(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright, we're here in Romans chapter 2 and we're starting a new series here today called how to spot a psychopath how to spot a Psychopath now you might say brother sucky. Why why are we talking about this? Well, I'll be honest because a lot of people have recently asked me about this topic or something related to it And so when three people ask me about a topic There's probably another five six seven eight people that are wondering the same thing, right? And so if a lot of people are asking me about the same thing It's like well, maybe God's telling me I should kind of preach something about this, right? And so we're starting a new series how to spot a psychopath and let me just say a couple things an introduction and this whole Sermon is an introduction. I'm not going to get to the nitty-gritty in this sermon. I'm gonna kind of lay the foundation Let me say a couple things, you know, the Bible speaks about all subjects And so people have this idea. Well, here's a topic that the Bible doesn't talk about So we've got to go to the world and figure out what the answers are No, I mean the Bible talks about all subjects and people say well the word psychopath is not in the Bible There's a lot of words that are not in the Bible It doesn't mean the Bible doesn't talk about that the word that means psychopath in the Bible is reprobate Okay, in fact our sending church had the documentary Psychopath reprobates and we have a lot of copies here. We can give you one after the service, right? We got plenty of those those documentaries. It's a great documentary There's a lot of words that are not in the Bible just this morning Somebody commented on our YouTube sermon about you know Rebuking oneness and they say well, I believe in oneness because the word Trinity is not in the Bible I responded the word oneness is not in the Bible. I Believe in oneness because the word Trinity is not in the Bible the word oneness Not well the word ones in the Bible and the word three is in the Bible to The three and one according to first John five seven. I was like man what a bad argument I mean think before you type that okay, the word oneness is not in the Bible either But it doesn't mean that the Bible does not talk about the Trinity just because the words not there Okay, so the Bible sometimes has different words than our modern vernacular, but the Bible speaks about all subjects Okay, so the Bible does talk about this subject now in this you know sermon series the main person whose research We were going to use is the guy who's considered kind of the expert and that is Robert D Hare and he wrote a book called without conscience the disturbing world of psychopaths among us Okay, and in that book he says without conscience and that is actually a great great definition For what a psychopath is because that is what a reprobate is and so he also has what's called a psychopathy checklist which has 20 character traits of Psychopaths and basically these are things that the world has realized are evident amongst psychopaths What's interesting is you can find all of those things in the Bible as well So we're going to be using that checklist just in this sermon series to kind of go through it and everything like that now Realize this that if the world studies something and they don't use the lens of the Bible as their final conclusion They're not going to get everything a hundred percent, correct There are some mistakes that they make and we'll talk about those during the sermon series because the Bible is the ultimate final authority above anything else, okay Now Romans chapter 2 and the first point you have is this Everybody is born with a conscience Everybody is born with a conscience. It says in Romans 2 verse 14 for when the Gentiles Which are referring to basically the non-jews? Okay, the non circumcision for when the Gentiles which have not the law meaning the Word of God was not preached to them They didn't have the words of the Bible right talking about people like from Nineveh or any area for when the Gentiles which have not the law do by Nature the things contained in the law These having not the law are a law unto themselves and see the Bible talks about people that are Gentiles they don't have the Word of God and yet they've never had anybody show them a Bible verse that this is wrong Thus saith the Lord and yet by nature they do the things contained in the law Now when the Bible says by nature, it's not referring to mother nature It's referring to by Nate You know the nature versus nurture argument and it's saying by nature build inside of you build inside of your being By nature you do the things contained in the law now we understand that everybody is a sinner, right? But at the same time, you know what children know at a young age. It's wrong to murder You don't have to tell a child. Hey, by the way, don't murder people because they already know that You say how by nature? It's built inside of them now. They might choose to do wrong They might tell lies and sin but they know by nature that those things are wrong. They're already aware I mean, there's many things the Bible says by nature The Bible even says that people know by nature that women are supposed to have long hair and men have short hair By nature the Bible says that and I mean Paul even makes a statement if you read closely He's like judging yourself is it comely or is it attractive that a woman basically have short hair It's like judge for yourself and it's like yeah by nature We realize that because the Bible is saying yeah women are more attractive with a long hair and Isn't that true and you didn't necessarily know a Bible verse ten years ago that told you that but by nature you just knew it Now look, I realize that we're getting so brainwashed by the vice-pung. He said it's kind of hard to see sometimes, right? But by nature you knew that at a young age You didn't have to be taught certain things many of those things You already knew by nature and see the Bible says in verse 15 which show the work of the law written in their hearts Their conscience also bearing witness and their thoughts the meanwhile accusing or else excusing one another the Bible mentions their Conscience, what is the Bible saying? It's saying even those that don't have the Word of God They have a conscience Everybody's born with a conscience and that tells you right from wrong There are many things that you know are wrong and you don't necessarily know why it is But if you were to commit that sin, you would feel guilty about it You say why by nature? Your conscience, you know, it's wrong. Even if nobody's ever told you that right now Look kids obviously do things that are wrong I mean all of us do things that are wrong But look kids do things that are wrong. Sometimes they you know, you got a brother and sister I'm not gonna name any names Zeph, Christabel, but then you know It's like they both want the toy right and then the one kid takes a toy from the other one it they know that's wrong But they also have a sin nature that's passed down from their dads My kids are sinners because of me that's that's the way it works, right? Everybody in this room is a sinner because their dads pass down that sin nature the Lord Jesus Christ Well, his father was perfect. So he has no sin nature But all of us are sinners. So we pass down a sin nature to our children, right? And so here's the thing though. Everybody is born with a conscience and that might seem very basic But see here's the thing. That's really the big thing that the world doesn't get about psychopaths because they don't realize that They don't believe that by and large they believe people are born by nature Psychopaths the Bible does not teach that the Bible says by nature people have a conscience Now go to Hebrews 4 Hebrews 4 Hebrews 4 Now I want us to realize something because of Course the Bible is the ultimate authority, but at the same time we don't want to just throw out every single thing That's ever been studied and ever done. You got to use some common sense sometimes now You got to go back to the Bible and if the Bible and you know facts of the world Contradict like oh, I don't know evolution the Big Bang Theory. Well, then the world's wrong Okay, the Bible's right But at the same time there are many things that have been studied and they have a lot of good information What they usually mess up, you know, unless they're trying to intentionally just lie, which is sometimes the case Sometimes you know what they see certain things and they make the wrong conclusion because they're not getting the full picture. Okay? This is what I believe is the case with psychopaths like they'll look at certain things and they'll say well You know if a dad is a murderer their children are more likely to be murderers therefore Biologically or genetically it's passed down. That is the wrong conclusion on the evidence the right conclusion would be well, it's very important how you're raised and Kids often repeat the same sins as their dad Right Abraham Isaac, for example lying about well, she's just my sister. Okay. It's like well, where did Isaac learn that? See oftentimes sins are just passed down because you generally model the behavior of your mom and your dad Right, so it's not a genetic or a biological thing that you have a predisposition to be a serial killer That is the wrong conclusion on the evidence Okay But not all of their evidence is information is wrong just because they have some wrong conclusions The Bible says in Hebrews 4 verse 12 For the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit So the Bible says the Word of God has a way to get on the inside and to divide the soul and spirit Okay, when it comes the topic of the difference between the soul and spirit that is a very deep discussion for another day But the Bible says the Word of God is you know, so sharp that it actually Separates soul and spirit the joints and marrow I mean aren't your joints and marrow very connected with one another and It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the hearts I mean basically one of the synonyms of thoughts is intense. They're very closely related They're not the exact same thing but they're very similar and what the Bible saying is the Word of God just has a way to Get in on the inside that nothing else could possibly do Okay, and it has a way of piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit Joints and marrow thoughts and intents and look the Word of God has a way to impact Anybody who has a conscience? See if somebody has a conscience whether saved or Unsaved the Word of God has a way to get on the inside of them like nothing else Okay, and that's the reason is because we have a conscience and the Word of God is a way to get on the inside Why is it that you know what when we as Bible believing Christians you go to a church like this and I preach hard against sin Why is it that you make changes in your life oftentimes? Because the Word of God pierces you and you're like man, I don't like that feeling I better make the change Other people though just get mad at the message because they don't want to make the change See the Word of God will have an impact on people either in a good way or a bad way It is our own free will what we do with the Word of God. Some people hear my sermons and they hate my guts and it's like I mean, I'm just You know reading Bible verses and explaining them like why do you hate me? Right. It's like I didn't write Genesis 19, you know, so why are you mad about me about Genesis chapter 19, right? the Word of God has a way to pierce people and People either make the changes or they'll get mad at the message and here's the truth Even when people make changes probably your first reaction is getting a little bit mad at me And then you make the change and it's like well brother Stuckey was right now that I'm not angry anymore, right? That's the truth. Okay now turn in your Bible to first Timothy 4 first Timothy chapter 4 See this is the big question in psychopathy is nature versus nurture Is this genetic and biological or is it your environment in which you are raised? Okay, nature versus nurture and see in general those that study psychopathy Which is a study of psychopaths they will say that by nature There is a biological or genetic disposition that makes you more likely to be a serial killer than other people Well, I don't believe that because everybody has a conscience Every single person has a conscience However, the environment with which you're raised can very much affect whether or not somebody becomes a psychopath or not Okay, if you look at the famous serial killers and look at how they're raised. They had the worst upbringings ever. I Mean by some standards Henry Lee Lucas is considered you know the person who murdered more people in America than anybody else and it's it's debated because When serial killers get caught they always confess to crimes they didn't commit because they want to become more famous like literally they'll confess to hundreds of crimes and They don't know whether they did it or not because they want to have killed more people Seriously, and so Henry Lee Lucas by some measures. He killed hundreds of people some measures. He only killed like five or ten They're not really sure. Okay. He was basically what is a hump us Lupe a vagabond that just traveled around So he just murdered from town to town and they didn't necessarily know did he do it or not, right? Well, here's the thing about this, you know, Henry Lee Lucas. His mom was a prostitute She forced him to dress in women's clothing and sleep with men and women at a young age for money for the family Can you imagine if you were raised in that environment as an eight-year-old the sort of psychological impact? It could have on you and what takes and look I'm just giving you one I don't want to get too much because it's it's disturbing talking too much about it But this is how many of them are raised if you read about people like, you know, Ted Bundy Jeffrey Dahmer What Andrew cunanan or whomever you name the person you're gonna see those sorts of backgrounds in these people if you dig far enough Okay now Henry Lee Lucas He had the worst environment and the result was he got mad at God is what took place And what often takes place is when you have a bad environment you blame God for bad things happening Okay. Now here's the thing though. It's not a guarantee that someone's going to decide to hate God Okay, that is their choice. There are people that have similar stories growing up, but they do not end up hating God Many of them end up getting saved Now I'm sure the long-term psychological impact is going to be is going to be terrible in that person They might have real problems their entire lives But it doesn't mean guaranteed if this happens to you, you're going to become a psychopath, but it is definitely more likely Okay, it shows the importance of how we raise our kids and doing a good job and protecting them. Okay, I knew someone in college and you know she grew up in a family where I Mean most of the people in her family were reprobates I mean she got you know harmed by many different men in the family cousins uncles very disturbing So she went to a Baptist Church for a week. They had a revival for that week She heard the gospel and she heard it it made sense. And this is what she told me Okay, and she doesn't agree with me on the reprobate doctrine. Okay, you know, I haven't talked to her in 15 years or whatever I'm not saying she agrees completely but I'm just saying this kind of gives you an inside look at this She heard the gospel, but she didn't want to get saved at first because she said she was mad at God That's what she told me and she heard the gospel for several days and she ended up making the choice of believing on Jesus Christ And getting saved and you know what? She was never molested ever again after that point I'm not saying that always takes place, but God definitely Protected her in that environment, but it kind of shows the inside Look where when think things like this happen to people one thing people do is they end up hating God and That is a common thing and she was at that point but she chose to believe on Jesus Christ and so look Absolutely, depending on how you're raised. It's more likely to make you become a bad person. Here's the thing though I feel bad that that happened to Henry Lee Lucas as a kid But I don't feel bad for the person who's a serial killer and harming people I don't feel any sympathy for the person that chose to hate God and become a reprobate I feel bad that they were raised in that environment. That's terrible. They still made a free will choice to hate God Don't feel bad for the the wicked people that are harming little children in today's world Hey, it's too bad that the Catholic priests got molested as a kid, but I don't care about the Catholic priests Who's molesting people now? That person's an evil person So I feel terrible that happened as a child to that person, but they made the choice to hate God Don't feel bad when someone becomes the perpetrator, okay first Timothy chapter 4 first Timothy 4 and It says here in first Timothy 4 verse 1 and point number 1 was people are born with a conscience point number 2 people Can lose their conscience? People can lose their conscience see in the study of psychopathy They look at people that are just living their lives completely different than the average person and they're like there's something different That's when they discovered this idea of psychopaths, right? They should have just read the Bible right but it says at first Timothy 4 verse 1 Now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils speaking lies in hypocrisy Having their conscience seared with a hot iron Their conscience seared with a hot iron to sear something is to burn something and it speaks about people Whose conscience is like burned off basically? Okay, now you say brother sucky is that being symbolic or is that being like literally true? Well, I do know this that the main reason why they believe people are biologically or genetically Psychopaths is they do brain scans on psychopaths versus non psychopaths And you can't argue that there is a difference between the frontal lobe of a psychopath and a non psychopath Now when I first heard this years ago, I thought it was pseudoscience, but it's not they've done so many studies that it looks different Now there's a couple possibilities one thing could be when someone becomes a psychopath They do not activate their part that part of their body And so people because this is where they believe the the conscience is whether that's true or not I'm not sure but whether or not it's just inactive they say it looks damaged It's like what happened in the frontal lobe That's why they've done tests and stuff like maybe concussions make you a psychopath, right? They're doing all these things because they don't know Because they're not going to the lens of the Bible to get the final answer But they're saying the frontal lobe is just different. I'll be honest that when you compare the frontal lobe to me It just looks like it's been burned with a hot iron on psychopaths I Do think it's possible that when someone becomes a psychopath God actually makes a physical change inside of them So whether or not that verse is literal or symbolic I tend to think it's actually literal now I could be wrong on that but there's a clear difference and it literally when I first saw the picture I'm like, it looks like it's been seared with a hot iron But that wasn't at birth That took place whether or not this is true or not whether I'm writing on that or not I do not know but here's the thing. It didn't happen where they were born and they were just this wicked evil Serial killer where it's gonna guarantee No It's because they chose to hate God and their conscience was seared whether that's literal or symbolic The end result is they no longer have a conscience is what the Bible saying And what's interesting is the field of psychopathy agrees with that. They say there are people that don't have a conscience They don't feel guilt. They don't feel remorse They don't feel empathy. Did it happen at birth? No, it didn't happen at birth. Somebody made a choice to become a reprobate is what the Bible teaches go to Titus chapter 1 Titus 1 Titus 1 Now I'll be honest I really thought about the picture on the bulletin because oftentimes I try to link it with the sermon if you've Ever noticed I thought about having the comparison of the frontal lobes, but I'm like, I'm already preaching on psychopaths I want something that's kind of like gentle and peaceful You know like a river and a forest because maybe this is like too intense or something like that But you can look at it for yourself and type in the frontal lobe of psychopaths versus I mean, it's definitely different I don't necessarily know why that is, but there's no question that it is Okay, so they come to the conclusion Well, it must be it was they were born that way or they're they got a bad concussion Because you know, they do studies of NFL players in America the National Football League They're like maybe repeated brain trauma and concussions causes people to become murderers. It's like No that that's not I mean, I got a concussion when I was 14 I got knocked out knocked unconscious when I was playing soccer that doesn't make you a reprobate Okay, it just means your head really got hurt and you know You need to take it easy and get some medical attention, right? That doesn't mean oh, man That's when somebody becomes a psychopath once they bang their head in that basketball game. Boom No, it doesn't work that way Somebody makes a free will you you make a free will choice to believe on Jesus Christ and get saved People make a free will choice to hate God and become a reprobate Okay It says in Titus 1 let me let me explain these verses before we get to the end of this chapter Titus 1 verse 10 For there are many unruly in vain talkers and deceivers Especially they of the circumcision now the circumcision would be referring to the Jews, right? And it says there are many unruly in vain talkers and deceivers and many of those are of the circumcision Many false prophet Jews the Bible saying now there's also other people that are false prophets There's other people that are bad people, but specially they have the circumcision He's gonna hone in on the circumcision whose mouths must be stopped the mouths of who? Those that are teaching false things Now specifically the circumcision but anyone who would be preaching anything false a false prophet. That's why we rebuke false prophets. I Mean, it's just shocking the false prophets you have here in the Philippines. We were watching a video just laughing about it Where there's this guy who used to ran for ran for president like 10 years ago I heard he's gonna be running again And you know He just kind of made a trip over to Davao to try to get some extra votes and he's just like and it's like What in the world like who could go to your church after that and yet? You know what? They're very famous Very rich right there are many and you know what false prophets their doctrine needs to be rebuked Because they're damning souls to help and we have a lot of false religions here in the Philippines I'm not even referring to Catholicism. I'm saying a lot of Christian religions that need to be rebuked here in the Philippines And it says here whose mouths must be stopped who subvert whole houses teaching things. They ought not now Why would you do this? for filthy lucre sake for money Look, why is it that Joel Osteen has like what 80 million dollars or whatever? Kenneth Copeland and all these people it's like because they're lying to people and why are they doing that for money? It's like touch this TV screen now, right and God's blessing is gonna pour out upon you just give this donation of $1,000 I'm it's laughable. Sometimes like if you saw the Kenneth Copeland thing at the beginning of the corona virus It's like COVID-19. I rebuke you in the name of the Lord. It's like what in the world? It's like I'm blowing the wind of God against COVID It's like well, you didn't do a very good job getting rid of that. Did you it's like what in the world? What are these people and yet people buy into this? And they give money and they're rich and they're famous and look when you preach like I do Are you gonna have a room full of people that love God and go so winning? Absolutely, there's plenty of people here in the Philippines that want to live for God, but we will never be a mega church You say why because brother suck. He's too mean That's the reason why because when you preach like this people will get offended by some of your sermons Right, and this is not the church where you can basically just well be at this church I'll never try to live for God and feel comfortable Hey We want you at this church to hear the preaching but the reality is if you're not trying to serve God Many of the sermons are gonna make you feel uncomfortable and you're gonna feel guilty and you've got that choice Are you gonna make the changes or are you gonna just get mad at the message, right? It's reality. It says in verse 12 one of themselves now One of themselves is referring to they of the circumcision who are teaching false things even a prophet of their own Referring to one of the the the circumcision said the Cretans are always liars evil beasts slow bellies and so The person who's the false prophet is saying of the Cretans that they are always liars and evil beasts and slow bellies Well, is that a true statement? No, I Mean wasn't the job of Titus for this cause left ID in Crete the Cretans that thou should have said in order the things That are wanting and ordained Elders in every city as I had appointed thee let me ask you a question if there was a society that was so wicked And so reprobate do you think God would be like I want you to get a lot of churches started in Sodom and Gomorrah It's like no go to a place that's not wicked, right? So the false prophet is accusing the creations of always being liars evil beasts slow bellies One thing you realize is many times when people are guilty of something themselves They project it on to other people and so actually the person saying that is the one who's always a liar Because he's a child of the devil. He's an evil beast. He's a slow belly. And what is he doing? He's projecting it on to someone else because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and you just try to turn it On to somebody else Now, why is this important because verse 13 is confusing This witness is true When it's saying this witness is true, it's not saying that what the false prophets said about the creations is true It's saying this is a true witness that this is what these false prophets do they accuse others of being bad people So the witness that is true. It doesn't mean that the creations are these wicked reprobates What it's saying is this is a true witness of what false prophets do they accuse other people about being bad people and they're ripping A good society because Crete we assume was a pretty godly society compared to other Areas that had enemies that were trying to you know, stop them So it says wherefore rebuke them sharply rebuke who you rebuke the false prophets That they may be sound in the faith that the sound that the false prophet will be sound in the faith Know that the creations will okay see when we rebuke false prophets I'm not expecting the false prophet to get saved That's not the goal Right when you rebuke these false prophets here in the Philippines, you know, they're not gonna get saved But wait a minute. They got a lot of listeners right and so you rebuke the false prophet that others may be sound in the faith because the reality is False prophets get their message everywhere and people are listening to it and they're getting deceived by these people So you rebuke the false prophet that other people may be sound in the faith When I rebuke false prophets, my goal is not to get that false prophet saved My goal is to help us and edify us or sound in the faith. Okay, so it says here in verse 14 confirms that what I'm saying is true because it says not giving heed to Jewish fables and Commandments of men that turn from the truth. So basically don't listen to the false prophet don't give heed to Jewish fables Okay, now there are many false prophets in this specific example in the early church I mean the Jews were really the enemies of Christianity spreading Okay, and it says that they may be sound in the faith not giving heed to Jewish fables. Okay now verse 15 Onto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure But even their mind and conscious is defiled You say what does that mean brother Stuckey? Well, just think of something that's the most innocent thing in the world think of a newborn baby Right. Somebody sees a newborn baby. They're like, oh the baby's cute and everything, you know They want to hold the baby and everything like that. That's because under the pure all things are pure But those that are reprobate their mind and conscience is defiled. They don't think like a normal person To us we just see you know a little baby running around Got a pure mind. You don't think anything, you know kids at a young age They run around when they're young without clothes on and they don't realize anything wrong with it And it's like to a normal person though. If you see a one-year-old running around it's like, you know, if it's your child You're like, hey, let's get a diaper on you. Okay, but it's like you have a pure mind You don't think anything weird but those that are reprobate their mind and conscience is defiled They do not think like you do. This is a hard topic for us to understand Because of the fact you have a different mind than them Like seriously, I can't understand a serial killer. You're never gonna fully come up like what in the world is wrong with them? Why would they have these weird desires? The reason why you feel that way is because your mind is not defiled It doesn't fully make sense. Like what in the world is going on inside their head Okay, because their mind and conscience is defiled and it says in verse 16 They profess that they know God Sounds like a lot of these people that are reprobates are religious people they profess that they know God Now certainly false prophets are under that category but religious people they profess that they know God but in works they deny him Being abominable kasuklam suklam being an abominable and disobedient and on to every good work Reprobate which is the word for a psychopath So it talks about people that profess that they know God but their works say something completely different Now don't misunderstand my sermon because you don't judge somebody's salvation Based on their works because faith is the evidence Okay, if somebody believes on Jesus Christ when we go soul-winning when we run into someone door-to-door Let's say we run into someone and we get there and they're singing soul-stirring songs and hymns I love this hymnal, right, you know, verily verily you say what do you think it takes to get to heaven? Well, you got to be baptized and speak in tongues and you can lose your salvation if you do wrong Well, I don't care what song they're singing in here. They're not saved because they believe the wrong thing It doesn't matter if they're singing the hymns It doesn't matter if they're wearing a suit and we knock on their door and they're singing Psalms It doesn't matter because they believe the wrong thing But you know you could run into someone door-to-door that is not living the greatest life Maybe they're Drinking maybe they're smoking But if they are right on salvation, I go with what they say and assume that they're telling the truth Because salvation comes down to what we believe and so works are not the determination of whether or not you're saved It's what do you believe? However, the Bible indicates that we can look at the works of someone to determine if someone might be a reprobate because it talks about By their fruits. He shall know them in Matthew 7 Right It's referring to the false prophets. It's referring to those that are reprobate and so it says here in works they deny him So the Bible is saying we can actually look at the works of someone So for example, if somebody's a serial killer, it doesn't matter if he says, you know, I believe it's by faith alone It's like well your works don't really indicate That you believe on Jesus not a determination of whether or not you're saved or lost but saved or reprobate Right and the Bible's saying you might say the right words, but you know what in works you deny him Right, and there are many religious people that would claim they believe the truth But the Bible says in works they deny him being abominable. Look abominable is a very strong word You're thinking serial killer serial rapist. That's not just oh man. I told a lie yesterday. I feel bad about it, right? It's like yes, all men are sinners, but there are certain works that normal people are not going to do Okay, and there are certain things that when somebody gets their mind defiled that their conscience is seared There are certain unnatural sins. They might now desire But also, you know what in this sermon series We're gonna look at the psychopathy checklist 20 different points and you know what the works are kind of indication that hey Maybe somebody's a psychopath. You're looking at all of these different things and it's like Man Right and the Bible says that we can actually look at the works of someone because that's what it says in Titus 1 verse 16 in Works, they deny him being abominable and disobedient on every good work reprobate now turn in your Bible to Jeremiah chapter 6 Jeremiah 6 Jeremiah chapter 6 now, I want you to realize that at our church One thing I preach on a lot that a lot of churches don't I preach against the LGBT a lot But here's the thing in this sermon series. I want to kind of go deeper It's not a four-part sermon series against the LGBT now. Well those come well Yeah, I mean that's four strikes gets you off YouTube, but you know, you know what I'm saying in this sermon series, though I'm not trying now Here's the thing if you look at psychopaths, even the world will say one of the big things is sexual perversion The world is agreement on that Sexual perversion is a major major part of someone being a psychopath I mean everybody's in agreement on that, but I don't want to make this sermon series about that topic. I'm not being watered down It's just like you know what? I'm trying to go deeper on this topic to give us an understanding Okay, one of the 20 points is sexual perversion. So it's going to be covered okay, but That's not the main point of the sermon series So point one people are born with a conscience point two people can lose their conscience Point three. I want to give you the difference between psychopaths reprobates and sociopaths now look there are so many different words like narcissism ASPD, I mean you could spend forever we could we could set up. I don't know a psychology course or something We're not gonna do that. Okay I'm gonna cover some major things But if you want to dig deeper you mean go for it because to preach a sermon series I had to dig deeper, you know to really kind of get these underlying things and stuff But I don't want to make that this is what our church is now about. It's all about serial killers and wicked people It's like four weeks four or five weeks or something. And then we're gonna be moving on to something probably more peaceful, right? but a Psychopath and here's a definition and I'm going to tell you why this is a bad Definition and this is one of the main definitions You'll see it says a person having an egocentric or an anti-social personality Marked by a lack of remorse for one's actions in absence of empathy for others and often criminal tendencies The reason why that's a bad definition is they're talking about characteristics of a psychopath rather than what makes them inherently a psychopath a psychopath is someone without a conscience and Because of that those things are true, they're egocentric which means Mayabang arrogance, they lack remorse in absence of empathy often criminal tendencies Yes psychopaths get arrested all the time, right? Now when it says anti-social, I don't want to go too deep, but let me just help you out Antisocial does not mean shy it Isn't even close to the word shy now in our modern vernacular. Someone might say hey, I'm a bit Antisocial and what they mean is I'm a little bit shy but what you're actually saying is hey I'm a bit of a psychopath when you say you're a bit antisocial Okay. Now I'll talk about that later in the sermon series But what it basically means is you refuse to follow socially accepted protocols in this world Basically, you're about stops. You're rude. You don't care about anybody else. It's all about shoes So socially you walk and step on other people. That's what antisocial is It's not against socialism socialism or so. It's not against socialization Okay, it's against basic accepted things that normal people would do it'd be like for example, let me give you a quick example Let's say you know, I'm in a dentist office Okay, and I'm sitting down waiting for my appointment and this is the only chair and somebody walks in that's eight and a half months Pregnant, what would a normal person do? Isn't that what everybody would do I mean if you don't you're very rude, right? But that's not the way a psychopath would think they would just stay in that chair And the only reason they'd get up is if somebody actually sees them then they back Oh, let me let me let you have my chair because they want to be seen a man But see wouldn't just a normal person understand that social situation. Hey, you just get up and offer that chair Being antisocial is basically in social settings. You only care about yourself. So you walk and step on other people So if you get anything out of this sermon, don't tell anybody you're a little bit antisocial Just say shy Okay It's like I'm a bit of a psychopath. Like that's literally if what you're you're saying to someone I know both my parents got a psychology degree. So did my sister. I'm the one who got the math degree So I guess I know maybe some of these things but it's just like and look I've said that before like yeah I'm a bit antisocial because I'm kind of shy I will never say that ever again though after studying for this sermon Okay, and so anyways Those are characteristic traits of a psychopath, but that's not what makes somebody a psychopath What makes them a psychopath is there without a conscience? Okay. Now this person who is a Psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center. This is what he wrote. This is someone who deals with psychopaths Okay He says a key difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is whether he has a conscience the little voice inside that lets us know what we're when we're doing something wrong a Psychopath does not have a conscience if he lies to you so he can steal your money He won't feel any moral qualms though He may pretend to he may observe others and then act the way they do so he's not found out So basically a psychopath no conscience is what he's saying. Okay a Sociopath typically has a conscience but it's weak They may know that taking your money is wrong and they might feel some guilt or remorse But that won't stop their behavior So by the world standards a psychopath is someone without a conscience some of the sociopath is a weak conscience Here's the problem with this the Bible does not give this description of you know Basically while you're a bit more psychopathic than somebody else. It's like you either have a conscience or you don't Now here's the thing Somebody could be maybe on that path of sin and rebellion against God where they're exhibiting many traits And then there's going to be a point where they just lose their conscience. They get rejected by God, but you know really for our purposes a psychopath is someone who's a reprobate without a conscience a sociopath is someone who's acting like a Psychopath and makes you wonder but they're not Okay, because they do have a conscience and that is a dividing point. Does someone have a conscience or not? Okay Jeremiah chapter 6 gives us this definition of the word reprobate Jeremiah 6 verse 30 Jeremiah 6 verse 30 Reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them And so the Bible says that being reprobate is being rejected and so whenever people find silver they find gold It's never a hundred percent purified. There's a purifying process. There's parts that you just kind of throw out that are useless There's parts that are rejected because it's not actually valuable Okay, and so the Bible is giving us that example of silver because you find silver it might be 87% pure silver You got to get rid of the 13% of garbage. Okay, and there's a process pretty complicated But the Bible is saying you know what there are people that have been rejected by God and that is what a reprobate is So we preach against reprobates what it is is somebody who's been rejected by God They lose their conscience and that is what the world would call a psychopath and the Bible calls a reprobate Okay, because the Lord hath rejected them. So the Bible gives us a definition now. Why is it that God chose to reject them? Well, it's not because they were born and God just determined. You know what? I don't want certain people to go to heaven because the Bible says he died not for hours only but also for the sins of The whole world he died for everybody sins Wants everybody to be saved for the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men He died for everybody He's not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance meaning changing what you believe and believing on Jesus Christ He wants everybody to be saved. He died for everybody Okay However, somebody can reach a point in life where they are wicked and they rebel against God and they choose to hate God and eventually The luck can basically kind of run out Just as we as saved people we became a child of the devil we were born again into God's family When away they were born again into the devil's family and we'll look at that here in a little bit Okay, where somebody becomes a child of the devil and they're permanently rejected. No saved person Can become a reprobate? No saved person can become a reprobate because a reprobate is a child of the devil and if you're saved you're a child of God forever When you have children born onto you they are your children forever Nothing ever changes that and the Bible says everlasting life Eternal life life that never ends. So when you become a child of God, it's forever. It will never end no matter what Okay Turn your Bible to Romans 1 Romans 1 Romans 1 Romans chapter 1 Now one important distinction about someone that the world doesn't necessarily make this distinguishing, but they should of sociopath versus psychopath or what we would say reprobate is Basically when someone becomes a psychopath they get filled with weird unnatural desires that no normal person would have Right. I mean when you look at people that are serial killers, it's some of the most disturbing stuff And I don't even feel comfortable saying some of the stuff But have you ever seen documentaries or whatever? It's like weird. I mean worse than just being a cannibal and being a cannibal It's like what is wrong with you, right? But it gets very strange some of the desires that they have Right. How is that possible? You say brother Stuckey? I mean, I'm a sinner I sin every day But I I would never even think about doing something like that because you have a conscience They have unnatural desires and they don't feel guilty about doing anything And so they do a lot of very wicked and disgusting things I've been preparing for the sermon the last couple weeks and we have two floors at our house So when it's like nine o'clock at night, you know I got my cell phone out because you know, you're reading about psychopaths and then I'm like putting on my you know Light and I'm looking around kind of scared and everything just trying to go to the bathroom Just like it's kind of scary. You know what I mean? I'm not trying to get like it's very creepy, right? It's it's it's not fun to really think about and stuff the only reason why I'm preaching on this is well a lot of people have asked me and the Bible talks about all topics and So we do need to cover all topics. But yeah, it's not the most fun thing to research You know, you know what? I got a math degree, you know, I'm not I'm into numbers. Okay, and So it says in Romans 1 verse 28 and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge So these are people that did not want to retain God They didn't like the knowledge of God's Word God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient The Bible describes a group of people who do not want to retain God in their knowledge They get mad at God's Word and the Bible says God gives them over to a reprobate mind now Certainly a large part of that is the LGBT because Romans 1 is referring to the LGBT It talks about men with men women with women and sexual perversion is a huge part of people that are psychopaths the Bible talks about I mean a long time ago I had this discussion with someone and she was studying criminology and she was we're She disagreed with me about the LGBT and I made this statement by faith without actually realizing I said, you know what all serial killers are a bunch of homos, right? And then all of a sudden she came back a week later. I had no idea I'd never researched any and a week later. She's like, you know what? You're right It's like all of them are like bisexual or homosexuals like the vast majority of them and she was shocked and I by faith You know, I just took by the Word of God because that is a large part Sexual perversion and a person being a psychopath they have unnatural and strange desires. Okay Now when we're talking about a psychopath the first thing that comes to your mind is a serial killer, right? But those are not the only people that are psychopaths Okay Serial killers make up a very small percentage of this world and a very small percentage of psychopaths Most people that are psychopaths are never going to murder anyone Now it doesn't mean that they're unwilling to do it because they don't have empathy. They don't have remorse. They don't have guilt So they would be willing to do that if they needed to to get what they wanted I mean if that's the method to get money, they have no problem actually doing it But most will never end up doing it It's important to realize this because you might have this idea that wow Psychopaths make up one out of every hundred thousand people. No, no, no, no. No, it's a lot higher than that Okay, it's a lot higher than one out of a hundred thousand people Okay, and it says your one thing is serial killers. Another thing you think of is serial rapists Right. There's that that celebrity in the u.s Just a couple years ago Bill Cosby who turned out to be a serial rapist and they thought he was like the nicest guy I thought he was too. I thought he was like the family guy on TV He's like, oh, he's the one person who has somewhat clean entertainment oh, actually, he's a serial rapist in real life and he's a reprobate and a psychopath and Here's the thing that is something sexual perversion and violence that you would associate with psychopaths Okay, that is a major thing. I mean use the exact order and he was a psychopath which we'll see during this series He was a reprobate and you know, that's a major thing is violence and sexual perverseness Okay, sexual deviance as they say now turn in your Bible to 1st Samuel 22 1st Samuel 22 1st Samuel 22 Now one thing I do want to mention in regards to the LGBT and sexual perversion is that we are living in one of the strangest times in the history of the world and Unfortunately especially in our country, there are many people that have been molested at a young age and Look, I praise God that that did not happen to me. My parents, you know were able to protect me and nothing like that happened I do not know the psychological impact that it would put on someone who's had that sort of upbringing and In the world we are in today, you know teachers are trying to get their kids. Just try it to see if you like it Right, that's what they're telling people they're trying to push that agenda in public schools the reality is there are people that are not reprobates that have tried some disgusting things and They didn't give in to that where they desire that they didn't just be like, oh man, I'm a proud, you know, LGBT But there's many people that have tried disgusting things simply because it's being shoved down their throats I mean you go soul-winning and you talk to a group of eight people There's always a few homos in there and I'm just thinking you look at certain people that seem normal and it's like why are you? Hanging out. I Mean my best friends growing up were not homos, right and it's just like but you know Unfortunately, those people are trying to get their friends to try things There are probably people that have done disgusting things. That doesn't mean necessarily they're a reprobate. It's a bit of a gray area I'm not trying to go water down on the LGB topic I'm just saying just by someone doing an individual act that doesn't guarantee that they're a reprobate But there is a point where all of a sudden you just desire this filth Okay, and you know what in the world? We live in when it's being shoved down people's throats and they're trying to get people to do things There are probably people that have done things that are disgusting So I don't want you to be if you believe on Jesus Christ and you did something terrible 20 years ago because it was being Shoved on you. It doesn't mean that you're a psychopath. Okay now look at the same time I I this is a bit of a gray area But if you tell me well this guy's been married to another guy for 35 years and I got him saved Okay, that's that's not a borderline case. Okay, so use some common sense with that and realize that But first thing about chapter 22 first thing about 22 What I do want to quickly do is show you and I said the first sermon is gonna be longer But I want to show you though and I want you to realize something that people that are not Psychopaths can do some pretty bad things There are people that are not psychopaths in the Bible that do some pretty bad things because see the world has a Dividing point on what makes you a psychopath or not and they have this scale these 20 characteristics If you do not exhibit it You got a zero if you kind of do you got a one and if you really do you got a two and they add It up and depending on what country you live in the dividing point on what makes you a psychopath is different Like in the US in the UK one of the countries is 25 and then in another country, it's 30 Do you see how they don't have a set standard on how they're determining things? Because the dividing point the Bible is do you have a conscience or not? that's the dividing point you're either a psychopath or you're not a psychopath and So they're adding all these different things and they have a lot of good information But you know what just because someone's doing certain things that doesn't make them a psychopath They either do have a conscience or they don't okay first Samuel 22 verse 16 This is referring to King Saul first Samuel 22 verse 16 and The king said thou shalt surely die him elect thou and all thy father's house and the king said unto the footman that stood about Him turn and slay the priests of the Lord This is King Saul who orders the death of the priests of the Lord. Let me ask you a question if Somebody made a decree to kill all the soul winners in the Philippines Or kill all the the the preachers that are preaching God's Word wouldn't you think they're a psychopath? I'm just trying to be honest with the scripture here. I'm not going weak on the site, but here's King Saul acting like a psychopath it's like you just had the priests of the Lord put to death and Yet we're gonna see King Saul one day Because the Bible says I mean when Samuel talked to me said tomorrow shalt thou and thy sons be with me The last thing he ever did is he took a sword and fell upon it and yet he was saved Now here's the thing if this person existed in today's world. I would think he for sure is a psychopath, right? I mean, we wouldn't even have any doubts when we look at someone like that and yet he was not a psychopath Go to second Samuel 11 See sometimes when you're reading these stories you just kind of read over you don't stop to think about it But when you really stop and think about it, especially as you're preaching a sermon series you're thinking oh man King Saul You would I mean he tried to kill David over and over again And then he has all the priests of the Lord put to death you would definitely think he's a psychopath If he existed in today's world and yet he was not he had a conscience and yet it didn't seem like he did But he did So that shows a person saved or unsaved not not a psychopath can do a lot of things that would make you wonder Now look the Bible does say we should look at the works as a possible evidence But that does not guarantee that they're a psychopath just because they're doing bad things because as far as I know Nobody's guilty of of having people put to death in this room Right, that's pretty bad Well, there's another person that would have certainly come across as a psychopath and that is King David When you read about Bathsheba and Uriah and you closely read if that happened in today's world I would be like that guy is a psychopath and yet he wasn't Because notice what it says in 2nd Samuel 11, and I don't have time to go into the story We know he committed adultery Tried to cover it up by having trying to get Uriah to sleep with his wife Uriah didn't do that and then all of a sudden he basically puts Uriah at the front of battle and tells everybody just leave him On the front of battle like a suicide mission, right? Notice what it says in verse 23 2nd Samuel 11 verse 23 and The messenger said unto David surely the men prevailed against us and came out onto us into the field and we were upon them even on the entering of the gate and The shooter shot from off the wall upon thy servants and some of the king's servants be dead and thy servant Uriah the Hittite Is dead also then David said unto the messenger Thus shalt thou say unto Joab let not this thing just displease thee now before I read this next statement I want you to realize something one of the big things of a psychopath is no empathy No empathy, they don't feel bad for anyone. They don't feel any guilt or remorse A lot of these things are pretty closely related We'll talk about them during the series but notice the statement for the sword devoureth one as well as another that is such a callous Statement to make don't feel bad about him dying because many people die in war I mean literally if somebody did that in today's world, I would think they're a psychopath They took another man's wife had them put to death and then they didn't seem to show any sort of remorse Or guilt or empathy or anything and yet King David was obviously saved. Nobody's gonna dispute that He was a man after God's own heart and yet he does something that would make you think I mean look if this person did this in today's world and they had a psychopathy checklist He would have gotten many of those things based on this event and he would have certainly been considered by you know Psychiatrists psychologists or whatever they would certainly think he might be a psychopath for doing this go to 2nd Samuel 13 All I'm trying to do is be fair with the scriptures and show you that people that are not reprobates can do some pretty bad things Okay, people that are not reprobates can do some pretty bad things There's people in the Bible that committed murder that were not psychopath I mean David literally I mean and King Saul, but I mean people committed murder doesn't guarantee that they're a psychopath Now it would certainly make you wonder because violence is a big trade of someone being a psychopath, but it doesn't guarantee Certainly makes it more likely but it doesn't guarantee that they're a psychopath How about Amnon in 2nd Samuel 13 Amnon is a character who rapes his half-sister and when you read this story You would certainly wonder is this guy a psychopath and yet at the end of the chapter be a confirmation that he was not Okay 2nd Samuel 13 I Don't have time to go into the whole story, but look at verse 14 How be it he would not hearken under her voice, but being stronger than she forced her and lay with her now Forced her is the word for rape in the Bible, okay? verse 15 then Amnon hated her exceedingly so that the hatred wherewith he hated her was greater than the love wherewith he had loved her and Amnon said unto her arise be gone Look Amnon has is is violent. He shows no remorse. I mean he tells her to go right He's manipulative. I mean all these are traits. I mean he's he's a bit of a liar because he deceives her into coming I mean he's showing a lot of the traits of being a psychopath and if somebody committed an act like that you would certainly wonder Because sexual perversion and violence are a large part of being a psychopath But you say well, how do you know that he wasn't a psychopath? We'll look at verse 39 and The soul of King David longed to go forth onto Absalom for he was comforted concerning Amnon seeing he was dead Okay, now here's the thing I can only go off what David's thoughts are But I feel like I can trust them because here's the thing David was not you know he when his son died He was comforted because he knew his son was in heaven his baby son, right? When Amnon's dead he's comforted when Absalom's dead Absalom, Absalom, my son Absalom. What's David saying? Oh, I don't think Absalom's in heaven. That's why he was so sad He didn't have any comfort. You say why? Well Absalom was a reprobate, right? I firmly believe that and we'll talk about him during this series, okay? David certainly didn't think Absalom was saved now. I'm sure he had a testimony of salvation as I prayed that prayer, right? But David didn't think Absalom was saved because that's why he's so terrible. My son Absalom, my son Absalom So David thought Amnon was saved because he's comforted How could you ever have comfort in someone dying unless you think they're in heaven? If you have a relative that dies and they don't believe What sort of comfort are you gonna have? I mean, it doesn't matter how many donations you give to your church, you know It's you can't pray him out of purgatory my friend and there is no purgatory But you're not gonna have any comfort. So David certainly believes Amnon is saved and you know what I believe he's probably right Okay, now go to John 8 we'll look at one last place but we see somebody guilty of rape who wasn't a psychopath We see somebody guilty of murder, David. We see King Saul All of these people are exhibiting traits. You say what are they? Well, they were basically how I define it a sociopath acting like a psychopath Without actually being a psychopath. They still had a conscience. Although it didn't really seem like it based on their actions Okay, let me give you another story John 8 and I don't have time to go into the whole story but this is the story where they try to basically trap Jesus in his words and get him to put to death this woman caught in adultery and Basically, if he doesn't do it then it's like he's not upholding the law if he does it Well, then the government's gonna come in and obviously everybody tried to trick Jesus okay, but notice what it says in verse 8 John 8 verse 8 and Again, he stooped down and wrote on the ground and they which heard it being convicted by their own conscience Being convicted by their own conscience went out one by one beginning at the eldest even on the last and Jesus was left alone And the woman standing in the midst Boy, these people that were manipulative try to get this woman put to death and it says they had a conscience now Isn't the definition of a psychopath someone who doesn't have a conscience and you might have read that story and you might surprise you Like but but that's what it says, right? They actually do have a conscience and so the Word of God still has an ability to get on the inside Because they still have a conscience although based on their now these people are not saved, right? The other examples we looked at are people I believe Amnon was saved I believe obviously King David and King Saul, but here's an example people. I do not believe are saved and they're doing really bad things but Not a psychopath at least not yet now, of course when you're doing these sorts of things You might be going down that road. No doubt about it, but they still have a conscience and they felt bad Look psychopaths don't feel bad. They might pretend to feel bad but if you've ever read you know transcripts of like Ted bunnies one of the big serial killers in the US and he said that guilt is a social construct Taught to you to control you He's saying guilt. I never feel guilty is what he was saying. You know what he's saying in in a moderate. I'm a psychopath I'm he's like guilt is a social construct as a means to control you because he doesn't feel guilt He doesn't have a conscience. See the thing with psychopaths is very rarely. Are they honest? But every once in a while, they actually give you a peek inside their heart. You're like, whoa Cuz I mean Ted bunny was the guy in Court, I mean he escaped prison twice guy was a genius and then all of a sudden he was the good-looking guy They called him the all-american serial killer. It's like what in the world? But it's like he was the good-looking guy and then he had all these women that fell in love with him as he's like Defending himself and everything. No, he's innocent because he's just very suave and everything Very charming very charismatic. He had that smile and everything and you know, he'd act like wow And then all of a sudden is like, you know guilt is a means to control you, right? He didn't have any remorse But they're very good at being professional actors. They've got experience Now here's the thing When you ever hear about people that study psychopaths, this is what they'll literally say they'll say well You know, we did interviews with people because there's people this is their job They hang out with serial killers to do tests on them now. That's not the sort of job I would want to do because I don't think I'd ever feel that safe But they'll do interviews with serial killers and they'll test them they'll give them because they're trying to rehabilitate them Let's try this drug. Maybe that will stop them from killing people Let's have them drink have more vitamin C and then you'll stop killing it's like there's no hope there's no medicine They don't have a conscience. It's done. It already got burned off Okay, you can't fix that you burn the food. You can't unburn it. It's done. Right? You got to make a new batch They're burned. They're done. There's no hope for them. Okay, but what they'll say is this They will sit there with people that are serial killers for 10 minutes knowing all the crimes they did They'll say after like 10 minutes. I found myself really liking that person. This always happens You say why because they're very charming. That's number one of the points They give they are very good because what they do is this and this is kind of a taste of next week's sermon instead of being themselves They become the person you want them to be and they have years and years of experience and you know what they're effective at it Look every single one of us could be tricked by a psychopath because they are professional actors That's the truth every single one of us. So look don't don't be so arrogant to think why I could always tell it No, no, you couldn't because even the people that around psychopaths all the time talk about me I mean you read the stories where it's like, you know in prison They end up the serial killers a person they trust and then they they trust them around the keys and everything They just walk out of jail. It's like what in the world? I mean, I trusted it, right? It's just like because they're very good at it So look every one of us could be fooled now certainly some people are better reading people than other people But every single one of us could be fooled. Okay? We'll look at two more places turn to acts 13 acts 13 acts 13 So as we start a series entitled how to spot a psychopath We're not going to get to the end of the series and say well I've got it figured out because if I did have a perfectly figured out, you know I'd be selling my material, you know on Amazon or something like that or on Shopee to make money Like I've got the per actually you can't perfectly figure it out now. There are certain things There are certain traits that you can look at and we're going to talk about that during this series It's not 2 plus 2 equals 4 Now if somebody you find out was guilty of being a serial killer, it's like whoa, okay, that's pretty obvious But it's not that simple. I Mean whenever serial killers are caught everybody's shocked like man. That was my nicest neighbor It's Like people are shocked so it really you know, what you find is it's really one of two things either They're everybody's favorite person or there's people that don't trust them They don't like them because there's certain subtle things are like there's something just not quite right But usually most people like it once that once they find out it's like man That was like my favorite person at church the serial killer, right? They're very good at it I'm literally I mean many of the ones the serial killers in the US they were very churchgoing people You say why would they go to church because people are very trusting at church People are very naive at church very trusting at church and so they go to environments they can take advantage of people and Unfortunately church is a major area Okay. Now we'll talk about this more as we go through this series But the reality is as a church that's winning a lot of people Lord Don't you think we're gonna have some opposition to our ministry here? Don't you think people are gonna try to bring in false doctrine and try to destroy our church from the inside out It's much better. I mean you got a bunch of reprobates can try to bomb a church from the outside But from the inside is more dangerous. I Mean here's the reality, you know, we had the big protests in Sacramento what five years ago or whatever You know what? there are many people that showed up for that protest to help us out that were supporting churches that turned out to be bad people from the inside but You wouldn't have guessed it they were there and it's just like, you know You figure they were on your side and it turned out Their mission was to destroy from the inside out because the devil does send people to destroy churches Look, I mean Cora raised up a group of people to fight against Moses and core didn't even have to do much All right. It's time for battle. He had hundreds of people on his side and They were people that were respected in the congregation the Bible says right acts 13 verse 10 One other thing I want to show you as an introductory thing is this The Bible gives a terminology throughout the Bible of a child of the devil a child of Belial a son of Belial and What that is is a child of the devil. That's a person. That's a reprobate It's a person who's a psychopath Belial bail is what it's referring to. That's the terminology. So Throughout the Bible when you read closely the Bible talks about this a lot acts 13 verse 10 and said oh Full of all subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness Will thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord and so they're rebuking this man who's trying to prevent the Word of God from being preached and it says the child thou child of the devil as You are a child of God if you believe people that are psychopaths are children of the devil, okay? One last place turn to first Kings 21 first Kings 21 first Kings 21 It's always tough when you do sermon series in the introductory sermon because you want to preach everything, right? That's a skill you have to learn like if you're new at preaching it if you're new a sermon series You got to like hold back cuz it's like man I want to say this and this and this and this but it's like well those are the next couple weeks, right? This is just the introductory sermon on the topic. But honestly, this is a topic you could talk a lot about It's throughout the Bible. Okay? first Kings 21 verse 13, and this is the story of Is that the one I wanted Actually go to 2nd Samuel 16. Sorry. I had you turn to the wrong one 2nd Samuel 16. I wanted to show you Shimei 2nd Samuel 16 2nd Samuel 16 and I don't have time to go into Shimei But he's someone who curses David and yells at him and he eventually gets put to death by David's son Solomon We're basically he breaks an agreement that he had with Solomon But notice what it says in 2nd Samuel 16 verse 7 and thus said Shimei when he cursed Come out come out thou bloody man and thou man of Belial now What is Shimei saying about David Shimei is accusing King David of being a reprobate? You know what that tells me. Oh, you're a reprobate Shimei you say why it's called projection You project what's on the inside of yourself on to someone else Shimei I believe was a psychopath and on because you read that story like Why is it that David doesn't put him to death later on because you can't really put someone to death just because they cursed you Even if you're the king if you're righteous King, you're not gonna have somebody put to death just because they criticize you Okay No comments, right? But David obviously a man after God's own heart he's saying look I'm not gonna put someone to death just because they threw a stone at me right But David was not unaware though. So basically David realizes something. Well people that are reprobates are covenant breakers, right? So this guy makes a covenant in agreement with Solomon. Oh, I'll never do this And hey, if you do it, you're gonna be put to death. Of course. I'm never gonna do that, but they're covenant breakers And so he breaks the Covenant and guess what he gets put to death because they didn't actually he didn't think Solomon was being serious now. I can't guarantee to you shimmy eyes Reprobate but because he accuses David it just kind of shows me you're projecting what's inside of yourself onto somebody else It certainly seems like you're probably the one who's a psychopath because honestly that makes the story make sense Like why didn't David put him to death? We don't have you don't have enough reason to put him to death Okay, he didn't murder someone he threw a stone at you Okay, and David's trying to follow the law trying to do what's right so it doesn't have him put to death But he wasn't naive Right. He's like, well, I don't think shimmy eyes a good guy though. He obviously can't be trusted It's like Solomon. You're a wise guy, you know what to do, right? So I don't believe because I used to wonder about this Like why is it David seems weak and then he's having him put to death and then I kind of realized well David realizes Well, you let him let him hang himself on the rope Right. That's the strategy that David uses and he does Okay, and so don't let me give you a couple things in closing on this topic This is just an introductory thing realize number one Most psychopaths are never going to murder anybody Most of them are never going to murder anyone because sometimes you can look at serial killers and you think serial killer and psychopath are Identical now a serial killer is just evidence They are a psychopath but you have to realize there's more than just a serial killers that are bad people out there Okay, another thing to realize is this these people exist in all areas of life I mean when you're reading the Bible, they're in the military. I mean, they're everywhere and Here's the thing. You know what? They never really know who the psychopaths are in the military the people that are causing problems on the inside out They didn't Moses didn't know about Korah King Saul didn't know You know when he had men early on in in his reign were that were bad people from the inside King David I mean it talked about King David 200 people were too faint to go out to battle and then they came back and the ones That were children of the devil said well don't give them anything, right? So even in the military you're seeing people that I don't believe we're committing any homosexual acts, but they were children of the devil It's kind of a modern-day thing where sexual perversion is way out of control because it's so accepted and it's no longer a criminal offense So everybody they have no fear of doing it, right? But these people are gonna exist in all areas of life I mean if you if you work at a company if you work at an office You could have somebody at your office. That's the psychopath. In fact the industries they've looked at with the highest percentage of psychopaths They determine CEOs are the highest percentage of psychopaths You say how is that? Well, because they use their charm to make it to the top of the company now You'll never notice psychopaths really actually working hard But you know what they'll often do is take credit at a business for work They didn't actually do and they move up the top to the company They're very I mean, they've estimated over 20% of CEOs are psychopaths It's like well, I would believe it when you look at these super rich people The love of money is the root of all evil I mean it makes sense from a biblical standpoint, but many of them are actually psychopaths, right? You know, they're gonna be everywhere they could be you could have cousins you could have uncles you get up relatives in your family I mean, they're gonna be at church too because we saw verses that talked about religious people That are psychopaths you say brother sucky this scares me, you know, I'm not gonna come back to church now Well, just live in a plastic bubble at your house I'll buy the bubble for you. I don't know where you buy that but it's like look this is reality What we do at this church is we bring you into the reality of the real world when everyone's trying to make this make-believe world No, we're actually showing you the truth. These people are going to exist look if Rizal Park was open which I don't know if Luneta Park is open right now or not But if you went down to Rizal Park and it's a Friday night and there's a thousand people at the park Mark my words. There's gonna be a lot of psychopaths there. You say why because they make up I mean the industry says it's like point eight percent of the population. Oh, it's a lot higher than that. I Mean, they're being way too optimistic, you know, the the psychopathy studies It's more than point eight percent of people are psychopaths in this world But look there are people that are bad people and it's better to be aware and see problem signs So, you know how to deal with it, which we're going to talk about in this series Okay, another thing to realize is this this is a very very hard thing to identify because these are chameleons Meaning they can blend in with whatever environment and you're not really going to know They're very good at that. They can basically blend into any environment. Look there's ways like in a super complicated You can look at speech patterns and things they say like one thing is serial killers always do even if they admit they're wrong They'll go into great detail. I arrived at 8 a.m Blah blah blah and they just say first person first person first person and the woman was shot. It's like wait a minute Why don't you just tell us that you shot the woman because they switch from first person to third person all the time There's small little clues like that. But unless you're like an expert I don't think any of us are gonna catch this in a normal conversation Right, it's very hard because they're professional chameleons, okay Now, let me say this There is a telltale sign that somebody is a reprobate and there's also a telltale sign that they're not if somebody does Unnatural things like being a serial killer Right harming a five-year-old child things like that. Well, that's an unnatural desire that nobody was born with And there's also a way to tell somebody's not as you say brother sucky I need to check on my husband or my wife now for this sermon I need to double check. My wife is not a psychopath. How do I figure it out? Well, one thing that psychopaths cannot do is win someone to the Lord Judas Iscariot won zero people to the Lord in his life you say why because well It's already past time. I don't have time to go super in-depth on this, you know, take my word Maybe I'll talk about it more in this series But an unsaved person cannot win someone Lord because it comes from faith to faith now Here's what they can do though They can mimic the words and they can pray prayers with people and you might think that they're winning someone to the Lord But just because they prayed a prayer doesn't actually mean that person got saved But if you run into someone and they are definitely saved and they heard the gospel from someone then you know what you know they can't be a psychopath and So there are people at our church that I know for sure are not psychopaths and it's like well because you know I run into your converts and there's people that have come to me and said hey brother Stuckey You know somebody got saved They told me that they talked to you and it's like and you know what that is something an unsafe person cannot do The Bible teaches that and so that is a telltale sign that someone's not but at the same time Judas Iscariot was very good At making people think I mean he showed up to soul winning I'm sure he had the best presentation because look if he never got anyone to the Lord You know what? They'd say when Jesus says hey one of you is a bad guy. Oh It's that guy But Jesus actually literally said it's Judas and then they're like, I wonder what he meant by that You know why because they're very hard to spot That was probably everybody's favorite person man. I loved I loved when I get to go soul winning with Judas Iscariot Right Because Judas Iscariot was very good professional actor and his purpose was financial He was there to make money and that's the truth But there are certain things that can tell you for sure and for sure not so in this series I'm gonna just give you a quick overview. The second sermon will be shorter, but Basically, we have 20 characteristics and they're considered factor one factor two and neither characteristics two Characteristics are under neither eight are under factor one and ten are under factor two. So factor one are Interpersonal and affective so basically four for each one interpersonal and affective characteristics factor two are lifestyle and antisocial Once again, not lifestyle and shy okay being shy does not make you a psychopath That is not what antisocial is. Okay, as PD Antisocial personality disorder is when you're just Bastos basically in social settings. Okay, and then there are two that don't fit into any of them now once again, though Somebody could be guilty of many of these things. That doesn't mean that they're a psychopath because that doesn't tell you whether or not they have a conscience and So look, this is not something where you say walk away and just man, uh, you know I'm gonna you're not gonna necessarily know for sure if someone's a psychopath but at the end and the conclusion of the sermon You know, we're gonna have an answer to well, what do I do if I suspect someone? Well, there are certain things that you should do the Bible talks about certain things that are smart and wise to do But this is not a math problem 2x plus 3 equals 9 That's a pretty easy math problem. It doesn't work that way though. This is like advanced calculus times 20 Okay, it's complicated. It's not always that simple. Let's goes in order prayer. Dear Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see your word in this topic and Help us to be realize that the Bible speaks about all subjects help us to be ready for this God and help us to Be a strong church and realize that we we cannot get rid of all the bad people that might try to destroy our church The Bible says there's gonna be tears amongst the wheat But help us learn how to handle the situation and be prepared for something like this. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen