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It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. It sounds like we have to make the past easier. If you want to be a pastor, if you want to be a bishop, that is a good work. But you must be blameless. Some people look at this and say, well, none of us are without blame. We all sin, so therefore this verse doesn't even matter. The Bible does not say if any man be sinless. It says if any man be blameless. And what that means is there's no major sin that people can point to and say, hey, our pastor, he does this all the time. For example, let's say you had somebody who was a pastor, and he just had a big temper, and every other week he's beating somebody unconscious right outside the church. Well, he's not blameless. He's a brawler or a striker, as the Bible says. He would not be blameless. If you committed adultery, you're not blameless. That's a pretty major sin. That's a sin the Bible says gives you the death penalty. And if you're committing this sin, you can't stand up here and say, I'm blameless. I haven't done anything majorly wrong. That's a major sin, according to the Bible. And so, look, if a pastor is committing that sin, they're no longer qualified to be a pastor. Why? They're not blameless. They're done. They're removed. Now, you say, Brother Succy, I don't know who Carl Lentz is, but do you know who Justin Bieber is? Carl Lentz is the one who baptized Justin Bieber. And Carl Lentz is known as the celebrity pastor. You've probably seen his picture before. He's very famous. And he's famous because he's always going to clubs with Justin Bieber. And so basically it's been on the news and everything because sometimes people are videotaping it, and he got in trouble because this pastor had his shirt off at a club, and he got drunk, and it was all over the tabloids and everything. And it comes out as just like, well, even Jesus drank, is what he said, as a defense. But he's always hanging out with Justin Bieber. And he baptized Justin Bieber, and he's baptized a lot of celebrities. He's a very famous celebrity pastor, and he was the head of the church in New York. But basically this woman that he committed adultery with, she ended up going public about it. And he was cheating on his wife with a Muslim woman. And this woman looked very whorish from all pictures. And she didn't realize that he's a celebrity pastor because he was lying about who he is. And once she found out that, oh, this is a Christian, I guess her conscience felt guilty, and she went public about it, and it was like all over and everything, and then he admitted to it. But then it came out, oh, actually he's committed a lot of adultery with a lot of women, and the church was aware of it, but they didn't do anything about it. You say, wow, that would hurt the reputation of the church. I mean, he brings in so much money. I mean, Justin Bieber's tide is worth so much money. I mean, we can't kick out Carl Lentz because he's bringing all these celebrities to our church. I read online all these celebrities that had visited before the church. I think Kyrie Irving had visited the church with these various people. Now, Kyrie Irving's a Muslim, so I don't know what he's doing at Hillsong, but I guess he feels at home there. I don't know. Anyways, this person committed adultery, and this is not the only case, though, of pastors in Hillsong committing adultery, and what always happens is they cover it up, right? Obviously here with Baptist churches in the Philippines, what takes place is a Baptist pastor commits adultery, and the defense is, well, if he's called by God, you can't question his calling, right? That takes place all the time here in the Philippines, but see, here's the thing. They are no longer blameless. If adultery has taken place, they need to be removed as a pastor. So he was asked about this, Brian Houston, the head of Hillsong, and this is what it says. At the time of his termination, Hillsong founder Brian Houston publicly cited moral failures. Instead of saying he committed adultery and deserves to be stoned, he said, yeah, Carl Lentz committed some moral failures, okay? In the newly leaked audio, Houston alleged that Lentz was unfaithful several times, so he was aware of it, that he committed adultery many times, and it says representatives for Hillsong and Lentz did not immediately return people's request for comments, and this is also what Brian Houston said. When we talk about an affair, these issues were more than one affair. Well, then why did you cover it up? I mean, if you already knew he was committing adultery, why didn't you just remove him? He says it was more than one affair. They were significant, a man reported to be Houston said, and at least some bad moral behavior had gone back historically, but not necessarily those affairs. Yeah, I think if your pastor was drunk at a club without his shirt on, like dancing around with like 20-year-old girls, I would say that's moral failure. I would say some bad behavior, unethical behavior was taking place for quite a bit of time. Can you imagine if you're at a church, and then all of a sudden your pastor's on the front page of the newspaper getting drunk, and then all of a sudden you're listening to him preach the next day? I mean, what a joke. Turn to Leviticus chapter 20. Leviticus 20. Leviticus chapter 20. I really don't understand why anyone would want to go to a church like this, when they have all of these problems and everything, and it's a church where it's all about the rock music. It's all about the music. It's like, oh, man, the song we just sung in church was number seven on the Billboard charts. It's like, honestly, when I first got saved, I listened to a lot of bad music, but my number one thing about finding a church was not, which church has songs on the Billboard charts? Right? Which church produced this rock music that's really popular? That's kind of like on the last thing of things that I'm interested in. What does it say in Leviticus 20 verse 10? And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbor's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. So once again, we're looking at a third different sin, and all of these things, the punishment is the death penalty, the Bible says. Well, how can you cover that up when it's happening at your church, it's your pastor, and the Bible says you get the death penalty? Well, the Bible teaches forgiveness. The Bible teaches love. The Bible teaches peace. God's the God of second chances, right? It's like, well, you know what? If somebody committed that sin today, obviously we're not the government. We're not going to end up putting that into force. And you know what? Somebody, if they committed adultery, they can get right with God and keep serving God, but not as a pastor. Look, if somebody at our church committed that sin, you know what? They would get a chance to get right with God. They got rid of the sin. But you know what? They wouldn't be up here preaching. They wouldn't be here on Wednesday nights preaching. They wouldn't have any public ministry. You say, why? Because of the fact they're representing the church if they're getting up here. Even if it's the scripture reading or the song leading or whatever, they can't be up here in public when there's some major sin that everybody's aware of. Turn to 2 Kings 23. 2 Kings 23. And look, I'm preaching against Hillsong, but you know, the same thing could be said for any number of churches throughout the world, that basically they're too worried about their reputation because these things happen at churches all the time. And what do churches do? They just cover up the sins of these people that are pedophiles. They don't even kick the pedophiles out of church. It's like, are you crazy? Right? Even if you're not going to report to the police, you really want that person still at your church? You've got to be kidding me. I mean, people come to church and they're trusting their kids in the church's hands, so to speak. Now, we're a family-integrated church, so we don't believe in doing that, but what I'm saying is these other churches, they have nurseries, and they're trusting. They think that church is a safe environment, and what is taking place? They are basically recruiting predators to their church because when you don't do anything about it, predators are going to come in and say, this is a good place to defile children, and nothing ever happens. Another major thing with Hillsong is basically their promotion of the LGBT. Now, they would claim that they preach against the LGBT, but not really because Brian Houston has openly said, yeah, we have open homos that are in our choir. We have people that are in relationships together that are part of them. I mean, some of the songs, some of the Christian songs on the radio of Billboard, you're listening to people that are couples sing the song that are just sodomites. This is the truth, and he openly admits it. Well, this is what he says about this, and this is just point number one of the sermon, this is sexual perversion, and I'm just kind of going through it quickly because we have other stuff to cover, but it's in all areas. Talk about diversity. You've got rape, you've got child abuse, you've got adultery, you've got homosexuality. This is what he says when he was asked about the question of the LGBT. I would hate to think that there is anyone who wouldn't feel welcome at our church. Then he says this unless they're predators. Now, it's interesting that he says this because I think he mentions this because he has to look like he's against predators because everyone's aware of what his father's accused of, so he has to make it look like, yeah, we don't accept that, we deal with that problem. But what's funny is he's kind of negating himself. It's like homosexuals are welcome, predators are not welcome. Well, have you ever read the Bible? I mean, Genesis 19 and Judges 19? I mean, according to the Bible, homosexuals are predators. And look, they don't hide it. They will openly admit that they're coming after your children. They don't deny it. And then you've got Christians today saying, well, you know what, we need to love people and give them a chance. Everybody has a sin. You know what? We need to love people and give them a chance. Everybody has a sin. Not everybody has that sin, though. Not everybody has major sins. Do I have sins? Absolutely. But you know what? I've never murdered anyone. I've never committed adultery. I've never committed rape. Right? They're trying to make it seem like every sin is the same. You know what? Stealing a pen at the bank is a sin. But you know what? Stealing a pen, I did not steal this pen, okay? Stealing a pen from security bank is not the same thing as molesting a child. And anyone who would say something so stupid, I'm like, man, stay away from my kids. Like, what kind of sins do you have? Because people that have major sins, this is what they try to do. They try to make everybody, well, he's guilty too. None of us are righteous. No, not one. Right? So they try to lessen their sin by making other people look like they're really bad sinners or it's equal or whatever. Stealing a pen from the bank is not the same thing as committing murder. That is retarded. That is ridiculous. What does it say in 2 Kings 23 verse 7? You say, Brother Stuckey, well, prove to me that homosexuals are not welcome at church. Well, let me just be very clear. They're not welcome at this church. They're not welcome at this church ever. You say, why? We don't accept predators. Anyway, that's proof of them being a predator if they're a homosexual. That's what the Bible teaches. But here's the thing. Let me show you a clear verse in the Bible that shows that they're not welcome. 2 Kings 23 verse 7, and he break down the houses of the Sodomites that were by the house of the Lord where the women wove hangs for the grove. So what we see is a righteous king breaks down or tears down the houses of the Sodomites that are by or near or beside the house of the Lord. Right? It's like he break down the house of the Sodomites that were by the house of the Lord. Not in God's house, but by God's house. And what the Bible's saying is a righteous thing to do is they shouldn't even be welcome near the church, much less in the church. Brother Stuckey, our homosexuals welcome at this church. They're not even welcome near the church. Right? That's what the Bible teaches. This is listed as a good thing that he does. He break down the house of the Sodomites. Right? They're not even welcome near the church, the Bible says, much less in the church. You say, why? Because the word of God has not changed. They were predators in Genesis 19. They're predators before the flood. They're predators in Judges 19. They're predators in 2021. Right? Turn in your Bible to Luke 22, Luke 22, Luke 22. So point number one is the sexual perversion and the cover up with Hillsong or Hellsong. Right? And look, it's diverse in all areas. Right? They had their fruits and their vegetables, their meat, their bread. I mean, everything. Right? There's nothing. It's a balanced diet of perversion going on at Hillsong. Right? Well, another problem with Hillsong, other than the fact that, you know, they have all this sexual perversion, which, you know what, that would be enough for me to leave a church, certainly, is, you know what, they're trying to be like the world. They're not trying to be different than the world. They're trying to be just like the world. Okay? And, you know what, part of this is they pretend to be non-denominational. They're not non-denominational. They're Pentecostals. They came from assemblies of God, and they are this big denomination in and of itself because they're like this mega church with all of these, you know, co-running church plants under one system. That is by definition a denomination. Right? When you've got one church and you've got all of these different ones and they're all under this big umbrella, it's like that is by definition a denomination, and they're never trying to become independent. It's always yoked up to the same thing. So they're worried about the reputation of Hillsong. But they pretend to be non-denominational, and this is very common with Pentecostals. Pentecostals will often pretend to be non-denominational. Let me give you an example. Joe Lowstein's a Pentecostal. You say, what? I thought he was a non-denominational. He speaks in tongues. You say, he speaks in tongues? Yeah, he speaks in tongues. He inherited that church from his father who was a big tongue talker back then, and Joe Lowstein is a tongue talker, but he doesn't really make that public because if you tell people you speak in tongues, many people will avoid the church. Right? Pentecostals, what they do is they pretend to be non-denominational so they can get anybody to come and attend the church. Okay? Here's an article from the New York Times, and it says, in the United States, Hillsong is non-denominational. In Australia, it is associated with the Australian Christian churches, which is an affiliate of the Assemblies of God. So Hillsong in Australia is Pentecostal, and in the U.S. it's non-denominational, and yet both of them speak in tongues. They're Pentecostals. They might have a different bank account because here's the thing. You know what? You have to have a different bank account when you're in a different country. That's just the way it works, right? Before we came here, we looked into getting like a bank account that would still be underneath. It doesn't work from country to country. You have to just open up, you know, a different one. You're not going to be able to open up, you know, Wells Fargo or Bank of America here in the Philippines. It won't work, right? And so, yeah, you know what? They're under different systems, and so they might technically, by their documents, say they're non-denominational, but they're Pentecostals. They're tongue talkers. They're associated with the assemblies of God. Now, notice what it says in Luke 22, verse 59. And about the space of one hour after another confidently affirmed, saying, Of a truth this fellow also was with him, for he is a Galilean. And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And immediately while he had spake the cock crew, and the Lord turned and looked upon Peter. And Peter remembered the word of the Lord, how he had said unto him, Before the cock crew, thou shalt deny me thrice. And Peter went out and wept bitterly. So basically we see that Peter denies Jesus. And what he is is basically embarrassed to be linked with Jesus Christ at this time, right? He's ashamed to say what he really believes and who he really is. And with these Pentecostals, they're not open about what they believe. They try to hide it. It's like if you're part of the assemblies of God, just admit it, right? And sometimes you see this with Baptist churches. You'll call up to try to visit a church and find out what they believe, and they won't tell you. It's difficult, right? You know, I've had times where I'm going on vacation. Switch their view once they find out, oh, that's not what he wants to hear, right? They're just trying to say whatever they need to say. And you know, with these Pentecostals, they're not open about being Pentecostal. They hide it. Joel Osteen doesn't let you know. Hillsong doesn't let you know. You say, why? Because they're trying to suck in anybody that they can. And look, in many ways, this will probably be part of the false philosophy series. Pentecostal ism is a philosophy in and of itself because it's all about emotionalism. They want you to come to church. It's not about doctrine. It's not about what you believe. It's not about what the church stands for. But how do you feel when you come to church? Do you feel emotional? Do you feel spiritual? It doesn't matter if you are spiritual. Do you feel spiritual? And that's what their goal is. Turn to Psalm 33. Psalm 33. And look, the Pentecostal movement is sweeping the world. I mean, it's crazy how fast it has taken off. And look, I truly believe that there's nothing new under the sun. But I want you to realize, although there was remnants of this Pentecostal movement in Christianity hundreds of years ago, not like you see today, because all the stuff going on in Pentecostal churches, that was going on in voodoo, in Hinduism, in shamanism, with witch doctors and all this weird stuff, now it's going on under the realm of Christianity, right? Speaking in tongues has been around since the very beginning. You can listen to the Greek philosophers. You can read articles where they're talking about how they heard people speaking in tongues like Plato and Aristotle. I mean, in a false Greek philosophy, they have people speaking in tongues. And then all of a sudden, in the last 100 years, all of a sudden, there's Christians doing this heavenly language. Yet in every other religion, you get possessed by some devil, and you start speaking something, and they all say, well, and now it's attached to Christianity. Like, what a joke. Now, in the past, there was religions like the Quakers. And the Quakers were known as the Quakers or the Shakers. And basically, the way they operate their church services is nobody preaches. It's just basically quiet, and everybody just kind of sits there. And then when you hear the Quakers, everybody just kind of sits there. And then when you feel led to do something, you do it. And so it got known as the Quakers, because all of a sudden, people started shaking in their seats like an earthquake was going on. The Quakers or the Shakers. And so all of a sudden, people started going, just woo! So it's the Pentecostals. They didn't call themselves Pentecostals, but now it's taking place since about 100 years ago. The Pentecostal movement is just sweeping the world, as nobody cares what the Bible says anymore. And now there's over 600 million Pentecostals in this world. 600 million. That's almost 10% of the world's population will say that they're Pentecostal. I mean, that is a huge, huge percentage. That's like one-third or one-fourth of Christianity. Another problem with Hillsong is CCM, or Christian Contemporary Music, or Christian Rock Music, basically. And so basically what made Hillsong so popular was their music, okay? And you know what? That is becoming very common in churches where they have Christian rock music coming. What does the Bible say about this in Psalm 33, verse 3? It says, Sing unto them a new song, play skillfully with a loud noise. See, the Bible says when you come to the house of God, it ought to be a new song. You say, what does that mean? Well, it means that the music you listen to in the world is different than what you hear in church. Shouldn't the house of God be different than the world? In the world, you've got rock music. In God's house, you have psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. It's a new song, right? I mean, unless you grew up as a fundamental Baptist, or a Baptist or something similar, before you were saved, you did not listen to music like this. You listened to whatever music, you know, I don't know, Justin Bieber, whatever you were into, K-pop, don't tell me if that's... But you listened to whatever, but you didn't listen to psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. You know, once you're saved, you sing these songs, and then you're actually paying attention to what's being said. You're like, wow, that's powerful. But you don't do that before you're saved. Go to Psalm 40, Psalm 40, Psalm 40. I'll just give you one more verse on this, because there's many verses that talk about singing a new song, which indicates it's different than the old music you listen to. It says in Psalm 40, verse 3, And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God, many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. So once again, a new song's in your mouth. What is that song? Let's praise unto our God, right? And it's not just a song where you're saying, oh, we're praising God. It's that the words itself are giving glory to God, because it's the same things the Bible teaches. Go to 2 Kings 5, 2 Kings 5. You see, what's happening in churches is they're trying to change the church, change the sermons, change the music for what people want instead of what the Bible actually has. Sermons are getting shorter. The music's getting longer. The music's getting more worldly. Why? Because it's no longer about what the church teaches or what the Bible teaches. It's about making people feel good and feel spiritual. I went to a church one time, and basically when we went door-to-door soul-winning evangelism, whatever you want to call it, we would basically have a sheet of paper, and we'd have a survey, right? It's like, how long of a sermon do you think is the right length? I'd say, all right, 25 minutes. What kind of music would you want? Because I want to reach people that love God. I'm not interested in reaching just the normal, average person. I want to reach people that actually love God. I mean, if we were to change the music, then you'd have Christian rock that would come on, right? I mean, I was joking, but look, this is what churches are doing. They're changing their music to what people want instead of what the Bible actually says. You say, why? Because they're not trying to be what God says to be. They're just trying to be what's going to bring in money, bring in people. And look, I would love it if our church doubles in size, triples in size, quadruples in size through the years, but you know what? We're not going to change who we are. We'll change what the Bible says to be that. Look, if our church is running the same amount of people 10 years from now, and we're still going soul winning, we're still getting people saved, we're still preaching the Word of God, it's still the best church in this area, right? You say, well, Brother Sucky, at other Baptist churches, there's 200 people. Well, I mean, you can go to those churches and learn whatever. You can go to those churches and do the baby shark, right? But I'd rather just be at a church that's actually teaching the Word of God, whether it's popular, whether it's unpopular. Another thing that shows that they're trying to be like the world is they're trying to reach celebrities. Justin Bieber's an example, and they listed a lot of celebrities, and I'm like, the only ones I recognize are Justin Bieber. Well, they had a few basketball players that were part of Hillsong to some degree. I think it was Kyrie and Shaq were the two that were meant, I think. But I might be getting confused, because I know those are the two flat earthers. I might be getting confused with, maybe there's a link between Hillsong and being flat earth, I'm not really sure. Selena Gomez, when she was dating Justin Bieber, they'd go on Hillsong dates or whatever to church or whatever. And look, I don't know anything about Justin Bieber. I'm not saying he's a reprobate. I have absolutely no idea. But what I'm saying is there's a problem when you're trying to cater your church to celebrities. Look, if a celebrity came into our doors and wanted to attend our church, great. But we're not going to have him behind our pulpit preaching a sermon. We're not going to have him representing our church. If he becomes a godly person or she becomes a godly person, they could be in the choir or something like that. But we're not just going to have some random person. Well, you know, if you advertise that this person's preaching, you can get like a thousand people. So what? Right? We're not going to do that. You say, well, why do you say that, Brother Stuckey? Well, notice 2 Kings 5, verse 1. Everything we believe, we prove with the Bible. 2 Kings 5, verse 1. Now Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Assyria, was a great man with his master and honorable because by him the Lord had given deliverance onto Syria. He was also a mighty man in valor, but he was a leper. So Naaman is a very powerful man linked up with the Syrian, not Assyrian, but Syrian empire, and he's the captain of the host. But the one big problem he has is he's a leper. So basically, you know, he wants to be cured of leprosy, and the king of Syria basically says, well, the king of Israel is responsible. Cure this man of his leprosy. And it's like, how am I going to cure him of leprosy? Right? But the man of God, Elisha, says, bring him to me. We'll cure him of leprosy. Okay? Go to verse 8. Verse 8. Now, keep in mind, this is a famous, powerful person. It would be like if, you know, I don't know, some famous, powerful politician came into our church today. Right? Notice what it says in verse 8. And it was so when Elisha, the man of God, had heard that the king of Israel had rent his clothes that he sent to the king, saying, Wherefore hast thou rent thou thy clothes? Let him now come to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel. So what Elisha says is this is an opportunity to prove who the true God is because we're going to cure him of leprosy. Verse 9. So Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot and stood at the door of the house of Elisha. So Naaman's coming up to the door of Elisha. Naaman's a very powerful person. He's a very famous person. I'm sure he's used to people catering to him. Notice what it says in verse 10. And Elisha sent a messenger on to him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean. So Elisha just sends somebody to do the job. And it's just like, Well, you know what? I've got something else to do. It's like the messenger is perfectly capable of doing this. Right? He's just and this is a celebrity. Now, many people, if there is like a celebrity, they'd be, Man, I want to meet that celebrity. Right? Well, Elisha says, I've got something more important to do. And he just sends the messenger to him because to Elisha, he's no different than any other man. Doesn't the Bible say we're not supposed to be a respecter of persons? Right. Look, if a celebrity came to our church, I wouldn't look down on them. If they came to our church and liked our preaching, then great. Right? We're not going to cater toward them, and we're not going to make them feel special, like they're better than anybody else because they're a celebrity. That's ridiculous. Right? Then it says in verse 11, Naaman was wroth and went away and said, Behold, I thought he will surely come out at me, out to me. So Naaman's reaction is, I'm used to everybody coming to me. And, you know, I'm a great man, and he's not even coming to me. And Elisha is just like, you know, it's not a big deal. He doesn't need to deal with the situation. Now, eventually Elisha does, because, you know, basically he complains and everything. And Elisha wants this person to be healed. But basically, it wasn't really a big deal to him because it's just like any other man. Right? Now, turn in your Bible to second Kings 13, second Kings 13. So look, maybe I maybe, you know, more about Justin Bieber than me. I don't know much about him. Look, if he came to our church, I'd be like, hey, great. Sit down, listen to preaching. You know, I don't know anything about him, whether he's a reprobate or not. I have absolutely no idea. I let him sit through the service. Right. It's just like, OK, but I wouldn't be like, oh, man, it's Justin Bieber. I literally don't know a single Justin Bieber song. Not a single. If you do, then, you know, it is what it is. But I don't know any of his songs, but I'm just saying, you know what? If he came to our church, cool. Somebody came to our church. But, you know, we'd be happy for anybody who visited our church. But see, with Hillsong, they've got a big donation coming in or whatever from Justin Bieber or a reputation where other people come. So they want to cater towards celebrities. What are they trying to do? They're trying to be like the world. And, you know, when you listen to these people that left Hillsong because of some sort of scandal, what they would say is one of the things they loved when they first started coming to church. Oh, it's Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez and all these like celebrities. And they're all excited. And that was part of why they wanted to be at church. Look, if that's your reason for wanting to be at a church, you're never going to last. Right. And so turn to Second Kings 13. Lastly, what I want to talk about a problem with Hillsong is they're leaning on the prosperity gospel, which is the health and wealth prosperity gospel, and the word of faith movement. And those are very linked, but I'll explain a little bit more in detail. But it says here from this article, Word of faith is a worldwide Christian movement which teaches that Christians can access the power of faith through speech. Its teachings are found on radio, the internet, television, and in many charismatic denominations and communities. The movement renounced poverty and physical suffering is either necessary to a godly life or glorifying Jesus Christ. It teaches that salvation won by Jesus on the cross included wealth and prosperity for believers. So the word of faith movement is like the prosperity gospel, but it's to another degree. Basically, with the word of faith movement, if you're poor, you can speak yourself into being rich. You can say, I will not be poor, and then boom, you're going to make money. Basically, your words are God, essentially. You can speak things into it. You say, what are you talking about, brother? I mean, did anyone see that Kenneth Copeland thing with COVID? It's like COVID-19, I blow the wind of God on you. That's the word of faith movement, where basically you can speak things into existence, and basically your words become God. And it's like, oh, you've got a job interview coming up. Just say, you know what, I will get that job. It's like if anyone saw Star Wars, it's just like this is what Jedis do. You're at a checkpoint, and they're checking you to see if you have kids because you can't get through whatever. You will let me pass, and then they pass. That's what happens in Star Wars. That's what the Pentecostals do. That's what the word of faith movement is, where basically you speak things into existence. I will be rich next month. I will get a pay raise next month. This is ridiculous. This is what it says in 2 Kings 13 verse 14. Now Elisha was fallen sick of his sickness, whereof he died. Notice Elisha, who just cured Naaman, and 2 Kings 13 verse 14, how does he die? Well, it says he fell sick of his sickness, whereof he died. Elisha died because he got sick. He didn't die because of old age, but Elisha was fallen of his sickness, whereof he died. So Elisha got sick, and he ended up dying. Well, according to the Health and Wealth Gospel, if you don't have good health, you don't have enough faith. That's what they teach. If you don't have enough money, it's because you don't have enough faith. If you're struggling in life, it's because you don't have enough faith, right? And then the word of faith movement teaches, well, what you can do to change that is just speak your money into existence. Speak your health into existence. Now look, of course I believe you should try to keep an optimistic outlook on life. You can't speak yourself into being rich, though. I will win the lottery next month, right? That's what they teach, though. It's ridiculous, right? The word of faith, the prosperity gospel. Now let me just say this in conclusion about Hillsong, because Hillsong is not really that much different than pretty much any Pentecostal religion. They just kind of go to a big extreme about it, and they're very popular. But you know, you have to realize that, you know, I don't preach on Pentecostals a lot. It's not a major religion in this country. But what you're seeing is churches that are not Pentecostal will start to develop some Pentecostal roots where it's all about emotionalism. Instead of actually the message being preached and the word of God and the works being done, it's all about how you feel, right? They try to get you to feel good. And see, at churches, you come to other churches, even Baptist churches, you know, basically you leave, you come feeling whatever, and then you leave feeling good, right? And basically you leave feeling spiritual, you leave feeling right with God, but they never tell you, you need to start reading the Bible for 20 minutes every day. Like, really clear stuff, right? You'll never hear at those other churches, if you don't read the Bible for 30 minutes every day, you're not right with God, or 15 minutes or whatever, or you need to read through the Bible cover to cover in 2022, right? They just are trying to make you feel spiritual, and you say, why? Because they want your money. It's a joke. And what's happened is these Pentecostals are attaching to Christianity, Now, I have never been to a Pentecostal church before. I've never seen somebody speak in tongues in person, other than on the street, you know, you see people that are, like, out of their minds. There's no difference, though. The only difference is we're saying, well, you know what? They're Christians. It's a Christian thing to speak in a heavenly language. It's a demonic thing. And look, Hillsong, you know, has tens of millions or however many followers or whatever. You know what? They're a joke of a church. They have nothing to do with Christianity. And you know what? The big thing that we're talking about here is they're on the news because of sexual perversion that they're covering up. And look, any church that's willing, and here, I want you to realize something. If you have major sins in a church like this and you don't deal with it, you know what's going to take place? God is going to remove that candlestick. God's blessing is gone from the church. Nobody wants sins like this to come up in church, but if they do come up, you have to deal with them. You can't just pretend it didn't happen and say, well, hopefully we'll get it done. Well, hopefully we'll get away with it and nobody will find out. If it's a major thing like that, it goes to the police. That's what the Bible teaches. Let's close in a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see your word on this topic. And help us just to realize how wicked this is, covering up sexual perversion, sins that are worthy of the death penalty, God. And I ask you just to continue to bless our church. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen. Okay, for our next song, let's start thinking number 415. For our last song, let's start thinking number 415. Same song, big three, three beats. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 38, 39, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 48, 49, 49, 50, 50, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51, 51,