(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so Deuteronomy chapter 23 kind of starts out right here by just making it perfectly clear who it is that's kind of prohibited from entering the congregation of the Lord. Now what I believe it's referring to here when it says the congregation of the Lord is talking about the actual ceremonial practice like they weren't gonna these are people that were barred from participating in you know going to the tabernacle and offering the sacrifices and things like that I you know maybe you know I'm kind of maybe I could stand to study that out a little bit more maybe anybody else has some thoughts on that I don't think that this is saying that they were not allowed to become a part of the nation of Israel but rather that they were barred from the ceremonial practices that went along with the priesthood at that time they were they were not to be included in that it starts out there it says in verse 1 and gives us you know giving us this list of people that can't enter into the congregation of the Lord he that is wounded in the stones or hath his privy member cut off shall not enter the congregation of the Lord so that's somebody you know a man who's been damaged in that area who's wounded been wounded in that area you know the God says you know you can't you can't go in the congregation of the Lord and there's probably a lot of you know maybe we can unpack that and think about why that might be you know maybe you know but we're not going to move right along because there's you know I'd probably turn into a whole another sermon but you know needless to say you know that there's actually people out there that are doing that to themselves voluntarily you know it's not just this isn't talking about a guy who went and had you know is is uh what's the word they use he's a transitioning right you know that's not what's going on here this is a guy who's you know probably inadvertently through new fault of his own just been hurt in this way but yet God says you know this guy is not allowed to the congregation of the Lord he goes on and says in verse 2 a bastard shall not enter the congregation of the Lord even unto his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord an Ammonite or a Moabite shall not enter the congregation of the Lord even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord because they met you out of the not with bread and with water in the way when he came forth out of Egypt and because they hired against thee Balaam the son of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia to curse thee for call that story when they're about to come and the land of Canaan they go and they hire Balaam to curse the people and he goes up on the mountain and he says I'll speak as the Lord you know gives them moves him to speak and he ends up actually blessing them right and he was hired to curse them but he's saying look you're not going to do well you're these people are barred onto the tenth generation because they you know they did not meet you with bread and water and because they hired Balaam to curse you it says in verse 5 nevertheless the Lord thy God would not hearken unto Balaam but the Lord thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee because the Lord thy God loved thee and thou shall not seek their peace nor their prosperity all their days forever you know real quick we can just look at verse 5 and see that you know people sometimes people get really worried about what others might do to them you know they're afraid to stand up for God or live for the Lord or take a stand for Christ because they're afraid maybe the curse that would come upon them but it says there you know that God turned the curse that that Balaam had been hired to pronounce upon the people and he turned it onto a blessing you know and here's the thing of God before us who can be against us you know if God doesn't want you to be cursed by somebody it's not going to happen you know if there's somebody out there that has ill will against you that has you know you know bad intent that wants to harm you in some way but you're right with God you know you love the Lord you know God will protect us God will keep us safe and he says there in verse 6 thou shall not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days forever so this is some kind of heavy you know a heavy judgment that came down on these people and really what we can see from these verses and I just kind of want to take a minute to look at is the fact that this what we see a lot today and a lot of churches these days is this policy of everybody's welcome all are welcome everybody's welcome into the house of God that's what we read this we see not a biblical concept that in fact all are not welcome that there are some people that even then God said they're not even allowed unto the tenth generation you know and that's not just ten years it's not a decade he's talking about you know there's different ways of measuring it could be anywhere from thirty years until you know an actual a generation of like you're the next people that are born you know like your father was a generation your grandfather's another generation nowadays we measure it by about thirty years. We say this is generation X. This is generation Y. This is generation. You know the millennials the boomers. It's about separated by about thirty years right, but I think with the way they're counting it back then you know it's more like your father you know your grandfather that was one generation his son that's a generation his son that's generation so ten of these generations had to pass before these people could be were allowed into the congregation of the Lord very serious punishment that God doled out on them and you know and it just shows us that this this everybody's welcome you know come as you are you know everybody the doors are wide open no matter you know what you're into you know is not a biblical concept you say oh that's Old Testament well do yourself a favor and read first Corinthians chapter five when you go home tonight and you'll actually see that there are people that you know if they're involved in certain sins like drunkenness covetousness extortion you know fornication you know that even those that are called a brother are to be put out of the local local church until they get right so that's just real quick on the surface there that's what we can get at it but what I really want to focus on you this is kind of a sensitive subject today because unfortunately there are a lot of people that fall in this classification but it needs to be preached on so that fewer people can fall in this classification and that is this term that the Bible uses called bastard okay now that's a term that's kind of fallen out of style but you know it's one that the Bible uses and you know it's and we see here you know it kind of tops the list of people that are barred from entering into the congregation of the Lord he says the bastard shall not enter in you know and imagine being barred for ten generations and that I mean imagine saying I'm not gonna be able to go in my great my my son my grandson my great great grandson my great great great I mean it's just that's heavy right so when God's laying doling out a punishment like that we should probably perk up and listen to who it is that's not allowed in you know now I don't think there's any you know there's probably no you know moa bites in here you know there's probably no you know anybody else but you know there there's a good chance today you know that there might be somebody that would fall into the classification of bastard okay and I'm not saying that to hurt people's feelings I'm not saying that to you know pick on anybody you know and and you say well some people might even know what that term is what is that bastard even me and basically and I think biblically what it's referring to is somebody who is of an illegitimate birth okay someone who's whose father is not you know today we would say it's somebody who whose father is not involved okay but really what it is is somebody's born out of wedlock and it used to be a very shameful thing today obviously it's it's accepted in society but you know what our us as Christians our social mores do not change with society they're founded upon the word of God okay now if you've made that mistake if you are the result of that relationship I have no I harbor no ill will towards you and I'm not saying you're not welcome in church for 10 generations okay you are welcome in church okay but this is just the concept is here in the bible and this is the way it would have been back then and you say why did God dole out such a heavy punishment because fatherless homes are detrimental to society they're and we're going to look at some statistics here in a minute and that's a fact you know and and and this does strike a little bit close to home with me you know my parents were were married when I when they gave birth to me but you know I know what it's like to grow up in a broken home I know what it's like to grow up where the parents divorced at a young age you know quite and not a very pleasant one a very tumultuous time leading up to it not a pleasant topic so I sympathize you know with people that are in that position okay to some degree okay but it's something that we need to preach about because we God you know put such an emphasis on here he's saying look this is a real heavy punishment you know so we should probably think about what it means to be a bastard why God would you know have such a heavy punishment on such a thing like this and really what it'll end up doing too is it will encourage people to it's a way of to preach purity you know God wants people to go to the wedding altar pure God wants a man and woman to be married before he wants them you know not and we always say all the ladies should be but it goes for the men too you know God wants men and women to go to their wedding day virgin and that's that's his will there and and the reason why this is you know and you say well you you laugh at that you think that's funny but here's the thing people are not observing that and that's why we're ending up with the society that we have because people think it's all I'm just gonna live however I want you know and in the school will tell you and you know your friends will tell you and everybody will tell you just do whatever you want do what feels good sleep around all you want they don't tell you about the diseases you're gonna catch they'll they'll say just be safe about it you know that doesn't always work you know I personally know people that were practically you know that were being safe about it you know using their prophylactics and ended up with children okay so don't think that you know what what the uh you know they're gonna tell you at school is necessarily true when it comes to the subject you know what I'd rather trust God and his word you know and just say hey if God expects people to be pure at their wedding day do it and there's nothing shameful about that by the way that's a that's a virtuous thing the bible puts a premium on people keeping themselves pure until their wedding day you know and if you've already made that mistake in here you've already you know you've already ruined that for yourself again I'm not against you you know confess that sin forsake that sin and don't do it again and say from this day forward I'm gonna keep myself pure under the Lord until my wedding day but you know it's not it's not a shameful thing it's not anything to be embarrassed about you know I I'll tell you right now I went to my wedding altar virgin and you know what I'm glad for it I'm glad that that was something I kept under my wife you know I'm glad that that was something I've shared only with her so there's nothing shameful about that's why we need to preach about this stuff because we're all brainwashed and turn around and backwards from the media and Hollywood and the schools and everybody else telling us the complete opposite of what the bible says so welcome to a baptist church we're going to preach the bible tonight okay it says here that the bastards were not allowed in okay and he and he's he's putting an emphasis on it and you know before we get into that I do want to point out the fact too though that you know he's he puts an emphasis also on the Ammonites and the Moabites right he's saying well what did they do you know what was their big mistake that they were barred under the you know the this genera you know x amount of generations and well it's because of the fact that they didn't meet them with bread and with water right in the way and then on top of that they went and cursed them right so what that would show us is that we ought to be careful how we treat god's people you got to be careful about how you treat god's people god god you know watches over his children and protects them he cares about how other people treat them you know I think about that a lot when we're out knocking doors soul winning and preaching and people how they treat us at the door you know I don't ever feel like I have to retaliate or anything like that because I know it's like well god's watching god's watching how you're going to be nasty and mean or whatever and it's never that bad I don't think they're doing anything worthy of this obviously but it's just something to think about you know is that that and and that we also even as christians we should be careful we treat one another you know we should treat each other kindly hospitably you know be kindly affection one to another the bible tells us in hebrews 13 to be uh to be not forgetful to entertain strangers for thereby some have entertained angels unawares you know we should be careful how we uh that we're not inhospitable and at the very least we should never be vindictive you know towards god's people like they were towards god's people so again he's putting the emphasis here on on you know several different people but you know the emphasis on the shame of being a bastard I want to kind of take a look at this for a minute it was a public shame to be a bastard back then to be born out of wedlock and it says you say well how much so well look at verse seven thou shalt not abort an edomite for he is thy brother thou shalt not abort an egyptian because he was a stranger in his land and it says that they were allowed to actually go into the congregation even before them I'm losing my place a little bit we're going to move on here but it says you know that it was it was a debt it was a public shame now why was it such a shameful thing to be a bastard here because of the detrimental effects on society okay I'll just come out and say it when people are growing up in fatherless homes it's a detriment to society and I actually took the time you know how I love statistics right because people often believe the bible people say oh that's just what the bible says but when you actually get up and actually start to read them what the world says that even though the world itself looks at this and goes oh this isn't good you know I look this up you can go worry read an article from usa today go read an article from npr not exactly uh you know the bastion of conservative thought npr okay but even they recognize that society today is plagued by fatherless homes that's having a negative impact on our society and on our culture so I'm just going to read to you you know I'm going to read to you some some statistics tonight 63 percent of youth suicides okay people committing suicide in their teenage years 63 percent of them come from fatherless homes 90 percent that's 90 percent that's a staggering figure of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes you say it's a coincidence come on 85 percent of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes they're making up the vast majority of these negative statistics 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes I don't know a rapist who doesn't have an anger problem but who knows how they define that right 80 percent of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes you know and when you say well what's the connection here well it's because people who come from fatherless homes often don't ever have anybody take them aside and remind them that there's consequences for their actions they don't get to just act on every impulse you know that's dad's job often to take the children aside and deal with them and remind them that there's rules and that there's consequences for your actions 71 71 percent of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes you know and you know let me just be perfectly candid just in case anybody feels like I'm picking on them you know you're looking at one you're looking at a high school dropout who came from a fatherless home so I can relate to these figures maybe that it helps you understand why I'm not the brightest no I don't know they probably probably would tend more harm I shouldn't say that anyway uh 75 70 percent of youths in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes 70 percent okay 85 these aren't just like 40 30 you hear are you hearing the percentages I'm giving you 80 90 70 don't tell me this isn't having a negative impact on our society it is 85 percent of all youths in prisons come from fatherless homes that's 20 times the average I'm almost done you know daughters of single parents without a father are 53 percent more likely to marry as teenagers now that's not always the worst thing in the world you know if you know 18 19 maybe but I think this is referring to people who are getting married way too young 711 percent 711 percent not a hundred percent not 71 percent 711 percent more likely to have children as teenagers you know and why is that it's because women girls are far more impressionable they're more easily led astray you know eve was was eve was was deceived and was not in the transgression but adam was because he was not deceived he went along with it right so the bible tells us women are more easily led astray right they're more easily impressed upon by some smooth talking guy who's just going to tell her everything she wants to hear lie to her face you know just so he can get what he wants and then they end up in this position here you know pregnant and without a father for their child more likely to have 700 percent more likely to have children as teenagers 164 percent more likely to have a premarital birth and 92 percent more likely to get divorced themselves so there's one reason to stay married right there if you want your kids to stay married when they get married that's probably a good reason for you to get married stay married because parents or children often do what the parents do 43 percent don't don't lose me here we're talking about remember what we're talking about we're talking about why god is putting such a strong punishment on those that are called bastards within society those that are coming from an illegitimate birth a fatherless home you say the bible's being harsh well let's look at what it does to society that's why i'm reading these figures so don't don't zone out on me 43 percent of u.s children live without their father 43 percent of the children in the united states are living without a father and i just read you all these statistics you don't think this isn't having a detrimental effect on our society and this is coming from somebody who grew up without a father and i can tell you it's it's not good it's negative there's no good that comes of it terrible things happen 71 percent of pregnant teenagers lack a father not a coincidence dad's not there to protect the daughter to ward off these you know guys who are after only one thing we're only interested in one thing about their teenage daughter they have no good intention dad's not there with the the the shoddy right the 12 gauge you know you can date my daughter but you're going to stay within shotgun range all right that's how this dad's operating i probably shouldn't joke like that there's some little kid that's going to want to date one of my my young daughters when they grow up he's just like not that one he's always talking about how they have to buy cows and you know you'd be looking down a barrel or something like that if you're wondering about the cow thing i'll tell it later but i believe you know i've already opened up the bag so i i'm saying you know i'm strongly considering putting a dowry on my daughters of a half maybe even a full cow and i'm talking grass-fed hormone-free you know free range cow beef right and say anyway my daughters are not going to like me when they get older 85 percent of children who exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes 90 percent of adolescents repeat arsonists 90 percent of teenage repeat arsonists live with only their mother now i lit a field on father one of my dad was still home another story 71 percent of high school dropouts come from father's homes already read that 75 percent of adolescent patients and chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes 70 percent of juveniles and state-operated institutions have no father 85 percent of youths in prison grow up in a fatherless homes fatherless boys and girls are twice as likely to drop out of high school twice as likely to end up in jail four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems so don't tell you know say why does god may put such a stiff punishment and you such a strong term as bastard and why does he put such a stiff punishment because of that because of the negative detrimental effects now i'm not saying now if that's you tonight you know i don't know everybody's situation i don't you know i don't know every backstory in here you know but if that's you tonight you know you say well i kind of fall i fall into that classification of bastard well don't let this be you don't let this be you you know be on your guard understand that you know the odds might be stacked against you a little bit but if you're saved you have a heavenly father you know you have a father in heaven who can guide you and lead you and protect you so look to him and say well is it really that big of a deal well let me just end by doing a little bit of math okay because we've looked at the detrimental effects we've looked on the the harsh punishment the strong language that god uses to describe the situation so the question then becomes how many people in this country are like that well in 2018 there were three million seven hundred and ninety one seven hundred and twelve births okay and for every thousand births there were 40 were born to unwed mothers 40 for every thousand births were to unwed mothers okay so the math you know three thousand seven hundred and ninety one births you know divided by a thousand time is three thousand seven hundred ninety one right should i get i should have gotten a whiteboard times 40 okay because remember for every thousand there's 40 children that are born to unwed mothers so that's three thousand seven hundred ninety one times 40 which comes to 150 1668 in 2018 alone just in 2018 there were there were one thousand there were over 150 000 children born in this country with no father that's one year that's staggering you know that's a quarter of the population of the city of tucson that's one quarter of it so in four years you have entire city the size of tucson of children that don't have a father and you know we make light of fathers today and the world mocks fatherhood today and it's absolute it's an absolute cornerstone of a healthy family and a healthy society is to have a father in the home so that should you know that's why god uses this language that's why god puts such an emphasis that's why god's being you know harsh about it it's because he doesn't want this for his people you know he knows what's best he designed us he made us a certain way and he made children to need to grow up in a home that has both that has the influence of a father and the influence of a mother to raise those children so that's you know i'm not going to spend a lot the whole sermon on that you know that's a whole sermon in and of itself fatherhood but you know that is something that god touches on here doesn't he you know we kind of just gloss over that first two a bastard shall out in the congregation lord even to his 10th generation and then just moves on but we really stop and think about it and we really look at where we're at in this country today you know it should give us pause and you know what it should cause those of us that have not made that mistake to determine in our lives that we're not going to be part we're not going to raise children we're going to be part of that statistic you know or if we are those people that we're not going to be a part of that statistic so we'll move on here look there verse uh verse seven it says thou shall not have born edomite for he is thy brother thou shall not have born egyptian because thou was a stranger in his land verse eight there it is i missed it earlier the children that are begotten of them shall enter the congregation lord congregation lord in their third generation i mean that's how strong god feels about you know these people these other people not entering into the 10th generation he's going to let strangers who aren't even israelites in before them and he says uh you know and the other thing too is to you say why do the why do the egyptians and the edamites why do they kind of get you know only to the third generation well he kind of explains it there he is thy brother the edomite right he was born of esau and then also uh the egyptians right and they they at one time treated god's people well so the inverse is true too if god's if people treat god's people poorly people if people treat god's people poorly they suffer for it god you know well there there'll be there'll be a price to pay you know retribution but on the inverse you know you have the egyptians the edamites egyptians you know they welcomed jacob and all his sons in the land gave him the gosh and gave him the best of the land so the best of the land is before thee and let them take that and then also you know the edamites as well they they met them in the way so god remembers the evil that is done under god's people and god remembers the good that is done unto his people look there in verse 9 it says when the when the host goeth forth against thine enemies then keep thee from every wicked thing so as we're kind of rounding out the book of deuteronomy we're getting these last chapters it's the same in exodus too i don't know if you've been following along with pastor anderson's sermons online but you start when you get to the end of these books he just starts to hit you with just like a verse of this a verse of that it's just a lot of random things you've probably noticed that the last couple weeks this is kind of more of that he doesn't he just kind of touches on something real quick and he's saying look if uh if uh there be uh where is it when i'll go when the host goes forth against thine enemies he's saying you know you're going out to war thou shall keep thyself from every wicked thing so of course they were going against wicked people you know the perfect example that was aching you know when the city of jericho fell he said you know that that whole city they weren't even touched at anything and he ended up taking what you know a wedge of silver i believe it was not gold maybe it was gold i can't remember now and a babylonish a babylonish garment right and ended up costing him his life and his families too you know and that's that that's kind of another story but the the other principle is this is too is that you know men you know men that work out of town because what is he talking about when you're going forth to battle you know men would leave are leaving their home right and they're going out and they're fighting battles in distant lands they're away from their family people that know them their kindred their friends you know people that kind of keep you accountable right people that you you wouldn't behave certain you wouldn't risk you know doing certain behaviors for fear of getting caught because it's much easier when you're in a familiar area and everybody knows you they recognize you if they see you coming out of such and such place right well if you're in another land you know if you're in another place nobody knows me maybe i can get away with this right so men that work out of town men that you know travel are away from home for great lengths of times should really guard themselves and keep themselves from every wicked thing you know things you might not think you would ever get be tempted with here at home say well i'd never end up in a strip club or i'd never end up in a in a casino you know i'd never end up trying to solicit you know some prostitute somewhere in some corner in my my neck of the woods you know if you're not careful if you you know if you don't take heed to this you might find yourself in a distant city someday you've been away for several weeks you know you're kind of bored maybe the other guys around you are into that kind of thing hey why don't you come out the casino with us tonight we don't know where that kind of stuff leads so that's just kind of you know i'm trying to apply this stuff as we go you know i don't think any of us is going to be you know called the arms and being going out to war anytime soon but you know we can take that application from it he says there in verse 10 if there be any man among you that is not clean by the reason of uncleanness that chanceth him by night then he shall go abroad out of the camp he shall not come within the camp so you know guys you know that have experienced that you know what he's talking about if you need that explained to you you know you're probably too young or it doesn't concern you okay so we we you know there's a lot of things in the bible i like that you know it's just we learn about that we know what that's talking about because we've we've gone through that verse 11 uh but whether it be uh it shall be when evening cometh he shall wash himself with water and when the sun is done down he shall come into the camp thou shalt have also a place also without the camp where there shall go forth abroad and thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon and it shall be when thou shalt ease thyself abroad thou shalt dig therewith and shall turn back and cover that which cometh from thee right so he's talking about what you're going to do when you ease yourself is is how the way the bible puts it right because remember you know back then there wasn't you know plumbing on every corner you know when we go out abroad today you know where's we're we're saying okay it's three miles to the next circle k you know i'm going you know i don't need to have a paddle with me there's not i'm not to bury anything that come comes forth from me you know uh because it gets flushed right but back then you know god's making a point here hey bury that you know and you say well why is that why is god got to bring that up well you know man when he's kind of look you don't have to go door knocking very long to see people that kind of just let themselves go a little bit you know what i mean i'm not saying to this extreme but mankind has a tendency some people tend to do that okay they people don't aren't taught character they don't take care of themselves the way they should you know we you know i i hate to talk bad about people but sometimes you have to just kind of you have examples that you see and that's kind of well you know what you know why is god bringing this up because it happens you know you know i i had a friend a long time ago that there wasn't them easing themselves it was their dog and he wasn't doing it abroad he was doing it in the house i remember he was very embarrassed you know and his mom had a lot of problems she heard her his dad died very young tragically she had it was just it was a mess that family's a mess i ended up staying the night over there i had no idea about this it's very i was very young you know you know high school and i go upstairs and get a glass of water just the stench hits me and i opened up they had this the whole living room i'm not even kidding the whole living room has this curtain in front of it i peeked in there and it was just dog droppings everywhere i mean you couldn't step they just let the dogs go in there you know you know we were out tonight and i don't know if brother gabriel if you notice the cat lady right how do you know she was a cat lady i didn't see i didn't see a lady and i didn't see any cats you know i saw a bunch a bunch of cat food cans just i mean talking dozens of them just scattered all over the driveway just they she's opening it the cats are eating and she's not picking it up i mean i get leaving something behind and taking care of it later you know you know why do today what could be done tomorrow as the french say right but hey do it tomorrow at least when you come back out to feed that next can can you just pick up the other one and go back in so why has god put this in there because people tend to kind of just be slob sometimes and you know this particular thing that's talking about taking care of your human waste that's not something you can mess around with and that's that's that's something that you very sick and even kill you i mean there's a reason why we have you know municipalities and and water treatment plants and all that type of thing so you know it's for sanitation one god's putting this in there as part of his law this isn't just a recommendation saying do it clean up after yourself cover that which comes forth from you and of course you know the other thing we could go with this verse is that god's assuming that you're walking out the door with a weapon right second amendment okay that's another sermon but he's saying a paddle on your weapon right so but he's saying look cover it up because the sanitation purposes you know it's it's disgusting and because if you don't it's a curse to you and if you do you know it's a blessing right because he he says there in verse 14 for the lord thy god walketh in the midst of thy camp to deliver thee and to give up thine enemies before thee therefore thou shall camp shall be holy that he shall see no unclean thing in thee and turn away from thee so the other spiritual application we could take on this is that you know we're involved in a spiritual fight you know we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principles against powers against principalities and powers in high places the rulers of the darkness of this world right we're fighting a spiritual warfare today you know and if we want god in the midst of our camp we got to keep our lives clean you know you can't just have your life full of filth and expect god to bless you you know you want god to help you give you strength lead you in the way help you fight give you strength day to day you know you got to clean up your life spiritually you got to get you know forgive pardon my french the crap out of your life the sin the filth that he doesn't want to see you know and and this is but so that's the you know spiritual thing but there is the part of the the principle of just you know sanitation just basic sanitation and you know i'm just going to touch on this for a minute because this needs to be said okay this needs to be said because i'm you know i'm going to give some advice to the single guys i'm not saying there's anybody in this room that i know of maybe i don't know could one day happen i don't know but here's here's just that i've wanted to just too many guys today that don't even understand this take a bath every day if you're a dude take a bath okay you say brother corbin you know i've i've caught it with you every now and then yeah but it's after a long day of soul and preaching right and you know what i do in the next day take a bath but when it's like every day every time i see you every time i get near you you know it's ripe and you say does that happen more often than i care to admit i've run into this time and timing of different individuals just like dude take a bath man you have to tell them that and it's like didn't you learn this growing up you know my i don't know why i'm saying this but my wife you know she was shocked because she i she when i first got married i was taking two baths a day that's showers i wasn't taking baths dudes don't take baths okay if you're a dude taking a bath man don't even talk to me there's a time and a place i suppose but i was like i was doing too but now i was because i was working a hard physical job you know i woke up in the morning i it was just part of my morning routine and it's hard it's hard to fathom that this is even a thing for guys that they get up and they wonder if they should bathe they should clean their flesh if they should get the stink off their body yes like come on you know and and i would do that in the morning and then i'd go out and work a hard day's labor and i would smell which you know is perfectly natural but i didn't stew in it you know i didn't revel in that i certainly didn't force other people around me to have to smell that you know and i and that's the most offensive thing you know it's like and here's why it has to be said because some guys they don't even realize it they're nose death man that you can't even smell your own stink sometimes people get so used to their own stench and it's like somebody else to come and tell you and say look dude you need to take a bath if that's happening in your life i mean you need to take inventory say well what happened you know so here's that's just some advice you know unless you want to be single for the rest of your life because i tell you what that funk that's coming off you is woman repellent that's what you should call it body odor is too general a term it's it's it's it's it's uh you know you want to name that scent you want to bottle that and sell it it's called bachelorhood for life that's what i call it anyway got that off my chest all right there's nothing that bothers me more than then i get it everybody has a long day we live in phoenix you know every now and then you might be a little on the ripe side but when that's a way of life for you dude something right you got to fix that all right let's move on verse 15 he says uh thou shalt not deliver unto unto his master the servant which is escape from his master unto thee you know he shall dwell with even among you in that place which he shall choose in one of thy gates where it liketh and best but thou shall not oppress him so he's saying look if a guy is escaped from his master you know he says don't return him unto him don't take him by force and take him back and uh you know one you might not know what kind of master he had he might have been a bad guy why would a guy run away from his master if he's being paid for his work if he's working off debt if he's being taken care of because god lines out rules for masters and servants you know and they were not to be um treated poorly so if a person's to the place where they're running away you know they're probably trying to get away from a bad situation i mean the perfect example of that is of course what took place in this country you know when we had slavery and and we had people who would try to emancipate themselves by escaping to the north you know that's a perfect example you know you weren't supposed to turn around and take them back down to their plantation and drop them off you know so that's that's that and he goes on in verse 17 this is another place we got to kind of park it for a minute because this is important doctrine that needs to be preached today there shall be no whore of the daughters of israel nor a sodomite of the sons of israel thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore or the price of a dog into the house of the lord thy god for any vow for even these are abomination unto the lord thy god so first of all again strong language in here the world would say right bastard whore okay those are biblical words you know and i've even heard you know christians baptists even object to using these kind of language that's the language of the bible my friend you know but you like it and here's the thing with the real irony about that is they'll save people they like it a whole lot plainer than that when they're watching tv they'll go listen to the world say all kinds of filth and just like not even bad an eye at it some preacher gets up and says whore i can't believe you'd say that you don't have a problem with the word you have a problem with you know the word of god okay the bible says the words of the lord are pure words as silver tried in a furnace of earth purified seven times i'm not gonna be the guy that's gonna set up and get up here and say well whores whores is an impure word we shouldn't use that because the bible says the words of the lord are pure the right right these are the right words to use and quite frankly you know if we started using this language to describe these things like you know adultery is another one we all want to call it an affair you know they want to put a bow on that they want to doll it up they want to make that sound like it's not that bad it's an affair you know an affair is you getting together and having tea and crumpets okay affair is not sleeping around with another affair is not sleeping around with another person's spouse that's adultery called the bible according to the bible so whore is a biblical term it means prostitute right ezekiel 16 i'll read to you it says they give gifts to all whores okay you know a gift being they pay for their services that's what a whore is a prostitute and if you would go over to leviticus keep something there where you're at we go over to leviticus chapter 21 because we know we need to talk about this again why because remember god's saying there shall not be there shall be no whore of the daughters of israel nor a sodomite he's not saying you're gonna your land's gonna be so blessed that there won't even be any what he's saying he says there shall be none he's saying they're not allowed like they shouldn't be alive is what he's saying okay and you know here's the thing i feel like i've been talking about this bringing up the death penalty almost every other week going through deuteronomy but it's not because i'm up here beating my chest it's because that's where we're at in the book that's where we're at in the word of god it's the word of god that says these things okay so he says first of all that you know there shall be no whore and the reason why they're not going to be there is because they won't be alive because being a whore is punishable by death according to the bible it's an offense worthy of death you're in leviticus chapter 21 i'll remind you what we read last week and do it around me 22 but if this thing be true remember if it was found out that a woman which was betrothed had been playing the harlot right and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house and the men of the city shall stone her with stones that she die because she hath wrought folly in israel to play the whore in her father's house saying look if one of your daughters plays the whore in your father's house you know they're not they weren't even allowed to take her to the city square take her outside the door of the house and that's where it went down and stoning to death that's the bible okay and look at leviticus chapter 21 verse 9 and the daughter of any priest if she so you know there's already the death penalty but now it's like if it's the daughter of a priest it's even a worse death i mean i don't know which is worth worse here but you be the judge of that if the daughter of any priest if she profaned herself by playing the whore she had she profaneth her father okay remember this whole thing in deuteronomy 2 and here as well in leviticus is not only the fact that what she's done is wicked but it also brings a shame or approach into her father she shall be burnt with fire which would you rather have you know i don't know you know i think the fire is probably worse you know i don't want to go into it but this is extreme punishments that god's doling out here you say you know what did i stumble into tonight you stumbled into a church that preaches the bible that's what you stumbled into uh john chapter eight you say well that's old testament well what did jesus say in john chapter eight when they brought the woman taken adultery and they asked her you know should you know moses said that should be she should be stoned but what say you you know what they were trying to do is catch jesus in his words because at that time was illegal to put any man to death remember when they brought jesus to be crucified and and pilot said to judge him according to your law he said that you should die and they said but it's not lawful for us to put any man to death that was left up to the civil government as it is today by the way i'm never advocating for any one of us to enact these things in our personal life of course this is something that a civil government is supposed to be carrying out according to god's word but what did jesus say when they took this brought this woman because you say oh this this stoning a burning with fire that's old testament it's a different god it's a different thing you know today jesus said he lifted up himself and said to them he that is with sin without among you let him first cast a stone at her now i get that jesus was trying to also at this time you know he was trying to you know play their own put their own game back on them right he was trying to say hey you know he was he wasn't answering their question directly he was falling for their trap but you know what else he did in the process of doing that he said stoner he didn't say oh that that's old testament you know that i've changed my mind about that about adultery you know i'm a different today look jesus is the word of god you know and he changes not jesus is the same yesterday today and forever this isn't a different god that we're dealing with the old testament it's the same god okay and he said cast a stone at her right you say well that's harsh you know burning people stoning the whores burning them why you know and by the way the dog the sodomite the bible says we all i mean it's practically a life verse at this church leviticus 2013 you know it is the the the of uh their blood shall be upon them they've committed abomination if a man lie also with mankind they shall surely be put to death they have committed upon abomination their blood shall be upon them you know death penalty is goes out for homosexuality as well according to the bible you say that's harsh yeah it is but all of this is in here to protect society because you're talking about some of the worst elements of society we're talking about whores and dogs which is sodomites you know and whores you know we always like to pick on the sodomites and amen to that but you know whores you know there is much they're they're a detriment to society as well you know and that one for their to themselves okay that's not you know and i get a lot of them get wrapped up into that because they get hooked on drugs they get you know sold into you know the the human trafficking and things like that and but some of them you know they just it's it's an unfortunate thing but it's detrimental i mean it's passing around disease it's you know it's it's fostering infidelity all kinds of things and the bible says in proverbs 23 my son give me thine heart and let thine eyes observe my ways for a whore is a deep ditch and a strange woman is a narrow pit she also lieth and wait for prey and increase it the transgressors among men god is saying that when you let whoredom run wild in society increases the transgressors among men and that's the truth when you have whole cities like i don't know las vegas where you know if you go you can go visit a whore at a brothel it's totally legal you don't have to worry about anyone busting you and you know getting arrested it's not going to be a sting operation you're not going to end up in cuffs you know that increases the transgressors among men you know men are just the what what other ungodly lust can i do i get to fulfill well that felt pretty good let me do it again and all these just evils come upon society but to the individual i want to point out this in proverbs 23 where it says here that a whore is a deep ditch listen to the language god is using to describe the whore he's calling her a deep ditch the strange woman and it's not talking about the girl who looks funny it's talking about you know she's a foreigner to you she's not your wife she's strange she's a foreigner is a narrow pit you know i'm sure you know those of us that have worked in underground utility work or dug any holes know that if you get down in a deep ditch sometimes it's hard to get out especially when it's narrow and you can't get any leverage you know people fall into that sin of process you know going to prostitutes and things like that you might never come back from that that's a deep ditch that you fall into your life will just fall down a hole it's deep and you'll be lucky to crawl your way out it's a narrow pit it's like being down in a deep pit and you can't even get a foothold to get out you know it's like being buried alive i mean you think about it and he says in leviticus go over to 19 i should have had you turn there so why is he having such a harsh punishment on the sin of prostitution and whoredom because of the detrimental effects it has on society because it ruins men's lives because it increases the transgressors among men as it says in proverbs look at the leviticus 19 29 do not prostitute thy daughter to cause her to be a whore lest the land fall to whoredom and the land become full of wickedness you'll say well how does whoredom lead to all the land being full of wickedness can you just trust god how about we just trust god on this let's not try and find out let's not say let's see let's test the bible and see if that's true well let's see if god's right about that let's prostitute our daughters let's let's see if the land falls to whoredom let's see maybe if it becomes full of wickedness you know what's gonna you're gonna find out is that it's true and then you're gonna then your latter end is gonna be even worse you know turns out god was right land's full of wickedness and now it's too late to do anything about it so that's him talking about the whore but he also makes reference here to a dog you know and that might throw some people okay and this is a doctrine that needs to be preached it says here in verse 17 back where you were in deuteronomy 23 there shall be no whore among the daughters of israel nor a sodomite of the sons of israel now we all know what a sodomite is okay at least if we've been in church at all the sodomite is you know somebody who is guilty of the sin that took place in the land of sodom okay and remember excuse me remember the story of lot in the land of sodom and the angels come because god had heard the the the the cry of sodom and he was going down to see if the thing be true if the wicked if it was really as wicked as it was the city of sodom so god sends two of his angels into the city of sodom and he goes in there and the angels find lot which was abraham's nephew and the bible says he was a just man although he was living in a wicked city and the angels went into the into lot's house for the evening in fact because lot had to implore them to come in he said you don't want to be in the streets of this city in the city of sodom so he brings in lot and what happens in sodom at night is that all the men of the city come to lot and say bring forth the men that came into this night so that we may know them and he's not saying we want to ask him what his favorite color is you know when he says they want to know him it means they want to rape these men men working that which is unseemly with other men that's what a sodomite is a homosexual okay that's the bible word for it sodomite and he says here uh uh so he says that you know first of all verse 17 there shall be no whore right nor a sodomite of the sons of israel now verse 18 he uses the same term for whore right thou shall not bring the higher of a whore and then he goes on or the price of a dog okay so he's not talking about two different things here he's not talking about a sodomite and a dog being two different things he's saying that sodomites that homosexuals are dogs that's how god looks at them you say i don't believe you that's the bible friend i'm reading the scripture to you tonight that's what the bible says and if you got a problem with what i'm saying you have a problem with the bible okay and he's saying here that that they are a dog he says sodomite and then he says dog dog is a reference that god used to refer to a sodomite and he you know and the new versions of the bible i went ahead and looked this up and sure enough they all want to tone this down and society wants to tone this down well you're not going to tone me down okay when you have these perverts and they're and working all their filth and corrupting our youth and flaunting their their sin and marching up and down in our cities half naked uh you know doing all the filthy things that they do in their parade and forcing all this crap down our throats and telling us that we're intolerant you bet i'm intolerant i'm not going to tolerate it for a second because it's filth and god calls them dogs and here's the thing uh you know he calls them dogs and it's fitting term to give them it's a fitting term because these and what was i saying the new versions right they tone it down and you're not going to tone me down i already said that right i made that point but these new versions like society they want to tone this down oh dog that's kind of harsh sodomite we don't want to use that we're going to use the term male prostitutes you know that's still not anything good we still not anything good we still know what that is and we're like eh any any normal person is repulsed by that you know it's just some a lot of people don't have the guts to say it to say you know uh you know homosexuals are disgusting what they do in secret because here's the thing you know you just watch them on tv and you just have your friend or your relative and they seem normal that's you're only seeing a fraction of their life you have no idea what they do behind closed doors you know and there's statistics you want to go study the the lifestyle that they live on cdc.org they are they are disease-ridden people and they they live you know i wish they teach that you know in their lgbtq history month these public schools that if you're a sodomite you know you're likely not to reach 60 well tell them well don't smoke kids so you'd shorten your lifespan by a few years well if you're a sodomite you might not even make it to 60 they won't tell them that because satan's got his in agenda i gotta i gotta stay focused here i'm gonna right but dog is a fitting term okay dog is a fitting term for a side i say why would god call a homosexual a dog because it's a fitting term because sodomites behave like dogs you know i wish i'd made brought a few more uh facts with me tonight to read for you but you know you know how many part they have multitudes of partners like a dog a dog goes after anything that moves i remember when we were uh me and my little sister we were staying at my dad's and he one of his roommates got this dog right and this dog you know was just becoming a full-grown dog and he had you know and we're playing hide and seek at night right and from this dog and next thing we know this dog's like trying to just get on everything and do what dogs do right to make other dogs you ever seen a dog do that to a chair to a blanket to a pillow to a stuffed animal to your leg anything it can wrap its legs around and and and and show who's boss then that way that's what a dog does you know why god calls sodomites dogs because they're the same way they'll go after anything remember judges 19 they came to rape that other man the men of that city in benjamin they came to rape that man these sodomites the homosexuals and by the way every time you read about sodomites in the home in the in the bible they're nothing but just rapists but what do they end up doing they ended up raping the woman sodomites go both ways they say oh they're bisexual he's homosexual no none of them are they're all bisexual they'll go after anything you know go go read leviticus 19 you know and it talks about you know them being it goes right down the list from you know men with men to bestiality and that's what's coming next so dog is a fitting term because a dog doesn't have any inhibition in this area it'll do it'll go after anything that moves and a lot of things that don't right and they behave like beasts that's what a that's what the the the biblical term for a for an animal in the bible is beast okay and that's what the that's why it's describing and thus as a dog because a dog is an animal and what does it say in second peter about reprobates people have been rejected they are natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed you speak evil of things that they understand not jude chapter one these speak evil those things which they know not but what they know naturally as brute beasts so the bible calls them dogs it calls them animals and you say well why is that and if you would turn over to jeremiah chapter six and hopefully you've got your bible in your lap so it's not just you think it's just me making this up you're actually seeing it with your own two eyes in the word of god tonight jeremiah chapter six verse 30 jeremiah chapter six verse 30 why does god say they're animals why does god say that they're beasts why does god say that they're dogs why does god call them these things these things because they they're called they're reprobates they've been given over to do those things which are not convenient it says in verse 30 reprobate silver shall men call them because the lord hath rejected them what is the biblical definition of a reprobate being rejected by god it couldn't be any plainer than it is right there i mean how many different ways does god have to say this for people to get it reprobate silver shall men call them why are they going to call them reprobate because god's rejected them okay not because god's you know just holding them at arm's length not that god's just you know patiently waiting no god has rejected them what it means to reject something no good can't use it done don't want it throw it away it's disposable that's what is it reject something you go over to romans chapter one romans chapter one say well that's a lot of old testament tonight well let's go to romans one it's pretty new testament for me first chapter you know the first epistle of the new testament for this god for this cause god gave them up unto vile affections listen to me for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also men leaving the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another made the natural use of the woman burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly yes the bible addresses this working that which is unseemly and receiving themselves at recompense of their error which was me so what does it mean when it says that women did natural to change the natural use to that which is into that which is against nature you know these are you know your your lesbians right the bible just classifies them all sodomites okay homosexual women women that are leaving the natural use of the woman okay they turned that excuse me that's the men they did change the natural use into that which is against nature the bible is saying that homosexuals are against nature it's not natural for a man to desire another man news flash it's not natural for a woman desire another woman it doesn't come naturally and it's not because they're taught that you know there is no gay gene they weren't born that way you know it's saying here that they leave that that they become this this is something that happens to them they leave the natural use of the woman they change the natural use into that which is against nature they burn in their lust one to another toward another men with men working that which is unseemly in verse 28 and as even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a what a reprobate mind and what is the meaning of reprobate rejected by god the reason why they burn in their lust one toward another men with men and women with women is because god has rejected them god has given them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient convenient meaning things that are not at hand things that do not come naturally to a human being you know the best illustration i've ever heard is this to try to get this across to you i i challenge anyone to get up here or after service don't do it now because we'll all laugh if you pull it off but i don't think you will and try to and try to just fall on your face just put your hands behind your back and try to just fall on your face you can't do it there is something in your body that will just naturally get you to stop yourself you just have this god-given inborn reaction to keep you from busting your face and knocking out your teeth on the floor here and having all of us go you idiot right there that's just part of your your human response it's there it's a natural response you know it's not natural the bible says it's against nature it's against it's it's it's not convenient it's not a hand it's not a natural thing for men to burn in their lust towards men and women to burn in their lust towards women we have normal people have an innate rep they're repulsed by that they they they they don't no one in here that's saved you know hopefully nobody in here period is struggling with this is saying boy i'm just having these weird thoughts about you know the same gender that's not natural it's not and bible's showing us that the reason why people get to that place is because they did not like to retain god in their knowledge they reject god they reject god they reject the bible they say oh that preacher he's just full of it he doesn't know what he's talking about you know my you know they said at my school my friend said this my dad said that my mom said this the bible's not true blah blah blah and they reject god you know the god gives them time and time again a chance to receive the gospel they reject rejected and finally god gets the place where he says i'm done with you i reject you even as they do not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them up to a reprobate mind people need to recognize that these people think that they have their whole life to get right with god or get saved or accept christ as their savior you don't now i don't know where that line is for everybody but the bible's clear that there is a line that people cross where god says i'm done you see i thought god loves everyone bible god so loved the world past tense yes god loved everyone at one time but he also says elsewhere that he will love them no more that he hated them right so people can get to a place where they reject god long enough and god says okay i'm done with you and they turns them over to reprobate mind and god removes that natural inhibition to be repulsed by those things that an animal would do i mean dogs will go after the same gender oh homosexual is perfectly natural even the animals do it have you ever heard that argument that's biblical thank you for making my case dogs also eat their own vomit and and do all kinds of disgusting things do we want to you want to start teaching that in our schools do everything a dog does kids it's against nature and the reason why people get involved in it is because they reject god long enough and finally god rejects them and turns them over to a reprobate mind removes that inhibition so now spiritually speaking they can fall flat on their face and mess up you know and damage and hurt themselves with that lifestyle so he says they're going to be reprobate silver he says that they have a reprobate mind and the point that it's making in deuteronomy is that they are not to be in the congregation of the children of israel in fact god says there shall not be any because the the death penalty was what god prescribed that if they were found out you know it wasn't just keep them in the closet it was drag them out of the closet and deal with them and he said why why doesn't god want in the congregation well they won't be in heaven they won't be in heaven the bible is clear about that there won't be any dogs which is another word for sodomite in heaven i'll read you for a revelation blessed are they that do his commandments that they have the right to the tree of life and may enter in through the gates into the city for with outer dogs and sorcerers and whoremongers and murderers and idolaters and whosoever loveth to make it a lie he's saying look you're blessed if you're in if you enter through the gates because outside are dogs you know no dogs allowed in heaven no sodomites why because they've been rejected by god that's why they are the way they are that's how they got to that place to begin with they rejected god rejected god they did not like to retain god in their knowledge he says fine i'm done with you and men shall call them reprobate silver and that's what we need some men to do today we need preaching like this people to get up and say they're reprobate silver they're rejected by god and stop you know it's one thing to have it's one thing to have the sodomites rage at this of course they're going to that's a perfectly natural reaction do you think i am surprised when some sodomite gets upset at a sermon like this and goes online has to comment or call the church and leave a nasty you know call us all kind of vulgar names i should you know i wish sometimes i could play some of these voicemails for people who think that these sodomites are just loving kind people you should you should hear some of these people things they say you know i'm just telling you what the bible says they've wished some of the worst punishments and death and misfortune on godly men that i can't even repeat it but word to god that we had some more men that would say up they say hey they're reprobate they're rejected we need more preaching like that because of the fact that you know we're we're we're trying to stem a flood here you know i mean it's so much anyone who's been alive for any length of time has seen the change in this culture when it comes to this issue i remember when they pulled the plug on ellen ellen degenerate i'm degenerous when she had her little sitcom that i watched as like a nine-year-old and i thought was funny i'd watch her stand up and i was an ellen degenerate fan and then she came out of the closet as a as a sodomite and i think it was nbc pulled the plug on that show what's she doing today she's got one of the biggest shows in the in the world thank you brother she's very popular today isn't she they're promoting her oh everyone loves ellen big change from a network pulling her plug and now promoting her you know what i often think about who remembers the snl the saturday live skit it's pat who remembers that one right the whole gag was trying to figure out if pat was a man or a woman do you think they'd ever run that skit today they'd get run out of town on a rail so things have changed and that's why we need people to stand up and quit pandering these people it's perfectly natural to hear it from them to hear the son of a son of mites rage and say how dare you call for the death penalty of homosexuals well yeah of course you're gonna be mad about that because i'm saying you should be put to death according to the bible i'm saying you're a dog the bible's saying your dog course it's perfectly natural you're gonna get mad you know what i can't stand is when christians stand with them against the man of god and against the bible and say well i'm a christian and i believe that i and then you see these so-called christians going out and apologizing to the lgbtq community we're sorry god loves you have you read the bible friend have you even read it once cover to cover in your entire life because it's on it's it's there it's as plain as the nose on your face rep you know reprobate silver so men call them because he has rejected them romans one couldn't be clearer jude second peter read these books you know and we need this preaching to warn people right and paul warns us in philippians 3 finally my brethren rejoice in the lord to write the same things to you and to uh to you meet to me indeed is not grievous but to you it is safe beware of dogs he says it right in there and you thought beware of dogs was just a sign that people put on their fence that's a biblical concept that's a biblical you know that's scripture beware of dogs you know philippians chapter 3 verse 2 maybe we should start writing that on all those souls when we go out slowly just bring a marker beware of dogs philippians 3 verse 2 then people go read this like whoa what does dog mean in the bible whoa what is he saying be when he says beware of dogs beware the sodomite beware the reprobate because they're evil because there's no good that's going to come from them that's why god says they shall not be among the children of israel get rid of them that's the only thing god says to do with them verse 19 he says let's move on here it's getting late thou shall not land upon usury to thy brother usury of money usury of victuals use of anything that's led upon usury now usury is lending with interest that's what usury is i'm going to lend you money but you're going to pay me interest you're going to pay me back the principle plus what i lent you or what i lent you plus extra right we all understand that uh unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury but under thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury that the lord thy god may bless thee and all that thou set is thine hand to hand to in the land where the thou goes to possess it so he's saying look don't don't lend upon usury against your brother why is it because anybody who has a credit card knows that usury is a form of control and that's biblical too the bible says in providence chapter 22 the rich ruler the rich ruleth over the poor and the borrower is servant to the lender okay anyone who's been in credit card debt knows that the borrower is servant to the lender and you want to talk about landing on usury with 24.99999 percent you know on your one tank of gas you know that 35 item turns into a lot over time right and people borrow a little bit on these cards they spend a thousand here a thousand there and next thing you know they're paying it off over years and you know it's depressing when you look at the bill and you only want to look at it like how much how much of this monthly payment is actually going towards the principal it's a fraction and they're just like ah interest interest you know so he's saying look you know don't do that to one another why because doing that is a form of of control it's a way to impress people financially and uh he says in exodus 22 if thou lend money to any of my people that is poor by thee thou shalt not be to him and as an usurer so you know the theme well i'll just say that for the end neither shalt thou lay upon him in usury if thou take it at all take thy brother's raiment to pledge thou shalt deliver to him by the sun that that the sun goes down for that is his covering only it is his raiment for his skin wherewithin wherein shall he sleep and it shall come to pass when he crieth unto me that i will hear for i am gracious so god's saying don't lend upon usury why because he's gracious you know and we are to emulate our heavenly father you know we are to we are to uh you know let our light works uh so shine before men that they may we are to let our light so shine before men that they may see our good works and glorify our father which is in heaven and if we're just going around lending on user everybody that's not a good look no you know i'm not writing thank you letters to you know to amazon for the for the you know the interest they're charging me it's so nice of you amazon thank you visa oh man i just love those people over at mastercard you know making me pay three times what i initially spent through the use of usury that's not a gracious thing to be a usurer and god is gracious and he's saying look i i am gracious therefore don't lend with you know unto people expecting to gain from them jesus said in luke six love your enemies and do good and land hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and he shall be children of the highest for he is kind unto the unfankful and to the evil that's the commandment is to land not even expecting anything in return so that's the the principle there now of course you know this this this uh this commandment to not lend upon usury ties right in with the theme of this chapters and others that we've looked at these last few weeks that are dealing with uh hard things you know things that might strike close to home with us but things that god addresses head on and doesn't you know doesn't pull any punches because god understands that all these things you know the fatherlessness in our homes uh you know the hoardings that that take place prostitution the sodomy the usury that these things you know are detrimental to society you know and and and we have to learn to spare our feelings or not to not spare our feelings you know not you know don't don't sacrifice you know good teaching on the altar of your feelings and say oh well you know i just i feel differently but is it biblical at the end of the day that's what we all have to ask ourselves is the preacher is that preacher crazy is or or is what i'm saying true you know it is what i'm saying the bible and if it is then you have to step back and ask yourself who do i really have a problem with is the guy up here or is it the guy up there the lord and i don't mean to call him the guy in a you know in a in a uh uh disrespectful way i mean that to make that illustration you know the are we upset with this man or you extend it with our father in heaven so again all these things are here for our own good and and we would be better off as a society and as a people if this was the law of the land and we might not be able to see that but that's what the bible says at the end of the day we have to ask ourselves who do we believe the world or the bible let's go and pray