(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Now, Genesis chapter one's got a lot of information. Really, the first few chapters of the book of Genesis have a lot of information. So, we're not going to just have one sermon on Genesis one, we'll have two sermons on this chapter. And I know it's a long book, but there's a lot of material that I don't mind breaking it up. So, if you stay with us the next five years, and you know, you'll hear all the sermons in Genesis. But in Genesis chapter one, there's a lot of information, but obviously a large part is just the creation of the world, the age of the earth, and stuff like that. And a lot of that's different than some of the other materials. So, what I'm preaching on today is evolution debunked, okay? I'm going to look throughout this chapter and just show you how this chapter completely debunks the idea that the earth is old and that evolution is true. The Bible teaches a young earth. And so, in verse number one, the Bible reads, In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, okay? Now, it's interesting because when you talk to people that believe in science, you know, as they say, they'll say, well, we believe in the Big Bang Theory, but they don't actually have an explanation for the origin of everything. They explain, well, here's where the earth came from. But see, the Bible says, well, God was in the beginning, and in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, okay? With evolution, with the Big Bang Theory, they come to this point where they're like, well, this created everything we have here today. Well, it's like, well, what created this? They don't have an answer. You see, the Bible says it's very simple when it says the heaven and the earth, it was created by God. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, okay? You say, well, where did God come from? God has always been here, okay? In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. That's how we have the heaven. That's how we have the earth, okay? Now, go to First Timothy chapter six real quickly. First Timothy chapter six. First Timothy chapter six. And it says in verse number 20, First Timothy chapter six, it says, O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. So 2,000 years ago, Timothy was a young preacher, and one thing he was warned about is science falsely so called. Basically, fake science. Something that would claim to be science but is actually an opposition of science is fake. And, you know, when you look at evolution here today, evolution is an opposition of science. It's not a real science. It's fake. It's science falsely so called. And this also shows us that there's nothing new under the sun. Now, I understand that when we look at our world today, you think of evolution, you think of Charles Darwin, but it's not a new theory. It's not 150 years old. It's been from the very beginning because there's nothing new under the sun. Nothing new. The same false theories. And so a long time ago, they were teaching spontaneous generation in the ancient world. And what that was was they have food that would sit out like rotten meat and everything. And then all of a sudden, they'd see the rotten meat would be gone. There'd be a bunch of flies and they'd say, well, maybe flies come from meat. And it's just like stupidity. And of course, they disprove that. And yet today, what they're teaching with evolution is not really that much different because they're saying at one point, nothing ended up becoming something, became a lie. And so they mocked spontaneous generation that meat would turn into flies and then they had something that turned into rats or mice or whatever. And it's like now they realize, okay, those people were dumb, but we're smart and everything came from nothing. It's like it's the same stupid thing. They just repackaged it and then claimed it's something new. It's actually an opposition of science. So there's nothing wrong with real science. I mean, there's nothing wrong with teaching kids at a young age actual science. And you know what, they used to do that in the past, but now there's an agenda in school just to teach evolution and make people not believe in God, okay? Now go to 2 Peter 3, 2 Peter 3, 2 Peter 3. And when it comes to believing in old earth and trying to fit it with the Bible, there's really two theories that there are out there, okay? Because the Bible's very clear and I don't have the exact age in front of me of what the earth is. And I know a few different pastors that are like-minded that have just started with Adam and added up the ages. Anyway, they have slight differences of opinion on certain things. And when it says somebody lived to be 900 years old, it doesn't mean they lived to be 900 years old to the second and then they died right at that precise second. It could be your 908 months or something like that. So we don't necessarily know the exact, so the amount could be off a little bit, but everyone's gonna agree it's between 6,000 to 7,000 years old. That's not disputable when you start from Adam and just believe the Bible and just add up the ages, it's 6,000 to 7,000 years old, okay? And so the two theories that people try to do to mess the Bible with an old earth are, number one, the day-age theory, and number two, the gap theory. Those are the two big theories. And what the day-age theory is, is a teaching that while in Genesis chapter one, it mentions six days, but maybe each day represented a long period of time, like maybe it represented like 700 million years, right? Because if the earth's four and a half million years old, 700 million times six days is 4.2 billion. So maybe each day is 700 million years old, right? And so that still doesn't really get around the problem though because here's the thing, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, so that made the earth and then the heaven the same age, which evolutionists don't believe that because they believe the earth is four and a half million years old, but they believe the big bang happened like 13.8, I think is the time now. So they ended up having the same age of the earth as they would of the heaven, which would end up contradicting their theory as well. But people say, well, maybe each day represented a period of time. I mean, couldn't each day have been a million years? Couldn't it have been, you know, 300,000? You know, it could also just be a day. I mean, maybe God just meant what he said, right? Now we would say that, and what we believe is that each day was a literal 24-hour day. Now I will say this because our days are not exactly 24 hours to the seconds, okay? The earth has actually been slowing down for quite a period of time, but it's so small and the earth's not that old that you don't even actually notice it. Now if the earth was four and a half million years old, it would make a big difference, but there's actually seconds that will drop off every few years or something. There's like one less second and everything, and they've got a formula to add on, you know, because you have the extra day, we have the leap year, but then every 400 years like that gets removed to try to balance things, but it's not perfectly 24 hours. So I've heard some people say, wow, you know what? You say you believe in a 24-hour day, but it's not 24 hours exactly. Yeah, it's like this close to 24 hours, okay? That's a lot different than saying, yes, one rotation of the earth's axis, which is about the same every single day, okay? But what does the Bible say in 2 Peter 3 verse 8? This is the verse we're gonna use. It says of beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is when the Lord is a thousand years and a thousand years is one day. So they look at this verse and they say, well, to God, a day could be a thousand years and a thousand years could be a day, so maybe the days in the book of Genesis, maybe each day was a thousand years. That's what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach, that each day was a thousand years. Or maybe each day was like a million years. I mean, to God, a day could be like five billion years. Who knows how old the earth is, right? Look, 2 Peter 3 verse 8, it's just showing you that God is outside of time and it doesn't really make a difference to him, okay? You can't take this one verse and try to apply it and say, well, see, each day in the book of Genesis represented a long period of time. That's ridiculous. The Bible's meant to be taken simply and if you just read it through, it's not that complicated, okay? Go back to Genesis chapter 1, Genesis 1. Genesis chapter 1. So let me give you three points why the day age theory is wrong, okay? And this teaching that, well, maybe each day represented a long period of time, why is that wrong? How can we debunk that, okay? Well, number one is just, if you take Genesis chapter 1 literally and you just read it, it's just very clear with the wording that each day is just a normal day, okay? It says in Genesis 1 verse 5, and God called the light day and the darkness he called night and the evening and the morning were the first day, okay? Evening and morning were the first day. So there's an evening and there's a morning to this day. It doesn't say there's 10,000 evenings and 10,000 mornings to this day. It just says there's an evening and there's a morning, right? Verse 8, and God called the firmament in heaven and the evening and the morning were the second day. One evening, one morning, sounds like our days today, right? No difference. Verse 13, and the evening and the morning were the third day. Verse 19, and the evening and the morning were the fourth day. Verse 23, and the evening and the morning were the fifth day. Verse 31, and God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good, and the evening and the morning were the sixth day. So when you just look at the verses in Genesis chapter 1, how else could God word it to make it clear that the earth is 6,000 years old, right? I mean, how could he have worded it in Genesis chapter 1 for people to accept it because he says the evening and the morning were the first day. Does he have to say that each day is 24 hours for people to actually believe it, or do we just take what the Bible says? It's just very clear when you're reading this and seeing what the Bible says that the evening and the morning were the first day. So what is a day? Well, a day is when there's an evening and a morning, when there's a sunset and a sunrise, basically, okay? And so it's just very clear from the wording when you're reading in Genesis chapter 1 that each day is just a normal day like we have. One evening, one morning to these days. Another problem with the day age theory is this. If each day represents a period of time, okay, there's a problem with the order of the creation that God makes because I want you to understand something. The first thing that's in Genesis chapter 1 verse 11, let's see what's created on this day. Genesis 1 verse 11, And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the earth yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after its kind, whose seed is in itself upon the earth, and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and the earth yielding seed after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself after its kind, and God saw that it was good. So it mentions plants, right? One thing that plants need to survive is the sun. Right? Plants can't survive without the sun. Now, here's the thing. In verse 3, it says, And God said, Let there be light, and there was light, but that's not the sun. The light was created before the sun was created. See, day 3 is when the plants are created, but the sun is not created yet. The sun is created in day 4. I personally believe God intentionally did that just to disprove stupid theories like this. And he said, I'm going to make it in a way where it's just very clear because here's the thing. If that day represents 10,000 years, well, the plants are created 10,000 years without the sun. Okay, well, we don't have any food anymore. Right? It doesn't make any sense. And so if the plants are created on day 3, you know what? They need to have the sun. And if 10,000 years go by, or a million years go by, or a hundred million years go by, all those plants are going to die. But if they just go 24 hours without the sun, well, they're going to be able to survive. And then once the sun comes, then they're going to be able to flourish. Right? And so day 3, the plants are created. Then, notice what it says in verse 14. This is when the sun's created. And God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years. And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to get light upon the earth. And it was so. And God made two great lights. The greater light to rule the day, which is referring to the sun, and the lesser light to rule the night, referring to the moon. Right? He made the stars also. So, the sun and the moon. And as we know, the sun is the greater light. Right? And so here's the name. Day 3, the plants are created. And day 4, the sun is created. Not a problem for us because we believe this is 24 hours. But if you believe that that day represents a long period of time, well, you've got a major contradiction. Right? There are a lot of people that are Christians or at least so-called Christians and they want to try to mix science with the Bible. But see, the science today of saying the earth is old, it doesn't fit with the Bible. It contradicts what the Bible says. There's nothing wrong with actual real science but the so-called science that we have today teaching the earth is millions of years old, it's garbage. It's not what the Bible teaches. It contradicts what the Bible says. And as a Christian, we should not be ashamed to say, no, I reject the big bang theory. I reject an old earth. I believe the earth is 6,000 to 7,000 years old. And I don't think that sounds crazy, right? I think it's crazy to say that people have been around for 4.5 billion years or this earth has been around for 4.5 billion years. Especially because, you know what, the so-called science in the world today, they are so scared of this earth ending. If you believe it lasted for 4.5 billion years, why would you be afraid? It doesn't make sense. They believe it lasted for 4.5 billion years and then we might destroy it in the next couple of years. It doesn't make any sense, right? You would think that they feel pretty safe. Hey, if it made it 4.5 billion years, you're probably gonna make at least another one or two billion, right? But they're scared to death of it, right? And so, number one, when it comes to this permanent age theory, number one, if you just read Genesis chapter one, there's just no other way to interpret it except just say, well, evening in the morning was the first day, evening in the morning was the second day. The wording makes it clear that each day is a normal day like we know today. The second problem is the plants are created before the sun. The order is out of order if each day represented a period of time. Now, go to Exodus chapter 20. Exodus 20. Exodus 20. Another problem with the day age theory is that the Bible uses the creation in Genesis chapter one to help us understand the Sabbath day. It's a direct representation from Genesis one and God uses this to illustrate the Sabbath. It says in Exodus 20 verse eight, remember the Sabbath day, keep it holy. Verse nine, six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God and if thou shalt not do any work, thou more thy son, more thy daughter, thy manservant, more thy maidservant, more thy cattle, more thy stranger, thou is within thy gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day. This is why we have church on Saturday. No, I'm just kidding. But he rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. So what he says is, hey, God made the earth in six days and then the seventh day was a day of rest. Well, here's the thing. If each day represented 10,000 years, then God is saying, basically work for 60,000 years and rest for 10,000 years. I mean, because this is the example he uses. He's like, I'm gonna go back to Genesis 1 to show you what I'm saying. This is what I did. Hey, I made it in six days and then I rested the seventh day. But if each day was like a million years, like work for six million years and then, you know, you rest for a million years. I mean, if that were the case, it would be kind of, you'd be like, man, I hope I'm born during the Sabbath. My whole life, I get to just rest and hang out and relax and do nothing. But if you're born at the wrong time, where have you just worked your entire life, you know? Now, the Bible's saying six days and then the seventh day was a day of rest to show you exactly what God did when he created the earth. So if each day was representing a long period of time, why would God use that as an example? It doesn't make any sense, okay? And honestly, there's no reason, there's no reason to try to change what the Bible clearly says to fit modern science. There's so many problems in modern science and so many contradictions with all their theories. There's no reason to try to explain away what the Bible says and try to say, oh, I don't know, you know, maybe we're wrong about this. Maybe we can fit in billions of years in the Bible. If you're just reading it, you've got six to 7,000 years. It's not that complicated. So one theory that people throw out there is the day age theory. They say, well, maybe each day represents a period of time. Well, there's a lot of problems with that. You know, it doesn't work because of the wording in Genesis 1 is very clear, because the plans are created before the sun is created and because that's the example for the Sabbath day. Six days you work and the seventh is the day of rest, right? And so go back to Genesis chapter 1, Genesis 1. Genesis chapter 1. And while you're turning it, let me look something up real quickly. And so in Genesis chapter 1, the next theory that they have where they say that the Earth is old is the gap theory. What the gap theory teaches is that before Genesis 1, 2 and after Genesis 1, 1, they'll say there's four and a half billion years between Genesis 1, 1 and Genesis 1, 2. So they believe that 99.99999% of human history existed in the first one and a half verses of the Bible before Genesis 1, verse 2. It's known as the gap theory. Then maybe there's this gap between these verses. So it says in verse 1, in the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Then it says in verse 2, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And they say, well, the earth is without form, so it must mean that God destroyed it. And it says it's void, there's nothing there. It must be that God destroyed everything. It says, well, there's darkness upon the face of the deep. I mean, it must be dark because God just destroyed everything. And they say, well, before Genesis 1, 2, there was an earth, and then there was this vegetation and everything went, it's crazy, isn't it? You've never heard it. It's like everything was there, and then all of a sudden, God just destroyed everything before Genesis 1, verse 2. They say that the earth became wicked, and usually this is tied into dispensationalism. So many people will say, well, before Genesis 1, 2, there was all these really tall angels that they say were mating with women before Genesis 1, 2, as well. And then sometimes they'll say, it's hard to preach this and not laugh. You guys are making it harder for me. Right, my wife knows what I'm talking about, but she's heard a priest's sermon before the gap theory. And it's very tied into dispensationalism. This is what Peter Rockman teaches, Robert Breaker, Gene Kim, all these dispensationalists. This is what they teach is what they believe. And they believe that before Genesis 1, 2, from what I've heard, a lot will say, well, because they try to explain it because Adam was the first man, and they'll say, wow, there was like human-type preaching before Genesis 1, 2. That's where you get like the ape-like creatures with evolution. And they'll say there's all these creatures that were like half-humans and everything like that. It's science fiction. And they'll say, well, the Earth was without form and void and it was dark, so God must have destroyed everything. Okay? This is obviously ridiculous because nobody's gonna stop here and then just be like, wow, it looks like God destroyed everything. Now, I have the wrong reference down here. I apologize. I was trying to figure it out. I was looking around my Bible. I don't think this is the right reference. So I'll just read you these verses that I have because what they will do is cross-reference in Genesis. And I think it's somewhere in Jeremiah, but I have the wrong reference down. But it says, I beheld the Earth, and lo, it was without form and void and the heavens and they had no light. So it's similar wording, and I believe this is Jeremiah with Genesis where it says without form and void. And it says the heavens and they had no light. I beheld the mountains and lo, they trembled and all the hills moved lightly. I beheld and lo, there was no man and all the birds of the heavens were fled. And he goes on and on and on and he talks about this destruction that takes place. And so what they teach is this is the same event as Genesis 1-2 where God destroyed everything. Okay? Now, it's true that it says in this book without form and void, but that's because God took everything and destroyed it in this example. But in Genesis 1, there's no indication He destroyed anything. There's nothing that says that. It just says it's without form and void. Okay? And it'll say that before Genesis 1-2, Satan fell from heaven and was causing chaos and all of this stuff. It's really mixed in with defensational theology. Okay? Go back to, go to Genesis 1. Look at verse 31. Genesis 1, verse 31. Now, let me give you a couple of reasons why the Gap Theory is false and it makes no sense. Whatever, what is this? That at the end of Genesis chapter 1, God said that everything was very good. It says in Genesis 1, verse 31, and God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. In fact, when you're reading through Genesis 1, it keeps talking about it being good and then it says it's very good. Everything that was made, everything that was done, it was very good. Well, if there was billions of years of death and destruction and Satan already falling from heaven and fighting against God and having this battle that takes place, then he couldn't say it was very good if Satan is already bad and turned against God and he's rebelled and there's been, you know, sometimes they try to mesh this in with other books of the Bible like some of the battles and they'll say, well, you know, Satan had his battle with God back then and it's like there's entertaining battles with Satan versus God. Why do you have to add an extra one in that's not mentioned? Well, they'll say that Satan fell in Genesis chapter 1 before verse 2 and there's this big battle. That's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible says that everything was very good and turn to Romans 5. Romans 5. Romans 5. Romans 5. You know, obviously I know everybody believes the earth is young and I don't think that's an issue here. But these are kind of the big theories people are trying to push to try to phase out what the Bible clearly teaches and sometimes you'll hear people say things like this. Well, which Genesis creation story do you believe? Right? I remember I've been saved for a year and then somebody asked me that question. I'm like, what are you talking about? Right? Well, which version? Because they'll say there's contradictions for how there was a creation. Genesis 1 teaches this and Genesis 2 teaches this and someone asked me that they've gone to like Bible college or seminary and a lot of those Bible colleges will teach you not to believe in the Bible and try to attack the Bible. But you know, when you're just reading the Bible it's really not that complicated. Okay, the earth is just over 6,000 years old. It's clearly taught in Genesis 1. Another major problem with the gap theory is this. The Bible teaches that man brought death into the world. Man brought death into the world but the gap theory teaches that death brought man. That there was death before man. But see, the Bible teaches that man brought death into the world but with the gap theory there was all kinds of death before man ever got there. Right? Because in the book of Genesis in the creation story they're meant to live there until they ate of the fruit. Right? And then all of a sudden, you know, that brought death into the world. Okay? It says in Romans 5 verse 12 Wherefore is but one man sin entered into the world and death by sin. The Bible says death came as a result of sin. Now, I believe that there's a physical and a spiritual application here just as like in Romans 6.23 where, of course, you know, we are all going to die one day but we spiritually die because of our own sin that we've committed. We all have a sin nature. But, you know, man brought death into the world, the Bible says. Death came as a result of sin. Death by sin. And so death passed upon all men for that all sinned. For until the law of sin was in the world but sin is not imputed when there is no law nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come. So, the decision Adam made ended up resulting in death being passed upon to everybody. We will all physically die one day and we have a sin nature passed down and we will all be condemned because of our own sin and we need a savior. Okay? But see, the Gap Theory teaches the opposite. It teaches that before Genesis 1-2 there was all this death and destruction and they'll say those are all the fossils that are out there. The half human, half apes that are supposedly out there and when you talk to dispensationalists they go crazy with this. There's a lot of mythologies and everything of like half man, half horses and stuff like that and they didn't say this is all there because before Genesis 1-2. It's like I've read Genesis plenty of times. I never remember stopping and looking and saying I remember before my wife and I were married we were talking and we were talking about the Gap Theory. My wife was asking me about it because she had heard a preach and she asked me about it. She said this doesn't sound right. I said that's because it's not right. It's ridiculous. The Bible doesn't teach this at all. This is dispensational theology. This is what they teach. Go to Habakkuk chapter 2. Habakkuk 2. Habakkuk 2. And this sermon is probably not going to be as long as most of my sermons. We're just disproving the idea of the earth being old and next week we'll look into a lot of practical things in Genesis 1 that we can learn. There's a lot in this chapter. But not only that, another reason why the Gap Theory is false and you know it's false is because the Bible is meant to be simple. The Bible is meant to be plain and understandable. It says in Habakkuk 2 verse 2, And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. And see the Bible says that we need to make it plain upon tables and see the purpose of that is that he may run that readeth it. What the Bible is saying is, by the word of God, you have to make it plain or readable or understandable. That way people can see that and apply it and actually do it. And see an application would be this, if I'm going to preach a sermon, I need to make it plain and understandable or otherwise we're not going to be able to use that sermon to be edified. The whole purpose of preaching a sermon is to make it simple so people can apply it to their lives. Now of course there are some deep things in the Bible. If we went to the book of Ezekiel, we'd hit some deeper things in Genesis chapter 1 obviously. But you know whenever I'm preaching something, I should try to make it plain and simple and understandable that we may run and be edified by the preaching that was done. I mean think about it. I'm doing a math problem up here, right? Because I was a math teacher and as a lot of math people are, you cannot read my writing. My writing is so muggle muggle. It's terrible. Sometimes I write something and I'm like, what did I write there? I don't even know myself, right? This is how most math people are, right? You write and it's just like not even understandable what you write. Okay. And so can you imagine I'm doing this math problem up here? And you've seen math teachers like this, right? And then all of a sudden they have, they're doing all this stuff and you're like trying to read. Is that in English? What language is that? I mean are these Arabic letters? I mean this is Mandarin Chinese because it's so messy what they're saying that you can't even hardly read what they're putting, right? And I'll admit I'm guilty of that as a math teacher. But here's the thing. Are you going to be able to answer that problem if it's not plain, if it's not understandable? I mean I put a math problem up here and you're like, what is that? Is that 2x plus 3 or is that 2x plus 8 equals 11? You can't solve it unless you can actually see what's up. And see the Bible is saying that as an example, because it's not about writing the word of God, because obviously a lot of the word of God was written back then. If a scribe wrote and you couldn't really read it, you're not going to be able to be edified by reading because you're missing what's being said, right? And the same thing is true when sermons are preached, you want to make it plain and simple. You say, what are you saying? Here's what I'm saying. If you read Genesis chapter 1, there is not a chance in the world that anyone is going to stop at verse 2 and say, huh, it looks like there's four and a half billion years that have gone by. It doesn't get more complicated than that. You go right into the beginning of the Bible and then they'll say, okay, there's a footnote. Genesis 1-2 turned to Jeremiah, whatever chapter Isaiah, whatever chapter. It's like, how could you ever understand the Bible? Can you imagine if you get somebody saved and you motivate them to start reading the Bible on January 1st, you have a one-year Bible reading plan, they get to the first couple verses, and then you tell them, okay, it's four and a half billion years go by. I mean, I would quit reading. I'm never going to be able to understand this book, right? It's crazy. You know, what happens is these dispensational preachers, they preach this weird, bizarre stuff and people think they're really intelligent because when they're hearing it preached, their reaction is, I would have never gotten that from those verses. Yeah, because it's not there. Right? They stand up here and make themselves sound really smart and intelligent and it's just confusing and bizarre. Like, what weirder thing could you come up with than four and a half billion years before verse 2 and he's like half human, half animal creatures, insane to fowl, and he's mating with all these women. It's crazy. It's science fiction, right? I mean, it's madness and it's complicated. It doesn't make any sense. Whenever you hear preachers, because you'll hear certain preachers, they try to make themselves sound intelligent and when they do that, you can just tell, well, they're not a very good preacher. I'll give you an example. James White is one of the great examples. He's a famous Calvinist preacher or theologian or whatever, but he uses all of these big words that nobody knows, right? Like, he'll talk about we're going to study eschatology. Now, eschatology is the end times, but not everybody at church knows that. Just say we're going to study end times theology, something that they understand. Or he's like, you know, you need to exegete that passage and what it means by that is go back to the Greek. That's what exegete is. Go back to the Greek or Hebrew because you'll show somebody and say, well, listen to what the Bible says, but did you properly exegete that passage? And it's these Bible college terms that nobody knows. Or it's like, you know, we're going to look at soteriology tonight and soteriology is the study of salvation. That's what it means. Now, unfortunately, I mean, I've tried to learn some of these terms just so I know what people are talking about because you'll hear people like James White say something. You're like, what? You got to pause the video. You try to tell eschatology. How do you spell that? P-S-K. And then all of a sudden it's like, oh, okay, this is the word, right? But it's like these preachers that talk and dispensationalists are very guilty of this, that when people hear their sermons, it's complicated and people will think that person's really intelligent, but they cannot apply anything that they've heard. It doesn't motivate people to read the Bible. It doesn't motivate people to go sobering. It doesn't teach people how to be a good husband or how to be a good wife or how to be a good father. There's no steps of action. It's just this complicated thing that nobody understands and it serves them very well because the members think our pastor is so intelligent. In reality, you're not doing their job because the Bible says you're supposed to make it plain and simple. I mean, think about this. If you have a math problem you're doing, a calculus problem, your goal as the teacher is to make it as simple as possible so people understand it, right? Or if Brother Raj is teaching an English class, he's gonna try to make it simple so that people understand. He's not gonna make it really confusing where they don't even know what's going on. What's the purpose? Because you're trying to help the person be able to learn how to speak English, right? Whenever you're teaching anything, you wanna make it as simple as possible so people can understand it. And see, the goal for the other preacher is to take something that's complicated and make it simple. Not take something that's simple and make it complicated. And I listened to Gene Kim. You know, before we did this dispensational movie that Pastor Mejia did that was also very... And so I watched like a lot of preaching to try to find stuff that they could add to it and everything. And I listened to Gene Kim's philosophy on the Bible and understanding it and he mocked what I just said. And he's like, these people think the Bible's meant to be simple. It's like, no, it's not. It's meant to be complicated. That's what he said. And this is what dispensational pastors think. They think the Bible's meant to be complicated where you can't even understand what's going on. You know, the amazing thing is you can be just saved yesterday and start reading Genesis 1 and you're gonna understand a lot of things. In the beginning, God created the heavenly earth. It's like, wow. Then the first day this happened, it's like, okay, the first day this is what God created. The second day this is what God created. You don't have to go to Bible college or study all these books for years and years just to understand basic things. You as a saved person with the Holy Spirit of God can open up God's Word and understand what you're reading. Now, of course, there are some things that are the deep things in the Bible, but you know, most is not complicated because God wrote it in a way where it's very understandable. Go to 2 Corinthians 4. 2 Corinthians 4. And I'm not saying that the Bible's written in a way where it sounds like it was written by a five-year-old. That's not what I'm saying. Okay, the Bible's written in a very eloquent way. It's very poetic. You can tell it's the words of God, but it's also a very understandable book. It's not... And even when there's deep words, like complicated words that people don't know, the Bible actually defines that word for you so you understand what's going on, right? There's this word in the Bible, seer, or seer, S-E-E-R, and that's actually a word for someone who would prophesy before telling the future, but it even tells you because they understand, well, not everybody knows this word because it's fallen out of date. So in the Bible itself, it actually tells you this, that, you know, before time they were called a seer is now called a prophet. It defines it for you so you understand. So the Bible's meant to be in a simple way so we can understand, okay? 2 Corinthians 4, verse 3, But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ whose the image of God should shine onto them. So it says in verse 4, it says the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not. And see, the devil is the God of this world, and he is blinding the minds of people. One method he uses is by teaching evolution, teaching that the earth is over. What's happening in school today is kids are being taught at a young age that the earth is millions of years old. Anyway, it's so subtle how they do it, but they're successful. For example, you know, every kid loves dinosaurs like this, right? Kids love dinosaurs. I still love dinosaurs, right? I mean, dinosaurs, you know, when I was a kid, Jurassic Park was like the number one most popular movie, right? Kids love dinosaurs, but they'll suddenly just mention, well, this dinosaur 400 million years ago. And of course, a child's just going to think that's a fact, right? They just hear 400 million years ago, they're going to assume, well, it's a fact, right? And in school, especially though, these kids are being, and I don't think there's anything wrong with kids liking dinosaurs, okay? I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. What I'm saying is, the devil is brainwashing people with this idea of the Earth being old. And you're saying if the Earth is old and evolution is true, it gives you a completely different worldview than believing that God created everything. Your view of the medical industry and the science of this world, it's going to be completely different based on whether or not you think you're a bunch of random chemicals or whether or not you're created by God. Because if you are random chemicals, doesn't it make sense just to pop random chemicals inside of you to fix things? But if this world was created by God, doesn't really line up with what the Bible says, right? So a lot of the medical field that's out there, as Bible-believing Christians, you're going to put a big question mark by a lot of what you hear because it doesn't really seem to fit with the idea that God created us 6,000 years ago. If we are a bunch of random chemicals, it makes complete sense, though, with all the shots and everything that they're doing out there, vaccines and everything like that. But if you believe you're created by God, a lot of that stuff that you're taught, there's a big question mark. Kids are being brainwashed by the God of this world and it's going to make them hard to get saved as they get older because they're being brainwashed by this world. Now, I do have a couple statistics here. As I said, this is not the longest sermon in the world. But I have statistics of how many atheists were in the world in 1900 versus 2000. In 1900, there was 1.6 billion people on this planet. 1.6 billion. Today, we're looking at around 8 billion, I think we've crossed that mark. But 1.6 billion people and there was 226,128 people based on the poll that they did. 226,000 out of 1.6 billion is 0.014%, meaning one out of 7,000 people did not believe in God. One out of 7,000 did not believe in God, okay? Today, there are 6 billion people in 2000. This was 20 years ago, right? 6 billion people, just over 6 billion, 150 million atheists, 89,508, which is 2.48%, one out of 40. In 1900, one out of 7,000 people was an atheist. In 2000, one out of 40. It's by far the fastest growing religion in the world. That's insane. One out of 7,000 did not believe in God and it was one out of 40 in 2000. And you know, we've gone 20 years into the future. It's probably one out of 30 now. Now, it's hard for us to see that here in the Philippines because we don't run into a lot of atheists. But let me tell you something, you go to somebody in the United States, sometimes they'll lock three straight doors. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. I don't believe in God. And this is like, how could you not believe in God? Like, what in the world? Right? It is worse in Europe. Brother Matthias comes from Europe. Brother Matthias, you know, at our church, he used to be an atheist. He said that in sermons before and he didn't believe in God. And the reason why he didn't believe in God is because he was brainwashed by evolution. Now, when you think of atheists, you need to understand there's kind of two different types of atheists. There's the atheist that just hates God and he just doesn't want to believe in God. Then there's the person who's been deceived by a false religion and they're just deceived, but they're not. It's like being deceived by Catholic or Hindu or Buddhist or whatever religion. It's just a false religion for them. But it's not that they don't want to believe in God. They just have been deceived. And, you know, if you talk to him, you know, from what I understand, he had been around religions and he knew that there's problems in them and everything. And he thought that, you know, evolution and the Big Bang was just more logical. And a lot of people in Europe believe that. It's very popular. There's countries in Europe, I think it's like 20%, like one out of five people or something like Sweden has like one out of five people or something that don't believe in God. We talked about Taoism just recently, right? That's a religion that is basically atheistic. It basically takes to the Big Bang and believing in God is not essential. Buddhism doesn't believe in a creator God. So many Buddhists don't believe that there's a God. There's even Hindus that don't believe in God, right? They just believe in this energy. They say, well, we don't actually believe in God, just this energy. Atheism is very common and it was one out of 7,000. Now it's one out of 40. And a large part of that is kids going to the public school system and being brainwashed by leopard teachers at a young age, right? Everything's changing this world. But you know what? As Bible-believing Christians, it's really not complicated. You look at Genesis chapter 1, it's very clear that just in six days, the Lord made the heaven and the earth and all that in them is and then when the seventh day rested, which is why we have the Sabbath day, six days, seventh day of rest, each day is just a literal 24-hour day, one rotation on the Earth's axis. Let's go to word of prayer.