(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Man, so I'm gonna preach a sermon this morning on the topic of God's revelations God's different revelations to man and the means by which God has revealed himself to man throughout time and hopefully what this will do is help us to develop an appreciation for the revelation that we have in the scripture in the Bible because God as we're gonna see this morning has gone to great lengths to reveal himself to mankind and to us as believers and The first thing I want to look at when it comes this topic of God's revelation to man is the fact that he has revealed himself To all men, you know God has revealed himself to all men the Bible says and the way that he's done That is through the natural world through the means of creation. You're there in Psalms chapter 19 Let's just begin reading there in Psalms chapter 9 actually are you where am I got going on here? I tried I'm doing something different with the notes to bear with me Psalms chapter 19 Yeah, Psalms chapter 19 The Bible says there The law of the Lord is perfect Excuse me The law of the Lord is perfect converting the soul the testimony the Lord is sure making wise the simple The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart. The commandment of the Lord is pure and lightening the eyes I'm sorry verse 1 is where I'm gonna come back to that's where I'm getting confused Some Psalms 19 verse 1 the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth his handiwork so right there we see in verse 1 that God has Declared his glory in the heavens through creation through the means of creation. God has made himself known. He has manifest himself to all men if you would Go over to Psalms chapter 8 Psalms chapter number 8 Psalms chapter number 8 The Bible says in Psalms 104 Oh Lord How many fold are thy works and wisdom thou has made them all the earth is full of thy riches You know man looks around and he sees the glory of the firmament. He sees The earth that is full of the riches that God has put in it and what that is is God revealing himself To man, you know man can't sit back and say well, I didn't know there was there there was a God It just didn't look when I looked around it just appeared to me as if this all happened by accident You know, that's a lie that people tell themselves. That's not the truth when we look around and we see creation We see what God has made what we're looking at is the fact that God has revealed himself to all of mankind to everybody The Bible says in Isaiah chapter 40 who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand and meted out the heaven with his span and Comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure and weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance That's a question who's done all these things who's you know Meeted out the heavens with the span who's comprehended the dust of the earth and a measure, you know Who's measured all the all the dust of the earth? The question that's a question and the way the scales the mountains and scales and the hills in a balance Well God has God's the one that knows exactly how much of everything there is in the earth. He said in verse 26 Lift up your eyes on high and behold who hath created these things, you know God is the one that has created all these things He's the ones created the heavens and stretched them out and measured them with a span He's the one that is, you know comprehended the earth and a dust in the dust of the earth He's the one that's weighed out the mountains and the hills. It's God that's done all these things and Isaiah is telling these people to lift up their eyes on high and behold who hath created these things That bringeth out the host by their number. He's talking about the stars Again, how the the the the firmaments show the handiwork of God. They declare his glory its creation that does it In Acts chapter 14 the Bible says nevertheless he left not himself without witness in that he did good And of course, this is Paul speaking to a bunch of Gentiles. This is him speaking to a bunch of Unsaved heathens and he's saying to them that God has not left himself without witness for that. He did good and gave us rain Again, he's speaking to the unsaved. He's saying look God gave us rain From heaven and fruitful seasons filling our heart with food and gladness You know the bounty of the earth the the fruitful seasons all the things that God has provided, you know The Bible says that Jesus said that he has made causes the rain to fall upon the just on the unjust You know, it does this for everybody God has revealed himself to all men through creation You're there in Psalms chapter 8 look at verse 1 Oh Lord our Lord How excellent is thy name and all in all the earth who has set thy glory above the heavens? You know God's name isn't just excellent to those that have acknowledged him it's his name is excellent in all the earth Because he has set his glory above the heavens man is without excuse when he looks up and sees the glory of God So one way that God has revealed himself to all men is through creation Another way that he has done that is through the means of history Okay, and I'm just gonna touch on this briefly but go over to Psalms chapter 9 Psalms chapter 9 You Know even you know, of course, we don't put our faith in any of these things We don't we're not saved and we'll see that it's it's insufficient to get somebody saved these things But this the fact is is that God has revealed himself through creation God has revealed himself through even a historical record in the forms in the form of like archaeology You know, there are things that people find out there that validate You know for the unbelieving world the things that the scripture records The different things that took place with the patriarchs and all that all that history There's people that look at the biblical record. They look at the physical evidence in archaeology and say well it lines up And of course at the end of the day, you know If we see something there's a discrepancy in the history in the archaeological record the Bible Trump's that because we believe these things by faith People can look at things like, you know evidence of the flood, you know, it's out there There's evidence that there was a great flood. I mean, we've got it right here in our state, you know The Grand Canyon State right? That's that the flood is what made that you know, and there's whole creation seminars and whole gracious is devoted have devoted whole lectures So that one topic I'm not going to go on and on about that But that is one, you know Archaeological piece of evidence, you know in the natural world that shows us that God is known through the historical record People can look at you know, I remember seeing a video where they showed a you know, and of course, it's all you know Second hand whether or not it's true look through at the time and if they faked it They did a pretty good job because it was back in the 90s or whatever where they actually went over to the you know, the Gulf of Aqaba over there by Saudi Arabia where they Does anyone know what I'm talking about the Gulf of Aqaba? It's part of the Red Sea It's a little inlet from the Red Sea would have been considered the Red Sea back then and it's the one place in that whole Body of water there that anybody could have crossed over and they start to find these, you know Egyptian chariot wheels and things like that. It's like oh this is where They crossed the the Red Sea and it's right there But you know, you could show that to somebody still walk away and say I don't believe it It's all hopes right but it's there God's right. He has revealed himself these things have happened Look at Psalms chapter 9 verse 16. The Lord is known by the judgment which he executed How was the Lord known this morning? It's not just through you know, the the natural world the things where God has displayed himself in creation Which is a testimony of his glory But it's also through the fact that he has executed judgment upon the earth. I mean, that's what the flood is That's what Pharaoh's army is. It's you look at that you say. Oh, that's God judging the earth. That's God judging people That there is a God in heaven that he does judge mankind. The Lord is known by the judgment which he executed That's how he's known Go to Romans chapter number two Romans chapter number two So God has known God has revealed himself this morning through the natural world God has revealed himself through the judgments that he's performed through and we can see evidence of that even today But even if we didn't have all that even if we didn't have those things And even if that wasn't good enough for people, you know They God has still revealed himself through the means of people's own conscience People's own conscience is testimony of the fact that there is a God the fact that people can just naturally know the difference between Right and wrong that the fact that they have a moral compass look at Romans chapter 2 verse 1 therefore Thou art an excusable man whosoever thou judges actually, I'm sorry jump down to verse 12 For as many as have sinned without the law shall also perish without the law and as many as have sinned in the law Shall be judged by the law For not the hearers of the law are justified before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified This isn't really kind of a I'm just thinking about this as I'm going You know it says there in verse 13 that the the hearers of the Lord that not the hearers of the law are justified before God because People always bring this up. Like well, is it really fair that people go to hell if they've never heard Well hearing is not what justifies you that's why he's saying the hearers of the law are The here for not the hearers of the law are justified before God But the doers of the law, you know, the what condemns a man is the fact that he's a sinner Not that he hasn't heard the law Why is that because it says in verse 14 for when the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law or a law unto themselves the Bible says Which show the work of the law written in their hearts and their conscience also bearing witness in their thoughts Excuse accusing or else accusing or else excusing one another Look the Gentiles who have not the law have the witness of God written in their hearts Testifying to them that what they do is wrong. It's either excusing or accusing One another either look at what some other heathen does and says that's right or that's wrong They don't need the law to do that and that's what condemns it. So God has revealed himself to all men through various means He has revealed himself through Creation he's revealed himself through the judgments that are done the earth. He has revealed himself even through man's own conscience Look at Romans chapter 1. I mean that's that's what Romans chapter 1 You didn't think we were not gonna go to Romans chapter 1 the first Sunday in Pride month. Did you Romans chapter 1? It says there in verse 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and righteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness Why because that which may be known of God is manifest in them. Where is it manifest? It's manifest in them Man looks at creation. He could see the God's handiwork He can see You know the judgments that God has performed on the earth He can look at his own mind in his own heart and see that God has revealed himself to all of mankind that there is a God There's somebody who created him and has a will for them. They can look at that and that's why they're condemned Because God hath showed it unto them God has made himself a parent God has revealed himself. I Mean, that's the purpose of God's revelation Go over to Romans chapter number 8 Romans chapter number 8 You know God did all this to bear witness of himself God's not playing some cosmic game of hide-and-seek with mankind I'm over here. No, I'm over here. Now, you know God has chosen to reveal himself and we'll see why He wants to reveal himself to you know, bear witness of himself. That's that's what all this is is showing us creation our Conscience the judgments all of this. It's bears witness of himself and Not only that this you know Without even God even trying just the fact that he's revealed himself to man. That is what condemns man In turn it condemns mankind and that's what we read in Romans chapter 1 They knew God and they glorified him not as God God manifests these things in them and they chose not to acknowledge him But here's the thing, you know, God has revealed himself to all mankind But in spite of that fact that is not enough to get does that mean everybody's saved? No, of course not few there are that be saved This the fact is that God has revealed himself to all mankind But that general revelation of God is not enough to save mankind Because there's really two types of revelation Okay, there's you have the general revelation where God has just manifest himself to all of mankind Where people can just look at creation look at their hearts look at all these things and just say there is a God God exists and who is he and then they can begin to seek if they want and feel after him But then there's the special revelation where God, you know directly Reveals himself to men to a man to individuals to groups of people But the general revelation that God where he reveals himself to all mankind that is inadequate for salvation. That's not gonna get anybody saved That's why I don't want to spend a lot of time, you know arguing Creation with people because it's inadequate to get people saved. It might get them thinking It might get the wheels turning or it might just end up just being a long debate That's highly ineffective You know, that's not enough to get somebody saved eventually they have to end up just putting their faith in the Word of God Why is that why is that you would think well that should be enough Why can't people just look at creation? Why can't people just look in their own hearts? See the judgments of God and just say there is a God and his name is Jesus and I believe on him and get saved well a large part of that is because of the fact that you know, this creation that God has Revealed himself through is marred by sin, right? We all know the story in Genesis chapter 3 when Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil You know, the ground was cursed. He said cursed is the ground for thy sake so it doesn't have You know that original glory that it had it's cursed that's why people look at creation they go, you know explain explain mosquitoes You know when he when he cursed it, you know, he said it's gonna bring forth thorns and thistles We know a little something about that here in Arizona, but all the thorns and thistles, right? We step on a big patch of you know, those what are they called? satanic devil horn Those little tiny spike ones are they is it devil horns or something like that? I don't know It's like a real appropriate name though We step on those and I've got I mean, I don't know how many times I've done it solely I don't know a few times you just step on that and then it's just like ah You take your shoe off and pull those things out. It's like why did God make this? You know and there's probably if we studied it all and we went into all of it You know and followed it through and did all the science behind it. There's probably a purpose behind all of it But when man looks at creation in general, they'll say well, why did God make poisonous frogs? Why did God make you know venomous animals? Why are there thorns? It doesn't make any sense Well, God made them but man fell and then the creation was cursed again The Lord is known by the judgment which he executed and just showing us that God has cursed this earth It's marred by sin so the general levy revelation to man is not enough to save him because the creation is Imperfect because it is in bondage but also because of the fact that man himself is blinded by sin That's what it says of 1st Corinthians chapter 2 that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God For their foolishness unto him, you know man is spiritually blind He can't he can't look at creation and discern all this doesn't make any sense to him They can't understand it. So because the general revelation of God Through creation through history through conscience is inadequate to save man. Okay, it's inadequate God has you know, God didn't just say well, you know, I tried, you know, I gave him all that and you know, what? God has gone to great lengths to make sure that man knows who he is God has manifested himself through special revelation. Okay, let's go over to 2nd Samuel 2nd Samuel chapter 8 2nd Samuel chapter number 8 And what is special revelation? So general revelation again is just God revealing himself to all of mankind but special revelation where's God, you know, he doesn't use creation as A witness of himself where he actually reveals himself directly to man. There's no middleman. There's no Intermediary he just reveals himself directly to mankind and there's several different examples of this throughout Scripture We'll move through them very quickly But one of them one of the ways which God reveals himself through special revelation would be dreams, you know And you see this throughout The Bible we could talk about, you know, Joseph's dream where he dreamed about how you know The other sheaves which represented his brothers were gonna bow down to him I talked it was a God showing him that he was gonna be a ruler in Egypt when he didn't Understand it all at the time Then he had the other dream were the Sun and the moon and the stars bowed down to him, right? He had the dream. He had the dreams of the butler remember when he was in prison The butler and the Baker come in there and they and he wants he has to interpret their dreams It was God showing them it was gonna happen and it comes to pass Then you have even Pharaoh's dream, right where he has the dream of the the kind Fat-fleshed and the other the skinny ones and the one devours the other and he says to them You know that God has showed Pharaoh what he's about to do and how did he do that through a dream? So that's one way that God has used special revelation to reveal himself to man and he revealed himself to Pharaoh Then there's the example of not only dreams but visions and you say well it isn't that the same thing Well a vision differs from a dream in the fact that a vision of something that happens while you're still awake You think about Daniel's vision right where he's by the river It says in the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared unto me even unto Dan at me Daniel After which appeared unto me at the first and if you read that story That's like during the day like he's out sitting by a river and this vision comes upon him You know, this isn't where he laid down like Pharaoh did and had a dream or Joseph We could think about you know Peter's vision and acts it says where he went up on the roof Right, and it says he fell into a trance and he saw heaven opened So this is a vision where God is revealing himself in a special way directly to man. It's a special revelation Then we could talk about Urim and Thummim, which is you know Something that that pertained to the priesthood was a part of the the garments that they wore their breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim and You know, that's a whole nother That's a whole nother sermon right there. But if you remember it's first Samuel chapter 28 when Saul inquired of the Lord The Lord answered him not neither by dreams nor by Urim nor by prophets So that was another these are just different ways in which God has revealed himself to mankind Not at not in general but specifically to individuals and through a special revelation We did I have to go to Numbers? I don't think I did go to Numbers. That's where you should have gone Numbers chapter 22 Numbers chapter 22. This is one of probably You know my more favorite Examples of this, you know God's special revelation before I get to Numbers, you know You would also think about the audible voice that Samuel heard remember that Samuel Samuel He thought it was Eli talking. That was God revealing him. He doesn't do that to everybody That's a special revelation that God gave at certain times to certain people But he also uses animals and this is kind of an interesting one right Numbers chapter 22 Verse 27 and when the ass saw the angel the Lord she fell down under Balaam So remember Balaam was going to prophesy against Israel. He got hired and he's on the way there and God's trying to stop him and it says when the ass of the Saw the angel of the Lord. She fell down under Balaam and Balaam's anger was kindled You know, he got a flat tire, you know, he lost his temper And he smote the ass with the staff. So you mean guys just losing his cool He gets off. He just starts smacking this this animal this ass with a with the staff This is just laying down right? It just sees that it sees it and says sees the angel just it just sits down, right? And the Lord opened the mouth of the ass and she said unto Balaam What have I done unto thee that thou has sent me this three times every time I read this it makes me chuckle Because you can just picture this situation. He's like I'm gonna go prophesy. I'm gonna go get all you know, the all this money I'm gonna be you know, get me made rich I'm gonna be given honor and all of a sudden the ass just sits down and he starts beating it and The ass turns starts to talk to him. This is God speaking. This is a special revelation Look, this is don't go home and expect your cat or your dog to do this. Okay. This is what special revelation is It's a very it's unique. It's different. It's it's often it's it's not something that happens consistently and it's not anything that goes on anymore I don't believe God is speaking us anymore through dreams or visions. I don't believe he's giving us your room and thumb in I don't think he's gonna speak to you through your house cat. Okay, no matter how much you beat it You know, you're gonna go home and squirt your cat with a bottle. It's gonna say why has thou done this to me? You know What have I done unto thee, you know that thou has submit me these three times and then verse 29 it's probably the most humorous part and Balaam said unto the ass I mean the fact that he actually doesn't like did it even register with him that my my my ass is talking to me This animal is speaking to me And he's just like starts talking back to it Because thou hast mocked me he says why I'll tell you I'm beating you it wasn't like whoa, you know I Don't know if I mean this wasn't probably the most most charming animal it wasn't like mr. Ed or something like that You know the talking horse He said I would there was sword in my hand it for now I would kill thee and the ass said again unto Balaam. He starts talking again Am I not thine ass upon which thou hast written ever since I was thine unto this day Once I ever want to do so unto thee and he said nay So he just he's having this conversation now people say, you know, like well, what how did that ass talk? Like what what did I don't think this was like that animals own personal cognition? Okay, I Think this was the Lord speaking through it. You know, this was a special revelation of God This wasn't you know, the the ass finally could move its tongue and speak, you know and be understood So it's gonna express the way it felt finally, you know, these weren't the this wasn't the internal monologue of the of the ass Finally being you know spoken when this was God speaking through it, you know and showing you know Balaam how crazy he was Anyway, that's a funny story. But that is one of the special revelations that you see God do throughout Scripture We have you know the example of angels, okay I'm almost done with this part of it But angels we could go to Luke 1 where the angel Gabriel shows up to Zacharias and to Mary Right the heavenly host that shows up To the shepherds, right? These are all special things The angels of revelation, you know That's something that God's gonna do a special thing that God's gonna do at the end of the world When God's pouring out his wrath You know He there's gonna be the angels that fly in the midst of heaven having the ever lasting gospel To preach unto them that dwell on the earth. These are special revelations of God to man Now all these you know these various forms of special revelation You know, they're significant To those who they came upon, you know, they're special to them. They're significant to them It was significant to Joseph that he had those dreams right there. They're not really sick. Those aren't specifically Significant to us, you know the things that the ass said to Balaam don't really pertain to us, you know It's a story that we read So they are similar to God's general general revelation and that they are Insufficient to save lost man. Okay. Now the special revelation that is able to save man's soul is the is The the revelation that came through Jesus Christ in the Bible, right? And Jesus Christ is a special revelation of God to man And what I'm trying to get across this morning is that's how far God has gone to manifest himself to mankind You know, he didn't just make creation. He didn't just put the law of God in our hearts He didn't just execute judgment on the earth for us to look at and look at the curse and look at all these other things you know, he didn't give us all these different stories of You know these these different revelations through people, you know through these different special revelations That's not gonna happen to us today You know, we might want that but you know What's far greater than that is the fact that Jesus Christ has manifest himself unto man He is the completion of that revelation of God's special revelation So God revealed himself by coming directly to man and dwelling with him and we know the scriptures We know first Timothy chapter 3 verse 16 and without controversy great as the mystery of godliness God was manifest in the flesh Justified in the spirit scene of angels preached on the Gentiles believed on the world and what received up into glory That's God that was manifest in the flesh, you know, that's a great verse To show people that doubt the deity of Christ, you know, the Mormons might say oh that was you know The father when he came down and you know had relations with Mary. That's what they believe Okay But you know that the rest of that doesn't you can't really apply that to him Because it says that he was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit scene of angels preached unto the Gentiles It's specifically about Christ. That's who else is that referring to if not Christ and what does it say that God was manifest in the flesh? You know, Jesus Christ is that special revelation to all mankind to all of us That's how far God has gone to reveal himself to man Again, God wants man to be saved the Bible says in John 1 14 the word was made flesh and we beheld and dwelt among us and we be held as glory as The only big glory of the gotten of the Father full of grace and truth. The word was made flesh Jesus Christ That's God's special revelation Go over to John chapter 6 John chapter 6, you know, God wants man to be saved God wants man to know who he is and God has just gone to all these great lengths Through creation through all these things to reveal himself unto mankind, you know, we would look at that and think well, that's enough I mean, what more does God have to do? Well, you know what? Those things aren't sufficient The creation is not sufficient to get man saved and to bring him to Christ You know the judgments even his own conscience is not enough to bring man to Christ now all those things can play a part in Pausing man to to come to Christ but ultimately to come to Christ you need the Bible need the Word of God to come to Christ The Bible says in John chapter 6 look at verse 40 and this is the will of him that sent me that Everyone which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life. That's the will of God that they would see The Son, you know now obviously Christ isn't gonna come down here today and reveal himself physically like he did You know 2,000 years ago like he did with the Apostles and the disciples. That's not gonna happen You know, but we are the ones that are gonna go out and show people Christ We not now therefore we are ambassadors prices. Oh God did beseech you by us We pray you in Christ said be reconciled unto God, you know We're the ones are gonna go and actually show people Christ through the Word of God You Know God the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 1 at sundry times and diverse manners spake and time passed under the fathers by the prophets You know God has spoken under the fathers and times passed by the prophets But how has he spoken us today? It says in verse 2 half and these last days Spoken unto us that's me and you that's everybody by his son So I want to sign from God. Well, you got one. It's called the Bible You got one it's called Jesus Christ having come here and preached and manifesting himself to the world Let me apparent it heir of all things by whom also he made the world So Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God to man. That is the pinnacle. That's the crown of that revelation However his final revelation of man the final the last revelation that he has made thus far is In the scripture itself, you know, the Bible itself is God's revelation to man And that's what we believe about the scriptures. Jesus said in John 5 Search the scriptures for and then you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me So Jesus Christ, yeah, he is he revealed him He is the revelation of God to man, but it's now it's the scriptures that that testify of him That's what we use to reveal Christ to reveal God to people today Mm-hmm the Bible itself go over to 2nd Peter chapter 1 2nd Peter chapter number 1 You know a lot of these other things they're not sufficient they're not sufficient for salvation But you know, what is is the Word of God the Word of God is what's quick and powerful And sharper than any two-edged sword and is divided can divide us under you know To the boins of the joint the joints and marrow and is discerner of the thoughts and tends of the heart It's the Word of God that's gonna do that for people It's not a fossil. It's not a creation seminar You know, it's the Word of God that's gonna get people saved ultimately That is the ultimate revelation that God has given us the testimony of Jesus Christ In 2nd Peter chapter 1 Look at verse 3. It says in verse 3 according as his divine power hath given unto us all things That pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that have called us to glory and virtue so the knowledge of him of Jesus Christ is The dev is God's divine power that knowledge, right? That's what it says are according as his divine power hath given unto us all things That pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him through the knowledge of Christ Whereby are given unto us exceeding precious great precious promises How do we receive these great precious promises whereby do we receive them? How are they given to us through the knowledge of him that have called us to glory and virtue? Through the knowledge of Christ to the acknowledging of Christ through knowing Jesus, you know We are given exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature that you might be partakers You might be saved That's God's revelation to man is through Christ and that's how we are saved Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust So the Bible is what is sufficient for salvation day That's not to say that you know God that you know, that's the God just did the bare minimum and giving us the Bible God did just enough to get man saved. No God has been revealing himself since creation God has revealed himself through creation. God has manifested himself unto mankind in all these different ways But ultimately the only one that's that's gonna you know Seal the deal for man and him getting saved is through the Bible through the knowledge of Jesus Christ That's why the Bible says in Psalm 19 the law the Lord is perfect converting the soul It's the law of the Lord that converts the soul. The testimony Lord is sure making wise the simple, you know Which means this is that the Bible is needed for salvation You do need the Bible to get people saved. You can't just you know Reason with people into salvation You actually at some point you have to get the Bible out and start to read it and tell them what it says Show them that they're a sinner show them that God loves them show them that that Salvation is a gift that it's eternal that you can't lose it that it's by faith You have to show these these then these things from the scripture And it has to be that way, you know, it has to be that way because of the fact, you know Why are these other things insufficient because of sin? You know, it's our iniquities have separated us from God our sins have hid his face from us Right and because of the fact that God is holy we need some kind of an intermediator to help us Right. We need that mediator which is Christ Jesus Go over to Deuteronomy chapter 29 Deuteronomy chapter 29, we're gonna close there but Deuteronomy chapter 29 You know, God doesn't have pleasure and wickedness he Evils not going to dwell with him. The Bible says in Psalms, you know, he's a pure eyes than to behold evil You know, so God in a way has had to hide himself for a man just because of the fact that man is sinful you know God can't just Dwell with iniquity that doesn't mean God hasn't tried to reach out to man that God hasn't tried to you know manifest himself to mankind through all these different ways You know, and if here's the thing God has done this not just because he's obligated you say well God's obligated to do it God has to reveal himself. No, he doesn't God could have just you know, let left Adam and Eve in the garden and just you know Just started you know what from their own forward everyone can just go to hell And he would have been perfectly just in doing that and think about that God didn't have to reveal himself to man You know, he wasn't obligated he didn't owe us something the only reason he did that is because he loves us That's the love of God towards man The fact that he has chosen to reveal himself that he has chosen to show man how he can be saved through Christ because of the love of God You know Deuteronomy chapter 29 Look at verse 29. The Bible says the secret things belong unto the Lord our God the secret things Belong unto the word of the Lord our God, you know, there's some things about God. We're never gonna understand We're never gonna know there's some things that God has chosen not to reveal unto himself You know people they seem to get sometimes to get so obsessed with those things secret things things that God has you know is not going to reveal the secret things belong unto him he says you're not gonna know any of It and people want to pry into all that they want to try and figure out they want to sit there and you know And just wonder about and think about and hypothesize about all these, you know the secret things And they get so caught up in that and when we do that, sometimes I think we miss what God has revealed It says the secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but the things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever You know things which God has revealed they belong to us. Those are the things we should concern ourselves with We should concern about well, what about this about God? Well, what about that about God? Well, what what do you know about God? Maybe we should just focus on that Maybe we should just focus on the things that God has revealed unto us through his word All the things that do pertain unto life and the godliness. Those are things we should concern ourselves You know God's that's what God has given us. That's what's important the things which belong unto us and to our children forever And that's what it says there at the end, right? Why has God revealed all this to us? Why has God given us these things that we may do the words of this law? So we shouldn't get so obsessed about the things that we don't know the things that God hasn't revealed unto us And you know and and and fail to not do the things that are written in this law These are the things we should concern ourselves. That's why God's given them to us So that we can do all the things that are written in The law while the various means of God's revelation, you know, they're intriguing aren't they? There's some things that we would really we wonder about at least I do sometimes I sit there and I think about You know different things. Yeah, the deep things of God right the mysteries of God But you know what? That's not what's gonna help me live a good Christian life That's not what's gonna make my life profitable here on earth. That's how it's gonna help me, you know raise a godly family That's how it's gonna help me to win souls Just wondering about all the things which have not been revealed all the secret things that belong unto God Those aren't the things that gonna help me they're intriguing You know what as intriguing as they are they cannot compare to the revelation that has given us in the Bible You know, we shouldn't take that for granted that's really what I'm trying to get across this morning is to the For people to develop an appreciation for what they hold in their hands in the Bible God's revelation to mankind You know, we want to look at all these other things and be in awe of them, you know the Grand Canyon Wow Yeah, it's breathtaking. Wow. That was this is all underwater Yeah, it's intriguing to think about all the things that God has done the past but none of those things can save you None of those things are gonna help you live for the Lord, but this is right here This is the power of God unto salvation the gospel of Jesus Christ and this is what God has given to us This is this isn't secret. These are the things that God have given unto us and to our children forever You know the Word of God is gonna remain forever Their creation it's all gonna fade away You know all these other testimonies all these other things that God has revealed himself through they're all gonna go away But this is get the Word of our God shall stand forever You know, this is what we should concern ourselves with You know all these other things they might be intriguing but they cannot compare to the revelation that is given to us in the Bible It's an eternal revelation You know, it's good and why is it given unto us so that we can know the very will of God good pray