(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so if you would keep something there in Matthew 24 but go over to Revelation chapter number six We're gonna be looking at that a little bit here at the beginning the sermon But tonight I want to preach a sermon entitled after the tribulation after the tribulation And this isn't really a topic. I can't really remember the last time I really covered this and i'm sure probably everybody in the room Is very familiar With this topic the topic being the timing of the rapture But I think this is a really important thing to review from time to time and I think matthew 24 is probably one of the best places to turn to to learn about the timing of the rapture Because of the fact that it's just laid out so plainly. It's all just nicely nicely laid out chronologically and really That's no surprise because of the fact that it's really one of the first prophetic passages that we find in the new testament So when we get into you know, we're learning all about jesus and his ministry And you know, we get to matthew 24 and that's when he starts to finally kind of lay out some end times events for us and This is going to be a very simple plain sermon. It's not anything fancy obviously, uh, you know end times prophecy is a very deep subject It's something that's very nuanced. It's something that we could fill many many sermons talking about But what i'm talking about tonight really as simple as it is Really is the key to understanding end times prophecy If we don't understand the timing of the rapture We're going to struggle to understand a lot of other things when it comes to end times prophecy Because uh, you know, it's really what everything kind of hinges on is the timing the second coming of christ Is what we're talking about when we're talking about the rapture and no doubt about it. We're talking about the rapture I mean if you look there At the end or towards the you know, the latter part of it rather It says in verse 37, but as the days of no we were so shall also be So shall also the summoning of the coming man be for in those days They were uh drink before the flood They were eating and drinking and marrying and giving a marriage And tell the day that no we enter in the ark and knew not when the flood came look at verse 40 Then shall two be in the field and the one shall be taken on the other left, right? That's the classic Picture of the rapture if you say rapture to somebody they're going to think about you know, people being taken up into heaven Right, there's been whole movies and books and things written about that And that's one of the things they emphasize in those things the rapture people being caught up together with the lord in the clouds, okay? And obviously there's been a lot of false doctrine that's been taught over the last You know 100 to 200 years even in baptist churches today where people They don't understand the timing of the rapture and again Uh, you know, let me just say this, you know This isn't something we all have to agree on to go to church here You know if people don't want to believe something else and what i'm about to preach tonight, that's fine You know, I could be friends with pre-tribbers, you know I went to a pre-trib church for 11 years when I started out in the christian living the christian life You know, I was I would have considered myself a pre-tribber for those 11 years Even though I wasn't sure why you know, it's just basically like most pre-tribbers I was just a pre-tribber because I was told to be one And it was never really got clear teaching from it because honestly it's it's really hard to preach the pre-tribulation rapture From the bible there's a lot of mental gymnastics There's a lot of you know, bringing in charts and other things and you have to read other people's notes what I love about You know our position on on the rapture the timing of the rapture is it's just it's just bible You know, that's all i've got up here tonight. Just the king james bible I'm, not bringing out clarence larkin's book the greatest book on dispensationalism ever written. That's literally what he called it You know probably the most humble authors ever right the greatest book ever written By the most humble offer author ever to walk the earth, right? But that's what I love about this, you know, and it makes things so clear, you know And if we love the truth, you know when we hear the truth, we're going to embrace it and it'll give us peace And you know, it's so funny when I first came around on this top on this topic when I first switched You know from the pre-chip to a post-trib pre-wrath position You know, it was what what really amazed me is how many people you know were upset by that, you know I knew one person in particular When I was showing them these things and they were literally like grabbing their face and just like no it can't be that You know, they're they're just terrified of this or something but you know, this is what the bible teaches, you know, and we shouldn't be afraid of you know the fact that maybe we're going to have to go through some tribulation because The bible said yay all they that live godly in christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution You know whether we face the rise of the anti-christ and are here until the coming of the lord or not If we live a godly christian life, we're going to face persecution That's guaranteed. Okay so Let's just get in it into it tonight and look at the timing of the rapture what's great about matthew 24 is that again, it's Chronological and in verse 29 it gives you just this very clear Passage it's very clear statement from scripture And that's what we always want to base our beliefs on just the clearest statements from scripture that we can find It says there in verse 29 immediately after the tribulation Of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven And the powers of heaven shall be shaken And then shall appear the sign of man sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn so notice When is this the the come what is the what are we talking about? We're talking about the coming of the son of man, right verse 30 then shall appear the sign of the son of man And we've already established we're talking about the second coming of price because we already saw at the end That people are being taken up one is cut You know one is there in the field the other is left one is grinding the other and one is taken the other is left Okay so this is referring to the second coming and i'll prove that a little bit more later in the sermon, but So the son of the son of the son of man is coming What but it comes after the tribulation, right? immediately after the tribulation Then shall appear the son the sign of the coming the son of man, right? So you have the tribulation then christ come and it's immediately after Now look, honestly, you know, that's enough for me right there You know, that's enough to just look at and say hey, when is christ come immediately after the tribulation, you know, that's a perfectly clear verse That just makes it spells it out just as plain as the nose on your face or when christ comes, okay? But again, let's just go a little bit deeper tonight and look at this a little bit more in depth. Okay? Because remember this is all being laid out chronologically So you have you know, they're coming out they're looking at the temple in the first few verses And then they ask him when the sign of these things should be, you know What what shall be the sign of thy coming and at the end of the world, right? And he says in verse four and jesus answered and son of them take heed that no man deceive you, okay? And that's a very important verse to consider when you're thinking about this topic that there's a lot of people that want to deceive us When it comes to this there's a lot of deception out there today Surrounding the return of christ, okay? And he's saying take heed that no man deceive you so christ doesn't want us to be deceived he wants us to understand When he's coming, okay, this isn't something he's trying to shroud in mystery. This isn't something he's trying to make very complicated for us So he begins to explain this to his disciples in a very plain manner And what's great is that now we can read these words and we can see that it's very plain, okay? so he says Many shall come in my name saying I am christ and shall deceive many and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars See that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes and diverse places All these things are the beginning of sorrows Now what christ just described are the seals that you find in revelation chapter number six? Okay, and we'll look at this briefly. But if you would go over to revelation chapter number six, this is what we would call the tribulation, okay And this is not to be confused with god's wrath because often that's a objection you will hear From the pre-tribulation side, you know when we preach this they'll say, you know, we're not appointed under wrath Okay, but what I just described are things that are happening even today Wars rumors of wars Famines pestilences earthquakes. These are not supernatural occurrences These are things that are already happening. Christ is just pointing out that these things there's going to be particular events That fall into those categories that happen before his coming, okay and When we look at revelation chapter six, we see that's what lines up with The seals, okay. These events are described here Look at revelation chapter six Verse one and I saw the lamb when he opened one of the seals So the first seal and I heard as it were the noise of thunder one of the four bees saying come and see And I saw behold a white horse and he that sat on him had about a had a bow And a crown was given unto him and he went forth conquering and to conquer. Okay so what you have is The power being given to this basically the anti-christ and he's going out and he's making war with the nations, right? He's giving this been given this power to go forth to conquer Conquering and to conquer right now notice the second seal when he'd open the second seal. I heard the second piece say Come and see And there went out another horse that was red and power was given to him that sat there on to take peace from the earth That they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword So you have this, you know this leader coming into power the anti-christ go and he's given he's given the power to conquer Right and he's going out he's conquering And you see that he begins to make war. So these are the first two seals Isn't that exactly what we read first here back in matthew 24? You shall hear roars and rumors of war see that you'd be troubled for all these things must come to pass But the end is not net not yet For nations shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilence pestilences and earthquakes and diverse places So we see right away that you know, the wars are lining up with the first two seals Well, what about the pestilences? And the famine well there that's where you have the third and fourth seal Verse five in revelation six and when he had opened the third seal I heard the third beast say come and see and I behold Beheld and lo a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hands like scales and I heard a voice in the midst of the of the four beasts say A measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of of barley for a penny now You might read that today and think man great prices, right? Especially in the economic climate we're living in right you're thinking man. The inflation is really turned around by the time we get to you know revelation here But you have to remember that the biblical Measurement of a penny is a day's labor. Okay And you can find that in the parables, you know of the you know, the laborers, right? They labored a day for a penny, right and they that came at the 11th hour They got the same as though they labored through the heat of the day one penny So the equivalency is you know, a penny is a basically a day's labor in the scripture, okay? Back in the good old days before you know, uh, we had all that inflation But so what he's showing us here is that a measure of wheat, you know and a three measures of barley for a penny so basically a day's labor For you know a handful of bread for a loaf of bread or something just to get some basic minimal Sustenance just some very you know, barely any calories probably right? So this is pestilence Okay, this is famine and again, it's coming after the wars just as christ is describing it in matthew 24, okay And when he'd open the fourth seal verse seven I heard the voice of the fourth beast say come and see and I looked And behold a pale horse and his name was death and hell followed him and part Uh and power was given on him over the fourth part of the earth to kill with the sword and with hunger and with death And with the beasts of the earth, so this is that famine that's what we see over in matthew 24 We see the war we see the famine and then finally we see the fifth seal In matthew 24 what he says in verse 9 then shall they deliver you up and again, it's the then right? So he's speaking chronologically He's not just jumping around and talking about this talking about that christ is laying this out very plainly for us to understand Because again, he doesn't want us to be deceived. So take heed that no man deceive you let no man deceive you, right? That's what we're told in scripture when it comes to this topic So it makes sense that he's just laying it out as plain as he can So he says in verse verse eight then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and shall kill you and should be hated Of all nations for my sake and many shall be offended. We read this before the sermon not going to go into it But you see that basically there's just going to be false prophets and there's going to be persecution. Okay? Well, that is what we see here in revelation chapter number six When we get to the fifth seal verse nine and when he had opened the fifth seal I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of god and for the testimony which they held So, you know if people are already raptured out by the first seal then who are these people? Now these people that are have been slain for the testimony that they held well, these are the people that are still here preaching the gospel Right verse 14 of matthew 24 and this gospel the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations Then shall the end come So the bible is showing us that we'll still be here preaching the gospel You know if we haven't run to hide in a bunker, which I don't plan on doing by the way You know if we if I live to see these days i'm going to be out there preaching the gospel You know, i'm not trying i'm not going to get a bunch of mres and A bunch of beans and batteries and whatever else and just sit around and try to hold out until christ comes You know at the end of the chapter he says he admonishes us to go do the work okay, and i'll get to that later, but so we see that these People are being persecuted and then when he opens up the fifth seal He sees a bunch of people that have been slain for the testimony That they held okay Slain for the word of god for the testimony which they held So on and so forth. So as we're going through matthew 24 keep something in revelation 6 go back there We see that matthew 24 verses 6 through 14 line up perfectly with seals 1 through 5 and look this is a great study to do on your own Go take matthew 24 luke 21 mark 13 and just line them up With revelation 6 and you'll see that it's consistent That all the way through you know that those seals and what christ described line up chronologically perfectly in all three chapters, okay But then you get to verse 15 where he he says when you therefore shall see the abomination Of desolation spoken by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place who so readeth let him understand Then let them be which be in judia flee into the mountain. So Revelation or excuse me. Matthew 24 15 is actually a reference to daniel's 70th week And that's found in daniel chapter number nine go with me to daniel chapter number nine Now when I when I started earlier I said that That end times prophecy is a very deep and potentially and potentially complicated Subject and when you get into things like daniel's 70th week That becomes very true. Okay. There's a lot of math involved There's a lot of understanding of how the calendars worked back then when it was written It's beyond the scope of the sermon it's really not what i'm trying to establish tonight I'm, just trying to establish the timing of the rapture which is after the tribulation because that is key If we don't get that daniel's 70th week, is it going to make any sense? If we don't get that the more deeper complicated and perplexing things of end times prophecy are never going to fit But when we understand that That it's after the tribulation Man, it all just clicks. It just falls right in place. It's perfect. Okay So Just just very quickly in daniel. Let's look at uh, daniel chapter nine beginning of verse 25 Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build jerusalem unto. Messiah The prince shall be seven weeks and three score in two weeks The street shall be built again in the wall, even the troubleless times now I'm, not going to go real long into this just because it's very complicated. We don't really have time But basically what you have here is daniel 70 70 weeks and this is being written you know while they're in captivity in babylon and he's for prophesying of When they're going to return right and they're going to restore and to build jerusalem and he's giving them a time frame When from when that happens until the when the when christ comes, right? unto when they Let me read verse 25 again know therefore and understand that From the going forth of the commandment right to restore and to rebuild jerusalem to go back and rebuild jerusalem That was destroyed from that time of the commandment unto the messiah the prince right is a length of time that he gives and in daniel he describes it as Seven weeks and three score in two weeks, which is 69 weeks, okay now basically weeks are Seven year periods. Okay, so he's describing, you know, 70 weeks 490 years So you're getting a time frame from when jerusalem is rebuilt the temple and the wall is rebuilt Until when messiah comes which is 69 weeks, which is just shy of the 490 years, right? And then there's what they call and look that that is just no matter what your position is an end times prophecy That is just understood by everybody. That's no one debates that that's what How that works out just because of the math because of what we know from history The length of time that transpired and what he's describing here. These weeks are seven year periods, okay? So you have the 69 weeks but then you have this period from when christ came until the second coming of christ or the tribulation rather You know where that time isn't really accounted for in daniel and then Once we get into the tribulation, that's when that 70th week kicks off that last week of daniel, okay? And he says in verse 27 and he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week And in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation deceased now this is talking about the anti-christ When he goes into the rebuilt temple in jerusalem, which hasn't happened yet And he sacrifices, you know, and he somehow, you know makes an abomination right the abomination of desolation, okay? What I want to point out here is notice that it's in the midst of the week that that happens This is important because again, it's it ties in with matthew 24, right? Matthew 24 we were told We saw seals one through five Right christ lays that out. Then we see the desolate christ gives us a point of reference In verse 15 the abomination of desolation, right? So now we're going back to look at that in daniel whosoever readeth let him understand, right? So we're now we're looking at verse 27. We're talking about what christ was referencing in matthew 20 24 That it was in the midst of the week right this abomination of desolation He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week and in the midst of the week He shall cause the sacrifice of oblation to see cease and for the overspreading of abominations He shall make it desolate even of the consummation that shall be determined that determined shall be poured upon the desolate Okay, and again you can see just me reading those few verses in daniel You can go way deep and there's a lot to kind of unpack when it gets into this kind of stuff But what i'm just trying to point out here is that daniel's 70th week which kicks off the tribulation And moves into god's wrath that seven-year period What what you see in the midst of it? Being about three and a half years in halfway through That's seven seven seventieth week. That's when you have the abomination of desolation Okay, it doesn't come before and it doesn't come after it comes in the midst of the week about three and a half years It's not exactly that it's a little bit more Just because of the way the calendar works, you know back then they they would every sixth year They would add an extra month right to make up for that So if you do the math, it doesn't work out. It's beyond the scope of the sermon doesn't matter I want to confuse everybody but What i'm pointing out is that that's how it ties in with matthew 24 Right. What do we see so far in matthew 24 seals one through five? Right then the abomination of desolation, right? And then after the tribulation of those days you see the rapture taking place, okay? Let's go back to matthew 25 at least I think that's where I want to go next. Let me just make sure matthew 24. Sorry Now go to second thessalonians chapter number two. We will be back in matthew 24 Because this is also referred to in the same event is referenced in second thessalonians chapter two second thessalonians chapter number two And really for me this verse was you know when I was kind of on the fence about this This was kind of the one that kicked it off for me second thessalonians 2 First the second thessalonians 2 verse 1 now we beseech you brethren by the coming of our lord Jesus christ and by our gathering together unto him. So what are we talking about here? We're talking about the rapture I mean what else is this? The coming of the lord and our gathering together unto him, okay? They soon be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter As from us as that the day of christ is at hand. He's saying don't let some spirit deceive you Don't be troubled by somebody trying to write and tell you that this day has already happened Okay That it is at hand look at verse three let no man deceive you it's the same thing. Christ told us in matthew 24 So again, paul wants us to understand something very clearly here. He doesn't want us to be since he wants us to understand, okay? Let no man deceive you by any means for that day What day it's at the end of verse 2 the day of christ? Right Which is the coming of our lord jesus christ with which is when the rapture takes place, okay? that day That day shall not come Except there come a falling away first right an apostasy right people departing from the faith people believing lies and so that's one thing that has to happen and That the man of sin be revealed the son of perdition this is the antichrist So what is one thing we know has to happen before christ returns and we are raptured The son of man has to be revealed the son of perdition you have the antichrist that isn't that what it says Let's read it again. Let no man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come what day the day of christ Except there come a falling away first And that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition who opposeth and exalt himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped or So that he as god sitteth in temple of god showing himself that he is god. That's the abomination of desolation Let me just read about in Daniel chapter number nine. Okay, so you can see how this is all tying together and again I'm just pointing these out these other passages just so that when we go back to matthew 24 We can see it all just tying together, right It's laid out perfectly You have the first six seals described in revelation six matthew 24 then you have the abomination of desolation the man of sin being revealed And then you have you know, what takes place after that. Let's read it matthew 24 You have verse 16 then let them which be in judaea flee into the mountains Let him that is in a house stop not come down to take anything out of his house Verse 21 for then shall be great tribulation Such as was not since the beginning of the world. So this time to this time no nor ever shall be All right So obviously the events that he's describing in verses six through 14 You know, these are you know, right things that are happening even now there's persecution. There's famine. There's wars But you know in light of verse 21, they're going to be exceptional okay, but again, this isn't god's wrath This is just things that man is doing. These are things that god is allowing to pass come to pass Verse 22 and accept those days be shortened there should no flesh be saved but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened So this is how bad it is. If if those days weren't shortened we'd all be killed now What's going to shorten those days? Are the days literally going to get shorter? Is it going to be less hours in the day? Or is he talking about that time period in general those days are going to be shortened What's going to shorten them the return of christ Meaning once that that man of sin the son of perdition is revealed. That's why he's saying flee You know, you're on the housetop don't come down and take anything get out of there flee Pray that your flight not be in the winter Because it's going to be a time of the day Your flight not be in the winter Because it's going to be a time of tribulation like the world has never seen it's called the great tribulation that leads up right before That short period of time right before christ's return, okay And he's saying if that if christ didn't come no flesh would be saved we'd all be killed Verse 23 then if any man shall say unto you lo christ is here or there believe it not For there shall arise false christs And false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders in so much that if it were possible They shall deceive the very elect behold. I have told you before And then he describes the coming of the son of man wherefore if they shall say unto you behold He's in the desert go not forth behold He is in the secret chambers believe it not for as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even on the west show also shall the son of the Excuse me. So also shall Also the son of the coming of the son of man be right So he's saying look when I come don't be deceived It's going to be very obvious that it's me because it's going to be like lightning shining from one part of heaven unto the other And that's a great, you know, you kind of wonder what's going to look like when jesus comes. Well, he describes it as lightning And lightning travel is very bright and fast, right? And that's just kind of a That's how I see his return being right? He might even encompass the earth maybe several times, you know That's just just opinion, you know, just from what i'm reading But notice verse 28 for wheresoever the carcass is there will the eagles be gathered together Now you can kind of say what is he talking about here, right? Well, the carcass is talking about the body, right? And where are eagles they're in the sky, right? So he's referring to the to the rapture because we know what the rapture the dead in christ shall rise first Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together And so shall we be with the lord, right? We're not going to prevent them So when the christ comes, you know, we're caught up together therefore the carcass the body Is where the eagles are in the sky because he's coming as lightning in heaven, right? So it's obvious he's describing here again the second coming the rapture And when's it taking place? Verse 29 immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened And the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken Okay, this is the sixth seal of revelation six, okay Now verses 28, you know in 27, these are just describing the coming of the son of man, okay? 28 or 29 rather we're jumping back into the timing of it. So again, what's the timing? seals one through five The son of man being revealed the abomination of desolation the great persecution the great tribulation that takes place The days are shortened after the tribulation of those days When these certain signs take place the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light And the stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven And then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory And he shall send his angels with the great sound of a trumpet And they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of heaven even to the other that is a description Of the rapture christ coming and gathering his elect to him, right? Go back to revelation chapter 6. Let's look at the sixth seal, okay Let's say this is pretty simple to understand I know That's how christ wanted it he doesn't want us to be deceived You know and if we can't if we can't accept this then then i'm telling you all the other All the other prophecy in scripture is going to be hard to understand Because it's not going to fit you're going to be trying to put a square or a round You know round peg in a square hole. It's not going to happen You know, I remember listening to a guy try to preach the pre-trib rapture out of the book of revelation And it was it was you think this is confusing Like it made zero sense And I remember even in the middle of sermon He's just like am I is this making any sense to anyone and people are just like no Right, you know Maybe i'm not as articulate as some other people and as eloquent and as well-versed to be able to explain this more thoroughly But I mean, I think it's making sense to everybody because i'm just reading the bible And just let's just look at it. Just look and see what the scripture says Matthew 24 we looked at the first, you know, five seals We saw the son of man come then, you know, we saw the great tribulation then We saw the sixth deal he described right and then we saw The coming of the son of man and the gathering together of his elect Verse 12 of revelation six and it says And I beheld and when he had opened the sixth seal the last one and though there was a great earthquake and the sun came Black as sack sackcloth of hair and the moon became his blood. I mean, that's what we just read Those are descriptions that we just read Then shall appear the sign, excuse me Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light And the stars shall fall from heaven that lines up with the sixth seal, okay? But the first six seals are opened before christ returns, okay The stars of heaven fell under the earth and as a fig tree cast with her untimely Figs when she is shaken of a mighty wind And heaven has departed heaven departed as a scroll when it's rolled together in every mountain and island removed out of their place and the kings of the earth and the great men and the rich men and the chief captain the mighty men and every bondman and Every free man hid himself in the dens and the rocks of the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb For the great day of his wrath is come Okay, let me point that out the great day of his wrath is come not has come not has been here God's wrath has not come yet When does it come after the sixth seal because there's a difference between tribulation and wrath? God's wrath and god's true and the tribulation are two different things What separates them other than you know, the details of those specific events You know what comes between them is the return of christ. That's what's just laid out plainly in matthew 24 luke 21 mark 13 and elsewhere The great day of his wrath is come if you would Well, let's just let's just take a look at first thessalonians chapter Number five because I want to address that because you know, that's an objection you'll hear People say, you know, well, we're not appointed under wrath, you know, what you're preaching is that god is gonna you know God's gonna beat up the bride. Is that you're telling me? That's something you hear, right? You're telling me god's gonna just let his church, you know suffer through all that. Well, yeah He's not gonna pour out his wrath on them. We're not appointed under wrath, right? I agree with that first thessalonians chapter number five verse nine For god has hath not appointed us to wrath but to obtain salvation By our lord, jesus christ now, of course that is referring to hell You know god, we're not appointed to go to hell. We're appointed to salvation, okay But you know, we are promised to go through tribulation. Okay, so it's true that god has not appointed us under wrath Go to acts 14 Acts 14 In acts 14 i'll just read to you there in verse 21 It says and when they had preached the gospel of that city and taught many they returned again to lystra and to iconium and to Antioch confirming the souls of disciples and exhorting them to continue in the faith Why and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god? You know, he's he's exhorting them to continue the faith be cut not to faint not to grow weary in well-doing but to continue in the faith to not quit because of the fact that we must Through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of god paul's saying you're going to go through tribulation You know if we're if wrath and tribulation the same thing Then then we would say that, you know, why would why did paul suffer suffer all the so-called wrath that he went through, right? Because paul definitely went through some tribulation You know when you're being beaten whipped stoned shipwrecked abandoned, you know betrayed When you're naked destitute and not to mention not just paul, but you know the countless others that suffered You know if we were going to say that hey that's you know that Tribulation of wrath and the same thing then you know what then god has already appointed those people to wrath You follow me? Does that make sense? If we're going to say if people are going to say tribulation wrath same thing Then that means that first thessalonians where we look there was not True that we are appointed under wrath because of so many people that have already suffered it But the fact is is that tribulation and wrath are two different things Tribulation is something that is brought on by man It's something that's just inherent in the christian christian life all they that live godly in christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution Wrath is the supernatural outpouring of god's anger upon this earth And it comes after the revelation And that's when you see hell being opened and locusts and boils I mean, these are supernatural things that are coming from heaven Everything that we've read about in revelation 6 in matthew 24 thus far have all been things that are happening right now That come of man naturally they're not supernatural because they're not wrath. They're just tribulation They're just things that we're going to go through in life It's just that when we get towards the come the second return of christ The tribulation they're going to be amplified. It's going to be like nothing we've ever seen. Okay? Okay So let's go back there to uh Matthew 24 and i'll start wrapping up Again, I know this isn't super deep. I know this isn't you know probably news to the vast majority of people in the room, maybe nobody but You know, it's it's it's key. It's essential. It's something we have to if we want to understand bible prophecy, you know We have to have this down and understand that the tribulation comes Excuse me. The rapture comes after the tribulation. That's when the son of man comes. That's when his sign appears in heaven I want to point out one last thing here. Well before I make application anyway Again in verse 29 immediately after the tribulation That's a key verse of those days shall the sun be darkened and the moon shall not give her light and the stars of heaven Shall fall stars shall fall from heaven and the powers of heaven shall be shaken And then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall the tribes of the earth mourn Right, that's the end of revelation 6 the great day of his wrath has come they're mourning. They're they're hiding Asking the mountains to fall on them then shall they mourn and then shall the sun they see the son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and glory Verse 31 and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet And they shall gather together his elect from the four winds now. This is a reference to The rapture if you would go to first corinthians chapter number 15 I know i've had you go in a lot of different places tonight, but just go to first corinthians chapter number 15 Look at verse 51 behold I show you a mystery We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump. Okay Now it doesn't say at the last trumpet and saying at the last trump, right the sound of What does a trumpet do it trumps, right? I'm sure there's somebody out there On internet land that is, you know, trying to tie this last trump into the fact that you know The former president has just been indicted like this is it That's probably one of the signs that we're going in the tribulation because because president trump has been indicted That's not what's talking about. All right You say that sounds like a pretty hair-brained thing. No that people are out there are like that I mean, it wouldn't surprise me if somebody was making that case, you know, remember when covid was the mark of the beast You know you get the vaccine it's like you're taking the mark I mean people they want to they want to read into things, right? Let no man deceive you we have to understand these things We have to understand even just these basic simple things and get them clear and get them established So we can't get carried about by every wind of doctrine. Okay? But there's men lying in wait to deceive we don't want to fall prey to that. Okay, but that's beyond kind of rambling here But he's saying here in a that we're all going to be changed in verse 52 in a moment in the twinkling of an eye At the last trumpet for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall raise in corrupt be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed For this corruptible. Let's put on corruption Incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality, right? So when this corruptible shall put on corruption Then this mortal shall have put on immortality talking about the fact that we're going to be changed Okay, and there's more about that in first thessalonians chapter number four I won't belabor the point but notice it's at the last trump, right? That's you know, anyone would read that and say man, that is The rapture right The dead in christ are raised then we which alive remain we we go with them That's what you would read in first thessalonians chapter four They're they're caught up together. They're got up and we're caught up together with them in the clouds It's all describing that but what did we read back in matthew 24? And he shall send his angels with a great sound Of a trumpet, okay, so you can see how this is tied in in matthew 24 with the rapture right because the resurrection And the rapture is at the trumpet like christ comes there's going to be a trumpet and at that last trump the last time that trumpet trumps We're going to be gathered together, okay from all four winds And i'm just i'm taking the time to point that out because again That's a point of reference in matthew 24 matthew 24 is chronological It's and see how it just starts to fit in with the scripture When you get that key verse 29 after the tribulation of those days That you have the tribulation you have the seals one through five You have the the son of the the son of perdition the anti-christ the man of sin being revealed You have the great tribulation that follows and then you have Christ returning in the clouds like lightning and then you have the trumpet sounding you have the dead in christ being raised you have the rest of us being gathered together and then That's when the great day of his wrath has come after these things and that's when god begins to pour his wrath upon the earth two different things So, hopefully that's you know clear i'm sure that's probably obvious but let me just make one last point here in matthew 24, okay Okay Because whatever you believe about the timing of the return of christ What it's what you're doing with the time that you hear that matters. Okay, and that's kind of how jesus rounds this out, right? And a lot of times we like to get real excited about end times prophecy and look it's exciting It's cool to read about this stuff. It's cool to understand. It's cool to know all the subtle nuances It's cool to you know, be able to see these things even become to pass We can see how our world is heading towards these things it's exciting I get it, okay And i'm sure when the apostles were sitting here listening to jesus describe all these things, you know They're asking and what what shall be the sign of thy coming, you know, when shall these things be and the end of the world And jesus, he didn't blow them off. He's like well, let me tell you Right and he describes it to him. I mean how exciting to have been there to have somebody just start to tell you about the end of the world But you know, he didn't just describe all that and then just say pretty cool, huh? Right. He makes application Right, and that's what we need to learn to do Whatever we believe about it. Okay, whatever we believe about end times prophecy It's what we're doing with the time that we have that matters the most I mean, that's what I see in this chapter Because he talks about verse 31 the trumpet the gathering together the elect from the four winds of the earth And then he says now learn a parable of the fig tree, right and he gives this parable And He talks about noe, you know As the days of noe shall also be in the the coming of the son of man be right verse 50 37 He talks about how two are going to be together one shall be taken the other left versus 39 But look at verse 34, this is the application he makes after describing all that after taking the time to describe the events And to reassure, you know to tell them what it's going to be like how it's going to come to pass He doesn't just leave him and say yeah pretty neat, huh? He says this verse 42 watch therefore for you know, not what hour your lord doth come obviously none of us can date set Okay We don't know when all these things exactly are going to kick off. We can't sit here and start setting dates You know, we can't look at trump being indicted And say ah, you know, that's the that's this seal and this is that sign now we can start counting No one knows But know this that if the good man of the house had known in which hour the thief would come he would have watched Would not have suffered his house to be broken up We might not know what hour christ is coming but we know he's coming i'm sure we can all agree on that christ is returning We can at least know that That's why he says in verse 44 therefore be he also ready for such as an hour Is he think not the son of man cometh be ready why because the son of man's coming what hour doesn't matter? All that matters is that he's coming Okay Verse 45 who then is that faithful and wise servant whom his lord hath made rule whom his lord hath made ruler over his household To give them meat in due season. Who is that wise servant's going to be exalted by his master Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing You know, we might not know the exact hour or day that christ comes but we know he's coming What jesus is saying? Hey, you know, he's coming Get busy he doing be a wise servant look it's great to understand all these things But if we're not serving christ if we're not reading our bibles if we're not in church if we're not winning souls You know, we've kind of missed the point We missed the whole point of matthew 24 Because that's what how he's ending it, right? Yeah. Sure. He's explaining things He's laying it all out for us to understand so that you know Once we have the entirety of scripture we can compare scripture with scripture We compare spiritual things with spiritual and we can figure all this stuff out. We can go back to daniel nine We go to first thessalonians. We can go to second thessalonians We go to the book of revelation and we can have all of our end times prophecy just lined out picture perfect and man It's just it's airtight Man it's just it's airtight But what does it matter if we're not doing anything for christ? It matters nothing at all You know we get to when we get before christ, he's not going to sit down and grill us on end times prophecy Where were you right about the rapture? Were you right about the son of man? Did you have all these subtle nuances of end times? I mean, that's what really matters to me, you know, what's going to matter is whether what we did with the time that we had Did we serve him were we faithful? Were we wise? That's what matters in matthew 24 more than anything Obviously, you know end times prophecy and all that stuff it has its place but it's what we're doing with the time that we have Look at verse 47 verily. I say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods You know if we're wise stewart if we're doing when christ gets here, we're just going to be exalted even more No one's back there listening anyway We're just going to we're going to be exalted even more Behold, I come quickly. When's he going to be here quickly soon? Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me You know, we don't want to forget that last part that there's a reward to be earned Let's get to work. Let's serve the lord Let's be you know, let's be exalted that he may make him ruler over all his good But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart my lord delayeth is coming And shall begin to smite his fellow servants and to eat and to drink with the drunken The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him In an hour and he's not aware and shall cut him asunder and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. There's going to be loss Now some people, you know, i've heard teach that you know, he's describing this this wicked servant as somebody who's unsaved, okay? But I believe he's just saying making the point here that this servant You know, if you don't serve god, you're going to have the same reward as the unsaved. What reward the unsaved have none Hell is not a reward hell is a punishment Okay He's just making the point that if we're evil if we're not wise if we don't serve god We're not going to be made ruler. We're not going to be exalted We're going to have the same thing that a bunch of unsaved people who went to hell have which is nothing Well, yeah, we'll be in heaven And great hate beats hell by a mile, right? I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my god Than to be set one second in hell You know, i'll be the lowest low in heaven over hell, but who wouldn't take that Every person in hell would say the same thing right now Is that our standard? Well, at least i'm not in hell well Way to go you got saved You did nothing to deserve that Salvation is by grace through faith and that not of yourselves. It is a gift of god By his mercy saved us, you know not by our own righteousness You know, we're saved by grace through faith we didn't do anything to earn salvation that was a free gift It's what we did with it after that the time that we had that matters That's what I see in this chapter. I mean obviously there's a lot of great End times prophecy and it's applicable and we should know it And if we understand it and we'll accept the truth for what it is, you know It's going to help us understand a lot of other things in the scripture But let's not just gloss over the last portion here Where he's telling us to be wise servants to know that our lord is coming and to get busy serving god And not to be cut asunder and have our the same Portion, you know as an unsafe person would have which is nothing It's gonna be a real shame to get to heaven and have nothing To have all our works just burned up You know, I don't want that for anyone in the room You know, I want everyone in this room to receive a full reward But that reward is earned here through our works And it's earned when christ comes whatever you believe about when he comes We can all agree that he's coming and we can all agree that his reward is with him. Let's earn it. Let's go ahead and break