(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Alright we're here in Genesis chapter 5 and we'll finish the entire chapter here tonight and the name of the sermon is the generations of Adam. The generations of Adam. So this sermon is going to be an alliterated sermon meaning each point is going to start with the same letter. It's going to be the letter M. There's going to be five points here tonight and let's first start though here in verse number one. Let me give you a little bit of a background here. It says this is the book of the generations of Adam. So it says the book of the generations of Adam. Now we have to realize that when we look at all the books in the Bible the book of Genesis covers far more time than any other book by far. It's not even close. I mean basically like half of human history is like the book of Genesis right and so I personally you know believe when you look closely at these chapters I believe Genesis is really a book made up of many books and what I mean by that is I think along the way in human history God kind of gave them parts of the book of Genesis before it's finally completed. I don't believe they waited like 3,000 years okay we finally have a book for you. It mentions here in verse one this is the book of the generations of Adam because you know the Bible talks about how Moses is basically synonymous with the law and the law is the first five books of the Bible right Genesis through Deuteronomy and yet Moses is not even around in the book of Genesis right. He starts in the book of Exodus so I believe basically probably you know compiled you know the Word of God at that time or they got it organized or whatever and so it says this is the book of the generations of Adam so I think it was kind of like a book made up of all these kind of mini books and then was kind of brought together into one but it says here this is the book of the generations of Adam and the first point we have is this the mirror of the creation of man the mirror of the creation of man and notice what it says verse 1 in the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him and so when I say the mirror of the creation of man what I mean is that as a man we're basically a reflection of God because the Bible says we're made in the image of God so you know you look at a mirror and then you see what you look like the Bible says that man is actually made in the image of God here it says in the likeness of God made he him now the Bible is very specific because it says in the likeness of God made he him it doesn't say in the likeness of God made he them right you say brother Stuckey what did Jesus look like I don't know exactly but I would say that his hair was pretty short you say why because it's God the Son right it's not God the daughter okay and so if we're made in the image of God if God tells men to have short hair that would tell you that you know obviously Jesus had short hair but it says men are made it says in the likeness of God made he him male and female created he them so you notice how it switches from him in verse one to them in verse two because now let's talk about both men and women are created by God but it says men are made in the image of God now look of course a man looks more like a woman than a man looks like an animal or any other being out there okay obviously the closest thing we have outside of humans is I guess the monkey is what they say right there's obviously major differences between a human and a monkey and you know that makes sense because of the fact you know woman was actually made out of man so obviously there are a lot of similarities but there are some differences and so when we're trying to figure out what exactly you know what we picture with God well you would picture him looking like a man because it's not God the mother it's not God the parent it's specific with God the Father it's not God the daughter it's God the Son okay it says male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created so he called their name Adam there we kind of get that first principle we're basically you know when a husband and a wife get married you know the woman's gonna take you know the last name of the guy that's kind of a tradition in most countries and it says called their name Adam so you know I'm not really sure about here but you know it used to be you would say in the US like for the one who was the wife you would just kind of like combine them together but it's like you know I can't remember the terminology but basically it's just like you group them together as one because obviously you know you are one when you get married husband and wife become one and so obviously the tradition here which is the same thing we did with our kids is their middle name is my wife's you know original last name I don't think there's anything wrong with that but we do see this tradition starting here at verse 2 or says called their name Adam and she basically takes the man's name and so go to Genesis 1 real quickly Genesis 1 okay I remember it's sort of like maka luma because they don't really do it now but you would say like mr. and mrs. Matthew stuck is what they would say you know because basically it's just like well you know that's his name and that's basically the wife of mr. Matthew sucky so they would say like mr. and mrs. Matthew sucky is just kind of like the tradition they used to do in the u.s. now in Genesis 1 we're going to see something very similar we covered it earlier let me mention to you though here in the religion of Hinduism there's something called nirguna Brahmin versus saguna Brahmin which is sort of like a debate about the nature of God and most Hindus believe near guna Brahmin and what that is is a formless non-gender God okay where God has no form God has no image in fact many of the religions in Asia are like this we're basically God is just like this sort of essence that's basically all part of us and everything neither male nor female and with Hinduism and many of these religions they believe that basically we're not just an image of God but actually our very nature is just like God so basically you see in the Hindu scriptures with their Hindu gods that are committing all these sins and the reason why they say that is while man and God are basically synonymous you know God is within us and so just as man has desires to commit all these sins and does wrong sometimes obviously God has to as well that's what they teach but what they say is near guna Brahmin is the belief that there's a formless God and it says nirguna Brahmin was the concept of the ultimate reality as formless without attributes or quality and see it's sort of this thing that's becoming very trendy now where you look at God as being like you know God's kind of male kind of female but he's just kind of like you know neither but see that's not what the Bible teaches the Bible teaches God the Father God the Son okay I don't know exactly what God the Father looks like or what God the Son looks like or what God the Holy Ghost looks like but I have a general idea that when we get to heaven that you're not going to see like you know some long-haired rock star right they're gonna look like a man okay now Genesis 1 verse 26 it says and God said let us actually look at verse 27 verse 27 so God created man in his own image so he created man in his own image in the image of God created he him male and female created he them so you see how the Bible is consistent there's no contradictions there's no errors man is made in the image of God but both male and female were created by God and as I said obviously you know there's most features of men and women are relatively similar obviously you know there's not major you know things that distinguish but you know obviously hair length is one and just kind of but you know in many ways they're very similar I mentioned the story or earlier today I told brother Roger before the service where I was just like walking and there's this I thought I thought it was a woman and then as I got closer I realized that it wasn't a woman it was a guy that was just like dressed like a woman but you know obviously men and women look close enough that you know from a far distance you know especially if the hair length is the same or would be in the area where you you'd be easily confused right but what the Bible teaches that is that men are made in the image of God now this is not what it says though in some other versions what it says in the NIV in this verse is in the image of God created he created them male and female he created them so you see where it says in the image of God he created them male and female he created them so what the NIV is basically you know meeting these Eastern philosophies toward their beliefs because it's saying that you know both men women are made in the image of God now I'm sure most people don't necessarily think about that when they read it but if you look at that verse closely and see what the NIV is actually teaching it's this non-gender sort of like essence sort of God as opposed to what the Bible actually teaches of God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost now go back to Genesis 5 Genesis 5 now of course you know we should try to be a reflection of God in our characteristics but when the Bible says that were made in his likeness it's not saying that you know you're 100% holy and you're omniscient and you're omnipotent but there are religions that teach that there are religions that teach that literally we have the exact attributes of God and you know we have the ability to tap into that well that's that's not what the Bible teaches though Genesis 5 verse 3 and Adam lived in 130 years and begot his son in his own likeness and after his image and called his name Seth so Adam as a child and Adams child looks very similar to his dad doesn't that make sense writing in his own likeness and after his image so likeness and image are being used synonymous you're going to see that in the Bible so he has a son and his son is made in his own likeness and after his image so you know probably nobody in this room except you know my wife knows what my parents look like but if you were to see my mom you're going to see my dad you know what you would see you know similarities and characteristics because well obviously they're my parents and obviously you know when you have a child there's going to be similarities you know when you look at my kids you know there's a lot of similarities with my features as with my children you know everyone is a parent in here your children probably look a lot like you not identical but you can tell you know like yeah I see the similarities and the features because you know you have a child it's going to be in your own likeness and after your image verse 4 and the days of Adam after he begotten Seth were 800 years and he begot sons and daughters and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died so we see that Seth looks a lot like his father Adam because obviously that's his father well here's the thing you're saying you might ask brother Stuckey so you know there's three persons in the Trinity right correct three persons in the Trinity okay well here's the thing God the Son is going to look a lot like God the Father and this is not just my opinion the Bible actually teaches this we're going to see in a second you know go to Hebrews 1 and I'll show this to you but you know God the Son looks a lot like God the Father you say why well because that's his father now of course we don't believe like the Mormons that like he literally you know physically came together with a woman and had a child that's what Mormonism teaches but we do believe that God the Son looks very much like God the Father I don't believe they look exactly 100% the same I don't believe you're any confused in heaven and say oh I thought it was God the Father but it's God the Son I believe there's going to be a distinction between the three of them you know three separate persons but I believe there's going to be a lot of similarities especially between God the Father and God the Son because you know obviously it's the same way it works with us is the same way with God that's sort of what we see in the Bible here Hebrews 1 it says God in verse 1 now when you see the word God in the Bible you have to realize it can mean a couple different things it could mean God the Father could mean God the Son could mean God the Holy Ghost it could mean God just basically in totality but when it says God here this is referring to the Father because it's going to talk about his son in the next verse most of the time in the Bible when it mentions God we're looking at God the Father okay but says God who had sundry times and in diverse manners spake in time past unto the Father's by the prophets hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son so it says by his son so obviously in verse 1 we're looking at God the Father because it talks about his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his glory any express image of his person so notice how says it's think he's the express image of his person remember image is likeness right so if I have a child he's going to be made in my likeness after my image there's going to be a lot of similarity and the Bible saying with God the Son and God the Father it's also like that that basically the express image of his person okay now turn back in your Bible to go to Genesis 4 actually Genesis 4 now look I'm not you know a hundred percent dogmatic on exactly you know what you know God the Father and God the Son look like because if I wasn't give us like that much detail okay there is a verse in the Bible that people talk about where it talks about you know Jesus says if you've seen me you've seen the Father okay now I think that's kind of a verse that has sort of a bit of a dual application I do believe God the Son looks very much like the God the Father but I also think of this you know let's say for example you know you work for a company or let's say for example you know if you had a question about you know what would Pastor Hermanus think about this or how would he run this and it's just like well I'm basically a representative of Pastor Hermanus now I don't look like Pastor Hermanus okay but I'm a representative of him or if you were basically sent out on a project by your boss basically you are the representative of your boss and it's just like you want to know what my boss is like well if you've seen me you've seen my boss right and so that's what I believe the main application there is but I think there could be a bit of a dual application because Jesus was not only basically there to do the will of the Father and to represent the Father but he also looked very much like the Father now they're not the same there's a distinction very clearly and you can find that when Jesus said he came not to do his own will but the will of the Father that shows that obviously there's God the Son and God the Father but Jesus looked very much like God the Father because that's his father point number one we see the mirror of the creation of man and point two we see multiplication point two we see multiplication of people on earth now we went back to Genesis 4 because I want to show you a couple verses here and it says in verse 17 and Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bear Enoch and he builded a city and called the name the city after the name of his son Enoch and on the Enoch was born Erad and Erad begat Mahujo and Mahujo begat Methusel and Methusel begat Lamech now this is interesting because you know these names sound very similar to the names in Genesis 5 Enoch is identical Lamech is identical and these are different people two different Enochs in the first five chapters of the Bible two different Lamechs in the first five chapters in Bible Methuselah sounds very much like Methuselah this in Genesis 4 is the line of Cain and then in Genesis 5 we see the line of Adam you say why are there all these similar names well obviously when man was first here you know there's a lot of interaction between them and so for example somebody hears a name like wow you named your son Lamech that's a cool name I'm gonna name my son Lamech and so I want us to realize though like at the very beginning it's not like here's the line of Seth and here's the line of Cain and they never interacted ever together because this is the sort of idea they try to get you to think that basically there's there's parts of the world that are just separated from everybody else and there's no interaction it has never been like that it's obvious the names are very similar because they're obviously interacting with one another so they're picking the same names okay they're inventing these names that makes sense they're obviously interacting with one another okay and there's never been a point in human history where people are 100% isolated from the rest of the world because people try to tell you well there's no Christianity you know in certain parts of the world nobody's safe but there's always been an interaction between the world together now I don't know all of the history of the Philippines and I don't know if this is necessarily true but I saw kind of a mini documentary on YouTube before and I read some articles and what it suggested was that there is more ethnicity here in the Philippines from Mexico than Spain and what they said is there was a lot of trade done on ships between Mexico and the Philippines you know year after year after year and so a lot of the ethnicity actually comes from Mexico it doesn't come from Spain I can't be a hundred percent positive about that but I do know that people have been traveling on ships to basically import and export stuff for a very long time we have people at our church in Manila that worked as OFW's and they've been to so many countries in this world and it's like sometimes I'll ask them have you been to this country they're like I went to this country because they worked on a ship and they're traveling all over you can even go back to the time of Ferdinand Magellan and you know on that trip there was people from all over the world with Ferdinand Magellan people from Africa countries all over Europe so there has always been an intermingling of people in this world we see that in Genesis chapter 4 and 5 now go back to Genesis 1 Genesis 1 Genesis 1 now the Bible does not necessarily tell us with all these characters we're seeing here especially in the early stages it doesn't tell us whether they were saved or not you know whether they went to heaven or not but I think we can presume that the line of Seth was far more godly than a line of Cain right I think we can presume that there is a lot more people saved by percentage in the line of Seth than of Cain obviously we see specific names of godly people in the line of Seth and I want you to realize there are sort of this battle remember last week we talked about basically the children of God versus the children of the devil there's sort of this battle right there at the beginning and look obviously if you want the world to be godly you want there to be more godly people in the world than ungodly well obviously part of that is us winning souls getting people saved and teaching them the Word of God you know actually part of it is just simply you know having children this is what it says in Genesis 1 verse 28 and God blessed them and God said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish the sea and over the foul the air and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth so the Bible tells us be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and this was a command mentioned in Genesis chapter 1 when you look at religions around the world one of the big indicators of whether or not a religion grows or not is really how many children they have and so for example religions like Islam one reason why it skyrockets in growth is they tend to have more kids than the average Christian and when I say Christian I'm using that term loosely you know I'm just saying in general but you know actually the fastest growing Christian religion in the world the fastest growing religion in America is actually the Amish if you I don't know if you know much about the Amish they're the ones that basically live isolated from the rest of the world you know that the men have these beers never a mustache but they have this big beard and everything no electricity no cars no cell phones you know very makaluma lifestyle but the reason why they're growing so fast is because they have like seven eight nine kids and most of them remain Amish so the result is this well the Amish is basically skyrocketing in growth right and so I want you to realize that one thing God tells us is that he wants us to have children now go to Exodus chapter 1 Exodus 1 you say why is this brother stuck you well because here's the thing you know as much as you might accomplish as an individual what if you train you know three or four or five kids or her however many God blesses you you train them to love God and then you also train them to do the same thing you did right I mean I'm a math person I know not everybody is but when you I mean when you really understand or see graphs of just basic exponents I mean it's it's amazing you know the difference and see what I'm saying is this that you know what if you have several kids and you teach them to be godly and then they end up you know having families and they raise their kids and they're godly you know it will basically jumpstart Christianity and so you know what obviously we want to do as much sowing as we can and serve God but you know actually one thing God tells us to do is actually care about you know your family to love God everybody in that family and teach kids to do likewise as you do and if they grow up and they love God and then they get married and then their big goal in life is to serve God but teach their kids to love God you know what it's going to help skyrocket Christianity and look this is literally how Islam is becoming such a huge religion because they have many kids now of course they must be Islam you know Islamic or they might get killed or whatever I understand it but I'm saying you know one thing is they just have a lot of kids and you know Islam is skyrocketing and Islam will pass Christianity in terms of sheer numbers within I don't know what it is probably like 20 30 years I mean it is skyrocketing you'll get countries around the world like England and France and all these countries and you know part of it is the fact of a hostile takeover I do understand that but you know part of it is just simply they have a lot of children and you know what that ends up making it skyrocket in growth notice what it says in Exodus 1 says in Exodus 1 verse 8 now there arose up a new king over Egypt which knew not Joseph and he said unto his people behold the people the children of Israel are more and mightier than we come on let us deal wisely with them lest they multiply and it come to pass that when they're fall without any war they join also under our enemies and fight against us and so get them up out of the land so this new king rises up who didn't know Joseph Joseph was obviously you know this great character in the book of Genesis and he's worried that the children of Israel are basically going to multiply and then they're going to be more than the Egyptians and then he's saying if there's more of them than us we could be in danger because of sheer numbers right even though the Egyptians had the weapons because think about this let's say you had a country and you had like 100 people with weapons but then you had like a hundred thousand people without weapons but they're against the 100 well the hundred thousand are going to win I mean eventually that number just gets too much it doesn't matter what your weapon is the sheer number will destroy and see that is what he's worried about and he said let us deal wisely with them and this is where basically they you know plot to have all the babies killed and many babies are killed because of this this is obviously a terrible situation that takes place but this probably doesn't seem so extreme to the king in Egypt because if history serves us correct kind of the the beginnings of birth control actually started in Egypt now it's hard to trace stuff back you know to know for sure but they do find historical facts that birth control was being practiced in Egypt during that time period I'm sure it was different forms of birth control than are used now but it was basically a way to prevent you know children from being born now I don't this sermon is not all about birth control so I'm not trying to go into a big rabbit trail you know many forms of birth control actually cause what's known as a silent abortion and what that means is you know we believe as Christians life begins at conception right and what takes place is it doesn't prevent you know the the life from starting it basically just ends it you know very soon very early on but it actually technically is you know abortion because most forms of birth control actually don't prevent they actually deal with it after it's already started now it's very early on but it doesn't change the fact that if we believe life begins at conception then you know you have to really look realistically at all those forms of birth birth control and realize many of them are causing the deaths of young children now a lot of people aren't aware of that because you kind of just do the things that you hear from your parents or friends or co-workers and those things are passed down and I've never heard that before until I started listening to this type of preaching but that's actually the case this is what is the truth and so look at verse number 15 verse 15 and the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives of which the name the one was sheep sheep rah and the name of the other pua and he said when you do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women and see them upon the stools if it be a son then he shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live now this is obviously horrid what they're doing but you know this is not just in Egypt in Exodus chapter 1 this is actually going on in countries around the world today but it's usually a reverse it's usually if it's a girl kill it if it's a boy then let it live and this is primarily happening in two countries China and India what's crazy about this is it's not just that since those are the biggest countries in terms of population they have the most cases they have by far the highest percentage of this per person and so basically like 95 plus percent of this going on the world is in China and India you say why would they do that well obviously in many parts of China they have the one-child policy and so kind of the idea is a son is going to be more able to take care of his parents when he gets old so if you only have one child you want it to be a son to pass on that that you know family heritage but also if you know I become 70 years old and my and I have a daughter who's 50 well based on tradition that daughter is going to be helping her husband's family you know that's where the money is going to be going not toward you know the parents so in China oftentimes when they have a daughter they will want to kill that daughter because they want to be able to have a son and basically it is happening all over China it also happens over in India as well and part of that's because of the dowry system in India is sort of like a reverse of how it is in most parts of the world but you know there's this documentary on I can't remember the name but it's based on India and China and there's this woman talking just sort of matter-of-factly about how she had had eight sons and she you know gave birth found out it was a son and she threw it in the backyard and just eight different ones and you know this is a very common thing that's happening in China and in India and it's funny because you never hear about this sort of stuff because the world focuses on all these other things it's just like that the tens of millions of babies that are getting killed both before and after birth I mean talk about you know I talk about bloodshed around the world that's the biggest one that's taking places against you know young children whether in or just out of the womb now turn your Bible to Genesis five Genesis five Genesis five look the bottom line is this you know God wants us to multiply God wants us to have children now of course you know this is in God's hands you know there's no guarantee that if you want to have kids you're automatically going to just have a kid immediately obviously the Bible says God opens and closes the womb but you know it's something that we should seek for and look having kids is oftentimes kind of a stress right you know if you're single you can have moments where you can relax and it's quiet you know and stuff like that you can go to places you know that you want to for example you know you're a new husband and wife you're allowed to actually go outside and go to a fast-food restaurant but nowadays with kids it's a big hassle here in the Philippines isn't it you can't even do like anything with kids like literally it's a huge huge hassle but you know at the same time you know one day you know we're all going to grow old and you know that the main thing you're gonna be looking back on is your kids and if your kids love God and are serving God there's going to be no greater joy that you have and that you did a good job raising your kids and it's stressful it's tiring but you know your kids also provide more joy than anything else in the world right it's like I remember when you know oftentimes my kids come when we when we you know travel up for preaching on Sundays and stuff but I remember you know when we were in Manila and then coming down here I just remember always coming back and then you know I open up the door and my Zeph is like it's daddy and he's just all excited he's got a smile on his face and it's like man you know it just kind of warms your heart right like nothing else can do and so it's stressful it's expensive but you know what I believe if God commands us to do this I believe God will provide the means for you to raise those kids and you know what it's gonna be worth it in the end and you know what I'm excited about the future of our church because we got a lot of young kids at this church and they're able to interact and and play with one another I didn't grow up in in church like that I didn't really go to church much as a kid but you know there's a great future for our young kids and I look forward to the time you know 15 years from now I mean less than 15 10 years from now and these kids are preaching the gospel man that's gonna be exciting to see you know kids that came from our church and you know they grow up and then they memorize the Bible and they're serving God and then some of the men maybe if they don't become a preacher they maybe could preach from time to time you know at a men's preaching night or something or do the song leading that's gonna be very exciting time anyway it's very difficult but it's gonna be worth it in the end okay now point number one we saw the mirror of the creation of man point two we see multiplication and point three I'll tell you what it what the name of it is in a second but first what I'm going to do is read you 15 verses real quickly and then prove a point okay so verse 6 of Genesis 5 verse 6 of Genesis 5 and Seth lived in 105 years and begat Enos and Seth lived after begat Enos 807 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Seth were 912 years and he died and Enos lived 90 years and begat Canaan and Enos lived after he beg Canaan 815 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Enos were 905 years and he died and Canaan lived 70 years and begat Mahalel and Canaan lived after he begat Mahalel 840 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Canaan were 910 years and he died and Mahalel lived 60 and 5 years and begat Jared and Mahalel lived after he begat Jared 830 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Mahalel were 890 and 5 years and he died and Jared lived in 162 years and he begat Enoch and Jared lived after he begat Enoch 800 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Jared were 962 years and he died you say brother Stuckey what's your point well point number three is the meticulous timing and details and meticulous means very precise very exact and see what you're seeing here and this is throughout the Bible the Bible is very specific on timing and where things took place and when they took place it doesn't say there was a man Seth who had a child Enos who grew up and he died it's very specific down to the day and down to the year many of the books in our Bible they start off and they'll tell you this is where the book was written this was the year this was the name of the king very meticulous in the timing and the details very precise you know this book is not just a book full of stories it's a historical book that's accurate and here's the thing the Bible puts itself out there because it talks so much in exact details that you can investigate it to see if it's true or not the Bible says in this year this took place right in this location this took place and look everything in the Bible lines up historically scientifically and look the Bible said I mean the truth fears no investigation and the Bible is very specific because it's not afraid of people searching it and finding out it's true I knew this guy in college and he was in an engineering major I think but he's I think he switched to history but I gave this guy Marshall the gospel in college and you know he didn't get saved and everything and you know this guy he you know I was around them a lot because we were on the same floor of college so I saw him a lot and everything and I ran into him a couple times in college and you know this this guy was just always like criticizing the Bible and everything and I gave him the gospel though at the end of my sophomore year I think you know I tried again or whatever and you know he told me this and he probably regrets telling me this but he told me this is a guy who does not believe the Bible he said you know what he's like I don't believe the Bible I don't believe in God I believe it's a fairy tale but he's like one thing I will admit to you is they found all the evidence in the Red Sea that you know the events with Moses and the cross in the Red Sea he said that it happened this is a guy who's ended up majoring in history I don't think he started in history but he basically told me he's like the Red Sea the crossing the red it's been proven they said they found the chariot wheels now I didn't know that you know he actually taught me something I can use in a sermon I learned something from some you know probably reprobate atheist or whatever but you know he said that it was actually proven it was actually true it was actually right and you know here's the thing you know the the things in the Bible are accurate and it doesn't just give you the because here's the thing these other religious books they have these stories but they're so vague that you can't investigate it you have no clue if it's true it will just say this took place it doesn't tell you where doesn't tell you when just tells you it happened but you have no idea how to investigate that or when or wherever see the Bible is very meticulous in the details it says you know eight hundred and seven years and then nine hundred and twelve years when he died you know it's very specific with how long in many of the books you'll see this it's like on the first on the the 17th day of the first month of the tenth year this took place it gives you down to the day because it's just being very specific and this makes sense because here's the thing let's say you write about some event and you're trying to write down the history of this information you're gonna say on July 9th 2021 this took place then on July 13th 2021 we were going so winning in this took place right because you're basically giving precise and exact details to just let people know but see you don't see this in a lot of the religious books the other thing you don't see is you don't see the information they say line up for example the Book of Mormon none of its found all the historical stuff it doesn't exist there's no shred of evidence for any of the stuff that they add in now I will admit this that with the Book of Mormon there are chapters that are the Word of God and the reason why is because they literally just take chapters out of the King James Bible and just they have like literally like 25 chapters that are word-for-word the exact as the King James Bible so I guess Joseph Smith didn't know what to say so they go this chapter is cool let's just add it or whatever but it's like the the whole battle with the Lamanites and the Nephites there's no evidence of it it's ridiculous but here's the thing it's not accurate it's not a historical book the Bible on the other hand it's historical it's scientific it's everything it's perfect and it gives you precise details because the truth fears no investigation so point number one we see the mirror of the creation of man point two we see multiplication point three we see meticulous timing and details point four we see marching with God marching with God Genesis 5 verse 21 and Enoch lived sixty and five years and begat Methuselah and Enoch walked with God he marched with God he walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Enoch were 365 years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him so Enoch basically is taken at the age of 365 this is a pretty short life during this time period people are living 900 years 800 years they're living a long time and at 365 God actually takes him well that's not a curse though it's a blessing because here's a man who walked with God so him being taken was actually a blessing and him being taken obviously the world gets very wicked and Enoch's taken before the world gets to that point I would presume now here's the thing you know a lot of human history was before the flood so Enoch has got to be one of the greatest people who's ever lived there's not a lot in the Bible about him because he came before the flood and then he you know was taken by God he's got to be one of the top characters throughout the entire Bible even though there's not a lot of information because for the first you know 1600 years of human history or whatever it's like he's kind of the top dog until Noah comes along right now why is it or what does it mean by you know God took him well it does not mean that God killed him because it would have said that he died and God's not going to kill him and then as a as a reward right when it says God took him what I believe is that Enoch was essentially rapture he was essentially just as during the rapture if the rapture were to happen today I'm just kidding if the rapture would have happened five years from now right something that's actually if the rapture were to happen on such and such time if we're alive during the rapture we're not going to be killed we're going to be taken we're not going to be killed okay why is it that Enoch would be you know raptured or taken all the way back in Genesis well go to Jude 1 go to your New Testament second to last book Revelation then Jude's right before it and the reason why Enoch was taken one reason is because he walked with God he was a godly person and maybe God you know spared him from the evil that was to come the Bible talks about that being something that takes place sometimes but it's more than just that because Enoch actually preached about the end times all the way back in the book of Genesis now this is this is pretty mind-blowing and I'm not sure that Enoch because you remember you know Daniel wrote things down and he's like I don't know what I'm writing right with Enoch he's preaching about stuff and you know obviously the Bible says that in diverse manners you know in times past God spake to the fathers by the prophets we don't know whether you know you know Enoch heard a voice from heaven or whether or not when it says he walked with God walking with God is symbolic of serving God because you know walk in the spirit you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh but at the same time we also see the Son of God appearing a lot in Genesis like for example they heard him walking in the garden in the midst you know they so they heard him so I think it's very possible when he walked with God it's both symbolic and literal that he actually spoke to God the Son that Jesus Christ in the Old Testament actually you know told him hey I want you to preach on this and maybe he taught him the Word of God I'm not really sure because the Bible doesn't specifically tell us but he walked with God you know definitely at least symbolically you know serving God and doing right and obeying but he also part of his ministry was preaching on the end times it says in Jude 1 verse 14 and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints and so this is not at the moment of the rapture but you know this is during Armageddon this is you know this is end times preaching though and it says in verse 15 to execute judgment upon all and to commence all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him so Enoch preaches about the end times before the flood and then all of a sudden he was not for God took him it's kind of like a picture of the rapture right now it is possible and I'm not sure if this symbolism gets you know this far but now obviously the world was getting you know worse and worse and worse and you know in sort of a way he might have been going through tribulation of you know bad people persecuting during that time period and then he ends up getting raptured before God pours out his wrath that might be you know stretching and I'm not really sure but what I'm saying is this he's preaching on the end times and then all of a sudden he's taken up to heaven right it's basically a rapture and it's a picture of the rapture and so go in your Bible though to Revelation 11 let me show you something else Revelation 11 Revelation 11 now you have this topic about you know who are the two witnesses during the end times who are the two olive trees the two witnesses there's a lot of different opinions a lot of different theories pretty much everybody is going to agree that Elijah is one of them pretty much every single person will agree that Elijah is one of them and I agree with that I believe Elijah is one because I believe Bible specifically says that he's going to come but there's kind of a debate between the other characters and you know some of the big names are you know John Moses Enoch Moses and Enoch are the two big ones but John is also one I've seen various arguments about but specifically in regards to Enoch you know some people think it's Enoch and they say well I think it's Enoch because Enoch didn't die Elijah didn't die and everybody's got to die once okay but here's the thing I agree Elijah didn't die I agree that Enoch didn't die but here's the thing not everybody has to die once because at the rapture there's gonna be a lot of people that never die and if Enoch is a picture of the rapture I think specifically he didn't die as a picture and I think it makes sense because he's preaching on the end times so not everybody has to die one time okay now I think when you line up everything I think it lines up very clearly with Moses as the other character Elijah and Moses and look at what it says in Revelation 3 verse Revelation 11 verse 3 and I'll give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth and if any man will hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed these have power to shut heaven that it rained not in the days of their prophecy now which prophet in the Bible basically prayed that it would not rain Elijah right and then he prayed again and it does rain and it says and have power over waters to turn them to blood well which prophet in the Bible turn water to blood Moses right and to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will so I think you're seeing Elijah and this is not the only reason with Elijah and Moses I mean the Mount of Transfiguration is obviously a big big one and this is just here in Revelation though they're actually doing the same miracles of course somebody else could end up doing those miracles and the Bible is not specific so it is possible that maybe there's just going to be two witnesses that are just coming in the spirit and power of Elijah and Moses that's possible John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah okay I think it's literally going to be Elijah and Moses are going to be brought back and that would make Elijah actually end up dying before he ends up you know rising back up after three days and Moses this would be kind of his second death another thing to think of is that when Moses died it says his power was not abated in his eye was not dim right so it's as if he had something left to do because most people at the age of 120 are just ready to go home to heaven Moses is like I'm still ready to go I'm not done right and so I think it lines up with Elijah and Moses but kind of my main point is this that you know Enoch he didn't die but I don't think he was ever supposed to die because I think he's a picture of the rapture and if we're alive when the rapture takes place we aren't going to die either right now go back to Genesis 5 we'll close up Genesis 5 Genesis 5 and so point one we see the mirror of the creation of man point two we see multiplication point three we see meticulous timing and details point four we see marching with God and point five we see Methuselah Methuselah is a big character here obviously we're going to cover Noah in the next several chapters but Methuselah is a major character before the flood and notice what it says in Genesis 5 verse 25 and Methuselah lived in hundred and eighty in seven years and begat Lamech and Methuselah lived after he begat Lamech 782 two years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Methuselah were 969 years and he died so Methuselah is the longest living human ever at 969 years now I don't know if I was Methuselah and I'm getting up to like 965 966 967 I'd be disappointed not to make it to a thousand right you could have been the only human to you know basically live for a thousand years but he gets pretty close 969 years is the longest living person now remember we'll notice what it says in verse 28 and Lamech lived in hundred and eighty two years and begat his son and he called his name Noah saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the Lord had cursed and Lamech lived after he begat Noah 595 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of Lamech were 777 years and he died and so if you look at verse 26 it says that Methuselah lived for 782 years after he begat Lamech Lamech lives for 777 years so Methuselah actually outlives Lamech approximately five years so Methuselah actually outlives his son Lamech for about five years now not only do we see Methuselah outliving his son Lamech and at this time 777 years is pretty short you know pre-flood so Lamech didn't have a really long life for back then but Methuselah outlives his son if you line up the time period though Methuselah actually dies like right when the flood is taking place okay and so it says in it says in verse 30 and Lamech lived after he begat Noah 595 years and begat sons and daughters wrote here's the thing Methuselah outlived Lamech by five years so 595 plus five is 600 and you know Noah so they it says and actually go to Genesis 7 Genesis 7 let me quickly show this to you Genesis 7 Genesis 7 it says in Genesis 7 verse 11 in the 600th year of Noah's life in the second month the 17th day of the month the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up in the windows of heaven were open so the floods taking place basically around when Noah's around 600 years old so go back to Genesis 5 Genesis 5 and so what we see is that Lamech lived for 595 years it says after he begat Noah Methuselah outlived that by five years so basically you know Methuselah lives to around 600 years after that point which is the age of Noah when the flood takes place so Methuselah is right at the age of when the flood takes place so there's kind of two ways to look at this one way to look at it is that Methuselah died before the flood took place but right around that time period or just Methuselah didn't get on the ark and you know he ended up dying right because he lives for 600 years past that point and Noah's 600 years when the flood takes place so kind of the question is well did Methuselah you know die beforehand maybe God took him home before this was taking place or you know now here's the thing we don't know for sure about this but what I am saying is this though that when Noah and his family got in the ark they were not the only saved people in the world at that time that's kind of the main point I think we can take away now Methuselah I'm assuming he was saved I would I would think the indication because there's a lot of people that are alive during this time period it only specifically mentioned certain people the line of Seth so I believe everybody from the line of Seth that's mentioned is probably saved because the Bible specifically mentions them okay Methuselah I would be shocked if he's not in heaven I mean he certainly seems like he was saved and he's in heaven but he didn't end up on the ark and see the thing is this there was more than eight people that were saved in the world at that time we don't know what the population was but here's the thing if you've ever seen charts of the population it skyrockets like a parabolic curve due to basically exponents especially if people were having a lot of kids during that time period it would have been very high at the time of the flood we don't know the exact population but there would have been plenty of people look I promise you there's a lot of people that were saved on earth but not everyone necessarily ended up going on the ark and see what we can take away from that is this just as in today's world there's many safe people in Pampanga look it's not like we're the only safe people in Pampanga and look if we're the only safe people in Pampanga then our soul winning is terrible because we think we're getting a lot of people saved right if we're the only one saved it's like wow we really have bad gospel presentations right we're not the only safe people in Pampanga in fact to me most of you come from Baptist churches I'm sure many people from your old churches are saved even if they're wrong on some doctrines or even if we disagree on some stuff I'm sure many of them are saved right here's the thing though not every safe person gets on the ark though not every safe person actually wants to serve God and do what's right and look I'm not standing up here saying that we're a perfect church we're the only church but what I am saying is this most Christians don't really want to live for God most Christians don't read their Bible most Christians aren't trying to obey the things of God most Christians are just kind of partially going in serving God like hey I'll do the things that I want to do I won't do the things that I don't want to do right now I'm not trying to criticize Methuselah because I think most likely God probably honestly just took him home before the flood took place that would be my opinion I don't think he died in the flood personally I think he just died right around that time period I could be wrong and we don't necessarily know that much about all these characters but what I am saying is this one thing we can take away is just the simple fact that there's many people that are saved but most people don't want to end up serving God and it's sad but that's just the way it's gonna be I wish we could just kind of you know shock people into reality and say you're gonna wake up one day you're gonna be on your deathbed and you're gonna look back and just regret not serving God more or if they don't realize even at that point they're gonna go to the judgment seat of Christ and they're gonna be like where are all my rewards it's like you never read the Bible you never went soul winning you never went to church right it's like you know you you you were always listening to rock music you're always watching these you know sinful movies I mean what rewards are you gonna get right and see the sad thing is many saved people they think they're serving God but if they would just open up their Bibles they would realize oh wow I didn't even know that was wrong Wow right it's just the truth though most people do not want to serve God and you know what if most people and you say brother psyche is this because you know people say well you know that's just kind of the this is the Laodicean church age isn't that what they say that's like the lame and dull church it we brother second we just live during the Laodicean church age where nobody wants to go to church nobody wants to read the Bible and it's that's just the time period we live in so we need to just face it so it is what it is well before the flood most people didn't want to serve God either I mean God would have spared other people if they were right with God because Noah was spared because he was righteous the Bible says not just because he was saved but because he was right with God Noah was spared and his whole family here's the thing if we live during that time period and we were right with God you know what God would have allowed us on that ark because God was getting rid of the wicked and sinful world he would have spared us if we're right with God most people weren't on the ark though very few safe people were on the ark you say why because most people don't want to serve God and what there's nothing urge and serving God that is what's going to spare this area it's going to be based on our integrity being right with God let's close in order prayer dear heavenly father