(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And then so this is actually part two of the sermon today if you remember last week We kind of made some applications there about You know the mighty men and things like that But I want to kind of get into something else here a little bit tonight because I think there's something Interesting when you get into this list of names, and if you don't get anything else tonight at a sermon you believe You know understand that when you come across a long list of names in the Bible It's worth reading because there's a lot of application that can be made there in fact There's probably several sermons that we could preach Just going through each one of these mighty men that is listed and just talking about them But don't ever come to a list of names in the Bible and just think well You know it's it's irrelevant is it's just that God just put it there as some kind of a tongue twister for us to make Things difficult. You know that's not the case There's a lot of interesting things, and I think this is just one example of that now when we get into this chapter When you when people read this a lot of times you know at least it has been for me It's been a bit of a struggle to kind of figure out who is the mightiest of these mighty men because as we're reading They're you know talks about these three You know did not attain unto the first three right so you kind of wonder and if you read first Chronicles 11 you might be scratching your head and say well who exactly is the mightiest of David's mighty men And I think when you kind of slow down and really read Deliberately and just kind of you know take the Bible at face value It's actually pretty clear that the mightiest men are the first three that are listed Okay, and I think you know second chronicles 11 Which will be there our first chronicles 11 rather will be there a little bit later tonight You can go ahead and turn there now if you want keep something in second Samuel chapter 23 you know it kind of lists things a little bit differently, and there's some reasons for that But we're gonna focus mainly here on the list that's given in second Samuel 23 where it says in verse 8 These be the names of the mighty men who David the taconite that sat on the seat chief among the captains the same was a Dino the as as night he left up the spear against 800 whom he slew at one time and again That's quite the accomplishment We talked about that last night to slay 800 men we read about these other guys That slew 300 men at one time this guy slew 800 men so you can see again That you know these first three truly are the mighties of David's mighty men They are the mightiest okay And it goes on and says and after him as Eleazar the son of Dodo the Ahoahite One of the three mighty men with David when he defied the Philistines that were gathered together to battle and many Israel were gone away He arose to smoke the Philistines until his hand was weary and his hand claimed unto the sword And the Lord brought a great victory that day and the people were turned after spoil after him only to spoil so again We talked about how the fact that this guy is one of the three mightiest because you know he stood with the man of God Right he stood he stayed there when everybody else was fleeing Stood with David in that field and fought and then verse 11 and after him was Shammah the son of Aggie the Harareit and the Philistines were gathered together in a troop and there was a piece of ground full of lentils that the people and the people fled from the Philistines But he stood in the midst of the ground and defended it and slew the Philistines and the Lord brought a great victory of course Last week we talked about how to be a mighty man. You got to do what you've got to you know be to do great things You got a you got to stand with the man of God right like we read here But you also have to be able to stand on your own as well Okay, so that's what this guy did Shammah the son of Aggie the Harareit You know he stood in that field and defended it, but he was completely by himself So we seem to be a mighty man of God you got to stand with the man of God But you also be able to stand on your own Now that's what we preached last week, but what I want to talk about tonight is You know who are the mighties who are the mighties of the mighties here? Well these three here are called the first three, and I believe that's why they are you know the the mightiest You could see that just through some of the acts that they've done their exploits were a little bit greater than the others that we read About but also they're just listed you know if you're gonna list your mightiest men You're not gonna put them at the end of the list You're gonna put them at the beginning right you're gonna. You're gonna give them that honor putting the beginning of the list So and again you've noticed these first three they had more notable exploits Than the others who lifted up their spear against 300 you know this guy he said 300 You know I'll see you another 300 and raise you 200 right But if you look here with the next kind of group that we get into is the three of the 30 Okay, and this is what the one we're kind of look spend a little more time on tonight It says there in first Samuel for second Samuel 23 verse 13 and the three of the 30 chief went down and came to David in the harvest time Excuse me came to David in the harvest time onto the Cape of Adullam and the troop of the Philistines pitched in the valley of Rephaim So again, it's not just that these are another these are part of the 30 okay because we get a number at the end right 37 and all that's the last verse tells us. There's 37 people listed here So you've got then you have the 30 names that come, but these guys are the three of the 30 all right So I believe that these are three notable guys that are even over the 30 But they don't want attain them to the first three okay, so you're talking about six people Right out of the beginning before you get into the 30 mighty men it goes on to describes So they what I want to point out about this is that there's three people mentioned It says that there's three right, but when you compare Scripture or Scripture There's only two people mentioned by name in this passage So it definitely says that there are three right the three of the 30 chief went down okay, but again There's only two that are named if you would look at verse 13 It says and the three of the three chief went down And came to David in the harvest time on the cave of Adullam and the troop of the Philistines pitched in the valley of Rephaim So that's what we're talking about here these three in verse 18 and Abishai the brother of Joab the son of Zeruiah was chief among the three So you have one name listed there Abishai the brother of Joab the son of Zeruiah He was chief and he lived up his fear against 300 and slew them and he had the name among the three Verse 19 was he not more most honorable of the three therefore he was their captain How bad he attained not unto what the first three right that we read about now Here's your second guy of these three that of the 30 chief all right It says in verse 20 and Benaiah the son of Jehoiada the son of a valiant man of Calziel who had done many acts He slew two lion like man of Moab And we get the things other things that he did where he slays the Egyptian So on and so forth and he mentions him again in verse 22 these things dead Benaiah the son of Jehoiada And he had the name among the three mighty men, but where's the third guy third guy's not mentioned It says he was more no honorable Then it's dirty, but he attained under the first three and gave it set him over his guard now Go over keep something there go to first Chronicles chapter 11 if you haven't already Where we'll look at the same the pen listed here, but again you'll notice that the third guy is now listed, okay? There's this third person now. It's very clear that there's three That there are three of the 30 chief that are mentioned here But only Abishai and then Anaya are the ones that are specifically named, and I'm going somewhere with this I know it's Thursday Thursday night, and we're reading a bunch of names here, but stick with me there will be an application Okay It says the first Chronicles chapter 11 verse 16 and David was then in the hole in the Philistines garrison was that then at Bethlehem And David longed and said oh that one would give me drink of the water the 12 of Bethlehem It is at the gate and we understand what takes place they go they get it they bring it back David says I'm not gonna drink this and he pours out of the sacrifice and the Lord saying you know it's the blood of these men they Jeopardy their lives verse 20 and Abishai the brother of Joab is the chief of the three so there again Who are these three guys are doing this exact same exploit we get a name? It's Abishai the brother of Joab, which is the one we got back in second Samuel, okay? And he goes on talks about how he looked up his fear against 300 now verse 22 the Naya the son of Jehoiada The son of a valid man of Cabs Eel saying guy we get there mentions them again in verse 24, but I assume Joe had it just like And it goes on it says there in verse 25 25 behold he was honored among the 30 But he tamed out of the first three and David sent him over his guard And then it just moves on verse 26 and also the valley men of the armies were as the hell the brother of Joab Bethlehem and so on and so forth So you can see that you know in the past and these two passages There's three it says look there's three, but only two are named okay, and there's a there's a reason for this you know when you get to the end there of the chapter of Second Samuel 23 you know it tells us that there were 37 at all It tells us there were 37 people listed you get the first three you get the next three and then you get The remainder right in fact, and I know this is the case because I've counted it several times Right I went over it and over it and over it It says there's 37, but there's only 36 people listed here and I believe the reason why is because Rather before I give the reason why who I think this person that's missing is I believe that I and again This is my opinion. This is just me kind of just taking what we know from the story of David and And and you just using scripture just kind of coming to a conclusion about this It's my personal belief and again people can differ on this Okay, is that the the missing person here the 37th person then you know the mystery man as it were is Joab I believe that Joab is the missing in here And I believe there's a very specific reason as to why Joab is left out now Let me make my case real quick. Why I think it's Joab, okay? Notice first of all that if you were paying attention while the scriptures being read is that Joab's name is brought up several times Is it his armor bearer is loaded to alluded to it talks about? Abishai the brother of Joab the son of Zeruiah verse 39 Zilek the Ammonite Neheri the Berithite the armor bearer of Joab so it's not like they just forgot who Joab was I mean they're talking about the fact that you know they're mentioning his brother. They're mentioning his armor bearer So it's not that Joab that just kind of slipped there, oh we forgot to mention Joab You know it's Joab. I believe is purposely being left out of this passage He's being alluded to as the third man, but he's not being named and you would say well Maybe that was just a mistake. Maybe they just missed it I have a hard time believing that because of the fact that you know Joab He's the leader of David's army I mean he was the top dog of all these people maybe not in the exploits and the things that he did But as far as authority goes there was no one above him save the king king David And if you remember in second Samuel chapter 9 or 19, I'll just refresh your memory a few weeks back After you know Absalom's rebellion he went in in the process of his rebellion. He took a Mesa To be his you know his Joab so to speak right and then after Absalom is defeated. What did David do? He offered a Mesa Joab's office remember that he said you know you're my bone You're there here of my bone and of my flesh You know be thou if thou be not captain of the host before me continually in the room of Joab So he's offering him this you know the highest office besides himself to come being you know the captain over his army so I'm just saying that because to me it just seems like That would be somebody that that would be a pretty big blunder to just forget about Joab He's been a very prominent character throughout you know as we've been reading about the life of David You know Joab's come up over and over again. He's a he's a significant person It's not just someone who gets a mention here and there He's a very significant character, and you would think that he would be mentioned by name in this passage But he isn't I believe he's that third guy that of the the the three minies there that are left out, okay? Now if you would go to still in first Chronicles 11 We're gonna kind of go back and forth a little bit tonight So just stay there and look at verse 4 it says and David and all Israel went to Jerusalem which is Jeebus Where the Jebusites were the inhabitants of the land and inhabitants of Jeebus said David thou shall not come hither Nevertheless David took the castle of Zion. You know I'm alluding back to how Dave or how? Joab first came into power okay, so if you agree with me that Joab is being left out on purpose We have to ask ourselves this question. Why why is it that Joab is being perfect the Purposely Excluded from this list of mighty men. Why is that well? I believe it's because although he was somebody who raised who had come to prominence in David's army He was a man of low character. He was a man of low character. He was not a good man Okay, I'm not saying he's reprobate. I'm not saying he was unsaved. I believe he loved the Lord I believe he loved David, but he was somebody who as I said before was loyal to a fault, okay? We're gonna talk about that a little bit tonight, but let's just consider the character of this guy Joab okay, and again remind you of how he came to his possession his position as you know Second only to David over the army and we read it there in first chronicles 11 where they come to take the city of David What was known as Jeebus at that time which became known as? Zion the castle of Zion verse 6 and David said whosoever smite at the Jebusites first shall be chief and captain So Joab the son of Zeruiah win at first and he was chief like he it wasn't that David went through all his men and said You know Joab would make a really good leader Joab is you know he's loyal he takes orders Well, he does what I want. He's the guy that I want in this position. No David offered that He kind of left it up to you know as a prize to be won. He said whoever gets up there first and And and and takes the jeebus you know they're gonna be the you know they're gonna be chief They're gonna be captain So Joab the son of Zeruiah went up first now go to second Samuel chapter 5 second Samuel chapter 5 because when you read that You think well wow he is a valiant guy he climbs up there And he's the first one to do it, but we have to get more details about the story Because if you remember in the story when they go and do this The Jebusites they use these human shields, and you know they're kind of cruel It kind of shows you the character of these people But if you look at second Samuel chapter 5 look at verse 6 and the king and his men went up to Jerusalem and the Jebusites the inhabitants of the land okay, so this is a parallel passage that we just read first Chronicles 11 And it's fake unto David saying except thou take away the blind and the lame thou shalt not come in it and hither So they said you know we ran a first Chronicles 11. We're just saying you know you know You're not gonna take this or just challenging him now you get more details here right and why what what were the Jebusites doing To make this difficult for them what they're basically you know they're saying except thou take away the blind and the lame You know thou shalt not come in hither what they're doing I believe what they were doing is that they were taking the blind and lame among them and using them putting them in the way You know maybe putting them up on top of the wall to where they would have to be like a human blockade They'd have to go through these guys hoping that you know maybe The Israelites were more compassionate or whatever or wouldn't you know think about harming somebody like that It was kind of defenseless in a way Man, but here's the thing what's the point who was willing to do that who was willing to say? I'll take out the blind. I'll take out the lame It was Joab Hey, if it means I get an office if it means I get to be The boss in the army. I don't care who I have to kill blind lame old I'll take him out I mean that's what I see when I read the story is that he's willing to go up there and take him out and Nobody else really was was following suit there. It was Joab who's just up that ladder, so does that really make Joab a mighty man? I mean you read about all these other mighty men and the things that they did they're slaying 800 men single-handedly with a spear They're slaying 300 men. They're standing in the field with the king. They're standing by themselves in the field of lentils They're slaying you know one's going down in a snowy day in a pit and slaying an Egyptian He's saying to lion like man, and he's they're actually taking on real serious threats Joab he's like I took out the lame and the blind So I mean you have to ask yourself is he really that mighty now obviously the story Where they break through the Philistines and go to Bethlehem and bring back the water for David I believe he was part of that troop But I mean that's really all he has to boast of And we'll see some other things about it So this is how he gained his position don't forget that when you start to talk about This character of Joab now you can start to see why maybe David didn't want him included in this list And we'll see more reasons why here consider not only how he gained his position But consider also how he kept his position if you would go over to 2nd Samuel chapter number Actually go to 2nd Samuel chapter 20 2nd Samuel chapter 20 if you remember in 2nd Samuel chapter 3 David He had made a deal with Abner Abner I come to David and said hey because at that time the kingdom was divided remember you had Judah and then you had we had the tribes and you had that it was they weren't all following David at that point and Abner says hey, I'm gonna come and deliver you all of Israel So everyone will worship you not just Judah and Benjamin and they strike a deal right and before that Abner Had previously killed Joab's brother right as hell And it says so then Joab catches up. I'm just refreshing your memory. Hopefully everybody recalls the story and Joab comes back out of the field out of the war and hears that Abner had been there that they struck a deal with David And he gets upset Unbeknownst to David Joab calls Abner back and murders him, right? That's what it says in 2nd Samuel chapter 3 verse 26 when Joab has come out from from David He sent messengers after Abner which brought him again from the wall of Sariah but David do it not and when Abner was returned to Hebrew and Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly and Smote him under the fifth rib that he died for the blood of Asahel his brother now if you remember Asahel You know Abner told Asahel several times turn around go away he's pursuing and said I don't want to kill you How should I face your brother? You know, how am I gonna look him in the face if I kill you he knows that there was that love there Right and he and he ended up defending himself because of the fact that Asahel kept chasing after him and he was faster And he left him no choice, right? So that's why Abner killed him It wasn't just this, you know, the cold-blooded murder. It was in warfare. It was justified But what you know what Joab does here is nothing but cold-blooded murder And this is something that Joab did in multiple more than one occasion He would just kill people in cold blood right in order to in this case of Asahel, you know Or with Abner to avenge his brother's death, right? It's just a vengeful thing that he did Now if you look there, I had to go to second Samuel chapter 20 If you look at verse 10 it says but Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand so this is another instance of where Joab kills another guy named Amasa and Remember the offer that I just talked about that was made to Amasa after Absalom's rebellion, right? Well, Amasa got that position and Joab heard about it and Joab didn't like it So he has this whole ruse with him where he kills him where he you know the story We just read it a couple weeks ago where he let he lets his sword fall out He picks it up with with his left hand So he doesn't because he's you know He's not thinking that he's gonna try and kill him with the sword He takes him by the beard and he asks him art thou in good health my brother and goes to you know to greet him with a kiss and As it says here Amasa took no heed to the sword that was in Joab's hand so he smoked him therewith in the fifth writ and shed out his bowels to the ground and Struck him not again that he died. You say well, what was his big crime? He got his job That was this big crime. That was that was the offense that made him worthy of death in Joab's eyes The fact that he killed or if that in fact that he took his job, I mean imagine if you did that You wouldn't kill the guy took the job and you stood before the judge. Well, why'd you do that? Well, he took my job And that's not gonna hold up. I mean, that's not any kind of a justification for cold-blooded murder And again, I'm just pointing all these things out to remind us of the true character of this guy Joab that he was not a good guy Was he loyal? Yes, he was but he was also what a liability Okay, you can be loyal and still be a liability, okay And again, you know, this was a very gruesome murder. We read about it We went through chapter 20 about how you know, he's he's writhing in his blood They had to drag him on the field and throw, you know a blanket over him So people would keep going about their business But again, you know, I'll remind us of one other instance, you know This is probably what upset David the most is when he killed Absalom in second Samuel chapter 18 if you would go to second Samuel chapter 18 We probably all know the story of Absalom's rebellion, right? And I remember how Absalom's life ends, you know he's on the back of the of the mule and he's got his long hair and he goes under the great oak and his hair gets Caught in the oak and the mule goes out from underneath him So he's dangling from this long hair in the middle of the soak He's completely defenseless and prior to the battle David had specifically instructed the Bible says in the ears of everybody That No one was to harm Absalom that he wanted him spared. Okay, but Joab didn't like that idea. He had his own His own his own ideas if you look there in second Samuel chapter 18 looking verse 14 then said Joab I may not tarry thus with thee. Remember a guy came and said hey He stuck over here. I found Absalom. He's right here and and there was that whole you know Interaction there and he took and he Joab took three darts in his hands He's not talking about a little darts. You throw the dartboard. I'm not Spears talking about javelin, right? They would use in battle and he took three darts in his hand and thrust them through the heart of Absalom We talked about it then I don't mean it's referring to his actual heart But you know like his center like it's the core of his body. This is another gruesome death, right? And he's throwing three of these darts through this guy It wasn't like he went up there and just finished it quickly You know a mercy killing and just put him out of his misery very quick He made a point of thrusting three darts through his body Again, you know the Bible describes some gruesome deaths here This is one of them and then it says in verse 15 and then ten young men and ten young men that bear Joab's armor compassed about and smote Absalom and slew him and notice it says that it was the ten men that slew him Okay, that's what he died of not the three darts So this is a very long slow painful death and we preached about that when we went through it But again, was that what David wanted? That's not what David wanted but this is what Joab decided to go ahead and do right And this is showing us the type of man that Joab was he was not a man of good character You could start to see why maybe David when he was going through his throat his mighty men So, you know what just leave Joab out of it You know, I got a bone to pick with it He's been nothing but a pain in my neck ever since he's coming to you know to be with me You know where he's he's you know, and let's not forget the fact that he's responsible He's part and partially responsible for killing Uriah the Hittite. Remember that story? Remember when David, you know gets caught in adultery Bathsheba and with the Uriah the Hittite's wife and And Bathsheba's pregnant, right? and he's trying to cover his tracks and He's trying to get Uriah the Hittite to come home from the battle and go in unto his wife and to know his wife So it would look like it's her kid Right real wicked stuff and that doesn't work because Uriah is actually a guy that has an integrity as a character unlike Joab and refuses to go sleep, you know, he's sleeping on the porch Basically David's house was with his servant saying I'm not gonna sleep all my brethren are out fighting the war So David, you know, it's just decide makes the decision of just writing literally writing Uriah's own death sentence Sealing it and telling Uriah the Hittite to carry his own death sentence to who? To Joab And Joab reads it doesn't set doesn't wonder why isn't isn't asking any questions Just says well the king wants Uriah the Hittite in the hottest part of the battle And once he gets there, we're all gonna withdraw let him die of the sword So he played a part, you know, he was he was culpable in the murder of Uriah the Hittite So you've got him committing cold-blooded murder by his own hand on two occasions You got him participating, you know, aiding a bedding a murderer David, you know This is not a good guy Right and you can see why David wouldn't want this guy counted in his list of money men because really he doesn't seem like he's That money of a man. I mean, I'm sure he was a battle He's probably you know a great leader when it came to military, you know Military strategy and things like that. You know how to win a war But does it sound like he's a man a very good character as a man of integrity not at all You say well you're being a little harsh I think you're being a little hard on you know, Joab well First of all, I'm not the one that left them out of the list. Yeah, that's somebody else's decision. Ultimately, it's God's right Well, let's get what David thought of him Let's get one of his peers to chime in for us tonight and see what what kind of man Joab was if you would Go to second Samuel chapter 3 back, you know going back to the story of You know Abner's murder Abner was killed It says in second Samuel chapter 3 After Abner's killed by Joab David says this in verse 28 afterward when David heard it He said I my kingdom are guiltless before the Lord forever from the blood of Abner the sun nerd Let it rest on the head of Joab and all his father's house Let there not fall from the house of Joab one that have an issue or that is a leper Well that leaneth on a staff or that fall from the sword on the sword or that lacketh bread So it's not that he's just saying you know, what punish Joab. He's he's Calling for a curse on everyone that comes after him and his whole house. I Mean, it's one thing if I come up and salt you and call you a nasty name But then I said to go on there, you know what? Let all your kids be a leper I don't hope you have somebody that leans on a staff all in every single generation is born after you Now, I hope I hope I hope all your descendants are handicapped. That's what he's saying here folks. This is David the sweet souls of Israel Praying, you know, you know publicly issuing a curse on Joab You know, I I would call this a little bit more than just a falling out, right You say well that how did you have managed to stay in there in that position for so long? Why didn't David do anything about it? Well, remember Joab kind of had the dirt on David didn't he the whole thing with Bathsheba Then he's saying look or let him that let there be I mean, this is some harsh stuff Looking there at the end. He said let there not fail from the house of job one that have an issue or that as a leper You know, literally the disease are gonna rot to death or that leaneth on a step or that falleth on the sword Whether by accident, you know, you could you know, you could talk about Saul. He's fell on the sword You know, it's alluding to suicide or the lack of bread. Let him be poor Go over to first Kings chapter 2 first Kings chapter 2 Well, you know that was earlier on you know that you know, I was earlier on in David's reign He's just a little raw heat of the moment You know, he's just mad at Joab. I'm sure they smooth things over and they got over it, right? Mm-hmm No, let's look at first Kings chapter 2 where we're looking at the end of David's life and see if he's changed his mind about Joy, you know jobs actually not that bad a guy. I know he made mrs He's kind of brash as you but you know time has you know seasoned him and he's now a good guy That's not the case here If you look there in first Kings chapter 2 verse 1 now the days of David drew nigh that he should die and he charged Saul and his son saying I go the way of all the earth be thou Strong therefore and show thyself a man and keep the charge of the Lord thy God to walk in his ways to keep the statutes And his commandments and his judgments and the testimonies as is written and the law of Moses that thou mayest Proper prosper and all that thou doest and whithersoever thou turn thyself So, you know, this is his client of his closing words. It's a good admonition, right? It's parting words to his son. He's giving him this charge, you know serve God verse 4 that the Lord may continue his word which is spake concerning me saying if thy children take heed of their way to walk Before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul there shall not fail thee He said he a man of the throne of Israel You know, that would be a good place to end it right there Wasn't that just I mean that would have been a night just could put a bow I mean what more is there to say? But you know David still got a bone to pick with somebody. I Mean, these are his last words. He's admonishing Solomon. He's about to take over the throne and rule after him And he says in verse 5 moreover Thou knowest The two captains of the host of Israel Abner the son of Nur and Amazeth the son of Jethro whom Excuse me I jumped over something thou knowest also that Joab the son of what Joab the son of Zoriah did to me And what he did to the two captains of the host of Israel? Abner the son of Nur and Amazeth the son of Jethro whom he slew so all these years later He's still saying Joab is no good. He's rotten to the core And he's not just reminding them of this just so you could say, you know, keep your eye on Joab there's a point behind us he says, you know what he did whom he slew and he goes on and says and shed the blood of war and peace and Put the blood of war upon his girdle and about that was about his loins and in his shoes that were on his feet Do therefore according thy wisdom and let not his poor head go down to the grave in peace And whore head meaning his white head his gray head and on the hoary head Is referring to a person that's a gray head Right. So he's saying kill that old man Joab and I'm saying you know what? Yeah, that's something he did when he was young He's older now. We can't you know, we should just coddle him and just say, you know, we know he's a bad guy But he's old now show some pity. He's like know what don't let his forehead go down in peace And if you know the story, that's exactly what happens. He ends up getting killed It's all him hasn't killed but that's what David thought of Joab all the way through So you could kind of understand why maybe David didn't really want to put Joab in the list of mighty men Even if maybe he had done something of some merit at some point like breaking through the troops of the Philistines and bringing back some water You know ultimately on the whole he was a bad guy And not mighty and not a man of character not a man of integrity and not a man worth mentioning alongside these other great men of God Now if you would go back to first chronicles chapter 11 first chronicles chapter number 11, actually know what I'm gonna order there Just go over to first Peter chapter 2. We're gonna wrap it up here in a minute first Peter chapter number 2 He said what's the point of the sermon just pointing out some? obscure thing about this passage You know, of course, they always try to make an application here, right? Now here's the thing would we take the time would we say that that Joab was a loyal man? I mean I would I would say at the he was loyal. It was certainly that I mean, he's fighting David's wars He's he's trying to get counsel with David. He's going out and killing David's enemies, you know And and but here's the thing you can be a loyal person and still be a liability You could still be a loyal person and still be a liability to the people that are leadership You know, it takes more than just being loyal to be a good follower You know leaders aren't just looking for people who are ready who will just show up and just be there You know what? They really need are people that are gonna have some integrity and have some character and do the right thing Because character ultimately is what counts It's not just loyalty Loyalty can turn you into a serious liability characters what counts The Bible says give no offense in anything that the ministry be not blame Chapter 6, you know, we should be the tight. It's great that we come to church. It's great that we go soul-winning It's great that you know, we're loyal to the cause of Christ You know, but we also have to make sure that we're not what doing anything that the ministry would be blamed You know this and I was thinking about this in the way over here How we could specifically apply this and one thing that always comes up here because we're so many churches. So look It's great. If you're somebody that's loyal to so many. I think we all should be I Think we should be getting out there knocking doors. I mean, that's the Great Commission Right. That's what we've been charged to those. I was Jesus parting words to us Go you therefore to all the world preach the gospel every creature. That's pretty important And we do that and I'm glad that we have people that are on fire that are dedicated that are loyal But you know what? You can be loyal to soul-winning and go out there and be a liability to the church You can go out there and the ministry can be blamed for your conduct out there And look, I'm not I don't know who is and who is it that way, but I know there are people that are Because I answer the phones and I get the emails and I look at the Facebook messages and I know that there's people that go out there and I understand that there's some people that are just Contain curious and angry and looking for somebody to complain at and they hate God and all that but you know what? I don't think it's that far-fetched to think that the sometimes we might have people that go out there that are just a little bit of a jerk I'm not saying you're a full-blown Joe act or something like that But I'm saying this I know there's people that go out there. They're loyal And We have to go well, I'm sorry, you know, we don't have to we don't tell our people to say those type of things We don't encourage people to you know, bang on your door that way and things like that And again, I understand there's some people they're they're blowing things out of proportion You know some ladies calling me, you know messaging us from Las Vegas You know your pastor was here with some some other Hispanic guy And and I wasn't gonna my door says no soliciting and they started shaking the doorknob trying to get in I found your material on my door. I'm like, I'm like ma'am We're in Phoenix We're in Tempe, Arizona And you know, there's just no reason these people know it was him. He was here. Okay You know, but there aren't there are other calls where I'm like, hmm. I Wonder who that was. I Wonder what I wonder who that was that did say that or did have that, you know confrontation or was rude or was a jerk Or didn't have the look I'm not saying people need to go out there and be Prince charming at the door You know and just and just wow people with their their people skills, but I'm saying this is like it's great to be loyal But don't become a liability in the process Where you're just you know, and not just a liability by you know, making the church look bad But looking at making the cause of Christ look bad Not just the ministry but the Lord That people don't want nothing to do with God because of the way we were at a door at some point, okay So that's just you know, one example of where you know being loyal isn't enough, you know, what's another area where you could apply this? How about marriage? You can say well, I'm gonna be loyal to the bitter end. I Took a vow and I'm gonna keep it and I'm not gonna break it and it's gonna be a long long life, right Because you might be loyal but you know what you are is your liability You know, it's one thing to be loyal to your spouse. It's nothing to love your spouse, isn't it? There's another thing to to cherish them to honor them You know, it's another thing to care for them to forgive them That's that's that's beyond loyalty. Loyalty is not enough. It's great to have loyalty But you also have to have some character and some integrity as well go along with it Because loyalty without those other things, you know that just makes you that could just turn you into a ticking time bomb We're here. Yeah, you're loyal up to a point until you know You know things don't go your way Until you don't like what the leadership did or till you don't like what your husband did the leader until you don't like what the? Decision your parents made you don't like what the what the pastor did you don't like the direction that he's taking the church And now now loyalty is not enough Now loyalty can take a backseat To to you know Your your anger your bitterness your resentment Your lack of forgiveness, right? So you got to have loyalty. It's that you know, that's like the foundation We want to add to loyalty. We want to add, you know, these other qualities that are gonna that are gonna make us You know good followers people that are gonna be in it for the long haul that are gonna look over transgressions and Things like that nature now if you would you're in first Peter chapter 2 Then it's your character that counts, you know, your reputation is what's gonna speak for you at the end I mean think about think about Joab's life. I Mean he has a reputation. It's written down the Word of God for everyone to see for all eternity. I Mean as far as I can tell the man saved he's in heaven But I doubt the line to meet Joab is gonna be that long. I Mean we all think about who we're gonna meet and we get in heaven, right? I Mean Moses is gonna have a long line Elijah, you know these other prophets these other men of God And then there's gonna be Joab in his little booth, you know, it's gonna be a quick line, right? Because who's gonna want it like? Oh, yeah, I write about you And you know David didn't think much of you on earth and weren't that good of a guy His reputation is gonna go with it. It's proceeded into heaven So We want to make sure that we have more than just loyalty we need to have character look at first Peter chapter 2 verse 12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak evil against you and speak as you against you Excuse me They speak against you as evil doers that you by your good works Which they shall behold glorified God in the day of visitation. What's the talk? Well, I'm loyal to the church, yeah, but how well do you represent the church? I'm loyal to Christ, but how well do you represent Christ? I'm loyal to David Said Joab when he's covered in innocent blood Where he's just being selfish and looking out for himself and making sure he stays in power and he gets out of David what he wants Are we loyal to the church because we want to help the church? We're loyal to cause of Christ because we love the Lord. Are we just trying to get something out of it for ourselves? some day glory Go to Philippians chapter number one Philippians chapter one the Bible talks a lot about having a good reputation and not ruining it To a point get get to the reputation where people don't even want to acknowledge you anymore. That's what happened to Joab Yeah, he was loyal But he had a lot of other problems that he didn't take care of and it got to the point Where when it came time to write second Samuel chapter 23 days is like to sleep now I'd rather people just forgot that you know, he was in that position Because he was such a bad follower Because he was a liability Philippians chapter 1 look at verse 27 only let your conversation Be as if you come at the gospel of Christ Then whether I come and see you or else be absent I may hear of your affairs They stand fast to one spirit having one with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel. What's he saying? Saying, you know let your conversation The way you conduct yourself Be a becoming, you know fitting to the gospel of Christ, that's how you should conduct yourself You know You should conduct yourself and live your life in such a way that it reflects Christ Well to other people because whether you realize it or not whether you accept it or not. Other people are watching your life They you say I'm a Christian I go to church I believe the Bible people are gonna put you under a magnifying glass whether you like it or not And a lot of times the only reason they're doing that is because they're looking for something to pick you apart about Look we're not perfect. We're gonna make mistakes, but that shouldn't be you know, the whole of our reputation hypocrite You know, we need to live our lives in such a way that it reflects Christ. Well That's what he's saying. Let your conversation be as it become at the gospel of Christ That whether I come see you or else I'd be absent I may hear of your fears that you stand fast in one spear with one's mind striving for the faith of gospel Say and I want to hear about a bunch of bickering and complaining and division and resentment and anger in the church I want to hear how you guys are striving together the faith of the gospel and not having all those divisions He would will close in second see him in chapter 23 Now the interesting thing about about Joab or one of them is the fact that he's David's nephew and he's the son of Zaraiah, which is David's sister and What I'm gonna apply this is this is that you know, David he's more interested in What people can do their ability than just their personal relation? Right. I mean joy is like one. I'm the king's nephew, you know, so Enough said right, but if you notice as we read that list tonight of all those names a Lot of those guys were not really defeated. A lot of those guys weren't even Israel Israelites. A lot of them were foreigners And I look at chapter 36 or verse 36 of second sample 23. It got all the son of Nathan of Zobah Van I the Gadites Is he like the Ammonites and these aren't Nation, this is these are four nations. These are he the nations These were David's mighty men You know, David was just interested people that could get a job done that we're gonna be yes loyal, but also weren't liabilities That actually had character and integrity and could get things done that actually mattered the hair I the beer of light armor bear to Joab the sentence, right? I mean that just must cut to the bone if you're Joab You're looking for that acknowledgement and like oh man second scene with 23. Let me get that. All right I mean, what do you say about me? I'm not in here. My brother's in there. My armor bear is in here the guy who bore my armor He's my servant. He gets a mention, but I don't get a mention I'm folks. This was done on purpose. I'm telling you. It's a slight against Joab and you know what you had it coming I can't say he didn't have it coming up everything he did Ira the ith right verse 38 garab and ith right notice verse 39 the last guy Uriah the Hittite The guy that David murdered by the hand of Joab is the last guy that's mentioned I Mean, it's bad enough. His his armor bears in there and then he's got to read that. Oh, yeah, I remember Uriah. Whoops Guess I shouldn't do that. She goes to show you that, you know, that was a good man Not that it would have made it right if he wasn't murder But what I'm what I want to get across tonight is this is that? You're gonna be known by your actions and not just your pedigree Well, I go to faithful word Baptist Church Well great. Well, are you are I'm glad you're loyal, but are you a liability to? Don't you know who I am does you know how far I moved to be here a Lot of people could say that a lot of people in this room could say that Don't you know all I gave up to be a part of this church. That's great. I'm glad you're here You know what? We're you know, what leadership really needs is people that gather loyal. They're willing to move They're willing to be loyal to services to go slowly But at the same time not be liabilities to go out and do things in a way that it's becoming of Christ becoming of the gospel And not turning into you know, a mini app or a mini Joab Who's just doing things for all the wrong reasons isn't obeying leadership I mean really that's that's what Joab did there with with Absalom. He got a direct order from the king He says I'm not gonna do it that way. I Got my own ideas about how things ought to be done in this situation That's not the kind of people that leadership are wanting to have follow them Because that that's the type, you know when people just you know Go against the grain go against orders that just makes problems that leadership has to deal with and These type of things happen all the time. I Mean how many times do we get up and preach? You got to get along you got to get along? You got to get along. You don't have to be friends. You don't have to have each other over You don't have to write each other birthday cards or hand out Christmas cards, but you got to be civil You got to shake hands and say good morning. Say good evening and be nice and play nice with others at church I mean, we've been saying that for years But people still like well, I just don't think I have to do with that guy Well, didn't you I mean after all remember what she did or what she said or what she didn't say or what she didn't do It's great I'm glad you're here but you know what when you're just Disobeying man, it's that you know that we're to have to strive to you know, to keep the bond of peace You know and then unity of the faith, you know, that's you disobeying orders and you're a little Joe have now Well, I know that's what the Bible says I know it's what the preacher said, but I got my own ideas about how this should go in this situation you know and then and then you know leadership and staff have to come up behind you and try to clean up that mess and We get distracted from other things that we need to be doing and look that's it's not like it's a huge problem But it's out there It's out there and it's just an example You know when people that do that consistently over and over, you know what they get they get a reputation They get a reputation somebody comes to you and says hey, I'm having a problem with oh, let me guess so-and-so. How did you know? Because you're not the only one So we don't want to be that person and this is what I'm getting across tonight and you know We can apply it in the local church, but you know what young people You get up. This is something you take me doing life. We all do is That you'll be known by your actions your reputation will follow you Your reputation will follow you young lady You know if you're if that you're the one that's willing to just sleep around and get with whoever you're gonna get a reputation It's not gonna be a good one Your reputation will follow you young man Well, he's the guy that's always stealing and getting drunk and doing this and sleep around whatever else your reputation will follow you So make sure you're in can look it could work for you against you, right I Mean think about all the good reputations to read about the Bible. So people that were known for doing some good things, right? When Paul found Timothy, he was well-reported of the brethren before before he even got there He'd already established himself as having a reputation with the brethren. So you know what Paul you should take Timothy with you. It's a good guy Loves the Lord. It's faithful. He's loyal not a liability would be a blessing to you Right so you can have that reputation that's available Well, you will have a reputation You know if we were to sit down tonight and start going and like let's write out, you know Let's figure out who the money's are here at faithful word You know, let's go through and talk about so-and-so though, whatever and what they did the exploits are picking it Will we get to your name and go? Let's just skip over that name, let's just pretend that they're not here Let's just let's just say you know that you know, maybe people forget they went to church I don't want that for anybody You know what that's that's the kind of if we're not careful That's the kind of feelings we can put in the hearts of leadership for people are just saying you know what? It would be it would be less of a headache if you just weren't here. I Mean, I don't know how else to say it. I don't I have a nice way of putting that it's just the truth So that you know, that's and this isn't a shot across the valley. But this is just a warning to all of us. I Mean I could look back on my own, you know as a follower in more than one Baptist Church, you know I've been at this for almost 20 years I was in a Baptist Church over 10 years before I got here and I think back sometimes and the things that I said did And I and I just like my old pastor and my pastor even now it they have our very gracious people They put up with a lot of grief For me and I can I understand your patient people grow out of things and we do that But you know, let's minimize that let's all of us seek to minimize that and develop a good reputation I'm not a people that are not just loyal but of people that are not liability. So blessing go ahead close the word prayer