(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Amen, so first King or second Kings chapter 9, of course a very well-known passage of Scripture probably, you know I was thinking about I think I probably preached this chapter or this portion or this story probably, you know I've only been preaching for you know, four years but I probably preached this more than any other passage just because this is probably My favorite story in the whole Old Testament and you could probably see why there's just so much going on and a lot of you know just action taking place but also because you know It's it's God is getting vengeance on the wicked, you know, and that's kind of the theme that we see here is that God Eventually gets vengeance on the wicked that people don't just get away with things and he uses specific people, you know to execute His judgment, so it's a great chapter. Let's just jump into it real real quick here in verse one It says and Elijah the prophet called one of the children of the prophets and said unto him grow up thy loins and take this Box of oil in thine hand and go to Ramoth Gilead And when thou comest sit there look out there Jehu the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshai and go in and make him Arise up from among his brethren and carry him to an inner chamber Then take the box of oil and pour it on his head and say thus saith the Lord I have anointed the king over Israel then open the door and flee and tarry not So the young man even the young man the Prophet went to Ramoth Gilead Now the first thing I want to point out here and if you would keep something there go back to first Kings chapter 19 Is that Elijah here is telling one of these sons of the prophets one of the children of the prophets this young man the Prophet to go and to carry out the anointing of Jehu and What we see first of all, is that? This is something if you notice the first Kings 19 that Elijah Elijah was told to do when Elijah was in the cave and He was speaking with the Lord the Lord told him in first Kings 19 where you are verse 15 and the Lord said unto him Elijah go return on thy way to the wilderness of Damascus and when thou comest Annoying Hazeel to be king over Syria. Okay. That's another thing that he was supposed to do that Elijah ended up doing and Jehu the son of Nimshai shut down anoint to be king over Israel That's what we see taking place in this story. But again, who was that charge given to it was given to Elijah originally You know whether or not that has something to do with the timing of departure of Elijah I'm not really sure or what the greater lesson is here But what the way I want to play that apply this tonight is that you know It doesn't matter who the anointing were who the anointing comes from Okay, you know, it doesn't matter that it was supposed to be Elijah or does it matter that it was Elisha? That was you know, obviously Elijah told him to do this But even with Elisha, you know, he tells one of the sons of the prophets to go do it He sends as he's described in verse 1 of 2nd Kings 9 one of the children of the prophets a young man the prophet So he's sending, you know, basically, you know, one of his lackeys, you know to just go up there and to Literally anoint the next king of Israel. Okay, and what that tells me and I'm just going to point this out real quick Is that it's not the anointing the it's the anointing that matters not the anoint her that matters so much and you know if you would go to 1st Corinthians chapter 1 1st Corinthians chapter number 1 and There's a couple different ways we could apply this but it's this always makes me think about you know People who insist on only being baptized by a specific individual, you know This is something that I see from time to time and people, you know, they want to get baptized by a specific preacher They want to only a certain pastor to baptize them, you know, which is fine, you know But if here's the thing it makes you wonder, you know, who is it that you're getting baptized for at that point? You know if you're going to insist that it's one person that baptizes you obviously it has to be an ordained man of God We believe that that it can't just be anybody baptizing anybody, but it has to be an ordained man of God But sometimes people get so fixated on a personality or an individual that they forget why they're even being baptized, right? I mean does it really matter who's doing it? Who's doing the anointing here in this story? You don't see it that attitude with Jay who he's like, why would you send this this kid? You know this young punk up here to anoint me, you know, why doesn't a lie should come down here? In fact wasn't Elijah the one that was originally told to come do this Why didn't you know, why did he take off without getting this done? You know, that's not really attitude that he had He was just allowing that anointing to take place because again, it's the anointing itself that matters It's not the person necessarily that's performing the act, you know And and people who get caught up in this kind of thing where they're they're only loyal to one person or they're only going to be You know only allow one person to to be their only source of truth, you know That's the only preacher I can listen to that's the only church I can go to that's the only person that can baptize me That's a carnal attitude. Okay. I'm not again. I'm not talking about having preferences, you know People can have their favorite preacher people can have you know, you know people that they prefer over another but I'm saying is that you know Only this person can teach me the Bible only this person can baptize me. That's not true You know, there's many people that have been anointed to have the whole feeling of the Holy Spirit, you know, it's this book It's the truths in this book that matter not the person that's expounding them, you know, obviously again, I understand there's you know qualifications for it to be a Bishop a pastor a deacon obviously we understand that but ultimately those are just to get people in You know the right people in the place to what preach the same truth Not to not to you know, develop a cult of personality or something like that. Okay And again people who develop this attitude, it's often no fault of the individual, you know that they're following, you know It's it's just that those people that I get this attitude of only so-and-so You know can baptize me only so-and-so can teach me the Bible it's a very carnal attitude, you know It's something you see among babes look at 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verse 11 For it hath been declared unto me of you my brethren by them which are the house of Chloe That there are contentions among you. So he's saying look I've heard about these contentions there are among you and Then he names the contentions. So what why what are they contending about? Where's the strife coming from verse 12? Now this I say that every one of you say it I am of Paul and I of Paulus and I have seen It's a carnal attitude Paul calls it a contention, right? Isn't that what he said that there are contentions among you now this I say that every one of you that say it I'm a Paul and I have Paulus and I have see if it's and if I have Christ is Christ divided was Paul crucified for you, or were you baptized in the name of Paul? No, but we got baptized. We weren't baptized in the name of the person that was baptizing us We were baptized in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost You were buried in the likeness of Christ death and raised to walk in newness of life You know, it shouldn't matter who it is that you know baptizes us. It shouldn't matter You know who it is it's gonna teach us the Bible as long as you know, it's the we're getting the same truth Okay, so that's what the first, you know right out of the gate that I see here in the story He's sending one of the children the prophets to him. He's selling a young man, you know originally this is this is obviously something It's got passed down from Elijah Elijah was the one that was told to go do this He kind of picked, you know past that and passed the buck on to Elisha or whatever And then when he gets to Elijah, he's like, you know what just just send one of these other guys to go do it You know and J who wasn't some carnal, you know, babe in Christ who was just like out Well, you know, I know Elijah's on but why doesn't I lie should come down here? You know, he wasn't concerned about that the other thing we can get from this story just these first four first four verses or so is that if Thanks, and if you would go to first Timothy chapter number five is that you don't want to anoint others suddenly That's another way you could apply this, you know, why is it that Elijah didn't do it right away? Why isn't that Elisha didn't take care of business right away Why did it get to get to this point in the story? Obviously, you know, God had his own Council involved and all that there's there's things taking place there But you know, it does lend itself to the application that we should not anoint people suddenly, you know It says in first Timothy chapter 5 verse 22 lay hands suddenly a no man That's not talking about, you know doing violence to some it's not talking about, you know laying hands on suddenly But you know being slow to wrath it's talking about, you know, the laying on of the hands the presbytery It's talking about not anointing or appointing somebody to a certain office within the church too soon Okay, you know not not anointing a novice, you know He's saying that lay hands suddenly a no-man Neither be partaker of other men's sins, you know when we if we're gonna start anointing people and just you know Putting people in these positions, you know, we're gonna be held accountable to some degree for what takes place Obviously we can't help what people do ultimately obviously you can anoint somebody you can lay hands on somebody You know give them the office of a bishop or a deacon, you know with the with the assumption that they're everything They make themselves out to be and later they can you know, turn into a bad person. I get that Okay, but we shouldn't lay hands suddenly on them You know, we should just take new believers or just take somebody that comes along that knows how to say all the right things You know, there should be time that passes I mean, it's not you kind of see with the anointing of Jehu because he was told Elijah was said it was told go anoint Jehu well Elijah comes and goes Elijah finally gets on the scene some time passes there and now he's finally getting around to it He's finally getting around to laying his hands on anointing this man Jehu. So, you know, it's just an application we're making there And I would go so far even go further to say, you know Don't be don't lay hands suddenly on people who are even qualified You might check all these boxes that we might have going back to 1st Timothy chapter 3 1st Timothy 3 verse 10 I'll just read to you and he says talking about the office of a deacon right and Let these also first be proved then let them use the office of a deacon being found blameless so even if a guy who's the husband of one wife whose wives aren't accused of Slander or riot or you know has children or accuse a riot or unruly, you know, who's who's making meeting all these qualifications in According to Scripture even that person there should be time that passes to see them tested You know in the ministry because you know, it's not just about meeting the qualifications It's also about being able to you know, put up with the things that come along with the ministry You know the ministry and I'm gonna point this out because you know I feel like we might have young men in the room Who aspire to be in the pastorate one day and praise God for that, you know We need a next generation to come up, you know, we need more preachers We need more laborers to go and start churches and things like that But you know, let me just put it out there that you know quitters need not apply You know if you're gonna go into the ministry and ministry is not something that you dip your toe in You know, that's why the deacons had to be proved then let them use the office of a deacon You know give them tasks see if they can you know Just live the Christian life to see it watch their lives watch them go through some things see how they handle trials and tribulations things Like that, you know We don't want to just lay hands suddenly on people just because they tick all the boxes Just because they seem like they might you know pan out Well, we never can be 100% sure obviously, but you know, that's what I get out of this story Is that why didn't Elijah do it right away? Why didn't Elijah do it right away? Why did Elijah wait and then eventually just send some young guy to go take care of business? I don't know that he was trying to obviously, you know Foreshadow the New Testament here in first Timothy, but it's definitely an application that we can make You know that we don't want to lay hands suddenly people even on people who are qualified and we're gonna see some about JU It's a qualified man. Okay. This is a man of war This is somebody who was more than capable to carry out God's will in his life But you know the principle is this is that if you're gonna go into the ministry You know, you just have to go in the attitude of not being a quitter. Okay It's kind of one of those two and obviously there's reasons to quit sometimes Sometimes there's a reason why a man of God should step down. He should resign For what a myriad of reasons, but you know, it's not we should go into it with the attitude of that's not an option Okay, not saying it won't happen or there might not be a time and place for that to happen But that's not how you want to go into the ministry thinking. Well if it doesn't work out, I'll just quit You know, that's not that's not the attitude you want to have lay hands suddenly a no-man Let's pick up the story again here in verse 5 and it says and he came, you know, the young man that was sent by Elijah and he came and behold the captain whose hosts were sitting and he said I have an errand under the O captain You know and we get little glimpses of J whose character here, you know, why God, you know again I don't want to get ahead of myself. We all know who know the story that J who was not a perfect In every way that he had he was a flawed character But you can start to see little bits of his character here that the better things the better qualities You know in some of his responses here so this guy comes in and This young man of the son of the prophets and says I have an errand under the O captain and J Who says well, obviously he's talking to me Because we all know that I'm the greatest leader. I'm the greatest captain here We all know that no one has the zeal that I have we all know that I'm you know The man right? No, he says and J who said unto which of all of us? You say oh you have a message. Well, who's it for? He's not just assuming that well, obviously it's me You know if this is this is one of the prophets here, you know, he's got a box of oil So we all know why it's here. You know, it's like it's about time, right? It's not his attitude, you know, so you get a little glimpse of J whose character here He's he seems to me like he's a humble person, you know He's not arrogant and proud and lifted up and again that's important to remember because we'll see here You know that J who is a very zealous man for the Lord, right? But and people often can confuse zeal with Arrogancy, you know, somebody can be very zealous. Somebody can be very driven. Somebody can be very ambitious That does not make them an arrogant person Okay And you see that here with J who unto unto which of all us of all of us and he said to the O captain And he rose and went in thine house and he poured the oil on his head and said unto him thus saith the Lord God Of Israel I have anointed the king over the people of the Lord even over over Israel That thou might smite the house of Ahab thy master that I may avenge the blood of my servant the prophets and the blood of All the servants of the Lord at the hand of Jezebel now again This is a fulfillment of what God has told told Ahab was going to come one day I should have had you keep something in first Kings chapter 19 go back there when you get there Just keep something at first Kings 19 that area We're gonna we're gonna look at a couple times but in verse 16 it says in Jehu the son of Nimshai shalt anoint to be king over Israel and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel Mahola thou shalt anoint to be prophet Nairam and it shall come to pass That him that escapeth of the sword of Hazeel, which is what we saw last week shall Jehu slay, right? So this is what's being prophesied right all the way back in first Kings chapter 19 He's saying this is what's gonna happen anyone that escapes Hazeel the king of Syria. Jehu is gonna get him. Okay And him that escaped with him sword Jehu shall Elisha slay So this again is just a prophecy of what's taking of what's about to take place and the story that we're reading tonight if you look there in verse 8 of 2nd Kings chapter 9 It says for the whole house of Ahab shall perish and I will cut off from Ahab him that pisseth against the wall meaning all the men and him that has shut up and left in Israel and I will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat and like the house of Baasha the son of Hijjah So there's that's kind of the theme here in this chapter in the story is that God takes vengeance on the wicked I mean God just you know, he's saying hey, you're gonna go do this to Ahab's house Just like I did it before to Jeroboam just like I did it to Baasha, you know This is a pattern that God's had God has you know, and this is what we this should cause us to take heart You know because sometimes we as God's people it can seem like the wicked are prospering and they are and it seems like bad people Are just gonna keep getting away with everything that they're getting away with I mean wicked people live long lives and they go to the grave Seemingly in peace, you know, we see that, you know, we live in a fallen world. We live in a corrupt world We're surrounded by corrupt people and the wicked prosper in this world But is God slack is God not going to take vengeance, you know is God just not keeping track No, God keeps track and God has promised that there is judgment. Look if they die without any judgment in this world They're going straight to hell. Okay, which is the worst judgment that there is You know when you see wicked people prospering, you know You can just solace in yourself in the fact that they're going to hell that God ultimately is going to judge them Unless they repent unless they get saved, okay So he's just he's just saying look I'm gonna do to him just like I've done to these other guys, you know This is the pattern. This is the theme verse 10 Of course he gives us some of the gory gruesome details right and all the all the dog lovers love this chapter because there's dogs mentioned in This right Karen was really excited my daughter because there's dogs in the story. Everyone knows her there's dogs I don't know. This is the kind of dog you want but you know There's a dog verse 10 and the dog shall eat Jezebel and the portion of Jezreel and there shall be none to barrier And he opened the door and fled You say oh man that seems pretty harsh, you know, and I I'll move on for sake of time but if you if you wanted to you could revisit first Kings chapter 21 and You could could read about all the reasons why God is judging Ahab You know He's going to judge him for all the it says that he did very Abominably and following idols according to all things as the did the Amorites, you know He was as wicked as the heathen nations that God cast out I think if you've been with me through first Kings if you know your Bible at all you this is all making sense You're not going. Oh, man, that seems a little harsh you understand that you know Jezebel and that Ahab are Incredibly wicked people and God is pouring pouring out his judgment on them His his wrath is being poured out and you know, and and again we could take solace in that fact But this is also we should be warned by this. This is a warning to the rest of us, too You know is that God follows through on his threats. God's not just making empty threats God doesn't dot, you know, the Bible says that he chases every son who may receive it, right? That's not just that's not just spooky talk. You know, that's that God means that God does chase in every son who may receive it, you know, if we walk in the flesh, you know We we are going to reap of the flesh Corruption, you know, you know whatsoever man. So if that shall also a shall a man reap that is a fact You know and we like we can read stories like this one. Yeah, get them in and praise God I love that. Yeah, get them God get those wicked people. Amen But you know what? That should be a warning to us too that if we as God's people walk Contrary to the Lord if we cast off You know the things that we've been taught in our youth if we cast off the things of God if we ignore the Bible if We ignore the preaching that we've heard if we ignore the instruction that we've received over the years The good godly counsel the warnings that we've been have been Admonished in you know, if we keep doing that just mark it down that you know God is going to punish you that God doesn't make empty threats, you know, God promises and God threatens as well We love to claim all the promises of God. Let's also claim all the warnings of God to let's make those ours as well We love to claim all those precious promises about eternal life and praise God for them We like to claim all those promises about God's provision and praise God for those you know what? Let's also make sure we claim all the warnings that God gives us that if we get out of line God's gonna chase in us Okay, you know you say oh he does that only for the wicked. No, he does that for any anyone So, you know, especially God's children, you know, God chases his children God follows through on his threats go to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter number 12 You know, this is the theme that we see here in this in this passage is that God eventually? Pours out his wrath on people that God punishes people the wicked do not go unpunished, you know and sometimes in this world You know some even if they might look like they're having a lot of fun. They're still having to you know You know reap the wages of sin in this life You know, there might be having the pleasures of sin for a season but then they also have to do with all the Consequences and all the guilt and the shame and everything else that comes with it in this life And if they don't get saved then they get to go to hell, okay God Doesn't just God follows through on his threats and the wicked do not go unpunished in this world neither do the disobedient Look at there in Romans chapter 12 verse 17. It says recompense. No, man Evil for evil provide things honest in sight of all men if it be possible as much lieth in you live peaceably with all men Okay dearly beloved avenge not Yourselves, you know, that's you got to kind of pay attention to what the you know, what's being expressed here He's saying look if it if it be possible as much lieth in you live peaceably with all men dearly beloved avenge not yourselves Even when we see wicked people or even if wicked people do us harm We don't have to go out of our way to avenge them avenge ourselves on them We don't have to go out of our way to you know, repay them, right? That's what he's saying here live peaceably as much life than you obviously at some point, you know We have to defend ourselves obvious at some point. We can't just let people walk roughshod all over us You know if they're just gonna mock us and scoff us and and blast us on the internet and say crude things And all the stupid things that wicked people do in this world that they really think they they got us, you know Like haha, you know, we don't have to go and avenge ourselves of those things when they do wicked things to us That's the Bible saying if it be possible as much lieth in you live peaceably with all men You know just don't sweat the small stuff Why It goes on and says dearly beloved avenge not yourselves But rather give place unto wrath whose wrath the wrath of wicked people people that would do us harm Give place unto wrath for it is written vengeance is fine. I mean mine Right, we like the first don't we we like vengeance is fine that you know, because it's true, you know being in and this is Something I've learned that when people get mad or angry or they get aggressive Doesn't it make it doesn't make you feel alive a little bit I mean my dad used to say that to me when I was yeah, but when you get angry, don't you feel alive? I was like, yeah, you know when you get when you kind of lose your cool you kind of cuz you know You're getting the the the the adrenaline and all of that, right? So we kind of like vengeance is fine You know, we like to tell people off We like to get in people's faces and we like to get on the internet and and and you know Call people names or whatever, you know, that's the flesh though. That's people just living on the flesh, but the Bible says vengeance is mine I will repay sayeth the Lord and look if God's gonna be the one doing their paying I'm just like well, you're gonna do a better job than I will And what I'm getting at is that you know J who didn't take this upon himself And we could read the story in J. You like y'all man. I'm gonna be a J you I'm gonna be just like that guy, you know, not exactly like him, you know, I'm just so I'm just so full of zeal I'm just so zealous for the Lord of God Lord God I'm just gonna go out there and I'm just gonna let the wicked have it, you know In whatever way and usually that equates to you know Going on social media and running your mouth somewhere, you know, we're going down to some pride parade You know in a bunch of bags or something, you know, oh you're a real J Who now right but you know what's interesting about J Who is he didn't take this upon himself that somebody else came to him and anointed him and said in fact He was in the service of Israel of these wicked kings leading up to this point. He was actually on their side Wasn't approving everything they did we'll see that I mean he calls Jezebel exactly what she was But you know what? He didn't take this upon himself Because vengeance is the Lord's look God Chose Jehu for a very specific reason God chose Jehu to be his instrument of wrath That's not something we take upon ourselves, you know, and again, this is something that you know Atheists not they would love for they'd always try to paint us with this brush that we're inciting people to violence against you know Homos or something, you know, we've never said that, you know, we've never we've never promoted vigilante justice We've never promoted people taking the law into their own hands We've said what the Bible says, you know that that certain groups of people people who are guilty of certain sins are worthy of death That's what the Bible says. I mean, it's a Baptist Church. I'm a Baptist preacher, you know, this isn't you know, some lame watered-down Lukewarm Church, I'm gonna preach the whole Council of God or you know I should step down and that's what the Bible says, but you know what? I've never said is Is you go take care of that now that it's your place to do that I've said the opposite, you know every time we bring it up I have to throw in that caveat just because there's people out there that want to paint us with that brush, right? But here I am again Telling the whole world right now what the Bible says again, you know in that same vein Just having some integrity of preaching the Bible and the Bible says vengeance is mine say it the Lord I will repay We do not take things into our own hands Jehu obviously this is a different time It was you know, there's the context there and he's being chosen by God to go and carry out These acts on very wicked people So, where were we I Feel like I skipped a bunch what did I leave off chapter 10 or verse 10? Yeah, let's pick it up in verse 11 No, that's okay Sorry, I lost my place. I got a lot of notes up here tonight. So I got to keep them straight good thing I number these things Yeah, okay. Jehu was chosen by God We'll pick it up in verse 11 then came Jehu came forth to the servants of his Lord and said and one said unto him Is all well and one said unto him is all well Wherefore came this mad fellow to thee and he said unto them he know the man in his communication So, you know this guy this young guy kind of has reputation Maybe they knew this about this guy going into it or you know, there's just something about this guy He was kind of known as a mad fellow, right? Maybe it was the fact that he anointed this Jehu and then just ran out the door Because it says he and he fled from his presence. He just shows up anoints him and leaves I don't know and he said him, you know the man and he said unto him, you know the man and he said unto him And he said unto him, you know the man in his communication He said, you know what this guy's like, you know how those those sons of the prophets are You know how they are they say things, you know, they do things They they get real zealous and they just you know They get out there and they make their videos and they put them on YouTube and you know You know how those new IFB ears are, you know, they get they get real fired up about certain things. You know, they are And they said verse 12 is always funny and they said it is false. Tell us now It's like well, whatever he said. It's not true, but go ahead and tell us anyway And then as soon as he says it, you know They all believe it right as soon as J who read it reiterates it and he said thus and thus spank He to me saying thus saith the Lord. I have anointed the king over Israel Then they hasted and took every man as garment and put under him on the top of the stairs and blew a trumpet saying J Who's King right? It's like well, wait a minute. I thought what he said was false. And really what this is is a testament to Jahu as a leader that these this was somebody that men wanted to follow This is somebody You know that commanded a lot of respect and it goes to show you that he could have probably said this at any time So, you know, I think I'll be King now and these guys all would have just sided with them But J who again we get a glimpse into his character, you know The better portion parts of his character is that he's not somebody that's just trying to interject himself into situations He's not just trying to use soup you soup authority, you know, he falls in line He follows orders, but you know, he still has a zeal for the Lord. Okay? And he doesn't take this upon himself Verse 14 so J who the son of Jehoshaphat the son of Nimshai conspired against Joram now Joram has had kept Ramoth Gilead He and all Israel because of Hazeel the king of Syria But King Joram was returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Syrians had given him when he fought with Hazeel King of Syria and J who said if it be your minds Then let none go forth nor escape out of the city to go tell it in Jezreel He's saying hey if you guys are with me if you all agree with me So again, he's not you get the I love these little statements that he makes these little bits in the story You got to kind of pay attention to him because it shows you that again that J Who wasn't just you know taking this upon himself that he said hey if it be your minds Don't let anybody go tell it in Jezreel meaning Let's not let anyone send word about the fact that you just said J. He was king that we're gonna go and We're going tickets. We've conspired against you know, our master Verse 16 this is where we get into the action So J who rode in a chariot and went to Jezreel for Joram lay there and a Isaiah king of Judah was come down to see Joram and there stood a watchman on the tower in Jezreel and he spied the company of J who as he came and he said I see a company and Joram said take it horsemen and send to meet them and let him say is it peace so you say hey? Well send a guy out there send a messenger to find out what's going on Is he coming peaceably right because they don't know who he is and they don't know who he is They just they see a company right they see these chariots these horsemen. They don't know he's like we'll send him out there We don't know who this is asking if they're coming for war or if they're coming in peace So there went one on horseback to meet him and said thus saith the king is at peace now obviously the horsemen You know that gets there the messenger once he gets there. He recognizes Jehu, right? He knows oh, this is you know, Jehu and Jehu said what hast thou to do with peace and this is always an interesting detail Turned out behind me now was he saying there. Hey, just keep going Or is he just saying like you need to get out you need to pick a side and the guy we know in the story It says in at the end there and the watchman told saying the messenger came to them, but he comes not again So he either kept going or he turned him behind him, right to me the way I like to read it The way I interpret is that that that messenger comes to Jehu and he finds out who it is And he says is it peace and he says what hast thou to do with peace peace get behind he's just like, okay You know, he's just like I'll just I'll just get behind you like yeah, it's right over there. Did you help getting over there? You know where you're going? Okay, like he's just he sees immediately what's taking place It's like these guys don't stand a chance J. Who's gonna he's gonna come home He's cleaning house like so he just immediately gets on his side And again, that's just a testament to the man Jehu that he commanded the messenger to come back to him Testament to the man Jehu that he commanded this level of respect where even the messengers of the enemy are coming to him Just like I'm on your side now. I'm gonna get with you, right? Then he sent out a second horseback verse 19 which came to them and said thus saith the king Is it peace and Jehu had answered what hast thou to do with peace turn thou behind me and the watchman told saying? He came even unto them and cometh not again and then notice this that you know This is the one we all the verse we all know and the driving is like the driving of Jehu So now he's starting to pay attention Well, there's this one chariot and he's driving and he has a very distinct way in which he drives that That chariot and it's like the driving of Jehu. I mean Jehu is the type of guy He drove his chariot in such a way that this watchman is looking out and saying well that looks like Jehu You know and we might be able to do this with people that we know You know how some people have a walk a certain way I remember my friends one time They said we saw you a block away and knew it was you because the way you were walking Like they pulled up said, ah, we knew it was you right just because and it wasn't because I was driving furiously It wasn't walking furiously, but you know at a distinct gate or whatever, right? Well some you know people are looking at Jehu and saying well that looks like Jehu and what was it that gave you who? Away the son of Nimshai for he driveth furiously That you know, it wasn't that he was just like casually going along It's like it's like the driving of Jehu because you know, he doesn't really look like you know where he's going You know, Jehu is kind of like that doesn't look like he's really interested in getting where he's going. He's really slow He's kind of slack, you know, he's not keeping up with the with the rest of the group He's kind of fallen behind that's you know, he could have described Jehu in other ways You know, but he was just Jehu was described as one that drove furiously You know That is what how we want to be described in the Christian life Somebody who has some zeal somebody who drives Furiously someone who has control of the reins and knows where they're going in the Christian life It's trying to get something done. That should be something that said about us in a Christian life Not you know, how would how would someone describe your driving and I don't mean literally out the road If you know if the Christian life were likened unto a chariot and you were at the hut at the at the at the wheel If you had hold of the reins, you know, and you were driving that chariot, how would we describe it? If someone were to look at if the watch when you know if there was a watchman maybe like God Watching you and watching how you drove that chariot. What'd he say? He drives furiously. He has zeal or he say he's kind of a lazy driver He's kind of a disinterested. He's a distracted driver You know, he's always on his phone or he's you know, he's always just distracted with the things of this world You know, but he's not driving furiously, right? Jay who was somebody that drove furiously and what this tells us is that Our reputations precede us, you know, whether you like it or not. You are going to have a reputation among people You know, we it's not always the one that you might choose and how are people going to determine? You know what you're like by watching you they're gonna watch your actions. They're gonna watch what you say They're gonna watch what you do. They're gonna watch how you live your life and they're gonna say he's like this She's like that This is how they are Your reputation precedes you everywhere you go once people kind of get a feel for you know You're like they kind of categorize you in there in their mind So they say well this person is like this and this person is like that, you know The question is, you know, how do we want to be categorized? What do you want? What do we want our reputation to be? You know, do we want it to be all he's kind of he's kind of lackluster go to Revelation chapter 3 Revelation chapter 3 You get the revelation keep something there You know whether it's good whether it's bad whether you're zealous whether you're not Your reputation precedes you You know, and here's the thing, you know, we might even be able to put on airs in front of other people But ultimately God knows what our driving is like God knows what our reputation every single person in this room Has a reputation with God You know, and hopefully it matches the reputation you have, you know with man, you know, hopefully you're not double-minded Hopefully, you know when you're in church, it's not just a show but you're actually out there living the Christian life the rest of the week You know that the reputation that we would have a view in here Would be the same that God would have a view out there in the world when you're not here Look at Revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and the angel said and unto the angel the church of the loud to see ins Right these say things say at the Amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God. I know thy works Well, of course you did God because we told you no God automatically knows God knows that it works God knows what we do. How couldn't he I know thy work so that I were neither cold nor hot I would thou work cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot I will spew thee out of my mouth. Not only does our reputation precede us with God Not only does God know what we're like God actually has a very strong opinion about what we're like think about that God's looking at this whole church and saying, you know what you're lukewarm and therefore I'm gonna spew you out of my mouth Last time I checked you don't spew things out of your mouth that you like You know, no one spewed the award-winning chili at the chili cook-off out of their mouth. So I'm voting for that one No one took a bite and just went That's the one you know, you chew and you swallow you go back for more right you want to eat it, right? You spew things out of your mouth that are disgusting things that you go. Ah Right you pick up something you expect to be hot you drink it. It's lukewarm. Yeah You know, you think something's gonna taste a certain way. It's gone bad. It's rotten. It's curdled. Whatever Yeah, you spit it out rinse your mouth out and that's what God is describing a church This is this is God is showing like God is showing us that he has an opinion about our works God sees how we're living and says it's cold. It's warm. It's Luke or it's lukewarm You know, it's hot. It's zealous. It's not zealous. He's driving furiously. He doesn't care. They're involved They're not involved God makes opinions You know and this is something I try to get across here because I think sometimes people think I preach things like this Because I want people to do things for my sake. I Don't care what you do. I mean I care what you do, but it's like don't do things for me It's not my opinion. It's not the Deacon's opinion that you have to worry about. It's God's You know because one thing I've also learned is that people can come to church And put on a good show and then turn around and not be anything about what they make themselves out to be. Okay? But God knows when you're here when you're not here God knows and it's not my opinion that you need to worry about Because I can't know everything about I just assume the best about everybody until I'm proven wrong You know unless I'm given a reason not to But God knows God and God has an opinion about you and me God has an opinion. I mean, is that we just read in Revelation? So the question is you know if your reputation precedes you How do you want it to proceed with God? When God looks down and sees our work when God like that watchman is looking out at that great crowd Is he gonna pick you out and say well? There's that you know, there's that great crowd Is he gonna pick you out and say well, there's that you know, there's so-and-so. I know because they drive furiously Well, there's so-and-so at the soul winning time. They're zealous because you know, they're not they're not soul winning like this You know You know some some of these teenagers they can beat me in a foot race, but it's funny how I'm beating all them to the doors It's like I don't know many times I said you need to pick up the pace You know, this is something that I've seen several times You know in several different soul-winning groups in several different churches And people need to get zealous About the things of God and get on fire about the things of God not for my sake for God's Now because of my opinion because ultimately, you know, you could take or leave my opinion people do it all the time You could say I don't care what the deacon thinks so what and that's fine But what about God aren't you concerned about God's opinion? Aren't you concerned about what God thinks about you? When God looks down and sees that soul-winning time, is he gonna say oh they're driving furiously When God looks down and sees the church getting together and it's like well we're so-and-so You know God has an opinion about our works specifically and he's calling it out right here You say well, I think I feel like you're kind of calling me out. Well, you know, God called out a whole church in his holy word And and and forever there it's like we're gonna get to heaven and be like what church did you go to loudest you? And anyone that's read their Bible is gonna go Oh, you were at that church, huh? Yeah, I've read about you guys You know, so if you feel like I'm stepping on your toes a little bit tonight Well, you know at least you weren't I mean God's stepping on some toes here for all of eternity with a group of people But you know, God is also pointing out some things about somebody else back in second Kings, isn't he? He's also pointing out something. He's not stepping until I say look Jehu was zealous Jehu was somebody that drove furiously in life You know, that's what I want to be said about me in the Christian life. Somebody who drives furiously And not just kind of going along with the flow just kind of hanging in the back. Just gonna see what happens I want to have a destination. I want to get there I want to get something done the Bible says, you know speaking of servants I'll just read you from Colossians chapter 3, you know, of course, this is applying to servants, but we're all servants here, right? Whatsoever you do it, you're gonna be a servant Whatsoever you do it, you're gonna be a servant Whatsoever you do it, you're gonna be a servant He's something who drives furiously do things with heartily do things with zeal as the Lord and unto men Knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ And this is why I don't want people to do things for me Because if you do things for me, it's going to be real easy to just drop it And just say well i'm done doing things for the deacon You know, I want you to do things for the Lord Do things for God Because you know, that's that's who you serve ultimately You know, all i'm doing is facilitating that, you know, you're making a giving you opportunity to do so. That's all i'm doing I'm, not here to get served. I'm a minister which makes me the servant And i'm ministering and giving other people an opportunity to go serve God because that's ultimately who we all serve You know, you serve the Lord Christ and you shall receive a word therefore Whatever whatsoever you do do it heartily as unto the Lord And not unto men let's move along the story verse 21 It says in verse 21 second Kings 9 and Joram said make ready and his chariot was made ready and Joram's King of Israel and Ahaziah king of Judah went out each in his chariot And they went out against and Jehu and met him in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite. Oh poetic justice Right, that's who Ahab slew for that You know his garden of herbs that that portion and we we found out earlier too that he slew his sons as well It's another detail So God says oh this is going to go down in that exact plot that Ahab shed innocent blood over or just you know Jezebel really but verse 22 and it came to pass when Joram saw Jehu That he said is it peace Jehu? It's like the third time right? Well two of your guys just got behind me You think you'd figure it out by now and he answered and I love you know his answer here This is not he's not pulling any punches what peace so long as the whoredoms of thy mother Jezebel and her witchcrafts are so many I mean you talk about a yo mama joke, right? Like that's he just what'd you say about my mama? Uh, I said she's her whoredoms are many and her witchcrafts are many He goes i'm not having peace. You know, your mom is is a witch she's wicked. He's like calling her out And again, it shows you that this isn't an opinion probably that Jehu just formed This is something that he's thought And you can see why you know, this is you know, God ultimately chose him because he knew well Jehu agrees with me that Jezebel You know and her witchcrafts are many And Joram turned his hands and he fled and said to Ahaziah there is treachery to Ahaziah So he finally figures it out and then I mean verse 24 just shows you Jehu's just he's just a man's man The dude's in a chariot he's driving furiously he confronts his enemy insults his mother into his face Sends him running, you know tail tucked between his legs and then he just stops and he drove he drew a bow with full strength And just and he's shooting at a guy That's fleeing from him frantically in a chariot And he and it says that he he lets it go And the arrow went in out at his heart and he sunk down in his chariot So it didn't just like puncture like went out at his heart like through and through What a great story, you know, this is one of my favorite story I just I don't know what it is, but I put myself I try to envision these things when I read them You know if you should try to do that use some imaginative thinking put yourself in the story You know seeing Jehu just pulling back on that bow watching that hearing that thing take off the arrow soaring through the air You know the king's trying to get away and then just bam right through the heart drops him dead And so Jehu is a bad dude like you can see why God used him not just because of You know his zeal for the Lord and because he felt the same way about the current leadership But also because he had the skills he had the ability to hit the mark, you know It's great to have zeal but we also want to have ability too. Okay It says in verse 25 then said Jehu to Bidkar his captain take up and cast in the portion of the field and they bought the Jezreelite for remember how That when I and thou rode together after his father Ahab so he was in the service of Ahab obviously the Lord laid this burden upon him Surely I have seen the blood of the blood of Naboth and the blood of his sons Okay, it's an extra little bit of detail that you get that it was not just Naboth But it was also his sons it said sayeth the Lord and I will require thee in this plat Sayeth the Lord now therefore take and cast him into the plat of ground According to the word of the Lord so Jehu understands what's taking place here He understands that he is fulfilling this prophecy that's been pronounced upon Ahab You know and it's interesting that he does it again in the portion of Naboth the Jezreelite, right And because God does things and sometimes in the scripture so that everyone knows that ultimately it was God that did it He's the one that said hey, you know, you're gonna do this But you're gonna make sure he's gonna do it in a certain way He's gonna cause certain things to pass so when everybody else sees it take place They can say, oh God did that God did that You know and this room makes me think about the fact that you know people in this life And I know I gotta I gotta hurry up here, but go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 2nd Peter chapter number 3 There's a lot of wicked people in this world. They're gonna that scoff and mock at the things of God Are they are they're not there's a lot of people who just disregard the Bible they mock the Bible. They're wicked people They mock the Bible they're wicked people they hate the things of God they hate the people of God You know, they they they they just they mock God to his face, right? You know you think about in our story Jezebel And you think about Ahab where people who just kind of blew off God just kind of did whatever they wanted Right, but ultimately what happened is they got punished, right? And God did things in such a way That there was no mistaking the fact that it was God that did it because it happened in the plat of Naboth the Jezreelite it happened in that exact ground And you know Jehu could see it and say well, this is the word of the Lord that was spoken There was no denying it and look here's what I'm saying. Is that Wicked people can scoff and mock all they want in this world There will be no mistaking that the existence of God when they wake up in hell The second some atheist dies and wake the two seconds after he dies and he's in hell They'll be like one second for it to sink all in and then a second later. It'll just be In hell And he's not gonna go he's can't gonna sit there and go this isn't real This isn't real. No, there is no god. It's like he'll know through and through there'll be no doubt in his mind that there is a god Right because god does things. I mean you can deny god all you want but god's gonna do things eventually We're it's gonna get the point. There is no denying him right in second peter chapter three It says verse three knowing this verse that there's a coming last day scoffers walking after their own lusts We see that everywhere today. Don't we scoffers walking after their own lusts? They mock the god the bible They mock the god of the bible. They ridicule it They dismiss it so they can just consume it upon their lust so they can walk after their own lusts I mean, that's why a lot of these times, you know these these Evolutionists and things like that are some of the biggest perverts there are what's that one? Who's the real famous one dawkins Who's like making light of pedophilia? Oh, it's just a little harmless touching. It's pedophilia you pervert, you know, they scoff and he's a pervert himself in all likelihood They mock and scoff god so they can walk after their own lusts Well, you know what go ahead and mock god all the way to hell the second you get there You won't be able to deny the existence of god anymore God does things in a way so that there is no denying him, you know, we could see that in our story Hey, they you know, they they this happened in in the in the plot of of of uh of naboth the jezreelite This happened that exact ground that he was murdered for, you know, ju could see it You know that people god does things to where people can't deny him they can say this is the hand of god, right? Well, we could apply that to hell And they're going to mock saying in verse four and saying where is the promise is coming for the sense of the fathers fell asleep All things continue as they were from the beginning of creation for this they are willingly ignorant of right? and for sake of time We'll just uh, skip down to verse verse verse nine The lord is not slack concerning his promises as some men count slackness You know ahab was told Jezebel was told they heard the preaching and they just kind of whatever, you know Ahab at least went lightly and clothed himself inside in sackcloth and god said well, I I won't bring it until you're dead I won't wipe out your seed in front of your face. I'll wait till you die As I have foretold and then after that then i'll take out all of them that piss against piss against the wall, right? He got a little bit of mercy there. He still got judged. We got a little bit. We got a little bit lightning up You know, but everybody else that just kind of thought that you know, god is slack concerning his promises They found out that god isn't slack concerning his promises As some men count song slackness, but is long suffering to us We're not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance You know god has promised that he's going to judge this earth again He's going to Melt the elements with the fervent heat as we're about to read That christ is going to come that there is a judgment that there is a hell You know and just because we don't see all these things immediately playing out It doesn't mean that god's slack concerning his promises In fact, the reason why is because god is long suffering not willing that any should perish God wants people to get saved But the day of the lord will come verse 10 as a thief in the night in which the heavens Shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat and the earth also and the works that all Are there in shall be burned up shall shall shall shall it's going to happen So scoff mock ridicule doubt god all you want eventually it's going to get the point where there's no denying god And god will do things where you just you he'll corner you it's like now you can't deny me. Okay? A lot of people it's going to be in hell. They're going to be lifting up their eyes in hell Going back to our story verse 27. I got to wrap this up. It says but when aaziah the king of judah saw this He fled away by the garden house. So he sees his buddy and get smote through with an arrow And he's really like thinking i'm no match for jahu And jahu followed after him and said smite him also in the chariot and they did so at the going up to ger which is by Ibleum And he fled to megiddo and died there and his servants carried him in a chariot to jerusalem and buried him in a sepulchre with his Fathers in the city of david 11th year of jor and the son of ahab began his eye to reign over jew So it's just giving us a quick, uh, you know recollection But notice it says in verse 30 it says and when jahu was come to jesrael jezabel heard of it And this is a really interesting verse here. It says and she painted her face And tired her head which means like tied it up braided or whatever. She didn't put a tire on her head And looked out a window, you know, that's what I assume tired, but it's interesting You know, I was talking to my wife about this on the way over i'm like Why did she paint her face? Like what's up with that? Like what was her motive? You know, she's she sees him coming. It's like and I don't know that I have an answer for it Like why is she putting on makeup when she when she's hearing that j who's showing up? Because she kind of obviously she knows what's going on, right because she immediately calls him out saying had zimrai peace who slew his master Right, so she's kind of throwing that in his face You know So but she took the time to paint her face and like at first I thought well I was like, maybe she's just such a ditz. She doesn't know what's going on You know, maybe she's just so, you know flighty and so stupid, but that's not it, you know She's a very cunning and crafty person. She's very uh, Manipulative and malicious and and she knows what's going on because of her response It's not that she's just kind of an airhead or whatever But then I thought well Maybe it's because of the fact that she thinks that if she dolls herself up Maybe she could sway j who to her side like maybe she's trying to attract him That's a possibility. I really don't know But she's she knows what's going on obviously and she takes the time to put on makeup And maybe it's just that even even when she knows maybe she just wants to go out looking her best Maybe that's it. She's like, well, I know it's coming. I just I want to look good It's like well if you knew how you're going to go out that way There's nothing going to be good looking about it, you know, you you can't cover up, you know Your body being smashed on the pavement, you know, it's there's no foundation that's gonna To going to cover that blemish as it were, right? I don't know why exactly she did it. I think most more than anything. It's just a testament to her vanity It's just that even in her dying moments. She's got to just she's just concerned about the exterior She's just concerned about you know that which is the vain and empty and worthless and if you would I know i'm going long But i'm trying to get to the chapter tonight go to first peter chapter number three first peter chapter number three It's a cool story. Hopefully you're you're paying attention with me in first peter chapter three now look You know people have all different kinds of opinions about makeup. I'm not you know, I have mine. I'm not really here to express that tonight You know people can wear makeup. I don't think there's anything sinful about it But what we don't want to do is to let the exterior, you know men or women know if you're a man wearing makeup I have an opinion about that. I think you all know what it is. But here's the thing like We don't want to get so obsessed with our outward appearance. We don't want to get so obsessed with vain things Obviously we want to make the outside look good We want to you know be presentable and things like that But we should not get so obsessed about that that that's our primary concern in life And I think that's what's going on here in the story. That's why she took the time to paint her face She knows what's coming. She's not stupid And I think she's just putting it on because she's just she's vain. She's just you know, she can't be seen in public without her face on right But what is is that what the bible says a woman should be like no look at first peter chapter number three Verse one it says likewise ye wives be in subjection to your own husbands That if any obey not the word that may also without the word be won by the conversation of the wives And it's not talking about conversation in that sense Like, you know, you can just nag into death until they get saved right like conversation The conversation is the way you conduct yourself your behavior the way you present yourself the things that you do That's what how the bible uses conversation, okay? He says that he may be won by the conversation of the wise while they behold right not here But why they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear, right? He's going to watch how you conduct yourself how you fear and respect god. That's what's going to win your husband over And notice he when it comes to the exterior, he gives advice to the ladies too He says who's adorning, you know, meaning how you adorn yourself what you wear what you put on let it not be that outward adorning of plating of Plating the hair and of wearing of gold, you know putting you know, all these elaborate decorations in your hair You know really dulling yourself up He's not saying hey let yourself go but he's not saying he's saying don't make your life all about the exterior He said by the plating of hair and of the wearing of gold and of putting on of apparel, you know Having to have all the latest styles and fashions But let it be the hidden man of the heart In that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which isn't the sign of god of great price It isn't that as I was saying you're like ultimately Who's who we want to impress the most is god Isn't that who's who we should be most concerned with when it comes to our reputation is what god thinks of us And god is saying in the bible saying here that you know Ladies should be most concerned with what god thinks about them and not what other people think about In you know regards to their outward exterior appearance, right? It should be more concerned with the inward man of the heart You know, the bible says that beauty is vain but a woman that feared the lord. She shall be praised You know and and here's the thing jay hu let's look at this real quick jay hu It says there in verse 30 and when jay hu was coming to jes jesrael jesabel heard of it And when she painted her face And tied her head and looked out a window and as jay hu entered the gate He said she said had zimrai who slew his master had peace who slew his master So that's a throwback to first king 16, you know, and we'll go into all that But notice jay jay hu just disregards the slight Because that's what that was what she said She's referring back to zimrai who overthrew his master and amrai her father-in-law killed him And zimrai burned down the king's house pond if you know the story in first kings But so she's throwing that in jay hu's face like oh, you know, what's coming next don't you? You know, somebody else is going to come get you for what you've done today. That's what she's saying You know, she's painting up her face and she's going out there and she's she's throwing it in his face She's trying to you know, slight him But I love how jay hu responds and he doesn't even address her And he lifted up his eyes the window and said who is on my side so he's not even talking to her And there looked at him two or three eunuchs, right? So here's the application, you know, we should you know specifically for ladies, you know You shouldn't get so obsessed with your outward appearance appearance because any godly man is going to look past that Any godly man like a man like jay hu has zeal who loves the lord who loves the things of god, you know He's going to look past that You know and he's and he's not going to be impressed by the outward adorning the bible says a woman that feared the lord She shall be praised, you know a godly man isn't going to obviously, you know Is you want to be attracted to your spouse and things like that? I get that but a godly man his number one Concern about his spouse is not necessarily her outward appearance Because news flash when you start fulfilling god's role as a woman and start having children You know that that comes at the price of your appearance to some degree You know, that's just a fact that's just biology You're not always going to look the way you looked on your wedding day Okay So and that's a tip to the guys too if you're going to marry a woman You make sure it's a godly woman who's adorning is not just the outward appearance But that inward man of the heart Who's a in god's sight a precious price of great price, okay? You know, here's the thing, you know a godly man, you know Godly people can look at a godly woman and maybe not the most beautiful outward appearance But in the sight of god and other godly people they would look at that that woman and say that's a beautiful person Why because she painted her face and tired her head because she's got you know, uh, you know The body of someone that's never given birth No, because she has you know adorned the inward man. She has a meek and quiet spirit You know, she's raised godly children. That's a beautiful person. She's submissive to her husband That's a beautiful person She fulfills god's role in her life. That's a beautiful person in the sight of god The world's not going to praise you for that That's not going to get any of you ladies on the cover of vogue magazine somewhere You know what? We're not concerned about them. We're concerned about what god thinks of us, aren't we? Is that who should be concerned with? You know a god we that's why it has to be the inward man that we adorn don't be like jezebel You know the jezebels of this world. They could be staring judgment right in the face And all they're going to be like, well, do I look good? Do I look okay as my put together for my death? You know, that's that's vanity. It's pointless Those are her last words some, you know Snide remark and a man of god hands in my pieces through his master No, those weren't her last words her last words were Those were her last words Screaming her head off right before she splattered splattered all over the pavement. Oh, I can't believe you just say that Well, the bible describes it that way friend Let's just continue on with the bible He just disregards and says who is on my side verse 32 and I looked at him two or three eunuchs So these are people that would were probably serving her her servants and he said throw her down again This is just the respect this man commanded Ah, he said make me king you're king You know get thee behind me. No problem. Throw her down. You got it Like they just they just fall right in line with jehu because he's just they he has this reputation of being a strong leader And he said throw her down So they threw her down some of her blood was sprinkled on the wall and on the horses and they and he trode her under Foot because he was hungry You say why do I need to do that? Because there was a hot meal inside, you know, she didn't make it And when he has come in he did eat and drink and said go see now this cursed woman and barrier for she is a king's Daughter he's like well, we should at least do her that honor At least barrier But notice they went to bury her and they found none more of her than her skull And her feet and the palms of her hands now How remember the prophecy? The dogs shall eat her So what happened here? The dogs came And ate her right while while while jehu's inside enjoying a meal the dogs were outside enjoying a meal, you know It was two different two different things were on the menu for each party You know jezebel was being served up to the dogs but notice what they didn't eat right They found none more than of her of her skull right because of all the wicked things She thought all the all the the wicked things that she conspired all the murder that she thought all of the covetousness All the maliciousness all the wicked things that passed through that woman's head wasn't even fit for a dog to eat it And dogs will eat anything folks We all know that I mean i've got one i've seen we're constantly having to chase that dog down and pull stuff out of it That's not even edible you idiot That's not even organic. That's any that's not even that's that's petroleum based plastic Like you can't eat that right constantly having to pull things out leaves grass dead things Rotten things they'll go after anything their own. You know what? They'll eat whatever but they couldn't eat jezebel's head because how filthy her mind was And what else they couldn't eat? And they couldn't eat her the feet because all the her feet were swift to shed innocent blood and the palms of her hands because all the wickedness that she worked all the you know, nasty things she was into all the Blood that was shed at her hands all of the idolatry that was performed all the idol worship All of that stuff the dogs looked at it and said yeah A dog turned down a meal when it came jezebel ate everything else, but they said that's so disgusting And it's a picture obviously It happened, but it's also showing us, you know that picture Wherefore they came again and told him he said this is the word of the lord Which he spake by the servant elijah the tishbite saying in the portion of jezreel shall the dogs eat the flesh of jezebel And the carcass and again, this is the narrator of the scripture And the carcass of jezebel shall be as dung upon the face of the field in the portion of jezreel I mean, I know it's jay who talking but he said this is which this is the word of the lord Which was spaked by this is what the lord said about her through elijah the tishbite and elijah or uh jay Jay who was reiterating it right and he's saying that her carcass which would be as dung dogs dung What a dishonorable burial You know, we we we take great care to honor our dead. At least we should you know, we try to bury them You know if people die, even those that are cremated which you know, we don't Promote I don't think it's wicked sin or something like that. We believe in burying the dead I'm, not gonna get all that But even then like we do something in those ashes like a lot of people will go spread them somewhere, right? How would you like that to be your burial? To just be dogs excrement on the field You know, what good did the makeup do what good did the tired head do? What good did that all that prominence do what did all those riches and everything do nothing there? Even those that were closest to her the eunuchs were just ready to just throw her down And and she was just spread in the field And you know what I I've been talking tonight about and i'll close on this thought it's like, you know The theme is you know, of course the wicked are going to be judged that that's that's a promise from god but also we see that you know that Jehu had a A reputation that preceded him meaning it went before him right it preceded him, right? People saw oh it's Jehu. Let's get on his side. Oh, it's Jehu throw her down Oh, it's Jehu that just just people are falling right in line with Jehu because he had a reputation That went before him right And obviously we can see some good things about his character. I mean he's sitting here. He's quoting Elijah the Tishbite He's he's preaching. He's quoting the man of god Right. So he's paying attention to things of god. He had an opinion about Jezebel the whole time his reputation proceeded but also this with Jezebel, we also see that your Reputation proceeds you I mean it continues on after you right it you're going to leave a reputation behind in this world Is it going to be good or bad? Because she has a reputation right? I mean, I won't take the time turning revelation chapter two Where god is rebuking another church and he says I have a few things against you because thou suffers that woman Jezebel Say there's a woman named Jezebel there. Probably not Probably that's just a name. God chose in the scripture that he's calling her a Jezebel Because and Jezebel because of this particular woman back in second second kings 9 You know that name is synonymous with everything that is wicked and evil and rotten to the core And vain and empty and worthless, you know, that's that's the reputation that she left behind You know and that's kind of what we see in this chapter, right? We have one guy who's got a great reputation You know that's going on before him. It's doing a lot of things for him, right? but then we're also seeing another person who was because of the way they lived their life and the decisions they made that has A rotten reputation all the way into the book of revelation and yea even unto this day right, so, you know we should Take heed to this, you know, we should ask ourselves, you know, not just what man thinks of us But ultimately, what does god think of us? What is our reputation with god? What are we going to leave behind in this world? What got when we pass on? You know our what are people going to say about us is our name going to be a good name that gets carried on Those are the things that we can think about that's what we can get out of this chapter It's good