(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) when people aren't looking at you. Anyways, we're in 1 John 5, and we're going to be starting our series on the Pentecostal agenda. And we're going to go through an introduction here today. And you might wonder, why are we preaching a whole sermon series against the Pentecostals? But honestly, we'll see that as we go on with this sermon that this is a religion that's growing in our country and worldwide. It has the fastest growth of any religion that there is out there. And so I think it's important for us to talk about this. And the first thing I want you to look at is that they have a different salvation than us. That's the first point. The Pentecostals preach a different gospel than what we preach. It says in 1 John 5, verse 13, these things that are written on you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God. See, the Bible says that if you believe on the name of the Son of God, if you believe on Jesus Christ, you can know you have eternal life, not that you can hope, not that you can be 80% confident, but you can know you have eternal life. See, this is what we say when we go out so many. Many people start their gospel presentations with 1 John 5, 13. And they show people, hey, you can know you're going to heaven. You can be 100% sure. But here's the thing about this. The Bible gives specific things we must believe in order to be 100% confident. Everybody in this country is going to say they believe in Jesus Christ. But it doesn't mean that they believe the things they must. In order to know they're going to heaven. Notice what it says in 1 John 5, verse 12. He that hath the Son hath life. And he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. See, there's only two types of people, those that have the Son and those that don't have the Son. Now, here's the thing about this. When it says the Son, this is Jesus Christ. And so every religion who would claim they don't believe Jesus died for them, they don't have the Son. That's very obvious. The Muslims don't have the Son. The Buddhists don't have the Son. The Hindus don't have the Son. It says if you don't have the Son, you don't have life. But there are a lot of religions that would say they have the Son but they don't have the Son. Just because you say you believe in Jesus Christ doesn't mean that you have the Son. Honestly, when you look at those religions we just talked about, the Muslims would claim that they believe in Jesus. The Hindus would claim they believe in Jesus. The Hindus would claim that Jesus is a manifestation of who God is. They would claim they believe in Jesus. They would even claim he was God. They would say that. It doesn't mean they have the Son. Now, it's very obvious to all of us that the Hindus don't have the Son. But look, they claim to have the Son. They even claim Jesus is God. But we know that's not true. Why? They believe in multiple gods. And you can't believe in the only God, the only true God, that is eternal life, as it says in 1 John 5.20, if you're also believing in Shiva and all their other false gods. But there's a lot of religions that would say they're Christian that do not believe on the Son. And here's what it says in 1 John 5.10. It says, he that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave him the Son. And see, the Bible says that if you believe in the Son, you have the witness or the Holy Spirit inside of you. When you get saved, you get indwelt with the Holy Ghost. Now, obviously, that doesn't mean what the Pentecostals think, which we'll talk about in this series. But when you get saved, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, the promise of eternal life. You're saved forever. But then it says, he that believeth not God hath made him a liar, because he believeth not the record that God gave his Son. So if we don't believe the record for what is written about the Son, then we don't have the Son. We're calling God a liar. Let me give you an example of this. If I told you that my son's name was Jonah, what would you say? You'd say, Brother Stuckey, you're lying. That's not your son's name. You're calling me a liar. If you don't believe me, you're calling me liar. If I said his name Zephaniah, you'd say, yes. But if I said his name was Jonah, you'd call me a liar. Why? Because you don't believe me. You either believe or you're calling God a liar. See, I mean, what's written in this book, we either believe it, and if we don't believe it, what are we calling God? We're calling him a liar. We either believe what's written about Jesus Christ or we don't. Look, if you say, well, you know, I believe the Bible, but I think there's multiple ways to heaven, you're calling God a liar, because Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the liar. So if we don't believe what's written, then we're calling him a liar. You say, does that mean I have to understand every doctrine that there is? No, you don't have to understand every doctrine. But God is very clear about this record of what you do have to understand and what you do have to believe. Notice what it says in 1 John 5.11. And this is the record. See, God doesn't leave us in the dark, especially about getting to heaven. He's saying, you must believe this, and I'll let you know what you must believe. I'll make it very clear to you, OK? And this is the record that God has given to us eternal life, and this life is in his son, OK? Now, if you notice the second half of 1 John 5.11, it should sound pretty familiar to you, because it is parallel with Romans 6.23, the second half of that verse, OK? Because Romans 6.23 says, for the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. See, God hath given to us eternal life, the gift of God is eternal life. A gift is something you're given, and it says through Jesus Christ our Lord, whereas in this verse it says, and this life is in his son. So you see, the second half of 1 John 5.11 is basically identical to the second half of Romans 6.23. It's saying the exact same thing, it's just worded a tad bit differently. But in 1 John 5, it's being more specific with what you must believe, OK? You know, when I preach the gospel, I use Romans 6.23 every time I preach the gospel, and I show how it's a gift and it's eternal life. But you know, if I talk to someone who has a little bit of problems, sometimes I go to 1 John 5 as their last chance, and I make it very clear what they must believe, especially about eternal security, OK? It's saying the same thing, but it's a little bit more basic in Romans 6.23, but if they need more verses, sometimes I'll go to 1 John 5, OK? We must believe this record or we're calling God a liar. So there's three things mentioned here in 1 John 5.11. One of them is that life is in his son. If you believe there's multiple ways to heaven, you're not saved. It's that simple. You say, well, I believe in Jesus, but other people can get to heaven through Buddha. You're not saved then. You don't understand that life is in his son. You must understand life is in his son, OK? We make it very plain here at Verity Baptist Manila. I don't make it confusing what we believe about salvation. We make it very clear. We're not like other Baptist churches. Look, if you think there's multiple ways to heaven, you're not saved. That's what the Bible teaches. It says life is in his son. It also says God hath given to us eternal life. Think about the gift of God's eternal life. If you don't believe that this is something being given to you, then you're calling God a liar. See, if you think that you have to repent of your sins, you think that you gotta be baptized to be saved, you think that you gotta live a good life to be saved, look, you're trusting in your works. You don't believe that God's giving you eternal life. There's a video that I saw a couple days ago. Somebody posted it on the Filipino Facebook thread where somebody confronted Pastor Anderson when he's on the phone. It's funny how people make these videos and they think they look good and they actually look stupid. Pastor Anderson's just on the phone and these guys just walk up to him just trying to start an argument or debate with him. First off, I wouldn't do that. If there's some Mormon on the phone in the field, then I'm not gonna waste my time with that. But he's just going about his business and they come up and they've apparently done this many times as they even invented the video and they pester him and he's saying, hey, I'm not interested. There's four million people in the city, just go somewhere else and talk to someone. And then they try to pretend like they speak Greek and then of course Pastor Anderson does speak Greek so they look really stupid. But they don't just wanna argue him about this thing about repentance. I assume those guys were probably Pentecostals. That's my assumption. I'm not 100% sure, but they were probably Pentecostals. People have this idea that, you know what, yeah, it's a gift, it's eternal life, but you gotta repent of your sins to get it. No, you don't. That is working your way to heaven. How does that not work to say you must quit drinking? Look, it's hard for people to quit their sins. It's hard for people to quit smoking and quit drinking. Look, it's hard for people to quit lying. It's hard for people to never ever have a bad thought. It's hard for people to spend hours reading the Bible every day. It's hard to spend hours praying every day and making sure you preach the gospel to every single person you get a chance to. Look, I haven't done that. I still have sins I haven't repented of. Yeah, you know what, it's work to have to repent of your sins. Okay, we'll look at a verse here in a second about that. But the other thing it says is this, God hath given to us eternal life. Eternal life, what does that mean? It means it lasts forever. Amen. And we show people these verses. Just yesterday when I was preaching the gospel and I was preaching to a group of people and I kept asking them, what does Walang Hangan mean? Like, what does it mean? They're like, it means forever. But you still think you can lose your salvation. Well, yeah, if you do something bad. It's like God promises eternal life, everlasting life. It's like, how many times do we have to say this? Wuhai nao walang hangan. What does that mean? It means it lasts forever. And then they still don't believe it. Why? Because they don't really believe the Bible. Look, I mean, it's very clear in the Bible. John 3.16, the most famous verse in the Bible. And what does it say you must believe here? You must believe it's eternal life. If you think it's conditional, you're not saved. If you believe it's temporary, you're not saved. If you believe you have it, as long as you don't do something bad. Look, you're not saved. And I've heard independent fundamental Baptist pastors say, well, you know, the Methodists and Pentecostals, you know, they believe the same gospel as us. But they just think you gotta get saved over and over again. Look, if somebody thinks that you have to get saved over and over again, they're not saved. Now, are there people that are saved in those churches that just go through the motions but don't really believe those doctrines? Yeah, I believe that there are some people that are saved but they didn't get saved in Pentecostal church, I'll tell you that. They got saved from a church like ours out there preaching the gospel. They might not fully understand what's wrong or maybe they have friends at that church and family why they don't need that church. But look, you know what, if you think you can lose your salvation, you're not saved. Why? Because the record is eternal life. And if you don't believe that record and you're calling God alive, an eternal means it never ends. Now turn to Jonah 3, Jonah 3. Yeah, sometimes people accuse us, a church like ours, and say, well, you know what, you're saying that the only people that are saved are Baptists. Well, let me say this, that there's plenty of people in Baptist churches that aren't saved, right? In fact, most people in Baptist churches aren't saved. Yep. Most people in any denomination aren't saved because this thing of believing on Jesus Christ, the Bible says narrow is the way which we get done to life. Most people don't believe. And look, you look at most of the Baptist churches here in the Philippines, most of them don't believe on Jesus Christ. Most of them are believing in their repentance of sins. Most of them think that if you're really saved, you'd never commit a sin like suicide. Well, I don't know about you, but I noticed King Saul stands in the Hythopelan Bible. Half the people that committed suicide in the Bible are in heaven. So it looks like, yeah, you know what, if you're saved, you're still saved because what does Walang Hangan mean? I feel like I'm having the same conversation. This is what I said over and over again with that group of people, and it's like it goes over their head. And it's just like, it says everlasting life. What don't you get about that? But look, if somebody thinks that you can lose your salvation, they're not saved. It says in Jonah chapter three, verse 10, and God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way, and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them, and he did it not. So in this verse, you see a couple things. One is that God repents. Now, was God a really bad sinner? No. No. See, evil is not necessarily sin. If somebody tries to kill me, and I end up killing them in self-defense, I didn't commit a sin. It's self-defense. That's not wrong. But I did evil to them according to the Bible. See, there's a difference there. Evil is not necessarily a sin. God was not committing sin when he flooded the world in Genesis chapter six, but you better believe he was doing evil to the people that live there. There's a difference there. Evil is not necessarily a sin. Now, it usually is a sin, but it's not necessarily, and the proof is right here in a lot of other verses that God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them. God did not say, hey, I'm gonna commit a sin, but he did say, I'm gonna destroy Nineveh, but it wasn't a sin. So we notice that repentance can't be turning from your sins because God repents in the Bible. In fact, God repents more than anybody in the Bible, over and over again. The first time you see somebody repented in the Bible, who is it? It's God. Then I guess repented does not mean to turn from your sins. But notice what it says, though, at the first half of the verse. And God saw their works that they turn from their evil way. So God saw their works, and what was the work that he saw that they turned from their evil way? Look, if somebody turns from living a life of sin, they live a life where they're committing fornication and they turn from that sin and decide I'm gonna stay pure now until I'm married, they turn from their sin. And you look, God said that was work. God saw their works that they turned from their evil way. And it makes sense, because it takes work to turn from your sins. Look, you know, we preach sermons here. We preach about getting the sin out of your life. And some of the things I preach on, I struggle with as well, because it takes a lot of work to get rid of those sins. Common sense will tell you that if you have to repent of your sins and quit sinning and stop sinning and turn to God, that's work, okay? And see, the Bible says that's works salvation. And so if a Pentecostal says you gotta repent of your sins, which every Pentecostal I know says that, that's a works salvation, right? If you had to repent from your sins, that would be a works salvation. The conversation I had yesterday, I went through the conversation for 15 or 20 minutes, and it was a group of seven people, and I think a few of them believed, but there was this one girl in the front who was just the most vocal about what she believed, okay? And then at the end, I go through everything, and then she says, well, in Acts 2 38, it says you gotta be baptized. It's like, so I just showed you a thousand verses that say believe, believe, believe, believe, believe, and then you're gonna bring up one verse, Acts 2 38, and say, well, you gotta get baptized. Well, here's why that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, because John 3 16 says, whosoever believeth. So if a person believes and does not get baptized, they'll go to heaven, because whosoever means anybody. If somebody believes and does not repent of their sins, will they go to heaven or hell? Well, according to the most famous verse in the Bible, they would go to heaven. It's very clear. We pull verses here. We don't go to the book of Ezekiel to prove salvation. John 3 16 is the most famous verse in the entire Bible. Those are the verses we use. It's very clear. So here's what you have to understand about the Pentecostals. The Pentecostals are not other Christians out there that are just having some weird beliefs and teachings. They're not just other Christians that just do crazy things every once in a while. They're not Christians. And I don't understand why churches don't preach that very clearly. But you won't find many Baptist churches that would be willing to say that behind the pulpit, here in the Philippines. Most will say, well, you know what? They're saying they just believe weird things. Or they just won't say what they really believe. But the Bible's very clear. You must believe the record that God gave of his son. Now turn to Psalm 119, Psalm 119. And so the first thing we see is this, that the Pentecostals, they have a different message of salvation than us. You say, what if I run into a Pentecostal that has the same belief of salvation? Well, I'll tell you this, they're not really Pentecostal. Then they just got saved last week. I remember one time I was preaching the gospel with my friend. And I was the silent partner of the door. And at WBU, we would knock the college campuses a lot and knock the dorms. And we talked to the same people a lot because a lot of people live in these rooms. So you'd knock the same ones every few months because you didn't know who was gonna answer. And a lot of times people weren't home and things like that. And I remember I was the silent partner and my friend knocks the door and this girl comes out who was someone I had preached the gospel to just a few months prior. And he asked her where she went to church. She said, I'm Catholic. Then he starts going through the questions of salvation and she answered everything correctly. And he's like, well, what if you were saved when you committed suicide? She's like, oh, you'd go to heaven. What if you were saved and you committed a big sin like murder? You'd go to heaven. And then he's just like puzzled. He just like walks away. He's like, okay, I don't know, I guess you'd believe it. He had his head down like, man, did I do something wrong? I told him, yeah, I got that person saved a couple months ago. Because right when he started the conversation, I just kind of slid to the side because I'm happy people test my confidence. Because if I'm doing something wrong, I wanna know that. And he went through everything and she said she was Catholic, but she was saved. She answered everything correctly. So is it possible that we get somebody saved and they're still mixed up in that church? You know, yeah, it's possible. You'll run into it every once in a while, but you won't run into it much. The Pentecostal says they believe, once saved, always saved. What they really mean is this. I believe once saved, always saved as long as you don't blaspheme the Holy Ghost. I believe once saved, always saved as long as you don't choose to give up your salvation. I believe once saved, always saved in terms of the fact that if you're really saved, you never commit a big sin. That is what Pentecostals mean. And they do a better job of hiding it than some denominations, but that's what they really believe. Trust me, from a lot of experience, so many, that is what a Pentecostal really believes. Sometimes they will say, well, yeah, I believe in eternal security. But what they really mean is, well, if you're really saved, you won't commit a big sin. And blaspheming the Holy Ghost, yeah, you will lose your salvation for that. And they don't like to say losing your salvation, but that's what they're really teaching. So they believe in a different gospel. But I want you to understand, this is kind of associated with the first point that they are another false option. Notice what it says in Psalms 119, 104. Through thy precepts I get understanding, therefore I hate every false way. They are a false option, okay? It's not just the Catholics. People have this idea in the Philippines that outside of a few cults in the Catholics, all of the rest of us are on the same team. No, we're not. They are another false option. And what does the Bible say in Psalms 119, 104? How should we feel about this false option? It says you're supposed to hate every false way. You're supposed to hate it. You're supposed to hate the message that they're spreading. They're preaching a false gospel. And in the Philippines, the Pentecostals do preach their gospel. When we went so many in Resolve Park, we would see those people out there preaching the gospel. The Pentecostals were out spreading their false gospel. Look, I hate that gospel. I hate that false way. That's what the Bible says the way we should feel. Look at verse 128. Therefore, I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right. And I hate every false way. Now think about the word way. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. So these other ways that are claiming they're leading to heaven, but are actually leading to the broad way to hell, yeah, we should hate that. It's sending people to hell. Of course we should hate that. I hate every false way. Now turn to Galatians one, Galatians one. Now let me make it very clear what I mean by this. I don't mean I hate every person that goes to the Pentecostal church. In fact, there's very few people that go to the Pentecostal church that I would say I hate. I hate Benny Hinn. I would say, why do you hate Benny Hinn? You have to understand that when it comes to the Pentecostal agenda, this is an agenda that the members aren't trying to be a part of. They don't even realize they're part of an agenda that's from the devil. The devil has used the Pentecostal church to confuse people. But when it comes to their leading false prophets, the Benny Hinns, the TD snakes of the world, look, those guys, I do hate those people. There's a guy, I can't remember his name offhand. I think he got banned from the UK because he would call people up to stage and he would beat them up on stage. He just grabbed them and just gave them a knee to the head. There's this case where he got banned from the UK because this old lady came up to get healed and he grabbed her face and just bam! Todd Bentley. Todd Bentley, that's what he's known for. And he would talk about it in the sermons like a joke. He'd say, you know, they'd just come up, be healed, and I'd just go bam, bam, bam. Look, that's what the Pentecostals do. They literally injure the people up there. I mean, how in the world anyone could think that's Christian? He said, do you hate those people? Yeah, you know what, I hate Todd Bentley. And Todd Bentley, by the way, when he was a teen, got in trouble for being a sodomite and a pedophile. And then, he repented of all his sins. What a shock that you ended up being this terrible human being that you're a false prophet. And you know, I'm sure he thinks, he might think that he's doing what's right. Because the Bible says deceived and deceiving. You know, you can be someone who's deceived and you don't realize you're deceiving. Then you cross that line and just intentionally deceive. You know you're deceiving people. You know, on some of these people, I don't know if they're intentionally deceiving people, but it doesn't matter whether they realize they're not. They're reprobates, the leading false prophets, and we gotta hate those people. Now, we don't hate the members of that church. We run into Pentecostals today, we're gonna try to get them saved. But I'll tell you what, if there's somebody who's been a Pentecostal pastor for 30 years, I'll probably just walk to the next door. I don't waste my time arguing with those pastors going to the door. Because honestly, they're not gonna get saved. Now, they'll spend 45 minutes talking to you, but they're also gonna be the ones that stalk you to the next door. I've learned that from experience, that you try to talk to them for a few minutes and they get mad and they stalk you from the door. So in Galatians one, verse six through nine, this is what the Bible reads. I marvel that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel, which is not another, but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ. For though we are an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that he have received, let him be accursed. What does it mean by let him be accursed? Let him go to hell. That's what Paul's saying. You say, Brother Stuckey, you're really harsh with your sermon. Well, I guess you haven't read the book of Galatians because all the apostles says, let those people go to hell. Hey, let many of them go to hell. That would be a better place than him being out there preaching a false gospel. It's one thing to be a member of the church. It's another thing when you're one of the leading people sending people to hell. That person, let him be accursed. Let him go to hell. Turn to Matthew chapter seven. Matthew seven. And here's the problem with the Pentecostal religion. In our country, the Catholic church is the dominant church. There's no question about that. And most people think the Catholic church is wrong, including their members. They just don't know where to go. And so sometimes they leave their church to go to the Pentecostal church, the charismatic churches, and they really feel like they've arrived at the truth because they realized the Catholic church was wrong. And so they think that all of churches like ours and all the other big churches out there, CCF, the Pentecostal churches, Victory, whatever, they think that they're the same. All these non-denominational churches, the Bible backs, all of them, they think we're kind of basically the same, that we're not part of the cults, we're not Catholic, we're just the Christians. We have different beliefs, but we believe the same thing. That's what they think. So when they go to a Pentecostal church, they feel like they've arrived at the truth. You know what ends up happening? They end up being much, much, much harder to get saved than the Catholics. Why? Because once they leave to go to the Pentecostal church, they dig their feet in the ground and they feel like they've got the truth. See, when they were Catholic, they didn't even feel like they had the truth. It doesn't make sense. Very few people that are Catholic really believe all their doctrines. We're gonna talk about the Eucharist here coming up this Wednesday. Look, probably most Catholics don't even believe the Eucharist. I mean, do they really believe that when they eat that crack or whatever they eat that it turns into the flesh of Jesus? I think most would say, no, probably not. But they're still Catholics. So they don't really believe that their religion's right. But when people join the Pentecostal church, what happens? They start thinking that what they believe is right, and they end up being much, much harder to get saved. Notice what it says in Matthew 7, verses 13 and 14. Enter ye in at the straight gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth the destruction, and many there be which go in there act. Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find thee. Let me explain this logically to you. Because the Bible says that narrow is the way which leadeth unto life. You notice the word straight there? If you notice, it's spelled S-T-R-A-I-T in verse 13. That is not the same word as straight. If you've heard of the bearing straight, it gets its name for being very narrow. So the Bible's saying straight is the gate, and narrow is the way. It's reemphasizing the same point, okay? And we can understand that because then it talks about how broad is the, wide is the gate, and broad is the way. So straight is the gate, and narrow is the way. Broad is the gate, and wide is the way. So it's, or wide is the gate, and broad is the way. So it's reemphasizing the same point, okay? But what I want you to understand is this, that if most people out there would say they don't know for sure they're going to heaven, they're 80%, they're 85%. They think they'd go, but they're not real sure. They're not even confident that they're on the way that leads to heaven, that they're on the right road, okay? What happens is when people leave the Catholic church, and they get saved, and they join the Pentecostal church, now they do think they're on the way that leads to heaven. They're very convinced of that. See, before, they weren't convinced that they were on the road that leads to heaven. They were like, I'm not really sure. I'm kind of on the purgatory road, you know? There's hell, there's heaven. I'm kind of in between, I'm not really sure. But when they get saved, they join the Pentecostal church, all of a sudden they think they're on the narrow way that leads to life, and they wouldn't even agree with this. They'd say, yeah, you know what, it's very narrow that leads to heaven. Man, most people don't have Jesus, do they? So they think that they're on the right way. What ends up happening? Just logically, they're gonna be harder to get saved. Because first, they're gonna be harder to get lost. Because before we get somebody saved, we gotta get them lost during the conversation. We gotta get them to realize that they deserve hell, before they can understand that Jesus died for them. And so should we hate this false way? Absolutely, because it leads people to hell. Notice what it says in Matthew 7, verses 22 and 23. Here's a couple verses that really fit the Pentecostal church more than any church. In Matthew 7, verses 22, many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? Now, what do you think about that? They're saying, have we not prophesied in thy name? In your name, Jesus, we prophesied. Okay, because Jesus is the one speaking to you. So what are they saying? We prophesied in your name, Jesus. This is not the Muslims. This is not the Buddhists. This is not the Hindus. This is the Christians. They're prophesying in the name of Jesus, okay? This is not someone who would say, I'm not a Christian. This is someone who would say they are a Christian. Hey, we prophesied in your name, Jesus. And in thy name, we cast out devils. Boy, that really sounds like a Pentecostal church. In thy name, we've cast out devils. And in thy name, done many wonderful works. See, the Pentecostals would say they believe on Jesus Christ, but it really comes down to what they're trusting in their works. And in the end, when they get thrown into hell, they're gonna say, well, we've done all these works, we've preached in your name. Hey, that's not the gospel. Just think about this logically. Let's say, for example, you as a saved person, let's say you ended up in hell. Now, we know that's impossible, but I want you to just think hypothetically. Wouldn't your reaction be this? But Lord, I believed. You said all I had to do was believe on Jesus Christ. I believe. Why did I go to hell? I mean, I believe that you died and paid for my sins. We wouldn't say, hey, I've preached in your name. I've been soul winning every single week my entire life. I've done all these wonderful works. I don't even drink. We wouldn't say that. That's the point of it, because I believe. But these people, in a pressure situation, you find out what's actually in their heart, and what's in their heart. They haven't done all these wonderful works. They can't imagine that they're not saved. Why? Because to them, their works are evidence of their salvation. They say, we've done all these works. How did we end up in hell? Now, return to Ecclesiastes one. Ecclesiastes one. So in the end, what's Jesus gonna say? I never knew you. It's not that they were saved and they're lost through salvation. No, they never had salvation. You never knew them. And that's a term to say that they were never saved. And so the first thing we saw is this, that when it comes to the Pentecostal church, they have a different salvation, and they're another false way, which makes it very hard for us to get them saved. But I want you to understand something else. Point number three is this. There is no new thing under the sun, okay? Now, I want you to notice what it says in Ecclesiastes one, verse nine. The thing that hath been is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done, and there is no new thing under the sun. So the Bible's saying is this, that the things that happen in the past, they happen in the future. People say history repeats itself. It truly does. History repeats itself, okay? There's no new thing under the sun, okay? I don't care what the false doctrine is. It's not a new false doctrine. Why? The Bible says there's no new thing under the sun. You say, Brother Stuckey, evolution started in the 19th century. Actually, the Hindus have taught these hundreds of trades in the years old for a long time. See, what the devil does is he repackages these false ideas, and they feel new, but they're not really new, okay? Now, it is possible that they're more common than they were in the past, but it doesn't mean that they're brand new. For example, the oneness doctrine that became big over these last couple years, look, none of us were even all that familiar with it, but you know, it's not a new doctrine. It became popular again. It became a popular false way. It's not brand new, though. It actually goes back to the very beginning, okay? In fact, most religions in the world believe in a oneness type doctrine. It's not a new doctrine, okay? You say, Brother Stuckey, this Pentecostal religion, it's new. No, it's not. You say, prove that to me. I just did. There is no new thing under the sun. That's what the Bible says. Now, here's what history's gonna tell you. History's gonna tell you that the Pentecostal religion started in the early 20th century with the Azusa Street Revivals. In fact, most Baptist pastors are gonna probably say that. But wait a minute. The Bible said there's no new thing under the sun. See, history will fail us, okay? History can deceive us. We have to go with the Word of God, no matter what. It doesn't matter what we hear out there. We go with what the Word of God says. The Bible says there's no new thing under the sun. It's interesting because when I started to research this topic for the sermon series, I really realized, man, this has been around for a really long time. It hasn't been around for 100 years, okay? Now, I'm gonna show you in this next point that there is no new thing under the sun. And the reason why we feel like this is new is because the devil does a good job of making us trust what we hear. And we feel like the speaking in tongues is something that's brand new. We feel like this rolling around on the ground and getting holy laughing and all this stuff is brand new. It's not brand new at all. And I'll prove that to you. Now, I'm not gonna be using many Bible, or any Bible verses here for the rest of this point, but, so I'm gonna go through a lot of history here. But I just wanna show you that when it comes to this doctrine of the Pentecostal religion and all this speaking in tongues and all this nonsense, this is not new to Christianity. This has been around for a while, okay? Now, in the fourth century, there's a guy by the name of Eusebius, and he spoke about this guy by the name of Montanus. You know, if you've ever studied, you know, Christianity, they always talk about the early church bothers, okay? Now, I don't suggest studying the church bothers, because, you know what, if you wanna look at the people in the second century and third century to figure out how they're doing things, why don't we just go back to the first century and see how they were doing things? What's the point of going to the second century, okay? Why not just go to what it says in the Bible, okay? But in the fourth century, this is what Eusebius said about Montanus, and he became beside himself, and being suddenly in a sort of frenzy and ecstasy, he reigned and began to babble in utter strange things. What's he talking about? Start to speak in tongues, okay? That's what he did, in utter strange things, prophesying in a manner contrary to the constant custom of the church handed down by tradition from the beginning. Some of those who heard his sororius utterances at that time were indignant, which means they're very angry, and they rebuked him as one that was possessed, that was under the control of a demon, and was led by a deceitful spirit. It's kind of interesting, because in the fourth century, they heard somebody speaking nonsense and they said he's possessed. Now we just say they're filled with the spirit. Well, they're filled with a spirit, not with the Holy Spirit, my friend. They're right, that guy was possessed, speaking all this nonsense. Let's go to Joseph Smith. Who knows Joseph Smith? The Mormon founder, okay? Joseph Smith, and this predates the Pentecostal, the start of the Pentecostal church, so-called, in the early 20th century. This is in the 1870s, I believe, okay? But it's in the 19th century. And Joseph Smith, about Brigham Young, this is what it says, when Joseph asked Brigham Young to pray, Brigham spoke in tongues, using strange sounds and unfamiliar words. The others looked at Joseph in some perplexity, for this type of spiritual phenomenon was not common to them. It was Joseph's first experience with a positive speech and he called it pure Adamic, or basically A-D-A-M-I-C after Adam, and even Adam, pure Adamic, and stated that it was of God. So in the Mormon religion, Brigham Young was speaking in tongues. Now, I've never heard about that before. They kind of left that out of Mormonism. Guess what? They had a little bit of a Pentecostal revival themselves in the 19th century. They're out there speaking in tongues themselves. That predates the Azusa Street Revival. How about the Quakers in the 1650s, okay? The Quakers were a religion that started in the 1650s. Their services consist of everyone just sitting there in its complete silence until the Spirit leads someone to save them, okay? I want to recreate this for a second, okay? I want to take this to myself. This is what we're gonna do. I want to recreate a Quaker church service for about 10 seconds and we'll see how awkward this is. I'm gonna take a seat. We're all gonna close our eyes and just not say anything, all right? This is a Quaker church service. This is a Christian church. So let's do this. Everybody close your eyes for 10 seconds, all right? Don't say anything. All right. Now, that's kind of awkward, isn't it? So basically, they just sit there for an hour and don't say anything, okay? But here's the caveat to that. They sit there and don't say anything until the Spirit just kind of takes over. So basically, they don't have somebody standing up here to preach a sermon, okay? And the Quakers are still around today. I have relatives that are Quakers, okay? And when they got married, it was just kind of like they don't have an organized system where somebody comes and marries them. It's just the same thing. You just sit there and until the Spirit just kind of takes over. So basically, everybody sits there with their eyes closed and then, you know, people just, if they feel the Spirit leave, then they start talking, okay? And so we're just sitting here quietly and then somebody could just start saying something. They could speak in tongues, they could talk about nonsense, they could say whatever, and that's fine. That's how the church services are run. You know, which I think is kind of strange, but let me help you out with something. This is what usually happens during those church services, okay? Everyone keep your eyes open. I'm gonna be the only Quaker here. So I have my eyes shut and this is what usually happens, okay? That's where they get the name Quakers. They're known as the Quakers or the Shakers because it was like an earthquake was taken. That's where they get their name from. See, every religion gets their name from something. The Lutherans get their name because they're named after Martin Luther, right? The Baptists get their name, why? Because of the fact we re-baptize people that come from various denominations and usually they come from a Baptist church as well because oftentimes they're preaching a false gospel. The Quakers get their name because they start quaking and shaking during the church services. Now, I don't know about you, but that sounds kind of Pentecostal to me. I mean, if you ever watch any highlights of Minnie Hen beating people up on YouTube, you see them hit the ground and they start shaking crazy. That's what their church services are like. Well, the Quakers were like that in the 1650s. It's not new. The Seventh-day Adventists and the visions of Ellen White. Ellen White was their prophetess and Ellen White would have these massive headaches and she'd get this massive headache and then she'd just start staring blankly like a devil-possessed woman. They would say that that's what she looked like. She'd just stare here like this, just really weird, okay? And she'd have these visions from God. Sometimes she would pass out when she got these big headaches and then she would prophesy and say, well, this is what God wants us to do. And that's where they get their weird, vegan type vegetarian type diet and she got this vision, hey, we're not supposed to eat meat. Okay, well, who cares what the word of God says? Let's just go off your visions, okay? But that's the Seventh-day Adventists. That's pretty Pentecostal as well. That's not normal. How about the Methodists and John Wesley? John Wesley was very famous for talking about how people got the baptism of the Holy Spirit and he believed in a lot of charismatic type gifts in the Methodist religion, okay? The Catholic Church. What about Padre Pio? How he feels the pain of Jesus in his hands? Well, that's Pentecostal. That's not normal. That's weird. That's no different than that with all of their bizarre nonsense. You look at the movie The Passion of the Christ. People have a false idea that this movie was based on the Bible. It was not based on the Bible. They didn't claim it was based on the Bible. They claimed it was based on the visions of two women who had stigmata. One of them was Anne Catherine Emmerich. The other one was Mary something. I can't remember her name, I think. I couldn't be getting the name wrong. But it was based on the images of two women that had stigmata, which means they felt the pain of Jesus in their hands and in their feet. Mel Gibson didn't even claim it was based on the Bible. Why? Because they don't really hold the Bible as very authoritative. Now, this sort of stuff, it's pretty Pentecostal. The Pentecostal religion and all their nonsense, that didn't just start in the 20th century. This started in the Christian realm a long time ago. In fact, let me give you a word from medical science. There's a term called glossolalia. I might be pronouncing this wrong. Glossolalia is a term found in ancient mythology. What does ancient mean? It means a long time ago. Not something that started 100 years ago, a long time ago. In ancient mythology as well as modern medical science, it refers to meaningless speech or gibberish. Sounds like the Pentecostals. It is derived from the Greek word glossa, which means tongue or language, and lalia, which means speak or babble. In Christian communities, glossolalia is known as speaking in tongues and is considered a gift. So there's a crossover from it being a real language versus gibberish. Obviously when the Pentecostals speak nonsense, sometimes they're faking it. Sometimes they're actually possessed. And they're speaking who knows what, because we don't understand what they're saying. But then it says this, in medical science, glossolalia refers to random speech uttered by patients suffering psychosis. Basically they're psychotic. They're crazy. In fact, Charles Manson, who knows that person? Go to YouTube and watch them speak in tongues in jail. The big mass murder in America, guess what? He was a tongue talker. What a shock that you were possessed by the devils. That's what was in the medical science. They knew that as people that are crazy, having psychosis such as schizophrenia. Basically people that are crazy start uttering nonsense. I don't know about you, but I've heard a lot of history saying that, hey, this started in the 20th century. This is a new thing as part of Christianity. Seems like it's been around for a long time in the so-called Christian world. But let me go to outside of the Christian world and show you that. This speaking in tongues in this Pentecostal religion, this has nothing to do with Christianity, because this has been around outside of the Christian world for a long time as well. Let me go back to before the time of Jesus Christ. Who here knows a guy by the name of Plato? He's the famous Greek philosopher. There's Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates. 99% of us can name those three and nobody else, right? Plato's one of the most famous men. If you ever go to the list of the greatest men of all time, Plato always appears in your top 25. This is one of the most popular people of all time. Remember, priests own the world. They rule the world at one time. Okay, they were the America of their day. And this is what he wrote in the Dialogues of Plato. He says, they are like diviners or soothsayers who also say many fine things but do not understand the meaning of them. See, whenever I say something, I understand it. I understand what I'm saying. But what the Pentecostal religion, they say stuff and then they wake up or whatever, they're like, I don't even know what happened. It's like, man, I just got a concussion or something. I don't even know what happened. They don't understand what they're saying. Now, that's nowhere in the Bible, which we're gonna see during this series, but Plato wrote about people that would say things and then all of a sudden you'd revive them from being basically dead and say, hey, man, you said all this and I don't even remember that happening. I don't even know what that means. This is outside the realm. This is before Jesus Christ with Plato, okay? Here's another thing from Plato, not just from the Dialogues of Plato, but Plato wrote this to Timaeus. And here is a proof that God has given us the art of divination, not to the wisdom, but to the foolishness of man. No man in his wits attains prophetic truth and inspiration, but when he receives the inspired word, either his intelligence is enthralled in sleep or he is demented by some dis tempter or possession, and some persons call them prophets, they are quite unaware that they are the only expositors of dark sayings and visions. Now, it's kind of complicated what he's saying because it's kind of a different, it's obviously English but it's kind of a different older sort of language, but he's basically talking about people who get possessed. This is outside of the realm of Christianity, and he would say that people would get possessed and they'd say things and they don't understand what they're saying, all right? Now, turn to 1 Corinthians 1. Let's go back to the Bible here, 1 Corinthians 1. So what I want you to understand about this Pentecostal religion is this is completely outside of Christianity. Now, I give you a lot of examples about how it's been in the Christian religion for a long time, but it's been before the time of Jesus Christ outside of the Christian religion, okay? This is not something that's confined to Christianity. This is way outside the realm of Christianity, and Plato wrote about it multiple times. Now, I pulled up two quotes, but I'm sure he wrote about it a lot more. I just pulled up a few quotes to read. But when you think about it, the book of 1 Corinthians is the book that really talks about speaking in tongues the most, okay? There's the famous Acts chapter two where they were given an ability to speak languages they didn't know. It'd be like, for example, if I ran into someone out there, Solonie, who only spoke Arabic, and I started speaking Arabic, okay? I don't know Arabic at all, okay? That's what was going on in Acts chapter two. They were speaking with tongues, not in tongues. That's what the word of God says, and there's a difference there. But in 1 Corinthians, it really talks about speaking in tongues and speaking in tongues, speaking with tongues a lot. Why? Because guess where Corinth was located? It was located in Greece. What was going on in Greece? Well, before the time of the Bible, with Plato, he wrote about all these people speaking in tongues. Look, if Plato was writing about it, who might be the most famous person outside of Alexander the Great in the history of Greece, okay, if he was writing about it, guess what? It was probably pretty common in his day that in Greece, everybody's just speaking this nonsense, so guess what? God, in the book of 1 Corinthians, when he's writing to them, he has to help them understand, because this was something going on in their society for a long time. All these false pagan religions were doing this speaking in tongues, and obviously, God allowed America to take place in Acts chapter two, but he didn't want them to get confused about what was going on. Because we talk to the Pentecostals today, they don't even claim that they're speaking a language we speak here on earth. They claim they're speaking a heavenly language, which is not what the Bible says when it talks about speaking in tongues. And so I'm sure that there was some confusion from these people here. Because on 1 Corinthians one, let me show you how this was written. It was written to Greeks. It says in 1 Corinthians one, verse 22 through 24, for the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified under the Jews' thumb and block, and under the Greeks' foolishness, but under them which are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. So oftentimes, you see the Bible keys in on Jews and Gentiles. Obviously, Jews are very central throughout the entire Bible, but in 1 Corinthians, he's reading, talking to a church that's in Greece. The 4th was in Greece, so he highlights and says the Jews and the Greeks. Okay, now go to 1 Corinthians chapter 12. 1 Corinthians 12. And so when the Bible says there's no new thing under the sun, I believe you can go all the way back before the flood and this sort of nonsense was going on. You say, why? Because the Bible says there's no new thing under the sun. Yeah. See, that's why we trust what the Bible says, because all the stuff I just preached over these last 20 minutes, this was new stuff to me. Like I said, I've never really preached about the Pentecostals much. I didn't know most of what I talked, I knew about the Quakers, okay? I was aware of that one. But I knew about the Seventh Day of Menace and the visions of Ellen White. But you know, when it came to Plato, I had no idea that Plato wrote about speaking tongues. Wow. That shows that we should trust what the Bible says, even if we don't know the history. Even if the history tells us, hey, this is a religion that started in Los Angeles in the 20th century. No, it's not. It's been around for a very long time. 1 Corinthians 12, verse one. Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. So in 1 Corinthians 12, he's talking about spiritual gifts. Go to verse number 10. To another the working of miracles, 1 Corinthians 12, 10. To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another diverse kinds of tongues, to another their interpretation of tongues. So you see here in 1 Corinthians, he's talking about tongues. You look that up throughout the entire Bible, it's 1 Corinthians is the book he's talking about. And it makes sense because in Greece, Plato was writing about it. And you know what, I'm sure that other, I'm sure Socrates and Aristotle probably as well. They probably wrote about this. It was very common. Because when you think about the greatest men of all time, nobody claims Plato was like the most godly person or most spiritual person. But apparently he had a religion that he latched on to. He latched on to the speaking and tongues nonsense. Whatever he claimed God was, he latched on to the speaking and tongues. This is outside of the realm of Christianity. Let me read you a couple other things real quickly. The myth recall of the Persians, the Osiris called on the pharaohs, the Dionysian, Ulyssesian, and Orphic called Cradle of Macedonia, Thrace and Greece all record the same phenomenon of speaking in tongues. You see that this was around Greece. All these religions are preaching this nonsense, doing the speaking in tongues. It's in all of their religions. Studies have revealed that ecstatic utterances is present in many non-Christian religions all over the world. It is practiced in China, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Siberia, Arabia, Burma, and Arctic regions, as well as many other places. Glossolalia is found among the Eskimos, Japanese seances in Hokkaido, in a small cult led by Genji Yanagida of Moji City, the shamans in Ethiopia and the Tsar called, and various spirits in Haitian voodoo. It is also found extensively in African tribal religions. So people like to talk about the Pentecostals and they make it seem like this is just something that appeared in Christianity in the last 100 years. No, it's in every religion. Say, why is it in every religion? Because everybody who's unsaved could end up getting possessed. You say, are you saying that they're possessed when they're speaking in tongues? Well, we're gonna prove during this series that yes, when they're actually speaking in tongues, they are possessed. That's what the Bible teaches. We'll see that, I believe it's in the next sermon. We'll talk about that. But this is completely outside of the realm of Christianity. So when it comes to the Pentecostal religion, this literally has nothing to do with Christianity at all. Christians are latching onto this, but you know, every false religion does the same thing. You could look at any false religion. I'm sure that they have the same sort of stuff. Why? Because they can get possessed just like the people in the Christian religions can as well. Because if you're not saved, if you're not in dwell with the Holy Ghost, you can be possessed by a devil. And it's been around for a very long time. Now turn to John 5, John 5. Now let me just say this, that at least for me, if you don't grow Pentecostal, I mean, it's a bizarre religion, okay? When I first got saved, and I was kind of foolish, but I was interested in checking out all of the churches, even though I knew that the cults were wrong and stuff. I was just kind of curious, how is there a church out there? Now I don't recommend anyone doing that, but I've been to a Mormon church service. I've been to a Jehovah's Witness church service, okay? Now, like I said, I do not recommend you do. I've been to a Catholic church service after I was saved. I knew that they were wrong, but I was curious. Now that's stupid, okay? You look at a baby. A baby's very curious, aren't they? That's like baby Christians as well. That's one of the big traits of baby Christians. You're curious to check out everything, okay? And I did that the first year I was saved. But you know, there's one religion that I was afraid to go to, and that was the Pentecostal church. I was like, man, that's a scary place to go, because speaking in tongues is weird. Yep. And I understood very early on, it wasn't too hard when someone first told me that these people are possessed. I was like, yeah, it makes sense. I mean, that they just hit the deck, and they start shaking. It's like, wow, what a shock that they're possessed. I mean, it's not shocking that that's what the Bible teaches. So I didn't set foot in the Pentecostal church. I was afraid to do that. Now in John 5, verse 43, this is what it says. The last point I want you to look at is this is becoming a bigger issue in our country. And that's really why we're preaching a series on this, because this is a religion that is only going to increase till we get to the end times, and there's many reasons for that. But this is a religion that's only gonna get bigger. They are reaching people at a faster rate than any religion in the world. Pentecostals are massively increasing. John 5, verse 43. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not. If another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. See, Jesus said that I come in my Father's name, and you don't receive me. But when someone comes in their own name, him you end up receiving. Isn't it the truth that when it comes to these Pentecostal religions, that oftentimes their leaders will say I'm a modern day apostle? Yeah, look at that. They'll say I'm a modern day, they come in their own name. I'm a modern day apostle. I can heal people. And what happens? People receive them. People buy into it. They believe it, okay? Now let me go through a very famous Pentecostal in our country, and let me go through the testimony of Manny Pacquiao, okay, because Manny Pacquiao is a Pentecostal, okay? This is what Manny Pacquiao says about his conversion story. I heard the voice of God in my dream. His voice was 10 times louder than thunder. He said to me, my child, my child, why have you gone astray? He recounted to CBN. In the dream which unfolded in a beautiful forest amid flowers, he also saw two angels, according to an interview with Blaze. When I heard the voice of God, I felt like I died. I was in the middle of the forest, and I was kneeling and praying with my face in the ground. And then I saw a light, a very white light, and I heard the voice. He said the angels had white long big wings, and said that God revealed to him about the end of time. This is what Manny says when he was praying. I felt like I was melting when I heard the voice of God. It was the turning point in my life. God spoke to me, and he told me what he wanted me to do, and I had to follow him. Now, I don't know about you, but that's pretty similar to my conversion story. I was inside of a forest, and there were all these flowers, all these roses and everything. It was really beautiful, and I felt like I was melting in my face. They're just like in Indiana Jones where their faces melt. Just like my conversion story, very similar. Now look, this is not somebody who hears. Here's my gospel. Here's my story of how I got saved. Might be boring, but somebody gave me the gospel. I believed it, and I asked Jesus to save me. Amen. Guess what every single person's testimony is in this room. I was trusting a false way to get to heaven. Somebody explained to me the true way. I believed it, and I asked Jesus to save me. Every single person in this room, that is your testimony. Every single person in the world who saved, that's their testimony. I was in the middle of the forest, and I felt like I was melting. I felt like I was gonna die. I mean, what in the world? What do most Baptist pastors say about Manny Pacquiao? Oh, Manny Pacquiao's saved. He's a great man of God. He's reaching so many people for Christ. Well, you know what? We're never gonna say that in this room. Amen. And look, when it comes to him being an athlete, hey, I enjoy watching his fights, but you know what? He's leading. He's one of the leaders in this false religion, because people do convert to the charismatic religion because of Manny Pacquiao. He is a false prophet. He goes on these shows and tells you about his Pentecostal religion, about how a true Christian turns from their sins, and if they didn't turn from their sins, they're not really saying, go to YouTube and watch it. Yeah, yeah. You can see Manny Pacquiao clearly saying he believes in a false gospel. There's no way the guy's saying. Look at his own testimony. You say, well, Brother Stuckey, here's why I think you're wrong. You say, but Manny Pacquiao has a similar story to Paul the Apostle. We'll turn to First Timothy one. Let's see if that's true. Okay. Because people go to Paul the Apostle and they'll use it as justification for why Manny Pacquiao has this bizarre story. So let's see what the Bible says about Paul the Apostle, okay? Remember Paul the Apostle? He was on the road and he saw this bright light from heaven and everything like that. He has a very unique story, okay? It wasn't someone preaching the gospel. He saw a light from heaven, pretty similar to Manny Pacquiao. I wonder where he got that from, okay? Now, but I want you to see what it says in First Timothy one, verse 12 and 13. It says in verses 12 and 13, I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me, for that He counteth me faithful, putting me into the ministry, who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious, but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly and unbelief. Paul the Apostle, before he was saved, he was ignorant of the truth, did not know what the truth was. He was committing terrible sins. He was a terrible guy, but he wasn't intentionally committing terrible sins. He wasn't going out and getting drunk. He wasn't going out and fornicating. He wasn't going out and committing terrible sins. He honestly thought that what he was doing was right. He was persecuting Christianity because he thought it was a real, he thought it was an evil religion that was fighting against the true God. That's what he thought, okay? He did it ignorantly and unbelief. So he wasn't intentionally committing sins because he just chose to be a bad person. Well, let's see what Manny Pacquiao says, though. Manny Pacquiao, before he was saved, supposedly, I went to church on Sunday, but from Monday through Saturday, I was in the bar drinking. I was gambling, careless words came out of my mouth, I committed adultery, I didn't care. See, there's a bit of a difference between Manny Pacquiao and Paul the Apostle. See, before Paul the Apostle was saved, he was not intentionally committing sins. Now, do you think that Manny Pacquiao realized it was wrong to cheat on your wife? Oh, I'm pretty sure he realized it was wrong. I'm pretty sure everybody realizes that's wrong. He knew it was wrong to commit adultery, he knew it was wrong to get drunk, but he chose to do it anyway. So here's my question to the Baptists and the Pentecostals in this country. Why in the world would God specifically make a point to visit Manny Pacquiao, who was just intentionally committing bad sins? See, with Cornelius in the Bible, the Bible says he feared God, and with Paul, he did it ignorantly and unbelief. Why would God visit Manny Pacquiao? Oh, because he's famous. Oh, because God's a respecter of persons. That makes a lot of sense. Because Manny Pacquiao's famous, God's going to come down from heaven and specifically talk to Manny Pacquiao. That doesn't make sense. See, when God makes it a point to visit people in the Bible, it's because of the fact the person was a very godly person, where with Paul the Apostle, he did it ignorantly and unbelief. He wasn't intentionally being a wicked person. And when you look at all these famous false prophets, the Joseph Smiths, the Felix Manalos, I don't care who they are, they weren't good people. Why would God visit those people? It does not make sense. And so, Manny Pacquiao, we've heard what you said. You've got this really weird testimony. Well, it doesn't make sense God would visit you. And look, if people give you this crazy story today, they're full of it. They don't believe on Jesus Christ. You don't see these things in today's world. Why? Because the Bible was already written 2,000 years ago. We already have the Bible. The words of God are already written. We have a perfect King James Bible. There's no advanced revelation happening today. And all this weird stuff. And whether it's the Pentecostals or any religion that comes up with this stuff. Look, I don't care what vision you have, I care what the Bible says. Amen. So when it comes to this Pentecostal religion, look, this is a religion that is reaching a lot of people. Our church reaches a lot of people, but I'll tell you what, the Pentecostal church reaches more people than we do. They are getting people to join their churches. They're becoming megachurches. And what are all the non-denominational Baptist churches doing? They're changing the way they have church because they look at the Pentecostal churches that are reaching people. As they choose to change the way they do things. Look, we're never gonna change the way that we do things. I don't care if this church is less than 50, 10 years from now, you know why? Because there's so many that get a whole lot of people saved. We're not changing the way we do anything. And this Pentecostal religion, look, this is not Christians that believe in some weird things. What this is is not Christians. They're not Christians. They're not saved. This is a religion that are our enemies. Because they're out there preaching their false gospel. We go to these parks, we go to these places. They're confusing people and preaching their false gospel. These are our enemies. The people aren't our enemies in those churches. We'll preach the gospel and try to get them saved, but the religion itself, we should hate that false way. Let's close with one prayer. Dear heaven and father, thanks for allowing us to be here in your house today. Just starting this new series on Pentecostal religion. This is a religion that we have to fight against here, God, and help us learn more about this religion and realize the best thing we can do is reach them with the gospel and get them saved, God. And not try to argue with them about speaking in tongues, but just show them what the gospel is, God. If they believe on you, then they'll understand what the truth is, God. Ask them to continue to bless their church and help us. We pray this in Jesus' name, amen. Amen.