(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then so this evening I'm continuing on with the series I started this morning and I'm this is gonna be it but we're gonna just a two-part sermon really on how to preach the gospel on how to preach the gospel and this morning we kind of just went over the basics of You know the actual act of going making the point that you know The best way to learn how to preach the gospel is to just you know Start going and and I'll repeat that now because you know tonight We're gonna get in the nuts and bolts of the gospel a little bit more and go over specific Verses and how do you want to cover and use and illustrations and things like that? But you know the point is is that you know there's gonna I can't cover everything and I certainly don't want to just give people a script to follow and You know the the more nuanced things about giving the gospel the subtleties that are involved with it with actually giving the gospel It's something you're only gonna be able to learn by going okay So I can give you a track to run on tonight, you know to what scriptures to turn to maybe some illustrations you could use Things that need to be explained to people and kind of give you a general guideline give you that track to run on You know, I can't take the time, you know and and really would just be too much information for anybody for me to just try to cover every single subtle thing that might or Might not come up in in a get you know When you're preaching the gospel to somebody And then that just takes us back to this morning sermon that the best way to learn how to go soul-winning is to go Soul-winning to actually, you know, you can write all these verses down tonight You can you can do everything I suggest but until you actually put it into practice, you know It's it's gonna really not avail you anything. It's gonna really take off for you When you know you actually put it to practice and you know again what I'm showing you tonight This is kind of really just how I've learned to do it. This is just what I do I'm not saying you have to do everything that I do You know, I do believe there are certain, you know subjects when giving the gospel that you have to make sure you're covering Sin hell, you know Christ deity, you know His love for us salvation by grace through faith eternal security That's a real big one that we really want to make sure we're covering, you know, when we're giving the gospel So I'm gonna give you all these things but you know, this isn't the end-all be-all of gospel presentations Okay, I'm not God's gift to soul-winning and that's probably not a shock to any of you, right and on any if you're sitting There and think well, I already go soul-winning. I already know how to do this I'll admonish you again as I did this morning that you know getting back to the basics Often is what's going to help us get back to you know, go to the next level on our soul-winning I mentioned this morning, you know, I had been soul-winning for a few years when I heard you know Pastor Anderson sermons soul-winning instructions one and two which I still highly recommend I think that if you're one who's endeavoring to learn how to go soul-winning by all means listen to that sermon and You know, you'll see you notice probably a lot of similarities because we're covering the same points You know what? But was when I heard those sermons and I just kind of say, you know I'm just gonna go back to basics and just take the preacher's advice and cover these points You know that was really kind of helped me tighten things up in my gospel Presentation and kind of take it to that next level. Okay, so don't write this off Even if you're somebody who already kind of knows how to give the gospel, you know You're already a season's soul winner, you know There might be some things don't tune me out tonight that you could pick up on and if you if you're you know Someone who's endeavoring to give the gospel Obviously, this is a very important sermon Because you know, I could take the time to go to every individual who's trying to learn the gospel Which I'm more than happy to do and cover all this But you know, it's a lot more effective for everybody if I can just get up and kind of hit us all at once You know and this sermon will be online This might be something you want to go back to if you're one that's endeavoring to preach the gospel and and also This is part two. So, you know the sermon this morning this sermons this morning this morning sermon You know is part and parcel with the sermon and if you miss that sermon, I would highly Recommend that you go back and listen to that as well online Okay Now I'm gonna use an illustration for the giving of the god, you know The how to preach the gospel and I'm not I'm sure I got this from somewhere else Sue me, you know, I'm not trying to be original up here I'm not you know, I'm not trying to you know, make waves or be my you know, some super special preacher Okay, but me I preach things all the time. I'm wondering did I hear that somewhere else? Where did I get that? You know or I'll think like I had some real original idea or wow I'll see something in the Bible and I'll think wow, this is this is great and then it's like oh, yeah You preached that a year ago You're like you're just kind of remembering things that you've increased a year ago, but I'm gonna like in you know Preaching the gospel unto, you know flying a plane Okay flying in a plane and I think that this is a really good analogy when it comes to even preaching in the pulpit You know, this is where I you know, that is where I heard it I heard it in Pastor Anderson's preaching class that you know preaching a sermon is like flying a plane You know, the takeoff is really hard then you get to cruising altitude where it's a little bit easier You got all your notes You're kind of in your groove and then the landing is also very difficult and you when you think about that you know that analogy is really good because You know As I understand it, you know, if I'm wrong about this Please don't correct me until after the sermon because it'll ruin my illustration But if my understanding is that you know when pilots fly a commercial airliner, you know They manually take off and they kind of get the plane where it needs to be kind of get everything set and they just hit The autopilot and then that just kind of cruises to where they need to be and then when they got to start, you know Descending landing the plane that's kind of when the pilot kind of gets back involved That's a great analogy for preaching, you know a sermon but for tonight's purposes as well, you know in preaching the gospel That's really the hardest parts about preaching the gospel people get overwhelmed by you know Everything they're gonna have to explain all the passages they turn to well, you know There's a way to kind of put that on autopilot the really I find that the people struggle with the most is Getting the thing off the ground and then knowing how to land the plane at the end of the gospel That's where people kind of struggle, you know The the Bible says was we read this morning in Romans chapter 1 They had Paul Paul said he was not ashamed the gospel of Christ wide because it is the power of God unto salvation you know the the preaching the scriptures and You know giving the illustrations explaining those things obviously we have to put effort into that have to be thorough in that but that's kind Of the cruising altitude, you know you that's that's the track to run on God's given us his word We just need to preach the Bible and that's that's pretty easy It's really, you know the takeoff the getting on the runway, you know, that's that's kind of the hard part You know you think about and I'm gonna use this analogy throughout throughout the sermon So if you don't like it just get used to it, but the the think about when you're taking off in a plane You're gonna fly somewhere. There's the taxiing that takes part, right and we all love that We're all confined in this small little seat. That's too small for us and we're surrounded by people We don't know and we're about you know sub whether we realize it or not on a subconscious level We're in fear of our lives being snuffed out in a moment. It's a very stressful situation Whether you realize that or not, so I believe that you know reason why people are stressed and flying It's on a subconscious level. They know they're about to do something and you know, that's completely unnatural Man was never intended to fly at high altitudes, right? So think about that the next time you're flying but you know, that's you know You're taxiing you just when you're flying you just want to get it over with right you're in the plane You got up there you got to the went through the security You packed you've gone through all this rigmarole just to get there and then you get in the plane It's like alright, let's go and it's like we're gonna be about 20 minutes. We've got a few other planes out of us You know, that's a very trying time into flight, right? Well, it's kind of the same way in soul winning You know that taxiing could be likened unto you going out as a silent partner You having to sit through this sermon tonight and actually pay attention to what's being preached you having to mark down your Bible And put in the effort, you know to prepare to even begin to take off in preaching the gospel That's kind of like that taxing right and that's what I covered a lot this morning, you know I'm not gonna go over all that You know the duty of going soul winning the the the the desire to do it the demeanor that you have to have at the door You know, that's all part of that kind of taxing Process and again, I'll say it again the more subtle points have to be learned out soul winning I can't cover it all tonight Well, then you get through that taxing right and you get off to you get to the point where you're actually you're you're pointed Down the runway you begin to accelerate and you're lifting off right now for some people this can be a very You know, that's probably my favorite part of the of the flight, right? Because you're you're finally taking off It's exciting to get going you're thrown back in your seat But you know for some people that can be can be the scary part, you know being that's when people start it gets real They're like, okay, we're about to take off people can become very frightened by that if you've ever observed that on a plane So that's kind of the same rings true with with the gospel, right? You you kind of learn you go through that taxing process of how to commit to a soul winning time to show up You knock on the door. You learn how to just kind of tell people who you are You're getting through the nerves and then you say, you know, can I hey Can I show you from the Bible how to be saved and then they say and then these words? The answer comes back to you the most terrifying thing you ever heard yes And it's like okay now it's time to take off now. It's time to fly this thing, you know the tax things over, right? It's it's take off time. So let's kind of ease into that. Okay, so cuz the lifting off can be scary I'll take a minute here. But basically I don't want to cover everything we know over this morning, you know Very briefly, you know, we we go to the door. We knock the door I talked about how we knock right the actual no cop knocking when you're out there the demeanor at the door I'm not gonna reach that but then the person comes to the door, you know, and we say hey I'm my name is brother Corbin. Don't say that say your name, you know My name is so-and-so and I'm from faithful word Baptist Church and then I just say something like hey We're just handing out invitations to our church Can I give you one and I'm not gonna be super, you know Pedantic about whether or not you hand it to them or or ask if you can give it. I don't care about any of that I know I've preached things prior in the past. It doesn't matter to me sales tactics aren't the most important thing Okay, just be yourself. Okay, we preached all that but let's say, you know, that was this morning sermon go listen to it So then, you know, they say yeah, they take the invite. Okay. Well now what? now it's time to engage right now you have their attention and Basically, what I'll do is I just begin the process. All I'm trying to do at this point is gather information Okay, and and let me say this before I get into all this All right And I want to make this clear because whenever I preach sermons on soul winning and then I go soul winning with people It seems like everyone gets very tense with me, right and I and I get that and I get that I understand I mean, I know what it's like Especially, you know until you kind of get comfortable and you realize I'm not there to just critique your every move because I'm really not You know, but I get that, you know because I'm the deacon here and I'm kind of holding everybody accountable I get that but let me just kind of put your minds at ease, you know, I really don't care You know how you do this as long as you just kind of check in these certain boxes I don't care if you have a completely different way of preaching the gospel It doesn't matter to me, you know And I'm making that point because I know I have kind of emphasized certain things. I think that are now less important You know in the past, okay, so However, you do things it's fine. Just be yourself, you know, and I need to just say that You know when I'm out soul winning now if you make a blunder and this should go for anybody and not just me if you If you're out there and you're just making these serious errors in your soul winning, you know It's the responsibility of any good soul winner to correct you not just me, you know If you see somebody who's just missing eternal security in the gospel presentation You need to gently and lovingly, you know inform that person that you need to cover that, you know Or if they're just you know, if they're not doing a thorough job, we need to address that Okay, but as long as you're doing a thorough job, I don't care if you stutter and stammer through the whole thing I don't care if you if you do things the way I do them or you don't as long as the Gospels being preached Because again, that is the power of God into salvation not my method not my tactics or anything like that, okay Okay, so I cleared that, you know, I cleared that up I got that off my chest, but you know, so you hand out the invitation and you basically at this point I'm just gathering information. Okay. I'm just trying to find out a little about this person if they're saved or not So typically what I ask is, you know, are you a Christian, you know, they take I'll say are you Christian? You know some people ask do you go to church anywhere? That's fine, too I don't I don't care, you know Is your because you're just trying to assess that what I have noticed is that people who asked do you go to church then? They follow it up with are you Christian? You know, so I just kind of I just kind of skip that part, you know And I get why you would ask her to church. You're trying to you know, the this denomination or whatever That's fine. We're all just trying to gather information because here's the thing no matter what they respond. Yes. No Whatever whatever they say, that's just me trying to figure out what we know who I'm talking to And it's not going to change what my response is, you know, I'm just gonna say if they say yeah I'm a Christian. I'm gonna say great, you know, you know, that's great. You know, we Our church, you know is right over here I'll just say you know, we're over at Grant Road and we love to see people visit now if they say I say hey Are you Christian they say no, I'm gonna say okay, you know We're out inviting to eat people to church and we love to see him visit But we also just have every question you see how it's the same response. So me just asking them if they're Christian That's just kind of me Getting my foot in the door That's just me kind of going through that taking off process of trying to get to the actual Cruising altitude of preaching the gospel. Okay, and it kind of ascertaining. I'm just getting my crosswinds All right, you know, I'm like that pilot. I'm just kind of figuring out you know, the lay of the land You know seeing what the weather's like, you know, what lies ahead here, you know If they tell me that there's some Unitarian Universalist, you know some Trinity denying heretic That's probably tell me like we got we got to cancel this flight You know, they tell me they're just some diehard You know dyed in the wool Mormon. It's like sorry folks, you know, we're having technical issues we're gonna have to turn this around and and and and you know D board and Anyway, that's see how I'm using the analogy there. It all works but the point is no matter the answer, you know, unless it's something that's just like Eject eject, you know, it's it's it's okay great We love to see people visit our church and then I ask that question that just makes everyone's palm sweat when they start soul-winning Are you? Are you a hundred percent sure you're gonna go to heaven when you die? you know and and and I say that jokingly but and I and I'm not trying to put people down who might feel nervous about asking that because that is a nerve-wracking question to ask somebody It's just that I've asked it, you know hundreds of times maybe yea even thousands of times to me where it's like Night, it's like I'm just comp, you know complimenting their shoes or something or asking them, you know Do you know what time it is? Because I've just asked that question so many times. All right So but it is a nerve-wracking question, you know, so but you got to ask it, you know, cuz that's kind of Your lead-in, you know is is hey, are you 100% sure that you're on your way to heaven? That's something we ask everybody that we're out here and then you'll kind of get you know The response of yes or no and again, it doesn't really matter what they say I kind of have the same lead, you know, I'm just gathering information to say yeah I'm sure I'm going to heaven, you know or they'll say yeah, or they'll say no, I'm not sure, you know if they say Yeah, I'm gonna go to heaven. I'll just say something like well like well great You know a lot of people I ask aren't sure and that's the truth That's the majority of people a lot of the most people ask aren't sure You know or if they say no, I'm not sure I'll say hey, you know, that's what most people say They have a similar answer, you know, so it's it's just the same response basically, okay I'm just trying to figure out about this person. Are they same or not? I'll say are you 100% sure you're underway in heaven? Yes Great, you know most people I asked aren't sure. Hey, are you 100% sure you're underway in heaven? No, I'm not sure You know what? Most people aren't sure most people I talked to it's the same response and that's just a lead-in to You know, the reason why we ask is because the Bible does say That you can be 100% sure based on what it says You know and then I'll say, you know, whether regardless of their answer I'll say, you know, do you mind me asking what you think it takes for a person to get to heaven? And now and now we're you know, now the wheels are beginning to leave the ground. Okay, we're kind of we've gathered speed Because now they're gonna tell me and this is a very important question and I believe this is something you you know I highly recommend you get this information up front because you're gonna use it at the end If and that's how you're gonna ascertain whether or not this person has actually believed the gospel Because they're gonna either change their mind about what they believe or they're not So you say, you know, you know, we ask that question because the Bible says we can know You know these things I've ever into you may know that you have eternal life You know Do you mind me asking what you think a person has to do to go to heaven and the vast majority? People unless they're saved are just gonna say, you know be a good person Keep the commandments Etc right, which is what most people say You know and what I like to say and again I'm not saying you know You have to figure out how you want to say things and how you want to deal with people. This is what I do Okay, so then I just say hey, that's a good thing to do right to love your neighbor as yourself You know to love the Lord thy God to keep the commandments These are things that were commanded to do but that also takes a lot of work, doesn't it? You know, that's that's kind of and then most people say yeah, it is a lot of work and Then I'll say well, you know, the Bible says that salvation is a free gift, you know Those are those are good things to do. We should be good to one another it helps us get along But as far as going to heaven, it's actually a lot easier than that and it's all by faith You know and it only takes five or ten minutes, you know, it might take longer I don't know, but it can take five or ten minutes with some people Depending on how receptive they are. I'll say it only takes a moment, you know, five or ten minutes I could show you right here at the door That way you could be a hundred percent sure what the Bible says and how to go to heaven. Can I show you? Right and at that point, you know, we're either we're either just gonna completely we're gonna get to cruising altitude or we're not Right, or they're just gonna they're gonna eject at that point But let's just say they say yes. Okay, and that does happen. Okay, people do say yeah, they want to know. Okay So now we're gonna get into Preaching the gospel. So hopefully that's all clear. Hopefully I did a good enough job explaining just that first couple You know minute or two at the door if I'm from a Baptist Church, you know, are you a Christian? You you know, are you a hundred percent sure any way to heaven? Can I show you from the Bible? Okay, that's basically just a real general lead-in. They say yes now we have to go Get to cruising altitude and this is where people seem to get they think this is the hard part and I'm not saying and it Doesn't take effort But you know when the pilot gets the cruising altitude all he's really got to do is flip the autopilot on right and Just monitor the equipment right and just make sure all everything he's checking all the boxes, right? He's making sure all the dials and gizmos are you know, the needles in the right spot? Maybe he's got a flick a few switches here and there and that's really all you need to do with preaching the gospel You got to kind of keep an eye on the person Make sure they're tracking with you and make sure you're just kind of ticking the boxes as you go along that this flight is moving along smoothly, okay And let me just you know get real practical for you for a second here if if you want to learn how to preach the gospel the best thing you could do is At this point either start writing this down on a piece of paper or even better yet You know write it down or do this later or you can do it right now Actually start marking this in your Bible turn to the passages that we're gonna look at here Underline them and then actually make a map in your Bible what I mean by a map I don't mean like in the back draw map, you know, but actually, you know go so the first passage we're gonna look at You know, it's Romans 3 where we were this morning or this this when we were reading the scripture Romans 3 You could go to rate to Romans 3 23, but you know Romans 3 10 is there too you could start there or Romans 3 23 and you're just gonna underline, you know, Romans 3 23 and As long as that's the one you say, I don't know if I can remember all this look right now The only thing you got to remember when it comes to actually preaching the gospel is Romans 3 23 Romans 3 23 Romans 3 23, it's real easy. Okay, three two three Romans Okay, because once you get there you're gonna see oh, it's underlined. It's highlighted and you think I'll remember No, you won't because when especially when you first start out, you're gonna you're gonna be fumbling You're gonna be like it's all gonna get blurry. You're you're gonna get tunnel vision Your palms are gonna be sweating. You're gonna be might even be shaking You're gonna wish you had written these things down. You could even get some tabs out. This isn't for soul wedding This is for preaching. Yeah But there's no shame in using tabs I did it for a long time and you can and you can actually just go to these verses and you can highlight them So you're gonna go to Romans 3 and then at the bottom of the page You can just write like an arrow However, you want to do it go to and you're just gonna write the next scripture reference So then you can just turn to it in your Bible It's that simple and that's all you're gonna do all the way through the gas gospel presentation Go to Romans 3 23 Read the highlighted verse look at the bottom your page. The next verse is gonna be Romans 6 23 Go to Romans 6 23, you're gonna underline that and then you're just gonna write at the bottom of the page you know revelation 2014 and so on and so forth and that's it's that simple and All it then that way you don't have to sit here and remember all the verses that you need to turn to To make your to preach the gospel. Okay, because remember that's that's what we're preaching here. It was the gospel We need to use the Word of God Okay. Now if you memorize all these verses and you just want to recite them. I'm not against that You know some people want to get real Super spiritual and act like you have to actually open up and show them the physical words out of the Bible I'm not against that either. I think that's great. If you can do that. I've also seen people just Recite the verses to somebody and people get saved because it's still it's still the Word of God. Okay It's not the ink on the paper that saves people. It's it's the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. Okay? So You're going to Romans 3 23, you know, Romans 3 10 is maybe another one, you know Because people just might have gotten done telling you that they're gonna go to heaven because they're a good person Right and it says in Romans 3 10 as it is written. There's none righteous. No, not one, you know It says in Romans 3 there's none that do with good. Okay And then you're gonna Romans 3 23 and it says for all have sinned it comes short of the glory of God Look, I know we know these verses but we're gonna go through them. Okay, and Basically, you're just gonna say hey, I'm a sinner. You're a sinner, right all have sinned That's the emphasis there all have sinned would that include you? Yes, and if you run into that odd duck that one in a million person who's gonna say I don't sin You know, just just at that point just say have a nice day and walk away Because that person is probably not gonna get it you if you want to sit there and beat your head against the wall You know get somebody that thinks they've never sinned have at it do whatever you want I've run across that once and I'm pretty sure that person had lost their mind. Okay, and they were they were crazy They were very odd to begin with But just say, you know, hey for all of sin like I'm a sinner You're a sinner right and vast majority a prac 99.9 percent people are gonna say yes And you now have to spend a lot of time on this point, you know Don't you know? and it's good to have somebody kind of guiding you through this who knows how to preach the gospel has done it because I Know when I started out I try to kind of I'm like well I'm gonna do my things my way and what I found myself doing a lot is just beating a dead horse You know and especially, you know, I'm just like no I'm gonna make sure this person knows that they're a sinner No, I know that we just read Romans 3 23 But you know, we're you know, the Bible says that your heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things Did you know that you know and I'm just you know Jesus said if you even looked at a woman of lust you couldn't adult you've you ever done that, you know I'm just gonna grill this person about their sin. There's no need to do that Because the vast majority people understand, you know, I know it's on an irony that they're gonna say Well, I'm a good person that's I'm going to heaven but then you're gonna turn around they're gonna admit to you But yeah that they're a sinner, okay So I get that but we don't need to grill people on this point You know all of sin and come short of glory God people are gonna admit that very quickly Then you're gonna go to Romans 6 23. So Romans 3 23 to Romans 6 23 and we're just checking the boxes We're at cruising altitude We're just we've gotten we've gotten through that that difficult process of getting the plane off the ground that uncomfortable moment You know when we're kind of asking if they're if they're 100% sure they're on their way to heaven and now we're just what? We're just monitoring the equipment. We're just making sure we're tack ticking all the boxes as we go and keeping things on course Okay, so we're going to Romans 3 23 and we're right now We're just talking about we got to get these people to realize and admit that they're a sinner and that The punishment for sin is hell. Okay, you can start with the bad news first Otherwise, what do they need to be saved for? So we go to Romans 6 23 now Romans 6 23 is it's probably something you're gonna want to you know Bookmark because we're only gonna talk about the first half at this point when you're at the door You're just gonna mention that first part Romans 6 23 a for the wages of sin is death. Okay? We'll come back to the gift of God later. Okay, so we'll be back in Romans 6 23, but right now we're just looking Hey, we're all sin and the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, you know briefly explain what a wage is, right? Hey, the Bible says, you know, you know a wage is something you earn, you know, we talked about minimum wage The people they pay you wages not because they're being nice and generous but because you owe that they owe you that money you deserve it That's what a wage is something you've earned right and it said the wages of sin is death So what we've earned by being sinners is death and then I explained, you know, it's not just our physical death We're all gonna grow old and die one day, but there's also the spiritual death. Okay, what the Bible calls the second death Have you ever heard of that then they're probably gonna say no I don't think I've ever had anybody say yeah, I've heard of the second death and That's in Revelation 2014. So that's the next passage. We're gonna turn to is Revelation 2014 So we're saying hey, we're all sin and all come short of the glory of God and the Bible says that the wages of sin is Death, right? It's not just a physical death But it's also the spiritual death the death of our soul, which is called the second death. Have you ever heard of that? No, well, you know, it's what we commonly refer to as going to hell. I'm sure you've heard about that and they'll say yes Okay, and then you say okay. Well, that's what I'm talking about You know, that's part that's part of the wages that not only to serve a physical death But after we die, we actually deserve the Bible says we've earned hell for our sins The Bible says in Revelation 2014 and death and hell were cast in the lake of fire You know, if I asked you to describe hell you would describe it one of the first things that probably come out of your mouth is fire, you know, like The the rich man Lazarus it says that in hell he lift up his eyes being in torments Okay because he was on fire and he said He asked that the Abraham would send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and to touch the tip of his tongue I know I'm paraphrasing why because he is tormented in this flame. You don't have to say all that Okay, but that's there if you want it And say see that's hell that it's talking about and it says this is the second death What is the second death when they're cast in the lake of fire? Okay, and we don't need to get into the all-time that the end times Theology at this point explain when this is taking place You're just simply trying to show them that the wages of sin and I understand it's hell is being cast in lake of fire These are two different things. It doesn't you don't need to explain that. Okay, you don't need to confuse a person All you're trying to get them to understand is that they've broken God's command law that that sin is a transgression of law That every one of us has done that and we all are going to face the wrath of God in A fiery place that we call hell or the second death. Okay So just get that across right and you so you kind of make it's very grave somber point you're making You don't need to really make it any worse sounding than it is Okay, if people have any respect in the Word of God, it's probably hitting home. Okay Then you're gonna go to Revelation 21 8 so Romans 6 3 23 Romans 6 23 Revelation 2014 Revelation 21 8 say hey, you know Bible says we all deserve to go to hell In fact, it even gives a list of people that are gonna go there and you find that list in Revelation 21 8 where it says but the fearful and the unbelieving the abominable and murders whore mongers sorcerers and idolaters and All liars shall have their part in like which burn fire and brimstone, which is the second death You know and this is kind of a this is and again, this is just what I do You don't have to do this this but for me I like this because this is a moment where you can have a little bit of levity Because basically I'm coming to your door and saying you're gonna go to hell You know, that's not exactly what they wanted to hear when they woke up this morning, but it's true It's what they need to hear But so you can kind of you know A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down folks You can kind of soften the blow here a little bit by saying look, you know, it gives this list You know, I'm not a lot of these things, you know, I'm not a murderer Are you? You know now you might not want to always say that, you know There's some some neighborhoods probably want to skip this this this moment of levity and just let it sink in. Okay You know if you're a Gary, Indiana or something like that, you're in the Myrtle cat, you know in Detroit or something They're gonna be like, yeah Like okay, well, you know if you're talking to some sweet, you know little lady or something like that or something There's probably never harm to fly You say well, I'm not I'm not a lot of these things, you know, I've never killed anybody Have you killed anybody you got any you got any bodies in the backyard? Like no stop, you know, they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna think it's funny, right? I'm not a whoremonger. You probably don't want to touch that either. You know, I'm not a sorcerer I don't have a black hat on black hat, you know cauldron. I don't cast spells I'm not an idolater, you know, and then I'll say but it does say all liars Not about you, but I've told some big lie told some whoppers, you know, have you ever told a lie? And then they're gonna say yeah, right and then you know, I might just reference James to where it says You know Whosoever shall keep the whole law and yet offended one point. He is guilty of all I don't turn there Okay, and I'll just say, you know, I'm just trying to make the point that we've all broken God's commandments And you know if we're being honest, we've probably said done or thought worse things than lying The point is that we've all at least done this Which puts us on a list of people that how does the verse end? Shall have their part in Lake which burneth fire and brimstone which is the second death. So there it is again I'm just saying look, you know I'm showing you right now and this is one of these boxes that you got a tick Whether you do it in this order you use the illustrations that I use I don't care as long as you're ticking this box and you're keeping the plane on track. Okay and pointed at the destination Okay You got to make sure that people understand that they're sinners and that because they're sinners they deserve to go to hell And if you have a better way of explaining it go for it Okay, but if you have no way this is probably a good track to start on Okay, and then you can start freestyling later when you get more comfortable So that's the first box the next box. We want to tick of course is Jesus His love for us and the sacrifice that he made for us that we don't have to go to hell So say look, you know the Bible says we're all sinners Now we all deserve to go to hell, right? But do you think that God wants everybody to go to hell? And most people are gonna say no, of course not and I say you're right He doesn't then we're gonna go back to Romans 5 8 ok Romans 5 8 And we're gonna talk about Jesus love. I said that's why Jesus came right it says in Romans 5 8 But God commended his love toward us in that why we were yet sinners Christ died for us Now something that I picked up from another soul winner And I like to kind of point is that it point out is that it says while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. So I see see Jesus loves us. He doesn't want us go to hell So he's not waiting for us to clean up our life or go to church or be baptized or keep the sacraments or do all These good works. He loves us while we're yet sinners even though we've already broken God's commandments and deserve to go to hell That's when he loved us, right and it and we know that he loved us. Why because Christ died for us You know and I'll just mention I'll say you probably heard about Jesus and the vast majority of people I've heard about Jesus and I'll say you know that he was you know The Bible says that that Jesus was God and I'll just quote first Timothy 3 16 you could turn there if you want First Timothy chapter 3 verse 16. I'll say but God, you know, God was manifest in the flesh, right? And I don't quote the whole verse, you know justify to me, you know preach on the Gentiles believe in the world Receive receive up in the glory justify the spirit. I'm not going to quote it I'll just say the Bible says that God was manifest in the flesh and I'm quoting first Timothy 3 16 Okay, and I'll say that that that God being manifest is talking about the fact that Jesus was born of a virgin That's God being manifest the flesh the Bible teaches. Jesus is God You know, you want to make sure you establish that and then they'll say yeah I get that and you've probably heard about the miracles that he preached and the things that he or the miracles that he did and The things that he preached and they'll say yes And you'll say, you know, he some of the things he said upset people and then they eventually crucified him, right? That's why it says that he died for us Right and I'll just mention, you know that that you know, because here's the thing, you know to go to heaven you can't have any sin But you know and I can't pay for your sins because I have mine you can't pay for mine because you have yours But Jesus could die for us because he didn't have any sin by Jesus was perfect He was 10th in all points like as we are yet without sin, right? So he was able to die for our sins and I'm just using Romans 5 8 to point this out. Look he died for our sins That's why Jesus died so because remember the sins that we just mentioned are the what's taking us to hell So I'll say, you know that he died for our sins, right? It's so, you know, hopefully everybody in the room can kind of elaborate this point a little bit more on their own I don't need to go in depth about Jesus. Okay, and And and there's enough there, you know, just make sure you're mentioning that he's God You know that they understand that Jesus is God and that he died for their sins. Okay, that's why he came to earth And then I'll make the point I'll say now when Jesus died Do you think he died for some people or? Everybody. Okay, and they'll say everybody which is the right answer, right? Because he is the Savior of all men Especially those that leave there's one meteor, you know There's one God one meter between God and men the man Christ Jesus who gave himself a ransom for all gave 1st Timothy 2 first five I believe so You know, you know, you're just making that point and you're asking them You know did Jesus die for some people everybody and they'll say everybody and this is where you know Hopefully at this point you've got their attention hopefully I have your attention tonight and hopefully at this point you've gotten their attention and And you know because and now you can really kind of take this moment to kind of make it personal to them Because at this point I haven't even asked them their name, you know, and I've kind of done that on purpose You don't have to do it this way and this is how I do it But I'll say did Jesus die for everybody they'll say yeah, I'll say yeah The Bible says that he died for the sins of the whole world You know that he's the propitiation for our sins and not for our sins only but the sins of the whole world And I'll just say that means he died for you, right and I'll say yeah, and they'll say and what is your name? And then they'll tell me their name. They'll say well, hey, my name's so-and-so and I'll say yeah, so so-and-so You know Jesus died for you, right? Yeah, and then I'll and then I try to say their name like three times at this point Just to kind of help me remember it. It doesn't always work. So yeah, so so they'd say their name is you know Frank I'll say yeah, so Frank Jesus died for you, right? Like yeah, I'll say now Frank it's true that Jesus died for everybody, but does that mean that everybody's going to heaven and Hopefully they say no, you know most people do and I'll say yeah He's they're not right because we just read that verse of though that list of people in Revelation 21 8 Of all these people are going to hell Right and I'll say but Frank the reason why they say I just said it three times But Frank the reason why they're not going to why people go to hell, you know, it's not because they That that that God doesn't love them It's because they haven't done the one thing that we all must do to go to heaven Okay, and it's at this point that we go to John 3 16 So very quickly we go from Romans 3 23, right wages of sin is death That's Romans 6 23 for all have sinned to come short of the glory of God Romans 6 23 for the wages of sin is death and we're going to revelation 2014 death and hell were cast like a fire This is the second death revelation 21 8 Romans 5 8 but God commended his love toward us now while we were yet sinners Christ died for us We talked about Jesus the fact that he's God You know and then we say Jesus died for everybody right Frank. Yes. Does that mean everybody's going no Okay, and I'm going to John 3 16 But what I do at this point is I'll mention the fact that you're right Jesus Not everybody is going to hell. In fact, Jesus taught more people are going to hell than heaven Right. And well what I'm quoting them is Rome. Excuse me, Matthew 7 13. You don't have to turn there This is just something that I've done along the way Okay Like kind of what I you know I'm just giving you the tracks that that I ran on for a while where I started to add these other verses To it. That's why I'm not turning to everything. I'm quoting Okay, what we're turning to is the track that you need to run on the GPS coordinates that you need Just keep the flight locked on to make it to the destination Things like Matthew 7 13 are just things that I've learned to just kind of emphasize these points as we go Let's say you're right Frank. Not everybody is going to have in fact Jesus taught that more people are going to hell than heaven You see how it's gonna wake get people up and this is gonna get their attention because Jesus said, you know You know Entering at the straight gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way which leadeth in a destruction and many there be Which go in there at for narrow is the gate and straight is the way which leadeth on eternal life and few there be That find it now. I'm not saying exactly like I'm saying it here tonight Okay, obviously I'm sitting in there living or whatever I wouldn't be raising my voice and being as animated as I am now. I'm doing that for your sakes, okay But you know, I'm making that point that hey Jesus taught that more people are going to hell than heaven and it's not just me saying it Jesus said that okay And then this is the point I really like this because at this point Hopefully you just brought up hell the fact that they deserve to go there the fact that Jesus said most people are going to hell You know and you've introduced yourself. You've gotten their name, you know Hopefully they're picking up on this and they're really paying attention So you can really drive home this next point which is what I like to do Is that I'll say the reason why people are more people are going to hell and not heaven is not because God doesn't love them It's not because he didn't die for them It's because the people that go there have not done the one thing that Jesus said we all must do to go to heaven Jesus said there's only one thing a man must do to go to heaven and I want to show you what that is Frank and I'm already at John 3 16. Well, I've been quoting that and talking I'm already turned there and I'll have them look down at John 3 16 the most famous verse in all the world It's the bottom of the in and out cup For God so loved the world. I mean I said I'm gonna show you that one thing Frank It's right here for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that Whosoever believeth in him and I'm not trying to play. Where's Waldo with him? Okay, I want them to see What it is that they have to do so I'll emphasize For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish But have everlasting life because you know, I'll say that to people say hey I'm showing you the one thing and I'll read that verse I'll say what did Jesus he had to do and they'll go You know, so what I'll do it'll go right over their head and I'm like, well, let's read it again So what I've learned to do is just just emphasize the answer the first time Look, we want people to understand now. I'm not trying to play tricks with them. This isn't you know a game Whosoever believeth in him should not perish and then if you do that well enough they're gonna say well, it's believe What's the one thing you see I do to believe I'll say that's right Did he say you have to believe and go to church? No, he is a believing be a good person Oh, did he say believe you have to keep the commandments and repent of your sin and keep and perform the sacraments No, right. Jesus said the only thing you have to do is to believe so we're moving from We've gone from hell to Jesus the story of Jesus, you know Very briefly his love his sacrifice for us to the fact that salvation is by faith and not of works And we're in John 3 16 and we say that's right. You know, Jesus said the only thing you have to do is to believe Okay and then you know, we're gonna explain that it's faith and not of works and A lot of times what I'll do at this point and is I'll just I'll use the illustration of them being stuck on their roof I'll say you know Jesus the only thing you guys got to believe right now I'll say something like, you know, the word believe just means faith or trust in the Bible, right? Jesus isn't saying that whosoever believeth in him meaning, you know whosoever believe Jesus existed He's saying whosoever trusted in him, right? I'd say Frank, you know, this is a silly illustration But if I come to your house today and you'd been stuck up on the roof and I said Frank jump I'll catch you believe me. What am I saying Frank? And I've already told them that believe means trust that it means faith. He said well to have faith in you to trust you That's right. I'm not saying believe that I exist right? I'm standing right here That's pretty easy to believe what I'm saying is believe me that I'm gonna catch you if you step out in faith and jump off that roof Okay And and that's you know, that's helping explain if you have a better illustration by all means use it You know, and I've heard other illustrations. I think are just as good because they get the point across that faith means to trust in Jesus Okay, and that that that's what we want them to understand from John 3 16 Is that all a person has to do is to believe in Christ to put their faith in him? Okay, and that it's by faith alone and not of works Okay, and another great verse is right there John 3 18. It's gonna help emphasize this point Okay, it says he and you might have to explain a little bit because there's some words in here that are not real familiar you know He says he that believeth on him is not condemned, you know being found guilty. They're not gonna go to hell Frank He that believeth on him is not condemned, but he that believeth not is condemned already Right because all sin comes short of the glory of God He's condemned already because he hath not believed in name the only begotten Son of God So see Frank right there see Jesus said that the only difference between a person it's not how good they are It's not where they go to church whether they keep the commandments. It's whether or not they have believed on him They've put their trust in what Jesus did for us. The fact that he died for our sins was buried and rose again. Okay And you know at this point this is where you start working in your illustration because now remember in our flight Where are we we're at cruising altitude where you know, the seatbelt seat side has come off And we're just moving along through the gospel, okay, and You know when you're up in that flight, what do you like you like it when you see that? That little snack cart that drink cart come down the aisle and they're gonna ask you Would you like something to drink? Would you like a cookie? Would you like peanuts, right? Because you got nothing better to do when you're at 30,000 feet for the next couple hours. You're like, yeah Give me some sugar Right. So at this point, hopefully you've done a thorough job. You've explained Sin hell Jesus, it's by faith. You've got it. What a captive audience Okay, you've got a captive audience meaning they're warmed up to you. They're they're getting it They're tracking with you or they're not and it's time to pull the plug Okay, but if they're tracking with you, you've got a captive audience, you know, it's time to break out the peanuts. It's time to break out The ginger ale or whatever you like on the plane. Okay, as long as it's non-alcoholic and break it out Stupid joke and and give that and what is that in our gospel presentation? It's time for some illustrations It's time to help them, you know, enjoy the flight understand some more about the gospel you know that first pack of peanuts was the illustration of Jumping off your roof. Believe me that faith is a demonstration of trust. It's not just an Mental assent to the historical fact that there was a man named Jesus that existed. Yes, I believe there was a historical figure named Jesus No, it's it's making them understand that Jesus is God that he died for their sins and that they have to put their trust in him and what he did on the cross, okay Do you see why I can't just to cover all this tonight and one just go over every subtlety of the gospel Why it's so important for you to go go as a silent partner and see it done Because there's so many subtleties. Okay, and I'm trying not to belabor the points here I've only got three pages of notes, but Gospel, you know, it's there's there's some nuances there. Okay So you've got John you got Romans 3 10 Romans 3 23 Romans 6 23 Revelation 2014 Revelation 28 Romans 5 8 Quoting Matthew 7 13 is something I do you don't have to do that Romans 3 16 verse 18 is right there You know You're you're illustrating faith that it's all by faith and then you're just gonna kind of drive that home and lead into everlasting life So you're gonna go to John 6 47 Once you and this is where most gospel presentations They know that are not from our stripe of churches our brand of churches fall apart Not that they can't get people saved, but it's that they they miss this big thing called eternal security Okay, and they just want to jump into you know, Romans 10 at this point Okay, but it's real important that we understand that people understand that it's because it's a gift. It's eternal. You cannot lose it. I Would rather explain that up front Then get to the end of my gospel presentation to find out that they didn't get it and then have to come back and and you know what I mean, that's just like You're making more work for yourself that way. So, you know, that's why I don't trust a lot of just these other generic You know plans that are out there. They have a lot of they have it's not what they're saying It's what they're leaving out Unfortunately a lot of times that it's not that it can't get people saved or it's false. It's just that it's not effective Okay, we want to be effective we want to be thorough and You know again What you want to do in your gospel presentation you want to take the time to be thorough So that when you get to the end They've either getting it or they're not. Okay, and it's not because a lack of trying on your part. Okay So you're in John 6 47 verily verily saying to you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life now I've already belabored the point. It's all by belief. It's all by faith, right? I've already gone to John 3 16 John 3 18 Is right there. There's a multitude of other verses especially in John that we could turn to But I'm going to John 4 6 47 and I can see see again Jesus saying it's he that believeth right Frank Yeah, but the point I'm trying to saying but notice that he says that he that believeth hath present tense at the moment that he believes Everlasting life and I'll say Frank. How long is everlasting? You know and most people get it they'll say well, it's it's it lasts forever. It's it's eternal right goes on forever They'll say something that effect you say it's right. It's it's everlasting And I'll say, you know, that's because salvation is a free gift Right in Ephesians 2 is always there for us Even if we don't go soul-witting you've probably heard me quote that verse so many times Ephesians 2 8 9. That's always Another verse to drive home the fact, you know that we're saved by grace through faith and not of works Let's see. See it's it's it's belief. It's everlasting, right? It goes on forever you the reason why it goes on forever Frank is because it's a gift. I'll say something like Frank You know Isn't isn't that sound pretty easy that all you have to do is believe on Jesus that he did all the hard work for us And I'll let you just put our faith in him doesn't that sound easy and they'll say yeah that does sound easy I'll say well, that's why the Bible says for God so loved the world I'll say that's the love of God and that's how much God loves us. He made it easy You know, he knows how bad hell is he doesn't want us to go there That's why Jesus did everything for us. That's all we have to do is just put our trust in him. Okay, and Then we're gonna go back to Romans 6 23 and I'll say Frank In fact, the Bible says that salvation is so easy. The Bible calls it a gift Okay, and and a gift is not something you work for is it? And this is the next box that we're ticking we've covered sin and hell We covered Jesus love and sacrifice. We've covered the fact that's by faith alone and not of works and Now we're gonna talk about the eternal gift. Okay And we're gonna go back to Romans 6 23 and I'll say see Frank where we started earlier and earlier This is where we were it says for the wages of sin Remember how we talked about a wage is something you earn but notice in this verse Frank that it contrasts Wage in the same sentence wage and a gift a wage is something you work for a gift is something that's is given to you Freely, right and this is the next bag of peanuts. You're pulling out Okay, this is the illustration of the gift because again, hopefully at this point You've got a captive audience who's ready to receive these illustrations to help them understand It's a it's a free gift. Okay, and I'll say do you pay for a gift? No, I say hey if I want to give you this Bible as a gift Frank and I said just give me a dollar Is that a gift? No, so right you don't pay anything for a gift. What if I said it's just a penny Is that a gift and most people get this? No, I'll say it might right might be a good deal It's only a penny but it's anytime you're giving me anything return. That's no longer a gift, right? I'll see you right and most people grasp that okay, but what we want to help them understand is that not only do you not? Pay for a gift you don't earn a gift, you know, you might use the illustration you don't pay for it You also don't work for it. Do you if I said hey, I want to give this Bible as a gift You just got to come wash the church van, you know or polish my shoes Whatever illustration you want to use, you know, then then you can have it Is that a gift? No, because you don't pay for it and don't work for it and everybody understands that what people struggle with Is that you don't work to keep a gift and this is how we're addressing the issue of eternal security And this is a very important point in your gospel presentation Make sure you cover this Because if you don't you're just gonna frustrate yourself to no end you're gonna get to the end of your gospel presentation It's all gonna gone right over their head even though they sound like because they're getting everything But you if you fail to explain that it's eternal and they cannot lose it it's you're gonna you're gonna frustrate yourself So I'll say look it's a it's an eternal gift, right? That's what it says It says there in Romans 6 23 the latter half But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ Lord. Do you pay for a gift? No, do you work for a gift? No, that's right Frank. But what if you also don't work to keep a gift Frank? Let's say I gave you this Bible as a gift. I said Frank. You don't have to give me anything for it You don't have to work for it. You have to pay for it. It's yours. It's eternally yours Here and I said now and you took the gift I said now I'm gonna come back You know every so often unannounced and if I find any dirty dishes in your sink, I'm gonna take my gift back Is that a gift? Then they'll say no because now they're getting it right but they're getting it because I'm making making them get it. Okay I'm making them think about this and you got to do this and I'm saying right you don't that wouldn't be a gift because Although it didn't cost you anything Every time you have a cup of coffee Bowl of cereal, whatever you're washing the dish and putting away you're working to keep the gift, right? And say yeah, I said that's not a gift is it? No, I said it's the same thing when someone gives you a gift You don't give anything for it and you don't have to work to keep it. It's yours, right? Frank if I gave you this Bible as a free gift and then I came back and took it for any reason that would make Me a thief and a liar because I said it was yours and it's your property once I give it to you I can't take it back for any reason So, hopefully they understand that okay, and again, you know, you might find yourself in a situation We have to elaborate a little bit more help explain that but generally that gets the point across and you can use different illustrations whatever But this is a good track to run on And I'll say so right so you don't work for a gift, you know pay for it. You don't earn it, right? You say yeah, I say well notice this Frank look at your Bible again in Romans 6 23 It says that the gift of God the Bible says Frank that there's a gift that God wants to give us And we don't work for a gift. We don't pay for a gift We don't work work to keep a gift and the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord I'll say Frank if God wants to give us a gift who pays for the gift. Do we pay for it or does he? And if they're getting it, they'll say well he does that's right If I wanted to give you a gift someone's got to pay for it, right? Yeah, if I wanted to give you a gift I'm the one that goes and pulls out my debit card and pays for the gift Otherwise I'm stealing right and I'm giving you stolen goods and that you are now an accessory to a crime I don't say all that let's just I'm just throwing it in there. See if you're paying attention, right? I'll say no Right. I pay for the gift. Well, if God wants to give us a gift who pays for us or him. Well, he does It's right. How do you pay for it? It says right there through Jesus Christ, right? Jesus is the one that came lived a perfect life kept the commandments and Laid on his life and was resurrected again the third day, right? All he asked us to do is to believe in him, right? He's already done all the hard work. He's already paid for it. But notice the gift is what eternal life going to heaven, right? So, you know, that's you know, that's a pretty good explanation. I think of eternal security. Hopefully they're grasping that You know, I like to follow it up with this if you and again you had got you got to read every person differently Okay, you might feel like they got this let's seal the deal let's move on let's land this thing But a lot of times I like to just just because I don't want to mess this up I want to make sure people understand eternal security Okay, so and this is something else I got from another soul winner that really helped in this area Okay, because again we're using illustrations, right? Look, there's no better illustration to use than the one that Jesus himself used When Jesus was explaining what a person had to do to enter into the kingdom of God He used a very specific illustration back in John chapter 3 John chapter 3 has got it all folks. You can do a lot there See, we're not we don't have to turn to a lot of different passages it's just a lot of these same chapters kind of all have everything we need and what I'll explain to them after the the gift is that you know, the reason why it's a gift and it is free is because Salvation, you know the reasons why it's permanent. It's eternal It's everlasting is because salvation is a one-time event As I'll say Frank you ever heard of the term being born again, right? Most people will understand I said, yeah, Jesus said to Nicodemus in John chapter 3 and I don't always turn there Sometimes I just kind of wing this verse that you know, except the man be born again He cannot enter into the key. He cannot see the kingdom of God. That's John 3 3 okay, and you might turn there and I'll say look there in verse 5 I'll see Jesus said verily verily I say unto you except a man be born of the water and of the Spirit He cannot enter in the kingdom of God and I'll say what he's explaining there Frank is that is that you have to have a physical birth and then a spiritual birth Right, because if you don't have a physical birth the spiritual birth doesn't apply to you because you don't exist, right? you can't go to heaven if you were never born to begin with right and people get confused about That which is born to water you have to accept it may be born of the water A lot of people want to teach that's baptism but verse 6 explains it Okay, that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born the spirit is spirit You see how spirit and spirit are used in both in both verses and then flat water and flesh are used synonymously He's talking about a physical birth when he says you have to be born of the water Okay, because that's part of the process of birth, you know when our mothers and I'll say this to him say, you know When our mothers gave birth to us Frank the water break. Okay, and I'm saying and the reason why Jesus Frank is using a In the analogy of a physical birth is because Like a physical birth salvation is a one-time event that is permanent The spiritual birth only happens once just like your physical birth I'll say Frank how many how many birthdays do you have on your driver's license only one? Let's say yeah, my kids are always bugging me for a second one, but they only get one a year, right? And the reason why it's only one is because it's permanent one time Well, it's the same way with the the spiritual birth being born again Okay, and then and you're saying it sounds like you're and you don't have to do this part if they've got it through, you know Explaining the gift and everything fine Because I could see why people might be a little intimidated, but you're gonna go to John 112 regardless This is kind of like the last verse John 112 So I'm using illustration of gift. It's eternal. It's permanent. You can't lose it. It's likened on to a physical birth That's the illustration that Jesus used. It's permanent. It's a one-time event You know, just like your physical birth was a one-time event You have to keep getting born again and again and again and again again, okay? That it's a one-time event and then so the question is how is a person born again? Well, we already we already looked at the answer. It's by faith It's through belief because in John 112 it says as many as received him To them gave you power to become the sons of God. How do you become a son of God? You're born That's how you become a son to anybody to them gave you power to become the sons of God Even to them that believe on his name So I'll say see Frank the Bible saying that when a person believes on his name when they put their faith in Jesus They're born again. They become the child of God. That's a permanent change that can never be broken. Okay? So you got to go to John 112 you could skip John 3 and that whole illustration if you want That's not really necessary. I like to go there because it's it's a really nice concise way it's a great illustration that Jesus himself used and Part of it the part part of eternal security that you really want to drive home is the fact that it's a one-time event If people can grasp that then they understand eternal security So I'll say hey, you know you become a son of God but through believing on his name through faith, right and Then you know, we're using the illustration of you know, my I might use the illustration of my kids I'll say, you know, like I have children at home, right and they'll always be my children even if they do something bad You know the I'll punish them because I want them to do the right thing But you know, they'll even if they do bad things. I'm still they're still gonna be my children You know and and and sometimes I'll use a more, you know people kind of chuckle at this But you know, I I say with very deadpan, you know, just kind of drive home the emphasis. I'll say, you know Frank if my kids did something really bad Like slash the tires on my van and poured sugar in the gas tank I'm gonna be really upset because that's a very expensive repair Right, and I'm there I'm gonna chase I know I'm gonna discipline them severely so they don't do that again I say but you know what I'm not gonna do Frank is I'm not gonna turn the oven on and stick a minute You know and I'll say it just like that Because because then it should be clicking That God's not gonna because the what's the illustration of the oven it's hell Right now say the same thing with us Frank if we have put our faith in Jesus if we believed on his name We've become the Son of God Even if we do bad things, you know, God's gonna chase in us on earth We're gonna get a spiritual spanking here or physically, you know, we're gonna be chasing but he's not gonna send us to hell. Okay? And then you know Hebrews 12 6 is there if you want it Where you can it's you know, say that were the you know The poor whom the Lord loved these chaseneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth I believe it's verse 8 said neither is any son whom he chaseneth not okay So, you know that I've explained everything so you have ticked all the boxes So we basically were you know, the pilot at this point is gonna come on and say, you know at this time Please, you know Put pull your chairs up to an upright position put away the tray tables can buckle your seatbelts put away your laptops We're gonna begin to descend because now comes the part that's you know Also intimidating is trying to where the pilot has to take over and land the plane Okay to get because it because at this point if you've explained everything thoroughly and You've taken the time with the people and checked them out kind of along the way. They're getting it They're tracking with you now. It's time to get them to call upon the name of the Lord All right, and this is the part of where people can get a little little shaky you're gonna run into some turbulence here, okay So The way that I do this, okay, I've explained all this hell sin in hell Jesus sacrifice and love towards us, you know Faith alone out of works. It's eternal gift. You can't lose this the new birth and it's through believing in his name I've used the illustration of my children that they're always going to be my children. That's never going to change and Then I'm gonna get to calling upon the name of Lord and the way I transition into this is I use my own a personal illustration of my own testimony. Obviously, you can't do it say exactly what I'm about to say But if you're saved you can say something similar, okay So I'll explain it and I'll say look the Bible says, you know as many as received them to give them to give you power To become the sons of God even then that believe on his name So it's through faith right and give the illustration of my children. I'll say so, you know Frank basically 20 years ago Somebody explained this to me the same thing that I'm explaining to you was explained to me about 20 years ago And 20 years ago and and and you know, I'm at this point. We're talking about Romans 10 9 I don't turn there and look if people want to turn to Romans 10 9 show to him by all means do that I'm not against that. I'm that's fine But I just kind of work this into my closing spiel here or I'm just quoting Romans 10 9 I say Frank basically somebody showed me the same thing. I'm showing you 20 years ago You know 20 years ago it was explained to me that I'm a sinner that Jesus is God Let me start over that Jesus that I'm a sinner that I deserve to go to hell and I say that I make a point Of saying that I deserve to go to hell to see why in a minute It was explained to me 20 years ago that I'm a sinner that I deserve to go to hell That Jesus is God that he died for my sins and that if I believe on him I can have everlasting life, right? And so 20 years ago I believe these things in my heart the Bible says in Romans 10 if thou shalt believe in thine heart and confess with thy mouth The Lord Jesus thou shalt be saved. See I just quoted Romans 10 I'll say so I did that 20 years ago You know I believe these things in my heart and then I confess with my mouth and I prayed and asked Jesus to save me the Bible Says in Romans 10 that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved And I know I'm being redundant. Okay, but this is how I preach the gospel to people Take what you can and leave what you don't like and I say so, you know, I I did that 20 years ago I believe these things in my heart I called upon the name of Lord and I was born again through faith in Jesus I became God's child 20 years ago. I've been his child ever since okay And now I use a personal illustration and I like to use it myself as illustration and not the other person. Okay? because you you know if We we don't want to start talking about things that they may have actually done. Okay, make it a very awkward situation So say I did that 20 years ago, and I'm big God's child been born again ever since but you know If I did let's say I did something, you know since then 20 years ago Frank. I've also gotten married I'm a married man today, but let's say I did something really bad Like I went out and committed adultery on my wife sometime in the future. That's pretty bad, isn't it? And I'll say but let's say, you know, so if I went out commit adultery on my wife Do you think I'd still go to heaven? And this is where you're finding out whether or not they're getting it And it's important to test people, you know, this is landing the plane. This is where you run a turbulence This is what people get nervous and shaky because that you know because Along when we're at cruising altitude and everything's real smooth and going along nicely and they're just and it just seems like they're getting it It's because people don't want to look stupid and give you the wrong answer or they're just gonna be agreeable You don't you can't tell I'm not saying that's always the case There they might just be giving you the right answers because they know that's the right answer It doesn't necessarily mean that that's what they believe This is part of landing the plane finding out again what it is that they believe have they changed their minds? Through what you've explained to them So that's why I'll use myself as an illustration 20 years ago I believed all this yada yada yada called upon the name of Lord who shall call in any Lord shall be saved I did that since then. I've got married. Let's say I went out committed adultery my wife Would I still go to heaven and look if they say yes, I'll say well, why would I and I'll say because you believed Praise God, I mean they got it and then it's real easy now now it's just like I'm just landing a plane like this, you know And it's gonna just hurt should be a real nice smooth landing because then we could just jump to you know Do you believe you're a sinner? Do you believe that you know Jesus died for you go through those questions and ask him? What do you think a person has to do to go to heaven? What do you personally believe and they're gonna say believe? Okay, that's the ideal thing that they get it and a lot of people at this point if you've been thorough You know You can see why I'm taking my time tonight and kind of trying to cover and again I you got to go soul-winning to really get all the subtleties You know is that if you've been thorough going through this people will get it And they will get saved I'll say and they'll say yeah, you'll still go to heaven. Why because you believe I'll say that's right I'll say but Frank just because I can go out and commit adultery and still go to heaven Does that mean I should I'll say no I'll say of course not because if I did that, you know God would chasten me like I explained, you know, my wife might find out and leave me take the kids, you know I might come depressed about situation start taking drugs and alcohol then I get depressed and lose my lose my job You know Frank I might and I always cover this suicide and I say Frank I might become so depressed about the whole thing that I take my own life and commit suicide and I'm asking them another way Bringing up another sin because people struggle with this Okay, especially when you're living in a place where there's a lot of Roman Catholicism. They've all been taught this I'll say, you know, I might come so depressed about the whole thing that I take my own life Frank I kill myself, but do you think I'd still go to heaven and this and if they say yes, you know, they got it But then they'll say if a lot of people say well because they're because they're confused It's not that they don't understand the gospel. It's just because They're confused on that point and I always bring it up suicide because it's a great way to really illustrate that it's all by faith and a lot of people most people I've in my experience have They're kind of iffy on that I'll say well, I don't know I'll say well Frank did Jesus die for some of my sins Or all of them say all of them is suicide a sin. They'll be like, yeah, and it's just clicking now They're just like yeah, they're getting it. I'll say yeah, even if I committed suicide I'd still go to heaven but Frank does that mean I should go commit adultery and commit suicide. No, no right so hopefully they're getting it at this point and If they're getting it then it's you know, and if they're strong and here's the thing It's Sometimes when we're getting to the landing we want to land that plane so bad That we're willing to overlook these big glaring things that are that are just making it obvious that this person is not getting it You know, you're looking for that runway those runway lights so bad You know, you you mistake these lights over here as the runway and it's you're actually landing on a mountain or something It's it's actually, you know a radio tower that you're aiming for And you're not landing the plane if at this point people aren't getting it if You've explained eternal security thoroughly and you've used a couple examples and you've explained it and they're not getting it hand on the YouTube card It's a god bless you. I hope you watch this video Thank you for your time, and you're just gonna have to walk away and say it just wasn't their day Okay, because you can't force people to get it. Okay? Mm-hmm But if they're getting it they say yeah Oh, yeah, if you committed suicide even and maybe just kind of sure him up a little bit Just take a second explain that real quickly You know and and they get it then you're gonna just confirm. Okay. Now we're now okay. We are we he's getting it There's the landing strip. It's in sight We just got a touchdown and we're gonna we're gonna be where we need to be. They're gonna be saved. So We're gonna land the plane, right? Here's how you land the plane you ask these questions And say Frank, do you believe that you're Frank before I'm I'm done now Frank, but I just want to ask you a few questions And this is how I say it to people say Frank. Do you believe that you're a sinner? I was like, yeah, and I'll say well, that's a pretty easy question, isn't it? I'll say the next question is hard I'll say it's not hard because it's hard to understand. It's hard because it's hard to admit And I'll say Frank do you believe that because you're a sinner you deserve to go to hell And this can really trip you up and this took me a while to figure out Because a lot of times they'll say no And I'll say well, why don't you deserve to go to hell? Don't say well because I believe and that's good. That's the right. That's what you want to hear It's just that they're they're not that's they're not getting they're not on hearing what they're saying. They're not making connecting dots I'll say well, yeah, you're not gonna go hell if you believe right if you put your faith in Jesus You've been born again. You're gonna hell right? Yeah, I say but don't you still deserve to go there? And oh, yeah, I say Frank I'm not going to hell because I believe in Jesus he died for my sins But the fact is I still deserve to go to hell, right? So they're just getting ahead of you and I'm just pointing that out because people come to me about that You know, I ask him that question and they say no and then I ask him why it says because they believe like what's the problem? It's like what's because they're getting it and they're just getting ahead of you and they're thinking a little bit. Okay? So they're right, but they're kind of wrong about about that if that makes sense. Okay, so I'll say well Hey, do you believe that you deserve to go to hell in an ideal situation? You'll say yeah I'll say well, do you believe that Jesus is God? Yeah, and and really I've kind of already asked these questions along the way I've kind of already confirmed that this is just me landing the plane and I'll say well, do you believe that Jesus is God? Yeah, do you believe that he died for your sins was buried and rose again. Yes Do you believe that if you ask Jesus Christ for the free gift of eternal life you give it to you? And I've already either turned to or read or quoted Romans 10 9 to them Whosoever should call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved not maybe That if you ask for the free gift of eternal life Frank that he would give it to you Yes, and Frank if Jesus gave you the free gift of eternal life today. How long would it be yours for? Forever. Did you do anything to lose it? No You know and again, I don't want to kick a dead horse, you know But if I have any doubt at this point, I might say well, let's just get crazy with it Frank Let's say you believe today You got the free gift of eternal life but then somewhere down the road you got hard up for cash and let's just say, you know, you went buck wild and Robbed a liquor store and shot the clerk. Would you still go to heaven? So yeah, and then that's just way to kind of confirm that you know, they got it. You might not have to do that But if you have any doubt, that's another quick way to do it, right? I'll say so how long would you be safe for forever? Could you do anything to lose it? No Okay, and now this is a question that you know, I a lot of this I'm not insistent on as long as you're covering all these these and I can't insist on this either But I want to and a lot of you already know what I'm about to say. I Really want to emphasize how important this is when you ask this litany of questions. Are you a sinner? Do you deserve to go to hell is Jesus God? Did he die for your sins if you believed on him today? Would you give the free gift of eternal life? How long I'm gonna be yours for could you lose do anything to lose it? Okay, we ask all those questions then we ask this question Okay, the Bible says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh Okay, if you ask people what they believe and they're being sincere They will tell you exactly what they believe because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh The last thing I ask after all that litany of questions. I just asked the last thing I asked before I pray with anybody What do you personally think a person has to do to get ahead? What do you think takes to go to heaven? Right notice I said, what do you personally think not say I didn't say what does the Bible say you have to go to heaven? Because if this is where the rubber meets the road, right, this is the touchdown Because this is where we're either gonna have a successful landing or not because up to this point They can be just telling us all the right answers because they understand the gospel doesn't mean that's what they believe And a lot of people, you know and for a long time I didn't do this when I started asking that question at the end It was amazing to me how many people had not who would be giving me all the right answers But did not believe it in their heart and everybody that has taken me up on this challenge Every single person that is taking up on the other challenge has come back to me and said you're right And this wasn't my idea. You know, I got this I believe it's for Pastor Anderson He this is something he does and is I said I'm gonna start doing that it blew my mind Okay, and I'll say also, you know, I'll go through all those questions at the end trying to land the plane I mean, we're close the grounds right there. What do you? Personally think a person has to do to go to heaven not what does the Bible say? What do you think? And if they say believe Well, amen, they understand the gospel. But what if they go right back to where they started be a good person? And look I get it it's frustrating and at that point we might be tempted because we just spent five ten fifteen twenty minutes Thirty minutes explaining all this to them. We might want to go. Well, you know, I spent I got all this time invest this person Let me go all the way back and cover to try to figure out where they're missing it It's not that they're not understanding It's not that they're not understanding it's that they don't believe it. They understand the gospel. They just don't believe it How do you know they don't believe it? They just told you What do you think a person has to go to heaven be a good person keep the commandments for penny or sin? Then they haven't changed their mind, right? But you see why this is important to ask that question at the beginning Because that's the same question you started with the whole thing before you even got into the gospel you said I You know, they said hey, you know, what do you think a person has to do to go to heaven, you know No, right or wrong answer. What do you think at the very beginning before you even got into the gospel? I asked them that same question and They told me because out of the abundance the heart the mouth speaketh be a good person keep the commandments whatever it was and Now we've explained it now Ideally you get to the end you'd ask them all those questions and you would ask them that final question You're just you're right there and you just want to land it so bad What do you personally think a person has to do to go to heaven and they'll say believe believe on Jesus have faith the They'll say something to that effect that tells you that they understand that salvation is by grace through faith. It's not of works It's eternal. They can't lose it. You've been thorough They understand the gospel They're there. They're they believe Okay Now the way I see that asking that question, you know at the beginning sets you up for a great closing Because they say well, it's all by belief, you know, it's just by faith. I'll say that's right. It is all by faith You know Frank I asked you and I'll say something like I'm not trying to pick on you or anything I said, but I asked you that same question when I got here and you gave me the wrong answer You know You said when I asked that same question When I first got here and you told me it was by being a good person or whatever. They said that was the wrong answer And I say but it sounds to me like you've changed your mind. Is that right? And I'll say yeah I'll say yeah Just through me Explaining the gospel right from the Bible and showing you what the Bible actually said sounds to me like you've changed your mind about what you believe Is that right? And if that's the truth, they'll see. Yeah, I believe that now and look that's the repentance We're looking for from going from unbelief to belief You know, it's not them, you know throwing out their cigarettes and Falling down in a pile of you know and weeping at my feet and begging me to leave them in prayer You know, that's a whole nother sermon That is the repentance from that that they believe the gospel Okay, and that repentance has just taken place in their heart in their mind But we're not done. You know, a lot of people would like to say see you in heaven and just walk out the door Because what does it say in Romans 10? whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved if thou shalt believe in thine heart and Confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus thou shalt be saved You know and this is a always a point of debate with people that keeps rearing up its ugly head on how many times You know over the course of my Christian life I've heard people. Oh, you don't have to call upon the name of Lord really because that's what the Bible says that you have to call upon the name of Lord that it's both I Believe therefore have I spoken You know if you believe these things in your heart what if you believe everything this in your heart? Why would you if there's a God in heaven? Who's gonna send me to hell if I don't get saved if I don't ask for that free gift of salvation Why I believe that why wouldn't I ask for it? Oh I believe I believe everything like the bottom just never gonna ask God for salvation. That doesn't make any sense That means you've never believed it If you believe it's just a natural progression It's just that you're going to ask for it and then people want to get all pedantic. Oh, oh, what if somebody's mute? What if they had their tongue cut out? What if they can't speak? Well, obviously if you ask in your heart God knows our heart You know people don't have to pray a specific sinner's prayer with me at that exact moment people can pray in the privacy It's not about the exact words, but if they're calling upon the name of the Lord like the Bible says they shall be saved so we have to get them to do that and I'm not just gonna go through all this work with people and Get them to understand the gospel and preach it and confirm and shore them up and then just not Get them to pray unto the Lord and ask for that free gift I want them to pray and ask for salvation right then and there and this is a this is a tough one and and I and I struggled with this and even still at times I get a little dicey is that When I've made it this far, you know, they understood the gospel. They'd give me the right answer They told me that they personally believe that their mind that it's all by faith. Their mind is changed They believe these things. There's just no doubt about it anymore. It's time to pray with them I don't ask them to pray with me. I just say let's pray and People say well, it seems a little pushy. I know I Know because I don't want the devil to come and snatch away that which has been sown in their hearts. I Want them to pray and ask God that way they know from this day forward they have eternal life You know and make that impression on them and look I get it people can just everything they could be saying could just be They could just be completely insincere. We never know If we're being perfectly honest, we don't know who if anybody in this room is saved if we're being perfectly honest You don't know if I'm saved you can't be a hundred percent sure about that You just trust that I am right because you know, it's the same thing with with the people that we preached you out there You know if they're understanding the gospel if they're getting it they're giving they're telling us that this is what they believe Let's just take them at their word. And if they're faking it, well, you know what they were on their way to hell anyway What difference is it gonna make? You know if they're sincere it's gonna make a huge difference because they're gonna get saved And I'm kind of ranting here at the end Okay, and I got to close this but you know This is you know, I'm trying to get everybody up to speed here on preaching the gospel, you know, and it's important, you know To get people trained up and how to do this. Okay, so I'm taking my time tonight, but They've given us the right answers. I don't ask to say a lot of people ask and I get it It's kind of awkward to say hey, let's pray You know, you're gonna you're gonna ask for salvation right now, buddy. That's how I say it, but I'll say hey, you know Frank You know if you that's great that you believe all this, you know And let let's so let's just go ahead and you can tell God that's what you believe that way You know from this day forward you have eternal life That's all I'll say to him. Let's just go ahead and pray right now and then sometimes they'll start to panic Like what do you mean? I have to pray so I'll say let's just tell God that's what you believe now That way, you know, you have eternal life from this day forward I'll even give you the words to say and then I say those words that just make so many Baptist cringe I'll pray and you can just repeat after me No, it's not one two three repeat after me it's Romans 3 23 Romans 6 23 Revelation 2014 revelation 21 8 Romans 5 8 Matthew 7 John 3 John 1 Hebrews 12. I mean, it's just all these verses It's like two dozen verses illustration illustration illustration, I'm Practically breaking out a hot lamp and saying do you believe this and interrogating them and I've been thorough So if I say at the end If you just repeat after me, you know, forgive me this wrong You Know I don't dread those and I and it used to bother me because I know that's a huge criticism I used to try to find different ways to say this phrase I'd say like so let's just tell God that's what you believe right now Frank and you can just pray after me and Then I'd start praying and I think what they and then they wouldn't say anything and what they're thinking is that I'm gonna finish praying And then they're gonna pray So so how can I say this that they'll know that they just need to repeat after me? Oh Oh, why don't I just say the words you can just repeat after me You know and nuts to all these other people that you don't want to criticize our soul winning You know if you if we're wrong, that's fine. You want to criticize how we do our soul winning here Be prepared to come down here and show me how it's done Come show me how it's done. Then don't sit there and tell me how I'm doing it wrong If I'm so wrong, then you must have the right answer come down here and show me how it's done What else am I supposed to say? Okay I don't get a little fired up here at the end. But you know, this is this is the gospel we're talking about And I'm sick and tired of people who want to just nitpick every little thing that you do out soul winning You know it's hard to get people fired up and get people motivated and get people trained to go out and preach the gospel and To do a good job at it takes a lot of effort So forgive me if I'm a little defensive about people that want to just just criticize every little thing. Okay? So we're landing the plane and I say to I say to Frank Let's just pray and you can you know, and I even say I'll say something, you know Frank We're just gonna pray and you could tell God that's what you believe right now We won't pray long. We won't say anything fancy We can just bow our heads and close your eyes and you can just repeat after me dear Lord Jesus dear Lord Jesus I know I'm a sinner, I know I'm a sinner, but I believe that you love me But I believe that you love me that you died for me that you died for me That you're buried in your rose again that you're buried in your rose again And please take me to heaven when I die. Please take me to heaven when I die. I'm trusting only in you. I'm trusting only in you. Amen. Amen, and then I'll just say you meant that right? And I won't and I notice how I said that like a phrase. I know it was there was a question right at the end But it was you meant that right? It wasn't did you mean that? Because then they're gonna be like, I don't know did I mean that? You know because here's the thing I've gotten to that point with people and they're just like I don't want to pray It's like alright, then they must not have been sincere You know, and I'm just taking people at the word you meant that right? Yeah Well, hey if you know if you meant that Frank and you prayed that pretty you meant what you just prayed in your heart And you believe these things, you know that you have the free gift of eternal life And again goes back to I said this morning at this point if you're not doing it already go ahead and take a smile Okay, let's go ahead and yeah, let's all practice together That's all let's go around the room and just fake a big smile See if I just look at you while I'm smiling you start smiling don't hold out on me Fabian come on Right, so I'll say Frank if you meant that in your heart, you know, you have the free gift of eternal life I'll say Frank, you know the gospel means good news You know if I come to your door today Frank and I told you that in order to go to heaven you had to Join my church and be baptized and keep the commandments to keep the sacraments repent of your sin and read your Bible be a good person would that have been good news and Typically if they're they'll say no like you're right. That's a lot of work, right? but the good news of the gospel is that you don't have to do any of that Frank that Jesus did everything for us and That all we have to do is believe on him like you did today and now, you know, they have eternal life You know and that's it that's the gospel that's how I preach it and I'll say hey it's been great talking to you You know, it never hurts to tell them about baptism and tell them about the church, you know And that's a whole nother subject being covered another time I don't you know, I've already gone way too long tonight and we can just you know I'll just say so I'll hey I'll see you later. But if I if I don't see it church, I'll see you in heaven, right? You know say yeah, I'll say why because I believe Because I pray they'll say something they'll give you that assurance again because out of the abundance the heart the mouth speak it And we just ask people why they'll tell us they're sincere And and that's then that's uh, that's really it. That's how you land the plane and now I've got to learn to land this plane Of the sermon right now. So how am I gonna do that? You know, well, what did we talk about tonight? We went over all these points and I'm not gonna review all that you've got the sermon online You know, if this is probably something you're gonna want to listen to again and take notes if you weren't already But you know, hopefully that was thorough enough for people and again, let me just close by saying this This is not how you must preach the gospel Okay, and let me put all my soul winners at ease That are already soul winning, you know if I go soul winning with you Do it your way Don't feel like I'm like that's not what I preached Don't feel like i'm like that's not what I preached You know, wait a minute. That's not how I said I didn't say to phrase it like that You know, why are why are you just handing them the track without asking that they want it first? Why are you just why are you just shoving invites in their hands? You jerk, you know, i'm not doing that. Okay All this was tonight was just this is just a good guide rail for people This is more for people who have not started soul winning yet to just kind of get on a track to know what verses to turn to You know, hopefully I was was consistent all the way through and telling you where to turn next if I missed anything Please come see me If you're if you're trying to keep that map in your bible, that's all this was really for is to get people on track And and to just see that, you know, there's a way to do it and as if you just stick to the plan you kind of just stick to the track here and Eventually, you'll be able to kind of loosen up and do it your own way All right So hopefully that that's thorough if you have any questions, you know, please come see me after the service. Go ahead and pray