(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 Morning worship service. 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 All the matches can start whenever the participants are ready for the championship and the ladies and then the semis and the men's and then the finals afterwards. Anybody is welcome to watch the matches. We do ask you though to try to keep distractions to a minimum because chess is a game where you know you need to really be focused, right? So you're welcome to watch. Don't mock your opponent. It's like oh he should have done this, right? Try to distract them and so anyways it should be fun and next year we'll also have a tournament in September so you have 12 months to prepare. Next year we are going to have a children's division also and so boys and girls will be together in that division but just you know so we can divide men's women's and children's. That's going to be exciting. Our next event or competition in November we do have our annual table tennis competition so you can start you know preparing your table tennis. Get ready for that. That'll be in November. Next week is our monthly prayer meeting and then in two weeks we do have a music ministry meeting so if you're interested in being part of our regular music ministry please attend that and I believe that's it for announcements. We'll have brother Rafi lead us in another song. Game number 138. Game number 138. Game number 138. Game number 138. Game number 138. Game number 138. So the book of Nahum chapter one it's in the minor prophets a couple of pages before new testament starts the book of Nahum as this is our custom we are going to read the whole chapter please say amen when you're there the book of Nahum chapter one the burden of Nineveh the book of the vision of Nahum the Elchashite God is jealous and the Lord's revenge the Lord's revengeous and is furious the Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries and he deserves wrath for his enemies the Lord is slow to anger and great in power and will not at all acquit the wicked the Lord has his way in the whirlwind and in the storm and in the clouds are the dust of his feet he rebuked the sea and makes it dry and dries up all the rivers Asian languages and karmic and the flower of Lebanon languishes the mountains quake at him and the hills melt and the earth has burned at his presence here the world the world and all that's rather than who can stand before his indignation and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger his fury is pulled out like fire and the dogs are thrown down by him the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows them that sust in him but with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof and darkness shall push his enemies what do you imagine against the Lord he will make an utter end affliction shall not rise up the second time for while they be folding together thorns and while they are drunken as one cuts they shall be devoured a stubble fully dry there is one come out of thee that imagines evil against the Lord a wicked counselor thus said the Lord though they be quite and likewise many yet thus shall they be cut down and he shall pass through though I have afflicted thee I will afflict thee no more for now will I break his yoke from of thee and will burst thy bonds in sundown and the Lord has given a commandment concerning thee that no more of thy name be sown out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image I will make thy grave for though are vile behold upon the mountains the feet of him that rings good tidings that publishes peace oh judah keep thy solemn feast perform thy vows for the wicked shall no more pass through thee he's utterly cut off let us pray thank you our father for your word we ask you also to bless the sermon to bless the preaching and knowing the preacher and yeah help us willing to understand your word to apply it also in our lives we make this necessary changes and help us to love you more we pray in Jesus name amen all right we are in Nahum chapter 1 and the name of the sermon is false philosophies the enlightenment movement the enlightenment movement let me just explain you some verses in Nahum 1 and I'll explain you what the enlightenment movement is or was but notice what it says in Nahum 1 verse 3 Nahum chapter 1 verse 3 the Bible says the Lord is slow to anger and great in power and will not at all acquit the wicked the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm and the clouds are the dust of his feet now the Bible mentions the whirlwind and the storm what we're looking at is natural disasters in our modern day we talk of cyclones tornadoes hurricanes depending on where you live certain natural disasters are more prevalent but when it's talking about in the whirlwind and in the storm we're looking at natural disasters and what you're seeing is God is the one that controls these things verse 4 he rebuke at the sea and make it the dry and drieth up all the rivers patient languishes in Carmel and the flower of Lebanon languishes the mountains quake at him now what does that mean the mountains quake at him what are what natural disaster obviously an earthquake right this is not just merely symbolic nature no the Bible is trying to teach you something the mountains quake at him earthquakes the and the hills melt you're looking at volcanoes right lake of fire volcanoes and it says and the earth is burned at his presence yea the world and all that dwell therein who can stand before his indignation and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger his fury is poured out like fire and the rocks are thrown down by him and the Bible's saying his indignation which is great anger his anger is evident by the natural disasters that he sends forth and what the Bible is showing you here is those major natural disasters they actually come from God when there's a major earthquake that kills a lot of people God sent it it's what you would call an act of God is the expression and the idea is that God's the one that sent that volcano God's the one that sent his earthquake and his wrath is being poured out on a wicked world Bible says in verse 7 the Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knoweth them that trust in him but with an overrunning flood he'll make an utter end of the place thereof and darkness shall pursue his enemies you say brother Stuckey you know I don't know about that I don't know if natural disasters are coming from God I just don't think God would destroy people and send these major natural disasters well I seem to remember a flood that took place you know 4,000 some odd years ago that destroyed everybody and everything except eight people I mean it completely destroyed the world but that was God back then he would never do it again the Bible's saying in Nahum one yes he would now he's not going to destroy the world with the flood we understand that but he will send floods and tsunamis and hurricanes tornadoes volcanoes earthquakes that kill a lot of people why would he do that because his anger is being poured out on a wicked world that's the reason why now look I understand that there's a lot of earthquakes that take place every day and most most of those earthquakes cause zero damage but a major earthquake that kills a hundred thousand people that's not a coincidence that is God's anger and wrath being poured out on a wicked world now there was a day when everybody would have agreed with that everybody would have said when a major natural disaster comes man God is angry what did we do to anger God now in the 17th and 18th centuries there was something known as the enlightenment movement where basically there's a major earthquake in the 18th century the Lisbon earthquake in Portugal and it killed around 50,000 people and of course the first reaction from people is God is angry I mean 50,000 is a lot of people dead but there's a movement of atheistic type of people agnostics people that rejected the Bible and what they would say is you know what we can understand everything that takes place in natural scientific logical means instead of saying it was God that sent that earthquake what we need to do is understand how things work better and we can prevent future earthquakes we can prevent future volcanoes and it's called the enlightenment movement because what they said is if you believe in the Bible you're dwelling in darkness you have no light and they call it the age of reason or the enlightenment movement let reason shine on your tradition right and they basically said you are a fool if you just say this was an act of God we need to understand this in natural and scientific means and that earthquake was considered the first earthquake that was really studied for how it took place and the impact and they said that was the birth of modern day study of earthquakes seismology I believe is the word if I'm pronouncing that correctly and they said that earthquake was merely a coincidence and because we don't understand how the earth works well enough that's the reason why it took place and if you would quit believing in God then it wouldn't have taken place we could prevent it now we look at that earthquake and we would say God is angry why what did we do see that's the proper response I mean if there's an earthquake that kills 50,000 people obviously God is angry according to nam one and the question would be what did we do to anger God and let's get rid of that sin but they would say actually the earthquake is your fault because you're not studying earthquakes enough right now one of the arguments they made for proof that you know basically it wasn't God that sent that they said well if God sent that why is it so many churches were destroyed it's like so many catholic churches were destroyed but a lot of bars weren't destroyed and and what I would say is if I believe in Christian that makes sense the first thing I would expect God to destroy are false churches I mean who does Jesus preach against the most in the bible religious people or unreligious religious people who's the who is he going to be most angry at the false religions the false prophets I mean that makes sense but they would say but wait a minute it was on a Christian holiday it was the feast of all saints day november 1st I mean why I mean on a religious and Christian holiday and I would just think if there's one weekend where you could anger God in this world it would be the triple header halloween all saints day all souls day these satanic holidays that Christians or Catholics have meshed in with halloween and these demonic satanic holidays I'd be like that makes sense more proof my bible's correct and so for us that are true bible believing Christians that's very easy to answer I mean it makes sense I mean november 1st is that shocking to you if there'd be a weekend you'd anger God I mean that makes a lot of sense to me right but of course the unbelieving world they wouldn't understand something like this they don't understand all churches are not the same we do understand things like that and look when there is a major natural disaster you need to realize that is not an accident that is God's wrath being poured out turn in your bible to psalm 119 psalm 119 here's a quote from this enlightenment movement or this illumination movement or age of reason allow reason or rational thought to rid the world of ignorance and superstition so they basically say we're ignorant for basically saying it was God now some of these people that were like heading this movement they didn't claim to be atheists but it's certainly a forerunner to evolution and these atheists these people that just want to reject the bible there's a lot of deists that would be involved in this people that said well God created the world but he just kind of let it go and basically he left us with a brain to figure everything out you know it was in 2010 was probably the biggest natural disaster in the 21st century the in terms of destruction and that was the Haiti in earth the earthquake in Haiti now there's an earthquake in Haiti about a year and a half ago that was actually more powerful but it didn't cause as much damage in terms of actual deaths but the earthquake in 2010 in Haiti it killed almost a half million people in a country of less than 10 million people basically over five percent of the population of Haiti died in 30 seconds can you imagine if you woke up tomorrow morning and it said five million Filipinos plus dead via such and such earthquake I mean that would be a major major natural disaster five percent I mean that means that every single person living in Haiti knew lots of people that died in that earthquake 500,000 people most of the thing was like 440,000 people in a country of nine and a half million people at the time now what I would say is God is obviously very angry and the question would be why well as a bible-believing christian I can't think of a more satanic religion than voodoo I mean they literally worship the devil if you know anything about voodoo I mean it's not a surprise to me that God would destroy Haiti with an earthquake I mean because the religion of Haiti what they say is 70 Catholic 30 Protestant 100 or the expression is catholic by morning voodoo by night right and so basically it's it's not voodoo becoming kind of christian it's basically catholicism with their saints and those are the gods of voodoo they basically mesh together because obviously catholicism they can say what they want it comes from roman paganism right but here's what's interesting when that took place there were various christian leaders and when I say christian leaders I'm not saying they were saved I'm saying famous christians pat Robertson I think is the most famous example and he said after that earthquake this earthquake was sent by God because this country worships the devil and made a pact with it with the devil and if you know the history of Haiti it's actually completely correct because basically it was a country with a lot of slavery and basically people in Haiti a long time ago they literally made a pact we're going to worship these gods if you get us out of slavery and voodoo became the dominant religion in the country they're literally worshiping the devil obviously we don't we don't agree with slavery but worshiping the devil to get out of it is obviously not the answer right and so they basically made a pact with the devil and then a half million people got killed and people were outraged that somebody said that how could you say that was god that sent that natural disaster and number one that's what the bible says but number two what's interesting if you know anything about voodoo they believe the same thing voodoo teaches that you've got to keep the gods happy and when the earthquake took place all of them said the gods are angry with us that's what they believe it's like people that are natives of various countries that worship the sky and worship the sun and all these things what they believe is you got to keep the god of the river happy or he might send a flood right something such as that and so obviously they don't believe that god sent that because of voodoo but they do believe that the gods were angry and that is why that earthquake was actually sent and so they agree with it and yet they were outraged that somebody actually said that now you would think after an event like that the people of the country would say man we got to get rid of this religion but actually they said since god is angry with us we got to be more zealous in our voodoo because otherwise he might send another earthquake that was the reaction because i've seen many documentaries on haiti i mean it's a outside of of india i think it's the most interesting country in the world i mean just on a side point their old president uh i think papa doc duvalier was his name you know he basically prayed a voodoo curse and this is not me saying this he literally did this to have john f kennedy killed now i'm not saying that's why jfk died but i'm just saying talk about pretty satanic when the president of the country is making voodoo dolls and praying curses against other world i mean that's a satanic country right that religion is worshiping the devil now what's interesting is the biggest earth or the biggest natural disaster in america in the 21st century was hurricane katrina i found it interesting today it's actually sister katrina's birthday and i'm preaching against hurricane katrina but hurricane katrina was the biggest natural disaster in america in the 21st century in terms of damage and deaths and everything and where did it strike well primarily louisiana new orleans and the one part of america where voodoo has become prominent is new orleans and they also have marty gra there so i would say i would look at that and see various christians said that as well in 2005 god's probably angry at marty gra and voodoo and it's a fact i mean when you see a major natural disaster you have to look at it and ask yourself the question why did this take place not is god angry but why is god angry right that's what it teaches in name chapter one but people that support this enlightenment movement would say well you're dwelling in darkness brother stuckie because they're trusting in the bible go to psalm 119 psalm 119 psalm 119 right in the middle of your bible psalm 119 point number one god's word is truth and light god's word is truth and light psalm 119 verse 105 thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path thy word is a lamp onto my feet and a light onto my path and see the bible says god's word is light god's word is like a lamp it guides your steps right verse 130 verse 130 it says the entrance of thy words giveth light it giveth understanding onto the simple go to verse 160 and the bible reads thy word is true from the beginning and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever i mean they say that we can just trust our brains and natural means and they say god's word is darkness and it's not truth but what the bible says is god's word is light what the bible says is god's word is truth what the bible is saying is god will guide your steps if you base your life on the word of god go to isaiah 8 isaiah 8 i mean think about light think about what the bible is trying to teach you i mean if it's dark you know you don't know where you're going or what you're doing right i mean if you're in an area of pitch black or maybe the lights are just turned off and so your eyes have not adjusted and you just try to walk around you're just going to be like randomly just boom bumping into stuff because you can't see where you're going and see the way a lot of people live their lives i mean this is literally how their life goes it's just kind of like whoops and they're just like messing up their life left and right i'm just so unlucky why is it that just everything doesn't work out for me it's because you're not basing your life on the bible you're walking around in darkness and hoping everything works out look if you're in darkness you're going to fail you can't see what you're doing and see god's word gives us light and look if you base your life on the bible you can see what you're doing you can make the right choices if you don't have god's word you're going to stumble around in darkness and so many people live their lives i mean they just make all of these mistakes and for those of us that read the bible you look at them and you're like what are you doing it's like just do what the bible says oh that's ignorant that's that old superstitious superstitious belief i mean it's been proven that spanking doesn't work on raising kids and that's what people would say right let reason shine on your tradition it's like well i'm sorry i based my life on what the bible says i do what the bible says and i believe that if i do what god says my life is going to turn out correct my life is going to turn out right i believe god's word are light i believe they help you i can say that in the years i've been saved i've basically been saved half my life this word has helped me avoid a lot of stupid decisions i might have made the word of god has helped me make the right decisions in life things that i would have not done if i went with my own wisdom the bible says trust in in the lord god with all thine hearts lean not unto thine own understanding isaiah chapter 8 verse 20 to the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there was no light in them i mean the bible's not just being symbolic when it mentions the word of god and light go to isaiah 9 verse 9 i'm just showing you some of these verses isaiah 9 verse 9 or isaiah 9 verse 8 i should say the lord sent a word into jacob and it hath lighted upon israel so you see over and over again the word of god is linked with light this is not merely an expression you're meant to actually take something from this the idea is that if you base your life on the bible and the word of god you can actually see what you're doing you can know what the right decisions are look if you see something in the way like for example i mean if you're in darkness and you stumble into this it's like you can't see what you're doing but if you see what you're doing it's like yeah i see that this is what the bible says but you know and why'd my life get messed up i mean you're a fool if you know what the bible says and then you just choose to stumble into all these mistakes anyway because god's telling you what to do you can see what you're doing and yet many times we lean on our own understanding we refuse to trust what god says and then we wonder why our life is so messed up you're not doing what god tells you to do go to hosea chapter six hosea six hosea six where i'm from growing up in west virginia we don't really have natural disasters there's we're not near the water we don't have tornadoes we literally have nothing i guess it's a very boring state to a lot of people but that's kind of nice to me but the one natural disaster so to speak is there's more accidents car accidents with deer than any other place because it's the mountain state and you know there's this expression in the u.s of a deer caught in the headlights and the expression comes because this is what a deer does it runs into the middle of the road in front of cars and it's like and then it just gets plowed on and that will total your car if you're going you know 100 kilometers per hour or whatever but it and sometimes you see those deer coming down the mountain but you don't know should i speed up should i slow down you don't know what they're going to do and you see them coming you just start praying in your head it's like please don't run in front of my car and stop and then many times you have to like swerve to avoid them and everything because you know deer do that but but here's the thing you know when i used to go to work during the winter time early in the morning that 20-minute drive because it would be dark during the winter time it is so dangerous i mean you're scared because you have your headlights on but you you don't have that good of visibility and there's many accidents where you hit deer because you can't see what you're doing but here's the thing when you're driving during the day if a deer does that what do you do well you just swerve to avoid it because you can see what's taking place you would be a fool to just say well i'm just going to hit the acceleration and try to knock that thing as far as i can right but people do this in their life all the time they see things that are problems and they just do them anyway and you look at them like what are you doing right my wife and i several years ago we watched this documentary and obviously as bible believing christians there's many things that you can't really watch because they're inappropriate so you know we watch a lot of documentaries and they're we watch a lot on natural disasters it's something we both find pretty interesting and they had one you know in japan after the major tsunami they had that killed a lot of people and they had interviews before the tsunami basically the experts that were building the buildings the architects the structural engineers you know those sorts of people and you know one of them literally said this they said we have tsunami proofed our buildings they said after the last major tsunami we made adjustments and now it is impossible because we have tsunami proofed them there's no way they could be taken down it's like are you challenging god and then literally right after that the tsunami was more powerful than anyone they had seen it just completely toppled all those buildings that were tsunami proofed it's like look you can't stop the wrath of god right right you know i don't care what experts there are in studying climate if you live during the days of genesis 19 it's like we've studied the skies zero percent chance of hail today zero percent chance of rain zero percent chance of fire flying from the sky it doesn't really matter what you've studied if god's wrath is going to be poured out you can't stop it right the only thing that could have stopped that earthquake in haiti is those people quit worshiping the devil that's what can stop it and see as bible-believing christians we can look at natural disasters that take place we can learn from them you look at the location and you ask yourself why why did god send this to destroy this but what you can't say is oh it's an accident if we just understood earthquakes better would not have taken place you cannot stop the wrath of god hosiah 6 verse 5 hosiah 6 verse 5 therefore have i hewed them by the prophets what does it mean to hue well it basically means to cut them up into pieces it says right after that i have slain them by the words of my mouth and thy judgments are as the light that goeth forth and what it's basically saying is the prophets were slaying people killing people but not literally killing them but through their words the word of god is like a sword and it was hewing people down isn't it amazing how offended people get by the word of god it's especially funny when people say they don't believe the bible it's like well why are you so offended right i mean maybe you've been preaching the gospel to people before and they get really offended it's like you said you didn't believe the bible but they get so offended by what the bible says and it's just like that word of god just pierces them and they want they don't have anything to do with it right and i remember you know several years ago i gave the gospel to my cousin and my cousin lived my first cousin lived in sacramento california i only have a couple first cousins and of course verity baptist is in sacramento but my cousin is very liberal very pro-abortion pro-lgbt so even though we live in the same city it's not like we really hung out but when we were kids you know thanksgiving together and things such as that you spend time together christmas and everything and so i remember i basically surprised him where basically i knocked on his door i hadn't seen him in five years i was like hey what's going on right and he was like surprised to see me and everything and i i i visited for one purpose to preach the gospel to him that was my purpose because if he doesn't get saved we're just i mean even though we're blood related how close are you going to be with someone who's pro-lgbt pro-abortion i don't care if you have the same blood you have nothing in common right and so basically at the beginning of the conversation you know i told him about how yeah you know i want to talk to you about going to heaven and everything and he's like yeah i know he's like you know you're really religious now and everything and you've been worried about me all these years i said well here's the thing i know you don't believe the bible so during this conversation you just have to pretend to believe the bible right and so just let me show you what the bible says just pretend you believe the bible and we'll just see what the bible says and the reason why i did that is i knew he'd start arguing me about with with me about the bible and so just a couple minutes in he's like well how do you know that that scripture well wait a minute you agree that you would pretend that you believe the bible and he's like you know he's kind of mad but it's like yeah you win right i agree with that but you just see someone gets so mad but what the bible says it's like i thought i thought you didn't believe the bible right it's like why are you so mad well there's this other time i was preaching the gospel to someone i was kind of friends with in um arizona but you know he wasn't safe he's a co-worker and i was preaching the gospel to this person and this person was basically you know committing adultery and so i had lunch with him and i'm preaching the gospel to him and i'm quoting revelation 21 8 which says idolaters but it sounds kind of like adulterous so i'm just quoting the bible and he's like oh don't say that word and i wasn't even like you know because i'm not trying to i'm not very comfort you know the gospel is done in love we're all guilty we're all sinners right but he's just like oh don't say that word i was like but you don't believe the bible like why why are you so offended if you don't believe it like why does that pierce you because on the inside people know god is real and they try to fight against it all they want but even if they don't believe the bible the bible still has power and it hurts like a sword that goes to the inside god's word is truth god's word is light hoshea 6 verse 5 i have hewed them by the prophets i have slain them by the words of my mouth and i judgments are as the light that goeth forth five desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of god more than burnt offerings the bible tells us that god's word is light this movement the enlightenment movement wants to get rid of the word of god and they say well you'll have more light and knowledge if you avoid the word of god but we will get it the opposite way i believe god's word actually gives us likes i believe god's word actually teaches us what is right to do it shows us what is correct go to john one john one now i'll be honest with you in my flesh you know like because if you're a bible believing christian people will insult you for various reasons it's i i literally remember one time i literally got two people that insulted me on youtube from a sermon that was when i was at verity baptist sacramento and they said the opposite thing one person made fun of my eyebrows because it looked like a unibrow unibrow the other one made fun of it because there's too big of a space it's like well which is it it's like and what a stupid thing to mock someone and here's the thing though i i really it doesn't really offend me if somebody you know mocks me and says you're ugly that doesn't offend me honestly i really don't care but if there's something that would actually get on my nerves is when somebody thinks i'm dumb right if somebody mocks your intelligence and people that are atheists people that are in the enlightenment movement they think they're really smart and they think we're dumb is that not true what's funny about this is what i found is people that are soul winners and people that love god they probably have a higher average iq than the average person by a good bit to be honest it's like people that love god actually seem to be pretty intelligent people and here's the thing even if they're not naturally the most intelligent person they're educated they're knowledgeable they understand how things work you say why because we're not going in darkness we're basing things on the word of god we have the light of god's word to guide us and they can i mean they it doesn't matter how smart you are they're gonna say you're stupid they're gonna mock you no matter what why because they don't agree with you and they can't disprove the word of god so instead they go to just mocking right bible says in john one verse eight he was not that light but was sent to bear witness of that light that referring to john the baptist was not that light he was not jesus christ but he bore witness of jesus christ that was the true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world now part of the meaning here in verse nine is the fact that jesus died for everybody the grace of god that bringeth salvation has appeared to all men he lighteth every man that cometh into the world but the word of god is light and see god's word actually gives you guidance it will teach you what is right this enlightenment movement is the opposite they say get rid of the word of god and you'll be lightened you'll have knowledge and reason and understanding and the bible says the opposite i mean the entrance of god's word giveth knowledge and wisdom and light and understanding god's word is what actually helps you out go to john three john three i mean this is just a book now this is not just a book because it's a spiritual book it's the word of god but i'm just saying to the average person out there that does not believe the bible this is no different than any other book but they're not going to be offended if you quote from les miserables right they're not going to be offended if you quote from huckleberry fin but you quote from this book and people get very angry at what this book says i mean you preach sermons they get extremely angry at what you preach you say why because you're they're being huge or slain by the word of god why is it they get so mad by what this book says the truth is because they're wicked people people that hate god's word it's because they want to sin and not feel bad about you say well prove that to me john three john three is a pretty famous chapter right let's look at verse 19 and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil why is it they hate the word of god because the word of god reproves them and preaches against the sins that they commit they get mad at it because they're told what they're doing is wrong they don't want anyone to tell them that what they're doing is wrong so they get mad at the word of god why is it that this church is never going to be the biggest baptist church in metro manila because people don't like hearing the word of god preached now of course there's exceptions i mean i think you know we i think we have 70 people now we had counted 65 earlier if i'm doing my math right we have 70 people now here i mean a lot of people here people love god right people that love soul winning they love the word of god and they say this is the location to hear the word of god preach but most people are not like you sometimes we get this idea that everyone is going to be similar to us it's just not really the truth though i mean you bring visitors to church and and here's what's interesting usually visitors first-time visitors really like the preaching and i can tell you that because i can see the reaction from people they like the preaching it's different they've never heard it i mean other churches aren't like this but then usually they never come back why is that because when i'm preaching against rock music and preaching how it's satanic people are like that makes sense they're seeing what the word of god says man that's true then they go home and they still desire to listen to the rock music and they don't want to be pricked by the word of god preaching against what they do that's the reality now here's the thing all of us get preached against i mean the word of god gets to all of us none of us have a perfect life but you're wise enough to say you know what i'd rather have the pain to fix the problem it would be foolish to say i'd rather just stumble in darkness and just you know pretend like everything's okay right that'd be foolish we want to know what the bible says and god's word actually gives us light but these people they hate the light of god's word why their deeds are evil for everyone that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved but he that doeth truth cometh to the light that his deeds may be manifest that they are wrought in god see you're here because you want to know whether or not your life is okay you want to fix the problems that you do have people that don't like this kind of preaching it's because they don't want to fix their lives they don't want to quit their sins they want to just think that everything in their life is okay with nobody preaching against them the bible says it's because they sin a lot their deeds are evil people that hate i mean and you think of the group that hates the word of god the most the lgbt but they hate god's word if you don't believe it's the word of god why do you care but this word has power and they hate this book turn your bible to first timothy three first timothy chapter three first timothy chapter three god's word is truth and god's word is light that's point number one number two god's word is authoritative god's word is authoritative everything we do around here what we should believe is based on the authority of god's word first timothy three verse 15 but if i tarry long that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth see the word of god and the church preaching the word of god is the pillar and ground of the truth it's the authority it makes the decisions on what we do and what we believe meaning that when you believe something and you read the bible saying something opposite you're wrong and the word of god is right it doesn't matter how you were raised it doesn't matter your culture it doesn't matter what you believe before you're wrong and god's word is right you say how could you say that because god's word is authority god's word determines what is right and what is wrong not man's wisdom not what seems right there is a way which seemeth right but the end there on but the end there over the ways of death the bible said there's a way we seem with right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death and something might seem right to you but if the bible says the opposite you're wrong god's word is authority go to second timothy four second timothy four and look if you're going to go to a real church you just have to be ready to be willing to change your beliefs on stuff you're wrong about look i get saved in college i didn't get saved i didn't grow up as an independent fundamental baptist you realize there's a lot of things i've changed my mind on through the years of things i was wrong and i'm not just saying doctrines like rapture or things such as that i'm saying like just standards and ways to live your life right i mean like you know i'll just give you an example you know when i first got saved i listened to a sermon that was preaching against miniskirts which obviously that was a big thing when it first came out and i don't know 60s 70s it was like you know miniskirts were really big and i was in college i didn't agree you say why didn't you agree brother stuckey because i was brainwashed and i didn't agree but i saw what the bible said and it's like i guess i'm wrong i didn't see any problem with it before why because i was brainwashed i was taught something and i was wrong i mean you see the way everybody's dressed and you just assume it's normal because you see it all the time but i realized i'm wrong what's funny is even on things that you don't believe it's like oftentimes there's something on the inside where you know you're wrong give me an example this sometimes you preach the gospel to people and they're not always dressed appropriately i mean i've preached the gospel to many women through the years and the way they're dressed is not appropriate now when we're preaching the gospel obviously we're going to preach the gospel door to door to everyone but i'm amazed how some people answer the door because you would think that they'd want to be appropriate but sometimes they're not that appropriate well what's funny is you start preaching the gospel and sometimes you know let's say they're exposing this part of their body too much then all of a sudden they start you know doing like this sort of thing it's like they're covering up they feel embarrassed or they act like you know they got a bug on their neck you know it's like and they're trying to basically you know cover up because they feel inappropriate you say what is that it's something on the inside that tells them hey the way you're dressed is not correct and look obviously i'm not bringing that up during the gospel i'm just bringing up the gospel saying we're all sinners and everything but it's like there's something on the inside they know that they're the way they're dressed is wrong or you think about this i mean it's like in the past if you had asked me before i was saved or when i was newly saved hey brother stuckey what is appropriate to wear at the beach well i would have had a more modest view than most people but i would have not had as modest of a view as i have now i would have said it's perfectly fine for a guy to go without his shirt wear swim trunks like everybody else i don't believe that anymore when i go swimming i wear a dark shirt you say why i don't think it's appropriate you know and you can disagree with me that's fine i'm just telling you my standards have changed i don't think it's appropriate for a guy not to have a shirt on around other people that they're not married to i don't think it's appropriate and if that's not your standard that's perfectly fine if we ever had church activity we've had church activities swimming activities both in pampanga and here and it's like the dress like hey make sure you're dressed appropriately for a church activity but here's the thing inside we know that it's not really appropriate because it's not like you'd go around without your shirt on anywhere it's just a specific location where you decide it's okay but you're not going to walk in shirt in church without a shirt on right now my standard i obviously dress up for church but when i first got saved i didn't dress up for church and i don't think it's a sin to just wear shorts and a t-shirt to church that's my opinion i prefer to dress up when i first got saved i didn't but here's the thing even though i would wear shorts and a t-shirt to church i wouldn't go into church without a shirt on why it's not appropriate and everybody knows that and what i'm saying is even things that people believe a certain way it's like there's something on the inside where they know it's just not appropriate it's not right and that's called you have a conscience that is actually teaching and telling you certain things but the bottom line is regardless of what you think the bible is the authority that determines what we believe not your opinion not what seems right but what does god's word say second timothy four verse two second timothy four verse two preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long suffering and doctrine the bible says to preachers they should preach the word of god be instant in season out of season and what that means is you know think of like fruits or vegetables where there's certain seasons when they're in season and they taste very good sometimes they're out of season they're not going to taste good they don't grow well in certain climates or temperatures now in this country that the climate is not as drastically changing but you know where i grew up in west virginia during the winter time it's below zero degrees for like a month straight all day long and later on in the year it can get up to like 40 degrees celsius i mean that's a big jump you don't have that jump here right i mean there can be days where the temperature fluctuates 20 degrees from morning to afternoon there's a major change and so certain fruits grow very well during the winter time and they grow very poorly during the summer time or vice versa what the bible is saying is with the word of god it doesn't matter whether it's in season and it's popular or it's out of season it's not popular you preach it anyway for example in 2022 it is out of season to preach against the homos it's out of season it's not popular people don't like it because everybody's got a relative that's a homo everyone's got co-workers that are homos and so it's not popular to preach against the homos it's out of season in 2022 now it was in season in 1922 100 years ago i'm sure that if somebody preached against them 100 years ago they'd be like amen that's right but why are you preaching about it because there are no homos what are you talking about now though it's like it's a big issue i was preaching the gospel yesterday in a park in pampanga i'm preaching to this guy and this cross dresser starts walking up and the guy i'm preaching to i guess had given him money to buy something and i'm i was wondering in my head i'm still not sure like whether or not because this is a weird conversation whether or not the two of them were together but it's like just this guy wearing a dress dressed like a woman's walking up that's very common in 2022 it's like it happens all the time look that's not normal it's weird a guy wearing a dress it's it's it's weird it's strange but it's very common now here's the thing because it's so common churches don't preach about it is that not true i mean this is the cute thing that baptist churches are doing in 2022 let us act just like ccf and victory right let us just have the same music act the same way because they're reaching so many people and and here's what's interesting these baptist churches they try to go both directions we're kind of fundamental and we're kind of victory we're kind of fundamental and we're kind of ccf and it's like i just want to help them out especially those that actually do have the right gospel hey we're reaching lots of people and we're just sticking to fundamentals we're having no problem reaching people i mean 70 people here today i mean that's not a small crowd and look it's not like this church started with 70 people i mean this church started we'd have sundays of less than 30 people we're reaching people and these baptist churches instead of being what the world wants do what god wants and if you preach what the world wants you're going to reach people that are worldly that don't love god if you do what god wants you're going to reach people that love god that is what the bible teaches but here's the thing in this passage preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering doctrine verse three for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine what's the bible saying here's what the bible's saying because they do not endure sound doctrine what do you preach sound doctrine because it's not popular that's what you preach because it's obviously an issue it's the exact opposite of what baptist churches are doing because it's not popular to preach against the homeless preach against them don't be ashamed of the word of god preach what the bible says you say brother second i'm going to offend so many people so be it people get offended by the word of god look people will visit this church i mean you'll bring first-time visitors from soul winning and some of them will hate the preaching and you know what god bless them we'll see them in heaven but you know what if they're not going to accept what the word of god says then it is what it is because many people in this church have made major changes in their life via the preaching of god's word you don't make changes unless there's somebody that preaches against what you do you know why i got rid of my worldly music and movies because of sermons that made me feel like i was a rotten person i was like man i'm a horrible person for listening to music that's mocking god i felt so guilty it's like i got rid of it i wouldn't have gotten rid of that by just god's got a wonderful plan for your life your best life now right your best life while you're committing all these wicked sins that doesn't make you make changes in your life it's like just just a funny story and a side point you know trying to i'm not trying to go to too many rabbit trails i got to wrap things up here kind of soon but when i was in guyana on a mission trip for a couple weeks you know guyana is a country that's got most of the population is some sort of christian but there's also muslim there's also a lot of hindu's it's probably i don't remember maybe 20 hindu because there's a lot of people from india with so it's kind of a mix of various different things so i preach the gospel to a lot of hindu's a lot of people from india and what's interesting is that the hindu's that i talked to there was a couple that mentioned this that they said that you know what they don't listen to christian preachers but but you know the name that i heard three times there's one christian preacher i really like joe lowstein these hindu's love joe lowstein and then somebody else told me you know i also like td jakes it's like well it's interesting because i don't think they like me very much because i remember i was just walking around in guyana just walking around before so many time and i heard joe lowstein's voice and it's like these hindu's listening to joe lowstein i'm thinking what is going on right it's like oh look at him he's reaching the hindu's look i've actually gotten hindu's saved before but you don't get them saved with your best life now you get them saved by preaching the gospel to them and there's a problem if people with false religion love your preaching i mean look if we had millions of hindu saying man i love matthew stuck he's preaching against shiva that's great there's something wrong there they're not going to like it but they're going to like joe lowstein they're going to like td snakes right turn to hebrews 4 hebrews 4 because people don't like it that's what you preach you preach about the of your day if something's not an issue i'm not going to preach about it i mean if you live in a country where there's not a lot of idolatry there's no real reason to preach a lot about idolatry if you're preaching the philippines there's a reason to preach about idolatry because it's a major problem here in the philippines i mean literal worship of idols i mean it's everywhere you drive around you got these giant statues of whatever saint you know suspended on a church wall right it's just like you know it's a real issue in 2022 in the philippines as a catholic country but if you lived in a country where there's not a lot of idolatry there's no need to preach on it you preach on what's the relevant issues and see those are the things people get offended by but that's why they need the preaching and look sometimes people come to church and they get preached on a certain sin they're guilty of they get offended they leave the church and you say man it's just like oh man i i wish the sermon was lighter today look i i understand the feeling i remember you know bringing and my dad would probably hate me for telling this story but i remember bringing my dad to church one time and you know his faithful word baptist church pastor steven anderson and i brought him to church and my dad you know my dad is saved now i got my dad saved actually i i got my dad to go out sold him with me when i got somebody saved my dad told me in the car ride back that you know he got saved at the same time i had no idea about it i got two people saved the one time one was my soul-winning partner my dad and then the person that i talked to and you know we had we had argued through years about eternal security but you know eventually the word of god over time you know it made sense and he got saved but i brought him to church and it was before he was saved because he got saved later that day i grew up united methodists and of course inside of you're thinking i i hope the preacher doesn't really rip too hard because natural wisdom you're like it might really offend them it's like they need to get saved first and pastor anderson and here and he remembers it i'm sure he probably remembers this to this day for whatever reason he went on like a 20-minute rant about the united methodists he had no idea my dad was a united methodist and i'm like oh man what is going on my dad got saved and baptized that same day people have this idea oh man hard preaching is going to drive people away but you know what to the humble heart it does not drive them away yeah it drives away people that don't want the truth even growing up my dad was always a person he wanted to know the truth my dad taught me at a young age he said homosexuals are pedophiles you stay away from those kinds of people i learned that before i was saved at a young age you say why because my dad is not a fool i mean you read the newspaper of all these situations and you're willingly ignorant if you don't realize what kind of people they are right the stories are all and my dad knew that my dad taught me a lot of good things even before i was saving before he was saved because he was just someone who wanted to know the truth and so the truth did not offend him and drive him away god's word is authority and for those that have a humble heart they say you know what i didn't realize that i didn't believe it but that's what the bible says i believe what god's word says whatever we're in hebrews 4 hebrews 4 verse 12 for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword verse 12 piercing even the dividing asunder of soul and spirit of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart but notice verse 13 neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open on the eyes of him with whom we have to do he said brother sucky what is that referring to in verse 13 well his sight that pronoun is referring back to the word of god from verse 12 all things are manifest in his sight with whom we have to do now of course we know jesus is the word so there's that dual aspect there but here's the thing these people that don't believe the bible well you can believe whatever you want but this is whom you have to deal with on judgment day it's like thou shalt not kill while you murdered someone thou shalt not steal you stole thou shall not bear false witness it's like this is whom we have to do and here's the thing this is the authority this determines right and wrong this determines what the truth is and look as a saved person you've got the spirit of god inside of you and you are a fool if you don't allow this book to make your decisions for you go to second peter one second peter one we'll hurry up second peter one i mean we need the word of god to make the right decisions in life i mean i mentioned recently because we do have a few children that were born here recently but i i have three children but my children are young and you know my my son is even i mean he's too young to get saved at this point i believe although he's starting to understand things better it's like my kids are very young it's like brother stucky how are you going to raise your kids well whatever the bible says that's what i'm going to do because i want my kids to turn out right and if i go off of my wisdom i will screw up i will make a lot of mistakes now of course we're all going to make mistakes as it is anyway because we're not perfect but here's the thing if we don't have a book to guide us in what to do we're really going to screw up right and it's like you know there's all this wisdom in the bible it's like people read over it's like oh there's just these cute stories in the bible it's like no no the bible is actually telling you things the bible says raising your kids in nurture and admonition what's that saying uh care for them and spend time is the nurture love them and admonition is the punishment and if you only do one of those two things you're going to have a lot of problems i mean if all you do is provide punishment and show no love that's not going to work out if all you do is provide love and no punishment that's not going to work out now the world today they're saying nurture nurture nurture nurture if your baby cries just do what they want right now obviously babies very young age but kids three or four they're crying they're whining just do what they want what does the bible say well i mean if they're disobeying and being bad it's called uh give them the spanking they don't want and that's not popular in 2022 it's like you spank your kids how could you do that that's what the bible says now you do it in love you hug them afterwards and tell them you love them but that is what the bible says and here's the thing as a parent i'm going to do what god says god's word is my authority it doesn't matter what seems right to me and here's the reality what seems right to you is based on where you're from and the people you've been around if you're raised in a certain area something might seem normal to you and correct which it will not seem to somebody else and it doesn't matter where you're raised or what seems right you do what god's word says why it's the authority second peter one verse 16 second peter one verse 16 and i'll just drop down to verse 19 for sake of time but peter talks about the importance of the word of god and how it's our ultimate authority but notice verse 19 we have also a more sure word of prophecy where until you do well that you take heed as unto a light that shineth in a dark place and the bible says a light that shine shineth in a dark place god's word is light god's word is truth and god's word is the authority that peter went by god's words should be the authority that we go by as well for our lives go to john eight john eight point one god's word is truth and light point two god's word is authoritative for sake of time i'll be quick on the third point but god's word provides freedom god's word provides freedom john eight verse 32 john eight verse 32 and he shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free and he shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free the bible says god's word actually gives you freedom now one aspect of that is in terms of salvation i remember before i was saved just this this feeling of concern about my eternal soul i was worried literally on a nightly basis if i die will god forgive me and let me into heaven i was very worried about it and then you get saved and it's like the greatest feeling of relief that you could never recreate right i mean amen i mean all of us have felt that that are saved right you know that great relief that comes over you because we all know that we i mean because the bible says all liars shall have their part but we've all done worse things until just little white lies and it's this great relief when you realize that you know what god actually he does love you and he wants you in heaven and he makes it as simple as believe in the lord jesus christ but it's not just freedom with salvation there's also freedom in your personal life if you allow god to rule you you say brother stuckey how could you have freedom if god is ruling and reigning over you go to roman six roman six roman six people have this idea well brother stuckey i mean if i allow the bible to run my life there's so many rules it's so strict i mean god tells me how to dress god tells me what to listen to god tells me what i can do in my free time i mean it's so strict well let me help you understand something go out and live your most sinful life that you can become a drug dealer and go to jail and you know what they're going to tell you when to wake up where to live what to eat what to wear they're going to make they're going to run your life and they're going to have a lot more rules than this book has i mean go out and live the sinful life they will tell you everything you have no freedom in your life they will literally tell you what you can listen to what you can read what you can wear they will tell you that i mean in sacramento there's a prison ministry that they do where they send sermons to people that are inmates and you know people have been reached through the gospel in prisons and they they are able to read the word of god but literally there are so many rules on what you can send the prisoners you can't just send something in the mail it'll be rejected there's so many rules and stipulations why because they run their lives there are rules that they give oh there's so many rules that god has there's not that many rules in this book compared to the rules of a country or a prison or other situations yeah god does have rules for your life it's not that restrictive authority will always give you things that you don't want to do it is what it is guess what i tell my kids what they eat we put food in front of them and if they complain it's like you eat what we put in front of you brother sucky you tell your kids what to eat yes they're not allowed to just eat ice cream every day i mean that's what kids would do they would just eat ice cream and chips and coke every single day is that what you're going to let your kids do they're going to destroy their lives you're smart enough as a parent to know the problems if they do that here's the reality us as people we're pretty bobo if we don't have god telling us what to do we're going to screw up our lives that's the truth if we don't have rules from god's word we're just going to mess up our lives so badly it's good for you to have an authority to tell you what to do and what to listen it's for your benefit it's not that god says you can't listen to that music how dare god say that it's for your benefit it's going to benefit your life it's going to help your life god's word provides freedom romans 6 verse 12 let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in the lust thereof that word reign is like a king reigning and ruling and the bible says do not allow sin to rule over you that you should obey it because if sin is ruling you is that freedom people that are drunks that want to quit drinking they want to quit drinking but they can't do they have freedom no people that are addicted to cigarettes and they want to quit but they cannot quit smoking do they have freedom no if you could say well here's a button right here if you press this button you will never have the desire to smoke cigarettes ever again they would come up here and press that button but they don't quit because they can't stop that desire that's not freedom that's called that smoking that alcohol is ruling and running your life and if you choose to sin the sin is going to control you that's not freedom but see god's word provides freedom you say brother stuckey god's word tells you you need to be in church i want to be in church that's freedom i want to be here i'm not being forced to be here it's not like i woke up today and my wife's just like grabbing my ear and forcing me to come to church i want to be here it's like brother stuckey you know you're going so any because you're being ordered to i want to go so winning today i want to do these things that's freedom and people look at us they think god's rules are so restricted i mean you're going so winning every week we want to go so winning you read the bible every day i want to read the bible every day that's freedom you see why because when you walk in the spirit the bible says he gives you the desires of your heart because when you're doing what god wants it's actually the desires that you want as well when you're doing what's right when you're doing what's right and living correct you want to do that that's freedom but when you're committing sins you feel guilty about it and you don't want to do it and yet you do it because we don't have a hundred percent freedom in this life because we still have that sinful flesh but when you're doing what's right you're actually exhibiting freedom god's word provides freedom all of these strict rules but here's the thing many people this church have made major changes in their life and yeah it might have heard it first but now after making the changes they would say you know what i'm glad i made the changes right that's freedom turn your bible to second corinthians 3 we'll close up here second corinthians 3 second corinthians chapter 3 i mean i get it it seems crazy to the average person you spend your life what is your life about going to church reading the bible and they think it's crazy it's what i want to do it's what makes me happy i like being in church why are you here i mean for most of you say hey i i have joy i was glad when they said it's sunday morning right it's it's like you know you live for most of you you work secular jobs and during the week you're around unsafe people it's a frustrating life it's like man and then you come to church on sunday it's like i'm around god's people i get to hear the word of god in fellowship with god's people i get to go out sowing with god's people and you want to be here you know what that's called it's called freedom you have freedom because you're doing what you want to do second corinthians 3 verse 17 second corinthians 3 verse 17 now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty the bible says where god's spirit is there is liberty and when you're doing what's right you're actually exhibiting liberty in your life this enlightenment movement teaches the exact opposite of what the bible says and every false philosophy we've covered it's literally the opposite it's like the exact philosophy they have it's the exact opposite of what the truth is and what they teach is that if you live your life by the bible you're in darkness and you can be enlightened if you reject god's word and you're in bondage and in darkness because you're following what god says but god's word says this is light this is authority and this book provides freedom and what that means to us to save people is number one read this book live by this book do what god's word says and you know what if you actually do that what you're going to find is you know what i have a lot of freedom because i'm actually doing what i want to do let's close in word prayer dear heavenly father thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see uh your your words in this topic god help us to just love our bibles and to read our bibles and allow these bibles and allow you to rule and reign over us help us to fight against the sin in our lives and and obey you god we pray this in jesus name you remember uh page number one three six page number one hundred thirty six page number one three six saying me ah Oh Oh Oh Oh What up