(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) And so you have to ask yourself this question, how did Noah get inside the ark? Did he climb on top of the ark and jump in? Did he climb through a window? No, what he did was he opened a door. Okay, notice Genesis 6 verse 16. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou fashion it above. And the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof, with lower, second, and third stories, shalt thou make it. Notice how he says the door of the ark, okay? I want you to understand there was one door in that ark. There weren't two, there weren't three, there weren't four. There was one door in that ark, okay? Only one door. Now turn to John 10, John 10. See, Jesus Christ said, I am the door, okay? He didn't say, I am a door. See, Jesus is not a way to heaven. He is the way to heaven. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the light. No man cometh unto the Father but by me. And see, going back to Genesis chapter 6, it talks about the door. There is one door to that ark, just like there is one way to heaven. It's not through Buddha, it's not through Muhammad, it's not through the Pope, it is through Jesus Christ, because Jesus is the door. John 10 verse 7, John 10 verse 7. Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. See, a lot of people came before Jesus Christ, and there's a lot in the world today that would claim to be a door to heaven, wouldn't they? They'd say, you know, I'm a door to get to heaven. You know, Jesus said, they're all phonies, they're all false. He said, they're all thieves and robbers. He says, I am the door. He's the only way to heaven. See, if anybody comes up here and says, you know what, I'm a way to heaven, that's garbage. They're lying to you. They're a fraud. They're a phony. There was only one door on that ark, only one way inside that ark, and that's through Jesus Christ when it comes to salvation. It's giving you a picture of salvation. Verse 9, I am the door by me. If any man enter in, he shall be saved. He shall go in and out and find pasture. So he uses an analogy that he is the door. He's helping us understand salvation. How hard is it to open the door? Is that difficult? It's pretty easy. He gives the analogies that it's like drinking a glass of water, going to heaven. Like eating a slice of bread. He's the bread of life. Like opening a door. I am the door. It's pretty easy to open a door. You could even have cats or dogs and they can see what you're doing and they can try to open it because it's not hard. All you do is turn and open. It's pretty easy to open a door. Salvation is pretty easy. It's just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved. You don't have to reform your life. You don't have to quit drinking. You don't have to repent of your sins. You don't have to change anything. All you got to do is just open that door. Go back to Genesis 7. So the Bible says that Jesus is the door and when it comes to the ark in Genesis verse 16 we see that there is one door to the ark because it's a picture of salvation. It's a picture of spiritual salvation. And I want you to notice also in Genesis chapter 7 verse 1 something else it said. And the Lord said unto Noah come now in all thy house and in the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation. Notice how he says come now. The word come. Everyone in the Bible is there for a reason. Okay. Now I want you to think about this for a second. Tell me if this makes sense. Okay. This may if I said brother Marlon come to the pulpit. That makes sense doesn't it? Right. Let's say I said this. Brother Marlon come to the pulpit. Does that make sense? No it doesn't. I would say go to the pulpit. Why? I'm not at the pulpit. If I'm saying come what am I saying? I'm saying I'm already here. The other way would make sense because if I said brother Marlon come to the pulpit because I'm going in that direction. If you're going to use the word come it means you're already there. See when the Lord said come now in all thy house and in the ark where was the Lord? He was inside the ark. That's why he said come. He doesn't say go into the ark. No he says come into the ark. You see when we open up the door of salvation the Lord's there inside with us. Why can't you lose your salvation? Because you have eternal life. The Lord's indwelling you. The Lord's there with you. That's why he says come now in all thy house and in the ark. He doesn't say go in there. If we had to go into the ark yeah we could lose our salvation because we're in there by ourselves. And think of the picture he's giving you. Think about if there was a tsunami or a massive flood. You're inside a boat and here's the truth. We're going to have storms in life. You're inside the ark. You're going to go crashing into some waves sometimes. There's going to be times you don't feel like reading the Bible. There's going to be times you don't feel like praying. There's going to be times where life gets tough but you know if the Lord's in there with you you're going to be okay. He's going to keep you safe. There's going to be times where we backslide. There's going to be times where we turn against God and commit sins and do what's wrong and act foolish but if the Lord's inside the ark with you you're fine. You're safe. You're secure. I have no doubts where I'm going to spend eternity today. You know why? Because when I opened up the door of salvation by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord is in there with me. Amen. And so when you screw up look you're not going to lose your salvation. Why? Because the Lord's in there with you. Now I want you to notice also verse 16. So once we see that salvation is like a door opening a door we see that the Lord said come into the ark because he's in there with you and once you're saved you're in dwell with the Holy Ghost. You have eternal life and dwell in you. But I want you to notice verse 16. Genesis 7 verse 16. And they that went in went in male and female of all flesh as God had commanded him and the Lord shut him in. Okay now look at Revelation 3. Revelation 3. So I want you to understand something that if I were to shut a door it wouldn't be too hard to open would it? I mean you could still open it up but I want you to realize something that when God shuts a door that terminology means it's shut. Unless he's opening it you're not getting it open. Okay. I shut a door it's not too hard to just you know unlock it or whatever and open the door. But see when the Lord shuts the door it's done. Genesis 3 verse or Revelation 3. Revelation 3 verse 7. And the angel of the church in Philadelphia right these things say if he that is holy he that is true he that hath the key of David he that openeth and no man shut it and shut it and no man open it. You see when God shuts the door it's done. So this is the picture of salvation. You open up the door the Lord's in there with you and he shuts you in. So look you couldn't get outside the ark if you wanted to. The door is shut. He was there secure and saved his family. They were going to stay inside that ark no matter what sort of ways they went crashing through life because God shut the door on it. And see that's the way salvation is. It's as easy as opening a door you open it the Lord's inside there with you and once you're inside there God shuts the door. Now doesn't that make salvation seem pretty easy? That's pretty easy isn't it? But isn't it true that you go to churches and you know people have no clue if they're going to heaven or not. Why? Because they make salvation very confusing. We're going back to the book of Genesis and it says hey salvation is like opening a door and God's in there with you and then you're permanently shut in there. That's salvation by grace through faith and you're eternally secure. It's very plain and simple. God wants you to be very simple and understandable how to get to heaven. You just open the door. You just believe on Jesus Christ. Turn back to Genesis. Genesis 6. And so for people to have this idea that well in the Old Testament it was different. You know you had to work your way to heaven and live a good life and do these sacrifices. Well I don't know about you but very early in Bible I see salvation being pretty plain and simple. That it's opening a door. Maybe these pastors should read the Bible a little bit more. Maybe cross-reference some things and realize that oh actually it's teaching salvation very simple which you know it makes sense. Why? Because God wants us in heaven. Right. I mean he doesn't want to make it hard to get to heaven. Obviously he loves us. He wants it to be very easy and simple to get to heaven and it is. You open that door. He's in there with you and he shuts the door. It's that simple. And you know honestly.