(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) to you before Abraham was I am then they took up stones to cast at him but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by that's great I have been father thank you for your word thank you for the Bible please bless our congregation and our service this this this night Lord please bless what is Stuckey as he reaches your word through this chapter in Jesus name amen all right we're here John chapter 8 this is a long chapter but we will cover the entire chapter here this evening and so we're here in John chapter 8 and the name of the sermon is John 8 the Jews hatred of Jesus John 8 the Jews hatred of Jesus and that is kind of the central theme here which is kind of the central theme in a lot of these chapters of the book of John that the Jews did hate Jesus Christ right now notice what it says in verse number one Jesus went under the Mount of Olives and early in the morning he came again into the temple and all the people came on to him and he sat down and taught them so the first point we're going to talk about is a woman caught in adultery but honestly verse number two is an extremely important verse to understand what's going on in this entire chapter because notice how it says he sat down and taught them okay he wasn't standing is he preaching a sermon if he's sitting down no he's not because you know our style of preaching which was the same style back then they didn't just sit down in a chair and then just preach a sermon you know that's not how they did things so he would be standing if he was preaching a sermon why well I mean the word pulpit is in the Bible it's written in the book of Nehemiah that they had a pulpit so this is not something new that we do up here as a modern-day invention no they had a pulpit and they stood up the same thing we do now there's there's nothing new that we're doing here so when he sat down what exactly is he trying to do well what would be the first thing you try to teach somebody somebody that you don't know that comes up to you the first thing you try to teach is the gospel right they come up to you they want to learn they've heard you've done all these miracles what are you gonna do you're gonna immediately bring it back to hey do you know for sure if you're going to heaven that's what I will do that's what all of us would do right sometimes people come up to me when I'm at whether it's resolve park or case on memorial circle and they'll say hey do you mind if we interview you for something and I'm always like you know sure as long as you let me ask you a few questions afterwards that's what I always tell them and so I let them interview me about whatever they want to interview me about and then afterwards what do I do I ask them if they know for sure they're going to heaven and I try to preach the gospel that is the first thing we would ever teach someone you try to preach the gospel so that is what Jesus is doing in John chapter 8 he's trying to win people to the Lord okay now notice what it says in verse number three and the scribes and Pharisees brought on to him a woman taken in adultery and when they had set her in the mist they say I know master this woman was taken in adultery in the very act now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned but what sayest thou so imagine if you're preaching the gospel imagine let's say I'm preaching the gospel to brother okay and I'm up here just trying to preach the gospel just kind of sitting down and then all of a sudden they just bring over these Pharisees come over and bring over this woman say hey she was caught in adultery should we stone her I'd be kind of ticked wouldn't you would you be kind of angry if you're preaching the gospel and then just a bunch of people run in and say hey we got this woman caught in adultery I'd be like okay I got something more important right now you worry about that okay that's what he's doing he's preaching the gospel and he's being interrupted by people that hate him okay that is what is going on in John chapter 8 now it'd be very easy in your flesh to just kind of lose your temper and lose control of the situation what we're gonna see though in John chapter 8 is it does talk about people believing on Jesus Christ during this argument between Jesus and them he's not trying to win a vain debate here he's trying to win souls to the Lord okay that's what we have to understand when we're looking at John chapter 8 it's not like he's just trying to go to all these heretics and make them look like he's not wasting his time he's trying to win people the Lord here and he's being interrupted by these reprobates that hate him okay that is the reason why he keeps this conversation going otherwise he would just say hey you know what I'm not interested and just move on and just not worry about it but he's got something very important because he's trying to win souls to the Lord okay notice what it says now now one thing to keep in mind is this this woman was caught in adultery in the very act according to them now to commit adultery it requires two people right so where is the man okay is that caught him in the very act but we didn't catch the guy it's like okay there's there's something missing here because if you caught her in the very act why wouldn't you brought the guy that does not make any sense did they try to trick her into committing adultery you know I don't know the Bible doesn't specifically say but something doesn't add up with their story okay there's something not right with that where's the guy okay now it says in John 8 verse 6 this they said tempting him that they might have to accuse him but Jesus stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not so when they continued asking him he lifted up himself and said unto them he that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her and again he stooped down and wrote on the ground and they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one beginning at the eldest even on the last and Jesus was left alone and a woman standing in the midst and so Jesus writes down on the ground and then all of a sudden he writes gets up and he writes again and everyone's convicted by their own conscience you say what did he write on the ground I have no idea the Bible doesn't tell us honestly became tonight expecting the answer I'm really not sure okay I've never actually I've heard a lot of people preach on this and that's the best answer I've ever heard is you know I don't really know I've heard some people say maybe it's the Ten Commandments I don't think so they say maybe you know because everyone knows they've broken the Ten Commandments you know I don't think that would make them convicted by their own conscience I'd imagine it would be something to do with the fact that they're trying to get this woman caught in adultery and what they're doing is is not scriptural because of the fact you know you obviously there'd be a guy as well and obviously this goes to a court of law and things like that it doesn't just go to Jesus Tony I'm not really sure it doesn't specifically say but whatever it is it made them feel guilty about what they were doing and it says in John 8 verse 10 when Jesus had lifted up himself and saw none but the woman he said under her woman where are those nine accusers hath no man condemned me she said no man Lord and she said under neither do I condemn me go and sin no more and so let me let me just say this that you need to be very careful when someone tries to condemn somebody else is guilty and you don't actually see what took place you know someone just comes and says hey so-and-so did this and then you just automatically believe it you know you shouldn't just automatically believe all these crazy accusations I think because bad people will make accusations like that to try to get other people in trouble and you know that the sad thing about it is we as people tend to believe accusations that are made now if somebody makes an accusation that let's say so-and-so committed murder by the law of the Bible if it's found out that they're a liar then they're going to be put to death because they try to get somebody else put to death okay but obviously our law doesn't follow you can just make main accusations against anybody and whether or not you're telling the truth or not nothing happens to you see in the Bible days if you try to get somebody else in trouble for something that they didn't do you'd be held accountable for the crime that they were trying that you're trying to get them guilty of so if you accuse somebody of murder and you're lying about it then you get put to death it's found out you're lying that makes logical sense to me because it would it would prevent people from just getting up here and just lying about something and saying I saw so-and-so do something okay so be very careful with someone's trying to condemn another person now what can you learn about this woman caught in adultery besides the fact that Jews obviously are just trying to get Jesus taught they're trying to get him where he doesn't know what the answer is well one thing we can understand is this that we need to have evidence for something before we condemn somebody there needs to be evidence and even for this it's not like Jesus would just put this woman to death if she was found out she was guilty even if that was the law of the land because of the fact that would not be his responsibility okay even if you say well there's accusers you have to actually be able to prove that she's guilty you can't just come here and say well so and so did this crime they committed adultery and then you just immediately put her to death you have to actually be able to prove it and they come here and they're making this accusation we don't know if what they're saying is true or not now I would say what they're saying is probably true because Jesus says go and sin no more so there's at least a shred of truth what they're saying I believe based on what Jesus words were but look you know for one even if somebody was guilty of that you have to be able to prove it first and number two Jesus wouldn't be the person to put her to death if she was guilty okay if somebody's guilty of a crime there was a system God had in place for how to put that person to death now in this situation this is not the law of the land okay they weren't following these rules when Jesus came he didn't come to be a conquering hero and to put all of his laws into place he came to be the savior of the world okay they weren't putting people to death for murder for adultery for the things they should put people to death for and so since that wasn't in the law of the land they wouldn't do that look if somebody comes to our church and you say well so-and-so committed adultery even if you can prove it we're not going to put him to death okay I hate to break your heart but if I'm preaching a sermon sometime and you bring somebody up here in the middle of the sermon and say so-and-so committed adultery we're not putting her to death and putting him to death after the service because even if you can prove it it's not our place to do that okay we're not taking the law into our own hands you know people get so so mad because of the fact we say well the Bible teaches that the sodomites are going to be put to death now when we say that all we have to do is quote Leviticus 20 13 if a man also lie with mankind as he lied with a woman both of them have committed an abomination they shall surely be put to death okay those are not my words they're God's words but that is not the law in the Philippines and we will never take the law into our own hands because when Jesus was here he came to be the savior of the world but what he left us to do was to preach the gospel okay there are a lot of laws we don't follow in today's world we're not putting those laws into our own hands that's not our job that's not our responsibility and it's not Jesus being light on sin it just shows you that the mission of Jesus was not to just spread all of his laws and make them the law of the land that's not why he came here he came here to be the savior of the world and in John 8 his mission is to preach the gospel that's why he's sitting down and trying to preach the gospel when he's rudely interrupted by these people trying to catch him get him in trouble now turn to 1st Peter 2 1st Peter 2 and so an application for us as a church you know if somebody comes to me and says well so-and-so is committing fornication they're an open fornication with someone you know that's something that I'm gonna have to be able to have evidence of before I kick them out now if you give me this accusation about someone I'll talk to that person privately and you know find out what the truth about it is and try my best but look if there is no evidence I'm not gonna kick somebody out because of the fact you say well so-and-so did such you know I actually need evidence for that now obviously if there's many people making this accusation it's gonna it's gonna bring a lot more credibility to it okay but I can't just kick somebody out I won't kick somebody out just because of one accusation that so-and-so did something I have to actually have proof of that that's not me being watered down but look it would turn into a free-for-all if every time there was an accusation you just kick somebody out I have to actually have evidence you know an example of this is I remember somebody saying one time this just kind of shows you how things can be taken out of context they told me that so-and-so was divorced and I was like okay you know this woman who was supposedly divorced and you know it was like at the red out breaching conference they were talking to other guys there whatever is it well so-and-so's divorce they said my sister told me so-and-so's divorce and then all of a sudden they told me like you know a week later oh you know that you know I got confused my sister said something else you know I miss understood what she said so they were going around telling people that so-and-so's divorce and it turns out it was completely false they weren't even trying a lie but then they were spreading the rumor that turned out to be false and see that's why we can't just go off of one story or one rumor because sometimes it turns out to be fake it turns out to be false okay now in 1st Peter 2 verses 13 and 14 the Bible reads submit yourself to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake whether it be to the king as supreme or unto governors as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of them then do well and see the Bible talks about the government being here for the punishment of evildoers okay so when it comes to punishing evildoers people committing adultery people committing sodomy people committing murder that's not our job okay that's the government's job you say well the government's not doing their job of course the government doesn't do anything they're supposed to do okay but that doesn't change the fact that if they're not doing it we're not going to take into our own hands the Bible never gives us that authority and you know that's just the way it is and so if people are guilty of crimes and the government doesn't judge them as guilty or print them to death you know what we're not going to put that into our own hands our responsibility here is to preach the gospel the last words of Jesus when he was here you can look at the end of Matthew 28 Mark 16 in Acts 1 you can see his words are preached the gospel that's what he told us to do those were the end instructions and so that's what we're going to focus on here at Verity Baptist Church Manila now turn to John 8 John 8 and so we see this woman caught in adultery that's next let's look at the purpose for the confrontation and we see that the Jews are trying to get Jesus to stumble they're trying to get him to look like a fool they're trying to get him in trouble trying to get him arrested they they want to kill him we see in this chapter John 8 verse 12 then then spake Jesus again out of them saying I am the light of the world he that follow with me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life the Pharisees therefore said unto thou bearish record of thyself thy record is not true Jesus answered and said unto them though I bear record of myself yet my record is true for I know whence I came and whither I go but he cannot tell whence I come and whither I go ye judge after the flesh I judge no man so we see this argument this confrontation that's going to start between Jesus and his Pharisees that are trying to get him in trouble in verse 12 Jesus says clearly I am the light of the world see when Jesus was alive he made it very clear that he was the only way chapter after chapter after chapter I am the light of the world okay now this is obviously an offense to the Pharisees because they don't believe he's the light of the world they don't believe he's the savior so they're not very happy about what he's saying this is the message he's spreading and people are believing on Jesus in every chapter and so it makes the religious authorities mad it's like in today's world you know these false religions are getting mad that we're preaching the gospel and getting people to believe that salvation is a gift and not by repenting of your sins right it makes them upset it makes them angry well even more so in Jesus day he's telling people he's the Savior and he's the light of the world verse 16 and yet if I judge my judgment is true for I am not alone but I am the father that sent me it is also written in your law the testimony of two men is true I am one that bear witness of myself and the father that sent me beareth witness of me then said they unto him where is thy father Jesus answered he neither know me nor he neither know me nor my father if he had known me he should have known my father also these words spake Jesus in the Treasury as he taught in the temple and no man laid hands on him for his hour was not yet come and so when Jesus is speaking about how him and his father are bearing witness you have two possibilities either he's crazy or he's telling the truth okay now they obviously believe he's crazy and throughout the the book of John they're saying why is everybody believe in this guy because they think he's a lunatic they think he's a liar they think he's a fraud and yet tons of people are believing why because many people will believe the words of God when you when they hear them and so many people were believing on Jesus and many people were getting saved now notice how it says the testimony of two men is true what he's clearly saying is that there's God the father and God the son okay that's not vague it's not confusing he's very clearly saying that this is a testimony of truth okay so he's saying he has a father presently he has a father not that well he was the father and he became the son but then he's saying he does have a father so the testimony of two men is true is what he's saying now it said in verse number 20 no man laid hands on him for his hour was not yet come and so obviously there would be the hour coming when Jesus would die for the sins of the world but at this time it was not his time so God does not allow him to be killed he doesn't allow him to be arrested here because his time is not yet come now in verse number 21 it says then said Jesus again unto them I go my way he shall seek me and shall die in your sins whether I go he cannot come and so that's a pretty strong statement he says you are gonna die in your sins another way to say that is you're gonna go to hell okay there's not really much of a stronger thing you can tell someone than to tell them you're on their way to hell now obviously when we preach the gospel we do show people they're on their way to hell we show them that they're guilty that they've broken God's law and that they need to say now we do it in a nice way don't we we show them that you're guilty you're on your way to hell we explain how Jesus died for them but if it's someone who's a reprobate who's not going to get saved you know you can be kind of a little stronger in your language it's like you're gonna die in your sins now remember at this time there are people listening to this conversation okay there are people that we're gonna see are gonna end up getting safe now the Pharisees aren't gonna get sick he's telling them you're gonna die in your sins he's gonna say here later on you're of your father the devil okay but the purpose for this conversation is because he's trying to win people in the war verse number 22 then said the Jews will he kill himself because he says whether I go he cannot come no he's saying you can't come because you're a reprobate you have no hope of coming you have no hope of believing on it says in verse 23 and he said of them here from beneath I am from above here of this world I am not on school I said therefore on you that you shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am he you shall die in your sins see the Bible is very clear that if we don't believe Jesus is the Savior we don't believe he's the Christ we don't believe he's God in the flesh we're going to die in our sins you say what about somebody from another religion that's never heard about Jesus look if you don't believe that Jesus is the one you'll die in your sins it doesn't matter if you grew up in a Buddhist country or in this Hindu country or a Muslim country it doesn't matter if you've never heard the name of Jesus if you don't believe he's the one you're gonna die in your sins but but what I'd like you to do and this is kind of you know a homework assignment is bring somebody to me that has never heard of Jesus Christ I've never met anyone who's never heard of Jesus Christ you say well that's because we live in the Philippines look you know a story that we might have heard pastor Menes talk about he's mentioned in a few sermons is he was you know he was born in Venezuela and so he came to the US and he was just a young kid at the time and he was soul winning he was a silent partner at the door and then they knocked on somebody's door and then the person said at the door he's like I just can't believe that it's Jesus alone as the only way to heaven he's like well what if you grew up in some you know some jungle like I don't know Venezuela and it's like wait a minute I was just in Venezuela a couple months ago it's like everybody started Jesus in Venezuela it's like show me the country where they've never heard of Jesus Christ okay people have heard about Jesus his name spread throughout the entire world you say what about people that have never had contact look everyone's heard of Jesus Christ everyone has an opportunity and throughout the Bible we have stories where God has a way to get the gospel out to people like Cornelius or the Ethiopian eunuch who you know they were not hearing the right message of salvation God has a way to get them in the gospel everyone's heard of Jesus Christ so show me the person that's your homework assignment I'd love to meet someone who's never heard of Jesus Christ okay even at a young age people hear about the name Jesus Christ and so if you don't believe on him my point is that you will die in your sins no matter what country that you're from and this is not something that's complicated or confusing in the Bible yet in today's world in Bible colleges people will be split on it they say well that's a good question what if they have never heard of Jesus do they get a free pass into heaven look if everybody got a free pass into heaven that had not heard of Jesus you know what the best thing we can do as a church is not priest gospel anyway right because if they never hear they get a free pass into heaven so let's just make sure that nobody in the world knows who Jesus is that everybody gets to go to heaven I mean it's such a dumb philosophy that they have yeah okay no they had to believe in Jesus Christ they have to believe Jesus Christ in order to go to heaven verse number 25 then said they unto him who art thou and Jesus saith unto them even the same that I said unto you from the beginning so this is something Jesus has made very clear he said I've already told you this I have many things to say and to judge of you but he that sent me is true and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him they understood not that he spake to them of the father then said Jesus unto them when you have lifted up the Son of Man then shall you know that I am he and that I do nothing of myself but as my father hath taught me I speak these things notice in verse number 28 when it says when you have lifted up the Son of Man you say what does it mean to be lifted up hey we'll turn to John 12 John 12 and this phrase can mean multiple things when it says lifting up it could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing when he's saying when you lift me up what he's saying is when you crucify me when you kill me okay it says in John chapter looking for the verse where it says when I do lift it up from the earth will drop all verse number 30 30 so it says in verse number 32 Jesus speaking and I if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men onto me now what does it mean if if I be lifted up from the earth he's saying if I be crucified if I be killed okay I will draw all men onto me okay so go back to John 8 go back to John 8 and he said if I'd be lifted up from the earth I will draw all men on me so John 8 verse 28 when it says when you have lifted up the Son of Man now how many people did he say he would draw he says if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men okay now was Jesus lifted up from the earth yes he was so how many people did he draw on all men every single person now Calvinists like to go to John 6 and say well you know you can only be saved if God draws you yeah the reason why it says that is because there are certain people that are reprobates that are no longer being drunk you can only come to Jesus if you've been drunk but he was lifted up and he draws everybody everybody gets drawn to the Lord but we have the choice to accept or reject okay this is very clear if I be lifted up will draw all men on to me and so when it comes to people that are no longer being drawn like the Pharisees here in John chapter 8 these are people that you know what he did draw he did give them a chance to believe on him but if you reject him over and over and over and over again it might reach the point where you're no longer being drawn that's what we have here in John 8 with the Pharisees they're gonna be the ones that lift up Jesus but they have no hope of leaning on him they've already rejected it and it says in verse 28 then said Jesus unto them when you have lifted up the Son of Man then shall you know that I am he that I do nothing of myself but as my father hath taught me I speak these things and he that sent me is with me the father hath not left me alone for I do always those things that please him as he spake these words many believed on him now is he saying many of these Pharisees that are children of the devil believed on him no that's not what he's saying remember at the beginning of the chapter he is sitting down and teaching them okay what is he doing he's preaching the gospel to anybody he can but when we go so winning as a church one great place to go is to public places where there are a lot of people that aren't incredibly busy okay now if you go so any in a place where there's tons of people but they're already running and doing whatever you know they're busy you're not gonna get many people saying but if you go to a place like oh I don't know result part where everyone's just kind of sitting down with nothing to do that's a great place to give people say you know this part nearby when there's people there that's a great place to give people say because they're just kind of hanging out not much to do they're just willing to listen to whatever comes and so it's a great place to get people say that's what Jesus is doing he's going to a place where there's lots of people but they're open to listening and hearing the gospel that's probably where we would go so when he if we were there and so he's preaching the gospel and people are listening to this conversation they've already heard the gospel and Jesus is making the Pharisees look like fools they clearly don't know what they're talking about and the result is people are believing on him is he trying to win an argument make them look like fools no he's trying to win people to the Lord it just so happens that in the process they get to look like fools it's kind of like a bonus okay I mean it's great I mean our goal is to get people say but if you can get like these calls to look like fools in the process hey that's great that's awesome you give people say and you get these calls to look like that's what's going on in Johnny but his purpose is not to win an argument his purpose is to win people to the Lord that's what we're seeing here many believe on him verse 31 then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed and he shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free and so notice he said that when it says in verse 31 to the Jews that believed on these are Jews that get saved okay what must I do to be saved and they said believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and now shall be saved but what he tells them is even though you're saying there's a prerequisite to being my disciple if you continue in my word look just because you're saved does not mean your disciple Jesus right okay now these repentance of sins heretics try to mix all these things together but he clearly says in verse 31 that they've already believed on it and he says if he continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed okay just because you're saved does not mean that you're going to follow God's Word and obey his rules and obey his laws if that were the case then very few people would be saved because very few people even make an effort to follow God's rules or to read the Bible or to pray or to go sowing he says if you continue in my word then are you my disciples indeed look you don't have to be a disciple of the Lord to be saved all you got to do is just believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that's what the Bible teaches now in verse number 33 and so the last point we're gonna look at here is that the Jews are not God's chosen people what you're seeing in this chapter though is the very beginning they try to get Jesus in trouble because they hate Jesus they want him to be put to death they hate the fact that people are believing on him and throughout this whole chapter you're seeing that the enemies of God hate the Lord and look us as God's people we should hate the enemies of the Lord I'm not talking about our personal enemies but these people that are reprobates that hate God these are people that we should hate we see that the Jews clearly hate Jesus now obviously some believed on it but the Pharisees they clearly hate Jesus Christ okay now verse number 33 it says they answered him we be Abraham see and we're never in bondage to any man how sayest thou he shall be made free and so what the Pharisees are saying is look we are from Abraham see we have the lineage we've never been we've always been God's chosen people isn't that what they're saying we've never been a bunch we don't need to be made free we don't need to be born again look we were already born again from birth okay we got the double birth you know we got some physically and spiritually born straight from the womb that's what they're basically saying we don't need to be made free now this kind of reminds me of a soul winning story from today me and brother Shawn Lee route so winning and you know we're knocking the doors you know actually on the other side of talking to on instead of the side we're going to looking for new doors and then this person told me they're like oh wow I'm a Baptist too I'm thinking that's not good and I asked them you know Bible Baptist and they said yeah they're a Bible Baptist and so I started talking to this person and you know it was him and then I guess it was his wife there's three other people with it was like one guy and then three ladies there and so I'm talking to him he said he went to a Bible Baptist Church we didn't quite catch the name of where he said but then I asked him you know would you know for sure you're going to heaven and of course he said yes and I asked him you know what do you think you have to do to go to heaven and so you know he kind of gave a generic answer that wasn't very clear and then he kind of gave an answer later on I asked him well I he said you don't he doesn't think you can lose yourself then I asked him do you think that you have to repent of your sins yes that's what he told me what a shock he said yes you have to repent of your sins and so I said are you saying then that it's you know what I said what about John 3 16 and I said it says whosoever believe in them so what if you believe in you don't repent of your sins and he said well if you believe you're gonna repent you know this magical thing where you know if you repent of your sins and you automatically believe and if you believe you automatically repent of your sins they're kind of the same thing they both happen and I said well I haven't repented of my sins I said I still sin I was like do you sin and he's like well yeah you know what I sin but it's like well then you haven't repented of your sins and he said you know well you know this is this is all you know God's grace it's all a gift I don't remember the exact word I'm doing my best to recollect maybe brother Shawn they can remember better and after the service we can have a good laugh about it or whatever but basically it's very obvious to me by the way he worded I was like this guy's a Calvinist and I'm sure he wouldn't it may he's a Calvinist but when you're telling me it's all a gift it's all God's grace and then I remember them towards the end he told me he's like no we have no argument here about our pensive sins and I'm thinking we have a pretty big argument about the pensive sins it's like I'm gonna choose not to argue because I don't want to waste my time I just kind of say well I don't know we're both Baptists it's like I'm afraid we're not both Baptists. I hope people like that are confused you hope they go to a church and they got saved a long time ago and then they have some devil teaching them and that's why they're confused or whatever I doubt that's the case but you know it's pretty similar to John 8 33 where we're never in bondage to any man because based on what the Calvinists teach they were never in bondage to any man. Why? Well because they were chosen from the beginning. God chose them to go to heaven. They were never in bondage. They never had to be born again. Why? Because they were already chosen before from the beginning of the war. Before they were born God said I'm picking you to go to heaven. That's what they believe. It is essentially just like John 8 33. We be Abraham's seed. We were chosen by God. Now they don't say it comes from this lineage of who their father was but just for some reason God decided I want to see you go to heaven but you know brother Erwin I just like to see him burn. That's basically what they're saying. I'm picking on brother Erwin here tonight. But that's basically what they're saying and they're saying well why are you saying I have to be made for you? God already chose me. It's all a gift. It's all God's grace. You know this garbage of Calvinism and repentance of sins it's complete heresy and the sad thing is I don't know that this guy's a bad guy you know but the reality is he goes to a church that the leader is around. Because of the fact if you go to a church and for 20 years you preach repentance of sins a hardcore repentance of sins a hardcore Calvinism they're not just confused. They're a bad apple. And they can sit up here and act like they believe the same thing as us. No they don't. Because of the fact I did need to be made free. I did need to believe on Jesus Christ. I did have to be born again and yet they over here are just like the Pharisees here of John 8. Now we be chosen. We don't have to be made free. We just are free automatically. What's so special about you that you were made free? Show me and here's another homework assignment. Show me and bring some Calvinist to our church sometime that does not believe they're one of the elect. Those are two homework assignments. Bring to me a Calvinist that says you know what I know it's election it's predestination I just wasn't chosen brother. I'd love to meet one person because I've never met anyone like that. Because every single person that that believes that it's just you know God just choosing who goes to heaven and who goes to hell magically they got chosen for heaven. Imagine that. Now John 8 verse 34 says Jesus answered them verily verily I say unto you whosoever committed sin is the servant of sin and the servant abideth not in the house forever but the son abideth forever if the son therefore shall make you free he shall be free indeed this is kind of what I was talking about first it's like you know you're committing sin you're the servant of sin you're guilty I tried to tell that person that person that I said you're guilty I was like are you saying you never commit any sins so how can you sit here and say that you've repented of all your sins if you still sin. What does that even mean? Look I have not repented of all my sins. If somebody asked that have you repented of all your sins and believed on Jesus Christ just tell them no. I've believed on Jesus Christ I certainly haven't repented of all my sins I certainly still sin I mean if you say that you have no sin then you're a deceiver and it says here in verse number 37 I know they hear Abraham see but he seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you I speak that which I have seen with my father and ye do that which he has seen with your father who's the father is referring to he's saying you do what you've seen with the doubting that is their father that's what he's telling me he's gonna make it very clear here a few verses later they answered and said unto them Abraham is our father Jesus saith unto them if you were Abraham's children he would do the works of Abraham but now you seek to kill me a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God this did not Abraham now somebody could take verse 39 out of context and try to teach a work salvation they could try to say well you know if you're saying you're gonna do the works of the Lord if you're not saving to do the works of you know being an unsafe person so a safe person is not going to drink a safe person can be a good person and read the Bible but you have to remember these are children of the devil okay and so you could look at a reprobate and look at the works they do and you could see that that person's a reprobate if somebody is just like an open sodomite they're a reprobate if somebody's this serial killer this weirdo freak a pedophile that person is a reprobate okay they're doing the works of the devil that's not something a normal person see obviously you know there's certain sins that a normal person would do normal people commit adultery normal people commit hurt okay but there's certain sins a normal person doesn't commit and there's certain sins that he's saying those show that you're of the devil Matthew 7 talks about that you can know a tree by its fruit referring to the reprobate not saying whether or not you're saved or lost but you look at a reprobate and you can see based on their fruit now you can't look at a believer by their fruit and see if they're saved okay look say people get drunk say people do drugs say people commit sins you can't look at the works of somebody and say well I guess they were never saved look if somebody in this room ends up becoming a drunk one day we can't look at you and say wait a minute they were never saved why because drinking alcohol has nothing to do with believing on Jesus Christ there's nothing to do with salvation now if somebody in this room became a serial killer one day then we say yeah you know that person was obviously a child of the devil why because the normal person doesn't enjoy killing people okay now here's an example where he's looking at them and he knows they want to put him to death they hate the Lord okay that's a pretty good sign you're a reprobate when you want to kill the Lord Jesus Christ that's pretty bad on the list of things to do now look you know say people I mean even in Bible say people commit murder and normal people commit murder that are not reprobates you know very few people would be willing to kill the Lord Jesus Christ these are really bad people they don't believe on him and they want to kill him and he's looking at their works and saying well you know you people you're certainly not doing the works of Abraham you're doing the works of a child of the devil now we know that someone like Paul the Apostle he got mercy from God because he did it ignorantly and unbelief once he hears the gospel he gets saved these people have heard the gospel over and over and over again and you're only going to hear it so many times before you make a choice whether or not you believe it okay look I know somebody in college his name was Sultan who's from Saudi Arabia a lot of people go to West Virginia University for engineering that are from Saudi Arabian countries like that they have a good engineering program and this was someone who was raised Muslim but he was kind of like apathetic towards religion he believed in God but he didn't really care and you know I gave him the gospel many times and then my friends gave the gospel many times and then one of my friends said he was trying to give him the gospel and then he interrupted it and said I never want to hear about this ever again and so one of my other friends saw him like six months later you know at I don't know like the store or restaurant or something like that he was with his brother Sultan wasn't with his brother he's by himself but my friend Cody was with his brother and so Cody talked to him because Cody knew and said hello and everything and then Cody's brother said is that guy a sodomite and Cody's like no I don't think so but apparently he was acting super feminine which is not how he acted a few years before when he first heard the gospel now I don't know for sure this guy became a reprobate but it sounds like something we gave the gospel to over and over and over and over again and eventually you make the choice whether or not you're gonna believe I still remember I was a pastor Jason Robinson's apartment it was me him and Saltana we stayed up for an hour and a half preaching the gospel to this person I remember just begging him to get safe pleading with he understood the gospel he did not get saved and see most people in this world they don't hear a clear presentation for an hour and a half from a soul winner I mean for an hour and a half this was someone I was friends with this was someone I knew and so he was willing to talk to me and I tried to get him to see we tried to show him what the Bible said and he did not get saved and he heard the gospel many times after that you're only going to hear so many times and then you're going to reject it and see the Pharisees here they weren't necessarily reprobates you know a few years earlier before Jesus arrived on the scenes but very clearly at this point when they heard the gospel over and over again most of them have just rejected it which is the same thing in today's world religious leaders reject the gospel you're not going to door and someone says I'm a pastor of some Pentecostal church good luck in that person's name because they were probably a reprobate five years ago right very unlikely you're just gonna get in an argument and so in verse number 21 verse number 41 I should say ye do the deeds of your father then said they did to him we be not born of fornication we have one father even God Jesus said unto them if God were your father you would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came out of myself when he sent me why do you not understand my speech even because he cannot hear my word it's about teaches very clearly an unsafe person cannot understand the speech okay about says the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God for their foolishness on an unsafe person can't understand the Bible and even more so with them they're never going to be able to understand the speech they cannot hear why not because they weren't chosen from the foundation of the world like how to say because of the fact the reprimands verse 44 makes it very clear he says ye are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not the truth because there is no truth in it when he speak at the lies because of his own for he's a liar and the father of it and so Jesus says year of your father the devil now some people have this wrong idea that before you're saved you're a child of the devil the Bible does not teach that okay see the categories go like this a young baby that would die automatically goes to heaven because they don't even understand what we're saying right and they don't understand they can't even understand the concept of believing on Jesus Christ at the age of more like my son if he dies he's going to go to heaven okay once you reach what we call the age of accountability or however you want to call it and you're old enough to make a decision unless you get born again you will go to hell okay now when you're at that stage you're let's say you're five years old whatever the age is it can vary depending on the person and you reach that age where you can now comprehend you are not a child of God but you're not a child of the devil either you're just a normal unsaved person now we explain internal security and say well wait a minute if somebody gets saved they get born again they become a child of God they receive spiritual life everlasting life it's going to last forever you're always going to be a child of God just like for example my son when he was born into this world he's always going to be my son nothing's ever going to change them when you become a child of God you're always going to be a child of God yes your father will discipline me when you screw up but you're always going to be a child when you become a child of the devil guess how long you're a child of the devil forever see these aren't vain words he's using he's actually using the examples we can understand see when you become a child of God your child of God forever when you become a child of the devil it says you're of your father the devil you're a child of the devil forever that's never gonna change that's what he showed verse number 45 and because I tell you the truth you believe me not which of you convinces me of sin and if I say the truth why do we not believe me and he's saying you know none of you are able to show that I'm a sinner I've done anything wrong is it which of you prevents it feels now let's look at verse number 47 he that is of God here is God's words he therefore hear them not because you're not of God now I don't want to go on too big of a rabbit trail but what the Bible says is that if you are of God you're going to hear God's words now what does that mean it basically means that when somebody's standing up here to preach you have the ability since you have the spirit of God inside of you to understand what's being said and if you are saved it's gonna make sense you're gonna be like yeah that's exactly what the Bible says you know it shouldn't be hard for you to understand the word God now if you are not saved though you're not going to be able to hear God's words it's not going to make sense to you as a saved person it should make sense one sign that somebody might not be saved is if you show them very clear things from the Bible and it just goes straight over their head they just don't get it at all and it's like this isn't confusing I mean what part of this do you not get I mean you show them a verse that says whosoever believeth in them should not perish but have everlasting life and you say we'll see you don't have to be baptized to be saved and then it goes straight over their head look they're not saved they don't hear God's words he's saying he therefore hear them not because you're not of God they can't understand God's words and when it comes to something like Genesis 1 1 in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth now show me in Genesis 1 where you can fit in four and a half billion years of evolution you can't fit it in yeah and it's very clear that God created the world on the first day on the second day on the third day look if somebody is saved and you show them Genesis 1 and explain and they walk away and say man I think the earth is billions of years old look that person's not saved now I'm not saying they have to understand or believe every single doctrine that we do people can have differences in opinions but there are certain things that are just pretty clear and if they just don't understand very clear things from the Bible it's because they're not saved you know when you get people say if you show them some things after they get saved they immediately just are saying hey that makes sense look you get somebody saved and then you show them how baptism comes after salvation in Acts chapter 8 look if they're completely confused when you read in Acts 8 about how if thou believes with all thine heart they're probably not saved because whenever I show people that got saved and hey you know you have to believe first they're like okay that makes sense now it doesn't mean that they're going to get baptized but it's going to make sense to them okay you got to believe first that makes sense baby can't believe that's why my baptism is not valid that's going to make sense to them okay if it doesn't make sense to them they say well you know I still think that you don't have to believe they probably didn't get saved because they're not hearing God's words okay now we can go too far with this and say you have to believe every single document we teach or every single verse have the same understanding but I'm just I'm just telling you that most things in the Bible are pretty black and white and if somebody just can't understand at all when things are showing them probably don't understand the Bible they're probably not saved okay John 8 verse 48 then answered the Jews and said unto them say we not well it that thou art Samaritan it has the devil Jesus answered I have not a devil but I honor my father in need you dishonor and I seek not mine own glory there is one that seek for the judges verily verily I say in you that the man keep my saying he shall never see death and so they accused Jesus of having a devil and guess what that's the same accusation the Jews make today the Jews believe that Jesus was possessed with the devil and that's why he was doing those they believe they believe that he was filled with an unclean devil that's what they believe now as far as I know there's no religion that blasphemes the Lord Jesus Christ like that the Jews are number one nobody blasphemes Jesus like the Jews do they hate Jesus you say you know our all these these Christians have say the Jews are God's chosen people look if there's anyone who's not the chosen people it's the Jews there's no religion that hates the Lord more than the Jews I mean they've really admit I mean the Muslims say Jesus was a great guy the Buddha say she was a great guy they didn't you say Jesus was a great guy everybody thinks Jesus was a great guy even atheists a lot of times say yeah he had some good morals he had some good laws he has some good rules not the Jews them the Jews hate Jesus I mean go to YouTube this is homework assignment number three and I go to YouTube and then just say you know the Jews opinion of Jesus and look at them in Israel just talk about how they hate the Lord tons of them will just openly admit that they hate the word you say why would they hate the word that's what the Talmud teaches yeah it teaches them their holy book their scriptures teach them that the Lord is evil okay so they teach the same exact thing today now oftentimes bad people will accuse other people being bad that's what they're doing and some people do the same exact thing today in verse 51 Jesus made it very clearly that you know you'll never see death is reaching internal security once again verse 52 then said the Jews on to him now we know that that was the devil Abraham is dead and the prophets now says if a man keep my saying he shall never taste of death art thou greater than our father Abraham which is dead and the prophets are dead who make it style itself and so they're trying to make Jesus look like a fool in front of a lot of because remember I mean he got some people say people are believing on it look those people are still listening to the conversation yeah they're still listening to what's being said and they're trying to make him look like a fool and trying to make him look like an idiot saying are you making yourself greater than Abraham because very it's like it when I preach a sermon I'm never going to stand up here and say I think I'm a better person than Moses once okay that would be really arrogant to say I'm better than Paul the Apostle I'm never going to say something like that and so they're kind of trying to put Jesus in a box in the same situation saying are you saying you're greater than Abraham are you saying you're greater than Paul the Apostle are you saying you're greater than Moses verse number 54 because most people would hear that and say that's ridiculous how could you say that you're better than Abraham verse 54 Jesus answered if I honor myself my honor is nothing is my father that honoreth me of whom he say that he is your God yet he have not known him but I know him and if I should say I know if not I shall be a liar like unto you but I know him and keep it saying your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad then said the Jews on him thou art not yet 50 years old hast thou seen Abraham Jesus said unto them verily verily I say in you before Abraham was I am now notice that phrase before Abraham was I am that does not grammatically make sense okay what is he trying to say we'll turn to Exodus 3 Exodus 3 now this is the statement and we'll go back to John 8 in a little bit we're turning to Exodus 3 but this is the statement where they actually try to kill okay because they want to kill them but they don't want to try to kill them in front of other people maybe they lose their cool at this moment why is that what did Jesus mean by before Abraham was I am 1 Exodus 3 verse 13 and Moses said unto God behold when I come unto the children of Israel and say unto them the God of your fathers hath sent me on to you and they shall say to me what is his name what shall I say unto them so God appears to Moses and he says what should I tell them that your name is verse 14 God said unto Moses I am that I am and he said thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel I am in Exodus 3 God says his name is I am okay turn back to John 8 we'll wrap this up John 8 so what is Jesus trying to tell them when he says before Abraham was I am Jesus saying he's got yeah that's what he's saying before Abraham was I am now Jesus is about 30 years old 31 32 he's not that old but he said before Abraham was I am see Jesus has always been the I am he's from the very beginning he doesn't he has no beginning he was not created he's the eternal son of God he's eternally the son of God before Abraham was I am now the Bible says that when he was here in him dwells all the fullness of God and bodily so Jesus was fully God that doesn't change the fact that there is God the Father and God the Son but it's very clear to them that he was saying he's got that's why they try to kill him John 8 verse 59 then took they have stones to cast it but Jesus hit himself went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by see there's nothing that they could look at as being more blasphemous than in the temple teaching that you're God they're pretty offended by that now they knew that he was teaching that already but when he just openly says in front of everyone I'm God before Abraham was I am they want to kill him now look it kind of makes sense because if somebody was standing in our church and proclaiming himself to be God in the flesh I'd be pretty angry too now I I wouldn't stone him but maybe we just kind of throw him through his window say I don't know what happened that guy you know I was along preaching and then you can spell out the window or something like that I don't know but I'd be pretty ticked and obviously them as reprobates they have no control over the temple the temple whatsoever yes they try to kill them they're angry why because Jesus is proclaiming that I am God in the flesh look there's no denying that when Jesus was here can proclaim to be God he accepted people worshiping him people bowed down and worship him all the time if he was not God why would he do that he accepted it because of the fact as God people should worship and so what are we seeing in John chapter 8 I mean this has always been a cool chapter to me but I think the really big key to understanding this is really looking at verse number two because in looking at verse number two and I think was verse number 30 where it says people believed on it because what you're seeing is it starts with him sitting down and teaching the people but he's not trying to win an argument because this is a chapter you look at with a demand this is awesome he made them look like idiots and he does but the key is the fact that he's actually preaching the gospel he's not preaching the gospel to them but he's pretty he's already preached the gospel to these people they heard the Word of God and he's proclaiming himself to be God in the flesh so people hearing can clearly see that he's saying I'm the light of the world I'm the Savior I'm the way to heaven but what happens many people that heard this believed on it now if this was the only thing he told them they probably wouldn't believe on because that's not the best gospel presentation but he's already preached the gospel to them he's shown them what the Bible says and then he's making it clear hey I am the one and they're looking at these big religious leaders these Pharisees and the Pharisees should know the scriptures and they look like they don't know anything about they look like fools because obviously Jesus knows the Bible better and it's showing people yeah you know what this guy is a real deal this guy is the Savior he's the Christ he's not lying about it I believe on this guy that's what we're seeing in John chapter 8 let's close the word prayer dear Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to be here in your house this evening and just getting to read your word and read this great chapter of the Bible John chapter 8 God help us to understand these things in the Bible and to learn the Bible deeper God and help us to just take away that we're out there we're not trying to win arguments we're trying to win people the Lord and we may at times be in this situation where we're preaching the gospel and we have enemies fighting against what we're saying God but our purpose in that battle is to win someone to the Lord and so help us to always remember that help us to use the Lord Jesus Christ as an example of exactly what we're going to do God. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen.