(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you you you Hey, man, my god, oh my god, Lisa about this our welcome to severity Baptist Church Now I am about this up with an appetizer. I know more boy Satin for coffee somebody put out a new email for now Then you might apply for your maroon with the potatoes a heme number 24 heme number 24 heme number 24 Heme number 24 heme number 24 and can it be that I should gain a Way to put out the first hands out of last Anza and can it be persons already saying? I Should For me To Oh Oh Oh Ah Oh Oh All right, good morning everybody welcome to Verity Baptist Church take out your bullets in and we'll go through a couple things real quickly First though let us count up salvation. So in the back section any salvation is a report from this past week Anybody besides my son's F Anybody all right in this section any salvation is a report anybody one anybody else? All right last section anybody salvation is two one Six so that's ten anybody else Anybody anybody miss all right well We do have so many this afternoon around 145 and just a couple other things real quickly today is our monthly prayer meeting So after so many time will be our prayer meeting Also, keep up with your Bible reading for New Testament challenge in January and Deuteronomy 17 19 is a verse Associated with that next week I will give you new Bible reading charts for February to December just kind of as an example if you want to use it Obviously, you know You're welcome to do whatever if you're if you said I'm gonna do the New Testament Bible challenge all of it on January 1st And then just take the last 30 days off. Well, whatever you want to do Okay, it's just meant to be helpful if you want to use it only other one other thing We do have a baptism later today And if there's anybody here who wants to be baptized during the last song you can go and basically change men change up here Ladies can change in the ladies comfort room. But anyways, I think that's it for announcements. We'll have brother Rafi lead us in another song Him number 27 him number 27 him number 27 the old rugged Him number 27 the old rugged drugs this thing this place for me For a sense of what I own can last as a on a hill far away for sons already saying far away student all rugged the And And Ah Where the Residence for a world See So I cherish the old rocket Till my job I Would be Oh So this by by the world Oh So Oh Oh Oh Oh Till my job Oh Oh Oh Amen first picture reading please open your Bibles to the book of Genesis Genesis chapter 19 Genesis chapter 19 And we will only be reading verses 1 down to verse 13 Genesis chapter 19 Please say a minute you're there Amen Genesis chapter 19 verses 1 and there came two angels to Saddam and even and lot sat in the gate of Saddam and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground and he said They owed now my Lord's turn in I pray you into your servant's house and Terry all night and wash your feet He shall rise up early and go on your ways and they said nay But we will abide in the street all night And he pressed upon them greatly and they turned it unto him and entered into his house And he made them a feast and did break bake unleavened bread and they did eat But before they lay down the men of the city even the men of Saddam compassion house round round both old and young all the people from every quarter and They called him to lots and said unto him Where are the men which came into thee this night bring them out unto us that we may know them and? Lot went out to the door unto them and shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly Bill now I have two daughters, which have not known man Let me I pray you bring them out unto you and do you to them as good as in your eyes? only unto these men do nothing for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof and They said stand back and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn and he will need to be a judge Now will we deal worse with thee then with them and they pressed or upon the man even lots and came near to break the door but the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to them and shut to the door and They smote the man that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great so they wear it themselves to find the door and The men said unto look as thou hear any besides son-in-law and thy sons and thy daughters and whatsoever thou hast in the city Bring them out of this place for we will destroy this place Because the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord and Lord had sent us to destroy it Bless the word of God's word. Let us pray. We're getting heavily figure for the state. It's given to us I pray that we please bless Lord for this day It was good weather for our soul winning and our fellowship later on I pray load to please please bless bless the preaching your word and our future Lord this day. We love you Jason. We pray All Right, we're in Genesis chapter 19 The name of the sermon is Chinese New Year the year of the rabbit now you may or may not realize this but the word Rabbit was a term for homosexuals in China a few hundred years ago. And so when the Chinese zodiac originally came out I'm not saying that that's what they're referring to and they say the year of the rabbit What I'm using is in a symbolic sense. It surely is the year of the rabbit It's a year of the homosexuals in 2023 and let me just read this to you before you get started in the sermon and it says in the 18th century, there is a book titled the tale of the rabbit God and there is where there was a temple created a Homosexual rabbit temple just within the last 20 years and here's what it says to our Shane or to Shane is a Chinese deity Who manages love and sex between homosexual people his name literally means rabbit deity his adherence referred to him as taiye and it says in 2006 a Taoist priest by the name of Lu Wei Ming Founded a temple for two or Shane in Yong district in the new Taipei City in Taiwan Roughly 9,000 gay pilgrims visit the temple each year praying to find a suitable partner The temple also performs a love ceremony for gay couples at the world's only religious shrine for homosexuals as of 2020 the temple remains the only extant shrine to the deity and so in 2006 a temple was created specifically for religious homosexuals It's their version of Mecca to go to to get married to other guys To just do whatever manner of perversion and according to this Right now it's the only one in the world. I doubt it's gonna stay that way though I'm pretty sure the way the world is coming. We're gonna start having a lot of you know, gay rabbit temples and Probably a lot of temples that are colored, you know with a six colored rainbow on them as well I mean, that's the world that we're coming to and what I would say is it was the year of the rabbit in Genesis 19 At least in that area. It is certainly the year of the rabbit here in the Philippines in 2023 point number one is the rise of homosexuality the rise of homosexuality verse 1 and there came two angels to Sodom at even and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom and lot seeing them rose up to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the Ground and he said behold now my lords turn in I pray you into your servant's house and Terry all night and wash your feet And he shall rise up early and go in your ways and they said nay But we will abide in the street all night now Realizing the story lot does not realize these people are angels He does not know these people when he first sees them He thinks they're just visitors to town and look it might be a matter of courtesy to say Hey, do you want anything to drink? Do you want something to eat? But lot goes a step further than you would normally go for a visitor that you don't know Right what he says here in verse 2 is this He says enter into your servant's house and Terry all night Isn't that a strange thing to mention to someone who's a visitor in a town? You don't even know this person Hey, why don't you just sleep in my house tonight? Isn't that strange? It's not like this is a person saying hey, I'm also new IFP He doesn't know this person and he's like just stay at my house all night Why would he say that because he understands what Sodom is like? He's saying basically get in my house now and stay all night and it says and wash your feet and you shall rise up early and Go on your ways and what he's saying is while the homos are all still drunk out of their minds get out of here now He's not saying that very specifically to these people, but we know reading Genesis 19 verse 2. That is what he's saying He's saying wait a minute We can't let people know that you're here come to my house and then early in the morning It's like just get out of here, right? That's basically what he's saying here and verse number two. I find it humorous They say we will abide in the street all night because that's also not something someone would normally do either We're just gonna sleep in the street But I think they're trying to make it resonate to Saul and just basically it's putting him in fear of what's about to take place verse 3 and He pressed upon them greatly and they turned in on to him and enter into his house and he made them a feast and did Bake unleavened bread and they did eat But before they laid down the men of the city even the men of Sodom compass the house round Both old and young all the people from every quarter So you got a bunch of homosexuals that surround this house and it says they're old and it says that they're young now the question is How old is old and how old is young and the Bible doesn't? Explicitly tell you but it also says small and great Okay, now ask yourself this question if somebody is because somebody might say well a 16 year old is a young man Isn't that what somebody would say but is a 16 year old small? No, they're not. I mean oftentimes 16 year olds are taller than their their father. I Was taller than my dad when I was a young teenager Right, I mean honestly a 12 year old they're not that short I mean, they're they're probably about 75% of the way that they're gonna be I mean in my opinion when we're saying small we're saying young I think it includes people that are under the age of 10 That could be wrong But when I'm thinking of small and young I'm thinking very young people but here's something about this though What you're seeing is a rise in homosexuality because they're converting young people Young people, I mean, can you imagine an eight-year-old or a nine-year-old as just a full-blown? Homosexual but that's the point it got to in Genesis chapter 19 you're seeing a rise in homosexuality You know what? You also see a rise in homosexuality in today's world as well. I Mean everybody's gonna say everyone who's an adult that when they were a child This is not what it was like in the Philippines on my drive down here I got a lot of sermon material from the billboards and I'm not even including vice pong eat There was a billboard that said the ultimate drag experience divine divas with three guys Dressed as women on the drive down here. I'm pretty sure that didn't exist 20 years ago. I Mean there's a rise in homosexuality. They also had an another billboard. They had this guy who was Doing construction work. He had this big paint roller and it's a six colored rainbow for his paint roller I'm like what in the world? I mean a construction worker I mean, but this is the world that we live in and this is just on the billboards on the drive here today Okay, we certainly see a rise in homosexuality here in the Philippines now go to Matthew 11 Matthew 11 And let me show you some verses that people try to use to basically criticize our stance on Homosexuality and what the Bible says it says in Matthew 11 verse 22 But I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment than for you and thou Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven shall be brought down to hell for if the mighty works at which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom It would have remained until this day but I say unto you that it should be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for thee and people use this verse and say well see this is proof Homosexuals can be saved and Homosexuality is no worse than other sin. Look. Here's what you need to realize by the time it got to Genesis 19 It was too late That's why the angels didn't come to town and say it a lot. Hey, you know what? Let's do some soul-winning It's like I'm an angel. I can't get anyone say but I'll be your silent partner Right. It's not like they come to town and do that. They say get out of here. Say why it's too late Maybe Maybe when Lot first got there it could have been reached But by the time of Genesis 19, it can no longer be reached. I mean it is just a cesspool of filth It is a very dangerous and very scary place that needs to be destroyed Okay, but what the Bible saying is, you know what if there was soul winning and the Word of God being preached It would have prevented this from taking place. You say brother Stuckey. I think you're too hard on the homos Well, maybe I'm trying to protect this place from being a Genesis 19 in 2023 Because if the church is preached like this around the Philippines, you know what this country would not turn into the mess It's in now And I'll tell you what I am NOT the only preacher who feels this way about the homos The problem is people feel this way in the inside, but they have no guts to express it on the outside Go to Matthew 10 Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 Matthew 10 verse 11 and Matthew 10 is a very famous chapter for being a soul winning chapter He sends them out two by two and it says this in verse 11 and into whatsoever city or town you shall enter Inquire who in it is worthy and there are by till you go thins and when you come into a house salute it And if the house be worthy let your peace come upon it But if it be not worthy let your peace return to you and what those verses are indicating is you come to a house You knock on the door and by default you assume that they're worthy to hear the gospel But if it turns out that they're not worthy then you don't let the gospel of peace Pass upon them, right? So an example is we knock on a door and somebody says sure I'd like to listen but they start arguing with us partway through it's like, okay They're not worthy and then basically it says in verse 14 and whosoever shall not receive you nor hear your words When you depart out of the house or city shake out the dust of your feet So we go out soul winning and if somebody's willing to listen, we'll give them the gospel But if it turns out that they're not willing to listen, we just quit wasting our time Because every soul winner has run into this where you knock a door and someone's willing to listen and then partway through it's obvious Oh, actually, they don't really want to listen They're trying to convert me I mean, I would I don't run into them a lot, but when I run into on dot ting to on that's usually what they do They're willing to listen But not really you start talking to them and it's obvious They're just trying to convert you and they're not gonna believe what the Bible says Well, if they don't receive the words of God and just reject them the Bible says verse 15 Verily I say unto you it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah and the day of judgment Then for that city what the Bible is saying in verse 15 is if there is an area that has heard the gospel a lot And had opportunities They're gonna be held more accountable. You say why because at least they had a chance Right, and by the way What verse 15 also proves is that a person can become a homosexual without hearing a clear Presentation of the gospel because it's gonna be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah than the one that heard the gospel a lot See, it's true that in Romans 1 the Bible says someone becomes a reprobate by rejecting truth It doesn't mean they've heard a complete and full presentation of the gospel Look in many countries people are becoming homosexuals that are never hearing a clear presentation of the gospel You can't tell me that in Genesis 19 all of those young homosexuals heard a clear presentation of the gospel from lot That did not take place. But here's the thing you're born with the truth of God inside of you You're born with the belief in God. I mean nature itself declares God is real and people have a conscience and people can choose to reject the conscience and fight against God or They can decide to accept the truth and look a lot of people at a young age They determined to reject God at a young age even if they've never heard the gospel and here's the thing You know what? If someone never hears the gospel It's more tolerable for the person for them than the person who heard it a lot But chose to reject it now go in your Bible to Ezekiel 16 Ezekiel chapter 16 You say brother second, are you saying then we got to give these sodomites a clear presentation of the gospel No, that is not what I'm saying Because that's not what takes place in Genesis 19 and we'll talk about that at the end of the sermon What I'm illustrating to you is a person can become a homosexual Without hearing a clear presentation of the gospel. They can already reject the truth of God without hearing a clear presentation What is also true is that if somebody gets inundated with the truth? They're gonna have to make a decision either to believe it or reject it And so in areas where you really hear the gospel a lot someone's either gonna believe it or reject it But it doesn't mean that you cannot become a homosexual just because you never heard a clear presentation of the gospel That's not what the Bible teaches in Romans 1 zego 16 verse 48 Zego chapter 16 verse 48 as I live saith the Lord God Sodom thy sister hath not done she nor her daughters as thou hast done thou and thy daughters Behold this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom pride fullness of bread and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy and They were haughty and committed abomination before me. Therefore. I took them away as I saw good now this is a popular passage people turn to and They'll say see the sin in Genesis 19 is pride It's not homosexuality. The sin is fullness of bread abundance of Idleness what zekiel 16 is describing is root? Causes that lead to what Genesis 19 is It's saying that before you got to this point you had pride Before you got to this point you had abundance of idleness laziness Right fullness of bread laziness because they didn't really have a whole lot to do and what happens Well, if you have too much free time you get into trouble Right. Those are root causes But there's no doubt when you read Genesis 19 or what the Bible says in the New Testament about Sodom. It's destroyed Because of the homosexuality. Okay turn in your Bible to Genesis 19 Genesis 19 You see when I see a country that is really, you know pro LGBT like the Philippines is I mean in Asia What's our competition Thailand? Is that it? Maybe Taiwan, I mean they got the the Homosexual rabbit God. I mean, we're certainly one of the most pro LGBT countries in Asia talk about a great representation of Christianity But you know what that teaches me Obviously before it got to this point a problem was pride in this country Abundance of idleness That's what the Bible saying those are things that led to that and here's the thing I mean you see an explosion in the United States because a lot of the most high percentage Cities in homosexuality are in the United States and you certainly see pride in the United States I mean the big American song I'm proud to be an American where at least I know it's like that's the beginning of the song an Abundance of idleness. Well, you certainly have that because with the welfare system a lot of people are growing up. They don't have to work jobs You get paid not to work in the u.s. I Mean literally if you if you choose not to work in the u.s. They'll pay you 50,000 pesos a month Now that's not as high as it sounds because it doesn't go as far in the u.s. But you'll get paid They'll make sure that you have food They'll make sure you have a place to stay. I mean they pay you not to work What's what's gonna be the result of that? Genesis 19 and This is happening all over the world where it's turning into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah in the United States here are some statistics on homosexuality in the LGBT in 2012 3.5% of adults identified as LGBT either lesbian gay bisexual or whatever else is underneath that umbrella, right? 3.5% in 2012. That's one out of 30 people roughly 2013 3.6 2014 3.7 2015 3.9 2016 4.1 2020 5.6 2021 7.1. I mean in nine years it went from 3.5 to 7.1 now look I Personally, I mean it's been a few years since I've been to the u.s. But I don't think it's that high I don't know where exactly they're getting statistics in big cities. Maybe I'm not really sure I don't think it's that high throughout the United States, but regardless it's more than double 3.5 to 7.1 in nine years That's not just increasing that's parabolic Right For those I mean if you remember your math class That's like a curve because I mean a parabola starts off kind of small doesn't seem like much and then it's like I mean if that continues because It's not just increasing But it's accelerating It Would take less than nine more years to double again based on the rate that it's rapidly growing And I can't imagine it getting up to 14% By 2030, but I don't know. I would have never guessed the world would have got to this point. I Mean, it's crazy. I mean it used to be kind of a debate in the u.s. Like ten years ago Is there a higher percentage of safe people or homos? I think the debates over now Because they're increasing a lot more rapidly and it's like you can't pull out evidence from a few years ago because it's changed a lot in a couple years and Realize when you have adults identifying as LGBT It's not like a lot of people that are 60 years and old and older or LGBT Which means the ages of 20 30 is going to be a lot higher than the 7.1 I mean there is a rise in homosexuality I did not find the statistics here in the Philippines, but I'm sure that it is skyrocketing Quite a bit as well now obviously different areas of the Philippines. It might be higher or lower I'm sure here in Metro Manila. We're gonna have a higher percentage same thing in the u.s. Big cities You're gonna have a higher percentage of homos But it is increasing Everywhere and what I'm saying is it's the year the rabbit. I'm saying the Chinese zodiac got it, right? I Mean it's accurate. It is the year of the homosexual. It is a huge rise in homosexuality in 2023 By the way a Lot of people tell you this well, you know what homosexuality is not a choice you make it's biological don't a lot of people say that Well, my question would be if it's biological Why is there an increase? That doesn't make sense, right? If it's biological it should just be Constant now, of course, they'd argue. Well, I mean they have a lot more confidence to come out now Well, yeah, you could maybe do a point two percent on that. You're not putting doubling the amount to seven point one There is a legitimate rise. It's not just people identifying. There is a legitimate rise in percentage Now look, I am sure 30 years ago There were homos that would have been embarrassed to come out here in the Philippines or in the u.s But I am telling you there is a huge rise in actual percentage. It's not just people identifying It's actually realistic. There is a rise and what that teaches me is it's not biological But here's the thing is a Bible believe in Christian. I would have already known that Because the Bible shows it's not a biological thing. It's not genetic. It's not just based on well, you know what? You know, it just happened to be just born a homo. It doesn't work that way You're born with what the Bible would say are natural desires by nature and Those are not natural or normal desires that a little kid has right? Point number one we see a rise in homosexuality Point two we see repercussions of homosexuality A lot of people say well brother sucky. Yeah, there's a rise in homosexuals, but who cares? They don't affect you I Mean let men dress however, they want Let men get married to men and women to women just let them do whatever they want They're not affecting you and and and here's the thing as Bible even Christians number one. We should hate all sin But you know what if that were actually the case that they didn't affect me it probably wouldn't bother me so much But that's not reality Genesis 19 verse 5 And they called on the lot and said unto him Where are the men which came into thee this night? Bring them out onto us that we may know them now It's very obvious from the context of the chapter what it means by that we may know them But this is something that is it terminology used in the Bible? So oftentimes it will say know them indicating a physical sexual manner They're not saying hey bring them in out to us because we just wanted to shake their hand and say hey welcome to Sodom Right we got a nice museum over there. That's a pretty nice Here's a nice place to go with your family nice family restaurant good atmosphere Christian hymns in the background No, that's not what they're saying when they say that we may know them What they're saying is they want to molest those men. That's what they're saying verse 6 and Lot went out of the door unto them and Shut the door after him and said I pray you brethren do not so wickedly now When he says I pray you pray is a word that means to ask and so when you're praying to God What you're actually doing is asking God for something now when we talk to God We should always give thanks and praise God in a prayer But the actual praying is when you're asking for something so you ask God God, please help me become a good father Please you know give me boldness to preach the gospel things such as that and so what a lot of saying here is I? Pray you he's saying I'm asking you Don't do something wicked or evil so obviously when he says that I may know them a handshakes not wicked or evil Right now. Here's the thing what when he's saying I pray you he's asking them But what he should really be doing is Praying to God right he should be asking God saying God help me It's like I don't know how I got in this mess. I'm in a bad situation here. I mean this is a disaster verse 8 Behold now I Have two daughters which have not known man so once again this terminology of known man This is a physical sexual manner that he's referring to Let me I pray you bring them out on to you and do you to them as is good in your eyes Only under these men do nothing For therefore came they under the shadow of my roof now look as as a father with a young daughter This is a verse that does not make any sense to me in the Bible. I Mean honestly I would have trouble believing somebody said this if it weren't for me This if it weren't the Word of God Telling us that lot said this And of course all of us feel that way, but especially if you have children it's like I Mean the last thing I would do I mean I might say do anything that you want to me But don't touch my kids right, but I mean like you're offering your daughter. It's like what what is going on here? This is crazy Now this verse teaches us a lot though. This is this is never a pleasant sermon to preach look I preach against the LGBT a lot, but honestly. I don't I don't enjoy preaching it It's just you know it's not just the year of the rabbit over the next 12 months. It's the decade of the rabbit Right I mean the Chinese zodiac should just every year year of the rabbit again Year of the rabbit again because it is the year it's the decade it's gonna be our entire lifetime I don't see a way back from this. I think it's gonna get worse and worse and worse I see the point of no return what you're gonna find is every country that we're out around the world is Going to embrace the LGBT. This is what's taking place everywhere But there's a lot we can learn from this verse even though it's not very pleasant to think about number one Lot is willing to offer his daughters What that shows you is there's actually no such thing as a homosexual I Say homosexual because people understand that word, but actually every homosexual is actually bisexual and not even necessarily just Bisexual because they're sexually perverse which can go under a lot of different categories because they were born and when they were young people they would have had an attraction to other girls and At some point they got defiled, but it doesn't mean they no longer have an attraction to any women And look this is something the world will teach you and you know women will oftentimes And I don't get this at all as a guy but a lot of women will want to have like you know a homosexual to go shopping with and Talk to and relate to and it's like I think that's bizarre But let me just say something ladies. You're not safe if you're around a homosexual late at night There's a famous situation in our country a couple years ago, it's like judges 19 in 2000 whatever year it was in the last few years. It's like you're not saying look what understands this Now the reason why he's offering his daughters He thinks that they might be willing to accept this and one of the things that he tries to Get them to agree to he says they haven't known anyone they haven't been sexually active So maybe these sodomites would want to defile my daughters because they would take pleasure in destroying the virginity of my daughters is what? He's saying now by the way This is not the daughters that are married right people misunderstand this when they read Genesis 19 Obviously if he lives in the town he says my daughters have not known a man. It's like they're married to men What are you talking about? He had more than two daughters, okay? These ones are virgins. We don't know how well at least he claims. They're virgins. I personally don't think that's the case But he either thinks this or he's saying it based on the fact of what they do later on in this chapter I have trouble believing that's their first time You know it's it's a disturbing chapter to talk about, but I'm just saying he's claiming well They're virgins, so maybe you want to defile them or do whatever But don't do anything to these men Look, I don't know what the if you're in this situation, which hopefully none of us ever would be I don't know what the proper thing to do is in Genesis 19 19 verse 8, but this is the worst thing you could do I Don't know what you do but offering your daughters, it's like lots of saved man this is a safe person is like what is wrong with you verse 9 and They said stand back, and they said again this one fellow came into sojourn, and he will needs be a judge It's like you're judging us. I mean lot the Bible says judge not right Now when it says to join sojourn means to live temporarily what they're saying is Locke came to live here for a time period And now he thinks he owns the town now He's gonna be the preacher in the town and tell us what to do what not to do And you know out of their own heart you're seeing what the problem is they don't like it when people criticize their lifestyle Look homos hate all of us Not just me if you say you believe the Bible and stand up for what the Bible teaches. They will hate you also And they try to bully you into thinking well you got to say that you love them you got to love everybody That's not what I see in Genesis 19. I Mean the Bible talks about hating people with perfect hatred There are people that you're supposed to hate because they're vile haters of God These are not people that you're supposed to love These are bad people There are evil people I mean look at what they're doing they're saying man We want to rape these people that doesn't come into the mind of a normal person But this is the world that we live in in 2023 And it says he will needs be a judge now will we deal worse with thee Than with them. I don't know What is worse? I? Mean let's be honest rape and murder That would be my best guess. I can't really think of what would be worse than just Rape I mean rape and murder is what it sounds like they're saying And I'll tell you what you know many years ago when our church was protested in Sacramento I remember just thinking about this chapter, and I realized that the only thing that's stopping these sodomites from just attacking us is They're afraid they're gonna get in trouble They're gonna get arrested So they can't get away with it, and I was thinking about you know what what would they do if they could get away with it? Genesis 19 This would happen everywhere They would force people violently if they could get away with it now This is not normally how they attack young children, but the reason why is because they can't get away with it But they would do this just like Genesis 19 if they could get away with it now What's gonna happen if we come to a world where they can get away with it? And I'll tell you what in America They go very soft on the punishment for pedophiles You spend a couple years in jail and then on your record It's just like oh, you know you're you know basically guilty of committing this crime But you get out of jail after a couple years, and here's the thing when there's such a soft punishment that's not really a deterrent from them from committing that crime as we've talked about recently and It says now when we deal worse with thee than with them And they press sore upon the man even lot and came near to break the door so basically lot steps outside And he's standing here Just outside the door and they're basically shoving lot against the door and just trying to get inside to attack those people Point number one we see a rise in homosexuality. It is the year of the rabbit in 2023 just as it was in Genesis 19 Point two there are repercussions to homosexuality See here's the thing if it did not affect me. I would not care that much. I have three children Look a grown adult is not safe According to Genesis 19. I mean do you see that a? grown adult is not safe I Mean look it's not a safe thing I'll give you an example when I first visited the Philippines not the first time I visited But when we did the first missions trip in 2018 and what was the April of 2018 right? When I when I came here, you know what my sleep schedule was completely off Right because you know what the time difference is really hard to adjust to and I remember just waking up It's like 2 in the morning, and I'm like man. You know what do I do right? You know 2 in the morning, and I wasn't the only one you know I go downstairs And there's other people from the US that are also there like yeah, I couldn't sleep either right But I remember it was like 4 in the morning one day, and I decided just to go out for a walk Probably not the safest thing in Ermita to do at 4 in the morning, but hindsight is 20 20 I just said well, you know if I'm gonna be a missionary. I'll just kind of walk around See what the area is like man. There are a lot of bakla out At 3 and 4 in the morning, and they're not very shy so I mean I walked a little bit Because you know what generally you can ask my wife this because I think it drives her crazy sometimes Because you know her parents live in Washington DC Washington DC is not the safest place But I'm usually not really afraid and I'll just kind of walk out for a long distance get some exercise I'm not really afraid usually, but I'll be honest after walking for like 15 minutes like all right Let's just hurry back to the hotel Right let's just get back inside because you know what this is not actually a safe place to be It's like man. It is a scare, and that's the world that we live in Another example is you know several years ago in San. I hate San Francisco I think it's one of the worst places in this world, but it's simply because of the LGBT That is the only reason why in Sacramento. It's only a couple hours away from San Francisco Say brother sucky how many times did you visit San Francisco like two or three? Because every single time I visited it was just situations that you see and You know what it's kind of famous in San Francisco and Oakland by the Bay Area Where it's a lot quicker to travel by ship or by boat as opposed to going by car With the traffic and it's a bit of a tourist thing so you pay like 300 pesos and some people do it every day for Work, but it's kind of a nice thing right. I mean it's a beautiful area and So I remember we went and me and my friend and You know we're just on that on the boat for just like 30 minutes, and we were just talking as we normally do We got joined by a group of about 40 drunk homos and over half of the people were homos on the boat and This was right after Golden State won NBA title the first time they won it and I remember this because Everybody's dressed in you know Golden State gear and a lot of rainbow dressed people as well And they're on the ship, and they're drunk out of their minds You know I guess celebrating Golden State's win or whatever and we're just like wow this is great, right? We're just talking normally as we normally would Just in general not really talking very in intensely about the Bible or anything very offensive, and then all of a sudden my friend said hey We got to stop because all of a sudden they were looking at us just talking about Christianity in the Bible in general and Look being around drunk people is not the safest thing Being around homos is not the safest thing you put those things two things together I mean, it's like mixing mentos and coke together. It's like Right it is not a safe thing and all of a sudden like hey Let's go down to the lower deck because there are two decks where there's nobody on the lower deck because you want to see What's going on? You know see outside on the we just went down to the bottom? It's like let's just get away from them because who knows they might try to throw us over or whatever Right and it's just like as an adult you're not safe How much more a child? Child can't defend themselves Now look a grown man can't defend themselves against a bunch of homos But you can defend yourself against one or two or something like that earth or three and get away or whatever right What about a child though a child can't defend themselves against one? Right me it's a very dangerous place. It's scary enough as a grown adult Right look I'm relatively young guy. I feel like I'm strong enough I could defend myself against someone trying to attack me, but it's still not safe because they go in groups It's it's it's it's just like the e-piece you see one that means there's 20 They travel in groups. There's always their pack right there with them, right? put it with three What is the response to homosexuality? Because there's no doubt there's a rise in it. It's not going away. We got to have an opinion about it in 2023 and there's repercussions What's our response well first let's look at God's response Genesis 19 verse 10 Genesis 19 verse 10 But the men put forth their hand and pulled lot into the house to them and shut to the door So they open up the door and they basically pull a lot in and they shut the door, right? Shut it deadbolt it lock it 50 times whatever you got to do Right and they smoke them in that were at the door of the house with blindness both small and great So there is the reference to small which in my opinion would indicate children under the age of 10 at least some of them and They're smoke with blindness They can't see right now look Imagine you get smoke with blindness, right? Imagine you get something in your eyes Let's say you know there's a dust stormy if you've ever had something like this happen and all of a sudden, you know your eyes hurt you can't open them right a normal person especially if somebody smites you with blindness You're gonna get out of there Isn't that what a normal person would do? Notice their reaction So that they wearied themselves to find the door They get smoke with blindness and what are they doing? They're really struggling and fighting to try to find the door to get inside It's like what? It's crazy They're insane It's like man. It sounds like they're acting like animals Sounds like they're just like a rabid dog It's like a dog that needs to be taken out back and shot Because it's got rabies Yeah, I agree it's a point of no return Right, I mean that's what you do an animal when they get something when a dog gets rabies you say it's too late you just Shoot it and it's the end of it. Why because the family's not safe from that dog right You say well brother sucky, you know, what's the response what are you saying? I'm saying let's look at God's response First he strikes them with blindness verse 12 and the men said unto lot hast thou hear any besides son-in-law and thy sons and thy daughters and Whatsoever thou hast in the city bring them out of this place for we will destroy this place Because the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it God's response is it's too late to preach the gospel It's too late to fix It's too late to start a church plant here It's like just destroy it Go to Jude 1 Jude 1 You Know the Bible says the cry of them is waxing great before the face of the Lord and you know I don't I don't know a hundred percent what that's saying but you know the the thing that I think too is just a young child that is crying for mercy and The Bible and look I'm not I'm not trying to say too much because this is not a pleasant thing to think about But the Bible says in Romans 1 that they're unmerciful and that's always what pops into my mind when I read Romans 1 And I see Genesis 19 of people crying out For mercy and you know The sad thing is many people that are the victims become the person as they grow up because they choose to hate God But not all of them It's not like every single person in Sodom had become this but unfortunately What are you gonna do when you live in that area? I mean, it's too late I mean, that's that's what Sodom is gonna be like forever. It could have never been fixed It would have been impossible What does God say it will just destroy it it's too late Bible says in Jude 1 verse 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication and Going after strange flesh, which is homosexuality and everything else that they were into Are set forth for an example Suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. So look, this is not the Old Testament in Jude 1 verse 7 It's a New Testament verse that is talking about Genesis 19 and it said you know what that serves as an example in many ways One way is if you get to this point in an area, it just needs to be destroyed It's too late Can't reach them anymore Right, it serves as an example because it shows us what these people are like you say brother Stuckey. That's just one story It serves as an example So that was saying You say but brother Stuckey I've never seen this take place. I mean all the homosexuals that I meet are Just so nice They act so friendly Right. Yeah, it's funny when when my wife and I were first starting to talk like eight nine years ago You know what? There's a lot of beliefs that I told her my wife's been an independent Baptist for longer than me actually But there's a lot of things that I was showing her and telling her that you know what? She didn't really agree with because it's not really what they were taught and one of the things she struggled with is what I was saying about the homosexuals and One of the reasons why it was hard for her is because she had experience with Workers that were homosexuals people that she knew from college and they act nice they act friendly and Then one day she went to ride the jipney and there was these two homosexuals that were just they a little kid had gone in the jipney and They were basically talking about how they could get this kid to trust them. All we got to do is buy him this and Basically, you know the grooming is the terminology and My wife was so angry like she told me about it after as I can't believe I said, that's what I told you I was like, I'm not shocked. I Wish I was surprised But I mean Genesis 19 is an example and what the same thing happens in our modern day Look, I wish this weren't true. I Wish I would never preach on this again But I have to because it is the issue of today one of the big issues And it serves as an example that they're gonna be destroyed you say well, that's not enough proof. Look Less than 2,000 years ago. There's a famous city called Pompeii who started that story That's the story of Pompeii and you know what it was it was an area that had been kind of largely forgotten because it had been destroyed and Archaeological evidence came up and they found out wow. This was like the most pro LGBT Sexually perverse society that has ever lived existed since Sodom and it magically got destroyed out of nowhere and It's it's not hard as a bible-believing Christian to figure out why Because it was known as a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, obviously this was 2,000 years ago. But what I'm saying is Modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah 2,000 years ago and God did not change his mind after the resurrection go back to Genesis 19 Genesis 19 So, what should our response be as Christians Genesis 19 verse 12 and The men said unto Lot hast thou here any besides son-in-law and thy sons and thy daughters and Whatsoever thou hast in the city notice this bring them out of this place get as far away from this as you possibly can as far away and that's true for an adult and It's certainly true for kids some of the applications. What about the television? What about the things that you see on TV? Look you're watching Vice Pong eat all the time and he's telling these jokes. He's funny Hahaha, you know what? You're gonna be brainwashed by the TV And I'll tell you what, I don't think that person is funny at all We have wrote my wife has relatives in California and when we would visit It's a small house and vice Pong eat is always on in the background I'm sorry, but I don't see what's so humorous about the guy Making sexually perverse jokes. I Don't see how that's funny I've gotten people saved with vice Pong eat on in the background of the TV. I know what the guy is like. I Don't see what's funny about it And I'll tell you what you're raising your kids. You better make sure you don't allow them to see things like that It's not like all these kids shows are safe either. I mean Halloween is just a funny. Haha joke for young kids also on YouTube yeah, no big deal You better keep your kids away from this stuff or they're gonna get brainwashed How about the music you listen to I don't know who the famous music people are today But I'm pretty sure it has not gotten better since when I listen to rock music a while ago Or how about a real application? Look, I understand this is not possible for all people But let me just be frankly honest if you have young children the school systems are not safe for those young kids I Mean, I wish I because I do believe that in the past you go back a hundred years You could send your kids off from school. They could get an education. It could be safe. It could be okay And it would but look I don't believe that's the case in 2023 It is a dangerous place Especially for young kids because I'll tell you what kids under the age of 10 are very impressionable Now I understand not everybody is in a situation where they can completely avoid it But I'm just saying if you have that opportunity bring them out of that place That's the application that I would make and you say brother say that's really gonna hurt me financially. Yeah, I get it. It's hard I mean, this is the world we live in it is not a safe place and I'll tell you what as an adult you may be able to withstand this stuff, but what about a young child? They aren't that safe in the world that we live and go to Genesis 19 Genesis 19 Actually turn to Isaiah 58 sorry Isaiah 58 lost my train of thought Isaiah 58 will close up By The way at a young age teach your children what homosexuals are like I Tell my son homosexuals are bad people. I Mean, I literally tell my son sometimes because you know where we live We do have neighbors that are homos as his son. You can't go outside to play right now because the homosexuals are there They're Bad people and I'll tell you what don't shy away from your kids learning good doctrine and being afraid like, you know We were in grab the other day driving by a Catholic Church. My son's like that's a Catholic Church. That's a bad church I was like, you're right I'm not gonna shy away Look I want my son to know what the Word of God says and I certainly want them to know like hey You know what? I tell him there are bad people that are out there I'll tell them there are bad people. It's not a safe place You say why because I want him to know this stuff not just well Let him just get brainwashed for the first 10 years of his life and then teach him what no no teach him at a young age We don't need the kids to leave the room for a Genesis 19 sermon We need them to hear this You say why because they're not hearing it on TV They're not hearing it at school They're not hearing it from Cocomelon or whatever Bob the Train or whatever I'm not saying everything's bad on there, but they're not gonna learn the good doctrine that the Bible teaches They need to hear this stuff at a young age from the Word of God All the preaching is good for us as adults and children Everything is good for them. And I'll tell you what kids need to know this at a young age. Look in America 50 years ago They had ads running from the local police that they were warning children Be very careful from being in public because you never know when there might be a homosexual nearby Look the police were running ads in Los Angeles Not some small town, Los Angeles, California Which in our modern day is a cesspool But they were running ads and warning kids why because kids are gonna be naturally trusting They're at the park just shooting hoops. Some guy comes over acts nice Offers them candy and that's what they're warning the kids about and now churches are afraid to warn kids And a lot of people and look I'm not the only one that believes this I Promise you there are other Baptist pastors in Metro Manila, and they also believe this Look, I sometimes make jokes about the lack of vibrating from pastors but look a lot of Baptist pastors have read Genesis 19 and Most Baptist pastors Maybe not the most famous but most still hold to King James only So they read it in the King James They've read Genesis 19. They've read Judges 19 They've read Jude 1 verse 7 they know what the Bible says But we can't offend someone because our biggest either his son dresses like a girl That's the reality You say brother sucky this sort of preaching is gonna turn people away Well, I guess we'll find out because we are at our second highest attendance ever today 82 and we're gonna see I Mean if a bunch of people quit the church because they can't stand what I say about the homos Well, I'm glad you got the truth in your last service Because gonna help protect you in life and What I would encourage everyone is if you got a problem with what I'm saying, or you disagree read Genesis 19 on your own Don't look at commentaries on lied read it on your own Let the Holy Spirit teach you read Judges 19 on your own Look at Jude 1 verse 7 on your own Read Romans 1 on your own. I mean we're encouraging you to read the New Testament in the month of January Read it find out for yourself and you know what it's amazing because when people read through the Bible for the first time They always have the same response Man, you know what? God's a lot harsher than I thought right People read through the Old Testament is like man people were being killed for various things and then that you read these stories like wow It's it's a lot worse out there. Yeah, because you know what the Bible says they that drink drink in the night They that commit murder commit murder in the night They that do these horrible crimes they do it in the night and you're probably not around at night to see it But this is what the world's actually like it's worse than you think Isaiah 58 verse 1 Cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their Transgression and the house of Jacob their sins brother second. Why do you preach so much against it? well, because if I would say show my people their transgression and The house of Jacob their sins, I mean it's obviously a major sin in our country It's it just last week this week I think My wife told me I think was on Monday or Tuesday my wife went out and you know in a lot of schools You have required school uniform for boys and girls she's surprised because one of the boys was wearing the girls uniform and apparently You're allowed to dress like a girl now at a lot of these schools You're allowed to wear the school uniform for a girl instead of a boy and it's probably happening all over, Metro Manila as well And it's just like wow this world is changing very quickly brother second, why do you preach against it? Well, because it's the transgression here in the Philippines It's the sin in the Philippines No, look, I'm not worried about a safe person going down this road obviously, but I want us to know what the Bible says. I Want you to be able to protect your family. I want you to be able to protect your children I mean a lot of people, you know, they get married They have their first child and then maybe they'll have the homosexual uncle sounds so nice and he wants to babysit so you can go out on a date and Look this happens all the time. I want people to know what the truth is So you don't have a problem with your kids being defiled by these people and look I might be an overprotective parent You might think that but you know what? I'm more concerned about my kids being safe Than anything else Anyway, we ought to avoid these people And we got to preach against it No, I understand if you work a secular job, I'm not saying get yourself fired tomorrow because I promise you can get fired If you just say everything that you believe But at the same time I would advise you don't completely shy away from standing up for the truth If somebody says hey, you know what these people just normal people don't you agree? No Right Avoid these people and look honestly just in my life I have a lot of stories that I could say and I'm not going to for sake of time We need to avoid these people and preach against it And unfortunately a Genesis 19 sermon is going to be preached every year Probably several times because this is the world that we live in. Let's close the word of prayer dear Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today getting to see What the Bible says here in Genesis 19 help us as safe people to be aware of This sin and the dangers involve God help us not to be afraid or ashamed of the Bible God We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen Page number 95 page number 95 page number 9 Shall learn the time of storm boy does English book page number 95 Oh Ah Ah Ah a Man why this misspoke