(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Of course there's a lot of great application that can be made throughout this entire chapter We'll try to get to the whole thing tonight But just starting out here with the story about Ananias and Sapphira so beginning of verse 1 a certain man named Ananias and Sapphira's wife sold the possession and kept back part of the price his wife also being privy to it and And brought a certain part and laid it at the Apostles feet so if you remember They're all selling whatsoever they had and they're bringing it They're laying at the Apostles feet and everybody is making distribution every man according to his need. There's this kind of communal I don't want to say living together But it seems like they're pooling their resources at the very least and it's kind of taking care of everybody's needs We talked about that in previous sermons how that was just kind of something that was unique to that time That's certainly not the Bible is just describing to us. What's happened there. It's not prescribing us to do the same But we see so that's kind of context of why they're even beginning to do this Okay So this was kind of a common practice that they were doing and Ananias and Sapphira aren't doing anything out of the ordinary When they're selling their home, they're selling their land rather and they're They're selling it and then they're bringing it laying at the Apostles feet. This was something that a lot of people were doing Obviously the problem here is the motive and while it doesn't necessarily just kind of come out and say what the motive is You can kind of see that it's there They have this motive that they kind of want to be, you know a big shot They kind of want people to know, you know who they are And they kind of get called out and a great lesson is the fact that you know, God knows our hearts God knows our motives even if on the surface everything we're doing, you know Man looks at would look at another one of us and on the outside to all appearances It would seem like everything's on the up and up. We're doing that was right We might even be doing something that everybody else is doing right? They weren't doing anything. That was necessarily Unique everybody was kind of doing this but God understands the motives in our actions You know We don't want to do things just to be seen of men when we do things for God and for the Lord We want to make sure we're doing these things from the heart, you know, because ultimately You know it is God that's going to reward our efforts It is God that's going to bless our efforts and if we're just doing things to be seen of men Well, then verily, you know, we have our reward now if you back up there in Acts chapter Just go back to that very end of Acts chapter 4 just a few verses up there You'll see kind of where this motive comes into place Go to verse 34 neither Was there any among them that lacked for it as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them and brought? the prices of these things that were sold just as I said this was something that everybody was kind of doing and they laid them down the Apostles feet and Distribution was made according to every man according to his as he had need and Joseph's who by the Apostles was surnamed Barnabas Which is being interpreted interpreted the son of consolation a Levite and of the country of Cyprus Having land sold it and brought the money and laid it at the Apostles feet and of course if you know Barnabas, you know the book of Acts he becomes a very key player, especially very early on Here we'll see You know in this chapter and other chapters coming up that Barnabas is kind of a central figure and he's actually You know kind of a big name in this church as it's starting out He's somebody who's a pillar in the church, you know, as Peter would put it, you know, he's a real central figure Okay, he was probably somebody's very highly esteemed. He was somebody who's probably looked up to and Somebody obviously, you know, he's being sent later on these Apostolic missions with Paul. He's the one that brings salt the Apostles. So he's a he's a he's a key player I don't want to say he's a big shot because that kind of gives you the connotation that he's in it for the wrong reasons Right, but you know just starting out too. You got to understand that in church, you know Some people are going to have be held in more reputation than others Simply just because of what they're able to accomplish, you know, God exalts one and God, you know exalts another Obviously we all have a part to play, you know And just because somebody else is more well known or maybe it's given more unique responsibilities That doesn't necessarily mean that they're better than anybody else in any in any way Okay, it's just maybe they just kind of fit the bill, you know They might have certain skills or abilities that just kind of suit the needs of the church, right? So that's kind of who Barnabas is, you know, he kind of fits in there I really would like to preach a whole sermon on you know series of sermons really on the life of Barnabas I'll probably get onto that, you know sometime after we've kind of got some distance from acts But you know, that's kind of a think something you understand years that Barnabas is kind of you know Somebody who's known and if you notice there at the end He has land and sold it brought the money laid at the apostles feet, right? So obviously this might have some kind of a tie-in with you know He's being recognized now. It's the narrator of Scripture that's telling us that he did that, right? This isn't Barnabas going and Barnabas Barnabas isn't making himself known. He's kind of being pointed out, you know And why is that? Why is the narrator of Scripture pointing out that hey Barnabas did this at the end of Acts 4? Because it kind of rolls into Acts 5 when we look at Acts 4 and we understand who Barnabas is you can kind of start to Discern the motive of Ananias and Sapphira, right? They're kind of doing the same thing that Barnabas did They want to kind of fit in and go along and kind of look like hey We're pitching in to to kind of get that you know that cred or whatever, you know Because you know, obviously it's only those that have lands, right? That's what it's saying in Acts 4 Everybody that had that were possessive of lands or houses, right? So this isn't everybody You know, it was a would have been a certain group of people that were doing obviously Some people didn't have those assets to be able to make those sales, right? Maybe they just weren't able to do that Barnabas did Ananias and Sapphira did so their motive really is not just to be you know Pick doing their part or pitching in they're not just down for the cause But it seems like that they really just want to be known as somebody that's done this They just want to kind of have a name They kind of want to throw their hat in the ring with well, you know me and Barnabas, you know We kind of both have done this righty. They want to be on that same level. They want to be regarded as somebody You know who's done the you know gone above and beyond right? They want to be more highly esteemed than they ought to be. Okay? And again, there would have been nothing wrong if they just sold their possessions So what they had and just given it all right, but the Bible points out the fact that they held back part of it So it's not like they wanted to be you know They were just concerned about making sure everybody's needs are covered What they're doing is they're just want to be you know in that group They want to be in that that group of people that are doing this so they can kind of be Distinguished maybe or set apart just so that they can kind of stand out right kind of like a Barnabas What as I said just a moment ago, God knows the truth God knows our motives and we can't lie unto God or lie under the Holy Ghost And so we should always be examining our motives examining why we're doing what we're doing Okay Because look what happens here now I'm not saying if you do something in the wrong mode of the exact same thing is gonna happen But you know, it just goes to show you that God is not beyond judging us even to the point of death, right? It says there they kept back the part of the price verse 2 and his wife also being privy to it Meaning she knew what was going on She was in on this and brought a certain part and laid at the apostles feet But and it but Peter said and an is why it's Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost Right, so this you say man, he's selling his lands He's selling his possession and he's giving it to the church to distribute. How is that satanic? What women? Come on, Peter It's got a strong language, right? Why are you calling saying Satan has filled your heart? Well, you know why Satan filled thine heart to lie the Holy Ghost Well, it's a very demonic thing to be lifted up with pride right you can kind of what was the devil's Problem, right? He was lifted up with pride, you know, he wanted to be like the Most High You want to be more highly steamed than the ultimate man. That's kind of what I see going on here at the story Ananias through his pride just wants to be known as somebody who's given right somebody who's donated, you know They want the plaque on the wall. They want that pew named after them or something, you know They want to have you know their name inscribed on a bronze piece of plastic or a piece of wood somewhere You know for all you know Eternity right, which isn't gonna happen anyway, but he's just lifted up a pride. That's what's going on here That's why I believe Peter is saying why it's Satan filled thine heart. I don't believe he was Taken over by the devil that this was some kind of demonic action, right? This is a saved man that we're talking about here Because it talks about describes how they you know, they they they they passed away. They gave up the Holy Ghost They made it wasn't like they were killed and went straight to hell Obviously, it's just you know, his motives of wrong the motive of his heart is pride, okay He said why is Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost and keep back the part of the price of the land And it's great that Peter just knew this, you know, it's like What are you talking about, right? Whilst it remained was it not thine own and after it was sold was it not in thine power? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God So again, it's he conceived this in his heart But the expression why is Satan filled your heart is just showing that it's what he's doing is filled with pride And he's saying, you know, you haven't lied unto us. You've lied unto God now kind of imagine being ananias and hearing you know, the deeds of your heart just You know called out right there, right and I don't know if this is taking place Necessarily in a church service or something like that But when the preacher gets up starts saying why is Satan filled your heart, you know I mean I can imagine you just sank it. What I want to point out here is that Ananias doesn't really get a second chance. He's just immediately called out. He doesn't get a chance to repent. It just happens, right? And it shows us that you know Sometimes when we've gone too far we can cross a line with God where it's the consequences are coming and there's nothing we can do About it, you know once we go to a certain point Obviously, there's always gonna be consequences for our sin in some way shape or form, you know sin when it's finished bringeth forth death Can't avoid that But you know as far as God's judgment goes, you know God can sometimes pull back and say I'm gonna show mercy and grace, right? You're still gonna have to suffer the consequences of your actions to some degree or another But you know the the the hand of God isn't gonna get involved all the time, right? Not the case for an Ananias, you know, he has done something that is being called out publicly I mean here we are even reading about it today You know, I believe an Ananias is a saved man He's gonna be in heaven and he maybe he's gonna go buy a different name I don't know. Maybe he's gonna he's waiting for that white stone and he can't wait to get that new name in heaven Maybe that's why God's giving us all those. Well only only that man knew it. So unfortunately, you know, he's stuck with an Ananias, but You know, he's gonna be there, you know, but he's kind of you're gonna be like, oh, yeah, right acts fine. Yeah you know so We can cross the line, you know, we can go too far where God you know just Begins to deal with us and ways, you know that we'd rather not, you know in ways that didn't have to happen This didn't have to happen. He could have given all of it and just you know had done things at the right heart She said hey you lied on the not on the men, but you've lied unto God. Okay, and I'm an Ananias hearing these words spelled out and gave up the ghost, right? It doesn't say, you know, that's why I believe it's a safe man. That's an expression, you know, they slept He went to sleep with his father's or he's you know, he's gathered into his people These are often phrases that you'll see in Scripture when some passes away, you know, giving up the ghost giving up the spirit You know, it's how it describes Christ's death on the cross, you know, he gave up the ghost Okay, so that's why I believe he's saved. Okay, but again, it shows us that you know, it's it's you know, nothing I haven't preached before that God chases his children, you know Hebrews chapter 12. He chases every Sunday. We receive it And an ananias he so he falls down dead and the young man rose wound up wound him up and carried him out and buried him Okay, and it's about the space of three hours. This is before, you know text messaging and all that So she has no idea when his wife not knowing what was done came in, right? She didn't log on to Instagram or Facebook and say oh husband's dead, right? It took time for her to find out But notice how Peter handles her. He doesn't just immediately call her out, right? He says in verse 8 and Peter answered unto her tell me whether you sold the land for so much She said yay for so much. So she's going along with the story Right and you can kind of wonder, you know Why did she say that she's is she just kind of going along because it was really her husband's idea and she's just trying to Make sure she's trying to cover for him, you know But She's given a chance really she could have said well, you know, actually, you know, we held that part of price thereof You know, she might have gotten you know Men, you know her judgment might have been just a you know have been widowed, you know, but actually obviously She didn't fess up and as a result she joins her husband, right Peter says in verse 9 then Peter said unto her How is it that you agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? Behold the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door and shall carry thee out No one ever thinks about the guys that are doing all the burying this day, right and dig all these holes They just got back from burying Ananias. It's like oh, yeah, like it was just three hours burying the last dude I'm gonna drag her out wrap her up throw on the ground those poor guys Verse 10 then she fell down straight way at his feet and yielded up the ghost and the young man came in and found her Dead and carrying her forth buried her by her husband Now notice verse 11 and great fear came upon all the church and upon as many as heard these things You know when God begins to move, you know, that's when people start to have respect for you know That church and these apostles But again, what's the what's the kind of the big lesson we can take from the story, right? You know, why is God including this in the scripture? Obviously a lot of things are taking place back then Maybe even more scandalous things than this or not. I don't know but He's putting this in here for a reason. Okay, and it's really it's so we got to understand You know the dangers of having the wrong motives for why we do things And make sure we're not doing things just to be seen event go to 2nd Corinthians chapter number 10 2nd Corinthians chapter number 10 So what was their motive? Why did they do this? Well, I believe it's because they're just desirous of vain glory, right? They just again want to be known as those people that were like Barnabas and others that had sold Lance Right. They just want to be known as very generous and giving But are they really that generous not giving if they're you know, holding back apart the price thereof and saying You know what they that they gave everything You know what? They're it's not you know, the actions might be generous But what's really going on if they're lift up a pride and they just want to be known as somebody Who's generous they're not actually they don't actually care about having charity and love in their heart They just want to be seen in that light. Okay? They're desirous, you know of a form of vainglory look at verse 12 second it's 10 says in verse 12 where we do not we dare not make ourselves of the number or Compare ourselves with some that commend themselves You know, there's people out there that will commend themselves They'll tell you what a great job They did at X Y & Z they'll tell you how they're the greatest this and the best that they will commend themselves Right, and we don't want to compare ourselves with those that commend themselves You don't want to let people, you know get into our heads and you know Lift themselves up and cause us to look at them as though there's some great giant of the faith Right and look I've seen this type of thing take place Where you know people maybe they're You know, they do a lot more soul-winning or they are just you know more into the service of God They'll start to actually look down on other other other people, right? They'll actually start to kind of have this condescending attitude towards other people that may be in a different situation in life Different station in life that maybe can't do everything that some you know, 20 year old single guy can do right Obviously the busy housewife of you know, several children Doesn't have all the time in the world to just go out every day and win, you know scores of people to Christ You know, that's not any knock on her obviously she'll still has a very important job to do of Raising the next generation of preachers and soul winners and godly wives and mothers and godly husbands and and fathers That's a very important job. Okay, it's got it's actually God's will for them, right? But some people I've seen they commend themselves You know where they think oh, I'm just so far above these married couples in the church I'm just so far above all these other people and they begin to commend themselves But what's really frustrating is when people start to compare themselves with those people You're always gonna have people like that to some degree. Okay, there's always gonna be people that come and go that are like that But what's frustrating is when you see other good people look at people like that and then begin to compare themselves to those people So, you know, I just man. I wish I was more like so-and-so and I've heard think people say things I think really you wish you were more like an arrogant popped up jerk You know, I didn't say that, you know But I'm just kind of like well, you know is what it is. Can't all be the greatest, right? Notice it goes on but they measuring themselves by themselves and comparing themselves among themselves are not wise It's not wise to sit here and measure yourself against somebody else Right. It's not it's not wise to compare yourself to somebody else You know, the only person we need to be comparing ourselves with is Christ and once we do that We all realize we all come incredibly short Right. I don't care how great somebody is. I don't care how what works they've accomplished it come it comes, you know Incredibly short of the work of Christ. They don't even come close to the goodness of God So that's the only person we should ever be comparing ourselves with You know how much more Christ-like are you become today or you know, if you have to have some kind of earthly standard For your measure of success you really you know, this is a good philosophy I I subscribe to is just compare yourself to the person you were yesterday You know if there's someone on this earth that you have to compare yourself to it should be you The old you are you better today than you were yesterday or you worse today than you were yesterday? Right, are we making steadily making improvements from day in and day out? You know, that's the only earthly comparison. We need to make we don't need to be comparing ourselves to other people you know comparing ourselves to You know somebody else in the church who maybe is in a completely different situation in life, right? That's a problem with comparing yourselves and look this isn't this is something that goes to be outside the walls of the church Today people compare themselves to others on social media, don't they? Right because on social media you're always being presented with the best side of people Right. It's always some you know, some person is just incredibly good shape just incredibly finished just doing these amazing feats of strength It's like I should be more like that Yeah you should live in a gym for like six years and Watch every single thing that you eat and just like make your whole life about fitness and then one day you too can put up a 60-second video of you doing 22 muscle-ups or whatever it is, right? Whatever the great amazing feat of strength that they're doing, you know We look at that for half a second. They're like, oh man, I just you know, I'm worthless It's like but really if you know a lot of times I'm not gonna try to get down on people that you know we're doing that but You know a lot of times those people if you saw their lives how what they're just they're just eat breathe and sleep that stuff You wouldn't even want it. You'd say it's not worth it But all we see is the tail end all we see is what they want to show us You know the guy who's doing a you know, 600 pound deadlift or whatever. Oh, man. I should be able to death like that Well that guy's on gear You know, you didn't see that guy. We can't even hardly reach around to inject himself anymore You know with steroids because you got to get his buddy to do it, right? That's not the side. They're gonna show you Okay So it's not wise to sit there and scroll through social media compare yourselves to everything you see It's not wise to look around the church and look at some other Christian who's been faithfully serving God for decades And say why are I more like them? Why don't I have this sermon they do why don't you know? It's because that all that stuff comes with time. Okay. Why don't I have the Bible knowledge it so-and-so has well They've spent years reading it. They've spent hours memorizing it. They've spent hours studying it You know, you can't compare yourselves to people that have just been in it longer It's the same same thing in the spiritual world as it is out and you know when it comes to carnal things. It's not wise You know an anis and anis and sapphires have understood this that they weren't just chasing very vainglory saying Oh, let's be more like Barnabas. Let's kind of be in that group of people that did that You know if their motives had been right You know one they would have just given all of it or they wouldn't get anything at all Or they at least would have been honest and just said hey we sold land Here's part of it right instead of trying to make out like oh no We gave everything that we had right and that was the big lie that was taking place there You Say well, you know what? Well, let me just move along here and just make this this point here, you know Barnabas What's great about him is, you know, he's not somebody that commended himself as I just pointed out You know in acts 4 at the end it's the narrator of scripture that's telling us that just so we can kind of get the context of what's taking place and Kind of discern the motives behind an anis and sapphires his actions Barnabas is mentioned by name But you know Barnabas is not, you know, it's not like he you know went to Luke is like Hey put that part in there actually that's end of the chapter Well how I you know, it didn't go to Luke to tell him to do that, right? He didn't pull the Holy Spirit here and like hey, can I get a mention? You know what? I mean? God did that God put that in there for a very explicit reason, you know Barnabas You know is somebody that did not commend himself and was used mightily by God Go to Galatians chapter number five Galatians chapter number five, you know I'll just read you from an axe 11 where we learn a little bit about more about Barnabas It says that Barnabas was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and a faith. I Mean and and really that's really the best compliment, you know, you can really pay anybody in this world. Really? He's a good man Right that kind of if you can if that can be said of you, you know You've you've arrived, you know, or you've kind of achieved something, right? That's you have you're on the right path is what I'm trying to say You know, that's that's all we can ever really strive for. It's just to be considered a good person How do you have how do you have that happen? He was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost and a faith Right if we want to have that reputation of being a good man of being a good person Then we have to be full of the Holy Ghost and we have to have faith And you know what and then it's something that just comes to you It's not something you're seeking after if you're full of the Holy Ghost, you know, you're not gonna go chasing after vainglory You're not gonna go chasing out there try to form repute some reputation for yourself That was said of Barnabas by Acts chapter 11 And we see a lot of the things that he did between you know, acts 4 and acts 11 He does a lot of great things but not it's all for the right motive It's just because he cares about the things of God. He just wants to serve the Lord He wants to help other people right and he's a good man for it But why was he that way because he was full of the Holy Ghost and a faith, right? He wasn't chasing after it. He was just living for the Lord and The same will be said of any one of us if we just say, you know what? I'm not trying to be a big shot. I'm not trying to have some big name I'm trying to make sure everyone knows who I am or be held in some high esteem I just want to serve God and be full of the Holy Ghost and be full of faith If you'll just do that, then it will be said of you. He was a good man Some of the ladies are like, I don't know if I want that be a good person, right? You know, that's you understand I'm saying right you're gonna have that reputation of somebody who's a good godly Christian who loves the Lord And what else could you want in this life? What other reputation matters? I Mean, what if you achieve some great level success and all these things are being said of you, but then it was like yeah But they're really poor Christian But they're not a very good representation of Christ. They're not a very good example of godly living, you know, everything else just kind of Fall is is for not right My mom says in Proverbs 27, we all know is the verse to let another man praise thee and not thine own mouth a stranger and not thine own lips You know and it's embarrassing to hear people praise themselves, isn't it? It's and people do this and people just do this without even thinking They just do it when they just start talking about how great they are or how they did this and they achieve that and they just There's so many just proud boasters And again, I know I'm kind of ragging on social media tonight But it's it's that's just this huge Avenue that's been opened up for people to do that For people who just go online and just brag and post and boast about you know, how great they are just show off, right? But the Bible says let another man praise thee, you know and praise God when it's you know, another man But how about when it's the narrator of Scripture the Holy Ghost that says Barnabas was a good man and full of Holy Ghost, right? Even If nobody has anything good to say about us in this world If we're right with God and full of the Holy Ghost and God considers us a good person. That's all that matters Look at Galatians chapter 5 verse 26. Let us not be desirous of vain glory Vain glory don't chase after some stupid reputation Or just say no everyone look at me. Look what I did. Look how great I am. Look what I'm achieving, right? I'm not saying don't be ambitious. I'm not saying don't have goals. I'm not saying don't strive to do better But make sure your motives, right? Make sure you're doing it for the right reasons and not to be seen of men And there's kind of a warning here in this verse 26. It says let us not be divided desires of vainglory provoking one another Because that's kind of what comes with that territory, you know people who just want to have vainglory they start to provoke other people Well, you know that's great that you did that but I ever tell you the time that I You know, that's all you've ever done, you know They start to they start to talk down to you about what you you know You might have done something and then they just kind of step in and be like well Let me tell you about me and they just kind of want to cast a shadow on anything that you might actually accomplish Right, they provoke and they envy right then the other person begins to envy other people because they're comparing themselves with somebody That's commending themselves. Okay, and Okay So if you look at verse 22, of course very famous verse, you know, this is kind of the antidote to vainglory, right? Barnabas was a good man because he was full of the Holy Ghost And we need to walk in the spirit right so that we can have the fruit of the spirit because what are the fruits of? The spirit it's love joy. Peace long-suffering Gentleness goodness faith neatness neatness Right humility not thinking more highly of ourselves Okay being meek that is something that the fruit that the spirit will bear in your life You won't even have to try it will just be there because these are the fruits up This is the fruit of the spirit, right? The spirit will bear this in your life It's not like every morning you have to wake up and okay Let me get through my checklist to make sure I'm this this and this and this and this You just have to be full of the Holy Ghost get the sin out of your life as best you can you'll keep sin Keep the slate clean with God confess it forsake it You know keep that that sin account short with the Lord Wasn't talking to you, right You know be reading your Bible praying be faithful of things of God go to church Love your family, you know all the things that we're supposed to be doing just be faithful to the Lord and keep his commandments And you'll be full of the Holy Ghost God will bless you and then these things will just happen And you know what one of those things that'll happen you'll be a meek person and then he won't turn into some arrogant Puffed up jerk who just wants to compare himself to everybody else and You know provoke other people and get them to envy him and you know Ultimately in some way shape or form be judged by God. Okay, like Ananias and Sapphira And again in the story and I got to move along but it's interesting that Ananias, you know, he's given a chance to confess Or excuse me. He's not given a chance to confess. He's just immediately called out and essentially executed You know, there's that's called so that's the real slaying in the spirit right there brother That's the slaying of the spirit right, you know so much for slaying in it Whereas Sapphira, you know, she's kind of asked, you know Did you sell it for so much and she chooses not to confess she confuses not to tell the truth You know and this is kind of the unintended consequences of sin And what I mean what I mean by that is that you know, I'm just kind of thinking about how maybe the story played out You know, I don't know if they were, you know, obviously Sapphira is privy to this but you know Somebody had to come up with this idea It sound like they both were like thinking the same thing and then we're like, hey, you know what? I was thinking I was thinking the same thing, you know, I doubt that's what took place You know if I had to guess this is probably an Ananias's decision, right? Just because of the fact that Typically throughout history men have been the property owners, right? He's the one that's selling his these are his goods I mean who knows maybe it was a unique situation, but I'm just saying generally speaking, right? this is probably how it played out and Sapphira, you know, maybe she thought it was like me She maybe thought she was a good idea or not. I know but she's probably just kind of went along with this which is why it kind of seems to me like That's maybe why Peter gave her that chance Like did you do this was it for so much like that was kind of her chance to not have to you know To die right? She could have come clean But she went along with it, right, but I don't think it was really her idea I think this is probably an Ananias's idea And what I'm trying to the application to make here is that we have to be careful as leader leaders You know the decisions that we make have unintended consequences sometimes a lot of times people think oh, I'm gonna do this thing And you know, it's only gonna hurt me, you know, I'm gonna get into this thing or I'm gonna you know cut corners here They're gonna you know, they're gonna just try to do something underhanded or sneaky or whatever and they think oh, it's just me You know, I mean if I get caught I'm the only one that has a problem or you know If God judges me, it's just gonna be just be me. But what what happened in the story is that? Sapphira went along with it, you know Ananias wasn't counting on the fact that Peter was just gonna you know have this miraculous ability to just call them out for lying to God that the Holy Spirit was just gonna Speak through Peter and deal with them right there on the spot and give him no chance to you know Recant and go back and apologize repent. He didn't see that coming right and Maybe if he had, you know, he wouldn't have done it and especially if he'd understood Hey that his wife was gonna join him in the grave For the sin, he might have thought twice a lot of times people don't think twice about their actions, right? they don't think about where it could lead them and With Ananias and Sapphira specifically. It's a great example of a man Leading his family astray, right and then suffering severe consequences You know, we as men those of us that lead have to be very careful about the decisions that we make And not think about you know, well, you know, I know I can kind of get away with this It's only gonna affect me it could affect our family far more gravely than sometimes we anticipate Right, and I don't know that any of us is, you know, trying to commit fraud or anything, you know or trying to You know do something as egregious as what Ananias was doing but sometimes we can think about all if I you know if I You know skip church or you know If I'm just gonna, you know, let my wife be the spiritual one in the family that you know It's not really gonna affect anybody, you know, that will have a severe effect on your family men. It will How can it right because children they they follow what they see, right? You know and if they see hypocrisy that's just gonna make them more bitter, you know That's gonna turn them probably away from the things of God If they see inconsistency and let me just go ahead and break it to all your kick all the kids in the room Your parents are gonna have flaws. You probably noticed that by now There's probably gonna be some degree of inconsistency or some degree of hypocrisy because we're all human Okay, and you're no different young person child, you know, you're gonna have your own shortcomings as well So, you know, maybe you should cut your parents a little bit of slack give them a little grace Okay, so because you might need it. In fact, you will need it someday just as much as they will right maybe even more So, I don't know but the point is this is that you know, we want to obviously minimize that as leaders We don't want to just not consider the consequences of our actions because it's not just going to affect us the decisions that we make will affect our families and You say how? Well, you don't know you have no idea how severe could get I mean you think Ananias went well You know if I get busted we're both gonna die worth it You know, it's probably not went through his head. Oh if we get caught it'll be it'll be kind of embarrassing, you know We'll cut you know But whatever we'll get over it people forget and then he's being buried. Okay, I Got to move along though Let's go I'm moving along here the story verse 12 and by the hands of the Apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among them now I'll just take a quick second again in your mind and point this out that it was by the hands of the Apostles, right? Not every Christian not every believer not every Convert was doing all the the wonders that were wrought among the people right? It was the Apostles Okay, and it goes back to you know previous sermons where we were talking about how you know, those signs were given To the Apostles for confirmation of you know, the church and those things have passed away It's a lot of these signs a lot of these signs and wonders are no longer okay, but they were doing you know, the taking up serpents and drinking poisonous things and you know speaking in other tongues actual Earthly languages, right we went over all that but there it is again There's just that the Bible just make sure to point out it was by the hands of the Apostles Where many signs and wonders wrought among the people and they were all of one accord in Solomon's porch Part of the temple there and at the rest there's no man joined himself to them, but the people magnified them You know, so the Apostles are kind of being set apart and kind of magnified right but is that something that because they were you know Lifting themselves up. No, it's because God was using them. Okay God exalted them in due time. Okay Anyways, let's move along in the believers one of the more added to the Lord multitudes both of men and of women Inso much they brought forth the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and couches that at the least of the shadow of Peter passing by might overshadow them some of them and there came also out of the cities round about them unto Jerusalem bringing sick folks and Then which were vexed and unclean spirit with unclean spirits Excuse me And They were healed Everyone when the high priest rose up then the high priest rose up and all they that were with him Which is the sect of the Sadducees and were filled with indignation So these the high priests rises up right and they're filled with indignation what are they mad about Sorry, I'm still getting over that cold Obviously, you know what they were upset about Is what the Bible just subscribe to us now when you read verses 12 through 16 was there anything I just infuriated you You're like all the healing all the church is being met You know the people they're being magnified and then people are getting saved. Can you believe these guys? Man someone has to do something about these guys. I need to get to verse 17. You're like, yeah It's about time somebody took care of these guys Right. No, that's what they're but that's what they're and they're indignant. Excuse me about That they're healing people that were vexed with unclean spirits That sick folk are getting healed. They're just jealous about what the Apostles are doing. Mm-hmm Why? Because the Sadducees are those that compare themselves among themselves Right. Sure. Thank you. They're they're just you know, they're they're unwise people who just want to you know, Thank you, brother who just um You know are upset that anybody else is doing greater works than them That's what's taking place here that's what they're all upset about And It's not they're just mad they do something about it verse 18 and they laid their hands on the Apostles and Put them in the common prison, but the angel Lord by night opened the prisons doors and brought them forth, right? I love all the prison breaks in the book of Acts. There's just people are constantly getting blessed out of prison, right? and said go and stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life and When they heard that they entered in the temple so they go right back where they were in the morning and taught but the high priest came and they that were with them and Called the council together and all the Senate of the children of Israel and sent to the prison to have them brought So they're like, alright, let's you know, let's get these proceedings underway But when the officers came they found them on the prison They returned and told saying the prison truly found shut with all safety and the keepers standing without before the doors But when we had opened we found no man within Now you would have think that this would kind of be a clue to these guys And we'll see here in a minute that Gamaliel is kind of getting it, you know with what's taking place like, okay so let me get this straight they were all shut up and the keepers were there and They say that they were there all night, you know, there was no way for them to escape and yet they did And you know, it's just like and and then everything and then remember why were they cast in there to begin with because they're healing people and doing miracles right You can start to see you know How God truly had hardened some of these people's heart how you know, and this is the reprobate mind Right the reprobate mind can just see the hand of God working You know and just be Filled with indignation over it The point where they're gonna be found to fight against God right Gamaliel reigns them in At the end and says let's not be found to fight against God, you know, we can't overthrow God You know, but this is typical, you know these, you know That's why you know and the Bible does say that a lot of these Pharisees and Sadducees They could not believe because God had hardened their heart and blinded their eyes. They were reprobate make no mistake about it Not all of them. Obviously many Jews believed there are a lot of Pharisees that converted, you know Even Barnabas a Levite, you know sold his possession, right? But there were a lot of you know Obviously that a lot of that religious sect that were just had crucified Christ and were just hell-bent on destroying The true work of God on earth, right because they're reprobate So when they see the working of God, they just they're just filled with indignation, right? Because they're not you know reprobate isn't just somebody who just doesn't believe in God. They literally hate God. They are haters of God They hate God and they hate those that are godly in Christ Jesus. They hate him Because you I mean how else do you explain this? How else do you explain any rational human being seeing what's taking place? You know all these healings these miracles and then this this miraculous jailbreak, you know, which was something, you know What did they think was it was this Houdini they're dealing with or something? What did they think was going on? Was all some big trick It's just that they it was you know, obviously the hand of God and yet they're still upset They're just mad because they hate God And The same thing is true today You know when they see God's hand working when they see the Word of God going forth and being true preached in truth and sincerity You know and people hearing that message when people are Spiritually being healed when people are having you know, the Word of God preached unto them, you know The same thing happens today the haters of God they can't stand it and they're filled with indignation They have to lash out They have to write the church they have to leave the voicemail You know normal people even people who maybe don't believe in God don't believe in the God of the Bible Maybe scoff at the things of God. There's your typical unsaved person that's out there Maybe you know, maybe subscribe to evolution or you know They just kind of have been just brainwashed and just taught to believe whatever, you know, but they're still just they're not reprobate You know normal people Would just kind of they would hear it maybe like the preaching that comes across this pulpit from time to time and Here's some hard message Maybe that some preacher gets up and says just preaching the Word of God and they might rub them the wrong way And they might not like it but you know what they just kind of move on with their life, don't they? They don't just make it their their mission in life to try to destroy that individual You know the worst it's the worst type of people that take the time out of their busy schedule You know, I say that with a great deal sarcasm To actually reach out to a church and say some of the things that I've heard them say You know and I'm talking terrible things You know say things like oh he deserves to have his head bashed in in front of his family You know one guy Left the message for yours truly, you know Saying I hope your children are mauled by pit bulls in the middle of the street and they bleed out in your arms And then you hang yourself and no one finds you and you rot in a closet That was you know, hey check the messages But you know, yeah, I can see your God, okay Why would you say that but I already know why they say that because that person is probably just a reprobate who can't stand God And can't stand anyone that's actually preaching God's Word It's not a normal person to be filled with that much indignation. I Mean I'm not so, you know Ignorant to not understand that, you know, there's people that are gonna hear some of the things I preach you just kind of Alright guy ever have Bible thumper and then go on with their life That's a normal person. Okay, that's just a normal unsafe person It's the reprobate that behaves like this where it's just they have to just destroy it They just have to lash out in some way. They have to lay their hands on them or talk about how they'd like to Anyway, I gotta move on they find them not in the prison. They say the doors are shut Verse 24 now when the high priest the captain the temple the chief priests heard these things they doubted of them weren't to this would Grow so they're worried about how much this is gonna spread Then came one and told them saying behold the men whom you put in the prisoner standing the temple and teaching the people and when the captain and the officers And Then with the captain in the office and brought them without Violence for they fear the people this they should have been stoned When they brought them they set them before the council and the high priest asked them saying did we say do we not straightly command? He should not teach in this name and behold. He have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine and tend to bring this man's blood upon us Okay This man's blood being Christ, right? Because that's what they're preaching you have killed the prince of life you with wicked hands have slain him, right? Verse 29 then Peter the Apostles answered and said we ought to obey God rather than men You know, I thought about really parking on this point because obviously that's a real famous verse. There's a lot of application we can make there Obviously we ought to be a God rather than men but you know Sometimes I just feel like Christians. They just take that to an extreme right where they forget the part about obeying God They just make their life all about not obeying the ungodliness, right? They want to just disobey anything that they just deem as You know anti-christ. It's a satanic. It's unbiblical, you know, it's just their duty in life to disobey They're just more focused about the disobeying ungodly, you know men, but they forget about the part about obeying God, right? You know, they they'll just get all up in arms about something and they'll just be all irate about something someone Righteousness, there's some iniquity and some wickedness that's in the land, but you know, they've kind of left off the obeying God part You know, they'll I mean they can write you out Just you know Just this long text and make all these great points about how this sin is wicked or whatever and how they're just so indignant about some Unrighteous deed that's out there in the world, but then it's like but where are you going to church? You know, they can tell you they can make some great long YouTube video. It's like but have you read your Bible? Okay, I got to move along at that point but you know, let's not get off kilter there Yeah Let's not when when wicked men are trying to get us to do ungodly things when they're saying it's serve God or serve man Obviously we go serving God But we obey God, okay First story the God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom he slew and hanged on a tree, right? Him have got exalted and with his right hand to be a prince with his right hand to be a prince and a Savior for to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins And we are his witnesses of these things and so also is the Holy Ghost whom God have given to them that obey him when they heard that they were cut to the heart and Repented and said you know what? You're right What we were so wrong Peter John you guys you're right. No and took counsel to slay them Right goes back the point. I was just making That you know people just can't these reprobates just can't handle. They just want to destroy the truth They don't want to retain God and their knowledge Okay, they don't want someone sitting there telling them reminding them, but they're wicked and that They've been given over first 34 then set up one of the council a Pharisee named Gamaliel a doctor the law had in reputation among all the people and Commanded to put the Apostles forth a little space. So he's kind of calling a recess, right? It's like get him out here, you know, get him out of earshot. Let's have let's get together have a little powwow, right? And he said to them he men of Israel take heed what to yourselves what you intend to do is touching these men for before these days was a Thudias boasting himself to be somebody to whom a number of men about 400 joined themselves Who was slain and all as many as obeyed him were scattered and brought to naught After this man rose up Judas of Galilee in the days of taxi and drew a much people after him He also perished and all and all even as many as obeyed him were dispersed right? So again, these are Reminding these other guys that were all about not obey, you know disobeying wicked men But you know, it seems to me like they might have forgot about the obedience to God anyway So you say hey remember these other rebels that came up and these are probably just guys, you know, obviously that were Rising up against the Roman government. They were against the you know, the days of the taxing, you know They just wanted to make their life about fighting the IRS It's like go fight the IRS and see how far that gets you Right We don't have to pay taxes Okay Quit paying them and I'll just tell me which federal prison you end up in and I'll send you a cake But there won't be a file in it. All right So cookies, you know see you when you get out, right? They perish, you know again, we ought to obey God rather than men, but it's obeying God That's the battle that we fight don't get caught like one of these guys who just takes on a stand on An unbiblical issue right because it doesn't lead to anything it just gets Squelched just gets stamped out they gets as it says they're dispersed at the end of verse 37 scattered brought to naught dispersed So Gamaliel is like reminding in these other instances and now I say unto you refrain from these men and let them alone for if this Council be or this work of be of men. It will come to naught and Gamaliel is right about this If all that Peter and the Apostles were doing was just the work of men, you know, we wouldn't even be reading about it right But if it be of God, you cannot overthrow it lest half will be found to fight against God You know and Gamaliel is 100% correct about this, but what does that tell you about? What Peter and the Apostles were preaching that it was of God? That faith remains Right, you know the faith that we have today is the faith that they were, you know It's not you know espousing back in the book of Acts where we're reading. It's continued on ever since then So what does that tell you if it didn't come to not that it's not the work of men It is the work of God and look we already believe that but it's good to be reminded of this That this is the true faith this is the way the truth in life that was who you know, that's what we preach Christ Okay Christ you know reassured let's go to just go to 1st Timothy chapter 6. I'll wrap this last point up very quickly you know Christ told Peter, you know that that the gates of hell would not prevail against the church and we see that playing out in Acts and Really if Gamaliel hadn't come along and piped up I Mean who knows what would have happened obviously, you know, there's there is going to be more persecution It comes, you know in in chapter 8 chapter 7. They're gonna be scattered, you know, Stephen's gonna be martyred They're gonna be scattered, you know Into you know, the regions beyond and that's actually gonna work for the cause of Christ, right? It still would have gone on but you know if Peter and John might have come to a you know, an early end here and the other Apostles if Gamaliel hadn't stepped up and said something right The gates of hell shall not prevail against it against the church And even a guy like Gamaliel can be used of God right to to make sure that doesn't happen Ultimately in this story what we see is that God is in control of what took what's taking place and what isn't allowed to take place, okay That's important for us to be reminded of okay, because sometimes we might find ourselves embroiled in some conflict Where we're facing a lot of resistance, you know, we down here haven't gone through that You know, yeah somebody texts or you know leave some You know stupid email or voicemail or whatever. It's just like You read enough of those and it's just like water off a duck's back eventually, right? This is like, yep par for the course, okay But we haven't really faced a lot of things here that you know other churches have faced okay, and You know, it's important to be reminded though that if that ever happened that whatever takes place is God is allowing it Okay, God allows that to happen ultimately Man cannot overthrow the faith that we have he cannot they can't overthrow the faith Of the Bible the true faith they can't they can't fight against it. They will be fighting against God, okay This faith is the you know that that they're preaching here is the faith that remain that roommate had remained unto this day and Will remain going forward. Okay Look at 1st Timothy chapter 6 verse 11 He says in verse 11 though a man of God flee these things fall after righteousness godliness faith love patience meekness Fight the good fight of faith So what I'm the point I'm trying to make here at the end is How did this faith come to us the faith that we have the faith that we share? With the Apostles that we're reading about with the same group of people You know God's people in the book of Acts that we're reading about we share that same faith that faith has Passed down through the generations to us. That's the faith that we have today We are built upon the foundation the Apostles and the prophets You know, that's what we're built upon their commandments their sayings That's you know, it's come all the way down through the millennia to us. How did it get there because men fought to keep it Men took a stand they preached and they taught and this is a great example of what it takes to make sure the pick the faith continues on obviously God ultimately is control and Even if man fails God will keep the faith here Okay, but it's it's people like Peter like Paul Who have fought to keep the faith down through the ages down through the centuries that that we have today That's why Timothy is being reminded to fight the good fight of faith the layhold on eternal life, okay We are to earnestly contend for the faith, which was once delivered to the Saints You know the faith that we have is one that has been fought for You say what do you mean fought for through Crusades? That's not what I'm talking about Not talking about going out and fighting for some so-called universal church and all its heretical doctrines We're not you know trying to you know, we're not Muslims or something You know, we're not trying to conquer the world, you know and submit everyone to our faith When I say fight what I mean that that we take a stand for it that we can tend for it That we preach and teach it right with Unrelentily we we obey God rather than men and we preach our faith no matter what the consequences are. That's how it came to us So it's a real shame and with you know, we have this This faith that has been passed down to us that has come at such a great price for so many I mean just the people were reading about but just think about the untold millions that we don't even know anything about All the great stands all the the suffering has taken place so that we can have the faith that we have to have the Bible That we have to understand and have the doctrines to have the gospel preached like we have It'd be real shame for us to now have that and then to do nothing with it But to drop the ball and let all those people down right people who have fought the good fight of faith You know Paul was telling Timothy to fight the good fight of faith Because he was able to say in 2nd Timothy. I have fought a good fight of faith He's saying you know, what manner of man I was, you know, you know Who I am, you know my person, you know, what tribulations came to me, you know what persecutions You know, you know the things that I've gone through I you know that I finished my course Timothy, you know I fought the faith. It's your turn now to fight the good fight of faith You know, that's a previous generation speaking to the next one. That's how we've gotten the faith that we have today That's how we have the Bible that we have That's how we have the doctrines that we believe is because people have fought that good fight They've obeyed God rather than men men have fought That's all this faith came to us You know look at how look at how it ends here in verse 40 and to him they agreed Gamaliel and when they had called the Apostles and beaten them they command and they should not speak in a Jesus name and they let Them go and what did they go do? They wouldn't spoke in Jesus name, right? And they departed from the presence of the council rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name Now, oh man, we got to rethink our whole lives. I don't know if this whole Christianity thing is for it for us. I mean, I don't know if we should be doing this anymore No, they were like man. We are so fortunate to been able to suffer for the cause of Christ When they were physically beaten Physically beating, you know, I don't I've never been beaten up my whole life And I've never beaten anybody up, you know But I can't imagine that beating you taking a beating is something that is a very pleasant experience It's something that I generally try to avoid at all costs You know, let's see. I don't honk my horn drive around Tucson You know, I don't go around mean mugging people because you don't know who you're gonna messing with, right? I Try to stay in my lane be a nice guy Because I don't want to I don't want to catch a beating, you know Because that's a painful thing who wants to go through that Right, but you know, and here's the thing. How many people do you know that have been beaten for Christ? I Don't know anybody I Mean, I'm sure that we've all know somebody that's been pushed or maybe smacked But I'm saying this wasn't this is not what they're talking about where it says they when they beaten them. I Mean they're taking it there. It's probably got brewed. They're limping. They're bloody. Probably they're walking away. Just like You know, oh man, I'm so glad we're worthy to have suffered for Christ. He slapped me right on the wrist You know, oh they wrote a nasty text message. Oh, they they told me they said some mean things to me online Oh, I'm so glad I saw you know, we haven't even begin to scratch the surface of what it means to suffer for Christ but these people have and That's how our faith came to us is because of people were willing to even put their lives Physically on the line for the cause of Christ. This is how it all got started. Okay They and they but notice how it ends and daily in the temple and in every house They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ Very famous verse right? It's the theme verse of our church people work That's What they did but that came after a beating Right, they were willing to suffer that and they were willing to continue on and preaching and teaching Every day every house in the temple. They did not cease How did this faith come to us? Through people who preached and taught unceasingly Right, they ceased not and it's teaching and preaching You know, it's the going out the preaching the gospel teaching the Word of God out there to loss but also came to us through people being faithful to church faithful to preaching the Word of God and Getting their families in church and having their children hear the preaching Word of God and being brought up in the faith That's how our faith has survived all the way down through the ages Because the people that were willing to do this unceasingly teaching unceasingly preaching Even in the face of great opposition, okay So that's how our faith is going to continue you know if we back off and You know if our church decides to just not do the work anymore You know then there's gonna be generations They're gonna grow up without this faith in this town people that otherwise could have had the been taught and preached to who could have been brought in the fold and Changed and lives changed and and and the faith continued on through them You know, that's gonna that's that work will go undone if we cease You know, so that's why we have to contend for the faith. So we have to fight the good fight of faith We we have to be like the Apostles here You know everyone gets all excited about the miracles, right? You know, everyone wants to be like Peter and just let people cast your shadow upon somebody and heal them Right that you look that would be great. But those things have passed those things have ceased Whether they be tongues they shall cease right? What has it ceased the teaching? What has it ceased the preaching? That's the greatest gift. That's the greatest work that any of us could ever hope to do Let's not stop doing it. Let's go ahead and close in order prayer