(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Chapter 5 And we will only be reading verse 1 down to verse number 13 1st John chapter 5 near the end of your Bible 1st John chapter 5 1 to 13, please say amen if you're there Amen 1st John chapter 5 verse 1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is a Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and its commandments are not grievous for whatsoever is born of God Overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God This is he that came by water and blood even Jesus Christ not by water only but by water and blood And it is the spirit that bears witness The spirit is truth For there are three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one and There are three that bear witness in earth the spirits and the water and the blood and these three agree in one If we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater For this is the witness of God which he had testified of his son He that believeth in the Son of God hath a witness in himself He that believeth not God had made him a liar Because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son And this is the record that God had given to us eternal life and his life is in his son He that hath a son hath life and he hath not the Son of God hath not life These things have I written unto you that believe in the name of the Son of God That you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God Bless the reading of God's Word. Let us pray. Lord God in heaven we thank the Lord for this day that you've given to us I pray the Lord that you would please bless the Lord for this day Give us good weather for our soul winning and our fellowship laid on. I pray the Lord that you would please bless the preacher In the preaching of your word Lord this day. We love you Jesus and we pray. Amen All right, we're here in 1st John chapter 5 now Actually take out your bulletin real quickly and look at the verse on the very front of your bulletin You're staying in 1st John 5 in your Bible But I look at the verse on the front of the bulletin and in my opinion This is probably the best verse that proves eternal security in the entire Bible now I don't normally use this in my gospel presentation, but if I were to give somebody one verse simply on eternal security This would be the verse and notice what it says Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my word which shows you have to hear the Word of God to be saved and Believeth on him that sent me half Everlasting life so half is present tense You don't have to wait till pog-namatai to find out if you'll go to heaven or hell It says half everlasting life, but then it says this and shall not come into condemnation So half everlasting life present tense once saved always saved because it's everlasting life So you'll never go to ekolomong komatai on you'll never go to hell and shall not come into condemnation Future tense but is past past tense from death and the life So basically present future past past present future once saved always saved right this verse is just super clear I don't know how else you could write it to prove eternal security when he says all your future sins are gone So you're not going to come into condemnation. You have everlasting life right now You've already passed from death on the life and so obviously eternal security that's one of the big things we believe is church One of the things that makes our church different from the average church out there is we teach and believe once saved always saved and the vast majority of churches They don't believe that and I would ask well How else would you interpret John 5 verse 24 now go to 1st John 5 1st John chapter 5? 1st John chapter 5 1st John 5 verse 10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself the witness is referring to the Holy Spirit of God He that believeth not God hath made him a liar So why or how would you make God a liar? Because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son now what it's saying believing not the record is saying something that is Written or recorded About Jesus Christ what the Bible saying is God has written certain things about Jesus Christ And if you don't believe these things you're making God a liar you say I don't believe in the virgin birth You're calling God a liar if you don't believe Jesus is perfect You're calling God a liar because the Bible says in him is no sin Right and so there's certain things written about Jesus Christ that we must believe and if we don't believe these things We're actually calling God a liar, and here's what it says in verse number Verse 11, and this is the record so what is the record what is written about Jesus Christ that you have to believe? God hath given to us eternal life and this life is in his son so God giving us eternal life That's actually parallel to Romans 6 23 where the Bible says the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord Something being given to you is a gift So the Bible is saying you must believe that eternal life is a gift if you think you have to do good works to go To heaven you're not saved That's what the Bible is saying if you think your lifestyle Or the fact that you quit drinking or the fact that you go to church is going to get you to heaven You're not saved because you don't believe that God is giving you eternal life You believe it's something that you have to work for and earn through your own actions And it also says at the end of that verse life is in his son So according to this if you believe that there's salvation outside of Jesus Christ You're not saved Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life No, man cometh unto the Father, but by me and so if you do not believe salvation is only in Jesus You're not saved right, but it also says God hath given to us what? eternal life Right not conditional life not temporary life, but Eternal life that never ends. It's not well buhay nah until you commit your next sin No, it's well unhung gun will uncut the Busan it is eternal life once saved always saved, so here's the thing We don't just believe in one saved always saved We believe it's essential to the gospel and that also makes us different than a lot of Baptist churches because a lot of Baptist churches They preach the gospel they pray the prayer and after they pray the prayer well now let's explain eternal security You say what's wrong with that brother sucky because eternal security is necessary to being saved You say why because there's no works required to get saved No works required to stay saved, and if you believe there's works on either side of salvation You're not safe, so we believe in teach. It's not just eternal security is a true doctrine It's something that's essential to being saved see there's a lot of true doctrines in this Bible that you don't have to believe to be saved But there are a few things you do have to believe and one of those things is you must believe it is once saved Always saved you must realize salvation can never be lost for any reason Verse number 12 he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the son of God hath not life These things have I written on you that believe in the name of the Son of God That you may know that you have eternal life And that you may believe on the name of the Son of God and the Bible says if you believe these things written Then you know for sure you're going to heaven Look if somebody says they're not for sure if they're going to heaven that Means they're not going to heaven because the Bible says if you believe these things you know and for those of us that are saved You remember that when you believed on Jesus Christ, and you got saved you went from being Eighty-five percent, and you think you're probably going to make it and all of a sudden. It's like I don't have any doubts I know I'm saved Why because you believe and because that salvation is eternal see if it wasn't eternal you couldn't really know Because you might lose it, but you can't lose it because it's eternal It's everlasting and of course no exchange for a gift it can't be taken back You're saved from hell the moment you believe go to Romans 1 Romans 1 Romans chapter 1 And I start off with that because the name of the sermon might kind of surprise you and it's Taking eternal security too far you say what? Brother Stuckey, how can you take eternal security too far? I mean, that's the doctrine we live and die on and that's true It's a doctrine we live and die on it's like yes, you know that is essential to salvation Someone doesn't believe it. They're not safe. It's a very important doctrine, but you can actually take something That's true and go a little bit overboard and what I'm primarily talking about is let's say a kid grows up in a Baptist Church And they pray a prayer when they're six years old or seven years old and then all of a sudden a few years later There's certain signs that actually they don't really seem to believe this Anyway, what that should showed you is maybe they just prayed a prayer, but they did not understand Anyway what often takes place at Baptist churches is you got vacation Bible school or the children's ministry and every kid Get saved praise a prayer when they're six years old or seven years old and they do like everybody else is doing and then all of a sudden a couple years later, they don't understand the gospel at all and You're like, you know, I don't I don't know if they're actually saved and then people get mad at you for questioning their salvation Hey, we saw them pray that prayer when they were six years old But wait a minute. There are certain signs that maybe they didn't actually get it You can't just say well one saved always say they prayed that prayer But if there's certain things afterwards what would that would indicate is actually they never actually Got saved to begin with and I'm giving you just three different ones here today One is unnatural sin one is unnatural sin Let's say somebody prays a prayer and you think they get saved But then later on they're into some weird bizarre and perverted sorts of things notice what it says in Romans 1 verse 26 for this cause God gave them up on vile affections for Even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature Unnatural sin you say what is that referring to? Well verse 27 helps clarify and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the woman Burned in their lust one toward another Men with men working that which is unseemly in receiving in themselves that recompense of their error Which was me the Bible here is referring to a guy lusting after another guy a woman Lusting after another woman and what is the Bible saying here? They've been given over to vile affections These are people that never got saved. Let me tell you something. There are plenty of people that are just outright LGBT Homosexuals and they might have prayed a prayer in a church when they were a kid But the fact that they're involved in things that no normal person would that's unnatural because their mind and conscience is defiled It shows you they never got saved. It doesn't matter if they prayed a prayer First number 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient being filled with all unrighteousness Fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of envy murder debate deceit malignity Whispers one thing that's important here in verse 29 People see where it says. Wait a minute, you know Unrighteous we're all unrighteous. It says envious. We all get envious We all can be deceitful and tell lies, but notice how it says being filled with all It's not just that they're unrighteous from time to time But they're filled with these things and it says full of envy murder debate deceit malignity whispers backbiters haters of God How could someone be driven to a point to hate God? I Mean think about this a child is born into this world and there's a natural affection to the mom and dad of the child and vice versa Mom and dad raised that kid that child loves those parents now We understand that in this world there can be bad parents there can be wicked parents But you know what? Unless your parent is just really evil and wicked if someone doesn't love and respect their mom and dad You'd be like what's wrong with you. I Mean, there's a guy that was disrespectful to his mom. You want to like slap him across the face It's like didn't have anybody ever teach you to honor your parents It's like when you were sick in the middle of the night as a baby. They're the ones that held you They're the ones that took care of you. You would have died literally without your mom and dad there for you And look your parents might not have been perfect but if they showed you love there ought to be that love that you have towards them and for someone to be disrespectful to their parents that created them you'd say what is wrong with you and Then how much more Almighty God? Because God's not a bad parent and God created you he gave you life and to reach a point where you hate God I mean we read things in the Bible that maybe we get a bit upset about I don't want to make these changes Or we're upset because God hasn't blessed our lives like we wanted but to reach a point to literally hate God It's like what is wrong with that person and it's someone who was created by God With a conscience given by God and they got angry about that because they want to just go out and do whatever they wanted Right, that's referred to as a wicked and evil person someone that would hate God and that's what we're seeing here in Romans 1 people that hate God and Eventually, it reaches a point where God's like, you know what you hate me you want to just destroy me It's like you know what I'm done with you and they're turned over to a reprobate mind and they become what the Bible says is a child of the devil and They intentionally start to do things that they know God hates things that they know God does not approve of Make no mistake about it the LGBT They know that their lifestyle is not approved of by God You say well brother Stuckey, why don't they obey because they hate God If you hate someone you're not going to obey them and they hate God They hate God in their heart and they live their lives to cause destruction Now look, this is hard for a normal person to understand you say why because I've never even had a thought of hating God Now we talked about last week the Calvinists take it a step further where everybody wants to murder God It's like what is wrong with you? it's like but to hate God and It's like but these people they hate God and they want to just destroy everything that God stands for And here's the thing. It's it's not like they're ignorant of their creator because everybody's born with a belief in God Everybody knows that God created them, but they don't care they hate God and they want to do evil and wicked things right haters of God despiteful proud boasters inventors of evil things Disobedient to parents without understanding covenant breakers without natural affection implacable unmerciful Who knowing the judgment of God? They know God's judgments People are aware of Sodom and Gomorrah People are aware of what the Bible says about their lifestyle They know the judgment of God that they which commit such things are worthy of death They know that they understand that and notice this not only do the same so they don't care They do it anyway, but notice this but have pleasure in them That do them. What is that saying? It's saying this LGBT group that's out there. They don't want to just live a wicked lifestyle They want everybody else to join them in a wicked and evil lifestyle Right. It's kind of like somebody who's a drunk They don't want other people not drinking because they feel guilty and these people that are the LGBT They understand they're living the most wicked and sinful lifestyles and they don't care Right. I mean statistics have shown that Like half of homos have a thousand sexual partners in their life it's like What? I'm that's disgusting a Thousand sexual partners and like people are so naive and stupid of this and it's just like I've given the example before when I was in West Virginia I was out running one time and I get done running and I would carry Bible Invitations with me to invite people to church and this guy starts talking to me as I get done And you know, I don't usually talk to people in public, you know more of a quiet person, but he talked to me So I said hey just want to invite you to church As a guy, you know, that's great and he said and also, you know if you ever want to come over at night sometime you know with me and my male roommate and it was just like I Felt like I had been defiled. I mean it was very obvious to me what he's saying and it's just like you're such a Disgusting. I mean I didn't say anything. I'm just walked away, but it's like such a disgusting person It's like you met me 30 seconds ago and you're inviting me to sleep with you It's like what's wrong with you? Because if a guy did that to a girl you'd say he's a pervert what a weirdo But then a guy does it to another guy. Well, you know lighten up. It's not that big of a deal You got to be kidding me. That's disgusting a normal person doesn't do something like that I Normal guy wouldn't do that to a girl and a guy doing that to another guy someone you don't know It's called you are a sexual pervert and make no mistake about it If he knew me for 30 seconds and said that he does that to everybody he meets How do you get a thousand sexual partners? Well when you invite every single guy you meet to sleep with you It's called being a pervert It's called being a weirdo, but he prayed a prayer when he was six years old at a Baptist Church And we believe once saved always saved You're insane Right. There are certain things that can be signs. You know what? They obviously just didn't get it. I Told this story before as well when I was a teacher in the u.s We had a school function in the community and there was this woman that was obviously a tomboy just by looking at her Right, and by the way, the Bible's word for tomboy is swine Pig for guys, it's dogs For women, it's a pig two disgusting animals Right. This woman had a shirt on with a six colored rainbow And by the way, in case you're not aware a rainbow has seven colors you think it's six because of the LGBT but actually has seven colors God's number of perfection a Six color rainbow with one word above it recruiter Recruiter for what? I Mean look unless you're Bobo. It's pretty obvious It's pretty obvious what she's saying and Here's the thing. I mean I work a job I can do nothing about it Right, there's people at our church, you know that that work around a bunch of homos you're a boss at home We can't do anything about it. And I was like I was you know, I was angry. I saw that shirt I'm like what a wicked and evil person that is And you know, what did it make me think of it made me think of Romans 1 verse 32 not only do the same But have pleasure in them that do them, right? There's that big song by the San Francisco gay choir They made a couple years ago and then people, you know and what they said in the song We're coming for your children. We're coming for your children We're coming for your children over and over and over again. And then when Christians complained about it, can't you take a joke? That's a real funny joke. We want to molest your children How is that funny? If it was a joke, you gotta reprobate mine because you don't understand what's appropriate But it's not a joke They're openly telling you they're coming for your children And yet Christians hear it and other people and they're just like well, you know, can't you take a joke? Can't you lighten up brother Stuckey? Go to first John 3 first John chapter 3 first John 3 You know a lot of kids grow up in Baptist churches and become homos Happens you say brother Stuckey. How does that happen? You have a children's ministry where they get molested just like in the Catholic Church Why is this country arguably the most pro-lgbt country in all of Asia, I mean arguably in the world to be honest Because people think San Francisco is such a cesspool and it is but I don't see a bunch of guys wearing dresses in San Francisco Here it's all over It's all over. I mean every infomercial that comes up. It's some guy in a dress either Mimi yuck Or vice pong eat or whatever, I mean it's some guy in a dress and it's real funny It's all over the place here you say and people say how is I mean, this is the one Christian country It's like how is it possible that is so pro-lgbt in the one so-called Christian country the Catholic Church Where kids are getting molested, but you know, it also happens in Baptist churches with big children's ministries where you don't know what's going on Where parents aren't watching their own kids and you have no idea what's taking place This happens in Baptist churches, and I'll tell you what give an example I went to a church in West Virginia and I remember I invited somebody who was a friend of mine to visit the church that was a an online listener and Then the first thing he says to me in the church from a couple hundred feet away. He's like is that piano player homosexual? And I was like, it's pretty obvious, isn't it? And you say well brother Stuckey, you know, how would they have an open homo being the piano player? Well, I grew up in church. He prayed a prayer when he was six years old went to Christian school Right. So obviously he's got to be saved because we saw him pray that prayer when he's six years old and and yet you can See the obvious signs that the guy is I mean literally and I went for the guys. I'll do it after the service I'll show you a picture of this guy from Facebook and just seeing a picture you're gonna be like, whoa It's pretty obvious Right. It's it's not a matter of debate Okay, but he prayed a prayer when he was a kid look There's certain things that would actually give you an indication Actually, he never got saved and when you're involved in unnatural and wicked sin You were not created by God with those weird and bizarre and abnormal desires first John 3 verse 10 And the Bible says this in first John 3 verse 10 in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil now This is a very important verse. This is Probably the most confusing book about salvation in the entire Bible first John and I preached through all first John before And when you really study it out, it really makes sense but you really got to dig into a lot of phrases and this verse can be confusing because you see the word manifest and Manifest means something that's shown Manifest means something that's known. I mean God was manifest in the flesh Right. I mean Jesus Christ was here on earth. God was manifest in the flesh Manifest is something that's shown but you say well, wait a minute brother Stuckey. I thought that works were not evidence of salvation You're right. They're not I mean, I'm pretty sure I preached on that last week and I have not changed my belief in a week Right. They're not evidence of your salvation. But wait a minute ask yourself this question The phrase I just read is this a comparison between saved people and normal unsaved people No, it's not in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil What's it a comparison of a person who's saved versus a person who's a child of the devil a reprobate? Most people are just normal unsaved people normal desires Normal sinful desires like anybody else, but they have not opened up that door to be in a reprobate This is a comparison between those that are saved and those that are children the devil what the Bible is saying is things are actually Manifest you say why would they be manifest because if you're saved you're not going to be doing things like Romans 1 Here's the thing that kid in my old church if you'd ask him, what does it take to get to heaven believe on the Lord? Jesus Christ, can you ever lose your salvation? No, do you have to repent of your sins to be saved? No He would have said everything, right? But yet he's living a lifestyle where it's very obvious. Well, wait a minute. You never believed on Jesus you're doing things that a normal unsaved person wouldn't do right and so it's manifest and the comparison is between saved and reprobate now here's the thing to keep in mind also in this verse it is not telling you that you Individually should look at your life to figure out whether or not you're saved You know whether you're saved You say well, how do I know faith? That's how you know, do you believe and if you believe you know, you have eternal life as we saw but it's saying about somebody else Manifest children of God versus children of the devil and it says whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God Now obviously, we're all sinners. But if you're saved all you do is righteousness in the eyes of God because you're forgiven If you're unsaved all you do is unrighteousness, but here's the thing when a person becomes a reprobate It's not just that they lose their chance to be saved. They start living a really horrible and sinful life and You know what when you cross reference, you don't have to turn there because it's going to talk about Cain But when Cain right before he becomes a reprobate God gives him a chance and he says you will rule over your brother because Cain is the older brother and He said if thou doest not well Sin lieth at the door. What does that mean sin life at the door? Well with salvation I am the door open up that door. You're saved you have eternal life But there's a door to be in a reprobate Symbolically speaking and he says you open up that door and at the other side you are filled with all unrighteousness fornication Covetous with covetousness wickedness everything in that list Right your mind and conscience is defiled the Bible says whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God Neither he that loveth not his brother Once again, this is not a perfect test and it's not a test for yourself. You know if you're saved But if you see people that claim to be saved, but they hate everybody who's saved They hate everybody that's serving God Legitimately they make a YouTube channel They say they believe the same salvation we do but they make YouTube channels to try to tear down every godly pastor You got to ask the question. I mean, are you really saved? But here's the thing if they're not really saved. What are they? Well, they're not a normal unsafe person they're a child of the devil if Somebody was at our church for a decade and they've gone sowing with us They preach the gospel They've heard all of these sermons and then it turns out that they leave our church and they you know, hate our church Look if you're here for ten years, you're either saved or you're a child of the devil Now 99% of the church like ours are saved you say you believe we believe that but there could be Judas Iscariots, right? Then it says this for this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another Not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother So when Cain slew his brother, he was already of that wicked one. He was not born this way Here's the thing before he killed his brother God said if thou doest well there was still the opportunity to do well and do rights But if not sin life at the door Cain heard the message of God he rejected it he hated it and then he's filled with wickedness and he kills his brother Abel and Wherefore slew him because his own works were evil and his brother's righteous now Here's the thing. Is it possible for a saved person to commit murder? Yes Because murder is something that comes out of anger or hatred in your heart It is certainly possible but realize this if you took every murderer in this world and Did like a psychopath test on them. You'd have a very high percentage of them that are psychopaths. I Mean, obviously it's possible for a saved person to commit murder However, if you were to look at criminals in jail They've done psychopathy tests and they've got a very high percentage of them that test quite high on Their tests of basically being without a conscience you say why because you know what if you're a normal person I'm not even saying a safe person a normal person. You're not going to become a serial rapist You're not going to become a serial killer now. Is it possible for a normal person to commit a sin like rape or murder it is But at the same time it's more likely someone who's a child of the devil is going to do something like that And this is not a perfect test. But once again, it's not a test for yourself It's saying with other people someone says they're saved but you know what? They're a serial killer. They're not saved A lot of people think Jeffrey Dahmer got saved in prison Right, Jeffrey Dahmer, you know, he does this interview. Well the whole reason why I killed people and All the other weird and bizarre stuff is because I was taught evolution Really a lot of people are taught evolution They don't become serial killers and then supposedly a Church of Christ preacher Preaches the gospel to him in jail and he gets saved you say what's wrong with that? Well because the Church of Christ not INC but a Christian cult in the US Church of Christ that says you got to be baptized to be saved gave him his version of the gospel Which I believe it's like eight steps to salvation is their thing Right. Well, here's the thing you say. Well, how do you know he didn't get saved? Do you know how Jeffrey Dahmer died? He didn't get electrocuted he didn't get put to death by the government He was bragging about being a pedophile to another prison inmate and he was beaten to death by another prison inmates Because if you're not a pedophile in jail you hate being associated with them And he heard them brag these people bragging about being a pedophile and the two of them were bludgeoned to death By this other inmate Well, it really seems like he changed. I mean, it really seems like he got saved. He's still bragging about being a pedophile Maybe it's just called an act Maybe it's just called pretend Maybe it's just called. I want a lighter sentence. I don't want the death penalty Right. You got to use common sense going your Bible to Jude 1 Jude 1 Jude chapter 1 Jude 1 Bible says it's Jude 1 verse 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and going after strange flesh Are set forth for an example Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire so in the book of Jude the second the last book in the Bible verse 7 going after strange flesh are set forth for an Example an example of what suffering the vengeance of eternal fire That these homos they're an example that guess what those people they're going to spend forever in the lake of fire So the Bible is saying right and so you say why are you bringing this up brother Stuckey? Here's where I'm bringing it up because when we go soul winning we need to explain eternal security But you need to make it believable, right? I'll give you an example now turn to John 3 and I'll give you an example What I'm talking about John 3 Now the example I have is Not from the Philippines. So I like to mention that it's not somebody at this church They use this example, but I went soul winning with somebody one time. I'm the silent partner and Of course, they want to zealously explain eternal security So they get to the end of the conversation and this is what they said. Well, let's say for example you know you get saved today and Then you go on a killing spree and you kill a hundred people and you kill me and then you kill yourself Where will you go? That's a bad example, I Mean and look as I said, it's not something but if you view if you use something similar quit using that out so winning It's like you're making that person because it doesn't sound believable because it's actually not biblical See when we're explaining eternal security We need to make them realize that here's the thing you will pay for your sins in this life and You don't want to use like the most extreme example. That would never happen in real life I mean saying yeah, what if you get saved and you become a serial killer and then you kill yourself Where are you gonna go? That's essentially what you're saying. They're saying going on a killing spree Right and you're making it hard for them to believe in eternal security because they're thinking in their head There's no way that can be true and they're actually right That's that's that's that's absurd Right now I'll say a couple things about this because when I explain eternal security I Personally don't like to bring the person into the conversation So I'll say let's say a person receives eternal life Let's say a person receives salvation and one day they committed a sin like murder Where Would they go heaven or hell my opinion is it's better to use somebody else as an example rather than that exact person I think it's easier for people to make judgment when they're not associated with it But I said let's say somebody receives eternal life and they commit a terrible sin like murder now at this point in the conversation I've already explained that you get judged in this life for your sins And I'm using a big sin that is possible for a saved person So we kind of see do they really believe it do they get it because many times you ask a question like that And you know what people never like to say the word hell, so they just point down Right, where would they go now they'll say, you know salon eat if they're talking about heaven, but if it's hell it's just like point Right, you know what I'm talking about. And so I use that example and you know what oftentimes they'll get that wrong But here's the thing, you know, I'm not going to use an example, let's say somebody gets saved and they become Jeffrey Dahmer Well Ted Bundy the American serial killer all-american serial killer It's like you're using examples that are not only not biblical but it's like it doesn't sound believable to the person It's it's too extreme. Let's say somebody gets saved and then they become a pedophile. Where are they going to go? Use an example that's not going to take place and you're making it very hard for them to believe in eternal security Right and so and And I mentioned this because quite honestly when I first got saved I was very zealous to explain eternal security I remember I gave the gospel within the first couple of days I got saved and the person I gave the gospel to was a family member and they brought up real situations They're like, well, what about Judas Iscariot? I was like, I don't know if he was saved But if he was he was still saved afterwards Right, you know, what about the fallen angels? I was like, I don't know if they were saved But if they were and they're still saved afterwards, by the way, angels don't get judged by their belief They all believe on the Lord. They get judged by their works Not based on their belief because every one of them understands who the true God is they get judged by their works though So it's a mute point, you know, what about what about the devil right or what about anyway? Here's the thing the person I was talking to they grew up in an area with a lot of criminals that did horrible things And I said hey, it doesn't matter if they did any of those things. They'd still be saved now, of course We believe in eternal security One saved always saved and I was young and zealous and I didn't really know the proper balance on things to be able to explain It I'm just saying here's the thing You don't want to put the example way out there where it's not believable because it's actually not reality. I Give one example. What if they committed murder and if they get that right one example, what if they committed suicide? Right. What if a person committed suicide after getting saved? Would they still be saved? but you don't want to use an example that's too far out there because you're taking eternal security too far and you're actually gonna make It hard for somebody to actually believe the gospel because it seems too good to be true. Right go to John 3 John 3 Number one taking eternal security too far if somebody's involved in unnatural sin They never got saved someone who's a reprobate a child of the devil. Obviously, I've preached in this many times number two, though If somebody does not believe unbelief point one unnatural sin point two unbelief if you say somebody got saved But then afterwards they don't believe the gospel They didn't get saved When we go soul winning we talk to someone and we say hey, do you know for sure you're going to heaven if they say Yes, well, how do you know and if they say well I got saved when I was a kid, but I'm an atheist now They never got saved Because if they got saved they would still believe because the belief actually sticks with you forever and I'm going to prove that to you I'm going to prove it to you with very common verses John 3 verse 18 He that believeth not is not he that believeth on him is not condemned But he that believeth not is condemned already Because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God Now there's two types of people mentioned in John 3 verse 18 person number one they believe and they're not condemned person number two does not believe and It says the person who does not believe why is he condemned because he hath not believed Because he never believed he never believed on the Lord It's not that you can believe on the Lord and then stop believing I mean those that believe are not condemned and those that don't believe they are condemned because they never believed He hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God There's not a third category of those they believe the gospel and now they worship the devil They believe the gospel now they believe in Muhammad They believe the gospel, but now they believe in Shiva to get to heaven know if you believe the gospel that sticks with you He that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed he's never Believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God go to John 3 36 verse 36 verse 36 John 3 verse 36 He that believeth on the Sun hath everlasting life that's person one person who believes in the Sun they're saved on their way to heaven they have everlasting life and He that believeth not the Sun Shall not see life But the wrath of God abideth on two types of people and those that don't believe the Sun presently They shall not see life. It's not that you can see or receive eternal life And then you quit believing in Jesus. No those that don't believe they've never seen eternal life They've never believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God They've never believed the gospel Because if they did believe the gospel they'd still believe now we do understand that with false teachers out there It's the reason why I preach a sermon like I did last week Because false teachers come here and tell you if you're really saved you're gonna have good works And it makes genuinely say people start to question or doubt themselves because they're listening to a heretic But here's the thing the person who genuinely gets saved what that what happens is they are in dwell with the Holy Spirit of God Which is also called the Holy Spirit of what? truth The Holy Spirit of truth now. I'm gonna spend some time on this is very important go to John 3 verse 33 John 3 verse 33 is is really the the key verse To really get what I'm saying here And we're going kind of in depth because the verse you kind of read over maybe because there's a lot of other famous verses here John 3 verse 33 He That hath received his testimony hath said to his seal that God is true now in a saying receive his testimony whose testimony Is it you're receiving? Jesus Christ now, what does it mean to receive his testimony? Well as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God to be born again Even to them that believe on his name those that believe in the name of Jesus Christ So receiving Jesus as your Savior is believing on Jesus now It is a perfectly biblical and scriptural terminology To say I received Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. That's actually completely correct Now here's the thing in our modern day if somebody says I received Jesus as my Savior The problem is people mean different things that when they make that statement I think a better way to be clear is to say I believed on Jesus Christ, but receiving Jesus Christ is biblical It's scriptural. It's it's John 1 12. It's John 3 33 You receive his testimony notice you're receiving the testimony of Jesus Christ It's not your testimony It's like well, how do you know you're saved? Well, I used to be a drunk and I don't drink anymore Well, what does it have to do with receiving the testimony of Jesus Christ? What does that do with believing the testimony of Jesus? I? Used to drink and I don't drink. Well, a lot of people quit drinking. What's your point? I used to smoke and I don't smoke a lot of people quit smoking. I Used to be a rotten person now, I'm not a rotten person a lot of people change their life What's your point that has nothing to do with believing on Jesus Christ in the message of salvation? Because the Bible says when you receive his testimony you're believing on the testimony of Jesus that the record that God gave his son He was died. He died. He was buried and he rose again. You're believing on him for salvation When you receive his testimony notice what happens hath set to his seal That God is true in John 3 verse 33 a couple things to keep in mind I want you to pay attention to the word seal and I want you to pay attention to the word true You've said to your seal that God is true. Go to Ephesians 1 Ephesians 1 Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 I've heard it said by some Baptist preachers. They'll say well, you know what? I've heard people say they believe in eternal security the believer, but you know, I don't believe in eternal security the believer I believe in eternal security and what they mean by that is a person can believe on Christ and then become an atheist And since once saved always saved They're still saved But it's not actually biblical You get saved by believing on Christ and that belief actually stays with you And so what do we believe we believe in eternal security of the believer? Because we go soul winning and if somebody says they don't believe the gospel It's like well, then you're not saved How do we determine if somebody's safe? Well, what do you believe it takes to get to heaven, right? If they believe the wrong thing, it's like well, you know what? I believe you got to be a good person get baptized speak in tongues go to church and hold out faithful But did you used to believe it was by grace through faith? Wouldn't that be absurd It's like no out of their own mouth They tell you what you but they believe and we go off what they say they say they don't believe it. They're not saved Ephesians 1 verse 13 and Whom he also trusted After that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believe so Believe on Christ or trust in Christ, you know money Waller or Mach to all along Kai hazel Christo Believe on on Christ for your salvation. Ye were sealed With that Holy Spirit of promise when you get saved you've set to your seal The God is true You have the Holy Spirit of promise to promise that you are going to go to heaven and you're gonna get the glorified body At the rapture, so you are sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise go to John 15 John 15 John 15 I mean if you're saved here today you are in dwell with the Holy Spirit of God forever You are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, but the Bible also calls it something else John 15 verse 26 John 15 verse 26 But when the Comforter has come and the Comforter is referring to the Holy Ghost whom I will send unto you from the Father even the Spirit of truth Which proceedeth from the Father he shall testify of me So you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise or you could say you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of what? Truth when you get saved you've set to your seal that God is true You're sealed with the Holy Spirit of truth go to 1st John 5 1st John 5 we looked at it before but let's look at it again 1st John 5 Now I preached on this before I remember a Verdi Baptist in Sacramento I preached on this and you know I remember You know because a lot of people don't agree with what I'm saying a lot of people say you can believe and become an atheist And that's not what the Bible teaches But I remember, you know, a lot of people criticize say well, you know, you're wrong about this And by the way, Pastor Jimenez agrees with me Pastor Anderson agrees with me. I mean any like-minded pastor they agree on this because this is clearly what the Bible says But but but here's the thing people criticize and what they said is you're taking the verses in John chapter 3 to literally So what they're saying is if we look at those verses literally hath not believed and you never believed But you're not meant to take them that literally I'm sorry But when I read the Bible I take things literally unless there's a reason not to I Take it literally. I mean unless it's obvious. It's symbolic you go with the literal meaning So and so is 80 years old. I think he's 80 years old That's what the Bible says hath not believed. I think he's never believed Shall not see life. He's never seen life. I mean, that's what it's saying now I'm going a bit deeper though from John 3 33 Ephesians 1 and notice what it says in 1st John 5 Verse Number 10 He that believeth on the Son of God hath a witness in himself. He that believeth not God hath made him a liar Because he believeth not the record that God gave his son Bible says those that do not believe they're making God a liar. What is the opposite of a lie? the truth right The opposite of a lie is the truth And what does the Bible say when you get saved you've set to your seal forever See it with the Holy Spirit of promise the Holy Spirit of truth that God is true And if you're your seat if it's set to the seal that God is true That means you're never going to make God a liar, right? Isn't that exactly we're seeing in 1st John 5 verse 11 see or verse 10 I should say those that don't believe they're making God a liar why because they don't believe The record that God gave his son and what the Bible saying is the moment you believe this record you set to your seal That God is true You're never gonna call him a liar by denying eternal security by denying Jesus is the way to heaven by denying It's a free gift because you've set to your seal that God is true Right. I mean that's what the Bible says go in your Bible to Colossians 2 Colossians chapter 2 What am I trying to say here's what I'm saying if your child grows up in this church and you think they get saved when they're six or seven years old and they get baptized and then as a parent you start to question later on because they don't seem to believe or understand You say well brother Stuckey they prayed that prayer Give them the gospel again Talk about those things Again, I mean don't Just because they prayed a prayer look kids are young a Lot of stuff they could seem to understand I'll be I'll be honest with you It's it's just and it's tough for you because my oldest child Zeph is five years old I'll tell you what he will answer a lot of questions correctly. How many times you need to be saved once? Can you ever lose your salvation? No, what do you have to do to be saved believe but as a parent? I'm around my child and I know he's just a little bit too young to fully grasp all this stuff I know that but I know that you're honestly he could confuse you because he can answer a lot of things Correct. He picks up a lot from the sermons, right? What I'm saying is as a parent Make sure your kids get it and you know what I would say is you know What talk about the gospel to your kids all the time and here's the thing you're around your kids You don't have to go from beginning to end all the time You can just give them one verse and explain it and just as a constant thing just talk about verses in the Bible ask them questions See if they're getting it and just ask these things to find out because it's it might take a long time for them to get it I mean if you're an adult in this room, yeah, you understand it very easily but a young child I mean it takes some time to hear these things to fully grasp them And so what I would say is don't just trust in the fact that they pray to prayer and you think they got it Make sure even after that even if you're like man, I am like certain they got it I'd still be asking them questions about salvation afterwards to make sure they got it But also to prepare them to be a soul winner and to prepare to defend what they believe Right because if they really did believe That belief is going to stick with them. And if they don't believe a year later, they don't get it at all It's like well, wait a minute. They prayed a prayer, but they were not old enough to fully grasp it. Okay number one Unnatural sin would be a sign. They never believed number two unbelief if they don't believe they never believe that's what the Bible teaches number three Unchanged rudiments unchanged rudiments now you're saying brother sucky. What is a rudiment? Okay I'm using a Bible word and I'll show you what this means but unchanged rudiments. It's kind of like your worldview Your perspective on life your philosophical view of the world and notice what it says in Colossians 2 verse 8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit After the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ Our worldview is very different from someone who's an atheist Our worldview is were created by God the worldview of an atheist is that you're a bunch of random chemicals that came together as A result of two different worldviews you will have a lot of different beliefs in this life and Here's the thing when you believe on Christ for salvation It's not the only belief that is going to change in you because you have a different perspective On the world look at verse number 20 cost us to verse 20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world Why as though living in the world are ye subject to ordinances now go to Genesis 1. I'll give you a couple examples Genesis chapter 1 One example is evolution versus creation if You run into someone that does not believe in creation They believe we're just a bunch of random chemicals the Big Bang Theory, and you try to convince them evolution is a lie They're not going to change their mind most likely If they got saved they would change their mind like that That quickly why because when you believe on Christ for salvation, it's also understood. Well God created us There's certain things that go hand in hand with believing on Jesus Christ for your salvation And if you believe in Christ for your salvation your worldview is just going to change right Genesis 1 verse 1 in The beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the Deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters and God said let there be light and there was light and God saw the light that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness and the God called the light day and the Darkness he called night and the evening in the morning were the first day look if you believe the Bible Which you have to believe the Bible to get saved because you're believing on the Word Jesus Christ, and you read this There's no way you can walk away and say there's the Big Bang Theory There's billions of years of evolution There's no way you could read that I mean the Bible says God created the heaven and the earth and well How do you know how he created it because he explains? This is day one This is day two. I Mean a Big Bang is an explosion where everything happens instantaneously which by the way is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard of in my life, and it doesn't matter that half of people believe it. It's stupid Well, there's all these smart people that believe it well. Maybe they're not as smart as you think You say what's your proof well the fact that they believe that Everything that goes against basic science and math what it's called is people that are intellectually smart that hate God And they want to come up with anything to get rid of the idea of God But you read this there's no way you walk away and say well evolution Right, but if you're not saved you don't understand the Bible, and you just let the Bible be whatever you want it to be Here's what I'm saying when a person gets saved if their worldview is Evolution and the Big Bang Theory and all these things and they get saved guess what their worldviews change their rudiments change And you what if they still believe all these things that are just anti God Well you might want to question do they really get saved right go to verse number 26 And God said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over The fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth So the Bible says verse 26 let us make man in our image the hour there is because the the the Holy Trinity God the Father God the Son God the Holy Ghost But we're making man in our image, and then of course you see Adam created Do you see like a half monkey half man before Adam? It's not there Why because man was made in the image of God it's clear as day And here's the thing if you run into someone that went to the same church as you years later And now they're this hardcore pro evolution person you say brother Stuckey should you question if they really believe the gospel yes? Because They seem to believe everything that an atheist would believe because there's certain things a child of God is going to believe with the Holy Spirit of truth inside of them and Believing on Christ for their salvation go to Jeremiah 1 Jeremiah 1 Jeremiah chapter 1 Jeremiah chapter 1 Jeremiah 1 verse 5 another one is abortion Another one is abortion. I mean if you're saved And you believe on Christ for your salvation. You know another belief that you're not going to have that abortion is perfectly fine as A child of God with that belief understanding that God created you you have no right to terminate the life of somebody else Jeremiah 1 verse 5 Before I formed me in the belly I knew thee and before thou came his fourth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet out of the nations God says before you are formed in the belly I knew you I mean explain to me people that are so smart That believe abortion is perfectly fine. It's not a child. Why does it have body parts inside the belly? Why does it have a heartbeat? So you've got to be kidding me, but you want to justify a wicked and evil lifestyle That's why you justify it. I knew somebody in college and He was a very liberal person pro abortion Pro LGBT and you know what he was friends with a friend of mine And he heard my friend telling people about Jesus and salvation and you know what he? Heard some things and of course he didn't believe this at the time he grew up Catholic He didn't believe the gospel, and this is the only story. I know where it's like the fish jumps in the boat He literally asked my friend. What must I do to be saved I? Mean he's literally like I don't want to go to hell like he had I mean he's pro-abortion Pro LGBT all these things, but he was scared about going to hell my friend gave him the gospel he got saved immediately He Believed abortion was murder immediately. I mean because he told us this like yeah, you know what I used to be pro-abortion pro LGBT He's like when I got saved. I knew that is wicked. It's evil. It's murder Here's the thing I believe that pretty I mean I believe that everybody on the inside. They know abortions murder They just want to justify their actions because you'd have to be an idiot to say it's not the baby's not alive inside the belly When there's a heartbeat, and there's body parts right, but it's like immediately He switched his mind why because his worldview has changed now that he's saved Look when we preach to the alphabet of Bible doctrines. What was the first letter? Abortion you say brother Stuckey aren't you worried about preaching something controversial that could split the church I mean half of people are pro-abortion half or not not at our church Everybody's against abortion. I Mean maybe if you go to that church or that church is going to be a split It's not gonna be a split at this church because you believe on Christ you're gonna be anti abortion that's the belief you're gonna have because of your worldview your rudiments change when you get saved and Regardless of what you believe before you were saved now that you are saved your perspective on the world changes Go in your Bible to Titus to Titus chapter 2 for sake of time. I'm gonna skip that the third one I mentioned that I had on here But I'll give you one other thing that your perspective changes when you get saved, and there's a lot of things I mean you just you become a different person This I'm not saying you're gonna quit drinking or quit smoking or live a good life, but your beliefs will change It's not just believing on Christ, but your perspective on the world will change now for me. I grew up Conservative like I've always been anti-abortion I Mean I was homeschooled, so I had very traditional Conservative sorts of beliefs I always have but for other people they grow up in a different sort of lifestyle and when they get saved It's like they weren't that conservative before what takes place when they get saved they become conservative And I say conservative in the fact that you're against abortion Against the LGBT you know you believe in the Bible we believe in the Word of God There's certain things that you're gonna believe now that are different why because your worldview changed right Lastly Your perspective on sin is one of the rudiments that changes when you get saved now I want to show you this very clearly and help you understand what I'm saying because I don't want you to misunderstand But notice very carefully what it says in Titus 2 verse 11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, so how many people did Jesus die for? everybody Everybody every sin no question it appeared to all men right no question, but notice this teaching us Wait a minute why does it say teaching us it has appeared to all men But then Paul says teaching us well who's he referring to he's referring to save people because he's writing to save people Teaching us that are saved is what he's saying teaching us So the the the death of Christ and his resurrection. I mean it's it's Appeared to all men Jesus died for everybody But for us that are saved it teaches us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts notice this we should live soberly Righteously and godly in this present world being saved Teaches you that you should do right it does not mean that you will do right It teaches you that you should do right I'll give you examples of this Before I was saved. I listened to a lot of hard rock music from you know 70s sorts of music Aerosmith Led Zeppelin Guns and Roses a lot of pretty bad music, okay? Anyway, they use the Lord's name in vain a lot in that music And before I was saved. I mean I would have said I was a Christian, but it didn't really bother me After I got saved when I would hear a song from one of those people and they're talking about doing drugs or sleeping around Or they use the Lord's name in vain even though. I don't even know the Bible. I don't know the verses immediately It made me mad when they use the Lord's name in vain It just changed Right my favorite movie before I was saved is a movie called Pulp Fiction It is one of the worst movies ever created. It is so vulgar. It's so disgusting I mean they use the Lord's name in vain like a hundred plus times literally in the movie They literally they quote from the Bible and they quote it out of context Ezekiel chapter 25 They misquote it There's all kinds of sexual Perversion in the and they make violence like a joke and funny and before I was saved, you know I thought the movie was hilarious. I Watched that movie one time after I got saved and I was like this is like the worst thing I've ever seen in my life They're using the Lord's name in vain left and right and I'm just like it's awful You say brother Stuckey what changed from when you got saved? You know what changed is I was in dwell with the Holy Spirit of God and here's the thing That's not a guarantee you're gonna do right But it is a guarantee that you're gonna start feeling very guilty for things that you did not feel guilty about before Don't misunderstand me because I'm not saying you're gonna start living a good life But I'm saying if you still live the same life, there's gonna start to be a guilt that you didn't have before I remember, you know when I worked a job in college, I worked at Little Caesars Pizza and So I was the assistant manager. So when I was the head person on duty, I got to pick the music So what music did I pick Psalms hymns and spiritual songs and I remember the workers are like, this is awful How can you like this? I'm like, how can you not like this? I mean the grace of God How do you not like hearing this? You say what's the change when you get saved you just change Right. I mean, I'm not saying you're gonna live a good life. But but the things that you believe The things that you find appropriate and okay, it's just gonna change because your rudiments Have changed it does not mean someone who's a drunk is gonna quit drinking by any means There are drunks that will go to heaven or drug addicts So go to heaven that never quit drinking because vices and addictions are very hard to break But having the Holy Spirit of God, it will change your belief in your perspective in life And so we can go a bit too far in eternal security to think well You know what? Somebody can get saved and yet they're like the most hardcore pro-abortion Person most hardcore LGBT person and no, you know what your perspective is going to change as a safe person So what are the three points? Well, you say somebody got saved, but then they're involved in unnatural sin. They never got saved That's not what the Bible teaches about eternal security someone who's an open homo. They never got saved You say somebody got saved, but they don't believe the gospel anymore Well, they did believe they just don't believe anymore But I mean once they've always saved so they're still safe No, no, no, they never believed because when you get saved that belief sticks with you forever You've set to your seal that God is true. You're sealed with the Holy Spirit of truth and number three Unchanged rudiments if somebody's worldview and perspective doesn't change at all It's like that's a strong sign. They never actually believe because your perspective on life is just different as a safe person Now this is not a guarantee that if somebody gets saved they're gonna love our church and get sin out of their lives But but here's the thing all of us that are here today if you got saved as an adult, you know that your perspective on life drastically changed After you got saved and you know, I know plenty of people that did not change their lifestyles at all But their perspective changed where they understood I would talk to them and I enjoy talking to them because you know We could talk and we believe the same things like yeah, how can people justify abortion? How can they get do this even though they never started serving God, but their perspective it clearly changed Why because when you get saved there's a change that takes place a change in your beliefs a change in your perspective on life Let's close in water per your Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us be here today and getting to see this topic and ask you to help us to understand this obviously We we zealously defend support and preach eternal security But help us realize that even on something that is as important as eternal security something that is is true that we know is true We can still go overboard with something. That is a good doctrine. God. We just pray this in Jesus name. Amen For that song the string to him number 149 in number 149 Sing the song trusting Jesus in number 149 And Sing the song trusting Jesus simply trusting every day on the first everybody sing Oh Once again Ah Oh Oh Without the instruments trusting him what life shall last everybody sing Trusting him what life shall last Trusting him till earth be passed till within the jasper wall Trusting Jesus that is all Trusting as the moments fly Trusting as the days go by Trusting him water before Trusting Jesus that is all We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you. We need more service to you