(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you amen good morning good morning welcome to severity baptist church welcome to the psychoservice welcome to the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the verse 18 and the Lord God said it is not good that the man should be alone I'll make him a help me for him and out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every foul of the air and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever Adam called every living creature that was a name thereof and Adam gave name salt cattle and took unto the file of the air into every beast of the field but for Adam there was not found a help me through him and the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof and the rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he a woman and brought her unto the man and Adam said this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked the man and his wife and we're not ashamed bless the reading of God's word let us pray for God in heaven we thank you Lord for the state has given to us a further the truth please bless Lord for our soul winning our fellowship later on and please give us good health Lord for the people of your church and I throw it to you please bless the preaching and the preacher of your word love you today we love you Jesus and we pray amen all right we're in Genesis chapter 2 and we're continuing our series on the alphabet of Bible doctrines and for the letter in we're gonna be talking about what the Bible says about nakedness now the Bible speaks about all manner of topics and it's important for us to know what the Bible says about all things and you know this is something that if you were to ask people out in the world you know what is nakedness you know you'd have a lot of different opinions there'd be a lot of confusion but the Bible gives us the answers on these things and so point number one is this when it comes to this topic of nakedness nakedness is something that is actually inside of our conscience it is inside of our conscience it's something built in that we have an understanding of Genesis 2 verse 24 therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh and they were both naked the man and his wife referring to Adam and Eve and were not ashamed and so at first you know what they're not wearing any clothes Adam and Eve and they're not ashamed now of course this is a time period where the weather is perfect you don't have to worry about wearing like a winter coat or anything like that and they're not ashamed and they don't seem to have an understanding that it's kind of weird not to be wearing your clothes now go to Genesis 3 Genesis 3 Genesis 3 verse 6 and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also under a husband with her and he did eat and the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they so fig leaves together and made themselves aprons now Adam and Eve were created as adults not as babies they're created as adults and at first they don't seem to understand that there's anything wrong with nakedness and at this point they don't understand the concept of sin fully they've never sinned they've never done wrong and then in Genesis 3 once they eat the fruit all of a sudden their eyes are open and they realize actually this is not appropriate right and when you think about a child the Bible says about a baby naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return thither and there's nothing wrong with a baby not wearing clothes right I mean obviously you change the diaper of a baby you give it a shower and a baby has no concept that what they're doing is kind of strange right not wearing clothes I mean if you give a two-year-old a shower they get out of the shower they just run out without any clothes and it's like no no let's put a towel on you right let's put on a diaper let's change your clothes because they don't understand it and here's the thing I was explaining this my son the other day and I was explaining that you know what at a young age children are what we would call safe not saved but safe meaning that if they died as a young child they would go straight to heaven the Bible teaches that okay and a good way to kind of understand if kids are kind of ready at the point where they would be held accountable is do they have knowledge of sin in this regard so basically a three-year-old doesn't feel weird about not wearing clothes a four-year-old doesn't feel weird about it but eventually they reach an age where they're gonna feel strange about it I mean if somebody was a teenager they obviously know they should not go without their clothes on but a three-year-old doesn't get that a four-year-old doesn't get that the reason why they wear clothes is because you tell them hey you know what time to put on the diaper time to put on the dress time to put on the clothes and they do it because that's what mom and dad say but they don't really understand like we do as adults so this is interesting because it's in our conscience but we're not born with it it's not immediate but it's something that you come to an understanding as you get a little bit older okay verse number eight and they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden so you know what I wouldn't recommend this given the fact that you know Adam and Eve are going without clothes but people watch various animated things on YouTube and if you've seen one of these it's probably not accurate because you're going to probably have them hearing a voice from heaven but it says the Lord God is walking in the garden and so this is the Son of God in the Old Testament walking and they hear his voice as well so they're hiding because they don't want to be around the Son of God as they're not covered up and of course they sewed fig leaves together but it's probably not doing the best job of you know accurately covering their body so they're basically embarrassed because they're naked and isn't this what a normal person would feel if you're not wearing clothes in front of somebody else you would feel embarrassed it'd be inappropriate it would be wrong and see what I'm saying is it's built into your conscience but it's not really built at birth it's kind of once you get a little bit older verse number nine and the Lord God called on to Adam and said unto him where art thou and he said I heard thy voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself and he said who told me that thou was naked has thou eaten of the tree whereby commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat he's like well how do you know you're naked and they're immediately embarrassed about it look you give your kids a shower or a bath you change their clothes but they're eventually going to reach an age where they don't want to be around mom and dad whether or not wearing their clothes because they feel embarrassed about it because it's built inside of them but it wasn't built at birth it kind of takes several years before they fully get this okay turn your Bible to Romans 2 Romans 2 Romans chapter 2 and look obviously a child that is one year old two years old I mean they're completely innocent they're born without clothes and it's part obviously you put clothes on as a parent you don't want your child to be without clothes there's nothing sinful about the baby it's oh it's not wearing clothes yeah it's a baby and unless you've got a perverted mind you wouldn't think anything weird about it it's just it's a baby right baby a child that's one years old two years old but as a parent obviously you want to cover up now I will say this though sometimes you go soul winning and some parents don't really care that much if their child's running around without clothes it's it's especially if you go to kind of some of the poor areas it's kind of awkward you're preaching the gospel and then there's like a three-year-old running around without clothes on it's kind of like okay this is a bit distracting but you know what obviously as a parent you understand it but that three-year-old doesn't understand that because they're young and they're safe if they died they would go to heaven they're too young to understand the gospel at this point once they start feeling ashamed for that that's kind of a sign wait a minute they're starting to understand a little bit better they need to be able to believe the gospel and get saved right Romans 2 verse 14 for in the Gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in the law these having not the law are a law unto themselves when it says here they do by nature the things contained it's not saying they're following mother nature and what the Lions are doing and what the zebras are doing it's saying naturally by nature biologically genetically they just do the things contained in the law what are we saying we're saying every child knows it's wrong to hurt somebody every child knows murders wrong every child knows lying is wrong kids do things that are wrong and they don't want to tell mom and dad because they're afraid to get in trouble but they know inside of themselves it's wrong how by nature by how God created them they understand certain things look you don't have to teach everybody the Ten Commandments for them to get the fact that it's wrong to steal and wrong to lie and wrong to kill someone they already know that how by nature it's born inside of them they do by nature the things contained in the law verse 15 which show the work of the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another the Bible says their conscience bears witness and people are born with a belief in God and they're also born with a conscience and this conscience will tell them right and wrong people sometimes try to compare like Christianity and say hey you know what Islam and Christianity are so similar they both have the Ten Commandments Buddhism so similar look everybody's born with a belief it's wrong to steal it's in their conscience there are certain things that are in your conscience and nakedness is one of those things but it's not at birth it takes them to be at least several years old to understand that it's kind of embarrassing or wrong to be without clothes in front of other people now turn in your Bible to Exodus 28 Exodus 28 you say over the study if that's true if it's building your conscience how come you have like native religions and people that live off the land and kind of do their own thing and oftentimes they're just going without any clothes on or very little clothes because they're rebelling against God and inside of themselves they know it's wrong just because you have some native religion where they're wearing no clothes doesn't mean they don't understand it's wrong it's called they just don't care what the Bible says because we see the story with Adam and Eve nobody taught them and they just know and everybody when they reach a certain age they know it's inappropriate they know it's wrong in fact probably the most extreme example I know is with the religion of Jainism now if you've heard me talk about Jainism before this is the religion where they're against brushing your teeth they're against using a toilet because you could harm the bacteria so they just use the bathroom just out in public in India and make it just a filthy place to live and they're but they're but they would never use a toilet because that's wrong right these are the ones that it just the most bizarre religion you could find now there's basically two denominations of them and the one denomination of Jainism they're monks the Jain monks they wear no clothes no clothes and of course these are people that are just walking the land they don't really have a home that they go to so they just walk around naked everywhere right and you know a few years ago I was watching a documentary on Jainism and apparently YouTube doesn't censor this and I'm just like immediately they just show this guy without any clothes and I'm like what is that right and so you know you say well why would he go around without any clothes on well I'll just read you from this the Digambara monks in India the Jainism religion which by the way is four million people it's not a small religion monks of this denomination or sect reject all worldly possessions in order to live a totally ascetic life so apparently clothing is worldly is what they're saying we're against all worldliness so we don't wear clothes right because what these Eastern religions believe is you must have zero attachments to this life if you're going to stop the process of rebirth in your life and so basically you go away from all food away from everything and so they're against wearing clothes it says because they're allowed no possessions what whatsoever they live without clothes and go sky-clad so they go without any clothes sky-clad which means naked Digambara nuns wear simple white clothes now here's what it says in this article their nakedness is also a statement that they are beyond feelings such as modesty and shame do you notice that let me read that again their nakedness is also a statement that they are reprobates right they're beyond shame right well let me just read you one of the 20 psychopathic traits on the psychopathy test one of the traits is called no shame or guilt no shame or guilt they're beyond shame yeah they're reprobate right no shame or guilt psychopaths see no shame or guilt even when the person's behavior was obviously hurtful normal people feel significant levels of guilt remorse even shame when they manipulate others steal cheat or lie so look someone who's a psychopath they never get embarrassed about doing wrong or making people feel bad look I promise you those Jane monks realize people don't want to see you going sky-clad but they don't care you say why they don't have a conscience and people try to look at that and say well wait a minute they don't realize it's wrong to wear clothes yes they do they just don't care about other people because they're bad and evil people it's really bizarre and Jane isn't because it's like these Eastern religions where they don't work and they just like live off the land or they just ask for donations and money and in part of Jane ism if you are a Jane and a Jane monk or a Jane nun that are trying to reach that level of enlightenment they come to your house you're supposed to let them in your house and you feed them and so these Jane monks that are going sky-clad they knock on your door I'm hungry and then you say okay sit on my couch I mean can you imagine that what a bizarre religion you know it is of Jane isn't but here's what I'm saying they know it's wrong it's building their conscience and we saw that in Genesis 2 and Genesis 3 so in Genesis 3 they realize we're naked there's something wrong with that and look people that are part of these native religions that are not wearing any clothes they know it's wrong it's built inside of their conscience now I'm not saying all of those people are reprobates but they realize this is wrong it's not right but they don't care why because they don't care what God thinks they're going and rebelling against God or they're just following the crowd of what everybody else is doing point number one nakedness is in our conscience point number two what is the biblical definition of naked what is the biblical definition Exodus 28 verse 41 Exodus chapter 28 verse 41 and thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother and his sons with him and shall shall anoint him and consecrate them and sanctify them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office and thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness from the loins even on the thighs they shall reach now a couple things to keep in mind breeches is in a makalu among spelling for breeches B R I T C H E S and that's kind of a makalu among word for pants so breeches is basically pants but here's the thing in the Bible when you see pants it could be referring to shorts or it could be referring to pants like we would say pants so in our modern day you think of shorts and pants in the Bible pants are just you know basically from here to here or from here to here or from here to wherever below the knee okay so it's the same word that's being used now what it says here is these breeches or pants are used to cover their nakedness by the way the first reason for clothes in the Bible is to cover their nakedness in Genesis 3 we'll look at that here in a second but it says linen breeches to cover their nakedness and it says from the loins even on to the thighs now the loins by definition are the part of the body on both sides of the spine between the lowest false ribs and the hip bones that definitions being discreet and basically it's your reproductive organs okay on the front or the back the certain parts of the body that we would consider you know the areas that you definitely want to cover up so basically when the Bible saying loins to your thighs it's basically look at your waist and then go to the bottom of the thighs you say well why not go to the top of the thighs because the waist to the top of your thighs is the same location basically it's saying the pants cover from the waist to the knee to cover the nakedness right now this this should logically make sense because obviously that part of the body is the one that would put certain thoughts in people's minds and what the Bible is saying is when you're wearing clothes to cover your nakedness it should go from your waist unto your knee on both sides of the body so if this part of your body is exposed any part of it it would be biblically naked according to the Word of God whether it's on the front or the back right turn your Bible to Genesis chapter 3 Genesis 3 Genesis chapter 3 the Bible says in Genesis 3 verse 21 onto Adam also into his wife to the Lord God make coats of skins and clothe them the first purpose of clothing found here in verse 21 is to do what to cover their nakedness that's the first purpose of clothing now obviously depending on where you go you wear different types of clothing for example we wear shoes to protect our feet right you wear socks so your feet don't get dirty right you wear a suit if you're in a formal occasion or whatever you might wear a hat to protect you from the Sun but of course at the beginning that the weather conditions are basically perfect in the Garden of Eden so I don't think they had to worry about a lot of the stuff that we would today and so the first purpose of clothing is to cover up your nakedness and here's what I would say when you're getting dressed the first thing you should probably consider is am I covering up my nakedness because obviously it's a shame it's an embarrassment to be showing off your nakedness right go to Isaiah chapter 20 Isaiah 20 Isaiah chapter 20 Isaiah chapter 20 and let me show you a few other verses that talk about nakedness and what the biblical definition of nakedness is Isaiah chapter 20 verse 4 Isaiah 20 verse 4 I'll be honest I I'm very thankful that the Bible talks about all subjects it gives us wisdom on everything right when there's a question you can go to the Word of God and find out what is the answer because here's the thing if you were go were to go to the world for advice and ask them well what is naked what's your definition the first thing somebody's going to say is wearing no clothes so of course the question is what if you are wearing no clothes except for one shoe well you're still naked well then you have your definition of naked is not wearing zero clothes in right the world wouldn't even know what their definition is and so it's an honest question well what is the actual definition well the Bible said is from your waist to your knee that part of your body would be nakedness okay Isaiah 20 verse 4 so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners and the Ethiopians captives young and old naked and barefoot even with their buttocks uncovered to the shame of Egypt so it's not just the front part of your body but if you're shown off the back part below the waist and above the knee area then guess what it's naked because the Bible says your buttocks uncovered is naked now this should be very obvious preaching but you know what in 2023 a lot of the stuff is not that obvious based on the way people dress and if I was says if you're shown off that part of your body it's naked right that's what the Bible teaches go to Isaiah 47 Isaiah 47 Isaiah chapter 47 is a 47 verse number verse number two is a 47 verse 2 is a chapter 47 verse 2 take the millstones and grind meal uncover thy locks make bare the leg uncover the thigh pass over the rivers thy nakedness shall be uncovered the says uncover thy thigh and it's linked with thy nakedness shall be uncovered in verse 3 and so what the Bible teaches consistently is that if your thigh is exposed it's actually naked according to the Word of God now a lot of you say yeah you know brother stuck you already know this but there's probably a lot of people in here that are like I've never heard that before but that's what the Bible teaches if anything from your waist under your knee is uncovered that would Bible define that as being naked turn in your Bible to name chapter 3 name 3 name chapter 3 and so let me ask you answer some of the questions that people might ask is that was nakedness always wrong well obviously you know what you take a shower obviously you change clothes and obviously there's nothing wrong with Adam and Eve being around each other without clothes because they're married obviously if you're married there's nothing wrong with that but the problem would be is if you go out in public around other people being naked that would obviously be wrong right so valid exceptions are taking a shower right you're around your spouse let me explain things that are not valid exceptions going to the beach why is it that if you go to the beach all of a sudden God's rules don't apply and you can be naked I mean if you're wearing a bikini at the beach number one you're probably showing off some of your butt and you're showing off all your thigh basically you're naked it's inappropriate it's wrong you say why because it's wrong to be naked around somebody that you're not married to it's inappropriate and it doesn't matter if everybody does it it's wrong it's wrong you say the brother stuck you know I don't know if I agree with you look I you know I mentioned this before that when I first started going soul winning and I think there's a terrible idea by the organization I was a part of campus crusade but they go to the beach in Florida and then they preach the gospel now that's probably the worst area that you're gonna preach to because people are just going without clothes but you start talking about the Bible with with women or even guys without shirts on and they start just covering up you know parts of their body they start getting embarrassed you say why because it's built into their conscience because they know it they're doing it because everybody else is doing it but they know it's not appropriate you start talking about the Bible and they cover up or you know I've done so many before knocking a door and someone's dressed in an immodest way you start preaching the gospel and they start just you know covering up and they pretend like they're just crossing arms but you know what they're doing they're trying to cover up parts of their body because they feel a bit embarrassed you say why is it they feel embarrassed because it's in their conscience they know it's not appropriate they don't need somebody to tell that to them they already know that and people yes they get brainwashed by the world but why would there be an exception if you go to the beach now I'm not saying it's a sin to go to the beach but if you're gonna go to the beach I would highly recommend going into an area that's not super crowded because this is how people are gonna be dressed a family sort of atmosphere but I would say cover up your nakedness it you know it's the same reason that you know what I used to go to the gym a lot when I was younger and obviously having kids it makes it a lot harder now but one reason I didn't really like to go to the gym as you know when I was in college right oftentimes you know is it's just because the way women were dressed and it's like I'm trying to get that out of my mind and I just want to work out you know I love exercise and then it's just like I would just I would try to go like early in the morning where there's not a lot of people there or because I was just like man I don't want to be in this atmosphere right because you know the way women are dressing it's like I'm trying to get out of that from my mindset I just want to have a clear mind and it's hard if all these images are popping in your mind where you are right but it's inappropriate to be showing off your nakedness and that's the first purpose of clothing you see in the Word of God is to cover up your nakedness Nahum chapter 3 verse 4 it's kind of frustrating because the beach is like one of the greatest places in the world to go isn't that true the beach is awesome and you know what I've done family vacations before in areas that don't have a lot of people and it's an awesome time it's like the greatest thing that you can do but unfortunately if you're going where there's like a bunch of college students yeah it's not only gonna be the way they're dressed there's gonna be a lot of alcohol flying around loud music blaring it's just not the best atmosphere if you got young kids it's something you're trying to get out of your mind rather than just having it right in front of you right Nahum chapter 3 verse 4 here's another verse in verse 5 that talks about nakedness and this can be a confusing verse because of the word skirt when I talked about men I said for men it talks about breeches which is pants and that could include shorts or pants it's the same thing with women as well this word skirt is not referring to like a half dress it's not what it's referring to what a skirt is and I'm gonna give you the definition then I'll show you what I'm talking about the first definition if you go to an old dictionary is this a free-hanging part of an outer garment or undergarment extending from the waist down so right now this is the skirt of my garment you understand what I'm saying because they'll say well Saul wore a skirt in the Bible no no he was wearing something like this where there's part of the object is going past his waist this would be called the skirt of my garments ok now the second definition of skirt that you're going to find is what we would think of as a skirt of a woman wearing like a half dress that goes to the knee and of course you can see where it gets that that the name skirt because the skirt of the garment is below the waist it starts at the waist and this is the skirt of the garment ok and so the Bible saying here when it says I would discover that skirts upon my face it's basically saying like uncover and he's saying and I will show that nations by nakedness so it's saying that you know if you have an in a garment like this covering your nakedness and you bring it up what are you showing you're showing your nakedness because this was covering your nakedness ok so in the Bible the word skirt it's consistent it's referring to basically starting at the waist and going below so this is not a skirt in totality but this is the skirt or the bottom of the garments that makes sense what I'm saying it's kind of an old way that it expresses it but that's what the Bible is referring to here now get a Matthew chapter 5 Matthew 5 Matthew chapter 5 so there's a couple things I want you to keep in mind here about this as we go into the next point but the question that's obviously going to come up is well brother Stuckey you said it's naked from your waist to your knee but what about starting from your waist to your shoulder that's the obvious question that everybody would have and here's what I would say that if you read the Bible you're not going to find a clear verse that will say this part of your body is biblically defined as being naked ok there's not a clear verse the one verse I can think of we're basically gonna be taken different ways is when Peter is fishing naked ok now I remember the first time I'm reading through the Bible and I come across that part of Peter fishing naked I just thought naked was like no clothes and I'm like why would you be inside of a ship or a boat without any clothes on I was like that's weird now I'm gonna say this that biblically speaking if you remember Isaiah preached naked right I do not believe God was asking him to sin because he's only preaching in front of other men and so biblically speaking it's actually not a sin for a guy to be naked in front of another guy I still think it's weird though right if we have a men's preaching night event make sure you're wearing clothes okay but it's actually not considered sinful in front of someone of the same gender okay but I think it's still strange like for example when I was in high school you know when I played soccer you know before you go back on the bus to drive home people could get a quick shower and a lot of guys in the team did I never did because it's like I don't want to be around other guys without my clothes on I think it's weird it's strange but biblically speaking that would not be considered inappropriate so as Peter is naked in front of the other you know basically shown off part of his body that would be naked he's around the other apostles there'd be nothing sinful about that but if you go to a public place you don't know who you're gonna run into so for example you know if you walk out in public and you're showing off this part of your body you say well you know I'm not front in front of somebody of the opposite gender but you're gonna walk by somebody of the opposite gender and you realize that and so the thing is that would actually be considered inappropriate but when it comes to Peter fishing naked you know what if we're looking at the Bible and the Bible is consistent where it says this is nakedness then you would say probably that part of his thigh is exposed some people say well maybe he's wearing long pants and he's without a shirt but there's not really a verse that you can point to that I'm aware of that would say this part of your body is naked you say brother Stuckey are you saying there's nothing wrong with showing off this part of your body but it doesn't really matter if it's naked or not because there's something called point number three modesty and it might not be considered biblically naked but there's something called modesty and when we dress of course number one cover up your nakedness number two dress in your appropriate gender but number three be modest and when we dress well I'm not showing off my nakedness but are you modest because modesty is actually very important in the eyes of God Matthew chapter 5 verse 27 Matthew 5 verse 27 Matthew 5 verse 27 you have heard that it was said by them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery but I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after hath committed adultery with her already in his heart now this is a verse that would condemn guys that have a lustful heart and they're setting their eyes upon things that they ought not but in any way that's a proper application but I would also show you that it says with her and it seems to indicate the woman can also be guilty you say why brother Stuckey because here's the thing guys do not lust after women if they're dressed in a godly inappropriate manner now I've talked about beauty before in the Word of God and I said that when women dress as a woman it's a very beautiful thing but it does not cause guys to lust in the way that somebody that's dressed like a harlot would you see them and they look beautiful they look like a lady but it's not going to cause them to lust in that way and what I would say is for a guy to lust after woman it's probably because she's showing off parts of her body that's the reality and so as a lady you say well guys shouldn't do that but you know they're going to and you ought to dress in a modest way so number one of course you're covering up your nakedness but you should also try to dress in a modest way where you're not drawing lustful attention onto yourself you got addressed modestly go to first Timothy chapter 2 first Timothy chapter 2 first Timothy chapter 2 now I want to be very clear on something point number two was the biblical definition of nakedness and I could stand up here and say thus saith the Lord this is what the Bible says modesty is a matter of opinion so one person might think something is immodest someone else might not and what I would say to that is that every man be fully persuaded in his own mind but all of us should strive to be modest so what I'm saying is your law I mean the line for nakedness I mean there's no arguing this part of the body is naked nobody could argue that a question of modesty people could disagree or argue about various things is this modest is this modest but you know what we should just all strive to be modest it's kind of like when we talk about hair length the Bible says men have short hair and women have long hair well I mean how short can I let it get as a woman or how long can I let it get as a guy how about just not trying to get close to the level of sin and just have the fact that you're trying to do right and God approves with what you're doing don't even go close to the line and when you're dressing modestly I'm not saying you have to look like a Muslim woman right I mean the way Muslim women dress they cover up their entire body I mean that's insane that's extreme I mean they're covering up like both their eyes I mean I think women were given eyes so they can see where they're going I don't think you got to cover up every part of their body like that but at the same time there's kind of an in-between with how the world dresses and with how a Muslim woman would dress and what you should strive to be modest in the way you dress first in the chapter 2 verse 9 and like men are also that women adorn themselves in modest apparel apparel is what you wear it's your clothing and the Bible says adorn yourselves wear modest clothing with shame-facedness and sobriety not with broided hair or gold or pearls or costly array the Bible says and it says not with broided hair which would be an old spelling for the word braided and then gold or pearls or costly array now I'm going to give you my opinion on this because an obvious question that comes up is why is the Bible mentioning braided hair is there something wrong with braided hair I don't believe there's anything wrong with braided hair but it's kind of a verse that kind of stands out why does it mention this and what I read online and this is not the Word of God so you can believe it or not believe it I can't be a hundred percent dogmatic but what it says is in first century Roman culture women would customarily braid or twist their hair high under their heads often decorating their locks with jewels gold adornment gold adornments and more to garner attention so the braided hair was a means to put like costly stuff if you have a lot of money I don't know for sure if that's true it sounds believable to me I wouldn't see anything that would be wrong with braided hair that's my personal opinion but you know what I'm not dogmatic I mean but that's what I would say about that but the idea is to dress modestly not to draw attention to yourself well if you got gold in your hair and costly pearls people are going to look they're going to say wait a minute you know that person's rich and you're drawing attention on yourself now here's the thing there's nothing wrong with showing this part of your body right we're not Muslims or we're not a nun we're covering up everything right but here's the thing if you're putting gold and silver people are going to look at it from afar and say wait a minute that person's rich right now go in your Bible to 1st Peter 3 I would also say there's nothing wrong with earrings for a woman but the Bible speaks about women wearing earrings but obviously there can be a balance where something that's flashy and trying to draw attention as opposed to just trying to look nice there's nothing wrong with a woman trying to look nice you can't point to a verse that would say it's a sin to wear makeup or lipstick either there's nothing wrong with a woman doing that but I would say and what we're going to see here is women ought to focus more on the inside than the outside and it's more important to be right with God on the inside and quite honestly it's going to be more beautiful to other guys if you're right on the inside than on the outside and look I didn't just preach that sermon on Mother's Day about beauty vainly I mean it it's true if women are godly it isn't a very attractive thing to other guys especially a guy that is right with God there's no doubt there is an attractiveness to a person that's dressed like a harlot the Bible speaks about that in a lustful and sinful way but if you're a godly lady y'all don't want to dress in a way you can dress nice I'm not saying you have to wear clothes from like hundreds of years ago or I'm not saying you can't wear colors but you know I dress modestly dress godly and you want that is actually going to be a very attractive thing to other guys when you're dressed in a modest and godly way and and here's the great thing it's not going to cause guys to lust after you if you're dressed appropriately Bible says in 1st Peter 3 verse 1 likewise he wives being subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives will they behold your chase conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or putting out of apparel but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price what these verses are saying is care less about the outside and care about the inside the meek and quiet spirit the godly attitude the godly person it is in the sight of God of great price but in the sight of a godly person of a godly man it's also a great price as well right that is more important than the outside the inside matters a whole lot more than the outside now here's the thing there's nothing wrong with trying to look nice on the outside you would be going outside the Bible if you said it was wrong for a woman to try to make her hair look nice and you know it'd be wrong for her to ever wear anything nice it's wrong for her to wear makeup or anything like that but the Bible is very consistent and clear focus more on the inside then focusing on the outside go to Luke chapter 20 Luke 20 as I said with modesty things are a matter of opinion I don't have a verse that would say well this is not modest this is modest I would just say that you know what we ought to all strive to be right with God and we should strive to be modest and when you dress in something make sure hey you know what I'm covering up my nakedness it's gender appropriate but wait a minute am I modest that is also important for example you know what you could be wearing clothes that cover this part of your body but if they're extremely tight I don't consider that modest I mean if they're drawing attention to guys looking because it's like you're covering up that part of the body but they're extremely tight so every curve and every part of the body is very visible it's like I wouldn't consider that modest I would say you ought to strive to dress in a way that is appropriate and modest and that is in the sight of God of great price now here's the thing it is a lot easier for men with clothing than women it's a lot easier the way I mean here's here's what you got to understand who is it that runs the fashion industry women and sodomites how do you think they want people to dress right I mean women and sodomites are the ones that run the industry and probably mainly sodomites run the industry how do you think they want people to dress I mean even even as a guy anymore with pants they try to make them like super tight it's not comfortable as a guy no guy wants to wear pants like that not something that's comfortable and the way the fashion industry is they're trying to get people to dress bad trying to get people to dress in ways that are not appropriate I mean it's a fact I mean you'd have to be foolish to not realize that when homos are running the fashion industry they want women to be shown off their body and they want guys to be dressing like women that is a fact and I realize it is more difficult for a lady to get proper and godly clothes than a man guys what we do in the morning if you're not aware ladies we go inside of our you know cabinet at home or closet and you know what if we haven't had our coffee we're like but it doesn't matter because we just randomly grab whatever right it's like I don't spend time like what am I gonna wear today it's like you just grab whatever and just put it on it's like as guys it's just not that big of a deal right and so I understand it's more difficult for ladies but here's what I would say men also should dress modestly men also should dress modestly you know here's the thing a guy's a guy could also dress covering showing off his nakedness also because this is naked for both a woman and a guy for example what about the NBA shorts in the 80s right I mean when you see those players from the 80s you see the Michael Jordan I mean the highlights of Michael Jordan doing that slam dunk like half his thigh is exposed now I remember when I was younger and I played soccer you know there would always be a set day where the uniforms came in and you didn't know how long they were gonna be and it's like you know on that day I remember sometimes you got your uniform and your soccer shirts shorts for the year would go to like here every single guy was angry you say why it's built into your conscience you don't want to show off that part of your body you want long shorts to just cover it up even if you don't know what the Bible says is that not true for men that have played shorts you want to cover up that part of the body you feel weird about it right guys also we should strive to dress in a modest way cover up our nakedness dressed in a modest way also now I'm gonna give you an example what I'm talking about here and you can agree or disagree but but here's what I want to say I believe if it is a modest for a woman to show off this part of her body it's a modest for a guy to show off this part of his body also now you can agree or disagree and that's fine I'm giving you my opinion as I said modesty can be something that it's a matter of opinion but I would certainly consider it immodest if a woman is showing off this part of her body I would say it's immodest if a guy's showing off that part of his body now when I was in college I was probably 21 years old I remember me and my friends were planning to go to the beach one summer which I am NOT recommending this these are stories from my past over 15 years ago but we were college students that worked out all the time that were shallow and vain and so you know what we were trying to get muscular abs and here's the thing the darker the skin the more your muscles show that's the way it works that's why body builders will put on the spray on tan and so I remember when I was in college we're getting ready to go to the speech trip and I remember I I went running a lot in college and I remember I went running without my shirt on to try to get a tan and I'll tell you what as I went running without a shirt on I felt weird as I ran by other people I felt embarrassed I felt shame I felt you know it's like you know I couldn't wait to get back to my car because it's like man this is not right it's not appropriate now I wouldn't have felt that way in front of another guy because guys around a guy it's like whatever when you grow up in sports you play shirts and skins as guys no big deal but in front of another woman it's like you're running by other women it's like I felt weird about you say why did I know a Bible verse about it no but here's the thing it was just inside of me I just felt like it was inappropriate and as guys I would say that this part of the body is also something that should be covered up I don't see exceptions for going to the beach either I think it's something that is immodest now if you disagree that's fine you're welcome and entitled to your opinion but I think both for guys and girls that this part of the body it's immodest now it's not naked I can't point to a verse that would say that well what I would say is we should strive to be modest and I would say I don't think that is modest Luke chapter 20 verse 45 Luke 20 verse 45 it says in Luke 20 verse 45 we'll look at just a couple more places Luke 20 verse 45 it says then in the audience of all the people who said unto disciples beware of the scribes which desire to walk in long robes why would a guy desire to walk in a long robe like seriously is that the way you would want to dress if you go to Robinson's do you want to wear a long robe look I would never wear a suit to Robinson's grocery store to the Plan K or anything like that you say why I would feel weird about it so why would a guy want to wear a long robe that's not going to be comfortable what says they desire to walk in long robes and love greetings in the markets and the highest seats in the synagogues and the chief rooms of feasts which devour widows houses and for a show make long prayers the same shall receive greater damnation they like the attention they like to be called oh it's a pastor right they want to dress in a way we're strong attention to them let me give an example this if a Buddhist monk is wearing his orange garb his orange attire his orange clothing and he goes to Robinson's everybody will stare at him why because it's gonna just stand out from people that are dressed like normal people is that modest no because modest means you're not drawing attention to yourself when I grew up in the Protestant Church that the ministers would wear these long robes just like you see in the Bible that were bright purple right they're wearing these purple garments and they had this giant scarf over their neck I mean I don't know why except for the fact they're drawing attention and when people see them it's like oh it's the minister it's it's the reverend is how they would call them it's like what are they doing they're trying to draw attention to themselves it's like why are the nuns dressed the way they are to draw attention to themselves so when people see them oh it's a holy person it's a nun right to draw attention to themselves that is not modest either so here's the thing if you saw me in Pampanga when I go to the grocery store you know how I'm dressed you know I'm dressed in a normal shirt I don't wear a suit I don't wear a tie right we have the ATM near our house and when I go to the ATM I usually wear shorts and a t-shirt shorts that go down to the knee you say why brother Stuckey because it's hot because I don't want to put on like a bunch of clothes if it's just a little bit away so make sure I cover my nakedness go to the ATM get the money out go back to the house because I'm dressed like a normal person and if you're trying to dress to stand out that's not modest even if you're covering up every part of your body look the way Muslim women dress is not modest it stands out you can see them from a mile away the way they're dressed it's like that's not modest and so when we're wearing clothing obviously we should cover up our nakedness it's not really part of the sermon but gender specific but we should also strive to dress in a modest way so the recap of this sermon is that what is the biblical definition of nakedness if you look at all the verses what is the thing that's very clear this part of the body from the waist to the knee on both sides would be considered naked according to the Word of God I can't point to a verse that would say this part of the body is naked but what I would say is it's not modest we ought to dress in a way that's modest so number one make sure you're covering up your nakedness and number two dress gender specific but number three we should dress in a way where we're modest we're not standing out right I mean this is not what the Bible has in mind where it's like oh they're gonna see your good works let's your light so shine before men that they may see your good works let's your long flowing robe shine before men no that's not what the Bible is saying the Bible is saying you look and act like a normal person so when you're a godly person and you're a little bit different that stands out because they look at you as a normal person that is what the Bible is actually saying let's go to more to prayer dear Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see this topic on nakedness God and help all of us to number one make sure we dress to cover up our nakedness number two dress gender specific but number three help us also to dress in a modest way help us just to strive on the inside to dress in a way that would be pleasing to you God we pray this in Jesus name amen you even type emily kumma we put the put I say him number one zero four him number one zero four sata gallo for nothing him knuckle bala sorry sorry I would put I know Tagalog what the put is a peach number one zero four peach number one zero four zero four I would put a little dialogue him number one zero four him number one hundred four Sahar Dean in the garden point of sign English book for instance a put iron and last and the same first as a why why listening this place fully persons are ready saying Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah amen we're dismissed you