(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, so Deuteronomy chapter 22, you know, it's just a lot of covering a lot of You know just day-to-day matters how things were to be handled Of course, we've been seeing a lot of that in the previous chapters But I'll jump right into here in verse 1 where it says thou shalt not see thy brothers ox or his sheep Go astray and hide thyself from them thou shalt in any case bring them unto thy brother And if thy brother be nigh unto thee or if thou know him not Then thou shall bring thine and bring it into unto thine house and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it So, of course, this is returning to the fact if somebody loses something you weren't just to take it say Oh, it's mine now and and too bad for them No, you were to take it until somebody came looking for it whether you said hey I know who's this is You know Then you would return it unto them when it was most convenient or when the next time they came looking for it Or if you did know who's it was, you know You would hang on to it and assume that the owner thereof was going to come looking for it So that did not make it your own and it says here in verse 3 and like manner shall thou do with his ass And so shall thou do with his raiment and with all lost thing of thy brothers Which he hath lost and thou hast found shalt thou do likewise thou mayest not hide thyself And that he says in verse 4 thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fell down by the way and hide thyself From them thou shalt surely help them to lift them up again. So again, this is kind of a you know How would we apply this today? Of course, we don't have these beasts of burden in our lives You know many of us has probably never even seen these animals You know aside from a National Geographic or something like that What will be equivalent would be the equivalent today? Well, whenever I read verse 4 I always think about you know You see the guy in traffic who's run out of gas or you know, it's pushing his car I always feel compelled like it's my my god-given duty to pull over and jump out and help that guy now Do I always do that? No, but you know after reading I'm convicted, you know And if you don't get anything else tonight, you know, let this let this be the one thing you get, you know Help that guy out, you know pull over help and get it out there now a lot of times Somebody's already beat me to it and or they look like they got it. It's a small car You know, they've got under control. I can keep going so But I think that would be you know, we could apply you say Deuteronomy 20 20 22. What are we reading that for? You know, hello. This was written a long time ago Well, these are principles that we apply today, you know this a concept of you know, finding something that's not yours Does that not happen happens all the time, you know, especially in church, you know People are constantly leaving things behind. I mean all the time people are always leaving things behind in church But you know even recently somebody, you know left a phone behind, you know, very expensive. It was like a Samsung Galaxy, I don't know s whatever it was a nice phone Expensive phone and the guy came looking for it and we had to say look man. It's not here He is why I left it right back here by the DVDs In fact, he had like us he had some kind of proof the last time it was on it was right here And it was gone You know, so let that let that be a lesson to you Pete just because people are in church Don't assume everybody in church is honest that they might not just get sticky fingers You know and get the five-finger discount at your you know at your expense and you know Put something in their pocket that doesn't belong to them walk out the door with it It happens and you know people have a lot of different ways of justifying that to themselves even in church, you know But when you find something that's clearly not even church property You know, not that that's right to steal church property. I mean that's God's I mean Why would you want it? I mean if you're gonna steal from anybody, you know, don't let it be God You know, but if you find something that doesn't belong to you, you know, you are to return that you know That doesn't make it yours this, you know, we grow up with this saying finders keepers losers. Weeper we losers weepers not biblical Okay, that is you know, that is not biblical, you know steel That's what's considered stealing according the Bible if you find something that doesn't belong to you It's it's your duty to hang on to it or or to if you know whose it is, you know, give it back You know, I remember my wife and sister-in-law I can't remember how much it was but they stumbled they were out on a walk and they stumbled the crowd I think was an envelope or something, but it had a significant amount of money. It wasn't like, you know It didn't make them rich. I mean, you know, obviously you've seen us right, but it was a significant was a large portion I mean if you lost that amount of money you'd be bummed You know, you'd be really put out and so what do they do? You know, they took it down to the sheriff's office and they left it there They said hey we found this money on this street right here at these crossroads And they said well if nobody comes back for it next amount of days, you know Obviously, they're not looking for it and then you can have it. So that's kind of how a society works today You know and and that's the thing, you know, we even have in church We have a lost and found bin, you know when people lose things or leave them behind coats, you know jackets purses water bottles Sometimes smartphones all kinds of things people leaving behind all the time And we make sure that we get those things back to those people and just say oh that's mine now, right? so when you find something that doesn't belong to you, you know, don't assume that it that makes it yours and Really what it comes down to is, you know, you're you're helping your brother in Christ, you know stealing is not people, you know, I think I think our society makes light of stealing but stealing is a very destructive Sin to the person to the victim. I mean when you have something stolen from you, it's not just frustrating I mean it can be very expensive to replace things it can cost you I mean that's time and money that you put into that, you know, you might have to work more hours Maybe it's something you needed for your job You know, maybe it's something you needed for your family It was something very important to you or even if it was just some frivolous toy I mean you still spent your hard-earned money on that when people take things that don't belong to them That's you know, that's very hurtful and that hurts people but you know The other concept that we see here is not just returning things that don't belong to you But also just this concept of being willing to help other people as we saw in verse 4 You know, he's saying don't hide thyself, you know, if you see his ox fall down by the way, don't be like Oh, you know how to sign out of mind. He's like no you saw it. You know what's going on You need to go help him and you know This is our principle that's reiterated in the New Testament and if you would go to Galatians chapter 6 and we'll see that reiterated there You know, we should be willing to go out of our way to help a brother in Christ and not only that But we'll see well even just people unsafe people, you know, we should not have this attitude of well You know, I can't be inconvenienced to help somebody, you know, we should be a people that are willing ready and able To lend a hand when it's necessary You know my family after six years just recently moved You know, I'm sitting there scratching my head going. All right, who's my friend? That's how you find out who your friends are, you know when you move You say who's gonna come help me move and I'm thinking who's my victim, you know, who am I gonna come up to? And say hey, what are you doing? You always you always preface it like that. You say hey, what are you doing Saturday? They're thinking. Oh, man. He's about to ask me to some barbecue You know, he's gonna ask me to go do something fun. You're like, hey, you wanna help you move? they're like What are you doing Saturday? Nothing? I'm wide open great. You wanna help you move? You know, I just remembered something came up. Let me check with my wife, you know, you know I forgot to check my account. Oh, it turns out, you know, that's when you find out who your real friends are I'm like, yeah, I'll be there and you know, I was fortunate. I didn't even have to ask I just mentioned to a guy Hey, I'm moving and he's like, oh you need any help, you know He was just ready to jump in and he came and gave me a hint But you know, that's the kind of attitude we ought to have we had an attitude that says hey I'm gonna help people that have a need whether it's moving or you know Whatever it is life has all kinds of things that come up a lot of things that we need an extra hand In and we should be willing to do that The Bible says there in Galatians chapter 6 if you look in verse 2 bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ You know, what is the law of Christ love thy neighbor as thyself do unto others as you would have them to do unto you You know, that's a principle that is considered the law of Christ and because that is the law of Christ, you know That's not just something we say that we believe but we actually have to act that out by burying one another's burdens By helping those around us now keep something in Galatians. In fact, if you look at verse 10 just go to verse 10 He says as we therefore have as we have therefore opportunity. Let us do good unto all men Especially unto them who are the household of faith So we should be even more willing to help people within the church, but you know, we don't also want to develop this, you know you know Elitist type of attitude we say well, I'm gonna help everybody in church because of my brother in Christ, but everybody else You know, they can just go pound sand if they need something No, he's saying, you know as we have opportunity do good unto all men not just within though not just within the church You know But to the stranger to our neighbors to the unsaved that we should be willing to go out and help them as well Now keep something in Galatians 6 and go over to Matthew chapter 7 So we should be willing to do good to the unsaved as well. Not just the saved You know another big way we can do this even on a day-to-day basis Maybe we don't have you know, it's just to have a good attitude towards the unsaved Not just you know, I'll be nice to them if they really need something. What about just yeah common courtesy, you know That's something that lacks today. Just just a the the the willingness to say thank you. Hello open a door. Hold the door open You know those type of things and we should help with that as well. You know, we should be a courteous people we should be looking for opportunity to be a good testimony to others and to help other people and to be polite and kind and gentle unto all men So, you know the overarching principle here is to avoid being inconvenienced and to help somebody in need, you know We're not to avoid, you know being inconvenienced, you know We should not try to go out of our way to make sure that you know Nobody asks me to help them move or you know, no one ever asked me to help them You know change the tire on their car or whatever it might be, you know We shouldn't be the type of people that are just gonna throw a fit You know if we had to help somebody else out, you know, and there's nothing You know immediately coming back to us, you know, we're not gonna immediately benefit from helping somebody else He says there look at Matthew chapter 7 verse 12 Therefore all things whatsoever you would do that men should do to you do ye even so to them For this is the law and the prophets I mean that's you know, that's what the all the law and the prophets they hung on these two commandments Love the Lord love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and love thy neighbor as thyself, right? This is the law and the prophets. He's saying here whatever you want men to do to you that's what you need to do unto them and Go over to Matthew chapter 22 Because here's this the principle of that you've we've probably all heard the saying What goes around comes around right who's heard that before? That's a biblical principle that you won't find there You know that's not in the book of second opinions or something, you know that it but it is a principle that's in the Bible What goes around comes around whatever you want men to do unto you? That's what you need to do unto them because what goes around comes around You're going to Matthew 22 already of Matthew or Psalm 18, excuse me It says with the merciful that will show thyself merciful with the upright that will show thyself upright You know a big reason why we ought to show mercy and other people is because we want God to show mercy unto us You know if we fail to show mercy and other people, you know God might just say well what goes around comes around and we might or we might even need mercy from another person You know and say hey, I mean maybe we get into trouble or we get out of sorts or whatever But we find ourselves in a position where now we need mercy and if we've been unmerciful people, you know There's a good chance that we're not gonna receive the mercy that we want So we should always be looking for opportunities to show mercy and others We should always be looking for opportunities to be inconvenienced by other people and to help them out why? Because we want men to do unto us as we would do unto them And you know, that's not just a that's not just God putting that out there as an offer Like hey if you want good things that come back to you do good on others, you know, it's not an option That's on the table. That's a principle. That's a law of this world how this the world works how life works And that's how God works that if you whatever you do good or bad unto somebody else it comes back around God repays those things back to us look at Matthew 22 verse 35 Then one of them which was a lawyer asked him a question tempting him and saying master Which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy mind This is the first and great commandment and the second is like unto it thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself On these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets I mean, that's a heavy that when God's when Jesus Christ is putting that commandment as number two But only second to loving God You know We ought to stop and take notice and really let that sink in and really let that affect the way we conduct ourselves in the world with brethren with the unsaved with everybody that we come in contact with So we should not only love and do well into the our brethren and our strangers, but even unto our own enemies Okay, then, you know the ink over to Matthew chapter 5 You know, even our own personal enemies. We should do good unto them. You say you're crazy. No, it's Bible Matthew chapter 5 look at verse 39 But I say unto you that ye resist not evil, but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek turn to him the other also Jump down to verse 43 you have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy But I say unto you Jesus speaking, but I say unto you love your enemies now Of course, we have to put the caveat in there of your enemies. Okay? This is we're not talking that the people will say oh then just we should love everybody Do not I hate them which hate thee O Lord? Yeah, I hate them with perfect hatred You know, I hate the enemies of the Lord, but my own personal enemies. I'm supposed to love that's what the Bible teaches So he's saying look love your enemies not not God's enemies Okay, that's the line we have to we have to kind of make that differentiation today Because people get confused about that, but he's saying love your enemies Okay, bless them that curse you do good unto them that hate you again that hate you not the haters of God and Pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that he may be the children of your father which is in heaven For he maketh his son to rise on the evil and the good and sendeth rain unto the just unto the unjust For if you love them which love you what reward have you you know, it's really easy to be nice to somebody Who's nice to you, it's real easy to smile and shake hands with somebody who's smile and shake hands on you It's real nice to do good things and the people that you're like and fond of But what were how you know, that's not exactly difficult Is it you know why that guy was so eager to come and help me move? Is because he likes me if you can believe that or not Because I actually do have some friends You know But he's saying look, you know if you're just gonna be nice to everybody that's nice to you Big deal, you know, like that's not what do you want to do? You want a cookie you want a golden star for that pat on the back? That's not hard to do That's just common courtesy The real tough part is when you're when you have somebody that hates you When you have somebody that wants to persecute you and revile you and and do all the and it's just mean and nasty towards you Bible says love that person love them, too That's when things you know, that's where the rubber meets the road He says and if you salute your brother and only what do you more than others? I mean even the most wicked people in this world. They have their they have their friends I mean go go down. Let's go over to the Hell's Angels headquarters over here just south of here And I mean those people are involved in all kinds of wickedness, but I guarantee you within their circle They're slapping each other and back and calling each other brother and we're glad to see one another I mean even they even the Hell's Angels know how to greet one another kindly or you know, at least affectionately You know, what do you more than others? It's not that big a deal to just be nice to people who are nice to you Do not even the public and so do not even they do not even the Hell's Angels do that He says be there for perfect. Now. What is he saying be there for perfect? Remember in James talking about that you may be you may be perfect and an entire wanting nothing So they'll use some perfect here meaning you're not lacking anything, right? He's saying be perfect, you know, don't just love your friends and your family and your brethren in Christ, you know, love everybody That's not you know, the enemy of God obviously love your neighbor love your brother love your enemy even He's saying you do all these things be perfect in this area. Love everyone even as your father which is in heaven is perfect So he's saying you need to be this way because that's how God is, you know So I think sometimes we forget that you know, we knock on some door We try to give the gospel to somebody who doesn't isn't interested or maybe he's a little rude and you know We instantly think well, you know, I hope I hope you know God God's you just go straight to hell people get a bad attitude But that's not God at God's attitude. God loves that person no matter how badly they might have treated you at the door And really it's not that bad. I mean, I mean, come on. What's the worst you've ever had? You know people just you know, I'm cooking dinner, you know or whatever their their lame excuses and they're just impatient That's really the worst of it. I mean, we've all got our stories You know people who did worse than that, but even then God loves them He make it this rain to fall on the just and the unjust doesn't he? You know, he sends it upon both both of them He cause with his son to rise on the evil and on the good, you know, he does good under both Right and he's saying here. Look you need to be perfect in this area. You need to be like God in heaven So to love your enemy, you know until and to and to and to love them that hates you, you know That's a godlike quality to love them. That would just that would you know Despitefully use you. Okay so this and why this is important why we need to take the time to preach about this and make sure we understand this is because It's in light of the concept of reaping what you've sown. Okay, like I said earlier what goes around comes around And these two teachings are interwoven. All right, so if we mistreat our enemies You know, God will recompense the same If and when we're out of sorts with him, what if we get out of sorts with God? You know and like we need the mercy or we you know, God's gonna say well I remember the way you treated this guy when he was out of sorts with me and It goes around comes around that's why it's important understand this and to get it and to practice it and to live it Because it's interwoven with this concept of reaping what you've sown Go back to Galatians chapter 6 if you cut something there, we'll see it Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 if you remember Galatians chapter 6 Where we read in verse 2 says bury another one another one's burdens and so fulfill you the law of Christ He said in Galatians 6 verse 10 as we therefore have opportunity. Let us do good unto all men Especially in the household of faith. Why? Why is it that is so important? Look at verse 7 be not deceived. God has not mocked for whatsoever man So at that shall he also reap for he that soweth to his flesh Shall of the flesh reap corruption But he that soweth the spirit shall have the spirit reap life everlasting and let us not be weary in well-doing Let's not hide from being inconvenienced to help somebody out or return things that aren't ours or nuts not hide ourselves from our neighbor Who's lost whose whose whose ox or ass has fallen down in the way? Let's not be weary in well-doing for in due season. We shall reap if we faint not That's why we as we therefore have opportunity we should do good at all men Because we reap what we've sown so we should always we should be thankful when somebody wants to inconvenience us By asking us to help them with the favor We should say thank you because now I can sow some good seed now I can reap something good in my life. Now. This is gonna come back on me You know not not just oh, I guess you know, I guess I have to Bible says I should help you out So I'll do my Christian duty You know and I guess you know if that's your act that's better than nothing But really the attitude we should have is yeah, I'd love to help you move Because one day I'm gonna move I'm gonna call you Or you know what or somebody's gonna volunteer to come help me, you know I don't I've helped people move people have asked me and I you know what I had to move and somebody just volunteered to come I'll meet you have to ask him You know, that's things coming back around So that's what that's the type of attitude that we should have is that we should always be looking for Opportunities to be inconvenienced by other people to so that we can sow good seeds that we can have a harvest later We should do well unto all men because we reap what we've sown Let's go ahead and move on here in Deuteronomy chapter 22. He kind of Deuteronomy 22. He kind of just hits several different things So there's some gear, you know, there's some gear changes here and we move from one thing to another and verse 5 of course Is that you know, very popular verse Where it says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man Neither shall man put on a woman's garment for all that do so or an abomination Lord thy God a couple things on this You know first off it says that people that do this that they are an abomination Okay, look there at the end all that do so are Abomination of the Lord thy God it doesn't say the doing of it is an abomination He doesn't say that garments an abomination he says the person that does this is an abomination unto Lord I can look Lord thy God. It's right there in black and white in our Bibles Well, what are you saying here? It really I don't feel like that, you know whole sermons been preached about this and if we have any common sense I really don't feel like I'm you know, a Lengthy explanation is needed tonight. I think probably everybody in here is probably familiar with this this this doctrine But we will touch on it because hey, it's in Deuteronomy, you know, this isn't this isn't some watered-down Baptist Church We're just go. I don't know what that means and just move on right? We're gonna preach this verse because it's in the Bible You know, so what is he saying or one, you know? Cross-dressing is an abomination Dennis Rodman putting on his wedding dress and walking out in front everybody is an abomination unto God all these freaks that are walking around Dressed like women putting on skirts and women's garments abomination unto God Mark it down. That's what the Bible says and it's real easy to amen that part, you know Not a lot of people are gonna disagree with that They're gonna say yeah, the guy who's dressing up like a woman and walking out in public, you know It's an abomination to God and in most Baptist churches you can get an amen with that pretty easy It's that other part We don't like where it says a woman that puts on a man's garment and then we all start scratching her head But what's a man's garment? You know, what could that possibly be? Gee and then we get in these big long debates about what a what a man's garment is And but again common sense doesn't have to doesn't take us it doesn't you know Just leads us to an answer very quickly, you know, we could just go go to any public restroom and look at the door How do they do how do you know they put an image up there and what's the woman wearing a dress? What's the man wearing? Pants right that's is the shirt that when you go to the restroom and you go which one do I go in? Do you look at the top half? And go I'm wearing a shirt. This must be my bathroom now if your target that probably works right But no you look at the bottom half you go does it go like this Or does it go like this and that's how you go. I belong in that one So it's talking about the lower half of the dress I Mean think about it if we were saying a guy was cross-dressing guys in drag, right? What's he wearing? It's wearing a dress That's what he puts on to dress like a woman So what would a woman put on to dress like a man? Pants, that's what you put on. What other garment could it possibly be and here's the thing pants have historically been a man's garment and You know it was even illegal in this country at one time for a woman to put on a pair of pants People would get a women would get arrested for cross-dressing by putting on a pair of slacks You know well, that's because they didn't have women's jeans back then You heard that argument That's those that's that's stupid think about the fact that you have to actually make that specify that well these are women's jeans Oh Well, but why don't we make a man's dress and I'll start wearing that it'll be just fine I'll get some camo nice camo one some cargo pockets Maybe a hammer loop in it You know can be made out of Kevlar some man's dress right Thank you Somebody's getting it. No, I'd be wrong. That's not gonna work if I walked in here tonight wearing a man's dress You know anybody with any sense would walk up and leave They get up and they just say sorry brother Corbin's lost his mind and stress But you know, what about the woman's gonna get up in the morning and pull on a pair of women's pants Makes as much sense Because oh you say it's not pants. What is it? Did you tell me what the garment is? That he's referring to here. I Mean what else could it be? Historically it's pants have been a man's a garment historically just it's way it is We see it even the Bible Daniel chapter 3 don't turn there Then these men were bound talking about Shadrach Meshach and Abednego right the three Holy Children were thrown into the fire furnace These men were bound in their coats their hose in okay, and it's not talking about the hose and you're thinking You know with like the the little nylon whatever some up pants They're hosing their hats and their other garments or cast them as the fire furnace Because people say oh they did they you know pants are a recent invention Like they couldn't figure out how to make two tubes of material and pull them over their legs You know, but somehow they couldn't figure that out But somehow they could make the seven wonders of the world or whatever, you know, they made the Great Wall of China But they couldn't figure out how to make out pants until just recently until Levi Strauss figured out for the coal miners Come on It's been around forever pants. It's not that it's not the most technologically advanced piece of you know clothing out there You know, they made pants and then shortly after that they landed on the moon, right? It was just one, you know one thing led to another it's like no pants are real easy to figure out And thou shalt make the Exodus 28 when God is talking about that the priests garments what they're gonna wear before the Lord may go into ministering to him Thou shalt make them linen breeches, right? Breeches is an old word for what britches which are what pants you ever hear the saying he died He's too big for his britches You know a guy that's what it's referring to he's too big, you know, it's pants So pants are going back all the way back to Exodus. They've been around at least that long So by the time we get to Deuteronomy pants have been around Okay, and that's why God's saying look a woman shall not put on a man's garment You know and it'd be real easy to just get up here and rip on on all the guys that are cross-dressing today And that's another sermon that should be preached and shall be preached at one point But just as important that and because again, what does it say at the end of the jurors all that do so are an abomination unto God And do that with what you will if you want to pull your pants on as a woman in the morning Think about that that that's what you're doing That's what the Bible says And what we have to ask ourselves, you know, if we bucket that and we don't like that and you know That rubs us the wrong way Well, then we have to ask ourselves a question who determines our standards is the world or does get the Word of God Does the world tell us what's okay to wear and what's not okay to wear or is it the Word of God? And that's really what it comes down to is what what what is our standard going to be? what the world allows and I'll tell you something the world's allowed is allowing a lot I Mean in the world lets you get away with a lot when it comes addressing. Is that really who you want it for your standard? Dress is the world the world that I'll tell you. It's okay to put on a speedo and walk around public. Yeah You know, I see faces everyone's gonna you know exactly but the world's saying hey nothing wrong with that Nothing wrong with woman just standing out there half-naked walking around as long as she's around a body of water She can strip down her underwear There's nothing wrong with it as long as there's a big pool of water It's oh, you know, what sense does that make well It'd be wrong for her to answer the door like that in a swimsuit. But as long as there's a body of water, it's okay This is the world standards. They're all over the place. They don't make any sense And God doesn't God doesn't have this gray area Woman's garment appropriate on women man's garment appropriate on men. Anybody wants to go like this is an abomination That's that simple. God doesn't have this gray area So Really what it comes down to is that as Men and women we should all have just one type of dress and what is that modest clothing gender appropriate and modest clothing? And if you would go to 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 8 I'm gonna so I do want to I don't want I want to wrap up this point on this with this passage Do 1st Timothy chapter 2 verse 7 of you chapter 2 You Say why why what is the big deal about a woman wearing pants? Well one it's a man's garment, but two it's also immodest Okay, any any woman or even man that's honest will tell you that when a woman puts on pants It draws the eyes to other parts of the body other than the face Which is all the further a man's gaze needs to go if he's not married to her is the face And this is this, you know, if anyone's honest and don't tell me they don't make you know Women's pants that don't accentuate those lower parts of the body. They absolutely do And there's holes there's I mean, I'm not gonna I'm not even gonna things are coming to my mind Lyrics that I've heard that are just wicked About and it's about women putting on pants In 1st Timothy chapter 2 look at verse 8 I Will therefore that men pray everywhere lifting up holy hands and I want you to pay attention to these words without Wrath and doubting God's telling men how he wants them to pray okay, and he tells he wants them to pray without wrath and without doubting and Right after he says that he switches over to verse 9 and says this and like manner also meaning in the same way The just as men are supposed to pray without wrath and without Without doubting that women should adorn themselves in modest apparel with shame face it is and sobriety So God's giving them these these dress standards for women about wearing modest apparel not putting on what was the court? What was the phrase the blitz right remember that the bling and the glitz together the blitz? You weren't here sunny. You're like, what is this guy talking about? You know not putting on what does it say the the broided hair the gold the pearl the cosy array Getting all the name-brand stuff, you know, and I have to confess, you know, brother hunter gave me a bunch of shirts and they're great shirts and I put one on us like man this shit's nice and it was it Had that little polo guy the Tommy Hilfiger. I was almost like oh man, I don't know It's just so because you know, that's kind of like or no, it's a Ralph Lauren or whatever, you know That's kind of like the fancy shirt. I'm like if anybody has I'll say it was given to me Like oh, are you wearing that that fancy shirt for it, right? But he's saying look he doesn't want women, you know Making that they're a wardrobe all about just catching everyone's attention Because there's dressing and modestly in the sense that you're wearing things that aren't appropriate, you know that are too revealing Things that are too tight that aren't long and flowing things that are drawing the eyes where they shouldn't be That are accentuating certain parts of the body. That's one sense of modesty But the other sense is you're wearing something, you know We've all seen the churches where the ladies, you know, they walk in they have just the giant hats You know with like a whole floral arrangement up there you know and it matches all the way down to the shoes and they got the big pearl necklaces and all the and their nails and Everything just all done up That's immodest. Why because you're drawing attention to yourself He's saying that they should draw some modest apparel with shame-facedness, you know, shame-facedness is you know, the concept of you know They don't want to draw attention themselves They'd be embarrassed if someone would gave them undue attention over the way they looked I'm not now again. I'm not saying that, you know, you should walk around, you know dress like you're a little house the prayer or something Because again that would make you stand out wouldn't it? I mean, do we not see people dress that way? They're not wearing anything revealing You know, but they're wearing, you know They're making a point of wearing just the you know You think about the fundamental Mormons up in northern Arizona that are wearing just like, you know head to toe Solid colored, you know Dresses, I don't know a lot about women's apparel So I'm sure there's like a name for this bad dress, but we all know what I'm talking about You know, they put the bonnet on You know if any lady in here put on a bonnet and one of those dresses that went out to Walmart Don't you think you'd be drawing attention yourself? Absolutely would people be going what in the world at Walmart, right? You'd be you'd be you'd be like one of the people of what Walmart You know, you'd be on some meme somewhere or some Facebook. They'd be like the lady who was wearing the flesh-colored Skin-tight, you know pants you were like, what is she wearing anything and then you and your bonnet and your you know Huge floral dress or whatever. I don't know what it is, but they call it but your little house on the prairie dress You know what I'm talking about That would be just as immodest. All right So God, you know and when we start to preach about these things we start to preach about You know what women shouldn't wear what they should wear And get it all this, you know, there's a tendency sometimes for them to that's we're like, oh, don't you start talking about my dress? You're talking about what kind of clothes I wear? You know, there's a Bible really say that is it really that big a deal in? Like manner also without wrath and without doubting don't get mad about it Don't get angry and upset and don't think that it's irrelevant or it doesn't apply don't doubt it It's there the Bible is clear That a man should not put on a woman's garment and just as much a woman should not put on a man's garment So we should do these things without wrath and without doubting. Let's go ahead and move on though in Deuteronomy chapter 22 So so far we talked about, you know helping your neighbor out now we got an address standards and now we're jumping right into You know Conservancy, I mean he's kind of covering all these different myriad of topics here all these Different topics and he says there in verse 6 if a bird's chant if a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way In any tree or on the ground whether they be young ones or eggs and the dam sitting upon the tree or upon the eggs Thou shalt not take the dam with the young though shall in any wise let the dam go and take the young to thee that it may be well with thee and Thou mayest prolong thy days So first thing you want to look at here is the fact you say if this is something that comes by chance You know if you're just going you're not out there hunting birds, you know, you're just walking by the way And if it happens to cross your path, you know if it's by chance in the way that you're going that you're not to you find a Bird that's sitting on either on hatchlings that have hatched or Sitting on eggs. You're not to take everything and eat it. Basically this was talking about you're not just gonna say Oh fresh eggs, you know, oh, I'm gonna you say who would eat an egg with an embryo in it Filipinos do it, right? There's and ba ba. Do you know what's called balut or something like that? I can't remember but it's like a delicacy in some countries to actually eat a duck egg with a duck in it. I Don't know how they ate whatever They'd see us with real rubber duckies in the bathroom you like What are you doing? You know, they think we're weird for thinking they're cute. They're like, that's food But he's saying look you say you saying here don't eat everything leave something there right And what he what this is teaching is conservation of wildlife, okay? Why so that other people can have a chance to enjoy that right? Now what I want to point out here is in verse 7 where it says I want you to I want to point out who? It is that benefits. Why is God putting this law in there? Does God take care for oxen? No, it is written all together for our sakes, right The same way with this law this law isn't there because God cares about the little birdies and wants to protect them Look there at verse 7 where it says Thou shalt anyways let the dame go and they take the young to thee that it may be well with thee and that Thou may pro may as prolong thy days So he's saying look the reason why you do this is so for your own good Right. So how is that a benefit to us? Well one if you leave the dame there the damn there She's going to produce more eggs and maybe next year You can have some more or maybe somebody else will come by chance and find some and get to enjoy that Right. So you just taking everything all at once it reminds me of in, Michigan There was a certain time during the year where you could go out and pick morel mushrooms Who knows what a morel mushroom is the other people from up north? Delicious. It's like the steak of the mushroom world. Okay, if you ever get a chance, I mean people go nuts up there They have the mesic mushroom festival. You could sell them 50 bucks a pound I mean, they just go crazy because they only come out for like a few weeks and You had the temperatures have to be right and all of a sudden these mushrooms will pop up And you can go out in the woods and if you know, you know You have to find your own because no one will tell you where their spots are but they say when you pick them you should always tear them off at the root and put them in like a bag that has Holes like an old onion sack so that the spores will shake out now I don't know if that's true or not But what why do they say that so that other people can come and enjoy the morels to next year? So you're not just ripping them up by the roots and the spores aren't getting out They're not going to be there next year, you know, and you could decimate the whole population that they're just they're just gone Hope there's no crop next year. It's that principle that God's putting in the Bible here He's saying look preserve this animal so that other people can enjoy it and so that you know, you can have more next year Maybe you'll go by there in the next year and they'll be more eggs. You can enjoy But really what you know, this is I believe is a good text verse for not being wasteful But also for not, you know, and this is my opinion Okay, and I've talked to brethren about this and they have a different opinion, but in my opinion poaching is wrong I believe it's if you shouldn't do it and people say oh, well, you know that God made that that's not God's role I know I'm gonna go shoot the king's duck, you know or whatever right? Who are you? You know, you're you know, they got this Robin Hood mentality Like I'm gonna who's gonna stop me from killing the king's deer and I get that I understand that right But look at but look look at the principle here of conserving something for set other people can enjoy it You know poaching is taking more than you need from wildlife, right? There's seasons that you can enjoy and here's the thing if poaching were legal There wouldn't be anything that's a hunt within a few years. I mean Honestly, and and here's the thing that people that are proponents of it Is that they forget that it's sportsmen that wanted This to become law they went to the federal government and said will you please conserve our wildlife? So that future generations can enjoy it So If we have this attitude of wasting of poaching of taking more than we need You know, that's only gonna come back and bite us and again, it's not about the animal It's not about poor little animals and help in saving them You know, it's about you know You know It's about shooting yourself in the foot, you know, it's as the man as the saying goes And you say well, I don't know about that You know if we poached, you know, not every hunt not everybody haunts If you're telling me I could go out in the woods and just shoot any animal year-round as many as I wanted every day There'd be people out here. That's how they would live they'd quit their jobs and go do that Absolutely, they would Absolutely, they would Come on, you know They would and an example of this is is why you need to conserve wildlife is because of the fact You know a great example is the bison of the great plains You know when when uh, there was you know, the the native americans that lived there That sustained their people the entire time they lived there and how do they treat those animals? They took only what they needed here by year and they followed them around and they They they didn't go out and try to slaughter the whole herd at once You know and then just store all the meat they followed the herd they took what they needed they used all of the animal Right, and then when the settlers came through the rail the railroads came through And all the guys are sitting there and the stagecoach with nothing better to do But to just shoot target shoot buffalo from the train And to go out there and take them, you know Or or hunt them and take only the hide and leave the the corp the rest of the animal to rot They decimated those herds Within a few decades they nearly went extinct and you're going to tell me Today that with all of man's, you know our modern hunting equipment with all of our atvs and long range rifles And scopes and gear that guys aren't going to go out in the woods if it was legal and just decimate entire populations You know, they would and that's why I believe that god has put this in here to tell us look you need to leave Some there don't take everything all at once You know not to mention the fact the bible tells us to you know To submit ourselves to every ordinance for the man's for for the lord's sake We should submit ourselves to every ordinance for the lord's sake now Obviously if man's law is contrary to god's law we go with gods. He is the ultimate authority. We obey god rather than men But you know the speed limit on the freeway is not is not contrary to god's law That's an ordinance of man. It's put there for our own good to keep people To from going too fast and hurting each other killing one another So not all of man's laws are necessarily, you know bad they're good they're there for a reason And uh, you know, I believe that our laws when it comes to wildlife hunting conservancy these things They're good. They're there for a reason. Maybe they're maybe they're a little inconvenient But you know what? At least they're going to be that means going to leave animals there for the next generation to go out and enjoy Because quite frankly, you know, do we really need to hunt today? No, I was just looking into buying a whole buffalo online A dead one, okay I'm gonna bring a buffalo home Honey, you got a new pet His name's bob, you know I'm gonna train i'm gonna learn to ride it, you know, just right around town No, I meant like a you know one that was slaughtered frozen and sent to me, you know I don't need to go hunt. That's a leisurely activity That's something that we we that's a hobby Right, that's something that we enjoy doing So let's let's preserve these things, you know, and you say why are preaching this because I I know christians That have come to me and and bragged about their poaching and it makes me furious And it makes you not very intelligent Let me just say this if you're going to poach don't tell anybody Don't tell people you're poaching. I told this guy that's like look I don't agree with you But you definitely shouldn't be telling people that you're poaching because you might tell the wrong guy who actually will call the dnr You know and next thing you know They're knocking at your door and they're searching your house and taking your guns and finding you and everything that they can do So whether you agree with that or not, you know, just do us both a favor and don't tell me or anybody else about it Because I got it off my chest. All right now, let's go to verse eight Verse eight when thou buildest a new house Then thou shall make a battlement for thy roof that thou bring not blood upon thine house if a man falls and thents So this is just basically public safety. This is just something hey, if you're going to build a house you're not going to put people in dangerous situations and I'm, just not going to tell any stories of that exact thing happening to me But thou shall not sow thy vineyard with diverse seeds Let's the seed of the fruit of thy seed which thou has sown And the fruit of thy vineyard be defiled thou shall not plow with an ox and ass together Thou shall not wear a garment of diverse sorts as of woolen and linen together now verse 11 Is one that the atheists and the phagnostics like to show throw in our face. Oh, are you wearing a polyester cotton blend shirt? You're in violation of your own book, buddy You know and i'm always looking for the 100 cotton because in arizona, that's what you want But there's nothing wrong with me wearing this, you know polyester cotton blend shirt tonight Because that's not woolen and linen Okay, and you say why does god even have these laws? Why does god have a law like thou shall not plow with an ox and an ass together? is it because you know if you do that that the That you know, the field is going to catch on fire and god's going to come down and you know punish you. No It's symbolic. Okay. God is trying to put some some symbology in their everyday life God's putting things in their life to remind them of him and who they who he is and who they are And so they can be reminded of these things from day to day The point of not plying with an ox and ass together is to not be un as the you know Not being unequally yoked with unbelievers and I preached a sermon about that a little while ago That's symbolic there that we are, you know, we don't want to yoke up with the world to do the lord's work Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts. Okay, what's that talking about when he's talking about woolen and linen? Well, he says about woolen and linen because Of the fact that wool, you know what comes from what an animal a sheep right? It's symbolic of faith Right, and then the linen comes from what a plant which is symbolic of works So he's saying he's trying to show them and put this in their everyday life every time they put on a woolen garment They would be reminded salvation is of faith Every time they put on a linen garment, they would say salvation is not of works They would be reminded of this every day. They would see this symbology in their life Because again wool coming from a lamb coming from a sheep is symbolic of faith And the the the linen coming from a plant is symbolic of works. You say oh, I don't know about that. Well Cain and Abel What did Cain bring brought the fruit of the ground right? He brought plants. What did Abel bring? He brought a sheep, right? He brought the wool brought. Well, of course, it was the blood obviously, but That's all symbolic there and he's bookending this this year with That verse there verse 11, it's bookended by like verses that are symbolic in nature They're their commandments, but the purpose of them is to serve as a reminder to God's people Okay He says there in verse 12 thou shalt make the fringes upon the four quarters of thy vesture wherewith thou covers thyself So he's saying, you know, you're gonna make these you're gonna fray out the ends You have like these these fringes these and specifically go over to verse 11 Specifically go over to numbers 15. I know we're kind of running out of time, but there's a lot to cover tonight, but We'll go through this real quick numbers 15. Okay. What is he talking about here? Well numbers 15 kind of clarifies this for us I'll start reading in verse 37 numbers 15 and the Lord spake unto moses saying Speak unto the children of israel and bid them That they make them fringes in the border of their garment throughout their generations So this is the same commandment being reiterated to make fringes and the borders of their garments And it shall be unto you a fringe that ye may look upon it So it wasn't so other people could look upon it so that you could look upon it You would see it on your own clothes. You would see it on your father your Fellow israelites clothes you would all you would see this all around you and it would be reminding you every day of what And it shall be for you a fringe that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the Lord and do them That you seek not after your own heart and your own eyes After which you used to go whoring that you may remember and do all my commandments and be holy under god I am the lord your god Which brought you out of land of egypt? So he's saying you're going to make these fringes you're going to put a ribbon of blue in them Why to be reminded of god and his commandments and to keep them and to do them and not to seek after your own ways So that's why these things are there these daily reminders. I mean god is working this right in their daily life Right. He's saying the garments are going to be one's going to be wool one's going to be linen You can't blend them He's saying don't plow with an ox and axe together when the clothes that you make are going to have a ribbon of blue a fringe In it why to remind them day in and day out and day in and day out and day in and day out Who they are and who god is and that they are to be different Let's go ahead and uh, we'll just move ahead here for for sake of time go back to verse deuteronomy 22 look at verse 13 So the kind of latter half here kind of deals with you know Just to come out and say it deals with you know fornication and basically what we would call rape today He says in verse 13 if any man take a wife and go in unto her and hate her And give occasion of speech against her and bring up an evil name upon her and say I took this woman And when I came to her, I found her not a maid Then the father of the damsel and her mother and shall bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity under the elders of the city In the gate and the damsel's father shall say unto the elders I gave my daughter unto this man to wife and he hated her and lo yet Give an occasion of speech against her saying I found my daughter not a maid And yet these are the tokens of my daughter's virginity And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city and the other of the city shall take that man and chastise him And they shall immerse him and immerse is just a word that means a financial penalty That's what that is to to have an immersement put upon you being immersed as you being financially penalized And he says immerse him in a hundred shekels of silver and give it unto the father give them unto the father of the damsel, okay Because he had brought an evil name upon a virgin of israel and this show and she shall be his wife It may not put her away all his days So this is a clause in there that a guy just couldn't Marry a girl and then find out he doesn't like her and then just you know an attempt to just you know Bismurch your character and get out of the deal say oh, well, she wasn't a maid when I found her You know, she you know, she she wasn't virgin He's saying well, no, we're going to prove that you know, the tokens are going to be brought forth and and where they're going to have If it's found out that you're lying, you know, you're going to be chastised You're going to pay the money and you're still going to be your wife You know, so there goes your honeymoon money or whatever now you can't buy her the next nice thing. So anyway so But really what we see out of this is that it should be a safe assumption That that that that people are going to the altar pure virgin, right? See the punishment here that was put on this guy that brought an evil report upon her Was based on the fact that he thought she was virgin, right? He's he's he was led to believe that the girl he was marrying, you know was pure, right? And he's now and then he's bringing up the evil accusation and saying that she isn't And what that should show us is that you know Most people should it should be safe to assume that it is the case with people now That's not always the case. Obviously people make mistakes So that's not you know, you can't you can't say You know if you don't know that go if you go into in marriage assuming that this other person You know or they've led you to believe that they are virgin and it turns out they're not then that means yes You could put them away He said well, it's it's a found out. She lied to me, you know, then yes, that would be annulled, you know And that that marriage then could be put away But if it's found out that it's not the case You know, then he has to stay with her And we're going to move on here for sake of time verse 22 it says If a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, so let's talk about if a married Woman is if he goes and lies he puts adultery. Okay, they shall both of them die In 2020 america would love that, huh They shall both of them die Them both the man that lay with the woman and the woman So they shall put away evil from israel Look, he's saying why why should they be put to death to put away evil from israel? You know, I would rather somebody come kill me than sleep with my wife I mean that I would rather die than to find out my wife was committing adultery Honestly, I can't imagine a more painful thing Than adultery and yet today in our culture it's flaunted it's joked about It's it's it's almost expected. Oh, you're married. When are you going to have your affair? They call it an affair, right? They make it they don't want to call it adultery It's a horrible sin And he's saying look if people do this, they should be put to death And put away evil from israel, you know, if every adult all the adulterers were getting put to death You know what there'd be a lot less adulterers and not because they're all dying Because when people see that's the punishment they're going to say whoa Well, i'm just going to keep my hands to myself, you know, i'm just going to be happy with the wife that god's given me And i'm and then evil is put away from that society from israel, right? So he says here, uh Verse 23 if a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed to an husband, okay She's she's betrothed to this person means she's going to be married And a man find her in the city and lie with her then he should bring them out Bring them out onto the gate of the city and he shall stone them with stones that they died the damsel Because she cried not so he she's as good as married, right? She's betrothed. She's engaged You know, everyone knows she's going to be this man's wife And if another man come and now this is saying specifically when it happens in the city, right and if she cries not Then they both that's god says well, that's the same as adultery right So shall put away evil among you to the same end But if a man find a betrothed damsel in the field and force her now that word force means against her will okay This is rape. This is what this is talking about and lie with her Then the man only that lay with her shall die But under the damsel thou shalt do nothing There is no sin worthy of death for when a man riseth against his neighbor and slayeth him even so is this matter? I mean You know rape is something that god You know is wicked. He says it's it's it's as if you're killing somebody I mean, it's a horrible sin and the bible's making it real clear here that rapists should be put to death And that's the truth, you know, if if anybody you know, and this this is a sensitive topic to bring up because unfortunately a lot of people Um, you know have suffered from this, you know, they've experienced this perhaps even in their own lives, you know I know people personally that were that were raped and it's devastating I mean it alters it can alter a person's life completely It just it can change their direction in life their thinking the the mental wounds everything that goes along with the emotional trauma It's a you know, it's it's a serious thing So much so that god says kill him kill the rapist put him to death And again why to put away evil from israel You know women would be a lot safer if the rapists were putting to death being put to death you know There's so much the evil that happens in our societies because people don't want to follow god's rules You know men are you know because a sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily The hearts of men are fully setting them to do evil the bible says inclusiastes And what that's saying is because god's law is not being carried out because people aren't receiving the just punishment for their deeds Other wicked people look at that and say oh well now it's my turn That's not so bad. Oh a few a few years in prison for being a pedophile Worth it. That's what they think Now if it was oh i'm going to be put to death swiftly painfully if I harm a child Maybe i'll not do that Oh, i'm going to be put to death if I rape a woman Well, maybe i'll not do that Oh, i'll be put to death if I go sleep with another man's wife. Maybe i'll not do that You know, it's a deterrent it puts away evil. It makes people think twice, but when these things are not carried out in society And we've been talking about a lot this a lot lately these last few weeks because that's what's in the book of deuteronomy When these things are not carried out in society men are wicked people are emboldened to go out and do them So he says there in verse 26, but unto the damsel that shall do nothing Jump down to verse 27 for he found her in the field and the betrothed damsel cried And there was none to save her right she's saying this isn't her fault, you know That he she was forced And then people, you know, this is verse 28 is another where these in these these uh, these these idiot, uh, atheists and stuff They try to say well the bible says you have to marry a rapist, right? They go to verse 28 say if a man find a damsel in his version Which is not betrothed and lay hold on her and lie with her and they be found now. Does it say forced? No, it says if you lay hold on her, okay, there's a difference there This is not rape. Okay, and they be found, right? It says then the man shall lay that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father 50 shekels of silver And she shall be his wife. This is the shotgun wedding, right? You know, they think they're getting away with it. They're just going to go Fool around out out in the field and no one's going to be the wiser. Well if they're found out, you know, it's Yeah, you're gonna make an honest woman out of her The shotgun wedding because he hath humbled her he may not put her away all his days Oh, and you're going to give him 50 shekels of silver while you're at it So that term there lay hold on her that's not the same think of the term lay thou shalt lay hands suddenly a no man Right when he's talking about ordination about not, you know being quick to ordain somebody, you know laying hold putting your hands on somebody That's not forcing. Okay So that that's the difference there and they'll turn this and say oh it's talking about raping It's like no that's not it's different forcing her is what's considered rape laying hold on her would be You know Seducing her, you know sweet talking her it would be all of these things, you know that that type of persuasion Laying hold on her and then laying hold on her putting your hands on her and so on and so forth So, you know, uh And then so the deuteronomy is just covering a lot of different things here tonight, you know There's certain parts of the bible where it's just it just jumps, right? And you get you get a little bit of this a little bit of that a little bit of this a little bit of that But he ends here in the end verse 30. He says a man shall not take his father's wife Now it should be safe to assume he's talking about a stepmother, right? God, you know, god's not talking about incest here Although he forbids that do But he's saying look he's not going to take his father's wife nor discover his father's skirt And he's talking about what I believe is looking upon his nakedness. Okay So there's a lot of different things here, you know And quite frankly, uh, there'd be a lot of great things that it would do us. Well in this country to enact because our country is going down a cultural gutter and It's because people are a bunch of bleeding hearts that just want to apologize For every wicked individual who wants to act out on every wicked impulse that they have and as unfortunately as a result, you know people suffer them unnecessarily and uh God gives us a lot of great laws That would benefit us and you know, we'll probably never see them come to pass in our lifetime And certainly that's not what we campaign to do. You know, our we our our government is very wicked But uh, we just uh, we just know, you know We solace ourselves in the fact that one day this will be the law of the land when christ returns This is what's going down This is what this is what god's going to dole out, you know, it's going to be a rod of iron And there's not going to be there will be no uh, you know There's not going to be some you know movement or something like that. There's not going to be a congress You know, they're not going to just get more democrats or republicans in power and change god's rules You know, it's it's with a rod of iron. It's going to be swift. It's going to be perfect And we look forward to that day, you know The bible says the law of the lord is perfect, you know last few weeks. We've read some things That you know If we hadn't heard them before it might kind of struck us and shocked us a little bit and caused us to go Whoa, does the bible really say that is god's really god's how it feels about? Those people and these people and this and that Yeah, that's how he feels about it, you know And we should learn to love the lord our god and we should learn to love his word and embrace it Because again, all of these things are put into here for what for our own good that it may be well with us That's why we should love these things. Let's go ahead and pray