(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) To our home host is marching on to victory, the triumph of the Christ has soon appeared. The fight is on, oh Christian soldiers, in face to face, insert the rain. With armor gleaming, with colors streaming, the right and wrong engage today. The fight is on, but be not afraid, we'll be so many in this mild old land. If God be for us, he's not here for us, we'll sing the victor's song at last. The fight is on, where else these soldiers, brave and true, can hold our leads, and victory we'll assure. Oh, how well, Lord, the armor God has given you, and his strength forever will endure. The fight is on, oh Christian soldiers, in face to face, insert the rain. With armor gleaming, with colors streaming, the right and wrong engage today. The fight is on, but be not wary, we'll be so many in this mild old land. If God be for us, he's not here for us, we'll sing the victor's song at last. The fight is leading on this certain victory, the bow of Christ, we spend the eastern sky. His glorious name, in every hash of honor, be no mourn, we'll bring the dawn of Jesus' night. The fight is on, oh Christian soldiers, in face to face, insert the rain. With armor gleaming, with colors streaming, the right and wrong engage today. The fight is on, but be not wary, we'll be so many in this mild old land. If God be for us, he's not here for us, we'll sing the victor's song at last. Okay, we will pray. Our Heavenly Father, thank you and praise you for our first service. And we ask your guidance for our second service right now, and bless us in Jesus' name, Amen. Song 364, Song 364, Standing on the Promises. On the first verse, ready, sing. Standing on the promises of Christ my King, through eternal ages and his praises ring. Glory in the highest I will shout and sing. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises that cannot fail, when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail. By the living Word of God I shall prevail. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord, bound to him eternally where the storms pour. All were coming daily with a spirit sore. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. Standing on the promises I cannot fall, listening every moment to the Spirit's call. Resting in my Savior as my all in all. Standing on the promises of God. Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior. Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises of God. All right, take out your bulletin. And on the front you can see our verse of the week is Jonah 3.10 where it says, And God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. And God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them, and he did it not. That's a great verse. And on the next page we have our weekly service times. Sunday morning at 10 a.m. and our second service is at 11.30. Also our Wednesday evening Bible study at 7 p.m. We have our soul winning times listed there. On Saturday mornings at Kaysom Memorial Circle they meet at the Tropical Hut Restaurant. A reminder though it's going to be at 2 p.m. this Saturday instead of 10 a.m. because there's more people there at 2 p.m. so it's going to be probably more profitable. And also our Sunday afternoon soul winning in Resolve Arc. We're going to meet at 2.30 at the Resolve Monument. So instead of the Lapu-Lapu Monument today we're going to meet at the Resolve Monument which is pretty close. And at 2.30 so we'll give you a little bit more time to eat before we start soul winning. Our praise report for 2018 salvation is 67 salvation which is just over two days. Saturday and Sunday from a week ago. Baptisms no baptisms. Last Sunday morning attendance 40. Last week soul winners 26. We are a family integrated church. Children and infants are welcome in the church services for your convenience during all the services. Let me just say this about being a family integrated church. I love it that my son gets to hear good preaching. From a young age because a lot of churches they don't get to do that. I think it's great to be a family integrated church. Have the kids with us during the services. Please know eating during the church services but you are welcome to get water over there. And let's maintain a professional atmosphere during the church service. And let's keep the children from running in rough housing before and after the church services. On the next page we have our salvation boot camp series which we did our sermon for this morning on that. Join us for this important series as we cover the essential elements of salvation on Sundays. We covered notic works. We covered repentance. We got more topics coming up. And we have the Gospel of John which we are going through on Wednesday nights. Join us each Wednesday night as we study the most important book in the entire Bible. And I believe that. The book of John is the most important book. Let me say this that I know a lot of people live a long ways away. But I encourage you on Wednesdays to check out the live stream so you can keep up to date on all the preaching and everything. And we are going to be going through the book of John for quite a while. And if you are not able to make it on Wednesdays I understand because a lot of you come from a really long distance. But I encourage you to check out the live stream. We have the live stream up there to try to help people listen to the sermons especially from this church in case you are not able to make it. We have our decision Sunday where we just covered is repentance necessary for salvation. And the second sermon is going to tie into it where it's who is on the Lord's side is going to be the sermon coming up. And we have baptism Sunday coming up on December 16th. And baptisms will be immediately following Sunday services. And before December 16th if you want to be baptized let me know. Either write it on a communication card. Tell me about it. Tell my wife about it so we can be ready and prepared for that. And we have our Verity Baptist Church Manila Missions trip coming up in January. January 14th through 20th. And it's going to be coming up here pretty quickly. Then we have our 31 day Bible reading challenge coming up in the last 3 days of January and the month of February. And as a church we are going to encourage each other to read through the entire New Testament in one month. And that is actually a very doable goal. It just means that we are going to have to maybe set aside some of our distractions like Facebook in the morning. And some things that really don't matter that much. Turn off our cell phones so we don't get a text every two minutes when we are reading the Bible. And just focus on the Word of God. Personal growth is really important because as zealous as all of us are here. We love to go soul winning and things like that. I want to be in this for the long haul. Which means I need to keep personally growing each and every year. Each and every month. All of us do. So it's very important for us to read the Bible. It's going to be a great time. We have our birthdays and anniversaries for November and December. This week is Brother Dustin's birthday on Saturday December 7th. And if you have a birthday in November or December and it's not listed here. Please write that in on the communication card. Or tell me, tell my wife about it. Write it down somewhere so we can know and add that. We have our prayer list for December. We want to remember Pastor Jimenez and his family. We want to remember Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento. Also Verity Baptist Church Boise. And also we want to pray for a permanent building for Verity Baptist Church Manila. And we just want to pray that God leads us in the right direction. We find the right price, a good location where we can really build a church. And so let's pray about that. We want to pray for each other, the church family of Verity Baptist Manila. And also for a decision for those living nearby to come to VBC Manila. And so especially with these sermons here this morning, it's kind of geared that way. That if people were kind of on the fence, they would make the decision to come here. Quotable quotes, no one will ever go to hell who has put his trust in Jesus Christ. But many will end up in torment who have trusted their own righteousness and reformation. That's from Curtis Hudson. That's definitely true with a lot of these Repentance of Sins preachers. And many of them are going to end up in hell because they're not trusting in Jesus. But they're trusting in their reformation, their Repentance of Sins and not what Jesus Christ did. I believe that's it for announcements. And Brother Tim is going to come up with these in another summer. Okay, please take out your victory in Jesus. We will sing the victory in Jesus version 2. Okay, and the first verse is sing. How his blood was not sufficient How we must repent of our sins If we are to be saved Salvation is free By failing Jesus He's a gift to thee He purges by his blood He gave himself for you and me Now we must believe By full faith on him alone And then we shall be saved Then I heard the truth of Jesus God was manifest in the flesh How he was my and smolders first And shed his blood for me He rose again in three days Caught by death and hell and the grave Now we must believe on his name And then we shall be saved Salvation is free By failing Jesus He's a gift to thee He purges by his blood He gave himself for you and me Now we must believe By full faith on him alone And then we shall be saved Now I know the truth of salvation That it's a praise to our faith And not a words nor by ourselves That any man should boast Forgive us praise That is not a words Otherwise it's praise It's not praise So if you I know the words to thank Then Christ is dead in vain Salvation is free By failing Jesus He's a gift to thee He purges by his blood He gave himself for you and me Now we must believe By full faith on him alone And then we shall be saved Turn your Bibles to Exodus chapter 32 Exodus chapter 32 Verse 1 says And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount together with Aaron The people gathered themselves together unto Aaron and said unto him Make us gods which shall go before us for us for this Moses the man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt We want not what is become of him And Aaron said unto them Break off the golden earrings which are in the ears of your wives and of your sons and of your daughters and bring them unto me And all the people break off the golden earrings which were in their ears and brought them unto Aaron And he received them at their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool after he had made it a molten calf And they said these be thy gods of Israel which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt And when Aaron saw it he built an altar before it and Aaron made a proclamation and said Tomorrow is a feast to the Lord and they rose up early on the morrow and offered great offerings and brought peace offerings And the people sat down to eat and to drink and rose up to play And the Lord said unto Moses Go get thee down for thy people which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them And they have made them a molten calf and have worshiped it and have sacrificed their unto And said these be thy gods of Israel which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt And the Lord said unto Moses I have seen this people and behold it is a stiff necked people Now therefore let me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them and that I may consume them And I will make of thee a great nation And Moses besought the Lord his God and said Lord why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt With great power and with thy mighty hand Wherefore should the Egyptians speak and say For mischief did he bring them out to slay them in the mountains and to consume them from the face of the earth Turned up thy fierce wrath and repent of this evil against thy people Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants to whom thou swearest by thy own self And said unto them I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven And all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed And they shall inherit it forever And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people And Moses turned and went down from the mount And the two tables of the testimony were in his hand The tables were written in both their sides On one side and on the other were they written And the tables were the work of God And the writing was the writing of God Graven upon the tables And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted He said unto Moses There is a noise of war in the camp And he said It is not the voice of them that shout for mastery Neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome But the noise of them that sing do I hear And it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp That he saw the cow and the dine and sing And Moses' anger waxed hot And he cast the tables out of his hand And break them beneath the mount And he took the calf which they had made And burned it in the fire And ground it to powder And strawed it upon the water And made the children of Israel drink of it And Moses said unto Aaron What did this people unto thee That thou hast brought so great a sin upon them? And Aaron said Let not the anger of the Lord wax my Lord wax hot Thou knowest that people that they are set on mischief For they said unto me Make us gods which shall go before us As for this Moses the man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt We want not what is become of him And I said unto them Whosoever had any gold let them break it all So they gave it me Then I cast it into the fire And there came out this calf And when Moses saw that the people were naked For Aaron had made them naked unto their shame among their enemies Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said Who is on the Lord's side? Let him come unto me And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him And he said unto them Thus say the Lord God of Israel Put every man his sword by his side And go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp And slay every man his brother And every man his companion And every man his neighbor And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses And there fell of the people that day about three thousand men For Moses had said Consecrate yourself today to the Lord Even every man upon his son And upon his brother That he may bestow upon you a blessing this day And it came to pass on the morrow that Moses said unto the people Ye have sinned a great sin And now I will go up unto the Lord For adventure I shall make an atonement for your sin And Moses returned unto the Lord and said O this people have sinned a great sin And have made them gods of gold Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin And if not block me I pray thee out of thy book Which thou hast written And the Lord said unto Moses Whosoever hath sinned against me Him will I block out of my book Therefore now go Lead the people unto the place of which I have spoken unto thee Behold my angel shall go before thee Nevertheless in the day when I visit Will I visit their sin upon them And the Lord plagued the people Because they had made the crown which Aaron made Now let's pray Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this day For this opportunity For another service Lord May you bless for the study with your word With wisdom Lord We may know more about your teachings Lord From this work from this chapter Lord This we pray in Jesus name Amen Amen Alright we're here in Exodus chapter 32 And I think all of us would agree that Exodus 32 is one of the most exciting chapters in the entire Bible It's a great chapter And I think this chapter is really pertinent When we're talking about this issue of repentance And what we have going on with the Bible Baptists who are preaching a false gospel Because we're at two ends of the spectrum here We got what we believe And we got what the Bible Baptists believe We got what we believe over here And what these repentance of sins preachers believe And here in Exodus chapter 32 Moses is just gone for a short time And Aaron has this opportunity to be in charge You remember later on in the book In the Bible You know Aaron wanted to be in charge And it's like well you already got your chance And when you were in charge you didn't exactly do a good job You were worshiping a golden calf after a short time And so this issue is very similar Because we have two very opposite sides And that's the first point This issue of repentance We have two ends of the spectrum Two opposite sides on what we believe In Exodus 32 let's look at verse 19 And it came to pass as soon as he came nigh unto the camp That he saw the calf and the dancing And Moses' anger waxed hot And he cast the tables out of his hands And break them beneath the mountain And he took the calf which they had made And burned it in the fire and ground it to powder And strawed it upon the water And made the children of Israel drink of it And Moses said unto Aaron What did this people unto thee that thou hast brought So great a sin upon them? And Aaron said Let not the anger of my Lord wax hot Thou knowest the people that they are set on mischief For they said unto me Make us gods which shall go before us For as for this Moses The man that brought us up out of the land of Egypt We want not what has become of him And I said unto them Whosoever hath any gold let them break it off So they gave it to me Then I cast it into the fire And there came out this calf So here we have two sides We have the side of Moses That wants to worship the Lord That loves the Lord Then we got the side here worshipping a golden calf You see when you have situations of two things That are so opposite from one another You must make a choice You cannot stand in between on an issue like this When it's so far apart from one another You either believe like Moses does Or you believe like they do that are worshipping the golden calf There is no in between position When it comes to this repentance of sins These are two very different extremes We got what we believe over here We got repentance of sins way over there These are not close to one another It's not a difference in semantics It's not a small difference They're different gospels There's one gospel And the gospel we believe is what's going to get you to heaven And this false gospel is all the way over here These are not close to each other It's not just a small difference It's got salvation by faith alone And works salvation The same gospel of the Catholics, the Muslims, the Hindus Whatever religion, it's all the same You have two different extreme sides Now I want you to understand something That both sides When it comes to what I believe Or Pastor Jimenez believes We would look here and say They believe a different gospel But I want you to understand something On this side You got Benny Avante And he would say that he believes a different gospel than us See Benny Avante doesn't think I'm saved I promise you that's what he believes If you were to talk to him One on one he would say they preach a false gospel They're not saved That's what he believes He doesn't think I'm a child of God I don't think he's a child of God You got two sides And both sides at the top we understand These are different gospels So you got to make a decision on this It's not something you can go in between And people like to go in between on this topic There is no in between Either it's by faith alone Or by repenting of sins These are different beliefs John 3.16 we read it this morning You don't have to turn there But it says for God to still love the world That he gave his only begotten son That whosoever believeth in should not perish But have everlasting life So the question is Is it God gave his only begotten son Or we give our life to Christ These are two different things I thought God gave his life for me I thought Jesus died for my sins He gave his life for me I don't have to give God my life to be saved And honestly nobody's given their entire life to God That's ridiculous Did you wake up this morning and pray for three hours And read the bible for three hours Then just walk the streets for six hours preaching the gospel I don't think so None of us have given our entire lives to God Not a single person I'm still working I'm still growing Nobody's given their life to Christ And if we had to give our life to Christ to be saved We would all go to hell Because nobody has given their entire life to Christ I want to make it very obvious to you That what I believe And what we believe Is very different than what they believe I listened to a sermon yesterday I finished it this morning A sermon from Vinnie Avante The grace of God See we're saved by grace right? God's grace Everyone agrees with that We're saved by God's grace I've got six quotes from this sermon From Vinnie Avante The king of the bible baptist here in the Philippines Let's hear these quotes Number one You might know that you're saved But not know the meaning of what salvation means You can be saved And not even understand what it means to be saved That's what he said He said wait a minute that doesn't make any sense No it makes perfect sense with Calvinists Because what Calvinists believe Is that God regenerates you See I could be walking down the street today Just walking walking and boom All of a sudden God saves me That's what they believe I could be taking a nap and wake up and I'm saved That's what they believe I could be eating lunch And I get done eating lunch And boom God's regenerating me But I don't understand it I mean he saved me I know I'm saved now But I don't understand it I mean it makes sense with what they believe That's what they believe That God regenerates you Not based on what you believe So you don't even have to understand what salvation is Because if God picks you You're going to heaven whether you like it or not And if you want to be saved Well if you're not chosen you're going to hell That's what they believe And God just regenerates you You might know that you're saved But not know the meaning Of what salvation means I'm sorry but when people hear the gospel They have to understand what salvation is to be saved It's who so ever believe it And if you say well you know I don't understand the gospel You can't be saved You have to understand what you need to do to be saved You can't believe on Jesus Without understanding what you have to believe I mean that's ridiculous That doesn't make any sense whatsoever But it makes sense if you're a Calvinist That's quote number one What about this quote You can profess the Lord And announce to the whole world I believe in Jesus But in your own lives every day There is no evidence of that salvation Why? It is just a profession You know what he's saying? If you say you're saved and there's no works You're not saved Right It's just a profession If there's no works to back it up You're not saved Wait a minute I thought salvation was by grace alone And you're telling me that if there's no works You're not saved That sounds like a different gospel to me That sounds like Bini Abonte And what we believe Are very extremely different from one another Because what we believe is who so ever believeth in him And Bini Abonte is saying Wait a minute If there's no works You're just making a profession You can say you believe But if you really believe You're gonna have works That's what he believes Point number three in his sermon The third quote that I pulled out And folks listen If you are saved today We might not be perfect But if you are saved today You are being delivered Not only from the power of sin But from the pleasures of sin If not Don't tell me you're saved That's what Bini Abonte says That if you're not being delivered from the pleasures of sin Don't tell me you're saved Which means that you know what If you've been saved for a couple of years And you still listen to rock music You're not saved You haven't been delivered from the pleasures of sin I mean if you've been saved for a length of time And you still drink alcohol sometimes Don't tell me you're saved That's what Bini Abonte is saying That if there's not this massive change And if you're still struggling with the same sin You did a year ago Obviously God's not delivering you from the pleasures of sin You must not be saved That's what Bini Abonte believes The fourth quote If you still enjoy many of those sins Think for a while If you say that you're saved And you don't even enjoy reading the Bible You don't enjoy coming to the Ekklesia You're not serving God You're not obedient to your pastor Think You might not be saved That's a direct quote Word for word And look I don't have a printer right now I'd take time to scribble all this down Pause and write everything That's what he said He said that you know what If you don't love your pastor If you don't love this church If you don't love reading the Bible Look You might not be saved Now let me ask you a question Let's say that there's Cause I promise you there are saved people at his church I promise you that's the case I guarantee it All these Bible Baptist churches There are saved people Cause those are the best churches They can find If you're a saved person And you hear this preaching every week You know what's gonna happen? You're gonna start becoming confused You say well how do people get confused In the book of Galatians Because of this kind of preaching Cause if you hear over and over again That wait a minute If you don't have works You might not be saved You're gonna start getting confused That's why I hate this kind of preaching I remember that when I first got saved I listened to a lot of Independent Baptist preaching online And there's one guy I listen to a lot And I didn't realize this repentance of sins topic And it turns out he was a false prophet Now he was very dynamic And so it was entertaining to listen to But all of a sudden You know he really focused so much About how you know what You have to have this magical moment When you get saved Then you start wondering yourself Wait a minute You know when I prayed Did I fully understand it? You start getting a little bit confused yourself Look if you sit under false preaching You're gonna get confused I don't care who you are If I just listen to false preaching every week Week after week after week After week after week I'm gonna start getting a little bit confused And let me tell you something There's saved people At Benny Avanti's church Now the sermon we heard this morning Wasn't it very clear what salvation is By believing alone Let me tell you something Those saved people They can listen to that sermon and say amen But you know what They listen to Benny Avanti every week They're gonna start getting confused There's saved people that are hearing This kind of preaching Every single week And they're getting confused Because of it A devil Benny Avanti is not a confused man He knows what he believes He's never gonna get saved The guy is a devil He's not just unsaved Benny Avanti is a devil He's the king of these Bible facts The man is a devil Number five If you really want to be saved You've got to repent of your sins And believe Christ as your personal Lord and Savior Plain as day You must repent of your sins If you really want to be saved His implication when he says If you really want to be saved is Well I mean you can choose to believe But if you really want to be saved You better make a change buddy You better repent of your sins That's what he's saying Number six The last one Are you doing God's will? Because doing God's will Is just the effect of salvation folks Basically saying It's just guaranteed You're gonna do his will If you get saved It's just the effect of salvation folks If you're not doing God's will How could you ever tell me that you're saved That's what he's saying Basically he's saying You know what If you're not doing God's will If you're not walking the walk Don't tell me you're saved You're not saved If you don't have works That's what Beni Avanti believes Okay I went through those quotes Just to make it very clear here this morning What we're talking about It's kind of a two part sermon What we believe Is all the way over here What they believe Is all the way over here These are not just a slight difference Beni Avanti is a devil And any preacher That's gonna preach You gotta turn from your sins And make this lifestyle change They're not just a confused person They're a devil They're no different than a Roman Catholic priest It's the same thing They're a wicked person Doing the devil's work And they're saved people In these churches that are getting confused Because of these people That's what makes me mad If his church was just filled with all unsaved people Then go ahead Preach whatever heresy you want But you know people listen to his sermons online And people go to his church that are saved people And they're getting confused by this devil That's the truth Turn to James 2 You know obviously we look at certain people In this world that are bad people You look at a guy like Vice Gonda I use that term guy very lightly Right We look at a guy like Vice Gonda A wicked person No doubt But you know who's just as dangerous As Vice Gonda Is Benny Avanti Right We need to understand that when it comes to these false creatures They're deceiving people They're bad people They're causing so much harm And yeah Vice Gonda is harming a lot of young kids That are becoming effeminate Because they watch him all the time on TV But you got Benny Avanti that's confusing Saved people Benny Avanti is going to be responsible For so many people going to hell one day Because they thought They trusted in their pastor That told them you got to do good works But the Bible says it's by faith alone James 2 Let me give you an example of these two different sides James 2 it says in verse 17 Even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone Yeah a man may say thou hast faith and I have works Show me thy faith without thy works And I will show thee my faith by my works Thou believeth that there is one God Thou doest well The devils also believe in trouble But wilt thou know O vain man That faith without works is dead So you got two different sides Now what Benny Avanti would say Is that if you're really saved you're going to have works Is that not true? He says you can't have faith without works He would go to James 2 and say wait a minute Faith without works is dead So don't tell me you can have faith without works Look in James 2 What does it say? Faith without works You know what that means? It means you can have faith without works I mean do you not get basic English Faith without works Well you can't have faith without works Look it says faith without works You're literally going to the passage that disproves you You go to faith without works it's dead and say Well you can't have faith without works It says faith without works And it's funny when you hear these unsaved people explain passages It just shows you the Spirit's not guiding them Because they literally are just professing foolishness Because I mean it says faith without works You quoted that And you're telling me you can't have faith without works And you used a verse that disproves you I mean it blows my mind Turn to John 14 I'm just giving you a couple examples Of just how we would look at certain verses And how we have very different opinions on it John 14 verse 15 I love this verse but the Bible reads this If ye love me Keep my commandments What a great verse I tell people this sometimes when they're confused And I'm preaching the gospel How they say well you know you got to love the Lord Keep His commandments and be saved It's like no You don't have to keep His commandments If you love God you're going to keep His commandments You don't have to do that to be saved Now look us in this room You know what the proof of whether or not you love God is? It's whether or not you keep His commandments It's whether or not you walk the walk Whether or not you do God's will Whether or not you read the Bible Whether or not you get sin out of your lives That's the proof of whether or not you love God Whether or not you keep His commandments But it's not proof of whether or not you're saved The evidence we need is what you believe And if you believe salvation is a free gift and it lasts forever You're saying it's that simple It's not works Works is not the evidence of salvation The Bible never teaches that That is full blown heresy to say that works is the evidence of salvation No it's not Because there are saved people out there that have no evidence in terms of works Because there are people that are drunks And are going to be drunks until the day they die And we're going to see them in heaven The Bible is very clear about that But that's not what he believes He would never believe that That's what I believe See I believe that there are bad people out there That are saved and on their way to heaven People that sin every single day And are bad husbands And are bad fathers And are drunks But you know what we're going to see them in heaven one day You know why? Because I believe salvation is by grace through faith He says he believes salvation is by grace through faith Well I don't see much evidence of that Because you keep saying works works works It's by grace through faith Turn to Acts 6 And look we just believe two very different things You have to realize that Anyone who would hear this sermon online You have to realize that both of us would agree He would say I preach a false gospel I'm saying he preaches a false gospel Amen Right? Both sides agree that we preach differently That's what the whole fight was before we came down here They said you're preaching a false gospel Because you're not preaching repent of your sins They agree we preach different gospels Both sides are in agreement These are different gospels And look If you're in this room And you can hear every verse I quoted this morning And still think you've got to repent of your sins Look The Ekklesia is a better church for you This is not the right church for you If you can hear all these verses about how the Bible says The gift of God is eternal life And still walk away saying you've got to repent of your sins And you can look at whosoever believes And should not perish but of everlasting life And he that believeth on the sun hath everlasting life And for by grace are you saved through faith And that not of yourselves it is the gift of God Not of works that any man should boast And you still walk away saying You've got to repent of your sins Look This is not the best church for you But on the contrary If you go to that church And you can hear this sermon And you hear the voice of the shepherd And you realize you know what it is by faith alone You've got to leave that church Because these sides are too big These sides are too very opposite sides From one another You cannot stand in between On this issue These are two different things In Acts chapter 6 I want you to notice Let's look at verse number 8 And Stephen full of faith and power Did great wonders and miracles among the people Then there arose certain of the synagogue Which is called the synagogue of the Libertines And Cyrenians and Alexandrians And of them of Cilicia and of Asia Disputing with Stephen And they were not able to resist The wisdom and the spirit By which he spake Stephen spoke something And they didn't agree They couldn't resist it They couldn't resist those words They were mad about it They were angry about it You know what it reminds me of? It reminds me of just less than a month ago Brother Timothy was preaching a sermon He was preaching a sermon showing that salvation was by grace alone And a Bible Baptist pastor walked out of the sermon Right? Is that not true? People don't witness it He could not resist the words that were being spoken You know why? Because they hate the words we're saying Right They hate it when we say salvation is a free gift They hate it when we say it's eternal life only in Jesus That you don't have to repent of your sins They absolutely hate the words we're saying right now They hate it They can't stand what we're saying They hate it Look, I hate the words that are coming out of his mouth Right Saying you've got to repent of your sins Yes, they hate our words We hate their words Look, we're not You say, well, we're both Baptist No, we're not What we believe is the truth It's a free gift What they believe is heresy Look, I hate the words that come out of his mouth I hate it every second of that sermon I listen to it to get me angry for the sermon That's the truth Out of his own mouth I listen to it I mean, those quotes are terrible You can't listen to that and say that you think the guy's saved He obviously believes in a worse salvation And he is confusing so I hate those words We ought to hate those words I hate every false way I hate this repentance of sins I hate this Calvinism I hate this garbage Just like they hate what we're saying These are two different Just like they walked out during his sermon Why? Because they hate the words that are coming out of our mouths That it's a free gift They hate what we're doing this afternoon Getting all these people saved They don't think they're really getting saved Because, I mean, if you really get somebody saved It's going to take more than just a 15 minute conversation, right? You're going to have to spend like You know, the second church I went to The pastor I told you about That lied about being a Calvinist I remember, you know, I started going to the church And we had like a basketball time And I talked to him about You know, bringing an unsafe person to give him the gospel And he's like Well, here's the thing From my experience We really need to give time for the Holy Spirit to really work on that person And he's like What I have is a I can't remember if it was a six week or an eight week Bible study To give him the gospel Now look, I didn't know as much at the time I thought it sounded weird But I was just like Oh, okay And I was just thinking My friend's not going to come though For, you know Eight weeks for an hour For you to give the gospel though, you know So, you know, I never had him talk to him But it's just like You know, that's what they believe They don't believe that we can get somebody saved in fifteen minutes They don't believe that They believe you got to give time For the Holy Spirit to work on them And that you got to quit drinking first And quit smoking and change your lifestyle Look, that's garbage That's work salvation Right And so the first point we have is just this These are two very different sides from one another And the second point is this A side must be chosen Exodus 32 verse 25 Look, Moses says Which side are you on? Are you on the Lord's side Or are you on the side worshipping the golden calf? These are two different sides You must make a choice They're so far from one another You can't be in between It's not like these are close to each other They're not close You can't be on both sides You either believe like we do Or you believe like they do It's one or the other And look A side must be chosen Turn to 1 Kings 18 And look, this is what Moses said He said You've got to decide what side you're on Who's on the Lord's side? And at that moment When the time comes You must make a decision Look, in our lives There might be moments When a certain thing comes up Where we have to make a decision Of what side we're on And when that comes We must decide We can't do this in between things We must be all the way over here Or all the way over there And look When we preach the gospel We make it a point to tell people They don't have to repent of their sins They don't have to change their lifestyle They don't have to do good work They don't have to get baptized They don't have to repent of their sins We make it very clear Why? Because if somebody Because look Most people are on their side 99% of the world is on the side of any Avanti They think their works And their reformation And their repenting of their sins Is going to get them saved And so when we preach the gospel The only way to get them saved Is to make it very clear That look What you believe is different than the truth You must change what you believe To believe on Jesus Christ You must repent of your sins You must make it very clear Because otherwise They're going to still stay on that side And you can't be in between You must put all your faith in Jesus This topic is work salvation When they say you got to repent of your sins And you must make a decision And many people in this room You've seen this in action You've seen friends and family Your old church that you know Gets mad at you For getting people saved And you're like What in the world Why would they get mad Because they don't believe what we believe No No No No No No No They're mad That you're changing them from believing Like they did To what we do now They're mad about that They don't want you to believe on Jesus Christ alone Because they don't believe that 1 Kings 18 look at verse 19 Now therefore, send and gather to me all Israel Onto Mount Carmel And the prophets of Baal 450 And the prophets of the Groves 400 Which eat at Jezebel's table So Ab- Oh, A So Ahab Send unto all the children of Israel And gather the prophets together Onto Mount Carmel And Elijah came unto all the people and said How long halt ye between two opinions If the Lord be God follow him But if Baal then follow him The people answered him not a word Then said Elijah unto the people I even I only remain a prophet of the Lord But Baal's prophets are 450 men This is like it is today There's probably like 450 unsaved prophets Or unsaved preachers To one preacher that's good That's the way it is You look around the world The vast majority of people in this country Catholic priests Right I mean are any of them saved I don't think so I mean are any of the Galatian priests saved I don't think so I mean the vast majority of the preachers are unsaved Preaching a false gospel Anyway I like Elijah's reaction to verse 21 Like he's mad at people holding between two opinions But he basically just says take a side He's like if you want to follow Baal Go for it And that's the way I feel I mean if you're in this room And you think you got to repent of your sins And what you heard all the preaching on this in the first sermon And someone could talk to you and give you the gospel And you still disagree Look this is not the right church for you Go ahead and join their church And it's the same thing over there If you're at his church If these churches that are preaching work salvation And you don't believe that You need to leave that church And go to a different church This church is not a perfect church But turn to Galatians 1 It's not a perfect church The word church is going to make salvation very clear That it's just by believing I mean in this instance with Elijah and the false prophets of Baal Either Elijah is a devil Or the prophets of Baal are devils They can't both be good people People have this idea Well I mean all preachers are good right They're all serving God And helping people in their lives No they're not The vast majority of preachers are devils They're bad people They're preaching false gospels They're wicked people That's the truth And it's your turn to Galatians 1 It says in Matthew 12 30 He that is not with me is against me And he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad And that's what these false preachers are doing They're scattering They're not helping getting people saved They're not helping them do anything good They're preaching against what the Lord says Galatians 1 verse 6 through 9 I marvel that you are so soon removed from him That called you in the grace of Christ unto another gospel Which is not another But there be something in you And would pervert the gospel of Christ But though we or an angel from heaven Preach any other gospel unto you Than that which we have preached unto you Let him be accursed As we said before So say now again If any man preach any other gospel unto you Than that he have received Let him be accursed What's the Bible saying there? How should we view people preaching a false gospel We're not just talking about unsaved people We're talking about people that would stand behind a pulpit And preach a false gospel How should we view people preaching a false gospel How should we view them The Bible says Let him be accursed You know what that means? Let them go to hell That's what the Bible is saying Let these false prophets die and go to hell That's what the Bible teaches If they're going to preach a false gospel And confuse people Let them go to hell They're causing destruction We should not have sympathy For the Beni Avantes of this world These people that for 30 years 40 however long He's been preaching However long he's been the pastor of that church We should not feel sympathy for him For when he dies and goes to hell Because he is confusing people And sending people to hell The Bible says Let him be accursed That's Paul the apostles I love the words of the Bible I believe the words of the Bible are great They're perfect They're pure words In Paul's words were Let him be accursed Let him be damned Let him go to hell That's what the Bible is saying You say man you're not a very nice person You know what Paul the apostle wasn't a very nice person I guess Jesus wasn't a very nice person You know what I just want to see people go to heaven And you know what It takes this kind of preaching To help people understand this stuff I hate the fact that there's saved people In churches like that That are getting confused by these devils And you guys know them You have friends You have family You have people you know That are saved and confused Man it better make us angry That they're doing this That's why we're preaching this Because the Bible says let them be accursed That's strong languages from the Bible Turn back to Exodus 32 Now very Baptist church Manila We believe in preaching the whole counsel of God So we'll preach sermons on joy We'll preach sermons on love We'll preach sermons on peace But we're also going to preach sermons against false prophets We're also going to preach about judgment We're not leaving anything out We're preaching the whole Bible And you know what This is what the Bible teaches That if someone's a false prophet Let them go to hell We've got two different sides We've got to make a decision And I want you to understand the third point is this If you stick with these churches You're not part of our movement You're not part of BBC Manila That's the truth And look you know you guys know people That they might be saved But you know what If they choose not to side with us They're not with us I remember going to a church one time This is the first church after I got saved And this church was not King James only And I understood once I started going to the church That the King James Bible was perfect And I remember someone I looked at As one of my best friends Because me and a few guys left the church Pastor Jason Robinson was with me You know a lot of people you don't know him A few other people I remember we left the church And he was one of our best friends And he told me He's like I'm with you guys But I'm going to stay at this church He's like you're not with me I mean a decision has to be made And you made your decision That's the truth Anyway if people make the decision To stay in these churches It doesn't matter whether they're saved or not They're not with us Because what we're doing is going out there And preaching the gospel of the lost They're not coming with us so winning They're not coming with us out there So winning and getting people saved And preaching the truth And trying to help get churches established They're not with us And look you know it's sad Because we're going to see people in heaven one day That's stuck with all these dead as a doornail churches But you know what They're not with us They're not going to work with us Look you know I'm glad I'll see them in heaven one day But they're not with us If they're not going to start coming to a church like this Or a like-minded church And you guys know that All throughout Metro Manila There are saved people going to churches With unsaved pastors I would just not go to church at all That's the truth I wouldn't go to church Where the pastor is not saved And preaching the false gospel That's my opinion I wouldn't go to that I would find something else Or move or do whatever Many of you are in that sort of situation But you know what It's like there's other alternatives now And you're like yeah it might be a long drive But you know what You can make the effort Because you know in the Bible I believe people went a long distance To hear the preaching of the word of God I mean John the Baptist was preaching in the wilderness But they didn't have a Subaru to drive them out there I mean it was a long effort To make it To hear the preaching of the word of God And in our world today People just don't value the preaching of the word of God They say well you know Yeah I mean he's wrong about this repentance thing But it's the closest church to me No You need to leave that church Right You need to put in the effort And many people in the church Have put in the effort And many people in this room Have put in a big effort to be here A lot of you guys come from a long distance Why? Because you love the word of God Amen It's worth it to come that far You love seeing people get saved Amen And we hate seeing people get deceived And look that's the truth People need to do that I've driven more than an hour to church before Look next week we're moving to Quezon City Wednesdays is going to be a long drive to me But you know what It's worth going a long distance to hear the preaching of the word of God And you know Wouldn't a God one day We'll have a lot of great churches here in Metro Manila But right now we don't That's the reality It says in Exodus 32 verse 27 and 28 And he said unto them Thus saith the Lord God of Israel Put every man as sword by his side And go in and out from gate to gate Throughout the camp And slay every man as brother And every man as companion And every man as neighbor And the children of Levi did According to the word of Moses And there fell of the people That day about three thousand men I guess Moses isn't that nice either He's having people killed Right See this is an instance Where a decision had to be made On what side And the people that stuck with the golden calf side They were destroyed You know it doesn't matter whether these people These false churches are saved or not They're going down in the same ship that many Avanti's is in And everybody at that church Whether they're saved or not They're hearing the same preaching They're going to do nothing in their lives They're never going to go out sowing They're never going to do anything They're never going to lead anyone to the Lord They're not going to read the Bible They're at a terrible church Look You got to make a decision on this And if you don't You're going to go down with that ship If you stick with them You're not part of this Turn to Ephesians 4 Ephesians 4 See throughout the Bible When we talk about church Church is a congregation It means people are congregated together There as one We here this morning We are a church We're together We're here for the preaching of God's word We're going to go out Soul winning at 2.30 And get a lot of people saved We're here together A church is together Look There's somebody who's saved But they're not going to this church They're not with us They're not a part of us In Ephesians 4.16 it says From whom the whole body fitly joined together It's talking about the body of Christ It's talking about a local church Fitly joined together and compacted by that Which every joint supplyeth According to the effectual working And the measure of every part Make an increase of the body Onto the edifying of itself and love It says that we're joined together And it says that we work effectually What that means is All of us help each other We're part of the same church We need all of us Every single one of us For this church to operate It's not just me up here preaching We need everybody in this room In this church to operate efficiently And we work together We're joined together And if somebody's not here It doesn't matter whether they're saved or not They're not working together with us Right? Yeah, there's saved people here in Metro Manila But if they're not here They're not with us Turn to Hebrews 3 Yeah, there's saved people here in Metro Manila But if they're not here They're not with us Turn to Hebrews 2 Hebrews 2 And like I said before Because I don't want anyone to get confused Obviously I understand on Wednesday nights When we have service Not everyone in this room is able to come At 7pm It can be really bad When there's a lot of traffic I understand that So I'm not down on you Because you don't skip work on Wednesday To come to church I understand that You're willing to drive a long Come a long distance way I'm glad you're coming here For one day a week You know one thing that's interesting At every church I've ever seen For more than a decade You know If somebody goes soul winning Then they go to all church services Without fail Every single time There's people that go to all church services That don't go soul winning And so I know that anyone who's missing Wednesday nights It's not because you want to miss Because I mean There's like 26 soul winners That were out on Sunday It's like you want to be here It's just too far It's not possible for you to come In that distance I understand that Because I'm telling you Anyone who's willing to go soul winning Is going to come to all three church services Because they love the word of God They want to hear And they want to go out And preach the word of God It says in Hebrews 2 12 Saying I will declare thy name unto my brethren In the midst of the church Why sing praise unto thee? In the midst of the church Go back to the Old Testament And it says In the midst of the congregation So a church means you're congregated It means you're together We're joined together And if somebody's not here They're not with us Turn to James 4 James 4 And in James 4 This is what it says in verse 4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses Know ye not That the friendship of the world Is enmity with God Whosoever therefore Will be a friend of the world Is the enemy of God If you're a friend of the world You're the enemy of God So what about a person who goes to a church Where they know their pastor is saved And he's preaching a false gospel God says you're his enemy If you're a friend of the world What about if you're friends with a false prophet You go to a church like that Look people that don't come to this church They're not with us According to the Bible They're enemies of God God's mad at them Why? Because they're scattering abroad Because if you're not with us Gathering and getting people saved You're scattering abroad And they're saving people to go to these churches They're never going to lead anyone to the Lord They're never going to do anything for God And they're working for the enemy They're giving the tithe money to that church To help them preach a false gospel It's like what in the world is wrong with you And it's just like I'm telling you When I was 20 years old And I found out that my pastor was a false prophet I left the church That's what everybody needs to do It doesn't matter if you Why? I thought he was a great guy I have so many friends here It doesn't matter You lead If you find out he's a devil He's a false prophet Turn to 1 Kings 22 And in 1 Kings 22 We have a story with Jehoshaphat and Ahab It's kind of interesting Because just between the surface Me and brother Immanuel We're talking about Ahab here And whether or not he was a believer or not And I believe that Ahab was saved That's my opinion I believe he was saved But he had a really wicked wife That caused him to do a lot of bad things I believe he was saved But regardless of whether or not he was saved It's irrelevant Because he was a bad guy He was doing bad things And Jehoshaphat links up With a guy who's living a wicked lifestyle And doing bad things It says in 1 Kings 22 verse 1 And they continued three years Without war between Syria and Israel And it came to pass in the third year That Jehoshaphat the king of Judah Came down to the king of Israel And the king of Israel said unto his servants Know ye that Ramoth and Gilead is ours And we be still And take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria And he said unto Jehoshaphat Wilt thou go with me to battle in Ramoth Gilead And Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel I am as thou art My people as thy people My horses is thy horses Look We're not like them Never say something like this Well you know we're just like him We're both Baptists We're not like him We're different Verse 5 Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel Inquire I pray thee at the word of the Lord today Then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together About four hundred men And said unto them Shall I go against Ramoth Gilead to battle Or shall I forbear And they said go up for the Lord shall deliver it Into the hand of the king And Jehoshaphat said Is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides That we might inquire of him Jehoshaphat knows that this is a false prophet So he said I want to hear a good prophet And the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat There is yet one man Micaiah the son of Imlah By whom we may inquire of the Lord But I hate him For he doth not prophesy Good concerning me But evil And Jehoshaphat said Let not the king say so Jehoshaphat links up with this false guy And all of a sudden he's hearing a false prophet His words When you have two different sides You cannot be on both sides You've got to make a decision And Jehoshaphat was a great guy But you know what he made a terrible decision You've got to decide what side you're on These are very different sides They're two extremely opposite sides For one another Turn to Ruth chapter 1 Ruth 1 Now in this room We have a lot of people that used to go to Bible Baptist churches And you know you left the Bible Baptist church And this is the reason why you left Because they aren't preaching a false gospel And you know that They're preaching repentance of sins They're preaching work salvation And this last point is just kind of like a plea to people that would listen to this sermon Because I just want to tell them you know what Many people in this room have already forsaken everything to come to this church That's the truth I mean you've got family now that hates you Because you go to this church And it's only going to get worse That's the truth You have family that hates you for coming to this church You have old friends that don't want to talk to you Old pastors and people you know And they don't want to have anything to do with you now Anyway you're taking a stand And you're suffering as a result I remember during the Orlando protest You know when people took a side To stand at Verity Baptist church And you know what Some people had to worry about their jobs and things like that You know with everything being on the news and stuff But you know what When you have an issue like this Two sides you've got to make a decision of what side you're on And you know what We had people that were at that church When we had the protest that happened I mean they had their nice little excuse of why they left They had their nice little reason Well I just don't agree with all the doctrines The bottom line is you side with the Sodomites over the man of God That's the truth And it's just like people that would just listen to this kind of preaching And say you know what I'm going to side with the Repentance of Sense preachers And still go to my old church Look you know they're not on our side And in this room people have already forsaken everything To be a part of this church In Ruth 1 we see a great example of two types of people We see Ruth and Orpah And it says in Ruth 1 verse 6 Then she arose with her daughters-in-law that she might return from the country of Moab For she had heard in the country of Moab how the Lord had visited his people and given them bread Wherefore she went forth out of the place where she was and her two daughters-in-law with her Which were Ruth and Orpah And they went on the way to return them to the land of Judah And Naomi said unto her two daughters-in-law Go return each to her mother's house The Lord deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me The Lord grant you that you may find rest each of you in the house of her husband And she kissed them and they lifted up their voice and wept Notice this in verse 10 And they said unto her Surely we will return with thee unto thy people They both say I will forsake everything to return with you They both say that Verse 11 And Naomi said turn again my daughters why will you go with me Are there yet any more sons in my womb that they may be your husbands Turn again my daughters go your way for I am too old to have an husband If I should say I have hope I should have an husband also tonight and should also be your sons Would you tarry for them till they were grown Would you stay for them from having husbands Nay my daughters for agree with me much for your sakes That the hand of the Lord has gone out against me So Naomi's telling them just stay behind You don't have to go with me But Ruth and Orpah remember they both said they were gonna follow Naomi And being in Moab you got a false god Same sort of situation False god, true god And both say we're gonna go to follow the true god We're gonna follow you And then it says in verse 14 And they lifted up their voice and wept again And Orpah kissed her mother-in-law but Ruth played onto her You notice how Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye And she sides with the wrong side Ruth on the other hand she goes and she falls Look Ruth forsook everything She didn't even know where she was gonna get food or anything And honestly when she made that decision in her mind She was probably thinking I'm never gonna be married Because of the fact you know being a woman of Moab God's people aren't gonna want to marry a Moabite-ish woman Right And so she decided to forsake everything She didn't even know where her food was coming from I mean everything's just gone And you have certain situations in life When they come up you must make a decision I'm sure later on with this church There's gonna be certain topics or certain things Where something comes up We gotta make a decision what side we're on And when that time comes you must always side with god No matter how much it will cost you Serving God is gonna cost you something You're gonna have to sacrifice But I'll tell you what Look at how many people we get saved I mean look at your lives You know the people in here that are soul owners that have led people to the Lord I mean if you died tomorrow You could still look back at your life And you know what Say I accomplished something with my life Maybe you didn't end with any money Maybe you didn't end with any fame But you helped lead people from hell to heaven What we're doing this afternoon is huge I mean leading people to the Lord I mean that's amazing There's nothing better than to lead people to the Savior Nothing's more important than that And even if I don't end with much money in my life And even if I end with a lot of people hating me for the things I preach If I can look back and say you know what I've helped lead people to the Lord What's more valuable than that? Ruth forsook everything She was willing to take a stand Warpa wasn't Most of the world are like Warpa The vast majority Most people they aren't willing to take the stand You know in this room And I had more verses But I think we're just going to close here on this last one I think that's a great passage But you know in this room I just want to let you know this I want to thank you for taking the stand to be a part of this church Because I know that there's a lot of you in this room That you've sacrificed a lot Because you want to serve God You just want to be at a church that preaches the truth And it might have hurt you in terms of financially With jobs With friends And everything But look When you side with God You will not end up regretting it It's going to be worth it Now let me tell you something This church is going to do great things through the coming years Through the decades We're going to see a lot of great churches start We're just here at the beginning We're small in number But look at the only people who have already gotten saved as a church We're accomplishing something big here And let me tell you something It's just my plea to people that would hear this sermon It's time to side with the Lord These sides are two very opposite sides from one another And you can't stick with them You're not part of us Then make the decision to come here And be a part of Verity Baptist Church Let's close in word prayer Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing me to speak into your house this morning I ask you to just touch people's hearts That would hear this sermon online Or these two sermons online Help them to make it very clear Help them realize what they believe about the Bible and salvation And help them to make the decision to side with God's people We need more people out there Sowing, laboring And I ask you to just continue to bless this church And bless all the families of people in this church God who have made a decision to be a part of here And it's cost them some things in their life And they've made sacrifices to serve you God I ask you to bless them Both spiritually, physically, and also financially God, I ask you to help them For making the decision to be a part of this We pray this in Jesus' name Amen Amen Amen Song number 43, we're marching to Zion Song number 43, we're marching to Zion Song number 43, we're marching to Zion On the first verse On the first verse Come be the love of the Lord And let our joys be known Join in a song with sweet accord Join in a song with sweet accord And us around the throne And us around the throne We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Let those with you to sing Who have never you or God But children of the heavenly King But children of the heavenly King May they sing their joys abroad May they sing their joys abroad We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God The hill of Zion Yet a thousand sacred streets Before we reach the heavenly field Before we reach the heavenly field Or walk the golden streets Or walk the golden streets We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God Let our songs abound And every tear be dry We're marching to Immanuel's throne We're marching to Immanuel's throne To better words on life To better words on life We're marching to Zion Beautiful, beautiful Zion We're marching upward to Zion The beautiful city of God I'm so afraid The people of Jerusalem Herggers, private lands My father was aAKING They came, friends Made people's migration I said to my brother How do we get born? temple of God So that my children have God If they Ryi the children of your life Oh It's a Walk It's a