94 and i go there verse one oh lord to whom vengeance belongeth oh god to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself i mean that's what the psalmist here wants he's like he's saying i want to see vengeance i want to see god punish the god punish the wicked i can't wait for it you know a lot sometimes people will will think about you know the great white throne of judgment at the end of millennium when god you know resurrects the dead which are in hell and they stand before god small and great and people think about oh it's going to be tough that day when i see you know people i knew that rejected christ you know and i get this i understand that sentiment you know and earthly speaking that i can relate to that i get where we're coming from and i feel that way too you know but part of me believes that when we are when we are resurrected we have been with christ we have the mind of christ we have that glorified body when we have behold christ and his righteousness on that day you know we're probably going to be fine with everything he does we're gonna we're gonna have such perfect understanding of the righteousness and judgment of god we'll see those people cast headlong into hell and just say amen oh god to whom vengeance belongeth show thyself you know i want to see the vengeance of god upon the wicked that's what i want to see that's what the psalmist wanted to see look at verse two lift up thyself thou judge of the earth render a reward to the proud these people that you know they that's how they identify themselves their pride you know you know what god rendered a reward to them you know and that's why i'm i don't have to take things into my own hands and i never will i never encourage anybody to do that i've always said look god's the one that's going to take care of them if they don't get it in this life they've got an attorney in the lowest hell to look forward to i mean what more could i do to them so enjoy it you know that's what i say to them enjoy it while it lasts proud enjoy your pride while while you can because god is going to show himself and take vengeance and he's going to render a reward to you look at verse three lord how long shall the wicked how long shall the wicked triumph i mean doesn't it feel like that to you sometimes especially this time of year especially when you got you know just it's just being shoved in your face you got buzz light queer i thought of that after last week's sermon said man i should have said buzz light queer so i fitted in this this morning buzz light queer which what i saw was just a complete flop apparently like that i guess it was just is it just it just died in the box it just goes show me people are sick and tired of this even you know it's not just the independent fire breathing leather lung fundamental baptist preachers that are getting sick of this crap even just the average everyday joe out there is fed up with all of the sodomy that's just being shoved in their face every day that's what these fags don't understand it that it's just not it's not just me it's not just a small group of people you know there's a lot and the more they push it and the more vitriolic they become and the bigger bullies that they become and they are bullies by the way and the more they just insist on having their thing the things their way and and and canceling this and canceling that and being woke about it people are going to get fed up with it so you know go ahead but we feel like this sometimes how long shall the wicked triumph how long shall they utter verse four and speak hard things and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves isn't that what they do these proud boasters they break in peace as thy people oh lord and afflict thine heritage they slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless it sounds like abortion to me they murder the fatherless who's the child of who's the father of this child about to deport oh it could be one of several i don't know yet they say the lord shall not see neither shall the god of jacob regard it isn't that what they say today oh you christians oh you bible believers there's no god oh your sky daddy they have all these cute little mocking terms that they like to throw around your spaghetti monster that's whatever it's like you the more the more you hear these people speak the more the jew just rings true brute beasts stupid animals like some idiot made a comp like make like made like a 10-minute long video and he caught me and he shared it on our facebook page and a comment and it's a video of me preaching against the fags for nine minutes or something like that and i'm just like and like look we made a video of your preaching and we put it on youtube it's like hello where do you think you got that video i put it on youtube like i'm oh oh don't play i didn't realize i was going to get out there that's what but you know i can't blame him for thinking that because that's the way a lot of baptists are that's why a lot of preachers are well shut the camera off who's in here tonight okay i guess i got a special message in it you know make sure it's okay in here but that you know they're brute beasts oh look we put your preaching out there i just say hey thanks for the views get spread the word thanks for getting out there that's what they do they slay the widow and the stranger they murder their fathers yet they say the lord shall not see neither shall the god of uh jacob regard it understand he brutish among the people and he fools when shall you be wise he that planted the ear shall he not hear he that formed the eye shall he not see you know one who planted that ear in the womb the one who formed that eye in the womb he sees that you can sit there and say god doesn't see all you want he sees he sees you can sit there oh the god of jacob doesn't regard yeah but he formed the ear he formed the eye he sees he hears his eyes go to and fro throughout all the earth beholding the evil and the good verse 10 he that chastiseth the heathen shall he not correct he that teacheth man knowledge shall he not know the lord knoweth them thoughts of man that they are vanity blessed is a man whom thou chasteness oh lord and teaches him out of thy law that thou mayest give him rest from the days of adversity until the pit be digged for the wicked you know we need to just keep obeying god's commandments taking the chastening of god and you know and living a righteous and godly life getting right with god staying right with god and just loving the lord obeying his commandments serving him until the pit be digged for the wicked and that pit is being dug and they're helping god dig it and they keep digging it and keep digging it and one day god's going to cast them into that pit verse 14 for the lord will not cast off his people neither will he forsake his inheritance but judgment shall return unto righteousness and all the upright shall follow it who shall rise up for me against the evildoers or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity unless the lord had been my help my soul had almost dwelt in silence when i said my foot slippeth my mercy oh lord held me up in the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee which frameth mischief by a law shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee with do with what which frameth mischief by a law hmm framing mischief by a law i wonder how we could apply that this morning do we know anyone any any laws that have been framed that are laws of mischief oh yeah there's one that comes to mind roe versus wade they frame mischief by a law you know what they have nothing to do with god they gather themselves against the soul of the righteous and do what and condemn the innocent blood what do they do they frame mischief by a law they gather themselves against the soul of the righteous and then they condemn the innocent blood i mean here's a book thousands of years old that's just like perfectly describing what we see today because man's nature has never changed there have always been people that have hated god they hated his word they hated god's people and love nothing more than to just shed innocent blood and live their wicked lives and pretend that god doesn't see they gather themselves against the soul of the righteous and condemn the innocent blood but the lord is my defense and my god is the rock of my refuge and he shall bring down upon he shall bring upon them their own iniquity and shall cut them off in their own wickedness yea the lord our god shall cut them off you know we see a lot of innocent blood being being shed today in our country don't we and you know it's very it's very wearisome and it's very wearisome when you see you know finally something that that has that that you at least say would be a small victory you know when you see this law of roe versus wade being retained it's you know that's very encouraging but it's it's still wearisome when you see that happen and then you see how people are reacting to it they're not out there rejoicing in the streets this morning over the weekend all these protests that are going to be planned you know the summer of love that's going to come over us again the mostly pre-postful the protests mostly peaceful the the firing but mostly peaceful protests that are going to come upon this nation i mean if i were in the lumber sales i i'd be i'd be hey at least we're going to be selling supply wood people are going to be boarding things up again you know when we see we see that taking place you know it's very wearisome because they're not out there rejoicing over what's happened they're they're enraged and that can be worrisome but you know what we you know that that's a perfectly natural reaction and when you hear someone say hey god's gonna judge this nation for what's taking place that that should not be that shouldn't worry us this morning we shouldn't say oh god god's gonna judge america god already is judging america you know that should be something that actually gives us comfort through all this it's naturally weary with the wicked you know we shouldn't be worried you know we shouldn't be worried about god's wrath i mean i i'm i mean i'm not i wouldn't say i'm worried for them you know they ought to be worried i'm surprised they're not you know if they knew it was good for them they would be worried about god's wrath these people that hate god you know as much as i might be worried with them i'm not worried about god judging this nation in fact it's an encouragement to me in fact you know it causes me to rejoice to know that god's not just you know that what that god is going to bring upon them their own iniquity and that he shall cut them off in their own wickedness and that the lord our god shall cut them off you know and that cutting off means he's gonna he's gonna kill him he's gonna judge him you know they're they're not gonna live the evil man's not gonna live out half his days they're they're gonna and even if they manage to live you know these aids dispensing freaks manage to live a longer than average life you know beyond the what is it 50 years they're still gonna go to hell you know and that's why i can i can sit here and get up with and say hey god is judge is gonna judge this nation is judging this nation and that should actually be an encouragement to you it should be encouraging to you that god you know takes his takes vengeance on the wicked and isn't just sitting idly by and just gonna let innocent blood go unanswered you know maybe maybe it's not as quick as we like maybe we might start out like the psalmist saying how long how long oh lord but we know it's coming we know it's coming it will come and when we finally say see that day god taking his vengeance on the wick i mean the longer it takes to get here just you know what the the better it's going to be you thought christmas morning was good wait till jesus comes back and takes vengeance on the wicked you know with an eternal fire you know firing flaming vengeance on them that know not god let's go and pray dear lord again thank you for the promise that we have that that you see and hear everything that's taking place on this earth you hear the wicked you see the wicked and lord it might seem like they're triumphing it might seem that they've they in fact they have won battles no doubt about it lord but we know that ultimately you have won the war it's a it's a war that's already won help us to wait patiently upon you help us to continue to love you and and to serve you and help us to not be overly discouraged by the things that we see taking place around us but help us to continue to shine as lights for you as this world grows darker and darker as as the day as your great day approaches we ask these things in christ name amen so let me me is oh come on is is so thank you so so so so is so is is so is is so so so that is