(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The title of the sermon this morning is hate the homo hate the homo man And you know hate is a very biblical concept and you know just that message alone right there that title right there would turn a lot of people off today and This message needs to preach. It was real refreshing me this morning to on my drive down here You know listen to the various YouTube channels And I've subscribed to different Baptist preachers And it's nice to see that everyone's kind of preaching the same thing this morning You know as a preacher You know sometimes I'm a little reluctant to preach on a topic I know a lot of other people are preaching about Just because I know hey that sermons gonna be covered most of the people are probably gonna listen to that anyway I could preach on something else. You know with it with the current events the things that have taken place You know recently and I already kind of talked about this Thursday night But we're gonna go ahead and talk about it some more and it was refreshing to me to hear that There's a lot of Baptist preachers getting up in the pulpits this morning and telling the truth about these homos these fags these queers And preaching the Bible of what it says about it because unfortunately today You know a lot of Baptist preachers are they're cowering. You know they're backing down. They're already hiding They're already trying to go underground as it is and you know People I've heard people say oh, you know Biden's in the in the White House now and all these Baptist preachers They're gonna start preaching his fiery sermons I think most of them have forgotten how to even preach hard anymore I think most of them are just you know the events that have taken place at first words Baptist Church You know that's just gonna send you know that those that are already scared even further into hiding But that's not gonna be the case here. We're gonna get up this morning I'm gonna teach you why you should hate the homosexual why you should hate the queer why you should hate the fag today It's a biblical concept and basically because of their you know their nature who they are And what and the fact that God has already rejected them You know I'm not gonna sit here and fall over myself like some a lot of Christians I'm getting Facebook messages on our churches website our churches Facebook of people You know lamenting for the homosexual and following these Christians I just want to fall over themselves trying to minister to people that got that God has given up And given over and just turn over a reprobate mind You know I'm not gonna waste my time sugarcoating it I'm just gonna preach the Bible this morning, and you can like it or love it, okay So the Bible says here in Psalm 139 say well should I hate anybody is that is that you know that just saying you? Anybody you know a lot of Christians today would just you know be just sent really back from that What do you mean hate somebody well the Bible says that there's people that God is? You know so well God hates the soon, but he loves a sinner. You know that's not in the Bible friend You know that's the gospel of Gandhi Okay, and look not all sin is equal and you know and I understand that you know there There is a curl of truth that statement okay that there are certain You know there are we love people that are sinful people. We're sinful people and God loves us You know you there's a lot of sins a lot of sinners out there that although I'm not I don't approve the Bible condemns what they're doing. I don't approve what they're doing you know I still love that person. You know I still want that person to be safe You know what there's some people that the Bible teaches us that are actually given over to what's called a reprobate mind That are the enemies of God that God hates them. You know what if they're God's enemy. They're my enemy And I'm not gonna. I'm not gonna love them and hate their most abominable Filth filthy wicked lifestyle that they live You know it's not it I'm not I'm gonna hate their sin of sodomy and I'm gonna hate them too because the people that are guilty of that sin Are are the enemies of God? That's the only reason even capable of these things because they've been rejected by God We're gonna look at this morning Let me just get a few things off my chest and get the rant over you know Doctor here, but look here in Psalms 139 verse 19 and says surely that will slay the wicked Oh God Depart from me therefore me bloody man, so they speak against me wickedly and I'm enemies take thy name in vain Do not I hate them O Lord that he be Am I not grieve with those that rise up against the I hate them with perfect hatred There's not saying perfect hatred like you think there's a bad hatred I hate them completely, but there is absolutely no love in my heart for these people That's what David's saying I hate them with complete hatred Every bounce in my being is only hate towards these people and who is it they hate everybody every sinner No, he hates them that hate be Oh Lord. That's who he hates the person that hates God Those that don't want to maintain God and their knowledge that have made themselves the enemy of God I'm gonna teach you this morning. Why you should hate the homo if you don't already Understand the true nature of the Sodom Lake you know Hollywood and mainstream media. They've got a real clever way of Portraying the homosexual the way that they want them to be perceived You know they want you to see them as you know just these you know Charismatic loving funny people you want you know they're just you know they're just just a little different You know, but they're generally good people they wouldn't hurt anybody Well, you know that's that's an illusion And unfortunately the vast majority of our country has had been brainwashed into thinking that even people who you know would feel Disgust and revolt just naturally towards those people have allowed their minds to be so effective where they'll tolerate them now You know at least they don't want to be perceived as a bigot or something like that They just want to be perceived as going along You know not making any waves, so they're not going to you know actually say what they feel But I'm telling you the vast majority of people just for just a natural reaction Towards these type of people and the sin of sodomy is disgust It's just a natural reaction you need to understand the true nature of the sodomite and don't let the media Pull the wool over your eyes and make you think that there's something that they're not They're not just nice friendly people they're the they're the scum of the earth They're the worst type of people you will find And you know what they're showing their true colors They've proven that they've proven that with a recent action and they've taken this to another level by bombing the church You know and all these idiots that are out there on social media saying well maybe the church did that maybe I bet the pastor did that so he could get some kind of insurance claim Well one he doesn't own the building moron It's but you know you know the real victim in all this it's the landlord you know financially speaking And and you know it's just people the people out there saying that kind of thing They're stupid that's it there and think that that anybody other than those that were you know planning on parading and their their transvestite You know parade you know their pride parade read that freak show you know they they're the ones that You know Maybe it wasn't the exact people that were there protesting, but it's the people that side with them You know and I watch this one news report where they're saying oh You know we're not we're there's no evidence. We don't we're not sure who did this It's like you're not sure who did this I understand we don't have any exact specific Suspect, but do you think just maybe maybe it might have been somebody that was siding with? You know the freaks that were out there, you know Sunday morning Thursday night, so the Sunday previous several weeks going on Understand the true nature of the sodomite, and they're just laying it bare what they really are You know and I've got a thing before I'm glad and if you would go to Genesis chapter 9 keep something in Psalm 139 Actually, you don't keep it in there. Just go to Genesis chapter 9 I just read Psalms 139 so we can understand that hating people is a biblical concept That though might have fallen out of fashion with the liberal churches and unfortunately on even Baptist churches It's still there in the Bible the Bible hasn't changed God hasn't changed, and I'm not going to change the Bible says it That's what I'm going to preach The Bible says that there are some people that God hates and that we should hate them too as we'll see here in a Little bit understand the true nature of the sodomite this morning learn to hate the homo They are predatory in nature look at Genesis chapter 9 verse 20 They're predators every single time they prey on the weak they prey on other people They're the biggest bullies there are is this the sodomite community the LGBTQ HIV community Genesis chapter 9 verse 20 and no one began to be a husband, and he was planted a vineyard He drank of the wine and was drunk and now Noah You know was not doing the right thing here, and there's a little sub you know servant here coming up You know he got drunk off of his own wine and ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father now Some people want to debate exactly what was going on here look This is where where I believe and this is my opinion that Noah was raped by his own son Okay, it was incestuous It was predatory in nature and the piece that will I was explicitly say that yeah Because we're talking about Noah man who found grace in the eyes of the Lord You know it's a preacher of righteousness, and he's under God understands. This is going in my book Delicate about how I put this you know God isn't isn't explicit in the scripture And he's given us enough brain cells to connect the dots here to figure out what's going on in the story Okay, and it says ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father You know that's a euphemism to look on somebody's nakedness It's it's a you know it's talking about you know a carnal act that's being performed and behold and his two brethren Without And told his two brother without and sham you know these that's the thing you know these sodomites these reprobates They love to let everybody know what they're into You know they think it's okay They want to perform some act on somebody and then just kind of let everybody know what kind of filthy beasts they are And unfortunately today, they're you know they're out and proud They should be going back in the closet where they belong well they actually belong six feet under according to scripture In verse 23 it says and sham and jay-peth took a garment and laid it upon their shoulders and went backward and covered the nakedness of Their father and their faces were backward and they saw not the father's nakedness and Noah awoke from his wine And knew what his younger son had done unto him He doesn't say that he knew that his son had saw his nakedness. He's saying his younger son had done something unto him And we can we can draw conclusions to what was done there again. God is being very careful I mean if it was just he walked in and saw his nakedness and you know Maybe put some whipped cream in his hand tickled his nose make him smack himself or something like that some stupid prank You think that that verse 25 would follow it says and he curt and he said curse became gets up and curses his own son Like in order to get up and to curse your own offspring something pretty bad has got to happen you know I don't care if my kid went out and you know slashed all four tires on the car and Keyed it, you know and did whatever he it would take a lot for me to But that's gonna take a lot for me to curse my own child That my children, you know, God willing all get saved. That's not they're not never gonna do anything. It would make me do that Because it takes a lot and I believe that's what's taking place here He said curse became a servant service. Let me meet my two was brethren So first of all, one of the first examples that we have of the homosexual in the scripture Is that they are predatory in nature and that's every example in Scripture every time you read about the sodomite in Scripture You read how they are predators to the point where they're even Rapists and incestuous like him there's nothing beneath them and so often we have time to get it I've got pages of notes here this morning and we probably have time to get it all You know, what's amazing to me is when you study the subject out how closely it's so often related in the context of bestiality You know, and I believe that is referring to the actual act with an animal But it's also kind of ironic that the Bible calls them beasts, doesn't it? So This is this there's nothing beneath these people and this is the picture that the Bible is painting this morning And Prayed upon the weak Right how through the use of alcohol, you know And that should be a real strong warning to anybody that would think getting drunk is a good idea Look, I personally know people and I'm sure if we went around the room and talked There would probably be several people in this room that could tell you about other people that were taken advantage of when they were drunk III know of people more than one person who had horrible things happen to them when they were drunk They were in a drunken stupor blacked out people took advantage of them and did things to them and had horrible repercussions in their life Vibes doesn't back it. Whoa, what's in that? Give it this neighbor drink that put us that bottle to him and that make us him drunk And also that that one might look us on look on their nakedness But that's how a lot of these people operate the date rape drug, you know They slip something in the drink They get you a pass out so they can do whatever they want to because they know No, no more person would ever consent type of things that they like to do to people So they have to get them drunk get them passed out You know, this is kind of a just a sub Sermon here just a little sub point in the sermon a warning against the dangers of alcohol No, you think you're gonna want to have a good time. You don't know what you know, I'm sure when when you know Noah was tipping back the bottle that day. He wasn't thinking later. I'm gonna get you know raped by my own son But that's what happened And I'm sure if you knew that was gonna happen. You probably wouldn't have done what he did So that's you know another sermon in and of itself go to justice chapter 19, you know I know these a lot of familiar scriptures Well, we need to we need to get these things down in our mind We need to let these things sink in and settle it and determine to hate the whole world this morning Yeah, and nothing's gonna help you better than the Bible not my opinion. That's something I just conjured up at a thin air But what the Bible actually says about these people if we read it and understand it then we'll learn to hate the homo like we should Bible says in Judges chapter 19 look at verse 22 now as they were making Mary with making their their their hearts Mary of course is a story about the Levi who was going to get his concubine back I'm sure we're all familiar with this and the old man brings him into his home to abide there in the night It says they were making Mary behold the men of the city certain sons of Belial sons of the devil reprobates Rejected by God. That's all that should read there too as well. He set the house round about and beat at the door Well, they just there's just something about structures just physical structures. They always like to surround structures of people that they want to prey upon Like these protests they go out there and they get at the door. They get out there blow horns They bring in the rock bands and played songs saying hail Satan, you know, they get their signs out They like to make a big moment a big noise. They like to surround buildings where God's people are and make a big noise They like to beset it round about and beat at the door and spake to the master of the house the old man saying bring forth the man that came into my house that we may know him and That is another euphemism for performing. You know a carnal physical act upon him We all you know, if you don't know you're probably too young, you know those of us that don't know And it says the verse 23 and the man the master of the house went up then and said to me my brother Hey, I pray you do not so wickedly Notice what this guy said about it got you know, he said don't do wickedly He didn't say don't don't try to practice your lifestyle Don't try to spread your your your your pride here. He called it wickedness and Would the God that enough preachers today, you know, you know, they'll say that much maybe it's a sin and then they'll But that's exactly what it is it's wicked He's saying seeing this man is coming to my house. Do not this folly behold. Here's my daughter and a demon is concubine Then will I bring you out and hopefully then and do it then would seem it's good unto you But I'm this man do no so vile a thing Now this is you know, this is not the right reaction in my opinion The guy should have gone out on a shield or something I don't know but you know to the point where you're offering up your own daughter and this other guy You know volunteering somebody else's, you know, concubine, you know, but it just shows you what you know What will happen in your life when you tolerate these people because this guy's living among them He's like a lot like we're gonna read about in a minute When you dwell and live among these wicked vile people they affect you and they make you you'll start making decisions And going along with things that you never thought you would It says there in verse 25, but the man would not harken to the man So the man took his concubine and brought her forth and they knew her and abused her all the night long until the morning When the day began to spring they let her go They came the woman and the dawning of the day and fell down The door of the man's house where her Lord was till it was light So they based, you know again just showing us why we should meet the homo this morning because they're predators. They're rapists That's what they did to this woman. This is what they wanted to do to this man And it shows you that they go both ways. I Mean they're associated with bestiality, you know, they'll go both ways. There's nothing beneath them You know, that's how they're filthy diseases like AIDS cross over into the straight community It's because these people, you know through drug use and other needs I understand but you know what they'll they'll they'll take this They'll rape this woman just as soon as they break a man because they've been given over to Reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient And we know the story here That it says there any in verse 27 her Lord grows up in the morning and opened the doors of the house and went I want to go his way behold The woman the concubine was falling down at the door of the house and her hands were upon the threshold And he said unto her up let us be going But none answered and the man took her upon an ass and the man rose up and gat him unto his place When it was come to the house He took a knife and lay hold on his concubine and divided her Together with her bones and twelve pieces and sent all the coasts of Israel I mean How's that? That's that's older than any meme or Facebook post I could put up, you know This guy's cutting up his concubine and sending it out to all the coast of Israel And it was so that all that saw it said there's no such deed done nor seen From this day that the children original came up on the land of Egypt on to unto this day Consider it take advice and speak your minds You're the only gonna point out the story is that not only is nothing beneath them that they're predators that they'll take anything That they can get their hands on and do whatever they want with it Even if it means, you know Their own taking somebody's life in the process because they're such predators, but nothing is holy to these people Nothing is holy, you know, their their minds have been seared with a hot iron their conscience is seared There's nothing holy to them because if you're calling the story, you know move along for sake of time But this man that this happened to was a lead by he was you know He was of wasn't necessarily a priest but he was in the service of God and they you know They probably would have known this this couldn't express them, but nothing is beneath them There's nothing holy to these people as evidenced by the fact that they're bombing a church is in beneath them Threatening a man of God isn't beneath him threatening people's children is not beneath them. They're predators. You should hate them Have no love in your heart for the homeless morning because they have no love for you And you know what if you give them an inch they'll take a foot and they want everybody and cuz remember I've been around long Enough to and it's gone quickly because I've been around that long But I remember when it was just about all they just want to get married and then you know, you give them that Well, okay. Well, let him get married. Oh, well, then how they just want to adopt Oh, so now they can adopt kids and now it's you know another should you know, love has no age Now it's like, you know children can consent to you know, these acts everyone perform The North American man-boy love association, you know, I don't like talking about these things. This isn't a pleasant subject But we have to talk about it because this is what's going on in our world today You know I wish there was some other sin or some other thing going on in our society in our culture that I could get I had to get up and write a book, but this is it. This is the topic This is where we're at in this modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah called America Where we have to get up and talk about these things And unfortunately because it hasn't been talked about for so long That's why these type of things are taking place because the pulpits of America are weak and soft and cold And there's not a man of God to stand up and tell it like it is, but not in Tucson I'm gonna get up and tell you the truth this morning about these people and teach you to hate these sodomites They hate you mark it down Nothing is holy and nothing is beneath them. They're predatory in their very nature The Bible says in Titus go to Jude chapter 1 until all few under the pure all things are pure But to them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure the innocence of your child is not pure to them The innocence of their mind is not pure to them. It's the file They want their minds into the files and they want to file as many other minds as they can by any means necessary Oh, why are you so mad? Why do you hate the homeless one because they hate us They hate me. They hate you. They hate your family. They hate anything that's poor and good Wholesome and they wanted to fire it That's why I hate the homeless warning and that's why you should meet them, too That's why people need to hear sir this sermon and sermons like it and pull their mind out of the mainstream media and Get their head in God's book And understand the truth this morning about what these people are really like so they can learn to hate them Because they have an enemy whether they know it or not The Age is not a barrier to them gender is not a barrier them. Nothing is beneath them You know Genesis chapter 19 a very familiar story about Sodom and Gomorrah It says that when they lay down the visitors of two ages that came into that city They lay down the men of that city even the men of Sodom compass the house roundabout there They are again gathering around, you know, the physical structure where the man is where God's servants were Trying to break them as well. It says both old and young all the people from every quarter They I believe that that place had gotten so wicked that even you know young teenagers young children We're already given over to reprobate my say is that possible? Yes. I've seen it with my own two eyes I've seen young children grow up in godless homes in a godless public school system and Turn into reprobates at a very young age it can happen Kids can reject God they can reject God five six seven eight years old They can learn to hate God they can be taught by their parents to hate God to hate the Bible to Despise those that are good at a very young age and you better believe that the cartoons the the programming It's on television the school systems They are all it's geared towards teaching our children to hate God to doubt God to not believe the Bible And it's no wonder that they turn into reprobates as young as they do and they do by the time a lot of you In middle school, you don't think the middle schools across America are just filled with reprobates this morning. I guarantee they are Because they've been brainwashed. They've been taught to hate God from a young age Oh you came from a primordial suit billions of years ago, and there is no God and you know No, there's no right or wrong You just do whatever you want and they're being taught all kinds of built in these public school systems at a very young age You're in Jude chapter 1 look at verse 7 it says even as Sodom and Gomorrah strengthen the cities run about them in like manner Giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh What is strange flesh means it means boring not meaning it's like, you know, it's a foreigner It's not talking about, you know interracial, you know Relationships here. It's talking about the fact that they're going after flesh that normal people would not go after You know and that's men with men women with women that is strange Men do not naturally desire other men women do not naturally desire other women As we'll read in Romans chapter 1 this morning in a minute But not only that it also means that strange flesh could would need children and again unpleasant topic, but we're gonna talk about it Because the world talks about it and they excuse me You know, there's I watched a saw program the other day where they're they're excusing these people Say well, what about the what about the pedophile, you know who understands he's a pedophile But doesn't want to harm children and hasn't done it yet. How was he supposed to get any help? There's no helping the individual with that Because people who that is strange flesh to desire the flesh of a child It's strange the desire of people who don't even who aren't even developed to the point even Participate in any of these acts. It's strange. It's unnatural And if that's what they can you know, somebody's got to that point There's no Say the best thing they could do for society is put a gun to their head and pull the trigger and off themselves Since our government won't do it And again, we don't advocate taking matters into our own hands But you know what? We're not going to shy away from what the Bible says the Bible says that public execution of homosexuals By the government is what's supposed to happen according to God's law Old Testament and new Since they're worthy of death It says here that those people that are going after strange flesh as you check the one are set forth for an example That's the modern-day example of what God thinks about people who go after strange flesh The sodomite community the pedophiles of this world. So oh, oh, you know, it's not anymore. That's Old Testament Yeah But Jude is pointing us to that example saying this is what God thinks about today That people that are involved in it that they go after strange flesh are an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire Not being pleaded with to abandon their lifestyle and come to Christ. No, God says you want they're gonna suffer eternal fire And they might get away with it in this world because we have such a spineless society anymore That's afraid to say they spineless people, but I hope it's spineless people in positions of power Then go ahead and get away with it in this world, but they're not gonna get away with it in the afterlife mark it down It's eternal vengeance eternal destruction and fire for these homos. Oh God doesn't hate them Okay. All right, so God's just gonna burn them in fire forever in hell Because he loves him so much. Give me a break No, God doesn't hate anyone explain. Help me then God hates these people I hate them And if you don't already hate them you should because they're predatory in nature Nothing's beneath them. Nothing is holy to them not even even age Not even that they'll go after all kinds of strange flesh And look, you know and I could tell this by looking around the room this morning even bringing this up It's it makes your stomach turn. I Remember sitting in fiery sermons where this topic was brought up and you know You know when before you throw up you kind of get that that you gets in the back of your throat Literally having to hear this and understand that this is the type of thing. It's out there. Literally making me physically want to puke Because that is the natural reaction when you hear about things like this If you're a normal human being and you start to understand the kind of filth that these people are Involved in it will make you want to puke At least it should That's the natural reaction one of disgust I should have had you staying judges if you want to turn over there to chapter 20 Following up on our story with the concubine the man that had to turn pieces and send out all the coast of Israel It says in verse 1 then all the children of Israel went out and the congregation was gathered together as one man from Dan even to beer Shiva with the land of Gilead unto the Lord and Mitzvah and The chief the people even all the tribes Israel presented themselves the assembly of the people of God 400,000 footmen that drew sword jump down to verse 4 It says there in the latter and then said the children of Israel tell us how this was this wickedness and the Levi Husband of the woman that was slain answered and said I came to give you and bought that belong with the Benjamin And when I concubine collage and the men of give you rose against me and he set the house round about upon me By night and thought to have slain me and my concubine have they forced that she is dead So he's not really telling the whole truth here They weren't just trying to kill you and take the concubine. They wanted to know you. I Don't know if he's just ignorant of the facts here or he's just trying to kind of maybe you know, they're bad And I took my concubine and cutter in pieces and center throughout all the country of the inheritance of Israel Where they have committed lewdness and folly in Israel behold here all the children of Israel give here your advice and counsel And all the people rose as one man saying we will not any of us go to his tent Neither will any of us turn into his house But now this shall be the thing that which you shall do and give you he shall go up by law against it and we shall take Take ten men of and hundred throughout the tribes of Israel and hundred of a thousand and a thousand of ten thousand to fetch The victual for the people that they may do when they come to give you a Benjamin According to all the folly that was wrought Israel So they hear the case and their judgment is well, we're all gonna go up there and we're gonna deal with it You know and this isn't mob rule this is under the system of the judges This is how they get things, you know, they would hear a case out They would consult them say they'll make a decision and then they and all and what a court went up there This is everybody throughout the whole nation is saying they're worthy. We're gonna go out and deal with this We're not just gonna change the channel. We're not just gonna listen to a five-minute newsreel and go. Oh, that's too bad Well, you know if you hate if you preach hate Because we expect that going to happen flip They're hearing about, you know These wicked people rising up and doing wild things and they're doing something about it And as bad as Israel was at least they got that right America doesn't even have the stones for that anymore So who's worse off today us or them? And we will take let's just jump into verse 12 Verse 11. So all the men of Israel were gathered together against the city knit together as one man And the tribes of Israel sent man through all the tribe of Benjamin saying what wickedness is this that is done among you now Therefore deliver us the man the children reveal or try to give you that we may put them to death And here and put away the evil from Israel Look They had at least had enough righteousness Left in them to understand that if they allowed this type of thing to go on in their country that they were going to be destroyed by God The guy was going to judge them You know and God and I don't know if anyone's noticed around here lately But God is judging his country Colvin Natural disasters fires burning all over California the west coast and those liberal parts of the country Natural disasters ever and God is judging. You know what God's not done And if God's not, you know And I would like to think that there's some blame at the end of the tunnel this cold stuff But now I'm hearing about how it's mutating in Africa and Europe and now a new strand coming over So sorry to break it to you. God might not be done And people, you know people today are just too stupid too far gone from understanding how God who God is they can't connect the dots Oh, we're living on this built in iniquity to spill our land and And then all these bad things are happening, but I'm sure that's just the way things have always been At least these people, you know in this country had enough righteousness to deal with the wickedness and the vile filthy People that were living in there Understanding that they need to put away evil from Israel And they're saying and notice what they call them the children of Belial There's that phrase again these reprobates calling them what they are telling and that, you know, don't hand over those You know people who just you know, they just they just have they just love one another this They just love different people, you know, they just express love in a different way. No children Belial what they call them, right? But the children of Benjamin would not harken to the voice of their brethren the children Israel Well, the children measurement gather themselves together out of the cities of Gibeah to go out to battle against the children of Israel You know this topic draws a line in the sand, doesn't it? you find out real quick where people laying on it to and Unfortunately today, you know a lot of Baptist preachers would end up on the wrong side. They would be like the children Benjamin They're not going to deliver the child of Belial over to you know You're not gonna run them out of town or anything like that they're not gonna run them out of their church No, they're gonna open their doors. Why I said come in participate in the children's program There's literally Baptist churches independent Baptist churches out there that are making the case for putting a homo in children's ministries That's where we're at today And you wonder why a sermon like this and others in it like this that have been that have been preached Raised, you know ruffled so many feathers and cause such a ruckus. It's because people have forgotten to hate the homo And that's where we're at a lot of Baptist churches, you know, where they find fall and this line It's been drawn to stand today on the side of Benjamin. No, we're not gonna deliver We're not gonna get them out of here. We're gonna keep them. We're gonna we're gonna let their welcome here They can come right in not in this church buddy. Never never will they ever be allowed in this church It'll be over my dead body You'll have to take me out before that'll ever happen. It's not gonna happen. They're not allowed in this church period Don't bring your homo cousin your homo relative your homo friend if you've got them And we'll talk about what you should do and that is towards the end of sermon Which may or may not be anytime soon. Don't bring them here because they will be kicked out I'm not gonna spare anybody's feelings. I don't like predators in this church Period because they're that's what they are. They're predators. Nothing's beneath them. And you know what? Here's a lesson that here's another neat thing about you want to learn how to hate the homeless morning understand their true nature They're predators. You know what else they are? Implacable And you know what the world's gonna find out real quick about this one Because it just it just boggles the mind how many of these politicians just think they can just you know Take the take the the fiery man of God and the reprobate and just you know Just join hands. Let's just sit down and talk it out. Let's just have a piece, you know, talk Let's all come to one of court. It's never gonna happen because I'm you know, if you're taking this damn We're never gonna give an inch You know what and they're they're gonna take every inch they can get there is no compromising with these people They're implacable. It's what the Bible says We know the second the story of Genesis chapter 19 I'm gonna just move along very quickly here for the sake of time But we you know, if you're not familiar with the story of Genesis 19, that's your reading assignment this morning You need to go home after church today and read Genesis 19 If you don't know what I'm talking about the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, you know for the children's Bible stories time today It's Genesis 19 Okay, and they need to understand this and there's nothing that's off limits to my in my household to the children But when it comes to the Bible And we know the story how when the angels were brought into lots house the men came and wanted to Take them out and have their way with them and then a lot goes out, right and he says do not so wickedly And you know these men are coming to my house I don't know the shadow of my roof and they said to them in verse 9 stand back and they said again This one fellow came into surgeon and he will leave needs to be a judge. Oh, don't judge. Isn't that what they cry? You know what? I'm gonna judge him. I'm gonna take this book God's Holy Word I'm gonna read it this morning and see what it says about the homo and I'm gonna judge them according to it You know what a conclusion I'm going to come to that God hates them And it says here they said stand back And they said you know, keep this one came to soldier and he will need to be a judge now We will deal worse with thee than with them. So a lot goes out there and tries to you know Placate the implacable and what happens they said oh you want to plead their case you want to try to come to a Compromise you want to try and work things out and just talk it out. We'll deal worse with you It's kind of ironic. That's what's taking what's not ironic in fact It's just the way you should expect in any other way that these you know, these homos I was in You know El Monte when this whole thing first kicked off, you know They got so mad because the mayor wouldn't just come out and condemn the church and to take their side like a typical politician She's just trying to say well, you know, we have to understand that there's the freedom of speech You're pretty religion and no way why not, you know and trying to just be a typical politician You know what? You know what the homo crowd the key almighty friendly most ironic name ever Try to Feel what their response was the mayor makes a great point Is that this is how the story goes here, you know a lot we had thought about that You're right. Let's we'll we'll come to let's meet up tomorrow morning over coffee and we'll just talk this out You know, you know, maybe we'll just get the rich no negotiations Just send out one of them and we'll let the other one go free, you know No, that's not how the story goes this story is showing us that they're implacable Which is exactly why when the mayor of Almonte came out, it didn't just Wholeheartedly come out on the side of the homos, although she is by the way They went they decided they're now we're gonna protest City Hall And I saw another news story from the 80s Look, this isn't the first time a violent group of you know, vile predators have gotten together and bombed a Baptist Church It's happened before okay happened back in 81. I saw a news article or a video this morning That somebody posted on Facebook like oh, there's nothing new under the Sun indeed they've been doing this, you know It's funny how they're always the ones that are committing violence. They're always the one you know that are bombing churches You know and when they found out and when that Baptist minister Decided to take the City Hall because you know They had told the police force to stand down and he was gonna go make a ruckus got a bunch of other Ministers together they said well, we're going down to City Hall and we're gonna let them know we don't appreciate it You know back in the 80s before the AIDS epidemic and this was in San Francisco Well, at least there were some people that still had a backbone that could stand up to these bullies Decided to get together and go down there You know what the you know what the homos did they went down there to City Hall and had their little press conference and held up their signs There's what am I getting at? There's no placating these people the Bible explicitly says the Romans one They are implacable So why would I give them an inch? Why why would I try to tone this down at all for their sake? That's the problem with this country. That's what's been going on for so long Preachers just just backing off a little bit saying well, I know the reprobate but maybe they shouldn't be allowed in church They can't even get saying what what good is church going to do for them? They're implacable and if you try to go along with them, you know, let's just try to get along You'll get destroyed. I mean look at lots story I won't read it for the sake of time But what happened a lot lots out there like oh do not so wickedly, you know Try to strike a deal try to placate the implacable. How did that turn out for him? Why he turned into a pillow of salt his daughters that had been you know growing up in that filthy culture Commit some of the most vile acts of their own father His life was destroyed his children's lives were destroyed And you know why because he was just trying to go on to get along Try to placate the implacable So if you want to get destroyed by the sodomite go ahead and try to be friends with them Go ahead and sit down and try to come to agreement and unless you're willing to just hand everything over to them You know prepare prepare for war because they're gonna bring it to you They're gonna come and protest and they're gonna do parade their fill and they're gonna bomb buildings apparently as well Oh Here's another reason why you should hate the home why should you hate the home No, no new scripture this morning. Hopefully we're all familiar with it. Why they're predators every time rapists pedophiles Nothing's holy to them. They are predators. That's why don't wouldn't you hate something that's preying on you? If you were if you were out in the woods and some giant man-eater and you're unarmed It's chasing you down some, you know, 800 pound, you know, silverback gorilla or some giant saber-toothed whatever with horns and Grizzly bear is chasing. Are you really gonna try and stop and talk to that thing? And And that's it, you know some beasts and that's exactly what they are brute beasts the Bible calls them And they have they have no the proverbial things. They're they're many years. They're destroyers They're out to destroy people They're predators, you know what you do to a predator you get away from them and you know, and it's possible, you know put them down I'm not saying we do it. I'm saying the government should be doing it. I gotta put that cabbie on it every time Here's another reason why you should hate the home on this morning Not just because of the fact that they're predators and not just because the fact that nothing is beneath them But also because the fact that they're reprobate they're reprobate and people This doctrine needs to be If there's anything you get from the sermon this morning get this Okay, and this I wish just every Baptist preacher would get up and preach this doctrine because they know it's true You know where I've been the people just read the reprobate doctrine. Oh, but you know, you know the Steven Anderson pastor Steven answer. He's the one that came up with that doctor funny. I heard about it before even knew who he was It was the old IFP preacher. I remember we were on a bus route picking up kids and Donned on us that this family, you know is it has two moms in it And at the time, you know, I didn't really know what to make of it. I am really wasn't familiar I hadn't been taught explicitly what the Bible says and unfortunately didn't have the character read it for myself Thankfully I corrected that But I remember we were having some kind of function and this we're bringing these kids and and the old IFP preacher said well I really wonder if we should invite invite the parents the two moms, right? I mean, well, why wouldn't we well Cuz the reprobate and that's all he said about it I'm in a Baptist Church for years and had never been taught the reprobate doctrine, right, but it was it was understood Yeah, I connected the dots later. Oh, that's what he meant by that and this has been preached This has been preached throughout all time. I guarantee you this this this doctrine is as old as this book itself because it's difficult To reprobate doctrine This is why you should hate the homo because God hates them and has rejected them God hates them so much that he has rejected them and saying they're beyond hope of salvation They're hopeless Go over to Jeremiah chapter 6 Know this scripture underlining in your Bible highlighted And people need to explain this to me if you don't agree this then explain what the Bible is saying here Their sodomites are reprobate reprobate means rejected. Hey, that's what it means. Look it up in a dictionary Reprobate silver verse 30 Jeremiah chapter 6 Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them Why are they going to call them reprobate silver because they have been rejected? Who did the rejecting the people that are calling them reprobate? No Not them they're not the one I call them reprobate not because I have rejected them But because God the Lord has rejected them. That's what it says here They shall call them reprobate silver because the Lord has rejected them Means you see say look there's gonna be people they're gonna look at a group of people here and say oh they are reprobate Because God has rejected them. I Mean that's what this means. I mean, this is very just it's I don't think anybody in the room I think even the kids this morning are understanding this how simple a concept this is That there are certain people that God rejects And they are called reprobates They say well, no God loves everybody. No, God loved everyone past tense For God so loved death that's past tense Not God loves not just God loves people and just continually keeps loving them now I understand God is long-suffering not willing that ancient perish. We don't are there and yet coincidentally There are many people that perish that Jesus said broad is The way and why does the gate which leadeth on the destruction and many there be which go in there? And he said few there are that are saved Yes, God loved past tense everybody at some point in their life Well, look, we're gonna read in Romans 1 in fact over Romans 8 If the people can reach a point where God no longer loves them Jose I'll meet you all their wickedness is in Gilgal for there. I hated them. This is the Lord speaking I hated them he says For the wickedness of their doings. I will drive them out of my house. God saw what they're doing. He said I hate them You can drive them out. I will love them no more. I Used to love them then I saw what they were into I saw the desires of their own hearts and I Rejected them for rejecting me and I hate them. I will love them no more Don't sit there and tell me oh god loves everybody No, he doesn't that's not biblical that came out of your own vain imagination Your own little soft spot for these predators the Bible teaches you should hate. I will love them No more all their princes are revolters Second Timothy chapter 3 now is Jannes and Jamborees was stood Moses So all do these also resist the truth men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith the rejected concerning the faith When it comes to whether or not they can be saved we would look look at the scripture and say nope, they're rejected There are corrupt minds their conscience is seared with a hot iron Titus chapter 1 they profess that they know God but in works they deny him Being abominable and disobedient and it's every good work reprobate There's a group of people out there today that are rejected by God. It's the sodomite And if you know there's a reprobate out there that isn't a sodomite already he's on his way he or she is are on their way Second Corinthians chapter 13 examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith Prove your own selves doing out in your own selves that Christ Jesus Christ is in you accept you be reprobates Saying look Christ is in you unless you're reprobate Because if you're a reprobate, there's no possibility of the Spirit of Christ being in you. It's not even possible Because you're rejected by God. That's what it means But I trust that you shall know that we are not reprobates. He's saying here look You know Jesus Christ is in you except you're a reprobate look at Romans chapter 8 verse 9 But you're not in the flesh but in the spirit and so be the spirit of God go to you now If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his You know if you don't have the Spirit of Christ you're not Christ's and he's saying you're looking if you're a reprobate you can't have it Now are there some people out there that don't have the Spirit of Christ they're not reprobates. Yeah The children are men that are just lost that we need to reach with the gospel Then we need to go out and get saved and pull out of the fire by any means possible Yeah, there are people like that You know, there's some people that don't have the Spirit of Christ and never will because they're reprobate And don't come up to me after the service and try to argue this You'll never convince me that a reprobate can be saved because that is the very definition of a reprobate somebody who's been rejected by God period And people have all kinds of cute ways. They want a tiptoe around this I wish they just you know get a backbone and just say what the Bible says But there's some people that God hates that he's rejected they've been given over and just say like it is Romans chapter 1 this morning go over there You know, we were down to land in this passage at some point In the New Testament in case people out there don't know where that is And we're in the New Testament now for all these people would object and say well everything you're preaching is Old Testament Well, we're in Romans chapter 1 now Let's see what the I've already read Jude for you and several other passages from the New Testament. It's talked about people being reprobate Let's go ahead and read Romans 1 and see what it says in the New Testament It says in verse 16 for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ For it is the power of God on the salvation to everyone that believe To the Jew first and also the Greek. So yeah, the gospel, you know will reach anybody that believes But you know the Bible says there's some people that can't believe Jesus said they cannot believe Why is the rejected God rejected certain people said it's not even possible for them to believe And every homo salvation that I've ever heard of you know, it all involves the homo giving up their wicked sin and These people that object and write the church and call the church and go on social media and run their mouth They don't even know what the Bible says, you know, I love to ask them Well, let me ask you this if the homo can be saved. Do they have to give up their sin? Well, yeah, of course but that's not that new slash that's works You don't have to give up sin to be saved friend. That's not in the Bible For by grace are you say it's through faith that not of yourselves is the gift of God not of works unless any man should boast So if a reprobate some sodomite has to give up his filthy wicked lifestyle to get saved That's not salvation And I hear it and every single sodomites out so-called salvation ever heard has always Has always involved that well, you know, I got I came to Jesus and gave up my worldly lifestyle my plan of wicked lifestyle That's not salvation. That's So why would they even do that because they know the back of their minds? They're held on the rejected and they're trying to smooth their own Conscience in some way trying to convince themselves that they have some other place they're gonna end up other than hell But the Bible teaches that's exactly where they're going hell It's the only place for him because they've been rejected by God because God hates them and so do I and so should you It says in verse 17 for there is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith as it is written the just shall live by faith For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all the godliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness Because I was making known of God is manifest in them where God had showed it unto them This is why God so loved the world And God has me the Bible says that he lighted every man that cometh into the world That that people even even the heat as they have the law of God written on their heart They know that there is a God at some point at some point along the line People who have this witness in themselves have a testimony of creation at some point in their life Reject God And a lot of times, you know It's unfortunate with a lot of a lot of ways these these reprobates become reprobate is that and as a young as a young person They're there. They are afraid upon a by reprobate a Lot of those that's a lot of their testimonies. They have been molested and prayed upon by some reprobate They get angry they get bitter against God look and they say why would God let that happen? They learn to hate God what happened and maybe they themselves become a reprobate and perform the same act Look, you know if that's ever happened to you God didn't do that to you some vile filthy reprobate it God did not do that. You do not harden your heart against God There's something bad like that has ever happened to you You know that that God didn't do that and it's not your fault It's not anyone's fault But with that vile filthy disgusting reprobate that should have been put down by the proper authorities If we had a country that would actually carry out a holy and righteous law called the Bible and do its job And get rid of these people permanently put the sodomites out of the land You know a lot a lot a lot of less people would have to suffer at their hands A lot of less children would be taken advantage of and grew up to hate God and become reprobates themselves The Bible is saying here look they're without excuse Why verse 20 for the invisible things that from the creation of the world are clearly seen Being understood by the things that are made that's me and you We are the things that are made and we look at the invisible things of creation Or excuse me that we look at the things that are clearly seen and understand the invisible things We look at creation say there is a God God is real and that should lead us on the path of who is God and that will lead us to the Bible That's my testimony as a young man wanting to know the truth Looking at the creation looking at the stars looking at the heavens and saying myself. It's true. There's no way it's a coincidence It's not just a mere coincidence. It's not chance. There is a God there is a creator I had a testament with my heart. I sought God and I found him Everyone that seeketh find it whosoever, you know asking you shall read and receive knocking it shall be open unto you Everyone has that that's why it says there at the end of verse 20 so that they are without excuse Because the things that are made are understood being understood by these units that turtle power got it Because that when they knew God so people reach a point in their life. They say there is a God They knew God they knew not that not that they had a relationship or that they couldn't accept the Christ the Savior It's saying that they knew God that hey that there was a God that he existed They glorify him not as God. Oh, this is who God is. Let me glorify him. Let me get saved No, they neither were thankful but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened Professing themselves to be wise they became fools and changed the glory of the corruptible God into image made like the corruptible man Glory, excuse me and birds and a four-footed beast and creepy things now Here's where the real important part comes in in verse 24 Because they rejected God when they knew God they glorify not as God neither were thankful But their foolish heart was darkened and they changed the glory of the of the uncorruptible God into a corruptible Image four-footed beasts and so forth. They made God up in their own image. Oh, yeah, there's a God But it's not the God of the Bible. It's a God. I'm gonna make up my own mind That's what they do. What how does that what does that result in? How does God take that when he puts creation puts it in their hearts makes himself known Put gives us his holy word this book, which is you can find in every corner of the globe There's nowhere this book has not reached The testimony has gone out into all the world the Bible says several times over And God has made himself know God's not hiding in a corner somewhere God wants to people to know who he is and when they find out who he is and they reject him What's God's reaction? Oh, well, that's too bad. Maybe they'll find me later. Maybe they'll change their minds No verse 20 24 tells us how God takes it where for God also gave them up He gave up on them. There's a group of people out there called reprobates that are rejected by God that God gives up on Says well, you know what? I gave them the testimony of creation. I wrote the law of God in their heart I plead with them. I send my spirit. I might even send soul winner. Am I I've given them my word It's throughout all the earth. It's been published abroad and they rejected me. So, you know what? I'm gonna give up on them To give up on me. He's gonna give up on them to unclean. What does he give them up to? To uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own body between themselves The Bible is teaching us that there are certain acts that you cannot perform Until you've been given over and rejected by God As soon as I find out somebody is a homo I can still you know that person has been rejected by God because they are performing unnatural acts which are not convenient Then you would only commit if you've been given over to a reprobate mind if you've been rejected by God Did you know that the perfect example I've always heard is trying to fall on your own face Try to just never think about just trying to fall on your own face Like do you think if I just stood here with my hands clasped on and just hold my hands behind my deck I could just fall over flat on my face. I Can't do it. My mind won't let me my body will naturally catch itself. In fact, it won't even let me try You know, that's what happens when you get older you can't physically demonstrate these things I can do it and probably you know Hurt myself in the process probably get up with a cracked rib or something You know what? I'm not going to do just smash my face in the ground. They have a natural reaction to not do that And that's the same way with with this lust that's in their own hearts There are certain acts that people will not perform until they've been rejected No normal man looks at another man and has been has lustful thoughts and struggles with that No one until they've been given over to reprobate mine There's no way any normal person could be tempted with that sin or fall into that sin until they've been rejected by God Okay, that's what the Bible is teaching here then. You know what if people disagree with this I would love to hear another explanation Just preach it just get it just say anything. Well, would you just please turn there in your Bible now Baptist preacher and Go there and explain what it means to me then But it says that God gave them up to uncleanness through their own lusts of their own hearts to center their own bodies between themselves who churned Let's just jump to 20 verse 26 for sake of time for this cause No, let's read verse 25. It says who changed the truth of God into a lie again when they knew God They glorified not as God They changed the truth of God in a lie and worship and serve the creature and when the Creator was blessed forever Amen for this cause because they have rejected the Creator God gave them also unto vile affections disgusting desires For even there and then it goes on well that vile affection, you know, maybe they got a maybe they're chain smokers That was talking about here Just your run-of-the-mill fornicator Maybe there's you know, maybe they just don't clean up enough. Maybe they're just unsanitary Is that what it's talking about when it says vile affections to dishonor their own bodies between themselves This is the sin that God has given them up to that's what it says He says he's giving them up uncleanness to the lusts of their own flesh to dishonor their own body It's talking about physical sin. So what is it? What could it possibly be? What sin could the Bible be alluded to here? What is this vile affection that God has gave them up unto? Well, it goes on and tells us in that very verse For even their women to change the natural use into that which is against nature Look the sodomite lifestyle the sodomite the acts of a sodomite the physical acts they perform are against Nature, it's fun natural And likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman again the Bible is delicate It's being careful here to not go into detail because they God understands that that you know The drives the desire to put a man that we all figure out what we know what the Bible is talking about here the natural use of the woman He says he's leaving the man leave the natural woman and burn in their own lusts one toward another Man working with men that which is unseemly and receiving themselves the recompense of their hair, which was neat They're you know enter aids Enter all the disgusting and vile things that happen to people who engage in that lifestyle Enter, you know not living out half of a natural life Enter, you know being responsible for the vast majority of pedophilia That's what they see that's what it leads to Verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge So it's not like God's just being me. It's not like God's just randomly picking out somebody say, oh, you're a reprobate now Go perform these unnatural acts That's what the if you were if you're reading along with me and understood that very carefully that they're rejecting God They're rejecting God. They're changing it into you know, they're changing the creek the creator into the creature They're creating them in his own in their own image and they did not like to retain God in their knowledge Bible says God gave them over to a reprobate mind and we already talked about reprobate means doesn't it rejected Rejected by God specifically God is giving them over unto a reprobate mind a mind that has been rejected by God to do those things which are not Convenient being it's not at hand. It does not come naturally You have to go out of your way to make it happen Right, that's why it's called the convenience store because it's right there. It's easy Yeah, it costs a little bit more, but I don't have to go out of my way to get it It's right there. Just walk across the corner to Walgreens and give me a tub of Jerry's Look there's something the Bible is teaching us very clearly here that there's some things that are not convenient And that's what these people have been given up to Things that are not natural They've been given over these things. Look the acts that they perform You have to go out of your way To get involved in that. I remember the time I grew up in Michigan You know We lived a couple blocks away from a place of a bar called sidetracks and everybody knew what that bar was about That was where all the fags went and that was you know, that was the good old days When you go by this drugs drive by in the school bus and go look that's where all the fags are the bus drivers Uh-huh Wouldn't slam on the brakes. Oh, that's right. I can't believe half the bus gets offended Parents get called. I'm gonna say yeah, that's where the fags are Then we even knew one guy go around like oh and long hair plucked eyebrows Say that people like I've seen that guy dressed up as a woman Everyone knew who the local fags were and we call them out. You know what was ironic about that place sidetracks Which I'm not even kidding. It was just you could you could walk out I mean, I never went there but we all knew where it was We saw we would go by and play in the the river that was near there. We got to walk by that place You know where it was? I kid you not it was right literally literally right next door to the sewage treatment plant I Live two blocks away from it. I mean in some summer days That wind would come through and just walk that smell of raw sewage. We have to close the windows Thankfully wasn't that often but these bags will go to that bar and hang around that smell You know what because they're already used to it Because they're playing in the sewer system every chance they get because they're in the bile Affections, that's why that smell didn't offend them. That's there. They're more than happy to just go that bar That's literally next door to a sewage treatment facility Just you know thousands and thousands of gallons of just raw sewage churning wafting up in the air Why didn't that bother them bags because they're already used to it because they've been given over to bile affections What else what other what other affection could be so vile what if that's not the affection guys talking about that you tell me what it Is well peeping your nose There's no other affection like that. Look fornication is spooky It's wicked the Bible contains it but it's not this vile affection the Bible explains it clay draws out Black and white men with men women with women is a vile unnatural affection Only reprobates can come here in certain sins And I know I'm going along this morning But hopefully you can bear with me because this is what needs to be preached And unless you want to hear about it for the next several weeks. I need to get off my chest, too And hopefully everybody in the room It just is you know feeling this way in their heart And I'm just up here echoing what with the body believes it feels It wants to hear a man to get up man Get up and just rip on these homos this morning I'm pissed off about what they did over there in a wanti I'm sick and tired of having their crap shoved in my face Every time I get on YouTube or Facebook or you know having to see these sodomites everywhere in some magazine somewhere in some supermarket having to get in a had to get in a car on Thursday go to work and Lift dryer pick me up wearing a rainbow flag across your face. You know what no tip And if it's been a man I would have said go up get out of here not interested I'll get another one something came up With a long quiet ride in that car I'm sick of having to put up with these people I'm here about their pride parades and their bombings of Baptist churches. I'm tired of it Get off my chest this morning I Look you should hate the referee Their predators nothing's beneath them They've been rejected by God to vile affections to commit only certain sins that only they can commit Well, we know what those sins are Say well, what's the solution? Well, you know, we fight a spiritual warfare And we we do not we do not we give place to wrath the Bible says We do not avenge ourselves Now we're gonna get up and preach we're gonna say what the Bible says should be done about it And how we feel about it. We're gonna let them know we're not going anywhere Not backing down, you know first works Baptist Church of L.A. is gonna go forward They're not done. They haven't shut them down. They're having church this morning. They're gonna go out knock doors again And they're gonna keep going and keep going and keep going You know, they've been around three years this church, you know faithful word Baptist Church has been around for 15 We had our protesters, you know what and we backed them down We stood our ground. I wish these Baptist preachers out there or go back on and do the same thing You understand you just stand up to these bullies. They'll back down It might be months. It might take forever. It might take some unusual circumstance to get them out of your hair like a bunny But eventually if you just stand the ground they will back down We know what they're used to You know what they're used to is, you know, a couple people showing up with a camera and the pastors go, you know I don't always said that but I Didn't mean that you know, there's what I really meant. I'm sorry and apologizing You know what they've run into they've run into a group of people that are never going to apologize for the Word of God Never I will never apologize for what the Bible says I'm not ashamed of the gospel of Christ I'm not ashamed of his statutes and his judgments and his testimony. I love them They are precious to me. I'm gonna preach it from the rooftops That's who they run into this morning they're finding that out real quick We're not going to capitulate. We're not going to give them an inch But here's what else we're not going to do take matters into our own hands Bob says vengeance is mine. I will pay say it the Lord and I would rather let God deal with these people and whoever that coward is that threw a bomb in that Baptist Church and Spray-painted their filth all over him that guy whoever that was Whatever it was God's gonna deal with them. We might never find out who he is, but that person was guarantee you God knows And if they're not a reprobate already They're well on their way It wouldn't surprise me if they already were And God's gonna deal with them and I can just sit back and say well That takes care of that On to the next battle on the next sermon under the next door onward for Christ And just and just rest assured that God's got it covered and if that person never Experiences the judgment of God in this life. They'll experience in hell for all eternity And every one of those freaks that was going to be parading their filth up and down that sidewalk You know that Alana, California this morning that we're planning on doing that God's gonna deal with them in this life and for sure the next For sure the next for all we know these freaks are a judgment of God upon our country for not standing up this filth earlier Just backing down God could probably God could give a whole country over to this filth and just let it say, you know Oh, you don't want to you don't want to preach it anymore. Okay. Well, then we'll just let it run rampant in your country They are a judgment of God But let me tell you what the Bible says should be done wrong they're condemned to death They are condemned to death That's what the Bible says in Romans Read the rest of Romans that they which do such things are worthy of death And it's not talking about the fact well, you know for the wages of sin is death So my capital punishment, you know, God has a civil law the Old Testament and there are some things that are punished by death Rape, incest, bestiality, adultery, and homos are all condemned by death Let's go to Leviticus 2013 lest we forget what the Bible says Now that's Old Testament. Yeah, but I just read Romans one that says and they which do such things are worthy of death That God's gonna burn them that's gonna they're gonna suffer the eternal vengeance of Hellfire Well, but God wants to spare their natural life. No friend. They can't get there quick enough Leviticus 20 13 if a man also aligned with mankind as he lies with the woman both of them have committed an Abomination they shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them Well, that's Old Testament. Well, here's here's a New Testament verse to you. Okay first in all scripture is It's inspired by God it is profitable for doctrine for proof for correction for the instruction of righteousness That the man of God may be thoroughly furnished to all good works Bible says that all scripture is profitable, you know, what all scripture would include Leviticus 2013 is part of that This hasn't been done away with That's another sermon and I know I'm going along I got close, but let's just remind ourselves that these people are worthy of death So when I see them get some disease that's gonna cut their life off early they're gonna die in the 40s or 50s I don't I don't shed a tear about it when I hear about one of them getting so Disgusted with themselves that they go ahead and decided, you know, suck start a shotgun. I don't shed a tear I say good Now they will be around and violate somebody else or you know Physically attack and pervert somebody else or spread their filth and pervert somebody else's mind Deuteronomy 20 30 23 go to the Vegas 18 The Bible says Deuteronomy 23 verse 17 there shall be no horror the daughters of Israel nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel Thou shall not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog You notice how the Bible uses sodomite and dog interchangeably there. Is there a brute beast what the Bible says? That's how God sees the sodomites morning like a dog Even inanimate objects You know, they'll eat their own dung They'll eat their own vomit. They're disgusting creatures now I know we take them as pets and we clean them up and teach them how to do it But fortunately, you know, you can't do that with the sodomite That's unfortunate I really don't care Yes But what does it say? It says there shall be no more there shall be nor a sodomite Look, he's saying there shouldn't there shall not be one. Is he saying that Israel is never gonna have a sodomite in their land? Is that what he's saying here? No friend. What he's saying is they shall not exist. Meaning if you find one you get rid of them And the Bible prescribes an execution carried out by civil authorities Leviticus chapter 18 verse 22 and that's what's triggered this whole thing Somebody heard. Oh, they're calling for the public execution. We're preaching what the Bible says Yeah, do you I really expect for homos to be publicly executed today not know It's in fact, I'd be shocked if it ever if you do I really think the government's gonna turn around and come to their senses on this and say You know what the Bible's right these Baptist preachers. That's what is with the Bible Look the civil government doesn't give a writ what this book says, but here's the thing I do I do care what the Bible says. I'm gonna preach it Look at Leviticus 18 verse 22 thou shalt not lie with my kind as with my woman kind It is abomination Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith Neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down there to it is confusion Done if I oh not yourself than any of these things for all these things the nations which I cast out before you Are defiled which I can't sell before you and the land is defiled Therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it and the land itself vomited out her inhabitants Even the land is made sick by this stuff and wants to vomit them out That's an interesting concept I Look at verse 29 whosoever shall commit any of these abominations Even the souls that commit them now, what are the abominations? Man lying with man like he would a woman the vile affections that are discussed in Romans chapter 1 What does it say that whosoever shall commit any of these abominations? Even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from under people It doesn't mean that they're just gonna put them on an island somewhere I Just put them in another place That's not the Bible talking about My Bible says that they should be executed That it is a capital crime or need of death. I can't believe you said, you know what that used to be the law You know, there's several countries in the world where it still is punishable by death That is still the law of land in certain countries today So I guess it's not that strange after all when even the founding fathers Agreed with that in colonial America. It was punishable by death and then even after they stopped doing that for just you know Decades and decades and decades. It was still illegal. It's still land in jail. You couldn't adopt kids But we were so progressive today. We've come so far. Yeah, look where it's led us Look where it's led us, bombings People just committing the most abominable acts filth everywhere people's minds being defiled people being preyed upon by these predators That's why God has such a harsh punch because he knows what it means to because he knows that they're rejected And he says look this should be cut off from under people saying get them in hell as quick as you can And you say well, I don't know about that well, you know what Here's how you should take this Let me close by saying this if God rejects somebody so should we If God hates someone socially And I have no qualms about that That's where I'm at When I find out there's people that God hates I'm right along with them Now it doesn't mean I'm gonna go out and say well They're God's enemies and that gives me the right to just treat them You know go slash their tires and commit acts of vandalism on their property and threaten their lives about I'm not gonna do that You know what I'm gonna do when I get amongst God's people in God's house I'm gonna stand up and tell people exactly what God thinks about all of them And I'll put it on the internet and I'll broadcast to the whole world And I don't care who hears it and how they take it. That's what the Bible says That the homo is to be hated and rejected and if you were living in a godly nation executed righteous laws They would be taken and put down I'm not gonna do it. I'm not encouraging any kind of vigilantism I'm not telling people to take matters in their own hands But I'm just saying this is what the Bible says this morning And if you don't like it, you know, there's plenty other churches that won't touch this with a 10-foot pole You know, I'll put a blindfold on you and spin you around and just send you walking. Don't run into one Second Corinthians chapter 6 and by the way, you know, you might if you're not uncomfortable this you might as well just go now You know and if you're uncomfortable with it with the idea that maybe this sermon will get out there and we might have a similar Situation goes on, you know, just do me a favor and leave because I don't need to be surrounded by a bunch of cowards Now, I don't think anyone the room is like that. I know I don't suspect anybody in that But I'm just saying if that's the way you feel you might as well just go now Because I'm not gonna stop preaching this And a bunch of sodomites are gonna stop me either They're not gonna stop. They haven't stopped any of my previous friends You know, I'm sure not gonna be the first one that capitulates that's not gonna be the reputation I'm gonna emulate these men of God. I'm gonna emulate I'm gonna emulate pastor Bruce. I'm gonna emulate pastor Jason Robinson. I'm gonna emulate pastor Roger Jimenez I'm gonna emulate Who else pastor Jonathan Shelley and pastor Aaron Thompson and the other any other man of God that I know personally Not that stands up and preaches the whole Council the Word of God including the truth that I have expressed here this morning I'm gonna emulate that man and preach it from the rooftops I'm not gonna be ashamed of God's Word in this adulterous and wicked generation ever If God rejects these people so should we you know I'm not going to go into second Corinthians where it tells us that we should not have anything to do with them But I will reach you the second round of those where it says this and J Who the son of Hanayna this year went out to meet him? talking about Ahab that wicked King and said a Joe Joseph that shouldest thou help the ungodly and love them that hate the Lord Therefore is wrath upon me From before the Lord say look you're a godly king You were doing the right thing, but because you're gonna go and team up with the ungodly that hate God wrath is upon you So, you know, you're you're scared what might happen this kind of preaching gets out there Well, who's wrath would you rather suffer this morning sodomites? God's right Whose wrath would you rather incur this morning that the wrath of the sodomite or God's I'll take the sodomites wrath This God will avenge me of them But no one's gonna spare me from God's wrath Except God when he sees me standing up and preaching the whole council now, you know what the same thing for you When you get behind this kind of preaching you stand with the man of God We see a man of God be persecuted like this you stand with him You know what one thing you can guarantee yourself one thing. The only wrath you're incurring is the wrath of the sodomite Some stupid reply on Instagram or something. I'll take that any day before the wrath of God And look, I hope you know if you don't have it if you came in this morning not hating the homeless the homo I hope I've preached well enough and explain enough scripture to you that you hate them out Because if you don't hate the homo you should and if you have a soft spot for these vile Freaks should go home and pray about it and reread these scriptures. Listen to this sermon You know, it might get taken down, but I'll have a hard copy for you available We'll just keep re-uploading it everywhere we can if you're struggling with this, you know And you need to go over a little bit more I'm more than happy to do that because it's very important in the morning that you Learn to do what God does and hate the homo. Let's go to pray Dear Lord again. Thank we thank you for your perfect and holy word Thank you for all the statutes and judgments that you've given us Lord We're the God that lived in a world that upheld them and Lord We're not so foolish to think that this world's gonna turn around or we believe and understand and know that this country It's going straight to hell in a handbasket It's evident anybody who has their eyes open you're judging us and Lord rightfully So and even come even so come Lord Jesus and Lord We just pray that you helped us as God's people to be a light of notion in this Egypt where they help us to Not walk in darkness But to walk in the light of your word and to preach all of it and to believe all of it and to embrace all of it, even if the hordes of Hell come against us and when I pray that you would just be with faithful Excuse me first works Baptist Church over in almighty, California Do you pass from here and as people strengthen them help them and Lord? Confound their adversaries that they would be exposed for the filthy bile Reprobates that they are and where I pray you help us to hate them to the perfect hatred Even as you do we ask these things in Christ name. Amen All right, we're gonna go ahead and say Jesus loves me song number And you know what Jesus does love me he loves everything I said this morning because it was straight out of his book Some Oh Oh Oh Oh You Oh You Oh Oh Oh Oh You know what You