(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) I'm preaching on the latter half of the chapter. Pride Month is next month, so we'll get that off our chest then. That way any of the atheists on Twitter that are watching, you know, tune in next month. That way you can get your material for your feed next month. Anyway, what I'm actually preaching about is a very practical sermon on soul winning. I want to preach a two part sermon tonight, this morning and this evening on how to go soul winning. This is an important thing to cover, obviously because of the fact that we as a soul winning church do a lot of soul winning. You might be sitting there and thinking, well I already do a lot of soul winning. I already know how to go soul winning. Don't tune this out. There's still a lot of practical things you can learn from this. I think one of the pivotal moments in my, I don't want to say career, but my role as a soul winner, whatever you want to call it, was when I heard a couple of sermons on soul winning. And I was somebody who had already been soul winning for years. And I kind of said, you know what? I'm just going to listen to these and just kind of go back to the basics and learn something from it. And that was something that actually had really helped me was when I even later into my time having already been a soul winner, hearing a sermon like this and applying it, it really took my soul winning to another level. Because I think sometimes those of us that are already kind of soul winning, we kind of get this idea that we've got it all figured out. We've kind of gotten into our ways and we can kind of develop blind spots and kind of get to a place where maybe we don't see, you know, where areas that we could improve. Okay. So that's one point. And then obviously if you're somebody who doesn't go soul winning, you know, and wants to go soul winning, this is going to be very helpful to you. And this is something that, you know, that will help you be prepared to go soul winning. And that's really, you know, my first point this morning is that to learn how to go soul winning, you know, you have to prepare to do it. That's why I'm preaching this. You know, I considered maybe just doing like a whole Saturday, you know, seminar and have everybody show up and feed everybody. But really I think these are things, and I'm not against that. Maybe that's something I'll do in the future. But I think this is something that we kind of need to address now just because of the fact that, you know, it's great that we have a lot of people showing up to our soul winning times. But what I've noticed is that we're kind of, we're almost at like a 50-50 split when it comes to people who are talkers at the door who know how to give the gospel and those that are silent partners. And look, I'm not against silent partners. I'm very grateful for silent partners. But as silent partners, we should all, you know, we should always be desiring to get to the place where we're preaching the gospel. That should be, you know, our motive not to just stay a silent partner. And look, if there's people out there that want to stay a silent partner for the rest of their life, God bless you. I'm not against you. Keep coming. And I'm not trying to put pressure on people to start speaking sooner than they're ready to do so. But, you know, my, I don't know that I've ever met anybody who's best fit to just remain a silent partner. And all the people that I've ever gone soul winning with, you know, I've never met a person who is, they're probably just better off staying a silent partner and not speaking. You know, everybody has, and I'm gonna get, I don't want to get ahead of myself too much, but everybody has the ability and can be used of God to preach the gospel. And, you know, and I'm gonna kind of clarify some things because, you know, even as somebody who teaches how to go soul winning and preaches about it, you know, my philosophy about some things has changed over the last couple of years. I've preached previous sermons where I really emphasize some things that I think now are not as important. That aren't really things that we need to focus on. So, you know, again, if you're somebody who already goes soul winning and it's kind of taken heed to those other sermons, listen up because, you know, I've changed some things. And you know what, things might change in the future, all right. I'm fluid here, all right. So, but I'm learning right along with you. Now notice there in Romans chapter 1 it says, verse 13, now I would not have you ignorant brethren that oftentimes I purposed to come unto you, but was let hither to. So again, you can see that Paul was somebody who prepared, who purposed, who planned, right. He purposed to come unto them. You know, he wasn't just kind of living his life flippantly. He had a mission. He had something that he was trying to achieve. You know, he was somebody who planned. He was somebody who prepared. He was somebody who purposed. He says that, it goes on, it says that I might have some fruit among you also even as among other Gentiles. I am debtor both to the Greeks and the barbarians, both to the wise and to the unwise. Verse 15, so as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel. Saying, look, I'm prepared to preach the gospel. I purposed to come unto you. I wanted to have fruit, you know, and I was, if I'd gotten there, you know, I was ready to preach the gospel to the Jews, to the Greeks, to the barbarians. I'm indebted to all of them. I'm ready to preach the gospel to anybody, everybody, at any point, anywhere, anytime. That's what Paul was. He was prepared to preach the gospel. And that's why I'm preaching the sermon, because people need, if you're gonna get to the place where you're gonna go from silent partner to speaker, or you're gonna go from non-soul winner to silent partner, or wherever you are, if you're going to get to that next level where you need to be, or you're going to improve as a somebody who's already speaking at the door and preaching the gospel, you're not gonna get there just by accident. You're gonna have to actually purpose to do that. You're gonna have to take the time to plan and to prepare to be ready to preach the gospel. That's what Paul was. He was somebody who was ready to preach the gospel. He went on and said in verse 16, for I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek. So again, the point is that he needs to learn, that we need to be ready to preach the gospel. We need to get to that place either where we're improving or taking that first step towards being somebody who is ready to preach the gospel. There's that famous saying, and I think I got it right, if failure to prepare is preparing to fail. Failure to prepare is preparing to fail. Or maybe you'd use planning. Failing to plan is planning to fail. If you don't sit down and purpose some things in your life, they're not going to get accomplished. You're gonna fail in that area. I mean think about that in any other area of life. If you're somebody who is trying to excel at the job, develop skills, you have to actually take the time out of your schedule to do that. If you're gonna be somebody that reads the Bible, you're gonna have to actually plan to read the Bible. I could go on and on. It's true in any other area of life. We don't just do things by accident. We sit down and we think about it and we have intention and then we go out and we do it. So why would it be any different when it comes to preaching the gospel? I don't want to turn this into a motivational to get you to go soul winning type of sermon. I preach about that plenty I feel like in my other preaching all of the time. I think that's a nail that I hit quite often in this church. I don't want to go there but what I do want you to understand it this morning is that you need to prepare. You need to plan if you're gonna be somebody who's going to preach the gospel. Now if you would go over to, well let's just go over to Proverbs chapter 11. Proverbs chapter 11. Proverbs chapter 11. And again this is gonna be a two-part sermon. Okay and this morning really I just want to deal with some of the practical matters of soul winning. You know and you say well I you know and if you're somebody who can't make it back tonight or if you're you know somebody if you can't make the service tonight you know I think I don't know if you know this but we have a YouTube channel where we're all the sermon that's live streaming right now. It'll live stream tonight. It'll be ready for you to watch. You know hopefully you know it's kind of a side note. Hopefully if you're a member of this church you're keeping up with the preaching that's here. You know I'm not against people listening to other preachers. I'm glad people listen to other preachers. I listen to other people that preach. I listen to other preachers. But you know I don't listen to any other preachers until I listen to my pastor preach. You know I listen to Pastor Anderson's. I get caught up on the sermons that that I need to hear because you know he why do you why do I do that? Because he's my pastor. Because you know he's the one that kind of has his finger on the pulse of the church that I attend. You know so I'm not against listening to other preachers but you know if you're if you're listening to all the other preachers I'm not catching up on the preaching that's taking place from this pulpit. You know I would I'd recommend that you maybe you adjust that. That you put that priority here because here's the thing. All those other preachers are preaching great things that are gonna help you but do they have the finger on the pulse? Do they know you? Do they know where you're at? Do they know where this church is at? Are they preaching things that are you know believe it or not I sit down and think about what do the people at this church need to hear. Okay so you know get caught up on that. That part two will be out tonight you know and it's you know as well as all the other preaching that we do here. But again failure to prepare is preparing to fail. If you're gonna be somebody who preaches the gospel you have to plan it. That's why I'm you know preaching this is so that you can get prepared. The Bible says in Proverbs chapter 11 look at verse 30 it says the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and he that win its souls is wise. You know he is wise meaning you know he has wisdom he has knowledge he has discernment. You know it's not just that oh it's a smart thing for you to go soul winning. Obviously it is but you know what I get from that is that the person who goes out and you know it bears fruit who goes out and wins souls it's because that person has wisdom. It's not the soul winning that makes them wise. Okay although soul winning can do that but he that wins soul see that it's successful in his soul winning is somebody that has wisdom. You know we don't just get wisdom by accident. You know medical doctors don't just you know pay a bunch of tuition and not study to become doctors. You know they spent hours studying and reading and memorizing. You know it's true of any you know professional career like that. People prepare to be successful at what they do. They gain wisdom and that makes them successful successful. You know if you're gonna be a fruitful soul winner if you're going to bear fruit as a Christian you know you're gonna have to win souls in order to win souls you must go with wisdom. You must have knowledge and understanding. Keep something in Proverbs go to Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. Ecclesiastes chapter number 10. You know we need to have wisdom when we go. We need to you know listen up to the sermon this morning. We need to plan. We need to prepare. We need to take these points to heart if we're somebody that wants to become a soul winner or improve our own soul winning. It's something that you have to gain wisdom in. It's not just gonna happen in and of itself. Look at Ecclesiastes chapter 10 verse 10. It says if the iron be blunt and he do not wet the edge you know like in wet like you've heard of a wet stone that's how they would sharpen these things you know if he does not sharpen the edge on a wet stone if you do not wet the edge then he must put two more strength. So look if a guy goes out with a dull axe and is trying to cut down a tree you know he's making things harder for himself by not sitting down and taking a time and learning how to hold an angle on a grindstone you know the different grits that he needs to use and actually put the take the time to develop the skill and how to you know create a sharp edge on his axe. He's saying look if you take the time to prepare the job that you're going to go do is going to be easier you know and you can apply that to winning souls you know we could go out there and and and try to win souls and make it a very laborious very difficult very you know strenuous thing where we're just really struggling to get it done or you know we could listen to a sermon like this we could you know take these practical tips to heart and prepare and study that we need to do this preparation study that we need to do so that when we go out there soul winning you know what we're swinging a sharp axe and it's not going to be difficult it's going to be something that we can do with joy it's going to be something that's a pleasure to us and not just this this chore that we have to check off our to-do list or something like that that's why he said and I'll read remind you again from Romans 1 he said I am not ashamed the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation you know if we learn how to preach the gospel God you know sharpen that axe that spiritual axe if we take the sharp two-edged sword of God's Word and we you know learn how to swing this thing with knowledge and discernment you know we're gonna be much more effective as soul winners if we're somebody who knows how to you know wet the edge so to speak spiritually the Bible says there in Ecclesiastes 10 if the IRB blood you and you're not wet the edge they must put more to more strength but wisdom is profitable to direct you know the wisdom the knowledge the understanding that you can get is going to be that's going to be what sharpens that blade for you and again you can apply this to any area of life we're talking about soul winning this morning so let me just get into some practical tips this morning about soul winning and if you would keep something in Proverbs but go over to 1st Thessalonians 2 I'll end up there eventually go to 1st Thessalonians 2 keeping something in Proverbs the first point I want to make this this morning about about learning how to go soul winning is to pick a time and go look if you don't get anything else from the sermon this morning get that because here's how you learn to do anything in life by doing it by doing it you know we could take you and we could sit you down and show you a book on how to drive a car if you've never driven a car you know let's say you've never driven and learned how to drive a clutch which is probably you know more and more people these days you know it's the millennial anti-theft device is the clutch because they don't know how to operate a clutch right and look I've learned how to operate a clutch it's been a while you know but I've also taught others how to you know operate a clutch I remember when I learned you know that I learned I thought I knew how to do it and it's kind of a long but humorous story you know I remember one day I just hopped in the truck my dad's truck wasn't even my own truck was a big truck and it was a clutch and I just thought I got this and I was stayed in second gear you know the whole way out and the whole way back and I'm like on the side of the road and people are passing me and you know it's I'll tell you more about it later right but then I came home and I told my my dad what had happened and he said oh well you wanted to learn how to drive the clutch look he didn't say well here you know he could have stood there and talked to me about how you got a feather it in how it's a two-foot operation and you got to get the RPMs up to a certain you know degree or to a certain amount and then you have to you know engage the clutch gently he could have sat there and described to me in great detail how to operate a clutch but what he actually did was put me in the passenger seat and got in the driver's seat he had a stone driveway with you know like a piece stone gravel all up and down and it was a steep driveway wasn't that steep but it had an incline where the vehicle would roll and he said this is what you got to learn to do and he was showing me how you could catch you know the the the vehicle with the clutch keep it from rolling back because that's a very important skill if you ever learn how to drive you know stick shift you know and he said when you can do that and not make ruts in my driveway and spit gravel over the place he said you can drive the car and that's you know and that's how I learned you know was doing that and that's a great illustration you know later I learned how to drive a double clutch when I was getting a Class A commercial driver's license but you know how I learned doing it it wasn't just obviously there was the written portion of the exam that you had to pass for the state but you also had to take a road test you know in the company that I work for you know they had a big property and they would say hey you know here's some cones go out there here's a vehicle and just take the entire day you know because we want you to get this license and just take as much time as you need to learn how to operate a double clutch and learn how to operate you know a Class A vehicle you know and I could have read and studied all that stuff until I actually got out there and put my foot you know on the gas and my other foot on the clutch grab the stick shift got behind the wheel you know I never would have learned how to drive that and I wouldn't have this illustration today it's the same thing with soul winning you know I can you can you can sit there and listen to all the sermons you can go through all the preaching that's been done on soul winning and take all the notes you want but until you actually determine hey I'm gonna show up at a soul winning time and go out there and see how it's done and be a silent partner you know then I'm then you're not gonna succeed the Bible says in Proverbs 18 verse 1 through desire a man having separated himself seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom you know and I preached on this recently but it's through desire you know you separate unto this wisdom you intermeddle with it you say hey I want to get wise in this area of soul winning I want to be you know somebody that is wise I want to win souls well you know what you're gonna have to separate some time for soul winning and you know we have a schedule you saw it there in the bulletin this morning that's available and if there's a time you say well that doesn't work for me you know come talk to me I'll make time for you I'll teach you it's an investment in eternity for me to stop what I'm doing and help you to learn how to preach to God so I'd be more than happy to do that for anybody in this church but again that's the first point how to learn to go so winning how to go so winning well you need to go bottom line and if you don't get anything else get that pick a soul winning time and stay committed stay committed to that soul winning time and I understand things come up and stuff like that but you know you need to stay committed to going out on a regular basis and learning how to go slowly and keep it in front of you you know otherwise it just becomes this pipe dream otherwise it just becomes something that you're just going to do someday in the future and we all have goals like that we all have you know things that we want to accomplish that we're gonna get to someday we all have that you know a hobby that we're gonna get to that skill we're gonna learn when it's more convenient you know don't put soul winning on that list you know put soul winning on a you know make it a priority in your life pick a time and go you know and when you go start obviously you're gonna start as a silent partner and again there's nothing wrong with that you know everyone starts out as a silent partner I started out as a silent partner you know anybody who's gonna be a good soul winner in my opinion starts out as a silent partner it's typically the people that have not done much so anyway we've had people come to the church move to the church I'm multiple people okay I'm not trying to pick on any one person we've had multiple people come to church and just say oh yeah I already know how to go soul winning and they've done a little bit of you know they watched a few videos online and they've done a little bit and God bless them for their effort you know I appreciate where their hearts at but you know when you're in a soul winning church that's filled with seasoned soul winners that's probably a good time to just be a silent partner and and learn from people that have already done it and typically the people that start out at silent partner they they are the better I don't say they're better soul winners in the long run but the people that just are right out of gate who have done very little soul winning insist on not being silent partners are typically the ones that I know to struggle more and have more problems when it comes to soul winning so start out as a silent partner I think it's great I think it's a great place to start and there's no nothing wrong with that but you know if you're gonna be a silent partner let me just give you a few tips okay and this I understand is a very practical sermon this morning maybe this is the most exciting thing for you to hear but you know this is something that we need to preach this is something that people need to put you know into practice in their life and emphasis first of all for the silent partners on silence if you're gonna be a silent partner be silent I'm not saying you can't say anything the whole time but you know when when you're the talker is at the door talking to the person at the door that's you know don't don't chirp up or you know even if they're preaching the gospel that's not the time to say amen you know just just be quiet emphasis on silent and and and what you should be doing is taking mental notes you know learning noticing how they're saying where they're going taking note of the scriptures you know and I'm gonna get into the scriptures tonight I'm gonna get into the gospel more thoroughly tonight these are very practical tips that people need to learn you know take notes you know and once you kind of learn the gospel once you kind of got the you know you have an idea how to preach it you know that that's the time to practice and this this can be kind of awkward but think about how people practice things all the time so that when it's time to perform they're good at it I mean think about instrumentation here think about any musician you know I doubt you know the piano players and the violin players this was you know they hadn't touched an instrument all week until today and then they're gonna go home you know and they're not gonna play again until the next church service I highly doubt that there's many many hours that have gone into you know practicing learning playing scales tuning the instrument learning how to operate you know fingerings all that stuff that goes into it why would it you know we can't just expect to show up once a week or whatever it is and listen to somebody give the gospel you know if we happen to be in a receptive community hear the gospel given once or twice and they go I got it I'm ready to go no you're either it's gonna take more than that you know it's gonna take note you have to learn how to take some notes maybe notice and what's being said and practice you know and honestly do that if you got to do it with someone at home if you got to do it you know in front of a mirror I would practice it honestly now to everybody that is not a silent partner you know don't put pressure on silent partners I you know I think sometimes people are reluctant to go sowing because they feel like they're gonna get thrust into this uncomfortable situation it's going to be uncomfortable okay you might as well just get over that now if you're gonna be somebody who's gonna eventually be a talker you're gonna give the gospel you're gonna have to go through that that season of discomfort where you're you know but I think we kind of blow it out of proportion in our own minds like what's taking place I mean I have to confront somebody about the earth their eternal soul it's like I know that's what's taking place but it's really you know it's really more down to earth you know we're we're inviting people to church there's a gentle way to lead into that okay so don't be overwhelmed by that and let's not pressure silent partners take all the time you need and again there's nothing wrong with silent partners because of the fact that just being a silent partner increases our numbers you know if we have two talkers you know and it's just you know one team both people are talkers that are going out every Sunday you know that's just one team you know that's that you know they go out for one hour if that's one man hour right if they're alternating doors because it's one team you know two people make up one team that's you know I understands more man hours but really when you think about it it's they're operating as one unit so it's like an hour of soul winning that's getting done by two people but if just two more silent partners show up and we just doubled our efforts so you can see the value in the silent partner so don't think that oh I'm not gonna go because I don't know how to you know I don't know how to give the gospel I'll go and I'm ready to give the gospel one you won't learn how to give the gospel by not going that's my first point that's the most important thing you could do is just to go that will help you more than anything else and two just by showing up as a silent partner you know you've already you know increased our ability to go out and reach more people with the gospel which is the point to begin with we're not I had to go to First Thessalonians right so don't think that we are you know there's any shame in being a silent partner that it's not worth it you know it's where you start and it's gonna help us you know reach more people now let me get down to some more practical matters what you know what it happens when you're at the door making that first impression okay and again this is kind of where I've changed a little bit on some of my philosophy and how I approach things and you know I mean I'm not under I'm not trying to under emphasize the fact that first impressions matter you know when you go to a door people are instantly making a you know just you know at first glance or making assessments about you they're judging you you know so obviously how you dress how you appear your demeanor all of that's gonna have an effect on the person at on the other side of the door okay now notice what I think is the most important probably the most important attribute you need to have as a soul winner if you're there in First Thessalonians chapter 2 it says in verse 7 but we were gentle among you even as a nurse cherish of their children so being affectionately desirous of you we were willing to have imparted unto you not the gospel of God only but also our own souls because you were dear unto you so dear unto us so he's saying look we want to impart unto you the gospel of God and when we did that we were gentle among you you know we weren't abrasive we weren't jerks we weren't pushy we were gentle among you you know and I'm not saying you know when however you do gentle that's how you do gentle okay I'm not saying you know and I understand people some people have better people skills than others it's not you know the most important thing basically you know the most important thing is just not be a jerk at the door because people are gonna pick up on that immediately they can tell if you want to be there they can tell if you actually care about them they can tell if you love them and are genuine in your burden for their for them and then you know they can do with it what they want but you know one surefire way to put people off is to you know just be a jerk at the door and look and people do this you know I and and we have all had bad days I know I've probably gone out there and had a bad attitude and and people picked up on it I'm sure you know I'm not perfect nobody is but you know Paul here said we were gentle among you as an even as a nurse nurse cherishth her children so notice I mean that's that's the you know that that's the the the analogies that he's using as a nursing mother you know that's a very you know intimate and very gentle thing that a mother does for her child right and the kid kind of you know the child anyone who's you know breastfed knows that that is a very you can't be pushy with that you can't the kid kind of determines whether or not they're going to you know take what's being offered okay but we have to offer in a very gentle and a very you know loving manner that's how we're you know that's the look that's the illustration Paul's using okay that's what he's using as a nurse you know we're offering the sincere milk of the word we're out there you know trying to give them nourishment for their soul you know and we need to entreat these people as helpless as they are like a helpless infant who you know really can't find their own way they have to be led to that which they need okay and we can't we can't just go in there and and be like a you know a bull in a china shop and expect to get things done okay so if you're gonna be somebody who's gonna win souls you know first impressions matter you know and we could talk about dress code and all those things and look there's there's something to be said about that I'm not gonna put the priority there I don't think that's the most important thing you know if you go out there with a good spirit and a right attitude that'll overcome everything else if you're gentle and you care about these people you know those things will all take a backseat okay and I don't and again those things are important but that's not where I'm putting the emphasis and and I used to think more highly of something those superficial things you know and I'm not I'm not undervaluing them and not saying they're not important but the most important thing for us to learn is to be gentle people out there to actually love the people and to care about them even as a mother would care about her own child her own child that she's nursing you know into that degree that's the illustration that's Paul is using and why he's saying why were we gentle why were we like a mother who you know nurses her child because you were dear unto us right that's that's and that's really where it comes from that's the motive that's how Paul was able to have that right demeanor because these people were dear unto him look if we go out and preach it to the people that we're gonna knock their doors and take the time to go out there you know obviously we should be doing it because we care about them you know that and I that's probably you know why a lot of people don't go so winning is because they're not really burdened from the lost you know but if we're gonna go let's go with the right spirit let's go out there because we care about souls and we want to not not and not go out there to try and build the church not to go out there try to bring people in the church look I'm not against that I'm all for that you know what Christ is gonna build the church soul winning is not the end-all be-all of church growth okay there's better ways to bring people into church than knocking the door trying to win them to heaven we could we could be doing a lot of other things that that was that's not the goal here in soul winning is to build the church is to be faithful to the Great Commission that God has given unto us and for you to be fruitful as a Christian and to get to that you know that that place where you become a wise soul winner and the most important thing you're never gonna get there if people do not become dear unto you and if you are you know then if they're dear to you will be gentle among them so as far as your demeanor goes that's really the most important thing there's a couple other things I'm gonna touch on real quick but you know what you do you you do you that's my that's my recommendation you say how should I be when I'm out there you know and here's the thing different personalities rich reach different people and I've preached things in the past where I felt like I've kind of tried to get people all to be kind of the same way at the door you know what that just doesn't work it's not really it's not realistic because of the fact that some people are more introverted than others and other people are more extroverted than others you know I was told recently that I'm an extroverted person which I guess is true you know and then but other people say well I don't know about that and then I realize well yes I'm extroverted but I'm also very moody okay so that's the difference there you know if I'm if I'm hangry you know I maybe I come less extroverted right but you know if people are more extroverted than others some people are more introverted it's silly to try to get everybody to all be the same way and the thing about that is again is that different people are gonna be reached by different personalities you know if I'm a very gregarious very outgoing very cheerful very you know extroverted person that might actually put somebody off at the door you know some other introvert might come to the door and be like I don't want to talk to this guy you know he's too much right he might actually be the guy who's the person the individual is more shy more reluctant that's gonna be more relatable that person you know and God can choreograph things I believe that when we're going out and the spirit and the fullness of the power of God and we're fulfilling the Great Commission God knows where we're going before we go there you know I'm not saying that I I spend great hours in prayer about where I just pick a place you know where we're gonna go soul-winning God knows we're gonna go there God knows how to get people in that engineer circumstances where the person who has that personality that's gonna reach that person who's opening the gospel are gonna meet so it's silly for me to get up here and tell people you know you must do things exactly this way you have to have this kind of beat this kind of a person in order to win souls to Christ it's not true because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation now again you know your demeanor is you do you just be yourself out there and if you're somebody who looks at these people and say and says they are dear unto me and you're gentle among them you know that will be that's the first and most important impression you can make on anybody when you're out sowing you know there's that famous verse in first Corinthians nine I won't take the time to read the whole thing but Paul said to the week became I as weak that I might gain the week I am made all things to all men that I might all means save some you know Paul was not somebody who was very rigid in his approach to people you know he was he was but what was he gentle what was he he was he was endeared unto people that's the most important personality trait that you have to have to be a soul winner and that's extrovert introvert I don't care what your personality type is you know having a burden is universal okay so you know to this point and this is where I'm going to kind of go back on some things that I've preached previously is that you know and I feel like I preached almost like sales tactics in the past you know where you gotta you know you know don't don't hand them the invite you know ask them if they want look I don't care what you do with the invite you can fold it up like a paper plane and throw it through the window I don't care crumpled up in a ball thrown on the doorstep do whatever you want with it ask them if they want it you know and shove it in their hand stick it in their breast pocket I don't care what you do with the invite I don't care you ask them if they want it tell them that to take it I don't care okay because in soul winning sales tactics are not necessary you know we're not out there selling vacuums you know we're not out there you know selling encyclopedias we're out there preaching the gospel of Christ you know we're confronting people about their salvation so you know I don't care how you approach that that part of it and I and I've preached things like that in the past where it's you know you got it you know people don't want to be handed things and it's you know what I've learned is it's it's stupid it doesn't matter that's not going to make or break somebody getting saved what's the most important thing is that you're genuine that yourself you're yourself and that you are just have a burden for souls and if you have that you know the rest will take care of itself because you know what I've learned is that you know different personalities reach different people and just because people don't do things exactly the way I do them doesn't mean that they can't be an effective soul winner because they can and I'm and I'm making a point to part on it because I've had people you know reach out to me and and I feel like I've you know encouraged that too much in the past and people have said oh yeah that was such a great point you know we need to learn to be more people we have to be people persons when we're out there no you don't because here's the thing some people are not people persons if you know what I mean some people are just not good with people and they're never going to be does that mean they should not go soul-witting does that mean they should I mean does that mean that they just can't serve God because they're not a people person no it just means that they are going to be used differently by God than I am because you know I feel like that I am a people person unless I'm hungry okay unless it's been a rough week you know unless you made me mad right but you know typically speaking that's the way I am but I can't sit here and insist that everybody be like me because that's not realistic now I will say you know if you're going to be successful as a soul winner you know you should you know be friendly at the door you should at least make an effort to not be a jerk you know that's really the whole point here that's the most important thing about when it comes to first impressions you there still in Proverbs go over to Proverbs chapter number 18 go to Proverbs chapter 18 the Bible says in Proverbs 15 a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken you know if we have a merry heart if we're enjoying what we're doing you know that's going to come across in our soul winning a merry heart make it cheerful countenance you know you could tell you know a lot of communication is nonverbal isn't it you can just look at somebody and you can kind of tell what kind of day that they're having what kind of mood that they're in you know not always okay sometimes if they're doing this it's because the Sun is in their eyes or something like that okay I remember saying that to my to my dad I was I said man it just seems like everybody scowls down here and he lived in the tropics he says because of the Sun I was like oh okay but you know that the truth is is that you know if you're in a bad mood it's usually written all over your face and that's just human nature you know and and if we're gonna go out and be successful at soul winning you know and we're gonna be wise soul winners and we're gonna win people the Lord you know we could at the very least understand that we got a need we need to go with joy in our heart and look the more you go soul winning you know and this is this is why I love soul winning it's almost selfish because I don't care what else is going on in my life I don't care what other problems I have going on when I go soul winning I forget about them I mean I don't I mean I remember being you know up in Tempe when we're just in the throes of some persecution there's you know infiltrators being exposed it's just as this turmoil within the church you know turmoil within your own personal life you know one of the best things you can do in that situation is to stop thinking about your own problems and think about somebody else you know a great cure for your depression is to go out and actually care about other people you know and going out and soul winning you know in the mix of Mary heart at least it ought to you know if we're and if we're joyful about we're doing if we enjoy what we're doing if we understand the magnitude of what we're doing you know I believe that that will give us a merry heart you know that if we go forth with weeping we will no doubt return again with rejoicing bringing our sheaves with us the Bible says but you're getting to go with it you know I'm that Mary heart will give you a cheerful countenance and I think that's important people will pick up on the countenance look at Proverbs 18 verse 24 a man that hath friends must show himself friendly you know you want only friends well how friendly are you are you a friendly person you know no one wants to be friends with rude jerk no one wants to be friends with people who are just always mean and nasty right I just I mean no one wants to be friends with the bitter shut-in you know no one wants to be friends with with just a brawling mean nasty person you know apply that to your soul winning you know I'm not saying you have to go out there and be mr. personality you have to be the most charming person in the world but you know what you could do is when the person knocks the one of someone you knock on that door and they open it you could be smiling you know you can even fake it and you probably you find that it was I'm faking it right now this is fake I'm not this isn't even real smile but can you tell can you look look how many other people are smiling or not just because I'm I'm faking it right do this now it's real okay because you started smiling now I'm smiling right see how the countenance affects our relationship so go do that when you're soul winning you know when someone comes to the door just not there for faithful word do you want this right you know what nobody does that extreme obviously but you know if we're just very sullen all of the time and I and again you do you okay whatever whatever what to whatever degree friendliness is to you go ahead and do that but be friendly you know smile a little bit when you're out there say hi you know hi how you doing you know let's let I like to say how are you and it's really great when they ask me they say fine how are you I say great thank you because I genuinely appreciate when people ask how I'm doing a total strangers asking how I'm doing they're not just like fine what do you want you get that too right so let me talk you know getting into door knocking and I know again this isn't this is very practical just down-to-earth stuff when it comes to going out and learning how to go soul winning but these are the things that matter okay and and and it's not I don't think it's as elaborate and as complicated as people need it sometimes make it and as I have made it honestly in the past you know when it comes to the first impression just be friendly just be yourself you know and that you'll have an easier time doing that if you actually have a burden for people if you actually are endeared unto to lost souls you know if you're lacking that if you're just if you're just totally unmotivated if you just completely tune me out and you just think this is a total waste of your time to be here this morning you need to go home and search your heart you need to go home and ask yourself why you're even on this earth if you just have no interest in winning souls you know what you need to go home and and and pray to God and ask him to give you a burden for the lost you know because you were that person any one of you could have been somebody's that's out we could be knocking your door at this afternoon and you could just be some lost center on your way to hell okay so if you don't have the burden you know that's the most important thing get the burden okay and the rest will follow at the door first impressions matter do yourself sales tactics are not necessary let me just talk about the actual knocking of the door so these are very practical steps okay because first of all you're gonna show up at the soul winning time you're gonna get in the van we're gonna drive to where we're going you're gonna get out of the van right we'll have a word of prayer you're gonna partner up then we're gonna start walking we're gonna go right foot left foot right foot left foot we're gonna walk up to the door and then we're gonna knock the door very practical sermon this morning and let's talk about how and when to knock there's house and wins to knock okay first of all let's cover how to knock let's talk about how how let me let me go down the list here that way I don't lose my place let's start with the win okay doors you we're knocking every door now there are some doors we will not knock they're very rare okay and this is my policy you do whatever you want you know I'll deal with the phone calls and the emails myself that's fine I'll apologize for you but my policy personally and I've learned this from others is do not knock doors where they have a sign that says day sleeper you know people that work third shift if you're there you know like maybe that's what that guy was remember that guy cussed me out in Spanish he was mad it was Sunday afternoon at 2 in the afternoon and I'm getting you know I'm learning Spanish and I'm all and I'm like you know give me my intro in Spanish and he starts saying some Spanish back to me and I'm like I'm all happy like I'm talking I'm speaking the Spanish you know we're having a communication then brother Adam informed me that he was talking about my mother and not in a good way you know and his and his objection was is that he had to work you know and I don't and I don't know that it was he was a night shift guy I think he was just cantankerous but you know if you knock on the door it says do not knock day sleeper you know where they've taken the time to buy blackout shades you know you're knocking at their midnight you know there don't be surprised when they come to the door and are just like can't you read you know that's not that's why I don't knock because that's not gonna go well it's just not it's just you know I'm gonna respect that person it's just they're knocking they're gonna think oh Christians are just jerks well what about their soul what about their well you know God has other means you know I I'm not gonna worry about it too much God God can you know lead us to that person they can they can find the gospel not there if they sincerely want to hear the truth you know maybe they'll be awake that day you know maybe God will wake them up when they knows I don't know maybe they'll be out in their front yard get in the mail I don't know but that's my policy and look if you're more spiritual than me and you're willing to do that go ahead and have fun with that let me know how it goes another door I don't knock is where it says baby sleeping baby sleeping okay and once you have children you can appreciate this much more you know if you have a colicky child that you have to it's like a it's like all day just to get that child to be quiet and when the parents know you know anyone has had small children or sometimes knows how to like you creep out of the bedroom like a ninja because you don't want to wake the child up you get him you lay him down in their sleep and then you kind of slither out of bed I've literally crawled out of the room on hands and knees okay it's true to not wake the child you know you go through all this hard work to get the child to sleep and not wake them up and then some guy comes along from a Baptist Church she go oh you take and you come to the screaming child oh can I help you that's not how a conversation is gonna go it's gonna be like you jerk you know she's gonna handle you the bottle and go for a walk you know you put them back to sleep so those are two doors and that and that's just my own personal policy you do whatever you want I do knock no soliciting signs people ask me this what do we do when they say no soliciting knock them anyway okay now let me just say you know a few things about that if you knock a no soliciting sign just be prepared to move on it can also be some of the most entertaining doors you knock okay I like the no soliciting because you just never know what you're gonna get what do that door opens up and look I've gotten people saved they have no soliciting sign look no soliciting signs are like addresses anymore and here's the thing people move into houses that have no soliciting signs and don't eat they don't even think about it it's just there you know as the last guy and look if you're not gonna know soliciting sign that's not the time to be a smart alec either and I've and I have to rein this in you know I've always wanted to have the the wise line you know well don't you get a sign that says I hate God huh it's probably not the time and place of that you're already kind of treading on dangerous ground a little bit you're already kind of pushing the limit and people and people will say can't you read you can't you read the sign and I've had him come out and point at it not saying anything we just go can't you read the sign and I've been tempted to say oh I don't smoke you know or I can't read you always want to have that that sharp comeback that's not the time of the place okay if you knock the no soliciting sign just be prepared to move on and move on quickly and people just say hey you read the sign just all right have a good day and I just leave look when people are dismissive towards me and are want to run me off quickly I'm glad I'd rather somebody do that than sit there and waste my time and just want to chit chat and talk about the weather or just lead me on and just think I'm there to just make conversation I'm there to preach them the gospel you know and if they're not ready to hear and to learn then I'm gonna I want to move on so brilliant people that reject you quickly are doing you a favor so don't take it too personally we're in because here's and don't be a smart aleck either because again we're there to win souls right we're not there to blow off steam you know we're not there to knock the no soliciting sign and get some God haters like all right finally you know this isn't the internet all right go do that stuff on the internet you know go run your mouth on the internet okay we're not there to to to make ourselves into something I don't know where I had you go last but if you would go to 1st Timothy chapter 4 I'm gonna be done here in just a little just a few minutes I'm just making some real practical points this morning about going soul winning you know what was the first point you need to go you know you want to learn how to go soul winning go soul winning you know if you don't get anything else this morning please get that you know pick a time stay committed take notes be a silent partner practice you know and we'll get into the verses tonight you know and I'll tell walk you through how to give the gospel and you know you can use that and then you know what was the other point your demeanor how you conduct yourself at the door starting from the when you knock to where that door opens you know and if you have a burden for people I don't care what your personality type is I don't care what your methods are if you have a burden if you're if you're dear to people if they're dear unto you and you're gentle towards them you will see success okay and I don't regardless of what tactics you want to use or don't use but again we're talking about the door knocking okay so the actual knocking of the door and you sound you say oh that sounds like a real you got to teach us how to knock the door yes because some people don't know how to knock a door when they're out soul winning you think they're there to preach the gospel you wonder are you here to preach the gospel or serve a search warrant because the way you the way you knock I think the people in there are thinking they're about to get raided like I'm wondering did you bring a battering ram with you you know we didn't I know we came in a van but it wasn't a SWAT truck okay and people knock like this it's just up like that's not a good way to knock the door it hurts my hand just to do that I don't know why anybody would want to knock the door like that you know I I like to use I like to use my hand if you want to be one of those people that uses your Bible you know that that's a pet peeve of mine but you do whatever you want you never got that off my chest but you know here's some real good practical tips on actually on the actual physical aspect of knocking the door you know everyone here has those security doors the steel doors and when you knock it it just goes it's really loud and annoying you know if you knock the hinge side of the door it won't do that because that's the part that's fastened to the frame whereas this is the side that that is you know opens and closes is a real loose so when you're knocking this side it's just bouncing if you knock the hinge side of the door or you the wood frame next to the door it's it'll be heard it'll resonate and it's not that loud abrasive you know like a like your your your kids friend trying to come in and steal a push pop or something I don't know like it's not a kid knock you know it's it's a and look you know it doesn't have to be just however you want to knock I just like a go one two three it's pretty good you know some people get into these little they what they act like they're they got like a rhythm going on they're like you know and whatever now I've I've heard in some countries that's actually a very obscene thing to knock and I don't I don't know much about it but people said that that thing done da da da da da I think it's in the Philippines or somewhere I don't know but that's actually an obscenity in some way I don't you ask me how I don't know but I people told me that so I avoid that knock you know I don't try to get these clever little you know just is it that hard you know knock knock whoever you want you know knock yourself out have fun out there all right with your knock but just don't cop knock all right don't be one of these don't don't be that guy either all right he says real practical yeah but this is the things people do you know some people haven't been taught very basic manners on how to conduct themselves you know you're it's on somebody else's property you're on somebody else's time look if someone came to my door I don't care what they're doing they knock like that it's gonna be a very unchristian moment for me you know it's it's gonna be hard to kind of be like oh man so don't cop knock here's another point on this is remember that today especially there are cameras and microphones everywhere you know someone should have told those those Mormons I don't if you ever saw that video from the dash the the doorbell video of the Mormons in reciting their pickup lines it's pretty funny that's not gonna go into it but it's these two Mormon you know elders you know they they're they probably just learn how to drive a car but they're there you know talking they're at someone's doorbell camera and it's a viral YouTube video of them like reciting you know all the the pickup lines are gonna cite to the chicks at Brigham Young University you know it's it's quite humorous but you know it makes the point that you know if you're there and there's a doorbell and I've installed those door I used to have a job you know where that was part of my duties was to install sell and install those doorbells those things turn on without you touching it that's a setting as a motion sensor so when you walk up there and you're and you're just like berating their their lawn decorations you're you're critiquing the the color of their house you're you're you're talking trash about their neighbor who was a bit of a jerk next door like they're hearing all that potentially okay so you know and what this leads me to another point you know is that when people have a bad experience at the door you know at least wait till you get out of your shop before you start talking about the person if you feel the need okay I mean I've been with people they're like we're not even in the driveway like that guy's a jerk huh it's like dude he's right there like yes he was that's like you're not helping things okay so I like to just forget about the bad doors as quick as I can you know which is shame because a lot of them make for great stories but you know I try to not you know I try to shake the dust off my feet immediately you know you know figuratively speaking so I can have a right attitude to the next door I don't like to dwell on bad people and that's easier said than done okay you know when you got the jerk who's like well I don't worship Jews and books that they write you know I still stuck that still stuck with me right and you want to just let them have it you know let them have it but not in front of them not where you can hear you and now where their neighbor can hear you through their their their door camera or whatever they got those things are everywhere look and here's the thing let me just prepare you for it when you go out soul winning this is why people I think don't go so winning is because they're afraid of rejection but you know the worst they're gonna do is call you a nasty name and that's very rare I don't think I can't even I've I don't know that I've ever been called the name I mean what's the worst they're gonna do to you slam a door laugh say no thank you it's not that big a deal it's not like they're gonna nail you to a cross for what you're trying to preach you know that's what they did to Jesus okay so be prepared for rejection I don't know where I had you turn but the Bible says in 1st Timothy chapter 4 verse 10 for therefore we both labor and suffer reproach because we trust in living God you told Timothy look we we labor and we suffer reproach because we trust in living God that's part of laboring for the Lord you know is suffering reproach that's just it just you know the I'm not gonna preach the whole sermon about that right now but that's a whole nother sermon part of the Christian life is suffering reproach people do not love the Bible you know we go east of here we get into the the neighborhoods around ASU it's not exactly the most you know Bible friendly territory you know and but we're still gonna go okay because we labor and we suffer reproach because you know there are people over there that will get saved okay or at least be prompted to think about spiritual things and maybe get saved later we might be just watering the seed we might just be planting the seed it's important now we go it's important understand that when you when you are gonna trust in living God you're gonna labor and suffer reproach if one that comes with the other why because we trust in living God who is the Savior of all men you know we labor we go out there we go on the hot days we go out and we inconvenience ourselves we get uncomfortable and we suffer reproach because Christ is the Savior of all men to everybody that believeth to the Jew first and also to the Greek he's the Savior of all men so I'm willing to go to every neighborhood and suffer whatever approach I have to suffer there if there's someone that's gonna get saved so don't don't let that keep you away from soul-winning because if you that because then you're never gonna go if you're just afraid to suffer a little reproach for Christ's sake then you'll never go soul-winning if you're afraid of what somebody's gonna say at the door then you'll never go soul-winning don't let fear stop you from you know being a fruitful solar and having the joy that comes with winning souls you know the people that are some of the most joyful happy content Christians are the ones that go soul-winning and win souls to Christ I mean there there's a lot of things that are you know very you know my best days of my life you know the day you got saved the day you got married the day your children were born you know these are real big days for us you know but when it the day you win your first soul to Christ I mean I I'm not don't take this wrong I'm not trying to be braggadocious here I've done a lot of soul-winning I've had you know I've been able to do that praise God and I've seen a lot of people get saved I still remember the first person I ever preached the gospel to and prayed and got saved and honestly I've forgotten about a lot of other people but that first one I can remember I to this day I remember the living room her name was amber you know I remember you know preaching I the whole thing I remember that day very clearly because that was a very high day for me because why because I spent a lot of time learning how to go so winning I went soul winning in the silent partner for months I marked my Bible I listened to sermons I I practiced I prayed and then I went and that was a very you know joyful day for me I was probably happy and more happy about that person's salvation than they were you know so let me close these practical points up I know I'm going long but I got to get this out there because we have people that need to learn these things in our church you know we could just take a whole Saturday and just like a guilt trip everybody to show up on a Saturday you know and have a seminar and try to bribe you with food but let's just knock it out right now so when you're at the door knock like a normal person you know it's not there to drag somebody off to jail and I didn't when they come to the door identify yourself quickly okay identify yourself quickly don't put it on them you remember you knock their door and they say hello just say hi my name is so-and-so I'm from faithful word Baptist Church and I like to include that information because when they see you there and you're like this they're thinking great another Mormon great another Jehovah Witness you're probably the only Baptist that's ever going to come to their door unfortunately you know we don't have the reputation as God's people who actually have the truth as the ones that go door-to-door well we're trying to change that here with our church you know that's what's known about our church but generally speaking that's not what Baptists are known for anymore it's the JW's and the Mormons that are known for that that's why I say hi my name is Corbin I'm from a Baptist Church you know a lot of times those no soliciting signs those are up because of the Mormons and the JW's and the the solar guy and the air water quality guy you know they but when they hear Baptist Church like okay this is different so that's why I try to say right I'm hi hello my name is Corbin I'm from faithful word Baptist Church and I'll get more into the intro tonight I just want to touch on that tell them why you are there identify yourself and say hey we're just going around the church handing out invitations to church okay and I like to say that because that's true you know don't you don't need to be one of these pedantic you know people who say who have to include and we're preaching the gospel if you want to say that go ahead but you know the people just go to extremes and say well should you tell them that we're there preaching the gospel to well I guess you can if you want but it's you know I'm just trying to get it out quick and I'm just saying look we're handing out invitations to church can I give you one is that is that a false statement am I lying am I misleading people but no because I am inviting people to church am I preaching the gospel to yeah but I'm I'm doing both so I'm just trying to let them know why I'm there who I am and why I'm there as quick as I can okay so with it I'm either getting trying to get the point where they're gonna listen or reject me I'm trying to get to that point as fast as I can so I can go on to the next door or get them safe okay so I don't need my name is Corbin John Russell the second I'm from faithful word Baptist Church at 1955 West Grant Road in Tucson Arizona where approximately 2.5 miles from you 10 minutes in light traffic you know I'm not trying to give them all this information right and I'm preaching the the unsearchable riches of the gospel of Christ today if you were willing and ready and able to receive the truth of the gospel is that you sir now is all that true yeah but is that all relevant to the situation at hand and I'm knocking the door no what's relevant is they know who I am and why I'm there okay and I'm just trying to get to as quick as I can either being accepted or rejected okay hi my name is Corbin from faithful word Baptist Church I'm just handing out these invitations would you like one can I give you one or you don't have to say that you can just hold it out there with a blank stare in the face I don't care honestly I don't care do whatever you want tell them why you're there you're handing out invites and you don't need to be pedantic or over detailed about all that stuff and hand them the invite however you want now let me just close on a few safety points okay these are things that we often overlook and even amongst us who are more seasoned and have been at this we tend to forget about these things and I know because brother Gabriel and I were almost attacked by a dog the other day very close call okay the Bible says Ecclesiastes 4 two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor for if they fall the one will lift up this fellow so look it's better to have two because you'll have a guy looking out for you you know that's important not soul-winning that's why I never want to see people go alone I makes me nervous when I see people go alone some of the the worst experiences that we have soul-winning and it's usually because the person that's going alone it's not being held accountable like they should be for their for their behavior at the door some of the you know the most upset emails that we get and voicemails are for people who go alone and don't have any and look you know that's another reason to not go alone you could be falsely accused of things okay but what another thing is that you know if you have somebody with you you have somebody looking out for you watching your back at least that's what they should be doing and not this oh yeah go knock that door I'll be right here on Facebook look when you're out and you're the and you're it's not your turn to talk you're the sign up partner whatever your job should be you should have your head on a swivel you should be looking around taking in your surroundings under you know and on the lookout and here's a real practical way to do this is that we run in this a lot especially in the poor communities where they have a lot of gates right because they're protecting their homes and a lot of times within those gates they'll have dogs of all different breeds and sizes and and multitudes sometimes okay so when you go to a gate what we've developed we kind of you know we've kind of some in the better church we kind of did this instinctively you know after a few close calls is that the one guy you know the silent partner kind of stands at the gate you know with his hand on the gate ready to you know to one not let dogs little dogs get out or two to swing that thing open so the other guy can come running out the gate and slam it behind him before you know he gets turned into a lunch for some pit bull and and we've had some some close calls and and let me just say this you know this is another thing brother Adam and I learned the hard way is don't go don't cry wolf when you're out there cuz we got real it got real fun for me and him to see the other one jump and run and be like I just kidding and so one day it's gonna action and then we both did that to each other a couple times you know what we need to quit doing that and it's a good thing we did because we went and knocked the door and and I'm not telling oh it's fine you know it looked like there was a dog there but the the the dog sign if you will was was very small in nature you know bigger dogs make a bigger sign if you know what I'm saying and I'm saying that they're little you know they're they're they're little dog sign scat whatever you want to call it right and I'm thinking you'll be fine and so we both just go in there and I didn't stay by the gate and he's knocking the door and we turn and like this giant cujo looking st. Bernard just comes around and he was not friendly and that was very hairy very hairy moment so I always emphasize that we're preaching about sowing say how are you gonna keep each other safe you know dogs are probably the most primary things to look out for when you're soul winning so if you're the silent partner you know unless it's you know open or something there's a gate and there's you know rattle the gate before we even go in do the you know get the dog to come if you can't and they don't always respond to that I found that out last Thursday you know we went in I rattled the gate and we were all we were both deep into the yard there was a little chihuahua and then just out of corner my eye behind a vehicle I saw big hook like not hooves but big paws moving in a tail and I said hey hey hey and we both were started walking but he was already there and thankfully it was not an aggressive breed otherwise I had to pull out my nine you know but I don't want to do that you know I don't want to shoot somebody's dog in their yard I really don't okay and now I'm gonna close on firearms here in a second but you know so you know when you get to the gate rattle the gate you know try to get the dog's attention before you even go in if you're still not sure have some have your partner stand at the gate watching because you know when you're at the door your peripheral is is at the door you can't see the sides and everything the dog is sneaking up on you you know it's stalking you you know you're so many partners to be looking out for that say hey dog you know and mean it don't mess around and then just run and the other guys just ready to slam the gate as soon as you get through okay it's real practical instruction this morning here's another one and this probably pretty common sense never go into a home alone ever I don't care how big and bad you are I don't care if you're the biggest guy in the church never going into a home alone you know you shouldn't be first of all I prefer they do not go slow winning alone to begin with okay but if you are in that situation and I don't know why you are you know never leave your soul winning partner unattended ever under any circumstance and people do this you know they'll be their partner will start preaching the gospel and they'll just let you know I'm just gonna go knock the next door wrong stay with that person people have you know I've had ladies do this to my wife and I don't know if you notice about my wife but she's not the most intimidating figure you know she's not exactly you know a physical threat to many people you know she's somebody that you know it could be taken advantage of physically and I don't appreciate her being left alone okay and I don't I don't care who you are I don't appreciate anybody being left alone because people can pull things out of their pockets other people could show up never leave people alone never go into home unattended alone ever another thing for the person who's the silent partner is distract distractions okay you know if there is a little yippy dog that you're kind of dealing with maybe you could get the pet the dog if somebody else pulls up you maybe you know someone's preaching the gospel and another and then you know to somebody at the house and then another car pulls up in the driveway and people are getting out and you know maybe it's the parent or something like that they're kind of like who are these people you know the silent part at that point could just go over hey we're from a Baptist Church we're just preaching the gospel you know just you know briefly let them know who you are and why you're there so they're not thinking oh great they're there you know we don't want solar we're not interested in the vacuum they think that you're a salesperson or something or that you're a Mormon and they're tired of the Mormon whatever okay so distract distractions real quick quickly and firearms and I'm I'm I'm I'm walking lightly here because I understand that you know I'm all for the Second Amendment I'm all for firearms my personal preference and I'm not gonna enforce this I'm not gonna tell you what to do out soul winning but my personal preference and I'm not gonna say anything I'm saying it now so I don't have to say it later you know if I'm saying it if you if you choose to go against me on this I'm not gonna be mad or whatever I get it people have their rights exercise them when it comes to firearms I prefer that you do not open carry you know honestly I prefer that that's not even done in the church but whatever do whatever you want you know I I prefer concealed carry you know because it does believe it or not everybody's pro Second Amendment not everybody in this world's pro gun that's probably not news to any of us right so it'd be real shame if you had somebody who might listen to the gospel or be open to the gospel but they're gonna reject you because you know you have a you know you've got a Smith Smith and Wesson 44 Magnum strapped to your hip or something like that you know you got the full sized Glock 17 out there for everybody to see you know they make subcompacts for a reason you can stay safe you know and and also in firearms you know this is getting into another thing I know I got to close is that if you're gonna carry a firearm you know this is what I was told I worked at a job where my boss was encouraged his employees to carry firearms but his rule was you leave your temper at home or your gun you don't bring both to work you know same thing with soul-winning if you're somebody who cannot control your temper that is gonna just pull you know has an itchy trigger finger and it's gonna pull that thing out under the slightest threat you should probably not carry a gun at all period okay yeah no it's true you know because people and I know I got a close but people think that they can you know I've known people that carry guns that probably just shouldn't because they just think that you know they can plug anybody for practically any reason you know I felt threatened it's like well it's that's not where it's gonna end there will be an investigation you will be booked you will go to jail you'll you you know unless there's just overwhelming evidence on your side you know you're probably gonna end up going to court and 80% of people in justified shootings end up divorced and bankrupt so keep that in mind before you pull your firearm on with somebody and never pull a firearm unless you're intending to use it which should be an extreme last resort okay so I need so I do want to touch on that you know because that's important and again my my preference it's not the policy here it's my preference is that that you conceal carry when you're out soul-winning and really you know I think it's just tactically better to just conceal carry at all times you know if I'm a masked shooter the guy with the gun in his hip is the one let's get it first okay the one that oh you're armed okay I'll shoot you first and then I'll move on to everybody else so maybe you should you know actually I'll go ahead and open carry keep me safe while you're getting filled with lead I'll be pulling it out okay so but don't worry I'll say nice things at your funeral so hopefully this was helpful this morning I know this isn't you know the most exciting sermon but you know what soul-winning is exciting and those of us that do it that have taken the time to do these things and go out there and win souls you know you get the fellowship with other believers you get the experiences you get cool stories you have a near-death experience with a large dog you know that always gets the adrenaline going you know and you know if you're if you're if you have these things down if you have a good countenance if you have a burden for the lost if you're going out there at the right motives and and you're prepared to preach the gospel on top of all that you will win souls to Christ for all eternity you know I I don't know that there's anything more exciting than that I'm not saying every soul-winning session is you know a trip to Disneyland or something like that but not anyway but you know it is rewarding okay and it's worth preparing for you know and it'll bring you great joy and it gets souls saved so that's just part one these are the real practical points this morning just a few practical points about preparing how to behave at the door what to look out for how to stay safe you know hopefully you're taking notes this will be if you ever need to refer back to this sermon it will be online you know it's on our YouTube like share subscribe and this evening I will be going over the gospel itself you know verse by verse giving a very basic gospel outline so again that'll be online I know not everybody can make it back for the evening of service I understand that okay but that's going to do let's go ahead and close in a word of prayer