(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 12 and with him a great multitude with swords and staves from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders and he that betrayed him had given them a token saying whomsoever I shall kiss that same as he take him and lead him away safely and as soon as he was come he goes straight way to him and saith master master and kissed him and they laid their hands on him and took him and one of them that stood by drew a sword and smote a servant of the high priest and cut off his ear and Jesus answered and said unto them are you come out as against the thief with swords and with staves to take me I was daily with you in the temple teaching and you took me not but the scriptures must be fulfilled and they all forsook him and fled and there followed him a certain young man having a linen cloth cast about his naked body and the young man laid hold on him and he left the linen cloth and fled from them naked and they led Jesus away to the high priest and with him were assembled all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes and Peter followed him afar off even into the palace of the high priest and he said sat with the servants and warmed himself at the fire and the chief priests and all the council sought for witnesses against Jesus to put him to death and found none for many bear false witnesses against him but their witness agreed not together and there arose certain and bear false witness against him saying we heard him say I will destroy this temple that is made with hands and within three days I will build another made without hands but neither so did their witnesses agree together and the high priest stood up in the midst and asked Jesus saying answer is thou nothing what is it which these witness against thee but he held his peace and answered nothing again the high priest asked him and said unto him art thou the Christ the son of the blessed and Jesus said I am and ye shall see the son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven then the high priest rent his clothes and sayeth what need we any further witnesses you have heard the blasphemy what think ye and they all condemned him to be guilty of death and some began to spit on him and cover his face and to buffet him and say unto him prophesy and the servants did strike him with the palms of their hands and Peter was beneath in the palace where it cometh one of the maids of the high priest and when he when he saw Peter warming himself she looked up and said art thou and thou also was with Jesus of Nazareth but he denied saying I know not neither understand I what thou sayest and he went out into the porch and the cock crew and a maid saw him again and began to say to them that stood by this is one of them and he denied it again and a little after they that stood by said again to Peter surely thou art one of them for thou art Galilean and thy speech agreeeth they're there too but he began to curse and to swear saying I know not this man of whom you speak and the second time the cock crew and Peter called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him before the cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice and when he thought thereon he wept father in heaven I pray that you please bless brother Corbin with the fullness and the power of the holy ghost as he preaches a word in Jesus name we pray amen amen so firstly let me get this out of here I don't know if that was intended for me but I don't know if I'm able to drink of that cup so I'm sure I wouldn't appreciate it if some guest preacher got up and drank out of my cup so before that happens we'll get that out of the way but before I get started I want to just say you know it's always a privilege to get up here in this pulpit and preach to all of you folks and you know I don't know if anyone here has there might be people here have no idea who I am even though I've been the deacon of this church for I think four years now but you might not see me because I'm not here on Sundays running the church plant down on in Tucson on Sundays so that's who I am I am the deacon here believe it or not if you don't know that but again I always count a privilege to get up here and preach to you folks and and I'm just glad you know for the opportunity that has been given me to be the deacon here and to to minister alongside Pastor Anderson and alongside all of you over these last few years it's been a real blessing to me and my family and hopefully I can be a blessing to you tonight from the word of God I want to look there in Mark chapter 14 just a few verses beginning in verse 12 where it says in the first day of unleavened bread when they killed the Passover his disciples said unto him where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the Passover and he sent forth two of his disciples and sayeth unto them go ye into the city and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water follow him whithersoever he shall go in say ye to the good men of the house the master saith where is the guest chamber where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared there make ready for us the disciples went forth and they came into the city and found us he had said unto them and they made ready the Passover and in the evening he cometh with the 12th and what I want to preach tonight is a sermon entitled God's guiding to the guest chamber God's guiding to the guest chamber this is kind of what we see taking place here I'll read I'm going to say it again God's guiding to the guest chamber so no one misunderstands the title as was misheard earlier this evening when I said they thought I said God's guiding to the gas chamber okay so now that's alliterated that's a great title you know and it's biblical you know maybe that sermon will be preached Sunday if pastors not feeling well I said brother Segura I think you found your sermon for Sunday but that's not tonight this is God's guiding to the guest chamber and it's an interesting story it's one that you know I think we kind of I don't know if anybody has ever noticed this but it's almost as if maybe it was a miracle that they went and found this man Jesus sends them and says hey you're going to see this guy carrying a bearing water follow him he's going to take you to a certain house go in and say to the master where's the room and they just go and do this and we don't really get the details how about how that all came about was this just some kind of a miracle that this person would be there that this person would have this room ready were they was he anticipating the Lord did God did the Lord you know contact him earlier did he send another disciple you know the the the details of that I guess aren't necessarily of that important but it's just it's always kind of stood out to me how God had kind of guided his disciples to this particular place almost miraculously and I think he did it this way to kind of give us a picture of how God wants to guide us into a deeper fellowship with him of course this is going to be the last supper we're going to read some of the passages there in john 14 15 16 and 17 which are probably some of the most powerful passages in the new testament you know we'll ask people from time to time what's your favorite book and a lot of people will say john and amen to that and I know that john 14 15 those chapters you know are some of my favorite chapters in the bible and that's what we're leading into where those chapters are going to be expounded and in this upper chamber they're going to have that closer fellowship than they've otherwise had they're going to hear some great powerful truths but it's all going to be done in a very particular place and to get there they have to kind of go through a few of these steps and God guides them into this guest chamber into this place where they're going to have deeper fellowship that's the application I want to make tonight is that God in our lives you know he wants to guide us to a deeper fellowship with him God works you know in certain ways to bring us into that fellowship and often you know we think that the way God is going to you know draw us closer to him might be this very dramatic event that takes place in our life you know people will come up with all kinds of crazy things sometimes you'll run into people who will just say you know I know I'm I'm saved because I saw an angel or something like that people have all these wild stories about how they know they're saved or how they know they're close to God but really you know those of us that truly are saved we find ourselves drawn closer to God through very ordinary things just the day-to-day things sometimes obviously there are dramatic events that take place in our life that cause us to be drawn closer to God but here in the story you say it's just it's you see that's just these very simple things that God uses to just gradually bring them into this upper chamber into this guest chamber where he has this deeper fellowship with them you know we shouldn't always expect in life these dramatic events to bring us closer into fellowship with the Lord that's something that we can have anytime we want it every single person in this room you have the Holy Spirit you know you have the opportunity to have a deep you know meaningful walk with God you can have a very close fellowship with God you know and that's what any one of us should want for one another you know if we could we should all wish that everybody in this room would have as deep a walk with God as they possibly could and it's these ordinary things that God uses you know it's his word it's the ministry of the Holy Spirit these are the means by which God is going to draw us into a deeper fellowship with him or maybe even restore fellowship you know maybe we've fallen out with the Lord maybe we don't we feel distant we feel far away from God and you know it's his word it's the ministry of the Holy Ghost these are the simple things that are going to draw us closer to him keep something in Mark go to Colossians chapter number three Colossians chapter number three again it's the Bible it's these simple things that are going to deepen our walk with God the Bible says the word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path he said in Proverbs trust the Lord with all thine heart and lean out unto thine own understanding and all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths I mean what a blessing what a promise from the word of God that God himself can guide us through this life God can give us wisdom and knowledge and discernment that God can be we could even be said of God that he is our friend that God can have such a close walk with us that he will actually direct our our paths we can have this deeper walk and again I don't want to get all hocus pocus or mystical on you about having this deeper walk with God I know that's something that gets really this mystique gets put on that I'm talking about the practical manifestation of God's presence in your life what does that really look like and how do we get more of that the first thing I want to point out is that it is a reality that's available to us you know you might hear this you kind of start you know glossing over and thinking oh yeah a deeper walk with God what's that even mean you know is that even a possibility yes it is a possibility you know we can have a very real fellowship with God himself look there in Colossians chapter number three verse 15 we'll see what this looks like you know practically speaking it says and let the peace of God verse 15 rule in your hearts to the which also you are called in one body and be thankful he's saying let the peace of God rule in your heart you know that's part of having the fellowship with God if we have peace in our hearts how do we know that we have a deep walk with God that we have a a close walk with the Lord do we have peace in our hearts and it's interesting here that he says let the peace of God rule in your hearts you know that's something that we have to let happen meaning that that's what God wants for us you know God wants to have his peace rule in our hearts God wants that fellowship with us the question is you know are we willing to let that happen you know if we don't even realize this is a possibility for us that this is a reality that we can have that we can have this peace in our hearts you know we're going to miss out on that he goes on and says in verse 16 let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom so how do you get this how do you get this peace of God in your heart how do you have this deeper walk with God how do you get to that upper you know that guest chamber with God well you let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord see it's not this you know ethereal thing it's not this mystique it's not this you know thing that's just kind of out there this fellowship with God it's a very practical thing that we can have through reading God's word through spending time with him in prayer through coming to church even having fellowship one with another through singing the psalms the hymns you know it's a very practical thing and it's available to all of us it'd be a real shame you know if anybody in this room lived their whole Christian life and never knew what it is to have the peace of God ruling in their heart to be to know the the promise that God is going to lead and guide their steps that's something that's available to all of us you know what but if you would go over to second Corinthians chapter one unfortunately you know it's just kind of human nature that when we're going when things are going well you know we that that walk sometimes maybe gets a little more shallow it kind of loses its depth not always but it just seems like that's the way it kind of goes in life isn't when things are going well maybe we're a little less apt to pray and read our bibles and memorize scripture maybe we're you know not going to be seeking God as much as we otherwise would it's usually when we go through those lows in life isn't it when we find ourselves in some kind of a low that we really start wanting that peace of God to rule in our hearts you know that and that's just kind of how it goes but the truth is we can have that all of the time you know we could go in to those lows with the peace of God in our hearts if we wanted it if we have that walk with God this is something Paul was very familiar with he said I'll read to you from second Corinthians chapter seven he said when we were coming to Macedonia our flesh had no rest but we were troubled on every side without were fighting within were fears nevertheless God that comfort us comforted those that are cast down comforted us he's saying look we went through these these trials but God was there to comfort us why is that because Paul was somebody who had a real walk with God you're there in second Corinthians chapter number one look at verse three he said blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of mercies and the God of all comfort the God of all comfort you know we often preach and rightly so about the wrath of God the vengeance of God the judgments of God you know that's that's definitely something that needs to be preached and is preached but let's not forget also that God is a God of comfort that God is a God that wants to rule in our hearts with peace he wants to give us joy you know God is a God of comfort and notice here in verse four it says who comforted us comforted us in all our tribulation meaning when we go through it sometimes we get this idea that oh if we have a walk with God if we have the peace of God in our hearts we're never going to face any kind of tribulation we're never going to go through trouble we're never going to go through persecution that's just not life you know life isn't fair you know we've all heard that you know like we don't always get what we want in life life's not always going to go the way we planned it we're going to have trials we're going to tribulations we're going to go through hard things but praise God you know the God of all comfort will be with us in all those tribulations and that's typically when people seem to seek God the most if you would go back to Mark chapter 14 it ought not be that way you know we could always have the peace of God ruling in our hearts but human nature you know just tends to be that we when we do well when we're not going through tribulation you know we kind of tend to forget God the Bible says in Philippians 4 I'll read to you it says be careful for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God and the peace of God which path is passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and mind through Christ Jesus that's available to every one of us that we can have the peace of God that passes all understanding oh brother Corbin tell me more about the peace of God describe it to me it passes understanding you know it's one of those things you know having fellowship with God is something that's best understood through experience it's hard to get up and articulate that and and to explain that but you know it why because it's something that passes all understanding you know it's something you have to experience for yourself and when I'm here to tell you in the beginning of the sermon is that it's available to every single one of us that we could all have the peace of God ruling in our hearts if we want it you know we could end up in that you know that uh that guest chamber God could guide us to that deeper fellowship with him and I just want to give you some practical points on what that how that would play out in your life some practical points on how to have that peace of God uh ruling in your heart the first thing I want to point out here from Mark 14 is that in order to have that uh to be guided into that guest chamber so to speak is that you have to desire fellowship with God if you don't desire it you know you might as well just tune out right now you know if you want to have a have deeper fellowship with God that's got to be something you want in your life and you know sometimes God works in our lives in certain ways to bring us to that place where we will want it and praise God for that but it shouldn't it shouldn't have to come to that you know we should all want the peace of God you know which passes all understanding you know maybe a lot of people are making out their Christmas list all the things they want you know from from other people maybe maybe on top of that list should be I want the peace of God that passes all understanding to rule in my heart you know because that's something that's available to every one of us we have to desire it though he says there in verse 12 of mark 14 and the first day of unleavened bread when they killed the passover the disciples said unto him where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat that thou mayest eat the passover so they're asking him saying where should we go so they're they're wanting to fulfill this keep something there go to luke 22 we kind of get the sequence of events here how this actually played out as far as who who told who to go first or if they the disciples asked Jesus but first you know they're they're willing they're they want to go have this this passover with Jesus they want to have this fellowship with them you know can the same be said of us this morning this evening can we sit there and say you know I want to know God better in the next year I want to know the Bible better I want to have a deeper walk with God I want to have the peace of God rule in my heart that passes all understanding do you even desire that you know that's where it all starts if we don't desire it you know we're not going to get it we're not going to have it here's the thing you know God's desire for fellowship you know there's no doubt about that you know I think sometimes that's you know people might get this idea that God doesn't want to fellowship with them oh I know God wants to fellowship with other people but maybe just you know they have some kind of misunderstanding about who God is maybe they project things unto God that aren't true and they just kind of think well you know I can't have that fellowship yes you can you know and God wants to have that fellowship you know God wants to draw closer to us and when we see here in Luke 22 is that Jesus is actually the one that kind of initiates this preparation he kind of initiates the setup for this fellowship that they're going to have it says in verse seven then came the day of unleavened bread where the passover must be killed and he sent Peter and John saying go and prepare us the passover they that we may eat and they said unto him will will where wilt thou that we prepare so who initiates this this setup for the fellowship it's God God you know he takes the first step he's saying hey I want to have this meal with you I I've desired to have this meal with you I want to eat this passover with you I want to pray for you I want to you know teach you things I want to have these profound you know just moments with you a fellowship you know and he's the one that initiates that but obviously they have to say unto him where wilt thou that we prepare saying okay yeah we're in you know Jesus says hey let's sit down and have a meal we're probably all going to say amen to that you know we're going to say when and where all you know whatever's on the schedule is coming off we're going to make it happen because we would desire that so Jesus here is clearly expressing his desire to have fellowship with them if you're still there in Luke 22 look at verse 13 and they went and found us he had said unto them and they made ready the passover and when the hours come he sat down and the 12 apostles with him and he said unto them with with desire I have desired to eat this passover with you before I suffer he's not saying you know this is just one other thing I just kind of got to get out of the way before you know I could finish the work that my father's given me to do this is just something you know this is on my to-do list to sit down and just have this you know pass over with you and kind of get out of the way no this is something he desired this is something that he wanted he wanted to have this fellowship with them you know and and God wants the same thing for us you know God wants to draw an eye to us and speak to us and and tell us the things that we need to hear you know and and often often you know as we read earlier they're very comforting things you know maybe God wants to remind us you know how much he truly loves each and every one of us how much he truly cares for each and every one of us you know we need to be reminded of that you know that's these are the type of things that God wants to do for us he wants to comfort us in this way he desires it you know but we have to hold up our end as well so if we don't desire it you know we're not going to get it and let me just say this you know if you don't desire fellowship with God you know there's something wrong with your heart first of all but secondly you're the one that's missing out you're you're missing out big time if you're not going to want to have fellowship with God I mean who are some of the people we might want to hang out with now I'm not going to ask for anybody because you know who knows what you might say right but what if we could say well you know you could have fellowship with God you could have fellowship with the Lord you know that's something that's available to you anytime we can come boldly before the throne of grace to find help in time of need anytime we want you know we have the fellowship of the spirit we that's something that's just there do we avail ourselves of that of that fellowship we have to desire it if we don't we're missing out I mean go to John 14 and again this is some of the best chapters imagine missing out on this meal imagine being one of the apostles and you miss out on this meal you're like you know Jesus I got some other thing I'm gonna go have Passover with the family you know I you know I know it's probably going to be a cool meal but I got other plans and then catching up with them later and they start to explain to you man he did this he said this he prayed for us like that and you'd be like what he did what you'd be it's like it's like when you miss out on some game or something there's some sporting event you want to see and then your buddy tells you about it you know you're just like what how did I miss out on that that that that game or whatever you feel disappointed I mean imagine this you miss out on the last supper with Christ you miss out on that fellowship obviously you know this is a very unique situation this is something that's only available to them but you know when we're skipping our bible reading when we just go weeks months years a lifetime without reading the bible when we're not praying we're not seeking God we're not meditating on the word of God we're not thinking on the things of God we're missing out on fellowship we're missing out on uh you know wondrous things that we could behold out of his law God wants to speak with us we're missing out on that comfort you're going to uh John 14 let's just look at a few things that they would have missed out on instead of and John 13 verse 2 I'll just read to you and supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray him Jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he was come from God and went to God he riseth from supper and lay aside his garments and took a towel and girded himself after that he poureth water into a basin and began to wash the disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel or with he was girded I mean that's like how he starts this this whole thing Christ gets up out of his seat and starts to wash their feet I mean what if you missed out on that one of the apostles like yeah well first he got up and he girded himself and he washed our feet what you'd be like ah I missed it right John 14 verse 1 you'd miss out on this I mean we're sitting here listening to it you know after having it reiterated to us but there was people this this fell on their very ears they heard this for themselves first person he said let not your heart be troubled he'd be leaving God believe also in me in my father's house or many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also I mean we a lot of people probably have that memorized I mean that's a great verse in the bible God's promise that there's this mansion waiting for us that he's going to receive us unto himself I mean it's just a small snippet of these all these great passages but you know if one of the apostles had missed out on that he would have to wait around until you know he'd have to outlive John which probably wasn't going to happen you know for long enough for John to write this so he could get exact wording right oh well first you know because they'd catch up with them after the supper and they're hearing it you know second hand well he girded himself you know they washed our feet and then he said something about these mansions you know and then and you're just like oh what did he say well you had to be there you had to be there for the fellowship you had to go through these steps to get to that upper room you had to do you had to desire it in order to hear these things I mean they heard it verse six and he saith unto them I am the way the truth and the life no man cometh unto the father but by me I mean these powerful verses that we quote out soul winning these verses that we use to comfort ourselves and one another you know these were spoken in that guest chamber that God guided his disciples to miraculously in order to have this fellowship verse 23 Jesus answered and said unto them if I'm any if a man love me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him I mean I remember the first time that was pointed out to me after I first got saved that if we love God and we we keep his words that his father his father would love us and will come unto us and make his abode with us you know that's that's a powerful truth that we have we can have the fellowship of the spirit with God himself when we you know have a deeper walk with God when we're obeying the commandments when we're living a godly life when we're reading our bibles you know we're having this deep fellowship where God is coming and abiding with us and they heard this there in that room go to John 16 he said in John 15 you know all these great verses that are in these these passages that were uttered up there in that guest chamber he says I am the true vine and my father is the husband and every man that beareth every branch of me that beareth not fruit he taketh away and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it that I may bring forth more fruit you're in John 16 look at verse 12 I have yet many things to say unto you but you cannot bear them now howbeit when he the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will speak those things uh uh excuse me to show those things to come look that's the promise to us today that the spirit of God still speaks to us today and I'm not saying and he speaks audibly to us I'm saying he speaks through this word I'm saying we have the witness in our of the spirit in our hearts we can have this fellowship with God that's a promise that's made to us it's available to us that the spirit will still speak to us if we will get to that place of fellowship with God if we allow ourselves to be led there if we will uh desire it for ourselves verse 33 these things I have spoken unto you they that in me you might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world you ever see people who just go through tribulation who just go through great hardships in life and it's like they go through it with with with such grace and such so easily it almost makes you envious you ever wonder why they're able to do that I you know I venture to guess it's probably because they have a a real walk with God they have a deep meaningful walk with God they have a daily walk with the Lord they have the comfort of God that comforts them in all their tribulation it's already there because they've already desired this fellowship and they are able to go through the tribulations of life and be of good cheer knowing that you know God has overcome the world you know I mean we could sit here and probably talk about several different I mean I think about you know uh Pastor Shelley out in steadfast and it's just you know constant persecution but you know what he's he just he just goes through it with a smile on his face you know and just on to the next one why because that's a man that has a walk with God you know we probably could all think of people like that in our lives hopefully you know we're one of them imagine having missed out on John 17 we won't take the time where he prays for them he prays this great prayer for his apostles you should have been there Andrew you should have been there Thomas and he prayed for us it was really good right we're missing out a lot on a lot if we don't desire fellowship with God if we'd rather just stay busy with whatever we stay busy with just stay distracted with all the things out there that can distract us and pull us away from having fellowship with the Lord we're missing out you know and it's going to be a real shame if we get to heaven and stand before God he said well I would have I would have done this for you and I would have done this for you I wanted to tell you this and I wanted to tell you this I wanted to explain that I wanted to help you here and I want to help you there and you're just you just missed out I mean how disappointed would one of these guys be missed out if they had missed out on any of this you know it's the same thing for us if we don't desire fellowship with God if we don't seek the Lord we're missing out we will regret it mark it down you know having fellowship with the Lord you know that should come from a place of desire and not just duty you know obviously sometimes we just have to do things out of duty we just read our bibles because that's what we're supposed to do but you know hopefully we're finding ourselves reading our bibles because we want to you know I usually typically around this time of year I'll preach to the people down in Tucson about a bible reading sermon about trying to admonish them to read the bible and that's something you preach throughout the year I mean I've kind of just come to the realization people will read the bible when they want to you can sit up there and you could preach to your blue in the face read your bible read your bible read your bible but people will start doing it when they want to and I'm here to tell you you'll start wanting to read your bible when you realize that there'll be times where God will speak to you through his word God will speak to you through his word anyone who's spent any time in sincere you know bible reading has probably had that happen to them they've turned to a passage they've read it and it's just hit them in such a powerful way maybe it's brought them to their knees it's brought tears to their eyes maybe it's caused them to cry out you know with joy in their heart maybe it's helped them get through something that's God ministering to you through the bible you know reading the bible isn't you know just something we do out of duty it's something that we ought to be doing out of a sincere desire to have God speak with us you know God wants to draw near to us you would go back to mark 14 you see this all the time with Jesus he said even when he was coming into Jerusalem oh Jerusalem Jerusalem which kill us the prophets and stone us them that are sent unto thee how often I would have gathered thy children together as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings and he would not look if we're distant from God it's not his fault it's ours if we're not having this fellowship with God it's not his fault he wants it it's our fault why because we get so busy with all these other things he said love not the world this is what john said in first john love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the father is not in him now think about what he's saying there if you love the world the love of the father is not in him is he saying that if you love the world God doesn't love you no he's not he's saying that if you love the world it's you're too busy loving the world that the love of the father is not in your love for God will be quenched be squelched if you love the things of the world we can get so caught up with the things of the world so distracted with all the things of the world it could actually you know just snuff out our love for God it can take its place that's where admonished in Hebrews 10 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water we should draw an eye to God so again we're just talking about having fellowship with God tonight you know get it being guided to that guest chamber by the Lord first point is you have to desire it and if you don't desire it you're going to miss out you say oh I desire it I want it you know I want to have this this deeper walk with God well amen the next thing you have to do is follow the instructions and this is kind of maybe the more practical part of the sermon there in Mark chapter 14 if you look verse 13 we'll see some practical instructions that were given for them to go and find this guest chamber that they were eventually had this you know very powerful you know meeting with the Lord it says in verse 13 and he sent forth two of the disciples and sayeth unto them go into the city and there you shall meet a man bearing a pitcher of water follow him so it's pretty straightforward you know there wasn't any twists and turns here it wasn't complicated instructions it was just go into the city you're gonna see a guy burying a pitcher of water follow him and he's gonna lead you to the house and what I the first point I want to make about this is that when we want fellowship with the Lord we want that deeper walk with God we come to him on his terms you know God's you know sometimes I think people think that God is like a light switch they can just turn off and on whenever they feel like you know well it's time for it's time for some fellowship with God we just flip the switch on or God's some kind of vending machine you know or something like that where if they just do x amount of this they'll get more fellowship with God when we come to God it's on his terms he's saying okay we're going to go have this fellowship we're going to eat the supper together but you need to go and find this guy with the water and then he's going to lead you to where you need to be he's kind of dictating the terms isn't he we come to God on history that's the way to the salvation isn't that what so many people struggle with in salvation they want to come to God on their terms and we all know that Jesus said no man cometh unto the Father but by me John 14 right there's another great passage that those chapters we know that it's without without faith it is impossible to please him it's all by God's on his terms that people get saved but even as his children those of us that are saying that's what I'm preaching to tonight you know we still have to come to God on his terms especially you know if we're people that someone has grown distant from God maybe we've gotten sins into our life that have you know kind of broken that fellowship between us and God look there's still hope the Bible says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness you know and that's there but you know there's a process there in order to restore that fellowship just like any you know wayward child that they were to come back to their their parents that they had disobeyed you know they wouldn't just walk in the room just like well I've decided not to do that anymore you know I'm not gonna upset you anymore they would probably you know we'd want to see that they were sincere you know we know our children are gonna change because of what because of the tears often you know we discipline our children we see that their hearts change because of the way they react to that that discipline okay it's the same way with us you know as God's children if we want to restore that fellowship if we want to draw closer to God you know there we're coming to God on his terms I should have had you go to James 4 we all know it I'll just read to you verse 7 it says submit yourselves therefore to God resist the devil and he will flee from you you want to restore that fellowship you wanna have that deeper walk you have to submit to God you're gonna come to him on his terms we don't get to dictate this we have to resist the devil and he will flee from you know we got to get the sin out of our life then we have to what draw an eye to God so then we start the drawing night of God after we've submitted unto God submitted on the Word of God submitted on the will of God gotten the sins out of our lives stop doing those things that that that quench the Holy Spirit that grieve the Holy Spirit then we're able to draw an eye to God and he will draw an eye to you that's his terms okay do these things and I will draw an eye to you when I see you drawing nigh to me I will dry night to you cleanse your hands these sinners and purify your hearts eat double-minded be afflicted and mourn and weep well that doesn't sound like any fun you know but that's that's what God says he's saying hey you know if you want to draw an eye to me you want to get you're gonna have to get some things right you know if we're out of sorts with the Lord that's where it starts affliction mourning weeping let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to heaviness humble yourselves in sight of Lord and he shall lift you up so this deeper fellowship this this restoration comes on God's terms another way it comes to God's terms to think about this is that Peter and John were sent to a specific place at a specific time you know they had to be in a specific place at a specific time right and it's kind of the same way with us what I find interesting about mark 14 is when he goes he tells him to find a specific man a man bearing a pitcher of water you know why that why why did he find him at that exact time do that exact task well I think you know maybe there's an illustration here he says you'll find a man bearing a pitcher of water follow him and to me when I was reading this and just thinking about it you know to me it just seems like that's and you know kind of represents us following the Holy Spirit through the Word of God you know the Bible often is likened unto different things you know bread water meat honey these things and water is one of them think about in Ephesians out the the cleansing of the water of the word right so they're following the Holy Spirit they're following this man bearing a pitcher of water to me and you you know if we're gonna get to that deeper place of fellowship with God in our lives we're gonna follow the Holy Spirit you know that man who's bearing that water and we're gonna we're gonna be following him in his word you're not gonna have fellowship with God outside of the Word of God folks and there's it's important understand that because there's a whole lot of people out in this world they'll give lip service to the Bible but then they seek to have this relationship with God apart from Scripture they'll just they'll just dream up things about how they know they have fellowship with God just whatever comes to mind you know I don't even want to repeat it up here because sometimes it's so crazy sounding but you know the fellowship that you're gonna have with God it's gonna be found in the Bible you're gonna have to like just they're not gonna get to that upper chamber just by following anybody they didn't even know where to go they had to find this guy bearing the water you know we have to get into the Word of God and let the Holy Spirit guide us through through it and speak to us and that's something that you know he will do the Bible says in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 but as it is written I have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered in the heart of man the things which God has prepared for them that love them but God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit for the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deep things of God I mean that's a promise that's given to us that God has revealed unto us the deep things of God and not through you know we don't fall into some trance or something it's not like we you know got we download this information or something it's through this book this is the revelation of God to all mankind now these this is the has been revealed to us through his holy apostles and prophets and it's something that's given to us as that water in that vessel you know that's going to lead us to that deeper place of fellowship in our lives that's why David prayed open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law what a what a great you know what a stupid prayer David everyone knows you can't behold wondrous things out of the Bible and wrong there's wondrous things that are there waiting to be held out of the Word of God things that would speak to us and move us and comfort us and convict us and guide us and lead us to that deeper place of fellowship if we will take the time to behold it and follow that man bearing the picture follow the Holy Spirit in our Bible reading you know I'm all for people you know having a schedule to read their Bibles I think it's important that we should make a point of reading our Bibles however many times we deem necessary for ourselves but you know it's just a word of warning don't let your Bible reading get turned into a math problem you know take time you know the best best one of the best tips I ever heard of Bible reading you know was from Pastor Anderson he said you know he said your Bible reading should be like like stopping to smell the roses I thought that's I thought about that several times throughout the years oh I'm gonna read the Bible all the X amount of times like well if you're just reading the Bible to just check off a list how is you know you know are you really gonna be led are you really gonna take the time to notice those little gems that are in them those jewels are you really gonna take the time to meditate think about it and let God speak to you the way you ought to you know it's like you know Peter and John are following this guy at the water they're not burying anything they're they're trying to get the meal ready they got the support meal they're excited right it's like but this guy's bearing water like I don't know if he's got it on his head or what but if he's bearing a load he's probably not moving as fast as them he's probably got this load he's kind of like yeah I'll take you there and just kind of get making his way there just you just don't mind me it's like can you get stuck behind that guy you know on highways doing 10 under right and you start signaling them this finger you're going like this like time to get over get out of the way so I do I just you know get close and I do one of these you know imagine them they're like they after like where's he taking us they keep okay can you pick up the pace a little bit you know sometimes God wants us to slow down and let him you know let the Holy Spirit speak to us let you know and and talk to us through the Word of God and reveal things to us I believe that that's why David prayed that prayer open thou mine eyes and I may behold wondrous things out of thy law because there are things that are there to be beheld the man burying this burden he kind of sets the pace doesn't he you know God draws you closer as he sees fit you know when we start to desire a sincere work with God a walk with God you know he's gonna start putting his fingers on things and you start okay we're gonna deal with this we're gonna get this barrier out of the way we're gonna get this and we're gonna get over this hurdle you know God wants to have a deeper walk with us but sometimes you know in all our lives and we all have different backgrounds and come from different places and had different experiences we have you know different preconceived notions we all have different thoughts and attitudes about things you know God has to deal with each and every one of us on an individual basis and he'll do that and he'll set the pace with you and say okay we're gonna deal with this and then we're gonna deal with this and while that's happening we're getting closer and closer to God it's a very personal thing to have a walk with God and praise God for that that God isn't some cold distant far-off deity just some nameless force of the universe that God is a has a name that God can draw close to us that God knows us he knows every hair on our head he could count them God you know formed us in the womb you know God knows our thoughts you know God is a personal God who cares about us loves us wants to comfort us and he will draw nigh to us if we'll dry nigh to him if we allow him to set the pace and to speak to us through his word so these are just some of the practical tips basically it's you know read your Bible right read your Bible and and pray and do it thoughtfully do it carefully do it with you know stop to smell the roses as I was told right desire this you know and and and and that was my first point is you have to desire it and then you have it was my second point I'm gonna find out real quick because I wrote that's why you write it down folks oh you have to do what you're told you have to follow the instructions right that's the real practical part of it and this is kind of the more practical end on this point is that you know you have to dedicate a time and a place for fellowship don't you I mean think about any other relationship in your life that you want to deepen with somebody you have to communicate with them right you can't not talk to that person expect to have a deeper relationship with them you can't you can't expect to have a closer friend without communicating with them you can't have a closer relationship with your spouse if you ignore them all the time you know the opposite is what happens you know and as I just got done preaching you know God is a personal God God is a man you know God is you know somebody is an individual okay and we have to make sure that we give him a time and a place in our lives if we want to deepen that relationship with them look there in verse 15 if you're still there in mark 14 he said and he will make he will show you a large upper room who the guy you're following right you follow the Holy Spirit in your Bible reading he's gonna guide you to that that upper room that place of fellowship that deeper fellowship with God he's gonna show you a large upper room furnished and prepared there make ready he's gonna take you to a place that is dedicated a time in a place that is dedicated for the fellowship that you're going to have with me you didn't say he's gonna take you to some broom closet you know you need to clear that out and set things up now this place is already prepared it's furnished it's ready to go it's dedicated it's a dedicated time and place for them to have this this fellowship that they're about to have the Last Supper that's what we need to do in our lives just like any other relationship we have to have a time and a place if to spend time with that person if we want it to be a deeper relationship so this is a you know this is basically what I'm preaching about tonight you know this is the practical application just have a time and a place that you read your Bible and pray you say how do I have a deeper walk with God it's really not that complicated you know it's it's reading your Bible it's praying and and that's the problem that's why some people just never get it because they they want some kind of you know they want some mystical thing they want some you know just outlandish thing they want it they want to they want to do something hard they want to be told to go climb some mountaintop and and God will be sitting up there and he'll speak these words of wisdom it's like no you know it's very practical and I'm glad for it I'm glad that God it loves us so much that he's made it easy it's as simple as you just getting up in the morning pouring a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage whatever right and sitting down in the early morning hours at the kitchen table and and prayerfully and thoughtfully reading the Word of God you know I mean I I was I would got the impression that I was going to be preaching yesterday I was kind of I talked pastor he said I'm not feeling good you're probably have to fill in for me tomorrow I said I'll be ready you know and I had some other things I could have preached but I thought you know I just sometimes you let these sermons sit around they get kind of stale I said these people deserve fresh bread up here right might not be baked all the way through but it's fresh okay it's so fresh you know I thought of it this sermon this morning well how did you do that I got up and I sat down on my table in my kitchen table and I poured a cup of coffee and I opened up the book to mark 14 and I started reading and I just had a thought I just wrote it down I said that'd be a good sermon and that you know that was just God leading me God guiding me to preach this sermon to you you must need it you know so I was hoping to get something else out of the Word of God this morning this is for you right so you better be listening I hope you're taking notes all right I'm just kidding of course but again I'm just making that you know it's that practical you say how do I have a deeper walk with God read your Bible and pray it's not it's not some profound thing you know we don't want to turn fellowship with God into this overly exaggerated experience yes it's profound the fact that you and I can have a close relationship with God Almighty the Most High the Creator of the universe I mean that's profound but you know it's also very practical it's it's that simple just sitting down reading your Bible seeking God's face you know we have this this fellowship or we excuse me have this promise in the Word of God that we can have fellowship with Christ that we can be guided to this guest chamber so to speak where there's deeper fellowship waits for us I mean the disciples have been following Jesus they've heard all kinds of teaching but man these powerful passages that they're about to hear was done in a particular time and place and they were guided there you know we have that same promise that we can have a deeper walk with God if we want it here and now not just when we get to heaven here and now you know and it can be a very sweet it can be a very powerful relationship in our lives that can bring us a lot of comfort and a lot of joy and a lot of help it's there for us if we're desiring it and we're willing to do what's needed to nurture that relationship it's there for us I hope every one of us in the new year will avail ourselves of that and have a deeper walk with God this year than the one before it's going pray dear Lord again thank you for this great promise in the Word of God thank you for being God that is not a far off but it's night hand Lord and that knows our every thought that knows every burden of our heart Lord that knows everything about us Lord and thank you that you're a God that loves us and desires to have fellowship with us Lord I pray help us to seek you and your strength and Lord help us to just be made better for having been here tonight we ask in Christ's name amen all right we'll sing one more song before we go amen let's go ahead and turn our hymnals to him number 425 425 no room in the end him number 425 begins no beautiful chamber no soft cradle bed given the before 25 was singing together on that first there is there is no Jesus you