(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then so in Psalm 37 there begins at verse 1 it says fret not thyself because of evildoers And if you look there in verse 7 that phrase is repeated where it says Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him Fret not thyself because of him who prosper ith in his way because of the man who bringeth Wicked devices to pass so this is just one example of many others in Scripture We are told not to fret or another word We might use for that is to worry or as the word that the Bible might use is to be careful To be careful for nothing we're told not to fret and that's what I want to preach to us about this evening Or this morning is that we are commanded here in the scripture to what fret not now this isn't I think It is clearly a command that we are to fret not but it's really one of those It's more also of a comfort really when you think about it because of the fact that you know There are evil people in the world. There are difficult circumstances people do worry So the Bible here is trying to reassure us by giving us the command that we are not to worry that we are to Fret not and if you think about there's a lot of things in the world to fret about isn't there? You know a lot of people fret a lot over different things and their fears aren't unfounded, you know It's legitimate, you know But the Bible here is assuring us and telling us that we should not fret and what are some of the things we shouldn't fret Over well, one of the things we shouldn't fret over are evil people. Okay evil people That's what he's saying here specifically fret not thyself Because of evildoers right because of people that do evil if you would go over to 2nd Timothy chapter 2 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 24 This phrase is repeated again in verse 19 fret not thyself because of evil men neither be thou envious at the wicked for there shall be no reward to the evil man and the Candle of the wicked shall be put out So we have another place in Scripture twice here in Psalms 37 again in Proverbs 24 We are clearly told that we are not to fret ourselves because of what? evildoers because of evil men because of those that prosper in the way because of those that bring wicked devices to pass and Look people are fretting quite a bit these days about evil men, aren't they? I mean with their and is that Unwarranted are there not evil men that live in our in our day Of course, there are there always have been there always will be okay, you know We could probably go around and name some names of some evil people, right? Bill Gates, right an evil guy you see but he gave us windows. That's exactly why is evil. No, I'm just kidding You know, everyone should get on Mac OS. I'm kidding You know, there's another evil guy at the head of that company to that sodomite But here, you know, he's evil why because he's all about, you know, buying up the agriculture, you know, the the farmland in this country Injecting people promoting vaccines that are harmful to people Population control and look there's a lot of names. We probably don't know right we could go around and name a lot of different names You know, dr. Fauci, you know a guy who's you know, I haven't followed it that closely But correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it wasn't like he was involved in the actual, you know Release of that that of the kovat 19 virus like he was Actively involved in giving it a gain of function is what they call it all those emails are like the guy's evil Right and look there's all kinds evil people. I mean we could probably just start listing, you know Several different, you know multitudes of people in the higher ranks of our government that are evil, right? And we're surrounded by evil people just in general Maybe people don't have a lot of influence or have a lot of political clout or have a lot of money I mean, we're the whole world lieth and wickedness. There's evil people all around us Okay, and there's always of course You know the the god of this present world who is at work and trying to what bring wicked devices to pass So you can see why people might you know? Why this is in the scripture repeatedly to fret not because of the fact that there are things that people Legitimately fret about This isn't just some you know I'm not gonna get out my red ball of yarn and start connecting the dots up here was about some elaborate conspiracy theory But we all know there are you know, there are principalities and powers in high places That are at work in this world. There are evil people I mean if there aren't then what's the point of Psalms 37 fret not thyself because of evildoers who don't exist No, they do exist they are out there and people can spend a lot of time fretting over evil people Can't they and then look there's a lot of people out there that want you to fret over evil people, by the way there's a lot of people out there that just want to you know fear monger and just tell you all about all the wicked things that are going on in the world and get you all worked up and Get you to just follow them the Bible says to fret not because of evildoers to not worry about these people to not sit there and Obsess over them in your life and feel like it's your you know duty to go out there and resist them in some way and look I understand that we have to You know, we have to do the work of God and that's how we resist we win souls. We preach the Bible But look, you're not gonna turn the tide against the forces of darkness in this world. I'm sorry You know, it's just not gonna happen You're foolish if you think that you know, if you think that you're just gonna hunker down somewhere and you're just gonna You know get the beans the bullets and the batteries and when when the Antichrist comes you're just gonna be that last bastion of The Christian faith, you know holding out You know, they're gonna look at everything you got and say you have a pea shooter, right? They're they're gonna have you know The heat seeking this and the thermal vision that and it's just like they're gonna be bombing you from miles and miles away via drone You know, but people get caught up in this kind of thing I'm just fretting and worrying about evil people or going on some Political campaign or going out there and just fear-mongering and try to get people to just be all worked up About the evil forces that are at work in this world where the Bible clearly commands It tells us to fret not to not worry about these people because the Lord's the only one that can and will Ultimately take vengeance on them. Okay So what are some that you know, that's that's probably you know a pretty General application there, but what are what are some other applications say brother Corbin? You know, I'm not I'm not really worried about all the evil in the world Like I understand what you're saying. Well, what about fretting about and just worrying over circumstances? You know, that's probably something that we probably all deal with a little bit more You know, hopefully we all mature and grow to the place where we understand. Look we understand there's all this conspiracy There's a bunch of wicked people out there Causing wicked things to come to pass You know and we kind of grow past that and we understand that the Lord's gonna take care of that But what about just like our day-to-day things we worry about our finances. We worry about you know, all the different things that people worry about Their jobs they worry about housing markets. They worry about the economy they worry about you know, their health They worry about so many different things Don't they and those are things that are probably make a little bit more sense You know humanly speaking to worry about because that has an immediate impact on your life That's something you can really put your finger on and you know, that's actually something you can to some degree control to But even then, you know, we shouldn't worry about these things. We shouldn't worry about them I should have had you turn to you went to 2nd Timothy, but I I'll just read to you from Luke 10, right? Where Jesus said and Jesus answer said Martha Martha thou are careful and troubled about many things Well, she you know, and we know the story Martha, you know wasn't back there, you know online on info were somewhere like saying Did you see what they did? You know, have you seen the Georgia Guidestones Jesus and you know worrying about all these things? You know, she was worrying about what come she was covered about with what much serving She was back there with the pots and pans trying to get everything ready She just worried about you know, the just the cares of this life just the day-to-day things and Jesus said look you're troubled about many Things you're careful and troubled about many things and he's rebuking her, you know lightly He's saying look don't be troubled about these things He said again in Matthew chapter 13 and the parable of the sower we all know this passage he also that received seed among the thorns as he that here at the word and the Care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the world word and he become with unfruitful, you know A lot of times we got we're careful to not become unfruitful, you know through the deceitfulness of riches say well I'm not desiring to be rich. I'm not you know, I'm not coveting. I'm not desiring great deals of money You know, but so I'm good there. But yeah, but what about the cares of this world? What about just all the little things that people worry about from day in and day out? You know and and you say we'll get to what to do about it, you know Because the truth is most people do worry about things. Most people do fret over things It's just part of our human nature to do that, you know And I'm not saying, you know, if you fret if you ever worry that you're just some kind of wicked sinner, okay? I don't think that's what this command is in there the scripture for I think it's there to what encourage us And to tell us look God's got everything under controls So why don't you just go to him? Why don't you just take cast all your care upon him and let him work all these things out Let him worry about the the powers and principalities in high places. Let him worry about the evil men Let you know that's we can do that But what about letting him take care of all of our day-to-day needs all the things that we worry about That are more practical in life, okay And again, this is because you know people's fears are not unfounded. There are evil people they do exist Okay and the Bible says and 1st John 2 little children is the last time and as if you heard that Antichrist shall come even now in John's day. There are many Antichrist whereby we know it is the last time John saying look even now There are many Antichrists in his day thousands of year later. Do you think that's gotten better or worse over time? It's clearly gotten worse. There's more false prophets with a bigger platform reaching more people There's more Antichrist in the world and there's you know, and we're closer than he was to the actual Antichrist You know being revealed you there in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 look verse 1 Let's know also that a last days perilous times shall come You know, that's the days we're living in we're living in those last days and as we grow closer and closer to the return of Christ things are gonna get worse and worse It's not you know, I know that I'm trying to encourage you this morning, but you know, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it That's what the Bible says perilous times shall come, you know We could look down this list and you know Does it is it lining up with what we see in the world for men shall be lovers of their own selves? Do we see that in the world today? Just everywhere, you know, just you know making all the kissy faces at the camera And just let me get my filter just right, you know, people are just in love with themselves in social media People are just you know, stepping out of people's heads to get ahead Financially, I mean it's a selfish world that we live in people are just given over to what covetousness right for men Shall be lovers of their own selves Covetous Boasters, you know, there's a lot of boasting they're proud, you know There's a particular group that that we you know that we know of that, you know wave that that pride flag, don't they? They're proud. They're boasters Right, they're blasphemers Disobedient to parents and thankful and holy without natural affection true spakers breakers false accusers Incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good is the Bible believing Christian becoming more popular today or less less It's Christian value our Christian values the ones that are being promoted or demoted. They're being demoted Why because perilous times are coming and there are those that are what despisers of those that are good You know never feel bad about what you believe never feel bad about what the Bible teaches. This is good You know if people despise this then they despise that which is good if they despise our godly Christian life They despise those that are good and look that's exactly what's going on in the world around us Traders heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God That's why that you know, the churches aren't being filled to the brim because people are out, you know on their bicycles that today They're more concerned about going ride their bike somewhere and getting a bite to eat and having a pint Than they are about getting in the house of God and learning the things of God. They're lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God Having a form of godless but nine the power thereof from such turn away. So look if people are worrying about evil people It's not unfounded Right, but all I'm saying is they shouldn't because the Bible tells us to not fret over all these things But again, he doesn't he doesn't tell us he doesn't say just turn a blind eye. Nothing's gonna happen He's I mean he's saying look it's real. Look at this is what type of people are gonna come This is how bad it's gonna get this is what people are gonna be like, but don't worry about it, but don't fret about it We also have the the promise there in verse 12 where it says all they that live it quietly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution You know, that's something that's guaranteed in the Christian life, but should you worry about that? Is that something you should just stay up at night wondering of tossing to back and forth in your bed? When's how is the persecution gonna come when is it gonna come? Look, I know it's coming to us eventually as a church. It's gonna show up in some way shape or form You know, we've had it. We've had our Spells here and there but you know, we've got other friends You know other churches like steadfast and first works and Verity and you know other churches That we're like-minded with that have gone through some serious persecution You know and and I'm saying that because look eventually it's gonna come around to where it's our turn You know and I kind of preached about this a few weeks ago regarding false brethren that You know, eventually we are gonna get on the devil's radar enough. You know, we're getting this new suite We're gonna reach more people. We're gonna grow I'm just convinced of that because that's the promise of God that he will build his church I don't think it's a coincidence that you know, we got that building You know, it's it's it's because God has intense behind it. I believe that but I also know that As we grow and we get on the devil's radar persecutions are going to come I mean it happened to all you know, all the other a lot of other churches that we could turn to in the New Testament But what should I so does that mean we should just sit around say well, you know what? Maybe let's just not grow then Let's just close the doors and stop inviting people to church we'll just go out and get them saved and not tell them where we're at not tell them where we're from and Just make sure it's because we don't want to get on the devil's radar cuz oh we wouldn't want to be persecuted That's fretting. You know, that's a that's a worrying. That's the wrong kind of attitude to have we don't want to fret We want to say hey bring the persecutions bring the blessings, too And we'll just trust the Lord to to see us through those things as they come But again people have legitimate fears, don't they they are they're they're legitimate in the fact that they do exist You know, these aren't these aren't you know? Half-baked conspiracy theories these these are things that are going to happen things are going to get worse and worse She glad he came to church this morning Right. That's what it says in verse 13, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse Deceiving being deceived he didn't say things are getting a better. He said they're gonna get worse now We know ultimately things are gonna be good and they're gonna be the best they've ever been When Christ returns and sets up his kingdom, right and then it's it's it's over but until that time, you know The devil knows he has a short time to work He's going to rage and he's going to fight and he's going to you know Send more and more I into Christ out of the world. It's things are going to get worse and worse I mean just look at our country Look at the just the the moral nosedive this country is in I mean they're pulling some serious G's Right and people think that that's like, you know when that when the plane goes into a nosedive I'm flying Saturday. I don't know why I'm using this illustration, you know, plug your ears Linda. She's going with me, but It goes into a nosedive and it's just like Pull up pull up, you know Like we're way beyond that like the both pilots are like the G's that they just passed out, you know The airbags have dropped You know, it's just a complete nosedive tailspin and it's just a matter of time till it's you know impact That's where we're at as a country, you know, sorry to break it to you You say how do you know that because all the innocent blood because of all the abominations That all the things that we're promoting not just here at home, but also abroad, you know important You know promoting sodomy and filth and everything else that America does, you know We are that Babylon that's going to be judged and that's why the Bible is telling us Look evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse and I wouldn't be doing you a favor and just telling you just say don't Worry about anything Everything is going to be fine. What I'm telling you is that everything is not going to be fine But that you still shouldn't worry about it Because that's what the Bible says It says fret not because of evil men and seducers who are going to wax worse and worse Then perilous times are going to come but we should still not Fret over these things and look there is no shortage of things for people to fret over Aren't there? I mean there's people they can fret over all manner of things They can fret about their finances, their situations, their children, their relationships, their marriage Just it just goes on and on the world and look the world will help you fret won't they? I mean go home and turn on pick your whatever brand of News you like go watch the CNN or the Fox News or PBS Whatever just go ahead. They'll help you fret and worry over things Won't they? I mean they'll just have that if and if the what the talking head there is just repeating Whatever message of worry and fret they're just trying to there's also that usually had that little ticker that runs by And it's just telling you all the other terrible things, you know ten thousand dead here earthquake there You know tsunami here just like all the it's just like oh I can fret about that and that and that and that and that Look, they'll just give you a list of things literally to just here worry about all this Things that haven't even affected your life or won't affect your life Look we read about some tragedy somewhere. We're heartbroken, but it's you know Should we sit there and worry about whether that's gonna happen to us these things that are just completely beyond our control You know the Bible says to fret not over evil men over circumstances over things that are beyond our control You know, we're not to fret why because we're called to continue on in the work of God fear has a paralyzing effect on people I mean fear causes people to get out of the Christian life They get in a church like this where the Bible is being preached But we're taking a stand for the Word of God where persecution is going to come and they say well You know, I'm kind of worried about that I think I'll just go to a church with something like that is less likely to happen Where you're with, you know, you're you're gonna get protested, you know, they might look up my name They might they might see me walking in there and you know They might call my job and who knows look things like that happen. You know, I'm just forewarning you and And you know you could sit there and worry about that and be paralyzed with fear and just get out of the Christian life you know and that's kind of a You know that that's you know, it's something that's a little that example is kind of maybe a little bit more You know Less likely to happen But how about if you actually start living for God and your family turns on you the people, you know start to say Well, you're weird now And say you'd believe what oh you don't do what you know They think it's strange that you run out to the same excessive riot, right? And and they make you a gazing stock even in your own family that type of thing happens all the time And look you won't be the first one You won't be the last one and if that paralyzes with you with fear and you fret and you worry about that and say you know What I just want to go along and get along and get out of the Christian life Yeah, you'll still be saved. But you know what you're not going to continue You're not going to press on toward the mark the high calling of the prize of the high calling of Christ Jesus You're not going to attain that and that's what we're called to do I mean Paul here at second Timothy just you know, he's trying to encourage Timothy to what you know Continue on in the faith to be to pick up the mantle to ordain elders and to you know To preach the Word of God and then he just he just like oh and by the way, you know Perilous times are gonna come people are gonna get worse and worse. It's just it's it's not exactly the most encouraging thing is it? But it's reality at least he's not sitting there just trying to tickle his ear and say oh everything's me Okay, you know he gives he's trying to encourage him to do what well verse 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned it has been assured of knowing of whom thou hast learned them He's given in this whole list of things of all these bad things that are happening things that Timothy could just go Oh, I don't know about this Paul. I mean I started following you I know back in Acts, but I didn't realize it's gonna be this bad Maybe let me think here if I want really want to do this and that was not Timothy's attitude But Paul after telling him all that says continue Despite all these things why because there's you don't need to worry about these things. Don't worry about it continue on and the things which thou hast learned the scriptures the preaching the Exhortation the doctrine that he's been taught he wants him to continue on in Spite of these things and look if he if Timothy got Became afraid and was scared and didn't want to deal with the persecution He would not continue if he decided to fret over all these things and worry He would not continue but the command is to continue in the face of these things to keep living for the Lord to keep You know moving forward the things that we have learned and been assured of And here's the thing, you know, what what are those things that we that we have learned? What are those things that we have been assured of it's the Word of God It's it's the it's the it's the the exhortation that he received from the Word of God It's the doctrine that he learned From Paul's preaching through the Bible, you know through the the scriptures that are able to make thee wise and it was he was told of him that he knew that the scriptures from a child and Paul saying continue in these things and Don't let these things Stop you from serving God don't fret And he's reminding him again, it's the things that you've been assured of, you know There's things if you're gonna continue you have to rest on the things you have been assured of in the Word of God If you're not gonna fret and worry about these things you have to go to the Word of God That's the only assurance you have in this world. I Mean you could go out to the world to look at for assurance that everything's gonna be okay and they you know They'll lie to you I mean you can go get psycho analyzed and maybe they'll hook up some electrodes and you know Give you a big couple bottles of prescriptions They just take these and you won't worry so much and you can just go through life, you know brain-dead or something But that's not the insurance that we have as Christians, you know, we have an assurance in the Word of God We have the comfort of the scriptures That's you know, that was Psalm 37. We're gonna go back there, you know, keep something there If you if you were to turn away, we're gonna end up back there go over to Psalm 73 right now That's that is our assurance, you know what that tells me No scripture. No assurance No Bible No assurance. No scripture. No comfort. I mean sure you can go out in the world and you know Get therapy or whatever and maybe they can you know, just dope you up enough to where you don't worry about anything at all ever Or maybe we can continue on to the things that we have learned We continue on the scriptures and look what the Bible says why we shouldn't worry Why should we not worry because of the comfort of the scriptures? Which tells me if you don't have the Bible if you're not in your Bible if you're not Hearing hearing the preaching of the Word of God if you're not reading the Bible for yourself If you're not memorizing Scripture, if you're not singing the hymns the spiritual songs, you know, no wonder you're fretting about everything because you've taken the the sole source of the assurance for the Christian life and just set it on the shelf and So where's my comfort it's on the shelf It's right here, but you got to be one that crack it open and read it And find these passages and these assurances and memorize these things and write these things on the table of your heart You say well, I don't know if that's any help. Well, you know, then there might be a lack of faith there You know, I read the Bible and I just say that's some words on a page Look if we really believe the Bible these things should assure us and give us comfort which you know Leads me to this no scripture. No assurance You know, there's no scripture no assurance and then there's no the scripture and you'll know assurance You know Romans 15 tells us what's whatsoever things are written a fourth time are written for our learning that we through patience and the Comfort of scriptures might have hope just feel like that's hopeless. I worry about everything I fret over all these things the evil workers in this world. I fret about my circumstances. I don't feel like life's just hopeless well, you know what you need to patiently get in the Bible and read it and pray and Let the comfort of the scriptures give you hope because that's where the hope for the Christian is found And there's so many people out there today that just want to get us all worked up About all the evil things that are going on in the world There's so many people that just want to take the comfort from us and have us just bite our nails and stay up late and worry About things that are beyond our control That's not the Christian life that God wants you to live. He wants you to live a life of what peace You know, he wants to have you joy comfort he wants these things in your life, but how do you get them? You get them through the scriptures. That's where they're at Get them through prayer. The Bible says in Proverbs 18 The name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous runneth into it and is safe I love that verse the name of the Lord is a strong tower I mean we get with God we get in the Bible. We we rest that we walk in the Spirit It's like climbing up a strong tower and think about that that illustration. He's using Far, you know You're far above the troubles of the world far above all the things that men are toiling and worrying and fighting over Way down on the earth. We're in that strong tower exalted lifted up When we walk in the Spirit when we read the scriptures when we have the comfort of the Holy Ghost We run into it and we're what we're safe Doesn't mean we're never gonna experience hardship doesn't mean we're never gonna be hurt But ultimately we're always know that at the end we win, you know, I've read the end of the book folks I know how it turns out we win Proverbs 73 if you're if you're still there, I Don't know where I had you turn. I'm losing my place but go to Proverbs Psalm 73. I'm sorry Psalm 73 You know, these are great Here's a great if you're ever worrying if you're ever fretting over things if you're if you find yourself there just remember these two passages Psalms 37 Psalm 73 It's great. Just turn those numbers around, you know, Psalm 73 kind of Diagnoses the situation it kind of shows us why people end up worrying and fretting over things that they shouldn't He says in verse 1 truly God is good to eat Israel even to them They're such a clean heart. But as for me, my feet were almost gone. My steps had well my slit. I Mean he's worrying about you know, getting out of the Christian life He's slipping. He's sliding. He's he's losing his footing in this world Why right? Why ASAP? Why did why are you so upset here? Verse 3 for I was envious at the foolish and isn't that what we read this morning in Psalm 37 to fret not thyself because of evildoers and in Psalm 24 and to not be envious of the wicked I Mean some people maybe it's not so much of worrying. They just envy the foolish. They envy the wicked And they just say oh I wish I could have their life I wish you're gonna enjoy that sin I wish I didn't have this conscience. I wish I didn't have this Holy Ghost convicting me of sin Well, you know that's a foolish way to live that these you know, and that's what he's saying I was envious at who the foolish When I saw the prosperity of the wicked right for there are no bands in their death their strength is firm You know, I hear it all the time. We've got soul winning I hear people say this type of thing all the time multiple people I just can't understand how people wouldn't want to hear the gospel. I just can't understand why somebody would choose a false religion I just can't understand why somebody wouldn't want to have me preach the gospel to them because they're foolish and They're you know, some people there are no bands in their death, but their strength is firm, you know There's a lot of people in this world. They just don't even think about the name of their death They don't think about eternity. They don't think about where their soul is gonna go when they die it's the farthest thing from their mind and They just you know, they just preoccupy themselves with all the other things in this life and all the other things in this world Have you ever thought about that you go? Hey, can I show you from the Bible how you go to 100% sure You're gonna go to heaven. No, thanks. We're all right And we're thinking you're not all right. You're in you're in peril. You're you're doomed But to them they're just like we're fine. Anyway in their minds. They really feel that way. They're not lying They really think we're fine. There's nothing to worry about. You know, we'll do we're all stardust I'm sure they have some explanation You know I'm just gonna go into the earth and I'm gonna come back out a flower and then deer is gonna come eat me and you Know I'll just be part of the universe and go back to stardust from whence I came And it's this nice little poetic mystical thing. That's not reality It's not what the Bible actually teaches but people tell themselves things like that and they just go right about their merry way There's no bands in their death But their strength is firm They are not in trouble as other men neither are they plagued like other men They're not worried about righteous living. They're not worried about resisting sin or trying to get over some bad habit in their life They're not plagued. They're not resisting the flesh and the devil there. They go right along with it. They go with the flow They're not swimming upstream They're not playing and this is who this guy's ending This is who ASAP and this passage is envying foolish people who don't think about death Foolish people who just go with the program who just go with the flow Verse 16 when I thought to know this it was too painful for me. I want you to notice the verse 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God then understood I therein What was what was the you know, we see what was bothering ASAP here, right? He was envious at the foolish Well, how did he resolve this issue? How do you stop being envious? How do you stop worrying? How do you stop fretting? When he when he went into the sanctuary of God when he ran into that strong tower, which is the name of the Lord when he went to the comfort of the scriptures and Then he understood what they're in, you know, the Bible puts it all in perspective, doesn't it? when we look at the wicked when we look at the foolish when we look at those that prosper in the world and We're tempted to envy them Or to want to be like them in some way. You know what you need to do consider their end Say well, I don't know if I want to live my life the way the Bible tells me to I Mean one man one woman for life. I Don't know if I want to just you know, stay at home and have kids and raise them for God I mean look at the world gets to do Vacations and nice things and look I'm not saying if you have vacations or nice things, you know, you're wicked But look when you you make sacrifices to raise a family People that are raising a lot of kids, you know one income they make sacrifices to do that They're not running off here and running off there. And if you have the means to do that great god bless you Go ahead and enjoy that You know a lot of people they go. Hmm. They weigh that out They say I don't know if I want to live for God or live for the world And they say it seems like the world's a lot having a lot more fun Yeah, you know what? They might look like they're having a lot of fun. And you know what they probably are having fun You know what? They don't have joy peace They don't have the fruits of the spirit. They don't have love joy. Peace long-suffering gentleness. Goodness faith meekness temperance They don't have those things It's absent in their life And all they do is just keep chasing the next thrill the next fun thing The next thing that's gonna help them to not worry and fret about what's really going on in the world And If you come in the sanctuary of God, you know what you'll do you'll understand their end and you'll say you know what? It looks like they're having a good time. It looks like they're fun, but I see where they're headed now Oh, that's what's going on here Oh now I'm reading and I'm saying how it's really gonna turn out the Bible says the way of the transgressor is hard That's not the picture. They're painting on Instagram and Facebook and everywhere else But that's the picture the Bible paints that it's hard to go out and resist God and fight God especially if you're a Christian and you have the Holy Spirit you're grieving him and God says well, it's time to chase in you and Just you want to go make life ten times harder than it needs to be You know what you need to do if you find yourself envying the wicked and fretting about evil men consider their end You know, what's gonna help you consider their end get in the sanctuary of God Getting church Get in your Bible Read it pray walk in the spirit and then you begin to understand their end You know what? You probably self find yourself not envying the wicked. You'll probably find yourself not fretting so much And I want to close just going very quickly back through Psalms 37 Because he lays this out. He gives us this this fret and this formula to not fret a formula to not fret Okay So we have the we have here in Psalms 37 both instructions and a promise. Okay instructions and a promise What are the instructions fret not very simple fret not? You know be careful for nothing. Okay, but make your supplications known unto God Okay, cast all your care upon upon him That's the instructions fret not thyself because of evildoers neither be thou envious against the wicked those the instructions But what's the promise? You know God's not gonna say fret not now here you figure out how to do it Here you go out there in a world that's full of evil men and Seducers you go out there and live a life that's full of worry and care and just make sure you don't do it And I you know leave you to your own device you figure that out now You know God gives us a formula here and how to not do that You know, let me go ahead and and just break it to you. It requires some spirituality It requires some faith. Okay The how okay the promise is this that you know God what verse 2 they shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herb You know, God's gonna take care of all this. They're not getting away with it Evil men and seducers these wicked people the they're the evildoers. They will be what cut down like the grass You know That's why it's so stupid and foolish for us to go out there and just try to fight them Because we're not gonna cut them down like grass And it's such a great illustration You know, my backyard got out of hand this, you know as much as a yard get out of hand in Arizona, I guess The grass got this tall this tall Can you believe it right because the because the deluge we had right? We're just just encumbered with rain Well, look it was at some point I had to go get you know rent the the gap the gas weed whacker and go back there and cut down grass and I'm telling you it wasn't that hard. It was easy just The kids are all watching I'm throwing rocks everywhere and cutting down grass. It's great Took me like maybe an hour to get it all down It was easy. But what if I had gone out there? He said I don't need that. I don't need the weed whacker I'm just gonna go out there and just pull every single blade out by hand and get every little root You know, my hands would just been worn down to the nubs Bleeding and broken and I probably wouldn't gotten that far. I probably end up just giving up You know, it's easy. It's easier. Just let the weed whacker take care of it, right? Look it's it's it's foolish for us to think that we're gonna go out there and just slay the wicked Now we're gonna go out there and just right every wrong in the world. We're gonna put Fauci in his place We're gonna take Bill Gates and put him in his place. We're gonna you know, just go get all these corrupt politicians out and Just wait for the next batch to move right back in You know who is gonna just cut him down like grass though God It's gonna be easy for him. He's just He's done. What's next? That's the illustration. He's gonna come down like grass It's a great illustration. God just it's like for him. It's like mowing his lawn on a Saturday afternoon You know, he's you know might even enjoy it a little bit As you get older you begin to enjoy those things. Okay guys, trust me younger guys I just think it's all labor eventually. You'll like getting your white sneakers green and You know, you have to have grass to cut and I don't know But to God he's just like hey, it's easy, you know, just fill up the tank starter up few minutes done They're gonna wither as the green herb That's the promise. So let me let how do we not fret? Well, you have to believe this that God's got under control that God's gonna take care of it That's what it says in verse 3 trust in the Lord trust You know it begins with faith. You have to believe that this is gonna happen. And here's it's so Hard to understand sometimes as people have no problem believing that they're evil men in the world. I Mean, it's pretty obvious, you know, if you just look around Say yeah, obviously there's evil men You know What takes a little bit more faith though is trusting that God's gonna do something about it Because it doesn't seem like the evil is just getting away with it getting away then getting away with it Yeah, you know what? Some of them are gonna live long if there's gonna be no bands in their death They're gonna they're not can go read Psalm 73 They're not gonna be plagued like other men their children are gonna flourish and they're gonna go to their grave in peace Right before they go straight to hell You know It's gonna seem like that and people are gonna live wicked lives and do wicked things and it's like the evil are gonna People are gonna flourish but you have to believe by faith that God is going to hold them accountable Trust in the Lord it begins with faith. Look at verse 3 trust the Lord and do good So that shall dwell in the land and verily thou shalt be fed. It's not this idle waiting I'm just waiting for God to set everything right I'm just gonna go and hide in my basement, you know and just you know Just hang out there in the dark and just wait for this all to pass and blow over like some kind of storm That's not how we're supposed to wait it out It's a it's trust in the Lord and do good. We have to go out there and do good. It's not this idle waiting Look at verse 4 delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart You know if you really believe this if you really believed and trusted in the Lord It would be a delight to you. It would you would delight yourself in the Lord You'd want to live for God in spite of the tribulation that's going to come for doing so You say you know what? I know God's gonna take care of it I know in the end all things are gonna work together for good to them that I love God that are called according his purposes And I'm just gonna go live for him Anyway, I'm gonna delight myself in the things the Lord and let him take care of the rest I'm gonna go out and I'm gonna do good says in verse 5 commit thy way unto the Lord You have to trust you have to do good. You have to delight in the Lord. You have to commit your way unto the Lord Be in it for the long haul Don't just wait, you know, not just when you feel like it well I'm gonna live for God when it's easy when everything's going good when everything's going great at church and my life's all I got all my ducks in a row and everything's going great, you know Lord but as soon as persecution comes which it's going to come You know, I'm gonna just bow out and get out of it. No, you need to commit your way into the Lord Look, this is how you get the peace of God This is how you fret not because God sees this God's he got you know, God's watching the wicked But he's watching us too and how we react and if he sees us down here trusting in him doing good Delighting ourselves in him delighting ourselves in the Word of God Delighting ourselves and the things of God and committing our way unto him and saying no matter what happens I'm gonna live for God. You know what? He will bless us. He will give us peace. He will give us joy. He will protect us He will give us, you know rest in this world. Look at verse 7 rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him You know, we need to just rest in the Lord and not fret about these things and Look it starts with faith it starts by trusting it starts by delighting committing and then you get to the place where you can just rest You know, it's like that hammock, you know, you could you got to do the work to put it up, right? You got to go buy it and find a good spot for it Put it up and then you have to trust your handiwork at some point, right? I actually sit down you ever do the first time you get in that hammock kind of like You know, I thought it was supposed to be relaxing right then you got to put all your weight in it just rest, right? You know, we got a you know, we got to do some work too when it comes to getting to rest in the Lord It's not like I'm saved now. So God I'm just gonna wait for the peace of God here. I'm just resting Lord No, it's an active thing. It's faith. It's commitment It's the lighting and the things of God and then the peace comes then The resting comes and then we can do what wait patiently for him And we could just watch the world go to hell in a handbasket and just say see ya Because we know the Lord is coming by faith we're resting You know and then and then verse 8 and I'll end here cease from anger and forsake wrath Look when you're finally resting in the Lord when you've committed your way when you're delighting in the things of God You're trusting in him and you're just patiently waiting for him You can cease from anger and not feel like I have to go right every wrong. I'm gonna get to the bottom of COVID And expose the conspiracy No, I'm just going to rest in Lord wait patiently for him and I'm a cease from anger I'm gonna forsake wrath and I'm not gonna fret myself in any wise to do evil I don't need to take things into my own hands because ultimately all things are in God's hands You know and I'm just gonna rest and wait for him and it's not like God isn't upset you say but I'm really upset about What's going on in the world? You know what God's angrier than all of us put together I'm just upset about the abortion me too, but you know who's angrier than both of us God and Just because he hasn't begun to work Just because he hasn't begun to pour out his wrath and indignation this world doesn't mean he isn't going to but we have to believe that by faith until that happens and You know what when we believe by faith then we can rest and just understand God's gonna take care of all it's all gonna work Everyone's gonna get what they got coming eventually all these wicked people God's gonna put them all right in their place So I don't have to get angry now. Look am I gonna have flare-ups from now from time to time Yeah, you know when I have to go again, it's like they're always in food service. I don't know what it is Actually, I figured it out You know, I'm going through salad and go and just some lispy faggots handing me my food again And I'm just like I hope you're just effeminate, but it's like it's you know, you're really You're about to remove all doubt here the way your mannerisms and everything And then I thought about I'm like, you know what it's because you know, no offense to anyone. It's in food service I don't know anybody is I spent a lot of time in food service. Okay, it's not exactly the most intellectual work I said why are they always in food service and that dawned on me because it's it's not that hard I mean, I know it's physically demanding. It's stressful But it's not exactly rocket science To take somebody's order and go grab the food and bring it back to the table and say do you want more water? You want more coffee? Can I fill that up for it? Right? Because they're brute beasts. I know I'm going off in a rant right? I'm getting angry and being wrathful I'm good. I'm having my flare-up right now. Okay You know what? I'm not gonna leave here and just keep stewing about that fag at salad and go or wherever I mean, yeah when I see him they vex my soul that make me mad, but then I just say but you know what? He's going to hell. I Don't have to go out of my way to make his life any more miserable than he is. I Don't have to worry about whether or not God is gonna judge him and send him help because he is he's a reprobate You know, I can just cease from anger. I can forsake wrath and not fret in any wise to do evil So that's the formula to fret not, you know, look there's a people fret and they're it's not unfounded You know it's part of our nature to worry about things and there's things that are beyond our control and and if we want to live a life where we're not just Biting our nails and worrying about every little thing You know what? We need to get we need to run into the that a high tower that strong tower Which is the name of the Lord we need to go into the sanctuary of God We need to put this formula into practice in our lives to have the faith to trust the Lord to do good and to delight ourselves in him commit our way unto him and just rest and wait patiently for him because we know ultimately he is Going to take care of it. Let's go ahead and pray