(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen so Deuteronomy chapter 5 we'll just jump right into it of course there in verse 1 where it says Moses called all Israel and said unto them hero Israel the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day that you may learn them and keep them and do them the Lord our God made a covenant with us in horrib and of course you've already talked about the fact that horrib is referring to Sinai and you know we've got we've dealt that with previous sermon so don't let that confuse you that's talking about when he came to Sinai out of the out of Egypt and the pillar of fire came down as we'll see here he says in verse 3 the Lord made not his covenant with our fathers but with us even us who are all of us here alive this day the Lord talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire so you were talking even previously they know this keeps coming up about how God talked them out of the midst of fire and just that this what an intense meeting this was what a unique time that this was you know did God ever do this before has God ever done this sense no this is a very unique thing and he he goes on to verse 5 and says and I stood between the Lord at you at that time to show you the word of the Lord for you were afraid by the reason of the fire and went not up into the mount saying I am the Lord thy God which brought the other land of Egypt from the house of bondage and of course he goes on this is one of the few one of the couple places you find the Ten Commandments you know we're all probably very familiar with that and this is the Ten Commandments of course the other places you find those are over there in Exodus 20 so you know in a good way a trick you know if you ever kind of wonder where are the Ten Commandments I always think about the fact that your Deuteronomy 5 5 is half of 10 and then Exodus 20 10 times 10 is 20 or 10 yeah 10 times 2 sorry 10 times 10 is 100 so anyway this isn't a good night for math but you see how I kind of made an association there so that always help me I don't know if that'll help you but I throw out a throw it out there but he gets into the Ten Commandments here now you know it's just Ten Commandments of course we know the Word of God has many other Commandments there's a lot of other things but these are kind of the synopsis this is kind of the overview this is kind of the the main points of the law that God gives the children of Israel and you know he didn't give it you know in a memo you didn't send an email or text them I mean he made when he came down in a pillar of fire that great site that they beheld it says that they were afraid of it and you know this is what he had to say when God spoke face to face with a man excuse yeah face to face as with a man as with a friend when he spoke to them out of the midst of the fire you know of course they couldn't see God because he was in the fire but when they heard his voice this is what he said you know this is Moses recounting what was said so when God comes down in a pillar of fire upon a mountain to speak to his people you know what he has to say is probably pretty important you know so this is these are important things that we should understand so he begins there and he says I am the Lord thy God which brought thee out of land of Egypt and from the house of bondage verse 7 thou shall have no other gods before me thou shall not make into thee any make thee any graven image or any likeness of the thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters beneath the earth so God is you know right out of the gate saying he should have no other gods before me you know he used to be the Lord their God that's the only God that they should serve and then he moves right into the next commandment of you know thou shall not make thee any graven image you know talking about idolatry they should be making images and statues and things like that and worshipping them and bowing themselves down specifically what he said what he says and he says that they are not to make any likeness of anything that is in heaven above they're not making any case of anything as the earth beneath or things in or that is in the waters beneath the earth now don't let that phrase confuse you waters beneath the earth because all that's referring to is the fact that you know obviously obviously if you ever stood on us you know like a beach if you ever stood on the shore next to a body of water the water is beneath the earth you know that's not because we know that earth means dry land that's why the Bible says in Genesis 1 verse 10 and God called the dry land earth that's what he's referring to is the fact that the water is beneath the earth it's not that there's you know all of our continents are drifting around like lily pads you know and there's a bunch of water underneath of them so that don't let that throw you off there now what I kind of want to focus in on here is the fact you know that the Catholic Church you know they they start this is where we start to get some serious differences because here's the thing the Catholic Church they make graven images you know there's no denying that anyone who's been in a Catholic Church their statues everywhere of Saints and Mary and Jesus where were they suppose he look like you know Jesus in all stages of life as a baby you know every Catholic Church has you know Jesus hanging on the cross somewhere it usually at some point so they have a lot of imagery you know and they and they're sensitive about this they don't they don't like to talk about this and they they so you say well how do they get around this well what they do is they just kind of combine the first two Commandments they just say thou shalt have no other Lord thy God they shall have no other God besides me you know I'm the Lord thy God which brought the land of Egypt thou shalt have no other gods before me you know that's the first commandment and then they'll just take the second one which is thou shalt not make thee any graven image that's the second man and I'll just make it the same thing and they'll just say you know well that's okay to do that because you know God just doesn't want us to worship you know you know heathen gods you know so they'll combine those two and then of course at the end you have to have ten commandments so they divide up the last commandment about covetousness and we'll get to that in a minute but they'll argue that you know that's okay for them to do this because it's a religious use of statues that's what they say this is God never can you know condemn the religious use of statues you know they'll say back then they didn't know who God was or they didn't know what God looked like but then Jesus came and and now we can make these statues of Mary and everybody else because these aren't these aren't pagan heathen gods and but here's the thing God said very clearly that thou shalt not make thee any graven image period you know that's that's what he said and then they'll kind of argue they'll try to cite some other passages where where it might you might think oh where God has somebody make a graven image like in the ark or excuse me on the Ark of the Covenant they argue you know they'll say well God used religious engravings when he made the Ark of the Covenant and he had the two cherry bins remember that the rings their wings were outstretched but here's the thing it's true that God did that but you don't ever you never see them bowing down to that you know and and the reason why God did that is because all of those things the ark the tabernacle all of that were a direct reflection of what is actually in heaven now God couldn't send physical actual cherry bins like are up in heaven to stand over the Ark of the Covenant like like are there but so he had to make these things to represent what is in heaven and you find that Hebrews 8 and forsake a time we've got a lot to get through I'm not going to turn us there but Hebrews 8 very tells us very clearly that that he that God Moses was admonished of God when he was about to make the tabernacle for see saith he that thou maketh make all things according to the pattern show thee in the mount and that these things were a shadow of the heavenly the heavenly things so that's why God used that now you can't just take that one instance and run with it and say well God let them make cherry buns yeah but that's like that's one instance where God allowed that and it was for a very specific reason and then just turn that into okay well now we're gonna have this multitude of graven images that we're gonna bow down to and here's the thing you never see got you never see God's people bowing down to these statues you never see him bowing down to the cherry bims you never seen them worshiping the cherry bims they're always worshiping the Lord God and you do see you do see Catholics bowing down to to these images all the time they admit that and you know very verse 9 is very clear it says thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them he's like you're not gonna make a graven image and don't bow down to it and they couldn't be clear it clear nor serve them for I the Lord thy God I'm a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children under the third and fourth generation of them that hate me so again why is God so adamant about this because he's a jealous God we talked about that you know Sunday night when we went through dude around before you know God doesn't like man creating an image and saying this is God and venerating it whatever you want to call it worshiping it bowing down to it and when God's up in heaven you know get in the cold shoulder and God very clearly says thou shalt not bow down thyself now again the Catholic Church they don't like this you know they don't they get very touchy about this and the fact they've got a lot of counter arguments they try to pull out and if you go to catholic.com you know you can you can find some articles like I did where it's you know this one question says what about bowing so this is how the Catholics will explain it they'll say some anti Catholics you know the site Deuteronomy 5 9 where God said concerning idols you shall not bow down to them since many Catholics sometimes bow or kneel in front of statue now stop what right there the guy just admitted on the article at catholic.com that Catholics bow down to him right okay so he's saying look it's true yeah we bow down to him all right now watch him change the goal post he'll move the goal post and say you know cuz what's the commandment thou shalt not bow down to them right but we bow down to them okay well you're guilty right there you've broken the commandment but they try to move the goal post by saying they'll say they say that that that because they bow down or sometimes bow or kneel in front of statues of Jesus and the Saints anti Catholics confuse the legitimate veneration of a sacred image with the sin of idolatry and they'll say though bowing can be used to as a posture and worship not all bowing is worship yeah but that's not the point that God didn't say don't worship them he does say that elsewhere to not worship them but here when he gives the commandments he says don't bow down whether you're doing because you're worshiping them what are you doing because you're venerating them or that's not found in the Bible well they're doing because you just have respect or as they try to explain it which I found humorous here that it's just it's just it's like giving a handshake that's that's what they say in Japan people show respect by bowing and greeting the equivalent of the Western handshake so that that's that's that's you know it's kind of a silly argument to say well we can't obviously we can't shake this idols hand you know I can't say hey mother Mary how are you doing today so we're just gonna bow you know and just show a sign of respect then they're bowing down to these things and that's whether they're doing for whatever reason they're doing it the Bible is very clear here and I've looked it up in their own Bibles this is in their Bible that they use it says thou shalt not and it's a word a little different it's the same thing thou shalt not bow down thyself so they'll say you know look we're just you know we're just bowing to it but that doesn't mean we're worshiping it you know we're just venerating it but the thing is the Bible is very clear this is not to bow down to it and you know here's the thing you think well you're being you know and here's the thing I'm not I'm not I'm not mad at Catholics I don't hate Catholics I hate the Catholic Church yeah I hate Catholic doctrine because it's leading people to hell because they teach a false gospel they teach a false salvation and I want to I want to rescue people out of Catholicism that's why we go to you know these neighborhoods and when we we knock the doors of Catholics and try to give them the gospel of salvation by grace through faith and try to pull them out of that because they're you know they're good intention they're good people often but you know what they're they're unsaved and if they die believing what the Catholic Church teaches them they're gonna wake up in hell and you know I have more of a burden for them then then you know probably have as a church we have more of a burden for them then in most people you know we love them we want them to be saved but you know I'm not gonna it's not gonna stop me from pointing out that the the fallacy in the Catholic Church to to to point out the error in the Catholic Church and to point out the wickedness in the leadership in the Catholic Church you know and they they could say they don't bow down to it the day they don't worship these images well then how do you explain this how do you explain a man in a dress who calls himself father you know the Pope you know who we're got when Jesus very clearly said call no man upon the earth father you know there's another one kissing these statues this is a little bit more than just bowing I mean here he is smooching these things he's laying a big wet one on him right I mean you look at me he's got the baby here he's kissing the baby you think that's the same picture no same baby different hat you know he's got the day gone fish hat on this one and now here's one kissing some bloody Christ picture you know what I never understood is why they always want to keep Jesus on the cross you know my Savior isn't on the cross my Savior came down off the cross was buried died and rose again he's sitting at the right hand the father I know why they want to keep bringing up this image in their mind of Christ on the cross it's like they it's it's like Satan likes just pointing out the fact that Jesus died so you know how do you explain this then you know well we're just we're just venerating it I'd say so I mean I'd say you're really venerating there you know and this is just the pictures of the Pope that I felt appropriate to show I'm not showing you the ones where he's kissing another man on the mouth I'm not saying like you know in some cut in some cultures where they just kind of do the you know the little thing on the cheek whatever we don't do that here you know you know we don't bow like in Japan we shake hands get some docks every now and then you know like tonight when you have you've been blowing your nose do the docks you know but we don't kiss on the cheek and we certainly don't kiss another man on the mouth but this guy does okay and I've got pictures that you just go look Catholic or go look up Pope kissing statues and you'll find it kissing emoms on the mouth weird man so they could sit there and say you know well we don't we don't worship them well I mean what do you call this you know what's veneration yeah I mean it's it's it's a little extreme you know and again I'm not trying to you know just pick on Catholics and just mock everything but this is a wicked man you know teaching false doctrine to truly a trillion people or trillion a billion people my math is way off tonight a billion you know one-seventh of the earth's population identify as Catholic you know that's a billion people and it's a false gospel and you know we could go into all of that about the Catholic Church and those are whole sermons that could be preached but I just want to take the time to point out the fact that you know they they violate this commandment call it whatever you want call it venerating worship a deeper spec whatever you're bowing down to it you've broken the commandment you know if you if you trip and fall over it and do this you know that I mean you're this close to bowing you know watch it make sure your shoes are tied when you walk around those things God said not to bow down to them he doesn't make any mention of worshiping in the context of these commandments and look man common sense just tells us this is worship this is bowing down to an idol that's what this is let's move on though verse 10 and he goes on and says you know he visits the iniquity of verse 9 of the first under the first and fourth generation and showing mercy and a thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments you know there's still good news for the Catholic and every other false religion out there that God is still willing to show mercy and save them he goes on to verse 11 it says thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain so the next commandment you know not to take the name of the Lord God in vain now what does that mean it's when you're just kind of using God's name flippantly you know when you're using God's name like a cuss word when you're using God's name to express your personal disgust for something you know like I heard today at church when they had the contractor come the carpet installer showed up and they're you know they're they're just throwing God's name around in a church you know and it's it's wrong it's wicked and here's the thing you know it's always interesting that that's what people use to express their personal disdain for something you know they use they use the Lord's name like that you know why don't they use Buddha why don't they use Muhammad you know it's wicked and God says don't do it you can see why God's making these these Ten Commandments why God took the time when he came down a pillar of fire to bring up these specific Commandments he goes you got this you got people saying it taking his name in vain you know it seems like these are common things among men so he says to not to take the name of the Lord thy God in vain if the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain now you know just as you know on this point you know a lot of people will say you know if you hear somebody take do that you got to rebuke them sharply you know and and I agree with that to an extent I think you kind of have to feel those people out because I've done that and have people like oh you don't like that and then they just pour it on more so you got to figure out who it is you're dealing with before you go you know because then you're gonna hear it all the time you know and you're not their dad you can't make them stop they're just gonna do whatever they want so but I think it's appropriate you know when we hear somebody do that to at least you know you know again depending on the type of people you're that you're dealing with you say hey I'd appreciate if you don't do that you know I had I remember one time I had a guy at work and he was he was doing it but I could tell he knew I was Christian he knew I was you know I believed in the Bible and all that and he would take the Lord's name in vain you know but he I could tell he's just doing it a habit you know it wasn't like trying to you know get one in on me or something like that because some guys will do that if they find out you don't like that kind of thing they just laid on thicker you know that's why you should never you know complain about having your feelings hurt to to a group of guys or something because it was just they'll just pile on it's like you know it's like blood in the water you know and the sharks come so but he this guy you know he had said it and one day I just it was bothering me I was like man I gotta say something I got it I want this to stop you know I could tell he's just doing it you kind of you know subconsciously he's not really thinking about what he's saying so he said it one day he was standing right next to me he said it he said you know Jesus Christ and I said I said praise his holy name that's all right that's all I kind of reviewed him he kind of looked at me and then he did it again later I said praise his holy name bless him you know I knew another guy whenever he had guys do that work that he'd say oh you know my Savior too you know him oh great and you want you try to get him saved and stuff like that so you know because that happens a lot people you'll hear it all the time you know and even as you know just because you got saved doesn't mean you're gonna stop doing that you know you might not say Jesus Christ but we might say you know God you know whatever you know we stub our toe or we you know get hurt we inflict physical pain upon ourselves and you know that's when you really find out what's in the heart of man you know when you when you when you hurt yourself severely what comes out of your mouth you know that's when the abundance of the heart really begins to speak you know when you're in traffic and you know you're in road raging or whatever like I know this one guy he worked at UPS early in the morning and he he was he was in a loader unloader loader so all the boxes are coming off all the packages and you have to sort him on the belt and get him down there and he had this like it credit it was an over 70 pound anytime he got 70 pounds or more he had to get two guys to move the box and that was the policy but a lot of guys would just grab it you know and just because they it was all about get it done and he grabs the 70 pound box and some of those little boxes could be really heavy you don't know what's in them and he drops it on his toe and he's just wearing sneakers he's not wearing steel toes and it literally like I don't get too graphic but like just burst his big toe like it would like he took his sock off later just like it was just like hamburger but he was so proud of himself because he was kind of a new Christian and he came to it was money he was sharing the story at a men's prayer you know Monday night men's prayer meeting we were at he's like man I dropped this thing on my toe today and praise God I I just said ouch you know I didn't I didn't blaspheme I didn't I didn't say cuss words he just went oh and he said I you know I went back to work and I took care of it later you know he's really proud of himself but you know I don't know why I'm going off on that but you know but that is kind of what people do isn't it they get hurt you know they hit their thumb with a hammer and the next thing you know the Lord's name is coming up you know we shouldn't we shouldn't take the Lord's name and express our disgust for something you know it's not what his name is there for his name is holy you know his name is to be is to be exalted on high his name is to be lifted up in praise you know and you know it's interesting as pastor anise was preaching on Exodus chapter 20 last night so I kind of got some some like a pre listen prep for this sermon I just worked out that way because he's going through the Ten Commandments too and he said and I this is really good rule of thumb you know it to figure out whether or not you're using the Lord's name correctly you know and here's what you have to ask yourself two questions to figure out whether or not you're using the names of the Lord correctly you can ask yourself these two questions are you talking to God or are you talking about God and if you're talking to God or about God you know you're probably not blaspheming God you're using his name in the proper context anything outside of that you might want to check out what's going on you know because you're probably probably not so let's go ahead and just keep moving through here and he says in verse 12 you know and keep the Sabbath day to sanctify it as the Lord hat God hath commanded thee six days thou shalt labor and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord in it thou shalt do not do any work thou nor thy son or thy daughter nor thy mans the man serve men serve it a man servant nor they maid servant or than ox nor than asked on any of thy cattle nor thy stranger that is within the gates that thy man servant and they maid servant may rest as well as thou so he's saying look everybody's gonna get the day off and you're gonna you're gonna do this and why because God labored six days and he took a rest now this there are a lot of things that that we still observe in the law this is not one of them this has been done away in Christ and you know a lot of people will get hung up on this you know I believe it's the seventh-day Adventists that are all about the Sabbath you know and and the Sabbath they worship on Saturday that's their day off and you know we do not observe the Sabbath any longer this has been done away in Christ because here's the thing there are specific specific Commandments that God has specifically repealed in the New Testament and if you would go to Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 and we're gonna look at a few verses now a lot of things you know God doesn't have to be redundant I mean isn't the Old Testament pretty long Old Testament's got a lot a lot of you know stories but it's also got a lot of you know chronologies and it's also got a lot of of the commandments and God laid down the law does God need to repeat all that in the New Testament to remind us what has and what hasn't been done away in Christ no he doesn't and the things that are are no longer to be observed the New Testament are specifically addressed in the New Testament he says look these things are done away he says in Colossians chapter 2 look at verse 13 and you being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision in your flesh hath he quickened together with him having forgiven you all trespasses blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that which was against us which was contrary to you and took it out of the way nailing it to the cross and having spoiled principalities he made a show of them hopefully trying them in it let no man okay verse 16 let no man therefore judge you in meat or a drink or inspective and holy day that would be a Sabbath that's a holy day or any of the feast days the Passover the Feast of Trumpets the feast the ingathering all these things or the new moon you know you've got we don't observe new moons anymore or of the Sabbath days okay so he specifically says don't let any man judge you in this so so do we observe this commandment in the New Testament that we were to keep the Sabbath day no but what but why is that because it's specifically repealed now does God have to reiterate the fact that we shouldn't take his name in vain for us to observe that that that rule or many any of the other laws that are outside of the Ten Commandments does God have to remind us that you know we shouldn't be looking on the nakedness of our in-law or of our of our relatives or in-laws or anything like that no God addresses all that in Leviticus is you just shall not look on the nakedness of you know your your aunt your uncle your niece your nephew your sister your but you know it just goes on and on all these people whose nakedness you're not to uncover which is your euphemism and so does God have to reiterate all that in the New Testament to remind us not to do that no the things that God has repealed the New Testament are specifically addressed in the New Testament so if it's not brought up we still observe it and the Sabbath here he's specifically saying look don't let any man judge you in this these things are done away in Christ look at Hebrews chapter 7 you say well you know why why is God changing the law you know why are some things changed but the things are there are things that are changed look at Hebrews chapter 7 verse 12 for the priesthood being changed there is made of necessity a change also of the law so he's saying right here look the priesthood change it used to be the Levitical priesthood now we were under the you know the priesthood of Christ you know the Melchizedek Melchizedek excuse me and that because there's a change of this priesthood there is a change also of the law it's not that the law is done away completely that there aren't things that we observe in the law that are still applicable today it's just that some things have been changed there is a change in law and what are those changes it's the Sabbaths it's the holy it's the it's the new moons it's the holy days you know it's the the dietary restrictions have been lifted you know in Acts where Peter is up on the roof and you see has the vision of the blanket come down and God says rise neat there's all the manner of beasts in it and that in that quilt that blanket that comes down and he says not so Lord no nothing unclean has ever entered my mouth you know he said I've never eaten unclean beasts and God rebukes him and says what God have cleansed called on thou not unclean so God's repealing that of course because here's the thing all of these things were symbolic all these things there was no magical thing about the Sabbath day there was no magical thing about not eating shellfish all these things were were just were to be you know used as symbolism to picture Christ you know the Sabbath is a picture of the rest that we have in Christ well Christ has come he is our Sabbath you know he is our rest so that the Sabbath has done away we no longer look to Christ in that sense we we have that knowledge so so here's the thing it says there that there was a change also of the law so you can't argue that that some things have changed in the law right so if the Sabbath and the sacrifices are not changed what did change that's what I would ask these people well we still observe the steps okay well then what did change you know it's okay to take a look on you know your auntie's nakedness now all of a sudden no you know is it okay to go ahead and marry your sister no well what changed then well it says right there what changed you know we read it it's a change of these the Sabbath days the meat the drink the respective holidays the new moons and all that so you know again I know I'm kind of just going over these things and just kind of touching on them and really these these could deserve whole sermons I preached about the Sabbath I think a few months ago and we could talk more about that another time but let's move along here commandment number five verse 16 honor thy father and thy mother as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee does God need to reiterate that again in the in the New Testament no but you know what he does he doesn't he doesn't reiterate does remind us of that that they days may be prolonged that it may be well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee so it says that we are to honor our father and thy mother that's what he says there now how do you do that how do you honor your father and your mother I should have had you stay there in the New Testament but in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 you know every kid every kid in this room they all know this first right this is every child in this room this is your life verse right you've got this memorized this is you you wake up in the morning just this is the first thing that enters your mind it should because it's addressed to you you know why do we keep the kids in the church well because the Bible addresses them I mean isn't interesting that Ephesians a book to to the the people at Ephesus specifically addresses children look there in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 1 children it doesn't say parents it doesn't say parents go you know after junior church remind your kids you know he's no this epistle was be to read in the church and he's addressing children in the church in the church service children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right I mean isn't that a great thing kids that the Bible is written to you that God has specifically addressed kids you might not like what he has to say right but isn't it great that God is addressing you he says children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right look at verse 2 honor thy father on it and thy mother which is the first commandment with promise now it's interesting he says that there he says that this commandment this fifth commandment is the first commandment with promise meaning that there's a promise attached with it that if you'll observe this there's something you benefit from it that it may be well with thee and that thou mayst live long on the earth you know obeying your parents kids is important God puts a premium on it and God promises that if you obey your parents that'll be well with thee and that you will live long on the earth now who doesn't want that who doesn't want to live a long life on the earth I know I do you know I'm kind of you know feel like it's half over all right you know I'm like man I want to get I want to get as much out of this ladder half as I can get you know so we should honor our parents you know and that's a that's a promise that's made made to us that if we'll honor our parents that God is going to bless us for that and how do you do that you obey your parents in the Lord for this is right you know when mom and dad say to do something you do it you know you don't back talk you don't give excuses you just do what you're told that's how you obey well you know obedience is not it's not where you is not a two-way conversation where you're told to do something and then you and then you bring up an objection you know and obedience is you're told to do something and you do it that's what it means to obey so again all of the all these topics we're talking about tonight every one of these could just be entire sermons that's a great one there that's and that's not just you know well why does God want to you know me to obey my parents so that would be well with thee because here's the thing your parents you know if they're godly parents they have your best interest in mind they've already been down that road that you're approaching they've already lived life longer than you they already know the pitfalls and the snares of life and they want to teach you and they want to give you character they want you to you know grow up in the nurture the mission of the Lord so you can avoid these mistakes you can avoid these pitfalls you know they have your best interest in mind that's why you had a bear obey your parents now go back to exit or excuse me Deuteronomy where we were he says in Deuteronomy you know we'll get into verse 17 you know the shortest of the commandments thou shalt not kill you know thou shalt not kill now if you would keep something there but go over to Matthew chapter 19 because we need to clarify this especially in this day and age you know in a day and age where people will try to there will be people that will turn this verse and say well that you know right there that means we should never put anybody to death you know they're anti capital punishment but hang on the Bible prescribes the death penalty the Bible specifically says in certain instances that you are to put somebody to death there's only there's only three punishments in the Bible in criminal the criminal law is you know if the criminal justice system the Bible is pay pay a fine take a beating or die those are the three things that God prescribes you won't find jail you won't find prison you won't find probation you won't find all these mother man-made things there's just these three things and it's better because it lets people get over it pay their due and move on with their life you know unless of course you know they hit the death penalty it's kind of hard to move on your life after that but you know people will turn us and say well see we shouldn't have the death penalty because the Bible says thou shalt not kill but is that what the Bible means here because that would be a huge contradiction I mean we all know Leviticus 20 13 you know they are worthy of that you know that their blood shall be upon them you know so it says in Matthew 19 look at verse 16 Jesus clarifies what this means he gives it more specifically he says in verse 16 and behold one came and said unto him good master what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life and he said unto him why callest thou me good there is none good but one would that is God but if thou will enter into life keep the commandments he sayeth unto them which Jesus said thou shalt do no murder thou shalt not commit adultery thou shalt not steal so you read it in Deuteronomy is thou shalt not kill but when Jesus the Lord cites it when he quotes it in the New Testament he calls it murder so that's what the Bible means here it doesn't mean you should not you should never kill anybody because there are instances where people are to be killed he's talking about you should not murder somebody you know you should not exact vengeance on someone just because you have a grudge or you shouldn't you know you covet something that kind of stuff happens all the time you know you shouldn't go hire a hitman to take out your spouse that'd be murder that's what's talking about here that kind of stuff happens you know you shouldn't kill people just to get what you want so it's the this isn't talking about anti being anti capital punishment this isn't even talking about being anti war you know and I'm not for the wars you know the vast majority of the war is probably all of them by and large that we are involved with you know they're not they're not over there fighting for our freedoms because you know and that and I want to get political it's a whole other thing but they're fighting to build an empire you know and resources you know they lust and desire and have not they lust and desire and they kill and have not but you know this isn't an anti-war slogan you know there are times when a nation should defend itself or we as individuals should defend ourselves that we should you know defend ourselves physically and kill the other individual if need if so if a guy's coming to kill me it's gonna be me or him it's I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure it's him you know and that's not murder that's me defending myself it's a nation defending itself and by the way this is not pro vegan either you know we got to clarify that today because that that is just going getting out of control I'm getting updates of our notifications on my phone for my Chipotle app now or Chipotle I got to train myself I always say it wrong Chipotle because you know they're like hey come get bonus points today go meatless at Chipotle like the first section there's like a whole section of your of your of your bar there that it's nothing but meat you know why would I go there and not eat meat you know so they're promoting this even even them are trying to promote this vegan lifestyle this is taking off in this country and around the world this pro vegan don't kill if it has a face don't eat it you know even the fish you know just because you can't hear him scream doesn't mean it's not murder it's out there folks people are going bananas and you can't but you can't turn to this verse and say that's what that means because Jesus said it's talking about murder okay and killing a cow and putting it between two buns and eating it is not murder all right that's called common sense and good practice so I'm glad we took the time to clarify thou shalt not kill hopefully you know I you guys can go the kids can go back to stomping on bugs and everything like that and so on so forth it goes on in verse 18 the next it goes and the next command we get there so we get just several of them here just back to back in these verses thou shalt not commit adultery you know I'm sure everybody for the most part in the room knows what that is you know you shouldn't go and cheat on your spouse you know you shouldn't and you know violate the the bonds of matrimony you know you should you shouldn't go sleeping around with other people's spouses which by the way you know speaking of death penalty is something that God condemned with definitely that's another sermon for no time he goes on neither shalt thou steal I think we all know what that is right if you don't just come see me after service I'll take something that's yours to illustrate what that's saying that's what it is hold out your wallet this is called stealing you know government does it every paycheck I said I was gonna be political verse 20 neither shalt thou bear false witness against thy neighbor now this one you got to kind of clear up because a lot of people say you know we'll use this to say well that means you shouldn't lie I mean yeah it because bearing false witness is lying but you know there are instances in the in in in the in even in the Bible where you see people lying and God blessing him for it you think of the the the midwives in Egypt where Pharaoh said you know kill kill all the firstborn and they said oh you know in your abuse the midwives for not doing they say well the the Hebrew women are lively and they you know they given birth before we can there's it's too late by the time you get that that wasn't true and got in the Bible says that God gave them houses of their own meaning he also gave them families for standing up you know for it was right for they were they lied to preserve life right and you know you think of like Rahab the harlot you know she hid the spies when they came over to the spied out Jericho and she told him oh they tick off already you need to go find him God you know God blessed her she spared her family you know so what this is talking about is more of a you know you shouldn't bear false witness in the sense that you should not bring an accusation against somebody that is untrue you know you cannot you cannot condemn but here's the thing you can't also you cannot use this to condemn those that are making judgments based on the facts that they're presented with okay so someone gives you if somebody makes a judgment based on the facts that are presented to them well whether it's from a false witness or a true witness you cannot condemn that person making that judgment does that make sense I read I you know pastor did a really good job clarifying this last night if you know and by the I've been meaning to say this if you're listening to any other preaching outside of what's going on here you should be listening to Pastor Anderson because he is your pastor and if you listen to the sermon you preached last night he goes into depth on this and was a really good point and then I read this today in my devotions and I'd like to take a look at it because I thought this was a perfect example of what he was talking about last night go to 2nd Samuel chapter 1 2nd Samuel chapter 1 if I'm a judge if I'm a judge and I'm here to pass judgment on somebody in a criminal court and the witness let's say there's a guy over here he's accused of murder and they we have these witnesses and they're saying oh yeah it was him you know I saw a guy who was driving the same car that the you're saying the murderer had his car was on the scene same make same model I saw it you know he was fleeing the scene he was there and that guy that's saying that is lying that's a false witness that's what's talking about you know somebody's saying oh yeah I saw him didn't see him just lying bold-faced lying that's the false witness okay now if I as a judge I have no way of knowing whether or not this guy's telling the truth or not okay if he's found out to be a false witness then the Bible teaches that he should receive the punishment that was intended for the one accused so if this guy's over here facing the death penalty and it's found out this false witness is bringing you know a false witness against him and it's found out then this guy gets the death penalty and this guy goes free but that doesn't always happen not every time am I gonna know whether or not this guy as the judge the this witness is telling the truth or not but if I take all the facts that are presented and I make a judgment based on the facts presented me that doesn't and I'm wrong and I can I say well you know based on all the testimony that we received you know I find you guilty of X Y & Z but and the guy's not guilty that doesn't make me a false witness as the judge because all I'm doing is I'm using the facts that are presented to me and this is important because you know people will make judgments and say things about people and say based on the evidence that I see about this individual the things that they said the things that they do the way they look the way they're acting they are this or that or the other thing and then people say well you're a fault that's not true you're a false witness you know you're bringing a railing accusation no I'm taking the information that's presented to me and making a judgment the only person that can be the false witness is the guy that comes and knowingly lies and says yeah I saw him and just a bold-faced lie that's the false witness for second saying let's take the time to read it because this is a great example of it chapter 1 verse 1 this is after of course in verse 1 it says now it came to pass after the death of Saul when David was returned from the slaughter of the malachites and David abode two days in ziklag it came to pass in the third day that behold a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes rent and earth upon his head so it was when he came to David that he fell to the earth and did obeisance and David said unto from whence comest thou and he said out of the camp of Israel my escape and David's David said unto him how went the matter I pray thee tell me and he answered the people are fled from the battle and many of the people also are fallen and dead and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also and David said unto the young man that told him how how knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son be dead and the young man told him said that told him said as I happened my chance upon Mount Geboah behold Saul leaned upon a spear and lo the chariots and horsemen follow hard after him and he we looked behind me he saw me and he called unto me and I answered and I answered here am I and he said unto me who art thou and I answered him I am in a malachite and he said unto me again stand I pray thee upon me and slay me for anguish has come upon me because my life is yet whole so I stood upon him and slew him because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen and I took the crown that was upon his head and the bracelet was on his arm and have brought them hither to my Lord now is that how Saul died no if you read the previous you know the last chapter of the previous book a few pages behind your Bible Bible teaches is very clearly that Saul Paul fell upon his own sword he asked his armor bearer he said slay me you know lest they come in and and invite you know they were gonna he was afraid the Philistines were gonna come and desecrate his body which they did and but this the armor bearer wouldn't do it so he says he fell on his own sword it doesn't mean he was running with scissors and tripped he put the sword down and laid himself on it gruesome death and his armor bearer did likewise when he saw that Saul was dead so this guy's lying right this guy's a false witness he's saying this is what happened this is how it all played out let me tell you all about how it played out and what it what happens to this guy of course we understand his motive he's trying to get something from David because he knows that David and Saul are you know enemies although David is you know hasn't hasn't done anything against Saul even though he could or had opportunity to so he's trying to get reward from David because he knows they've been enemies in the past saying hey if I go tell David that I killed Saul you know he'll probably you know give me something say oh good job you know and give me a reward so it breaks up this story about how he found Saul you know and he's the one that killed him it's a false witness right so what does David do and then David took hold of his clothes verse 11 and rent them and likewise all the men that were that were with them and they mourned and wept and fasted until even for Saul and for Jonathan his son and for the people of the word of the house of Israel because they were fallen by the sword now if I were this Amalekite that just brought this story I'd be getting nervous right about now because that's not their reaction I would have was hoping for hey I killed your enemy fasting ashes morning like uh-oh you know you did so you know David didn't roll out the cake and ice cream and put on the party hats and start popping confetti yeah Saul's dead have a good time this bothered him you know and anyway I don't want to go off in that because that I mean that the way David was towards Saul is is a very interesting a very compassionate very long-suffering but but this isn't the other the reaction the guy was expecting in verse 13 and David said I'm the young man that told him whence art thou he answered I am the son of a stranger and Amalekite and David said unto him how was thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the Lord's anointed oh and David called for one of the young men it said go near and fall upon him and and he smote him that he died and the David said unto him thy blood be upon thy head for thy mouth has testified against thee saying I have slain the Lord's anointed so does that make David a false accuser does that make him a false witness I mean did this guy do it no he didn't do it but a false witness came and gave you know this is why you should not bear false witness because one you'll condemn the guiltless and two it could come back on your own head so this is a perfect example I mean David was right to do this the Bible does not condemn David for having done this anywhere you won't find it where he said well you know Dave was a little harsh Amalekite and it was and David took it took the evidence that was presented him and passed judgment upon the man and the Bible doesn't condemn him for it so you know that's a good example I thought that was a great example of someone being a false witness and how if we pass judgment based on someone's testimony what they say if we just go with the facts that are presented us that kid does not make us a false witness even if it's a bad testimony if it's a false testimony it's given to us does that make sense okay I'll move on because it's getting there so he says in verse to go back to verse 21 so we've been covering the Ten Commandments tonight honor you know your father and mother thou shalt not kill you know neither shalt thou commit adultery neither shalt thou still thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor verse 21 neither shalt thou desire thy neighbor's wife neither shalt thou covet thy neighbor's house in his field or his manservant or his maid servant his ox or his ass or anything that is thy neighbors so this is the commandment that because remember earlier the we talked about how the fact the Catholic Church they take the first two commandments and put them together well if you do that now you only got nine commandments and everyone knows it's ten commandments right so now you got it well we're gonna make up this other commandment well this is where they make it up because they'll say you know not thou shalt not desire their neighbor's wife that's one commandment and thou shalt not covet thy neighbor stuff so they separate the wife and the possessions of your neighbors and say well that's two commandments there so that's where they make up the other one but you know the Bible just you know and elsewhere it quotes it is thou shalt not covet you know just what it doesn't it doesn't make that clarification between a wife and possessions so you know for whatever that's worth that's where they make it up verse 22 and the Lord spake unto all your assembly in the mount of the midst of the fire of the cloud and of the thick darkness with a great voice and he added no more you know this this is another statement that keeps coming up you know you shall not add art you shall not add to it neither shalt thou diminish art from it you know God's given you enough to work on right there you know you did those Ten Commandments you know if you know just work on that and we'll all get along and he added no more and he wrote them in two tables of stone and delivered them unto me I mean that's an amazing this is such an amazing event we get so just used to hearing about it but he when says he wrote them on tables it's time about the fact that God wrote them it was written with the very finger of God that God wrote on these stones these Ten Commandments and gave them to Moses to take down and give to them it's amazing story but you know before we you know we're kind of closing out the Ten Commandments here we're getting to the end of the chapter but what is the purpose of the Ten Commandments like what what is it about the Ten Commandments that we should understand well one you know the the Jesus said the whole law you know it can be summed up in this one thing that the love thy neighbor as thyself and you can see that in these Commandments you know if you love your neighbor you're you know you're not gonna you're not going to kill him you know you're not gonna commit adultery with their spouse you're not gonna steal from them you're not gonna bear false witness against them you're not gonna covet their things and steal right that's how you could say well if you love your neighbor as yourself because you don't want anyone doing those things to you right so that's you know those Commandments they show us that this is a good way for society operate and if we could just get those things down and isn't that what society struggles with the most and so these are so simple this is such a basic you know chapter these Ten Commandments only ten yeah but these are the things that society gets wrong the most look at all the theft and the murder and the adultery and the coveting that's going on in the world you know and this is so you know if we worked on these things we'd be off it would be a lot better off as people but what the law also does here is it shows us our sinfulness because again this is the things that we struggle with the most go ahead and turn over to 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 we're almost done here you get to 2nd Corinthians 3 keep something there it's interesting what Paul calls the Ten Commandments in the New Testament look at 2nd Corinthians chapter 3 verse 6 who also hath made us able ministers of the New Testament not of the letter but of the Spirit for the letter killeth right he's talking about the Old Testament he's talking about the law the letter killeth but the Spirit giveth light verse 7 but if the ministration of death written and engraven in stones was glorious so what was written and engraven in stones the Ten Commandments the law right that's what was written engraven in stone right but what does he call it here in verse 7 the ministration of death that's what the Ten Commandments are it's the ministration of death because what the Ten Commandments do is show you you've broken these you can't keep these well I've never committed adultery Jesus said if they'll look upon a woman the less thou commit adultery already in her heart well I've never killed anybody if thou has hated thy brother in there if you hate your brother you've committed murder in your heart already so it the the law the Ten Commandments deal with the heart of man and it shows us that whether or not we do these things we struggle with them inwardly and it's called the ministration of death because we have broken these these these Commandments either in our hearts or actually having done them and he goes on go ahead turn over to Galatians chapter 3 Galatians chapter 3 I'll read to you from Romans 7 what shall we say then is the law sin God forbid nay I had not known sin but by the law for I had not known lust except the law had said thou shalt not covet and again didn't you he just said thou shalt not covet that's one commandment but sin taking occasion by the commandment rotten manner of me all all manner of concupiscence for without the law sin was dead for I was alive without the law once but when the commandment came sin revived and I died and the commandment which was ordained to life I found to be into death for sin taking a commation by the commandment deceive me and by it slew me can you see why Paul called it the ministration of death because the law slew him wherefore the law is holy and the commandment holy and just and good but was then that which is good made death unto me God forbid but sin that it might pierce in working death in me by that which is good that sin by the commandment might become exceedingly sinful the camp the Commandments the ministration of death it's the ministration of death because it shows us how sinful we are and the soul that sin is shall die look at Galatians chapter 3 verse 21 is the law then against the promises of God God forbid if there had been a law given which could have given life verily the righteousness which had been by the law you know if you could keep all the commandments and never break them you could go to heaven because you wouldn't have any sin right I mean if you can keep all these things perfect like the good like the rich young ruler said to Jesus all these things that I kept for my youth up what lack I yet you know if you could do that which wasn't true by the way it guys liar you could do all those things you could live you could live in those things and you could go to heaven but here's the thing we've all broken these things because we all have a sin nature we all have you know sin within us and the law brings that out it shows us our sinful condition look at 22 but the scripture hath concluded all under sin that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe but before faith came we were kept under the law shut up unto faith which should afterwards be revealed wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ that was the purpose of the law to show you your sinner and that you need Christ it was to teach you that you cannot get to heaven based on your own good works because you you're already condemned by the law and it's amazing how many people say when we knock on their door how do you go to heaven by being a good person but the Bible says there are none good no not one oh but you'll keep the commandments but we haven't kept them whosoever shall keep the whole law yet offended one point is guilty of all but people they say that all the time well I'm gonna keep the commandments I'm gonna live a good life I'm a big good person but that's not what the commandments are there for they're there to show you you're not a good person in the eyes of God now humanly speaking we say that guy's a good guy right we understand that but the Bible showing us that the that the purpose of the law was to be a schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ to show us a need for a Savior that we might be justified by faith but after that faith has come we are no longer under a schoolmaster so you don't go to heaven by keeping law you go to heaven through Christ that's why it says we are no longer under a schoolmaster once we've come to this knowledge you know we don't the law isn't there to we understand that we're condemned we're saved we've learned the lesson so to speak from the schoolmaster but let's just close up here in verse 23 of Deuteronomy chapter 5 and it came to pass when you heard the voice verse 23 out of the midst of the darkness for the mountain did burn with fire that you came near unto me even all the heads of your tribes and your elders so he's gonna begin describing what their reaction was when they saw this what was the reaction of the people you know was it like ooh ah you know they saw the fire and everything coming down like they're looking at fireworks you know like they're they're trying to synchronize it with some kind of you know operatic piece of music or something no what was their what was their reaction and he said verse 24 behold the Lord our God has showed us his glory and his greatness and we have heard his voice out of the midst of a fire and we have seen this day that God does talk with man and he liveth now therefore why should we die for this great fire will consume us if we hear the voice of Lord our God anymore then we shall die and they were overwhelmed by this they were afraid for who is there of all flesh that heard the voice of the Living God speaking out of the midst of fire as we have and lived go thou near and hear all the that the Lord our God shall say and speak thou unto us that the Lord our God shall speak unto thee and we will hear it and do it you say you know what we don't want to hear from him anymore Moses you go talk to him and tell us what he had to say we can't take this anymore this is too intense and this wasn't like prolonged the God came down the pillar of fire all of the thick blackness the darkness the clouds the lightings the thunderings the quakings all that and he said no more he this is all he said and that was enough for them to say we can't take this this wasn't you know a four-hour you know lecture this was God just coming down and speaking the law to them and that was enough for them to say we were gonna die Moses you tell him just just make him stop he said verse 27 go down here and hear all the Lord shall say and speak that one to us all the Lord shall speak unto thee and we will hear and do it and the Lord heard your voice of your word so he's saying look and God heard so he's saying the God heard what you said to me when you said that you know when you told me to go to God and I would tell you what he said God heard you say that he heard you what you said in verse 27 and the Lord heard the voice of your words when you spake unto me and the Lord said unto me I have heard the words of the voice of this people which they have spoken unto thee and every time I read this he just sent shivers up my spine they have well said all that they have spoken God said you know what you're right to be afraid you're right to want Moses to come talk to me you're right to think that this is too much for you to take that you'll be consumed it's what he said they have well spoken and all they have said oh that there were such a heart in them and God not only that not only does he approve that he wishes it would continue this fear that's in them oh that there were such an heart in them that they would fear me and keep all my commandments always that it might be well with them and with their children forever exclamation point there God's very emphatic about this I always found that interesting that God has said hey you know you know I'm not that bad of a guy you know it's not hey it's not like that you know I'm sorry if I came off a little too harsh with the whole pillar of fire thing you know I know I understand it's a little overwhelming for you but you know I'm really gentle and God is all those things but you know this is the other side of God the consuming fire you know the holy righteous God and the and he says you know what you're right to be afraid go verse 30 go to them go say to them get you into your tents again but as for thee stand out here by me and I will speak unto thee all the commandments and the statutes and the judgments which thou shalt teach them but they may do them in the land which I shall give them to possess it so God had more to say than commandments but now he's gonna say well I'll tell you what the rest of it I'll tell the Moses and he can reiterate to you you shall observe to do therefore the Lord your God hath commanded you you shall not turn aside the right hand of the left you shall walk in all the ways which is Lord your God hath commanded you that you may live you know and I brought this up before I know I'm gonna bring this up again why does God have these rules that you may live and that you may be well with you not so that God's not just trying to stroke his own ego with these rules God's trying to protect mankind because he knows man is sinful he's already seen the earth filled with violence once he doesn't want it to happen again so he lays down the law that it may be well with you and he may prolong your days and the land which you shall possess again all these commandments are given to us for our own good you know and they're they're they're not grievous you know they're good for us and you know it just shows us you know that God has is our best interest in mind you know and if we ever get an attitude about you know having to keep these commandments or you know I just want to kill you know why not well you know whosoever shall live by the sword shall die by the sword God's looking out for you you know God doesn't want and he's looking out for others you know so that's gonna be our sermon let's go ahead pray