(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you by turning those signals to start on 146, that's on number 146, a shelter at the time of storm. you you you you you you you you you you you check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check check you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you wise of heart and have understanding and knowledge God would give that to us we have to ask for though and Solomon's knowledge was obviously God's given here but also I want us to understand that Solomon's knowledge was learned I don't believe it was just all supernatural. God definitely gave him the ability and capacity to learn a lot more than most people obviously but I believe a lot of that still was something that he was able to Discover for himself. Okay, and God gave him that ability the Bible says in Proverbs 25 These also these are also proverbs of Solomon, which the men of Hezekiah king of Judah copied out He said this is one of his his proverbs It is the glory of God to conceal a thing but the honor of kings is to search out a matter So yes, God conceals a thing but it's the honor of kings to search out a matter. That's what Solomon said meaning yes, God gave him the supernatural ability, but Ultimately, you know Solomon had to search out things, you know, he had he had the largest enough heart He had an ability and of course he was in a position to be able to learn a lot of things Right. It was his honor to go and search out a matter If you would go over to Proverbs chapter 22 go over to Proverbs chapter number 22 You will Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes I communed with mine own heart Saying lo, I have come to great estate and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have gotten before me in Jerusalem yeah, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge and notice and I gave my heart to know wisdom and To know madness and folly I perceive that this also is a vexation of spirit So but notice he said there that he gave his heart to know wisdom, you know He was somebody that still sought out a thing. He was still somebody who tried to learn things You know, it wasn't just like You know, he just it was like some scene from you know The matrix forever where he just gets plugged in and all of a sudden he just downloads all this information into his brain Right. Sorry for the worldly illustration Okay, but that you know, that's not that kind of thing where he just down God just you know magically downloaded all this wisdom. I Believe that he still had to search out these things. It's just that he had the capacity to do it and The you know the application that we can take from this is that we should be people that seek knowledge We should be people that seek knowledge in our lives Never assume you've arrived and just saying well, you know, I know everything I need to know Look, you probably do know everything you need to know, you know, once you get to a certain point to just survive You know to do your job and to pay your bills and to and just live life, right? We've all gotten there But we should we should never just say well that's all I need to know we should be people are trying to learn You know, how about just for the sole fact so that you don't become senile in your old age You know, that's probably one of the scariest things to think about isn't it? You know some some of us it's it's a million miles away, right? But some of us were like that's that's tomorrow You know, we're gonna be we're gonna be there before we know it You know That's something I think about more and more is like I don't want to end up just being some 250 pound liability for my wife You know Where my biggest goal in life is just not fall over You know I want to actually in my old age still be able to get up and preach the Word of God and be able to teach People things and teach my family things and and to be a source of it as somebody who's still able to learn something even in my old age But is that the only way that's gonna happen is if I start doing that now You know, you should start learning things and new things now start, you know training your mind to learn because We've all met these people, you know more likely you meet people if you pay attention where they can't learn anything new I've seen this out soul-winning, you know, somebody pointed out this to me out once out to me once We're out soul-winning and it was a sweet old lady, you know, probably well into her 80s But there was just no getting through to her because she was she was just a robot at that point She just had a script that she had just followed for decades and never tried to expand her mind never try to learn new things and her but her mind has just gotten into this just you know, we're just going through the motions and No new, you know, there's no nowhere where new data can be input It's just blocked. Right? It's just it's just going through the motions. Look that's scary. I don't want to live like that I don't want to get into my old age and just be somebody's going through the motions So to avoid that you have to be somebody who seeks knowledge now who wants to discover a matter now be people who are Learning now, you know kids that are in school when you get out of school. Don't don't stop your education there Let's say oh I graduated I'm done learning. You know, that's that's not a good idea. We should be lifelong learners We should be people are always trying to learn new things You know reading books trying to get knowledge and understanding we should be seeking those things never assume you've arrived seek knowledge Of course, you know the most important thing we need to seek knowledge about is the Bible itself You know, we should be seeking knowledge and wisdom from the Word of God The Bible says in Hosea, I'll read to you. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge That's what God said about his people who said they're destroyed for lack of knowledge You know not having knowledge will get you destroyed. That's what it's saying there There are some things that you could avoid in life if you just had known about it You know, there's just you know, I could have not ruined my marriage. I could have not ruined my children I could have not ruined my life in some way if I had just known better But the Bible says that people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge He says specifically would say that my people are destroyed for an act lack of knowledge that God's own people are destroyed You know a lot of times God's people are chastened, you know, sometimes God's the one that's doing the destroying God's the one that's having to come down on them Because they don't know what's expected of them in the Word of God because they don't know the Bible They don't have the knowledge of it He says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because thou has rejected knowledge. I will also reject thee Because thou has rejected knowledge. I will also reject thee so I don't need to know what's in here. It's really not that important You know, I mean, it's just a bunch of the you know, do's and don'ts It's just a bunch of you know rules how important could it be and then God chases you because And look ignorance is not is not you know, an excuse can't just say well, I didn't know he said well Look you reject knowledge. I'll reject you. I will reject thee My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge Now has forgotten the law. I also will forget thy children. I Mean of course that's something that he's saying specifically the nation of Israel that's judgment that he's pronouncing on them But look we could apply that to our own lives Where we could just say well God I didn't know it's like well What else I mean, what more did you need? It's all right there. You could have known any time you wanted Look at Proverbs 22 verse 17 So we should be people that seek to be wise to people that have knowledge and not just go through life thinking Well, I already know everything, you know, I've already read the Bible a few times I don't need anything else that's in there. You know, I go to church I hear and I don't need to study anything else on my own You know, we should be people that seek knowledge He said in verse 20 Proverbs 22 verse 17 Bow down thine ears and hear the words of the wise Now notice how you hear the words of the wise you have to what bow down thine ear You know, that's a lot. That's a lot of time. That's why people can't receive new things They can't receive knowledge because it requires humility. They're too proud to bow down their ear and say okay teach me something Bow down my ear and hear the words of the Y and apply thine heart unto knowledge it's not just something that's just gonna come in and of itself and Look, there's so many people that are just living their life today and just going through this world with no knowledge That are not applying their hearts. I Mean we are living in a very dumbed-down society today We're living in a society where people just have the shortest attention spans where you know, it's just all about entertainment It's just all about the next fun thing. They don't want anything to do with knowledge They don't want anything to do with instruction. They don't want anything to do with learning. They just want to be entertained That's not gonna that's not gonna make you a wise person what that's gonna make you is a victim People are gonna take advantage you because you don't have knowledge you're gonna be destroyed That's why he says apply thine heart unto knowledge, well that sounds like work. Yeah. Well that doesn't sound like much fun Well, you know what being senile is not much fun either I'm pretty sure you know how you know being senile my old age that probably isn't it wouldn't be much fun for some people You know having God chasing me because I don't know the Word of God. I don't have knowledge You know that doesn't sound like fun either So we might as well apply ours our hearts now and get the wisdom and get the knowledge and get the understanding now You know and we can have the fun later When we're not being destroyed when we're not being chasing when we're not we haven't lost our minds in our old age He says in verse 18 for is it a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee They with shall with all be fitted in thy lips. Don't you like having the right answer? This is not a very satisfying thing, you know, you always have to you almost have to hold back not being too smug about it right when you have the words that are just fitted in thy lips when you when someone has an Question or a problem and you're like, ah, I've got the answer Right, that's usually it's because you know, you've you learned that right, you know You went through that or you understood something you studied something out. That's a good feeling, isn't it? But that comes after you apply your heart that comes after you bow down your ear You said in verse 20 have not I written to the excellent things in counsel and in knowledge So do not be ignorant of the Bible. There's a lot of counsel and there's a lot of knowledge in God's Word That's the primary thing that we read. That's a primary thing that we learn and study, you know But there are also other things that we could learn You know if we haven't done a lot of Bible reading, you know We should probably that should be we should go through a season in our life where this is the only book that we read We know sometimes people get this attitude. It's like well, I just don't read anything but the Bible You know There are other books that are worth reading There are other books that we can glean knowledge from and get understanding from that would help us in our lives besides the Bible And what I often find is that when you read these other books, you know They'll they're teaching some principle or some something like that a lot of times without even you know, it's some unsaved author It's not as anything to do with the Bible without them even knowing it. They're preaching some you know a biblical principle You know, they're they start teaching finances like oh that's lat lines up with the Bible You know, they'll be teaching about you know, child rearing or education or whatever the topic is and without them even knowing it They're teaching biblical principles So yeah start with the Bible Start there get the understanding get the knowledge get these excellent things that God has written unto us out of here But after that, you know, you know add to that add some other books. Well, I'm not a reader I don't like reading. Well, look, you know, let's start liking it You know read something, you know get an audible book learn something that you didn't know for even if it's a boring subject You know, just just just reading something for the sake of reading just just to become a better reader You know, so when you do finally read something you like you're you're good at it Right just to keep the wheels in your mind Turning, you know to keep those gears lubricated so they don't seize up in your old age Where you just can't learn anything new You don't want to be that learn learn of these things learn of the Bible learn of other things Are you still back there in first Kings chapter number four it goes on it says in verse 32 and he spake 3,000 proverbs and his songs were a thousand and five notice the things that he said that that the wisdom that he had and He spake of trees from the senior tree that is in Lebanon even under the hyssop that springeth out of the wall He spake also of beasts and a fowl and of creeping things and of fishes So, you know, he's he's a botanist, right? He's speaking about it was an arborist. He's talking about these trees He's talking about animals He's talking about fish and all these other things He's not just only talking about the things that are in the found in the Word of God He's talking about things that are found in the creation of God You know, sometimes that's a good thing to learn just learn about your natural world that learn about the things that surround you You know learn about what's in this this, you know area, you know, I just talked to somebody last night They said hey, did you know that one of the best? Hummingbird areas is in you know, right around in Tucson. It's and I didn't know that and I love hummingbirds, you know They're cool. Who doesn't like hummingbirds though? I mean, come on if you don't like hummingbirds just get out All right Cool little bird right but you know that he did you know that about here we go learn about those things you know, we take the field trip up to Rooster Cogburn's ostrich ranch we learn that brother Corbin can likes to kiss goats. All right, I should probably explain You can go there you can put the food in your mouth and the goat will come up and just take it right out of Your lips, you know, and yes, I did it several times. All right Just because it was fun If you got like in a reaction out of people But you can go there and learn things about these animals and look well That's something we're so far removed from in this day and age Especially those of us that dwell in a city, you know where we don't have a lot of agriculture We don't have a lot of farm. We don't have a lot of you know, a Lot of animals farm animals and things like that to see that it's I mean a lot of people didn't realize that goats have weird Eyes, you know, they have like those little rectangular pupils But when you go see it look at a goat you learn something about a goat So why would I want to learn about the natural world? Well, I don't know Solomon did and he was one of the wisest of all men You know, and how about this it makes for a good conversation You ever ever sit down with some people and just say you want to and it's people you like But you're just kind of like I don't know what to talk about But then you're like, oh I read a book You know I've been I've been going around just preaching the gospel of no caffeine for a while now because I read that stupid Book everyone here has had that conversation with me. Let me tell you how caffeine works, right? You know, I'm now I've started the book on sleep So now you're gonna have to put up with that You know if I yeah I'm gonna corner somebody in the church after service someday and start talking about what happens when you go to sleep Right, but look I didn't learn that from the Bible You know Bible does talk about sleep, you know, he giveth his beloved rest But those are things that you know, man has discovered that it's been of the honor of man to uncover a thing Right. God conceals a matter. It's the honor of a king to search a thing out right, you know, God gives us You know, I think God conceals some things because he wants us to engage our minds He wants us to pursue pursue these things and learn about the world that he's created how our bodies work How the world works what you know nature is like I mean, that's what we see here in in the in the chapter tonight folks He's speaking of trees, right? He's speaking of beasts and a fowl You know, he had something to talk about You know some I that the one thing whenever I well you go soloing with Pastor Anderson I've noticed that sometimes you get a botany lesson along the way. I've gotten more than one botany lesson from him You know, you know what kind of cactus this is. Oh, you know this plant that you know It's because he studied that because he actually took the time to learn about those things Well, that's interesting. And now I'm learning about the you know, the state that I live in Did you know it's a wild crap cactus could crush a car Did you know that? It would it's so full of water you look at that things It doesn't look very dangerous if it fell on you it would it would crush you right That's something I learned right because somebody else took the time to figure that out So, you know, I'm just trying to encourage tonight to not just be people who just say well, I'm not learning anything new You know, I'm too busy. I don't want to learn anything You know, sometimes it would it would behoove us to you know Put the remote down and actually pick up a book and read it and and and make ourselves learn something new You know something interesting, you know, there's a lot of great things to learn You know, but you have to make time to learn you have to make time to learn don't you? You know, you're gonna have to sacrifice some other things in order to learn, you know And while we're talking about learning and education, you know, let me just you know touch on this is that you know You should consider it a privilege to receive an education, you know, especially the young people in the room the kids You know that are being homeschooled that are in school, you know, let me just remind you that it's a privilege to be educated You know because I and I know it's work and I know kids, you know They get bored and they want to just go run around outside do something else and you know mom You know is making them do the do the schoolwork, you know, the teachers making them do the schoolwork You know, you know, they got to drag themselves through I don't want to do this Well, whenever you feel like that, let me just remind you that it's a privilege for you to be learning something You know if you if you learn to read, you know, that's a huge advantage that a lot of people didn't have for a very long time a Lot of people just kids just grew up illiterate never learned to write their own name You know they and I mean consider how and think about that People could take serious advantage of you You know, I mean I've read books about the Native Americans that was something they were illiterate they didn't have a written language They they were sighing they were signing contracts with the US government. They had no idea what they were signing They would a lot of times they wouldn't even know how to write their own in these We'll just touch the pen to the paper and they say oh you signed it No, all your lands ours or whatever, you know, I Mean that's the that's and I'm just using it as illustration to show you that look that's how Important education is and never take that for granted never take learning as something like you could just drag yourself through Look, there's a lot of benefits to getting wisdom to getting knowledge to getting understanding Yes of the Word of God, of course primarily but of other things too, you know, they keep you from being a victim You know, you know what victims love they love entertainment They just just entertain me just bread and circus just all day long Right, but you know what leaders love people who actually get things done. They love education leaners love education. That's a quote I read somewhere victims love entertainment leaders love education You know learn to love education learn to love knowledge and and and learning things go over to Proverbs chapter 4 Proverbs chapter 4 You know Proverbs is a book that talks a lot about The importance of getting wisdom and knowledge and understanding and I think it's a book that we should all be in Every day, you know get in the habit of reading one chapter of Proverbs every day. There's 31 chapters Most months, you know, there's there's 31 months, you know, you got an odd month here and there or 31 days in a month Excuse me But you know you could you could get through Proverbs several time and look you'll learn things about life. You'll learn things You'll be warned just by reading the book of Proverbs But if you read Proverbs one thing you'll notice is how much it emphasizes people getting knowledge and getting understanding and getting wisdom How important it is for us to not to for us to not be without knowledge to have wisdom to have understanding You say well, I know I'd rather just entertain myself I'd rather just you know, the learning things is too hard, you know learning something reading is boring You know, I'd rather just waste time on on something that's just gonna entertain me right Well consider Ezekiel, I know you're gonna Proverbs 4 he said in Ezekiel 16 behold. This was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride fullness of bread and Abundance of idleness. He said that was the sin of Sodom now look we know what the the sin of Sodom was ultimate sodomy Right, a lot of people turn this and say well, that's why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. No, he destroyed why Sodom and Gomorrah because the cry, you know, the cry of it was great And he went down to see if the things were so and he found out yeah, that's why and that's why he destroyed it folks But this is what led to that Pride and what fullness of bread, you know pride and and and you know, I don't want to learn I don't need anything to learn anything. I already know everything that I need to know pride fullness of bread You know just I have everything I need and what abundance of idleness I'm just passing time just wasting hours. Um, you know just being idle He said in Proverbs 19 also that the soul be without knowledge it is not good It's not good to have not have knowledge folks We should be people who want to be wise and have wisdom have knowledge and have understanding Proverbs chapter 4 verse 5 get wisdom chapter chapter 4 verse 5 Chapter chapter 4 verse 5 get wisdom get understanding forget it not neither decline from the words of my mouth Forsake her not and she shall preserve thee love her and she shall keep thee look if you embrace wisdom if you go after wisdom if you if you Seek for it if you get these things if you do not decline from the words of her mouth Look, it's look at all the benefits you get from it. It shall preserve thee it shall keep thee You know, it's gonna help you in life to learn about these things to learn different things learn, you know All manner of subjects look obviously we don't need maybe we don't need to learn about fish Maybe but maybe that would be something we should learn about. I don't know probably not here in Arizona You know, but we can learn about a lot of other things But look you just you say what would it what would it benefit me from from understanding the local botany? from learning some up, you know obscure fact about a an animal or something like that Here's how it would benefit you just that your mind would learn how to learn Just that your mind would be in the habit of of taking in new information That's how it would benefit you. So then when something that really is important comes across, you know comes across your path Some information that you really do need to learn to retain your mind just knows how to do it Because yeah, because I because I read some book about some guys that went down to the south pole You know and got stuck You know, I I read some book about Custer You know that that arrogant general that went out and got slaughtered What's that gonna benefit me in this life? Nothing really. I mean, maybe I could bore you with the story about Custer later You know But here's how it'll benefit me is that my mind, you know My mind, you know has gotten into the process of absorbing new information rather than just you know, staring at a screen somewhere just And just letting it just just be forced into me My mind has learned to absorb new information Because I forced it to do that That's how that's how it's going to pursue preserve you You know when you get into your old age, you're not just going to be A mindless zombie on the brink of senility like that's not what any I want for anyone in this room But look that's what happens to a lot of people today, isn't it? They just they they graduate, you know, maybe they go through college They learn a few things And then they just kind of get in this rut and they say well, I just don't need to learn anything new now I know everything I need to know. I don't need to read books. I don't need to you know Learn about things I don't take any any kind of additional education because I just got this path and that's it And what happens is the mind just kind of gets in that rut and we've learned we forget how to absorb new information Look at verse seven wisdom is the principal thing Therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding Exalt her and she shall promote thee She shall bring thee to honor when thou dost embrace her She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace And a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee go over to Proverbs chapter one. We'll close in Proverbs chapter one So that's you know that I thought that was a real important part of the the the chapter Here tonight in first kings chapter four is that you know, we like to talk about the wisdom of solomon Of course, god gave him wisdom And knowledge and largeness of heart, right? But we can't just walk away from that and just say well, you know He didn't have to do anything to get that any of that wisdom on his own Because we see that, you know, he he did look into some other things, you know, he spoke about the natural world and again, I understand that god was with him, but I believe that Solomon was also part of that wisdom is that that he was wise enough to to learn on his own to seek things out to learn things Say well, you know, that's just not for me You know, i'm just i'm not a reader. I'm just not interested in it. I don't want to learn anything new We'll look at proverbs chapter 1 verse 22 How long ye simple ones, you know, and simple is the bible's way of saying and very gently and nicely stupid I mean basically that's what it's saying as we bring it into the modern vernacular You know how I you know, the king james so hard to understand. What does it mean by simple? It means stupid And just simple being without understanding. I mean that's what you say about somebody who's stupid Just they don't know anything. They're kind of dumb, right? They're stupid they're simple How long you simple ones will you love simplicity? Isn't that why a lot of people? Some people just don't have a lot of knowledge You know, why why do they end up like that? Because they love simplicity Why why would they love simplicity because simplicity is easy Entertainment is easy. It's easier to be entertained, right than to actually try to apply yourself and learn something So how long you you you simple ones we love simplicity and scorners delight in their scorning And look at that last part and fools hate knowledge I mean that would be any one of us say hey, you know Here's some information. Oh, I hate learning things I hate knowledge Hey, I got an opportunity for you to be a wise person to have understanding to have wisdom to have knowledge To be somebody who has some intelligence. Oh, I hate that I hate knowledge. We would say you're a fool. That's what the bible says fools hate knowledge Well, I don't want to know that And that's why a lot of people live their lives like fools because they hate knowledge You know, they're just all about getting into sin and just entertaining themselves And just chasing after the flesh and chasing after the things of the world They don't want the knowledge of god, right? That's a lot. That's what this is some knowledge. A lot of people reject today, isn't it? This is some knowledge a lot of people reject today, isn't it? You know what they are they're fools They're fools for rejecting the knowledge that's in this book And then we look at their lives and say well no wonder your life's a wreck You reject the knowledge that's in here. No wonder that you know, you're in the condition that you're in That you're dealing with the things that you're dealing with you. You reject knowledge. You're full That's what the bible says people about people who reject knowledge That they're fools. Look, that's not let that be said of us Let's not live our lives in a way we would say well that's a we're foolish because we just don't want to learn anything We just love simplicity too much And look i'm not saying you got to walk out of here and go earn a phd somewhere But you know would we should stay in the habit of learning new things If for the very at the very least to preserve our minds in our old age You know and we'll and we'll learn things along the way that'll that'll benefit us And of course, you know if if if we're ignorant of this book This is where it begins This is where you know, the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom The knowledge of the holy one is understanding that's where it all begins is right here Of course learn this book, but never get in this place to say well, i'm not going to broaden my horizons beyond the bible You know learn other things too, you know find something that interests you Maybe you know history is very interesting History's got a lot of cool things. You can learn a lot of interesting things And in a very entertaining ways, you know But don't don't be a person who hates knowledge who hate love simplicity And just doesn't want to learn anything. It'll only harm you. Let's go ahead and pray dear lord again Thank you for the knowledge that we have And lord i pray to help us to be people that love to learn or that love to learn what's in the bible Read it and study it that we help us to be people that just have more than a Passing acquaintance with god's word. There are people that know We can benefit from going in our own lives and we can benefit others by the knowledge that we have and we can share All right Some of it Is Oh Here Meet me there Me The palace Me Faithful So So So So Pretty Yeah So Thank you So I So So Oh So So So So Me Oh Me Oh So So So So He shoots you Daddy Oh Robert So We're safe I'm So Stop So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So So We just Fire You So So So So Wow So So So So So So So So So So So Good So Yeah Yeah So So Jerky chicken You take So So Wow So So So Yeah So So So So Do what I gotta do because I get able to That's what I was thinking Looking All right So So So So Yeah, because I gotta leave because I Can't Do it yeah, but if you could yeah priority if you can I really need to get that done. Yeah, so I told them Okay Yeah So