(Disclaimer: This transcript is auto-generated and may contain mistakes.) you you you you you you you Hey, man, what are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? I'm ice cream I Put a page number 87 page number 87 page number 87 page number 87 but Him number 87 him number eight seven I We didn't pull that in first answer can last answer book For a sense of what I say, I'm important enough for a sense of what I own But you saw boo. I'm I too mad. I love first answer ready sing Oh oh oh oh oh oh Amen Page number 95 page number nine five page number 95 secretes toy kaluma a shelter in the time of storm Persons are ready saying oh oh oh oh All right, good morning everybody welcome to Verity Baptist Church, and let's go through a couple things first Let's count up any salvations from this past week that I'm unaware of any salvations to report anybody Nine all right Six Five all right three All right four all right four all right anybody else Anybody I missed all right, so let's see 14 7 25 extra salvations great work everybody and Of course we'll have so winning this afternoon as I mentioned in the first announcements So winning might be a little bit later because it is Mother's Day a little more time for fellowship But also we have the ice cream arriving at 1 p.m.. So basically right at 1 We're going to have a lot of ice cream. We need you to eat your lunch and eat the ice cream Okay, ice cream is not going to last you know we our fridge is only so big okay So we need you to eat that here today, but anyways great work everybody and at this time We're actually going to have our ladies choir perform one more time for us We're going to have our ladies choir perform one more time for us you oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh All right, we are in song of Solomon chapter 1 and the name of the sermon is beauty tips from the word of God Beauty tips from the word of God and when I'm saying beauty tips, I am referring to the outward appearance I'm saying being physically attractive now This sermon is not like a Mother's Day sermon because I already preached the Mother's Day sermon But I'm going to be talking about the beauty tips from the word of God And when I'm saying beauty tips, I am referring to the outward appearance Now this sermon is not like a Mother's Day sermon because I already preached the Mother's Day sermon But it does kind of fit along with Mother's Day and so I do want you to realize a couple things number one when it comes to the word beauty and The Bible reads I am black but come Lee Oh you daughters of Jerusalem as the tents of Kedar as the curtains of Solomon look not upon me because I am black Because the Sun hath looked upon me so what it's saying in these verses is that this woman is black referring to having darker skin But it's not because she was born that way what it's saying is because the Sun hath looked upon me So what this woman is saying is you know what my skin is darkened because I've been out in the Sun And when she said look not upon me what you're seeing is she's a little bit embarrassed about her appearance She's like I don't want you to look at me because I don't feel attractive right now is basically what she's saying in Verse number six and honestly the reason why I'm preaching this sermon is because this is how people can feel sometimes Especially with ladies as guys in general. I don't think we care as much about our appearance Right I think everybody would agree that guys in general don't care as much about what they look like if you say that I'm pongy It really doesn't bother me much, okay? But it's kind of different for a lady and we're seeing this wisdom from the Bible because we see a woman That's married, and she's down on her appearance You never see the husband in Song of Solomon being like oh, I feel ugly today, right? But that's kind of what you're seeing in Song of Solomon 1 and it's kind of giving us wisdom that sometimes women can feel this Way especially after they get married because as you get older things change right things are different Especially if you've had several kids I mean you get older you don't have as much time for yourself and as we said it means just things are different So I want to preach this sermon to try to encourage people to see what beauty actually is according to the Word of God But let's keep going with these verses My mother's children were angry with me. They made me the keeper of the vineyards, but mine own vineyard have I not kept now Realize the Song of Solomon is poetic language when she's saying I've been the keeper of the vineyard She's referring to a little bit a literal vineyard a real vineyard, but mine own vineyard Referring to her body have I not kept she's not saying to a vineyard that she owns out in the field She's saying my body I have not kept the Sun is has darkened me look not upon me It's using poetic language, but what she's saying is I've worked so hard outdoors That basically my personal appearance is being destroyed, and I'm not able to keep my own vineyard. Okay verse number seven Tell me about who my soul lovest Where thou fetus where thou makest thy flock to rest at noon for why should I be as one that turned at the side? By the flocks of thy companions, so here's a woman who's telling her husband I'm down on my appearance right now and Basically, I miss you. You know I want to know where you are okay in the Bible in Song of Solomon You'll see the word spouse mentioned many times, so they are married. They're not dating. They're actually married, okay Verse number eight if thou know not oh thou fairest among women Go that way forth by the footsteps of the flock and feed thy kids beside the shepherd's tents So he tells his wife in verse 8 oh thou fairest among women Saying you're the most beautiful woman that there is okay, and look we're getting wisdom as guys Whether you realize it or not women can get down in their appearance according to the Bible and we ought to tell our wives We think they're beautiful right that's what we see Solomon doing Oh thou fairest among women and it might be something that as guys We don't think of all the time because as I said I don't really think whether or not I look attractive or not It's not something that kind of runs through my mind So we think well we assume our wives don't think about that But the reality is wives can feel down on their appearance the Bible showing us so we need to make sure we're telling our wives Even if it's not fresh in our minds, okay verse number nine I Have compared the oh my love to a company of horses and Pharaoh's chariots now. You know this verse There's a lot of poetic language and a lot of animals are brought up and there are analogies to explain stuff And as I believe I believe this is Pharaoh's daughter So she grew up around the horses that Pharaoh had and of course Pharaoh's gonna have the best horses Right. So what he's saying to his wife is you're the best. It's using poetic language now be careful guys when you compliment your wives You're like the greatest e-piece from Thailand, right? It's like you got to be careful with how you do your your compliments Okay, you got to use some wisdom here. Okay, but that's all that's being said in verse 9 He's saying you're the best because she understands that she grew up around Pharaoh's horses and you know a horse That's taken care of is considered a very beautiful animal. He's just saying you're the best. Okay Verse 10 thy cheeks are coming with rows of jewels thy neck with chains of gold So what you're seeing is that she feels down on her appearance and he is Complimenting her on her appearance and as guys we should make it a point to do that to our wives and let them you know You say well my wife knows she's beautiful so I don't need to tell her no, actually you should tell her That's what the Bible shows us in Song of Solomon chapter 1. Okay now turn in your Bible to 1st chronicle 16 1st chronicle 16 1st chronicle 16 But I also want to preach this sermon because I think a lot of people are confused about what the Bible teaches to actually be physically attractive Physically beautiful and I am talking about physically being beautiful. I'm not talking about symbolically or the n-word beauty I'm talking about physically being beautiful and I believe the Bible has the answers to all things Don't we believe that? The Word of God has the answers to all things and so we're trying to figure out what the answer is according to the work to reality what's the truth what we look at what the Bible says and Believe it or not The first thing that will make you physically attractive according to the Bible is to be spiritual To be a godly person is the number one thing to being physically attractive It's mentioned over and over and over in the gut in the Bible 1st chronicle 16 verse 29 Give unto the Lord 1st chronicle 16 verse 29 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come before him worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness the beauty of holiness go to Psalm 29 Psalm 29 Psalm 29 Psalm 29 As you're turning there I'll read you from 2nd Chronicles where it says and that should praise the beauty of holiness And I'm only picking certain verses out But there's a lot of verses that mention something very similar the beauty of holiness the beauty of holiness the beauty of holiness Psalm 29 verse 2 give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness the beauty of holiness go to Isaiah 52 The Bible says in Psalm 96 as you're turning to Isaiah 52 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name bring an offering and come into his courts Oh worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness Fair before him all the earth so the Bible saying being beautiful being spiritual being holy being godly It mentions it over and over and over again now some of you right now are thinking well Yeah, but that's like spiritually it's not actual physical beauty I disagree with you about that and I'm gonna prove my point here the Bible says many times the beauty of holiness the beauty of holiness the beauty of holiness and The reality is your outward beauty is not just about your outward beauty But the inward beauty ends up being a part of that as well in terms of how you look on the outside Just a basic example Right you meet someone first time as I said during the first sermon They physically look attractive a lady, but then they start cursing. It's like oh Right it's very unbecoming to a woman is that not true You meet someone and physically they might look attractive But then you hear what's coming out of their mouth, and they're an ungodly and profane person It's like you will never find that person attractive again that's the truth and On the contrary is true as well. Maybe you meet someone and the first time you catch see them They don't catch your eye necessarily, but if they're a godly person You know what it shines through give me an example we go soul-winning and look I'm giving you a guy's perspective obviously what I'm saying is when we have the ladies at our church going soul-winning Wearing a dress with a Bible in their hands. It's like I think what a beautiful group of ladies I Mean they look very beautiful bringing a Bible having a dress And I'm talking about physical beauty and look when you're married you look at things differently You know I'm not looking for someone that I'm gonna end up with but I'm saying when I look at the ladies at our church That are going out so when you think what a group of beautiful women Because being holy you see that in a person When they're holy and it becomes part of their physical appearance and the Bible says the beauty of holiness Isaiah 52 verse 7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings that publisheth peace? That bringeth good tidings of good that published salvation that saith unto Zion thy God reigneth and the Bible says How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet? Okay, and the Bible says that someone who's going soul-winning which this is what it's a reference to their feet are beautiful Not saying what they're doing is beautiful, but actually the body part the feet are actually beautiful now in general I don't think you would think of feet being the most beautiful body part Especially if you're out soul-winning for hours and hours, and you're getting blisters on your feet It doesn't make them physically look attractive, but but here's the thing Let's say you got a group of people that go soul-winning on a soul-winning marathon, and they get tired they get a sunburn They get blisters. They're worn out. It doesn't make them look unattractive It actually when you're a spiritual person you think it makes them actually look more attractive because you see the work They're doing in the fact. They're spiritual and that becomes part of their looks And look this is what the Bible teaches and here's the thing there's no question that in the eyes of God He says how beautiful are the feet? But realize something that God is light and as you draw closer to the light you start seeing things the same way God does and For those of you that are drawing close to the light you know what I'm saying is true when people are godly it makes them More attractive when people are ungodly Makes them unattractive All these celebrities that are out there that are really famous. I'm sorry, but after I've heard them say one thing Blaspheming God or promoting the LGBT. It's just like I'm sorry, but to me. They don't physically look attractive They just look unattractive My wife and I have a conversation before where she'll mention someone. I'm like yeah, you know what that that person's unattractive to me She's like you're just saying that because their personality is like well Yeah, it's probably true, but when I look at them. I just see punge Because they're ungodly They're wicked, and it's like I can't separate the two and here's the thing God says when I look at someone the feet are beautiful Why because of the work they're doing? You say well brother Stuckey. I get what you're saying, but you're just using a play on words This is in the eyes of God. We'll go to Song of Solomon chapter 7 Song of Solomon chapter 7 Song of Solomon chapter 7 I Mean your perspective just changes on things once you draw close to God you just see things differently than you used to but The reality is I got saved at 18, and you know what I understood this principle before I was saved as well Right when I was 18 years old you'd meet someone and maybe they looked attractive or whatever But they were just like a really vulgar person or whatever It's like they became unattractive very quickly and the opposite was true as well So look even in an unsafe state I could understand this principle that if someone had a terrible personality Just an obnoxiously bad person. It's like I don't understand how someone could physically find them attractive when you look at them It just kind of repulses you when someone's an ungodly person right that's that's reality And that's what the Bible teaches, but I'm just telling you that's my perspective when I see ungodly people to me They just don't look like attractive people Psalm Solomon 7 verse 1 How beautiful are thy feet with shoes Oh Prince's daughter now when he says how beautiful are they feel with shoes if you don't pay Attention or think about what's being said it almost sounds like your feet are beautiful as long as they're covered up right But don't take off those shoes. Okay. That's not what's being said just think about this logically You know what when you're at your house relaxing you generally don't wear shoes When you go to sleep at night, I'm assuming you probably don't wear shoes. I don't wear shoes I Don't wear a suit or a tie. I don't wear shoes either when I go to sleep at night I'm assuming that you're probably the same way maybe slippers if it's really cold or whatever, but you know probably not right and What he's saying here is this that he looks at his wife who throughout the song of Solomon She's a hard worker and what he's saying is he physically finds her attractive he comments on her feet being attractive But the indication is wearing shoes. She's always working and being busy right She's keeping herself busy and to him it actually becomes physically attractive to him Because she is a godly person and a hard-working person it physically becomes attractive to his eyes That's what the Bible teaches now turn on your Bible to Isaiah 28 Isaiah 28 Isaiah 28 All I'm telling you is this if somebody was like a big promoter of abortion. I would never physically find that person attractive never I Mean they might be like some you know model or whatever really famous, but if I hear them say you know like I support You know babies being I support a mom's right to choose Right if they say they support murder. I'm sorry when I look at them. I'm just cannot separate the two If they say well, you know what I just believe in the LGBT and everything we ought to just let them get married Give them all the same rights blah blah blah. I'm sorry I would never find that person attractive again if someone is a terrible personality it Bleeds into their actual physical appearance, and you can't separate the two and look it's not just me This is what God is saying and as you draw close to the light That's just the way you see things when someone's an ungodly person it makes them unattractive But you can't tell me that when the ladies at our church go soul-winning Looking nice. I mean look when we just had the ladies choir I just think man what a beautiful bunch of ladies ladies that love the Lord are serving God It's like that's the way I feel that's what it looks like to my eyes and look That's the truth if you love God. That's the way you're gonna feel it actually physically makes someone attractive if they love God That's the truth, and I'm presuming. It's the same for guys, but obviously I'm a guy So it's like it's a little bit different all right, but if there's a group of guys going so any I'm sure the ladies think man What a great group of guys a woman would be lucky to be with a guy like that. He loves God He served God. He's nice dress Beautiful words coming out of his mouth right that is the way you're gonna feel if you love God in Actual physical beauty the first thing you see is actually being spiritual, right? Number one point one is being spiritual number two is Sinning less now when I'm saying to sin less. I am NOT saying to be spiritual What I'm saying is that sin actually affects your physical appearance Drinking alcohol makes you ugly Doing drugs makes you ugly all sin actually affects your physical appearance, so when I'm saying sinning less I'm saying that if you live a sinful life. There's gonna be a bad result on the outside That's what the Bible teaches Isaiah 28 verse 1 Woe to the crown of pride To the drunkards of Ephraim a drunkard is someone that's a drunk drinking a lot of alcohol last thing right the drunkards of Ephraim Whose glorious beauty is a fading flower? Which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine now Here's the thing when a flower is in full bloom. It looks very beautiful doesn't it? Right yeah, I'm not a I'm not a big flower person as a guy But I could say that you know when a flowers in full bloom if that's the right terminology. I think well. What a beautiful flower But once that flower reaches its peak and it starts to get older All of a sudden you can see a glimpse of that beauty, but it's kind of like a fading Beauty like a fading flower the Bible saying well basically you can tell this flower used to be beautiful But it's not really anymore and with the Bible saying someone who drinks alcohol What happens their physical appearance their beauty just kind of fades and maybe you look at them and say well I could see that this person used to be an attractive person, but now because of all the alcohol They've drank all the drugs that they've done all the cigarettes that they've smoked it actually makes them unattractive This is what the Bible teaches in Isaiah 28 verse 1 and look when you live a godly life It will actually keep your physical appearance But living a sinful life ages your body and destroys your body and your beauty is as a fading flower look sometimes I see pictures of people that were from my hometown that are my age and They lived a very The phrase like they lived a very hard life. It looks like because they look very old for their age You know drinking and drugs. I mean some of them look old enough to be my mother and father I'm just thinking man. What happened to them? But I know what happened to them it's called drinking alcohol and doing drugs It makes you look old and in general if you live a clean life you're actually gonna retain your looks for a longer period of time because your body doesn't age as fast as a person living a sinful life and The Bible directly mentions it with alcohol But I believe it's true with any sin sin actually ages you and so look it actually affects your physical appearance when you live an ungodly life Notice what it says in verse 2 Behold the Lord hath a mighty and strong one which is a tempest of hail and a destroying storm as a flood of mighty waters Overflowing shall cast down in the earth with the hand the crown of pride the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden underfoot and the glorious Beauty, which is on the head of the fat valley Shall be a fading flower once again Once again the beauty is as a fading flower and the Bible's saying you drink alcohol What happens is it fades your beauty it fades your looks it's reality And you know what I I knew someone from Sacramento And this is someone who came to church a few times And they were homeless and in America being homeless is a little bit different than here in America if you're homeless You're pretty much a drug addict. There's really no exceptions to that and Basically this was a woman who she ended up actually getting saved and she came to church a few times But but didn't really last but when you looked at this woman You can tell that this woman was at one time in her life a very beautiful woman you could tell But there's only a small remnant It's like a flower right a flower as it starts to fade and get old you can see sometimes this flower Used to be very beautiful, but it's not really now Right I'm saying that to tell you that when people live a sinful life It's going to a cause their physical appearance to be destroyed It's gonna cause them to be more unattractive less attractive Because of the sinful life that they live so look if you want to be a beautiful person whether you're a guy or girl be an attractive person be spiritual and Sin less because sin will destroy your appearance now turn in your Bible to first Samuel 25 first Samuel 25 first Samuel 25 I'm gonna look in many ways our body operates like a machine when you really get down to the the details It's it's it's really like a machine on the inside and reality is to keep your machine going well You got to provide it with the right things Right drugs and alcohol will destroy that machine. I mean if you take care of an actual physical machine Then it's gonna look nice, but if you don't take care of it, it's gonna look old It's the same thing with our bodies if you take care of your body if you're committing all these sins It's destroying it. It's gonna make it look bad on the outside. Not just you're tearing it up on the inside It's gonna end up being sure on the outside as well Point number one being spiritual point to sinning less point three having a sunny Personality or a friendly and happy personality being in a good mood having a sunny Personality first name of 25 verse 3 Now the name of the man was navel in the name of his wife Abigail And she was a woman of good understanding and of a beautiful countenance now countenance would be like your face and your outward appearance And it says she is a beautiful countenance, but it compares her to her husband, but the man was churlish and Evil in his doings, and he was of the house of Caleb So here's a woman of a good understanding and of a beautiful countenance But her husband is just like this wicked guy and what the Bible is showing you with this comparison Is that because Abigail was the opposite of being churlish being in a bad mood all the time? She's in a good mood the result is a beautiful countenance. She looks more attractive It makes her attractive isn't it true that when you meet people that are in a good mood and happy They look more attractive Versus someone who's always like ah you know I can't believe this always bitter Complaining and a bad mood that makes you unattractive when you do that When you have a bad attitude when you have the opposite of a sunny person when you got a rainy personality or whatever Or a winter personality. I don't know right the opposite of a sunny personality. It makes you unattractive But when someone's in a good mood it makes them more attractive So look if you want to be more attractive be in a good mood be friendly be happy if you're always depressed and complaining Murmuring and bitter it will make you look physically unattractive now. Here's the thing you know with a lot of these It's not something you you think about But when I see what the Bible says I'm like that actually makes sense Because when you meet people that have a very friendly personality it actually makes them look more attractive in your eyes Right they look more attractive whereas if someone's always complaining in a bad mood makes them unattractive. It's very unappealing right Turn your Bible to Song of Solomon 4 Song of Solomon chapter 4 Song of Solomon 4 Song of Solomon chapter 4 There's this guy at a church I went to in West Virginia and you know because here's the other thing about when you meet someone with a friendly personality and They're happy it puts you in a good mood to be around people that are in a good mood Right when you're around people that are bitter and complaining and upset all the time it makes you be in a bad mood Right, but if you're around people that are friendly and in a good mood It just instantly makes you feel better so part of why I think they look more attractive when they have a good Personality when they're friendly and happy the sunny personality is it puts you in a good mood, right? But this guy at my old church in West Virginia And he was he was an older guy And you know what I go to church And you know sometimes you get a church, and you're tired or whatever Exhausted or maybe you're not in the best of moods this guy was always in a great mood Always and you get there, and he's like hey brother Stuckey. How you doing today, and I was like man. I'm good now It's like that shot of electricity that goes through your system like man. I feel good now right and It's just like that's the truth though when you're around people that are in a good mood. It puts you in a better mood But it actually makes them look more attractive when they have a sunny personality Versus someone who's complaining and upset all the time It's very unattractive when someone's always in a bad mood, but when someone's in a good mood They just look more attractive right this that's what we see in the Bible, but it makes sense Solomon Solomon 4 verse 3 It says thy lips are like a thread of scarlet and thy speech is comely now Here's the thing when he says thy lips are like a thread of scarlet It's linked with thy speech being comely comely meaning beautiful meaning the words coming out of her mouth are beautiful I personally think it could mean she's also wearing lipstick, but I'm not dogmatic when it says her lips are like scarlet It might be a dual application But the link is really with your speech being beautiful your speech being comely The idea is she's in a good mood and beautiful things are coming out of her mouth and when he looked at his wife's lips They look attractive because of the fact what's coming out of her mouth is actually beautiful but here's the thing if there's someone and what's coming out of their mouth is using the Lord's name in vain and Just complaining and upset the exact opposite of a meek and quiet spirit when you look at that person I'm sorry those lips will not be attractive Because of their attitude That's reality. He looks at his wife and says you know what I look at you And you're beautiful and part of that is what's coming out of her mouth It's not just the lips themselves, but because this speech is comely he looks at his wife And he just says man how beautiful my wife is and look he is referring to the physical appearance But I'm trying to show you the physical appearance is not just about what you're born with it's actually are you spiritual? Do you have a sunny personality? Are you committing a lot of sins that affects your physical appearance? That's what the Bible teaches Now turn in your Bible to first Peter 3 first Peter 3 first Peter chapter 3 First Peter chapter 3 And let me just say this that if you think of like famous actresses that are out there I honestly don't really know who are the famous actresses today, but wherever the famous actresses are you know what? They might seem very attractive to you in the movie or whatever. It's fake. It's not real life Pretty much all the actors and actresses are a bunch of wicked people that hate God. That's a fact I mean if you ever look up any information about them. They're not godly people So why is that well? I mean cuz Satan's the god of this world I'm sorry, but but the last movie you watched it wasn't fundamental soul-winning Baptist that were playing the lead characters in those movies And so that person might look attractive But in reality most likely in real life that person once you actually hear what's coming out of their mouth It's like well. I used to think your lips are attractive, but not now I Used to think you're attractive, but you're just complaining and bitter you're ungodly. They will be unattractive to you That's reality and the other thing is we don't even know what those people look like in real life anyway Because it's a movie right CGI or whatever modern things. It's like we don't even know what they look like but Point number four and this is the one that only applies to women Is Being submissive having a submissive personality when a lady has a submissive personality It makes her more attractive to a guy Okay, 1st Peter 3 verse 1 Likewise he wives be in subjection to your own husbands that if any obey not the word They also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives Now the Bible says here that wives are to be in subjection to their own husbands So here's the thing when it comes to all these ladies in this room I am not here to tell you rules for your personal life because you're not my wife I'm not saying that Men are here and women have to listen to every order that a man tells you if a guy at our church says hey get Me a water. It's like get him a water and throw it in his face, right? Unless he's your husband Okay But here's the thing the Bible saying that wives are being subjection to their own husbands the person they're married to and Here's the thing when a wife has that meek and quiet spirit It actually makes them more attractive But it is an encouraging verse to ladies that might be in that situation where maybe you love God, but your husband doesn't Maybe you love God and maybe your husband comes every week, but he doesn't really love God You're reading the Bible and he's not reading the Bible. You're excited for soul winning He's not excited for soul winning and so this can be an encouraging version verse to ladies because if you're actually You know doing what the Bible says of being in subjection to your husband that can actually win him over To loving you more and eventually loving God more as well Based on your actions based on your lifestyle based on what you're doing, but you say why is that because it's a very attractive feature When your wife is not trying to argue or fight with you But it's just allowing you to take the lead as guys we want to take the lead Right as guys we want to be the leaders in the Bible teaches that and look I know that the world is lying to people but in the hearts of ladies You don't want to let Lenny lead Right now you can say whatever you want to me after the service but in the heart of women you actually want a guy to take the lead in your marriage and Unfortunately, the world is brainwashing women so makes it very difficult in 2022 But the reality is both husband and wife will be happier with the husband taking the lead Despite what you've heard in the media or whatever. That's the truth. That's what the Bible teaches Now verse number two while they behold your chase Conversation coupled with fear who's adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plating the hair and of wearing of gold or of putting On of apparel verse three is about physical appearance trying to make yourself more attractive But what it's saying is instead of verse three What about doing verse four but let it be the hidden man of the heart in that which is not corruptible Even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price now Look a wife being in subjection to her husband that is attached to being spiritual But what we're seeing is that act that actually makes a wife look more attractive when basically she's acting like a lady You say why is this because guys should be masculine Women should be feminine when women are feminine and act like ladies. It makes them attractive When women act like men, it's not attractive It's not When men act like men, it's attractive when women act like women. It's attractive But you know what when you got women acting like men and men acting like women I don't get what's wrong with people in this world But here's the thing if you're drawing close to God you see exactly what I'm saying You know what I'm saying is true when women act feminine and like a lady It makes it more attractive because God made a difference between men and women They're not the same at all There's a difference between men and women and when ladies are acting like ladies it makes them attractive and part of that is the wife Allowing the husband to take the lead Because it's a masculine trait to be like the leader and authority and strength and protector whereas with a lady It's a feminine feature to be the follower and be in subjection And this is a tough thing in 2022 for ladies because of the fact the world is brainwashing us It's telling ladies you would be much happier if you become the CEO of this company, but that's not reality Reality is God is right, and you're wrong Despite what you've heard in the media despite what you've been lied to about the reality is Husband and wife will both be happier if they fit their proper roles in the family. That's what the Bible teaches Go to Song of Solomon chapter 5 Song of Solomon chapter 5 Song of Solomon chapter 5 Now look your husband might be afraid to tell you that's the truth, but I'm just helping you out in case he's too afraid Right your husband's gonna be happier when you allow him to take the lead Rather than basically if he makes a decision, and then you're like well. No. We're not gonna do that It's just like eventually he's gonna be alright It's not worth the effort But here's the thing he wants to take the lead and have you just be willing to follow along and trust him to guide That's what the Bible teaches Point number one being spiritual point to sinning less point three having a sunny personality point for being submissive And that's in reference to the ladies not for the men point five is Shape meaning being in shape keeping taking care of your body and your physical appearance Okay, and let me explain something to you the first point was spiritual. Okay. Nobody can be upset about that Right, but at the same time when I'm preaching a sermon. I'm gonna show everything the Bible says I'm not afraid to preach one part of the Bible just because it's not very commonly preached in churches I've done to a lot of Baptist churches where they often almost make a mockery of Basically staying in shape or working out as if it's like a bad thing or a sinful thing and yet I'm gonna show you the Bible actually mentions this when we're talking about physical appearance. It's actually not a bad thing It's actually a good thing according the Word of God, and it will affect your physical appearance notice What it says in Song of Solomon 5 verse 15? His legs are as pillars of marble set upon sockets of fine gold as countless as is left on excellent as the cedars now When it says his legs the word leg in the Bible is referring to your knee to your ankle It's not referring to your waist down to your foot. It's referring to basically here set upon sockets of fine gold Obviously, there's poetic language, but it mentions socket there, so it's referring to this part, and it says as a pillar of marble Well, what is the purpose of a pillar? Support supposed to be strong right Marble is very hard substance. What's she telling her husband? You've got really strong calves That's what she's saying Right poetic language and people. I don't find the Song of Solomon confusing. It's it's a book I've studied before I think it's actually a great book That's very misunderstood, and I used to make this joke along with my friends We would say well the Bible says bodily exercise profit if little but the by Bible also says bodily exercise profit Right, but here's the thing I knew I was taking that verse out of context, but actually they are as well Bodily exercise profit little is completely out of the context of what the verse is saying so we prove things with the Word of God So let's look at what the Word of God says first Timothy 4 verse 8 first Timothy chapter 4 verse 8 For Bodily exercise profit little now notice. That's not the end of the verse so what does the Bible mean? But godliness is profitable on to all things so bodily exercise profit little Godliness is profitable on to all things then it says having promise of the life that now is Why you're alive in that which is to come here's what the Bible is saying Godliness profits you in this life and in the life to come Ask yourself a question Which one does bodily exercise profit you with this life for the one to come this life? You don't get rewards in heaven for how much you can bench press We understand that but it profits you in this life is what the verse is saying It's not saying hey bodily exercise doesn't profit you much in this life. That's not what it's saying It's actually saying no it does profit you in this life, and doesn't that just make common sense I mean keeping yourself physically fit does profits you in this life right now turn your Bible To x is 28 one way it profits you is the Bible shows it actually makes somebody more attractive as they take care of their Body okay now part of that is Exercise and then part of that is what you eat I? Understand you know with people's schedules Maybe you don't have time to work out all the time and but but here's the thing all of us can decide what we eat Now we do have ice cream coming at 1 p.m.. And you have to finish that I Order to you too, because I'm the leader of this church, okay, but but I'm saying we all decide what we put in our body And look I'm not saying the Bible doesn't say it's a Cindy junk food I'm not saying that but obviously there would be a line where you're kind of harming your body if you're not eating properly Right it's not it's not a Cindy eat a bowl of ice cream But if breakfast two bowls of ice cream lunch two bowls of ice cream dinner two bowls of ice cream obviously you're destroying your body Right obviously things in their proper balance, but what the Bible does teach is that if you take care of your body? It will actually make you more attractive And we see that from the Song of Solomon and honestly that just that just makes common sense right this is what the Bible teaches Point number one being spiritual point to sinning less point three having a sunny personality point for submissive That's a reference to ladies being in submission or being meek and quiet spirit point five Being in shape or try to keep yourself in shape point six sustaining your vineyard now I'm using a play of on words to keep this alliterated with sustaining your vineyard What I mean is basically everything to do with your personal appearance with taking showers Brushing your teeth the clothing that you wear all of those things that are kind of just grouped together here notice what it says in Exodus 28 verse 2 and Thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty The garments that were put on for Aaron and the priesthood they actually were for beauty look at verse 40 X is 28 verse 40 and for Aaron sons thou shalt make coats and thou shalt make for them girdles and Bonnet shalt thou make for them for glory and for beauty and the Bible is showing you Actually the clothes that you wear Can actually be beautiful or the opposite right they can actually look nice or not the way you dress actually affects your physical appearance You know part of why I said that when the ladies go out sewing at our church, you know, I look at them I think man, what a beautiful group of ladies part of it is how they're dressed Because ladies look more attractive when they're dressed like ladies Ladies look more attractive wearing a dress now. You can do whatever you want. I'm not I'm not trying to get off on a rabbit trail I'm just saying women look more attractive when they're wearing a dress. It's a fact Women look more attractive wearing a dress Women look more you say why is that because they're feminine They're dressed like a lady. It's attractive When they're dressed like that now, I will say that of all the points I mentioned in the sermon This is the one I would say I personally would struggle on the most of my flesh because I really don't like to dress up naturally and So I used to be very lazy with how I dress just wearing like, you know Soccer shirts and just not trying to dress nice at all But the reality is the Bible does teach that the way you dress can make you look physically more attractive Alright, I mean if somebody goes to a wedding and they're dressed nice It's gonna make them look better than if they just show up, you know with you know shorts and a t-shirt and flip-flops You're gonna be like, why are they dressed like that? But it actually makes them just look unattractive because of how they're dressed actually dressing up for something makes you look better Go to Isaiah 52 Isaiah 52 Isaiah 52 Now here's the thing I'm not saying spend all your time on sustaining your vineyard because that's an improper balance Once again spiritual is more important, but there's nothing wrong with trying to look nice It's actually a good thing and even the clothes given for the priests were to make them look more attractive Just beautiful clothing look nice people look better when they dress up for stuff I don't really like dressing up, but I have to admit that you know what? I look better when I'm dressed professional than if I'm just dressed like a slob, right? That's the reality for all of us when you try to dress up and look nice Isaiah 52 verse 1 Awake awake put on the strength of Zion put on thy beautiful garments Oh Jerusalem the holy city and see when a person puts on clothes that look very nice It makes them look more attractive now. Here's the thing, you know, we're fundamental Baptist But sometimes people can go to too big of extremes like I'm so fundamental that Basically, you know what? I believe wives should make it or women should make it a point to not draw any attention So just wear the ugliest thing you can find that's dumb Guys, just find the ugliest thing because we're peculiar Right, we don't want to be like the world. We don't want to stand out just dress as ugly as possible. That's just stupid Okay, it's like you know what? Obviously, this is not the number one most important thing to make sure you're trying to look nice or whatever Obviously, I hope that you read your Bible this morning That's more important and you spend time in prayer to God But at the same time, you know what we should try to look presentable Right, even and here's the thing even in the world. They would understand this because you go to a job They make you dress up You go to a professional company. You're not allowed to just show up wearing whatever you want You know They make you dress in a certain way and you what it it makes people look better when they're dressed up now turn your Bible to Song of Solomon for Song of Solomon for I Mean there's a time and a place for everything I mean if you're going to the gym, you're not going to be dressed like this When I work out, I don't wear a suit. Okay, I don't wear a tie Okay, but if you're gonna go out in public and you know trying to go to some sort of event or church or something Like that, you should try to dress up. It's actually gonna make you look more attractive Song of Solomon 4 verse 1 Behold thou art fair my love behold thou art fair thou'st doves eyes within thy locks Thy hair is as a flock of goats that appear from Mount Gilead Now once again be careful with giving symbolic references to animals Okay, but what's being said thy hair is as a flock of goats is basically just that you're taking care of your hair Okay, that's what's being said thy hair is as a flock of goats as part of sustaining your vineyard Just kind of trying to look presentable thy hairs as a flock of goats verse 3 thy teeth are like a flock of sheep That are even shorn which came up from the washing where of everyone bear twins and none is barren among them You say what is that referring to? Well, it says which came up from the washing a sheep is a white animal your teeth are white Is what the Bible is saying? Basically, you're like a sheep that's been washed just completely white Just saying keeping taking care of your teeth taking care of your hair. Just these basic things. It's just poetic language Okay, but when you break it down which came up from the washing your teeth are white is what is being said Okay, you're taking care of your teeth now turn to second statement 14 And look doing things like that taking care of your teeth taking care of your hair another thing in Song of Solomon taking care Of you know talks about the the ointments and the smell and things like that Those things will actually make you look better and we see that wisdom from the Song of Solomon second Samuel 14 second Samuel 14 and We'll close up here and look I'm not preaching this sermon to say Okay You got to care so much about your physical appearance because honestly it should be very secondary To how you're living a life But isn't isn't that the point of the sermon because most of this is really about how godly you are being spiritual not sinning writing these things are going along with being a spiritual godly person that actually physically makes you more attractive and Realize that sometimes the world has the wrong perspective on things but this is how people feel when they're serving God and you know wanting to You know serve God and draw close to God as a guy You're gonna find ladies more attractive if they're godly ladies if they're feminine if they're doing these basic things The Bible says same thing is true for ladies and many times people can look on the outward appearance and they can get blinded by That but once you actually get to know the person you realize those looks fade very quickly And what matters is actually how spiritual they are how godly they are and you know what the Bible actually gives us principles how you can make yourself look more attractive and Just basic things now second same of 14 verse 25 But in all Israel There was none to be so much as praised as praised as Absalom for his beauty and there you see a reference to a guy Can be called beauty is a term that can be given to men from the sole of his foot even in the crown of his head there was no blemish in him and the Bible says that Absalom was the most beautiful or the best-looking because basically there was no blemish meaning He took care of himself from his toe to his head just sustaining his vineyard now. Here's the thing I'm not telling you to be like Absalom I'm just using a verse to show you that basically you will look more attractive if you sustain your vineyard according to that verse But once again, obviously godliness is the number one thing. I don't want anyone to leave here and say all right I want to be the next Absalom. Okay, that would be terrible. Okay, but it's a reference to beauty And it shows that when you sustain your vineyard you take care of yourself. It actually makes you more attractive So our six points are this in this sermon number one being spiritual the number one thing you can do to make yourself more attractive according to the Word of God is actually be a godly person is To be a spiritual person is to try to do what's right? number two Sinning less because sinning destroys your physical appearance number three having a sunny personality Just being in a good mood when people are in a good mood when they're happy when they're friendly It makes them look more attractive number four submissive This is a reference for ladies, but basically having that meek and quiet spirit It's a very attractive feature in ladies when they have a making quiet spirit And here's the thing if there's a guy that is you know looking for a partner or looking to get married and he serves God he loves God and he sees a woman who's single Who's just basically the exact opposite of a making quiet spirit? He's not gonna find her attractive Because he's looking for someone who's gonna be a godly feminine lady That's what the Bible teaches number five shape meaning basically Exercise and what you eat taking care of your body and then sustaining your vineyard Which is basically like everything else how you're dressed Taking care of your hair your teeth and all the basic things like that these things will actually make you Physically more attractive if you do them. Let's go to the word prayer your Heavenly Father Thank you for allowing us to be here today and getting to see your word in this topic and help us all realize these things and get principles from this and help us all try to do these things to the best of our ability and We just pray these things in Jesus name. Amen Is a peach number 99 page number 99 page number 99 Each step I take for it also English book I We didn't put it in person See Christo our persons are ready sing Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh You Amen we're dismissed