(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so before I get started one thing I forgot to mention during announcements was The late of the restrooms the ladies restroom is back here That's reserved for the ladies and young children only and we just ask that all the men use the outside It's all it's very nice, but it's just it's located outside There's that key there with the big giant wooden blocks, but it doesn't wander off to San Diego or where else Sacramento I think is where it ended up last night. It's a long story I wanted to preach this morning. The title of this morning sermon is false doctrine concerning baptism course We're having a baptism today, and you know it's it's something that whenever it comes up It causes me to think about baptism, and you know forgive the pun you if you think it's a dry subject You know don't forget that the name on the door out there is faithful word Baptist Church So we should definitely have an understanding of what that to baptism is and what it isn't because we're Baptists and That's what I want to preach to you about this morning is the false doctrines concerning baptism So beginning there in Colossians chapter 2 look at verse 1 where the Bible reads where I would I would for I would that you know what great conflict I have for you and for them allowed to see Oh and for as many as not seen me my face in the flesh that their hearts might be comforted being knit together in love and unto all riches of the Riches of the full of assurance of understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge and this I say Lest any man should beguile you with enticing words So Paul is saying here that the reason he's writing these things is because in verse 4 lest any man should beguile you with Enticing words if you look down there in verse 8 he repeats this warning He says beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men After the rudiments of the world and not after Christ and really baptism falls into this category where there are those out there that would use vain deceit that they would use the tradition of men in order to deceive us in order to Get us off course in regards to the subject of salvation of what it takes to be saved and Paul's well aware Of the fact that there are false prophets out there, and that's why he's taking the time to warn these people That there are false prophets out there that are going to preach another gospel if you want to go to Galatians chapter 1 This is a common theme and a common concern that Paul had For people is that they would not be deceived by a false gospel that they would not be deceived Through tradition of men through vain deceit through enticing words. He didn't want them to be beguiled Bible says and you're going to Galatians 1, but it says in second Corinthians But I fear lest by any means as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety So your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ For if he that cometh preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit Which we have not he have not received or another gospel, which he have not accepted. He might fit well bear with him So this is a concerning head that somebody else would bring another gospel that they would bring another spirit And that these people would be beguiled that they would be taken away from the simplicity that is in Christ Look there in Galatians chapter 1 and verse 6 where it says I Marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel So you can see that Paul's fears are not unfounded. He's seeing he's addressing these people say I marvel at you He's amazed at the fact that they are so soon removed. It's already begun to happen They've been removed from him that called a cult from him that called you into the grace of Christ They've been called from the the true salvation that's in Christ unto what unto another gospel Which is not another it says in verse 7, but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ But though we or an angel from heaven should be preached any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed. That's a strong language to use for somebody that would preach another gospel Let that man be accursed Paul said We have to understand how Important of a subject the gospel is. It's the most important subject there is it means head literally means heaven and hell Yeah It's the difference between life and death and that's why we see Paul giving such strong Admonitions to not allow themselves to be got to be beguiled to not allow themselves to be enticed and moved on to another Gospel his warnings are not without merit if you would turn over to second Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 I'll share with you from Jude chapter 1 is you're going to second Peter chapter 2 where the Bible reads For there are certain men crept in underwears Who were before it will ordain to this condemnation Ungodly men turning the grace of our Lord of God into lasciviousness and denying the only Lord God our only Lord God and our Lord Jesus Christ so again more warnings of men creeping in false prophets that would preach another gospel look at second Peter chapter 2 in Verse 1 but there were false prophets among also among the people Nothing's changed There's no new thing under the Sun as it was back then so it is today there were false prophets among also among the people Even as there shall be False teachers among you he didn't say there might be he didn't say there could be he didn't say there's a strong possibility No He said there shall be false teachers among you who shall prove who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves Swift destruction and many shall follow their pernicious ways By reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of again Just more strong warnings that evil men and seducers are going to creep in and teach another gospel And this isn't Paul just flying off the handle. This is in Paul. Just ranting and raving These are the exact warning that Christ himself gave us He said in Matthew 7 beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves It's a strong warning from the Lord. Yeah, and what makes a false prophet a false prophet this morning Basically if we were to boil it all down to every single false prophet that is out there They basically teach one thing and that is salvation by works That is one of the biggest that is the heresy that they want to promote That in order for you to go to heaven you have to live a good life You have to keep the commandments. You have to be a good person. You have to repent of your sins They come at it with all these different angles to get you away from the simplicity that is in Christ to call you away from the grace that is in Christ Jesus on to another gospel a gospel of works and Some make no attempt to veil that fact they make it as plain as day We go out and we've knocked doors and knock doors and ask people plainly What do you think a person has to do to go to heaven be a good person? I know be baptized keep the commandments all of these things they'll say things like You know keep the sacraments That's a big one. I'm Catholic. I believe I have to keep the sacraments in order to go to heaven The Mormon Church teaches living a good life. I mean how many Mormons will say that well you have to James chapter 2 You know you have to keep you have to faith without works is dead. They'll say Some are more subtle and they will mask this false doctrine They do this by making the things that we ought to do and the things that we must do now should we keep the commandments? Yes, absolutely. We should strive to keep them, but here's the thing all have sinned and come short of the glory of God We're condemned already the Bible says if we believe not on the Lord it Well, you know we are condemned already the wrath of God already have already abided upon us Because we've already broken the commandments. We're already guilty before God So to sit there and say well, I'm going to keep the commandments I'm going to do good works and work my way to heaven. You'll never pay it back right and the debt is too much Some are more subtle and they mask their false doctrine by saying there's things you we ought to do and Making those things that we must do if you would go over to a second John chapter 1 2nd John chapter 1 The Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 where we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works I mean when we got saved we got born again. We put our faith in Christ for salvation We were created in Christ Jesus unto good works That we should that goes on and says which God has before a day that we should walk in them There are good works that God wants us to do God wants us to love our neighbor as ourself God wants us to not commit adultery God wants us to not be fornicators God wants us to not be drunkards God wants us to not turn the grace of our God into lasciviousness as we read earlier But those are things that we should do. There's only one thing we must do Go ahead You're there in second John verse 1 look at chapter 1 excuse me look at verse 6, and this is love That we walk after his commandments This is the commandment that as he have heard from the beginning. He should he should walk in it We should walk against commandments because we love him. He said if you love me keep my commandments Yeah, it's a if you want to go to heaven keep my command right? if you would turn over to glad Galatians, uh Chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 the Bible says in Proverbs chapter 3 My son despise not the chastening of the Lord neither be weary of his correction For whom the Lord loveth he corrected even as a father the son who be delighted So I'm quoting that because I want to address a common accusation that gets thrown our way as those that would leave that Salvation is by grace through faith and not of works lest that he man should boast as it says in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 9 Go say well, you're teaching that you can live however you want and go to heaven and I say amen to that right absolutely Because it's not by works of righteousness which we have done, but by his grace. He saved us It's not about the fact that I gave my life for Christ. It's the fact that he gave his life for me But I'm going to heaven I'm not going to hold up the righteous mother filthy rag my own righteousness and say I work my way into heaven Right lest any man should boast. That's why it is the gift of God lest any man should boast So people will say well you're saying you can live however you want to go to heaven and to that again I say amen Well what they misconstrue us is saying is saying that we're saying you can live however you want without consequences, right? That's not what we're saying. I mean you get it says it right there My son despised not the chastening the Lord neither be weary of his correction for whom the Lord loveth He corrected even as a father with a son in whom he delighted natural Chapter 12 that God chastens every son whom we receive it So yes, I'm saying you can live however you want and go to heaven if your faith is in Christ alone for salvation But I'm not saying you can go out and live however you want and not suffer the consequences in this life To be just like my child here my one of my kids if they misbehave There's going to be correction that comes their way from me a loving father who wants to guide them and direct them in the right Way, we don't I'm not going to is kick them out of the family, right? I'm not going to go stick them in an oven, right? That's exactly what people get this idea that we're saying that or that that you know If somehow we misbehave God's gonna cast us off right, you know and send us to hell his own children So I'm not saying you can live this life without consequences. You're going to suffer the consequences of God's chasing Here's the thing though. He's not going to send you to hell man's child because you've been born again my faith Jesus said if you love me keep my commandments Where did I have you turn John for your relations Bible says in Galatians chapter 6 look at verse 7 Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man So it that shall all he shall help that shall he also reap For he that sowed to his flesh shall all the flesh reap corruption But he that sowed to the spirit shall love the spirit reap life everlasting And let us not be weary and well-doing for a due season. We shall reap if we fade not so it right there again Whatever you so that's what you're gonna reap in this life There are consequences for your behavior, but your behavior is not what determines whether or not you go to heaven What determines whether or not you go to heaven is whether you have believed on the Sun or you have not you that believe it But the Sun has light you that believe it not the Sun hath not light But the wrath of God is on you Now one particular false teacher that I want to focus in on or one false gospel that is preached Across many denominations is that you must be baptized in order to be saved That's why I'm bringing up because we're having a baptism today And I always like to clarify what baptism is and what it isn't and why we have the name Baptist on there Because baptism believe it or not. It's a very important document One false gospel that teaches we must is that we must be baptized to be saved what they call this is baptismal regeneration for our third that baptismal regeneration And that's defined as It is the name given to doctrines held by major Christian denominations Which maintain that salvation is intimately linked to the act of baptism So if you believe in a baptismal regeneration you're saying there's you cannot go to heaven you cannot be saved without baptism playing a part in it and This is taught in the Roman Catholicism the Orthodox Church the Lutheran Church the Anglican Church the Methodist Church the Reformed Church The Latter-day Saints and the Church of Christ. Yep, and it's all the workspace salvation And you there's something you have to do. You have to be baptized You have to do this you have to X Y & Z and therefore you are trusting in your own works at that point And your faith is not entirely on Christ And today I want to focus on just one of those which is the Church of Christ the Church of Christ Now I went now the Church of Christ is kind of a hard Group to kind of nail down because they though they say they're they are a denomination though. They say they weren't a denomination They really don't have a necessarily a central headquarters. That's hard to kind of you know Nail down a specific website or page that you can go through and say this is their official doctrine But they are out there and they kind of all believe the same things generally and when it comes to baptism I found a Reputable website where it explains what they believe especially on this topic of baptism So reading from their page, it says emphasis on baptism. This is one of the things that they believe It says churches of Christ have a reputation for placing much stress on the need for baptism now mind you This is the Church of Christ speaking. They're the ones that said that However, we do not emphasize baptism as a church ordinance, but as a command of Christ the New Testament This is them teaching. This is what they believe the New Testament teaches baptism as an act which is essential to salvation That's what they said they are saying that salvia that baptism is essential to salvation and then they quote they just reference They don't even quote it mark 16 acts 2 and acts 22 verse 16 now whenever you're seeing anybody Reference scripture you want to turn there and actually read it Yeah, that's how you avoid false doctrine, but by actually opening up the Bible and reading it and seeing what it has to say Because again, you know, that's our final authority is the Bible and if you take away the Bible I don't have the leg to stand on if you're gonna say well my authorities not the Bible then you're right I you know, I have I have nothing to argue with you But my the Bible is my final authority. Whatever the Bible says. That's what I'm going to believe. Yeah So they reference the Bible well I'm glad that they've decided to reference the Bible because now we can go to it and we can read it for what it says And compare it to what they're saying and see if the two are lining up Look in Mark chapter 16 Mark chapter 16 Mark chapter 16 and verse 15 The Bible says Jesus speaking you said unto them going into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature verse 16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved That's not where it ends though doesn't help it goes on and says, but he that believeth not shall be damned So and if you've ever run into a Church of Christ person out of trying to preach the gospel to them You'll see they'll quote that well, you know, the Bible says mark 16. This is their go-to verse Well, you know the Bible says mark 16 this is their go-to verse it's the first one this guy quoted in his article He says right there he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved now If you just kind of read that over without really thinking the truth Especially in light of the rest of the verse the rest of that sentence In fact, you might walk away saying that you have to be believed and that believing is not enough But that you also must be baptized But here's the thing. We have to understand what exactly is that? Is that really true? What if I were to say to you he that believeth and choose bubblegum we shall be saved is that a true statement? I mean I could say because we know that salvation is by grace and faith It's by belief alone, right? They go read John go read the Gospel of John believe believe believe believe believe you that believe it over and over and over again, I Can say anything he that believeth and eat, you know eats a ham sandwich shall be saved He that believeth and does a cartwheel shall be safe every one of those is a true statement Yeah, right because it has the essential part of salvation he that believeth That's why the rest of that verse goes on and reads, but he that believeth not shall be damn Right doesn't mention baptism doesn't say you that believeth not and fails to get baptized And it says the person is that that is damn has not done the one thing that we must do and what is that? What was the one thing we must do? What did they tell the Philippian jailer when he came in and fell before their feet and said sirs? What must I do to be saved? What must I do? What did he say to them believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved? That was it. He didn't say believe and do this and believe and do that and believe and do this It was that one thing right which is to believe So that that argument doesn't you can't reference mark 16 and say well a baptism is essential for salvation That verse proves it that it's not Because it says he that believeth not shall have it he that believeth not shall be them not he that fails to be baptized So that's irony defined right there that their primary verse is actually teaching opposite of what they're teaching And we could go on through here through what they quote in Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 if you want to get over there Quickly Acts chapter 2 in verse 36. This is what they reference therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly That God hath made the same Jesus whom he have crucified both Lord and Christ Now when they heard this they were pricked in their hearts and said under Peter to the rest of the Apostles men and brethren What shall we do? They say what must we do? What should we do? What shall we do verse 38? This is where they get their doctrine Then Peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of the book of Jesus Christ For the remission of sins and you shall receive the Holy Ghost Now should we repent? Should we repent of sin? Yeah, that's something we should do Should we be baptized? Yes. Yes, we should. Must we do these things in order to be saved? No Again, what was that question asked by the Philippian jailer? What must I do now? What shall I do and really we could even prove this further if you go to Acts chapter 16 Acts chapter 16 This isn't the first time That Peter brings up this idea of having your sins remitted having your sins going to remission I'm sorry I already put the x16 verse 30 where it says you can see it for yourself and he brought out brought them out said serves What must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and the house So really what Peter is doing there in Acts chapter 2 and he's telling them to repent which is you know That's a whole other sermon in of itself that repent means to turn from unbelief to believe That's what he's telling the Jews there. They rejected Christ He's saying stop rejecting him repent that word literally means turn and turn to Christ I go from unbelief to believe and be baptized What he's doing is killing to be he's killing two birds with one stone Well, hey since you guys asked you should repent and you should be baptized And he could have gone on with a lot of other things. We should do these are not the things that we must do But Again as I mentioned go to Acts chapter 10 Peter is killing two birds with stone with one stone And he talks about the remission of sins and said there He said repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins Right. Well Acts chapter 10 verse 43. He brings up this remission again to him Give all the prophets witness speaking of Christ that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins So what's telling what's he right there? He's saying he that believeth on him shall receive the permission of sin No, no talk of baptism. No, no talk of that Right, just he that believeth in him shall receive remission of sins If you want to have your sins remitted if you want to go to heaven The one thing you have to do is to believe on Christ. You see that's too easy I know that's why it takes a humble person to believe right because the proud man wants to work his way to heaven He wants that they'll stay want to stand before him and say Lord Lord have we not done many wonderful works in thy name Yeah, and he'll say I never knew you right depart for me. You need that working with you And we not cast out devils in thy name and in thy name done many wonderful works Yeah, you tried to work your way there and you can't Remember one thing you have to do is believe that's too easy for God. So they love the world If God loves us, he'd make easy good. Yeah, it wouldn't make it hard You know if I wanted my children to come to me and I love them But I put them any obstacles in their way and say come here Get them to that barbed wire and go through that mud pit. Keep your heads down while I fire a rifle over you Make it difficult for them to come to me. No, I clear the way I make them to make the cut The path is smooth It's straight as I could and I get down on my knees and with open arms call to them Come to me right and that's exactly what God does with us when he says just believe Christ came and he died for us. He's already done all the hard work. There's nothing left for us to do but to believe And we could go through this chapter and point out the sequence of what takes place there, but we need to move on for safe They go on in their article and says we do not practice infant baptism because the New Testament baptism is for sinners who turn to the Lord in belief and penitence and Infant has no sin to repent of and cannot qualify as a believer now I will say the Church of Christ is correct to not baptize infants The Bible does not teach infant baptism But again, if the Bible is not your authority you could teach whatever you want on the subject But here the Bible is our final authority We turn to it to see where what we believe if you would go to Acts chapter 8 Acts chapter 8 They say it's for sinners And then they say it's for believers They're kind of contradicting themselves Because we believe here and salvation or that baptism is something that happens to a person after they put their faith in Christ and already received salvation You know, that's not something that they're doing in order to be saved. They're doing it because they have been saved You see that next chapter 8 and by the way, that's something only an adult can do You can't have an infant go, you know, do you believe you're a sinner? Do you believe in Jesus Christ as God? Do you believe he died for your sins? Do you believe he was buried and rose again? Are you putting all your faith in him? They're knocking him out back I do and then pray a sinner's prayer with you, right? You have to come to an age you have to grow and spiritually come to an age where you can understand these things in order to even even to be saved But look there in Acts chapter 8 verse 35 Let's see an example of baptism Then Philip opened his mouth and began the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus and as they went on their way They came on to a certain water and the eunuch said see here is water What does hinder me to be baptized and why can't I be baptized Peter and part Philip and he's and Philip said if thou Believest with all thine heart thou mayest And he answered and said I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and now is the salvation right there And that's the perfect picture of soul-witting right there someone coming to an unblossed unbeliever right doesn't understand and stand the scripture opening up the Word of God in this case he took him to the book of Isaiah and Explaining to him what the scripture says about salvation They believe it if thou believeth. He said I believe and then he is baptized And he commanded the chariot to stand still and they went both they went down both into the water Both Philip and the eunuch and he baptized him So again, this is a person who's come to Christ and is then baptized They've already believed they've already received salvation and are being baptized now again, it's it's you know, we have an example of baptism Why don't we practice, you know, you know sprinkling as Baptist? Why don't why isn't we just pour a ladle? You know, why is it instead of taking the time to fill up a horse trough? Which isn't exactly the most glamorous thing to be baptized but praise God I was baptized in one All right My wife was baptized in one and several of you in here have been baptized one and we're gonna baptize another one You know, why why go through all the trouble of that when we could just take one of these prizes I gave you and just In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I could baptize this whole room in just a few minutes Well, it's because of that verse right there where it says and they went both down into the water Yeah, I mean, why does he take a stop the chariot? Come on down Let's walk down the water when he said, oh you want to get baptized you believe I'll be right back grab the cup came back and just You could have done that. I mean what ways why is it that John baptized in Jordan? There's pain on your Salem. I'm getting the geography correct. Yeah, it says there because there was much water there, right? You know why because he was baptizing thousands of people and how was he baptizing the same way? Jesus Christ was baptized in Matthew chapter 2 We would keep in straight way when he came up out of the water, right? So in order to go come up out of the water, you have to go down into the water. Yeah So that's why we practice full version of an adult was already believed Because that is the biblical biblical examples that we see So I'm gonna I'm gonna move on here for sake of time to try to get through this but They go on an article and say the only form of baptism we practice in the churches of Christ is immersion The Greek word from which the word baptized comes means to dip Immerse to submerge to plunge and that's why the Greek Orthodox they've at least got that part of it Right. Well, they're still doing infant baptism, which is on people. You won't find that in Scripture But they're at least dumping them right and if you've ever seen the Facebook video They've never heard of shaking baby syndrome It's a real thing. It's out there and I could believe this I mean who would just hand over the kid I'm sure they don't know what that guy did. I mean the for after that first done that would have been slow buddy Orthodox Church down the street Maybe the guys a little bit little less zealous about about dunking the babies, but He says the only form we practice in churches of Christ is immersion the Greek word from which the word baptized comes means to dip Immerse to submerge to plunge and the scripture always points to baptism as a burial now that's that's a strong statement to say that baptism is always pointing to a Burial and they go on and they quote acts 8 Romans 6 and Colossians 12 they reference it Well, we already read acts 8. Did you guys read about anything about a burial in there? Was there was there a first did I miss something when we just read in Acts 8 35 where? There was a procession and there was some kind of a burial taking place People were mourning dressed in black flowers, there's nothing like that So to sit there and say it scripture always points to baptism is burial. That's false But they do conveniently if you would I should I just stay there in Colossians chapter 2 They conveniently began in verse 12 of Colossians Despite it being part of a sentence that starts in verse 10 They want to say buried with them in baptism learn of you also or not also you are risen see baptism is a burial But you got to back up because that's you know That's part of a sentence and there's this thing called context that we have to get It says in verse 10 and he are complete in him. All right, that's just that's a great statement right there You know, how do I know if whatever because I'm completing Christ? Yeah, because I don't I don't need to do anything else outside of his death burial resurrection But put my faith in that Which is the head of all principality of power in whom verse 11 also he are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands and Putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ Buried with them in baptism where any are also risen With him through the faith of the operation of God with raised him from the dead So what is Paul saying here to the collages? Basically, he's boiling it down to say this that baptism is a picture of salvation. That's what he's saying Well, how do you know that because he compares it with circumcision the right first? So if you're gonna say well, you got to be baptized. I mean you want to go the next step further And say well circumcision is part of it now, too. I mean you just blot it out 53% of the population But you know that that's he's comparing it to circumcision then he compares it and what is it? What is the comparison? It's as if they're putting off the sins of the flesh Being separated from your sins being circumcised made without hands In Christ complete in him. That's that is The picture that he's drawing there and he goes on and he uses that illustration He uses another illustration he further develops that point by saying buried with him in baptism So baptism is just a picture of salvation as as much as circumcisions You know We are circumcised. We are buried and we are risen through faith in Christ We don't we don't do these things in order to be saved. We do these things because we are saved Go to 1st Peter chapter 3 1st Peter chapter 3. I Know I had to turn a lot of places this morning But it's important to know these documents and to see these things with your own eyes in the scriptures You Roman 6 verse 3 says this know ye not your first Peter 3 I'll read from Romans 6 Know ye not that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death That like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father Even so we also should walk in newness of life now again We should walk in newness of life because we are baptized and buried with him in death It doesn't say we have something we must do but again, this is something where he's just using it as an illustration We are buried with Christ by faith We're not literally buried. You know, it's a picture and Baptism is that picture of it. It's the picture of us being backed up being buried with Christ in his death. We're identifying with it We're saying to those around us I believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins was buried and rose again all my faith is in that that's what baptism is It's a picture of those things of what's in the heart of what you have believed Just as much as your wedding ring. It's a picture of the relationship that you have with your spouse People can look at I lost mine. So forgive me But hey, here's the thing. I don't have mine on does that mean I'm no longer married? Yeah, just because I don't have my wedding ring off you take your wedding ring off. Are you suddenly unmarried? Well that what does that represent though? It represents the fact that you are you are you have vowed yourself to another that you're you're bound in matrimony to that person But it's just a picture of it. It's not matrimony itself. That isn't the vows It's the fact that you've just made those vows and your other people can look at it and say that person is married That person is not married Unless he lost his wedding That's the point I'm trying to make is that's all baptism is it's just a picture It's just a simple like your rough wedding ring. You're saying hey, I believed in Christ that he died for my sins I'm not trusting my own works. I'm trusting in him When we trust Christ so late for salvation we're putting our faith in his death Yeah His burial and his resurrection Bible says in first Peter chapter 3 verse 21 the like figure where into even baptism doth also now save us Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh But the answer of a good conscience towards God by the resurrection of Jesus Christ now You can see why the Church of Christ would turn to turn to this and say well you see baptism is necessary for salvation Because it might mean if you just kind of glance over that again But you have again you have to get this in the context of the entire New Testament an entire Bible in fact And kind of break this down and try to understand. What's really being said What saves us According to this verse this Bible this verse tells us exactly how we're saying how we live and here's a hint drop the parentheses Right because that's just a that's a sub that's a thought within a thought that's going on there And we read it again like this the like figure tube where unto even baptism doth also doth doth also now save us How by the resurrection of Jesus Christ how is it that baptism saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Because you're identifying with that when you're buried and you come up out of the water you're identifying with it You're just saying I've you thought you're just showing us what you've already done. It's not your baptism that saved you It's the resurrection of Christ that saved you that he died was buried rose again So baptism saves us only in the sense that it represents the answer of a good conscience towards God. That's the only way It's just a picture. It's just you showing you us what you believe and This is kind of a longer point but Baptism can't save you or give you a good conscience towards God any more than the Old Testament sacrifices I mean if those Old Testament sacrifices could have saved us. Why did it have to stop? Why couldn't that just continue? Yeah, but when they were doing that they have always understood that that was simply a picture of Christ to come even Abraham understood that when he took Isaac up on the mount and And his son that says the Lord here's the wood, but where is the offering and what did he say to him? God shall provide for himself a lamb And that lamb didn't come on that now if you recall the story It was a ram that he found and that was prophetic What what he was saying there that it was a lamb that would be provided that is a picture of Christ And they always understood that and then you could find that in Hebrews chapter 9 The Bible says in Hebrews 9 verse 14 how much more shall the blood of Christ who through hid the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience You see I'm not going to heaven today because I got baptized I'm going to heaven today because the blood of Christ Is what gave me a purge me made me clean without spot before God In order to be saved, you know, there are three elements to salvation Let me give you what they are the death burial and resurrection of Christ. And then those are the three of those are the three elements of salvation The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 15 for I deliver down to you first of all that which I also received How that Christ died for our sins according to scriptures that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according scriptures It's his death it's his burial it's his resurrection that I'm trusting in and not my baptism That's what's going to get me into heaven. That's what's going to wash away all my sense the fact that I got wet Where's the fact that I'm identifying and showing everybody around me the faith that I have in my heart that Jesus Christ died for myself That Jesus Christ was buried and that Jesus Christ rose again He Goes on in this article and says baptism is extremely important in the New Testament Because that sets forth the following purposes to enter the kingdom. You say you have to be baptized enter the kingdom He said Jesus if they turn to John chapter 3 verse 5 Jesus answered verily verily I say to thee except a man be born of water to the Spirit. He cannot enter the kingdom of God So Kind of sounds like it you got to be born of the water and of the Spirit But is that doesn't say he must be baptized for the spirit does it, but they miss gets through that think well water Baptism must be what he's talking about That's not always talked about he goes on and explains exactly what he's talking about verse 6 that which is born of the flesh Is flesh and that which is born of the spirit the spirit so he's comparing that You know you have in verse 5 except a man be born of water and of the Spirit verse 6 you have the flesh in the spirit so It only stands the reason that being born of water is being born of flesh And I've tried to explain this to Mormons at the door and they laughed in my face And say you think you think that Because I told him I said look the Bible's always teaching us here that you have to be born of your mother Yes, you have to be born of the flesh You know the water broke exactly you were in a sack of water Ha ha ha they just laugh and they mock at that How else do you explain it that which is born of the flesh is flesh? That was just born the spirit spirit the preceding verses that was just born of water right now Just for the spirit must be born of water into the spirit think about it If you weren't born if your mother you have no need to be born again, right? Right he's like that old joke you know having children is genetic if your parents didn't have any neither will you? It's the same thing We have to be born of our mother, and then we're born of the spirit That's why I see Jesus said he must be born again So he's not talking about baptism there We say you must be born of the water He's just referring to the fact that hey you were born of your mother now You need to be born of the spirit except the man be born again. You cannot cannot enter with me And here's the bottom line you say oh, I'm not sure about that well Here's the bottom line the Bible of my final award the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 9 for by grace Grace is something you don't deserve for by grace Are you saved through what through faith through what you believe not what you do for by grace? Are you saved through faith, then it goes on and says that not of yourselves? It's not about what you do. It's not about your good works It's not not of yourselves. It is the gift of God not it works lest any man should boast It's saying that it's a gift that you don't do any works at all and let me ask you is baptismal work You bet it is You know you first you got to tell someone you want to get baptized They're gonna check you out on your salvation make sure you believe on Christ and understand the gospel and then you actually have to show up and do it publicly in front of everybody and People will go and some of us are much more extrovert and others and we take this for granted What's the big deal is baptism some people have an innate fear of getting up in front of people? Standing in front of people having anybody look at them more than for a few seconds outside of the conversation Some people are very introverted and being baptized being dumped underwater in front of a group of strangers can be very intimidating And that's why people can get saved and go their whole life and never do it But let me tell you if they go their whole life and never get baptized if they believed on Christ that person's going to heaven Yeah, because baptism is not essential for salvation despite all the false doctrine that's surrounding it out there today It Takes work it takes effort to be baptized and salvation is not of works with any man should boast That's what the Bible clearly teaches. It can't be both Bible says if I grace then it is no more works Otherwise grace is no more grace, but if it be of works, then it is no more grace Otherwise work is no more work And So you say why preach on baptism, you know, you preached on this not too long ago Why bring it up again? Because I get excited about that I do I'm a bad man. Excuse me. I get I get a little excited about baptism Yeah, because it's an important doctrine right and it's something that our Baptist forefathers went to the stakeover Oh, yeah There was a time that to get up and preach a sermon like this and to deny and to teach the truth the baptism Would cost you your life, right? There was a season in this world There was a time in this world a place this little bit that happened and a lot of blood has been shed over this doctrine All right, and we shouldn't take it for granted And also we shouldn't let some false gospel rob us of the joy of baptism. I Get excited about baptism because it reminds me of what Christ did for me When I see somebody else getting baptized, I think back to my own baptism I think about and I start to think about the fact that Christ did all the same things for me that they did for that Person that he came and lived a perfect it's in this life So that I didn't have to that he gave his life So I wouldn't have to that he died and was buried rose again and all I have to do is believe in that and I see Somebody else being baptized and it fills my heart with joy, man. This is right Bible says in Acts chapter 2 and they then they that gladly received his word were baptized There's joy involved in the baptism and receiving Christ and being baptized and we rejoice in baptism because we understand It's true purpose of meaning when we understand it's true purpose and it's true meaning we rejoice because We by faith have been buried with Christ in his death and we know that we will be raised again in his likeness Let's go ahead and break