(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you and he's saying you ought to be aware of this as a master of israel verse 11 Verily verily I say to thee we speak that we do know And testify that we have seen and you receive not our witness If I have told you earthly things and you believe not how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things? And what jesus is saying is that you know what if you can't understand an earthly example about something just a basic thing How are you going to understand the spiritual and the idea is that sometimes we use examples to help explain spiritual concepts Right, for example, if you were to talk about the trinity It's a bit of a confusing concept Using an example can be helpful to people understanding it like we have a body soul and spirit Just as there's god the father god the son god the holy ghost, right? So oftentimes we use examples and of course the example that's being given here that he's specifically talking about Is the spiritual birth and he's saying there's a physical birth and if you understand those basic things it's going to help you understand This spiritual birth, okay Now turn to second kings chapter 19 second kings 19 second kings 19 Now I do want you to realize that when we give examples It doesn't mean that the examples are 100 perfect Right for example I remember exactly when I was spiritually born again. I remember the exact moment now It's not necessarily the case for everybody because some people learn a little bit here and a little bit there and sometimes they can be Confused when they crossed over in their understanding on belief because they've heard things they thought they got saved But then they were hearing false doctrine. They're not really sure for me I know very very clearly when I got saved. I knew I was on my way to hell and I got saved I knew I was saved But here's the thing. I remember my spiritual birth. I do not remember being physically born Right and I was curious I looked it up online and supposedly some people say they remember being physically born, but I think that Right lahatayo ai nag sinu aling and that's just one of their lives Right, I mean because I don't think anyone actually remembers they say supposedly if you go through a lot of trauma in the womb Then maybe you can remember being physically born I don't remember anything before the age of five. So I have that I I have a lot of trouble believing that And look i'm not saying you're a liar if if you tell me after the service. Hey, I remember when I was born I remember where I was But I don't know. I just I don't remember being physically born So what i'm saying is this, you know, sometimes the examples can break down Right because most of us probably remember exactly when we got saved or at least around the time period but you don't remember Anything from the age of zero or one or two or three probably? Right So it's just an example. It doesn't mean it's a hundred percent perfect, but there are five points of very similar things with the physical and the spiritual birth that I want to show you here today and the reason why i'm explaining this Is because this is an example that can be used for soul winning Right. John 3 is our big passage our big chapter On salvation and belief in the famous chapter that everybody knows right and in the midst of this chapter Being born again receiving everlasting life That is when you're born again, right? That's when you get the spiritual birth. You are born into god's family, right? So it's something that you can use out soul winning point number one when it comes to a physical birth The bible teaches that a child a baby Comes to the birth notice what it says in second kings 19 verse 3 And they said on to him thus saith hezekiah this day is a day of trouble and a rebuke and blasphemy For the children are come to the birth and there is not strength to bring forth And what the bible tells us in second kings 19 verse 3 that when it comes to a birth actually taking place It's the baby That initiates that process That's what the bible teaches now. It's probably two years ago I preached a sermon on pregnancy a long time ago and I explained this and I read a passage From you know an article that talked about that This is something they've learned and you know the medical industry or the science industry really in the last 20 years Understanding this idea of a physical birth better, but the bible The baby signals to the mom i'm ready Okay, that is what the bible teaches in second kings 19 verse 3 now go to matthew 11 matthew 11 matthew 11 You say how is that similar to the spiritual birth Well for somebody to be saved what happens is they come on to jesus? That's what the bible teaches. In fact, it uses that exact same terminology matthew 11 verse 28 Matthew 11 verse 28 It says come on to me All ye that are laid all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest So what the bible says is for the unsaved person to be saved Come on to me, right? We sing that song in the hymnal, you know, come on to me I will give you rest It's based on this passage of somebody receiving salvation and the bible teaches that they choose to come They come Now look this destroys this idea of calvinism where basically god Initiates that process and basically pushes people or forces them that is not what the bible teaches See when a person gets saved they come on to jesus. They make that choice But it's the exact same thing with a physical birth the bible says the child comes to the birth Right now go to john chapter 6. John 6. John 6 Now look realize this I don't I don't claim to be an expert on a physical birth taking place, you know i'm, just giving you basic things from the bible, but the reality is that Honestly the experts that are out there that study this stuff and do it for a living They don't know everything that takes place either when it comes to a physical birth Right. This is something they've learned in the last 20 years where they're like actually we're finding out the child actually Because they this used to be this big debate Is it the mom or the baby that initiates the birth? And what they found out is it's actually The baby that initiates the process the baby lets the mom know i'm ready and then the mom Brings forth the baby. That's what the bible teaches, right? As I said, i'm not an expert on this and I want you to realize obviously when it comes to a physical birth There can be exceptions there can be problems and we understand that i'm not preaching on all that stuff I'm, not preaching on pregnancy here today. I've already done that once that's enough in my entire Career of the ministry I think to preach on pregnancy But what the bible teaches is that the baby comes to the birth and here's the thing spiritually speaking. It is the same way John 6 verse 37 All that the father giveth to me giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. So once again him that cometh to me. I will in no wise cast out Look when you got saved You made a choice It wasn't forced by god. It wasn't this unconditional election you made a choice A soul winner tried to give you the gospel and you chose to listen didn't you And then they gave you the gospel and you decided to believe Right. It wasn't forced by god. You made that choice you came to jesus. That's what the bible teaches right Go to revelation 22 revelation 22 Revelation 22 Revelation 22 Now I often or actually pretty much always explain the spiritual birth when i'm explaining the gospel and i'll explain why later on in the sermon I don't explain this point though because I think it's not really Super applicable to the gospel when you're getting somebody saved But i'm just kind of showing you that there's a lot of things that are very similar between the physical and spiritual birth This is applicable if you're talking to a calvinist pastor and you know They're not getting basic verses from the bible, but that's not really preaching the gospel Revelation 22 verse 17 and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come And let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take the water of life freely That's where he get the song in the hymnal whosoever will may come Right whosoever will in our hymnal and that's based on this verse and it goes back to this idea That people when they get saved they come on to jesus. They make that free will choice Okay, go to isaiah 37 isaiah chapter 37 isaiah 37 Now here's the thing the bible teaches that the baby comes to the birth But the bible also teaches that the mom does all of the work for the baby to be born See the baby signals to the mom that you know what i've come to the birth i'm ready But what the bible teaches is it's the mom that actually does the work for that baby to actually be born isaiah 37 verse 3 And they said on to him thus saith hezekiah this day is a day of trouble and a rebuke and a blasphemy For the children are come to the birth and notice this And there is not strength to bring forth What takes place according to the word of god is that the child comes to the birth inside the womb? The child signals it's ready to go and then the mom Brings forth that child. She must have the strength to bring forth. It's not the baby that does the work Right and look if you've been you know, whether you're a man or a woman here I mean if you're a man and you've been to your wife's, you know giving birth if you've been there Which I have for both of our children, you know, the person doing the work is your wife It's not the baby Right, the mom is the one who does the work and the mom goes through the pain The mom goes through the effort and look sometimes labor can take many many hours And if it's really difficult actually can take even more than 24 hours, which can be actually very dangerous in those sorts of situations But even on a best case scenario generally it's going to take at least a little bit of time now Krista bell on the other hand, I mean that she came out very quickly, right? It was like less than an hour of labor So that's always the best case scenario But generally when a baby is brought forth the mom puts in a lot of effort And a lot of work and there's a lot of pain involved in a baby being brought forth, but it's the mom that does the work Not the baby, right? Now turn in your bible to john 16 john 16 john 16 John chapter 16 John 16 Now I think that's pretty obvious that the mom does the work, you know when a birth takes place But I often ask people this question when i'm going soul-winning to help them understand, you know spiritual salvation and i'll ask them You know who does the work and sometimes they'll stop to think about it Sometimes they say the baby and then all of a sudden you say the mom like oh, yeah Yeah, you know the mom does the work because they've never really stopped to think about it But this is what the bible very clearly teaches with the physical birth Which obviously we know and it's going to be the same thing with the spiritual birth John 16 verse 21 a woman when she is in travail hath sorrow because her hour is come And the indication is the baby comes to birth and now it's the mom's turn to do the work to bring forth that child She goes through the pain she goes through the effort But as soon as she is delivered to the child She remember no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world and look this verse has proven true If you've ever seen your wife give birth before right afterwards right after the work right after the pain There's joy that overcomes her right? This is what the bible teaches as well. Go to john chapter 6 john 6 john 6 You say what does this have to do with spiritual birth well When we got saved we came to that spiritual birth We made a decision to listen to the gospel and when we heard the gospel we made a decision we were going to believe But here's the thing We didn't do the work to be brought forth We came to the birth But it's not our works that get us to heaven Right now in the analogy i'm giving you It's jesus christ who basically was the one who brought us forth He's the one who did the work just as a mom brings forth we spiritually were just that baby being brought forth We came to the birth, but it's not our work that actually brought us forth. It was the work of jesus christ This is what it says in john 6 verse 28. John 6 verse 28 Then said they unto him what shall we do that we might work the works of god Jesus answered and said to them This is the work of god that you believe on him whom he hath sent So it's not our works it is the work of god and our responsibility is to just choose to believe it It's not our works that actually get us saved though. Go to ephesians chapter 2. Ephesians 2. Ephesians chapter 2 Look I understand, you know as i'm assuming everybody in this room is saved and obviously you understand salvation, right? You know these basic things But this is something for us to understand because we also love to go soul winning at our church Right, and here's the thing when you're explaining I mean, I I personally think explaining the father-son relationship is really helpful to people to understand eternal security Especially and if you use this example This can be something that can help you some of these things that i'm sharing with you here tonight Ephesians 2 verses 8 9 For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god Not of works lest any man should boast so we get saved but it's not our works that get us saved But make no mistake about it. We did come to the birth. We made that free will choice, right? It's not this unconditional election where god chooses To make you go to the birth We made the choice to come to the birth, but it's not our work that actually brings us forth It is the work of jesus christ go to philippians chapter 2 philippians chapter 2 Philippians 2 Philippians chapter 2 In verse number five let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus who being in the form of god Thought it not robbery to be equal with god But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men And being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross now Here obviously is a famous passage where jesus christ. He humbled himself. He died He paid for sins what I want you to understand is that all of us were saved because we wanted to be saved Right, we were ready. I mean, but here's the thing if jesus had never died on the cross, even though we came to the birth There was nobody that could actually bring us forth Nobody had the strength to live a perfect life Nobody had the strength to die and pay for our sins. We wanted to be saved and look before I got saved I wanted to be saved for a couple years And what I mean by that is I was scared. I was going to hell for two years before I got saved And it was on my mind all the time. I was like, I hope i'm good enough I hope i'm good enough I mean I was coming to the birth Right, but the the problem was, you know, you're not you don't only just need jesus You also need a soul winner, which we'll look at in a second, right? But it's like, you know what? We came to the birth We wanted to be saved, but we can't bring ourselves forth because we don't have that strength We can't live a perfect life now go to glations four. Let me show this to you glations chapter four glations four So Glations chapter four Because when it comes to the process of us being born and this can be where some of the analogy breaks down because of the fact Just as a mom goes through the pain and effort to bring forth a child It was jesus christ who went through the pain and effort to bring forth the child However, the reality is we do need one other person involved for a spiritual birth to take place Now generally with a physical birth you're going to have a midwife or a doctor or whatever But it's not always required right there can be exceptions to that you know there are cases of babies being born and no one really, you know helped deliver that baby the baby just You know came the mom brought forth a child and you know The the baby was born there are no exceptions when it comes to spiritual salvation There must be a soul winner To bring forth a child right spiritually speaking There's nobody who ever gets saved without a soul winner preaching the gospel to them. The bible is very consistent Obviously i've preached on that many many times But I want to show you specifically where it talks about the word birth and bringing forth someone spiritually glations 4 verse 11 And paul says i'm afraid of you lest i've bestowed upon you labor in vain And what paul's saying is basically i'm worried I put in all this effort All this work All of this labor and I don't even know if you're saved Right, and the reason why he's questioning their salvation is not because they're drinking It's not because they quit the church It's not because they're smoking It's because their salvation is getting very confusing with works Right, you've got these false people coming in and basically preaching false doctrine And now they're kind of wondering do we keep the old testament laws and paul's saying I don't even know if you're saved It's like I saw many of you get saved. I preached to you. I went solely with you, but now she's in labor Right. She goes through the process of labor and she's laboring to bring forth that child She's putting in the effort to bring forth that child and it's the same thing We see with travail there in verse 19. Now what paul's saying in verse 19 is this Number one if you're not saved, I literally have to just preach the gospel again to you And give birth to you so to speak if you are saved You apparently know nothing about the bible and i've got to put put in all this effort to teach you the basic things of the bible Right, so he's saying either way whether you're saved or not I've got to go through all this effort to basically teach you the bible again, right? Then he says this in verse 20 I desire to be present with you now and to change my voice for I stand in doubt of you Tell me ye that desire to be under the law. Do ye not hear the law? He's saying, you know those of you That are trying to mix these works back in with salvation Do you not even understand what you're doing and what you're saying? Like why would you want to do that? Right now turn your bible to john 3 john 3 john 3 So point number one when it comes to both a physical and spiritual birth the child comes to the birth Inside the womb the baby signals the mom i'm ready to go right Spiritually speaking an unsafe person they come they make that choice to listen to the gospel a soul winner obviously Asks the question. Would you like to listen? But they make that choice if they're going to listen And when they hear the gospel they make that choice if they're going to believe Right. So the child comes to the birth However, it's the mom that puts in the effort to bring forth that child not the baby When it comes to spiritually speaking, it's jesus christ that went through the pain and the effort So it's not our works. It's not what we do but jesus christ that did the work for us Point number three You're only born one time right Physically speaking how many times you born? One time even nicodemus understood this right? John 3 verse 4 Nicodemus saith unto him. How can a man be born when he is old thinking of physically being born? Can he enter the second time into his mother's womb and be born? Good point nicodemus You're right. You're only physically born One time right? I mean he got it half right. He understood that at least, you know, you're only how can he be born a second time? Right, you're only born physically one time and then of course jesus brings us to the spiritual birth And of course, you're only spiritually born one time Right. Look at john 3 verse 36. Let me turn there myself. John 3 verse 36 And receiving the spiritual birth is the moment you receive everlasting light you are born into god's family you receive everlasting life That's the moment. You're spiritually born notice what it says in John 3 verse 36 He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life So look if you believe on jesus today You have everlasting life Hath is a makalumang word to say, you know present tense have or has everlasting life And so, you know, I ask this when I go soul winning, you know, when do you receive everlasting life? You know naon or pagnamata, right? It's not at your death It's the moment you believe Right, it's the moment you put your trust on jesus christ because it says hath present tense everlasting life, right? Then it says this and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth on So here's the thing. There's two types of people Those that believe on the sun And those that don't believe on the sun Those that believe on the sun They have everlasting life not complicated those that do not believe on the sun shall not see life meaning They have never had everlasting life See you don't have a situation of someone who used to believe And now he doesn't believe But he has everlasting life that doesn't exist Because when you believe on jesus christ, you are in dwell with the spirit of god inside of you the spirit of truth So when you believe on jesus, you're saved you have everlasting life and you will believe forever Now i'm not saying you can never have doubts But here's the thing if somebody says they believe And we think they're saved and then they become a muslim five years from now. They were never saved Somebody says well, you know what i'm saying? They believe and then all of a sudden they become a hindu one day They were never saved Right They just end up believing in a hardcore work salvation not gray area not where they can get confused But they become like a hardcore, you know, like inc or jehovah's witness Never saved right because what the bible says is he that believeth not the sun shall not see life. He never had life It's not that he was brought forth and received his spiritual birth He never had it right So what that shows you is that you're spiritually born one time Because it's not that you can believe and get everlasting life and then all of a sudden well, you don't believe you don't have the life Now you get the life again Right. Well, I stopped believing I lost it or I committed a sin. Wait, i'm gonna get it back again. It doesn't work that way right The spiritual birth takes place one time Just like the physical birth takes place one time and let me just say this using this example Soul-winning it really resonates with people. Oh that makes a lot of sense, right? You're only physically born one time There's a reason why I believe jesus used that example in academia is because it's a good example to help people understand, right? Now turn your bible to hebrews 12 hebrews 12 hebrews 12 Hebrews chapter 12 So point number one When it comes to a physical birth the baby comes to the birth signals the mom i'm ready to go And look obviously as I said, you know what there there can be i'm not an expert on a baby being born And there can be exceptions because things can go wrong. I'm not preaching on all those things here tonight Okay, just the basic idea is the baby comes to the birth and signals the mom I'm ready to go and even that's what they would say in the medical industry what they've learned the last 20 years, right? A baby comes to the birth Just like spiritually we come to the birth But the baby comes the birth, but it doesn't do the work to be brought forth Right. It just signals i'm ready, right? Spiritually speaking we come to the birth, but it was the work of jesus christ. It's not our work, right? Point number three or point number two. Well point number three. Yes. You're only born one time right physically You're born one time obviously same thing spiritually and you know when you think of this not that we're talking about salvation You know, we're talking about everlasting life specifically even though it's basically the same thing But you know when people say you can be saved and then lose it and saved and lose it How are you ever saved? That doesn't make any sense The idea of being saved is you are saved from going to hell to pay for your own sins So, I don't know what they think save means like, oh you're saved from a sinful life. No, no No, we're talking about being saved from hell All right, what must I do to be saved from hell I don't want to die and go to hell forever if you're saved now But then you end up in hell you were never saved. That doesn't make any sense, right? So the idea of being saved is just It's done. You can't lose it automatically just by the concept of that word being saved You know, you could never end up going to hell but same thing with everlasting life. Obviously everlasting means it lasts forever So if it lasts forever And hell is ikalawan kamataiyan, then how could you ever end up going to hell if you have everlasting life? Now the moment you believe doesn't make any sense, right? You're only spiritually born once I know we believe this We believe in eternal security around here, but point number four Another thing about the physical birth is this That your parents punish you when you do wrong Right, you're born into a family and your parents will punish you as you act up Right notice what it says in hebrews 12 verse 5 And you have forgotten the exhortation with speak which which speaketh unto you as unto children My son despised not thou the chasing in the lord nor faint when thou rebuked of him For whom the lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth And this is the indication that spiritually god will punish his children when they act up I mean we we know where the bible says whatsoever man soweth That shall he also reap Now of course being saved god promised us everlasting life, so we're not going to end up in hell So what god does is he punishes us here? And if it's a small sin It's a small punishment It's a big sin big punishment. However, spiritually you're perfect the moment you believe So the punishment is going to be here whether it's big or small So there's no sin whether it be murder or suicide or whatever that's going to make you lose your salvation Because god promised you everlasting life and look when you see those verses on everlasting life. I miss the part about Everlasting life as long as you stay in church your whole life Everlasting life as long as you don't commit a big sin one day right Everlasting life, which is obviously spiritual Right spiritual As long as you don't commit suicide which only kills the body the bible doesn't say that The bible says it's everlasting life and realize that god is all-knowing. He says whosoever believe in And look god knows the future and he says regardless of what you do in the future if you believe now I will give you everlasting life Look god being all-knowing if suicide sends you to hell then he would say, you know what? I'll give you everlasting life as long as you don't do this and this and this but that's not what it says It says it's everlasting life But what the bible says here in hebrews 12 is that god will punish you So if you act up you're going to get a punishment here on earth Verse number seven if he endured chastening god dealeth with you as with sons for what son is he whom the father? chasteneth not and the bible says here that look just common sense A child is going to be punished by their parents when they act up right Look when I was growing up, I got spanked about 25 times a day, probably Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. But I know I got spanked a lot more than my sister. That's for sure Okay, and look when I acted up I got spanked. That's the way it worked Right and look when you're raising kids, you know You have the responsibility of being their friend but also their father or their friend and their mother And I would love to just be the friend to my kids but sometimes kids are foolishness is bound in the heart of a child the bible says And so your responsibility as a parent is not just to be a friend of your child, but also punish them when they act up Right. So Here's the thing Spiritually when you believe on jesus christ you are born into god's family But if you break his rules he's going to punish you and you know what that makes perfect sense to me because when my kids Break my rules Guess what? I punish them Right same thing as god does to us Okay Point number one When it comes to a physical birth the baby comes to the birth same thing spiritually you choose to come to the birth point Number two the baby does not do the work to be brought forth Just as we do not do the work for ourselves to be brought forth spiritually and get saved Point number three, you're only born one time physically Same thing spiritually. It's only One time now if you never get born spiritually Then you end up in hell Right. I'm not saying everybody gets born one time. You've got to decide to be born Right and a lot of people choose not to get the spiritual birth. They don't believe they don't come to the birth They don't believe it. They don't want to hear it or whatever Then okay, then you're not going to be brought forth because you've got to come to that birth But it only happens one time you don't get spiritually born twice. It's one time point number four Your parents punish you when you do wrong And god punishes you when you do wrong when you are his child now, here's the other thing to think about If my kids act up I punish them If your kids act up i'm not going to punish them They're not my kids And see sometimes unsaved people do things and they get away with their sin They're not getting away with it though Because every sin they pay for they're going to pay for it in hell and the more they send the more they're going to pay For it now many times they reap what they sow here on earth as well. Basically their sin catches up to them Right. I mean every drug dealer ends up getting murdered by the age of 30, right? This is the way it works, right? Your sin is going to catch up to you I mean there's going to be consequences for it, but here's the thing I mean, I don't physically punish someone else's kids because they're not my kids Same thing spiritually speaking sometimes people that are unsaved and do bad things God doesn't necessarily punish them immediately like he would do you But here's the thing that punishment is not something to be upset about because it shows that god actually loves us That's what the bible is saying here in hebrew. Chapter 12 and point number five is this Physically your parents are always your parents Spiritually god is always your father which we're talking about everlasting life that you cannot lose your salvation After you get born into god's family, it says in hebrews 12 verse 8 But if he be without chastisement where of all our partakers Saying spiritually speaking if you don't have any punishment or of all our partakers then are ye bastards And not sons. What is a bastard? It's a child without a father Without a father Where the bible's saying it's a strong word for that Okay, and the bible's saying that spiritually if you never get punished by god when you do wrong You must not be saved Right now look the punishment might be a long time down the road For example king david committed adultery with bahshiba and a year goes by because a baby's born so approximately a year right But he eventually really paid for that sin So here's the thing, I mean if you're a safe person and you go out and murder someone nothing bad ever happens to you Right. You just live your life 20 years down the road. You're just you you you're you're nobody ever finds out God never punishes you nothing bad ever happens to you. Well, then you're obviously not saved Because god is not going to allow his child to get away with cold-blooded murder that he saw now, obviously there's self-defense That's not what i'm talking about. I'm saying if you actually killed somebody In cold blood you're going to pay for it, right? If you commit big sins And never get punished and years go by It's like well that person was obviously not saved Now here's the thing. I'm not going to look at somebody else's salvation and say well, you know I don't know because I don't even know what people are going through anyway Because you could be dealing with repercussions in your personal life for a major sin And I wouldn't even necessarily know about that what the bible says is that if you never get any punishment from god When you commit major sins Then you must not even be saved now. I know for myself personally that even if I do things on a small level Sometimes I feel like god's judging me Sometimes things happen in my life and i'm just like god i'm really sorry. I think you're punishing me right now Please forgive me right Because obviously if my kids act up i'm going to punish them same way with god Because just as a parent loves their children god loves his children you know part of that love is actually discipline It's not the fun part The fun part is playing with your child It's the fun part is not spanking your child, right? The fun part is not punishing your child But it is part of the love process because it takes time and effort to discipline your children It's not an easy thing to do, right? And so just as parents will punish their kids but they will always still be their parent same thing with god Right now here's the thing in an earthly sense. Physically a parent might choose to disown their child But regardless of if they do that it doesn't change the fact that biologically Genetically The parents are still the parents Nothing's changed in that Nothing can happen where biologically all of a sudden you're somebody else's child Right now you might get raised by somebody else but biologically genetically the parents are still the parents Nothing can change that when you get born into god's family. You are god's child Nothing can ever change that Now on another thing to realize is that if you get born into somebody else's family meaning the devils Nothing can ever change that either Because your father will always be your father You're born into this world Basically just a sinner that needs to be saved But you know what you can decide to go either route and some people become a child of the devil. It's forever You become a child of god. It's forever as well once saved always saved Five points here tonight. Number one You must come to the birth to be saved and it's the same thing physically a baby comes the birth point Number two, the baby does not do the work to be brought forth Spiritually, we don't do the work to get ourselves saved. Nobody gets saved on their own Not a single person in this world Point number three. You're only physically born once spiritually. You're only born once as well point number four When you do wrong your parents punish you Physically speaking or at least they should Right now it's it's in hebrews It's kind of a given it's saying that every parent's going to punish their child But obviously in today's world things are changing very rapidly, but the bible's saying that should be the case, right? And spiritually god will punish you if you break his rules But physically your parents will always be your parents just as when you get born into god's family God will always be your father. Let's close in the word of prayer dear heavenly father Thank you for allowing us to be in your house this evening and getting to see this sermon Help us to be able to understand this and apply this to our lives and you know I believe everyone in this room is saved But help us to be able to understand understand this as it can help us as we explain the gospel to people Or if people have questions about these things god, we pray this in jesus name. Amen Thank you For our last song, please open your windows to two one two two hundred twelve. Oh happy day. Oh happy day Oh happy day On the first oh happy day That takes my choice Happy day happy day Sing That sings my Happy day happy day when he just watched my sins away He taught me how to watch and play And every short thing every day Happy day happy day when jesus I see Oh Me Happy day Let me just watch my sins away Wait When jesus Happy day My Let us close up in prayer your father. Thank you for the service Thank you for all the words that you have heard and please will help us to remember this and that also Many people will know how easy this really to get born and to get safe And that this teaching will be spread all over we discount we and also all over the world and that we remember this and let us always be confident and Thank you so much that we really are saved and Help us Also to live a life that we don't need to be chastised so much. But also since we're all sinners Let us not be so sad when we have problems and struggles in our life And let us really understand that everything works out for good to those who love you and we pray in jesus name. Amen Do