(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright we're here in Psalms chapter 20 and 21 if you remember the last time we were in Psalms We were supposed to go through Psalms 19 and 20, but it ended up being like a marathon sermon I looked up at the clock and I was like, we're already like an hour and 15 minutes in so I got to just wait For chapter 20 and so chapter 20 and 21 have two different themes The theme of chapter 21 is I shall not be moved the theme of chapter 20 is the name of God Okay Now let's start with verse number one here in Psalms 20 Psalms 20 verse 1 the Lord hear thee in the day of trouble The name of the God of Jacob Defend thee the name of the God of Jacob defend thee and so you have to ask yourself this question in verse number one What is the name of the God of Jacob? What is the name of the God of Jacob because it says the name of the God of Jacob defend thee This is where we compare compare spiritual things with spiritual and find out what is that name turn to Exodus chapter 6? Exodus chapter 6 Exodus chapter 6 and we know here in this room. I think all of us are aware. God has many names Many names are mentioned Okay But I want you to understand that there's a specific name that he's referring to here in Psalms chapter 20 and if you go to Exodus chapter 6 the second book in your Bible We're gonna see that starting at verse number 1 Exodus 6 verse 1 then the Lord said unto Moses now shalt thou see what I will do to Pharaoh for with a strong hand shall he let them go and with a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land and God spake unto Moses and said unto him I am the Lord and I appeared on to Abraham on to Isaac and on to Jacob by the name of God Almighty But by my name Jehovah was I not known to them See, this is what it's telling you that if you walked up to Abraham and started talking about Jehovah Abraham would be like what are you talking about? Because by the name of Jehovah, he was not aware of that. He was not known by that name He had walked up to Isaac or Jacob Remember we're talking about the name of the God of Jacob and see the name that Jacob knew was not Jehovah The name wasn't there yet. See he's revealing a new thing to Moses. He said I didn't reveal myself as Jehovah to them Okay, I'm revealing myself as Jehovah to you. Okay, so I want you to understand Jacob didn't know who Jehovah was you say Why is this important? We'll turn to Psalms 83 Psalms 83 Psalms chapter 83 Because see there's an American cult that needs to just stay in America Called the Jehovah's Witnesses and they say the only name of God is Jehovah every single time. It talks about God in the Bible It's just Jehovah every single time. Well, that doesn't line up with Scripture because Jacob wouldn't have known what you're talking about Abraham would have said who's Jehovah? I know God Almighty Who's Jehovah? Isaac would have said who's Jehovah? Why God specifically said in Exodus 6? I did not reveal myself by the name of Jehovah to them Moses. He's revealing himself as Jehovah to them. Okay to Moses not to them See you remember Joseph is there pretty much to the end of the book of Genesis Jacob is there till like the last couple chapters of Genesis Jacob dies Joseph's kind of the end of the book of Genesis a new Pharaoh rises up Which doesn't know who Joseph was and then you see Moses rise up at the beginning of the book of Exodus So realize just at the very end of Genesis. They didn't know who Jehovah was. Okay. This is something that's new Okay in Psalms 83 verse 17 in Psalms 83 verse 17 what the Bible reads is this Let them be confounded and troubled forever Yea let them be put to shame and perish and here's perhaps the most famous and favorite verse of the Jehovah's Witnesses that Men may know that thou whose name alone is Jehovah aren't the most high over all the earth and so they go to Psalms 83 verse 18 and they say his name alone is Jehovah, that's his only name. No other name mentioned in the Bible. Just the name Jehovah Okay. Well, we already saw that was wrong because Jacob didn't know that name said God Almighty That was a name. Okay, but they say in Psalms 83 verse 18 his name alone is Jehovah You say what is that referring to then what that's saying is God is the only one whose name is Jehovah It means I don't call my son Jehovah that wasn't in the consideration for names There was a lot of names that we considered. Okay, and Zephaniah is what we went with Jehovah was not something we considered You say why because that's a name for God. We also didn't consider the name God Almighty Why that's a name for God. The Bible says holy and reverent is thy name We didn't consider calling our son holy or reverend why those are names reserved for God Okay, and so realize here in Psalms 83 verse 18. It's not saying that the only name of God is Jehovah It's like have you ever read the Bible because there's so many names mentioned about God. Okay It's just saying the only the only person named Jehovah is God Nobody has the right to call themselves Jehovah or God Almighty that's reserved for God Okay now turn to Revelation 21 Revelation 21 You say brother sucky are you saying that this was like a new manifestation of God or all of a sudden we don't have The name God Almighty anymore is completely gone. And this is like a new God I mean because the Hindus believe it or not Hinduism actually only believes in one God But what they believe is like hundreds of trillions of manifestations of God They believe it's the same God that just kind of manifests himself in a lot of different ways That's what a lot of these religions believe they believe in one God But just like he manifests himself different to like the Filipino people versus like this place in this place That's the Hindus technically believe in one God just manifests himself in a lot of different ways Is that what I'm saying here tonight? No, I'm not saying this Here's what you need to understand when a new name of God comes into the Bible that does not replace the old name It gets added to that name. Okay, and I'll show that to you in Revelation 21 verse 22 Revelation 21 verse 22 and I saw no temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it It looks like the name God Almighty still there doesn't it Lord God Almighty right toward the end of the book of Revelation In fact, that name is mentioned six times. I think it's six times in the book of Revelation. I checked today okay, so realize as Jacob was knew him as God Almighty and Abraham which is just shortly after the flood pretty much knew him as God Almighty that name is not gone It's accurate to say his name is Almighty Almighty God God Almighty. That is the name of God Okay, but when the name Jehovah came in that's also a name of God It doesn't replace God Almighty because we still see that in the Bible. Okay, so you say brother Stuckey Could we say that God's name is Jehovah today? Absolutely. That's the name of God. We could also say his name is holy Reverend alpha and Omega, I mean just go on down the list of all the names of God that are mentioned Okay So I want you to realize that as a new name is added that does not replace the old name Because if you replace the old name, it's kind of like different gods, right? Oh, there's this God God Almighty, but now he's Jehovah God. No, no, no, he's still God Almighty It's just here's more information being added about who God is Okay now turn in your Bible to Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 Philippians chapter 2 so you have to understand we today know more about God than they did 4,000 years ago 5,000 years ago 6,000 years ago you say why we have the whole Bible and we have thousands of years 4,000 years plus of human history right here. And so look Adam didn't know the things we know today There's a lot of stuff. We know that they didn't know Moses didn't know the things now I'm not saying that makes us more godly because obviously we're talking about Moses. Okay, I'm not gonna be one of the two witnesses He is okay But what I am saying is that we can honestly know more about God today Than they did 4,000 years ago Now if you're reading your Bible and studying your Bible because you have to understand, you know, Abraham was obviously godly So was Isaac and Jacob. They didn't know the name Jehovah Why he hadn't revealed himself to that at that point now Moses he knew the name Jehovah But guess what name he did not know. He didn't know the name Jesus Christ Is this a different God? No, absolutely not It's just more information being revealed about who God is we know Jesus is God Okay, but I want you to understand more information is being revealed. That doesn't change the fact that it's still Almighty God That doesn't change the fact that it's still Jehovah's God. Okay. It's just another name being added Philippians 2 verse 9 Philippians 2 verse 9 And Philippians 2 verse 9 the Bible reads wherefore God also hath highly exalted him and given him a name Which is above every name now when it says God in verse 9 is referring to God the Father Okay God also hath highly exalted him now look if he was exalting himself if this was referring to just himself and exalting himself And that would go against everything the Bible says because the Bible always says you humble yourself Okay, no God the Father exalted God the Son Okay And given him a name which is above every name that of the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father So I want you to understand that these Jehovah's Witnesses that will mock the name of Jesus and this is what Jehovah's Witnesses say Because they try to get around all these verses in the Bible. They will admit to you that Jesus is the mighty God But God the Father is the Almighty God They make a distinction there and I don't have time to go into all those verses for why they have to do that But they say Jesus is the mighty God lowercase G And then God the Father's the Almighty God because they don't really believe that Jesus is God Okay. Now we know that Jesus Christ is the living God he's the true God and I want you to understand that every single one of these Jehovah's Witnesses one day will bow and Confess Jesus Christ, but it's gonna be too late and it's not just gonna be them It's gonna be the black keys Hebrew Israelites and all these groups that like to blaspheme Jesus the Muslims the Hindus The Buddhists they will confess one day that Jesus Christ is Lord But it's gonna be too late because you have your chance here on earth Okay, so yes the name Jesus comes in and today here's the thing. You must believe that Jesus is God But I want you to understand that when they did not know that name They just didn't have that access to that information Once the information becomes available, you must believe it Okay, look in the Old Testament. You you can't really say that they had full understanding about the resurrection And the crucifixion and everything that was gonna happen, right? I mean, they didn't have full understanding You can see that a lot of them are confused. Here's the thing though You can't debate about that now and be saved because the information's been revealed Okay, if you weren't sure about these things like 3,000 years ago, but you put your trust by faith alone in the coming Messiah But you didn't understand how everything worked out. Hey, that's fine But you know in today's world if you reject the resurrection, you can't be saved why this is information being revealed about God Okay, and you have to understand that Jesus is God to be saved turn to Colossians 2 Colossians 2 now this does not negate the Trinity. Obviously, we believe in God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost Okay, we believe Jesus is the true God and look I don't have a problem It's funny because another one of these cults that likes to Would have problems with a lot of these verses I'm showing are like the oneness crowd which used to be like a Pentecostal crowd But now they're kind of in every denomination and look I believe Jesus is a true God I don't have a problem with calling him Jehovah God because that's the true God Okay, but what I have a problem with is when you say that well, you know There's just this one God in Jesus and God exalted himself and there's this new name. Well, that's not accurate Okay, so there's no no problem with calling him the true God because I mean no problem with calling Jesus God Almighty No problem with that. It's the name of God Okay, but when you start saying well, you know what? There is only like one at the very beginning the word was not at the beginning and then eventually at his Birth or at the virgin birth. He became like the son now you're into heresy. Okay, notice what it says in Colossians 2 verse 9 Colossians 2 verse 9 Colossians 2 verse 9 for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily and the Bible says about Jesus Christ in him Dwelled all of the fullness of who God was. Okay, all of the fullness So there's no problem with saying that Jesus is the true God Or the living God and in the Old Testament when it talks about the living God or the true God Depending on the verse it could be referring to just God the Father or just God in general You know all of who God is and in the New Testament we see very clearly Jesus is the living God He's a true God when he rose again from the dead. I am the resurrection in the life I am the way the truth in the life. There was no question who that living God is Okay, so I want you to understand go back to Psalms 20 Psalms 20 And so when it's talking about the name of the God of Jacob, I want you to realize that it's referring to Almighty God Okay, that's not referring to Jehovah And so I'm really not sure you know how Jehovah's Witnesses would get around this because it's very clear that Abraham Jacob and Isaac when we went to Exodus 6 they didn't know the name Jehovah It says the name Jehovah was I not known to them Okay, so it's very clear that when they knew God they knew God is God Almighty That's what he says said by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them So the God of Jake the name of the God of Jacob was God Almighty but the God of the God of Jacob was the same God that we believe in today and the same God of Moses and the Same God of Abraham and the same God as Isaac, but Jacob didn't know him as God as Jehovah God at that time he knew him as God Almighty The name Jesus has only been around for 2,000 years Okay, but for that they didn't know the name Jesus. Okay, but in today's world, that's the name that we do know So it's really ridiculous when you have all these groups and they try to give God like one name Okay, it's like they only try to give God one name and like that's the only name like the Rastafarians They just refer to God as Jah and Jah is actually a name that is one time is Mentioned as a name of God. Okay, that's not his only name though And I don't know perhaps they believe in more names than that I don't want to some Rastafarian will be upset I don't know, but the Jehovah's Witnesses to say that Jehovah is his only name It's just like we haven't really read the Bible very much because there's many names mentioned both Before and after Jesus Christ that are not just Jehovah. So when it says his name alone is Jehovah It means don't call your son Jehovah. Don't call your daughter Jehovah Don't make that their middle name. Okay, just leave that name to God alone. Okay, Psalms 20 verse 2 Psalms 20 verse 2 send the help from the sanctuary and strengthen the out of Zion Send the help from the sanctuary and strengthen the out of Zion now This is the Old Testament, but when we're talking about the sanctuary what we're referring to basically is the house of God Okay now turn to Psalm 73 Psalm 73 Psalms chapter 73 And when it comes to us needing help in our personal lives it really comes down to getting help From the house of God, this is the way that God operates in the New Testament times We have a church system and even in the Old Testament they still met for preaching They went out and they went soul winning now God's given us a direct set pattern of how we're supposed to do things But I want you to understand that if you want to help in your personal life It should be that you come to the house of God to get that help from the preaching from the motivation from the friends Notice what it says in Psalm 73 and here we're gonna read about a man who was a very depressed man And he started to get envious at wicked people says in verse 2 But as for me my feet were almost gone my steps had well and I slipped For I was envious at the foolish when I saw the prosperity of the wicked and so you're looking at a man who basically was probably looking at the world around them during that time period and Probably all the political leaders were wicked people Probably all the people with a lot of money were wicked people and look that's not really a whole lot different than it is today If you look at the people that have a lot of money people in positions of power It's generally wicked people bad people tend to be the people that tend to prosper in this life They have lots of money. It seems like they're really being blessed go down to verse 16 verse 16 verse verse 16 in Psalm 73 verse 16 and So in verse number 16, this is after you know Basically, he's gone through all this and in verse 16 It kind of goes to when I thought to know this it was too painful for me so basically for like You know 14 verses 15 verses he talks about how the the the wicked people are prospering how everything's so great And he's basically wondering what's the purpose? For me in my life to be so devoted to God when it doesn't get me any money. It doesn't give me any prosperity It seems like everything's going against me and I think if we're honest with ourselves We would all say that we feel like that from time to time we feel like we're really devoting our lives to God It doesn't result in us making a lot of money It doesn't result in us just being prospered doesn't result in everybody loving us and liking us it results in friends and family Rejecting you and you start to feel like is it really even worth it to serve God In fact, as we went through Malachi recently, there's that verse where basically it's vain to serve God is what was said that was the sort of attitude because when you're serving God There's no guarantee it's gonna result in lots of money and a great life Okay. Now notice what it says though in verse 17 verse 17 It says until so basically he gets really depressed and feels really bad, but then verse 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God the house of God the sanctuary of God then Understood I therein. Okay, so he's saying once I went into God's house and these wicked people I basically probably heard the preaching and I realized this is the end of these wicked people Okay, and so realize that this is a man who loves God. He's a devoted man of God He wrote parts of the Bible Asaph But he's a very depressed man at this time because he sees wicked people prospering. They have all the money It seems like they're really being blessed by God But then when he goes into God's house all the sudden he's just like and he he goes on and says man. I was foolish Basically he's basically saying I was Bobo to feel that way and the reality is all of us I know I have before where you start to feel like man. I'm really trying to serve God It doesn't really seem like it's really working out for me You know I remember one instance in my life was after a few years my wife and I we didn't have kids and we really wanted kids And I was just thinking all these whores and whoremongers are having kids and it's like we're actually godly people going soul-waning that are trying To have kids and it's like we haven't been blessed and you can start to get kind of bitter upset about that Okay, but then once you go into the house of God that should fix the problem if You have a good church to go to right see Asaph is feeling man, you know, all these envious people are really being blessed Imagine if you went to just like CCF is that gonna really change his attitude? No, it's gonna change his attitude. We actually had a church that's preaching the truth Okay, because very few churches are actually gonna preach about these wicked people and tell you what the end of vice pong it is Very few churches are gonna do that And so Asaph obviously went into a house or sanctuary where he heard sorts of preaching and probably the songs they sung Especially as they're singing maybe the book of Psalms at that time, maybe the ones before Psalm 73 I'm not really sure but they're singing songs and a lot of the the book of Psalms is about reprobates being destroyed So that probably did make it feel a little bit better But I want you to realize this shows you the importance of church, okay And when you're going through depression in your life Say what do I need to do? Make sure you don't skip church If you're depressed in your life and you start skipping church You're only gonna get worse because when Asaph goes into the house of God, that's what changes his mind Okay now preaching is part of this but fellowship is a large part of that as well Because when you're in a church where everyone's going soul winning and they love God and they're motivating each other It can help put you in a good mood But I do want us to realize this that if this is Asaph here and he's being depressed I promise you every single Sunday as we go into church. There is somebody that's not really doing very well and they're very depressed I promise that every single Sunday, okay, and they might put a smile on their face They seem like they're in a good mood. That doesn't mean they're actually in a good mood Okay, every single time I come to church. I put a smile on my face Does that mean every single church service out of what we started in November we're in January so we're talking like 14 months and So we're talking what like 175 sermons or something over that time period do you think every single one? I was just in a great mood. I'm feeling awesome. No, everybody puts a smile on their face I promise you there's people like Asaph that come in all the time that just aren't feeling that good Okay now turn back to Psalms chapter 20 Psalms 20 The problem is people have a tendency when they're not doing well to say oh, I just want to be alone I don't want to be have people around me at this time. Look have you ever seen and I saw a video on YouTube I didn't watch it, but I was considering watching it There's this guy who did it like an experiment on himself for like nine months or something where he basically lived alone For nine months with no humans around and I was curious. I went to like 25 minutes. Just like skip forward I was like, I don't have time for 45 minutes, but he's just like, oh I hate my life. I'm so depressed He's like get me out of here. You say why because we're meant to be around people You're not meant to be isolated. You will go crazy Okay, that's that's why literally they make a lot of movies about that, you know There's like famous movies of people that go crazy and even in human history where they go crazy. They become murderers Why cuz they're alone they go crazy they get isolated. Look it's not good for you Church is good for you. You need church and look I'll tell you what the people that are depressed in this world Not even just referring to save people just average people that just go out there they work their job and then they just come home and they just sit around and watch TV for six hours every day and They're never around people other than just at work for a little while and then they just go home and they're just by themselves That is a straight ticket to being very depressed in life I'm not saying you can't have alone time from time to time But look if you're just never around people you will get depressed, okay Psalms 20 verse 3 Remember all thy offerings and accept thy burnt sacrifice Selah grant thee according to thine own heart and fulfill all thy counsel We will rejoice in thy salvation in the name of our God. Will we set up our banners the Lord fulfill all thy petitions Now it says we will rejoice in thy salvation and this is a verse that Calvinists go crazy and they say well thy salvation It's God's salvation So it's all God and we're gonna rejoice that we're elect and those other people are gonna die and go to hell because God doesn't Love them as much. Okay. We don't know why God doesn't love him and he loves us, but it's all of God It's thy salvation. Well, here's the problem with this whenever it talks about salvation in the Bible There is something that's required to get that salvation and that's called believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shalt be saved So look in order to obtain salvation caligtasan. We're required to believe on Jesus Okay, so when it says thy salvation, yeah, it's God's salvation Jesus died for our salvation. He paid for it. He paid for the gift of eternal life But we still have to believe to receive it. Okay, and so this is the method of salvation God's salvation verse 6 Now know I that the Lord saveth his anointed He will hear from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand some trust and some trust in chariots and some in horses But we will remember the name of the Lord our God and so I want you to see here in verses six and seven He talks about how he's gonna save his anointed and let me just say a few things about this real quickly because look sometimes People die that are good godly people I had a friend of mine who died when he was 20 years old You know in college and he went soul winning several times a week The Bible says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints It is possible for say people to die at a young age Even if you're putting your full trust in him, he might have a purpose for that now I couldn't necessarily tell you what the purpose is But I know that with my friend in college some people got saved at his funeral that would have never gotten saved And so I kind of wondered whether God just actually answered the prayer of my friend who died Because there was people he wanted to see saved that he loved and cared about and really the only way for them to get saved Was that he actually died because they were receptive to the gospel I don't know. That's why he died, but that's one thing I considered But I want you to understand that when it's talking here about people that are saved People trust in God people that are godly and I do believe that as a saved person God will protect you from harm that will come upon you unless it's part of this world that you would pass away for some reason If you're living a godly life, okay now if you decide to start living a worldly life though, like my friend, you know He drowned but he wasn't drinking alcohol We were just hanging out going camping that weekend and then it rained really hard and it was like a Dangerous situation but look let's say for example Someone was saved and they're drinking alcohol and then they happen to die by some stupid reason as a result That doesn't necessarily mean that God killed them. It could just be God allowed them to die for their own stupidity Whereas if you're a godly person God could protect you from that happening Okay, look the safest place to be is in God's will because if you're in God's will he can protect you Okay, but I do want to mention to you and talk to you a little bit about Kobe Bryant since this is a situation that Happened a few days ago and look, I don't know a whole lot about Kobe Bryant I wasn't really a fan of his to be honest, even though I was a sports fan But I from what I read he was a Catholic. I'm assuming that's what he believed I don't know for sure, but I want you to realize that you know when it comes to people of this world They don't really have that same promise that God's people do okay now I'm not saying that that's something like that couldn't happen to one of us though Obviously sometimes godly people something tragic happens. God allows Stephen to be stoned to death. Okay. I'm not saying they can't happen There's a lot of martyrs throughout the ages But I do want you to realize that you know, you can have all the money in the world You can be the healthiest person in the world. You could have every possible means of protection You can have your horses. You could have your chariots that doesn't promise you that you're gonna live to be a hundred years old Okay now I'm not guaranteeing that we're gonna live to be a hundred years old but if you remember last year, I preached a sermon series on Health biblical health and the first sermon I talked about the the most important thing to your personal physical health is Godliness, that's the number one thing by far. It's not even close. It's far more important now Look, I do think we should eat healthy. I'm not saying just go out and just eat, you know chips all day and cookies Yeah, you know eat healthy and things such as that But the number one most important thing is godliness and as a saved person you have God's promise that you know What as you're living for him? You're gonna be under God's protection unless he would have a reason why he would allow you to pass away Okay now turn to Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 And before I moved here one thing I heard about the Philippines Was the Philippines was a very dangerous country. A lot of people told me that And it's funny because I don't think these people knew anything about the Philippines. I don't if you had said, you know, Visayas They'd be like what's Visayas? Is that a type of vegetable or they didn't know anything They didn't know anything about the Philippines They just knew it was really dangerous in this country And the reason why they always gave was like Duterte's just like killing everybody right when they get off the plane You're gonna have your head chopped off blah blah blah It's like they really didn't know anything about the Philippines and I actually I preached on this in the US and it was funny to Me because I looked up like the most dangerous cities in the world by murder rate and like the US has like four the highest out of like 50 in like Baltimore and I don't even think Chicago made the list st Louis, but they literally have some of the highest murder rates in the world in some of the cities in the US But I want you to understand the people that are getting killed and it's the same thing here by and large The people that are doing drugs and selling drugs It's like why would I be worried being here unless I'm a drug dealer? Okay, and in the US it's the same way the people that are getting shot to death by and large They're people that are involved in drugs and gangs and that sort of lifestyle Look whenever you hear about like an athlete that ends up dying or getting shot or killed it's always one of two things either he was at a club at 2 in the morning or He was cheating on his wife and then like the wife killed him Those are the ones you always read you never read about he was reading his Bible He was like at subway at like 2 in the afternoon just like reading his Bible and then all of a sudden he just got murdered You never hear that, you know, and I'm not saying that can't happen, but I'm just saying by and large It's when people are actually getting involved in danger Okay, but I wasn't worried anyway, whether the Philippines was a dangerous country, which it really isn't Okay, and the reason why is because if you're in God's will why would you be worried about that? It's like if God would want me to be here Why would I be worried about whether or not there's violence or not because I believe God would protect me and you know They did a missions trip to Jamaica I think it was Pastor Majors has organized a few missions trips to Jamaica Jamaica has one of the highest murder rates in the world. It's like the top five It actually is a pretty dangerous place. But look nobody had a story about how they almost got killed Because quite honestly safety is a little bit different for a soul winner versus like a non soul winner Okay, because there's a soul winner certain places that you know might be dangerous are actually pretty safe to be Okay, where they have respect for the Word of God now notice Matthew 10 verse 16 Matthew chapter 10 verse 16. So when it comes to safety, we don't put our trust in chariots or in horses We remember the name of the Lord thy God. Okay the name of the Lord our God now in Matthew 10, though It does give you some kind of tips about some safety things You should keep in mind Matthew 10 verse 16 behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves And so the Bible says as he's sending them out soul winning Your sheep in the midst of wolves Okay, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves Basically don't act foolish. Okay. Now, let me give you an example of something would be foolish Let's say we just started like a YouTube video series on the cults here in the Philippines and we just blasted them for everything They're guilty of that would be pretty foolish Because I would probably be alive for two more weeks Okay, we're not gonna do that because quite honestly that's not being wise as a serpent because that's really not a battle You can fight here now in America. You can fight that battle. You can't really fight that battle here Okay, and so as he's sending us out to go soul winning we are supposed to be wise as Serpents, okay verse 17, but beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils and they will scourge you in their synagogues So the Bible says we should be aware of men. It doesn't mean be afraid of every single man It's talking about those that are actually able to deliver you up and actually judge you and make you guilty Okay. Now look we don't have any obstacles from preaching the gospel here in the Philippines. We're able to preach the gospel Freely, I've preached sermon series against the Catholic Church. We're able to preach the gospel We don't have to worry about who we talk to But there's just certain things that you're not gonna do here because it's just not wise You must know the battlefield that you're in Okay, and so the Bible says beware of men because there are certain men where it's dangerous You say is that really trusting in God though? It is because God wrote this in the Bible These aren't my words. I'm not saying well, I think we should do this this and this No, this is actually what God said and so when it comes to trusting in God obviously put trust in the book he wrote and See what he says and the battlefield it can be a little bit different and this is something I have changed on since I moved here because when I started I Just kind of figured you know, it's the same as in America in that way You just preach against all the calls and those false religions and everything. That's honestly just not something you do here because you just Can't do that. Okay. Now the battlefield is different depending on where you go I'm sure if you live close to Vatican City Then you know You probably have to be a little bit careful about some of the things you said about the Catholic Church Where the Catholic Church still has the rule Okay, the rule in terms of they make all the laws they can put you to death and things such as that It's just called knowing your battlefield Okay Verse 18 and he shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake for a testimony against them in the Gentiles But when they deliver you up take no thought How or what you shall speak first shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak Okay now go back to Psalms 20 Psalms 20 Now let me say this though that if it became illegal to preach the gospel We're not stopping preaching the gospel Okay, if it became illegal to preach the gospel, there's really two options You know basically just go down guns-a-blazing until they take you out Or just move to another place where you can freely preach the gospel And if it really came to the point where they were killing all the soul winners The smart thing might actually be go somewhere where you won't be killed because there's some countries now that don't have an open door to Soul winning. I don't think that situation is ever gonna happen here in the Philippines Because there's a very open door to preaching the gospel here But one thing you would never do is say well, I'm just not gonna go so any I gotta be wise as a serpent So I just got to never go so any because it could be dangerous. No, that's not what he's saying there Okay, and so what I am saying though is this that as we're doing lots of soul winning and that's the main purpose We're not gonna basically just destroy what we're doing by not being wise Okay, and so Psalms 20 verse 8 they are brought down and fallen but we are risen and stand upright save Lord Let the king hear us when we call now, let's go to Psalms chapter 21 and we'll be quick here Psalms 21 verse number 1 the Bible reads the king shall join thy strength Oh Lord and in thy salvation How greatly shall he rejoice now? I believe in Psalms 21 where he says the king I believe he's referring to himself because David is a king Okay, so I believe that Dave is actually referring to himself but kind of like in the generic way We're basically like any king could fit under this any godly king. Okay, the king shall join thy strength verse 2 The other way you could look at is this, you know, we are kings and priests unto God and his father So as a saved person you kind of fit under that category as well Verse 2 that was given him his heart's desire and has not withhold in the request of his lips Salah and so in Psalms 21 verse 2 it talks about basically when you're requesting something basically when you're Praying that God would actually answer your prayer. Okay now turn to 1st John 5 1st John 5 Now when it comes to God answering your prayers There are requirements for God answering your prayers, you know look if you're living a wicked lifestyle if you go out and commit adultery on your wife and then like two minutes later you pray and say God, can you bless me with a pay raise It's like God's not gonna hear you It'd be the same thing as if my son disobeyed everything I did and then says dad Can you take me out to get ice cream now? I'd be like no son It's like obviously, you know when it comes to your children You're gonna be more likely to answer their request if they're actually obedient to you, right if they care about you They love you they respect you. Okay, so in 1st John 5 verse 14 1st John 5 verse 14 it says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his Will he heareth us and if we know that he hear us whatsoever We ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. And so the Bible's saying that If we know that he hear us or someone who say that we know that he's answering our prayers He's gonna hear those requests. He's gonna answer them if it'd be according to his will if you're living a godly life Okay, now turn back to Psalms 21 Psalms 21 Psalms chapter 21 And notice what it says in verse number 3 Psalms 21 verse 3 Now actually go back to verse 2. I don't want us to lose the context of verse 1 said thy salvation Okay verse 1 said thy salvation verse 2 It talks about you've given him his heart's desire and has not withholding the request of his lips Say love verse 3 for thou preventest him with the blessings of goodness thou set us a crown of pure gold on his head Verse 4 he asked the life of thee and now gave us did him even length of days forever and ever Okay, when it says length of days forever and ever how long is that? Forever is that referring to your physical life? No Say why because we all die When it says length of days forever and ever what's that referring to? Buhayna wolang hangan. It's referring to spiritual life It's referring to your everlasting life here in the Old Testament and it makes sense because in verse 1 and I want you to understand I don't believe this is is directly I don't believe verses 1 through 3 are directly referring to like somebody getting saved But I want you to understand the physical helps us explain the spiritual and sometimes they're interwoven in the book of Psalms and in the Old Testament and it talks about thy salvation in verse 1 It talks about basically the request of your lips in verse 2 and in verse 4 he asked life of thee This is someone who's basically asking for the gift of eternal life and now gave us did him even length of days forever And ever so when it comes to salvation, this is not just something that's in the New Testament Eternal life is not something that started in the New Testament time in the Old Testament They got born into God's family just like they do in the New Testament Everyone's a creation of God But he asked life of thee and now gave us it him Even length of days forever and ever that is referring to spiritual life there in verse number four now turn to Proverbs 14 Proverbs 14 Now I want you to understand that every every single drowning man Everybody who's drowning in water will call out for help save me Right if you understand that Jesus died and paid for your sins and that he's your Savior and you're not gonna go to heaven Without him. He's the one who died for you You will ask for that gift every single person that puts their full belief that fully believes everything about salvation will ask Jesus to save Every single person someone who actually believes it's a free gift and it's eternal that'll last forever that person will call And so it's a hundred percent the belief but if you really believe that it's natural that you're gonna end up asking for it It's just like a drowning man or somebody burning in a building is gonna ask for it Okay Now the reason why we still bring it up when we're preaching the gospel is because sometimes during the conversation They're answering the questions But you really don't know if they get it or not yet and that kind of really helps tell you it's as much for The soul winner as the not as a person here in the gospel Because as a soul winner, you can kind of tell if they don't quite get it, especially as you get to the end now It is possible during the conversation somebody fully believes and in their heart They call out to God to save them and you're still even going with the conversation Okay But what I want you to understand is it's important because sometimes you're still getting down to the end and they might still be kind Considering do I believe this or not? And sometimes you you ask them? Hey, can I I pray with you and help you, you know call on God and they'll be like, you know, they hesitate It's like no, that's alright, you know, I'll do it on my own or something like that. That's usually a sign They don't really believe it yet. They're not sure about it. Okay, and or but based on how they respond you can kind of tell I had two people that prayed with me here tonight and One of them I even told not to I was just like because I was talking to two people and I told the guy I was Like you don't believe this. He's oh, no, I believe this I was like He was I mean, he's he's I and C. Okay. He didn't believe the same thing as the other guy But I'm going through with him and I was just like come on You don't really believe this and then all of a sudden like he was with his friend though He's like no. No, I believe this I believe this So I want you to understand just because someone prays doesn't mean they necessarily believe it Okay But I do want you to see that we're seeing in Psalms 21 for talks about asking life of thee Okay, Proverbs 14 verse 12. There's a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death You see I want you to understand that in the Philippines What seems right to people is that if you pray to Mary you do rosary beads, you know You're you go to you follow the sacraments. So to speak you go to confession that that will get you to heaven That's what seems right to people in today's world here in the Philippines live a good life get baptized or go to heaven but guess what seemed right to people 3,000 years ago if you live a good life and Follow these rules you'll get to heaven the same thing seems right to people today as it did 3,000 years ago So guess what? The salvation is gonna be the same as well because they're still both trusting the same thing They're trusting in their works. They're trusting in their works now today. We have baptism in the Old Testament maybe circumcision So I'm saying we got to get circumcised to go to heaven Okay, they're trusting though in their works in their lifestyle and what they do Okay, so just as today people trust in their works guess what people trusted 3,000 years ago Their works and so the salvation is still the same way. Okay, it hasn't changed. That's why it's in Psalms 21 Now go to Revelation 14 Revelation 14 Revelation chapter 14 Revelation chapter 14 And so guess what whether it's the New Testament or the Old Testament the end thereof are the ways of death Someone trusting in their works. They're gonna end up in hell forever. Okay Revelation 14 verse 6 and I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach on to them that dwell on the earth Into every nation and kindred in tongue and people now the Bible here in in Revelation 14 verse 6 refers to the everlasting gospel That means it lasts forever Okay, and so what a dispensationalist would say in Revelation 14 6 because they believe in like seven different ways of salvation Depending on what dispensationalists you talk to Okay, because since the word dispensation is only in the Bible four times and it doesn't mean this They basically add ways of salvation like all over the place it's like oh man, I don't know how to explain acts 238 It must be like well You got to repent of your sins and be baptized to go to heaven because they just don't know how to explain right or in James 2 they'll be like well, you know, you got to do good works during this time period and So and even the kind of the crazy dispensational sometimes it's localized to like during this time period you've got to do this But over here, it might be a little bit different. They have all these crazy things Okay, and what they say in Revelation 14 verse 6 is this is a new gospel and it's gonna last till the very end now It's kind of weird to call something the everlasting gospel if it's only there for a couple years because that's like the end, right? In Revelation chapter 14 is like this is the everlasting gospel How long does it last all like a couple years and what they say this means is during the end times? You got to be a good person You got to not take the mark of the beast if you do take the mark of the beast and it's in your arm You got to cut off the arm It's it's like some sort of virus it's like oh no, I got it. All right now I'm good if it's in your your forehead then I Don't know they're doing weird things with surgery these days maybe they have a chance I don't know but they literally say that you know, you can hear Robert break it all those guys say that Like top of the head chop of the arm or whatever But they'll say well the everlasting gospel here in Revelation chapter 14 verse 6 is a new gospel It's different than the believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because they would say today it's believe in the Lord Jesus Christ But during the end times, it's gonna be really hard. You got to work and work and work and try to live a good life Okay, we'll turn to Galatians 1 Galatians 1. Let's see if what they're saying actually makes any sense And and and here's the problem with this, okay It and I don't want to spend here forever for sake of time But look the Bible says if there had been a way given which could have given life There had been a law given which could have given life Verily righteousness should have been by the law what the Bible says is if you could work your way to heaven That's the way salvation would be why would Jesus die for us if we could work our own way to heaven It doesn't make any sense Okay, and so I want you to realize that the plan of salvation has always been the same. It has never changed one bit It's always been eternal life through Jesus alone. Now. We know the name Jesus Before Jesus came they put their faith in the living and true God who would one day be their payment for their sins Even though they didn't necessarily fully grasp that the same way we do today, but notice what it says in Galatians 1 verse 6 And I want you to realize and and I should have had you keep your place there what it said in revelation You're in Galatians 1 but in Revelation 14 6 it says and I saw another angel Fly in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them. It says another angel in Galatians or in Revelation 14 6 another angel Okay, so this is an angel preaching this message in Revelation 14 verse 6 notice what it says in Galatians 1 though starting at verse 6 Galatians chapter 1 verse 6 I Marvel that you're so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ onto another gospel Which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ So the Bible speaks about false gospels different than just Jesus alone being preached But notice what it says in verse 8, but though we or an angel from heaven Preach any other gospel on you than that which we have preached on you Let him be accursed as we said before so say now again if any man preached any other gospel on you that then that you Have received let him be accursed in verse 8. It says though an angel from heaven Preach a different gospel Now here's the thing all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable and so during the days of revelation People that live during that time period Galatians 1 is profitable to them And so if this is a different gospel that contradiction Galatians 1 verses 6 through 9 because the Bible says if there's another gospel a different false gospel Don't listen to it And so if in Revelation 14 6 this angels preaching live a good life and you and you'll get to heaven We're supposed to reject that according to Galatians 1 so that proves the gospel mentioned in Revelation 14 6 is the same gospel for us today And I don't think it's a coincidence that God uses an angel for both examples because he's trying to show you that hey Dispensationalist if you actually read your Bible and didn't read clearance Larkin's material you could see that this doesn't make any sense It's an angel preaching another gospel Then reject it let him be accursed the Bible's even if it's an angel from heaven go back to Psalms 21 We'll quickly quickly finish up Psalms 21 Psalms 21 And depending on what dispensationalist you talk to sometimes they've got two salvations three four Five six seven I mean so they have like seven salvations oftentimes, but they have like four Gospels I've heard a lot of them say like four different Gospels with seven different ways of salvation I don't understand because seven I'm a math guy seven and four it's not quite the same thing So I don't really understand how that works and I'm not gonna spend all my time because the Bible says if you perceive not the lips of knowledge and someone just Basically reject them and it's good to know dispensationalism is false to be able to disprove it Which we just did in Galatians 1 in Revelation 14 6 But I'm not gonna just study and study and study all their material to understand every stupid argument that they have Psalms 21 verse 5 His glory is great in thy salvation honor and majesty has thou laid upon him for thou has made him most blessed forever thou Has made him exceeding glad with thy countenance the Bible says we should be exceeding glad Psalms 21 verse 7 For the King trusteth in the Lord and through the mercy of the Most High He shall not be moved and the Bible says that when you're putting your trust in God, you will not be moved Okay. Now what does that mean? Let's look through a lot of verses here real quickly go to Psalms 46 Psalms 46 Psalms 46 And in Psalms 46 verse 4 the Bible reads There is a river the streams where I've shall make glad the city of God Psalms 46 verse 4 Psalms 46 verse 4 The holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High God is in the midst of her. She shall not be moved God shall help her in that right early and the Bible says in Psalms 46 verse 5 that basically When God is in the midst of her she will not be moved now This is referring to a river Okay, but it's it's meant to give us an application to our lives and basically if God is in the midst of you Then you won't be moved Okay. Now obviously we're saved you when we're saved we're in dwell with the Holy Ghost But for one this is Old Testament, so they were not in dwell with the Holy Ghost back then but at the same time what it's basically saying is God being in you in terms of reading the Bible and Praying and serving God and when God is in the midst of you and your life is wrapped around God You're not going to be moved when it's saying not being moved It's referring to a few things one is basically you're not going to be moved away from the things you believe You're gonna be planted in the house of God. We'll look at some verses here talking about that But basically you're not gonna be tossed to and fro by you know persecution and all these false doctrines and things such as that and Go to Psalms 92 Psalms 92 and I'll read you a few verses you go to Psalms 92 Psalms 92 and in Psalms 62 verse 2 it said he only is my rock in my salvation. He is my defense I shall not be greatly moved and in verse 6 it said he only is my rock in my salvation. He is my defense I shall not be moved. I shall not be greatly moved. I shall not be moved So this is all throughout the book of Psalms and in Psalms 92 Psalms 92 verse 12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree. He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon And so the Bible talks about flourishing like the palm tree and it's referring to us in our lives basically Flourishing in terms of bearing fruit and in verse 13 It says those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God Referring to those that are basically stuck in church and they never leave church. They're planted in God's house They shall still bring forth fruit in old age They shall be fat and flourishing and see what God promises you is this that if you are planted in God's house That when you're old, you'll still bring forth fruit. You'll still get people saved. That's what God's promises Okay. Now if you leave your first love and leave your old Baptist Church, I don't know what happens. Just kidding That's another sermon that I'll have to preach but I want you to understand when you're planted in a good church You're planted in God's house God's promises that as you get older you will bear forth fruit and what it said was you'll still bring forth fruit in old age In verse 14, this is encouraging to us Because my life when I got saved, you know, I got saved when I was 18 years old and you know immediately I wasn't a soul winner immediately, but I I did try to preach the gospel to family and a close friend I didn't get saved but I was basically like, you know the woman in John John 4 basically She brings him to Jesus and I brought my friend to listen to the person who gave me the gospel and like immediately I was just wondering about I realized I had a purpose in my life Before I got saved I didn't really know if he had asked me what's the purpose of life I would have been like, I Don't know just try to make money. I was I was majoring in engineering just whatever I'll just make money do whatever and obviously raising a family and having kids obviously that does give you enjoyment You have fulfillment in your life But you just know there's something more to life than that and see when I got saved I realized okay It's our job to get people saved now I didn't know what that meant and my goal in life was to lead two people to the Lord When I first got saved because I figured if I'm leading two people to the Lord then basically The world was a better place after I was gone than before I got here if everybody got two people saved now I didn't realize at the time that basically you can get a lot of people saved. I didn't know the Bible or anything Okay, and I didn't realize how few people actually go out there preach the gospel because I figured man if we could just all get Two people to the Lord then man, we're gonna turn this world upside down Which would be true but what the Bible promises here though is you can still bring forth fruit in old age And so basically if you're planted in God's house a good church then as you get older you can still get people saved And it's really encouraging to me because I want you to understand if that is the purpose of your life It's not like you basically have like a time frame where you reach it And then you're done with it because when I was a kid I always wanted to play sports And I wanted to be a pro athlete, but even though I wanted to be a pro athlete You know that when you reach a certain age You're not gonna be able to be a pro athlete anymore You're not gonna be 75 years old You know dribbling the soccer ball through people and you know shooting in the back of the net But did you know you can still go out there when you're 75 years old with God's Word and get people say Say how do you know that because the Bible said that? In old age see there's certain things you can't do anymore as you get older You don't have the same physical abilities But here's the thing our purpose of our life is to win souls the Lord and as you get older You can still do that the Bible says if you're planted in God's house now go back to Psalms 21 Psalms 21 So once you understand it's pretty important that you're not moved okay that you're planted in God's house And I think there's a dual application because here's the thing if you're not Planted in God's house, and you basically get out of a good church. I'm not saying you get out of a bad church Okay, if you get out of a good church Because you know you just kind of backslide or whatever or it's just too much I want you to realize as you get out of a good church and your feet get moved Your beliefs will also be moved as well if you leave a church like this The here's what people do they want to justify their lifestyle That's the way we are and if any single one of us including myself if I were to get out of this church for six Months and just quit church all of a sudden. I would start having the attitude well I don't really think those movies are that bad I don't think that music is that bad you say why? Because honestly when you're the only reason why you're gonna keep believing these things when you're reading the Bible You're hearing it preached you come into the house of God like Asaph in Psalm 73 Then you remember all how foolish I am you know for thinking Katy Perry was blessed or Lady Gaga or whatever okay? And you know you can actually prove that in Luke chapter 8 with the parable of the sower I preach the sermon on in Sacramento But that's like a whole topic to prove that when you get out of church the Bible actually does teach your beliefs will change Okay, and not on salvation because once your Savior's you're sealed with the Holy Spirit of truth But your beliefs on worldliness and separation and things such as that they will change if you leave a church like this okay Psalms 21 verse 8 that's why you got to stick with your first love guys all right Psalms 21 verse 8 thine hand shall find out all thine enemies That right hand shall find out those that hate thee thou shalt make them as a fiery oven in the time of thine anger the Lord Shall swallow them up in his wrath and the fire shall devour them once again It's referring to wicked people reprobates as it often talks about Throughout the book of Psalms verse 10 their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth and their seed from among the children of men That's referring to basically their converse of getting their fruit is obviously ungodly wicked fruit, okay? And unfortunately reprobates are very good at recruiting members to be in reprobates as well and getting them to deny Jesus Christ and Sometimes they're more zealous than us because they compass sea and land to make one proselyte And when he is made he is twofold more the child of hell than themselves the Bible says and so what it says Their fruit in verse 10 it's the fruit of the wicked people their seed From among the children of men talking about the seed of the devil, okay? That's mentioned all the way back to Genesis 3 the seed of the devil now once again the dispensationalists literally think that's like a literal physical seed that basically the devil Basically you know is going to impregnate a woman and then the Antichrist comes out And that's a whole nother sermon of their beliefs okay when it's referring to seed It's referring to basically the people that become children of the devil not literally Physically children of the devil okay spiritually speaking okay? They don't understand that though, okay verse 11 For they intended evil against thee they imagined a mischievous device Which they are not able to perform therefore shall thou make them turn their back when thou shall make ready thine arrows upon thy strings Against the face of them and so this is God making arrows to destroy them be thou exalted Lord in thine own strength, so will we sing and praise thy power and so kind of the two themes I want you to remember from these chapters or one I want you to understand the concept of the name of God not just with the Jehovah's Witnesses But realize that the name Jehovah wasn't even around till Moses Okay, he was known as God almighty and when a new name comes in it doesn't get rid of the old name So the name Jehovah God that's still a good name God almighty still good name because that's all the way in revelation 21 But the name Jesus is a good name as well Okay The name which is above every name the Bible says but also just the importance of not being moved from the house of God Because the reality is that all of us will backside from time to time and I'll tell you the example I want you to think of and I was thinking about this just like an hour and a half ago I was thinking about when it comes to me like trying to stay in shape and everything like kind of my standard has always been Basically, I'm not changing the size of my pants. Okay, if I start to gain weight and start to get uncomfortable It's like well, I'm losing five pounds now Because I'm just like this is gonna be like my my biggest biggest size. I'm gonna wear So if I start gaining weight, I have to lose weight. Okay, I want you to understand That when it comes to the point where you're starting to think about quitting church That's the point where you need to start losing weight and get right with God not literally losing weight But I'm just saying that should be the point where you say man. I'm not gonna allow myself to get out of church I will not reach a point where I say, you know what? I'll just quit church No, you have to decide that you're never gonna quit church No matter what happens no matter how rough life gets you get depressed You must stay in church because if you do not you're gonna get depressed. You're not gonna serve God That's the way it works. Let's close in word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and just getting to see your word I help ask you to help us to apply these sermons or lives Help us to understand your scripture and ask you to continue to bless this church and can continue to bless the people that are here Tonight God we pray this in Jesus name. Amen