(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. On the first ready say Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Let's take our offering. Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Amen For scripture reading please open your Bibles to the book of Matthew First book of the New Testament Matthew Chapter 9 Matthew Chapter 9 and as we are accustomed to be reading the entire chapter Matthew chapter 9 please say amen if you're there. Amen. Matthew chapter 9 verse 1 and he entered into a ship and passed over and came into his own city and behold they brought to him a man sick of the palsy lying on a bed and Jesus seeing their faith set into the sick of the palsy son be of good cheer thy sins be forgiven thee and behold certain of the scribes said within themselves this man less femeth and Jesus knowing their heart said wherefore think evil in your hearts for whether is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee or to say arise and walk but that ye may know that the son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins then saith he to the sick of the palsy arise take up thy bed and go into thine house and he arose and departed to his house but when the multitude saw it they marveled and glorified God which had given such power unto men and as Jesus passed forth from thence he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the receipt of custom and he saith unto him follow me and he arose and followed him and I came to passage as Jesus said at meet in the house behold many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his and his disciples and the Pharisees saw they said into his disciples why eateth your master with publicans and sinners but when Jesus heard that he said unto them they that behold need not a physician but they that are sick but go ye and learn what that meaneth I will have mercy and not sacrifice for I'm not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance then came to him the disciples of John is saying why do we and the Pharisees fast off but the disciples fast not and he has said unto them can the children of the bride chamber mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them the days will come when the bridegroom shall be taken from them and then shall they fast no man put it a piece of new cloth into an old garment where that would just put in to fill it uptake it from the garment and the rent is made worse neither do men put new wine into old bottles else the bottles break and the wine runneth out and a bottles perish they put new one into new bottles and both are preserved well he's paid these things into them bill there came a certain ruler and rushed to been saying my daughter is even now dead but common laid I had upon her and she shall live and Jesus arose and followed him and so did his disciples and behold a woman which was diseased with initial blood 12 years came behind him and touched the hem of his garments for she said what in herself if I may but touch his garments I shall behold but Jesus turned him about and when he saw her he said daughter be of good comforts thy faith that may be whole and the woman was made whole from that hour and when Jesus came into the ruler's house and saw the minstrels and the people making a noise he said unto them give place for the maid is not dead but sleepeth and they laughed him to scorn but when the people were put forth he went in and took her by the hand and the maid arose and the fame here of winter brought into all that land and when Jesus departed thence two blind men followed him crying and saying thou son of David have mercy on us and when he was coming to the house the blind man came to him and Jesus saith unto them believe me that I am able to do this they said unto him yay Lord then touched he their eyes saying according to her faith be it unto you and their faith and their eyes were opened and Jesus greatly charged him saying see that no man know it but they when they were departed spread abroad its fame in all that country as they went out behold they brought to him a dumb man possessed with the devil and when the devil was cast out the dumb spake and the multitudes marveled saying it was never so seen in Israel but the Pharisees said he casted out devils for the prince of the devils and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching of their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and yielding every sickness and every disease among the people but when he saw the multitudes he was moved with a compassion on them because they fainted or were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd then say at the end to his disciples the harvest truly is plenteous but their laborers are few pray therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into his harvest bless the meaning of God's word let us pray Lord God in heaven we thank Lord for his day to given to us a privilege we bless Lord this day give us good weather for our soul winning later on and a privilege would also bless the preaching and a preacher of your word look at the floor this day we love you in Jesus name we pray amen all right we're in Matthew chapter 9 and the name of the sermon is biblical lessons from surgery biblical lessons from surgery now many times in the Bible you know preachers of God or Jesus Christ himself he'll use an earthly example to help explain a spiritual truth and that's what I'm gonna do in this sermon biblical lessons from surgery now point number one is this when it comes to actual surgery physical surgery the reason why surgery is done is because it is paramount it is necessary and turn in Matthew 9 look at verse number 12 it says but when Jesus heard that he said unto them they that be whole need not a physician but they that are sick and so you don't need a physician you don't need a surgeon unless you are sick unless there's some sort of problem right nobody willingly just says I just feel like going through surgery today the only reason why you go through surgery is because it's paramount is because it's necessary is because that there is a problem right turn your Bible to Hebrews 4 Hebrews 4 Hebrews 4 you say brother Stuckey okay I understand that but what's your point what does this have to do with the Bible what does it have to do with a spiritual truth well what the Bible actually teaches is that when sermons are preached it is basically spiritual surgery basically spiritual surgery takes place every single week when you hear a sermon this is not just me making a correlation the Bible basically directly says this in Hebrews 4 verse 12 notice what it says for the Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart when somebody goes through surgery they'll say they're going under the knife right and the Bible is mentioning a sword going to the inside of your body you say what's that called it's called surgery right now this is not physical surgery it is spiritual surgery however since God is giving us this example of spiritual surgery it's meant to make us think about physical surgery what can we learn from a physical surgery right well one thing we can learn is the only reason to go through surgery is because it's paramount is because it's necessary nobody goes through surgery unless you need to because of some problem right you say what does that have to do with the Bible well turn in your Bible to Isaiah 1 4 Isaiah 1 4 because this is going to help answer this question brother Stuckey why are you so mean when you preach you know why is it most preachers just preach on love and grace and mercy and long-suffering and gentleness and forgiveness why is it that you preach hard against sin you know the only reason why I do it is because it's paramount is because it's necessary look if we didn't struggle with sin I would never preach on sin so just do me a favor quit sinning and I'll quit preaching on it but here's the thing we're not going to quit sinning and because we have spiritual problems you need spiritual surgery every week you need the Word of God to hit on the inside of your body and fix the problems that's the reason why surgery takes place and spiritual surgery takes place why it's paramount it's necessary notice what the Bible says in Isaiah 1 verse 4 a sinful nation of people laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children that are corruptors they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel on to anger they are gone away backward the Bible says here a sinful nation of people laden with iniquity look you can say in 2022 in the Philippines this is a sinful nation a people laden with iniquity a people laden with problems look we're not I mean we are the Christian country of Asia I'm sorry but when I look around I don't just see this shiny example of God's laws being proclaimed I don't see that I mean I look at a country that is a lot of sin I look at a country that has a lot of problems I look at a country that needs spiritual surgery and yet the churches aren't doing it there are problems that need to be fixed you can't say the average person in this country is just waking up reading the Bible not worldly at all they just love church and soul winning they just want to serve God they have no problems in their life look we are not that at all don't get this idea and lie to yourself and think hey we're the Christian country in Asia I'm sorry we might have the highest percentage of Christians but we're not exactly a godly country here in the Philippines we have a lot of problems that need to be preached against you say well brother sucky but I'm not the average person you know what that is true but we still have sins and problems that we need fixed in our lives and maybe you don't need a major surgery every week but you at least need minor surgery right there's at least certain things that you're doing that are wrong I personally have gone through both major and minor surgery I define major surgery I don't there's people in the medical field they could tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about but when you're put unconscious to me that's major surgery so I've been through major surgery I've also been through like minor surgery where they kind of numb the pain and do whatever but basically even if you don't need the major surgery where they put you unconscious for a couple hours you still need the minor surgery the minor problems that are coming up every single week I put myself in that category I have sins every single week and things that I struggle with I am NOT a perfect person I have things in my life I need to fix I have at least minor surgery every single week this preaching is necessary every true church should be preaching hard against sin you say why because it's paramount because it's necessary because the Bible says sermons are like spiritual surgery that need to go forth turn about Ezekiel to Ezekiel chapter 2 Ezekiel 2 Ezekiel chapter 2 now the examples I'll give you for myself personally when I had major surgery it's when I tore my ACL my meniscus it was a sports injury playing soccer and you know what they put me unconscious before I did the surgery right because obviously when they're cutting you open and going through that sort of pain it's not something that you really need to be awake for okay and look there are people that are just like against any pain medication I don't really understand that to be honest because sometimes it's necessary to get through that right but that's when I went through basically a major surgery now here's the thing when I showed up at the doctors where I knew I had a problem with my knee and I thought it was just a minor problem I figured I was gonna have surgery but just kind of a minor surgery and they're like your ACL is just completely destroyed you know you need to have major surgery you know my ACL my meniscus it's not like I was happy you know why because nobody wants to go through surgery who wants to show up at the doctor and the doctor tells you you need surgery nobody wants that right probably many people in this room have gone through surgery before none of us were excited to go through it nobody wanted it so why is it done because it's paramount because there's a problem in your body that needs to be fixed and without surgery it's not going to be fixed right that's that's basically major surgery minor surgery I had a staph infection in my leg that I got from you know working out and you know basically I didn't go unconscious but they cut me open gave me medication everything like that to go through the pain so that's kind of like minor surgery or not unconscious at least how I'm using these examples but spiritually speaking all of us need at least minor surgery every single week it says in Ezekiel 2 verse 3 and he said unto me son of man I send thee to the children of Israel to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me they and their fathers have transgressed against me even on to this very day for they are impudent children and stiff-hearted I do send thee unto them and thou shalt say unto them thus saith the Lord God and they whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for their rebellious house yet shall know that there have been a prophet among them and see when it comes to preaching the Word of God here's a tip for you guys that preach sermons sometimes or want to be a pastor one day you know what it's not your fault if people don't adhere to what's being said if you preach the Word of God and say what the Bible says and you show verses read the Bible every day and people choose not to that's not your fault it's kind of like we go soul winning if we do an accurate job preaching the gospel and they do not get saved that is not our fault there are people that would not get saved even if it was the Lord Jesus Christ or John the Baptist or Paul the Apostle preaching them they just aren't going to believe that's not your fault but what would be your fault is if you just choose not to talk to them right I mean they say hey you know do you know for sure you're going to have a no would you like to hear yes all right and then you just walk to the next door well then you messed up my friend because they were ready to hear it well here's the thing about this when it comes to preaching sermons it's like it's your job to preach what the truth is whether or not you do it or whether or not you don't that's not really my problem or my responsibility that is up to you however my responsibility is to tell you what the Bible says right that is what the Bible is saying in Ezekiel chapter 2 and now send a man be not afraid of them neither be afraid of their words though briars and thorns be with thee and now thus dwell among scorpions be not afraid of their words nor nor be dismayed at their looks though they be a rebellious house and thou shalt speak my words on to them whether they will hear or whether they will forbear for they are most rebellious the job of a preacher is to preach the Word of God to do the spiritual surgery go to Romans 7 Romans 7 Bible says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet why to show my people their transgression in the house of Jacob their sins because spiritual surgery is paramount it is necessary why because we have sin and problems in our lives all of us do and if you're not humble enough to admit that then you know what there's really no hope for you right look we have problems that we need to fix in our lives you can never say that you come into church and you're just perfectly right with God you've got a whole week without sinning you're just lying to yourself okay we all need at least minor surgery every single week Romans chapter 7 notice what it says in verse 14 and it says in Romans 7 verse 14 for we know that the law is spiritual but I was carnal before I got saved no wait that was the Calvinist Bible I'm sorry right I misread that but I am carnal not I was carnal before I was saved but I am present tense carnal this is Paul the Apostle in the present tense he says I am carnal sold under sin look you say why why would he say I am carnal because your flesh doesn't disappear when you get saved you still have your flesh you're in dwell with the Spirit of God your flesh doesn't change my friend you still have the same flesh and what does it mean to be carnal it means to basically walk in the flesh you have your flesh in your spirit if you walk in the flesh you're walking in the old man yeah you're living in the flesh you're living a carnal life because you're basically doing what the flesh wants if you walk in the spirit you're living a spiritual life but none of us always walk in the spirit all of us sometimes walk in the flesh he says I am carnal sold under sin verse 15 for that which I do I allow not for what I would that do I not but what I hate that do I if then I do that which I would not I consent unto the law that it is good now then there's no more I that do it but sin that dwells in me what Paul is basically stating is I preach sermons I teach the truth I preach against things I think are terrible you shouldn't do you're worldly you're sinful and yet I find myself doing some of the things that I preach against and look if I'm honest with you when I preach against things sometimes there are things that I struggle with because I'm a sinner just like you are I'm not going to avoid certain parts of the Bible just because you know what I struggle sometimes right look I preach you need to read the Bible every day but let me be completely honest with you in the 20 years basically I've been saved I've not read the Bible every single day right there have been days I did not read the Bible now that's why I believe in having a Bible reading schedule because even if you do miss a day it kind of forces you to get back on track but you know what the truth is I have had days where I didn't read the Bible I preached against things and I think they're wrong and yet I struggle too you say why because we all have the flesh all of us walk in the flesh sometimes and Paul states you know the things that I hate that do I because of the same person spiritually you love God's law and you hate sin however sometimes he sent and what Paul's stating is I preach against things and yet I find myself struggling sometimes but he says it's not a problem with the law it's not that there's anything wrong with God's rules I'm not gonna get up here and say you know well this this is just Old Testament it doesn't apply now because I'm guilty of this he says no I consent under the law that it is good God's law is good God's law is perfect even if I am a sinner and I struggle sometimes he says in verse 18 for I know that in me that is in my flesh dwelleth no good thing for the will is present with me but how to perform that which is good I find not for the good that I would I do not but the evil which I would not that I do now if I do that I would not it is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me I find then a law that when I would do good evil is present with me for I delight in the law of God after the inward man but I see another law in my members warring against the law of my mind the Bible speaks about the battle between the flesh and the spirit warring against one another and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members he speaks about being bringing captive or prisoner right if you're captive to something you're basically in control of that and basically sin as a hold on Paul the Apostle and he says you know what I struggle with sin sometimes I'm serving sin and look the reality is you will serve something in this life either serve God or serve sin it's going to be one or the other Bible says in verse 24 Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord so then with a mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin don't we say the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak right and that's the way I feel often in my life where it's just like I know what's true I know what's right I want to do this but the flesh is weak sometimes we struggle sometimes we do wrong what is Paul the Apostle saying all the apostles saying that spiritual surgery is paramount because even Paul the Apostle which we would look at as perhaps the greatest man of the New Testament outside the Lord Jesus Christ he wrote half the New Testament and he says I struggle with sin I've got problems I need some spiritual surgery every single week go in your Bible to Hebrews 4 Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews 4 Hebrews chapter 4 brother Stuckey why does our church preach so hard against sin because it's paramount it's necessary I would love to not have to say negative things all the time I love just be a positive motivational speaker just sit in a chair and relax and you know we don't have to take two things too seriously but that's not the way it works we have sin we have problems that's just the way it is point number one when it comes to surgery both physical and spiritual the reason why surgery is done is because it's paramount because it's necessary point number two with surgery surgery is painful surgery is painful right when it comes to surgery oftentimes you're given an anesthesia or medicine to reduce the pain during surgery now sometimes as I said you know you're put basically unconscious and if you're put unconscious you know you don't even know what's going on from my experience you wake up in about 50 times you ask was the surgery a success was the surgery a success and you're like groggy for like 30 minutes afterwards or whatever and but you were basically put out because you're not going to be able to take it right when I my surgery my leg they also injected my leg with something so I didn't feel you know any pain you know even after the surgery I couldn't really you know feel it afterwards basically I was put out because you're not gonna be able to go through the surgery if you go through a minor procedure right when I had the staph infection in my leg and I'm sorry if you don't like blood I'm talking about surgery and stuff like that but when they cut open my leg because of the staph infection they also put something there so I wouldn't feel you know the pain so much because your body can only take so much pain right even something small I mean you hit your finger with a hammer it's like the worst pain in the world right I remember you know a long time ago in college you know I was I was putting the weights back up after lifting and one of them I didn't quite put up correctly and it started to fall my natural reaction was to try to catch it it's about the dumbest thing that you could do with a weight and it just like smashed my finger and I had blood it is like very painful even though it's a small body part right it's like we can only take so much pain and so with surgery they'll oftentimes give you in anesthesia in order to be able to last through that pain they'll numb that part of the body or whatever it may be Hebrews 4 12 notice what the Bible says for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword notice this word piercing even the dividing asunder of soul and spirit and of the joints and mirror and is a discerner of the thoughts and intensive the heart piercing is like having a sharp object that basically stabs you right you know what that's called pain if you get pierced with something it hurts doesn't feel good see physical surgery is painful guess what spiritual surgery is painful when the word of God is preached and you're guilty of something and it hits you that doesn't feel very good does it it's painful nobody likes it now of course you know people at our church you know you love God you want to serve God you like this preaching but not because of the pain but you want to fix the problems that you have you are wise enough to know if I've got problems if I need surgery then you know what not that I'm excited for it but you know what I want it because I need it but it's not like it's fun when you get preached against everybody wants the pat on the back you're doing great your life is perfect you have no sin nobody likes pain right pain is not fun and it's not fun spiritually either and the word of God is much sharper than any sort of physical object you can come with it gets to the inside and man it can offend people quite a bit it's painful turn your Bible to Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis chapter 4 this is the reason why although our church is definitely a growing church we're actually very very close to a record today but we don't quite have it I'm still hoping some Filipino time is going to basically manifest itself but we will never be the biggest church in Metro Manila will never be the biggest Baptist Church in Metro Manila you say why because of the preaching now because of the preaching that's why we have a good number of people but it's also the reason why we're never gonna have the biggest Baptist Church now I don't know how big everyone's church was that you went to before many people came from Bible Baptist churches I'm sure many of you had a much bigger church than this though right I mean I I know that in Pampanga one of her members went to a Baptist Church with like 500 people now like 80% were you know five-year-olds you know the kids ministry but it was a bigger church than what we have in Pampanga we're a growing church no doubt about it but I do believe that there's going to be a limit to that we're never going to be the biggest Baptist Church I hope I'm proven wrong I hope I can preach hard and I'm proven wrong and people really love God and want to turn to God in this country because I do believe there are people out there that we can reach that don't just want to hear the gospel but they want to serve God and that would be great I hope I'm proven wrong but I doubt I will be proven wrong I seriously doubt we're ever gonna have the biggest Baptist Church because painful preaching is just something people don't want they don't like the spiritual surgery right it's just reality now when it comes to physical surgery you know what you go through anesthesia in order to take the pain and I think anesthesia is a good thing for those of you that say well it's wrong it's it's like well you've never been through surgery then okay because we go through surgery it's like you appreciate that anesthesia but I was thinking about it because you know what maybe spiritually we can initiate a new ministry of anesthesia in order for people to last through the pain during services okay so I got this new idea new ministry we're going to be doing because I know it's very painful right I mean for example you know if somebody's you know stabbing you with the needle whatever sometimes you'll grab somebody's hand really tight to help last through the pain so what we have here is our spiritual anesthesia it's a teddy bear okay so there's a couple of ways you can use this one way is as I said you can grab real tight if the preaching is hitting a little too close to home or if it's really painful what you can do like a little you know baby just kind of hold the teddy bear and everything and what we can do is if you make it through the service we can give you a balloon and a lollipop right isn't that what we do with little kids that go to the dentist or whatever it's like because in our modern day people are such snowflakes they get so offended when somebody says hey you're wrong now part of the problem is because parents at a young age don't say the word no right they just kind of do whatever their kids say I mean a lot of homes the boss of the homes is like the five-year old whatever the five-year-old wants is whatever the five-year-old gets it's just like but you know if parents at a young age would rebuke their kids when they're wrong and tell them they got to make changes then maybe people wouldn't get so offended by the Bible but people get so mad if a sermon hits close to home I mean here's the thing people love hard preaching always unless it hits close to home I mean in this room if I preach against the homos everyone's like amen we got a real problem in our country unless you got like you know some relative that you're really close to or whatever you know that but otherwise people are saying amen because you're not guilty of it right but here's the thing once the preaching hits close to home that's when people get offended as I said our new ministry it's like just let me know before the service I'll give you this teddy bear right we'll hand it out to all the people maybe first-time visitors it will be a new thing that we initiate see if we can get him to to last through a couple weeks or whatever but it's like that's the reality why do people not come to our church because of the pain of the preaching I can't believe he preached against my I mean Joel Osteen would never do that well you're right about that I mean Joel Osteen literally said in an interview he was asked about sin and he said I don't like to use that word in my preaching you don't like to use the word sin I mean he wasn't even talking about specific sins he doesn't even like the word sin it's like a curse word to him like don't say the word sin I mean you couldn't even stand up here thou shalt not sin it's like I can't believe you said that right it's just like no actually you don't just use the word sin you get specific on the problems otherwise how are people gonna fix anything now look I wish I didn't have to but the problem is it's paramount the problem is we have problems and yeah you know what I get it it's painful nobody likes the hard preaching but here's the thing if you don't have the hard preaching if no spiritual surgery takes place you're never gonna fix the problem the only reason why spiritual surgery is done is because it's paramount but here's the thing if I don't get up here and preach against sin then you're not gonna get the surgery you need can you imagine going to the doctors and the doctor says you must have this surgery but no one's willing to perform it that would be pretty frustrating and unfortunately that's what that's the way a lot of people feel around this world they're just like man I need some spiritual surgery and yet there's no church that is willing to do it it's like can't you just preach against something I mean help me out of me I got problems Paul said you know what the things I don't want to do I'm doing he said you need spiritual surgery and yet very few churches in 2022 are willing to do that spiritual surgery go to Genesis 4 and let me tell you something if you desire the office of a bishop that's part of it preaching against sin that's kind of the requirement part of the requirement is to preach against sin let me give you an example of the pain and how people reacted Genesis 4 verse 4 Genesis 4 verse 4 and Abel he also brought of the first things of his flock and of the fat thereof and the Lord had respect unto Abel into his offering but unto Cain into his offering he had not respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell Cain is very angry because God's not happy with what Cain did verse 6 and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt rule over him what you're seeing in Genesis 4 is God performing spiritual surgery rebuking Cain for being wrong well how did Cain take that not very well why is it that he didn't take those words well it's too painful how dare you rebuke me right he rejects the spiritual surgery why because of the pain well look surgery is painful right and look when sermons are being preached the Bible links it to spiritual surgery the Word of God is like a sword piercing to the inside of you it's surgery yeah it's painful of course surgery is painful go to 1st Kings 17 1st Kings 17 1st Kings 17 you say wow you know I just don't like being rebuked because I want to just feel encouraged on Sundays or whatever yeah you know what everybody wants to go to the doctors and the doctors say that you have no problems I get that but if there are problems you need to fix them and if you don't what about the long-term effects of not fixing the problems when you've got major problems nobody wants to go to the doctors and the doctor says you have high blood pressure your heart rate's high or you know low book too low blood pressure or whatever right nobody wants to get bad news from the doctor but once you get that bad news you got to make the change whether it be diet whether it be medicine or whatever exercise whatever it may be nobody wants the bad news but once you get it you're a fool if you don't actually try to make the adjustments that are necessary if they tell you know you've got this problem you need to start getting more calcium in your diet it's like well I don't like eggs I don't like milk it's like all right you're a fool right it's like get over it and just change your diet if you want to fix the problem if not then okay but you're gonna have long-term effects because you just are refusing the advice nobody wants to get rebuke but look if you if you're guilty of something be honest with yourself realize it and just say okay that's what the Bible says I'll make the change 1st Kings 17 verse 1 and Elijah the Tish spider was in the inhabitants of Gilead sent unto Ahab as the Lord God of Israel liveth before whom I stand there shall not be dune or rain these years but according to my word and the word of the Lord came on to him saying get thee hence and turn the eastward and hide thyself by the brook Cherith that is before Jordan now why would Elijah have to hide himself right because it's not like most of the famous preachers today have to hide themselves right I mean they don't get any sort of persecution you know why Elijah has to hide himself because his words were painful because it was spiritual surgery because people didn't like what he had to say because Ahab got offended by the Word of God and he had to hide himself white they're trying to kill him because of his words go to first Kings 22 first Kings 22 first Kings chapter 22 first Kings now now part of the problem is that people grow up in church and they always have these children's ministries and they're taught at a young age they just do games and candy and fun and everything look I'm all for doing games and fun you know we do it sometimes we have activities and stuff like that at our church but that's not part of the church service that's afterwards fellowship and people do that though for kids they just kind of remove the kids from the church service and they just do games and fun and what they're being trained at a young age is that church is all about just fun and entertainment and games and if you try to tell them hey you know what there's sin you got problems whoa wait a minute like why are you I mean you're meant to encourage me where's my candy where's my balloon where's my teddy bear right it's just like why are you rebuking me it's like people are trained at a young age to think that's what churches no that's not what churches and see look I do believe you should have fun at church I love church I have fun these are God's people I'm glad to be linked up with God's people I would say that if you're serving God you're happy to be here but church is not about fun church is not about entertainment if you want to try to liken it to something it's it's like a hospital where basically you fix the problems you have you fix the problems you have you go out soul winning and then you know what you go home and you try to do better that week from the sermons you heard you try to fix your life and you keep coming why because you realize you have problems spiritually that you need fixed it's not about fun it's not about entertainment now if you're serving God you know what you're you're if you know these things happier you if you do them if your life is okay you're gonna be happy you're gonna be in a good mood but church is not about fun church is not about entertainment at least not a real church first Kings 22 verse 7 and Jehoshaphat said is there not here a prophet of the Lord besides that we might inquire of him and the king of Israel said unto Josh Jehoshaphat there is yet one man Micaiah the son of Imlah by whom we may inquire of the Lord but I hate him for he doth not prophesy good concerning me but evil and he says you know what there's one person that yeah you know he's gonna say something different but I don't like that guy why cuz he says negative thing it's painful I don't like it it doesn't feel good I don't want to listen to that guy I mean everything he says is just negative he's like a hate preacher right he's like a hate monger right all these negative things I don't like that guy because of the words that he says look surgery is painful right I mean surgery is meant to be painful it's not meant to be fun nobody decides I just want to go through surgery it's just fun I enjoy it now you go through it because it's paramount but guess what it's also painful go to 2nd Timothy 4 2nd Timothy 4 2nd Timothy chapter 4 look the Word of God you know piercing you the Bible is telling you it's gonna be very painful and it's it's more painful than anything physically but if you've ever been pierced with a sharp object I mean everyone's probably had needles put in them at one time or another when I was in college you know I used to sell plasma to make money in college where basically they'd remove your blood and they'd reinsert it but they take the plasma so a couple times a week I would have this done and I remember one time I was there and the nurse could not hit my vein and I'm just thinking my vein is very close to the surface okay and it's just like and she was you know digging around like five ten minutes and at one point she said is this painful I'm just thinking it's like I'm ready to kill this person it's like yes it's painful and as I mean my veins are very close to the surface it's like how can you not hit my vein when I've done this like a hundred times and then all of a sudden she had another nurse come over because she couldn't hit the vein you know what it was extremely painful right it was it's you know having a sharp object inside your body there's there's about nothing worse right you know than having that because I personally don't really mind needles that's because usually they just kind of put the needle and take the blood out small little pain but when they're kind of fishing around right with a sharp object it's it's like a modern torture technique or something like that right it's like yeah it's very painful and look I get it if you've got a lot of problems then it's probably very painful to preaching because the Word of God's getting to the inside but it's it's necessary don't be so foolish and say you know what I'm not willing to go through the pain because it hurts too much no no if it really hurts that's because it's very paramount that's because you really need it it's okay to be guilty of something and fix the problem what would be foolish is to just reject the surgery because you don't like the pain the Bible says in 2nd Timothy 4 verse 2 preach the word be instant in season out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine the Bible says reprove rebuke exhort exhorting is a positive thing rebuking and reproving are negative things and kind of the general template is preaching is generally two-thirds negative one-thirds positive it should be about two-thirds negative that doesn't mean two out of three preachers are negative and then one out of three or Joel Osteen no no every preacher should have that balance of mostly negative preaching but positive and even if possible in the same sermon where basically you approve your rebuke and now you give guys people an opportunity to fix their problem exhort them at the end because I wouldn't want to make somebody feel terrible like you are a wicked person let's close in prayer right it's not the best way to end a sermon you want to kind of exhort people it's like okay you feel guilty about not reading the Bible here's how you fix the problem okay that's that's the goal to have kind of a proper balance now turn on your Bible to Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis 4 Genesis chapter 4 now thinking of this logically if you think about people that are serger surgeons or people that if you ever been through like minor surgery and you know something that you were awake for whatever obviously the person who's doing the surgery is going to try to cause as little pain as possible to get the job done right I mean that's that's what their goal is and obviously you know what if you are going through minor surgery you don't want the pain but it might be part of the process but you're hoping to have a surgeon that go that does as little amount of pain as possible to get the job done but here's the thing obviously some surgeons are more skilled than others and you know you might have a surgeon that does a minor operation on you and they don't do a very good job of getting rid of the pain but here's the thing as long as they successfully complete the surgery it's okay right you don't want to go through a lot of pain but isn't the most important thing that basically they got the job done I mean here's the thing here's a way to cause no pain don't do the surgery you say brother second I never get any pain from Joel Osteen sermons yeah I know there's no spiritual surgery of course there's no pain and what I'm saying is you know what yeah maybe sometimes I preach the Word of God maybe I don't do it the best job always at presenting it maybe sometimes you get offended brother suck you is a bit rude or whatever but isn't the most important thing that you just learn what the Word of God says and you get the spiritual surgery whether I present it in the best way or possible the most important thing is that it was successfully done and if I preach hard against the sin whether or not I present it in the perfect way which nobody is going to do in a perfect way at the end of the day if I successfully did the surgery isn't that the most important thing if I'm going to go through a surgery I don't want to go through pain but as long as they fix the problem the pain only lasts for a short while I get it my sermons aren't that short it's only an hour of pain though okay it's like one hour of pain during minor surgery then it's over as I said you know what the teddy bears up here if you need it right now brother stocky you know we got 30 minutes up I can give you the teddy bear okay it's like it's only a little bit of pain as long as successfully the surgery is done at the end of the day that's the most important thing number one we talked about that surgery is paramount it is necessary number two it is painful number three with surgery sometimes there are problems sometimes there are problems sometimes surgery is not successful now obviously this depends on what kind of surgery it is some surgeries are more successful than others there are surgeries that it's actually very unlikely it will work we're basically it's like a long shot 90% fail rate it's unlikely to work there's other like minor surgeries that are you know very likely to work I know for example when I had my surgery on my knee they basically gave me three options of surgery number one was a hamstring graft because your hamstring will morph into the ligament and actually be stronger than pre-injury they said but I had a problem with my hamstring in high school so I chose not to do that and there was like an experimental one they said causes a lot of pain that the doctor didn't recommend the one I went with is a cadaver so basically I have a dead body part inside that basically becomes my ligament okay that's the option that I chose now what he said was the one fear with this surgery is the fact that your body at some point might reject the cadaver and realize this is a foreign substance you know it's not supposed to be here and they said that could take place years after the surgery now it's been more than 10 years so I feel pretty confident at this point but they said that sometime your body might actually reject it and just decide this is not meant to be there and then the surgery will be a failure and the reality is sometimes surgeries are unsuccessful sometimes surgeries fail and and here's the thing it depends on what surgery you're having but sometimes if the surgery is a failure you are better off not even having the surgery for example on my knee before I had the surgery I was actually still jogging and working out and actually it's a myth that if you tear your ACL there's a lot of pain because I didn't have any pain I just had a lot of swelling I knew there was a problem because when I would play soccer I would fall over if I turn from side to side and I didn't have any like movement from my anterior crucial ligament but I was still able to work out and be okay well here's the thing I could have lived with a torn ACL my whole life people do it in our modern day there's so many sports doctors that it's a very common thing but in the past people tore their ACL thousands of years ago they just dealt with it they just lived with a torn ACL which would basically hinder them but you know they're able to live through it well here's the thing my surgery as far as I know is a success but what if it was a failure I would have been like I wish I never had the surgery here's the thing spiritually speaking if the surgery is a failure you're better off not having the surgery what do I mean I mean if the spiritual surgery goes forth and you choose to reject it and don't do what the Bible says you're better off not hearing the Word of God if you hear what the Bible says if the spiritual surgery goes forth you're expected to do what the Bible says and if not why do you even listen to sermons like this there's no point you're better off not even hearing it one of the things that just amazing to me is how many online listeners there will be to a good church but they don't go to that church I mean if you were to take a poll of people from the United States and just say hey we want you to write down who are brother Stuckey's five most dedicated faithful members of his church just who do you think they probably write down a list of people that we kicked out of this church or don't go to our church honestly I mean there's people that are nearby our church how many members do I mean how many online listeners are there in Quezon City but they don't go here it's so far excuse me I came from Pampanga this morning there's people that came from Laguna and Bullock on and Cavite and all over what are you talking about it's too far right you're in Metro Manila it's I always I mean two jipney rides away or whatever I said I can't take that right so far I mean people come from a long distance to come to this church you can't say it's too far but they're all these dedicated buddy but here's my point why would you even listen to the sermons if you're not even going to go to church or do what the Bible says I'm just trying to help you out for those listening to the sermon but are never going to come to our church just stop listening stop listening to pastor a minute stop listening to pastor Anderson because you're just gonna get the judgment of God because you're not doing anything it's like why would you listen to the preaching if you're not planning to do right you know I want to go through surgery but I want it to fail but I mean like use some comment like why would you do that because it's not up to me whether the surgery is a success as long as I proclaim what the Bible says it is up to you when it comes to spiritual surgery it is completely up to you whether or not it is a success or not and if you're gonna reject the surgery don't have the surgery you're gonna be in worse shape afterwards than before let me show that to you from Bible Genesis 4 verse 8 Genesis 4 verse 8 and Cain talked with Abel's brother and it came to pass from there in the field that Cain rose up against Abel's brother and slew him and the Lord said unto Cain where is Abel thy brother and he said I know not am I my brother's keeper and he said what is thou done the voice of thy brother's blood cryeth unto me from the ground now I don't have time to look at this but Cain when he was rebuked by the Lord was not a child of the devil he was not a reprobate we can know this by cross-referencing in 1st John 2 but when he killed Abel he was of that wicked one he was already a reprobate when he killed Abel so between verses 7 and 8 or exactly at verse 8 somewhere in that line Cain becomes a reprobate here's my point he wasn't a reprobate before the surgery but because he chose to reject the surgery he became a reprobate what does that mean it's better off if he didn't even know what the Bible said I mean look when people hear the gospel hey it's great that people get a chance to hear the gospel but if they're just not going to get saved I mean they're better off not hearing it if they're just going to refuse to get saved of course we hope that seed is planted and we can water and everything but I'm saying if they're gonna choose not to people that die unsaved best case scenario for them is they heard the gospel as few times as possible why because you're gonna burn more when you had opportunities and you rejected it you're held more accountable I mean the surgery was great you had your chance but since you reject it it's better off not even having the surgery right go in your Bible to number 16 number 16 number 716 let me give me another example where spiritual surgery fails it does not work and as I said spiritual surgery does not fail because of the surgeon it fails because of the fact people just reject it they refuse to just do what the Bible says you have the decision in your own mind when you hear the Word of God are you gonna let this surgery be a success or a failure here's the thing if you want your surgery to fail then I don't understand logically why you would want to listen to the sermons it doesn't make any sense number 16 verse 41 but on tomorrow all the congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron saying ye have killed the people of the Lord I I mean that verse it's just like what it's just like when God opens up the ground and kills people you've killed the people of the Lord as if it's their fault I mean it's just like you know always blame Moses always blame Aaron always just blame the man of God what did he do that was wrong he's not the one who got you know had this sin and yet they're blaming the man of God no matter what right verse 42 and it came to pass when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation and behold the cloud covered it and the glory of the Lord appeared and Moses and Aaron came before the tabernacle of the congregation and the Lord spake unto Moses saying get you up from among this congregation that I may consume them as in a moment and they fell upon their faces and what you're seeing and the only reason why they get spared is because Moses pleads for them and they get another chance here's the thing though before that spiritual surgery where they got rebuked they were not going to be killed by God God was very angry but because they responded incorrectly to the spiritual surgery they're in worse shape than before the surgery right when it comes to spiritual surgery taking place if you're not going to do what the Bible says it's better off not even knowing what the Bible says but if you know what the Bible says then you need to do what the Bible says I mean the Word of God does great for you in your life if if you do if you don't do it's the worst thing for you go in your Bible to 2nd Chronicles 16 2nd Chronicles 16 2nd Chronicles chapter 16 let me give you one more instance of spiritual surgery failing now in Genesis 4 you're dealing with a guy who is a reprobate he's not a safe person number 16 is a group of people so hey maybe some people are saved maybe some aren't you know it's just like you don't necessarily know 2nd Chronicles 16 is surely a safe person so let me just make it very clear in case you say wow we don't even know if they're safe spiritual surgery can fail on a safe person also 2nd Chronicles 16 verse 7 and at that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said unto him because I was relied on the king of Syria and not relied on the Lord that God therefore is the host of the king of Assyria escaped out of thine hand we're not the Ethiopians in the Louvre is a huge host with very many chariots and horsemen yet because I'll just rely on the Lord he delivered them into thine hand for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him here and now is done foolishly therefore from henceforth thou shalt have wars what you see is Hanani the seer the Prophet does spiritual surgery to King Asa okay he preaches what God says spiritual surgery takes place now here's the thing nobody likes the pain of getting rebuked but it's not the end of the world just fix the problem right I mean if you're guilty of something and look I'm not specific in my sermons I've heard of preachers that will name names like literally in the church not name names outside the church like Joel Osteen but they'll name names like Franklin right and just say who he's talking about it's like why would you do that I don't do that when I preach sermons it's not like you know it's obvious and everybody's staring at you like what did Franklin do oh man he's a drug dealer right I'm just kidding it's just like I don't do that in sermons so here's the thing it's not like you're being rebuked and everybody knows and it's an embarrassment or anything I mean if you're guilty it's just the Holy Spirit of God make you realize hey I got a problem I got to fix that problem there's not it's not that big of a deal we've all been preached against in sermons right in church I've been preached against many times where I knew I was guilty of something whether or not specifically the pastor was thinking of me or just you know it's something I was guilty of just fix the problem it's not the end of the world right but notice the reaction of King Asa in verse 10 then Asa was wroth with the seer and put him in a prison house for he was in a rage with him because of this thing and Asa oppressed some of the people the same time Asa responds incorrectly to spiritual surgery and he arrests the man of God here's the thing he would have been better off not even knowing why he was being rebuked because when you arrest the prophet of God God's gonna hold you accountable for that right he would have been better off not knowing what the truth is and and and this is the honest truth I mean I've said this plenty of times at our church if you're not gonna do what the Bible says you're better off not going to our church now I don't want anyone to leave our church I love the people at our church but I'm just being honest if you're just unwilling to make changes in your life it doesn't make sense to go to a church where the the truth is being preached go to Psalm 51 we'll look at two more places Psalm 51 Psalm 51 point number one surgery is done because it's paramount point two surgery is painful point three sometimes there are problems with surgery point four let's talk about post surgery post surgery meaning that there is a success but what takes place post surgery now physically speaking with surgery it really depends on what type of surgery you have how much pain you have before and after the surgery when I tore my ACL as I said I did not have any pain before my surgery but I knew that there was something wrong and it definitely hindered me but here's the thing I had a lot of pain after the surgery even though the surgery was a success there was a lot of pain afterwards and what the doctor told me is that basically 18 to 24 hours afterwards basically the medications gonna wear off and you're gonna have a huge pain in your knee where the surgery takes place and you know based on the time he gave me it was 18 hours in two minutes you say how do you remember that because I woke up in the middle of the night in the worst pain I've ever had in my life once basically the pain medication wore off they I don't know the terminology but they stabbed something in my leg to basically numb the leg and basically it was an intense pain and for a couple days it was an extremely painful thing here's the thing though the surgery was a success but I didn't have any pain before the surgery right and what I'm saying is this when spiritual surgery takes place you know what even though it's a success because you're making the changes are willing to make the changes it doesn't mean you feel great after the spiritual surgery when surgery takes place even if it's a success you don't feel that good afterwards right I mean I can't think of any surgery where afterwards you felt a hundred percent immediately I mean you feel pretty bad and sometimes there's a long recovery process for me I mean I had to take time to learn how to lift my leg off the ground again because of and then you know there's there's months of rehab and recovery and stuff like that post-surgery even if it's a success you don't feel that good afterwards what's the same thing spiritually if you're guilty of something and you realize it through a spiritual sermon that's spiritual surgery taking place here's the thing even if you're willing to make the change and you make the change you're not gonna feel good afterwards because you're gonna feel guilty you're gonna feel miserable you're gonna feel like man I need to make some real changes in my life like Paul said oh wretched man that I am I mean that's the way you feel when you realize you're guilty of something right let me give you two examples in the Bible Psalm 51 verse 7 David says purge me with hiss up and I shall be clean wash me and I shall be whiter than snow make me to hear joy and gladness that the bones which thou is broken may rejoice hide thy face for my sins and blot out all mine iniquities create me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me restore to me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit and what David says is restoring to me the joy what he's saying is I don't have joy I feel terrible right I'm just getting back to getting right with God I feel terrible restore unto me the joy so I can be happy like I once was then why teach transgressors thy ways and sinners shall be converted unto thee now this is a reference to after Nathan rebukes David but after this event David doesn't feel very good he gets right with God but he feels miserable there's a recovery process even for a successful surgery it's just the way it is when a surgery takes place and now here's the thing if you have a minor physical surgery the recovery process isn't going to be that bad right you know when I had my staph infection it's like I use a pain medication I think one day and I was like you know it's it's not that painful I can last through it you know it's not even worth it or whatever but if you go through like a major surgery it's just like you're gonna have pain medication it's gonna last for a while because there's an intense pain I mean I had a pain in my leg for quite a while after that surgery because it was a major surgery and so here's the thing if you have just minor spiritual surgery you know you're gonna feel maybe bad for a little while but not not that bad but if you have major spiritual surgery yeah you know what after surgery you don't feel good isn't that true with physical surgery for anyone who's been through surgery it's not like the next day you felt a hundred percent because there's a recovery process go to Jonah 3 Jonah 3 Jonah chapter 3 but that's just the way it is I mean with surgery I mean look and I'm not I'm not necessarily against pain medication you know I've used it before obviously everyone makes their own decision with what type and what their situation is but you know it even even if you get the reason why you'd be having post-surgery pain medication is because there's still that recovery process it's very painful right I mean post-surgery there's gonna be pain there's gonna be a recovery time I mean it just it just is what it is same thing spiritually but but here's the thing you know what that pain spiritually speaking is actually a good thing right and let me give you an example let me let me explain why the altar call is just a foolish idea and the order come order call comes in different packages one part of it is getting people saved supposedly I'm not really talking about that but you know probably most of us have been to churches I know I have where they've had older calls before and they have everybody and look if you don't know what I'm talking about then you know that's good right just but most of us know what I'm talking about at the end of the service they'll have you close your eyes and bow your head and the preacher will start talking and it's very strange thing because the first time I experienced it I was like what's going on and I'm like looking around like I felt like I was in a cold or something why am I my eyes closed and am I allowed to open yet nope not yet right but the preacher will say no bow your head close your eyes and they'll try to get everybody to come down to this imaginary altar that doesn't exist okay which is not like an Old Testament older and they want you to pray in front of everybody to have your work seen by man and get right with God at the altar you say why does this not make any sense logically because when people go down to the altar and they get convinced to go down and persuaded to come down and they get right with God they will leave here feeling fine they will leave here feeling right with God I don't want you to leave our church feeling great if you had a major spiritual surgery you need to feel the pain afterwards you say why because you have to make sure you fix that problem having it all I mean imagine a preacher preaching a one-hour sermon and then he has a couple minute order call to make everybody feel great when they leave it's like you destroyed an hour worth of a sermon it's like you don't want people leaving here feeling great like they're fully right with God if they're not I get it I like to go to church and feel good walk in feeling good walk out feeling good but it doesn't always work that way now yeah there's some times you don't have major problems and you can feel good when you leave and not feel so bad but look sometimes you come to church and you've got major problems that need fixed and if a major spiritual surgery takes place you need to have the post pain surgery and to just get rid of it you're not gonna get rid of the problem then because you're already gonna feel like you're right with God when you didn't get right in a second here at the altar because to really get right with God there's a time period where you really make the change it's even David he gets right with God but this is still afterwards and he's still you know man I still feel miserable there's a time period of recovery and when it comes to spiritual surgery taking place just realize yet that there's pain during surgery there's pain after surgery there's a recovery process so look you said brother Secchi I leave our church and I don't always feel good well that's good I'm doing my job then because you shouldn't always feel amazing every time you leave church because you're not perfect you've got problems in your life and Jonah 3 I'll give you one last place Jonah 3 verse 4 and Jonah began to enter the city a day's journey and he cried and said yet 40 days and Nineveh shall be overthrown so the people of Nineveh believed God and proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest of them even to the least of them for Lord came on to the king of Nineveh and he arose from his throne and he laid his robe from him and covered him with sackcloth and sat in ashes and he caused it to be proclaimed and published through Nineveh by the decree of the king and his nobles saying let neither man nor beast nor herd herd nor flock taste anything let them not feed nor drink water but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth and cry mightily unto God yea let them turn everyone from his evil way and from the violence that is in their hands who can tell if God will turn and repent and turn away from his fierce anger that we perish not and God saw their works that they turned from their evil way and God repented of the evil that he had said that he would do unto them and he did it not here's an example of spiritual surgery taking place by Jonah and it was a success the king of Nineveh hears this he realizes they're not right with God and he says you know what we have some major problems but here's the thing after the surgery they're in sackcloth and ashes they feel miserable you say why because spiritual surgery is painful I mean if a sword hits to the inside of you a knife goes to the inside of you there's pain afterwards it's not just during there's pain afterwards I mean just common sense would tell you that well here's the thing it's the same thing spiritually speaking when a spiritual surgery takes place yeah you know what there's pain during it there's also pain afterwards there's a recovery process right and look this is an analogy that the Bible is giving and it helps you understand why we have our preaching because some people maybe you know you're new to our church and I'm sure people when they first came to our church if they're not familiar with this type of preaching they're kind of wondering like why does he always preach against all these sins and everything he's so negative you know I've never been to a church like that and everything well this is helping you understand just philosophically why because sermons are like spiritual surgery that's what the Bible is showing us now what can we learn about spiritual surgery well based on physical surgery physical surgery takes place because it's paramount it's necessary same thing with spiritual surgery we have problems that we need fixed physical surgery is painful spiritual surgery is painful physical surgery can have problems afterwards well spiritual surgery we saw in the Bible can have problems afterwards now with physical surgery it's it's not necessarily your fault if the surgery fails even if the surgery was done correctly your body might choose to reject it that's not necessarily your fault spiritually speaking it is your fault right if the surgery was a success and it fails it's because you allowed it to fail that is completely in your hands but let's say it is a success post surgery there's pain spiritually speaking post surgery there is pain and look I don't want people to feel miserable it's not like it's like man how many people can I make cry today or feel terrible or whatever that's not my goal but my goal is to preach the Word of God and the reality is all of us from time to time are guilty of various things whether it be minor or major and here's the thing there's pain involved and that pain is even after the surgery but that should make sense because it's the same thing with the physical surgery and the only reason why I preach like this it's paramount it's necessary let's close in order word of prayer dear Heavenly Father thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see your word on this topic and ask you to help us just understand this basic concept understand the spiritual surgery why we preach like we do God asking help all of us in our lives to try to live as holy and godly as we can and not have to have major surgeries spiritually speaking but help us all be willing if we do fall if we do make major mistakes help us be willing to be rebuked by the Word of God and not to take offense to it but just actually make the changes and not to be foolish God we pray this in Jesus name Amen Amen for our last song let's turn to hymn number 270 hymn number 270 this is the last song but we're not going to do the other color right so 270 let's sing the song just as I am on a first Oh Oh Oh Oh love instruments alas ready saying just as I am ah Can you pray for us? Amen for this piece.