(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Good evening, everyone. Welcome to the Faithful Ordinance Church. Great to see you all again for our first evening service. Please have a seat. Grab a hymnal. I'll open up that hymnal. The song number 51. You can be in the seat for service. I'll be singing the song number 51. The devil grows. You can be in the seat for service. I'll be singing the song number 51. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. 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The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. The devil grows. Is it, uh... Brethren? No. Come another way. Nope, nope. Still not there. Oh. Can we do a personal song? Go for it. Alright. We're gonna break all the rules. And this is on 429. Mark the Herald Angel sing. After Christmas. God is still his reconciling. Joyful all ye nations, rise, join the triumph of the skies. As the dark wind blows from heaven, Christ is born in heaven. High in heaven, angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. 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All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. All ye angels sing. Look at verse 7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the earth and breathed we're back in Genesis 2 now into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. So again we're just rehashing how this creation came about with man. And God is breathing into his nostrils the breath of life. As he formed man of the dust of the ground he literally took the dust of the earth and shaped I always imagine this like some kind of a clay sculpture or something of that nature. Okay. And then he's breathing the garden eastward in Eden. And there he put the man whom he had formed and out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree and the tree of life also in the midst of the garden and the the knowledge of good and evil. And then of course you have the rivers described there in verses 10 read all those. So he plants the garden there in verses and we pick it back up in verse 14 verse 15 the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. So this is something okay God didn't put him there to swing in a hammock all day. Got work for you to do and honestly this also tells us that work isn't something to be avoided. Like work is actually something that man needs to do. You know we as men especially need to work. We need to do things. People who just remain idle and have no meaningful work to do. You know when you're working in God's garden that's pretty significant work. You know when your supervisor is the Lord God you know if you were gardening you know somewhere else it might not feel as important. Okay but over you. Man that feels important but the Bible also tells us that we ought to do all things as unto the Lord. As unto men but as unto the Lord Christ. Okay. We should not do things with eye service as men pleasers but we should labor as though we were laboring unto God. You know the work that God has given us to do no matter what it is. No matter what your occupation is. You know if we were to go around the room tonight there would be you know a multitude of different occupations represented here in the people that work. Amongst the men you know specifically as well. You know and we should never think that whatever job we're doing is insignificant or meaningless you know we should be doing it as unto the Lord. That gives it meaning. That gives it significance. You know if your job is to sweep and mop somewhere as a janitor don't think that that's not important. Do that with all your might. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do with all thy might. Why? Because it is the Lord God that we serve ultimately. Because God has made man to work. Okay. It's not well God made me to work but I'm only going to work you know if it's the job I want. You know or if it's my dream job or something like that. That shouldn't matter. You know work is something that God ordained for man. Therefore whatever work we do we should derive some kind of satisfaction from that. Even if it's not something that's going to be appreciated by people in this world you know we can always take comfort in the fact that God appreciates that we're working. Because that's what he made us to do. We should never think oh you know I'm just this. I'm just that. You know I'm just a janitor. Is there anyone here that's a janitor? Okay good. Good example. I'll offend you later. Let's wait. Why get to that in a hurry? Let's have a nice time and then I'll offend you at the end of the sermon. But you know if you're a janitor don't get down on yourself and think well you know all I do is mop. You know. Well you know that's but what you're doing is what God made you to do. Okay. And if nobody else comes along and says attaboy you know what boy look at those floors you know who cares. You know and the fact is you know a lot of us do work do work we have jobs that not everyone is really even going to notice if you do it. But boy people notice when you don't do it don't they. You know stop mopping the floor stop cleaning stop doing those things and watch how quickly people notice. But we see here that man is made to work. You know and we as men need to have work in our lives. You say well we need to have meaningful work in our lives. Well all work is meaningful. The Bible says in all labor there is profit. Okay. All work is meaningful because all work is ordained of God. Okay. That's a good way to look at work. You know not you know a lot of people do struggle they feel like oh their work is insignificant it doesn't you know it doesn't contribute anything to the greater good. But really when you think about and this is something I've been thinking about in the last few weeks is that all work really does contribute to the greater good. It's just not all work is recognized. You know it's hard to think of something that people do for work that isn't benefiting somebody else. You know that's just supply and demand. You know everything that we do. Like for example we've got you know I don't want to put anyone on the spot right but we've got you know guys that go out and sell fiber optic cable that's pretty important. Right. You know people need that. Even something like that you can say hey I'm providing something to somebody that needs this. You know that should we you know you might not get a plaque you might not get a gold watch at retirement or something for that. But you know you can at least walk away and say I'm providing something to the greater good. People need that I mean we're live streaming here you know someone had to come here and install cable. You know we've got guys that deliver packages you know help with that. That's pretty important especially this time of year right. I mean that's contributing to the greater good. And you know we could go around the room people who are doing remodels people who are you know there's people that are going to enjoy the work that you do every single day of their life that they you know look at that new remodeled kitchen or whatever. Right. So we should never feel like if we're not you know inventing the next great whatever or you know participating in launching something into space like that our work is somehow insignificant. It's not. One because when we work we are fulfilling what God has designed us to do. Two you know we are ultimately contributing the greater good no matter what we're doing really when you think about now is there probably some job out there that doesn't benefit anybody whatsoever. Yeah. You know there's probably all these gamers you know they're streaming on on YouTube that people everyone's just sending them money like those guys could disappear and society's just going to move right along. Okay. In fact some more work might actually get done right. Now we're at the point where people are paying other people to watch them play video games. I couldn't stand that when I was a kid. I mean when I was a kid we had you know the 8-bit Nintendo and we'd go over and I remember the first kid on the block Chris Daggett I said Daggett he got he got a he got one and we all would go over there you knew the kid on the block who had the Nintendo because that's where all the bikes were they were in that yard right. And we go over there and it was you know if you weren't it didn't have a controller in your hand you wanted to go ride your bike you wanted to go do something you know you didn't want to let his little brother you know play as Luigi it was like well let me get in on this game you know let me play how far we have fallen in society where people are like I'll watch I'm content to just sit here and watch you play a video game I don't know man I just don't get it you know maybe I'm just old fuddy duddy stick in the mud but whatever my point is is that you know most jobs are going to contribute to the greater good you know whatever it is you know I could spend time going down the list but if you sit there and think of it for yourself you are contributing something and you're fulfilling the role that God and look people who especially men who don't work are miserable you know if we've ever found ourselves in between jobs I mean for me that's like some of the most depressing times in my life and I've been pretty depressed at times right I mean I'll literally my body will and my wife will be like just just leave she's never said that just go do but she I know she's thinking and I don't blame her anything right and that's typically what I've done if I needed to I'll go do anything you know I'll go do any work no paying I'd rather do that than just sit around all day and feel worthless as a man men are made to work okay and honestly you know that's guys that get down or depressed you know sometimes that's what they need they just need work they just need to go out and do something because at least we get even if nobody else sees it we know that we did something so God puts man in the garden here to dress it and to keep it he said here's my garden it's nice get to work Adam and again the curse comes later right in chapter three work actually becomes a curse because it becomes more difficult right he's going to have to do this all the days of his life so obviously he's still working here in chapter two before the fall but you know it's not to it's not as a struggle right it's still work though he's still dressing and pruning and whatever else he was doing in there look at let's move on though look at verse sixteen and the Lord God commanded the man saying of the tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat excuse me of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but if the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and thou shall not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die so it appears that there was this one particular tree and I think it was you know honestly it was just one tree it wasn't like you know you have cherry trees apple trees you have different breeds of trees it wasn't like there's this specific breed that you can't eat it was just one specific tree and you know people go round and round about Genesis and I'm gonna make an application about this later but people will sit here and and wonder about some of this stuff well was that tree any different than any other trees did it look different you know or was it like was the only thing that made it the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the fact that God said you can't eat from it or was there some kind of you know mystical thing about it or if you ate it you know metaphysical reaction took place who knows the Bible doesn't tell us okay but what we can learn from this is that God gives us liberty to choose in life okay it's a great picture of that you can get this right out of the gate in the Bible of all the tree of every tree of the garden he says you may freely eat he didn't say you can only eat from this tree on Monday you can only eat from this tree on Tuesday I know they didn't have you know the days of the week named back then maybe they did I don't know it wasn't Monday Tuesday Wednesday we know that came later but he didn't say you know on the first day you can only eat these trees and the second he said you can eat of any of these trees at any time that you want you have you may eat freely of them right you have the liberty to eat of any tree there's just one tree you can't touch you can't eat of it right so God gives us liberty to choose in life and this is a great thing when it comes to God's will okay because this is something some people struggle with you know what's God's will for my life and it's usually about just a handful of things you know what does God want me to do for work you know when it comes to men and you know where does God want me to live and then the big one who does God want me to marry right these are the like the big and people you can understand why people struggle with these things because of the fact that those are huge decisions you know those are some of the biggest decisions you're ever going to make in your life what you do for work and who you're going to marry are very big decisions and if you get them wrong there's going to be serious consequences right but here's the thing does God have a specific person that you must marry no as long as there is the opposite gender you're good as far as God's concerned you know and that needs said in this day and age right as long as you're a man marrying a woman or a woman marrying a man you're good now the Bible does say that you should not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers so if you're going to marry somebody I'm pretty sure everyone's got the gender thing down okay and if you don't come see me after the service we'll talk about it but you know the other thing you have to consider is you know are they saved or not that's what you have to figure out if this is a saved person you know that's somebody that is that you can marry that's God's criteria right because and look I'm taking the time to preach this because some people I've heard preachers get up and preach bizarre things about this and confuse people and say you know God has a perfect will for your life and there's this one person that you're destined for you're your soul mate you know and you got to find that person you know it's God's will for this person to marry that person you know and it can be very confusing because what if you marry the wrong person and I've heard people say that well you know I miss God's will I've heard people Christians literally get up and say I married the wrong person because I didn't you know someone told me it was God's will and I believed them and I ended up marrying the God the wrong person I mean how would that make you feel as a spouse if your spouse came home one day and said you know I just I've been praying about it a lot and I just you know I feel like you weren't the person I was supposed to marry I mean I like you you know I'm not I'll put up with you but I just you know I think God had another person in mind for me you know no offense that's not going to go over very well and yet I'm not just making that up I've known people that have that drag that mentality into their marriage and destroyed their marriage because they listen to that kind of preaching well God has one person for you to marry look you can marry whoever you want as long as they're saved that's it you know it's not like there's just one person right there's there's many fish in the sea my friend there's many trees in the garden that thou mayest freely eat from you know you you can you know you can decide who you like and who you don't you can have preferences you know what you know what the color of hair you know the color of eyes the height all those things that people consider right you don't have to you know wait for God to like send them to you or something or to come down in a ray of light you know I am the one you were to marry it doesn't work like that God gives us liberty and life to choose well where does God want me to live where do you like living I mean I like living here do I like everything about living here almost but no place is perfect right no place is perfect but this is a pretty good place to live you ask me that's just my opinion you could do a lot worse men say it's perfect but again no place is I mean it works for me well I know but where does God want me to live well earth just stay on earth you'll be good you know what I mean and obviously you know we need we use discernment and we we think about when it comes to making these choices you know God gives us wisdom so we use God's word to discern to make wise choices for example if I'm gonna go live if I'm considering moving or living somewhere the first thing I ask myself is is there a good church there and look if there isn't one to me it's like that well that's that's a hard no for me cause I could tell you this much God's will is that we're in church you know that we should not be as you know as the manner of some who forsake the assembling of themselves together you know some people have that now that's that's not God's will you know I can narrow it that down of this thou shalt not eat there's some things that God says don't do and God says don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is you know but that still leaves me a pretty you know you know a pretty wide array of options I've got a lot of you know there's a lot on the table the places I could go live because there's churches there if you want to narrow it down to like well I have to be in a new IV church well then you've really narrowed it down but even then you've got choices right where am I supposed to live I don't know use God's word and you should probably be more concerned about where you shouldn't live you know and that's what I see in this is that God gives us the liberty to choose that we may eat any of the trees of the Garden of Eden I already kind of talked about work right that's the other major decision look at verse 17 now the tree of the knowledge of the good and evil thou shalt not eat of it so God gets real specific when it comes to the thou shalt not right when it comes to the liberty thou shalt God's like you've got options but when it comes to thou shalt not he gets real specific so this is a guiding principle when it comes to how we ought to live our lives because again people you know if they're smart they think to themselves how can I live my life in a way which pleases God right how can I get God's blessing in my life rather than concerning yourself so much with the things that you should do we should probably be a little bit more concerned with the things that we shouldn't do that's what I get when it comes to God's will I think God's when it comes to God's will specifically we should be mostly concerned about not doing the things God says to not do okay does that make sense alright we have liberty you know God the Bible says I'll just read some verses for you actually if you would go to Psalm 119 it's a big chapter Psalm 119 he says in 2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians 3 now the Lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty of course that's in the context of Moses and the reading of the law and the veil being taken away but there's still that principle that the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty God brings freedom to our lives and people get this so backwards you know this is a misconception that I had about Christianity before I got saved it's kind of why I resisted that a little bit because oh because the Bible has all these rules and it does but the natural man the sinful man looks at that as restraint because the Bible says thou shalt not do this this and this right thou shalt not eat of it and the natural man says well don't hold me down right like they want to cast their cords from off of us that's what the wicked say let us cast their cords from off of us let's break their bands asunder we don't want anybody to inhibit our sinful lusts and desires when we're in the flesh but you know so the natural man looks at that as being those rules as holding us back but really what's going on is that when we do those things which please God we're actually set at liberty when we get saved we're free from the bondage of sin you know because unsaved people they look at sin as you know because there's pleasure and sin for a season they look at it that's what freedom is to be able to just do whatever I want look if we just did whatever we want whenever we want if we just satisfied every impulse that we have in life we would be miserable people because none of those things will ever satisfy none of those things will ever bring contentment none of those things will ever bring peace you'll just want more and more and more that's the thing about sin there's pleasure and sin for a season but then you know you gotta go get it again and you gotta go get it again and you gotta go get it again and that's how addictions are formed where the spirit of the Lord is there's not bondage there is liberty because you are freed from that bondage look at Psalm 119 verse 45 he said I will walk at liberty for I seek thy precepts and the precepts there are the word of God the law the commandments and what he's saying here the psalmist in verse 45 is that he's going to have liberty why because he seeks God's precepts to do them to do those things that are written in law so if we want to have freedom if we want to have liberty in our lives we ought to be more concerned with what we shouldn't do than what we get to do you see what I'm saying here you can eat of any of the trees of the knowledge excuse me of the garden but of this one tree you can't eat you have all this liberty to go here and live there marry this person have that occupation you know you have choices but when God commands something that's what you should be most concerned with those things are crystal clear in the scripture we don't have to sit there and wonder you know about God's will like it's some mystical you know thing that we have to you know decode or something right you know God tells us to get married and to be fruitful and multiply that's the commandment he's giving Adam here be fruitful and multiply subdue the earth dress and keep the garden right and it's all that's what the scripture is and if we just do the things that we know God tells us to do and don't do the things that he tells us not to do we don't have to worry about the will of God whether we're in it or not we'll be right in the center of it if we seek his precepts we will walk at liberty if we're more concerned with the things we shouldn't do than the things that we get to do you know God's law the irony is that it grants true freedom right that's why the Bible says that his commandments are not grievous his commandments are not grievous oh I don't want to go to church and do that you know it's so hard to be a Christian look I'm not saying the Christian life isn't hard it is it's hard to get victory over the flesh and do those things but we can't look at the Christian life as just a bunch of oh I don't get to do x y and z you get to do a lot of things the unsaved world can't do the unsaved world can't save a soul the unsaved they have a real hard time these days keeping a marriage together they can't pick up the word of God and read it and be moved by it and learn it and know things about God the deep things of God they don't have the mind of Christ they don't have the indwelling of the Spirit they don't even know what's going to happen when they die they just have crazy weird strange ideas well this is what I think is going to happen I don't know I guess I'll find out and look they can live their lives as long as they want putting that question off but when you're knocking on death's door that question is going to be on your mind as an unsaved person you know they can distract themselves with all the toys and the things and the stuff and the entertainment and the pleasures of this life but if they're lucky enough to actually know when death's coming and not just be taken out in an instant that is going to be on their mind eventually what will happen when I die look I've already settled it because I believe God's word I've already been set free from the bondage of fear of death people in this world they're always subject to the bondage of fear they don't even want to think about it you want to talk about what's going to happen when we die after the church we'll talk about it for hours it's going to be great I'm looking forward to it I'm in no rush to get there but I'm not worried about it God's law grants true freedom I will walk at liberty because I seek high precepts if we get in the word of God and we just concern ourselves with the things that God has told us to do and not to do the rest will fall into place let's move along here so he puts the man in the garden he says you can eat of all these trees of this one you may not it's the tree of knowledge of good and evil look at verse 18 and the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone so again I believe this is all happening on day 6 he's making man he's breathing into his mouth the breath of life he makes a beast in man could God do it? he made all the trees appear in a moment in the garden in a moment they were there he could do the same thing with these animals but he says it is not good that the man should be alone when he gets in the garden he gives him work to do he said something's missing and it's not good that the man should be alone I will make and help meat for him and help meat meat meaning appropriate it's complimentary I'm going to make a help somebody that is there to help him woman from the very creation was there to help man to compliment man and that's not a popular message in this day and age but that's what it says well that's kind of picking on women well let me throw the ladies a bone think about this you are the crowning jewel of creation does that make you feel better? think about it you are the last thing God made right? when you think about it at least in this regard when things were first initially made obviously God knits us together in the womb God is going to make heaven and earth I get that but as of now woman was the last thing that God made he said everything is good everything is perfect but something is missing what was it? woman okay does that help? it should it really should but also this is something that man needs men need this in their lives it's not just like oh we get a wife it's just another bonus or something because that comes with a lot of responsibility too look having wives and children are great there's a lot of benefit to that there's a lot of joy there there's also an immense amount of responsibility if we are going to be men that have wives and families it's put upon us to provide for those families that's a lot of responsibility that's a lot of pressure some of us are cracking but God makes and help meet for him and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father God formed every beast of the field and every father And Adam gave names to all cattle and to all the fowl of the air, into every beast of the field, But for Adam there was not foundan helped meat for him But for Adam there was not foundan helped meat for him, So he brings all these animals, and God said, So he brings all these animals, still nothing there that is the proper meat for him. And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept. And he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh thereof. And the rib which the Lord God had taken for man made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. brought her unto man unto the man. So this is my chance to kind of wax paper of wax poetic a little bit more and to and try to you know soften the blow for all the feminists in the crowd you know he's taken from the rib you know which covers the heart right I don't know it sounded good when I said it but I don't know what that means you know you come from that place in the heart that's where woman comes from anyway and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man look at verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh okay and this is where it gets you know really unpopular really quick in the day and age that we're living in because marriage is the ideal situation for the vast majority of people okay and look I'm not saying that that there aren't people out there that that you know that could be like Paul and I've run into people I've known people that are like this but here's the thing about Paul Paul was still very busy and it's funny to me sometimes I get guys well I'm gonna be like Paul it's like well then show me some Paul like works you know Paul wasn't just sitting around being idle Paul was out there winning you know Paul went without so that he could work more for God that's what Paul did Paul did you know went without a wife so he could do more soul-winning more missionary work more preaching and it's like sometimes you're one of these guys like well I'm like Paul it's like it takes more than going without a wife to be like Paul that's not that you know that's not the standard for being a Paul like person it's like you want to be like Paul show me some Paul like work show me some Paul like zeal show me some Paul like fervor for the things of God that's what it takes to be a Paul look marriage is the ideal situation for most people okay why because as it says in verse thing 18 it is not good that the man should be alone saying this is not good not good for who good for the man you know it's not good it's no skin off God's back it's not gonna bug him if man's alone it's not good for man that he's alone right because being alone leads to idleness and sin right it leads to foolishness and irresponsibility okay and look I know we have a lot of single guys in our movement and I don't want to be one of these preachers that just is always picking on single guys or something like that or just berating them unnecessarily I was once a single guy you know I survived somehow I made it but I also know the temptations of being single okay and I'm I'm thankful for the single guys that we have in our church you know because they a lot of times those same guys are the ones that are very zealous about things of God and do a lot of soul winning do a lot of hard work you know participate in ministries we need that but it is not the Bible says it is not good for the man to be alone it's not a good thing okay so we have to say why okay so I'm not just trying to pick on anybody here the Bible saying it's not good to be alone so you have to ask yourself why is that because it leads to idleness it leads to sin it leads to having a lot of time on your hands look as a married man with five children and having the responsibility of supporting them you know there's not a lot of opportunity for downtime at least there shouldn't be right it's you know that you should have a full calendar and then when they're and when it's not when there isn't a lot of work you know that's when things get tough if you're gonna fulfill that role as a man you're gonna be very busy there's not a lot of time for me time now when you're single it's kind of a different story especially the day and age we're living in the Bible says it's not good for the man to be alone it's better to marry it's the ideal situation for the vast majority of people 1st Corinthians 7 I'll just read to you if they cannot contain let them marry for it is better to marry than to burn okay so one part of this is the fact that you know you need to have a outlet for that natural urge that we all have for that relationship that's within marriage that physical relationship that's something that has to be met and that's a very powerful urge especially in young men okay I don't want to make it too awkward in here tonight but it's reality it's just biology you're in your 20s you got like a liter of testosterone in your system your hormones are just just you know getting pumped out all the time out of your brain you know that there's that that urge has to be either contained or met and you know it's a lot easier to meet the need than to just try and not give in to some temptation that's why I believe that it's best for young men to marry young it's good to marry young that's what I believe the Bible says let the you know in 1st Timothy 5 I will therefore that the young women marry and a younger woman is gonna get married she's gonna need a man right let the younger women marry that means let the young men marry so that's the first thing we see here you know and when it comes to this topic in this portion of Scripture in Genesis it's not good to be alone what was God's solution he gave him a wife that was meat for him okay one that was appropriate that complimented him that would meet those needs and again Paul told the younger women to marry why for some were already turned aside after Satan you know there's gonna be more temptation for the young unwed individual man or woman than there is gonna be I'm not saying you get married all temptation goes away but it's a lot easier to meet those needs when you're married you know and when you're when you're single and you're alone you know you start to look at for other outlets you know you get into some sin and it's not right it's better to marry than to burn so the Bible says so he says in verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife so what if we can't get married well the Bible is showing us here that the ideal in God's eyes is that the unwed remain at home and in some cultures this isn't this is still the case you know some cultures it's perfectly natural to have 20-somethings there you know people young children who grew up and became adults they get married to just remain in mom and dad's home you know in my situation I was always trying to go back but that'll happen when you're living in a we're living in a shack on the edge of a swamp you know mom's house starts looking pretty good you know when you have a two and a half gallon water heater and you're living in northern Michigan in the middle of winter with in a place that has no heat you know my mom's like why are you always coming over here because I don't want to freeze to death why are you using my shower because I don't want to get hypothermia right that's the ideal situation though for to just remain with mom and dad that's how you get married and and look I get it the day and age we're living you know people can go out and it you know when they become adults they can go out and they can get their own place and do their own thing and they can do that but I think to me it's not ideal and to me if it's I could see in some situations why maybe people would want to do that and why even in some situations it might be better because again this is an ideal right sin hasn't even entered in the picture yet at this point in the story and God's saying hey in this perfect world in this nice little garden I've made it's good for a man to stay with my father mother and then to go cleave unto his wife that's a that's the ideal you know we live in a fallen world you know sometimes it might be better to get away from mom and dad you know if it you know but I don't want to go into all that however if that's not the ideal or if that's not the case I say ride that wave as long as you can you know it's expensive living on your own it's hard and it's it's it's lonely and you know when you're alone it opens up opportunity for sin and you know have that accountability okay it's ideal that men marry and that they marry young okay notice also he says they should verse 24 they shall leave his father and mother he should man shall leave father his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh so not only is it ideal that for most people to marry and to marry young I believe but also that when they marry that they cleave unto that spouse and they are one flesh meaning this that marriage is for life this is the offensive part that nobody likes to hear okay and that nobody really likes to preach okay but then again because nobody preaches it because nobody wants to offend anybody that's why we have the divorce rates that we have okay and and I'm gonna continue preaching this and if it offends people I'm sorry that's not my intent I preach this because one it's what the Bible says and there's people here that need to hear it not because they have made mistakes but because they have not yet made mistakes and and I've had many people come to me and say if I if I knew what the Bible said about this topic I would have made different decisions okay so my job is to make sure that that you know that there's nobody that comes up under my and under my preaching that you know doesn't hear this so that they can make those right decisions the Bible is real clear that you they cleave and are one flesh what's that mean to cleave right it you know the literal dictionary definition is to adhere firmly and closely or loyally and unwaveringly to stick to them like glue to be you know to the point where they're one flesh right the idea is that if one is undistinguishable from the other they're so close they're so bound together you can't even tell them apart that's how close that bond is supposed to be in marriage that they're that's almost impossible to to cleave them asunder right because they're cleaving to one another think about you know an illustration would be like a meat cleaver right the big butchers knife what does a meat cleaver do it cleaves a piece of flesh it cleaves one piece of flesh apart it separates something that is you know is one thing right it separates that flesh it cleaves it it's a meat cleaver it's separating something that is bound together okay that's the picture that God is painting here when it comes to marriage that you cleave to your wife you don't just go over try this out you know it's not like it's you're you're kind of holding it like this you know let's see how this goes it's not this loose kind of you know I'm an affiliate with this person no you're one flesh you're gonna cleave to them you're bound to them I mean that's literally in the in the vows till death do what's part one of us is gonna have to die right before you know I marry somebody else before I separate from you okay now if you would Jesus quotes this in Matthew 19 go there right well I know most people who already know where I'm going with this but you know this is what's in the creation story right out of the gate God is what's God trying to get across the family unit the importance of marriage right because people will go to Genesis and they'll sit there and go well what kind of tree was the garden of the tree of knowledge good and evil was it an apple tree didn't Adam have a belly button they have all these you know they sit there and they just sit there and they navel gaze about all these things about the creation story you know and there are interesting things about the creation story I'm not saying that we should just discount on it but it's like they miss the the main points that God's making get married stay married for life very young it's not good to be alone get to work work I mean this is this is what God's commanding man it's like they want to sit there and go was it just one tree or was it was it a breed of trees it wasn't supposed to be from did the serpent have legs back then what was the what was the atmosphere like you know were people taller you're missing a point Matthew 19 verse 3 the Pharisees also came unto him tempting and saying unto him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause and putting away is just a term for divorce for every cause and it's like people haven't changed people are always contacting us well what about in this instance what about in this instance well what it's like no what about for is it for every cause is there any reason like you know what if she burns the muffins you know hey that's what they sat down around trying to figure out you know they're reading through Genesis and they're like well I mean there's got to be a you know there's got to be a clause in here somewhere let's go ask Jesus in the answer in the Senate have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female it's the chapter we're talking about he's going back to Genesis 2 when he's talking about divorce I mean that's what the theme that's what Genesis 2 is trying to get across to us you know that now well how did how did Adam manage to name all the animals in one literal day is that why so is that why the the last rib in the human body is the only rib that can regenerate I don't know that's true okay I've got the fact checker back there I guess I'll take your word for it but here's the thing I don't even care because that's not the point of Genesis 2 oh is that why this and that about the creation it's like what's God actually trying to get across cleave unto your wife your one flesh man's made to work that's what he's trying to get across that's what Jesus is getting across here and he said in verse 5 and for this caution all men leave father mother and cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh so you can see how that's tying in with Jen and he's quoting Genesis 2 that's what Genesis 2 is teaching that marriage is for life wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh what therefore God hath joined together let not man put asunder don't let the divorce court separate man and wife don't let the divorce lawyer get involved don't let the in-laws tell you you know to drop that zero and get you a hero don't let man put asunder that which God has joined together cleave unto your wife you know be loyal that's what it means to cleave to be unwaveringly loyal to that individual to cleave unto them you know I will always side with my wife against anybody it's true I will side with my wife if she's wrong I'll tell her you know but if someone you know and that's if you want a little bit of my philosophy about how how to pastor that's a good way to do it always side with the authority in the situation some wife comes you know talking smack about her husband say shut up obey your husband my side with the husband it's easy authority until I'm given some reason not to and it's gonna take that some pretty compelling reasons to not do that kids start talking smack about parents shut up you know cuz the Bible says children obey your parents who am I do you sue anybody else's authority right that's the attitude we ought to have towards the authority in our life the people that we are to cleave to right unwavering loyalty to the people that you know are deserve it that God commands it of gotten them and the Bible commands loyalty to your spouse that's what it means to cleave I will not let you go nothing's gonna part us asunder I'm gonna hold on to you so firmly people won't even know where how to separate us they won't even know where to put the wedge in to try to drive us apart because it's we're one flesh we're indistinguishable that's how much I'm gonna cleave and look I'm not gonna go on on about divorce tonight you can read the rest of chapter you know I've preached it many times I think it's everyone in the room understands but you know what I find ironic about Genesis 2 is how many you know the divorced creationist with multiple wives you know that the creationist who just he just knows all these interesting facts about creation just spent his life preaching creation Kent Hovind you know who's just he just people just adore this guy and he's how many I mean fact-checker you probably know three I heard four I think you need to go update your facts he's on his fourth okay the same guy who got up and said I'm gonna be an example to people when he remarried us for the first time and that lasted like all a matter of months or something you see and he's a perfect example of people who sit here you know they strain at the gnat of science and swallow the camel of carnality like oh well this about Genesis and this about Genesis hey how about cleaving under your wife try that one on that's the message of Genesis 2 I mean I get that it's you know creation and sign that's all interesting stuff but you know where's God spelling all that out for us it's like here's what God wants to get across you know Genesis 1 he made the stars also now let's talk about the family now let's talk about man and wife let's talk about marriage let's talk about all these things that are going to actually matter in your life you know it's great it's great to be interested in the Bible it's great to find cool things in the Bible and talk about those things but you know none of that's gonna help you if you're not applying with the Bible actually says to your life you have to apply with it what the Bible is actually telling you to do you know and marriage is a pretty big deal and you're you're at liberty to marry whosoever you will obviously we went over it got to be saved right that's one stipulation you know and and there's more to that there you know but I'm not gonna go on about it you have liberty to get married but the what the Bible is trying to cross is that once you marry that person it's for life and look and if you're somebody had that has divorced remarried that's that is the the law under which you up you cleave under that spouse that's it it's don't pull a Kent Hovind well second time it didn't work out maybe the third time's the charm yeah fourth times the I don't know who cares about being a litter of that point or clever it's weird but that's how people are you know they sit there and they want to talk about all these cool things about the Bible but they don't want to apply what the Bible actually teaches about life you know get married stay married why because the pull of the flesh is strong it is not good that the man should be alone well I can't find a wife well last I checked there's still women being born there's still women on the face of this earth you know and look I'm not I'm not trying to make light of it I get it you know the culture that we're in but it's like you know I have a hard time believing that if a man made himself in a more attractive as a potential husband that he would have the harder time finding a wife right I mean if you want if you want a home you want a homemaker you know she's gonna be like well how much money do you make you know can you bring home the bacon right or maybe you know it's it's it's a physical thing maybe you got to learn to you know make yourself more attractive like you could actually protect a wife or protect a family I don't know but I just feel like today a lot of young guys they have a lot of excuses of what's just like well you know all women are whores it's like whoa no wonder you can't find a wife that's your attitude it's like that ain't the problem okay not all women are whores you know there's there's women out there that would love a good godly man to marry and you know let me just go on a record with my personal opinion I'm not against imports right I'm never gonna bash anybody for finding their wife abroad finding abroad abroad roll tonight right cuz you know I'm looking at the track record of guys that went you know went to the Philippines or elsewhere and found a wife and I'm saying it's working out pretty good there they seem to have a pretty good thing going you know if you just can't make it happen here if you just you know if it's just such slim pickings you know go for it whatever you got to cuz I know one thing with I know what the Bible does say that of all the trees thou mayest freely eat you got to go find that tree in another part of the world worth it worth it why because it's not good for the man to be alone look I'm not gonna sit here and judge people that do that because if you know who knows if I you know if I hadn't met my wife I might have done that you know you know maybe I would have gone somewhere and found a wife I mean it's like Mexico's right there some of you guys it's like starts start spreckins of Spanish and you know start speaking Spanish you know you're gonna say and tell me there aren't probably just like hundreds if not thousands of like Mexican girls and just an hour and a half away or so that would love for some strapping young American to come down there and sweep them off their feet oh what you don't like you don't like Spanish food shut up who doesn't like Spanish and you know and sorry but you know it well not sorry you know sorry if I'm coming across as racist or prejudice or something but my in my observation is that in you know amongst Hispanics you know family is kind of a big thing family loyalty there tend to be a little bit more traditional not saying they're all a bunch of independent fundamental Baptist bunch of you know King James toting soul winners or something but you know even if they've got you know Catholic backgrounds or something like that go you know go over across the border and get one saved and sweep her up I don't know I'm just throwing out suggestions and here and I don't even know why I'm wasting everybody's time because in my experience suggesting anything to single guys is just a waste of breath when it comes to finding a wife you don't know what it's like today well men are still men and women are still women and I get there's some that you're not looking for them okay you're not looking for that one we already went over that right but that's you know that's the message of Genesis to let's not spend all our time just navel gazing about all the science I'm not against science what's the actual message work get married stay married because it's not good to be alone the flesh is strong and we're not all Paul's very few of us if any are let's go ahead and close the word of prayer dear Lord again thank you for Lord thank you for marriage or thank you for spouses thank you as men for our wives Lord thank you for family thank you for creating this institution called marriage Lord and Lord I prayed help us to desire that and Lord to respect it and to Lord understand the responsibility that comes with that great privilege and Lord help us to be people that honor your word that we get married and we stay married Lord that we fulfill this commandment to cleave Lord as one flesh we ask these things in Christ's name amen you Oh Oh Oh Oh you you