(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you Wait there as far as they go this morning. Thank you Lord for this special something as we celebrate Lord and in memory how the Father's Lord and I pray Lord that you would Bless our first service Lord press the con bless the congregation singing Lord and that's the reading of the word And also the fellowship and also the soul winning this afternoon. Oh God, I pray Lord that you would bless Brother Stuckey as he preaches to us a sermon Lord and help us to be attentive with the sermon Lord And we're asking all this thing in Jesus name we pray. Amen Amen All right, good morning everybody welcome to Verity Baptist Church, I hope you don't mind my kids made me a tie So I am gonna be wearing this today for the services but happy Father's Day to all the fathers that are here so take out your bullets in here this morning and Our verse of the week is Joshua 24 verse 15 the Bible reads And if it seemed evil unto you to serve the Lord choose you this day whom you will serve whether the gods which your fathers Serve that were on the other side of the flood or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell But as for me in my house, we will serve the Lord and that's a great verse there We are a family integrated church many children and infants are welcome during the services We do have a mother baby room back there for your convenience as well as the ladies restroom The men's restroom is up here in front Remember no eating during the service maintain a professional atmosphere and keep the children from running making noise during the church services Next page our service times are listed first services at 10 a.m. Second service at 1115 the second sermon is going to be a bit shorter. That way we have more time for the bowling later on today Wednesday evening Bible study is at 7 p.m. So many times listed Wednesdays at 4 p.m. Meeting here at the church building all day so winning on Saturdays in case a memorial circle with lunch provided by church Our normal so winning schedule. We kind of leave the building at 1 45 Our plan is 15 minutes early with so winning being a bit shorter What we're planning to do though is use the gypney to send the ladies still to the Marikina area for soul winning Whereas the men will use cars and go so winning near the location We'll just go right after that to the bowling but that's going to be at 1 30 here today Our salvation's and baptisms are listed there for our churches as well as Bible study fellowships and birthdays and anniversaries down below Our Bible memorization challenge today is the last day to quote Luke 15 verses 11 through 32 about the prodigal son The option for this next week is going to be Matthew 3 verses 1 through 12 and the normal memorization below the age of 8 and also from ages 8 to 10 and Upcoming activities. Of course today is Father's Day and we do have a choir performing for the second service So the choir is not going to be performing for the first service just for the second service And we do have our bowling event right after at right after soul winning as I mentioned The bowling event is for any of the men at the church So you don't have to be a father to participate in that if you're a man Then we'd love to have you a part of it. Of course You have to sign up for that and we're kind of organizing the groups already So if you have not done that then talk to my wife or sister Maricel if you're a guy That is planning to go for the bowling here today. Next week is our monthly prayer meeting and our current and upcoming series We are in the alphabet of Bible doctrines in the book of Matthew We'll get back in that next week But both of the sermons here today are Father's Day themed and on the back of the bulletin is a place to take notes for Those sermons, so I believe that's it for announcements while brother Marlon lead us in another song Before our next song let's turn to him number 210 Wait Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh For our scripture reading please open your Bibles to Luke chapter 15 Luke chapter 15 We are going to read the verses 11 till the end Luke chapter 15 from verse 11 Please say amen when you're there And he said a certain man had two sons and the young of them said his father father Gave me the portion of goods that fall is to me and she divided unto them is living and not many days after the younger Son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and the waste of substance with righteous living And when he had spent all there those a mighty famine in that land and she began to be want And she went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and he sent him into his fields to feed swine And she would faint have filled his belly with a husk that was fine heat and no man gave unto him And when he came to himself he said how many higher servants of my father's have Read enough and to spare and I perish with hunger I will arise and go to my father and I will say unto him father I have sinned against heaven and before thee and Am no more worthy to be called thy son make me as one of thy high servants And he arose and came to father but when she was yet a great way of his father saw him and had compassion and then and fell on his neck and kissed him and The son said unto him father I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son But the father said to servants bring forth the best rope and put it on him and put the ring on his hand and shoes on his feet and Bring hither the fetid calf and kill it and let us eat and be married for this My son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found and They began to be married. Now his elder son was in the field and as he came into the night of the house He heard music and dancing And he called to one of the servants and asked what he thinks meant and he said unto him thy brothers come and thy Father's killed the fetid calf because he has received him safe and sound and he was angry and would not go in Therefore came his father out and entreated him and he answering said his father lo these many years Do I serve thee neither transgressed at any time thy commandment and yet though never gave his mere kid that I might make Marry with my friends But as soon as this thy son was come which hath devoured thy living with harlots thou has killed for him the fetid calf And he said unto him son though are ever with me and all that I have is thine It was meet that we should make merry and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found That's great. Thank you our father for the day Thank you for a Bible and also for that story, please help us to understand this message deeper today and Will you bless bless us all give us understanding open our hearts help us also always to apply the thing that we learn and Please bless also the sermon and in all the creature we pray his name. Amen All right, we're here in Luke chapter 15 and I'm gonna be preaching you about the prodigal son now both sermons here today are Father's Day Themed sermons and of course is a very famous story but one tendency we can have is a look at a story that's very famous that you've heard preached a lot of times and kind of Feel like well, I already know that story Give me something new, you know Every time the Bible is open and preached from you can learn from the Word of God or you might say, you know what? I'm not a father. So what good does this sermon have to do with me? Well, I mean if your mom like 99% of this you can apply to yourself as well Okay, and you know what? Of course if you're younger, you know, you might become a mom or a father one day You can apply these things and there's always information to learn from the Word of God now We're here in Luke chapter 15 and in this story of the prodigal son. This is a parable This is a story it is not a real event and with certain stories in the Bible They aren't really all that realistic, but they're trying to prove a certain point But this is a story that I'm sure has happened a million times in a very similar way This is not a story that would never apply I'm sure it's applied to many people that grow up and they rebel against their parents. They get into sin So this is a very possible story that has taken place many times in human history. Now point number one is licentious living licentious or sinful living it says in verse 11 and He said a certain man had two sons and the younger of them said to his father father Give me the portion of goods that follow to me and he divided unto them his living now the Bible says here He divided unto them his living So what you're seeing is that both sons got a portion of inheritance at that moment It is not just the younger son because he divided on to them and what you're seeing is they have a portion of inheritance And obviously this is a successful man. He has a lot of hired servants and there's like a family business That's gonna be kind of left over once he passes away But there's a certain inheritance given immediately on to them not just the younger son Also to the older son now Of course the Bible does not tell us how old these sons are When I read this story the way I picture the younger son is 17 years old, right? Maybe you say a few years older or possibly younger than that But I look at someone who is who thinks he's a man and he's not a man He thinks he's ready for the world and he's not ready for the world because that's what I thought and all of us thought When we were 17, we thought we knew everything but in reality it's like you know what you got a reality check coming later in life, and so you've got a father whose younger son says dad Give me my money now. Now. Look this father loves his son, but you know what the correct answer to this question is no right And it's like when you're reading this story what you can tell is this a father that dearly loves his kids But he has always said yes to everything Everything is someone I mean it doesn't tell us about the past But what you could think or surmise is that his younger son always asks for things and the father's like yes This is not a small request. It's like give me my inheritance now Can you imagine if your parents are very wealthy and then you said give me my three million pesos now, that's a big request Right and the correct answer to that is no you're not ready for it But this father is someone who has not said no to his sons ever and the younger son has grown up Spoiled and a brat and rebellious and unappreciative of anything that he gets in life verse number 12 Or verse 13 I should say Verse 13 and not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country Here's what I would assume as a teenager that says you know what I'm sick of rules I'm sick of my dad telling me what to do. I'm gonna get as far away as possible Right into a far country away from my parents. They can't tell me what to do I'll be just as successful as my dad I'll be rich and famous and have everything that life has to offer Anyway, a lot of young people get this sort of attitude They become 16 17 18 and the world declares them an adult and they're like I'm ready to be gone for my parents Yeah, the reality is for most young people. They're not actually ready Now look there's a general rule in the Bible of certain things such as Living with your parents until you're married and there are exceptions like John the Baptist and Jesus are two very good exceptions So you can't say it's two plus three equals five But at the same time the Bible says you leave father and mother and you cleave on your wife You say why because you're not ready for the responsibilities. You need structure. You need authority You need rule and if not, you can see yourself being just like this teenager who gets into sin And it says and they're wasted his substance with riotous living when you think of riotous living What comes to your mind? drinking drugs gambling Right fornication. I mean his his older brother accuses him of being with harlot. So Prostitution and that's probably very possible right and so he's wasting his money on all of these sins Gambling drugs Prostitution and all of these things and look sin has a financial cost to it You live that sort of life it costs money and he just wastes all of his money Can you imagine if somebody gave you a million pesos six months later? Right well on ah, right there's nothing left. It's like you're an idiot. I knew somebody in high school he got an inheritance from like a Great aunt or a great uncle of $75,000 we're talking four million pesos a year and a half later Well Anna it was gone. It's like what are you doing? I told him hey, you can save up to buy a house But you know video games there's a few thousand dollars and this and that just wasted it But see that's what the typical 17 year old does they're not ready for that sort of money Right and see here's the thing I'm not saying it's wrong to pass down money to your kids But here's the thing that father should have said, you know what? My son's not ready for it I can help him out in life, but he's not ready now and he wastes his money with rightest living And when he had spent all there arose a mighty famine in that land and he began to be in one now Go to lamentation chapter 3 in your Old Testament lamentation chapter 3 Lamentation chapter 3 And Look, you know all of us feel like you know what if I got a lot of money at a young age I would be smart. I wouldn't waste it. You know, the reality is most of us probably would You look at pro athletes their stories It's like they made two hundred million dollars and now they're working a secular job or bankrupt or whatever and it's like How is it even possible to spend two hundred million dollars, but people find a way to do this Right and the reality is you know, it's not that God doesn't want us to have nice things in life But maybe we're just not ready for it. Maybe according to lamentation 3 verse 27 It is good for a man that he bared the yoke in his youth You know It's good for that younger son to go out at 6 in the morning when sun rises and work just like the hired servants I mean the father could have passed down a lot of money and a nice life But it's like you need to learn to appreciate it And look the Bible says the person that's lazy is brother to the person that's a great waster Someone who's lazy is gonna waste everything that is the way it works and this younger son is obviously lazy He's a derelict as we would say and he just uses and wastes all of his money. You say brother sucky Why is this think about this if you work for years for something you save up for five years to buy a car? You know what you really care about that car you don't want it to get into an accident you have value to it But what if somebody just hands you something in life that you don't work for it. You don't take value to it Right. I remember we had someone who used to go to our church in Pampanga for just like a couple months and he was a Teenager his kids gave him like the brand-new iPhone He literally had it on the ground and he was kicking it like a soccer ball And it's like, you know what? I love soccer. Everybody knows that but there's certain things you don't play soccer with And a new iPhone is one of those things. It's like what are you doing? Right, but he didn't buy that himself. He didn't take any sort of value in it. That's just the way it works I knew somebody in high school and you know This is one of my best friends when I was really young like in grade school eight nine ten years old and his family Both of his parents were doctors, you know, they had a lot of money. They're very wealthy that an awesome house You know, I used to go over there all the time They had everything that money could offer them and I remember you know What it was kind of like the story of Joseph in prison where he's like, you know Why do you look so sadly today because after school and he's shooting hoops and he's really depressed And he's depressed because he turned 16 and his parents got him a brand new car, but it's not the car he wanted I'm just like and and you know He's telling me this sob story and I'm thinking I can't afford not even a used car and I'm supposed to have sympathy for you And it's just always so depressed because he didn't get the car that he wanted But see there's someone who had everything he wanted in life when he was young and he didn't take it seriously Right go to Genesis chapter 3 in your Bible Genesis 3 I Don't think there's anything wrong with giving your kids some nice things and taking them on vacation Buying them things but what you need to make sure is that they appreciate everything that you give them. I Mean, it's a helpful lesson to moms and dads when you put food on the table for your kids and they say I don't want To eat that I want to eat this Don't give in to them That's training right there It's like no you appreciate what you have Because I'll tell you what you might not want this but there's a lot of kids that would love to have that It's a lot of kids that don't have what you have Right. We need to learn to appreciate the things that are given to us when somebody gives you something It's like oh, that's not what I want. That's not the present. I wanted that's not what I wanted to eat It's like you know that is being disrespectful and ungrateful and unthankful and we need to learn we learn to be thankful for every Blessing that we get in life now that there's characters in the Bible that have a lot of money and are godly people like Job and Jacob Abraham at times But I'll tell you what. It's not that there's a problem with money there's a problem with loving money and not being thankful for things that you have and Whatever life you find yourself in today be thankful for what you do have because there's people that have a lot less than you Bob says in Genesis 3 verse 17 and On Adam he said because thou is hearkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I commanded these Saying now shall not eat of it cursed is the ground for thy sake and sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of Thy life now the difference here in verse 17 then before the sin is the fact that before that they had an easy life Adam and Eve, it's just kind of like the vegetables or just Kind of make themselves very easy to cultivate. I mean, it's it's very easy It's not difficult and what he's saying is, you know I'm gonna make it a little bit harder for you Because when it was so easy and an easy life and too much free time when people have too much free time they get into trouble It's not just other people. It's you also When you have a free day, no work nothing to do. What do you do you sit around and all of a sudden? It's already lunchtime. I've been on Facebook for four hours Say what am I doing? Right now there's nothing wrong with having free time, but it's like you sit around and do nothing That's typically what you do and in the Bible you see people when they have too much free time. They get into trouble What's the root cause of David committing adultery with Bathsheba? He can't sleep at night. But wait a minute. That's not the root cause Why can he not sleep at night because he's being lazy Can't fall asleep because the sleep of a laboring man is sweet But when you're sitting around with nothing to do, it's like man, it's 1130 I can't sleep tonight because you're being lazy and that's true for all of us Right Bible says in Genesis 3 verse 18 thorns also in thistle shall it bring forth to thee and thou shalt eat the herb of The field and the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return onto the ground Proud of it. What's thou taken for dust thou art and on a dust shalt thou return Let me ask you a question According to these verses does God intend life to be easy or difficult? Difficult God doesn't want you to have an easy life. You say man. I just wish things were a little bit less difficult Yeah, that's the way we all feel That's not how God intended it God intended us to work hard by the sweat of our brow and the Bible says six days shalt thou labor Six times twelve seventy-two hour work weeks. Look most of us aren't working 72 hours like they were in the Bible times Most of us by those standards. We are very wealthy compared to what they had. I Mean look in those times it's like things such as salt or a valuable commodity that you trade for It's not something I ever but now you just go to Robinson's or wherever and it's just like 100 pesos. I Mean we live a very wealthy life compared to people during those time periods for most of us you get your water from a faucet Right. You didn't have to go to the well I'm not saying there aren't people like that but I'm just saying it's just like during those days. It is difficult to survive Every single day We live a very easy life and here's the thing. It's already easy enough God didn't intend your life to be that easy. He says by the sweat of thy face Right turning your Bible to Ephesians chapter 6 Ephesians 6 I Believe that every parent whether your mom and it or dad you want your kids to have a better life than you had Right I'd say everybody has that opinion You know my my granddad on my dad's side. He died before I was born He died of a heart attack in his 40s. And so my dad was just entering college and especially during that time period It's like with his father passing away. My dad was working a full-time job to provide for the family They didn't have much growing up, right? You know My dad's family was at least by American standards would have been considered very poor family And of course, you know what when you're raising kids you want to give them a better life than you had and I'm thankful for Things that we did have as a kid I was by no means rich compared to at least the people around me growing up, but I want us to understand something Having more money is not the same as having a better life That's not the same thing You want to give your kids a better life? Hey get them saved before they're adults Instead of them getting saved from online preaching when they're in their 20s It's like get them saved as a kid Teach them to love soul-winning at a young age Right now here's the thing if you want to invest in other things in your kids and have them end up loving those things and Go ahead, but the primary thing I want my kids to love is going to church soul-winning reading the Bible Memorizing the Bible. Those are the sorts of memories I want to pass down to my kid and I want you to realize Having a better life is not the same as having more things or more money Now there's nothing wrong with giving your kids nice things. You have money saved up go on vacation There's nothing wrong or sinful about that, but realize that being better means Hey, I have a goodly heritage as the Bible says I learned the Word of God at a young age I got saved as a at a young age. I memorized the Romans road before I was 10 Those are the things you want to pass down to your kids. I Mean even before they're ready to be a soul winner they can hear the gospel presentation as you give it to other people That's the sort of memory that you want to pass down to your kids a better life is not the same as having more money Now as people that's what we kind of naturally think I couldn't afford that restaurant So I want my kids to be able to eat at that restaurant Now there's nothing wrong with taking your kids to nice places But that's not the same as being better because you know what you see with young kids It's like if they don't have everything handed to them They actually are very thankful for small things you spend time with your parent with your kids. They're thankful They're happy. I mean look every kid's favorite restaurant is either jolly beer McDonald's Every kid it's like they don't pick the most expensive. It's like zap for your birthday. Where do you want to go? It's like McDonald's Actually he picked pizza, so that is a bit more expensive, but it's just like McDonald's jolly be they're very happy Right it's like they're not asking for the most expensive thing ever. They're just happy to spend time with their parents Bible says in Ephesians 6 verse 4 Any fathers provoke not your children to wrath But bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Now the Bible really gives you two things in this verse as a father you need to do Bring your kids up in the nurture number one and admonition number two You need both of these things if all you have is nurture. You're gonna have a problem You're gonna have a spoiled brat as a kid like the younger son if all you have is admonition You're gonna cause your kiders kids to be bitter and resentful and angry towards you Right you need the balance here now the problem with the father of the prodigal son in that story is He provides a lot of nurture he never provides any admonition Now here's the thing when your son is a teenager. It's kind of too late to provide admonition You do that at a young age Not when they're a teenager. They're not gonna listen when they're 16 or 17 or 18 years old They're gonna listen when they're one year old two years old three years old four years old five years old now when they're 16 years Old Bible says you reach a point where it's too late, and it's too late I mean look if you've never spent your kids, and they're now 16, and you try to start. I mean good luck with that Right now you need nurture you need to love your kids and spend time with them But you also need admonition and one thing you see a lot of parents doing especially with their oldest child is no admonition at all Right now turn your Bible to Hebrews 12 Hebrews chapter 12 Now Spanking is not the only part of admonition Admonition means to correct to discipline, but spanking is certainly part of it Now you might agree with me or disagree because the Bible does not have an exact age But what I would say is that all of our kids are ready for spanking by the age of one 12 months not one year and 11 months you say why well why do you spank you spank when your kids rebel? When they disobey so for example if your kid accidentally knocks milk on the ground Well, that's gonna make you very upset, but they don't really deserve a spanking because you also knock milk or water on the ground sometimes But when you say something and they disobey so basically when your kids Understand the word no, and they choose to disobey That's when you start spanking My kids understood the word no By 12 months Now here's the thing if you want to wait until they're three or four or five then go ahead Here's what I'm saying other people will be done with spanking by the time their kids are three four and five for the most part You can either spank them when they're young and it's easier Or you can wait until they're older and it's gonna take a lot more time and be a lot harder And you can think I'm being too strict I'm just saying you know what you see people that are successful parents, and you ask them when did you start discipline? It was at a young age. It's when kids understood, and they rebelled now of course when you spank your kids you do it in love So what do you mean by that means you spank them and then afterwards you hug them you explain in a calm way? Why you spank them if you cannot control your temper, then I would say take 10 minutes off before you spank them to be honest but you spank them in a certain part of the body that causes no injury and Then you hug them afterwards and explain why they got the spanking and what do you find when you do that to kids? Ten seconds later. I'm sorry dad I'm sorry mom is that not right your kids. Don't stay mad for a week I Mean literally when you have multiple kids what happens is the kids will joke about it like ten minutes later It's like aha. You know you got a spanking right you were about they don't stay angry But it's a necessary thing according to the Word of God you need to give admonition to your children And look if you don't give them any discipline What do you expect them to do with other authority in their life? not obey Disobey be rebellious get into trouble notice what it says in Hebrews 12 verse 6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth if he endure chastening God dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not Now look in today's world. What son is he whom the father chasteneth not I'd say probably 75% of fathers. Don't discipline their kids It's a verse that doesn't make a lot of sense in today's world Because kind of like actually most fathers don't really discipline or chasing their kids I mean it's a fact in today's world now ask yourself this question our kids more respectful in today's world Than they were 20 years ago or less respectful No spanking they're less respectful, huh? You know I don't think you have to be a genius to figure out the modern-day parenting techniques aren't working Bible says what what son is he who his father chasteneth not but if you be without chastisement where of all our partakers Then are ye bastards and not sons. It's like you're a fatherless child. That's what a bastard is If I was using this example with your earthly parents giving the spiritual example of your Heavenly Father Does God love us? Yes Does he just let us do whatever and not punish us absolutely not? he punishes when we act up and So here's what you have to understand when you're raising your kids you teach them about God They hear about God, but you as the father are basically the first example of God they're getting in their life a Father that loves their kids, but also disciplines their kids Are you giving a good example of that? And if you're not you're not if you're not ever providing any discipline like the father the prodigal son in Luke 15 You're not given a very good example of God the Father who actually discipline when you act up Bible says here in verse 9 Furthermore we've had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence Shall we much shall we not much rather be in subjection under the father of spirits and live? For they barely for a few days chasten us after their own pleasure But he for our profit that we might be partakers of his holiness now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous but grievous Nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby the Bible says here in verse 11 that when somebody gets disciplined and they get punished it yields or results in the peaceable fruit of righteousness so according to these verses is admonition and chastening and spanking and discipline good or bad for the kids It's good That's what the Bible teaches and I get it in our modern day you say you spank your kids and people are like I Can't believe that you would do that. I mean people are literally shocked But but look at the world that we live in today I mean we live in a world where men don't know the difference between a dress and a pair of pants Why would you get your advice from the world I? Mean look just about every day if you live here in Metro Manila, or where I live in Angeles You're gonna see a guy dressed as a girl Everywhere you go am I gonna get my advice from people like that Right that's the world we live in so why would you get your advice as? Parents from people that are ungodly and don't believe in the Bible, but see here's the thing It's a lot easier to yell at your kids isn't it? They do wrong just yell at them Now you know this is something I was taught before I had kids from a pastor And he said basically you know what you fight those battles with your kids at home And then you don't have to do that in public or you don't have to do that as much now It's not fun doing it at home, but you know what I would much rather deal with that at home Then dealing with it in public You say why because when it happens in public it embarrasses you as a parent when your kids act up You're embarrassed It's a shame Right you know I've literally been in a doctor's office before this is in the u.s. Where there's a kid that's like six years old this girl And she literally just right across her mom's face at the doctor's office, and the kid just ran away, and I'm just Thinking man. I mean should should somebody just thank the child for her I mean It's like I can't even imagine if I had ever even tried anything near that as a kid I mean I would have gotten the worst spanking I've ever gotten in my life Right and here's the thing when you spank your kids at a young age You don't have to do it as much when they're older because they're gonna give reverence to their mom and their dad That's the way it works go to Luke 15 Luke 15 Point number one we see licentious living From the younger son and in my opinion the big issue is the father doesn't provide discipline I mean, it's a parable you can kind of make your own conclusions I just think it's kind of common sense if he gives him his inheritance when he's a teenager or roughly at that age and He's just letting his son do whatever he wants Right I mean the older son in this story accuses of the younger brother of wasting it on harlots Which he would not have known that because his brother's gone, but he probably just knew what his younger brother was like He's like yeah, he's always just you know sleeping around with different women and just wasting money and buying this for them all of dad's money That's probably what he's been doing for a long time Being lazy at his work not doing anything making all the hired servants and the older brother work So point number one we see licentious living point two we see lasting salvation Lasting salvation now. I don't turn to this story to talk about spiritual salvation because I don't think that's the main point But I've heard people that are unsaved turn here to try to claim the prodigal son lost his salvation Which of course you can't lose your salvation because it's eternal life It's everlasting life right, but here's the thing if they turn to this then I can turn here too to say well This is why you're wrong Because this son lives in sin and yet he's still a son of his father no matter what he does that just proves eternal security if you want to apply that to salvation verse number 15 and He went and joined himself to a citizen of that country and sent him into his fields to feed swine And he would feign to fill his belly with the husk the swine did eat and no man gave on to him So this younger son he has no money, and he gets a job. He's obviously not getting paid much Because he's willing to eat the slop in the leftovers that the pigs are eating. He's obviously not getting much now This is probably similar to what the hired servants did for his father, but they real food right and so he's looking at his life, I'm doing the same thing as them and Look at me. I'm in a worse situation Right and by the way let me just say this before I forget if you want to give your kids too easy of a life growing Up you're going to give your kids a difficult life when they become adults Whereas if you give them a difficult life when they're young give them responsibilities and requirements It's going to result in a much easier life When I was a kid my parents had a list of chores on the fridge that basically every week on Monday This is what you do Matthew. This is what you do heather It's just like and we had to do these things every single day before we did anything with any friends or whatever Right and I'm not saying it's a perfect system or whatever, but that's something We're giving them responsibility I think it's great that the kids get to run in fun and and and have and play and have fun But you know what life is not just fun and games and as they get older you need to give them responsibilities So they realize you know what it's not just fun and games Right look and look you can start things like this at a young age Kids naturally don't want to do anything. They make a mess. They want mom and dad to clean it up Right Now here's the thing when your kids are young. It's faster and easier for you to clean it up The problem is you're going to be doing that forever Whereas if you tell them no you clean this up, and you teach them then they can learn at a young age It's like hey, you don't leave your your your trash on the ground you throw it in the trash can Basic things that look these are things kids do not do naturally on their own you've got to teach them I can say this though that with our third child. You know what Ezra just does what Christabel and Zeph do So basically we don't really have to teach him those same things again because they learn from he learned from his kuya and his atte So what I'd say is hey putting the time on the first and the second child look it's going to be easier as a parent They're actually going to be helping to you right. I mean literally our daughter is three years old and our daughter does the dishes sometimes You can ask my wife about and look when she first did it I thought it was just kind of fun for her or whatever, but literally they're clean I'm like man. She literally did the dishes right she stands up on a chair and obviously it takes her more time It's not as easy sometimes water kind of spills a little bit, but literally I'm like This is clean. It's spotless Right and here's the thing if you can teach your kids that at a young age What about when they get older they can actually be a big help to you, right? It says here in verse 17 and when he came to himself He said how many hired servants are my father's have bread enough and despair and I perish with hunger when it says he came to himself this is kind of like somebody waking up from a dream and Being like what am I doing? Right why am I being so stupid? It's just like or you know you think of like it's it's like an expression if a boxer gets knocked out and then all of a Sudden he comes to himself, and it's just like then he's in the real world and this guy is basically being stubborn being prideful Doesn't want to go home and admit dad. I was wrong. I wasted all the money I've been a horrible son, but eventually comes to himself, and he's like why am I acting like an idiot? Right and he says you know what there's hired servants, and they have plenty of bread, and they are not hungering like I am Verse 18 I will rise and go to my father and will say unto him father I've sinned against heaven and Before thee you know why that you can see this younger son this parable finally gets it because he says I've sinned against Heaven I've sinned against God is what he's basically saying Right because that's that's where it starts Right me. It's not the fact that he sinned against his dad. It's like I've sinned against heaven It's like look riotous living drinking drugs Harlots whatever he's spending his money on it's like I have sinned against Almighty God. I have broken God's rules Right and that's where you know that this guy finally gets it because it says I've sinned against heaven then it says here in verse 19 and I'm no more worthy to be called by son make me as one of thy hired servants Now he's not worthy to be called a son of his father, but is he still a son of his father Yes, he is now when it in turn to 1st John 3 1st John 3, but let me say this None of us are worthy of being saved or being children of God None of us are worthy you say brother Stuckey. You know so-and-so. I mean they're living in sin, so they gotta lose their salvation They're not worthy. They weren't worthy before they were saved None of us are worthy before we're saved Because you sin before you're saved in after your sin might be more or less or more grievous or less grievous But it's like you sin both before and after salvation, and you weren't worthy to get saved before you were saved You're not worthy after But we're saved by faith by grace through faith Doesn't matter if you're worthy or not Right I mean if somebody's gonna give you a gift. It's like and this is not an iPhone But just pretend it's a much nicer phone an iPhone. It's like man This is like you know twenty five thousand pesos. I don't I can't afford that I don't have the money for it when it comes to salvation none of us have the money none of us can pay for our sins Because every gift has a cost it's just it's not to the receiver of the gift and The gift of eternal life is far more expensive than any gift in the world Because the only thing that could pay for it was the blood of Jesus Christ So here's the thing you couldn't afford that gift of eternal life before you're saved or after safe, but it's a gift, right? So if you want to try to apply this story to salvation yeah once they've always saved Good point right first John 3 verse 1 Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God Therefore the world knoweth us not because it knew him not God calls us that are saved sons of God But he also treats us like sons of him We are sons of God sons and daughters of God How do you treat your kids I? Discipline my kids when they act up I punish my kids, but I always love them and they will always be my kids Let me ask you a question what parent takes their child and from their child Throws them in a microwave or a burning oven and locks the door and turns up the heat That is literally what people are saying that God does to people that are saved and children of God He says you know what I'm gonna throw you in a burning lake for all eternity. Is that what a parent does? I mean, it's like well, you know he calls the sons of God, but he certainly doesn't treat us like that You know you sin against him. He'll throw you in a burning lake forever Really is that what what a normal parent does I mean less some parent is some sort of psychopath They're not going to do that to their kids God calls us sons of God, and he treats us like sons of God now. Here's the thing It's like a loving parent will discipline their kids so God will punish you here on earth You're gonna reap what you sow But you're a child God forever because it is eternal life. It is eternal life Turn back to Luke 15 Luke 15 So point number one we see licentious living from the younger son the younger son gets it and look This is a father that we can see from the story. He loves his kids dearly And I'm not doubting the love in this parable that he has for his son I'm just saying he loves his kids dearly And I'm not doubting the love in this parable that he has for his son, I'm just saying his methods are wrong Right I'm not doubting the love that fathers in this room have for their kids I'm just saying that if you're not providing admonition if you're not providing that combo of nurture admonition, you know what you're failing as a father You're going to cause big harm to your kids You you are the one I mean God has blessed you with those kids God has given you those kids, but he's also given you responsibilities As a father and nurture and admonition those are the two things mentioned Now look nurtures more fun spending time with your kids. That's more fun But both are necessary and you need that balance point number two. We saw lasting salvation point number three We see the love of a father the love of a father Now let me read you these verses again Luke 15 verse 18 Luke 15 verse 18 He says I will rise and go to my father and will say unto him father i've sinned against heaven and before thee And i'm no more worthy to be called thy son Make me as one of thy hired servants verse number 20 And he arose And came to his father But when he was yet a great way off It's his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him now This verse tells us that the father sees his child from a distance It is not a complete verse in the sense. It doesn't give all the details And of course, this is a parable So i'm going to give you my opinion When I read this the way I read this is that the father is the first person To see the younger son. I believe that's what he's trying to tell us in this verse. It doesn't say You know a hired servant told him hey your son's over there and then he looked now that is possible And it's a parable so I can't dogmatically say this i'm just saying the way you read it You just kind of picture the father sees the younger son first Now there's a lot of hired servants So if the father's the first to see the younger son, you'd have to ask yourself this question Why? If there's 40 people If there's 40 people It's a two and a half percent chance. You're the first one to see the younger son Why is it he would see his younger son first? Okay, and as I said, i'm going to give you my opinion about this and i'm going to use this chair as an example and I grew up in a mountain state So the way I picture this story I picture a son Walking up over a mountain and you kind of see him over the horizon kind of slowly coming That's my opinion, you know, I I grew up in a mountain state But here's what I would say a normal father would do If his child got into sin and left the family which I would say for over a year is my opinion doesn't tell us so you can kind of give whatever time frame but Fathers are not the best at expressing their love for their kids Right oftentimes for fathers. They have trouble saying, you know, I love you But what I would say is all fathers they feel that love on the inside even if they're not the best at expressing it You know what a normal father would do if his son just ran away from home and got into sin Well, I mean during those days you work from basically 6 a.m. To 6 p.m Sun up To sun down right you get as much work as you can get done during the day and what a normal father would do and this is a father who's at least I would say in his 40s because he's got two sons Maybe in his 50s and of course at this point since he has a lot of hired servants He's kind of more of a manager, right? He's not the one doing the manual labor as much What I would imagine is as the sun is basically setting he gets done working and he sits outside And he's just looking in a distance Waiting for his son to come back Right and the sun leaves on a monday morning and he's sitting outside on monday 6 p.m. It's getting dark He's just sitting and sitting and sitting and waiting his son doesn't come monday rolls into tuesday And you know, of course, he doesn't get much sleep because if you've got a son living in sin You're going to probably have nightmares of what could have happened Right, you're going to be miserable. You're going to be tired. You're going to be exhausted Tuesday night done into the workday. What's he doing? He's just sitting Just waiting for his son to return Tuesday rolls into wednesday Wednesday rolls into thursday thursday rolls into friday friday rolls into saturday saturday rolls into sunday One week rolls into the next month. January rolls into february february to march march to april I mean think of this story if your son did this. Are you going to sleep well at night? I was going to be 10 o'clock at night and no matter how hard you work You're going to be sitting there just thinking of all the possible things that could have happened You're probably going to wake up in the middle of the night sometimes just having a nightmare of what could have happened to your son You're going to be miserable You're not going to get sleep week after week after week month after month after month after month Just waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for your son to return Right when I put myself in this story I think of my son zeph I can just imagine if I was this man and I had all these hired servants I'm sitting out here for months and months and then someone comes and he says, you know, sir Mr. Stuckey, I I'm not trying to be rude But but you know, it's been a long time, you know, maybe you want to come in and get some sleep We can help you. I mean, I imagine you'd have servants that would come say hey, you know what maybe you should come in I'm sure there's a lot of nights. He just fell asleep outside in the chair Just waiting waking up in the middle of the night from the noise of some animal and then all of a sudden he's just like man And it's like already midnight or whatever Right, this is realistically what would take place If your son lived a licentious and sinful life and you never heard from him You didn't know what happened. You would literally sit outside right? Does that know what fathers would do? And look maybe us in this room, you know you that are kids and you have fathers with you Maybe you don't realize this but that is what your dad would do I mean you would sit up waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting for you to return And then after 12 months 16 months or whatever All of a sudden he sees his son coming back. Now, what do you think his son's going to look like after living in sin for over a year? He's probably going to have holes in his shirts and his pants He's probably going to look like a mess. I mean he hasn't been eating much So he's probably lost a lot of weight. He's probably very dirty It'd be like a homeless person stumbling in After being gone for a year from the family. Isn't that what would take place? I mean literally, I mean, he probably doesn't even recognize him very well. He's like is that my son? Right and eventually he realizes a great way off is father saw him and he waits for his son to apologize. Is that what takes place? No, he has compassion and runs and falls on his neck and kisses him. Why? He's just happy to see his son return Right And it says here in verse 20 or verse 21 And the son said on to him father I have sinned against heaven And so he first addresses it to God. So what you would say is at least he grew up with some sort of religious background I mean, obviously it's a parable but he says I have sinned against heaven And an in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy son But the father said to his servants bring forth the best robe And put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. He doesn't have shoes on his feet If you're reading that literally he's not wearing shoes Right. I mean he's literally stumbling in a mess. It's like putting a fancy robe on someone who would be homeless But he doesn't care But he doesn't care That what happened before what he cares about is you know what? He's getting right with God now. He's getting right with me He's returned puts on the best robe Puts a ring on his hand puts shoes on his feet and bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us eat and be Married for this my son was dead and is alive again. He was lost and is found and they began to be married Point number one we see licentious living sinful living point two. We see lasting salvation Point three we see the love of a father But point four we see loss. We see loss mentioned in this story notice what it says in verse 25 Now his elder son was in the field and as he came in june night of the house, he heard music and dancing Do you think there's been a lot of music and dancing over the last year? When the younger son is gone probably not I mean if there was any dancing, it's probably just country music, you know singing about all these depressing things, right? There's not going to be a lot of music and dancing Because he's sad. He's miserable. He's depressed. There's no rejoicing. No celebrating holidays. No being excited It's like, you know, what does that father want for christmas? I just want my son to return, right? There's not going to be any rejoicing that's going to take place during this time period And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant And he said said on to him thy brother has come and thy father hath killed the fatted calf because he hath received him safe and sound And he was angry and would not go in therefore came his father out and entreated him now look It's sad, but oftentimes there is friction and fight between kids at a young age And you have kids that grew up brother and sister brothers sisters. They grow up and they hate one another They don't like one another because of things that happen when they're growing up and in the story The older brother he's not even happy his younger brother came back Now look, there's no doubt the younger brother is the one that's disrespectful and sinful and all those things By all accounts of this you assume the older brother is, you know, Masipag Magalang and all those things But it's like you ought to be excited your younger brothers come back Now, of course, i'm not directly applying this to to spiritual situations. I'm more looking at the physical application But what is similar and kind of an example from this story is a christian that would get bitter And upset because there's other say people living a sinful life Oh, it's not fair They're all living a sinful life and getting drunk and fornicating and they're also going to go to heaven with me They're also going to be accepted by god just like me. It's not fair And look make no mistake about it people that serve god can get envious and bitter at the wickedness of this world And they can be upset and say it's not fair Well number one You know, you're going to lose a lot of rewards in heaven if that's the life that you live number two Living in sin is not fun Just think about days where you don't read your bible You're worldly as can be and you get to the end of the day. Are you happy or upset? You're upset You're miserable. You're in a bad mood. You lose your temper like this Why because you're not right with god? And look if you want to be happy it happiness is found in obedience and serving god I mean jesus said if you know these things happy are ye if You do them Now you don't have to do those things to be saved But if you want to be happy, you do have to obey god And if you don't obey god, you're going to be miserable. That's the way it works But this story teaches us because notice what it says very carefully Verse 29 and he answering said to his father lo these many years do I serve thee Neither transgress thy at any time thy commandment and yet thou never gave us me a kid that I might make mary with my brother with my friends But as soon as this thy son was come which hath devoured thy living with harlots That was killed for him the fatted calf And he said unto him son Thou art ever with me Notice this phrase and all That I have is going to be split between the two of you Is that what it says? All that I have is thine Now remember both of them got an inheritance at the beginning of this parable, right? He divided the living amongst them Because I think oftentimes you read this and you just kind of assume the younger son got all this money No, no, actually the older son Also got his portion as well because the father's like it's not fair to give it to the younger and not to the older But what you have is a man who has a lot of money. He's got basically this big business and who's going to inherit it the older brother The older brother is the one who's going to be the ruler And the symbolism there with in terms of spiritually speaking is the rewards i'm talking to you about it You're going to rule and reign with christ more if you serve god than if you don't Now here's the thing also ask yourself this question Which one of these brothers do you think was enjoying his life more over that year? I mean the younger son is miserable This is why people do Drink and do drugs. It's like well drinking's not enough. Let me start doing drugs I I really don't know the order at all of of drugs, you know What's but it's like let's go from marijuana to cocaine to heroin or whatever The progression is because you got to get like a new high because this is not good enough Why do people do that? Because they're miserable They're not happy I mean look when you drink it causes you to forget what happened. Why would I want to forget what took place in my life? I don't want to forget about spending time with my kids and laughing and having fun And why would I want to forget that? I mean your life must be pretty bad if you want to forget everything that took place Right is living and it's not even just for safe people Unsafe people don't enjoy their life when they live in sin They don't You know what the most miserable people in this world are the pedophiles the sodomites that group of people They hate their life And literally what they're trying to do is cause people the same misery that they felt in their life They go from being the victim to the perpetrator And they want to cause other people misery because they hate their life That's the way it works It's kind of like, you know, when when somebody gets drunk, they want everybody else to get drunk Hey, if I got to be miserable, I got to take you down with me That's the truth Now look as a bible believing christian. I enjoy my life You say brother stuckey. What do you do for fun? Isn't this funny? You know you work a job and people ask, you know, what do you do for fun? I go to church I go soul winning It's like what are you some sort of jehovah's witness like? Right It's like you go soul winning They don't get it Right. It's like I remember, you know We used to do so many marathons when I was younger back when I was single living in the u.s And the work co-workers like hey, what are you doing this weekend? I'm going to ohio It's like oh, what are you doing? It's like we're going so winning and they're like, what are you doing? But there's enjoyment in that He ends up being very successful. He has a good life because he worked hard when he was young right But what the father says is all that I have is thine meaning the older brother inherits everything I mean the younger son is going to work like a hired servant He's probably going to get a few nicer things than a normal hired servant because he is the son of the father But he's not the one taking over the business He's just going to have a job and a place to live and food to eat And quite honestly, you know what if we're provided with food and raiment, we ought to be thankful for those things And he has I mean he messed up his life. He should just be thankful when he is in this story I just have a second chance in life of not living in misery, right? verse number 32 It was meet that we should make merry and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again And was lost and is found so in this parable we see four points number one We see licentious living sinful living point two. We see lasting salvation Salvation is eternal. It is everlasting. It lasts forever point three. We see the love of a father This father immediately embraces his son. He's just happy that he's returned But point four we see loss and make no mistake, you know what be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever man. So that shall he also reap and you live a sinful life. You will reap the punishment And in this story, he does reap the punishment, right? He loses out on on anything that he would have gotten his older brother gets everything Right, but salvation is forever and he was always a son of his father Let's close the word of prayer your heavenly father Thank for loudest beer today and ask you to help us just Learn from this story and meditate and think upon these points God ask you to help all of us in this room that our fathers but also the mothers in this room Help us to to provide a good balance of nurture and admonition help us to show our kids that we really do love and care About them ask you to help these kids in this room, you know grow up to to love you and serve you God, we pray this in jesus name. Amen All right for our last song let's turn to him number 211 Sing a song I am happy today and the sun shines bright the clouds have been pulled away For the seagulls and the sliver will make off with him to stay Me Oh And On the last That jesus Me Amen. Let's have a short break. 1