(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're here in Genesis chapter six and the name of the sermon, it's part seven of science versus the Bible is the worldwide flood and obviously, when we say worldwide flood, we don't mean that every planet also flooded. We're saying the world as an earth and the Bible actually refers to planet Earth as the world because all people and all living things are actually on planet Earth. They are not in other locations so it's referred to as the world. The Bible says here in Genesis six verse, and let me just say this about the flood. There's kind of two aspects you can look at. You can look at the spiritual applications of the flood and why the flood occurred and all those things are great. That's normally how we would express about the flood and we'll talk about that a little bit but primarily since this is a science versus the Bible series, we're gonna be looking at the science behind it and kind of explain some of these unanswered questions, maybe things that you've never thought about referring to the flood. So here's what it says in Genesis six verse fifteen, and this is the fashion which thou shall make it of. The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, the breadth of it 50 cubits and the height of it 30 cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above and the door of the ark shalt thou set inside thereof with lower second and third story shalt thou make it and behold I even I do bring a flood of waters on the earth to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die. Now when he says he's bringing a flood of waters upon the earth, you have to realize that we call this planet earth. In the Bible you have the earth which is the dry ground and you have the seas. So what he's saying is he's bringing the water upon the dry ground. So of course animals that are already in the water like whales, they're already in the water. They're not necessarily gonna die. Obviously they didn't go on the ark to have their life spared. He's saying he's bringing all the water onto all the land animals and the birds and anything that's not dwelling in water. It says here in verse 18, but with thee will I establish my covenant and thou shall come to the ark thou and thy sons and thy wife and thy sons wives with thee and of every living thing of all flesh two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee they shall be male and female of fowls after their kind and of cattle after their kind of every creeping thing in the earth after his kind two of every sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive and take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten and thou shalt gather it to thee and it shall be food for thee and for them. So the Bible says in verse 21 that they're going to gather food for all the people for thee and for them referring to the animals. What it's saying is they're gathering a bunch of plants that they're going to be eating on the ark. So they're not eating meat on the ark, they're eating plants on the ark is the food that they're going to be eating during this time period. Verse twenty-two thus did Noah according to all that God commanded him. So did he now go to Genesis chapter seven Genesis seven Genesis chapter seven. So one of the questions you might ask is where did the waters come from from for the flood and you ever hear a lot of different opinions about what the Bible says and here's what it says in Genesis seven verse ten and it came to pass after seven days that the waters of flood were upon the earth in the six hundredth year of Noah's life in the second month the seventeenth day of the month the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were open and the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. So the Bible mentions two places that the water is coming from. It says the fountains of the great deep were broken up which is referring to from the ground itself and it says the windows of heaven were opened. So in a symbolic sense every time you have a heavy rain it's like the windows of heaven open and then it just allows the rain to come out of the clouds and come out of the sky and there is definitely rain from above but I would say that most of the rain or most of the water in my opinion is actually coming from the earth itself and it says the fountains of the great deep were broken up. I will say this I don't think we need to try to scientifically come up with an explanation for everything regarding what took place in the flood in fact I don't think it's scientifically is really going to fit because whenever you're seeing the wrath of God it's basically a miracle that's taking place. So for example you see Genesis nineteen that's a miracle it's not logical it's not scientific you see the end times you see the ten plagues that take place those are miraculous events that occur and so when you say well what caused the flood well of course it was the sin of man that caused the flood but I don't think you necessarily have to have an event that caused the earth to open up in terms of all this taking place it could be God just opened up the ground. Now I'm not saying it's not possible I mean obviously something could have struck the earth that could have basically caused the earth to start erupting from within. We do see the after effects of the flood though because you see the fault lines all throughout the earth and that lines up with Genesis chapter seven when the fountains of the great deep were broken up. So in the earth itself it bears record that basically something burst out of the earth you know all throughout it. So we see the after effects and of course the evidence is there that a flood took place but do we have to come up with a scientific explanation for why the flood did take place? What's a miracle of God? So I would say no you don't have to God just decided you know what I'm going to do this and then the water came up from the earth and the water came from above. Now at first glance you might say well how is water just suspended in the air? You ever heard of a cloud? I mean water suspends itself in midair and I don't fully understand this how clouds are extremely cold and they just hold water which is extremely heavy but that's just what takes place and then God says that the windows were open and the fountains of the great deep broken up. Go to Genesis chapter eight. And I'll just say since my voice is definitely not there I might try to conserve it so I'll probably not be too loud I might even shorten the sermon just to make sure my voice is conserved here but it says in Genesis eight verse one and God remembered Noah and every living thing and all the cattle those with him in the ark and God made a wind to pass over the earth and the waters assuage. The fountains also the deep and the heaven windows of heaven were stopped and the rain from heaven was restrained. So basically the water coming from the earth was stopped and no longer came the windows of heaven were stopped the rain from heaven was restrained or stopped and it says here in verse three and the waters returned from off the earth continually and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. Now when we see the water that's taking place to cause the flood the water is already there the waters inside the crust of the earth the waters coming from heaven so the water for the flood to actually take place was already there it just happened to come at one time and then God basically opened up the water that was actually suspended in the earth itself and of course then you have all this water out of nowhere you have this massive flood okay and what's going to take place is it stops raining and eventually the water evaporates and it goes back to the sky and you know we're never going to have this worldwide flood occur again but the water was already in place for this to occur when this took place. So it's not like God needed to add water or take it away obviously most of our planet is filled full of water and of course the seas today are extremely deep and then we also have the dry land of course most of our planet is filled full of water today. Now go to Genesis chapter 11, Genesis chapter 11. Now some of the questions people have is well how could the ark fit this many animals and what they will talk about is well how could you fit a tyrannosaurus rex on the ark but here's what you do you pick a baby I mean it's not that complicated you don't pick the biggest animals in fact here's the thing not only would it not make sense to have the biggest animal you can find in addition you're wanting the animals to replenish the earth so guess what makes sense don't pick an animal that's already an adult pick one that's young that's gonna live a long life and it doesn't take up much space and here's the thing about this I mean obviously when they get fully grown they're very big but guess what baby animals are not that big and obviously the bigger animals start off bigger but it's like you're looking at a baby elephant I mean it's it's not that big right so basically you're picking baby animals would just be the common sense thing that I think goes without explanation of course the other thing we talked about is there would be far fewer animals than people realize because of the fact a lot of animals today all derive back from the same basic kinds of animals so for example ligers you have lions and tigers or tigons which is a female lion and a male tiger they all come back to just these two animals on the ark or for example you have zonkeys, zoruses and then you have mules what a mule is is a male donkey with a female horse and of course that's a common term a mule but then you have zoruses which is a zebra and a horse and the thing is you could look at donkeys horses and zebras and don't they look pretty similar obviously they look different today but you could certainly see how yeah that's the same kind of animal look if you gave a kid a picture and it had like donkeys horses zebras and giraffes which of these animals doesn't fit every kid would figure it out or instead of a giraffe you have a blue whale which of these animals doesn't fit it's not rocket science so we can see that it comes back from these same basic kinds of animals that have had great variation over time it says here from this article by answers in Genesis according to its kind according to Genesis one God made each type of creature according to its kind within their DNA God placed the potential for tremendous variety including new species but every species belongs to its original kind cats are still cats and dogs are still dogs and of course that's exactly we talked about last week I will says here in Genesis chapter 11 in verse 6 and the Lord said behold the people is one and they have all one language and this they begin to do and now nothing will be restrained from them which they have imagined to do go to let us go down and there confound their language they may not understand one another speech so the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth and they left off to build the city and so basically you know you have everybody's just combining together into one you have one language one group of people essentially one ethnicity because they're they haven't been spread out to different locations at this point and they're building and so they're building and obviously they were different languages back then but just imagine you're building it's like you know can you pass the martelio and you're like what's that what's a murder isn't that hammer martelio and then also it's like martelio and then it's like of course everything in Tagalog it's like what and so all of a sudden they're speaking all these different languages so what makes sense well if you speak this one new language you're gonna hang out with those that speak the same language and then you go to China you go to Japan you go to you know France wherever and all of a sudden you see different languages that come and take place and what you see is ethnicity becomes different now they come back from the same group of people on the ark but obviously diversity takes place over time of course Genesis 11 is a miraculous event as well well basically they spoke one language and God just decided you know what you're not going to speak the same language anymore because it's causing you to commit these sins as you're gathered together as one and this kind of shows it's a picture of like the one-world government that will take place basically a one-world government in one system is bad whereas God is definitely a god of separation go to 2nd Peter chapter 3 2nd Peter 3 and here's what it says in second Peter chapter 3 verse 3 knowing this first second Peter chapter 3 verse 3 knowing this first there shall come in the last day scoffers walking after their own lust and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation and so there's going to be wicked people that mock and say wow you know where's the promise that you know Jesus is going to come back I mean everything's just continuing no problems I don't believe it of course today we're seeing people that are just rejecting the Bible and of course there's always been people that rejected the Bible but of course that is very much increased in our present world for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished and what the Bible is saying is they're willingly ignorant of what of a worldwide flood that took place you say well why does it say willingly ignorant because the evidence is all there and we're going to look at some of the evidence here for this sermon but the thing is when people are when people are calling themselves scientists and they study the earth and they sit here and say wow this is billions of years old obviously I don't really trust anything you say because of the fact you're seeing evidence all the time and you reject it because you don't want to believe what the Bible says the Bible says they're willingly ignorant meaning they're being dumb on purpose meaning they're lying meaning everything's there and they refuse to believe in it so when these people are these famous scientists and then they sit here they study the earth the Richard Dawkins the Stephen Jay Goulds as we talked about last week and then they're like wow you know I don't believe that there was a flood I don't see the evidence I think the earth is billions of years old you're willingly ignorant according to the Word of God so why am I really going to trust anything you have to say when you obviously just don't care about the evidence because the Bible says they are willingly ignorant that the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished turn your Bible to Genesis chapter 7 Genesis 7 you say well I mean how do you know that a flood really took place don't you find it interesting that every society around the world has stories of a flood that perished the earth I mean in different countries and different cultures the story is slightly changed but why is it that every culture has a story about a flood maybe because this was the biggest event in the world and then after this took place everybody was telling their kids hey I was there I was on the ark and then hundreds of years go by hey my granddad was on the ark he can attest to you this is true and as they go and spread out to different locations that's embedded in their society about a flood and they call it a myth today well why is it that every single culture seems to have the exact same myth and you can look online for these stories every culture has this myth of this this alamat of this flood taking place and it's like well that's a big coincidence that every single culture seems to believe the exact same thing regarding this and as I said sometimes it's slightly changed for example the Bible says there's eight people in the ark so one society might say there are six people or ten people but the same information is there we're in Genesis chapter 7 Genesis chapter 7 and if a worldwide flood took place then we have to ask ourselves about okay what would be the fossil evidence of a worldwide flood and fossil evidence number one you would expect to see you would have all kinds of animals located in all kinds of places the fossil remains of animals all over the place now I'm gonna pass out this chart and you guys can I've got two of them and it was hard to find the best charts that I could find this direction but one thing you would expect to see is animals everywhere one of the things that you see is you see clams that are on the top of Mount Everest you have fossil remains of clams on the top of Mount Everest now here's what you have to understand about clams when clams die their shells immediately open okay but you have fossil remains of clams with shells closed meaning they must have died and been fossilized very quickly and it's on the top of Mount Everest so it's not just that you know somehow water got them to the top of the mountain and then they slowly died over time because their clam shells are shut meaning they died and were fossilized rapidly and of course this makes sense if there's a worldwide flood if there is not a worldwide flood explain to me the scientific or logical explanation for why you have clams with shells shut on the top of Mount Everest that seems to line up with what the Bible says but of course scientists know this they don't care because they will not believe in a worldwide flood no matter what the evidence is so it's not like we're believing in a flood and there's no evidence that this took place you can look at the world we live in today and the evidence is right in front of our face here's what it says from answers in Genesis article it is beyond dispute among geologists that on every continent we find fossils of sea creatures and rock layers which today are high above sea level there's only one possible explanation for this phenomenon the ocean waters at some time in the past flooded over the continents Genesis chapter 7 verse 17 Genesis 7 verse 17 Genesis 7 verse 17 in the flood was 40 days upon the earth and the waters increased and bare of the ark and it was lift up above the earth okay the waters went above the earth and the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark went upon the face of the waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered so the water was so high it went completely above the land everywhere on earth and this is why you see fossil remains of sea creatures in mountains all over the world right specifically I mentioned Mount Everest because that's a very famous mountain obviously very tall mountain but all over the earth what you see is sea creatures in very tall mountains how is it fossils developed in these mountains that were very high well the only thing that makes logical sense is the fact there's a worldwide flood that carried those animals and they quickly fossilized inside the mountain itself go in your bible to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis 1 Genesis chapter 1 you know another thing we would expect to see if there was a worldwide flood you would see the basic assortment of animals and there are plenty of exceptions to this which goes against what science says about their geologic tables and where all the animals when they came to be formed but what you would expect to see is that water animals would be lower in the general chart of fossilization because of the fact water animals start off lower and what you would see is you'd see humans toward the top you'd see you know birds near the top you would see these things and so the chart they give you in science this is proof of a worldwide flood because you've got whales here and then you've got tigers here and you got humans here that is exactly what we would expect to see if there is a worldwide flood so they look at the evidence and instead of just saying well that really lines up with what the bible would say what do they do they just say well this proves evolution and so i've got this chart here and you can look at this and pass it around i've got two copies but they will use this as a proof and they say well see we have our proof right here and yet that's exactly what we would expect if there was a worldwide flood and the thing about this is there are exceptions to that chart though as we mentioned they'll see sea creatures in the tops of mountains that kind of goes against the fact that they evolved hundreds of millions of years ago and what do they do they just throw out the evidence and forget about it and they'll still promote science even though there's plenty of evidence for the worldwide flood another thing that you would see is a massive amount of fossils the indication would be occurred at one time for one event because of the fact most of the fossils that are in the earth today that can be found they took place during the worldwide flood you got to realize when something dies it's unlikely to actually fossilize what's going to take place is that that the the remains of that animal are just going to be wiped away over time except if some event caused it to fossilize very quickly so the question is do we see the evidence that there was a massive fossilization that occurred at one event there's something in science known as the cambrian explosion and here's what it says and first i'm going to read you the article from the scientific perspective and then we'll see what a bible article about this the cambrian explosion also known known as cambrian radiation or cambrian diversification is an internal interval of time approximately 538.8 million years ago in the cambrian period of the early paleozoic when there was a sudden radiation of complex life and practically all major animal phyla started appearing in the fossil record it lasted for about 13 to 25 million years and resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla the event was accompanied by major diversification and other groups of organisms as well so according to science almost all evolution that occurred in the history of animals took place in 13 to 25 million years why do they say that because they have evidence of all these fossils taking place at one time they're all right around the same location they're not seeing an equal distribution of fossils throughout the earth what they're finding is it seems like everything's fossilizing in the same location and you've got all these land animals and all these water animals so over a very short amount of time because 13 million years is pretty short compared to 4.6 billion years of the earth over a very short amount of time of the history of the earth according to science evolution was just like it's like the evidence is right there that maybe just maybe there was a worldwide flood just like the bible says that caused all these fossils to appear at one time once again they don't care what the evidence is they reject it because they do not they are willingly ignorant because they don't teach you about this in school do they they will teach you about all these facts of evolution why don't you show all the problems with evolution they'll never do that why because they want you to believe this and they are willingly ignorant that the evidence is right there in front of their face here's what it says in a bible article on the cambrian explosion the cambrian explosion is a complete evolutionary enigma for a number of important reasons first incredibly complex animal life appeared suddenly without any sign of preceding evolutionary ancestors so you have all this complex life form and it's like there was no evolution there's no intermediate fossils just all of a sudden all these complete animals are appearing it's like where's the process no evidence of that and it says second many creatures that appeared in the cambrian layers have living counterparts today that showed no sign of evolution a paradox evolutionists label living fossils third two worms another living fossil have been found in rocks just below the cambrian and their fossils yielded soft viable tissue the fact that their tissue along with many other examples is still soft and undecayed indicates they were buried only thousands of years ago in the global flood described in genesis so this is actually something you see you will find plenty of fossils out there where you have tissue that is soft and and still there well no matter how it fossilizes over millions of years that would be gone but it's not and they will find animals that supposedly live 400 million years ago and yet we still find soft tissue which would indicate they seem to live just a couple thousand years ago right why is it we're finding dinosaur evidence in these fossils that actually they weren't as old as we thought they were maybe the bible is actually correct right um genesis chapter one genesis one genesis chapter one verse 26 genesis 1 26 and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeped upon the earth so god created man in his own image in the image of god created him male and female created him and god blessed them and god said them to be fruitful and multiply replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the fowl the air and over every living thing that move upon the earth and so right from the beginning of the creation god even told the animals to uh i mean he tells the humans but he also tells the animals and everything to be fruitful and multiply here's the thing humans sometimes might not have too many kids because they're worried about finances animals are not worried about finances it's not like they're like wait a minute we can't end up having you know puppies or whatever because we're not sure if we can financially afford them how are we going to send them to college they don't think about those things so right at the beginning animals are procreating and over the course of 1 500 years or whatever there could be a for 2 000 years there could be a large number of animals that lived and of course as they get wiped out by the flood what are you going to see you're going to see a massive amount of fossilization that occurs at one time and that's exactly what you see because you've got in their charts this slow process of evolution and yet you see animals that are from hundreds of millions of years separated according to their charts and yet they're fossilized together and with some of these you see soft tissue as if they lived just a few thousand years ago how is that possible it's possible because the worldwide flood is a fact all the evidence is right there and they just choose to deny it jerry baba genesis chapter nine genesis chapter nine another thing that you would expect to see assuming that the bible is true and the worldwide flood took place because if the worldwide flood did not take place then humans have been around for a very long time right whereas what we believe is the earth is less than seven thousand years old everything was created at the very beginning and you know what you would see in the world is the earth is less than seven thousand years old everything was created at the very beginning and you know what you would see is that around 4400 years ago you have this worldwide flood and what you would see is a population chart that would fit a worldwide flood and here's what you see with a basic population chart and they're eight their timing is not exactly correct and let me actually hold one up myself so you guys can pass this around but if the flood took place this is what you're looking at right off the arc and it follows this slow progression even in the days of jesus they were taking censuses right so they had a general idea of the population of the world even back then and even pre-dating that they took since david got in trouble for taking a census and so basically with a worldwide flood this is the basic chart that you have over the last four thousand four hundred years but here's the thing let's say that evolution is true and the flood did not take place this is your population chart of humans it doesn't make a lot of sense does it because what this is is a slow steady progression where basically you started with just eight people on the arc and the chart just perfectly goes up and of course you know when you look at our numbers today because there's what eight billion something in this world i remember i used to tell people there's seven billion people in the world i remember as a kid it was like what five or six billion and what you're seeing is it goes up very rapidly but that perfectly lines up with eight people less than five thousand years ago a population chart fits perfectly with the worldwide flood if there was no worldwide flood your population chart is like a straight line for like a mile and then all of a sudden it just skyrockets out of nowhere what is the logical explanation for that there is no logical explanation but of course they don't care what the evidence is it doesn't matter that you have clear evidence that a worldwide flood took place they were used to actually believe that and here's the thing we've got a population chart for a flood taking place but they can't really make a population chart if there is no flood because the fact would be too long right it would be like really wide you've got this straight line going and then all of a sudden on the last page it just skyrockets right doesn't make any sense this is exactly what the bible says this fits perfectly with the bible the population that we see based on i mean i'm amazed if you look at the population of you know parts of pampanga like a hundred years ago and it's very small compared to what it is today and it's just like getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and that this lines perfectly up with a quote obviously along the course of this chart there are the black plague which is going to like bring the number down it's not perfect you know we get that but it does line up with a worldwide flood that took place less than five thousand years ago um and it says here in genesis nine verse one and god bless no one and sons and seven of them be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth and so off the arc people started to have kids and you'll see that the chart goes up perfectly genesis nine verse two another thing you see that the bible speaks about is the fact that animals have a fear of humans okay genesis 9 verse 2 and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air upon all that moves upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hand are they delivered and you certainly see this in this world today that animals are afraid of humans they were not afraid of humans though before the flood and here's you say why would they have a reason to be afraid of animals or humans after the flood because the fact instead of just all these plants for humans to eat all of a sudden it's like okay now we're essentially becoming like carnivores right eating a lot of meat and that became a staple part of the diet of humans and god built this in to animals here's the thing this is a miraculous event where they were not afraid of humans before and all of a sudden after the arc animals are afraid of humans and you know i put up a video on my facebook a few days ago who saw that video that i put up about animals being afraid of humans right everyone's like afraid to put their hand and you certainly see in that video animals are very afraid of humans aren't they i was amazing they hear a human's voice the one that amazed me the most was what was it like a warthog that what it was it's like a pig or something like that a warthog where basically it didn't even hesitate right when it heard it it just ran full speed some of the other ones were like they heard it they're like and then they ran the warthog though was just like immediately out of there right when i heard the voice the one animal was eating food and it just leaves the food and just goes but when they hear a lion's voice there's some fear but it's kind of like well i can still finish my food first why is that there is no scientific explanation for that and when you actually try to try to look at them because that study was not a biblical study that was a study done in the field of science and they cannot come up with a logical and scientific explanation why it is built into animals to have this fear of humans it's not that animals pass down this information hey we got to be afraid of the humans so if you hear this voice you're gonna no no it's just built into them they hear it they all run all the birds i mean every animal is afraid of humans the only exception you're going to see in this world is when animals get desensitized to that fear so for example a house pet is so used to humans but according to this animals are afraid of humans do we see that yeah the bible is a scientific book it lines up perfectly i've told the story before that i have been very close to a bear before when it was in the woods by my parents and it just ran away from me so fast you say why because it's afraid because even because here's the thing about this people ask questions about things such as the dinosaurs we have a whole sermon on dinosaurs and they're wondering like well how do the dinosaurs die i mean if humans live with dinosaurs the dinosaurs would just kill all the humans no they would run away scared like you know a little girl right they just be a scared little cat a scared little something like a kid being afraid of a bug that's the way they would be to us right you've got you've got you know kids will often be afraid of like a small bug and it's like we're so much bigger than a bug but the dinosaurs would be afraid of us it's like we're like a little speck we're like a little grasshopper and yet the dinosaurs would just run away from us out of fear and what takes place the dinosaurs would dwell in the wilderness to be away from humans and guess what they ended up dying because they couldn't get the food to eat so they're actually not that complicated they're afraid of humans they go away from civilization and as a big animal they need lots of food well if you can only find a little bit of food you're going to starve that's what takes place right go to genesis chapter eight genesis chapter eight genesis chapter eight genesis chapter eight and another thing that you see that lines up the flood is if you look at a lot of the oldest plants in the world and they date those plants a lot of them date to right around the time of when a worldwide flood took place so for example i've talked about the olive tree before and how it dates right around that time of the flood although there's an olive tree that actually lasted through the flood according to the bible but you'll see all kinds of plants where the oldest one will be like 3 500 years or 4 000 years another thing you see is in historical charts as history really only kind of goes back to the worldwide flood and before that they don't really have any information you say why is that because of the fact this this world is not billions of years old this earth is not billions of years old it is a young earth and they only have historical records going back to when and pretty much everything before genesis chapter seven is wiped out except for what the bible says in these six chapters there's no information outside of these six chapters of what took place before the flood other than fossils we see or whatever there's no historical records at all why is that because of the fact the earth is not incredibly old as they say justice chapter 8 verse 8 also he sent forth a dove from him to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground the dove found no rest for the soul of her foot and she returned onto him into the ark for the waters were on the face of the whole earth then he put forth his hand and took her and pulled her in onto him into the ark and he stayed yet other seven days and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark and the dove came into him in the evening and low inner mouth was an olive leaf plucked off so no one knew that the waters were abating from off the earth they stayed yet other seven days and sent forth the dove which returned not again onto him anymore and so the olive tree is very indestructible and it lasts through the flood we see other plants are just wiped out but then they're going to regenerate and be reformed you know whenever you see you see societies where you'll have this heavy wildfire and things naturally just grow back that's just the way things work it'll be the same thing after the flood as well and things perfectly line up to the time when a worldwide flood took place uh turn in your bible to luke 17 luke 17 we'll look at two more places luke 17 look if if if you ever watch documentaries or videos that show uh things regarding the worldwide flood you'll see there are there's a massive amount of proof of the flood that there's a massive amount of proof of a worldwide flood evidence that would point directly to it but the thing is if you've already got a decision this is what i believe and this is a fact it doesn't matter what the evidence is you're going to believe this no matter what is said and they just completely reject it look the bible is correct when it says they're willingly ignorant the evidence is there i mean i'm giving you a small sample you know i'm i'm just preaching a less than one hour sermon with all this information packed in there's so much evidence that the flood took place for them to deny it it's kind of like i mean if they want to say that they believe the earth is old okay whatever you're wrong but how could you really deny the flood when there's all this evidence all the fossilization occurred at one time right it's all right there luke 17 verse 26 and as it was in the days of noah so shall it be also the days of the son of man verse 27 luke 17 verse 27 they didn't eat they drank they married wives they married until the day that noah entered the ark and the flood came and destroyed them all likewise also it was in the days of law they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they built it but the same day the law went out of sodom and rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all even thus shall it be in the day when the son of man is revealed so what the bible says is during the end times people are going to go about their lives like nothing is wrong they're going to say peace and safety and then sudden destruction comes and wipes them out just like in the days of the worldwide flood god said there's going to be this worldwide flood of course people mocked it they didn't believe it i'm sure that no was made fun of for everything that he said and then everything occurred just like the word of god actually said here's the thing about this the bible linked second peter three being willingly ignorant and they talk about everything's continuing from the beginning of the creation so they're talking about the worldwide flood which the bible has an example in the days of noah so shall it also be in the days of the son of man where it's like oh this is not going to take place there's no judgment god is love love love we can do whatever we want and then the worldwide flood is going to wipe them not a worldwide flood but god's wrath is going to be poured out go to genesis 6 genesis chapter 6 of course what the bible says is that after the flood god had the symbol of the bow or the rainbow that is in the sky and what i was saying is that was a symbol that did not exist before now when i think of things that are just amazing and beautiful that god made a rainbow is near the top of the list it's one of the most amazing things and i remember being a kid whenever you'd see a rainbow it's like look there's a rainbow of course now what's taking place is the lgbt have essentially hijacked that symbol and of course they've changed it the fifth there's i mean take away the seven colors you have make it six and they made it their symbol what they're essentially doing is saying well you promised you're not going to flood the world god's a god of love nothing's going to take place it's like yeah he's not going to flood the world again but revelation is going to occur and they can mock and mock and mock it's not going to change reality so here's the thing the flood is something you have a lot of great scientific evidence for but people should look at the flood as a reminder and something to teach them about what's going to take place during the end times because this is not just something with thousands of years ago who cares today no actually it's very relevant because it's going to be just like it was in the days of noah during the end genesis 6 verse 11 genesis 6 verse 11 the earth also was corrupt before god and the earth was filled with violence and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth god said unto noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth and look this happened before and something similar is going to happen again but from a scientific perspective it makes no sense for people that study the earth and they study geology paleontology to sit here and say well there's no evidence for a worldwide flood that's a fairy tale that's a myth that's a legend the earth is billions of years old no you are just willingly ignorant and you do not care what the bible says let's go to the word of prayer your heavenly father and thanks for allowing us to be here today and ask you to help this apply to some of their lives and help us to understand the application of the worldwide flood to our lives today god we pray this in jesus name