(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Oh, you had the next one. Yeah. Yeah, there was another song. We won't name it from the everlasting loss. So I get to take you out. I know there's many ways to take you out. It's your last home. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. and then we'll be starting a new book next week and that book will be a book in the Bible so if you want to know you got to come out and find out the day of all right I'll give you a hint it's not any of the ones I've already preached through I'm not gonna repeat myself quite yet but hopefully I'm able to at some point in the very distant future so we wrapping that up tonight we've got the churchwide soul winning regional soul winning salvations baptisms don't forget the farewell party in honor of the Elliot's over here it's gonna be this Sunday December 17th and we're gonna have Juanitos after the morning service if anyone would like to bring side dishes obviously we're gonna have the carne asada you know the tortillas the rice the beans and I'll get some more of the Waterloo's I know how everybody much loves flavored sparkling water around here but we'll have more of that but if anyone wants to bring anything feel free to do so but they'll certainly be plenty of food to eat I'm sure and then we've also got the Tempe Christmas caroling happening on December 19th of course that's up in Tempe you've got the information there and just a reminder that we're not hosting the Christmas Eve candlelight service this year that just means we're not doing the our traditional service but we are going to still be having a regular or regular Sunday services so as scheduled on Sunday and then we'll have cookies and cocoa after the evening service and then if you have not yet provided me your email information I mean as of you know since having your photo taken so if you sent me your email like years ago I don't that's not gonna work you got to give it to me fresh again just because you know I forget and things like that so if you got your photo taken and you want a copy of your yearbook photo make sure you email the church or text me I know several ladies have reached out to my wife and I know they got I believe they got their photos if you haven't gotten it and you've sent your sent your email just come and say what's up grab me by the tie shake me a little bit say what am I gonna get it right but if you haven't given me that information well then it's on you all right so get that to me if you want the photo they turned out great this year and so we have those ready to go also let's just go ahead and count up the soul winning numbers going back to Monday visiting from Monday or Tuesday one for Tuesday you know anything for Wednesday I thought that was a hand over there anything for today Thursday all right we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we get into preaching tonight Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh I little kindness receive this everyone because of the present rain because of the cold when Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and laid them on the fire became a viper out of the heat and fasten his hand with a barbarian saw the venomous beast hang on his hand he said among themselves no doubt this night was a murderer though he had escaped the sea yet vengeance suffered not to live he shook off the beast into the fire and felt no harm how be it look he should school but after they changed their minds and said he was God the same quarter the possession of the chief man I received this three days Curtis and came to pass the father who believes they sick of a feeling and I'm a bloody flux to him Paul and he'll so when this was done others also which had these in the island came who also honored us with many honors and we departed related us with such things necessary and after three months we departed the ship Los Angeles which had went to the aisle whose sign was cast the police and landing at Syracuse we terrier in their three days events we fetch a compass he came to Regina after one day the south wind blew we came the next day to put the old we found rather and we desired to tear you in seven days and so he went toward Rome it came to meet us as far as at the I for the three towers who when Paul saw he thanked God to courage when they were come to Rome century and delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard but Paul suffered to go out by himself with a soldier that kept and came to pass that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together and when they were come together the sentence men and brother who have committed nothing against the people or customs of our fathers yeah was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans who when they examined let me go because there was no cause of death in me but when the Jews think against it I was constrained to appeal to see if I had ought to accuse my nation for this cause therefore have I called to see speak because after the hope of this I have bound was changed and they said we neither received letters out of the day concerning them neither any of the brethren that can show or speak any harmony who we desire to hear without thinking for us concerning the set we know that everywhere and spoken against no they had appointed one day this came many to him to his logic to whom he expounded and testified as king of God persuading them concerning Jesus both out of the law of Moses now the prophets from morning to evening and some believe that things were spoken some believe not and they agreed not among themselves they departed after that Paul had spoken one word well state the Holy Ghost by size the province of our fathers saying go into the school and say here you shall hear and shall not understand seeing you shall see not perceive the heartless people's wax gross years of dual here in the eyes of the clothes that's they should see with their eyes here with the ears and understand with their heart and should be converted and I should feel being known therefore into you that the salvation of God sent to the Gentiles and that they will hear it and when he had said these words just a part of that great reasoning among themselves and Paul's well two whole years his own higher house and received all that came in unto preaching the king of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence no man could fit in service thank you for our church thank you for the deacon who is here tonight please fill him with the Holy Spirit to preach to us so here we are in the last chapter of the book of Acts so it's been a great book a lot of course action it's you know so aptly named that that name acts and the last chapter is kind of no different of course last week we saw the the all the perilous journeys that they had by ship they were being shipwrecked and they're escaping here at the end when the ship is breaking apart and it says there in verse one and when they were escaped then they knew the that the island was called Melita and the barbarous people showed us no little kindness for they kindled a fire and received us every one because of the present rain and because of the cold so tonight you know that's just another narrative it's just kind of telling us what happened you know towards the end of the book of Acts just the things that Paul just kind of went through just giving us a description of some events just some general events and a lot of times you know these are these are some of the harder I won't say harder but you kind of have to approach the manner which you're gonna preach these because while there is doctrine and things to be found here a lot of times when you get these narratives where it's just saying we went here we went there this happened that happened I think that's when the scripture really just kind of opens itself up for application okay of course in the Bible you know a good rule of thumb to remember when it comes to preaching is that there are many interpretations excuse me there's one interpretation of Scripture but there are often many applications there's always that primary interpretation but the Bible is great it's like that on you can keep peeling back and finding different meanings and different applications throughout you know there are many applications okay so tonight I'm just gonna go through and just kind of look at some of the attributes of the different people in the story and just kind of make some general remarks about people in general okay so first of all what I want to point out here is when they escape from the ship and they land on this island it's the barbarous or barbarian people that showed no little kindness right and that's just another way of wording the fact that they were actually very kind right it was no little kindness that they showed us meaning that they were very kind and the reason they were kind it says you know they kindle the fire and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cold so Paul and all of his company are coming in out of this out of the sea of course they're just drenched having escaped a shipwreck and they are you know being rained on so this little you would say well what's a big deal about kindling a fire well that's that when you're you know facing hypothermia that's no little kindness okay that's something you'd really appreciate okay and what I want us to understand is that you know unsaved people are not bad people okay and probably everyone understands that but I think sometimes you know the Bible says that knowledge puffeth up but charity edify you know as we get saved we understand the things of God and you know maybe we start cleaning up our lives and living more godly in Christ Jesus as we ought to you know there there could be a possibility I'm not gonna say it's the tendency but it certainly wouldn't be out of you know out of the ordinary perhaps or it wouldn't be something you know outlandish to suggest that sometimes a Christian get puffed up just because of the fact that you know they're living a little more godly than the heathen world around them right there they're not like the barbarous people right so you know but we have to remember is that we don't want to start looking down on unsaved people you have to remember that people in general you know are good okay now I don't mean in a sense that you know they have some everyone has some inherent virtue in them like some people will teach right the Bible is very clear there's none good right there's there's none good not one right there's not a just man upon the earth that sin if not we've all sinned and come short of the glory of God the Bible clearly states that but you know that's in comparison our righteousness to God's okay there's none that do with good or does right in the sight of God okay we all make mistakes but that's not just that's not to say that you know every person that's unsaved is just some rotten person right we don't want to get this attitude and start looking down on unsaved people okay these are the people we ought to be loving these are the people we ought to be reaching out to and in fact these are people that in many instances can benefit us and if we stop and think about it we are benefiting from the unsaved people all right we we I mean just think about our jobs you know we have employers we have customers you know we don't just operate within our tight-knit group here you know we go out and we're in the world but we're not of it and a lot of times you know there's gonna be people that we come across that are going to do us kindness in this worldwide because they're they're just generally good you know people are generally good and that's what we see here that even unsaved people you know in this story are not bad they see Paul they see his whole crew you know shivering in the cold and in the rain and they just think well too bad nice knowing you you know no no they light a fire you know they sit them down they warm them up okay so what we need to understand is that love kindness these ought to be our default positions as people especially as Christians you know we ought to always be trying to love others and you know obviously especially the day and age we're living in where people are getting more and more wicked and it's just getting more and more odd out there where people are just being more and more de-christianized in this in this country they're doing things that are even you know just more blasphemous things that are just more you know unchristian and unbiblical it'd be real easy for us to just be very you know reactionary towards that and be very upset by that and I get it it vexes us we have to understand that you know we all walked after the flesh at one point or another in our lives or you know maybe if we're grown up in a Christian home we never were out in the world you know well that's the only reason we're not out there walking after the flesh okay so just keep that in mind when we're dealing with people that you know love kindness that should be our default position that's kind of what everyone has that's just kind of the general outlook that people have towards others in fact this is what God has towards the same outlook that God has towards it towards the sinners in general too if you go to Matthew chapter 5 right Matthew chapter 5 the Bible says in first Peter chapter 3 Christ also has suffered for sins the just for the unjust you know Christ suffered the just for the unjust we are not just you know none of us is justified by our own works we're not going to heaven because of our merit because how good we are the only reason any of us are saved is because Christ died for us it's not because of how good we are in fact you know Christians can be saved and still be rotten people they can still be bad people they can still treat others cruelly they can still be cold-hearted and mean it's possible okay we don't just automatically become nice people because of the fact that we're saved you know that's something we have to work on and this ought to be our default position this is the attitude that God has towards the world in general now I understand there's always that clause and I don't want to get you fall into this false doctrine where God just has unconditional love for everybody at all times that's not true okay and I don't want to go into all that but you know for example hell is a perfect example of the fact that God doesn't love everybody okay that's not a very loving thing to cast people into hell that's you know a whole nother sermon right there which will likely be preached sooner than later but in general God of course for God so loved past tense the world of course at some point God has loved everybody okay you know God loves people that you know in general he's a very loving God that ought to be our position you know he suffered the just for the unjust look at Matthew chapter 5 verse 43 you have heard that it hath been said not that it has been written but that it has been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy but I say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you now the caveat here is you right those that despise you and persecute you and those that hate you right when they people despise and hate God that's another story okay that's why the psalmist said do not I hate them that hate thee Oh God okay but when it's just our personal enemy right when it's just our neighbor who has a problem with you know that we don't rake our yard or our dog parks or you know whatever you know people you know rub each other the wrong way all the time right you know we have some personal enemy at you know at school or at work or wherever it is you know out there amongst the barbarous people of this world so to speak you know we ought to be loving blessing and doing good unto them in fact we have to pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you why verse 45 that you may be the children of your father which is in heaven right what he's saying is you have to you have to bless when they curse you have to love when they hate because you need to reflect your father which isn't heavy you know if we're children of God if we're born again through faith by the Spirit you know then God's you know spiritual likeness should show up in our lives you know that we should you know be a picture of the Heavenly Father you know just stands to reason our children you know are like us right sometimes they look very similar to us you know they might be the spitting image so to speak of us they had the same attributes the same attitudes maybe even the same opinions the same behaviors that we have right that's where they learn them well we ought to be like our father which is in heaven right and with us what he's showing us in Matthew is that God loves even the unsaved okay God loves that should be evident in you know the fact that Christ died for them okay and the just for the unjust but look at verse 46 for if you love them or verse 45 rather that you may be the children your father which is in heaven for he make it this son to rise on the evil and on the good you know God blesses evil people every day whether they realize they're not whether they thank God or not they could live their whole lives and I were one time give any glory to God never once expressed any gratitude towards God but God is going to continue to bless them by sending them the Sun right sending them the rain and God is going to you know continue to bless them in this world even if they don't acknowledge him because that is the love of God okay look at verse 46 for if you love them which you love you what reward have you do not even the publicans the same right and the publicans being like the tax collectors right the people that were despised in society people you probably didn't you know we're looked down upon the publicans but even the publicans these people who are despised you know are people that still salute you know their love them which love them you know they if there's some publican out there that has a friend well he's gonna be friendly towards that guy you know that's easy it's easy to love the people that love us isn't it right even the barbarous people of Acts chapter number 28 showed no little kindness under this bunch of you know shipwrecked people that just showed up on their island one day it's it's easy that should be our default position look at verse 47 and if you salute your brethren only what do you more than others right everyone loves people that are like them everybody loves people that's in their tribe or whatever that's in their clan that's in their clique that they identify with you know when they have something in common you know it's easy to come in here and and smile and shake hands and and be friendly towards everybody because we're all pretty much on the same page right we're all are you know kind of living the same Christian life we all have a lot of things in common but you know when we go out there in the world we're gonna run into people who are not like us in many ways in fact they might even hate us for what we stand before they might even hate us for the fact that we're Christians you know but we should still continue to love them look at verse 48 be therefore perfect even now what your father in heaven is perfect and the perfect there is talking about being complete right don't be partial in your love could be complete in it be perfect in it God isn't partial when it comes to his love you know he senses rain upon the evil and the good he sends the Sun upon the just and upon the unjust he loves everybody okay and I understand there's caveats to that okay I'm not gonna delve into all that tonight so don't go running off and saying I'm preaching some heresy or something I get it okay that there's people that God does hate the Bible does teach that okay but in general you know unless people give God a reason he loves them okay so that's the first point here that we see in the story again we're just gonna look at this tonight and just make some observation about people in general one unsafe people are not by default bad people and therefore should not be treated as such until they give us a reason you know we should treat them kindly and we should love them you know and even when they persecute us and hate us in fact the Bible says because that's how our Heavenly Father is look at verse three and Paul so they're on the beach there they're got the fire going in verse three it says and Paul gathered a bundles of sticks and laid them on the fire there came a viper out of the heat and fastened on his hand okay so he grabs this bundle of sticks and he goes to put it on the fire and apparently there's some kind of a snake in there a viper right and this viper he goes you know gets thrown in the fire it seems like that's how the story's going or he lays it on the fire and the the snake is ooh ah you know and it comes out who did that you bam he attaches them you know he attacks him he latches onto his hand right maybe he's just trying to get a ride out of there you know or maybe he's just you know you did this to me you know any kind of attacking him I don't know maybe he's just being a snake yes that's just what snakes do someone threw me in the fire I'd probably want to bite them too but you know there's a lot more that could be said about that verse but that's just kind of what's happening here verse 4 it says them the barbarians saw the venomous beast hang on his hand they said among themselves no doubt this man is a murderer whom though he had it hath escaped the sea yet vengeance suffer suffer suffer them not to live so what's happening is these barbarians as barbarous people when they see this happen they instantly assume things about Paul don't they they say oh they escaped the the the debt you know certain death and the sea but now this this this venomous beast is attacking him he's dead he's a dead man you know this is vengeance coming upon him no doubt he is a murderer right see how they just kind of jump to conclusions and this is something else I want to point out about people and this is why we have to be careful about how we treat others it's because people assume the worst okay and and it's kind of funny in the story because they're doing them no little kindness and then they're doing they're being really nice to them is all he must be a murderer you know they just but this is how people are we need to understand something about human nature is that people if you let them will assume the worst about people now if you would go over to Proverbs 18 Proverbs chapter number 18 this and I want to make this application tonight because because of the fact that people assume the worst about others this is why we must be very careful about false accusations this is why false accusations are so dangerous okay because even if a false accusation you know is dealt with there's still the potential that you know it's gonna spread and people are just going to instantly assume that it's true they're just gonna instantly assume all that must be the case the Bible is real that's why the Bible gives a lot of warnings about not being a tailbearer not being a back biter not being a false accuser these are a very serious thing because again once someone someone's reputation is sullied you know that's it it's over even if it's an untr- if it's untrue you know people will go well I don't know maybe there's a shredded you know shredded out they you know and then and they'll run with it it's kind of like the telephone game right who's all who's ever played the telephone game right I've played I think once in my whole life because it's kind of a dumb game right to be honest it is there's better games out there okay but you know we all know how the game is played like you say a phrase or a word and one person's ear and then it goes around the circle right by the time it gets around it's a totally it's like it has nothing to do with what was originally said right but that's a perfect illustration of how people are right people hear something and they go and repeat it and it gets changed a little bit and then that person repeats it and it gets changed a little bit and the next thing you know it's a totally different story right it's like that you know the your your fisherman uncle every time he tells that fishing story the fish just gets a little bit bigger right oh you know the first time he told it was a 12 inch you know bass and now it's like this giant muskie or something like they're like I'm pretty sure that's the same story uncle right and fishing illustrations don't work in the desert I get it but you all know what I'm saying okay but that's how it is with false accusations too you know if we spread rumors or say things about people you know that stuff can spread and get really bad get just blown out of proportion and that's why you have to be really careful because people assume the worst about others it's just something about human nature right I mean what's the reason for thinking that because this snake attacked Paul that Paul's a murderer you know if it attacked one of them you know they wouldn't go I must be a murderer right they just instantly assume that about somebody else because that's just human nature right they just assume things the Bible says in Leviticus 19 thou shalt not go up and down as a tail bearer among thy people neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbor I and the Lord we do not want to be a tail bearer going around telling people about other people spreading rumors because that which is heard cannot be unheard okay and even if you know something gets out there and we try to correct it how do we know how far it spread you're gonna go find every single person and track them down and say you know what actually that wasn't the case that turned out to be a rumor that turned out to be a false accusation you know sometimes people they don't they don't get the news they won't get the update right they don't get the correction on page 17 for the article right they don't they don't get the edit they just read the post and then they just they start spreading it like wildfire they go around as a tail bear you know and they never go back and get the updated version of the story you know it once it's out there it's out there okay look at Proverbs 18 verse 8 the words of a tail bear are as wounds right why because they do damage you know the Bible talks so much about the tongue talks so much about this little member in our mouths called the tongue and the you know the world of iniquity that have set a fire of hell okay that it's it's a very powerful member it can do a lot of damage and of course one way done is done is through tail bearing it says they go down into the innermost parts of the belly like they cut deep you know they it's very hard to heal from that stuff and so that's why we have to be careful about what we say to others and not repeating things that we shouldn't because people will always not always but generally speaking human nature is to assume the worst what's what something is said it can't be unsaid and what is repeated is often exaggerated right whether it's good or bad okay you know and to this point also let me just say quickly that you know sometimes that's why a person has to clear the air right you know it like let's say you know if a pastor or a minister or something that like that suddenly stepped down like resigned from the ministry you know people would probably go what happened you know why did he step down was there sin involved right that people automatically start assuming this stuff you know and sometimes that is the case right and sometimes that's why sometimes you have to clarify things you know maybe if it's a more of a public figure you you can't just you don't want people just assuming the worst about people you might have to publicly even clarify things okay because people assume the worst oh you got a snake on your hand you got bit by a snake you must be a murderer right oh you escape the sea but now you're gonna get died from this venomous beast you must have killed somebody right I'm sure him being with you know a centurion and a bunch of other prisoners didn't help things either right but you know it again it's the application I'm making tonight is that people assume the worst knowing that let's conduct ourselves accordingly let's move along in well actually no go to Proverbs 25 let me make this point on this too because this is something that needs often repeated okay because you know people like to tell stories you know people I don't know what it is that but you know people if the Bible didn't give us so many warnings about being a tail bear or a back biter or a gossip you know if the Bible is let me rephrase that the Bible is giving us all those warnings it must be for a reason because that's what people do because people like to talk about other people right so how should you deal with this right because you know sometimes someone's you know eventually something to come to you and say hey did you hear about so-and-so right hey let me tell you something right or they'll they'll you know they'll try to make it sound spiritual hey I want you to be I I want you to know so you can pray for brother so-and-so you know he's into this sin it's really bad you know and what so I'm just going around telling everybody so they can pray him on right or they'll try to bring up somebody's personal business right try to tell somebody you know what's going you know what's going on and they're how you know so-and-so's house you know whatever right they're just tail bearing okay here's how you deal with it are you in Proverbs 25 look at verse 23 this is a very important verse the north wind driveth away rain right oh it looks like it's gonna rain but then that north wind blows in it pushes all that rain away and the Sun comes out right it's a good thing unless you want rain unless you live here right now we say north wind go away you know come again some other day right let it rain but you know in generals you know that's the picture here the north wind drives away the rain okay so doth an angry countenance a back-biting tongue so how do you deal with the back-biting tongue the person who's talking trash talking smack tail bearing you know getting into your business saying things that they shouldn't about other people it's with an angry countenance right and obviously this can be awkward you know it's hard to do and those of us that don't like receiving information like that you know we feel we might feel awkward like okay thanks thanks for letting me know right but the proper response is to shut that down when someone comes to you and starts telling you something that's none of your business you say you know what that's that's none of my business and quite frankly it's none of your business and you need to knock it off or if someone's even saying something talking smack about somebody another good one I've heard is well let's go talk to them let's go talk to them right now oh all of a sudden you know they they don't want to talk about it anymore right and look I've seen this in action I've known people that have done this you know somebody comes over to somebody's house and then they're over in the corner with somebody you know whispering and talk about somebody and I saw someone walk right up to them and said you're not doing that in my house don't ever come to my house and start talking smack about other people in my house and you know what it drove away it drove away the rain that north wind that angry countenance drew of that back back biting tongue and that person never came back they never came to another social gathering in that house again okay and I'm just I'm just pointing all this out tonight because of the fact that you see that this is how people are they assume the worst right so we have to conduct ourselves accordingly okay and this is something that comes up in church over the years repeatedly that's how it should be dealt with whenever you are approached with a back-biting tongue but Paul he's bitten by this viper going back to acts 28 and it says and he shook off the beast in the fire and felt no harm okay and this is part of you know those miracles special miracles that Jesus said those that follow him would have like the disciples would have or the the Apostles would have that they would take up you know serpents okay and it says and how be it they looked when he should have swollen or fallen down dead suddenly right so they didn't have snakebite juice they're just like waiting for the show right they're just waiting for the you know the shock to set in suddenly but after they had looked a great while they saw no harm come to him they changed their minds and said that he was a god right this is just how people are right they're there you know they're showing him no little kindness they're lighting a fire oh sit down warm yourself but you know they're putting a blanket I'm getting the chicken soup you know hey okay you know get some dry clothes and everything then the snake latches out to him oh he's a murderer you know he's killed somebody vengeance is seeking him out nothing happens oh he must be a god right this is how people are right they're not bad people unsafe people are bad people bad people but you know what a lot of times people unsaved and saved just assume the worst about people and they also can be too superstitious okay and I this is even amongst Christians I've run into several times where people are you know ask questions about you know whether or not hexes can be put on them or black magic and stuff like that's like well no you're a Christian right I'm not saying they're superstitious in the sense that that stuff doesn't happen or doesn't exist but they they are superstitious about you know what could happen to them or something like that these people are superstitious in the sense that they think Paul is a literal God and if you remember this isn't the first time Paul's dealt with this right back in acts 14 when he went to Leister and he healed that man that had been lame from on his feet from his mother's womb remember that and they thought him and Barnabas were gods come down like he was mercury so one was Jupiter one was murcus and they brought oxen and garland they were gonna sacrifice I know him remember that story right and they were gonna literally sacrifice him that you got these gods are come down from heaven right because they did this miracle right another superstitious bunch of people but what are they ended up doing right it says then the Jews followed them there and stirred up the people and then they like within the next verse or two they're they stone Paul to death practically right they leave him for dead this is just how you know people are people are superstitious when this happens you wonder if Paul maybe got a little nervous again this isn't the first time someone's assumed I was a god right he's like you know he's like he's got all the sticks now he starts gathering stones he's just like you know you can't burn those Paul yeah well you don't have my reasons you know and it shows us you know that you know again the people are not in you know necessarily bad or rotten to the core okay but people are capable of good and evil aren't they you know people you know Paul knows this very well people can pray be praising you one minute stoning you the next people will turn on a dime there's I want to get through the whole chapter night so we're gonna move along here if you look there in verse 7 it says in the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island so the chief right he's the the head honcho whose name was Publius and who received us and lodged just three days courteously so this guy again is being very courteous and it came to pass that the father of Publius lay sick of a fever and of a bloody flux now that doesn't sound fun right isn't you know who's the plumbers out there doesn't flux part of soldering isn't it isn't the flux the part that kind of runs and that you melt and it runs so it kind of gives you an idea of what the bloody flux is it's just this bloody issue that's coming out okay we'll get any more graphic than that but this guy's in a bad bad way he's got a sick he's sick he's got a bloody flux to whom Paul entered and prayed and laid his hands on him and healed him so when this was done others also which had diseases in the island came and were also healed they're like oh this guy can heal people so they got everybody that was sick had diseases and healed them as well and it says in verse 10 who also honored us with many honors and when we departed they laid it as a slated us with such things as were necessary so verse 10 is kind of telling what happened in the immediate you know at that exact moment they honored them with money honors and then later when they find the ship and they set sail they give them those things that were necessary and the reason why we want to make sure we have a proper attitude towards the unsaved understand these things about people that people yes are good and bad people can turn but you know people should not just be dismissed out of hand as rotten and it is because of the fact that when we do do good for people they generally are appreciative aren't they they they really they honored them with many honors for the things that they had done you know we should try to do good unto other people in this world and you know what you'll find is that people appreciate it okay even if they don't express it necessarily we have to remember that you know sometimes especially ministry you know you're if you're always ministering and you're always trying to help people you know you shouldn't always expect that you're gonna get you know a necessarily an outpouring of appreciation every time right because one you're a minister it's kind of expected that's kind of like your job you know but we have to remind ourselves to is that hey you know what even if people don't express it they don't honor me with many honors you should know that people human nature does appreciate what other people help them right I mean is there ever been a time when you needed help and someone helped you and you weren't like appreciative of it if so you're a jerk you know something wrong with you right no we appreciate it it's just you can't help it right so when we help other people we're going to be appreciated and even if people don't appreciate it or they don't express that appreciation the Bible tells us that our labor is not in vain in the Lord we're doing things for God whether people appreciate it or not you know we have an inheritance with the Lord let's just move on to the story verse 11 and after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria which had wintered in the aisle whose sign was Castor and Pollux and at Syracuse we tarried there three days and from thence we fetched a compass and came to a regime and after one day the south wind blew and we came the next day to putioli okay now you got to kind of say it with that I appreciate brother Gabriel going for the gusto when he was reading I kind of challenged him to do it folks I said I dare you to do it it's a it's a it's an Italian you got to say it like it's a putioli you know you got to get the fingers involved right say how do you say these words well they're headed towards Rome it's an Italian word put the old you know and if you're gonna speak like an Italian might as well you get the hands involved right because they like to speak with the hands a lot right put the old see how just rolls off the tongue when you say it the right way we all want to say with our American accent putiola you know like you gotta you gotta get into it folks don't be afraid putioli you know but all jesting aside I want to I do want to just take a minute to explain this phrase they fetched a compass fetched a compass right because we would probably read that and if you know first glance think oh someone ran and got a compass right but in the story that doesn't really make sense because they've already been sailing they didn't have GPS right so compasses were probably pretty important you know I get it maybe they could use landmarks but they already have what we would consider you know like an actual compass right so what this is actually explaining is you know something else this this idea of them fetching a compass it doesn't mean they ran and got a literal instrument for navigation you know and it's important explain this stuff because a lot of times people will attack the King James and say oh you're using these archaic terms these archaic words people don't understand her you know they're probably gonna misunderstand that you know I'm not gonna ask for a show of hands because I don't want I'm not trying to embarrass anybody you know but there's probably might have been people even in this room tonight when they read that thought that it meant that somebody ran to go get a compass because one that is one use of the word fetch right you know you say go fetch me this go fetch me that you know you went literally means to go and then bring back someone or something that's the literal you know if you're using that as a verb that's what that word means okay and then a compass we all know what that is so at first glance it sounds like someone literally ran and got an instrument for navigation but this is actually a maritime term this is something that they used to describe like a maneuver whatever that a ship would do because to fetch also means to it's literally the distance a vessel must sail to reach open water so if you say the ship fetched what you're saying is you know that's the distance it had to go the fetch is how far it had to go to reach open water where it wasn't enclosed by land or didn't have obstacles in the way right that's what it means to fetch in sailing terms not to go get something and come back the ship fetched it means that it's the distance traveled by wind or waves across open waters that's the fetch it's kind of sounds like it's a almost like a measurement of length or something like that you know but so they fetched a compass and compass just meaning like a compass like to go around something to compass something right like Jesus said of the Pharisees that they compass they can pass sea and land you know and they make one proselyte twofold the child of hell you know you come past sea and land you cross over sea and land you go around so I know it's kind of you know not an important detail but you know maybe it helps somebody kind of understand some of the terms and you say what's the point of preaching that of pointing out what this means what's the point of me pointing out that what he's saying is here is that they crossed a certain length of water and the compass you know the land and got away got around to regime like that's what's the point of that I mean bringing this up is that it took me like five minutes in a dictionary to figure that out it's like I just had to google you know these things or just open up dictionary calm you know and just look at the words and what they mean right and I say all that because people attack the King James Bible by saying it's so hard to understand well you know it's not it's not the translators fault that we've been dumbed down as a society that we you know that we've you know don't the art of conversation is dead today as it were okay you know but at the same time it's not that big of a deal if there's something you don't understand the Bible just look it up you know I'm not saying it's an infallible source to go to the dictionary but you know I was able to explain that in like a couple like a minute or two right and now you understand what it means by fetched a compass or that compass doesn't mean a guy is they send a guy to go get a compass like run down to ace and get us a compass and come back right it just means they went out into open water and come past the land they got around it so anyway I wanted to point that out because that's an attack that's leveled at the King James that it's hard to understand it uses archaic words and you know maybe there are some archaic words but maybe we just need to learn them the only reason they are archaic is because people stop understanding what they mean and stop using them the solution is just bring it back okay and you say oh no these other versions are easier to read well one those other versions you know without going deep in it all that are are based upon corrupted underlying texts they don't use the the same text that the King James used in the Greek and Hebrew right and two in those translations they attack doctrine you know we've cited many examples of that that's beyond the scope of the sermon but I did want to point that out I thought that was a good opportunity to just give you a Bible reading Bible studying tip use a dictionary it's not that hard verse 14 where we found so they come to where put the only right okay where they found brethren and desired to Terry with them seven days and so we went toward toward Rome and from thence when the brethren heard of us they came to meet us as far as API forum and the three taverns so API is the name of the place the forum is just like a Roman square a marketplace okay that's the forum that was an API and the three taverns which is probably just another you know institution or business or something that was that was there maybe that's just a region they call the three taverns the point is when they heard that the brethren were coming through and they heard that Paul and these others were coming through the brethren you know went to go visit them they went to go see them and notice Paul's reaction whom when Paul saw he thanked God and took courage because again we have to remember why is Paul making this journey he's gonna go stand before Caesar you know he's gonna go before the most powerful man in the world at that time you know and make his case I guess I don't know so he's and he's been through a lot and he's he's on a very perilous journey he's not maybe a hundred percent certain how things are gonna go you know maybe he's getting a little nervous the closer he's getting to Rome here you know the reality could be setting in a little bit more about what it is he asked for you know I'll be judged at Caesars seat oh yeah Linda Caesar you shall go it doesn't sound as you know maybe it's terrifying when you're in Jerusalem but now when you're knocking on Caesars door you know you might need to take courage a little bit right those of us had ever done you know any kind of performing or public speaking you know sometimes I'll get asked to go guest preach somewhere and look and I've preached like close to a thousand sermons at this point I think I haven't done the math in a while but there's you know if I go preach I'm very comfortable here but if I go preach somewhere else you know I get I get nervous you know I'm preaching in front of people I don't know I mean even up in 10 piece you know a lot of times it's nerve-wracking right but I'll always say yeah I'll do it sure people might be to come preach yeah I'll be there you know name the date but then like about a day or two three days when I'm on the plane when I land it's like you know you don't want to eat anything your stomach's bothering you I get nervous right because the closer you get to that moment you're like oh man you got to take courage right so Paul here is taking courage and he's thanking God for these people right but again what is the source of his courage what is it that's refreshing in what's whether it's bolstering what is that's encouraging him it's the brethren okay these people they heard that Paul was you know passing through their region they went out of their way to go find Paul and encourage him okay so again tonight we're just looking at what people are like right just taking some you know general observations on people in general people are not brought into the core people assume the worst people are superstitious people are appreciative but also people have an impact on others you know we have an impact impact on one another the way you are you know has an impact and let me say this you know in Paul's get you know if Paul needs to take courage what it would have happened if they hadn't shown up Paul would not have taken courage he would not have thanked God I'm sure he still would have gone through with it but it wouldn't have been as easy right because they show up and it says Paul takes courage meaning the opposite is also true if they had not shown up Paul would not have taken courage I'm not saying he would have tucked tail ran I'm just saying he would not have been bolstered he would not have been encouraged he would not have been built up in his faith the way that he was by the brethren you have an impact on one another we all have an impact on each other you know you being here in church has an impact on the rest of the church you know when people are here and it's and the pews are filling up you know there's more people in the seats that has an impact on everybody just by you being there so what's the point of me being in church you know no one really doesn't really matter it matters you know if you show up it has an effect on everybody right you say all those other people will be there what if those people are sick you know and I'll you know it had an impact on Paul and Paul was a pretty strong man of faith Paul's a great preacher Paul is a great leader but you know what he needed to take courage he and he needed this from others right and I'll just I'll just come out admit it you know some of you probably already know for yourselves but you know when people aren't here it has an impact on me you know I'm not and I understand that people can't always be here people get sick and people travel and so on and so forth but it's it's you know when people could be here and they choose not to be here that has an impact and it has an impact on the body and it has an impact on me I'm just being honest you know if Paul needs to take courage you know and I get you say yeah but you're not Paul look I get it okay you know but I do say things like put the only come on if you hadn't been here tonight you're gonna miss that right right but you know I I get it I'm not Paul but that doesn't change the fact that you know it still has an impact on me and it has an impact on others when people are not here okay it does you know when we go from 40 something and Sunday morning to eight people on Sunday night it's kind of disheartening I'm just gonna be honest with you you know when I do I try to get up and do my best and you know and preach a sermon but I'm not gonna lie you know it would be a lot more encouraging right I'd be able to take courage if more people were here I'd say you know this matters to people and ultimately you know you just have to tell yourself if people aren't here you know that's on them that's that's their choice people are gonna do what they want it's not a reflection on me or anybody else in this church it's a reflection on them but it does make an impact people have an impact on others and leaders are affected by followers it's just a fact it's human nature so we're just kind of seeing some things about human nature tonight going through this chapter as we close up the book of acts but let's move on here I know I need to close here and we still I've got quite a bit to go it says in verse 16 and when we came to Rome the centurion delivered the prisoners to the captain of the guard but Paul was suffered to dwell by himself with the soldier that kept him so all the other guys it's back to the jail cell but Paul is able to you know have some freedom there he's kind of on house arrest as it were and it came to pass that after Paul after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together and when they were come together he makes this speech under them right so this has been Paul's you know kind of way he does things everywhere he goes if you remember throughout the book of Acts he's always going into the synagogue to teach and to preach and you know you could level the criticism at him that you know he wasn't getting over the fact that God had turned from the Jews unto the Gentiles not in the sense that they were barred from salvation but that because they had rejected you know the gospel you know they're turning to the Gentiles and we saw that several times throughout the book of Acts where Paul is even telling the Jews themselves after he preaches them they reject him saying you know we you know he would they would shake his raiment at them and say you know we go on to the Gentiles and then the next chapter and he went in the synagogue right you could say maybe that's like a character flaw or he just has a great burden I don't know but you know it makes sense that he would to me anyway that he would call the Jews and try to get them saved too right and and try to bring them around okay because he has this burden for his people he is a Jew okay so what's he saying to them verse 17 men and brethren though I have committed nothing against the people or customs of our fathers yet was I delivered prisoner from Jerusalem under the hands of the Romans he's saying I'm here but I'm innocent right that's what everyone is in jail says right I didn't do it okay but he really didn't who when they examined me meaning the Jews back there our fathers back in Jerusalem would have let me go excuse me the Romans would have let me go because there was no cause of death in me he's saying I was examined by the Romans and they would have let me go but when the Jews spake against it I was constrained to appeal unto Caesar and that kind of goes back to what I preached several weeks ago that might have been Paul's maneuver there when he appealed unto Caesar he saw that if I get let go right now these guys are gonna try and kill me again so he's just like I appeal unto Caesar right and gets kind of gets away from them not that I had ought to accuse my nation of for this cause therefore brethren have I called for you to see you and to speak with you because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain and they sent it to him we neither received letters out of Judea concerning the neither any of the brethren that came showed or spake any harm of these saying we this is the first we've heard of it Paul we haven't heard anything of this but we desire to hear thee of what thou thinkest so they want to know his thoughts for us concerning this sect meaning the Christians right the the sect of the Nazarene right we know that everywhere it is spoken against right and at this point in the story that might be a very truthful statement right because the gospel has just spread like wildfire around the world and it's making waves okay and that kind of give us a glimpse into how Christianity is perhaps being received in the world that it's being actually spoken against of course because it's being received and it's spreading so much because people are believing it it's not being rejected you know completely but it is also being spoken against you know probably by you know the Jews the leaders you within the synagogues and things like that the the leadership within Judaism we're speaking against it we know that I mean they're they're trying to kill Paul on multiple occasions the only reason that he's here we just read is because he was trying to escape them right and you know others are being persecuted we saw even Roman leadership throwing others in jail Peter and others in jail James has killed so we know it is being spoken against in Paul's day and you know this leads me to another observation about people is that people are not always going to be popular some of you know exactly what I'm talking about right but not every you know people especially people who follow biblical Christianity are not going to be popular right this sect is spoken against everywhere everywhere it is spoken against meaning there's a lot of people saying a lot of negative things about these Christians these people that are going around talking about Jesus this one Jesus who was risen from the dead these people that are going around and preaching that salvation by grace through faith that that Moses will not save and that the law will not save to forsake those things that that those things have passed away and that there's this new covenant called you know the the covenant of Christ blood and faith in his blood you know that is what's being spoken against and that makes those people that preach those things not popular okay look at if you preach the Bible if you're part of this sect of Bible preaching you will not be popular okay even amongst Christians okay I mean think about it you know even within you know maybe even Tucson or or or just any city really when you have every most cities America are gonna have Baptist churches right then there's several in this town there's several bad there's church there's Baptist churches that you know would claim independent King James only Baptist churches that run in the hundreds you know 800 people hundreds of people very popular right but are they popular in comparison to say a Rick Warren or Joel Osteen the world will look at that say well you know they're not that popular but we would look at that say well you know people really like those kind of churches they're they're bigger than our church right they're more popular than we are with people right because of the fact that you know they're able to draw a crowd and they don't you know they do a lot of good things but let's face it there's a lot of things they don't preach there's a lot of people there's a lot of things they do not preach in a lot of these Baptist churches it's a fact you know anyone that's gone to those churches for a long time I mean I had yet to hear there's some things they're never gonna touch on there's certain passages in the Bible there's certain verses and chapters they won't go near them let alone stand up in front of congregation to preach them and what's really a shame is that a lot of those a lot of these preachers they know exactly what the Bible says and they know it's true but they will not get up and preach it why because they will be spoken against you start preaching a whole council of Word of God you will be everywhere spoken against you will not be popular you know and and here's the thing about you know this sect if you want to call it that this stripe of Baptist independent frontal Baptist Church that we are a part of you know we might not have a lot of things to offer when it comes to programs you know we might not be able to put on 30 minutes of specials and and and songs and run bus routes you know and have all kinds of different youth departments and and you know the jolly 60s department you know or whatever and just you know have a program for every demographic in our church and have all these things going on and and I'm not against those things I mean I'll be honest I don't want anything to do with them it just sounds like a lot of work you know you know we don't have one because like how are we gonna do that in this facility it's never gonna happen right well you know we don't offer those things but what do we offer we offer the preaching of the council the Word of God and I you anyone that's gone to this church for any length of time knows that I'm not I don't shy shy away from these these controversial so-called passages in the Word of God we'll go through Leviticus you know we'll go through Genesis we'll go through judges we'll look at the nitty-gritty and we'll preach it and we'll say it exactly what the Bible says that's what I think you know that's what we offer here you know so people have to ask themselves what do they want what do you want out of a church hey praise God you got options all right I'm glad people got options because I don't want to cater to people that don't want what we're offering or just come to church here and feel like they're missing out because they want something else out of a church you know go go do the bus route go do the specials go go hang out with you know sorry all the gray heads over at the other church go there you know and and be part of the jolly 60s group maybe that's what you need I'm not against you I'm not against it I don't think it's a bad thing I'm just saying I'm not offering that here you know and and what would be the point of offering it so we could just offer the same thing that everybody else is offering why don't we if that's what we all want why don't we just go there we just go join them you know I don't know if I'd be welcome but I'd have to shave or something you know change my name and start speaking with an accent which tonight you've learned I can do right change my name to something Italian sounding you know but here's the thing we do have something to offer and it's what we're offering is not what everybody else offers hard preaching and red-hot soul winning that's what we offer here so what do you got on these other churches soul winning they don't even come close and you say all that sounds so braggadocious it's just a fact it's just a fact you know that you show me the other Baptist Church that has a map like that out front that has a group of this size that's done that much work it's not out there that has people going out for hours every week and not just putting a little invite on the door and running away not just doing a door hanger and inviting you to church but actually knocking on doors and confronting people with the gospel and saying hey if you died today are you 100% sure you go to heaven and preaching the gospel to people and getting people saved this is it as far as I know hey I hope it's out there I hope somebody can come with me after the service and say hey you know you know what there's another Baptist Church that goes out there it does even more soul winning than you in this town I'd love that I'd say praise God for it but as far as I know it ain't out there they might have a lot of other things going on and you know what that's what people want they got it but here's what we have to offer but what we offer is not going to be very popular because most Christians are interested in the hard work of soul winning most Christians aren't interested in hard preaching they don't want to have their face ripped you know the time will come when they shall heed to themselves teachers having itching ears when they will not endure sound doctrine that's what Paul warned Timothy they will not endure sound doctrine but shall heed to themselves teachers having itching ears that's what they want you know that can be said of just you know the end times in general or over the lifespan of even a church or just you know a movement or denomination you know people that's just human nature is that people eventually just want to get relaxed and take it easy and they don't want what some people have to offer if you get what I'm trying to say tonight everywhere this this this sect is spoken against what sect the sect that Paul was a part of the sect that Paul was responsible for starting that he was a leader in it was not popular in fact it was spoken against but you know what else was said of them they that they turned the world upside down just a few apostles just a handful of people went out there and preached the gospel and and shook the world for Christ you know we might not accomplish that today there's a lot more people in the world but we can shake this town for Christ but people are not always popular let's let's wrap it up here tonight verse 23 when they had appointed him a day there came many to him and was lodging to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God persuading concerning them Jesus both out of the law of Moses and of the prophets from morning till evening and you thought I preached long right but also what that shows you is that there's a lot in the law of Moses and the prophets that testifies of Christ right he wasn't like scratching trying to find material he's like he's got so much it took him all day to preach it all okay and expound it to them you know the law the prophets testify of Christ he's in there it's keep that in mind when you're reading your Old Testament telling you and some believe the things which were spoken and some believe not that's the way it's always gonna be and when they agreed not among themselves they departed after that Paul had spoken one word so this is his closing statement right this is how he ends the sermon well spake the Holy Ghost by Isaiah that's Isaiah the Prophet unto our fathers saying go unto this people and say hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and not perceive saying you guys aren't gonna get it Isaiah's prophesied of our of our fathers and said we that they would not get it it would go over their heads but notice he gave that explains why for the heart of this people is waxed gross their ears are dull of hearing this is what happens to people people get dull of hearing they've oh I've heard that I've heard that I've heard that and they go kind of deaf their eyes they have closed they closed their eyes that's why they don't see lest they should see with their ears or excuse their eyes and hear with their ears and understand what their heart and should be converted and I should heal them be it known therefore unto you that the salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles and they will hear it and when they heard these words the Jews departed and had great reasoning among themselves now notice verse 30 and Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house I think that basically means you know he rented a place and lived there for two years and received all that came to him came in unto him so people Paul had a home he had a place to live he wasn't in the jail and people were able to freely come and go it seems that he's still bound that he's still under the care of this and this soldier is still watching over him because why is he waiting there because he still has to face Caesar he still has to go that's the whole reason he went there was to stand before Caesar so obviously Caesar's a busy guy you know maybe he's away in some other province or whatever you know he could just have a zoom meeting right like he probably had to like wait his turn like you think going to the DMV is bad right you think about trying to pull a number down there at the deli or something having to wait your turns but like he's waiting years to go see you know Caesar but you know he came into and he what else did he do he was preaching the kingdom of God and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence no man forbidding him right and that's the end and you know that seems kind of anticlimactic doesn't it you would think Paul would just go out in this blaze of glory right but Paul at the end has this really kind of nice I don't want to call it retirement because he's working but it's like he settles down and just now people are coming to him and he's going out and preaching a little bit you know he Paul kind of paid his dues if you've been with us through the book of Acts you've ever read it for yourself you know that's the case you know Paul suffered many things just as Christ told you he'd suffer many things for my name's sake and he did you know I can't there's no one else in the Bible that I know of you know perhaps I'm wrong that suffered like Paul I mean maybe we could turn to Job or some other Old Testament Saints but at least in the New Testament outside of Christ like who suffered to the degree that Paul did that we know of I'm not saying it's the others didn't but we know one thing for sure is that Paul suffered immensely in his lifetime and it seems like here at the end it's like God's just kind of giving in some peace just kind of still in the waters and saying you know what Paul continue to serve me and you know I think you know that's probably how he died was a peaceful death now people have a lot of you know people debate was Paul you know killed by you know this it was he killed by the the Roman leadership you know he some people argue and say well history tells us that he was fed to the lions or something you know I I don't know I tend to think not because I mean it's like you know he said that that the Lord delivered me out of the mouth of the lion right and and here it's like well where do you get that where do you where do you where do we see Paul well he says well he said my time you know I'm ready to be offered the time of my departures at hand but is that really did he say I'm about to be executed now people could say no he was and maybe they're right but you know I just go off of what the Bible shows us and it's like it does Paul have to continue to suffer at the end of his life I mean doesn't he maybe kind of at the end get a little bit of a reprieve from a life of suffering and maybe got to die in good old age is an old man I mean that's how we all would like to go right hopefully just peacefully in my sleep one night and just lay down and say goodnight to the kids or they'll be gone by then you know kiss my wife goodnight lay down and just never wake up I wake up in heaven it'd be great maybe maybe Paul got that right no man forbidding him preaching with gospel with all confidence it's just like I don't know I think I tend to think that he died a very peaceful death just from what we see in Scripture but the application is this is that you know people who come through persecution find peace Paul spent his life going through persecution he said we must through great tribulation enter into the kingdom of heaven he said that you know he was just distressed on all sides you know he's constantly being persecuted through his throughout his life and at the end you know he comes through all that persecution which wasn't just a season of his life or a period that he went it was his Christian life was suffering and persecution from start to finish and he's just all these things that he went through right and at the end he finds peace and I think that could be an encouragement to us is that when we go through a season or maybe a spell of persecution we have to understand that it's not the rest of our lives that will come to an end and even in Paul's case let's say Paul was you know you know Nero burned him at the stake or something like that he suffered a well he still came to peace in heaven right even if he did suffer all the way through his life I mean we know he got it seems like he got a reprieve here for two years right but you know the picture is this yeah he suffered in his lifetime but at the end he found peace and that's the same things for us we go through persecution we don't stay in it you know so if you're ever going through that remember there's going to be it comes to an end you know I don't know if it's a Catholic quote or not but you know this too shall pass as they say right but that's there's you know that's cliche but it's true this too shall pass right it happened in Paul's life the Bible says in Proverbs 16 I'll just read to you when a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with them and at the end here you know Paul is preaching to the Jews he's he's under house arrest and these people have been proven enemies in his life they have been the enemy of Paul throughout his ministry but at the end here they go their way and have great reasoning among themselves and no man forbids him from preaching his enemies are at peace with him at the end you see that but why because his ways please the Lord when a man's ways please the Lord then he makes his enemies to even be at peace with him that's you know we like the idea of having peace you like the idea of not having the persecution but you know what you have to please the Lord first that comes first and Paul certainly did that in his life you know his ministry is an example to us today we look to Paul as the greatest Christian outside of Christ in my opinion that's ever lived the greatest ministry missionary I mean in a sense we're indebted to Paul in a lot of ways as Gentiles I mean he brought the gospel to the world right and he did it at a great expense at his own his own health his own a lot of things he gave up in life a lot of things he went without for the gospel's sake he pleased God and at the end even his enemies were at peace with him if we want peace in this life you know what we got to please God please God and you'll you'll have peace even in the midst of persecution he will comfort us in all our tribulations as the scripture says if we like Paul please him with their lives let's go ahead closing the word of prayer the Lord again thank you for this great book the book of Acts thank you for a great man of God like like Paul and Lord the many others that were mentioned throughout the story Lord that came and were a part of his life his life and and Lord thank you for such a great example of service and in the space of persecution and trials and difficulties and Lord thank you that the Christian life is an exciting life Lord that it doesn't have to be some dull thing or that if when we serve God that when we put ourselves out there Lord there's excitement yes there might be persecution and other things Lord those are those can be exciting things when we come through those things we look back and Lord we can even be fond of them in a way where we can we could be glad for the things that we went through Lord because we can please you in those things and we know that we can have peace Lord I pray just bless us as we go now and bring us back on Sunday we ask in Christ's name amen all right we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we are dismissed Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh