(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're here in Romans chapter 5 and we're just going verse by verse continuing through Romans We've taken kind of a couple weeks off from this But you know, I like to go verse by verse because it kind of forces me to preach on everything the Bible talks about You know, you cannot avoid any topic in the Bible and we're gonna finish all of Romans 5 here today There's a lot of just points here listed in Romans 5 a lot of different topics verse number one the Bible reads Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ Okay And what I want to highlight here is the peace that's mentioned that we have with God when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Okay, when you get saved the Bible talks about the peace of God that will enter into you when you're a saved person Go to go to Philippians chapter 4 Philippians 4 Philippians 4 Now There are a couple ways we have peace one is the fact that God is never going to judge us for our sins We have peace with God. He's never going to judge us and send us to hell If you're saved you have eternal life, you cannot lose that salvation But you know the Bible also speaks about the peace of God which passeth all understanding That doesn't logically make sense But as a saved person filled with the Spirit of God you can have a peace that's going to pass any Understanding anyone could possibly have okay Philippians 4 verse 7 and the peace of God which passeth all Understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus The Bible says the peace of God which passeth all understanding. Okay now One way to look at this is you look at our world during 2020 and this world has become crazy Right this world has been mad, but you know save people that love God they have peace about them Right I mean the sky's not falling in my life I mean I'm doing fine, and you know you look at how you know people are reacting in some and look I agree with being cautious. I don't think we should be foolish, but it's like you look at the decisions that are being made It's like man like all over the world, and it's like people are really scared of their own shadow It's like the Bible talks about when you're saved having a peace of God which passeth all understanding Okay, go back to Romans 5 Romans 5 Romans chapter 5 I Remember when I was in college a good friend of mine died You know he's only 20 years old and he is someone that I went soul winning with and it's a really tragic death You know we were camping and then it was a drowning accident, but you know he loved the Lord You know he went soul winning and everything I went to church with him, and you know I remember he passed away And we were at his funeral a few days later, and this is a long time goes back in 2008 But I remember we were at his funeral, and you know his relatives are there and everything and they were asking us You know like because everybody's crying and sad and then me and my friends. You know we were doing okay And then they were asking like you know how are you guys able to handle this right well? We know he's in heaven Right I mean we had a peace about us and look was I happy absolutely not did I shed some tears That week absolutely I did, but you know I had a peace that that passed all understanding You say why because I knew he was in heaven and obviously many people at the funeral They didn't understand certain things like that. They didn't understand spiritual issues, okay, but knowing he was in heaven You know what we were doing okay? And when you get saved the Bible says you have a peace that will pass all understanding that comes upon you I never wake up worried about oh, no man. What if I do wrong? I might end up in hell right that that thought never crosses my mind Say why I done got saved a long time ago, right? I mean I was 18 years old a freshman in college right a long time ago I'm not worried about where I'm going to spend eternity, but the average person out there. They are scared to death They have no peace about themselves where they're going to spend eternity and sometimes They don't even like to think about it because they're so scared they try to just avoid the topic It's like yeah, you know what you know a kid does the same thing they do something wrong They put a blanket over their head. It's like mom and dad won't see me. It's like no we know you're under there son Okay, it's like you know we understand You're still under there, and they can pretend not to think about it and try to avoid it, but it doesn't change reality Eternity is reality whether they want to believe it or trust in it or not okay notice What it says in verse 3 and not only so but we glory in tribulations also knowing that tribulation worketh patience And patience experience and experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed Because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given on to us and notice How he said in verse 3 we glory in tribulations also What Paul is teaching here is that going through trials in life builds character? It makes you a better person look don't shy away from going through tough times in life People want life to be just incredibly easy they always want to take the easy way out life's not easy and Trials and tribulations are good for us. They build character They make us better people it says here we glory in tribulations also tribulation worketh patience patience experience experience hope Look going through trials builds character in your life, okay look at verse number two so number one We talked about the peace that it mentions, but let us talk about how do we get access to that peace and it is by? faith Romans 5 verse 2 by whom also we have access by Faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God so in verse 1 We're justified by faith Okay, when you think of justified you can think of it as just as if I never sinned Justified you're completely forgiven just as if you never sinned you're justified before God you put your faith in Jesus Christ And you are saved for all eternity. It's that simple and and we don't make it a gray area around here You know there's a lot of churches out there that will tell you salvation is by faith But if you're really saved if you're really saved, there's there's gonna be something right I mean there's gonna be some sort of change they make it confusing no It's completely by faith. It's 100% by faith alone, and it's done. It's finished your child of God Look once you're born into a family you can't crawl back into that womb It's done. I mean once you're born your child is your child forever Nothing ever changes that Now if you do wrong you get punished by your parents if my son acts up he gets punished by me But he's still my son and nothing ever changes that it's the same way with salvation you put your faith in Jesus Christ You're born into God's family, and it's forever Think of when a pregnancy takes place Okay, who is it that goes through the pain is it the mom or the baby? It's the mom I know I know and I know there's a lot of expecting moms that were hoping the answer would be the baby But no I mean the mom the mom goes through the trials and the pain. It's difficult for the mom She goes through labor. She does the work. What does the child do well the child is just born When it comes to salvation who does the work who died on the cross did we die on the cross? Jesus Christ did the work so when it comes to being born into God's family the person who did the work was Jesus Christ We just believe that we're born into his family, and we have a father-son or father-daughter relationship that will never change Okay, now look at verse number three Or verse number six I should say so point number one we talked about peace point number two we talked about faith Point number three I want you to realize that this faith comes as we are Undeserving people we do not deserve salvation We do not deserve forgiveness, but Jesus died for the ungodly the Bible says Romans 5 verse 6 for when we were yet without Strength in Due time Christ died for the ungodly so the Bible says here in verse 6 when we were yet without strength Okay, now just picture somebody who's you know lifting weights, and he's doing bench press And you know he doesn't have a spotter because look if you're gonna lift weights, and you do certain exercises you need a spotter Okay, otherwise it could be dangerous right you know if you've ever lifted weights before we've all done this thing where you get the weight Trapped on you, and you kind of do this roll thing where it crashes into the ground and everybody at the gym Looks at you like what's wrong with you right? I mean imagine doing bench press and benching 225 pounds or whatever and you do a couple reps And then all of a sudden you're like and then it's stuck on your neck Right and you have no strength and then imagine somebody comes over and just Pulls it off for you right that is how it is with salvation. We don't have an ability We have no strength. We have no ability to lift that weight We have no ability to die or pay for our sins We don't deserve it, but Jesus Christ died when we were without strength. We couldn't save ourselves. It was impossible Verse 7 for scarcely for a righteous man will one die the Bible says it's a very rare thing that somebody's gonna die for a righteous man Now look when it comes to my life, and you know I care about the church members in this room But but look I would die for my wife for my son my daughter No offense But you know you're not my son. You're not my daughter. You're not my wife Okay, it's like you would die for people you really truly care about but you know the reality is this that you know It's very rare someone who would just die for somebody else and just say I'd be willing to die for you know such-and-such Person that's not my brother not my father not my mother not my wife or my husband for scarcely for a righteous man Will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die But God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us And so Jesus Christ died for us when we were sinners undeserving of it, okay? Now realize this Jesus died for every single person and every single sin that would come into the world So here's the thing about this Jesus died for people that became wicked pedophiles Knowing they would never get saved Knowing they would commit these atrocious things and he died in paid for those sins He paid for sins for people that were bad people that never got saved So look it's it's not just the fact that he died for your sins and my sins And he went to hell for three days and three nights No, he suffered for all of those sins, which means the more people he died for the more he suffered It's not just the fact he was in hell for three days and three nights No, he actually suffered for each individual sin now We don't understand how this can work logically for three days and three nights paying for the sins of the world But that is what the Bible teaches. He died and paid for the sins of the entire world Turn to Lamentations chapter 3 Lamentations 3 Lamentations chapter 3 And by the way, you know, we're the only religion that has a Savior that actually died for us I mean Muhammad didn't go on the cross Buddha didn't die for the sins of the world. I mean Buddha was like the most selfish man who ever lived He's about to have a baby born and he just leaves the family. I mean, what kind of a father is that? It's like good night. He didn't even stay there to raise his kids. He just left his wife to go in search of religion It's like yeah, that's that's what you call like a vagabond or or you know, you know, whatever just like a derelict father Okay, he didn't die and pay for anybody's sins I mean the Hindu gods didn't die and pay for anybody's sins only Jesus Christ died and paid for the sins I mean Joseph Smith when he died in prison because he was arrested because everyone knew he's a bad person He went down guns-a-blazing shooting at them. It's like they killed him. He got shot to death Yeah, and the Mormon say hey, he got shot to death for the cause of Christ. He was shooting at them It's like Jesus Christ wasn't shooting anyone out when he was on the cross He freely was willing to die and pay for the sins of the world. He's the only one who did that He is the Savior. He is the Christ Lamentations 3 verse 22 It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his compassion's fail not they are new every morning Great is thy faithfulness, you know this ought to encourage us that God is his compassion It's new every morning His mercies are new every morning Which means when you have days where you don't read your Bible and you have a bad attitude and you backslide You can wake up in the morning Get right with God and it's a new day and it's a new start and God will forgive you and give you another chance now We understand you can never lose your salvation But if you want God's blessings upon your life, you need to be right with God and that is something we should be doing Every night and every morning Every night you ought to go to bed and say God forgive me for what I did wrong today and You know specific things you might have done wrong or just in general and say God help me to do better tomorrow You wake up the next day and say God, please help me to do well today. Please help me not to screw up Please help me to work hard Have a good attitude have the right mind to read my Bible to pray to learn something from your word We should do that every day and God's mercies are new every morning turn back to Romans 5 Romans 5 Romans chapter 5 And so next let's talk about the blood as is mentioned in Romans 5 verse 9 Romans chapter 5 verse 9 Much more than being now justified by his blood We shall be saved from wrath through him So remember justified is like just as if I never sinned you are justified by His blood referring to the Lord Jesus Christ. Nobody else's blood. Okay So according to this verse is the blood of Jesus Christ significant for our salvation You better believe it is we are justified by his blood That is what the Bible says. It does not say by his death It says by his blood see the way Jesus died was important Jesus could not have just died of old age Jesus could not have just jumped off a cliff when Satan was tempting him and just crashed into the ground and died No, he had to die a blood-shedding death. It says justified by his blood turn to Hebrews 9 Hebrews 9 Hebrews 9 There's a reason why we sing are you washed in the blood There is power in the blood. There is a fountain When I see the blood there's a reason why a lot of songs we sing are about the blood Look if the blood didn't mean anything wouldn't it be kind of weird to sing about blood all the time, right? I mean, that's that's something you'd expect, you know Someone who's really dark or satanic if it meant nothing we would never sing about the blood. It would be weird But the reason why we sing songs about it is because the Bible tells us salvation comes by the blood of Jesus Christ Okay, notice what it says in Hebrews 9 verse 20 Hebrews 9 verse 20 Saying this is the blood of the new tech This is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoined on to you Moreover, he sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and notice this and without Shedding of blood is no remission So, let me ask you is there a remission of sins without the blood of Jesus Christ No The blood of Jesus Christ is significant. It's necessary for salvation to occur go back to Romans 5 Romans 5 There's a famous false teacher and he's perhaps the most famous Calvinist. He's certainly up there John MacArthur and John MacArthur says the blood means nothing Okay, now look we understand that preachers misspeak and say things wrong I misspeak sometimes but he has held this position for over 30 years. I mean, he's he's pretty old now probably 40 years, right? He has held this position his entire life about how the blood means nothing now He tries to word it in a way where he tries to avoid that but what he actually believes is this that all that matters is the death of Jesus and the blood is just Happens to be the way how Jesus died but it doesn't really matter The blood means absolutely nothing all that matters is Jesus die is that Jesus died Look, there are seven billion people on this planet and unless the rapture is coming in our lifetime. We're all gonna die. I Mean what's significant about that? Everybody dies Okay, I mean except Enoch, you know Elijah. I mean everybody dies, right? It's like so everybody dies So what would be significant if the fact that Jesus, you know, well, you know He died of old age lived to be 85 years old. He died and he was the Savior No, he actually had to die a blood shedding death. Okay, the blood is significant. It is not just his death Romans 5 verse 10 for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son Much more being reconciled. We shall be saved by his life and not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement, okay Verse number 12 point number five is this let's talk about this concept of original sin and Adam's Transgression and where babies go when they die notice what it says in Romans 5 verse 12 Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin. Okay. Now who is that referring to in verse 12? Adam by one man sin entered into the world What's interesting about this passage is the blame is put on the man not the woman Now who committed the first transgression in the book of Genesis? Eve Why does God blame Adam? well Adams the head of that household and God gave Adam the Instructions for his house and obviously he either didn't pass it on to his wife or just you know Whatever but he's the one who's held responsible as the head of that home Okay And look as guys we must realize the Bible teaches we are the heads of our homes of our wives of our children And it's your responsibility when things go wrong. God will hold you accountable Okay, Adam is held accountable, even though we know Eve is the first one who is tempted by the devil Wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men For that all have sinned death passes upon all men because of the fact we all sin we are guilty We have a sin nature and all of us sin. Okay, and so death passes upon all of us now a Popular teaching, you know is obviously evolution, right? evolution teaches this that there was millions upon millions upon millions of years of death and destruction and Eventually man came into this world that death Brought man into this world. What does the Bible teach man? Brought death into the world the exact opposite I mean people try to tell you that evolution in the Bible are Compatible that you can bring them together and you can believe in both It's like how in the world could you believe the Bible and evolution? Evolution teaches death brought man into the world that there's endless tens of millions of years hundreds millions years death and destruction And everything and eventually man comes into the world The Bible teaches the opposite the Bible teaches on that creation week that man was created and man's sin brought death into the world Death did not bring man into the world man brought death into the world the exact Opposite of evolution and look if you just read the Bible literally I don't see four and a half billion years here in this Bible Adam and Eve are created and you know counted up It's less than seven thousand years from the time of where we are today. Okay, it's not tens of millions years You know, what's funny about this is you look at this world today because you look at these liberal wicked politicians and They're just going on and on about global warming global warming and everything. This world is going to be destroyed in ten years You know, we're destroying it it's about to end they believe the earth is four and a half billion years old But in ten years, we're gonna destroy it. Do you realize how crazy that sounds? Four and a half billion years old, but in ten years we can destroy it You know by polluting it now look I'm not for pollution But it's ridiculous to think the earth lasted four and a half billion years and yet in ten years is going to be gone Now I get it. Maybe not all of them You know, we're math majors and they think oh these are just another, you know, ten zeros on the end, right? You look every one of those zeros is a lot. Okay. It's like in ten years. They claim this world's gonna be destroyed That's ridiculous. It's funny because you know in the 70s it was global cooling That's what they taught all the science journals front page Now are we preparing for another Ice Age the Ice Age might come in a couple years 20 years later all global warming It's like make up your mind it's like, you know, they change their mind all the time I mean you can go online and in the 70s, they're saying global cooling global cooling. This earth is getting really cold It's about to be destroyed now. They're saying it's getting really warm. It's about to be destroyed Well, it's ridiculous. It's like, you know, obviously the temperature goes through ups and downs through various years now I will say this we can look at our planet today and I believe we see more natural disasters than we used to You say why is that because of the fact the earth is waxing old as a garment the Bible says in revelation 20 The earth is getting old Yeah, we're seeing more problems because the earth is aging because guess what when the earth is only 6,000 years a hundred years go by That's a big amount of time and the earth is aging and as a garment gets old It's going to get holes and have problems with it as the earth ages and gets older Yeah, I believe we're gonna have more problems with you know The weather natural disasters and things like that and that's why in California over the last three years Two of the biggest years ever for wildfires That's why you have massive hurricanes and things like that and I believe it's going to be like that to the end Why the earth is waxing old as a garment, okay? Now turn your Bible to Romans 5 notice verse 13 verse 13 for until the law Until the law sin was in the world But sin is not imputed when there is no law. Okay until the law sin was in the world What does that mean when Adam and Eve were created? Okay Sin was in the world There were things that were wrong. There are things that they were not supposed to do things that were sins But remember unless they ate the forbidden fruit. They weren't really aware and God just said don't do this one thing they eat the forbidden fruit and what happens all of a sudden they're like, oh man I'm not wearing any clothes It's like they figured out. Oh, wow. I should be wearing clothes. Okay, it's like a child Take a one-year-old does a one-year-old feel bad about being without clothes. Not at all. Does a two-year-old? No, I mean your two-year-old runs out of the shower like whoo, right not wearing any clothes They don't think anything of it They don't realize that at the age of two or three, but then eventually they're gonna reach a point where they're like Oh, I don't feel appropriate you say why that is built into them by God, but it doesn't come from day one when they're born Okay, that is like Adam and Eve. But see once they ate of that fruit they realized man. I've got to cover up See you have to understand a child we know is going to go to heaven when they don't have this comprehension yet Once they're reaching that age where they start to understand sin and they realize this is inappropriate Then you should start preaching the gospel as a parent. Why? Because now they understand there's consequences They start to understand these things. At a young age You're just trying to get your children to obey, but they don't understand all of this stuff They just understand if I don't do this, I'm gonna get a spanking so I'll do right But then they're gonna reach a comprehension of that and then they will be held accountable So yes babies go to heaven when they die you say why they don't realize that they're without clothes They don't understand these things yet. Okay? Sin is not imputed when there is no law it says Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression Who is the figure of him that was to come. Turn to second Samuel 12. Second Samuel 12 real quickly. Second Samuel 12 And We've looked at this story a lot recently and it's just kind of happened to be that way but The story of David and his baby son is a great example of what we're talking about that babies Do go to heaven when they die the Bible is very clear on this topic and this is not the only spot But it's the clearest spot Okay, I mean sin is not imputed when there is no law. It's it's referencing the same thing We can tie that to babies, but this is the clearest spot in second Samuel 12 verse 20 Then David arose from the earth and washed and anointed himself and changed his apparel and came into the house of the Lord and worshipped Then he came to his own house and when he required they set bread before him and he did eat Then said his servants on to him What thing is this that thou hast done thou didst fast and weep for the child while it was alive But when the child was dead thou didst rise and eat bread and he said while the child was yet alive I fasted and wept for I said who can tell whether God will be gracious to me that the child may live But now he is dead Wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me and what David said is this? You know what? My son's dead now and at this point I can do nothing to bring him back It doesn't matter how much I pray he's not going to come to me, but I will go to him Now David was obviously a safe person. So what he's saying is that his son was in heaven Okay, and so look when a baby dies they go to heaven that's what the Bible teaches Now there's a doctrine out there. That's a false doctrine and it's called original sin Now you might not realize this because a lot of people think that they believe in original sin But I would say they don't understand what original sin actually teaches Okay, what original sin teaches which is a Catholic doctrine is that when a baby is born? They are guilty When they're born Now logically, I guess they're guilty in the womb as well, you know But they teach that baby is guilty when they're born and if that baby dies, they will go to hell unless oh, you know we just Pour a little bit of water on top of the head, right? Infant baptism is required to take away the sins of that baby. Why? Because that that baby has original sin That's what they teach. Now. Why do the Catholics teach this? Well, it's a tradition, but it was really just for money I mean even today you get your baby baptized and it's like hey the priest gets, you know 2500 peso, you know donation because it's a it's a it's a memorable event for for a baby It's like a big event and they get a little bit of money here and a little bit of money there They have a very low salary and yet they can afford the most expensive cars. I wonder how that happens, right? And so look, you know, they they baptized babies and for the purposes of money But what they teach is that well babies have original sin and you must wash away That original sin with baptism. Okay, that's ridiculous. You're never gonna find that in the Bible you never find a baby being baptized in the Bible and it's a ridiculous teaching to teach that a baby is guilty when they're born and You know, here's the hypocrisy of this if you're at churches like this Catholic or Protestant churches They don't do those baptisms immediately when that baby's born. I Mean think about this the infant mortality rate is is very high compared to other ages I mean, they're so young and so small at that age if something's gonna go wrong It's it's most likely gonna happen at that age and it's just like, you know, an infant is far more Susceptible to dying at a young age. So look if that's the case and they must be baptized Why wouldn't you just baptize them right after they're born? Right. I mean, I love what brother Jared said, you know brother Jared Pozarnsky at Verity Baptist Fresno in California And he's running that church plan out there and you know, he was he was Lutheran So we have good conversations because we were both raised Protestant He was Protestant for a long time before he became a Baptist and you know when his babies were born Like he said I believed in the Lutheran doctrine. So I told the minister. No, I need you there For the birth. He's like I need you to be there in the waiting room right when that baby's born I need you to baptize that baby and he's like don't you want to have like a big Celebration a couple months from now with all the family. He's like, are you crazy? He's like what if that baby dies he's like no, I need the baptism immediately when they're born and look that is logical Right. I mean if they really had to be baptized as a baby, it would be done immediately I mean you'd be insane as a parent if you believe that and didn't want your baby baptized Oh, we want to have a big celebration. Look if they're they're they're they're eternal souls at stake It's a ridiculous teaching the Bible never teaches your baby has to be baptized Okay, the Bible doesn't teach baby baptism because you must believe first and a baby does not believe they don't have that capacity yet to believe that okay So if we don't believe in original sin, we do not believe people are born guilty The Bible does not teach that now the Calvinists kind of teach this as well that people are born guilty It's like everybody's just already guilty. No the Bible teaches that you are safe when you're a baby and Once you reach that age of accountability, then you need to get saved because you are no longer safe Okay, turn to Romans 5 look at verse 15 verse 15 And we're gonna look at several verses here and I'm gonna explain them and Calvinism is destroyed in this chapter, okay Notice what it says in verse 15 But not as the offense so also as the free gift for through the offense of one many be dead Much more the grace of God and the gift by grace, which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded on to many okay And when it says many be dead many is referring to everybody and we'll see that in this passage, okay? Notice what it says in verse 16 and not as it was by one that sinned so as the gift For the judgment was by one to condemnation But the free gift is of many offenses on to justification and the Calvinists like to look at this and say we'll see the free Gift is just for many right. It's not for everybody. It's for many Well, let's keep reading verse 17 for if by one man's offense death reigned by one much more They which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ verse 18 therefore as by the offense of one Judgment came upon all men to condemnation How many people have sinned in this world everybody It's come upon all men is there a just man on the earth that doeth good and never sins No We are all guilty the Bible says this that the judgment came upon all men to condemnation Every single person in this world was condemned and guilty and deserved going to hell Okay, every single person there is nobody who has never sinned So the judgment came upon all men to condemnation notice this even so by the righteousness of one The free gift came upon all men onto justification of life So how many people did this free gift come upon all men? Now we know not everybody goes to heaven because the Bible specifically mentions people that go to hell But this free gift is available for all men You say well, how do you know this all? Really means all Well look in verse 18 when it says came upon all men to condemnation. Does that mean all? Want you to realize something we compare spiritual things with spiritual and a word does not change meaning part way through the same verse Right. I mean came upon all men to condemnation Everybody's guilty and then the free gift came upon all men. Oh, that's just you know, the elect It's like what in the world it says all men onto condemnation earlier in the verse and everybody is condemned So came upon all men onto justification of life. That means Jesus died for everybody You say what are you talking about? Calvinism is this doctrine that teaches Jesus died for only some people Limited atonement No, it's limitless He died for everybody. There is no limit to it. He died and paid for everybody since they say well Jesus only died for some people. This is how much he loves the world that he died for some people It's like wow, that's a really powerful verse. You got there in John 3 16. Jesus died for everybody And look there's so many verses that teaches the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men Well, the all doesn't really mean all there. It's like maybe you need to go back to first grade grammar school and Understand just basic words and understand what they mean No The all means all and look a word's not going to change meaning in the same Verse if it says all men earlier that everyone's condemned when it says all men that all men have this possibility of the free gift But not everybody goes to heaven why we have free will It's really not complicated. I mean doesn't it just make sense that Jesus died for everybody since I Mean he didn't just die for some people he died for everybody since what I mean What what kind of nonsense is it that Jesus only died for people that believe in him? No Jesus died for the Muslims and the Buddhists and the Hindus and everybody and they can't have any excuses because of the fact Jesus died for them as well Now Muhammad didn't die for anybody Buddha didn't die for anybody but Jesus died for everybody Whether they get saved or they end up going to hell because they never get saved notice verse 19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so that by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous You say brother Stuckey? Why does it say many if that's referring to everyone? Well, look seven billion people is many That's a lot of people Look when the Bible was written Sometimes it explains things slightly differently with the wording just because that's how you write poetically Look, I mean if you've ever written poems or stories or whatever, you don't use the same word over and over again Right me you got a paragraph and you start it off. We started off like this. Also, we went to the store Also, then we went to the gym. Also. Look that's bad writing You change up the wording and so there's a reason why he kind of changes the wording and the King James Bible is not just Word for word perfect. It was also written in a poetic and elegant elegant way You can read the Bible and look at and say man that is amazing how the Bible was written. Okay now Turn your Bible. We'll look at verse 20 verse 20 This passage also teaches once saved always saved that salvation can never be lost verse 20 Moreover the law entered that the offense might abound but where sin abounded Grace did much more abound. What does that mean? It means that you as a safe person When you sin against God, although sin is abounding grace abounds even more Above it no matter what you do. Grace is going to about even if it was a terrible sin Look if you committed murder one day, it's a pretty bad sin sin is abounding Guess what grace is abounding more. It does not matter because it's eternal life You cannot lose your salvation grace is going to abound now in this life You're gonna pay for your sins you reap what you sow But your salvation is secure because we're sin abounds grace did much more bound the Bible says verse 21 That is sin hath rained on death even so might grace rain through righteousness on to eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord Eternal means it never ends and look when you receive your salvation it will never end Nothing can change it. It doesn't matter what the sin is you are saved forever It will never change why because we're sin abounds grace did much more about And look, you know people always try to come up with like a certain scenario where they're like, yeah, you know I know I agree one saved always saved except this one's what if you blaspheme the Holy Ghost? It's like well a safe person is not going to do that according to passage. It's an unsafe person Okay, so what if you take the mark of the beast? Well, I mean Revelation says no safe person is gonna take the mark of the beast. What if you do this? What if you do that? It's eternal It is not eternal life as long as you don't do this Right. I mean does John 3 16 say for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life as long as you stay in church as long as You know you you follow his rules as long as you don't commit a bad sin as long as you walk with him daily As long as you repent and get right with God. No, it says it's everlasting life and Realize this God is all-knowing God says before you get saved. I am promising you everlasting life Do you really think somebody gets eternal life and then they commit a sin and God's like, oh, I didn't know you're gonna do that I wouldn't have called it eternal. I wouldn't have called it everlasting if I knew you were gonna commit that sin, man I had no idea that you know, you were gonna you know do that thing man. I would have called it conditional life It's like do you really think God gets confused? No, he says if you believe right now I Will give you everlasting life, which is forever no matter what you do Okay, so he's saying I will give it to you Even if you become a drug dealer, even if you kill somebody one day, even if you killed your own life It's spiritual eternal life. It will last forever. That's what he promises and look if you don't have eternal life If it's not eternal if we could lose our salvation we would lose it every single day You say why well, how many sins does it take to be condemned according to Romans 5? One sin how many lies does it take to be condemned according to the Bible one lie? All liars shall have their part one lie condemns you to hell. So look if you could lose your salvation Then you lose it every single day. I Mean probably over half you lost it during the sermon for having the wrong thought or whatever, right? I mean good night if we could lose our salvation we would lose it every single day throughout the day I mean is your mind just 100% focused on the things of God all day long? No, we do wrong the thought of foolishness is sin. We think a lot of fool at least I think a lot of foolish thoughts Right. I mean we think a lot of foolish thoughts that alone is a sin So look if you could lose your salvation every single day you would lose your salvation throughout the day Turn to first John three first John three first John three You say brother Stuckey if one sin condemns us to hell Then how is it that we cannot lose our salvation if we send afterwards? What you have to understand is that when you get saved the Bible says you are imputed with the righteousness of our Lord and Savior You're not going to come to judgment one day Jesus was perfect notice what it says in 1st John 3 5 and you know that he was Manifested to take away our sins and in him is no sin You're imputed with the righteousness of the Lord and Savior So here's the thing if there's no sin in Jesus Christ then spiritually speaking. There is no sin in you Now our body chooses do wrong here in this life. And when we do wrong, there's a punishment there's a penalty but Spiritually, we are perfect and that will never change why we're imputed with the righteousness of Christ Turn to Ephesians 1 Ephesians 1 We'll close up here in Ephesians 1 Ephesians chapter 1 I mean, how could you really have the peace of God if you could lose your salvation every day? Right, I mean when I got saved I had the peace of God because of the fact I was like man No matter what I do. I'm safe and secure even if I screw up Right. I mean if you could lose your salvation, you would be scared to death every single day. Like what if I do wrong? What if I do wrong? What if I do wrong? Okay Ephesians 1 verse 13 notice what it says In whom he also trusted After that, he heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that he believes So we see you have to hear the gospel. You have to believe it It says you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise The Bible says the Holy Spirit of promise as a saved person you are indwelled with the Spirit of God Jesus said if I remain the comforter is not going to come but as Jesus left the Holy Spirit came and indwelled all believers Okay, and as a saved person in today's world You will be indwelled with the Spirit of truth the Holy Spirit of God When you get saved and it says you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of Promise God says this spirit is given to you as a promise What is that promise? Well noticed which is the earnest of our inheritance the earnest of our inheritance? Okay. Now I'm not sure how many people in this room have ever bought a house before but when you buy a house There's something called earnest money Okay, and so basically let's say you buy a house for you know, I don't know, you know two million pesos Okay, and you know basically, you know Houses put on the market and there's a lot of people that are interested in buying it or whatever I've sold a house before you know our house we had in Sacramento and let me explain it works The same way as when you go soul winning people come by and they're like man, I'm gonna buy that house You never hear from them again. I Mean it happens all the time people come by this is so beautiful It's like man in the backyard is awesome your tree and I mean, that's what we heard from a lot of people like this is great Yeah, I'm gonna buy this Never hear from them again. Isn't that how it goes with soul winning? It's like man. This is awesome I'm gonna be your best church member. I'm gonna be there. It's like, you know on Wednesday night Three to thrive. I'm gonna get baptized. I'm gonna go soul when I'm gonna start reading the Bible Those people are never coming right those that are super excited. It never happens It's the same way when you're selling a house those that are super excited. I'm gonna get that house They don't actually come and get it now Here's the thing just as when you first start going soul winning and you're kind of tricked by that It's the same thing when you're buying a house. We had all these people that said we're gonna get that house I'm thinking yeah, we're gonna sell this house and then it's like nope No bids are put on and so here's what takes place If somebody says they're gonna buy that house and we were to take it off the market and they don't buy it Well, we're in trouble. We lost a lot of potential buyers So if you really like a house, you're there you see it you say man I want that house, but see that's not the end because most people don't buy a house in cash Most people have to get approved for a loan and their their credit is checked and things such as that So there's a process after you decide you want a house Before it's actually in your name Okay, and there's gonna be a person, you know who comes out, you know who checks out and gets a value on the house And things like that. There's a lot of steps It's like over a month at least in the US for us after we said we're getting this house It takes some time But here's the thing we didn't want that house that we bought in Sacramento on the market because we said we want that house So you say what do you do? You basically give them earnest money you give them a couple thousand dollars and what you're saying Is this I'm giving you this money with the guarantee that I'm gonna come and buy this house So if in two weeks I changed my mind I lost $2,000 The earnest money is like the guarantee. We're getting this house This is how serious we are and so that means they're not going to sell it to anybody else Basically, you've agreed with a handshake kind of a deal We're gonna buy this house for this price and here is our money and if we fail we don't get approved for the loan We change our mind you keep the money That's how the earnest money works Okay, so look you're not gonna put down five thousand dollars in the house and walk away. It's a lot of money Okay, but you don't want them to still have it on the market because you want that house What God is saying is this which is the earnest of our inheritance? He's saying this you have an inheritance up in heaven and you will get the glorified body It is a guarantee and this is how serious I am I'm giving you the earnest of our inheritance the Holy Spirit So if God changes his mind if we commit a sin and God says I've got to take that salvation away God loses the Holy Spirit you say why the Holy Spirit was the proof was the earnest money So to speak the earnest of our inheritance that we will get that glorified body Now look God's not walking away from the Holy Ghost my friend God uses this example to show how serious he is I'm giving you the Holy Spirit of God and you know what? Don't worry. You're getting the glorified body. Don't worry. You're going to heaven. This is the earnest of our inheritance It's a guarantee. I'm gonna come back and you're gonna get that glorified body Okay, just like as you would buy a house. So look God's not lying or trying to trick us He's trying to drive home the point that you know what? It's a done deal. But do we have the glorified body now? No, we don't are we in heaven now? No, we aren't but being saved with that Holy Spirit of truth inside of you You know inside your own heart that you're saved on your way to heaven When you believe on Jesus Christ, you don't have the physical proof of it. I don't have a glorified body You know, we can still get sick and have problems and things like that. We're gonna to get older We're gonna die one day But we know through the Spirit of God inside of us that reveals this on to us that it's a guarantee That we're not worried about our eternal destiny that God will come back and give us that glorified body and we will inherit heaven It is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession on to the praise of his glory and God says You know until the purchase possession comes the redemption of the purchase possession. Here is your promise. I'm Guaranteeing it's gonna take place So look the Bible speaks about once saved always saved like 55 different ways till Sunday, right? I mean every single direction he's like, here's one explanation. Here's another explanation Here's another and another and another and another you say why are all these Christians out there that don't think salvation is forever How come there's so many Christians out there that think that salvation can be lost there aren't If you don't believe in eternal security, you're not saved They don't understand the Bible if they had the spirit of truth inside of them They would understand that that salvation is forever. Look if somebody doesn't believe in eternal security They don't understand salvation is a free gift There's no works to be saved. There's no works to stay saved It's a hundred percent by grace through faith And if somebody thinks that they can lose their salvation if they commit some wrong sin Look they're not saved So look when we go soul-winning We must focus on the things that people are struggling with Now here in the Philippines most people understand Jesus is God So look there's not really a need to spend 10 minutes in a in a gospel conversation Proving that now you can give them a verse and give them a quick explanation, but we don't live in India Now if you lived in India, I'd tell you man explain that the nature of God for at least You know 25 minutes or whatever however long it takes right? We don't live in India We live in the Philippines and most people believe Jesus is perfect Most people believe Jesus is the Christ the Messiah most people believe Jesus is God Most people do not believe once they've always saved though, and they must understand salvation is a free gift So when we preach the gospel, we must explain eternal security Okay. Now this is something that takes a lot of practice. It's not something you learn overnight Okay, you know I always recommend to people obviously at a church full of ours You know people that explain the gospel and preach the gospel You can go soul-winning with other believers and get a good template for a good outline And you can always make it your own as you get experience and stuff like that But we must explain eternal security for people to get saved. Okay now here in the Philippines. What is the one? Specific sin that people really struggle with in terms of eternal security that makes them not believe in eternal security Suicide why we're Catholic country Right now in other countries. It might not be necessary because look murders worse than suicide I don't know why anyone would actually think suicide is worse than murder because murder you're harming someone who's innocent Suicide is done by depression suicide is not the worst sin But everybody here seems to think it's the one sin that will send you to hell So look we do need to explain to people that hey, even if you committed suicide you wouldn't lose it Now what I've found is the best way to explain that is to basically explain that it's your soul It's spiritual life. It's not physical eternal life. It's spiritual. And so when you commit suicide What did you kill the body or the soul? You killed the body by definition suicide kills your body Okay, and that's a good way the simple things confound the wise the simple things make people understand salvation and they're like, yeah You know what that makes sense, you know killing the body Doesn't end eternal life because it's spiritual eternal life and God said hell is the second death he color won't come a time Okay, so look when we go soul-winning we must explain eternal security. Why that is part of salvation Okay, they must understand what they're believing. Let's go to the word of prayer Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to read this chapter Romans 5 and just getting to See it and explain it and everything like that God help us to know our Bibles and to love our Bibles and to dig into each and every one of these chapters There's so much great information God and I ask you to continue to bless our church Help us to be a church filled full of unity Not to have strife or divisions help us be a church that has the same love and care for towards one another We also ask you to bless us later this afternoon that the weather will hold up so that we can go soul-winning God, we pray this in Jesus name. Amen