(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶� 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶� 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶� 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 It's great to be part of the thank you for this point. Thank you so much for Dr. Crenshaw. You are not just here to bless our service, for supporting and to say the glory of the ass of God and to those who are controlling the doctor. Thank you, Lord, that you would be part of something we can always pray for. We can preach God's word to God in a sermon and that's to glorify the people who work, try to trust the faith, and forgive us for all our sins, Lord. We pray for us not to sing and we'll bring you back all the glory and honor to you God. Amen. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Give number 57. Give number 57. When they ring the rolling bells. Sing it for the people. The rest of us are ready. Amen. Sing. There's a land beyond the river that we can't escape forever and we long for which we'll soar by facing sea. One by one we'll make the portals turn. Don't change. Don't let it ring the rolling bells for you and me. Don't you hear the bells are ringing. Don't you hear the angels singing. There's the glory, Hallelujah, if you believe. In the dark, we'll forever come to you. I'll remember when we sing the golden bells for you and me. We shall know the sin, no sorrow, we can't take that on to you. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. We shall only know the blessing, no sorrow, we can't take that on to you. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. Then we'll make the golden bells for you and me. Don't you hear the bells are ringing. Don't you hear the angels singing. There's the glory, Hallelujah, if you believe. In the dark, we'll forever come to you. May we make the golden bells for you and me. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. May your heart continue beyond the silver sea. day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." And that's a great verse there that ties into the picture there, which we'll talk about in this sermon on the seventh-day Adventist. And we are a family-integrated church, meaning children and infants are welcome during the services. We do have the mother baby room back there for your convenience, as well as the ladies restroom. The men's restroom is up here in front. Remember, no eating during the services. Maintain a professional atmosphere and keep the children from running in rough housing before and after the church services. Family service time is listed on the next page. Our first service is at 10 a.m. Second service is at 1130. The Wednesday evening Bible study, depending on if the curfew is still going. So, I'm not really sure, right? So, if there's still a curfew, it will be at 4 p.m. If there is no curfew, it will be at 6 p.m. And so, just pay attention to group chat. We'll see. Everything's a bit modulo, but that's been the last couple years, right? Soul winning time is listed. So, soul winning will be two hours before the Wednesday service. If it starts at 6, soul winning is at 4. If it starts at 4, it will be at 2. Saturday afternoon, soul winning first round, 10 to 12. Second round, 2 to 4 p.m. Lunch provided by the church. Brother Herman is the soul winning captain for Saturday. And Sunday afternoons, our soul winning is around 2.15 p.m. here today. Once again, if you're coming from a distance for church, and you know what, I would just recommend, make sure you get home before the curfew, you know, because they tend to be pretty strict. So, don't feel obligated to stick around for soul winning if you're not going to be able to do that. Obviously, you know, we just have to adjust the situation we have. And so, obviously, you know, God sees your heart in that situation if we're not able to go past that time. So, if you have to leave after lunch fellowship or leave early, that's no problem. Our soul winning's going to be nearby again, and I know we've knocked these doors about 61 times already, but we're going to knock them 62 times, right? People are still getting saved, and it is what it is, right? So, let's see, our, I would try, I would try to shorten the sermon so we have, you know, we can solve the soul winning, but you know, my sermons are long today. It just is what it is. So, you know, I guess shorten soul winning, I don't know. But praise report for 2021, 299 salvations year to date. That does not include this past week. So, we had over 300 salvations, but some of those were the day before, you know, April. So, it was 299 actually in the first, what was it, five days, but there was like seven salvations the day before on March 31st. So, that's why it's less than 300, but our record is over 300 for a week. So, 2,265 salvations year to date, five baptisms. Obviously, we've had a lot of salvations this week with our soul winning marathon. Praise report for 2021, Pampanga, 12 salvations, 20 salvations this past week. So, it's 32 for the month in Pampanga, Singapore Bible study fellowship at 28 salvations. Birthdays and anniversaries for April. Birthdays are listed below in anniversaries, information for first time guests. The next page, the Hosea challenge. People say, you know, how long do I have till the end of April? Okay. So, the end of April is your last chance to finish the memorization. And so, if you're able to do that, let me know or let my wife know so you're able to get the prize, but you have till the end of April. And we might take a little bit of a break before we go into the next challenge. Most likely it's going to be 1st John will probably be the next challenge. Upcoming activities, we have our prayer meeting next Sunday, April 18th, and then a soul winning marathon on May 1st. So, Saturday, we have soul winning all day every Saturday anyway, but this is a holiday, so maybe a bit of an extra push. So, we'd love to have you come out soul winning. First day of the new month, Labor Day, May 1st. And Mother's Day is May 9th. So, that's coming up quickly. As of now, we're planning to have a choir performance. However, it's hard to get practice if there's a curfew and we're not able to stick around at that time. So, obviously, just things are up in the air. So, just be flexible with us as we're getting through this time. I'm hoping that tonight they're not going to announce an extended lockdown, but that's what I've been hoping 55 times before. So, we'll see. Current and upcoming series, we're in the book of Romans. We're going to be finishing that up soon. We're finishing up Romans 14 here today. Then the false philosophy series is going to be a very long series. We've got a lot of sermons left in that. Information on the group chat. And then on the back, there is a place for sermon notes for the sermons here today. So, I believe that's it for announcements. We'll have Brother Rafi lead us in another song. So, let us open our Bibles to Romans chapter 14. Please say amen when you're there. Him that is weak in the faith, deceive here, but not to doubt for disputations. For one believes that he may eat all things another whose wheat eateth herbs. Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not, and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth. For God hath received him. Who are though that judges another man's servant? To his own master, he standeth of all is, yeah, to shall be bolden up. For God is able to make him stand. One man is seemeth one day about another, another's seemeth every day alike. That every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord. And he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God things. And he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God things. For none of us liveth themself, and no man dieth themself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord, and whether we die, we die unto the Lord. Whether we live, therefore, or die, we are the Lord's. For to this end, Christ both died, and arose, and revived, that he might be Lord, both of the dead and living. But why dost thou judge thy brother? Or why dost thou seteth not thy brother? For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ. For it is written, as I live, sayeth the Lord, every knee shall go to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Let us not therefore judge one another anymore, but judge this rather, that no man put a stumbling block on occasion to fall in his brother's way. I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself, but to him that esteemeth anything, to be unclean to him it is unclean. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walketh though not charitably. Destroy not him with thy meat, for whom Christ died. Let not then your good be even spoken of, for the king of God is not meat and wing, but righteousness and peace enjoy the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things service Christ is acceptable to God and approved of many. Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things which one may edify at another. For me destroy not the work of God. All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for that man who eateth with offense. It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to decline, nor anything whereby thy brother stumbles, or is offended, or was made weak. Have to faith, have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he is not of faith. For whatsoever is not of faith. Let us pray. Thank you Lord Jesus for the Bible. Thank you to everyone who is here. And let us understand the fact that there is no other way that is God in this world. So always do it. I want to do something. I want to do something. All right, we're here in Romans chapter 14, and last week we basically finished the chapter, but this is the chapter, as I mentioned, that is really the one that proves the seventh day Adventists are wrong. And so I kind of want you to be reminded of that as we're going through the Bible to think of Romans 14. This is the chapter that refutes the seventh day Adventists. So we're going to preach a whole sermon against the seventh day Adventists. So the name of the sermon is the seventh day Adventist cult exposed. And I think you're going to see in this sermon why exactly they're a cult, because people will say the Mormons are a cult. People will say the Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. But oftentimes with the seventh day Adventists, they're like, well, they're false, but they're not really a cult. And look, I'm not trying to be extra extreme just to get YouTube views, because that's really not my style, but they are a cult by any definition that I would give of the word. They have modern day revelation. They don't go based off the word of God. They fit the description of what a cult is. Now, the seventh day Adventists rose up in the 19th century. They're part of what's known in the US as the Restoration Movement, where basically there's a lot of churches that sprung up that said every single church in the world is wrong, and all churches have been gone for 1800 years, and we have the truth that's been revealed to us. We are the church just like they were in the days of, you know, the Book of Acts. Now, look, I don't know why people would ever join a church like this when they claim everybody else in the world is wrong for 1800 years, but people join churches like this. Now, the four churches in the US that were part of this Restoration Movement were the Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists, and the Church of Christ. Now, when I say Church of Christ, I don't mean Iglesia Ni Cristo. I mean every country has a Church of Christ, okay? We call them the Campbellites in the US because they say you got to get baptized in our water. We're the only ones that are right and everything like that. The Seventh Day Adventists are one of those four groups, okay? And so we're going to look at six different points here today, and two of these we covered last week, so there's going to be some familiar information, but I'm going to try to approach it from a little bit of a different angle so it's not, you know, repetitive. But the first thing is diet. Seventh Day Adventists are known for having weird diets and weird rules on what you're supposed to eat. Notice what it says in Romans 14 verse 1, him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. And so in verse 1, the Bible speaks about people that are weak in the faith, people that don't know what they believe, they're not strong biblically, they don't know what the Bible says, they don't zealously read the Bible, they don't know much, but the Bible says we should receive those people except if they bring in all these arguments and disputes. And look, this happens sometimes at churches. People want to visit a church and they just want to start an argument. I mean just last night, Brother June and I were talking about this, someone who said he wanted to visit our church, and it's one of those things where it's like, I think he's going to come in here and argue with us, right? And I said, well, we invited him to church, we said he could, we were just clear, you know, hey, we believe different things in you, and then he doesn't want to come. It's just like, well, what's your purpose? Because we believe in the Trinity, not the oneness doctrine. And he wants to come in here and preach the oneness doctrine. Well, the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world, so there you go. There's more than one already, right? And so the Bible says that we receive people into our church unless they bring arguments. And the truth is, even if somebody's unsaved, they're welcome to visit our church. They don't have to be saved to visit our church. However, if they're going to bring arguments in here, then you know what, they're not welcome to be here. Okay. And so then it says here in verse two, for one believeth that he may eat all things, another who is weak eateth herbs. Okay. So the Bible says there's two types of people. One person says we're able to eat whatever food that we want. It's not sinful. It's not wrong. Then another person says, you know, no meat, just eat herbs, just vegetarian diet. And it's just like the Bible's very clear, the one who's right is the one who says you can eat whatever. One believeth that he may eat all things. Now, as I said last week, it's up to you. If you've got a different diet and you're avoiding certain foods, hey, that's perfectly fine. And maybe even for health reasons, it might be a necessity in your situation, but it's not wrong for people to eat meat. And the Bible's very clear here in verse number two. But the Seventh-day Adventists will either follow a vegan diet or a non-meat except for fish diet, basically, or just eat the clean animals from the Old Testament. They have kind of bizarre rules on diets. You say, Brother Stuckey, what verse in the Bible gives them this view? It's not a verse in the Bible. It's quotes from Ellen G. White. They're prophetess. This woman who would get possessed, she'd wake up, she'd go into a trance, and she'd wake up and say, we're not supposed to eat pork. Like, literally. And I'm not even just, that's literally what they believe. That's literally how they came to that conclusion. Look, I've watched the whole documentary on the Seventh-day Adventist YouTube channel, and basically she goes to her husband, she gets another dream, and all of a sudden she says, I just realized we're not supposed to eat meat. It's like, that's how you form what you believe? It's like, man, you should have said, look, I don't care what your dream says. Go in and make me a hamburger, right? Go in and cook some meat, right? But it was all based on these dreams that she had. So here's some quotes from Ellen G. White. In a country such as this where there are fruits, grains, and nuts in abundance, how can one think that he must eat the flesh of dead animals? Well, where's the Bible verse that supports that? I mean, there's no Bible verse beside this. It's just a matter of opinion. Hey, we've got fruits, so why are you eating meat? Well, here's my opinion of why we eat meat, because we also have meat. That's just an opinion, though. I mean, if there was verses that said we're not supposed to eat meat, I wouldn't eat meat. But the Bible says you can eat all things. But it's just these quotes of this one woman. And here's another quote on hers, which is a very weird suggestion for diet. It is not well to eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. You're not supposed to eat an apple and a carrot at the same meal. I mean, what kind of weird advice is that on, and that's like a rule that they come up with, that you're supposed to follow this because she had this vision. Don't eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. Now, here's the problem with this. Do you really see a big designation in the Bible, fruits and vegetables? I mean, we modern day make a division in rules of what's a fruit and what's a vegetable, and sometimes they cross over because what's a sweet-tasting thing we consider a fruit automatically, even if the definitions are blurred on those things. And if it's not sweet, it's a vegetable, right? And we don't always follow it directly based on the dictionary definition. But here's my point. You don't really see this division in the Bible of fruits and vegetables, and our modern day classification could be different. Like, the Bible talks about pulse in the book of Daniel, which people would say would be vegetables, but what did they consider vegetable back then? Where would they draw that line? It could be very different. And you're not seeing in the Bible fruits and vegetables. It just talks about them in the same sentence, in the same area, okay? We have a different definition today, but isn't that just weird advice anyway? I mean, eating a carrot and eating an apple is just bad for you. Look, she's a vegetarian, and she's saying don't eat fruit and vegetables at the same meal. I'm saying, hey, eat fruits and vegetables at the same meal, and it's healthy for you. And also, eat some meat, and it's good for you. Eat a balanced diet, okay? I don't follow an extreme like no carbs, you know, no, you know, no meat, no fruit. It's like, you know, you can eat whatever you want. But she says it's not good to do that, okay? And it says if the digestion is feeble, the use of both will often cause distress and inability to put forth mental effort. So basically, you're not going to have strong mental capacity if you eat fruits and vegetables at the same meal, okay? Anyways, next quote. Meat should not be placed before our children. Its influence is to excite and strengthen the lower passions and has a tendency to deaden the moral powers. So by eating a piece of chicken, it's going to cause you to commit adultery. By eating a piece of chicken, you might go out and murder someone, according to LNG White. I mean, by eating meat, it's going to cause you to commit wicked sins you would have never even thought of because of that piece of meat. It's like this is bizarre. I mean, what Bible verse are you using to support that, okay? We have plenty of good things to satisfy hunger without bringing corpses upon our table to consume our bill of fare. Well, once again, we're talking about animal corpses that are cooked and not human corpses. Now, if she was referring to human corpses, I'd say, yeah, I agree with that. I'd say don't eat humans. But not eating animals, what Bible verse do you have for that? Last quote of hers. Animals are becoming more and more diseased, and it will not be long until animal food will be discarded by many besides Seventh-day Adventists. Are people becoming vegetarians in the 21st century? I mean, I understand there's some people that are becoming vegetarians, but would you say that most people don't eat meat in 2021? It sounds like she made a false prophecy, right? This was almost 200 years ago. She says, hey, everybody's going to start becoming vegetarians. Is that the case? That's not the case that I see. Are there people that are vegetarians? Yeah, but there's always been people that have been vegetarians. You don't see this big, you know, turning back to the days of the Garden of Eden. It's like no eating meat. That's not what you see here, okay? Now go to Acts chapter 10. Acts 10. Acts 10. And here's the thing. I agree. Animals are becoming more and more diseased, but here's the thing. Animals either have a mixed diet of plants or animals, plants, or a combination. Here's the thing. The same thing could be said for fruits and vegetables, that they're not as healthy anymore because of all the chemicals and the way they're producing them. So if it's an animal living off fruits and vegetables, yeah, of course that's not great for them, but here's the thing. If you just ate the fruits and vegetables, those aren't as healthy anymore either. That's just the way that they're mass producing food now. It's just not as healthy. So it's true for the animals. I agree. It's also true for the fruits and the vegetables. And look, we live in a world that is waxing old and getting worse and worse and worse, and that's just the way it is. And as government takes more control, you know what? Our food is just not going to be as healthy. It just is what it is, okay? But here's the thing. It doesn't matter. What does the Bible say? The Bible says it's not wrong to eat meat. Acts 10, verse 9. Acts 10, verse 9. On the morrow, as they went on their journey and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour, and he became very hungry and would have eaten, but while they made ready, he fell into a trance, okay? A trance, basically like a vision sort of thing. This is exactly what Ellen G. White always fell into. She always was in these trances and everything like that. The difference is the Word of God is completed as of 2,000 years ago, right? Whereas, you know, when Peter was around, you know what? There was still new stuff being revealed because of the fact once Jesus rose again, not everybody understood all the switches that took place in the law, which we'll talk about in this sermon, okay? It says here, verse 11, and saw heaven open and a certain vessel descending upon him as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners and let down to the earth. Notice this, verse 12, wherein were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth and wild beasts and creeping things and fowls of the air. When it says all manner, it means it's including not just the clean animals from the Old Testament, but the unclean, right? It says all manner, all types of food. So whether it's the clean fowl or the unclean fowl, right? Whether it's the clean beasts or the unclean beasts. The clean creeping things versus the unclean creeping things. All manner of four-footed beasts, okay? So these are clean and unclean. And then it says here in verse 13, and there came a voice to him, rise Peter, kill and eat. Now, here's the thing. If you were following the Old Testament law, you would be like, what in the world? I'm not supposed to eat pig, right? I haven't eaten anything unclean. I'm trying to follow the law of the Bible, and now I'm getting this vision that tells me I should start eating unclean animals. It's kind of like that doesn't make sense. But see, what Peter didn't realize is that when Jesus Christ rose again, some of the law was fulfilled. Cleanliness laws were fulfilled by Jesus Christ and certain other things that we'll mention in this sermon. It doesn't change the fact the moral law still applies. It was wrong to kill somebody thousands of years ago. It's wrong to kill somebody today. It's wrong to commit adultery thousands of years ago. It's wrong to commit adultery today. It was wrong to eat pig thousands of years ago. It is not wrong today. Why? Because there was unclean and clean animals, and it was a picture of Jesus Christ. And when he rose again, certain things were done away. The moral law didn't change. However, cleanliness laws, days of holidays, and the dreaded Sabbath day, which we'll talk about later, and things like that, they were done away because they pictured Jesus Christ. So this is the reaction of Peter in verse 14. But Peter said, Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. So Peter seems to think he's being tested by God, and he says, No, I'm not going to do that. It's wrong. It's a sin. It's wrong for me to do this. Verse 15, And the voice spake unto him again the second time, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. This was done thrice in the vessel was received up again into heaven. So he gets this vision, and all of a sudden he's told to eat unclean animals, and it doesn't make sense to him because he hasn't tied together the things that are done away with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And look, this is a confusing topic for people in the 21st century too. Some people believe we follow everything from the Old Testament, no matter what. But then they don't think about it because do we kill animals? They'll say, Well, no. Right? They don't understand that not everything applies. But at the same time, some people think it only applies if Jesus said it applies. The problem with that is there's a lot of laws that are important that Jesus doesn't speak about in the New Testament. I mean, there's a lot of laws against marrying direct relatives and things that those things are still wrong. Okay? Did Jesus have to restate something for it to be considered wrong? No, it still applies unless there's a valid reason why it no longer applies. This is why things like tithing still applies, because you can't give a valid reason why Jesus's resurrection removed tithing. Okay? But you can give a valid reason why things like the Sabbath Day no longer apply, which we'll talk about. Why eating unclean animals? Because is there anything really inherently sinful about eating a pig? No, but it pictured Jesus Christ, so it was wrong because God was trying to teach him something. It's like in the Old Testament, there are certain clothing that you couldn't wear of multiple fabrics. Linen and wool put together. Is there anything inherently sinful about wearing clothing with multiple fabrics? What God was trying to teach was this, that you can't mix faith and works for salvation. That's what he was trying to teach in Leviticus chapter 19. And so here's the thing. They were expected to obey that even if they didn't understand the symbolism God was trying to teach. But Jesus Christ, he rose again, and he fulfilled everything, and that's not something that applies anymore. Okay? So certain things in the Old Testament, they no longer apply because Jesus rose again and fulfilled them. But most things still apply. It's still wrong to murder. It's still wrong to steal. It's still wrong to lie. Now go to Matthew chapter five, Matthew five, Matthew five. Look, there are certain things there's no question we don't follow anymore. If you think we follow everything from the Old Testament, then why don't we kill animals anymore? Right? You say, brother, I do kill animals to eat them. Yes. It's like, that's the only time to kill the animals so you can eat them. Okay? But it's just like, we don't sacrifice an animal. Brother Stuckey, we had the Lord's Supper a couple weeks ago. Where was the lamb? Well, the lamb rose again 2,000 years ago. And here's the thing about this. They understand that because this Seventh-day Adventist I talked to just a week and a half ago, he told me, because I asked him that, he said, well, we don't kill any animals anymore because Jesus Christ rose again and he fulfilled that. I said, that's not the only thing he fulfilled though. Right? Now what's funny is in Acts 10, what we just looked at, I asked this guy in this park, and this guy's pretty slick because he acted like he was interested and he sucked me in for a while. And then the next week, you know, some members from Verity Pampanga were going soul winning. And then they told me yesterday, like, yeah, we talked to the same Seventh-day Adventist you talked to. He said he wanted to know and he had some questions. Then all of a sudden he pulls out of his like briefcase or bookbag or whatever. He's got all these notes. He's like, turn to here, turn to here, turn to here. Right? And it's like, this guy isn't interested, but he's just kind of wasting time. Right? But you know what he said in Acts chapter 10, he said, Acts chapter 10, I showed him this. He said, well, this is just to teach people that we should give the gospel to the Gentiles also. Now here's the thing. If you read Acts 10 and Acts 11, that is a secondary application because right after this, then all of a sudden Peter's told to preach the gospel to Cornelius. That is a secondary application showing there's no difference between Jew and Gentile showing, Hey, you guys got this a little bit mixed up. It's not like you're saved by race. Okay. But what's the main application. Rise up and kill this animal and eat, rise up and kill this animal. I mean, it's obvious what the main application is. How does that symbolize, you know, how we should give the gospel to unclean. That's just a secondary application where Peter understood the concept of clean versus unclean, why he was mixed up. The main application is eat whatever you want. Okay. Matthew 5 verse 17. Notice this, think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I'm not come to destroy, but to fulfill. So Jesus says, I didn't come to destroy the law. The law is good. The prophets are good. Everything in the old Testament is good, but he says, I didn't come to destroy, but to fulfill verse 18 for verily. I say unto you till heaven and earth pass revelation chapter 21, right? Having an earth pass in revelation chapter 21, having an earth pass away, you get a new heaven and a new earth. So he's saying until revelation chapter 21, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled. So what Jesus says is everything in the law applies until the new heaven and new earth, unless it's fulfilled, but certain things were fulfilled at the resurrection. Clearly not everything though. Okay. So it's important for us to understand that when the resurrection took place, there were some changes, but you know what? It's still wrong to murder people. It's still wrong to commit idolatry. It's still wrong to use the Lord's name in vain, but you know what? It's not wrong to eat pig anymore. You say why? Well, Acts chapter 10 shows us that Romans 14 shows us that. And just understanding that it was a picture of Jesus Christ shows us that. Okay. Go back to Romans 14, Romans 14, Romans 14, Romans chapter 14. Now I do believe that the clean animals are generally healthier. I do believe that there's a principle there. I mean, I believe the laws in the old Testament, even if they were a picture of Jesus Christ, even if it's not a sin today, they're good laws. Like if you have clothing made of multiple different fabrics, they actually fight against each other or actually make your clothing go bad sooner. So he's actually giving good advice, but it's not a sin. Okay. I mean, looking around, you're not in sin based on the shirt that you're wearing, right? Unless there's some, you know, satanic shirt I don't see, right? It's like the clothes you're wearing, Hey, that's fine. But you know, it is also good advice, you know, that he's giving there in the old Testament, but it's not a sin depending on how your shirt was made. I don't even know what my clothes are made out. I don't know anything about that, right? It's not a sin though, because that was just a picture of Jesus Christ of how you don't mix works and faith together. That's what the picture is in Leviticus 19. Number one, the seventh day Adventists have weird diets. That's one thing about them. Another thing is this, the Sabbath day. This is the obsession of the seventh day Adventists, the Sabbath day, the Sabbath day. Try giving the gospel to a seventh day Adventist without them bringing up the Sabbath day. They always bring it up. And it's like, you know what? Here's the thing. The Sabbath day has nothing to do with salvation. So I try to avoid it, but they always bring it up. I've never given the gospel to a seventh day Adventist without having them bring up the Sabbath day. And you know what? It's really a big issue to them. I remember a decade ago, I was giving the gospel to this girl and I was going through the gospel. She's a seventh day Adventist. It was taking a while because I was showing her how hell is eternal and things such as that. Forty minutes in, we get to the part of eternal security. I'm explaining that because it's taking a while with her. And she says, you know what? I don't think you'd lose your salvation if you committed murder. I don't think you'd lose your salvation if you committed suicide. As I said, is there anything, is there anything that would make you lose your salvation if you don't go to church on Saturday? I mean, I was dumbfounded. It's interesting. I'm giving her the gospel, right? I'm giving the gospel here and I didn't notice this, but behind the door, her brother was sitting like on a couch listening to the entire conversation. So here's the thing. I didn't bring up the Sabbath day, but since it was an issue for her, I said, well, let me show you why the Sabbath day no longer applies. Immediately, her brother rises up and starts arguing with me. I'm like, what in the world? Just obsessed with going to church on Saturday. Okay. It's like, hey, our church in Pompaga is more righteous than this church because we meet on Saturday, right? Amen. I mean, it's just like, it's madness. I mean, they're just days of the week. There's nothing inherently sinful about a specific day. But here's the thing about this. The reason why in the Old Testament that they didn't go to church, that they rested on the Sabbath day was because it was a picture of Jesus Christ and that was fulfilled. Okay. Romans 14, verse five. Let me show this to you. One man esteemeth one day above another, another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. Okay. Look, if you want to put a specific day and just set it aside for the Lord, or you think a day is more special than another, there's nothing wrong with that. Right? I mean, I like to celebrate holidays personally. To me, I try to make Easter special and Christmas special. But if you say, Brother Stuckey, I don't, or I think it's pagan or whatever, you know what? That's perfectly fine. It's up to you whether you want to celebrate that day or not. There's nothing magical about that day. Those holidays in the Old Testament represented something. Okay. But we don't have to follow those days. It's up to you. Be persuaded in your own mind. Verse six. He that regardeth the day regardeth it unto the Lord, and he that regardeth not the day to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God things. And he that eateth not to the Lord he eateth not and giveth God things. So the Bible's saying, hey, you know what? You wake up at the beginning of the day, you pray to God and just thank God for your life and the opportunities. And you know what? Whether you choose to work that day or not, you prayed to God and got right with God, then it's perfectly fine. Same thing with food. You put your food before you at the lunch, and guess what? It doesn't matter whether it's pork, whether it's rice, whether it's bread, whatever. And you know what? God will bless that food, whether it's a vegetarian, whether it's an all meat or whatever. Okay. And so it doesn't matter. It's completely up to you. Go to Colossians chapter two. Colossians two. Colossians chapter two. See, a lot of the confusion is just not understanding the fact what took place at the resurrection of Jesus, because there were some changes that took place at the resurrection. We need to understand when we're reading our Bible what those changes were. Okay. The correlation between the Old and New Testament. Well, this Seventh-day Adventist, and he said this to me, and he wasn't trying to be rude a week and a half ago, but I guess this is just something they repeat at their church. He said, the difference between you and me is that I keep all Ten Commandments and you only keep nine of them. Now, when people are bustles to me, I just kind of ignore it. You know, it's like I don't try to get in fights or, you know, I knocked them out. No, I'm just kidding. But first off, there's more than Ten Commandments. There's hundreds of commandments in the Old Testament. The Ten Commandments are a template, but here's the thing about this. Ask yourself, is that true? Do they keep all ten of the Ten Commandments? Now, obviously we know we don't keep the commandments. There is none righteous, no, no one. Here's the thing, though. They don't even try to keep all ten, because guess what commandment they don't keep? Thou shalt have no other gods before me. You say, why? Because when I determine things, I say, thus saith the Lord. They say, thus saith Ellen G. White. Who's the God of the seventh-day Adventists? Ellen G. White. They don't even keep the first commandment. And look, the next time I run to a seventh-day Adventist and I'm preaching the Gospel, if they say that to me, that's what I'm going to say. Well, at least I keep the first commandment. It's like you say, thus saith Ellen G. White. And here's the thing. People don't realize that in that church, but they're not getting their doctrines from the Bible. They're getting them from Ellen G. White and what she said and these visions where she would just pass out and then all of a sudden, don't eat bacon. I mean, like, what in the world? It's just like, she obviously, and you know what? I don't think she was faking it. I'll explain later on. I think she got possessed, but you know, maybe with her husband sometimes she faked it just because she wanted him to do something. It's like, you should not do this. You should buy me flowers, right? You should cook dinner tonight. Like, maybe she did that. I don't know, right? Colossians 2, verse 16. Oh, and let me quote to you from Ellen G. White here because this is their God, so I want you to see what their Bible says. Ellen G. White, the law for the observance of the first day of the week is the production of an apostate Christendom. Sunday is a child of the papacy, exalted by the Christian world above the sacred day of God's rest in no case are God's people to pay at homage. She says Sunday is a child of the papacy, meaning of the pope and the Catholic church. The reason why she says that is the Seventh-day Adventists are very anti-Catholic. I remember being shocked a decade ago when I talked to a Seventh-day Adventist when they're talking about, yeah, you know, Revelation chapter 17. It's like the mother of Harlots. It's a Catholic church. Think about all the Protestant children. I was thinking, oh man, I agree with them, right? And it's like, they're right about that. And they understand some of those things. They are very anti-Catholic, okay? But ask yourself this question. When the Catholic church was founded in, what was it, 310 A.D. or 311 A.D., were they meeting on the first day of the week before that, according to the Bible? Yes, they were. They already started meeting the first day of the week before the Catholic church formed in the early fourth century A.D. So that's not a child of the papacy. That's what we see Peter and the other apostles doing after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, meeting the first day of the week, okay? Now look, if people want to argue or dispute whether or not they're meeting for church, here's my opinion. It's not wrong to meet any day of the week. And they're certainly meeting for fellowship or so many if you don't think it's related to church. They're certainly doing something on that day. Is that pagan? Right? There's no indication after the resurrection of Jesus that they had a specific day. And the other thing is this. Do you really believe that our modern day Saturday is the same Saturday or Sabbath from thousands of years ago? My opinion is there's a one in seven chance because there's seven days during the week and the calendars have mixed up so much. Who has any idea anymore? And here's the thing. Every single day of the week is pagan. Saturday was worshiping Saturn. S-A-T-U-R-N. Take off the N. Saturday. Sunday was worshiping the sun. Monday, just add an O after the O. Moon Day, worshiping the moon. That's where the days come from. Okay? Just pagan holidays. But you know what? It's just the name of the day. It's like I'm not going to go around and just make up my own names for each of those days. It's like I don't care. It's just a day and whether you call it Sunday or whatever you want to call it, church day, right? The Lord's day or whatever. It's fine. It's just a day. Just pray to God in the morning and that's perfectly fine if you want to regard the day or not. Colossians 2 verse 16. Let no man therefore judge you in meat or in drink or in respect of in holy day. Holy day, think of holiday or in holy day. Because the holidays in the Old Testament, they were holy days, right? They were for representation. Our modern day, our holidays maybe are supposed to be like holy days, like Christmas, but they're not really anymore, right? Of in holy day or of the new moon or of the Sabbath days. It mentions the Sabbath days. You say, why Brother Stuckey do we not follow it? Verse 17 is a very important verse in the Bible, which are a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ. And so I want you to realize we don't have to follow these things anymore because they were a shadow or a picture. They weren't inherently sinful, but they were a picture of Jesus Christ. So God said it was wrong in the Old Testament, but it wasn't something inherent like thou shalt not kill where your conscience immediately, boom. It's just a matter of they were disobeying God if they didn't follow these things like they were told to, but those were pictured by Jesus Christ. And when he rose, you can eat whatever. When he rose, you can drink whatever, except of course, if the Bible specifically says don't drink alcohol, right? You can drink any juice you want, any milk you want or whatever. You know what? Whether you want to celebrate a holiday, perfectly fine. Look, we celebrate every holiday around here, whether it's a Muslim one or a Christian one, we're still going soul winning, right? It's like, praise the Lord for all of those holidays because we're going to celebrate and get people saved, right? But you know what? It's up to you. You can work on a holiday, nothing wrong with it, okay? You can dedicate a day to God, the Sabbath day or not, it doesn't matter. You know, the reason why we started church in Pampanga on Sundays when we started is I thought it would be more convenient and better, and it turned out I was wrong, so we switched it to Saturday. Because to me, it's just a day, okay? What's going to work best for the church members? If everybody at this church had Saturday off and worked on Sunday, then you know what? We would have had church meeting on Saturday. If everybody had Monday off, which that really doesn't exist, that I know of in most parts of the world, right? Then we'd have church on Monday. There's nothing, it doesn't even matter what the day is. It's just a day, okay? Go to Luke 16, Luke 16, Luke chapter 16. You know, what you see with cults is they lift up a few doctrines that are kind of unique doctrines, and they become experts at debating it. Like if you talk to a seventh-day Adventist, they will be an expert at debating the Sabbath day. I promise you, they've got their, I mean, when I went to Acts 10, he was ready with his response. He knew the passage. Say, what? That's what they're used to defending. And they prop up a couple doctrines, and it makes them feel really spiritual, like we're the only ones that are right. And they become experts at that one topic. Here's the thing. Even though they're not right, even if they were right, I wouldn't become a seventh-day Adventist. You know why? Because they still think you can lose your salvation. I mean, even if we should meet for church on Saturday, I'm not changing churches, right? It's like I'm still King James only. I still believe in eternal security. I still believe in faith alone. But they prop up these unique doctrines and make a big deal out of it, right? The Jehovah's Witnesses are experts in saying why blood transfusions are wrong. The reality is most of us have never even thought about that topic. None of us have even really studied it out. So it's just like if somebody comes up to you and says, hey, you know what? Or they're experts at saying the name of God is Jehovah, just Jehovah, whose name alone is Jehovah. Hey, newsflash Jehovah's Witnesses, when it says whose name alone is Jehovah, what it's saying is he's the only one who is Jehovah. It's not saying his only name is Jehovah. And it's like I could see where you take that one verse out of context, but it's so easy to answer. They get really mad when you say that. But it's like the Bible says his name alone is excellent. I believe his name is excellent now. It's like ridiculous. It's like God has a lot of names in the Bible. But they lift up a doctrine that people aren't used to. They'll often trip you up because God is Jehovah and they'll go to a verse in Psalms and most of us are just like, man, I have no idea what verse I'm turning to, right? And it's just like, but they lift up these doctrines and then they don't even care about eternal life. They don't care about salvation. They don't care about the main things. They just go on these bizarre topics, right? Point number one with the seventh day Adventist is a unique diet. Point two is the obsession with the Sabbath day. Point three is they believe in soul sleep. And what soul sleep is is that when you die, you just kind of sleep in the ground until the final judgment where you go to heaven or hell. They believe in soul sleep. Let me show you what it says in Luke 16. Luke 16. It says in Luke 16 verse 19, there was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sumptuously every day. So this man's a rich man here in Luke 16 verse 19. He's clothed in purple, which was a color of royalty. He had a lot of money. He had everything he wanted. And in this story, we don't find out what this guy's name was. And we don't really know a lot about him. He doesn't really seem like a bad guy. It doesn't say he's a murderer. It doesn't say that he's this terrible, wicked person. He's just an unsaved man who dies and goes to hell. Verse 20, and there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate full of sores. Now Lazarus is this beggar, right? Pulubi, who's basically at his gate full of sores. Now here's the thing. If he's at his gate just on a regular basis, it probably means he gets money from this man or he gets food, right? I mean, if you look at where beggars are going to be, they're going to be in areas where there's a lot of people where they can get food or they can get money, right? So the fact that he's staying here at this man's gate all the time indicates this rich man probably actually came out with food. He was actually a nice guy. I mean, that's what I would say from Luke 16. There'd be no reason for this beggar to stay at this gate of this rich man, because look, if you're a rich person, you've got this big property. There's not a lot of people. So why else would he be at that front gate unless he's actually getting food from the rich person? So look, he was probably getting fed by this rich person. Maybe the rich person sent out, you know, various servants he had or workers or whatever, but it seems like he's getting fed from the rich man. So look, the rich man was probably a nice guy, right? Probably wasn't some wicked evil person, but being nice does not get you to heaven. You got to be saved to get to heaven. And it says here in verse 21, in desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table, moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. So basically, he got fed from the crumbs from the rich man's table. Whatever the leftovers were, that's kind of the food that he was given, okay? Verse 22, and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels in Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried, okay? Three people are mentioned, Lazarus, Abraham, and the rich man, okay? Now look, we know this is not a parable or a quanto or story. It's actually a real event. You say, how do you know this, okay? Well, we know this because of the fact that it uses real names. And so it says Lazarus, and it says Abraham, and show me, you know, a story. Show me a parable in the Bible where they use real names. You don't see it. And since they're using real names, this is a real story. And what God's doing is he's giving us an inside picture of the thoughts of people that go to heaven and the thoughts of those that go to hell. Because quite honestly, we don't really hear a lot about hell and heaven in the Bible, quite honestly. Because, you know, you only live on earth for a short time, and most people have been in hell or heaven for a very long time, right? But there's not really a lot given about hell. There's verses and passages here and there, but the Bible's giving us an inside look at basically what people are thinking when they get cast into heaven or go to hell or cast, go to heaven or cast into hell, right? And so we see these real, these real people, their real names mentioned. You say, well, why doesn't the rich man have a name? The rich man doesn't have a name because Jesus says, my sheep hear my voice and I know them. And he purposely doesn't give his name because it's just indicating he's not saved. So we don't know what this guy's name is. That's not really significant to the story. The thing that's important is the fact that he was a rich person who was a nice person, but he was unsaved. Okay. You say, Brother Succy, it says Abraham's bosom, you know, what that, what is that talking about? Deep, deep, right? It's talking about a body part. It's talking about a real man named Abraham. And it's talking about Lazarus was right here to him. Okay. Basically he's hugging him or he's right on his shoulder or whatever. Kind of like, you know, the, the disciple in Jesus love was leaning on Jesus, you know, at the last supper. Right. And so what it's showing here is just that this man was right here next to Abraham. Okay. And we're having a conversation between Abraham and Lazarus, and then this rich man who went to hell. Now, look, I don't believe on a regular basis, people from heaven and hell are having conversations. I believe we're getting an inside look at something that is not a normal event. Okay. Where we're getting, the Bible says there's a great gulf fixed between them. You say, why is it a great gulf? Because there's a big gap between heaven and hell, my friend. Okay. They don't normally have conversations. And look, even if you believe in the Abraham's bosom doctrine, that every saved person went to the good part of hell in the Old Testament, do you really believe that they're just having conversations back and forth? It's ridiculous. Okay. It would still be a miraculous event, but what we're seeing is from heaven or paradise to hell, they're having a conversation. Okay. I don't want to go on too many rabbit trails. I could. We don't have the time. Okay. We got a curfew tonight. Okay. I can't go on too many rabbit trails. But it says the rich man also died and was buried. Okay. The first thing that happens generally when you die, you know, is basically your body is going to get buried. I know some people do cremation, but the general pattern in the Bible is the bodies were buried. So that's what happens to your body. It's given a resting place. You're buried, right? You have the funeral and everything like that. Well, what's the first thing that happens to the soul? Well, verse 23, and in hell, he lift up his eyes being in torments and see if Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom. So we have three people here that did not soul sleep. Do you see that? Three people here that were immediately in heaven or hell. There's no soul sleep till the last judgment. There is no soul sleep till the book of revelation. Immediately they went to heaven or hell. There's no waiting time. And look, if you die, you're immediately in heaven or immediately in hell. You don't take a big nap for a couple of thousand years and then boom, you're there. It's immediate. There is no soul sleep in the Bible. It is immediate in heaven or hell. Okay. Verse 24. And he cried and said, father Abraham, have mercy on me and sin Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, cry him tormented in this flame. Then he says this in verse 25, but Abraham said, son, remember. Okay. Now here's the thing about this. Seventh day Adventist in another point we're going to look at, they believe in annihilation. So they don't believe anyone's in hell being tormented forever. There's clearly somebody in hell, unless you just say this is symbolic. It's just a story, right? They believe in annihilation that you just die unsaved or just boom out of existence, but that's not what we see in the Bible. And what they'll say is this, well, the dead know not anything, right? There's verses in Ecclesiastes, the dead know not anything. Yeah. It's referring to you and cut to one lung, not you and Kallelujah. Okay. It's not referring to the soul. It's referring to the body because the book of Ecclesiastes is very famous to talk about how vain our lives are on earth. And it's really highlighting the body, not highlighting the soul as much. It's showing the vanity of this life on earth, how you live and die and that's it. And don't go after riches and all those things. When it's saying the dead know not anything, yeah, the body's done. The dead know not anything. That doesn't change the fact that your soul goes to heaven or hell when you die. The spirit shall return unto the Lord who gave it, whether you're saved or lost. The body just is in the ground to the dust of the earth, but the soul is in heaven or hell immediately, according to the Bible. And what it says in verse 25, but Abraham said, son, remember, look, if you're remembering, that means that you're actually conscious to know this. So here's the thing. If there's soul sleeping and the dead know not anything, then why is he saying, remember? Why is he even talking if he's sleeping? I mean, I know some people talk in their sleep. I don't, as far as I know, as far as I know, I don't talk in my sleep, but I know some people do. But look, I mean, apparently Abraham talked in his sleep. I don't know. Remember that thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted and thou art tormented. And beside all this between us and you, there's a great goal fixed so that they which would pass from hints to you cannot. And what Abraham says in verse 26 is a very chilling verse for a soul winner. He's saying there are people that would pass to hell if they could. Why would somebody from heaven want to go to hell? Well, because of the fact you have lost loved ones that died unsaved. I mean, many of us in this room could think of unsaved relatives that we loved and cared about, and it's painful. People that you know, you know what? I have one grandparent left alive, and it's like one of them I never met. He died at a very young age, but you know what? It's just like my grandfather was an atheist as far as I know when he died. Well, I mean, if you believe the Bible, what does that mean? It means they're in hell forever. I remember my grandmother on the phone. She was so excited that I got saved, you know, as a freshman in college. She's on the phone talking to me. We lived a long distance away. She's like, I'm so excited. I heard you're going to church. You're reading the Bible. Very few young people are doing that. She's like, I heard you were a Baptist. She's like, I love the Baptist. There's just one doctrine I don't like about them. Once saved, always saved. Man, do you know how painful that was to me? Because I knew you had to believe in eternal security to be saved, but I didn't know all these denominations yet. So I didn't know whether she was saved or not, and she said, I still remember that event. I still remember being there just trying to hold back tears. It just felt like a bullet wound because it's like, man, because the reality is it's very unlikely as people get older that they're going to get saved if they're not saved. It's painful, right? But it doesn't change reality. And the reality is that when we die and go to heaven, if you're a saved person, you know what? You're going to have a desire. When you think of unsafe people, man, I wish, I wish I had put in a little bit of an effort. Look, I can think of people that I knew from the past that I could have, I could have had an opportunity if I really was more zealous five, 10 years ago to try to preach the gospel to them. Anyway, sometimes that window, it closes, right? You got your chance. You're waiting. You're kind of nervous. It's maybe a relative. You're afraid. Maybe people get mad. You wait for the best opportunity. Then all of a sudden that window's closed. It is what it is. And this is the pain that us as soul winners feel that nobody else in the world could imagine. And you know what? When we die as saved people, we're going to wish, man, I wish I had tried to give the gospel to that person I know that's in hell. And look, this is reality. This is something we have to deal with. And honestly, this is a good pain to feel because it motivates you to preach the gospel. But unfortunately, all of us, I'm sure if Paul the apostle was here, he would say the same thing. Yeah, you know what? I could have been more zealous. There's people I could have tried to preach the gospel to. Or sometimes you know you're going soul winning and sometimes you're not as excited at other times and you let somebody walk by without stopping them. And then in your mind, you feel guilty right afterwards. And then you're praying, please, somebody else talk to that person. And sometimes you're just thinking about, should I turn around and run after them? Is that going to be embarrassing? And you let them go. And honestly, this is something we all experience sometimes. And it's sad, but it is reality. That's the importance of being right with God, because that makes you bold. But there are going to be people, all of us, that are going to wish we could pass to those in hell to try to bring them up to heaven. Then he says, neither can they pass to us that would come from thence. And what he says is, no one from heaven can go to hell, even though they're going to want to, to try to bring them to heaven. And look, of course, everybody in hell, I thought hell was just a big party. Well, you got a rude awakening for you, right? Nobody wants to be in hell. People say, well, I want to be in hell. Well, first off, they think hell is separation from God. And that's later on in the sermon. That's not true. The other thing is they think they're just partying, getting drunk down in hell. Really? What makes you think that? Because last I checked, hell is in the heart of the earth, and it says, and I'm pretty sure there's a natural disaster called a volcano. That is, so what part of hell are you just drinking and partying? Right? You're on fire forever, the Bible says. Turn in your Bible to Revelation 14. Revelation 14. Revelation 14. So point number one is the diet, a very unique diet, which is not biblical. You're allowed to eat whatever you want, according to the Bible, that the seventh-day Adventists follow. An obsession with the Sabbath day, the teaching of soul sleep, and then something that's written, and look, soul sleep is important to talk about out soul-willing to help people understand. And look, Luke 16 is a great story to do that, to show people, hey, right when you die, I don't usually use Luke 16 when I preach the gospel, but I use it if somebody's really not sure about hell and they really need to see that. Because most Catholics, they believe in hell. And sometimes they'll tell you they're not sure, but then you show them a verse on hell, they already believe it. It's like, they're just kind of like, they don't want to think it's true, but they really, but you know, if you come to somebody from an alternate religion, you know what, you should show them Luke 16. That's the best passage to really explain it. And I'd recommend, read that passage, learn it, study it, make sure you know what you're talking about, so you're prepared. Don't try to hope you figure it out when you go there, because if you don't know a passage that well and you try to explain it on the fly, you're going to make mistakes, okay? You need to know Luke 16, not only where it is, but how to explain it, starting at Luke 16, verse 19 through 24, whatever verse you want to go to there. It shows hell is forever, it's immediate right after you die unsaved, it shows, you know, there's heaven, there's hell, it's an important passage, okay? But another topic that's important with preaching the gospel to Seventh-day Adventists is their teaching of annihilation, okay? Where they basically believe there's no eternal punishment, you're just annihilated, and that's it. Now, here's the thing, I do not like to form my doctrine based on logic, because logic can be very flawed, okay? But I'm going to show you some verses here in a second, but let me give you a little bit of logic why this doesn't make sense. Here's the thing, if there's a judgment at the end and the result of every unsaved person is annihilation, annihilation, what's the point of a judgment? Because when you go to a courtroom and you have a trial, they're going to give you a sentencing. If you did something really bad, maybe 20 years, not quite as bad, 10 years, not quite as bad, five years, right? You have a fair, well, it's supposed to be, a fair system, right? But if everybody just gets the same sentence, are you going to waste the time of getting a jury together and a judge and everything like that? If it's always just the exact same sentence, it doesn't make any sense, right? So here's the thing, there's a judgment because of the fact it's determining how bad you're going to burn in hell at the great white throne judgment. What people need to understand is there's the judgment seat of Christ for believers where you get rewards, and there's the great white throne judgment, which is basically where you pay for all the sins you committed, and that's unsaved people. Because if you're saved, your sins are cast as far as the east is from the west, and look, you start traveling east, you never start traveling west. So the Bible's being poetic to say they're gone, okay? You have eternal life. So it doesn't make sense to have a judgment if it's just annihilation, okay? Revelation chapter 14, Revelation 14, verse 10. Revelation 14, verse 10. The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels. Notice this at the end of Revelation 14, verse 10, and in the presence of the lamb. Who is the lamb? Jesus Christ. Does it say that they are tormented outside of the presence or in the presence? In the presence of the lamb. Did you know that people, when they go to hell, they're actually in the presence of God? You say, Brother Stuckey, God's in hell. Well, isn't God omnipresent? Meaning everywhere, right? I mean, if I ascend up to heaven, thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, thou art there, right? I know that's not a direct quote, but that's what the Bible says, right? Whether I go to heaven or hell, God's there, meaning everywhere. Is there anywhere in this world where you can hide from God and he doesn't exist? And look, I get it. People try to hide from God. It's like, hey, mountains fall on us because God won't know we're here, right? It's just like, fall on us and hide us. It's like, you're not going to hide from God, okay? But here's the thing. It's in the presence of the lamb. Because look, it's not the devil that makes hell hot. It's God that throws them into hell and it's God that keeps the fire going. Verse 11, and the smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever. And they have no rest day nor night who worship the beast in his image and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Look, it's just clear here. The smoke of their torment ascended up forever and ever. Well, they'll say, well, they just burn up and there's still smoke forever. But why does it say they have no rest day nor night? I mean, if they're annihilated, they're resting eternally, right? They have no rest day nor night. Look, people in hell, they are going to know what it feels like to never sleep. Look, that's a miserable feeling, right? You start having kids, you never know what time of day you're in. I've been awake since around three in the morning today. It's like, I went into the mirror, I was like, I got these big patches under my eye. I'm like, man, I'm exhausted. Coffee, coffee, coffee, right? It's just like, but they will have no rest day nor night, the Bible says. Look, there's many torments of hell and part of it's that you're never going to rest. Look, does this look like annihilation when it says no rest day nor night? Instead forever and ever, okay? Go to Revelation 19, Revelation 19, Revelation 19. And also in the book of Mark, it talks about the end of chapter nine about how the worm dieth not, it just talks about being forever and ever. And you know what that's referring to is the body if you cross reference. And basically those that go to the great white throne judgment, their soul and their body will be reunited, okay? And they're going to be forever tormented as they get cast into the lake of fire, okay? So it's forever. The Bible is very clear about that. Now I do understand why some people are confused because here's the thing. You know what? I believe that the judgment seat of Christ happens before the millennial reign of Christ because you get your rewards and that determines how you rule and reign with Christ. So I believe the judgment seat of Christ is before the millennial reign. The thing is people get saved after the millennial reign. You say, Brother Stuckey, when a person gets saved afterwards and then they die, do they just immediately get their rewards? No, because the Bible speaks about there is an hour coming in John 5 verse 29, I believe it is. And it talks about that in some other verses as well at the end of I think Matthew 25 and Daniel 12, where basically all that are in the grave shall hear his voice, some that have done good under the resurrection of life and some that have done evil under the resurrection of damnation. And here's the thing, if you're saved, there's no bad, there's no evil on your record. So basically there's the judgment seat of Christ that happens, but then people that get saved after that, they're going to wait until that great white throne judgment and then you got two groups of people, those that were unsaved and then the others that are saved. Whether you call that also the judgment seat of Christ or just something else, I would imagine they get rewards for the good they've done. That makes logical sense, but don't quote me dogmatically. But when people get saved after the judgment seat of Christ, in the millennial reign and after that, and then they die, they're going to be resurrected at the end, not immediately. And they're going to get the rewards the Bible teaches. So I can see where people get confused on that in certain verses. But look, the great white throne judgment, it's not for believers. It's where you're getting penalized for all the wicked that you've done. Revelation 19 verse 20. And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and then that worshiped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire, burning with fire and brimstone. These are the first two people that go to the lake of fire. The beast, referring to the antichrist and the false prophet, which is like his chief helper. Okay. Go to Revelation 20. So the Seventh-day Adventist told me there at Nepo quad park, he tells me, he's like, well, you know, basically after the thousand years, you know what? It's just done. Everybody's annihilated. Nobody's left after a thousand years. Let's see if that's the case because the beast and the false prophet were thrown into the lake of fire here. First two people, right? Revelation 19, Revelation 20, Revelation 20 verse one. And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the devil and Satan and bound him a thousand years. You know, isn't the Bible just like clear on stuff? Like he doesn't want to confuse you. It's like, and so look, it says tormented day and night forever and ever. It's forever. You say, why is it that people don't believe that? Well, because it's a very nice doctrine to say that people don't suffer in health forever. Right? Go to Matthew 24, Matthew 24, Matthew 24. I mean, realistically, I wish they were right. Let me just be honest with you in my flesh. I wish the Seventh-day Adventist were right. That there is no eternal punishment. Do you think that I want to think that my grandparents are burning in health forever right now? Do you want to think that your relatives are burning in health? People act like Baptists want everybody to go to hell. You know, you Bible thump into Baptist. You just want everybody else to burn. No, that's the reason why we go soul winning. Cause we don't want them to burn. The difference is we don't put a blanket over our head and lie to ourselves and just pretend, well, mom and dad can't see me. They, they're not going to know I'm here. No, we're honest about the fact we realize hell is real and we get reminded about it because it motivates us to preach the gospel. I wish, I wish that when I knock doors later today, that are the 20 doors I knock 15 are already saved. Wouldn't that be great? That'd be awesome. I mean, if we could come back and then we're rejoicing saying, man, most of the people I talked to were saved. Praise the Lord for that. That'd be great. Is that reality though? I mean, if you come back and tell me most of the people you talk to were already saved, I'm going to think, you know what? You need more experience. Let me take you aside and just teach you a few things, right? Because very few people are saved. And I wish that weren't the case. I wish everybody that was a Christian would go to heaven. I wish people didn't suffer forever in hell, but you know what? It's reality. It's the way it is. And you know what? Doctrines like this, people love to hear those. And so people love it. It's like the new Pope. Everybody loves Pope Francis. You know why? Because the Catholic church used to say, no salvation outside the Catholic church. This little boy goes to Pope Francis and he says, my dad, he died. He was an atheist. He's crying and everything. And the kid's being sincere. He's really sad. He's like, is my dad in heaven or hell? And he said, son, if he was a good person, don't you worry. He's in heaven. That's what Pope Francis said. You know what? But people love that. People love Pope Francis. He's so much nicer than the other Popes. It's like, well, look, you're comparing the devil and the Antichrist, right? But here's the thing. People love doctrines like that. They're like, man, I mean, people think Joel Osteen's the nicest guy in the world, right? You know, when I was in Guyana, you know, several years back, I was only, I was there for a couple of weeks. I several times heard, heard Hindus listening to Joel Osteen and I'd run into them and then they'd say, hey, you know what? I'm a Hindu, but you know, there's the two preachers they like. They said, there's two preachers I like. Joel Osteen and T.D. Jakes. Did you know I didn't run into anyone who said, I love Pastor Jimenez? That preacher in Sacramento that was all over the news. Man, I love that guy, right? You know what? People love doctrines like this where there's no eternal punishment. That sounds great. Cause you know what? Especially if people just get saved, that's a painful thought to them. Man, what about my parents that died? What about my grandparents that died? The first thing that went through my mind when I got saved was my, my family. And I was like, I wonder what they believe. And you know, the reality is we're all going to have family die unsaved. It just, it just is what it is. And you know what? But I would rather know the truth than just lie to myself my whole life. Right? And here's the thing, going back to this idea of if there is no judgment, here's the thing. If there's no judgment at the end, then God's not fair. And look, I don't use logic to form my beliefs. Okay. I'm not a Calvinist that just sits around using logic for everything, but I gave you a lot of verses and logically, if the pedophile has the same punishment as just your average nice person who never gets saved, is that fair? Is that a God of justice? No, it's not. Okay. There is a judgment because people are being judged for the lives they live and they're paying for it based on what they did. Wouldn't it be ridiculous? Somebody goes to a courtroom and it's just like, you know what? They get in trouble because they steal a candy bar at a convenience store. You know what? We got to get the same punishment. Death penalty for you just like the murderer. I mean, wouldn't that be ridiculous? The death penalty for stealing a candy bar? But that's the idea when you're saying annihilation in the same judgment for unsafe. It doesn't make any sense. Right? Go to Matthew 24. Matthew 24. Matthew 24. Matthew 24. So number one is diet. Number two is Sabbath day. Number three, soul sleep. Number four, annihilation. Number five, false predictions on the end of the world. Okay. And look, I would love to try to shorten this sermon. It's just not going to happen. Right? It's just, it is what it is. Right? False predictions of maybe I should have just made this a two-part series on seventh day events. I don't know, but it's only going to be one sermon. False predictions of the end times. This is what the seventh day Adventists, this is the origin of their religion is falsely predicting the end of the world. That is what brought this church together. They falsely predicted the end of the world. And then here we are today with their religion. And they just kind of conveniently like leave that out and nobody knows it. This is the start of their religion. Okay. The picture on the front of your bulletin, the great disappointments, right? What was it? October, October 22nd, 1844, William Miller, the Millerites, they predict the end of the world. He's coming back on October 22nd, 1844. They're all outside, husband and wife holding each other, waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. He doesn't come. No, that's the start of their religion. It's a cult. I mean, you predict the end of the world and you fail at it. William Miller falsely predicts the end of the world. And then, and you know, he did, he was reading Daniel chapter eight and he's like, Oh man, October 22nd, 18, I mean, is that what you get when you read? Why does anybody ever predict the end of the world? It never happens. And they look like a fool and they falsely predict the end of the world. And then people are confused. And basically their church, this Millerite cult went into a couple of different denominations and there's basically a lot of branches off that original tree. The most famous are the seventh day Adventists. Let me give you another one. The first day Adventists. There's another religion that says we meet on Sunday, but we believe everything else the same. And it's just like, well, the Sabbath day is a big issue to the seventh day Adventists. So it's like, you can't really just ignore that one, but they say, we believe everything else. William Miller was a prophet, but you know what? We believe meeting on the first day of the week, first day Adventists. Okay. Their whole religion was based on predicting the end of the world. They failed at that and they switched it to just the Sabbath day. I don't know how they did it. They're like the greatest con men that have ever existed. You, you may, you just completely fail, right? You're a new math teacher two plus seven equals 57. And then you get another chance. You're like, all right, we're going to have to teach calculus. It's like, what is wrong with these people? Right? And it's like, but you know what? People don't realize this. They're not told this at their church because it's kind of embarrassing. That's the start of their religion, right? What does it say in Matthew 24, verse 35? Matthew 24, verse 35. This is a famous end times passage. Matthew 24, verse 35, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour, talking about the return of Jesus, knoweth no man, know not the angels of heaven, but my father only. The Bible says, nobody knows the return of Jesus. So why are there religions that are predicting the return of Jesus Christ? And there are a lot of these people that are famous on YouTube. There's this guy, Robert breaker, who's a famous dispensationalist pastor. And I heard about him a long time ago when he wasn't famous. And he's got a church. It's called the church of the cloud. You say, what does that mean? Well, think about like internet stuff in the cloud. His church is, he has a whiteboard. Nobody's allowed to come because it's a church of the cloud. It's for everybody, right? You don't gather in person and he just goes and he gets missionary support. Anyway, he became famous on YouTube because he started making videos. What's going to happen in September, whatever, 2019? He didn't say he was going to come back, but he just said, something might happen on this date, right? And he has all these charts and Daniel and everything like that. Then all of a sudden it doesn't happen. The next year, what's going to happen in September of 2020, right? They predict the end of the world and they get another chance. Look, the Jehovah's Witnesses predicted the return of Jesus in 1914, 1915, 1917, 1929, I think 1931. They predicted like nine times. And they're like the biggest American cult. It's like, how do you do that? It's like, man, you are a talented con man to get people to still follow you when you've, I mean, it's crazy. Okay. Here's a paragraph on this event, The Great Disappointment. This is a big historical event in the US. The Great Disappointment in the Millerite movement was the reaction that followed Baptist preacher. I get really mad when people call themselves Baptist. You know what I mean? If you're going to call yourself a Baptist, make sure you're a Baptist, right? That followed Baptist preacher. Yeah. Seventh-day Adventists are just like us, right? Baptist preacher, William Miller's proclamation. I mean, this guy wasn't even a preacher. He was just a businessman who just was reading his Bible and came up with this, right? He wasn't a pastor or anything. Baptist preacher, William Miller's proclamations that Jesus Christ would return to the earth by 1844, what he called the Advent, which is where you get Seventh-day Adventist. His study of the Daniel eight prophecy during the second great awakening led him to the conclusion that Daniel's cleansing of the sanctuary was cleansing of the world from sin when Christ would come. And he and many others prepared, but October 22nd came and they were disappointed. Okay. So October 22nd, 1844 comes, Jesus doesn't return. It's the great disappointment. Yeah. It sucks to find out you're in a cult, right? It's like, you've got the perfect religion and then overnight, oh man, I'm in a cult. But you know, what's interesting is that it's not only that he predicted the return of Jesus Christ, but what it said in that quote was that this was going to be the cleansing of the world from sin. Let me ask you a question. Is it more sinful in 1844 or now? What do you think? Is the world getting better? I mean, are people reading their Bibles more, less abortion? I mean, nobody committed abortion in 1844, right? Nobody committed adultery and did those sins. It's just like, are people becoming more righteous in the last 200 years? It didn't just predict falsely that Jesus would have returned. He said the world would be cleansed of sin. Is that what we see? Because I'm pretty sure the end times is based on the idea. It's going to be like the days of Noah, like the days of law, which has multiple meanings. But part of that is sin. Why did God destroy the world for the flood? Because of sin. Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Because of sin. So it doesn't even make sense. Okay. And it's just like, you know what? Things are going to become more and more sinful, but supposedly the world was being cleansed from sin starting in 1844. These events paved the way for the Adventists who formed the Seventh-day Adventist Church. They contended that what happened on October 22nd was not Jesus' return. I agree with that. He didn't return. Was not Jesus' return as Miller had thought, but the start of Jesus' final work of atonement, the cleansing in the heavenly sanctuary leading up to the second coming. So basically you can make whatever false prediction you want. And people are like sheep, just like, oh, we'll stick with the religion. It's ridiculous. Look, of course they don't tell people this today because that's embarrassing. You know what they focus on? The Seventh-day Adventists are the best singers probably of any denomination. They have wonderful music online. They're really great at singing, really big on choirs and things like that. They're generally dressed very nicely. They're very respectful. I mean, honestly, of those big cults that I mentioned in America, they come across as the godliest because the Jehovah's Witnesses are just obnoxious jerks, right? The Mormonism is a racist white American man's religion, right? It's like the Seventh-day Adventists are usually pretty friendly. They're dressed nicely and everything. They seem to understand some of these things. It doesn't change the fact that they're false. So go to 2 Peter 1. We'll close up. 2 Peter 1. 2 Peter 1. Now, I don't want you to misunderstand when I'm giving you a sermon like this. I do not want you, if you're giving the gospel to a Seventh-day Adventist, just argue about them, about William Miller. That is a waste of time. You're not going to get him saved that way because the power is in the gospel, the Bible says. So look, when you're preaching the gospel, focus on the things that... Don't focus on diets, right? Don't try to convert them to being a carnivore or getting on your keto diet, right? You're like, Brother Stuckey, man, I got one. Hey, you got one saved. No, no, no. They went from vegetarian to keto. It's like, what in the world? Your focus is to try to get people safe. So if you get the opportunity to preach the gospel to the Seventh-day Adventists, you should spend a little bit of extra time on hell and show them it's forever and things such as that. Focus on the main things though, okay? And generally, from my perspective, the Seventh-day Adventists don't really struggle so much with the Trinity and the deity of Jesus Christ. It's kind of a misnomer because in the Old Testament, they don't believe... They believe that Michael the Archangel is another name of Jesus Christ, but they do not believe, like Jehovah's Witnesses, that Michael the Archangel turns into Jesus Christ, like this oneness, weird sort of thing, right? They believe it's another name for Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, which I don't agree with, but that doesn't necessarily... That's not going to affect their eternal destination because they have a different opinion on that name or that character in the Old Testament. So I would say the main thing is focusing on hell and of course works in your general gospel, spending a little bit of extra time on hell and showing them that's forever, though that would be pertinent to the gospel with them, okay? And look, the Sabbath day, unfortunately, that's also pertinent and you know what? They are going to bring that up, okay? I promise you that. They will bring that up and you know what? You need to know how to answer that question because I'll tell you what, if you've got a fish on the rope and you get 90% of the way, they still might have that one hanging question. You need to be able to show them why they're wrong about the Sabbath if that's the final thing that's preventing them from getting it. And look, it's harder to get somebody saved in a religion like this than just your average Catholic or Baptist or whatever out there because there's more doctrines that they're wrong on. You need to know. That's why I said Colossians 2 where I showed you Romans 14. That's why we're giving the sermon so you can be reminded of Romans 14. Easy to remember Romans 14 and just show them that, right? Because otherwise it's likely you won't be able to get them saved, okay? Here's a quote about Ellen G. White. And Ellen G. White was a follower of William Miller, okay? She was part of that movement of William Miller was her preacher that she thought was a modern day. She was one of the people really crying. Like in the documentary they made, she's crying the most. She's so sad. It's great. White was only 17 when she began her mission as God's messenger. She experienced some 2000 visions in her lifetime. Now 2000 visions is a lot, right? One a day, that's over five years if it's every single day, okay? 2000 visions in her lifetime. Without warning, she would go into a trance which began when she shouted and she did this with her eyes open. When she shouted glory, glory, glory, three times she screamed glory. Every single time she had a trance. Now look, of course we don't have the video camera, right? You know, we don't have the recording on YouTube to check this out, but that's what they say that she would shout glory three times at the start of her vision, okay? If no one caught her, she then swooned to the floor. So basically she would fall on the ground and like hit her head or hit the deck if people weren't there to catch her, okay? The trances lasted from a few minutes to several hours. Now look, I don't know if this is all accurate, but several hours is a really long time, right? Several hours, okay? During which time, and in reading this, this is going to show you why I believe she was possessed. I don't believe she was faking it at all, okay? During which time her eyes were open and her heart and respiration rate slowed to an almost imperceptible level. Sometimes she exhibited extraordinary physical strength during the trance. Now think about the man Legion that was possessed with many devils and no man could bind him. He was always tearing the chains off. He had unusual strength. When people get possessed, they have unusual strength. It takes a lot of men to be able to take them down like when they're possessed by devils. And it says, you know, that she had unusual physical strength. In fact, there's articles. I didn't take the time to read them because there's articles like, you know, people wrote like 80-page, you know, semi-books or whatever. There's PDFs, 20 pages and stuff where they explain in detail her trances, and she just had this supernatural sort of strength sometimes. It fits what being possessed is in the Bible. It also fits Pentecostals, right? And that goes hand in hand. That fits, right? Unusual extraordinary physical strength during the trance. When she came out of it, she sometimes remained blind for a few days. In later years, White's daytime trances stopped and her visions occurred in nighttime dreams. And look, this isn't really written to try to promote her. It's just giving the facts of what was said. And you know what? This would be very hard to fake. Fake being blind for a few days. Fake being in a trance for two hours, like hours on end. Unusual physical strength. It sounds like somebody got possessed. And look, considering she's the reason, the biggest reason, above William Miller for this religion being one of the biggest cults worldwide, doesn't it make sense that she would be possessed by devils to have the ability to do this? Look, I don't believe that people like Joseph Smith and Charles Taze Russell, which is the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, look, I believe by and large they were actually possessed by devils. And they might have actually thought that what they were doing was right, but you know what? They were just possessed by devils. That's reality. And then it says, skeptics offered various explanations for White's visions. Some believed they were the result of hypnotism. Others thought she suffered from hysteria or other mental disorder. People thought she was crazy. And look, people left the religion because of this, because not everybody thought she was a modern day prophetess. They thought she was possessed or faking it or whatever. I mean, many of her family thought she was faking it. And it's just like she had this 2,000 times in her life. Okay. But here's the thing about this, of their modern day revelation that they had, and this really just stopped with Ellen G. White. You know, she wrote a book and this, all of her beliefs and everything like this. But here's the thing about this. How do we know whether to believe somebody if they come to us with something? You know what? I know that somebody can lose their salvation because I know someone who lost their salvation. Have you ever heard that before? People come to you and tell you stuff. I know that speaking in tongues is biblical because I saw somebody speak in tongues. I've heard people say things like this. Now, do we just automatically believe people when they say stuff? Well, what does Peter say here in 2 Peter 1 verse 16? 2 Peter 1 verse 16. For we have not followed cunningly devised fables when we may known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. Peter says, you know, we split our own eyes. We were an eyewitness. Think of an eyewitness at a crime scene, right? He says, we actually saw it because they saw the resurrected savior. They spent three years with Jesus Christ. They saw him on the Mount of Transfiguration. They saw him after the resurrection. He says it wasn't just a fable that was told to us. We saw it with our own eyes. Verse 17. For he received from God the Father honor and glory when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory. This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased, referring to the Mount of Transfiguration. And this voice, which came from heaven, we heard when we were with him in the Holy Mount. Notice verse 19. We have also a more sure word of prophecy. You know what Peter's saying? He's saying, what's written in this book, the words of God mean far more than what you see with your eyes and you hear with your ears. If you see something and it contradicts the Bible, you go with the Bible every single time. If somebody tells you something, I saw this take place and it contradicts the Bible, we have a more sure word of prophecy. The Bible says, this is about, and this is Peter. Peter says, I saw it with my own eyes, but I believe it even more because this is what the word of God says. And look, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Look, this book produces more faith than things that we see or hear because you see something and you believe it. And as years pass, you start to doubt. Did I really see it? Was I wrong? But this book stands because it's eternal. And it says where until you do well that you take heat as unto a light that shineth in the dark place until the day dawn and the day star rise in your hearts. Knowing this first, you say, how do you know this is the word of God? That no prophecy of the scripture said more sure word of prophecy, no prophecy of the scripture as of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. And yet with the seventh day Adventists and Ellen G. White, it's the prophecy of one person. One person got visions. One person would go into a trance and fall down and get possessed. And then she just wake up and she'd be like, you know, we are not allowed to eat this meat. This is literal. That's how they form their beliefs. It wasn't based on, she says, well, this is what the Bible says. No, it's, it's not that she came up with something and said, Hey, here's the verse. She just said, we're not supposed to do this. And then it's like, Oh, okay. Well, this, this is what God wants. Now we got to interpret every single Bible verse to fit what the doctrine is according to the vision of Ellen G. White. Look, they don't even follow the first commandments. The God of the seventh day Adventists is Ellen G. White, whether they want to admit it or whether they realize that or not. Cause I'm not saying if somebody grows up in the church, they hear and learn all these things. Probably a lot of this they've never heard of. And you know, that's why there's not necessarily a purpose to go over all of this information. Cause what I believe is that when somebody gets saved in the Holy Spirit of truth and dwells them, then everything in the Bible is going to make sense. You argue with them about Romans 14, about the diet before they're saved. You know what? It's going to go over their head. But if they get saved and you show them Romans 14, they're like, Oh wow, that's so clear. Because unsaved people can't understand the word of God and what they need is the gospel. So look, don't spend time just arguing with them or try to win a debate. The purpose of soul winning is to get somebody saved. And many of those people, it's not that they're bad people. They're just nice people. And look, they grew up in the church. They grew up in that religion. And you tend to believe what you're taught. I believe what I was taught for the first half of my life until I heard the gospel. And you know what? I changed. That's the way it is for everyone. Let's close in a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today. I ask you to help us apply this sermon to our lives, just the various verses and passages we looked at. Help us to get opportunities to preach the gospel to Seventh-day Adventists, people that are receptive, and get many of them saved. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. He the pearly gates will open. Game number 58, he the pearly gates will open. He the pearly gates will open. He the pearly gates will open. He the pearly gates will open. He the pearly gates will open. He the pearly gates will open. He the pearly gates will open.