(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And so we're going to look at the rapture of believers and then the damnation of oneness heretics We're going to look at a lot of the most common religions in the world And we're going to see that they are awaiting the anti-christ without actually realizing and i'll explain that more as we go But notice in revelation chapter 7 verse 9 Where the bible reads after this i'd be held and lo a great multitude which no man could number Of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms In their hands now, this is just a very clear verse which is obviously talking about the rapture It's a great multitude which no man could number And look that is that is a large amount of people because you can number large amounts pretty easily Militaries do this by doing you just do rows times columns You could do a thousand rows times a thousand columns as a million people So all you have to do is account a thousand one way and then the one person's gonna be counted twice so 999 more and so you've already got a million people by counting 1999 people so you can count large numbers very quickly So when it says a great multitude, which no man could number this is referring to the rapture Nobody's going to be able to number it because it's going to be such a large number of people and it says of all nations So in every nation in the world, there's going to be somebody who's saved and kindreds and people and tongues So people that speak all kinds of different languages Why because you can get people saved in length any language that there is you could explain the gospel and translate from english to? french or spanish or polish or whatever language and people could get saved so look if you show somebody this verse And you show them at the end of chapter 6 he's about to pour out his wrath But first there's a great multitude in heaven and then they walk away and say well, I don't think this is the rapture They're probably never going to believe in a posterior rapture to be honest if you show them revelation six seven and eight And they walk away and say well, I don't believe that's the rapture or whatever they believe They're probably never going to believe it. Okay. It is what it is So I want to kind of highlight one aspect of the rapture Notice what it says in verse 10 And cried with a loud voice saying salvation to our god which sitteth upon the throne and onto the lamb Okay, notice how it says salvation to our god which sitteth upon the throne and onto the lamb So I want you to realize something that when you get to heaven you will see three You will see god the father god the son and god the holy ghost, okay, you won't just see One you're going to see Three and we're going to go very in depth on the trinity here tonight But I want you to understand it says to in verse 10 Uh, which to our god which sitteth upon the throne and onto the lamb, okay Go back to revelation chapter five revelation five because if you've paid attention, I haven't talked about it too much But it's been constantly mentioning both god the father and god the son up in heaven and making a distinction between them now That's that's not the main purpose of the book of revelation But quite honestly the rapture has been preached so many times And you already have a good understanding of it. I want to kind of go more in depth on one aspect of it Okay, revelation chapter five Verse six and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts and in the midst of the elders Stood a lamb As it had been slain having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of god sent forth into all the earth The lamb that had been slain is referring to jesus christ. Okay Now look i've heard crazy beliefs from people that believe in oneness that this is literally a lamb and things such as that It's like no this is referring to jesus christ. Okay, I get it A lot of lambs have been killed but this is jesus christ. Okay, then it says and he came And took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne now notice you have this lamb But then there's one sitting upon the throne and the lamb takes the book out of the hand of the one sitting upon the throne Now, I mean if you believe that there's just one in heaven and you believe in oneness. I mean what's happening? Is he just like taking the book from himself? Does that really make a lot of sense what you're seeing in revelation five verse seven is six and seven you have the lamb jesus christ Taking the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne So you see god the son and you see god the father and look god The holy ghost is in heaven as well all three of them. Okay, so you're seeing a distinction made There's the father and there's the son and that's what you see. Okay, and this is the way it has always been now Let me just quickly explain to you the difference between the trinity which we believe And the teaching of oneness and this is actually very important with the end times because Most religions around the world actually believe in a oneness doctrine They believe in manifestations of god that basically god manifests himself in different ways in different places So they actually believe in oneness. Okay, the trinity is the belief that there's one god that exists in three persons And he has always existed in three persons see at the very beginning at the foundation of the world was god The father god the son and god the holy ghost at the very beginning In all times and it will always be that way up in heaven It will be god the father god the son god the holy ghost. So basically one god that exists in three persons Okay. Now we're going to go more in depth as we go, but that's a basic Understanding of what the trinity is. Okay, and we'll go very in depth on this. What's the teaching of oneness? The teaching of oneness is that at the very beginning there was one there was not three Okay one god which we also agree one god but just one god and basically there's different forms of this oneness teaching But basically god can transform and manifest himself in different ways Okay And so the classical oneness belief is that there's one god and basically the father kind of becomes the son When he's born jesus christ is born and then once jesus leaves jesus says well The holy spirit's not going to come unless they depart so all of a sudden he goes from being jesus to the holy ghost Okay, so basically god manifests himself in different ways That's not what the trinity is though because the trinity is that at the very beginning we're going to show this in the bible That there's three god the father god the son and god the holy ghost It wasn't just one there's three and up in heaven. We're going to see three. We're not going to see one Okay, and i'm going to show you this we saw that in revelation though. We already saw two of them Okay So we know it's not going to be one because we saw god the father and god the son because the lamb's taking the book Out of the right hand of him that sits upon the throne, okay Now go to first john five first john five I'll show you the verse that is it's kind of the clearest verse on the trinity wrapped up in one verse But there's a lot of verses that teach this in the old and new testaments And so there's different types of sermons and this is a very heavenly not heavenly heavily Doctrinal sermon this is a heavenly. I mean it's the bible right, but it's a heavily doctrinal sermon Okay, really in depth and I would say this that you know in general especially in the philippines 90 plus percent of people believe in the trinity only the bizarre cults would reject it now look to be honest The trinity is not the simplest thing to understand and you're not going to walk away tonight and just be like Oh, it's like 2x plus 2 equals 6. Oh the answer I got it's that simple No, because we're talking about the nature of god and to fully grasp who god is you're not going to be able to do that Okay So I want you to understand i'm going to show you what the bible says and it's something you got to just take by faith And just believe what the bible says first john five verse seven first john five verse seven The bible reads for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost And these three are one the bible says there's three that bear record in heaven. Okay, there's not one that bears record There's three that bear record the father which is god the father the word which is god the son jesus christ And the holy ghost or the holy spirit So basically there's three but then you see this at the end and these three are one why because there's one god Okay, there is one god and he's made up of three persons and each one individually is fully god Okay, it's not something we can necessarily fully grasp but in first on five seven, it's a very important verse what's interesting? Is that a lot of modern versions of the bible they take out first john five seven, right? They say well that wasn't in the originals and what's funny about this Is sometimes when they take it out You'll just see verse six and verse eight like the in a lot of renditions of the niv You'll see verse six and verse eight. You're like what happened to verse seven, but then some renditions i've seen in the niv They take out verse seven, but they don't tell you that instead they combine verse eight into verses seven and eight So they make it look like they didn't take out a verse And so half of verse eight is actually verse seven now in some renditions of the niv and then the rest of it Is basically, you know verse eight so they try to trick you basically By by making it look like they didn't take out a verse so they don't believe it's in the originals and This is not a king james only sermon. Obviously, we believe that we preach that we've got a documentary We can recommend if you want to check that out But you know that that's what they take this out and it's kind of interesting the key doctrines in the bible They just kind of remove in modern versions Why because god spoke one way he didn't speak multiple ways Okay, he either said it like this or he said it like this. He didn't say it both different ways Okay, and different versions they teach different things. Okay now turn in your bible To genesis one genesis one. So first on five is the clearest example clearest explanation of the trinity But the trinity is taught in genesis chapter one Right at the beginning genesis chapter one Genesis chapter one And I want you to notice here in genesis chapter one verse 26 And look this this does tie together with the end time So we're going to tie together at the end But we're going to go through a lot on the trinity here before we do that. But genesis one verse 26 the bible says and god said Let us make man in our image after our likeness now notice It says god said in verse 26, so this is referring to god, but then notice it says let us Make man in our image after our likeness. Do you notice how it's plural? He says let us make man in our image after our likeness now I believe this is pretty clear, but i've heard some people say well, maybe he's talking to the angels Well, really are the angels made in the image of god are we made in the image of angels? I mean did the angels help create us? No, it says let us make man in our image Okay, the angels didn't help with the creation of humans Okay, the bible says all things were made by him referring to jesus christ God made all things but you see a plural in verse 26. Let us make man in our image after our likeness There's no indication. He's talking to angels. I mean look at the verses around there's nothing about angels there. That's ridiculous All that you see is god set Okay And you say well, how does that work? Well, because god is three God the father god the son god the holy ghost. We're going to see that here tonight Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl Of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth notice verse 27 so god created man in His own image And the image of god created he him Male and female created he then so notice what it says in his own image. Okay referring to just him Singular so in verse 26, we saw plural In verse 27, we saw singular in the image of god. You say how does that work? Because the three are one Okay, you say brother stuckey, you know, I don't fully grasp this Well, you know, this is what the bible teaches in genesis chapter one Let us make man in our image after our likeness verse 27, so god created man in his own image Okay, not in the angel's image In the image of god created he him male and female created he them now Let me say this in verse 27 how it says in the middle of the verse in the image of god created he him It doesn't say in the image of god created he them you say why because women are not in the image of god It says created he him because men are made in the image of god, but male and female created them He did create both men and women But it says in the image of god created he him why because jesus christ was a man. Okay. He was not a woman He didn't look like a woman. He didn't have long hair. He wasn't effeminate. I'm sure he was strong I'm sure he was a man's man. He looked like a man because he was a man Okay in the image of god created him male and female created he them. Okay now go to john chapter one john one So right at the beginning in genesis chapter one, we see the trinity genesis chapter one Genesis chapter one and well john chapter one now go to john one john one And I want you to notice in john chapter one verse one in the beginning was the word In the beginning was the word now later on in the chapter I don't have it down here But in verse 14, I believe it says and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us in john one verse 14 The word was made flesh and dwelt among us that's referring to jesus christ. Okay God was manifest in the flesh referring to jesus. So john 1 14 says the word was made flesh So in john 1 verse 1 when it says in the beginning was the word that's not referring to god the father It's not referring to god the holy ghost is referring to god the son because god was manifest in the flesh The word was made flesh verse 14 of john 1. So in john 1 verse 1 in the beginning was the word What does that teach us? Jesus christ was here at the beginning Jesus christ was here at the very beginning in the beginning was the word. Okay Now then it says this in the beginning was the word and the word was with god You say wait a minute. Does that mean jesus was not god because the word was with god and the word Was god so not only was jesus with god. Jesus was god the bible says you say brother stuckey, man That's confusing. Yeah, you know what? The trinity is a little bit confusing. I'm not gonna lie to you It is a little bit confusing, but that's what the bible teaches Okay in the beginning was the word and the word was with god And the word was god why because god is three and yet god is one. Okay, we'll explain more as we go But it says this in verse two the same was in the beginning With god so in verse two he's with god Okay, but then in verse three all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made So according to verse three everything was made by jesus christ. Okay. Let me ask you a question In genesis chapter one, didn't it talk about how god said let us make man in our image Okay, which means jesus christ made all things all things were made by him. Okay is what the bible teaches Okay, so jesus christ, he was not created or made by god If all things were made by him, do you understand the difference because there's a lot of cults out there that will say Well, I mean jesus was michael the archangel and he turned into jesus christ. That's what the jehovah's witnesses teach I believe that's what the seventh day adventists teach I'm, not sure about the mormons but a lot of the cults they teach that michael the archangel turned into jesus christ And he was created but wait a minute. It says all things were made by him showing that jesus wasn't made why because in the beginning Was the word in the beginning was the word I think we can turn off this one tonight because it's a small crowd i'm, not sure why it's We're near an airport or something. I'm not sure a little bit of static I just have to yell really loud now go back to genesis chapter three genesis chapter three genesis three So And so look we saw the trinity in genesis one in john one and look when i'm talking about the trinity here tonight And talking about the damnation of oneness heretics. I want you to understand you're not going to walk away from this sermon And say man, I understand this like a math problem. It doesn't work that way not everything in the bible is just like Really just fully simple to grasp. Okay, when you're talking about the nature of god, you know what that's going to be a bit complicated One day my son's going to ask me the dreaded question. Where did god come from? Okay, I asked that question to my parents growing up why because you know, obviously everybody's born with a belief of god It's born into you. It's born into your conscience. But look trying to explain where god came from. Well, I mean good luck with that Okay. Now look if there was no god good luck explaining where the world came from It's not like they've got an answer to that question. Okay, but look trying to explain in the beginning was the word Yeah, you know what? It's a bit complicated, but some things we take by faith. Okay And so in genesis 3 verse 22 notice what the bible says genesis 3 verse 22 And the lord god said genesis 3 verse 22 and the lord god said behold The man is become as one of us To know good and evil and so notice how it says in verse 22 Behold the man has become as one of us. Do you notice how us is plural in genesis 3 verse 22? And the lord god said now look there's no indication He's talking to angels or anything whatever explanation you want to come up with if he was talking to someone else It would bring that person up the lord. God said behold the man has become as one of us To know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand and take also the tree of life and eat and live forever You say why because god is three There's one god and yet he exists in three persons Okay, and so jesus christ was fully god god the father was fully god god The holy ghost is fully god And so what we see though is at the very beginning You see all three in genesis one genesis three and john one when we cross reference. Okay now turn to isaiah 43 isaiah 43 Isaiah chapter 43. So this is all throughout the entire bible. It teaches the trinity You'd have to preach several sermons that look at all the verses that talk about this And when we're talking about the nature of god, it's important that we understand both things that there's one god and yet there's three persons Okay, and so there's one and yet there's three that is what the trinity is. Okay And so notice what it says in isaiah 43 verse 10 isaiah 43 verse 10 Because we saw very clearly a couple times the plurality of god and yet we saw the singularity of god now notice what it says in isaiah 43 verse 10 Ye are my witnesses saith the lord and my servant whom I have chosen that you may know and believe me and understand that I am He that's what it says before me. There was no god formed Neither shall there be after me. Okay, so isn't it clear there's one god before me. There was no god formed Neither shall there be after me one god Verse 11. I even I am the lord and beside me there is no savior Okay, so I want you to understand something that when it comes to people that believe in oneness what they generally believe is that God the father is kind of how god exists in the old testament and he becomes god the son But wait a minute who is our savior the lord and savior? Jesus christ and yet in isaiah 43 verse 11. I even I am the lord and beside me there is No savior you say why because god is three and yet god is one and jesus christ was fully god Okay now turn in your bible To romans one romans one romans chapter one romans chapter one Now I do believe this is an important topic But I will say this that when we go soul winning I don't really bring up the trinity when i'm going soul winning I mean I mentioned god the father and god the son in my gospel presentation, but People in the philippines they believe in the trinity Okay, they might not necessarily fully grasp it or they they probably never even heard of what oneness is and things such as that Or what partialism is or all these these these different options and things like that But they have a basic understanding of the trinity. Okay, they understand that jesus is god and yet he's the son of god Okay, they have a basic understanding So look, I don't think you need to spend five minutes during your gospel presentation to make sure they've got this fully down Okay, they can understand they know that jesus is god and yet he's the son of god and that he's a savior Okay, and I believe that's good enough most people here they already have that down pretty good Okay, but you know from time to time if somebody is confused about that You might have to talk about that now if you did live in a country like india You know what it you'd have to have it as part of your gospel presentation And we'll see more about what uh hindus believe in things like that and their other offshoot religions, but they have such a warped Understanding of who god is in his nature that you would have to explain that to them Because they just don't understand but notice what it says in romans 1 verse 19 Because that which may be known of god is manifest in them for god hath showed it onto them So basically the bible says certain things about god are manifest in them Like we just naturally know certain things about god now This doesn't mean that we can fully grasp everything but there are things of god that may be known Okay that we can sort of comprehend. Okay. Notice what it says in verse 20 for the invisible things of him referring to god From the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made So basically by the things that god has made we can get an understanding about who he is Okay Now when it comes to who god is There's kind of a couple aspects of that one. It says this even his eternal power. Okay, notice how it says eternal We know god has always existed. He always will exist from eternity past to eternity forward Okay past present for you, I mean who was and is you know the almighty, okay I know I misquoted that but basically he's always been here. He always will be he exists now God has always been here his eternal power and that he's all powerful He's all knowing we know things like that and then notice this and he says and godhead so that they are without excuse. Okay Now I believe godhead is referring to basically the nature of god And you know pretty specifically that the trinity is part of that nature And I believe the bible is saying that you know what we can understand About the trinity and about the godhead by the things that he has made one example of this is with humans We are made up of body soul and spirit Right now my body's not my soul. My soul is not my spirit. My body's not my spirit Okay, I am one and yet i'm made up of three now. This is not a perfect example And there's a lot of examples you could get from nature Basically kind of like trinities that exist and it's not going to be a perfect Comprehension or understanding of god, but we can have a basic understanding of who god is and how he operates It says his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse. Okay. Now I want you to understand something I'm going to show you in a second about more in depth about what the godhead is referring to We're going to look really in depth on that But I want you to understand something that it says from the creation of the world in verse 20. Does it not? from the creation of the world You know what we can understand the godhead the trinity the father son and holy ghost You know what that tells you from the creation of the world was god the father god the son and god the holy ghost And see romans 120 disproves the oneness doctrine because from the creation Of the world the nature of god was already settled It won't change so you have to understand god is three He is not and he cannot be four He is not and he cannot be five. He is not and he cannot be two. No, he's three. He's not six He's not seven. You say well, he's he can just become, you know, fifth. No, he can't He's always been three from the creation of the world That is the nature god the father god the son god the holy ghost one god existing in three persons Okay, that is what the bible teaches from the creation of the world is what it said in verse 20 So that disproves oneness because from the very creation of the world the nature of god was already settled and we can understand that and he is Three, okay He's also eternal as it mentions and other things like that But part of his nature is that he is three now go to acts 17 acts chapter 17 acts chapter 17 I think You say brother stuckey people in the old testament did they believe That god was a trinity. Yes, they did Believers in the old testament believe that god was a trinity you say why? Because in the first couple chapters of the bible in genesis one and three it already makes reference to the trinity And in the old testament, you can see the sun mentioned in the holy spirit and things like that And I want you to understand the book has been written down now But that does not mean that other parts of the bible were not preached and spoken before they were written down Okay, and I believe in the old testament, you know what the word of god was being preached parts That hadn't been written down yet, but were they were inspired by god to preach those things So I want you to understand we don't even necessarily know How much access they had to things that are in the new testament back when they lived in the old testament? Because it's written down now and we have all the bible, you know back then there are prophets that were preaching the word of god And you can see from certain things that are written in the new testament That they go certainly really in depth on stories in the old testament where the old testament didn't explain certain things and you're like How did you know that because probably a lot of the word of god was spoken even though it wasn't written down fully yet okay, and so Acts 17 notice what it says in verse 16 the word god had appears three times in the bible One of those times is in romans 120 and another time is going to be in act 17 Okay, but I want you to notice act 17 verse 16 Now while paul waited for them at athens his spirit was stirred in him when he saw the city wholly given to Idolatry, this is an idolatrous city. Okay. This is a city that's worshiping all these gods And believing in all these false gods and things like that They have all of these idols and then paul stirred his spirit or paul's spirit is stirred Okay, he's very angry about this and it says in verse 17 therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the jews Which means to argue and with the devout persons and in the market daily with them that met with him And so paul is preaching the gospel and when it says he disputed he's not having a big debate or argument Notice how it said at the end of verse 17 Them that met with him so people that are willing to listen to the gospel He's explaining the gospel and things like that. Okay verse 18 Then certain philosophers of the epicureans and of the stoics encountered him and some said what will this babbler say? So paul has been preaching the gospel to lots of people and notice what it says What will this babbler say other some he seemeth to be a setter forth of strange? gods Notice how they didn't say he seems to be a setter forth of a strange god singular they said of Strange gods plural So when paul preached the gospel They were obviously confused right because we believe in one god There's one god before and after there's going to be no god formed But when they heard the gospel preached their reaction is he's setting forth strange gods You say why because this is a city that believes in all kinds of gods. They've got all this idolatry And so basically when paul is preaching the gospel and they hear god the father and god the son is like, oh wow The strange gods they don't understand what paul's saying Okay, and I can show this to you at the end of this verse he seemeth to be a setter forth of strange gods plural Because he preached on to them. Jesus In the resurrection, so when they heard about jesus and his resurrection and i'm hurt I'm sure they heard god the father and god the holy ghost they say man that strange gods they didn't understand Okay, they were confused. They didn't understand what the trinity was and look When the gospel is being preached Even some people we talk to directly are confused But if people only hear parts of what we say, they're going to be very confused Have you ever had somebody walking in the middle of your gospel presentation? And you're at the part where you're explaining how you can never lose your salvation and they haven't heard anything Before and you're right at the point in the gospel We are saying like even if you murdered someone you'd go to heaven even if you committed suicide and they're like what in the world? What kind of doctrine are you teaching because they didn't hear the whole thing, right? And so these people they're they're they're hearing parts of the gospel And you cannot get saved if you just hear like 50 of the gospel you have to hear all of it It fully makes sense when you hear all of it But if you only hear bits and pieces you're going to be confused and they are confused because they're an idolatrous city That believes in multiple gods and so they hear this and they're like you think our gods are strange your gods are strange They didn't understand that paul's teaching one god. They don't understand what he's saying now Here's the thing in my gospel presentation. I don't really explain the trinity But you know what if i'm talking to someone who's very confused about the nature of god, do you know what I would do? I would explain the trinity they would need I mean if you're giving the gospel to someone and this is what they say That sounds like strange gods to me Don't you have to explain a little bit more in detail about god the father and god the son most gospel presentations You don't have to do that But let's say somebody is here from india and they've been a hindu all their life They might be very confused with the nature of god So, you know what? You'd probably have to explain more in detail about the trinity and about the nature of god and explain that god is three He's not one. Okay, and he's always been three. He's always been that way. It's not god manifesting himself in different ways No, he's always been that jesus has always been god. So notice they're they're saying well, he's a setter forth of strange gods So it makes sense as paul explains more in detail. He's obviously going to explain the trinity Right, doesn't that make sense and the nature of god act 17 verse 29, let's go on with the story For as much then as we are the offspring of god verse 29 we ought not to think that the god head Is like onto gold or silver or stone graven by art man's device And so as he's explaining the nature of god, he's saying you can't make an idol out of it That's not the way it works. And so they were confused But they're confused and believing in multiple gods in the nature of god It makes sense that paul is going to explain the trinity and the nature of god. Okay in verse 29 verse 30 And the times of this ignorance god winked at okay Notice how it says ignorance and ignorance means basically without knowledge They do not understand and so basically people are without understanding of who god is But now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Okay now think about this These people are confused they're ignorant about who god is Would it make sense for him to say and now he commands everyone to quit drinking? You're confused about god you're ignorant about who god is now you need to quit smoking. I mean, does that make any sense? No, no, no, they're confused about who god is. They're ignorant about who god is now He's commanding you to repent meaning change your mind about your understanding of who god is Change your mind about your belief and believe on jesus christ And if you're ignorant and not understanding about who god is you've got to change your mind about who god is That's what repent means To change to turn this is a verse that you'll hear people quote and say well see you got to repent of your sins And in the context of verse 30 These people are ignorant. It doesn't say they're sinful It says they're ignorant. They're confused. They say paul's preaching multiple gods So what he's saying is you've got to change your mind and understand who god is And if you went to a very idolatrous place like india that believes in all these weird manifestations of god You know what? You would really have to explain in detail like paul's doing in act 17 And this is just giving you the highlights of the conversation. Okay, it was more than just one minute of your bible reading was his ex No, no, no, it was probably like an hour where he's explaining this. Okay, because they're very confused about who god is He says he commands every all men everywhere to repent because he hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in Righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given assurance unto all men and that he hath raised him from the dead So look my opinion is in act 17 from the context because this is the reference to the godhead We can have the best understanding. They're very confused about the nature of god. They believe paul's setting forth strange gods So paul is going to explain how it's one god that exists in three persons So I believe that gives you the definition and understanding of what the godhead is, okay go to colossians chapter two colossians two colossians chapter two Colossians chapter two And so is god one absolutely there's one god we see that we've seen many verses on that is god three absolutely We've seen many verses on that and see from the very beginning It was god the father god the son and god the holy ghost and it always will be god the father god the son And god the holy ghost that's not going to change the classical oneness belief Is that basically at the beginning it was god the father? And then he becomes god the son And then he becomes the holy ghost now in recent years. I mean probably over the last decades There's kind of morphed beliefs on oneness that are more tricky and confusing That's the classical belief that they had of it now They're kind of more tricky with some of their explanations because there's a lot of holes in what they believe But that's what oneness is basically that god can manifest himself in different ways Okay And so, you know, I don't know. I remember an old terminator movie I watched like 25 years ago where basically they touch something and become that I mean That's the sort of sort of thing that it is god can just manifest himself in different ways and it's like well That's not what the bible teaches. It makes a good science fiction movie It's very entertaining but just because something's entertaining doesn't mean it's part of the word of god Okay, so there's one other reference to the godhead and I believe we see that that's the nature of god We saw that from act 17 and we saw in romans one that verse 20 that disproves the oneness doctrine Notice what it says in colossians 2 verse 9 the other reference to oneness or not to oneness, but the godhead It says of jesus christ for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily Now look acts chapter 17 gave us an understanding of what the godhead is Because he explained when they were confused about a setting forth strange gods. He explained okay who god is Okay, very indeed very in depth and explained and said the word godhead So here when it's saying in him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily All the fullness of the nature of god was within jesus christ, which includes god the father god the son and god the holy ghost Okay. Now look you're not going to be able to fully grasp this like it's a math problem But this is what the bible teaches. Okay, jesus christ was fully 100 God when he was here, okay This is what the bible teaches and so another important distinction which i'm not going to go too much in detail Is we reject partialism at verde baptist church in verde baptist church manila partialism is belief that basically there's three completely separate And then once they combine it's like, you know, I don't know i've heard it's like transformers. I I didn't watch transformers I don't know where basically once they're combined then they're god, but they're not god by themselves. Okay. No, no. No, jesus was fully god It's like they don't have to be combined like it's one third You know one third of a pie one third of a circle one third one third and combined now No, no, no, jesus was fully god and him dwelleth all the fullness of the godhead bodily. Okay, so we reject Um oneness and we also reject partialism because jesus christ was fully god. God the father was fully god God the holy ghost was fully god as well. You say why is disproving oneness important? What does this have to do with book of revelation? You say it sounds like you just used one verse and went on a rabbit trail Well, I sort of did but not really because i'm going to tie this together Because I want you to understand Almost all of the religions around the world are in common with their belief of a oneness doctrine almost all religions around the world In fact one of the major things and this is why it's important to understand Of the trinity is because the trinity is really something that very much separates us from religions around the world The belief that there's one god and yet god is three. Okay, it's very important now. I understand Look, this is confusing. I said at the beginning you're not going to walk away and say, okay I've got this fully down. I mean if you sit there and meditate you're not going to fully grasp it Okay But this is what the bible teaches and we know the bible is the word of god and we take by faith what the bible says Even if we can't fully grasp every little bit of it. Okay, and I want you to understand when it comes to the trinity This is something that false religions around the world. They mock They hate the trinity. They say it doesn't make sense. They say it's bobo They say it's stupid and they're basically mocking the bible when they say that now islam says that the cults in the philippines certainly say that They say that's stupid and what they usually key on on the cults is how dare you say jesus is god But just the trinity in general they reject now we know jesus is fully god Okay, the cults around the world. Jehovah's witnesses will say that jesus is the mighty god, but god the father is the almighty god Okay, and so basically jesus is like a lowercase god. So he's not really god. I mean michael the archangel became jesus So he's pretty powerful. He's pretty cool, but he's not god the father. No, no, no, jesus was fully god Okay, that's what the bible teaches and so the trinity is something that separates us from religions around the world The bible teaches there are three So we go to heaven we will see three. There's no question about that There are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the holy ghost and these three Are one Okay Yeah, it's a bit confusing That's what the bible teaches though and religions around the world They can try to mock us if they want that is what the bible teaches and I believe what the bible says Now let's go through the 20 most common religions in the world and i'll quickly show you some of the things they believe That are going to tie together with the end times because this is a doctrine they really stumble at now I went on a random website Of the 20 most common religions of the world by how many people that they have in that religion? Okay, some of these we're going to save to the end christianity is number one now understand with christianity It includes catholicism the protestants the orthodox Those cults that are you know right around there and stuff like that. It includes all of these different Christian denominations, okay, so this is not a perfect understanding i'm sure within Islam which is number two because i've heard heard of sunni and shiite But i'm sure there's like a hundred denominations of muslims if you really looked at it. I have no idea though I'm not an expert on islam So i'm sure that you can look at a million different ones It just kind of gives you a general overview number one is christianity and we're going to talk about that later Number two is islam or muslims and we'll talk about that later. Number three are atheists agnostics and non-religious Okay, so we'll talk about that later The other one we're going to talk about later is number 11, which is judaism judaism is the 11th most common religion in the world When they break them down in these categories, okay number four on the list Is hinduism hinduism represents 11 percent of this world one out of nine people in this world are hindu Not one out of nine people in the philippines But one out of nine people in the world is hindu, which is 900 million people pretty big religion. Okay number Three if you don't count count atheist as a religion, okay behind just christianity and islam So you say hindu's believe in hundreds of trillions of gods, don't they? No, no, no hindu's believe in one god They believe in One god i'll prove that to you. Okay notice this this is what it says hindu's believe in a universal soul or God called brahmin. So brahmin is the name of their god brahmin takes on many forms That some hindu's worship as gods or goddesses in their own right hindu's believe that there's a part of brahmin in everyone And this is called the atman. So basically Brahman is what they're saying is who god is and yet brahmin will manifest himself in different forms So you look at shiva and oh, man, I don't I don't know all the hinduish I know shiva is one of them and but basically that's part of god. It's a manifestation of god Harry krishna one of the offshoots of hinduism that's a manifestation of god buddhism which came from hinduism is a manifestation Okay, but they believe in one god. Here's another quote that makes it more specific off this hindu website I found why are there so many hindu gods is the question hindu's actually only believe in one god Brahmin the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence the gods of the hindu faith represent different Forms of brahmin these gods are sent to help people find the universal god brahmin Okay, so some of the names are shiva krishna Lakshmi, I don't know. That's that's one of the gods I pray to regularly I don't I don't know but basically notice what it's saying though at the very beginning They believe god was One is that what we believe No We believe god was three god the father God the son god the holy ghost see there's a distinction between what the hindu's believe what we believe They actually believe at the beginning. There was only one they just believe in hundreds of trillions of manifestations of god And so when you preach the gospel to a hindu They're often very glad to add jesus to their list. They'll add whatever to their list. They'll worship anything They'll worship cows and rats. Well that cow's a manifestation of who god is that rat is a manifestation of who god is That e-piece that cockroach is a manifestation of who god is so they don't kill those animals They just let them roam around. It's like man. I'm glad I don't live over there. I'm glad i'm not a hindu Okay, i'll just stomp on those things get rid of them. All right But hindu's they believe in one god actually, but what do they believe they believe in? Oneness, so here's the thing When they wait for the return and they're they're expecting the return of a manifestation of god on a white horse Okay, just like the anti-christ is going to be a white horse They're going to be fully willing to embrace the anti-christ. Why well, this is a manifestation of who god is Isn't it very easy to see how hindu's will just believe? In the anti-christ when he comes because it's a manifestation of god buddhism is the fifth most common religion in the world five percent one out of twenty people 376 million people okay are buddhist and so The original buddhist was sidhartha gatama In the sixth century bc but they're waiting for the coming of matraya buddha matraya buddha Okay, I don't know if i'm pronouncing that right and he is going to be a manifestation of Buddhism or the original buddha. So basically you have these religions that are ready for another manifestation of their savior Now a lot of buddhists are atheists. They don't believe in god and yet they believe in reincarnation Which doesn't make sense to me, but they do believe in a coming one So, I don't know how you're an atheist and don't believe in god, but you believe in a coming It's very weird. Okay, but some of them do believe in god, but they believe in matraya buddha So look i'm very i'm very positive that this anti-christ is going to come and proclaim peace and people are going to be like wow You're the coming buddha And they have no problem with merging these religions together of hinduism buddhism Why because now all of a sudden god the oneness that they believe in god all the manifestations are coming together So everyone can join together as one and all the religions can be as one that's what they're waiting for That's what they want to have peace with all the religions around the world So it makes sense when the anti-christ comes they believe in this oneness doctrine They're going to embrace the anti-christ which is just going to be a manifestation of who god is. That's what they're going to say Okay Number six on the list is chinese traditional religion, which is a lot of different ones and look I I looked Tried to look in depth online to try to find info on all these things It's very hard to find in times beliefs of some of these religions Okay, like chinese traditional religion ethnic religion and african traditional religion are six seven and eight on this list But I will say this that most religions around the world and probably them They'll believe that in their area is kind of a manifestation of god So god might manifest himself differently in the philippines as he would in the us or canada That's what most people believe around the world. Okay, so they're they're they're god It's like go for your god because that's a manifestation of god, but this is our god here in the philippines That's not what the bible teaches. Okay. God is the same. God is three. He's the same in the u.s In arabic countries in africa everywhere. Okay number nine on the list is sickism 23 million people which is point three six percent of the population sickism is from india Okay, and I think some people pronounce it sickism sickism or seekism if you've ever watched indiana jones Which is an older movie the guys with the big turbans on their head that indian jones fights. Those are the seeks Okay in sacramento we had a lot of them So whenever you see, you know people from india with the big turbans on their head Those are the ones that are are seeks or six. Okay sickism 23 million people Sickism believes and this is off, you know what I read online Just a direct quote. These are not my words sickism believes that god is oneness Sickism believes that god is oneness that permeates the entirety of creation and beyond there are frequent references to hindu deities In the guru granth sahib the stories of devotees pralad Draapadi and sudama Are briefly mentioned and god is said to have helped them the guru granth sahib teaches that in spite of there being many deities Such as brahma shiva Shiva buddha ursidas god is one God's three, that's what the bible teaches now. God is one but they're missing the aspect of the fact that he's He's not going to change and manifest himself in a different way someday Okay, god's going to manifest them. No, no, no God is three and yet he's one the trinity has always been what the bible taught and yet sickism believes in basically a teaching of oneness, okay You say why is this sermon the rapture of believers and damnation of one is heretics because the religions around the world Believe in a oneness doctrine, okay Number 10 on the list was spiritism and Their god is a god of forces, you know I'm, not sure exactly what that means except daniel 11 verse 38 says but in his estate Shall he honor the god of forces? That's what the anti-christ is going to do. So I know that There's a verse in daniel that disproves what they believe but I don't fully know what spiritism is I think it's like talking to to ghosts and all kinds of weird stuff or like a star wars thing like the good and bad I'm, not sure I guess I should have studied that more. I'm not exactly positive number 12 on the list is the baha'i faith 7 million people point zero nine percent of the population So roughly one out of a thousand or one out of eleven hundred people believes in baha'i. Okay, what are they waiting for? Well, they're waiting for the coming of bahala The bob and thousands of followers were executed by the iranian authorities for their beliefs bahala faced exile from his native iran and in baghdad in 1863 claimed to be the expected prophet of whom the bab foretold thus baha'is regard bahala to be a manifestation Of god so a manifestation of god. You see what we're seeing saying a manifestation of god fulfilling the Eschatological which is end times expectations of islam christianity and other major religions So basically they're trying to form all these religions into one a manifestation of god now the bible says God was manifest in the flesh But jesus was not a manifestation of god like he's manifesting himself in different ways No, god was manifest in the flesh. That was jesus christ He's not going to manifest himself in different ways like it's saying here So they believe basically that god can make manifestations in a lot of different forms throughout the ages That's what these religions believe that's number 12 on the list. Okay, and so Number 13 is janeism, which is a very atheistic religion. They don't really believe in god They're in india as well all the weird religions come from india number 14 is shinto. I don't know much about it's from japan I'll ask brother ermin on sunday. I'm not really sure So maybe he knows four million people number 15 Is kao dai? Okay, four million people point zero five percent Which is roughly one out of two thousand people if i'm doing my math, right? Is this religion of kao dai which is basically a very big religion in vietnam, okay? Buddhism is the biggest religion in vietnam, but kao dai is also religion. That's kind of their homegrown most countries have their homegrown religion And this is theirs. Okay This is what it says about kao dai One always observes one same truth through religions even when they are so physically different and founded at different times and places Right off the bat what it's saying here is there's truth in all these different religions Is that how you speak about islam or hinduism or buddhism? Because I believe jesus christ is the only truth. I am the truth The truth not a truth and all these religions have truth. No, no christianity is true. The bible's true. These religions are false They're sending people to hell But all these religions are saying well there's truth in all these religions and they're waiting for the antichrist to come to join them All together because they want to embrace everybody together as one. Okay, and it says One always observes one same truth through religions No, jesus christ is the truth even when they are so physically different and founded at different times and places The truth is the existence of a creator of all the universe and living beings The existence of the supreme being who reigns in everyone's heart Religions have called the supreme being by different names macrocosm by hinduism yahweh by judaism Ahora, mazda by zorastrianism tao by taoism monad by confucianism Allah by islam or simply god by myriad of english-speaking religious persons what they're saying is god manifests himself in different ways Whether it's islam whether it's zorastrianism whether it's uh judaism hinduism Also later on in this article said universal philosophies such as baha'i, which is what we had just talked about Theosophy and oomoto foundation were created trying to connect the eastern western religions So baha'i it said was trying to connect these religions all together in 1926 the supreme being founded kao dai in vietnam to show people that all religions are indeed of one same origin In 1926 the supreme being gave the following message. So less than a hundred years ago According to them in vietnam god made a manifestation of who he was in order to show well god all over the world's the same and we all need to just Come together. Okay In founding kao dai the supreme being teaches man to realize that all religions have one same origin And not to discriminate against each other but to love each other as brother and sister to cultivate self to find god in one's heart It's not hard to see That during the end times as all these religions are wanting to get together and just be at peace with one another We're going to look like we're very evil when we say no, we're not going to join hands with islam Why because those people are going to hell and they need the gospel And we're going to become the number one enemy, especially when the antichrist brings 90 of the world together Okay That's what's going to take place and we're going to be hated because we have a different message than them Number 16 on this list were Zoroastrianism then tin rico, which I believe is a japanese religion as well 18th is neo-paganism 19th is unitarian universalism, which means just accepting everyone 20th is rastafarian, which is 0.6 million 0.01 let me just Give a quick quote about rastafarianism. It says i n i also spelled i n i i n i or i h i Y h n h i h. I don't know what that means It's it's right off, you know wikipedia. I don't know what that means. I it's a weird religion I know part of the religion is smoking weeds and not cutting your hair and not like putting soap in and stuff So a lot of weirdness to that religion. I don't know is a complex term referring to the oneness referring to the oneness of jaw Parentheses god and every human in the words of rastafarian scholar e e cashmore I and I is an expression to totalize the concept of oneness. I and I is being the oneness of two persons So god is within all of us and we're one people In fact, I and I means that god is within all men the bond of rastafarian is the bond of god of man Notice how all these religions are using the term oneness Isn't that interesting all these religions that don't claim christianity and yet they're using that same Oneness and yet you have baptists now that say they believe in oneness It's like man It sounds like you're really preparing people for the antichrist because the bible teaches god the father god the son and god the holy ghost But you're seeing the damnation of oneness heretics because this is what these religions around the world believe in Okay, I gotta hurry up. We still got two pages. All right, or actually just one page not too bad And so let's go back to christianity Christianity 2.1 billion people 26 of people one out of four Claims to be christian in some form or another over half of those are catholics Okay, 1.2 billion catholics my belief and I could be wrong But I believe pope francis kind of sets the scene to tell you what during will happen during the end times Even though I believe we'll be a different pope. I believe the pope is going to be the false prophet That's helping the antichrist now several chapters from now. We're going to see the false prophet mentioned But I believe that false prophet is going to be the pope now Here's the thing every catholic will just Go along with whatever the pope says and since the protestants are trying to join hands with their mama Which we're going to talk about on sunday the protestant reformation. Okay, and I was raised protestant. I can make fun of them Okay, they're trying to join hands with their mama You know the catholic church and the orthodox and all those religions. I believe that when the pope says, you know What this is god people are going to embrace it and when you look at that, you know That's that's going to be probably twenty percent of so-called christian or twenty percent of the twenty-six percent like eighty percent of so-called christians Are going to fall under that umbrella where if the pope says something they're going to embrace it why? Because you know what? Here's what's different about pope francis people love pope francis. Isn't that true? I mean all the other popes people thought were weird But pope francis is bringing in atheists and all kinds of people say man I can get on board with this pope, right? I mean religions around the world are saying I love pope francis the catholic church didn't used to be like that Fifty years ago. The catholic church was no salvation Outside of the catholic church pope francis says you can be an atheist and go to heaven Right. I mean that's what what on video you can see on youtube. He tells this young boy his father died He said my dad was an atheist and he's like is he going to be in heaven and pope francis says Was he a good atheist? Was he a good person? It's like well, don't worry son. He'll be in heaven It's like man the catholic church has changed why because they're embracing all these religions and look if the pope is a false prophet It's not hard to see how everyone will get behind that because don't people love pope francis by and large They love pope francis. I mean in the past catholics would make fun of the popes But not pope francis. They love pope. I mean the lgbt loves pope francis, too Everybody loves pope francis except people like us that are hateful, right? So I believe that shows where the catholics will get on board with everything And so when it comes to to other, you know various christians the ones that are unsaved The bible says that the devil is going to send a strong delusion that they should believe a lie And if it were possible he could deceive the elect Now it's not possible is what he's saying But if it were possible he shall deceive the very elect the bible says which means the anti-christ with signs and wonders is going to be very Convincing people are going to get on board with the anti-christ say wow. This is the one that we've been waiting for. Okay? Number three on the list was atheist agnostics and non-religious and look one thing you'll see with atheists and non-religious people By and large in general and this is 14 of people 1.1 billion by and large they say Well, why do you have to have all this religious stuff? Why can't we just get together as one? Here's the thing with the anti-christ they say well we can get on board with this because we're separating all these different religions We'll get on board with the anti-christ. Okay. I believe most of them are going to get on board with it number 11 is judaism 14 million people 0.22 percent. They're the religion that's going to be kind of out of luck. Okay, because The anti-christ is going to be their best friend and as we've seen the anti-christ will turn on them At the midpoint and declare himself to be god and they're gonna be like wait a minute. We weren't expecting that But you know what's probably going to happen with most jews It's like well, we don't want to get our heads chopped off. We'll worship you if that's what it takes So they'll probably just get on board because they don't want to get killed I'm hoping some jews will be open to the gospel once they find out they were wrong about their messiah Okay about how he didn't bring him to prop to prominence and how the holy city Jerusalem is going to be trodden underfoot of the gentiles The bible says i'm hoping some jews will actually be humbled and willing to accept the gospel Maybe we'll see if it happens in our lifetime Number two, let's let last let's talk about number two, which is islam 19 1.5 billion people. Okay. Now let me just say this that when it comes to to how i'm tying together all this stuff in the End times I gave you a lot of bible what the bible teaches When it comes to how everything is going to tie together in the end times. I don't know For sure, the pope's going to be the false prophet That's my opinion. Okay, I see that helping tie things together so I could be wrong on some of these things With islam, they are waiting for a coming savior as well Imam madi, okay And so here's the thing about this, you know, it said now let me let me just give you a story I was going so many one time with pastor jason robinson in west virginia and I was a silent partner at that door And we were talking to a muslim at the door There's a lot of muslims in in west virginia that go to the college wvu It's an engineering college And he's explaining to us about who god was or about he's explaining to us about the end times in the coming You know savior messiah during the end times It's gonna because he kept saying, you know, we want to bring everybody together. It's like he it's like no It's like we don't believe the same thing as you and he kept saying no. No, we got to bring everybody together We're all one because you think of muslims saying we're the only way but in reality when you talk to them By and large they want to bring all these religions together and he's explaining and he's and he's explaining to us about their coming messiah How he's going to be a man of peace He's going to bring everybody together and all the religions of the one of the world are going to embrace as one And we're listening because I didn't know much about end times muslim beliefs and i'm like he's describing the antichrist It's like he's going to be a man of peace. Isn't that what the bible says about the antichrist by peace shall deceive many He's literally describing The antichrist and so what I believe is their description their messiah It's going to be just like the antichrist that when he comes muslims are going to get on board with that antichrist And what they're expecting is imam madhi, okay? And so I have a few more notes. Let me just quickly read these They don't need a one disbelief because imam madhi is a man who will bring all together and be at peace They believe they have the right religion, but they want all to be brought together. Okay now when you talk to muslims One of the big things they have a problem with with christianity in fact the biggest thing is the belief in the trinity Isn't that true? They hate the belief. They say it's stupid to say that how could jesus pray to the father of peace god That's what they say Mocking the bible they reject the trinity. They hate the trinity. They say it's stupid. They do not believe That jesus christ died on the cross. They believe judas died on the cross That's what at least most muslims believe they believe judas iscariot died on the cross not jesus christ And they certainly don't believe in the resurrection now They believe that jesus was one of their prophets one of the big five with muhammad noah abraham and moses I believe are the big five and jesus makes the top five That's great. Okay But they're trying to bring together all these religions and the big thing they have a problem with they have a problem with the trinity Okay They would be willing to embrace this oneness philosophy very easily because it's the trinity that they object they say it's stupid It doesn't make sense. God can't be three and one at the same time just like the cults the christian christian cults would say as well When an anti-christ comes which is going to be a manifestation of god And they're going to be willing to embrace it because they're waiting for their savior One day anyway, okay, and he is going to be the anti-christ and so all these religions in the world They're basically waiting for the coming of the anti-christ whether they realize it or not now go back to revelation seven We'll quickly close up revelation seven So look what's my point here's my point That great multitude in heaven They're going to see god the father and god the son And god the holy ghost and islam is not going to make it hinduism is not going to make it They're waiting for this oneness belief to come all these religious buddhism. They're matraya or matry or whatever buddha They're waiting for the baha'i faith and all these religions. They're waiting for this oneness this manifestation of god And it's going to be the anti-christ and they're going to be willing to embrace it and all of them are willing to just bring All the religions together as one the only real difference I see with with islam Is they're very kind of dogmatic on their religion is right and they're the saviors going to be their ones and everyone's going to become A muslim all the other religions are kind of like well, it's it's kind of equal everywhere manifestation of god But all these religions when the anti-christ comes They're going to get on board with it. They're going to believe it except for people that are saved, okay? So is the trinity important? Absolutely because quite honestly the religions of the world They believe in a oneness doctrine and this is what separates christianity. We believe that god is Three in the very beginning and at the very end. It's always been god the father god the son and god the holy ghost He's three and yet he's one and you know what? This is a bit confusing. Okay, but this is what the bible teaches Revelation 7 verse 11 And all the angels stood round about the throne and about the elders and the four beasts and fell before the throne in their faces And worshiped god saying amen blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be under our god forever and ever Amen, and one of the elders answered saying unto me what are these which are way raid in white robes and whence came they? So there's all this great multitude in white robes and where did they come from? Okay. Now the elder is asking john And so the elder he's has he he sees all these people in white robes and he asked john who's seeing this vision up in heaven Hey, what's this great multitude? I mean i'm thinking if i'm john i'm like what in the world why are you asking me? and so what he says is And I said unto him sir thou knowest so john's pretty quick thinking he says, you know, mr Elder he's like you tell me who who is this great multitude, sir Thou knowest and then the elder says and he said to me these are they which came Before great before tribulation No, they came Out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb Doesn't the bible all work like fit together like a puzzle doesn't it make sense? All these religions are waiting for the anti-christ or they're waiting for their savior, which will be the anti-christ They're going to embrace them We're not going to embrace them as saved people and guess who's going to be the number one enemy that's going to be hated us Because all the world's going to be expected to get along With the anti-christ as their savior it all fits together perfectly. We're going to come out of great if this happens during our lifetime The great tribulation takes place If we make it 75 days, we'll be raptured. If not, we're going to be killed during that time period because The devil will seek to kill each and every one of us verse 15 Therefore they before the throne of god and serve him day and night in his temple and he that sitteth on the throne shall Dwell among them they shall hunger no more neither thirst anymore Neither shall the sunlight in them nor any heat for the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them And shall lead them on the living fountains of waters and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes Let's close in a word of prayer dear heavenly father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to see your word about this topic on the rapture and really getting to see this topic of oneness versus the trinity and what the bible teaches and how the religions of the world are Waiting for a manifestation a oneness god is what they're waiting for But we know that you are three god the father god the son god the holy ghost And help us to understand even the deep doctrines of the bible god and I know this is a pretty in-depth sermon And it's something that's that's hard to get a full grasp on but we need to know all of the bible and all of it's important And we pray these things in jesus name. Amen