(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) All right, we're here in Matthew chapter 5 we're continuing through verse by verse through the book of Matthew through the Sermon on the Mount Right now and we're looking at this topic of anger So we're only covering six verses here today, and you know obviously you could preach just one sermon on each chapter But since the book of Matthew with the Sermon on the Mount. It's like every few verses. There's a different topic So we'll just kind of preach one sermon per topic that comes up and starting in verse number 21 the Bible reads You have heard that it was said of them of old time thou shalt not kill and Whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgments now when he says ye have heard He does not say the Bible says this he just says ye have heard because later on in the chapter He says you've heard love your neighbor, but hates your enemy, but is that what the Bible teaches? That's not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches to love your enemy right so the Bible never said in the Old Testament to hate Your enemy we were to hate God's enemies, but it never says hey love your neighbor hates your enemy now in this example verse 21 Well, this is something that the Word of God would say though that you know obviously it's wrong to kill And if you kill you're gonna be in danger of the judgments now Here's the thing we understand as safe people that every single person is guilty There is none righteous no not one, but here's the thing if you were to go outside these doors and go soul-winning later You know what you're gonna find people say they'll say well the people that go to hell are bad people So then you ask what is a bad person? murderers Rapists right isn't that the things that people are gonna say now we understand the Bible says all liars shall have their part But here's what I'm saying the world would say hey if you kill you might go to hell Right and so he's saying you've heard this said if you kill you're in danger of the judgment But that is a true statement that yeah, you know what you're guilty you need a Savior verse 22 But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause Shall be in danger of the judgment now. He does not say being angry with your brother without a cause is murder He says you'll be in danger of the judgment Okay, and what what Jesus is saying is if you don't have a just cause Because obviously every time somebody gets angry There's a reason they got angry But the implication is a just cause and if you do not have a just cause for being angry It's also a sin and you will be judged for that and you need to be saved right now go to John chapter 2 John 2 John 2 John chapter 2 Now I don't want you to misunderstand this topic of anger though because anger is not always wrong In fact, I'm gonna look at I'm gonna show you an example here in John 2 where we see Jesus being very angry And obviously Jesus was not a sinner. It is not always wrong to be angry It is usually wrong when you get angry, but it is not always a sin to be angry Okay There is a a quote from this character in Star Wars called Yoda and this is kind of what the Eastern philosophies teach in Buddhism Taoism Hinduism Jainism and he says fear leads to anger Anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering and they'll say well, it's wrong to have fear. It's wrong to be angry It's wrong to have hate, but doesn't the Bible say fear God and keep his commandments And these Eastern philosophies will say well, we don't believe in a God that we need to fear. My God is too loving Well, that's not the God of the Bible my friends because God is a God fearing God We ought to fear him why because he's gonna even if you're saying he's gonna judge his people in this world And he better be right with God and it's also not always wrong to be angry fear leads to anger Well anger is not a sin necessarily and then anger leads to hate hate is also not necessarily a sin There are things that we should hate Bob says hey, I hate every false way. I Hate Hinduism. I hate Islam. I hate Judaism. I hate Buddhism You say which do you hate the most pastor tough call? I Mean, I hate them all. I Hate every false way, right? And so it's not always wrong to have fear. It's not always wrong to be angry It's not always wrong to have hate either John 2 we see an example of Jesus being very angry John 2 verse 13 and the Jews Passover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and Found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves in the chambers of money sitting and When he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple now It says he made a scourge of small cords. So think basically of like making a rope I don't know how long that takes to make but basically Jesus sees a situation He's very angry about it and then he takes the time to make a scourge of small cords and One application that you can make is that if you do get mad, it doesn't mean that it's wrong But you better make sure you're under control of your emotions right and he makes a scourge of small cords and he drives them out of the temple what he says in verse number 16 and Said unto them that sold doves take these things hints make not my father's house and house and merchandise now look He doesn't say it's wrong what they're doing. He says it's wrong where they're doing it It's not inherently wrong to sell a dove. I mean you can sell an animal. It's not a big deal He just says take these things hints do it somewhere else Some people say well, I mean the sin is the fact it's an unspiritual thing They're doing but it's okay to sell spiritual things in the house of God like sell Bibles or things like that How does a dove not spiritual when that was one of the offerings from the Old Testament? And why would they sell it in the house of God because obviously if people need to buy a dove for an offering It's like very convenient look if we sold Bibles at this church. We could probably make a lot of money You say why because people at church are in need of a Bible People often ask for a Bible, and if we said hey just 200 pesos I mean people would give money to get a Bible is it wrong to sell a Bible. No, it's not But there's a time and a place for things and in the house of God is not that place So Jesus is mad not because of what they're doing, but because of where they're doing it then it says here in verse number 17 And as disciples remember that it was written the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up Then answered the Jews and said unto them what sign showest thou unto us seeing that thou doest these things Who gave you the right to do this is what they're asking and my only point here in John 2 is it's not always wrong Clearly we see Jesus is angry and look when Jesus calls out the Pharisees and the scribes Calls them hypocrites. I mean he's not saying he hypocrites Right if you ever see like these versions of Jesus in like movies with long hair. I mean he's always so nice It's like he hypocrites. He says it in a nice way. I'm sorry, but that doesn't really fit with the words that he's saying He's obviously calling them out. He's obviously mad. He's obviously yelling when he's doing it right go to Matthew chapter 5 Matthew 5 Matthew 5 So look it's not always wrong to be angry There are times that there's a it's okay to be angry in fact I'll give some in this sermon things that make me angry that I think it's it's oh that are okay to be mad about But there's a time and a place for stuff But here's the thing don't justify your anger by saying it's not always wrong to be angry Look when your child spills milk on the ground and you scream at them you send You did wrong that is not a just time to be angry because your young child accidentally spilled milk on the ground you say why do you use that example because every parent can relate to that and Every parent has lost their temper before and send because you're just frustrated You're stressed and your child does something because they're young and they're obviously learning and then you get mad and you scream at them Right and don't act like I'm the only parent that's ever done this to their kids and yell at their kids And was wrong for doing that we lose our temper sometimes or you know you get mad you yell at your spouse about something Look you're not justified when you do that you're stressed out you're upset, and then you lose your temper And it shows hey, you know what I messed up. I need to say. I'm sorry I need to do a better job controlling my anger, but there are times. It is okay to be angry, okay, Matthew 5 verse 22 But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment if You do not have a just reason for being angry it is wrong But what if a brother in Christ does something really really wrong to you Well the implication in this verse is it would actually be okay to be angry with them. I Mean if somebody stole something from you you could be angry at them Right I mean, it's not like you can never be angry at another person No, actually in this verse it proves You can because the Bible saying if there's not a cause or a reason then it's wrong, but what if there is a reason I? Look it makes me mad that you've got pedophile priests that are molesting kids all over the Philippines And if that doesn't make you angry, there's something wrong with you When we go soul winning and I see Jehovah's Witnesses out giving their false gospel I get angry When I see Mormons giving their false gospel makes me angry Say why because they're leading souls straight to hell, and if that doesn't make you angry. There's something wrong with you So if there are things that should make us angry Well, you're just a hate preacher. That's not an insult my friend Calling you a hate preacher doesn't bother me. You're just a really angry preacher. Well. I mean Jesus got mad in the Bible You see prophets getting that it's not wrong to be mad at times And when it comes to false religion and a false way and things against the Word of God it makes me angry And it ought to make you angry, too But losing your temperate your child for something small well that is a different story Now here's the thing if your child does something wrong of course you can get angry at them Right they actually break your rules and disobey yeah, you're gonna be a little bit angry make sure you control your anger But yeah, you actually are justified for being angry in that situation But if there is not a cause Well, then it would be wrong verse 22 and whosoever shall say to his brother Rekha shall be in danger of the council But whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of hellfire now Look I speak English You say what's the word Rekha mean? It's like it's a word that in my opinion Probably does not directly translate because the fact they keep it as Rekha, which you don't really understand in the English language So all I can tell you is what you'll read online about what this word means and according to what I read online it means Worthless or empty-headed or vain or foolish, but I kind of got a problem with that definition Because there's a distinction made between Rekha and fool in the same verse so to say the word Rekha the synonym is fool Well that can't be the exact same thing Because fool is contrasted with it later on in the same verse now. Here's the thing obviously There's not a direct perfect translation of it So they kept it as Rekha and what I would say is it probably means something somewhat similar But obviously not the exact same thing as fool. I Don't think it's that important. You know obviously it's just saying you lose your temper and you say something that's wrong What it says is you're in danger of the council. What does that mean to be in danger of the council go to Matthew 10? Matthew chapter 10 Matthew 10 Matthew chapter 10 And let's look at this word council here in Matthew 10 now Matthew 10 is an interesting chapter because if you remember how Matthew 9 Ends says the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth labors into his harvest So Matthew 9 ends talking about soul winning, and then what do we see at the beginning of Matthew 10? He's sending them out to preach the gospel Right, but what's interesting is there's a major Transition done in Matthew chapter 10 that you got to really pay attention to catch and here it says in verse 16 Behold I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves Be therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves But beware of men for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues Later on the chapter. There's a clear transition to talking about the end times And so here's the thing during the days They lived a lot of people preaching the Word of God and going soul-winning were getting arrested So you did have to worry about being in danger of the council, but obviously during the end times everybody has to worry See here in the Philippines in 2023. We don't really have to worry about getting arrested for going soul-winning do we? but there is coming a day when everybody in the world is actually in danger of the council and so what would my my You know instruction or advice be be wise as serpents and harmless as doves Sometimes you can be a bit overly zealous that can actually get you into trouble and the Bible says hey be wise as a serpent And harmless as a dove there are things that are true. It doesn't mean that you should necessarily say it I learned pretty soon when I moved here that you cannot just preach against false prophets and every false prophet by name in the Philippines You say why because you're in danger of the council you will be arrested. That's why I say that church right over there You know what I'm talking about. I Don't think it takes anything away from the sermon, but that's a church. It's pretty dangerous So I don't really call it out by name you say why because of the fact It's actually pretty dangerous, and you cannot just call out every single false prophet here in the Philippines They run for office They run for president. They're friends with the president. It's like you got to be actually careful about some of the things that you say But it says being delivered up to the council in verse 17 and the idea that he's mentioning is People that are in high positions of authority are often bad people and you got to be wise with what you say and how you? Interact otherwise people might deliver you up to the council and what it's saying in Matthew 5 is basically Don't try to get a bunch of enemies against you in this world You say why you might get yourself in trouble when they're in positions of power or influence go back to Matthew 5 Matthew 5 Look at your secular job if you work in an office It's not a good thing if every single coworker hates you Well, they just hate me because I'm a Baptist and they're a Catholic No, you're probably just an obnoxious jerk if all of them hate you And here's the thing if all of them hate you you could actually get yourself in trouble I'll give you an example from from my life You know my old job that I worked for several years back east in the u.s. I worked at an office and every day. I would show up to work. I do my job during lunch break I always just sat in my section of the office, and I just read the Bible. I was quiet I just did my work, and you know what there's somebody at the office I found out that hated me because they hate the Bible They literally said you should not be allowed to bring the Bible into work because it's hate speech Well, I never even shared the the gospel with people at work And they're mad because I'm reading the Bible in my personal time during my lunch break not bothering anyone And they got mad about it, and I was told by several people at my office that they were trying to get me fired They hated me now. It turns out. They had heard a couple sermons. I preached online and that never helps you Right, but they hated me, and I got called down to the principal's office. You say did you work at a school? No, I didn't I'm just saying it kind of facetiously. You know you get in trouble you called down to the principal's office You got all the bosses that are there, and then I'm thinking you know what's going on and then they say well, you know what we heard that you're what they say that I'm homophobic and Sexist I don't think they claimed I was racist, but Homophobic and sexist and you know what because you know some things that you said you know in sermons or whatever I guess and then they said that you know we talked to your co-workers because we've never dealt with this situation before and All of your co-workers said you're a really nice person, and you're a really hard worker and a good worker And so they said you know what you know we you know so basically you're not in trouble And I'm thinking okay, you still call me down to the principal's office am I gonna get fired next week He said no they said we talked to them and everybody said you're good work, and I told him I said hey I don't you know talk to people about what I believe at work. I just come to work I read my Bible during my lunch break as like I don't cause any problems It's not I'm showing up drunk or anything like that like other people at the office do it's just like and they said yeah You know we don't have a problem, but here's what I'm saying. What if everybody at work hated me. I would have been fired Right Because my co-workers didn't like me And so when my co-workers found out that I'm homophobic. They're shocked is he like he's like the nicest person He never says anything bad. He's always polite He's always respectful always saying you know please and thank you and all these things and they're shocked that I'm homophobic Well, they're right. I am homophobic. I hate homos, okay Why because that's what the Bible teaches and of course? I'm not trying to debate with my bosses because they're not going to understand all these things I said hey, you know these are my religious beliefs I believe this is what the Bible teaches, but I don't bring my religion into work I read my Bible during my lunch break, and that's it, but here's what I'm saying you want to be very careful about developing enemies in your personal life Because if you have enemies in your personal life, you could get yourself into trouble Right I mean you you make somebody mad as a powerful person they could arrest you they could deliver you up to a council Right so you got to be wise with the things that you say and how you interact and it's not a justification Well, it's just because of what I believe look I don't want you to misunderstand this but some things that you believe it doesn't mean that you should actually say Some things just keep to yourself And look I'm not just saying that I try to live by this you know look my life has a lot of Catholic relatives You know what I get along with her Catholic relatives Now I don't you know forsake the things that I believe or say I believe in Catholicism when I see them I say hello. I talk to them. I act polite We've tried to give the gospel we have given it to many of our Catholic relatives But it's not my goal to just be an enemy with all of them Just because they believe something different you got to be very careful And not justify the fact that you have a lot of enemies because it's because of what you believe because that's usually not the case go back to Matthew 5 and And then it says at the end of Matthew 5 verse 22, but whosoever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of hellfire Calling somebody a fool is a very strong statement according to the Word of God I mean think about this the Bible says the fool hath said in his heart There is no God and kind of a similar example of is if you were to call somebody Bobo today here in the Philippines It's a very rude statement to make Now I'm not saying there's never a time to call somebody Bobo Because there is a certain false prophet where I've doubled his first name and just you know called him that But what I'm saying is it doesn't mean that you get in an argument with someone just call everybody you're just Bobo Right, you know, it's it's a very rude statement to make and look I'm against you know The words that the secular world would call curse words I don't think that we should say them as Christians But what would be worse is to call somebody a fool or stupid or an idiot and I'm not saying there's never a time for it But be very careful that when you get into fight you don't just always say you're just an idiot You're a fool. Yeah, that's actually a really rude thing that shows a problem with your character if that's your interaction, right? first number 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembers that thy brother hath ought against thee Leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Now he talks about the older and what he says is if you've got a problem with your fellow brother or sister in Christ Get things right with your brother or your sister in Christ Now I do want to take some time though to talk about something called the older call Who's been at churches before that if all have had what they call an older call? I? Know it's not just a few people. Come on if you from a Baptist Church They had an altar cultural church didn't they and with an altar call they will list two purposes for an altar call What purpose is that if somebody is not saved that they can come down to the front and get the gospel and get saved There's a lot of problems with that and look I've been one of the people that worked with all their calls before We're basically I preached the gospel to people that came down to the front There's a problem because the music of just as I am is too loud as you're trying to preach the gospel You've only got a couple minutes Other people that are workers are getting people saved left and right and I'm still in the same person because it takes more than two minutes to get somebody saved What we do at our church is if somebody's new we check their salvation and we give them the gospel after the service Right, that would be the smart way to do it But that is one thing they'll say is what we have the altar call to get people saved Now show me where in Matthew 5 Jesus ends the Sermon on the Mount by saying this is the most important part of the sermon Right here is where you get to make a decision with God of what you've heard in the message isn't that what they say at churches and One part of it will be salvation if you're not sure you're going to heaven Look the first time I was at a church with an altar call I've been saved for a few years and I had never heard of an altar call So the pastor at the end of the service is like close your eyes and bow your head I'm thinking you know What cuz I mean, it's one thing if we pray for like 10 seconds, but then all of a sudden it's like nobody's looking around You know head bowed eyes closed and then I kept looking up every minute like nope. I guess I still have my head down. I kept looking up and I'm just like I Mean I because I didn't want to be embarrassed and I had my head down and everybody's looking up and I just didn't know I'd Never you know experience this before right and then you know make sure you know if you know for sure you're going to heaven Please raise your hand And if you're not for sure you're going to heaven, please raise your hand today. God bless you I see that hand God bless you. I see that hand right the other part of an altar call is Where you get right with God at the altar? right and Generally what pastors do and they really train you in Bible college and seminary on how to do it There's whole classes on how to work and operate an altar call because you can't really get much instruction from the Word of God So you gotta you gotta have a secular class? How do we do this because I haven't found anything in the Bible that teaches it right? And so what the pastors will generally do they'll ask questions and their goal is to get every single person to raise their hand So they'll start off and say if you are in this room And you heard this sermon on anger and you realize that you need to calm down your emotions. Please raise your hand God bless you. I see that hand God bless you I see that hand and then they keep adding questions until they get everybody's hand up and You know eventually you know I pastor he'd go down to the point of if not everybody's hand was up if there's anything in your life that is not perfect with God, please raise your hand and Then all of a sudden once he gets every hand up now when we start the first line of this song Come on down to this old-fashioned altar and get right with God Isn't that what they do in churches? You say what's wrong with that? Well? There's many problems with it one problem is this people make emotional vows that they will not keep and Then they make emotional vows And then they're gonna sin against their own valve the next day because of the fact you get emotional And you feel like you're getting right with God, but you're not getting right with God You make emotional vows that you will not keep and look I want you to read the Bible every day I want you to go soul winning every week But I'm not gonna try to force you into a vow that you're gonna end up breaking because if you make a value you're expected to do it and So I don't try to emotionally get you to do something. It's got to come from the heart right But when you pay attention to verses 23 and verse 24, let's read these verses again Therefore thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remember so that brother hath ought against thee So basically you're coming down to the altar and you're gonna give a gift and all of a sudden you remember wait a minute I've got a problem with my brother or my sister in Christ the Bible saying Leave there thy gift before the altar forget about what you're gonna do at the altar and go thy way First be reconciled with thy brother and then come and offer thy gift so according to the word of God Do you get right at the altar or before you come to the altar? before you come Get right with your brother before you come to offer your gift So before you make a vow to God that you're not going to keep get right with your brother or your sister in Christ Now look, we don't believe in the modern-day altar It's not found in the Word of God But if you want to take the word older and try to teach us in the Bible According to Matthew 5 get right at your seat and don't get right with God at the altar That's what it teaches So look if you've got sins in your life instead of getting right here get right at your seat first before you offer your gift my friend That's what the Bible teaches Now I would never take Matthew 5 to try to say hey Here's an altar call because there is no older call in the New Testament But if they want to try to look up this word older Let's look it up and according to Matthew 5 verse 23 and 24. You don't get right with God at the altar You get right before you come to the altar So basically you hear you say well my own church They wanted everybody to come down to the owner Look, if I preach a sermon on why you should read the Bible every day Did you know you can make a decision in your seat? Instead of doing your works to be seen of man in front of everybody You say well, why do Baptist churches have an older call if it's not found in the Bible tradition? Tradition They're just doing it because that's what they were taught. I mean look Really? I mean in January we're gonna start our New Testament vibrating challenge We're gonna try to challenge you to read the entire New Testament I would I would love to have because in the book of Hebrews it mentions the word altar because all there was something that's in The Old Testament but even the Old Testament it's not what people claim that it is this old-fashioned order I would love for somebody to show me where the Bible teaches at the end of a sermon We should have an old-fashioned altar call where people are getting right with God You're never going to see it in the Word of God. Not only does Jesus not preach the gospel to this multitude We're having an altar call to get him saved at the end He preaches a sermon on getting right with God and he doesn't say now come down to the front and get right with God in front of everybody You say why because you can get right it with God at your seat And look, I remember when I was at churches that had an altar call It's like I didn't really know what to do because at your seat, you know Eventually, you might raise your hand because you want the pastor to quit asking questions about you know, until he gets everyone's hand raised But then if you don't come down to the altar it's like am I lying Because like if you said you're not right with God come down now, right? Well, if you don't raise your hand at your seat in my life Right, if you're not perfectly right with God raise your hand So if you don't raise your hand, it's like you're lying and it's like you seem arrogant But it's like I don't want to participate in this It's not in the Bible, right? I'm glad that we don't have that issue at this church We don't have an altar call We will never have an altar call and if we have a guest preacher that starts an altar call I'm gonna have to stop it. I don't expect that I don't expect that problem, but I'm just saying we don't believe in an altar call because just not found in the Word of God right But regardless when you're looking verse by verse in verse 23 and 24 get right with your brother before you come down to the altar That's what the Bible teaches in the context of anger what the Bible is saying is hey You know what if you've got bitterness or hatred or anger against your brother or your sister in Christ Don't think you're right with God just because you come to church and you go soul winning Make sure you get right with your brother or your sister in Christ And you're not holding bitterness and anger and hate towards people go to Matthew 18 Matthew 18 Matthew chapter 18 You Because that's kind of the defense some people use right It's like they think that well since I can't go soul winning or because you know what I'm zealously new I fear whatever I can just say and whatever I want and I'm justified anger is not wrong And then they're clearly doing wrong, and then they justify it right Notice what it says in Matthew 18 verse 15 More more over if thy brother shall trespass against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall hear Thee thou has gained thy brother So the Bible is speaking about a specific situation where church discipline could be necessary We're basically two people have a problem with one another They're not going to get along about a matter and then basically one person has done somebody wrong or at least this person believes They've been done wrong, and then eventually the first thing you do is try to settle it with them one-on-one So you got a problem with somebody at church just deal with it one-on-one Now if it's something that you are not willing to deal with one-on-one Or it's too big of an issue Or you can't handle it that is when you can bring somebody else in the situation But let me help you out with this if you run into this situation where you want to confront somebody if you're a guy Let me know ahead of time, and if you're a lady let my wife know ahead of time Because the situation is going to get worse and this has happened before and then all of a sudden we got a major Situation so let me know about the situation and you what I do I'll say I'll pray about the situation and usually it resolves itself I will usually in most cases tell people it's best to go to them one-on-one and try to deal with the situation and That's the example in Matthew 18 you cannot use Matthew 18 for every single situation under the sign of church discipline It doesn't relate to every situation for example with the church of Corinth. There's a problem with a guy sleeping with his father's wife Paul says I as absent I've judged already I don't need to be there because there's plenty of witnesses and since there's plenty of witnesses. I can already say Dogmatically hey this person's guilty he gets kicked out of church You don't have to have a courtroom set up to try to just hear everybody's opinion on a matter and sometimes when people get kicked Out that's what they'll say I didn't get a fair chance to answer for myself It's like if it's obvious you're guilty you don't get a fair chance I mean if there's ten witnesses you're guilty right no ifs ands or buts. I mean it's it's obvious Verse 16 But if you will not hear thee then take with you one or two more than in the mouth of two or three witnesses Every word may be established if you neglect to hear them tell it on to the church But if you neglect to hear the church let him be under the as an heathen man and a publican now I have overseen a situation before at this church of Matthew 18 taking place where someone had done wrong They did not want to apologize They got kicked out of church and then after they got kicked out I told them what they had to do to get back in they never did it and They acted as if they were sorry once they realized they were getting kicked out, but they were not sorry You say what did you do they were kicked out of the church? We did Matthew 18 and it was in and honestly was the situations like all you have to do is say you're sorry You know you've had those times if you have multiple kids where it's like just say you're sorry You did wrong you bit your sister just say you're sorry Right as we're just hug your sister right not that I'm using personal examples But as I am in there stubborn because people are stubborn right I've seen that in church before right over there yet And it's like it becomes a situation somebody gets kicked out This takes place. This is not every situation under the Sun now go to first John three first John three First John chapter three First John three as we're talking about anger. Let me show you some kind of confusing verses. I'll spend some time talking about this But it's it's just kind of apropos the sermons that are being preached today because remember last week I said I changed up the order of the alphabetic characteristics The reason why is I wanted to preach the humility sermon when the plebniok family was with us I thought it'd be a good kind of take-home sermon, and I changed the order of the sermon on G it was already written on greed and Gehazi and Not everybody necessarily knows what goes on in the online world, and that's fine But there was an ordained evangelist here in the Philippines that turned out. He was stealing money And he got kicked out of his church, and I'm like how appropriate I'm actually going to talk about a little bit now But especially in the second sermon well How do you know he's guilty because I know and I'll prove that in the second sermon plenty of witnesses for this But notice what it says and I mentioned that right now because in Matthew 18, that's not the same situation Somebody's stealing from church, and you got plenty of witnesses, and they're lying about it You don't have to have a courtroom set up where they get to answer for themselves I'm not in the situation, but I've judged already because I know from personal experience the guy's a thief Right first John chapter 3 you say you sound mad Anger is not always a sin when somebody steals money from churches. It makes me mad It's not a pretty wicked sin By the way, I'm going to refer to this person as Juan de la Cruz the first name is very fitting But I know from personal experience you kick somebody out of church, and then they threaten to sue you right So I'll just call this guy Juan de la Cruz for the purpose of the first and the second sermon the guy that stole a Good amount of money, okay And you gotta stay for the second sermon to get the conclusion. I'm like me preaching against Juan de la Cruz, okay? first John 3 verse 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin for a seed remaineth in me And he cannot sin because he is born of God now This is a confusing chapter in the Word of God, and you know what especially in regards to salvation There's some verses that you're wondering how do I explain this how is it that a person? Cannot sin because I thought we didn't believe in sinless perfection. I thought Paul said the things. I don't want to do I go I Thought there's no righteous You're right There's none righteous But here's the thing when you get saved you are spiritually your spirit and soul are cleansed perfectly forever And the same person cannot sin because they're born of God Meaning that whether it be telling a little white lie or committing murder my soul is still perfect now of course Murders far worse in the punishment in this life is far worse because of what you chose to do in your body But your soul is still perfect so the same person cannot sin because he's born of God But then in verse 10. This is a tricky verse here in This the children of God are manifest in the children of the devil Whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither he that loveth not his brother now in verse 10 is this a comparison between the saved and the unsaved No, it's not Children of God and children of the devil This is a comparison between a saved person and a child of the devil if you don't realize that you can get confused The comparison is between a saved person and a reprobate, okay? Because you can't judge whether somebody's saved based on whether or not they come to church Based on whether or not they go so winning, but what the Bible does teaches you can actually judge a false prophet by their actions And so if a person is doing a lot of wicked things you could say you know what I can't be a hundred percent for sure Necessarily, but it certainly seems like that person might be a child of the devil. I don't see any conscience in that person right verse number 11 And let me let me explain you this to you when it comes to this children of the God versus children the devil This is not a perfect test and sometimes you're not sure To Be honest and I'll explain why the second sermon I was pretty sure one day the cruise was a bad guy a week ago a month ago a year ago I mean going back a few years to be honest I was pretty certain he was a bad guy, but I wasn't a hundred percent for sure It's one of these tough things were like God if I'm wrong ask you to bless their life But I really think the guys like a rotten person and I'll explain why during the second sermon But it's like you know same old story same old song and dance the same things we dealt with at our church It's like you see the same pattern with these same people verse 11 For this is the message It says whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God neither He that loved not his brother verse 11 for this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another Not as Cain who was of that wicked one and slew his brother and wherefore slew him Why did he kill him because his own works were evil and his brothers righteous is it possible for a safe person to commit murder? Yes But if somebody's a murderer They've got a higher chance of being a reprobate than someone who's not a murderer. Can we agree on that? I Know someone in the u.s. Who works in in prisons, you know Somebody goes to very Baptist or at least he used to I think he still does a little bit and I asked him what? Percentage of people in prison. Do you think are reprobates? He took I can't remember if he said 75 or 80 percent Now, of course, I don't know for sure if that's correct But here's the thing People that are willing to commit major crimes because you've got to do a lot of bad things in today's world to really get a real Prison sentence people that are raping and committing murder and robbing and not caring about it. Look. There's a much higher percentage chance They're a bad person than someone who's not This is not a comparison between saved and unsafe I'm comparing saved a rapper baby because if somebody comes to our church for years, they're not a normal unsafe person They're either saved or a child of the devil It's not like somebody's out of church for years and it's like man. They're doing a lot of bad things They just need to get saved and everything's gonna change. No. No if they've been with us for years either saved or reprobate It's one or the other they're either genuinely saved which is 99% of people want someone who's just here for ulterior reasons Right. It's gonna be one of those two situations Judas is scary. It's the perfect example. Should we be shocked when someone steals money from church? Well, not if you've read the New Testament right Isn't Balaam one of the three people mentioned in June 1 as false prophets and what's his thing money money money? We should not be shocked and we've seen it before in our church with people that are coming in for the purposes of money Right. It shouldn't be shocking that people do this and that doesn't necessarily mean someone's a bad person or not And it's like I'm not a hundred percent dogmatic with this person. I'm just saying if people are stealing money from church That's something most people don't do Most people would feel a bit guilty about that. Somebody might steal a pin from the bank and not feel guilty But the same person's not going to steal money from a church Right very few people out there are willing to steal money from a church they feel guilty about it. I Even open an example. I had a friend of mine in college and you know Somebody tried to steal like his gym bag at you know The gym he could tell that because the locker door was open and the bag was open, but there's a Bible inside Guess what and the wallet was moved But guess what the wallet was put back and nothing was taken you say why because he saw the Bible and he felt guilty right Why cuz he has a conscience And so it's like most people are not going to steal money from a church You say if somebody steals money from a church, would you wonder whether or not the reprobate of course? Judas what was this thing stealing money? Bailey what's this thing stealing and of course, you know why people creep into churches because of the fact people are trusting a church It's a great market to be a con artist being involved in church It's true. I Mean you want to you you want to become rich just pretend to be like a church and you can suddenly start stealing money from people I Mean that's true. It's a fact Go in your Bible to Matthew 5 Matthew 5 Matthew chapter 5 As I said, I'll prove to you in the second sermon that guy's a thief I know for a fact the guy's a thief But here's the thing even outside of this situation this specific person, of course, this is going to take place at church Of course, it's happened before and it will happen the future. I Personally, you know, I'll show you why on the second sermon I believe get Hayes I was saved and I'll give you my reason why you're in the second sermon I'm not saying it is impossible for someone to steal and do it attached to religion and that they could actually be safe It is possible. I believe the haze I was saved I'll give you my reason and so but here's what I'm saying. If somebody is stealing from church, certainly red flag Well, I mean pastor everybody's stolen before but yeah, but not everybody's stolen from church There's a difference I mean everybody's lied before everybody sinned before yeah But there's some sins that the normal person doesn't do because you have a conscience and you have a level in which you're willing to sin Everybody's lied, but there's certain lies that just a normal person does not do Matthew 5 verse 25 Matthew 5 verse 25 agree with an adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way with him Less at any time the adversary delivered that the judge and the judge delivered thee to the officer and they'll be cast into prison I'm saying if you have a personal enemy in this life What you want to do is get things right with that personal enemy. You say why they could make your life difficult They could deliver you to the judge you get in trouble. They could get you fired from work For example, if you live in a house, not everybody gets along with their neighbors Sometimes your neighbors do things that are wrong You know what? The temptation is well, they did that to me This is what I'm gonna do to them and then it goes back and forth and back and forth Does that benefit either side? No, it doesn't you know, what benefits you actually just getting things right with your name Turning the other cheek Allow yourself to be defrauded in most situations That's the better way to go about it than to just have an adversary an enemy that you just go to war with It doesn't benefit you and of course you have a reason for why you're mad a reason for why you're doing it But look does it really benefit you? 99% of time when we get really angry in life. It doesn't help us doesn't make this situation better makes it worse You say well, I have a just reason for being angry. You might have a just reason it still doesn't benefit you though It still would be better just to allow yourself to be defrauded Allow it to pass and get along with your adversary, right? That's what the Bible teaches verse 26 Verily I say unto thee thou shalt by no means come out thence to allow us pay the uttermost farthing if you remember recently I preached on this this is one of the big verses the Catholic Church uses uses to support purgatory You're not getting out of purgatory until you pay the uttermost farthing was that in the context of what we were reading on No, it's not Not only do you not see the words purgatory? It's it's completely related to being angry and having a problem with your brother It's not referring to you've got sins that aren't paid for because when you get saved you have eternal life right everlasting life But the Bible saying that if you have a problem with your brother or your sister in Christ or even the average person there Does not benefit you and you they could be in a powerful position to get you into trouble And you like you're not gonna get out of prison until you pay it off So what's the Bible saying the Bible saying get along with people and look as much as is possible as much as lieth in you Be at peace with all men isn't that what the Bible says? Try to get along with people is there a time to be angry of course we see the pedophiles in this world It makes you angry I Mean people committing major crimes it makes you angry If I ever see on the news that somebody does something horrible, it's not gonna make me happy It's gonna make me angry sometimes. I see the abortion holocaust in this world of Sony babies getting aborted Yeah, it makes me mad that people are killing innocent children So is there a time to be angry there is a time to be angry But if we're honest with ourselves most of the time that we're actually angry in life. It's not justified. It's not right Doesn't benefit us you can go back and listen to the sermon. I preached on Samson I mean, that's the end result when you let anger fill your life It doesn't benefit you at all right so what Jesus is saying here in Matthew 5 in the Sermon on the mouth He's saying hey, you know what get a hold of your emotions Don't lose control try to get along with your fellow person in life Look you don't want to go around every day, and you're mad about everything You're at the drive-thru, and they give you the wrong drink, and you're screaming and mad about it It's like whatever. I mean anything you buy at a fast foods gonna kill you anyway, cuz it's unhealthy just eat it, right Sugar or fat it's one of those two just eat it just drink. It's not that big of a deal right let's go some water prayer your Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and just seeing this topic on anger and ask you to help all of us to Control our emotions including myself and our family to not lose control and get mad at people for no reason God help us be people that have control and discipline of our personality and our characteristics God we pray these things in Jesus name