(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All the daughters live to be our sweet and bright. Love lives in Thee, love lives in Thee. When nothing else will know, love lives in Thee. Love lives in Thee, love lives in Thee. When nothing else will know, love lives in Thee. Love lives in Thee, my dear, there's a name I please. Thank You, Christ, the Christ is here. Ever His grace is seen. Love is so mighty and so true, where's what's so great to me? When nothing else will know, love lives in Thee. Love lives in Thee, love lives in Thee. When nothing else will know, love lives in Thee. The souls and angels of God, just like me, will cease. He who lives by His will, out of the angry ways. He's the Master of the sea, else His will obey. He who sleeps, who wants to be, will sing to Thee. Love lives in Thee, love lives in Thee. When nothing else will know, love lives in Thee. Love lives in Thee, love lives in Thee. When nothing else will know, love lives in Thee. Please receive our praises unto you, Lord, and we give you all the glory tonight. In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Thank you, brother. Psalm 332. Do you want to hear this? Psalm 332, channels over. Now, our praise to Thee, precious King, and my love for you only, Thou hast saved us, great and holy, and our love thy channel be. Channels only, blessed Master, but with all thy wondrous power. Flowing through us, thou canst use us, every day in every hour. We'll be seeing thy God to save them, saving three from self and sin, and our love is to us now. We'll be seeing thy God to save them, saving three from self and sin, and our love is to us now. If thy rule is formed on him, channels only, blessed Master, but with all thy wondrous power. Flowing through us, thou canst use us, every day in every hour. Chances fill now with thy spirit, hearts that full surrender grow, and the strains of living water from our inner men live long. Channels only, blessed Master, but with all thy wondrous power. Flowing through us, thou canst use us, every day in every hour. We've also got the New Testament 90-day challenge taking place, so make sure you're up to date on that. You can always finish early, but you can't finish late on that one. So if you know the drill, if you get it done, you get to be at the pizza party and get your name listed on the church website. We've got the note there about Operation Confiscation still replacing those false versions. I think everybody kind of knows the drill there on the back. Don't forget the children's weekly Bible memory passage has changed. That's going to be a Sunday-to-Sunday type of thing. I saw some kids getting their ice cream this morning, so it's a great way to start your day. Get some ice cream, come to church. If that gets the word of God in their hearts, then I say it's worth it. A cavity or two wouldn't hurt anybody, right? We've got the new passage here, so if you can get that recited by next Sunday, then you've got an opportunity to get some more ice cream kids. And then, of course, we've got the men's preaching night coming up Tuesday, January 25th. That's this Tuesday. I only saw a couple names back there. Hopefully we see a few more. I am allowing spectators, at least at this one, if guys kind of want to just come and see what it's like, kind of dip their toe in it a little bit, see if it's something they want to do. It's pretty much this, except it's you up here, not me. So if you can't envision that, then come on Tuesday and figure it out. But there's going to be some snacks. If you plan to attend, do please sign up in the back. And then, of course, we've got the note about the camping trip. If you have any questions about any of that, please just come and see me after the service. Don't forget our Donut Sunday coming up, as well as Mexico Monday is always available. And that's going to do it for announcements. We'll go ahead and sing one more song. Song number 18, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 19, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 20, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 21, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 22, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 23, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 24, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 25, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 26, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 27, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 28, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 29, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 30, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 31, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 32, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 33, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 34, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 35, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 36, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 37, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 38, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 39, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 40, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 41, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 42, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 43, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 44, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 45, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 46, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 47, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 48, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 49, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 50, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 51, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 52, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 53, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Song number 54, Take the Name of Jesus with You. Hope of Earth and joy of heaven, Graciously, and she of our street. Hope of Earth and joy of heaven, And the Name of Jesus, now and ever, Falling across reality. King of kings, we've never found Him, When our journey is complete. Graciously, and she of our street. Hope of Earth and joy of heaven, Graciously, and she of our street. Hope of Earth and joy of heaven, At this time, we'll pass the offering plate. As the plate goes around, we'll turn our bodies to Romans chapter 4. That's Romans chapter 4. As always, we'll read the entire chapter. Please follow along slightly as we read from Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Romans chapter 4. Old Testament foreshadowing of Christ Old Testament foreshadowing of Christ, of course, you know There's a lot of places we could turn to in the Old Testament to talk about the subject and really we'll focus in on just One instance one that I you know always found quite interesting But it's important that we understand this concept that in the Old Testament Christ was foreshadowed because you know There's a lot of people today that want to teach that you know the people in the Old Testament were saved in another way that they weren't saved by faith and That it was a different gospel back then for them They had to you know, do certain works in order to earn salvation Well, that would be another gospel, you know and and here's the thing about that is that the Bible is explicitly clear that the people in the Old Testament got saved the same way we get saved today and that's by faith by believing on the Word of God by believing on Christ and if you look there in Romans chapter 4, this is a great example of this verse 1 What shall we say then that Abraham our father asked pertaining the flesh hath found for if Abraham were justified by works He have we're up to glory but not before God So if he were justified by works, does he have opportunity glory before God the Bible says no So it can't be that in the Old Testament that the the Old Testament Saints were saved in some other way other than by Faith, okay. That's what's it's making it very clear here. He was justified by works He had we're up to glory but not before God Okay, he goes on it says in verse 3 for what sayeth the scripture Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness So how was Abraham saved in the Old Testament? He was saved by Believing on God by believing the promise that God made him by putting his faith in the Word of God He goes on it says in verse 4 now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace But of debt, so here's the thing the Bible explains to us and if you would Go over to Galatians chapter 5 Galatians chapter number 5. We're gonna do a lot of we're gonna turn to a lot of Different passages so keep with me up with me this this evening It says there in the end of Romans chapter 4 to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt Meaning this that if you're gonna work your way to heaven you are indebted you have to you're already behind You know, you're you already have to get yourself out of the hole You're already in the red spiritually when it comes to trying to work your way to heaven if you're gonna try and keep part Of the law, you know what you have to keep the whole law You have to do all of it in order to be saved by the law. You must keep the whole law You must keep the whole law now can a person be saved by the law? The answer is yes They can if they never break the commandments right because sin is the transgression of the law And if a person never sinned, you know and kept the commandments of God perfectly then they would go to heaven, right? But here's the thing. No one does that nobody does that So in order to to say that the people in the Old Testament had to you know Keep the law in order to go to heaven. Here's the problem with that. They're already in debt to the law They're already condemned by the law and it's not going to be works of righteousness By that we sit we get saved but by his mercy he saved us the Bible says So Galatians chapter 5 verse 1 it says stand fast therefore in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again With the yoke of bondage behold I say and by Paul saying to you that if you be circumcised Christ shall profit you nothing You know getting not going into the whole context here, you know, they had the Judaizers coming in They're trying to teach them that they also had to be circumcised in order to go to heaven They had to keep this Old Testament, you know tradition this Old Testament covenant in order to go to heaven And Paul's saying look if you be circumcised then Christ shall profit you nothing He's saying basically look if you're gonna put your trust in the law You're gonna put your trust in the works then Christ isn't gonna profit you because with Christ it's all or nothing You have to put all your faith in Christ and nothing and trust and not in any works of the law Verse 3 for I testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is a debtor to do the whole law Christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever you are justified by the law. He are fallen from grace So he's saying look that if you're gonna be circumcised if you're gonna trust in some aspect on the law in order to get You to heaven then you were a debtor to do the whole law. You have to do all of it You know That's why he said back there Romans chapter 4 not to him is the reward not reckon of grace But of debt to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace But of debt if you're gonna work you're in debt. You have to keep the whole law Okay, and this is just groundwork because I what I'm going to show us tonight Is that Christ was foreshadowed in the Old Testament? meaning this that people Understood that the idea that Christ was going to send or that God was going to send a Savior to save them That when they were making those sacrifices and keeping those ordinances They weren't doing those things in order to be saved They were doing those things out of faith understanding that they were a picture that they were a shadow of things that were to come Okay, we'll see that here in a minute Go over to Romans I should have had to keep something in Romans chapter 4 go back to Romans chapter 4 The Bible says whosoever shall keep the whole law yet offended one point. He is guilty of all So again, we can't say well in the Old Testament. It was by keeping the law That's how they got saved the New Testament condemns this that if you're gonna trust in the law at all You're gonna go to hell. Okay, then you're not going to save you're actually indebted Look there in Romans chapter 5 verse 4 verse 5 It says Romans chapter 4 verse 5 and him that worketh not but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly His faith is counted for righteousness So we saw first of all in the beginning that he refers back to David going or excuse me goes back to It goes back to Abraham right when he's he's pointing back and saying hey What have Abraham our father is pertaining the flesh hath found for if Abraham, you know, if Abraham were justified were by works He have word of glory but not before God. So that's an Old Testament appeal that Paul is making He's making he's appealing the Old Testament in order to make his case that we're not saved by works He's going all the way back to Abraham Okay, and yet you have people today, you know a dispensationalist I want to teach that there's you know Three four five six even seven different ways to get that people got saved throughout time Throughout these different all these different dispensations, they'll even say things like Paul and Jesus preached different Gospels You know and that's a blast that's blasphemous that wick that's wicked That's heresy because if they're and say that there's it's always been one gospel. It's always been by faith here You have Paul the New Testament pointing back to Abraham and saying it's by grace not of works And if it's by works, you're indebted to the whole do the whole law Now he's gonna appeal to another Old Testament saying David Says in verse 6 even as David also describes the blessedness of the man unto whom the God imputed righteousness without works This is something that David understood This is something that Abraham understood that you are saved without works that God imputes righteousness unto us without works He imputes the righteousness of Christ unto us through faith Verse 7 saying blessed are they whose sins are forgiven and whose sins are whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin So we see that in the Old Testament both Abraham and David are examples of salvation by grace, right? verse 9 He says cometh this blessedness upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision also For we say that by that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. So he's saying no He's saying circumcision uncircumcision saying is it coming upon Jew and Gentile? Is it come only upon the Jew? Does it come only upon the Gentile? Saying no, it was reckoned it, you know, it comes on to to both, you know, it's because it's always been by faith All right, but notice he says cometh this blessedness. What's the blessedness he's referring to there? verse 7 Blessed are they that's the blessedness right that he's referring to The blessedness of those who whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered Covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin Cometh this blessedness the blessedness that your sins are forgiven your iniquities are covered that God is not going to impute sin unto you By faith right that we receive that righteousness by faith That's the blessedness that we're talking about and he says that blessedness He's asking a question cometh it then upon the circumcision only or upon the uncircumcision Also for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness He's saying look we all agree that Abraham we all read it in the Old Testament Abraham believed God it was counted him for righteousness. We all believe that when did that happen? How then verse 10? How was it then reckoned? Was he in when he was in circumcision or an uncircumcision not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision He's making the case. Look works have nothing to do with you going to heaven When a very when it when righteousness was imputed unto Abraham in the Old Testament that was before circumcision That was before God had given that ordinance Verse 11 and he received the sign of circumcision a seal of the righteousness of the faith Which he had yet being uncircumcised you say he did that as a seal It's just a sign of the faith that he already had You know, they didn't have to do that in the Old Testament in order to get saved Okay, that he might be the father of all them that believe though They be not circumcised that righteousness might be imputed unto them also So we see that, you know, there is no second gospel There isn't another way to there's never been this, you know, alternate course to heaven It's always been by grace through faith even all the way back to Abraham. It's always been that way and teaching another way of salvation You know is a perversion of the true gospel if someone's going to pervert you know teach them that there's another way to go to heaven or that there used to be or They'll even go so far and say is one day there will be a different way to heaven, you know that in the tribulation You know circumcision will come back. They'll have to keep the law Again, you know, that's another gospel which is not a gospel if you would go over to Galatians chapter 1 Galatians chapter number one And this has been something that's you know, what's coming up even in Paul's day There's people that are always trying to bring back the Old Testament law or trying to teach that there's Something else that people are going to have to do to get saved either in times past or in even in the future Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 He said I marvel that you are so soon removed for him that called you into the grace of of Christ Unto another gospel and he clarifies what he means by another gospel because when we say the gospel We're talking about the glad tidings the good news that Christ died for our sins was buried and rose again That's all that we have to do to be saved. That's the good news He says he's marveled that they're called unto another gospel verse seven, which is not another meaning what it's not a gospel It's a false gospel But there be some that trouble you and would what pervert the gospel of Christ But with a we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you other than that which we have Unto you than that which we have preached unto you. Let him be accursed You know, that's a pretty that's a pretty heavy-handed thing to say that if you're gonna preach another gospel let that person be accursed and look I understand that sometimes people come up in churches where they're taught this stuff and it you know The people in the pew that are just kind of hearing it maybe not studying their bibles like they should not not really Things for themselves who kind of just go along with with dispensationalism. I'm not gonna go ahead and say that they're accursed Okay, but the guy that's gonna get up and preach another gospel unto you I'm gonna go ahead and say that guy's accursed Well, he's gonna get up and say oh it was a different way in the Old Testament It used to be my works and you know, then it changed and how many different times throughout time? They'll say it was different for David. It was David for different for Abraham It was different, you know in all these different Dispensations throughout time and it's gonna be different in the future. Look that's another gospel. That's not what the Bible teaches We're in Romans 4. It's crystal clear on this on this issue that it's always been by faith We've always had him righteousness has always been imputed unto them that believe not to them that keep the law And dispensationalists, you know, they teach multiple gospels and I really don't want to take this isn't the thrust of the sermon I'm just laying putting this out there because I Want us to understand why I'm preaching what I'm preaching, you know, why are we gonna look at the Old Testament foreshadowing of Christ? Why are we gonna look at an example of that? Because we need to understand that you know, you know, it's actually it's twofold There's actually many reasons why I'm preaching this but one of the main reasons so that we can understand That the people in the Old Testament it wasn't like they had no clue as what was going on Obviously a lot of things were a mystery to them. Obviously a lot of the specific details and things They weren't 100% clear on the Bible But they understood that God was gonna what provide himself a lamb just like Abraham said that's what he told Isaac, right? God will provide himself a lamb And you know, I'm not gonna belabor the point by going to all the all the places in scripture throughout John where he said You know he that believeth on me he that believeth on me verily verily I say to he that believeth on me hath everlasting theoretical that Paul and Jesus taught two different gospels to me To me that's just evidence that you're not saved that you can't because the carnal mind cannot understand the things of God I don't want to go off and off on and on about that We need to understand that the older what's the point of the Old Testament? Ordinances, you know, well, there's a lot of different reasons But one reason I want to focus in on tonight is the fact that they are a picture of Christ If you would go over to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 And look the other the other reason I want to preach this is because you know A lot of people are reading through their Bibles, right? We all read through our Old Testaments and sometimes we get in those parts of the Old Testament We're like, why am I reading this? Why is it that I have to read about all this and you know? One that's not the kind of attitude you want to go into your Bible reading with you want to go into your Bible? You know, I want to challenge you tonight go into your Old Testament reading looking for Jesus because he's there And you start to look and you start to read these passages these obscure passages The Old Testament you'll find Christ And that's what he told, you know, that's what he told the Jews back then he said search the scriptures for they are Before they are they are that they testify of me And he's saying look they wrote of me. Moses wrote of me. He's saying that the prophets they all give witness to him So he's in there all these Old Testament ordinances are a picture of Christ look at Colossians chapter 2 verse 8 He said beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world And not after Christ for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and ye are complete in him Which is the head of all principality and power? Let jump down to verse 16 let no man judge you in meat or in drink or in speck of an holy day Or of a new moon or the Sabbath days and looks what he's teaching here Is that there are specific things in the Old Testament that have been done away with in Christ and he's very specific I mean isn't the Old Testament have a lot of things that we shouldn't shouldn't do in it and people get this attitude today Oh, that's Old Testament. None of that applies. Oh, really not looking on your the the nakedness of your grandmother No, that no longer a prize Incest is okay. Now. I mean that's the ridiculousness. So that's what they're do you realize what you're saying when the Old Testament doesn't matter? Oh, so murders, okay Now all these other things that the the that it you know, these just wicked things that the law condemns These are okay. Now, no the things that are done away are specifically named Okay, because God doesn't do you want God to have to repeat all of that again in the New Testament? I don't that's gonna be pretty redundant right and go. Okay. And that's how I know you just got done reading the Old Testament But let me remind you everything you just read And he's saying let know there therefore let no man therefore judge you in what meat or drink he's talking about You know the dietary Restrictions, okay, cuz and that's all been done away in Christ we can eat whatever we want. Amen All right had a pork chop this afternoon or in respect of and Holy Day You know all the different Holy Days the Sabbath the new moons The Sabbath days, you know, you you're not held accountable to these things anymore. These have been done away in Christ But notice verse 17. He tells us what these things worry. So what's the point of these things? That these things which are a shadow of things to come but the body Is of Christ he's saying look all these things that have been done away the holy days the new moons the sabbaths the meats the Drinks the offerings. Those are all those all those things were a shadow of things to come but the body is of Christ It's kind of like this wall. You know, if you look at that that if you could see that Shadow up there, you know, the shadow is is my hand but the body is my hand, right? And so what's the sense telling us is that all those things that we're talking about Telling us is that all those things what or what a foreshadowing of Christ, you know And if we study these things out, we will see Christ pictured in all of these things in all the old testament, uh, you know Commandments and all the the the meats the drinks and all these things he's in there If you would go back to exodus chapter number 12 exodus chapter number 12 I'll read to you from hebrews chapter 10. He said in verse 1 for the law Having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things Can never with those sacrifices what they which they offered year by year continually make the comers. They aren't too perfect But the which will we are sanctified to the offering of the body of jesus christ once for all so again Christ is the body. He is what is pictured of the in the old testament We see his shadow in the old testament So the one thing I want to kind of look at uh this evening That is a shadow or a foreshadowing of christ. The old testament is the passover the passover The passover is a picture of christ and there's a lot here We could really just you know spend several sermons on this but look at exodus chapter 12 verse 1 And the lord spake unto moses and aaron in the land of egypt saying this month shall be Unto you the beginning of months. It shall be the first month of the year to you Speak you in all the congregation saying in the 10th day of this month You shall take them from every man a lamb according the house of the fathers a lamb foreign house Now this should already be ringing bells with us That when we're because we're now we're not just reading this to understand. Oh, what did they do back then? We're reading this hopefully with trying to see christ foreshadowed in the old testament and when he starts to talk about a lamb boy That's a pretty big foreshadowing, isn't it? Because christ is what the lamb which was slain from the foundation of the world the john said behold the lamb of god, right? I mean he could have picked any animal, you know, every man shall take a duck, you know But it probably wouldn't have made it wouldn't have been a very good picture There's a very specific reason why he's saying a lamb right and and he goes on and gives some Things about this land that were required okay in order to keep the cat the passover And he goes there and says in the 10th day of this month Shall you take them to every man a lamb according the house of their fathers a lamb foreign house And if the household be too little for the lamb let him and his neighbor next unto the house Take it according the number of souls. Every man according to his eating shall make your account for the lamb So he's saying look if you're too small or another family's too small Include them with that lamb because none of this was supposed to be left over. It was all supposed to be eaten. Okay And he says in verse five your lamb shall be without blemish now that's a picture of christ He was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin, right? No blemish a male of the first year you shall take it from out of the sheep of the goats And he shall keep it under the 14th day of the same month and I don't want to develop this whole thing this maybe something could preach around easter, but You know that this is a foreshadowing of christ's triumphal entry into jerusalem because remember he comes in on palm sunday, right? They lay the palms in front of him when he comes in on an ass and the cold the fold of an ass And and they cry out, you know, hosanna, you know, glory to god in the highest Remember that And then three days later, which when you look when you kind of I don't have time to develop it, you know These four days go by You have christ being crucified, right? And that's what you see here this there's the same amount of time passes by from the time that they receive that lamb Then they were to what observe that lamb they were to keep it to make sure there was no blemish in it Make sure it didn't have a lamp or it was lame in some way It had to be a lamb without blemish because this is all what or foreshadowing of christ And the people in the old testament understood this You think I just wonder why god's making us jump through all these soups. Why won't any old lamb do? Why does it have to be a lamb? It's all why does it have to be this many days? It's all a picture of what was coming, right? He said he shall keep it under the 14th day of the same month and the whole assembly of the congregation shall kill it In the evening and they'll should take the blood and strike it on the two side posts on the upper door Of post of the house where they shall eat it now right there. There's another picture of christ's death his crucifixion Because when you think about it, they're striking it where on the two side posts and on the upper door of the houses That's a picture of a cross, right? They're taking the blood and you're putting it on the sides on the top and if you draw a line You know, you got a cross there. So it's this great old testament foreshadowing of christ And they shall eat it in the flesh that night roast with fire and unleavened bread and with bitter herbs Shall they eat it eat it not rod nor sodden it all with water. You see you can't boil it But roast with fire his head and his legs and with the putrients thereof Now what's the significance of it being roasted with fire? He specifically said it has to be roasted with fire Meaning if you boiled it, you you broke the passover. You didn't keep it. You violated it, right? That's a picture of the fact that christ what went to hell for three days and three nights that he suffered hell That you know and which is exactly what he said Even as jonah spent three days in the heart of the earth even so three days and three nights The whale the the belly of a whale even so the son of man Be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth and heart means the center of the earth You know a little tomb out here on the crust is not the heart The heart is the center of the earth and what's in the center of the earth? Fire, right? That's the location of hell He's saying uh, so he says it's got to be roasted, right? So you can see all these great old testament pictures of christ and even in the past over here And he goes on and says thus shall you eat it verse 11 with your loins girded your shoes on your feet And your staff in your hand you shall eat it in haste It is the lord's passover for I will pass through the land of egypt this night and I will smite all the firstborn land Of egypt now again, that's a isn't that a picture of christ right there the firstborn are dead, right? These people were redeemed at the price of everyone's firstborn, right? That's the same way with us and god. We were redeemed to christ through what the his first the You know by the the death of his only begotten son Okay, that's just you know, maybe i'm reaching a little bit for that one, but I think it's there And he said and the blood shall be free to to for you for a token upon the house is where you are And when I see the blood I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you When I smite the land, so what spares them in the old testament? Because how good they were that year We're going to keep the pass over and say well, it's extra good this year You know, I didn't break too much of the law. I kept most of god's commandments So that you know the death angel is going to pass over me know what what got that what got them? Uh, what kept them saved what kept them from being destroyed was what the blood? You know, that's a great another picture of salvation in the old testament of christ Look your good life isn't going to save you the angel wasn't going to come into each house and say, okay Let's make sure you don't have anything you shouldn't have in here And let's take an account of what's in here He said no all I saw was the blood on the outside of the house and I just went on over And he says and this shall be unto you for memorial and shall keep it A feast to the lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it by a a feast by an ordinance forever so that's one old testament foreshadowing of christ in the old testament and again, this is important because People want to say oh they didn't know back then. They didn't know anything about the lord They didn't know about jesus, you know, they might not have known that the exact name jesus, you know They might not exactly known how everything was going to play out But look it's it's evident that they were looking for a messiah and for a savior when christ shows up They understood that god was going to send his only begotten son. I mean, that's what christ asked peter He said who do you say? You know, but who say you that I am they said thou art the christ the son of god Right. They said that meaning that they were anticipating Christ the son of god they understood That the old testament foreshadowed the coming of christ Exodus chapter 25 if you would go there another one I want to look at before we close tonight another Old testament foreshadowing of christ Is the tabernacle, you know the one there is pretty obvious right in exodus where we just were exodus chapter 12 That's that's pretty that's pretty there. But now and that's a cool story, right? But now we're getting a little deeper into exodus where it's a lot about, you know You're going to build with this and it's going to be this color and you're going to do it this way You know and and there's a lot here and there's and this is a great picture of christ in the old testament Look at verse one and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto the children of israel That they bring me an offering of every man that giveth willing you with his heart and he shall you shall take my offering and this is the offering which you shall take of them gold and silver and brass and blue and purple and scarlet and Fine linen and goats here now I want you to pay attention to the fact that he told them bring blue and purple and scarlet Those three colors are going to come up over and over and over again blue purple and scarlet And ram skins dyed red and badger skins and chin and wood oil for the light spices for the anointing Oil and sweet for sweet incense Onyx stones and the stones to be set in the ephod and the breastplate and let them make me a sanctuary That I may dwell among them. So he's saying you're going to bring all these things and make the tabernacle The sanctuary where god was going to dwell that was the purpose of what they were doing Go over to exodus chapter 28 verse 6 and look every single one of those things we could probably Go and make application as to how it's a picture of christ or salvation or something very significant in the new testament But I want to want to focus in on just that one part where he's talking about how it's going to be blue Purple and scarlet because that's something that just keeps coming up He says in verse 20 exodus 28 verse 6 and they shall make the the ephod of gold, right? And of blue and of perf purple and a scarlet and a fine twine linen with cunning work And this is what the ephod was supposed to be made of right? And remember what who wore the ephod? It was the high priest Well, this is you know christ is our high priest, okay And i'm going to get into the significance of those colors in a minute here Now if you would go to exodus chapter 36 exodus chapter 36 Because blue purple and scarlet are just these three colors that keep coming up over and over And I don't think it's because god was just you know, those are his favorite color at you know out of the crayola pack Well, there's significance here. He didn't just draw these out of a hat and say Uh, you know, I like how those look, you know, these represent something. Okay, we'll get into it This exodus chapter 36 in verse 35 where he starts to talk about how they're going to make the veil, right? In front of the holiest of holies and he said and he shall make a veil of blue And purple and scarlet and fine twine linen With cherubims and he made it of cunning work and he made thereunto four pillars of shidimwood and overlaid them with gold Their hooks of gold and he cast them the four sockets of silver And he made a hanging of the tap for the tabernacle door. So it's not only just the veil but also the door Was also of blue and purple and scarlet and fine twine linen of needlework You know in that door, you know into the tabernacle that door That veil was represented like, you know a door right? I mean that there was a way in To the presence of god, right? And isn't that even the door itself is a picture of christ. I mean jesus said I am the door of the sheep. That's what he said. I am the door, you know, you enter through me No man cometh under the father, but by me there's only one way right? So the door, you know the covering this represents christ as the way of salvation and if you think about before we get into the The colors think about how often he brings up the fine twine linen. That's a specific I guess you call it textile, right? That's a specific fabric fine twined linen. And if you think about you know, you know, it's uh twined What is that? You know, what is it to twine something it means to you know, you think about twirl or twist It's basically you're making you know tight braided strands of this fabric fabric He didn't say it could be woven. He said it has to be fine twined linen That's how he wanted these things arranged and what kind of a shape would that make would make a long straight line, right? And I believe that that is representative of you know, the stripes which christ received, you know Before we even get into the colors just that alone these these long stripes that were what on the door that were on The on the veil these were things that were on it And those were you know, the door the veil were our it was the way to god to the holiest of holies into his temple Well, it's the same way for us You know, we got to go through the door of christ and upon christ what there were stripes laid, right? Those are the lines were put on him And that's what the bible says over in isaiah If you would well just stay where you are, but he talks about it in first peter he refers back to isaiah He says whose own self bear our sins and his own body Upon on the tree that we being dead to sins should live under righteousness By whose stripes we are healed. We're healed by his stripes. We're saved through his sufferings. That's what it's saying there So we see that this these stripes I believe represent his sacrifice But also even the colors here the colors are even a better representation. I think or a more not better but much more clearer representation of christ's sacrifice for us If you would go over to proverbs chapter 20 proverbs chapter 20 because again over and over it's these specific colors blue purple and scarlet You know, what's blue? What's purple? What's scarlet? Well, you know, I believe those are representing of the wounds that christ suffered he got the stripes right where he was whipped But remember he was also beaten Right, they smacked him in the face. They buffeted him they they hit him with the uh The the rod they took a read and beat him on the head I mean the bible says in isaiah chapter 52 as many were astonished at the his visage Was more so marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of man I mean in the bible saying he took such a beating That it doesn't even compare You ever seen a guy that you know, these guys that get in fights in mma or whatever where they just get really beat up What do you see you see a lot of blue? You see a lot of deep purple you see a lot of blood you see a lot of scarlet, right? That's what christ had, you know, he had these stripes and he also took this beating At the hands of the soldiers, right? So again, this is all I believe all pictured in the tabernacle You know, that's what that the way in to to the tabernacle into the holiest of holies You know, it was made possible by the blue and the purple and the scarlet and the fine twine linen Representing the suffering of christ in his body You're there in proverbs 20. Did have you go there? The bible says in proverbs 20 verse 30 the blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil So do stripes the inward parts of the belly now, obviously there's always a primary application of scripture But there's also secondary applications And I believe the primary here is talking about how you know, if you want to straighten somebody out you beat them Okay, that's what it says And that's that's the truth, you know Nothing will cause you to straighten up fly right quicker than a good old-fashioned beating. Okay Right, and he's saying look the blueness of a wound cleanseth away evil you know if you and which also tells me that you know, You know your your precious little baby getting a little bruised from a spanking isn't the worst thing in the world Okay, because when people say oh, yeah, I believe in spanking and then you see him do this little And they wonder why the kid doesn't listen It's because that doesn't hurt when you take them through a diaper and go now stop it I mean sometimes you got and look I I don't want to I feel like i'm opening up a can of worms here But the bible talks about the fact that you know, if we love our children, we will chasing them That if we spare the rod, you know, we hate our children, you know But he that loveth his son chasing him betimes and chasing means a whipping. Okay And of course we're not talking about you know Anything other than a spanking here, okay, we say beat that has this really bad connotation today, but we're talking about a spanking Okay, and look if you're going to spank right sometimes every now and then there might be a bruise You know, there's a reason why I used to say you won't be able to sit down for a week when i'm done with you All right. That was an exaggeration, of course, you know, but And look and the primary application is this you want your kid you want to you know, uh, uh, drive the foolishness out of your child's heart You know, it's the rod of correction that's going to do that Foolishness is bound in the heart of child, but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him the rod Okay, and he's not speaking figuratively. He's literally talking about the spanking And he's saying that look the blueness of a wound is going to cleanse away evil, you know spare not for his crying So your thou shalt deliver his soul from hell the bible says So do inward stripes the parts of the belly and this would apply to adults, too I believe that this is something you could apply to you know Instead of you know locking people up in a cage for years on end for some crime that they committed, you know The bible does prescribe a beating in certain instances in front of the face of the judge They would make them lay down and the judge would have to watch them Beat somebody, you know for certain crimes that were committed. That was the punishment Not for everything but you know, I don't want to go on about that so you can apply that there But how about applying this to what we're talking about tonight? How about the blueness of christ wounds did what it cleansed away evil didn't it When he you know when he suffered on the cross when he took those beat that beating that cleansed away evil for us Just the the stripes that he took they cleansed away. They are our inward parts made us clean within Right, so that's another application you can make there If you would go, uh, I don't know where I had you go earlier, but go to isaiah chapter 53 isaiah chapter number 53 So you can see how this is all, you know way back in in exodus Deep into exodus where we're plowing through the old testament. There's this Just amazing picture of christ suffering in the tabernacle itself Right there for us to see if we could just connect these dots We can see the blue we could see the purple we could see the scarlet we could see the stripes We could see the bruises we could see the blood all the way back there. We could see this great foreshadowing Of christ in the old testament The bible says in isaiah 53 verse 4 surely he hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet We did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted Because he was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities The chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed now if you would go to matthew chapter 27 Matthew chapter 27 Because not only I believe not only do those those, uh that those blue wounds, you know those bruises Are represented by the purple and the blue and of course the blood Has reparated in the scarlet, but I believe there's even another picture because if you remember when they were in the process of uh, you know Of torturing christ at one point they put a robe on him, right? Remember in matthew and in john it records the fact that they put this robe upon him And mocked him, you know and said hail king of the jews, right? They put that crown of thorns on him and gave him the reed and they all bowed an e and mocked him. Okay But it's interesting if you look there matthew chapter 27 look at verse 26 then Then released he barnabas unto them and when he had scored scourged jesus He delivered him to be crucified Then the soldiers of the governor took jesus in the common hall and gathered under the whole band of soldiers And they stripped on him and then what did they do? They put on him a scarlet robe so then again, it's a picture of of christ's suffering in the scarlet that was included in the makeup of You know the veil and the door into the tabernacle it pictures not only his blood, you know That's one way we can look at it who could also see that's a foreshadowing of this scarlet robe That would be put upon him, right? And john chapter 19 go over there john chapter 19 In verse 1 then pilot i'll begin reading in john 19 verse 1 pilot therefore took jesus and scourged him and the soldiers planted a crown of thorns and put it on his head And they put on him a purple robe. So again here here's another color that was mentioned You know, you have the scarlet and you have the purple Represented and then you have the blueness of his wounds all these colors are represented in the sufferings of christ Which represent our way in to god our salvation, okay You say well, which is it? Was it purple or was it scarlet? Well, if you read luke it says a gorgeous robe You know, what's better a purple one or a red one or a scarlet one? Well, what's better than that having both, right? I just believe that maybe they just described it differently, you know but it probably had both of these colors because it would have been because back then, you know to have one color would have been you know have a robe we take clothes for granted today where we just I mean we bring him to church and here have some clothes we go get more we just give them away You know clothes are everywhere back then clothes weren't an abundance because they were all made by hand, you know They were all Produced and you had to make the materials to make the clothes by hand and you had to make the clothes And you might have had a few if you were lucky, right? So he's got this scarlet robe this purple one He's got a gorgeous robe right because it's it's something that has a lot of colors in it I believe that's what's going on there But of course, you know, that's that's a side fact the real You know, the real amazing thing about this Is that you can see christ pictured? All the way back in exodus and look, I mean we can make a whole series of this where christ is just pictured All throughout the old testament Over and over and over and over again, which tells me you know a couple things One that the people in the old testament were not ignorant Of christ's coming that they they were they they were the ones doing these things writing these things Seeing these things they understood they had no some this represents You know something else this represents the messiah the savior. Maybe they couldn't have connected all the dots perfectly But you know, we have the benefit of hindsight obviously But it wasn't like they were just going through this like well this must you know God must just like these colors, you know, or this is just the way and you know They understood there was meaning behind us. There was purpose behind it That's one thing but it also, you know, it should encourage us that when when we are reading through our old testament You know to not treat it like some kind of a drudgery because there are some beautiful pictures of christ sitting there If we're willing, you know to look for him You know, we we only see what we look at basically, you know, that's kind of obvious But if you're if you're not looking for christ in the old testament, you're not going to see him You know, but if you're looking I guarantee you you will begin to see christ On every page back there. He'll he'll just come out and I mean to me this is in particular this one about the Tabernacle is a very moving picture of christ Because it's such a powerful reminder of everything that he did for us I mean all these details the blood the bruises the stripes. It's all there to remind us of the sacrifice that he made for us Let's go ahead and pray dear lord again. Thank you for the death the sufferings of christ Sacrifice made and glory. Thank you for salvation and all that you've done to Secure it for us or there's nothing else that we have to do except Believe or to trust and all that which we've already done for so please bless this coming week. We ask in christ All right, let's sing one more song before we go All right, let's turn to song number 22 Song number 22 So Are you Oh Are you So So Are you Are you So So So So So So So So So So So So So