(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Christ the Lord is risen today. Hallelujah, sons of men and angels sing. Hallelujah, praise your joys and triumphs high. Hallelujah, see me where you'll be fine. Hallelujah, lift again our glorious King high. Hallelujah, where all death has found thy sting. Hallelujah, thy input's the open sleigh. Hallelujah, may your heart be truly open, hallelujah. Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Hallelujah, rise up across the rainbow sky. Hallelujah. Thank you Father God for this day. Thank you for this morning and thank you for this morning's service. Happy Father's Day to all the fathers here today. We thank you, Father God, for the lives that you've given us. And thank you, and bless the service today, this morning, in Jesus' name. Amen. Let's turn right now to the song number 325. The song number 325, Lost in a Bed. There's a little way. He abides with us still. And with all who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. Those who trust and obey, for a shadow can rise. But loud in the skies, blood is found when he drives it away. Lie down for a fear, by sight or a tear, and find what we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. Those who trust and obey, not within we bear not a sorrow we share. But our glory and wish we be paid. Life before the lost, life before the lost, let us bless you, we trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. Those who trust and obey, but we never can prove the delights of his love, until love on the altar be bled. For the favor he shows, with the joy he bestows, a woman who will trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus. Those who trust and obey, but they never choose to be, we will stand and speak, who will walk by this side in the well. What he says we will do, where he stands we will go, where we'll only trust and obey. Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but we trust and obey. Amen. Let's start with one of the announcements, meaning the following. We'll be singing song number 175. We'll be singing song number 175. And as always, we have our service times there. This is above at 10.30 a.m. on Sundays, 5.30 p.m. on Sunday evenings, Thursdays at 7. We're going through 1 Kings 19. I'll still be in 1 Kings 19 this week as well. We've got the Churchwide Soul Winning listed below that, as well as the Salvations and Baptisms offering totals and attendance for the month and year. Over on the right-hand side, of course, Happy Father's Day to all the fathers and tendons. And we've got the, you probably already know, the popcorn. You can smell it already, staying warm back there. So we have the popcorn there for anybody that wants it. And then, of course, we'll be having root beer floats as well. So if we could just get maybe a couple brave volunteers that are not fathers to help with that after the service, we'll start serving those immediately. And then, of course, it's going to be fathers first. Normally we let the ladies go first, but this is Father's Day, right? So the fathers are going to get first crack at the popcorn, first crack at the root beer floats, and then the rest of you non-fathers can help yourselves. All right, so anyway, below that, we've also got the FWBC Tempe Mega Conference. Of course, this is starting today with Pastor Jared Porzanski up there. He's preaching right now, in fact, or in a few moments anyway. But we do have Pastor Bruce Mejia is going to be there on Wednesday. The sign-up sheet is there. If you're planning on going, I would really ask that you sign up, especially this week, just because I'm having issues with the van right now. It stalled out twice on the way here, so I've got to get that into the mechanic. But that's not going to stop us. If people want to go, I will go rent a van if I don't get it back in time. But I got to know if you want to go. So if you're planning on going, please sign up back there. The sheet is on the left-hand side near the water cooler. And don't forget, we're going to leave promptly at 5 p.m. today. So at 5 p.m., we're pulling out. And not today, on Wednesday, rather. So that's going to be on Wednesday. And then also, we've got the FWBC Tucson's third annual church camp that's going to be taking place, you know, next week. Not this coming week, but the following. You got the dates there. We've got the address and location and the name of it right there. So take note of that if you're planning on going. That's going to be a 2.30 p.m. check-in on Monday. So you can't get in any earlier at 2.30. So you got to wait until 2.30. Now, if you still want to go, there is space. It's getting limited. I'm trying, but I did leave a lot of wiggle room so people can kind of adjust their situation when they get there. So we can kind of get a feel for this camp before we try to like, you know, maximize the space. So there is some space available. So if anyone wants to go, it's not too late to sign up and make accommodations for you. But please do that sooner rather than later, because I'm going to start, you know, ordering a lot of things this week for camp. So it'd be nice to know who's coming and who isn't. Also, if you decide not to go and your name's already on there, do me a favor and cross it out and let me know, too. Then also below that, we've got the Mexico Monday. Of course, next month is postponed until the following Monday. Typically, it's on the first because that's on the fourth. And then we've got the weekly Bible memory passage. And you're already getting the floats, kids. I don't know if you really need to double dip today, but you know, I'll leave that between you, your parents, and your physician. So you decide what you want to do with that. But that's that. And we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we get into preaching this morning. A friend, the hand of Jesus, Whose love is strong and true, And man who fails how it is true, No matter what I do, I sing against this love of his, Oh, when I'm going to fail, Confessing all my guilt to be wild, Losing love from the wind, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like Jesus keeping in our hair, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like his great love, Sometimes the vows of trouble Be dim, the sky above, I cannot see my Savior's face, I doubt his wondrous love, I hear from heaven's mercy sing, Behold me by his care, In every person of God's grace, And shows me he's there, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like Jesus keeping in our hair, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like his great love, When songs well-to-work in me, And rain upon my hair, When life seems worse than useless, And I forget her care, I sing my dream to Jesus' name, Oh, do I go in there, For heavy working gives their chance, Like sunshine after rain, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like Jesus keeping in our hair, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like his great love, I will sing forever, Oh, Jesus, God be thine, Of all his care and tenderness, For this for life of mine, For his love is in it over all, And he who waits on me, In Jesus' first peace be still, And in those who cry out to me, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like Jesus keeping in our hair, It's just like Jesus all along the way, It's just like his great love. Deuteronomy chapter 7, verse 1, the Bible reads, And the Lord thy God shall bring me into the land where thou goest to possess me, And cast out many nations before thee, To hit them with the dirty shadows, And the amperites, and the painters, And the parablets, and the hippos, And the demitries, and the seven nations greater than I even have, And the Lord thy God shall deliver them before thee, And thou shalt smite them with her to destroy them, And thou shalt make no covenant with them, With short mercy unto them, And thou shalt not make merry with them, And thy daughter shall not give unto her son, And thy daughter shall not take unto her husband, And will turn away thy son from following thee, And they can serve her like gods. So in the name of the Lord, they kill him against you, And destroy the seven, And thus shall you deal with them, And so destroy them to their altars, And break down their walls, And break down their walls, And burn them in the name of the Father, And thou art full of people, And so the Lord thy God, The Lord thy God hath chosen thee, Especially unto himself, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all people, And to all 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He's using an illustration that tells me that a father should be faithful to punish his children. They should learn that there's consequences for their actions and attitudes. Because, you know, here's the thing, the world will do that for them. You know, if the parents don't do that, the world is going to teach them that. Life is going to teach them that. And it's going to be a whole lot harder. And let me just rattle off a couple quick verses here. Go to Proverbs 23. Proverbs 23. The Bible says in Proverbs 13, He that spareth his rod, And even Christians today, they get these extra biblical ideas about how to raise children. And they say, well, I'm not going to spank my kids, I'm just going to give them a time out. Or I'm going to give them medication. Or I'm just going to speak words of confirmation to them. I'm just going to try to get them to use their words rather than lash out and be rebellious. You know, and that's fine. You want to implement these other things. You know, do whatever you want. But not at the expense of sparing the rod. Because I don't care how good-natured that makes you feel and how much you think that's just the better way. The Bible says that if you spare the rod, you hate your son. It doesn't say, you know, he's not looking out for his son's best. It says you hate him. Because God knows that foolishness is bound in the heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him. You know, that's something that all parents need to get into their heads and understand and how very literal the Bible is speaking here about a rod and spanking and correction. About physically disciplining your children. Driving the foolishness out of their heart. The Bible, I mean, he's speaking literally. Okay? And he's saying if you spare that rod, if you say I'm not going to discipline my children. And I've got to be clear on that because when you say, you know, parents ought to discipline their children, they just think that means that they can just make up whatever discipline they want. But that's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches a rod. The Bible teaches an implement, you know, being applied to the seat of learning. And by the seat of learning, I mean the gluteus maximus. I mean that soft, nerve-filled part of the body called the hinder parts that everyone's born with, you know, that that God has ordained to be used to drive foolishness out of your child's heart. I'm talking about a spanking. Okay? And I'm taking the time and parking it there because, you know, even amongst God's people, they just want to gloss this over. You know, and people enjoy my children. I know you do. I see you doing it. People enjoy my children. I believe I have good children. And we enjoy everyone's children's church. We have great kids in this church. But you know what? The kids that turned out that way, they didn't just happen. You know, my kids, it's not genetic. I mean, obviously. Right? You know, there was a lot of discipline like this involved. And there still is. You know, my wife goes out in public, oh, you have such well-behaved children. I wish my kids were like that. You know, they're watching their kids just go ape. Throwing themselves in the ground, having to put, you know, five, six-year-olds in a cart. Just an embarrassment in public. I want it! I want it! I want it! That'll never happen to me. Oh, really? I bet those, you think that's why it's like that? Those parents are like, that's what I want. I want it! I don't give it to me! Top of their lungs. I mean, it's embarrassing. You see that in public. Aren't you embarrassed for those people? Like, man, you're going to have to get in the car with that thing? You're going to have to take it home? It's like, did you get it wet? Did you feed it after midnight? Like, it's a little, you've got a gremlin. You don't have a child. But people, they go, oh, I wish my kid was more like, here's, well, here's the answer. Here it is. Here's the dirty little secret that, you know, most churches don't even want to tell you these days. You've got to spank them. And I'm not saying this little through the diaper stuff, little, I'm saying a spanking where it stings. And look, these, again, and this deserves a whole sermon. I shouldn't even just wing this out there. Because, you know, that's when you start to tread out into those waters of how much, when, for what, and we'll cover all that. You know, just stick around. I'm making the point that, you know, part of a father's faithfulness is not just to be present, it's not just to provide, it's not just to protect, but it's also to punish. You know, fathers should be faithful to punish. It says there in Proverbs 23 verse 13, withhold not the correction from the child. Don't withhold correction. You know, and people get so worried when they have kids, they're like, well, how am I going to know when to do it? It's like, oh, he'll know. Oh, he'll know. Because you'll be saying, because if you're like, should I withhold? That's when it's time. And you say, no, don't withhold. Withhold not correction from the child, for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod and deliver his soul from hell. See, how does that work? Well, what you're teaching your children is there's consequences for your actions. And you're punishing them, you're chastening them just like God chastens us. And you're teaching them that God isn't just this, you know, immutable, unnameable, you know, just kind of, you know, benign force in the universe that's in everything. And you're not teaching them, oh, it's like Star Wars or something. You know, it's this Eastern mystic approach to the Lord, who God, you know, or what God is. You know, God is a who. And God is a God that gets angry and upset, yes, and is loving and merciful and kind, but also there's another side to God that chastens his children. And that will punish iniquity. You know, and that's what we're teaching our, we're not just getting the behavior we want out of them, but we're also teaching them that just like I chasten you, so will God. And that's how beating your children, you know, and I know that word beat has another connotation today, but what it means, he's talking about with the rod, he's talking about spanking. You know, not just, you know, like pummeling your children with fists or something, but he's, you know, but if you do that, if you beat him with the rod, that's how you're going to deliver his soul from hell. You don't get saved through spankings, but you know what, you teach them something about the nature of who God is. You know, and here's the thing, the Bible says, chasing thy son while there is hope, meaning there gets a point where it's too late. You ever try to beat a grown man? Because that's what your son's going to be one day. He's going to be a grown man. All right, you misbehave. Now I'm going to start spanking you. It's too late. Now you're going to have to, now you're going to have to literally wrestle him. Now he's going to spank you. Right? While there is hope, let not thy soul spare for his crying. You know, spank them early, you know, and this is a whole other sermon. I really got to move on. But notice in verse 19, and I'll just read to you, in verse 19 it says, a man of great wrath shall suffer punishment. For if thou deliver him, let thou down. Let's do it again. You know, if you don't chase your children, others will. Chasing your son while there's hope, why? Because a man of great wrath shall suffer punishment. If you don't teach your children to exercise restraint and to not misbehave, and not to just think that they can just do whatever they want without consequences, they're going to suffer punishment. They're going to end up in the jailhouse. They're going to end up in the prison. They're going to end up in debt. They're going to end up, you know, having all these problems that the world's going to bring upon them and enforce upon them because you failed to teach them this. You know, fathers ought to be faithful to punish, because if they fail to do so, others will. And God will continue to chase in us as needed, right? And I don't have time to read to you from Hebrews, but the Bible says that the Lord loveth, whom the Lord loveth, he chases it. And he scourges every son whom he receiveth. You know, and he does that, why? Because it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness in our life. You know, dads don't just punish us for their own, you know, for their own sake, their own children. You know, a lot of times, yeah, we do, honestly. It's like, all right, you know, you can't just wake up at two in the morning and start screaming your head off. And if I need to give you a spanking to snap you out of that and realize that, then that, you know, so that I can get a full night's sleep, that's what I'm going to do. You know, but ultimately what punishment does is it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness. It teaches us so much about who God is and who is God. He's somebody who's faithful. Faithful to do all these things, to provide, to protect, and to punish him. You know, and if we don't have an earthly father who's doing these things for us, we can at least be thankful this morning for the fact that we have a heavenly father that's doing it. You know, and if we are fathers, you know, let's make sure these are things that we're doing. And if we're fortunate and blessed enough to have fathers that do these things, that provide, protect, and punish, you know, we ought to be thankful for that because all those things are done for our own benefit. Let's go ahead and pray. Dear Lord, again, thank you for our fathers. Thank you for being a father unto us. I pray you help us to honor them and you and understand that both are looking out for our own good, Lord, in the long term. We pray you just bless us now in Jesus' name, Amen. Alright, we'll go ahead and sing one more song before we go. Amen. Let's turn our handles to song number 147. Song number 147 came off the everlasting oath. Song number 147. Song number 147. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Know how bright the path most fine day to day. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. Reaching on the everlasting oath. I am blessed with strength, blood, and spirit. Leaning on the everlasting oath. Leave, leave, leave, leave. Sing that to your troubles of God. Leave, leave, leave, leave. Leave, leave, leave, leave. On the everlasting oath. Song number 147. Sing that to your troubles of God. Song number 147.