(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Romans chapter 1, and as we started last week, we're going verse by verse through the book of Romans And we kind of got through the first half of the book of Romans last week And we're going through the second half here today And I feel like it's been coming up a lot of scripture recently preaching against the LGBT and it's not really intentional But we don't want to avoid anything in the Bible And so that's what the Bible says, we go through it, and that's actually what the second half of Romans is about So I think next week, we probably won't be on that topic so much But that's what's coming up here in the Bible in Romans chapter 1, the second half And the name of the sermon is, The Bile Filth of This World The Bile Filth of This World Now, last week what we talked about is basically how salvation is to everybody the same way all over the world And if you're an atheist or you're a rejected God, you're without excuse, the Bible says But notice what it says here in verse number 18 in your Bible It says, For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men And we talked about last week how that's kind of mainly referring to when natural disasters take place That's God's wrath, God's judgment on the earth But notice the last half of this where it says, Who hold the truth in unrighteousness Who hold the truth in unrighteousness What the Bible is saying is this That there are people in this world that when they hear the truth of God's word Or they hear the truth of Jesus, they consider it unrighteous They hate that message For example, if you say that Jesus is the only way to heaven Because Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life You know, some people get offended by that message They're like, How dare you say that Jesus is the only way to heaven And they get mad at it and they can end up turning against God And they consider the truth of God's word as being unrighteousness Or they hear sermons against certain sins Sermons against doing drugs or drinking or whatever And they consider it unrighteous They don't agree with what the Bible says And they hold the truth in unrighteousness And what can develop is someone who ends up turning against God And they hate God's word And they end up becoming a wicked and vile person And the Bible says they hold the truth in unrighteousness We know people in this world that you talk to them about what the Bible says And they hate the message of the Bible They can't stand the message of the Bible Those are people that are holding the truth in unrighteousness Notice what it says in verse 19 Because that which may be known to God is manifest in them For God has showed it unto them So everybody in this world It's been manifest unto them that God is real He is deeply born inside of you For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen Being understood by the things that are made Even his eternal power in God has so that they are without excuse So if somebody rejects Jesus Christ They are without excuse They will die, they will go to hell Verse 21 It says because that when they knew God So this is giving more information about these people It says because that when they knew God Now these are not people that are saved These are not people that are believed on Jesus Christ But they've heard about God It says they know God They've heard the truth of God's word And they hold it in unrighteousness It says they knew God They had heard about God They had heard things about God When they knew God They glorified him not as God They knew about God They rejected what the Bible said They rejected God's word Okay What you must understand in life is that God is not going to change for you God is who he is And you can be mad at what the Bible says That's not going to change God's opinion or who God is And look all of us have seen things in the Bible before And our natural reaction was I don't agree with that It does not seem right But that doesn't change reality See people can be mad at what God says That's not going to change who God is though And people hear the truth of God's word And they say well you know what I don't like what the Bible says I don't like the God of the Bible That doesn't change the fact that he is the God of this world Whether you like him or not They knew God They glorified him not as God Neither were thankful Look you know we ought to be thankful For just the mercies God provides us every day He put us in this world He gave us an innate belief that God is real And he's blessed us in so many ways But you know people instead of being thankful what God did They just got mad at what the Bible says It says neither were thankful But became vain in their imaginations And their foolish heart was darkened And so people that go down this road Because in Romans 1 What you're seeing is a downward spiral It's slowly going down and down They're getting worse They're getting worse They reject God's word And they become vain in their imaginations And their foolish heart was darkened And then if you try to give this person the gospel You know 10 years down the road They're just rejected They've rejected God's word completely Their heart is darkened They don't want to hear what God says It says their foolish heart was darkened Notice verse 22 Professing themselves to be wise They became fools And so what the Bible is saying is These are people that think they're wise They think they're intelligent They think they know what they're talking about I mean isn't it true when you listen to these Really intelligent evolutionists out there The Richard Dawkins of the world I mean we talked about this last week They think they're really smart don't they I mean if you would tell them Hey I believe the earth is 6,000 years old I don't believe in evolution They're going to think you're Bobo They think you're stupid They think it's ridiculous They think it's foolish They think that what we believe is dumb And that's fine I think what they believe is dumb I mean it is dumb It's stupid the things that they believe Okay They think they're really smart And they profess themselves to be wise And you know what It doesn't matter how smart they are By the world's standards The Bible says they're fools Okay Turn to Psalm 14 in your Bible Psalm 14 Now I do want you to understand And we're going to see this here in Romans 1 I think it's a mistake though To think that Romans 1 is only referring to atheists Before it starts talking about the LGBT Because that's not actually what the Bible teaches Okay Because you can actually be somebody A part of some other religion Who hears the truth of God's word And hold that as unrighteousness and reject it Now a great application is certainly atheists I mean there's a great documentary online You know I recommend type it in Professing themselves to be wise I think is the name Is that the name of it? Professing themselves to be wise Great documentary That is a great application of this verse It certainly applies to atheists That's not the only group it applies to though And we're going to see that during the sermon But certainly atheists are a great example Of people that think they're really wise And they think they're really smart And in reality according to the Bible They are fools Psalm 14 verse 1 See the Bible says that if you do not believe in God You are a fool You are a fool That is what the Bible teaches And look you know it makes sense to us Because all of us believe in God It's like how in the world could you not believe in God? It doesn't make any sense to me You know I was raised in a Christian home I heard about you know Jesus I heard the name of Jesus when I was a baby And it's just like to me not believing in God I don't get it But then you look at a lot of countries in Asia And aren't a lot of countries in Asia like half atheists They don't believe in God I mean go to China And I don't know what the percentages are But probably half of people don't believe in God I mean go over to Europe And like half of people just don't believe in God And it blows my mind Because I've never even doubted whether God was real I mean I know God's real I mean it's just obvious there's a God And look but people can go down this road And they can become a fool Is what the Bible says okay Turn back to Romans 1 Romans 1 Romans chapter 1 Now what we talked about last week Is we gave 10 reasons why people can become atheists We gave a lot of reasons And some of those are very sincere reasons For example you know we talked about when people are molested Of course that could cause somebody to want to reject God And be angry Or people go through travesties in life They go through a lot of turmoil and problems And they can end up being mad at God or whatever And they can go down this road And they can become an atheist But remember the number one thing we talked about And it was not my list It was just a secular list they had came up with Is that you know a lot of people are atheists Because they just don't want any rules They don't want anyone telling them yes And no okay They're just like a little baby That it's like no I want to do what I want to do It's like you should have learned that When you're two or three years old from your parents It's like you know but they don't want to have any rules To answer to And remember what the Bible said They hold the truth in unrighteousness So they hear what God says And God says you know what It's wrong for you to drink And they just get mad at God Instead of just believing what the Bible says And so they just don't like the truth of God's word And basically they're becoming an atheist Because of the fact they don't like the God of the Bible Not because it's I mean is it more logical to believe That nothing was here And then nothing exploded And then four and a half billion years later You know here we are today I mean is that is that logical It's and I understand the earth was four and a half billion years ago Whenever what 20 billion years ago Whatever they say And then the earth's four and a half billion years old I mean is that more logical It doesn't really seem very logical to me I mean there's there's a million just common sense ways That evolution makes no sense Okay there's there's there's thousands If not tens of thousands of symbiotic relationships in nature Where two things need each other to survive This will die without this And yet this will die without this And yet which one of all firsts then If they both need each other to survive Okay is it logical that that whale in the ocean Will one day be walking on land like as a cow I mean that's ridiculous It's absurd They think it's intelligent It's intelligent I hear it and I'm like man that sounds foolish to me It's like you know I didn't think I was dumb I mean I got a I went to college I got a math degree But it's just like that sounds foolish And everyone's like oh this is just you know science This is a fact even though they have no proof They have no evidence It's ridiculous But they think it's intelligent And you know what the reality is There's people in this world They would use any excuse to not believe in God They would use any excuse not to believe in the God of the Bible There could be some new theory I mean one of the big theories I think it's called punctuated equilibrium Who knows punctuated equilibrium Has anybody heard that term Punctuated equilibrium is this Basically you know because of the fact They're not seeing you know evolution take place Because when you have a child You know you're a husband and a wife What's born to you is a human being Right And they're not seeing these intermediate steps Like they thought they would 150 years ago And so the new theory that's out there I think it's like 15 years old Punctuated equilibrium Is that evolution happens by leaps and bounds So you'll go like a thousand years And nothing happens And then just boom All kinds of evolution is taking place You're having a child It's turning into this And this and this And in like a hundred years A frog turns into a human or whatever Like that's what they're teaching And the reason why they're doing that Is they just are not the fossils So they start teaching Punctuated equilibrium I think I'm pretty sure is the term Okay I could be getting the term wrong I think it's punctuated equilibrium Where basically evolution Instead of being this slow process It's like nothing nothing And then boom Nothing nothing Then boom Why Because they don't have any proof For their theories They talk about I want to find this missing link You're not missing one link You're missing the entire chain You're missing every single link It's not like Oh this one link between man and ape And we can find it You're missing everything There's nothing out there And it's just like Even when they find a fossil Then it turns out They're like Oh the person like lied about it Because it's some scientist Who's gonna lose his grant money He's gonna lose all of his money So he's like Hey this is the missing link And then 20 years later They find out Oh that was like You know a pig or whatever And it's just like And this is reality If you've ever looked up Anything on evolution Everything I'm telling you Is the truth They don't have the missing links And the world is brainwashing you Into thinking Hey it's all there None of it's there It's a joke It's laughable But they think it makes more sense Than just believing there's a God Why is it? Because they do not want to believe in God See there's people that get deceived And brainwashed And they're not bad people But there's other people That just don't want to believe in God And they are bad people And they'll use any excuse Not to believe in God It's not because it's more logical to them They just do not want to believe In the God of the Bible And that's what your famous evolutionists That's who they are Now a lot of people believe in evolution in this world Probably 50% or whatever But look the ones that are really famous Like the Richard Dawkins They're like the false preachers There's no hope for those people They're not going to ever change Their mind about what they believe And so notice what it says in verse 23 And look these same people If you listen to these famous evolutionists You can see clips of Richard Dawkins online Talking about how pedophilia is not a bad thing And it's just like this person Who's acting like he's a moral authority He thinks Christianity is so evil And then he's up there saying You know pedophilia Not a big deal It's like what a joke I mean it shows what's in the heart Of that wicked person Verse 23 And change the glory of the uncorruptible God Into an image made like to corruptible man And to birds and four-footed beasts And creeping things So in verse 23 You could certainly apply this To atheists that basically worship evolution And the slow process Of what they believe not just micro But macroevolution Where basically you know Nothing explodes They had amoebas And it slowly became humans over time And everything like that But could you not look at verse 23 And apply that to all these religions That worship animals And have these half God Half humans that they worship I mean the very obvious one The very obvious one Is obviously Hinduism Because they worship a lot Of half human half animals Like they worship Ganesh is one of their big ones Which is like an elephant head And it's got the body of a human And it's just like you know Hinduism worships all kinds of animals They worship rats They worship cows And it's funny you know They'll say Well we don't worship them You know we just you know And yet you see these same people They'll bow down Like there's this video online I showed some of you guys Where there's this older lady She's like in front of a cow And just praying in front of that cow And she's getting all emotional And she's like I don't know if she's burning incense Or something She's giving like an offering to the cow But she's not worshipping the cow She's just bowing down And praying Right before the cow But she's not worshipping it Would this verse not apply To Hinduism Where they worship animals But it's not just Hinduism I would say most of the religions Of the world They worship animal type gods Most religions in the world Now the reason why we don't really think of that Is because Christianity does not do that Islam does not do that either As far as I'm aware And those are pretty big populations Those are kind of the famous religions But it's not just Hinduism that does this It's like in Taoism Which supposedly they don't even really believe in god Over in China They worship like the monkey god It's like What in the world are you worshipping a monkey for It's just like And then all these religions Or you could look at Zoroastrianism Or the Baha'i faith These religions that worship nature And everything like that And they're worshipping the creature Rather than the creator They're worshipping what's been created Instead of the one that actually created this And look all these religions That are worshipping Mother Earth And things like that This would certainly apply to them as well Okay This does not mean That people that are in those religions Are automatically these wicked evil people But if you choose to reject what God says No matter what religion you come from You're going to go down that road Of hating the true God Now a lot of these people are very spiritual But they still hate the God of the Bible It doesn't matter how many gods they believe in Or how spiritual they are If they reject the God of the Bible They're going to go down that road That it's talking about in Romans chapter 1 So look verse 23 Could certainly apply to not just atheists It could apply to these religions That are worshipping these animals Even in the Bible Even in the Bible You've got like Dagon's like a fish god Right I mean Dagon's like the body of a fish I believe in the body of a human I think The body of a fish in the head of a human And it's like they're worshipping like the Philistines That was their god that you know Basically was fallen over The head gone And it's just like It's like a fish god So look Throughout history These heathen cultures Have worshipped animals as gods And worshipped nature Okay And in most countries When you look at the people That are natives of the country And in the Philippines as well They worship just mother nature There's religions out there That are still just worshipping mother nature Here in the Philippines It's just been the religion for thousands of years And it's like look They're worshipping the creation They're not worshipping the one Who actually created this world though Notice what it says in verse 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness Through the lusts of their own hearts So what verse 24 is talking about Is that the people that he's specifically referring to These are people that in their own heart have lusts Unclean lusts Things that are wrong And they're using that reason To choose to reject the God of the Bible And eventually God can reach a point where he says You know what Go ahead and do whatever you want I'm done with you I don't care anymore Then it says He gave them up to uncleanness Through the lusts of their own hearts To dishonor their own bodies Between themselves And so there's people that are basically Worshipping their own body Between themselves And he's gonna give more information on that Verse 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie And worshipped and served the creature More than the creator Who is blessed forever Amen And so the Bible says There are people that are worshipping And serving the creature More than the creator There's religions out there That believe that we're gonna become a God one day Okay And it's I mean Mormonism believes that So called Christianity right there That we can become Gods one day And it's like they're worshipping what's created As opposed to the person who actually created it Now isn't that foolish to be obsessed with worshipping the mountain When someone created that mountain? But it's like people reject the God of the Bible And they worship what's been created Instead of God And these people go down this road Where they become bad people Okay Notice what it says here in verse number 26 Look throughout history you have Where you have the Egyptian Gods And when you look at the ten plagues that were on Egypt They were really all just God rebuking One of the false Gods of Egypt Their frog God And I don't know the names But all these different false Gods they had And I mean Egypt They basically had all these animal Gods And they worshipped the Nile River And everything like that And yeah you know what The Nile River made Egypt rich It made it powerful But it's like you know God put you beside that river That river didn't create itself Okay You can think of God's people in the Old Testament They worship a golden calf Now where do you think they learned that practice from? Probably from Egypt Probably from the heathen cultures I mean where in the Bible do you see Hey you need to worship a golden calf And so look this idea of worshipping these animals Instead of the Creator As Gods Look this has been throughout history And nothing's new It's just here in the Philippines It's not really like that It's not like that in the US either But around the world cultures are worshipping animals And mother nature And they're rejecting the God of the Bible Verse number 26 For this cause or for this reason For this cause because of this God gave them up unto vile affections What the Bible says is you know what God saw this that they were rejecting him And God said you know what I'm gonna give you up to your vile or wicked Or what? Nacacadeary Disgusting habits and affections And things that you want That's what the Bible is saying here I'm gonna give you up unto those vile affections These are people that are not good people They have wrong desires And they hate the rules of the Bible So they choose to become bad people And as a result they reject the God of the Bible Now some of these people would claim to be Christians though They would say they're Christians But if you show them anything in the Bible They don't agree with this or this or this or this So they're just kind of pretending to be Christians But they don't believe anything the Bible says They hate the actual God of the Bible For even their women did change the natural use Into that which is against nature You say what is that referring to in verse 26? The Bible says the natural use Into that which is against nature What the Bible is saying is I gave you natural desires Not wicked desires Not unnormal and weird desires I gave you natural desires But it says these women are doing things That are against nature Against what God naturally gave you a desire to do You say what is that referring to? Verse 27 And likewise also the men Leaving the natural use of the woman Burned in their lust one toward another Men with men working that which is unseemly What the Bible says here in verse 26 and verse 27 It talks about these men who are lusting after other men And the Bible says that is against nature It's not normal You know what the Bible is trying to teach you? Every single person in this world Every single man is born with natural desires This is how you're born through nature This is what he gave you innately And no guy naturally is attracted to another guy You know you have these people that say I was born gay No you weren't Not according to the Bible Because according to the Bible you have natural desires And they're doing things that are against nature There's not a single homo on the planet That was born that way Not a single one See according to the Bible that is against nature It's not normal And look it doesn't matter if they tell you I've always been this way They're lying to you These are people that are bad people They have no problem lying to you I remember there's this guy from the hometown I grew up in Bridgeport, West Virginia And this guy in elementary school was just a normal kid Didn't think anything of it And then just about like you know one year Just the way he talked The way he walked Just everything was different You know he just talked differently He talked with this massive you know lisp and everything He walked like a woman and everything Just everything changed about him And he claims He was born that way Now how is it that everybody knew you For like a dozen years And you were completely normal Nobody would have suspected that you were a homo And then all of a sudden boom you just act bizarre And different and weird Why? Because he wasn't born that way He became that way He chose to go that direction But see according to God's word This is against nature It talks about the natural use A single homo was actually born that way Not a single one of them They're not born that way Why? Because God did not create you that way God created men Boys at a young age before they have that desire But when they reach that age They're going to start to desire and find women attractive Not other boys The same with women They're created with a natural desire And then they're going to reach an age where they're going to start finding guys attractive They're not going to find women attractive That is against nature It's not the natural use God did not create them that way Not a single person was born that way God created people Normal, straight, okay Notice what it says in verse At the end of that verse of 27 And receiving in themselves That recompense of their error Which was meat And what the Bible is saying is that look These people they receive the wrath of God And you can look at all the STDs that are out there Look when people live lifestyles When people live lifestyles like that They don't live very long lives When they live unclean and filthy lives They get filled with a bunch of STDs Whether it's AIDS or the other STDs that are out there And generally these people They will die in their 40s They'll die at the age of 50 It says the wicked man should not live out half his days According to the Bible And these people generally live a very Very short life They don't live a long life Because when you go against what God's word is It's an unhealthy life It's not just spiritually wicked And spiritually filthy It's physically filthy and it will kill you Okay Now turn in your Bible to Jeremiah chapter 6 Jeremiah chapter 6 Jeremiah chapter 6 I mean even if you look at A sin like fornication I remember a long time ago in a sermon I talked about A basketball player by the name of Wilt Chamberlain He was the greatest athlete In my opinion the last 100 years Greatest athlete to ever live, Wilt Chamberlain Just an amazing athlete, I mean he retires from basketball He's the greatest volleyball player in the world And he was like an expert at high jump and track and field And all this stuff And he wanted to fight Muhammad Ali You know it's like man the thriller in Manila could have had Muhammad Ali versus Wilt Chamberlain And they were wondering could he actually win Because he's fast, he's strong, he's tall and everything Greatest athlete perhaps The last 100 years Or of all time once sports really became big And this guy one thing he was very Famous for was the fact That he slept with you know he bragged About sleeping with tens of thousands of women I can't remember the exact number just some ridiculous Amount that he bragged With sleeping with all these women and everybody knew That about Wilt Chamberlain he always bragged about that How he just slept with like I don't know 20 women every Single week a thousand women a year Or whatever and he bragged and bragged And bragged about it and what I talked about In that article it was an article written by a doctor If you remember this and it wasn't My words but the doctor was going through all The symptoms he had because he had heart attacks At a young age he was having heart attacks When he was in his late 20s and he was like the greatest Athlete in the entire world it's like How do you have a heart attack when you're the Greatest athlete in the world at that age And what the doctor said is The only thing with the 20 different possibilities Was it was probably an infection Caused because he was fornicating With a bunch of women and the doctor Said it wasn't even a Christian doctor At the end of the article he said the bottom line Is this it proves that you know Fornication has A punishment or something like that he basically Said the reason why and Wilt Chamberlain died a long time ago Died at a pretty young age for a really great athlete Why did he die? Well according to that doctor Because he slept with a lot of women Why? That's filthy It's not healthy when you live a Sinful life there's going to be a Punishment to that but how much more If you're not just sleeping with women As a guy but you're sleeping with guys It's even more filthy and more Disgusting I don't have the statistics in front of me But you know the average Homosexual sleeps with like At least hundreds of people in their lifetime It's like many of them like 25% They sleep with multiple people Every single week I mean to them it's like no big deal they just Go to bars pick up people it's very Common in their lifestyle Okay I've said this story Before but I remember one time that I was going running in West Virginia And whenever I go running when I get to the last Hundred yards I sprint the final bit You know and I'm exhausted and I remember I sprinted by this guy and like he Said something to me just hello or something I don't know and I would always have a habit Of inviting people to church you know when I Meet him in public I said hey you know You should come to our church one time it's Located here and everything and then The guy's like oh yeah that's cool and then he said you know Yeah and you know if you ever want to come by some night Me and my roommate This guy's like in his 40s And it's very obvious like what he was saying It's like I don't even know this guy It's like I invited this guy to church And he's pretty much asking you know Hey if you want to hook up with me in my room What is wrong with those people like what kind Of a person would actually do that look there's Plenty of people that have very similar Stories I don't know if they act the same aggressively here In the Philippines but in the US pretty much everyone I know has stories like that and it's Just like what in the world I Mean a guy I mean and look if you're a guy That does that to a girl that's disgusting That's filthy a girl you don't even know And you're asking her to come over to your bedroom It's like you met her five seconds ago it's like what's wrong With you it's like guys that do that That's disgusting but you know what that is Their lifestyle that's normal To them and they receiving themselves that recompense Of their error which was me so what does the Bible say About these people we're gonna see a word here In Jeremiah 6 and we'll go back to Romans 1 When it talks about this there's a word That's not very common in today's world In Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 30 Jeremiah chapter 6 verse 30 One thing we need to Understand about the Bible Is that the Bible defines Itself it teaches You what it's saying God does not want To confuse you he wants you To know what his words are he wants you To understand all of it okay and what It says in Jeremiah 6 verse 30 is this Reprobate silver Shall men call them Because the Lord hath rejected Them so reprobate Silver and then it says the Lord Hath rejected them so The word reprobate means rejected You can look it up in a dictionary it's gonna tell you the same thing Reprobate means Rejected what does reprobate silver Mean well look when people mine For silver and they find silver It's not in the form That it is later on they basically They get silver but they also get a lot of Bad materials in there that are useless That have no value so Basically if you mine and you get silver 90% of what you get Is just like garbage like most of it's not even Very good so they have a very long Complicated process to basically Burn off the dross burn off The part that's useless that has no value Because silver has a lot of value Look if I gave you like this big bucket Of silver it's gonna be worth some money But look it's not gonna be worth a lot of money if there's only A little bit of silver inside there's a bunch of rocks And gravel and things like that so There's a complicated process they go through They basically burn off the part that's not Good and what you would call that is basically Reprobate silver because that's The silver that has no value it's the part That had absolutely no value that they got Rid of okay it's rejected Because you're not gonna try to sell a rock And expect to make money off of it Now you'll sell silver and make Money so they have to burn off the part That's bad and see what the Bible is saying Is these people they were Normal people at first but basically God rejected them he said You were normal you were part of this But now you're rejected and I'm done with you It says the Lord Hath rejected them Go back to Romans 1 The Lord hath rejected them And so I want you to understand when we're talking about These people in Romans 1 it talks About these people when they're reprobate That basically they're rejected by God okay what you need to Understand though when you're reading Romans 1 Is that these people already Rejected God They rejected God before God rejected them we saw That in Romans chapter 1 that they chose To hate God's word they Rejected God over and over And over and over again and it can come To the point where basically God says you know what I'm done with you I'm gonna give you over to your lusts Your vile affections it's like you Everything that's said to them they hate God's Word they blaspheme God's word and God says you know what I'm done with you it's at the Point where now I have rejected you Now realize these People Jesus died for them And paid for all of their sins And God loved Them but it reached a point Where they rejected God over and over And over again and see the Bible speaks About people where he says I will love you no more That's what the Bible teaches because these people Have rejected God so much And now they hate the God of the Bible and God says you know what it's reached a point Where I've given you lots of chances see here's what You need to understand God is the God Of the second chance and the third chance And the fourth chance it does not Mean God is the God of the five Thousandth chance okay It's like you know and look when we give The gospel to people that are unsaved they Can hear the gospel over and over again and they can Reject it but they can eventually get saved But look that doesn't mean that they have a free pass their whole Life that they can hear the gospel every single day and Say I don't care I think that's ridiculous That's foolish but then they'll always to the end Of their life have that opportunity some people Can reach a point where they no longer have That opportunity now you might say brother Stuckey I've never heard this before but Let me explain something to you do you Believe that God created somebody as a pedophile Ask yourself that question Do you believe God created somebody with the desire To murder a bunch of people and be a serial killer Who knows Jeffrey Dahmer he's the most famous Serial killer in American history this is A guy who murdered I don't know like 20 people or whatever and he became famous Not just for killing them but because of How he killed them and what he did now this guy Was an open open homosexual Most famous serial killer in American History was an open homosexual and he Was murdering other homosexuals And you know he murdered these people and he Kept their body parts okay that's Why he became famous he had a lamp Of their skin Okay it's disgusting I'm not gonna say any more about that but that's That's who Jeffrey Dahmer was that's why he became Famous when he got caught all Around his apartment it's just the most disgusting Thing you could possibly imagine He was a freak he was a weirdo But do you believe God created him that way? I don't I believe God created that person with Normal natural desires and look when you go down That road of just sleeping with a bunch of guys You're just gonna get more weird and more disgusting And more filthy that's not normal And God did not create Jeffrey Dahmer like that God created him as a normal person Who Jesus died for and he loved them And he paid for their sins and we could have reached That kid on the street when he was 10 years old Given him the gospel he could have gotten Saved but he never got saved And he ended up hating the truth of God's Word due to things that happened in his life And then all of a sudden he eventually Hated God and he became a serial Killer and a wicked disgusting person But I don't believe God created Him that way now if you believe God created people as pedophiles And serial killers then hey Go join Calvinism because that's what they teach Okay that's not what we believe I Believe God created people as normal people And he died for all of their sins And he loved them and he paid for their Sins but people can choose to Become bad people and God can eventually Reject them okay Let me explain to you a difference here And we'll go through these verses here in a second But look all of us we have you know Various wrong desires and things That we do that are wrong Look lying is something that everybody's done Is that not true every single person in this World let God be true but every Man a liar and Every woman okay Every man every woman We've all lied and you know what It's a natural thing that people do It's wrong but kids at a young age Will be dishonest to try to get out of trouble Anyone who has kids knows that at a very young age You don't have to teach kids to lie They've learned that on their own Just from birth okay they know that You don't have to teach them to lie There's certain wrong desires that kids will have I mean a guy who's 20 years old Or he's going to have natural desires And he can think wrong thoughts or lust After women that's a normal desire It's wrong to do that but it's something that's Normal but look having a desire To kill people That's not normal That's weird and see the Bible says these people Their minds are warped They're gone it says their conscience is seared With a hot iron so we have a conscience Where there's certain things that You would never do just for the Fact that they're you know not just Disgusting but you would feel guilty and Wrong about it but it says they don't have A conscience and they do things that no Person would ever do You look at the Catholic priests And the things they do to these little kids It's just like nobody would even have that normal Desire that's not born into you But they chose to reject God and hate God's word and they became those People okay and look When we run into a lot of kids in the street You know our church we give them the gospel Obviously you know we don't just bring random kids In here for safety purposes and Many reasons but we give them the gospel When we run into them on the streets I love talking to 12 year olds on the street because They're very receptive to the gospel They often get saved and we love them we care about them We would love to have them bring their parents So they could come here for their services and be with us But we try to give these kids The gospel on the street but the reality is If you see 20 kids here so On Sunday 20 kids out and about I promise you of those 20 people Many of them have been molested before You say why because A large percentage of people have been molested It's happening at churches it's happening at Governmental institutions where there's too much Trust and people are just throwing off Their kids to people they don't know it happens A lot and I'll tell you what when they're young You can still reach them but in their Heart especially if it happens A lot they can choose to end up hating God and rejecting God and whenever You hear these stories about these people they say Yeah you know what I remember I was Molested when I was 8 years old and what happens Is the person who's been molested ends up Becoming a molester and I feel bad For them when it happens at a young age but look I don't feel sorry for someone who's currently A pedophile I feel bad when It happens at a young age and we need to reach them then But when they become the pedophile They become wicked evil people That's the choice they made and look They're rejected by God it's not normal to have Those desires it says in Romans 1 verse 28 And even As they did not like to retain God in their Knowledge so these people don't want to know the truth They think about God's word and it says this God gave them over to a Reprobate mind remember A rejected mind to do Those things which are not convenient So God says you know what basically with some People you've reached the point I'm done with you I don't want to have anything To do with you anymore you're done And yes he died for them he loved them But you know what look realize this People that are in hell They're in hell because God does not love them Anymore Look you don't throw people In hell that you love And God loved all of Those people one time but look when He throws them in hell forever the Bible says The wrath of God not the love of God the wrath of God abideth on them why Because the reality is he doesn't love them anymore He died for them he cared for Them he paid for their sins but when they reach That point God says you know what I Don't love you anymore okay Realize that can happen It can happen before they die though Now it's not common to happen but it does happen sometimes Verse 29 notice the characteristics Of these people Being filled with all Now notice this word filled okay When it says they're filled That means they're completely filled with these Desires we're going to go over a lot of these things Real quickly and most of these Things are things that you and I Could be guilty of it doesn't mean That you're filled with these things Okay it says being filled With all unrighteousness Fornication wickedness Covetousness maliciousness Now malicious means Intending to do evil okay Now is it true that sometimes We do things that are wrong and evil and we Harm people in some ways yeah But you know we're not filled with it we're basically we desire To harm people I mean there's Something wrong with you if you desire to just harm People and you enjoy it when people Break their legs or people are crying out for Cement there's something wrong with you Okay look we're not filled with those Desires but the Bible says you know what there's people that Are filled with this okay being Filled with these things it mentions covetousness Now is it true That all of us can be covetous from time To time absolutely But when you're filled with Covetousness you know what that means if you Could kill someone and get away with it For a million dollars that you would do it Now would you murder someone For money if you could get away With it you wouldn't do it I wouldn't Do it these people would do it Okay there's people that have no Conscience because they're filled with covetousness They'll do whatever they can to get all This money they would be willing to kill for Money if they wouldn't get Caught see that's what you have to understand Like in Sodom and Gomorrah or in Judges 19 where every man does that Which is right in his own eyes there's Basically no law no authority People can get away with whatever And guess what the result is they Do whatever they want and the Weirdest chapters of the bible are from Judges 17 to 21 The weirdest most disgusting Things why because everyone did that which Was right in his own eyes there was no king There was no judgment there was no law and Look if there was no law It would be absolute chaos Now look you need to realize this our government Is not perfect no government Is righteous or perfect but I want you to Realize something our government's Not righteous and perfect but you know it's Better to have a government that's not Perfect than basically no Government at all look if you just Had anarchy and no rules And no government whatsoever It would be it would be like judges Chapter 17 through 21 That is what the world would be like and I Understand we get mad at things the Government says sometimes if there was No government it would be Judges 17 through 21 that's what We see if it was anarchy because some People say anarchy is a good thing No government whatsoever if there's No government and no rules There's gonna be rapes There's gonna be murders there's gonna be all these Wicked things how do you know that that's what it Says in judges everyone did that Which is right in his own eyes it's better To have rules that you don't always Like like oh I gotta wear a mask In public you know what it's better to have that rule Than no government at all It would be chaos in this world if there were No rules whatsoever and look Our governments are never gonna be perfect but if you Have no rules if you have the anarchist System you got the last five chapters In the book of Judges and tell me that's The world you want to live in the weirdest Chapters in the Bible Notice what it says being filled with all And righteousness fornication wickedness Covetous maliciousness so being Filled with all and righteousness being filled With all fornication being filled With all wickedness being filled with all Covetousness is it true that some People fornicate which means Sleep together before they're married Yes that does take place But the Bible says these people are filled with it The Bible is saying these people It's like you know several times a week No big deal okay It's not something where they just did something that was wrong It's something that's just their lifestyle They're just filled with those desires Okay then it says Full of envy is it True we can be envious from time to time Yeah it's true we can be envious From time to time but look When you're full of envy you're gonna be a bad person Okay that's what these people are Then it says murder Full of murder Now look I don't know about you I've never killed anybody before Okay I hope that you've never killed anybody Now the Bible does say if you have hate Without a cause you know toward your brother You're guilty of murder in your heart That's still in the heart though okay It's like that's wrong but that's better than actually Doing it these people are full of murder The only reason Why they don't kill a bunch of people Is they're gonna get in trouble for it That's the only reason why I came to this realization three years ago When I and I already knew this I think it was four years ago But it just kind of really drove home this point I remember we were in Sacramento and there's the big Orlando protest You know if you don't know about that I'll tell you after the service I'll tell you all about it But it's like you know we were protested You know our church by like 500 sodomites And I remember just You know and there and there's about 25 policemen It's interesting because all the 25 policemen Were just kind of hanging out by the wall doing nothing And they weren't even watching anything That was taking place because they didn't want to take part in it And a lot of the policemen had rainbow bracelets on It's like this really makes me feel safe right But I remember I just came to this realization That the only reason why These people don't do what they did in Genesis 19 Is because they might get caught And be thrown in jail That's the only reason why they didn't just murder all of us That's what the Bible teaches They're full of murder That's what these people Look at Genesis 19 We'll see that in the second sermon a little bit They have those desires It's disgusting, it's filthy That is how they are You say brother Stuckey, this doesn't logically make sense to me It does not logically make sense to you Because your conscience is not seared It does not logically make sense to me either This does not make sense to me Because I have a conscience I see a little child that gets hurt And you know you're horrified You know if your son falls When you're a parent and your son falls And hits his head You're really scared That's my normal desire but these people They don't have that in their minds Because their conscience is seared according to the Bible They're full of envy, they're full of murder They're full of debate You say brother Stuckey, are you ever going to debate All these false prophets? No, okay And if they're full of debate it makes me wonder about them It's like maybe they're not just unsaved Maybe they're just twice dead Full of debate, full of deceit Basically full of lies Full of malignity Whispers Then it says backbiters These are people that are basically a little bit of cheese me's A little bit of gossip Backbiters And so you say brother Stuckey I thought these people were nice people All the homos I know, they act so friendly And nice They're fake They're lying to you They're not nice On the inside they're bad people I know people in the US that have worked with homos And they act very friendly to people When they're doing customer service and everything And then right when they're gone They're like the most evil wicked people They say just really terrible things And it's just like, they're just being fake They're being phony A lot of people are just lying to you And they're full of deceit Full of lies according to the Bible Okay, then it says this Haters of God They hate God You say but brother Stuckey There's homosexual pastors out there Okay But they hate the God of the Bible though I didn't say they don't believe there's a God I said they hate the God of the Bible Okay They're haters of the God of the Bible Even if they claim to be Christian They don't like God's rules They hate the God of the Bible They're proud, think of gay pride They're boasters They're inventors of evil things Whenever I think of inventors of evil things I think during the dark ages When the Roman Catholic Church killed 50 million people And they didn't just stone them to death Like the Bible says They invented Evil, disgusting, sick things For how they murdered people And look, I've mentioned it in other sermons And look, you know what, you're welcome If you want to check on Google The methods they use, but it will horrify you It pains you even to read about it You're just thinking about the methods They came up with, and here's the thing I remember this thing Inventors of evil things I remember seeing this list of the 10 Biggest, most evil methods they used To murder people And there were only two of them I had ever heard of before One was burning to death Because that's something that Obviously people have been burned to death There's one other one I can't remember what it was that I had heard of before The other eight that I heard of Not only had I never heard of it I thought to myself, I wouldn't have even been able to invent that It's like Why would they even come up with these Disgusting, wicked, perverted Sick things, why? Because they're bad people Okay, inventors of evil things Disobedient to parents Without understanding Covenant breakers Covenant breakers means they make promises They keep them, they're covenant breakers Without natural affection So they don't have the natural affection That we would have towards like You see a baby that falls and hits their head You're going to be scared for that child They don't have natural affection If somebody runs out and gets hit by a car out here Our natural reaction is to be horrified And we're scared for them Right? They can go through The motions and be like But the reason why they're doing that Is because they're trying to do what is socially acceptable Not because they actually have affection They're faking it They're without natural affection Implacable Implacable basically means They cannot be soothed You cannot meet them halfway If you say you give in to one thing They're going to want more and more And more and more and more They're implacable Unmerciful You think of a child being molested You think of the person who would do that The child's crying out for help They're unmerciful though Unmerciful Who knowing the judgments Of God So these are people that know what God says about this They know the truth of God's word Remember they hold it in unrighteousness They consider God's word to be evil They consider it wrong They know the judgment of God They know the Bible teaches hell They know that what they're doing is wrong according to the Bible But they consider that unrighteous They know the judgment of God That they which commit such things Are worthy of death Now, correct me if I'm wrong But I thought everyone always said that it was just an Old Testament thing Where the Bible says the penalty For these people is a death penalty Now look, this is not the law of our country And we're not going to put this into place Because that is the government's job To do whatever they want To whatever crimes They make the choices to what you do to a drug dealer Or a murderer Those choices We don't fight a physical battle We fight a spiritual battle We're not trying to bring in the kingdom That's Jesus' job He's going to bring it in once the world becomes so wicked But I want you to realize this It doesn't change what they're worthy of according to the Bible God did not change his opinion of it Just because the world changed their opinion It says they're worthy of death But notice this Not only do the same Not only do they do these things That do them Not only do they take an enjoyment of Killing someone They take pleasure when somebody else kills someone I mean you'd be horrified if you picked up the paper And saw that a thousand people got murdered yesterday Here in passing, wouldn't you? They would like that though Why? They not only do the same But they have pleasure in them that do them They want people to do the same things that they do Why? Because they want people to justify their actions If they're doing something wicked You want somebody else to be doing it as well If they're doing something wicked lifestyles They want other people to do the same thing An example I know this was when I worked in the US I worked as a math teacher in the US And I remember I was at an event And it was like a school function They were reaching out to the community And our school was very very LGBT friendly They had programs at the school and everything That's a large reason why I really didn't like the job because of that But I remember seeing this This woman in the crowd Okay, I'm using that term very loosely This woman, this lady in the crowd Okay I remember seeing this woman in the crowd And she had a shirt on And the shirt had A rainbow on it Six colored rainbow as opposed to the Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet Ask my son, he'll tell you the rainbow Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet A lot of people haven't figured that out It's not blue purple, it's blue, indigo, violet But this shirt had six colors, right? The symbol of the sodomites One word on it Recruiter Now what do you think that's saying? It's saying she wants to Recruit people to be sodomites Now here's the thing about this According to the Bible in verse 32 And look, when I saw that shirt Because I can't do anything, I work, you know, for the school It's like, I can't say anything or whatever But on the inside, I was so angry But you know, she was just Actually being honest with what the Bible says In Romans 1 verse 32 Because what the Bible says is they have pleasure In them that do them These people, they want the whole world To become a bunch of sodomites They don't want it to be just 2% They want it to be 20%, 30, 40, 50 They want everybody to hate God They want everybody to go down that road That's the only time I've ever seen that shirt But one word, recruiter I was so angry because what she was saying is I have a goal to recruit you to being a sodomite And it's just like, you know, at least She was being honest With what she actually said and what she actually believed But let me say this in closing Because look, we're just going verse by verse through Romans This wasn't really a planned sermon Because I know I've talked about this recently But here's what I want you to understand God did not create people that way though God created those people With normal desires Look, you know, we have many people that are married in this room You know, many guys, many husbands in this room And guess what? You have always From a young age just found women attractive You didn't find guys attractive You didn't find animals attractive You didn't find little kids attractive Okay? And it's like, you know what? These people though They aren't like that It's like they were born Just like you were and yet They changed And you know, this is how they're trying to justify Pedophilia now because I personally Think that pedophilia Is the worst possible sin you can think of Far worse than murder In my opinion, I think it's the worst thing To even think of But you know, what they're trying to justify that now Is they say that well, a pedophile is not much different than you I mean, when you were 12 years old as a guy You found 12 year old girls attractive The only difference is As you got older, you started to find older women attractive And they just Kept finding 12 year olds attractive So when they're 20, 30, 40, 50 60, 70 So they're not much different than you I mean, you found 12 year olds attractive 20 years ago Look, that's weird That's disgusting, but you know Our world is trying to Justify pedophilia And you know, you might say there's no way that would ever happen Look, you know, that's what you could have used to say about Homosexuality Because the world thought this was disgusting And weird and perverted The world had rejected that lifestyle For most of history And yet in the last 20 years I mean, obviously I was in the US 20 years ago But you guys have told me It wasn't like this at all Now just 20 years later Man, the world's changing It's really hard to see what the world's going to be like in 20 years And let me tell you something The only way to break your cycle from being brainwashed by the world Is to renew your mind with God's word Which means you put off the TV And distractions that the world has to offer You read this book You hear good preaching You memorize God's word Because otherwise, even as a saved person You will end up getting brainwashed By the world Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today And just getting to see your word And we love all of your word Every single verse, every single word is great And there are things in the Bible that are not the most pleasant To talk about They're not the most pleasant to preach about Or to think about But unfortunately, due to the world we live in We must preach on these things We must talk about these things This is the world we live in And help all of us at our church Not to be brainwashed by the world, God But to be renewed by your word And we pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen