(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) So in Hebrews chapter 10, of course, this is one of those passages a lot of times that I think people struggle to understand I know it's something in the past that I have struggled to understand there in those latter verses where it talks about You know specifically beginning of verse 26 where if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth There remain no more sacrifice for sins And I've heard people get up even in Baptist churches and say, you know if you go out and you get saved and you sin willfully or you live a wicked life and knowingly that That you could even lose your salvation now, of course We always need to whenever we're reading the Bible interpret the things we don't understand by the things that we do understand You know when we've been shored up on a document, we know something to be true, you know And we come into another passage or that's difficult for us to understand That should not shake what we do understand Now, of course, we understand that salvation is eternal that eternal security of the believer is You know what? We believe here that you know that we are passed from death unto life that God has you know Or has given birth to us again the spiritual birth that we are part of God's family That we are his children that that can never change man And a lot of people, you know Even with understanding that that knowledge of knowing the eternal security of the believer that that God has you know Sealed us that God has preserved us unto the day of redemption Even when they run into passages like this can still Let that trip them up because a lot of times even When we understand these things until it's really deeply embedded in our thinking We can still struggle because so go back and say well that I miss something or they can trip us up. I know When I before I the first sermon I never heard by from Pastor Anderson was repent of your sins Heresy exposed and that and that sermon drew a line in the sand for me That was an issue that had come up in my church several times over the years and I never really knew where to stand If you pay me down and say do you need to to be sorry for your sin to be saved? I would have said no But you know my church had taught that I'd seen other people that were That opposed that doctrine and rightfully So I'll leave the church people that I were close to and I and I really struggled with that doctrine for a while that understanding And the problem was is I never heard anybody speak from the other side saying no You don't have to repent of your sins every time I tried to question it You know I'd always go to a Source that would say that would promote that doctrine and I was always leave confused and uncertain of what I really believed now when I got Saved I certainly didn't believe that I knew that much and I can see how people even after they get saved they start to think You know, they start to get things right in their life They start to clean up their lives and now they feel like they have to maybe make that a requirement They can fall into that trap that way of thinking the point I'm trying to make is even after I got that right even after I heard that sermon even after I moved out here to Phoenix to attend faithful word and Sat on the preaching, you know It took a while for me to get away from being afraid of that word repent, you know I every time I couldn't cross that my Bible reading and it was like that old Way of thinking would just pop up the old all the old arguments would come in and say well there are we really believe incorrectly here? But you know sure enough over time and study and listening to the preaching the Word of God, you know I've been shored up. I've been made sure that I knew you can't I won't wave around that doctrine So, you know, there's doctrines like that I'm just using that as an example as to why some people can still even though they understand the eternal security of the believer they can read a passage like this or Somebody else that that that believes you can lose your salvation will turn them to a passage like this and try to trip them up By saying hey there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, you know, if you sin willfully You can lose your salvation. No, it doesn't say that doesn't say that in this passage doesn't say You know your you will lose your salvation nothing Nothing even like that and a lot of times we can spend you know, we will be getting the sermon talk about Why that's not the case why that's not what this passage is teaching and that's an important aspect To focus on we're looking at this this passage but really when we look at this passage and we understand what it is saying what the truth of this passage is there is a Very powerful truth in here that I believe that if we can get a graph that we can grasp it and understand it and know It to be the truth and to make it a part of our lives This will change the way we live for God. This will change our behavior and our walk with God I believe that I believe there's a very important truth here that you know That we need to get and that it's important that we rightly divide the word of truth that we rightly understand this passage here So the title of the sermon this morning is fear love and obedience Fear love and obedience and really that's what this passage is about. It's about fear It's about love and it's about obedience Now what I want to start out of course is I already kind of said is that I want to address the fact that this Passage addresses believers and not the lost, you know, another way. This is commonly twisted that people will say Or misinterpreted people say less talking to unbelievers. That's talking about people who aren't safe. Well, that's not true This is actually talking to believers. That's who this is being addressed to And we find the proof of that right in the text itself for example If you look at verse 14, it says for by one offering he hath perfected forever then that are sanctified Of course that's talking about Jesus giving himself a sacrifice for our sins And it says that when he did that by the offering of himself that one offering that he made one time He perfected he made us whole he made us perfect forever You know that that was that one time is all it takes then when he gets saved it's forever and the Perfected them forever that are sanctified Now Jesus did here what we see this passage is that Jesus did and what this passage is explaining is that he did what the law Could not do it says there in verse 1 For the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those Sacrifices which they offer up here by you here continually make the comers there unto perfect It's saying it can't do it. It can't make them perfect even though they offer it year by year It says they can in that those Old Testament sacrifices can never make those people perfect Look at verse 10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all So he's saying here what what the law could not do and that it was weak Christ has done and that he was perfect It was able to give himself a sacrifice for all as it says again in verse 5 verse 14 for by one offering He got perfected forever then that are sanctified. This passage is showing us that the law can never Make us perfect and then it goes on and explains that through Christ. We are sanctified Once for all forever. We are made perfect in Christ. That's what this passage is teaching And we are that we see other Passes are the parts of this passage that that show us very clearly that this passage is addressing believers Look at verse 29. It says of how much sword punishment suppose Ye shall he be thought worthy who have trodden underfoot the Son of God and have counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified an Unholy thing and at done despite under the Spirit of Grace So it says that this these people who are treading under the foot of the Son of God that they were sanctified Now it's under important to understand. What is sanctified even mean it means to be set apart Specifically in Scripture unto God and if you would look at keep something there in Hebrews, but turn back to Exodus chapter 13 Exodus chapter 3 to 13. Let's let the Bible define this morning. What sanctified you mean? Oh You're looking at Exodus chapter 13 look at verse 1 where the Bible reads and the Lord spake unto Moses saying Sanctify unto me all the firstborn whatsoever open up the womb among the children of Israel both of man and beast So he's saying you need to sanctify it, right? Well, look how he uses that he talks about doing the same thing with a different term in verse 12 that thou shalt set apart unto Lord all that Open at the matrix so we see here of that being sanctified is the same thing as being set apart being separated Being set apart specifically as it says here set apart unto the Lord so to be sanctified means to be set apart unto God, so We see that this passage you can go back to Hebrews chapter 12 10 excuse me Hebrews chapter 10 that we are we are sanctified that we are actually set apart of the guy and that these people that have trod Underfoot the word of the Son of God Have counted the blood of the Covenant where would wherewith he was sanctified These are sanctified people that we're talking about. These are believers in Christ You see when we get sanctified if you would go actually turn over to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 I'm gonna turn around a little bit here this morning the 1st Corinthians chapter 6 You know sanctification is an important subject and it shows us a lot of things about salvation In fact, if you look there in 1st Corinthians chapter 6 We'll see that when a person is sanctified when they are set apart unto God there are they are justified before God It says there 1st Corinthians chapter 6 look at verse 11 and such were some of you but ye are washed But ye are sanctified But ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God So to be sanctified is to be justified Look at you chapter 1 We'll see also that when we're sanctified not only are we justified not only be set apart unto God But we are also what the Bible calls preserved Preserved look at you chapter 1 verse 1 Jew the servant of Jesus Christ the brother of James to them that are sanctified by God the Father and Preserved in Christ Jesus by and by the Spirit of our God. So when we get sanctified, that's that's that's That encompasses a lot there's several things that take place When we are sanctified when we are washed by the blood of Christ Not only are we sanctified set apart unto God who we are actually justified before God and we are preserved by Jesus Christ himself under the name of redemption Now if you would turn back to Hebrews chapter 10 There's other Proofs within the text itself that show us that this is addressing believers Look at verse 30 for we know him that had said vengeance belongeth unto me I will recompense saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people So no doubt this is the passage that's talking about God judging people but specifically it's talking about him judging his people That's why it's making this reference here. Look at verse 26 for if we sin willfully After that, we have received the knowledge of the truth. This is Paul including himself in this number of people He's saying if we he's speaking to believers, there's no doubt about it that this passage is addressing believers specifically and not the lost Now if you notice again, it said there that God will judge his people and really that's what this passage is talking about And that's the primary emphasis I believe is that God is talking about the fact that if we sinful willfully God is going to judge us, you know, and that's a big criticism that people like to throw our way Simply because we believe that salvation is by grace through faith Somehow they go from you saying oh you believe salvation is easy. Oh, you believe an easy believe ism. Yes I do and you can throw that turn on me and I will embrace it and I will Send me a button and I'll wear it I believe Because believing is easy you know and sometimes the critics they'll catch on to that and they'll realize how stupid that sounds to sit there and say that's that that Believing is hopefully isn't easy that somehow, you know, you know believing in Christ should be difficult They'll say oh you believe in easy believe ism. Yeah, they throw back in the face. Yes, I do But oh, we got to change that now that there's another popular turn like to throw which is quick prayer ism They go from easy believe as well, we know you believing is easy, but you guys practice quick prayer ism I've never even done that. I don't even know what that is No, I will say there is an element out there that does practice that but it's not us. It's not this church You know, I've spent 20 30 40 minutes with people You know, I've spent a lot I've spent an hour with people going over going through the gospel I spent time with people going through the gospel being thorough making sure they understand that they're a sinner Oh, you know that that salvation is by grace to faith that it's eternal that it's a gift that you can't lose it And going through it and then still not getting it and not praying with them and walking away Yeah You know you can't you can't say at least for myself and I trust everyone in this church as they have been taught if they're Doing it the way that it's been they've been instructed from from from the pulpits is that we practice a thorough Gospel presentation at this church, you know and they like to throw that in our face and say well you guys just believe you can You know do whatever you do whatever you want without consequence. That's another criticism that we get they'll say, you know Well, you just believe all you got all you got to do is just believe in Christ and you're safe. Yeah Amen, it's easy to be saved. Yeah, or that's why the Bible says for God So loved the world that he gave you give a gift friend. I don't you don't charge for it That's that's how we know God loves us because salvation is easy But people will throw that criticism at us. They'll say well you're saying you can live however, you want. No, Hebrews 10 Yes, we're gonna see here. It makes it very clear that we as saved people though salvation is easy There are dire consequences if we go out and sin willfully against the Lord and you know That's not something we should try to test out see if it's true All right, let me just believe the Bible what it says and say, you know what? I'd rather not go through that So this passage here as well as others, I mean we could go over to Hebrews chapter 12 We're not going to we will talk a little bit about lay in this firm and make it very clear that God deals with people By punishing them here on this earth that he will punish his people that he will judge his people on This earth. I mean look at verse 29 of how much sore punishment suppose. Ye shall he be thought worthy There is a you know, there is a port there is a punishment For our sins and then there is a sore punishment isn't there? It sounds like there's degrees to the To which we can be punished now. We might be you know, we're not going to get away with sin, you know Whatsoever a man so what that shall he also reap but you know that God takes some things into account We're going to talk a little bit about you know, there's different types of sinning There's different ways we go about sinning and depending on how it is that we've come to be found You know guilty of breaking God's commandments that makes it plays a big part in how God is going to judge us and to what degree we're going to be punished And he says here that there that he has a sore punishment The person that has trodden underfoot the Son of God and account of the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was sanctified somebody who is sanctified Justified preserved saved is being receiving a sore punishment. God judges his people And really you say well, I don't know about that that seems kind of harsh, but really it makes perfect sense When we consider how it is that we are justified How is it that we come to the place in our life that were justified that were sealed that were preserved that were sanctified? Well, the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13 I'll read to you where it says where for Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood Suffered without the gate see our sanctification didn't come cheap You know, we say this phrase a lot that salvation is free and it's free to us But it cost God his son. It caused Jesus his life, you know, we don't believe that that grace is cheap You know, it's it's it's free Because he paid for it. He's the one that paid for it with his own blood so we have to understand that when God is You know sacrificing his own son when he's sanctifying us through the blood of Christ and We decide to go out and live a willfully sinful life and cast off the things of God and do those things Which we know we ought not to do that displease him don't it shouldn't come as a surprise when he received a sore punishment If you would turn over first Peter chapter 1 first Peter chapter 1 And It's important to understand this because in a lot of churches today people are even teaching now That we are not under the law We are under grace meaning they take that to mean that we can do whatever we want where there's no condemnation To them which were in Christ Jesus But they forget to go on and read where it says that walk not after the flesh We walk after the flesh whether you're in Christ or not You're going to receive Punishment and if you're in Christ if you are saved you decide to walk after the flesh This passage here showing us that we are going to receive resource sore punishment look at first Peter chapter 1 And why do we see that swore punishment because of what it took to sanctify us? And if you call the father look at verse 17 if you call the father Who without respect of persons judge it according to every man's work past the time of your sojourning here in fear? For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things as silver and gold from your being conversation But received by tradition from your fathers But with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemishing without spot He's saying you know what if you should live your life here Sojourning passing your time here in fear in fear in fear. It says that's the way to live your life to be afraid Because of the fact that you were purchased with the precious blood of Christ, that's what sanctified you That's what sealed you. That's what preserved you was the blood of Christ We should pass the time of our sojourning here because as it says back in our text it is a fearful thing To fall into the hands of the living God If you would turn over to John chapter 10 John chapter 10 the Bible says it's a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God And we love the promise here in John chapter 10 though We'll quote this this is a great verse about the security of the eternal security of the believer Where it says in John chapter 10 verse 27 my sheep hear my voice And I know them and they follow me and I give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand My father which gave them me is greater than all no man is able to pluck out of my father's hand We love to be in the father's hand. We love to have the lord Hold us in his hand and know that he will never forsake us and never leave us But don't forget that the Bible also says it's a fearful thing to fall in the hand of the living God We have to remember salvation is free. Yes, but it's because Jesus paid for it The Bible says in Acts 20 I'll read to you it says take heed therefore unto yourselves and the flock which Over the which the holy ghost hath made you overseers to feed the church of God which he hath purchased with his own blood You know Jesus Christ purchased the church he didn't do with silver. He didn't go with gold. He didn't go take out a loan He didn't go. You know he went and paid for it with his own blood So yeah, where we love the fact that it's because of his sacrifice that were held in his hand But you have to remember something now He purchased us. That's why we're in his hand is for him That's why we can say that he has us that he'll never leave us He'll never let us go that no man should be able to pluck us out of his hand And that gives us great assurance that gives us great comfort and at least it should to know that Salvation has been purchased for us. It's been purchased through his blood, but I'm telling you something when somebody buys something they own it It's theirs. It's their property And I'm gonna tell you this morning if you've been saved if you've been sanctified if you've been Preserved and all these if you have put your faith in Christ, and he has you in his hand You're his yeah, and that that's that can be a comfort, but can it also if we get out of line You know God pays attention to his property. He doesn't like it to see it He doesn't want to get vandalized it must take care of it maintain it and do what it takes When you buy something you own it look over to 1st Corinthians chapter 6 1st Corinthians chapter 6 Oh People say oh, I'm saved. It's great, and I can do whatever I want Doesn't matter what I do now all my sins are under the blood amen. It doesn't matter how I live That's where you're wrong. It does matter how you live Not just before men, but before God himself If God has you in his hand you're his he's not just gonna let you get away with it with with sin in your life Look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 what know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost Which is in you which he have of God look the body the Holy Spirit is what you have of God He gave it to you. He goes on and says this and ye are not your own You know if he has you in his hand this morning. It's because you're not your own for ye are bought with a price We looked at those verses earlier as of a You have a precious blood of Christ because of the land without spot or blemish That's the price that was paid for you for your soul. You're bought with the price Therefore glorified God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's You're not your own this morning. You're saying yes, you're in his hand No man can fuck you out, but that means you're his and that he owns you And if you choose to not glorify God in your body as we're told to do If you choose not glorify God in your spirit, which were commanded to do If you choose not to glorify your God Because you are his You are treading underfoot the Son of God this morning if you're gonna say I'm gonna live however I want I'm gonna do however I want you are going to count the covenant wherewith you are sanctified and unholy thing And say what doesn't really matter It really wasn't that big of a deal It doesn't matter that I'm God's this morning. It doesn't matter that he owns me I don't care and you're going to trod underfoot the Son of God I Mean look here in our text go back to Hebrews 10 look at all of the Admonishments that Paul gives in light of the fact that we are not our own That we are followed the price that we are sanctified as the pleasure the blood of the blood of the Lamb Look there in verse 19 having therefore brethren Boldness to enter in the holiness by the blood of Jesus by a new and living way Which he had consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh and having a high priest over the house of God Let us draw near with the true heart and full assurance of faith having a heart sprinkled from an evil conscience Let us hold fast it says verse 23 in the profession of our faith without wavering look at verse 24 Let us consider one another to provoke unto love and good works Good verse 25 not forsaking the assembly of the assembling of ourselves together as a matter of some is what exhorting one another look There's all these admonishments of the things that we ought to do we ought to draw here to God We ought to hold fast that profession. You know not just you know Say I'm saved, but it doesn't matter we should actually hold fast that profession and live the Christian life We should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of ourselves as some is but exhorting one another I Mean that's that's a heavy verse right there. I mean that sounds like church attendance to me is important Yeah, that being in the house of God matters to God. I mean he purchased it with his own blood. Yeah And I know sometimes we get busy and life takes us up But if we're in the habit of missing church, we're think the other things are more important than us getting out to church I'm not saying you have to be here every single service But if we can't get out at least once a week you can't make it a sunny morning Sunday night You know three to thrive. I think three the more the better You know in the Old Testament the book of Acts they were assembling daily You know and we're living in even more perilous times, and I understand that life You know the world we have to go out and earn a living and do these things but Church tennis is important living for God is important. You know doing the things that we ought to do not just church attention They're all the whole spectrum of the Christian life these things matter why because you've been bought because you're not your home because you're sanctified and If you disregard these things you are treading underfoot the Son of God as as a believer That's something a believer can do We ought to do the things that we ought to do That's what this is really saying right here You know what you need to do what you need to do. That's really what it comes down to Look at Romans actually go to 1st Corinthians 7 Bible says in Romans 6 therefore We are buried with them by baptism into his death That as like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life You know if we've been buried with him by baptism into death if we're saying hey I identify with the death of the resurrection of Christ. I'm a new creature in him then you ought to walk in newness of life You know I heard a quote recently I really did I've been thinking about it and really Set it's really set in it's just something. I've kind of thought about And I can't remember. I don't know if it was throw or I can't remember was might have been thrown, but he said What you are screams so loudly in my ears. I cannot hear what you say You know we could tell people were a Christian till we're blue in the face, but when they look at our lives Is that what they're gonna see and that's really how people you know judge other people It's not so much by what they say it's a vibe what it's about how what they do I'm a Christian. I believe in Christ, and you know you do. I'm saved and you are But when we look at your life, it doesn't line up. There's no newness of life there and The heathen unbeliever says there's no difference. What does it matter? It doesn't it doesn't change life. It's not going to fix my problems It's not going to get me off the drugs didn't get him off the drugs didn't get this So-called Christian away from the filth of the world, so why should I why should I even bother? It's important that now you can see why God might come down so harsh on his children Yeah Because we are to be a light under the world that we are to be a city that is set on a hill we are The salt of the earth and we don't do those things where we've lost Our Savior our Savior, you know What good are we? He cast out trodden underfoot of men. That's all we're worth You're there in 1st Corinthians chapter 7 verse 17 But as God has distributed every man as the Lord has called everyone so let him walk and so I ordained all churches Now we ought to walk into this life. We ought to walk in the things that God has given us to do Cool options chapter 2 says as you therefore receive Christ Jesus the Lord so walk me in him You receive Christ this morning. Are you walking in him? Are we doing the things that we ought to do or are we? Are we treading underfoot the Son of God or are we counting the covenant wherewith we are sanctified? Look at Ephesians chapter 2 chapter 2 the Bible says the first John he that saith he abideth in him Ought himself also to walk even as he walked There are so many admonishments in the Word of God not only to get saved by the free salvation to us in Christ To accept that free gift that God offers us But there's many admonitions to after that to live for Christ to walk as he himself has walked Look at Ephesians chapter 2 for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works That which God had before a game that we should walk in them now It doesn't say we must walk in them doesn't say we have to walk in them. It just says that we should You know a Christian can can be created in Christ Jesus They can be born again a new creature and decide I'm not going to walk in after the works I got it, but or game that I should walk it. I'm not going to do those things that God would have me to do the Bible says in John 14 if you love me keep my commandments, and that's really shows us The true heart of a person if they really love God And they're not just putting on a show They're going to keep his commandments And it's not to be because somebody made them or somebody told them to that's going to be because they want to Now before we get into again the title is fear love and obedience And before we get into those aspects of the sermon I we do still need to address the fact that this one question is what does it mean to sin willfully? Now we have to understand if we're going to sin willfully another we have to understand first of all that not all sin is willful Sin, you know we should never want to sin But the fact is you and I are flesh and blood and we're weak and we're frail Feet of clay we're going to slip up We're going to mess up and we're going to commit sin the question is is it willful or not the question is is it something? You know it's wrong. You shouldn't do it, but you don't care and you're gonna do it anyway It's something you could resist it's something that you could get away from it's something that you could cut out of your life It's something that you could get right with God, but you don't want to that's willful sin We sit often sometimes because of the fact that we're weak We're just people a sinful flesh isn't that what Jesus told Peter? He said watch and pray that you entered on temptation the spirit indeed is willing But the flesh is weak and sometimes we want to do the right thing we strive to do the right thing We don't want to sin, but our flesh is weak, and we do it anyway, and God understands that there's moments of weakness It's not an excuse. It's just the fact of the matter. It's the way it is If you would turn over Romans chapter 7 The Bible says in Galatians 5 I say then walk in the spirit, and he shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh for the flesh Lusted against the spirit the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary one another so that you cannot do the things that you would You know if we let the flesh get out of control We're not going to do the things that we could do even the things that we want to do in the inner man through the spirit Look at verse Romans chapter 7 verse 14. I mean Paul knew the struggle of weak flesh in a willing spirit He said in verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual But I am carnal soul under sin for that which I do for that which I do I allow not But that what I before what I would that I do not, but what I hate that I do If then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good Now that it is no more I that do it But sin that dwelleth in me for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelt No good thing for will for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good. I find not For the good that I would I do not it's kind of tongue twister He's saying look I want to do the right thing, but I don't But the evil which I would not that I do those things. I don't want to do I find myself doing them I Find that a lot says in verse 21 That when I would do good evil is present with me for I Before I delight in the law of God after the inward man But I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity of the law and sin of say which is in my members Oh Wretched man that I am I mean that's an exclamation point here crying out This is a real struggle that Paul went through yeah, you know the stupidity to say that once you get saved you never You've never seen it sounds like Paul struggled with it every day There was a bad. He said I die The problem with a lot of us is that we say I don't die daily They don't have this drug. They don't say oh wretched man that I am they say those things that I would not I do I don't care. I'll do it. I feel good about it, and it doesn't bother me And I'm gonna do it again tomorrow and the next day And that's when it becomes willful you see that we sin often because of the fact that we're weak that we're in the flesh And though we want to do the right thing sometimes. We just find ourselves. How did that even happen Lord forgive me a lot of times? We'll know the difference between the two and how we react to it when sin is finished in the drop for death Does it bother us do we find ourselves? I don't want to do that again Trying to go to God and get it right Sometimes we swing we sin because of the fact that we're ignorant not only because we're weak But sometimes we just don't know that what we're doing is simple Or what we're not doing is something we should be doing Tim that know if you're good and do it not it is said There's things that we ought to do anyway Don't do and we don't even realize it and we're saying we sin because we're weak and we're saying Because we're ignorant a lot of times and to take the time I won't go there But if you go to if you would read Leviticus 4 or numbers 15 you would see where God Prescribes actually know what go to go to numbers 15 And Leviticus 4 he says look if you sin ignorantly there's a sin of ignorance. They were to bring sacrifice If it's found out if they go later They say oh, I didn't even realize this going we've committed a trespass against the Lord without even knowing it They were to get that right That's a sin of ignorance That's not just being weak. That's not a willful sin. There's a difference Look at Numbers chapter 15 Look at verse 29 You shall have one law for him that sinned through ignorance Both for him that is born among the children of Israel for the stranger that soldier and if among them But the soul that Excuse me doth presumptuously whether he be born to land or of a stranger the same reproach at the Lord That's interesting terminology that he's using here He reproaches it goes on and says here because he hath despised the Word of God It sounds a lot like Hebrews 10 Somebody who has done respite under the Spirit of Grace they have despised the Lord Why because they sin willfully because they have done that presumptuously because they have despised they have reproached the Lord It says they have broken his commandment the soul shall be utterly cut off his iniquity shall be upon him There's no sacrifice to be made You know if they're doing something willfully Old Testament, that's a harsh judgment But that's exactly the point God is trying to make here even in the New Testament that sinning willfully brings a sore punishment I'm not saying you know if you sin because you were weak Or if you say because you were ignorant something that God is gonna give you pass I mean God will show mercy to him who show mercy and if we confess our sins He's faithful and just to forgive us our sin but if we're just gonna go out and sin willfully and do those things sin presumptuously and say I know this is wrong and I could I could I could go and not I could keep myself from doing this But I want to do it so bad that I don't care. I'm going to do it Anyway, there's going to be a sore punishment We you know there's other examples we could look to and forsake a time we won't the example of Ananias and Sapphira Who knowingly went and lied into the Holy Ghost? What happened to them they dropped dead? Yeah right there in God's house for God's man. They lied in the Holy Spirit They were both killed That's a sore punishment for somebody who willfully knowingly sin Do you think they forgot that they held that part of the price of the land if you know the story? I'm referring to in Acts 5 But they sold the land and they kept that part the price their oven said oh we sold it for this much to try and get the praise and the glory of men to try to look like they're some big shots or something and They lie the Holy Ghost in the process knowingly willfully presumptuously and God kills them We're all going to be punished to some degree for our sin But if we're sitting will food, I'm telling you the Bible says it's a sore punishment But we're all going to be punished No one's going to get away for it for the center of life It says there in Hebrews 12 or each uses for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourges every son can receive it Every son every child everyone that comes because of the fact that we're all sinners We all have sin in our life We're going to have to get right and God is going to chasten us to some degree or another Now the degree of that chasing depends a lot upon you know What kind of sin we have in our life and whether or not that's a willful sin, I mean if we're sitting willfully You know I remember growing up, and I could I have a few memories from my child, but I can remember this one It's clear as day I'm standing in the hallway and looking into my mother's bedroom And she's in there, and I have I have the vacuum is next to me And she's looking at me And she moms have a way of just like reading children's minds they can look at your face And they can know what you're about to do and tell you not to do it before you thought of it She says don't you step on that vacuum? Because I was gonna jump on it right. I don't know why that's made her so mad But it did I looked right at her And You know what If she just walked into the room and found me doing it. She probably wouldn't have been as upset Yeah, but she warned me. He said don't you do that? You know and I did it and that she really there was a sword punishment I had the same way with my kids if I told them don't do this I Mean they had a clear understanding of what the where the line was drawn, and they just went To See what I would do about it. You better believe they're gonna find out real quick. It wasn't worth it Yeah, and they're gonna die me when I said And it's the same way with God. I mean God we have the whole you know the Bible here And God puts us in church and manages to be there the preaching comes down, but we read our Bibles We start to see what God expects of us. What's allowed wasn't is allowed what the things we ought to be doing and Sometimes I think we just kind of go long to do it anyway, and if that's us I'm telling you you're sitting locally against God and don't let it surprise you and there's a sore punishment You know the Bible does talk about the fact that People even safe people can become his enemy I mean even us in this more in this room this morning. We can become the enemy of God If you would turn over to James chapter 4 James chapter 4 says he adulterous and adulterous is look at verse 4 Knowing not that the friendship of the world is entity with God I Mean if we're gonna side with the world we're gonna become the enemy of God Whosoever though will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God it says Whosoever meaning anybody any one of us that whosoever believed in him should not perish we'd say well That's mean salvation is for everybody Well whosoever will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God And I don't care if it's a King James only independent fundamental Baptist preacher if he's gonna get up and side with the world Over God's words mark it down that man is man But we can do that even in our own lives It says again in Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 Where if we sin woefully that we receive the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins But a certain fearful looking for judgment and fiery indignation Which shall devour the adversaries the enemies so what's referring to? You see when we know we're doing the wrong thing and Sometimes we think we're getting away with it. We can't help but look over our shoulder Make sure we're not about to get caught You know you get that fearful looking about for fiery indignation and wrath We're just gonna buy devour the adversaries we know when we're doing the wrong thing We know what we should when we're not doing what we ought to be doing And you know it makes us it makes us afraid At least it ought to because if we're if we're you know if we're not Following after Christ we're becoming the enemy of God I mean I could think of a lot of people I'd rather have Thank God You know I'd rather climb in the ring With the biggest baddest dude there is and go try to go as long as I go toe-to-toe with him before I ever want to Be this enemy of God yeah You say well that sounds scary boy, it sounds like God's kind of a scary God yeah, yes It is a fearful thing to fall in the land of the living God and but here's the thing you know the world wants to Paint this pick this negative picture about fear. You know no fear That's that's that's a moronic statement. Yeah, you hear an idiot believe that you shouldn't be afraid of anything Some fears are unfounded, but the fear of God certainly isn't and let me tell you something fear is a powerful motivator I mean fear will motivate the fear of being caught Doing the wrong thing will cause you to do the right thing if you're truly afraid of it the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 1 verse 7 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom or the beginning of knowledge but Fools despise wisdom instruction It says the fear of Lord is the beginning The title of this sermon this morning is fear love and obedience You know fear is a powerful motivator, and it's something that we should have in our life Especially if we find ourselves walking contrary to God willfully sitting against him Despising the commands despising the Lord in our hearts We'd never say it with our mouths, but again what we do speaks so much louder than what we say And fear is a powerful motivator, but it's the beginning You know I want my kids to fear me. Yes, if they're gonna do wrong and step out of line They should be afraid and it's the same with us And I want my kids to obey me even if it means they're gonna baby solely because they're afraid of me. I'll take it But it's the beginning of knowledge We should get to the point in our life where we obey God not because we're afraid of them, but because we love it If you love me keep my command Fear is a powerful motivator But I mean hopefully we're not living our entire Christian life. Just because we're afraid of God Hopefully you get to the point in our life where we mature enough and say you know what I want to serve God and do What's right because I love them Because I understand that what it took to sanctify me, and I love the fact what Jesus Christ did for me I love the price that was paid for my redemption, and I'm going to serve God not because I'm afraid of it But because I love them If you would let's look at Psalms chapter Psalms chapter I Mean if it takes I mean if it fears all the only thing that's going to get the job done by all means let's Let's do it out of fear and let the love come later Psalms 103 look at verse 8 The Lord is merciful and gracious slow to anger and plenteous and mercy He will not always try die will he keep his anger forever He has not dealt us with us after our sins nor excuse me rewarded us according to our iniquities For as the heavens above the earth is high above the earth so great is his mercy toward them that fear him And as far as the east is from the west so far after he moved us removed our transgressions from us Like as a father pitieth his children so the Lord pitieth them that fear him For he knoweth our frame he remember it that we are dust As for man his days are as grass as flower of the fields as a flower of the field so he flourish it For the wind passeth over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall be no more be shall shall it know no more But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting Upon them that fear him and his children's righteousness unto Children's and his righteousness unto children's children to such as keep his covenant to those that remember his commandments to do them It says you know God is merciful to them that fear him so by all means be afraid of God And let him be merciful to you You know he won't always be angry. He won't chide forever. He won't always deal with us after our sins You know if there's a fear and repentance God will be merciful But there's got to be the fear there We have to remember though that We've got to grow out of that where we're doing things out of fear and start to start to doing them out of love We had to obey not because of fear But because of love the Bible says in Romans 2 and thinkest out this old man Which judges them which do such things and do is the same that thou shall escape the judgment of God Or despises thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering Knowing not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance Say oh, man. Why does God have to you know come down so hard? Why does God have to be so strict for your own good? It's for your own good and sometimes when we're being corrected by God when God is straightening us out It's not you know no chasing for the present seemed pleasant for the end and you know the the peaceable fruit of righteousness And we can look back and we can say oh, that's why God chasing me Because he was trying to get that thing out of my life that was going to absolutely destroy me That was gonna lead me down some dark path. That's why God came down on me like that And you know we start out and we get out of fear But then we can look back and see what God did for us and maybe even having to have chasing dust and we'll love him For it will say thank you for chasing me Thank you for being a God I should be afraid of We grow to the place of obeying by love it's not something I think people start out in I mean great Maybe I could be wrong about that hopefully you know people get saved They just instantly love God so much that they just want to do everything that he commands simply because they love him that'd be ideal But I think there's some times in our life We have to say you know what I need to do the right thing here because I don't want God to come down on me And give it time and let us grow to the place where we will lay out of love The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 8. I'll read to you it says If any man loved God the same is known as him if any man loved God The same is known for him You know people can tell you that they love God all they want but It's really easy to identify who really loves God who doesn't The person who loves God is the one that keeps his commandments as Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments You can say oh, I love God. I love God. I love God, but you don't do the things that he says You don't you certainly don't look like it the way sometimes when we live our lives the things that we do If we if we love if any man loved God the same is known of him I mean no doubt there's people that we could look at and I've even heard a set of people. Well. I know he loves God Sometimes someone will say that about somebody he loves the Lord. How do you know that not because he told me? Because I can look at his life and say look how he You know strives to do the right thing all the time Look how he goes out and reads his Bible and does the soul way It's in church and helping others and doing all the things that we have to do the way they raise their families the way they live Their lives we can tell whether or not somebody really loves God not by what they say, but what we do When someone really loves God, it's a it's it's evident in their obedience That's how we know you can say somebody loves God because they're obedient And won't learn to love God when we when when you when we see that he chastens us for our own good Well, love God more. We'll say you know God is chasing me now, but I maybe don't understand it But we'll say that's for my own good, and we understand it was for our own good that we were chasing It's just going to cause us to love God even more or at least it on me for us cause us to be grateful Let's go ahead and turn over to Hebrews chapter 12 Look at verse 6 the Bible says For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourges every son when we receive it if you endure chasing God dealeth with you as with son For what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if you be without chastisement where of all of our takers then are you bastards and not sons I? mean You know it what a great thing to think about the fact that God God Deals with you as a son to be God's child. I mean That is a wonderful thing to be But we have to understand that sometimes that means he has to treat us like a father home down on us He deals with us as with sons. Why because he loves us so We just need to learn to grow in the place of my life though. Yes We're going to obey God But let it not always be because we fear him it ought to grow to the place that we obey God Not out of fear, but out of the fact that we love him let's go ahead and have a word prayer