(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) The Sound the battle cry Are we people not in person's a gang last time the same important Jenna first has a pothole Sound the battle cry first as I already sing Cuz upon his holy everybody Strong to beat the ball We Oh No Let's pray let's pray We're going on There's a long enough in America's a man. I mean, I'm dumb. I'm dumb. I'm dumb. I'm going on I point you for Any long cut for another one? I see the point because I don't know if I got you in front of me on the other I didn't put my phone on I'm a Marcellan and I put about any for me. So I mean you didn't want them. I got names in Jesus. Let me pray All right morning everybody welcome to very Baptist Church take out your bullets and we'll go through a couple things real quickly Of course, let's start with counting up salvation In the back section any salvations to report anybody? How about in this section here any salvations? I'm not aware of one anybody else All right. How about in this section over here any salvations report two? three and four so ten anybody else All right. Well great job everybody. And of course you do a soul winning this afternoon around 145 and a couple other things. We do have ladies choir practice here today and Next week, of course is Mother's Day. We'll have ladies choir. Also the ladies bowling event so we do have a reservation to go bowling pretty close to here and You know Since we've already got the reservation if there's new ladies that want to sign up that did not sign up. That is okay So you're welcome to sign up now We just really weren't sure and then there were so many people in the sign-up sheet Well, I don't know if we're gonna be able to do bowling because it was like 35 people would actually we've got a reservation They've got room for a lot of people So if you want to join the ladies bowling next week and you are lady Okay You're welcome to join that and that will be next week Just after so when he will do a short and soul winning and have the ladies bowling event For Mother's Day, and I believe that's it for announcements while brother Rafi lead us in another song Amen. I feel money. Come on. We couldn't put nothing in him that would double tie So him number one six four the same Him number one six four Him number one hundred sixty-four bracing racing for a size of what I say, man, but I don't know For a size up race him race him persons are ready sing Jesus our blessed redeemer Oh He suffered Jesus the crucified sound he's crazy Wonderful Every Jesus We are to the Lord You You You Amen for a scripture reading please open your Bibles to the book of Acts Acts chapter 2 Acts chapter 2 we will only be reading verses 1 down to verse number 12 Acts chapter 2 verses 1 down to verse 12 Please say men if you're there Amen Acts chapter Acts chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and They appeared unto them club in tongues like as of fire and it set upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave the mother runs and They were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven Now when this was no is the broad then what the shirt came together and were confounded Because that every man heard them speak in his own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another Behold and at all these which speak Galileans and now here we every man in our own tongue ruin we were born Parthians and Medes and Elamites and the dwellers of Mesopotamia and in Judea and Cappadocia and Pontus and Asia Fyrgia and Vampylia in Egypt and in the parts of Libya and about Cyrene and Strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes priests and Arabians We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God And they were all amazed that weren't out saying one to another what meaneth this Bless the reading of God's word. Let us pray Again, I have you think of her first days given to us a parallel to please bless Lord this day and give us good weather for our soul waiting and fellowship later on I pray loads would also bless the preaching the pitch and the pitch of your word Lord this day We love you Jason and pray All right, we're here in Acts chapter 2 and we're gonna go back to Acts 2 later in the sermon go to Exodus 32 in your Bible Exodus 32 in your Old Testament and We're continuing the series on the alphabet of Bible doctrines And what I'm talking about in this sermon is the Pentecostal movement the Pentecostal movement now normally in the series I'm not preaching about a specific religion But you know This is a little bit different because you know The Pentecostal movement is literally sweeping over the world and to give you some numbers at the turn of the 20th century Around 1900 there are less than 1 million Pentecostals and Charismatics in the world Less than a million now there are 644 million in the latest study that they've done. It is by far By far the fastest growing religion in the world. It's not even close I mean in a hundred twenty years less than 120 years less than a million to 644 million you have to ask yourself. What is going on, right? Like how have they gone from nothing to just sweeping over the world? And we're going to talk about that in this sermon and what it means for us. And what is our opinion about it? Now before I get into the the verses, let me read you this article It says in 1900 Charles Parham an American evangelist and faith healer Began teaching that speaking in tongues was the Bible evidence of spirit baptism And by the way, point number one is about the history of the Pentecostals So in 1900, you've got this faith healer, which is very uncommon in Christianity at this time Okay, and he said that speaking in tongues is the Bible evidence of spirit baptism Then it says William J Seymour a Wesleyan holiness preacher He taught that this was the third work of grace the three year-long Azusa Street revival Founded and led by Seymour in Los Angeles, California Resulted in the growth of Pentecostalism throughout the United States and the rest of the world now Has anyone here heard of the Azusa Street revival? Nobody it's it's like the big event every Pentecostal knows what it is because they consider that the birth of the Pentecostal movement from around 1906 to 1908 give or take a little bit around that area. So in the early 1900s You have this Azusa Street revival and all kinds of people that are in the Christian realm start speaking in tongues And there's all these healings and these miracles supposedly Everyone's converting to Pentecostalism all these denominations start forming and then here we are today a hundred years later 644 million it's like well, where did this thing come from right now to start off your next is 32 But the verse on the front of our bulletin Says the thing that hath been it is that which shall be and that which is done Is that what shall be done and there's no new thing under the Sun because here's the thing you said brother Stuckey You're making it sound like this is a new thing that started in the 1900s I'm actually not saying it's a new thing because there's no new thing under the Sun What I'm saying is it was new to Christianity There's a difference because speaking in tongues has existed for a very long time Before the time of Jesus Christ and I will prove that to you in this sermon, okay But these sorts of things existed in voodoo shamanism Hinduism Buddhism Taoism and only over these last hundred years all of a sudden this is coming along to the Pentecostal Christian realm and this is very new for the Christian realm because everybody would have said this is demonic a hundred years ago And then after the Isuzu Street revival speaking in tongues is just some normal thing that people do they think it's normal now I'm going to show you an excess 32 That the Pentecostal movement is not a new thing. We're going to go to excess 32. Let's look at what the Bible says here And by the way Pentecostal and charismatic are not the exact same thing But they're often used interchangeably and they're often kind of hard to distinguish So when I say 644 million, I'm saying of Pentecostals or Charismatics But they are very similar to one another Exodus 32 verse 17 And when Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted he said unto Moses there's a noise of war in the camp So Joshua and Moses are gone and then Joshua says Moses. I think we've got a war. I think somebody's attacking us I think we've got a battle and then he says this and he said it is not the voice of them that shout for Mastery and what that means is it's not people crying out because they won Then he says neither is it the voice of them that cry for being overcome So if somebody's gonna stab you with the sword, you're gonna scream out and cry out He's saying it's not somebody winning a battle or losing a battle, but the noise of them that sing do I hear? Right right here is proof that rock music did not start in America in the 20th century They say well, you know the early roots of rock music where is it well, I mean in Exodus 32 Sounds like rock music to me. It's like man. There's this loud noise. Wait people are singing. It's a song Right and look trust me. I listen to hard rock all the time when I was a teenager. That was the music I love it's like it's the noise of war It's the noise of war right? It's not melodious, you know, beautiful sounding It's the noise of war and that's what you see in Exodus 32 Then it says here in verse 9 and it came to pass as soon as he came nine to the camp That he saw the calf. This is the golden calf This is a religious service Right. They've got a golden calf Which was the main primary god of the false Egyptian religion was the calf They've got a golden calf they're worshipping and they got loud music and he saw the calf and the dancing So we got you got a Pentecostal church service right You've got the loud music. You got the dancing and it's a religious service Explain to me what that is. Actually. I'm wrong. It is a charismatic Catholic Church service because they got the idolatry Right. I mean that you said well charismatic Catholics. I mean it was invented like 50 years ago You know here in the Philippines. No, we're going back to the book of Exodus worshiping idols That's an important part of a charismatic Catholic Church service Dancing that's an important part Loud rock music. That's an important part. I mean, this is the charismatic Catholics in the Bible I mean Aaron was the first pastor of the charismatic Catholics There is no new thing under the Sun That's my point a religious service idolatry It's like dancing and rock music and the Bible's being discreet because far worse things were happening and then just that But what I'm saying is yeah, you know the Pentecostal thing seems kind of new but wait a minute it's like they're merging the Egyptian religion and True religion and then what do you have you have this mess in Exodus chapter 32? There's no new thing under the Sun the same false religions now Are just slightly changed Repackaged or they combine two false religions and guess what? It's like it's not something brand-new Now here's the thing. There are millions of charismatic Catholics here in the Philippines It's a big religion here in the Philippines. You say brother Stuckey Isn't that good because they're leaving Catholicism and now they're kind of going halfway No, they're combining two false religions together Right Catholics that are speaking in tongues does not get you closer to the truth it's not better and I get it people join religions like this because they're thinking there's something wrong with Catholicism Right, like all this pedophilia and all this stuff going on. There's something wrong here It's like you know what turning your your church service into a speaking in tongues rock fest rock concert That doesn't get you closer to the truth But here we see in Exodus 32 Idolatry Dancing rock music. It is the first charismatic Catholic Church service that you find in the scripture. It's scriptural right go to Acts chapter 2 Acts 2 Acts 2 Acts chapter 2 I Remember when when I first moved here and I was going soloing in Rizal Park and at the time I had never heard of El Shaddai and I'm trying to preach the gospel to someone and This woman interrupts and she starts speaking in tongues behind me and she's like walking back and forth She's like and then she's like speaking in tongues the whole time I was like, I don't know what this El Shaddai is, but this is my least favorite religion in the world Right like speaking in tongues and just like moving around and making all this noise I mean literally I couldn't finish the conversation. I mean it destroyed the conversation It's like, you know, I've had about enough of charismatic Catholicism right there because here's the thing Catholicism is a false religion. So is Pentecostal When you combine them together That does not get you closer to the truth It gets you further away from the truth. You got more heresies that are added on right number one The history of Pentecostals well inside of the Christian realm. I mean, it's the early 20th century But this is existed in other religions around the world in various forms of possession and you know healings and all these sorts of things and speaking in tongues has existed outside of Christianity. In fact, it's got a Actual term for it called glossolalia. Who's heard of glossolalia? That is the actual term for speaking in tongues And you know, this is something that doctors would often know because they would have bipolar and schizophrenic patients People that are thrown in in the same asylum and they're always speaking in tongues Right, it's like one of the famous people before Charles Manson was one of those famous serial killers in US history And he was like this leader who said he was Jesus Christ and there's video footage of him in in prison speaking in tongues It's known as glossolalia and it was something that was linked to people that are in sin But it's completely different in the Pentecostal religion It's not like they are possessed even though like people that are possessed do this But in Christianity it's different because it's not a demonic spirit. It's the Holy Spirit It is a demonic spirit that is taking place in these churches Look, I don't recommend going to churches that are false churches, but I've been to a Catholic Church I've been to a Mormon Church. I've been to a Jehovah's Witness Church I would be scared to death to set foot inside of a Pentecostal Church service I would be scared to death I have no interest in being around a bunch of people that are possessed and all these weird things taking place because make no mistake Yes, a lot of people are just faking it. Not all of them are faking it There are way too many stories of eyewitnesses that people have it's just like it's not all fake my friend, right? Number one, we talk about the history of the Pentecostal religion Number two, let's talk about speaking in tongues because that is a common thing with the Pentecostal religion By the way, the Bible's term is not speaking in tongues. It's speaking with tongues The word tongue is referencing a language right, you know in in Spanish the word language means both tongue and Language because your mother tongue your mother language. It's a term for that. So in the Bible saying speaking with tongues It's saying you're speaking a language So if you speak in Tagalog, that'd be your mother tongue that you're speaking You speak in another language, then you're speaking with a different tongue and a different tongue, but they're actual languages So the Bible speaks about speaking with tongues. We're talking about real languages that they are speaking now Let me read you from a guy, you know, I've asked questions here and nobody's raised their hands. Nobody knows what glossolalia is What about a guy by the name of Plato who knows the Greek philosopher Plato everybody knows Plato right the unholy trinity Aristotle Socrates Plato, it's like everybody knows those three, right? And I'm gonna read you from Plato this is what he said by the way Plato came hundreds of years before the time of Jesus Christ and This is not some random person. I am reading about I'm reading what he said a pretty famous person Plato is what he says the Greek the the great Greek writer Plato Characterizes how the Hellenistic religion Hellenistic is Greek philosophy. That was the name of the religion. Hellenism is Greek philosophy the Hellenistic religion impacted a staticism parentheses utterances speaking in tongues, so Greek mythology is very linked to speaking in tongues Okay, according to Plato through his writings Phaedrus, Eon, and Timaeus in these three writings Plato reveals his knowledge of a static speech For Plato, this is what now here's a direct quote from Plato contemporary poets Were much akin to the prophets and priestesses they created compositions During a static transes and from a static utterances So a Plato says it because here's the thing at this time you don't have you know The actors, you know on the Hollywood and all that stuff and the major musicians one of the big things with Greek with the Greek Culture was their poetry their writings That was a big thing and he said that you know what the people that are writing poetry are Similar to the prophets in their religion and he said they go into a trans and then they start writing So basically people just start writing. They don't know what's going on. They wake up and it's like wow the greatest work of poetic poetry ever created Right. So according to him, they would get possessed as they wrote poetry By the way, Plato is one of those famous writers in Greek, you know history So he's basically saying that me also many of my greatest works I just got possessed I went into this trans and then all of a sudden I wrote a poem But it's not really shocking when you think of like rock music all these stories how they get possessed or whatever I mean they they just something bizarre happens and then they wrote like their most famous Work that they've ever done, you know, I know like in the rock realm on some websites They'll say the song by Rolling Stones can't get no satisfaction Was like the greatest song ever written it was written because the guy wrote it not Mick Jagger the other guy He was drunk and then he woke up and he recorded himself with like the greatest guitar tune ever while he was drunk While he was filled with unclean spirits Right, you know, I used to like listen to Pink Floyd, you know in the past But the person who wrote most of their songs he got thrown in an insane asylum and The band went to him in an insane Insane asylum and he would give them the songs that he wrote and those are the songs that became very famous in Pink Floyd It's like look and you there's these stories that you know in rock music I mean people have heard these stories of things like possession or selling their soul to the devil It's not all fake but Plato is talking about it. He's saying these great poems that people love It's like they went into a trance and then all of a sudden It's like the greatest work of art ever created well created by who because in my opinion This is the greatest work of art ever created the Word of God But he says here Here's some quotes. It says Plato compares the post to core of Bantian revelers who also practice aesthetic utterances and he says in his book Timaeus the diviner features were similar to those of a person with the gift of Glossalalia which in every part of the world Speaking in tongues is known as glossalalia except in a Pentecostal Church where it's completely different, right? Speaking something that is not a real language That nobody understands that is glossalalia. Okay their speech being Intelligible utterances not understanding what they were speaking therefore not being able to interpret what they spoke So basically what Plato's talking about is people started saying nonsense They'd go into a trance wake up or maybe you know, they they didn't fall out. They just woke up from it It's like what did you say? I didn't understand it myself That's what he's talking about. Well, you know, isn't that the exact thing they do in Pentecostal churches? It's like they speak in tongues and then all of a sudden it's like well, what did you say? I don't know It's like it's madness This has existed outside of Christianity before the time of Jesus Christ. It's glossalalia Right then it says this He says no man. There's a quote from Plato No, man When in his wits when in his wits is a is an old way of saying when in his right mind, okay? attains prophetic truth and inspiration But when he receives the inspired word either as intelligent is his intelligence is enthralled in sleep Or he is demented by some dis tempter or possession So according to Plato, let's just bring up Plato from the dead What do you think of these people speaking in tongues in Christian other possessed by some? Devil, that's what he says and this was existing before the time of Jesus Christ Right the words of Plato acts 2 is the famous passage and of course Pentecostal gets his name from the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 so let's see what took place in Acts chapter 2 Acts 2 verse 1 and When the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and They appeared on to them cloven tongues like as a fire in a sat upon each of them And they're all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance What I'm saying is these other tongues are real languages and there was a purpose to it Now, why does this take place right after the time of the resurrection? The day of Pentecost is a big religious event and people are coming from other parts of the world however They don't all speak the same language as the people living in Jerusalem So it wasn't necessarily possible to get all of them saved because you don't speak the same language How are you gonna get somebody saved in Mandarin Chinese that doesn't speak any English or Tagalog or any Filipino language? You're not Because you don't speak the language and God does allow this miracle that exists in Acts chapter 2 So many people could end up getting saved they're speaking with other tongues Then it says this in verse 5 and they're dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every nation under heaven Many people have moved to Jerusalem because that was the best place to serve God from other countries verse 6 Now when this was noise abroad the multitude came together and were confounded Because that every man heard them speak in his own language. They were confounded or confused Why is it they're confused are they confused because they don't know what people are saying It's like, you know shit about a Honda shit about a Honda shit about a Honda it's like what are they talking about? Right. I said I should have bought a Honda shit about a Honda shit about a Honda, right? Is that what's going on? It's like what are they talking about? What are they saying? No, they're confused because they understand They don't expect to understand but they do understand Right. They understand what's being said in their own language because God gave these people the ability to speak languages that they did not know So everybody's able to hear the word of God in their own language Right, then it says this in verse 7 and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another Behold are not all these which speak galleons and how here we every man in our own tongue wherein we were born How are we understanding them? Parthians and means and elamites and the dwellers and Mesopotamian in Judea and Cappadocia and Pontius in Asia Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt in the parts of Libya about sirene and strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Crete's and Arabians we do them here hear them speak in our tongues The wonderful works of God the confusion is they did understand Not that they didn't understand. Okay get a first Corinthians 14 First Corinthians 14 First Corinthians chapter 14 First Corinthians 14 verse 27 And I've never been to a Pentecostal church But I know plenty of people have we have actually a lot of members at our church in Pampanga used to be Pentecostal And you know I had a friend in college, and he grew up in a Pentecostal church And their version of Sunday school is learning how to speak in tongues the church He was out there. I just roll the back of your tongue like And eventually it'll just come out. That's what he said we learned and then eventually One kid will just start you know Pretending to speak in tongues They'll just make something up and then of course you feel pressured It's like I've got the gift of tongues too, so yeah a lot of them are faking it They're not all faking it I have not been in a Pentecostal church But I have heard people speak in tongues before in front of me, and it did not sound fake to me It sounded you know like wow something demonic has taken place not something You know silly like you know because every once in a while You'll hear these Pentecostals on YouTube And they just repeat the same thing over and over again And it just sounds silly because it's obviously not them speaking a language, but I've heard it where it's like they're speaking something But not a language that exists on earth They're saying something, and it's it's weird. It's demonic. It's scary right first Corinthians 14 verse 27 if any man speak in an unknown tongue But it is in the context of a church if any man speak in an unknown tongue Let it be by two at the most by three and not by course and let one interpret So if you're in a church service at the most have two or three Different tongues and in their course it's going to be one person at a time so for example Let's say we had somebody come up here and preach from another country Right there a missionary to you know. I don't know you know France. They're speaking in France Well people don't speak French here, so if they were preaching a sermon in French. We would need somebody to interpret that Because nobody would understand what they're saying right we have to have somebody say well This is what he said anyway. You have this sometimes at church right like I think like you know There's a church service like six months back or whatever in Poland where the leader of sure foundation UK He was preaching in English and somebody was translating into Polish because a lot of people didn't understand Right I mean if brother Matthias was up here preaching in Polish would be like what? We wouldn't know what he's saying Because we don't speak the language right and so it says in an unknown tongue here And at the most two or three in one church service and let there be somebody who interprets it Verse 28, but if there be no interpreter let him keep silence in the church and let him speak to himself and to God Now I've never been to a Pentecostal Church I'm sure there's people in here, but my understanding when people speak in tongues nobody interprets what they're saying right They just start saying something nobody interprets You say what would you say to them well according to first Corinthians 14 shut up Nobody understands you Bob says you have to have an interpreter, and they just start speaking nonsense. It's a hey quit disrupting the church service Right let me just help you out of this because we don't have major problems But if somebody starts speaking in tongues inside of our church Just a couple of men kind of just take them and get them out of here Not saying to beat them up I'm not saying to hurt them, but I'm saying they would just distract the entire church service with their possessed nonsense. That's going on Right because the Bible says if there's no interpreter let him hold his peace Right I mean let him be quiet let him speak to himself right speak inside your head What is saying don't speak out loud and bother everybody? Right you know my friend who went to Pentecostal Church service growing up He said you know in his church There was one time somebody started speaking in tongues And I guess the pastor said hey do we have an interpreter and somebody else at church said he said he's gonna donate $10,000 to church and then a person like gets out of his trance. No I didn't So yes, I get it sometimes they're faking it Okay But it's just like you know what they're not always faking it though Those stories are hilarious But they're not always faking it there is demonic stuff that does go on verse number 29 Let the prophets speak two or three and let the other judge and so the idea is somebody preaches a sermon and then You judge you don't teach you judge What's being said you listen you compare spiritual with spiritual you go home and search the scriptures for yourself But you're judging here because there's nothing wrong with judging Right you hear the Word of God And then you make the judgment on the truth what I'm saying based on what the Bible says in the Holy Spirit inside of you verse 30 If anything be revealed to another that said it by let the first hold his peace So basically if I'm preaching a sermon and like the greatest truth comes to your mind You don't stand up and say hey also brother sucky. I want to add this It's like you don't do that in a church service It's like you know you hold your peace writing and I get it I've been in church, and then things come to your mind as you're reading something. That's really great But you hold your peace right same thing by the way with soul winning It's like if somebody's preaching and something great comes to your mind as a silent partner hold your peace because it leads to confusion verse number 31 For ye all you may all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be comforted Verse 32 and the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets you say my brother stucky when people speak in tongues They can't help themselves because the Holy Spirit takes over and it just happens no no no the spirits of the prophets are subject To the prophets. What does that mean the Holy Spirit never just takes over? You have free will to do what you want When they say well the Holy Spirit takes over well, that's a contradiction with 1st Corinthians 14 verse 32 Where it says actually you can hold your peace Actually, you can be quiet because the Holy Spirit will never force you to do something It will motivate you it will give you boldness and then you have the choice of what you do I mean there's times where you feel like this this urge or this push to preach the gospel to somebody But the Holy Spirit doesn't force you Because we've all had those moments, and then we let that person walk by and then we start praying God send somebody to them, right? You know this is true Because the Holy Spirit doesn't take over the spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets So you got the spirit subject to the prophet at the end of the day we have free will to do what we want And so when they're saying well the Holy Spirit just takes over well Maybe some other spirit is taking over right Not the Holy Spirit It's like I don't know what spirit you're talking about But if it's taking over and causing you to do things and then they speak in tongues Maybe they get healed or pass out, and then they wake up, and they don't even remember what happened That's demonic These are things they used to study with schizophrenic patients and bipolar patients people in insane asylums It's still crazy It's not normal. It doesn't matter That one in every 12 people in the world is a Pentecostal or charismatic. This is crazy This is weird. This is demonic Verse 33 for God is not the author of confusion, but of peace as in all churches of the saints God's not the author of confusion I mean all you have to do is go to YouTube and it's like Pentecostal church service and People speaking in tongues people hitting the deck I mean Vinnie has taken off his coach, and then it's just like the whole crowd hits the deck It's insane It's weird Well, I mean like I if you don't grow up Pentecostal if you're not around this it seems insane to you I would be scared to set foot in a place like that It's weird Is that what you're seeing in first Corinthians 14 no, it's actually stating the exact opposite of what they're doing in churches verse number one Actually before you get a verse one. Let me just read you this about false religions and glossolalia Believe it or not. It's from an article speaking in a static tongues Which is glossolalia is not just confined to Christian circles Studies have revealed that a static utterances is present in many non-christian religions all over the world It is practiced in China Japan Korea Malaysia Indonesia Siberia Arabia Burma, so basically the entire world Is what they're saying in? Arctic regions as well as many other places glossolalia is found among the Eskimos Japanese seances in Hokkaido in a small cult led by Genji yangi of Moji City the shamans in Ethiopia in the Tsar called and various spirits in Haitian voodoo and It was also found extensively in African tribal religions But this stuff exists in voodoo it exists and I mean all these Eastern religions They have like this Pentecostal stuff that goes on sometimes in their services I remember seeing a documentary on Taoism for like a funeral service and then a guy is acts as the mediator to the spirit world and then all of a sudden they do a bunch of things they bang this dong and then all of a sudden he's like And and here's the thing it's obvious I'm faking this when I'm doing this it didn't look like the guy was faking it I mean it was weird But it's not that much different than what the Pentecostals do in their church services It's it's demonic. What is going on in these church services verse 1 of 1st Corinthians 14 Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts But rather than he made prophecy for he does speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God For no man understandeth him, howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries and people go to verse 2 And they'll say we'll see he's speaking unto God Well later on the chapter says in church just shut up right But this unknown tongue is a language it is unknown not to the person speaking it to those inside of church big difference It's not unknown to the person speaking because obviously if you speak a language you know it It's unknown to the people speaking which is why the Bible saying we got to have an interpreter because they it's unknown to them Okay Then it says in verse 3 But he that prophesied speaketh on the men to edification and exhortation and comfort he that speaketh in an unknown tongue edify It himself, but he that prophesied edit the church What the Bible is basically saying is this if somebody got up here, and they preached the greatest sermon ever The most motivating sermon ever in French in German in Spanish and Hungarian It could be the greatest sermon ever it doesn't edify us at all Because you don't know what they're saying Doesn't do any good. Here's probably apostle who's basically a polyglot right he speaks You know many languages the polyglot, and he's saying you're not even better than speaking a lot of languages I mean I hope you speak a lot of languages because it's very useful to get people say Even more important is that you're able to just preach in the language people that are saved understand Yeah, I mean you know in the United States you have people from all over the world So knock on doors and somebody from Russia answers, and it's kind of like Can't do anything it would be nice to speak Russian so you could give them the gospel people from India answer. It's like Right I don't speak Punjab, so I mean you know or Hindi, so what am I gonna do? But here's the thing Paul saying even more important than having the gift of speaking a lot of languages is just being able to Edify God's people right turn your Bible To Acts chapter 2 acts 2 acts 2 What's my opinion of speaking in tongues, it's demonic It's demonic It's strange It's bizarre And by the way most mega church pastors are Pentecostals You just don't know they're Pentecostals Joel Osteen is a tongue-talking Pentecostal He inherited that church from his father when it was a mega church that his father built up That was a known tongue-talking Pentecostal. Why is it people to know that Joel Osteen's is someone who speaks in tongues? He doesn't make that very well known because he wants to be popular Other mega church pastors TD J's Kenneth Copeland Benny Han these guys they're tongue talkers. There's other people that are coming to my mind that I'm like 90% I'm not going to mention because I don't want to accidentally give a false accusation those guys are all Pentecostals They're all tongue-talkers. They're all speaking tongues. You say well if all the mega churches. They're doing it It must be normal. No, it's not Just because people do something doesn't make it normal. I Mean in India people bow down before cow They put a necklace on it and pray to it that doesn't make it normal It's still bizarre. It's still weird, and it's not just weird it is demonic It's strange. It's bizarre. I You know for sake of time. I'm not gonna go in all the stories But you know I do have stories from you know my past of just various Pentecostal people I ran into One that goes to my mind is in Guyana, and I'm gonna give you the story because I want you to realize Not everything in those churches is fake. There is a demonic and spiritual realm That it's good not to know that much about it the Bible doesn't tell us that much because honestly it probably scare us But when I was in Guyana I was preaching in this this classroom at a school and the classroom had double booked us And it's packed full of kids So I preached I'm in the corner And I really can't get out and then the Pentecostal preacher preaches right after me and for a couple minutes We're trying to figure out a way to get out and it's just like well I guess we're just stuck in here So he's preaching and you know just getting really energetic and everything and he's very talented speaker very talented speaker very energetic very emotional after the class everybody leaves and the teacher brings this student to this Pentecostal preacher and And there's nobody around to try to impress I'm there. I'm seeing this nobody else is there and she said he's been having nightmares Can you help him out and? this Pentecostal preacher he puts his hand on him and this kid hits the deck and he gets up and he's like It wasn't faked There was nobody that they were trying to impress and at that moment I came to the realization That famous Pentecostal preachers act as mediums and they cast devils into people I Mean it was scary because it came to my mind. You might agree or disagree that that's fine in my opinion Well, what would cause them to hit the deck like that because the devil just got cast into them That's what took place. And how is this different than an albolar y'all? Or a witch doctor That deal with the demonic realm and they take spirits from some people and they undo spells and stuff This stuff is not all faked It's a scary thing that it's good not to know too much about but it is not all fake and there are people that Are actually speaking in tongues this gloss area Because demonic spirits are taking over these church services Now a lot of people Pentecostal churches faking being healed absolutely No question about that. Do they pay people to fall down? Yes, they do We all know that but don't let that make you think all of it is fake because it's not It's a scary thing that's taking place. Number one. We talk about the history of Pentecostals Number two, we talk about speaking in tongues, which is something that existed outside of the Christian realm But now it's in the Christian realm so to speak with the Pentecostals Number three a big thing with the Pentecostal movement is lack of doctrine lack of doctrine Acts 2 verse 41 Then they that gladly receive his word were baptized and the same day they were added on to them about 3,000 souls Verse 42 and they continued steadfastly in The apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers you see doctrine you see fellowship Why is it that people at our church like this church? Is it because of our music program no, I Think the people that play the music do a great job. That's not an insult, but it is a fact That's not what attracts most people to our church Is it all of our programs and activities that we have? No, it's not You know what attracts people to this church the doctrine You come to this church because you know, you know I'm gonna hear the truth and I'm also going to learn and I want to be in church and learn something new I want to know the truth right you're here because of the doctrine, right? But wait a minute. What doctrine is there at Pentecostal Church Services? There is no doctrine They don't say anything. They say nothing controversial I mean the most controversial thing is why don't care what people say. I still think you ought to love God That's nonsense that's nothing you didn't say anything you didn't teach anything What because it's a movement built on let's not offend anybody and it's going to cause our church to grow Go to Acts 5 Acts 5 Acts chapter 5 Now Of course the Pentecostals are the most famous for this But what's taking place with this movement is it's going outside of the Pentecostal churches into other churches Because here's the thing. I mean there are millions of Charismatic Catholics El Shaddai members here in the Philippines and you know I I presume because nobody ever really tells me they're from El Shaddai I'm assuming they just tell me they're from the Catholic Church but Charismatic Catholics the Catholic Church Used to teach they were very famous for there's no salvation outside of the Catholic Church, right? All throughout history. That's what they taught. What does Pope Francis teach? You don't have to believe in God to go to heaven It's like are you kidding me? You don't have to believe in God to go to heaven? I mean, isn't it true that you can go on Google and you know what you're going to find? You're going to find all these religious leaders from different religions joining together who cares about what we believe Let's set aside all differences You say well, you know the Catholic I mean the Pentecostals are doing their own thing It's oh really? Why is it at Pope John Paul's funeral? They did an interview live with Benny Hinn that was there to honor the Pope. That was his good friend And Before Baptist get arrogant Billy Graham was also good friends of the Pope Pope John Paul this is going outside of Denominations and doctrines and now every religion it's like it doesn't matter what they believe I mean literally you talk to someone from INC. It's like do you believe that Jesus is God? Yes Are you sure? It's like yeah, you know, I know INC doesn't believe Jesus God, but I do then you talk to a Catholic you believe Jesus God, nope Why are you Catholic? Why are you in these churches if you don't agree? I Mean literally, I mean I get it. You're not going to agree with a hundred percent of Everything I say we have our own free will and the Holy Spirit of God Let me be clear if you disagree with me about salvation or about the nature of God Just don't come back Unless you're just new to our church. It's just like you've been here for a couple years going sowing with us But you don't believe the Trinity don't come to our church It's like I want people out of church that believe in what the doctrine actually is But yet in our modern day, it's just like you go to whatever church and it's all about well How does it make me feel? Who cares how it makes you feel? Is your life without you or is it about God? Here's the truth When you first started coming to this church This is the truth. This is how you felt you learned a lot. You got mad at a lot of things I said and There are a lot of things you leave and you're like feeling guilty and you get kind of frustrated But then all of a sudden you're like, you know what? It's not brother sucky's fault. That's what the Bible said Right. No, that's true. And I realize that's the way it is with people Understand people are new at church. It's like I don't expect people to be exactly like us from day one I get it the hard preaching it but here's the thing at Pentecostal churches. Their movement is built on no doctrine No teaching. It's all about how you feel. I Mean Kenneth Copeland who I believe is probably the richest Pastor in the world or richest Pentecostal pastor at least not the most famous I mean Kenneth Copeland is pretty famous right people know who that is And he's I mean, he's a scary-looking guy, right? When you see him speaking and see it's just like the way his eyes are it's like whoa but Kenneth Copeland Talked about the Protestant Reformation and he said the Protestant Reformation was this great demon that infected the church It's like what? He's basically saying well neither side was really wrong. We're all on the same side How can you side with both sides Because what was the fight over doctrine now? I disagree with both sides, but you can't agree with both sides You can disagree with the Catholics and the Protestants. You can't agree with them both though It's either you agree with this side or this side It's like do you believe that abortion is murder? This one says it's murder. This one says it's not I agree with both That's nonsense You get to decide which side you agree on but Kenneth Copeland said it was just this great demon Let's just all get together. See the Pentecostal religion consider themselves a Restorationist movement, you know what that means? That's what they call the Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses People that believe the truth vanished out of the world for over a thousand years and they brought it back together That church over there is a restorationist church they believe the true church was gone from the world and they brought it back That's what the Mormons believe the Church of Christ in the u.s The Jehovah's Witnesses the Seventh-day Adventists all of these cults their Restorationist churches where they say the truth was gone for over a thousand years This is what the Pentecostals believe that church members not might not realize that but wait a minute They don't believe that there was like any Pentecostals in 1900 And then all of a sudden they brought it back in their 644 million well, let me just use some basic logic here if the truth was gone for 1900 years and The Pentecostals brought it back a hundred years ago Wouldn't you expect that the world would be far more godly now than a hundred years ago Doesn't that just make common sense? By the way, that's a good question to ask the Mormon Jehovah's Witnesses and all of them I mean if you're bringing the truth back, why is the world becoming so wicked? Why is abortion, you know children out of Red Rock, you know drunkenness drugs all of us going through the roof Actually, the Bible says it's getting worse and worse And why is God gonna destroy this world? Well, he's gonna destroy it because of the sin. Why didn't you destroy it before the time of the flood? Why did you destroy it in Noah's day because the world was filled with wickedness That's what the Bible says. Why is he gonna do it in the end times as the days of Noah As the days of Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah, it's gonna be in the end times Because it gets so wicked. Well, here's the thing. The Pentecostal movement is just skyrocketing in growth They're not going to go down in number as we get close to the end times Sounds like they're not making the world a better place, right? Go to Acts 5 verse 27 And when they had brought them they sent them before the council and the high priest asked them saying Did not we straightly command you that you should not teach in this name and behold you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine Go to 2 Timothy 3 for sake of time. I'm going to skip a lot of places. I had my notes But there are a lot of verses talking about doctrine doctrine doctrine doctrine and it's so important to our faith You got to come to church based on what the church is teaching. You say why is that important brother Stuckey? Because If you agree with the doctrine of a church Even if you get mad at the person preaching you stick with the church because you agree with the church And it's just the way it is when you get up and preach for hours every week You're gonna say things that people don't like But if this is the church that you believe has the truth Obviously not perfectly because obviously I'm sinful just like anybody else I'm gonna say things that are wrong But if you believe this is the church with the most truth and I can learn the Word of God You'll stick with the church. Even if you get upset right because of the doctrine When people first start coming to church they come because of how the church makes them feel But honestly the goal is to get them to switch over to come to the church because of what they're teaching Because of the doctrine not because of how it makes them feel 2 Timothy 3 verse 10 But thou has fully known my doctrine manner of life purpose faith long-suffering charity patience Is that the verse that Joel Osteen could have as his theme verse? Everybody knows my doctrine Really? Why is it they can never get a straight answer? Do you believe in gay marriage or not? And he just avoids it. I When he was on Larry King like a decade ago or something. Larry King asked me said well, you're an encouraging preacher He's like do you ever talk about sin? He's like, yeah He's like, you know Larry. I've always just looked at myself as you know, an encouraging preacher You know, I want to just kind of lift people up Right, you know, I don't want to say a word like that that kind of brings them down So you don't use the word sin. No, it's just not my calling that God has for my life But that was fully known the doctrine of Joel Osteen really because half you didn't even know he's a tongue-talking Pentecostal till 30 minutes ago I mean literally the biggest mega church or one of the biggest and half of people don't even know you speak in tongues Why not just be open about it? I'm open about what I believe. I don't speak in tongues. I Don't just go Why are you afraid to say that you do Joel Osteen Oh because maybe people think it's weird and Bizarre and you'll sell like five million less copies of your best life now Right go in your Bible to 1st Timothy chapter 4, 1st Timothy 4 1st Timothy 4 But but here's the thing So what does this have to do with the Baptist Church? What it has to do with the Baptist Church is that Baptist churches are following this model Let's just preach a little bit less intense It said well, what does the church believe about repentance? Let's just you know be vague about it Because there's people that believe in repentance of sins. We want at church There's people that don't believe in repentance of sins that we want at church. So let's just not tell people let me be clear Those that don't those that do believe in repentance of sins for salvation. We don't want you at church We want to get you saved But If you disagree, it's like well, that's not what our church teaches But I'm saying you want your church filled with just a bunch of tongue-talkers and Calvinists and repents of sins. No, I Don't want that We're not trying to build a mega church But look today is a smaller attendance than normal, but we're not struggling finding new people that want to be a part of our church It's like, you know, I hate preacher everybody hate would hate brother Stuckey Well, actually it seemed like a lot of people like the preaching Sounds like there's still people in a wicked and perverse world. They want to shine his lights in the midst of a wicked world There's people that still want to serve God they still want to know the truth They still want to be passed on a good legacy to their kids They want to read the Bible get Santa out of their lives We're not struggling with members and here's the thing. We are not taking up the matter methods at the Pentecostals use But what Baptist are doing is well, let's just go kind of in between And they're literally Baptist churches that will have two church services. What is the fundamental church service? the old-fashioned hymns Old-fashioned preaching. I mean, I'm literally I was visiting a church one time You know when I was in Maryland and I was looking online for the best church And I thought it was the best church in the area I went to it and it was like a rock, you know music and all this stuff and I'm just you know, I And somebody was there was was asking me. Hey, how are you doing? I just say well, isn't this a fundamental church? He's like, oh, you know, we're trying to bring in new people So the first church service is geared toward the newer crowd you know the rock music and the second service is You know geared toward those that are looking for the old-fashioned like I understand he's like I'm old-fashioned myself I was like, well, why isn't your church honest about this because I just wasted my time and I walked out Because I showed up to like And who knows they probably were using it new King James. I don't know What kind of nonsense is that? We're saying well, let's have a church service for those that love God and a church service for those that don't love God But this is what Baptist churches are doing. They're lightening the doctrine not being clear about what they believe They don't want to offend anyone they are changing their methods look Jesus They try to throw them off a cliff before he was killed. I Mean all the prophets are seeing the Bible and they're hated by men Because of the things they say and make the mistake if you pulled somebody off the street to visit our church Most of them would be like is that preacher crazy? Because they're not used to this Because churches are not doing what you actually see in the Bible lack of doctrine and this is a movement that's taken over and Baptists are meeting them halfway in the middle. Well, we're not meeting them halfway We're gonna stand here and no matter how weird the world gets. We're not changing whatever one the history of Pentecostals point to speaking in tongues point three a lack of doctrine point for a Preparation for the end times first Timothy 4 verse 1 now the Spirit speak of expressly that in the latter time Some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devils as We get close to the end times a lot of people just won't want the truth They won't want to be told yes and no What do they want they want to be able to go to a church where they never feel guilty They're never told something's a sin They're never told they need to make any changes in their life They just want to go somewhere and feel like they're spiritual without being spiritual That is the truth go to second Thessalonians 2 will close up for sake of time But here's the thing During the end times There's going to be a lot of false miracles Right, it's not one of the things about the end times signs and wonders and Some people think well, you know someone, you know, regardless of whether or not they're saved nobody in the Christian realm would ever fall for it Really? Because it seems like the Pentecostals fall for that sort of stuff now How much more in the end times when it's far more convincing You say brother stocky, you know, the Muslims would never buy into it actually there's a Pentecostal denomination of the Muslims as well I don't think it's as far along as it is in the Christian realm But it actually existed a long time back. I don't remember the name of it offhand Sufi does that sound right? I think it's called Sufi Muslim It's Pentecostal Pentecostal Muslims like dancing. Whoo, right? It's like it's no different it's because why because it's similar Calvinism in the fact that it said Calvinism is something that can be kind of outside of Any sort of denomination and yet it somehow manages to get into every denomination Calvinistic ideas Well, this charismatic idea is kind of similar too because it is creeping into all kinds of churches Outside of specific denominations. That's why you have this in-between thing of people that are say I'm a charismatic Catholic Are you Catholic or charismatic? But now there's charismatic Methodist charismatic Lutherans It's like, you know, we use the term bapticostals Right for those that are kind of going that Pentecostal route the bapticostals, right? But there's going to be lying signs and wonders during the end times and it's going to cause people to believe this stuff second Thessalonians 2 verse 7 For the mystery of iniquity Doth already work only he who now let if he let until until he be taken out of the way and Then shall that wicked be revealed whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming Even him who's coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders now One point of note is the word after in verse 9 is not saying after in Time it's not saying well, he's gonna come after the Lord's gonna come after the Antichrist Yes, the Lord will come after the Antichrist But it says after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders It's saying in the manner of Satan with power and signs and lying wonders Okay. Now the beginning of this chapter proves the poster of rapture, but not this part of it. Okay But it's saying there's going to be power and signs and lying wonders I mean, how is the devil going to get so many people to take the mark of the beast? Miracles signs wonders sorcery things such as that and People are going to buy it and it's going to be very deceptive because if it were possible to deceive the very elect Right, I mean there are things that exist that are outside of any logical explanation now Here's the thing we understanding and knowing the Bible we would say hey, that is demonic stuff but realize that you know what the Egyptians and their sorcerers were able to repeat some of the miracles of God and And some of these false prophets they have abilities to do some weird things some scary things and you know It's going to be more and more as we get close to the end times and It says in verse 10 and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness and none that perish because they receive not the love of the truth That they might be saved now look That the three countries with the most Catholics in this world to kind of help you understand this number one is Brazil Number two is Mexico. Number three is the Philippines if you go to Google and type in, you know religious statistics For the Philippines, you might still see them say what is it eighty point three percent? I think is the number they always say There is no way that eighty percent of people in this country are going to claim Catholicism I mean if you go so many, you know, that's true. It's not four out of five people claiming Catholic Not anymore Yeah, twenty years ago. Maybe that's the case Not anymore because I hear a lot of people to say I'm born again Don't you hear that a lot? I Hear a lot of people say I am see Even love people to say the Catholic might say charismatic Catholic It is by no means 80% anymore because actual statistic will show you mainstream Catholicism is plummeting it is in our lifetimes I Believe Pentecostal will pass Catholicism as the biggest Christian religion in the world. I Mean the number one we have on here Brazil by some statistics. It is less than 50% Catholic as a country now Now if you know anything about the statistics of religion in Brazil in their history That is astonishing that you go from 80% to less than 50 in like 30 years That's insane. I mean they've been Catholic for a very long time And if there's one country that has similar religion to the Philippines it is Brazil, right? I mean here they've got a spirit ista in Brazil spirit ISM same thing just in a different country They've got a lot of these Christian cults that rise up and they've got Catholicism and the charismatic movement is taking over It's not as fast here, but it's taking place here too and the numbers from Mexico. They are also plummeting as well Because the Pentecostal charismatic movement it is taking over the world Why is that is it some brand-new religion that started a hundred years ago? Well, no According to them. It's a restorationist movement where they brought back the truth that had vanished for 1800 years Obviously that's impossible because the gates of hell will not stand against the church There are gonna be good churches and save people throughout all time period but this sort of religion existed outside of Christianity and Now it's coming to the Christian realm and now you've got all these Pentecostal and charismatic churches and it makes sense because it's gonna fit with the end times all the miracles and signs lying wonders Doctrine doesn't matter. Let's all get along Let's just do a joint prayer with like a Hindu and a Buddhist and a Catholic No The religions different It's like our religion is different than that we're not going to do it and yet the Pope's doing it Yeah, Muslim leaders are doing it Hindus are doing it and the Pentecostals are right in the midst of it Because they're just trying to bring everybody together All it's doing is introducing these sorcery and this satanic sort of stuff Into Christianity, what's our opinion Pentecostal movement? It's it's bizarre It's wicked There's sorcery going on at these churches. It's demonic and we're not gonna take up the methods Well, but brother stocky, I mean if you change the music and stuff, we can make the church bigger Look, we don't have room for more people right now Pack this place out It's like we're not gonna do it I Don't care if the church is gonna die I mean literally over half of our church by far is going sowing every week I mean literally what was the last week of the week before there was not a single person left at the building It's like everybody was outside of me It's like I don't want to change anything. We're gonna do things God's way you and if God blesses us by sending more laborers praise the Lord If not, I'm happy with what God has given us. Let's close the word of prayer your Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to see this subject and help us understand that this is a Movement that is taking over the world helps to realize that there's nothing that we we want to have absolutely nothing to do with it We're not going to take up the methods God help us just to stand on the old paths and preach the truth and stand for the Word of God in Jesus name we Pray amen Amen Him number four hundred seventy-two him number four seven Him number four hundred seventy-two This is my father's world same important as in a book waiting for the first as an gang last Anza This is my father's world first times are ready sing This is my father's world And you might is the Oh nature Oh This is my father's world Oh Oh Everybody Oh Oh